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Rigging  d20+7=24
Thursday September 4th, 2003 10:20:20 AM

Rigging feels the cursed priestess use some kind of force to throw him away from the ship. He feels his body hurtling towards the The Sword. He concentrates and is able to slow himself so he doesn't crash into his own body.

He pulls the Wayfinder from his eye and quickly stands up. Suddenly his arm flies out and grasps Ashira's arm to help steady himself. "This never gets any more fun." he mumbles to himself.

Rigging steadies himself and says, "I guess we need to go back to the Captain. Redux. Gather the other Wildcards. They are going to have to hear this." To Ashira, "Follow me!" It is obvious that Rigging is very upset and disturbed. When the Captain is found and the other Wildcards assembled, Rigging will explain what he saw.

"I can't believe that she got away!" Rigging tells about the grisly sacrifice that he witnessed and that the priestess who escaped from the sunken Pride of Ga'al was on the ship.
"She saw me in Astral form. She was able to hurl my form back to the Sword. I think see tracked us when we went back to our pirate base to find out where Ayorsa Island is. We have disrupted the plans of Ga'al a great deal lately. I think we have gotten them angry with us." Rigging adds with a grin.

He goes on to report on the amount and size of the ships that he saw. "I don't think it is a third of the fleet but if the informants information was right, their might be another fleet ahead somewhere on a different course. A pincer attack or a way to cut off a retreat."

Rigging stands up and starts pacing, "Somehow the witch was able to cloud the exact location of their fleet from me. I do think they are ahead of us by a day. I was able to gather that much. We have to get ahead of them and warn the island. The pirates and everyone else won't have a chance unless we do. Their forces are more than enough to destroy and scatter our forces."

When the conversation is over, Rigging will pull out his magical sextant and use its powers to speed the Sword along at its fastest possible rate.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 11:44:12 AM

Looking very concerned about Rigging's condition, Ashira supports him while he gives his report....only going more concerned as she hears what the Aisildurian's are up to. When the meeting is concluded and Rigging has finished with speeding the ship forward, Ashira pulls Rigging aside. "I can't handle this anymore. I think you should give me Wayfinder. I will be better able to resist it than you. I'm worried that one day it's going to permanantly harm you."

Thursday September 4th, 2003 1:43:32 PM

Appolo half heartedly shows up for the meeting and listens. He thinks to himself{ so that is what all the commotion is about.Well had to happen sooner or later.} He doesn't look particularly surprised or worried. Appolo just yawns and heads back to get some more sleep.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 2:48:47 PM

Is there anyway we can sent an mesage to the base? Maybe with help from a seacreature a dolphin or a whale, or with help from the sea elves?

Thursday September 4th, 2003 3:19:24 PM

Hearing Riggings words Ari starts thinking about his bag of tricks. "I wish there was a way the spell casters could combine together to get word to the island. We have several credible contacts that I think we could contact. Is there any way we can do a sending, or a message, or something. Or something that all of us can co-ordinate on."

Thursday September 4th, 2003 5:41:55 PM

I have no way of sending such a message. If you have any ideas I would welcome them.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 5:42:57 PM

The half-elf rubs her chin thoughtfully as the Wildcard's try to figure out how to get message to Ayorsa. Then suddenly her eyes bolt wide open. She reaches desperately in her backpack and withdraws a small token (Quaal's token, bird). "I think I've got it! We can use this token to deliever a message to the Jack. But we'll have to figure out a way to seal it so that the Jack will know it's not a fake. Any ideas?"

Thursday September 4th, 2003 10:25:28 PM

"What about giving the Jack our position and telling we have an urgent message for him. Then in select places on the boat, or Pinned to the captains chest, or any other likely spot. We attach a written note about the information about the incoming fleet, and how it knows about the Island. Maybe even leave the ships journal open, and direct them there, or something."

Thursday September 4th, 2003 11:23:28 PM

"I'm not sure he would think it was a fake. Outsiders wouldn't know where to send the bird. Even if he had his suspicions I think he would check it out. Put people on alert and be ready just in case. We shouldn't put any sensitive information with the note in case the bird gets intercepted. Maybe we should try to find the position of the fleet again? Ashira could try this time. Whatever spell she used might be the only one she had prepared. If she had two, would she have three or four?"

Friday September 5th, 2003 10:00:01 AM

Redux rubs soothing balm over the blisters on his feet as he listens in on the planning talk. He smiles at Ari's comments. "Yes, Ari, I've heard of such spells, but unfortunately, I am unable to cast them currently. I think Ashira's idea is a good one, but Val is right, we shouldn't give away too much information. Ari, I don't think we want to have the Jack try and scry on us to get the information. I'd hate to think that they wouldn't get the information if for some reason they can't locate the ship or some such problem." A thought suddenly comes to Redux. "Hey, what about the dragon orb we got to communicate with that Valdor fellow? Could we send a message to him asking him to relay it to the Jack?"

Saturday September 6th, 2003 2:37:28 AM

Or we coald seal the message with one of our cloak pins

Tuesday September 9th, 2003 7:05:02 PM

Ashira smiles at Bart. "Yes, Bart! That's a great idea!" She begins scribbling on a little piece of paper. "How about something like this..."

Your home is in grave danger! Many red sharks are circling the waters nearby and will strike in a few days. Rally as many vessels as you can or all will be lost. You're loyal servants will be there as soon as possible to help with the defense.
The Swords of Redemption

Ashira looks over the note contemplatively and then reads it to the others. "What do you think, or is too vague? I want to make sure he gets the point, but I don't want to give out too much information."

Tuesday September 9th, 2003 11:17:35 PM

Walker say,"There is no reason to be vague. The enemy already knows and Jack Should be told clearly. Telling who is sending the message does not tell our location."

Time, Time is Tickin', Tickin', Tickin' Away... (DM Donna) 
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 8:11:25 AM

The Wildcards continue to bicker over what their note to the Jack will say as precious time ticks away and the hammership continues to speed across the water towards Ayorsa.

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 12:51:27 PM

"Why not 'Using the tools that we have, we have confirmed a large fleet of vessels fo Ga'al moving to the KNOWN location of the island. We are returning at quickest speed and hope to join in the battle or the retreat. Please advise.'

We can give other time and information that we have, at this point we're worried about defending or vacating the island. Not who knows about us."

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 2:22:46 PM

Dont hasle just write a clear message!

Rigging  d20+9=23
Wednesday September 10th, 2003 2:56:21 PM

Rigging walks quickly to his cabin and pulls out some charts. He does some figuring and looks up into the sky. (navigation check 23) He feels he has a good handle on where he is and then goes over to Ashira and the others and asks, "Dearest. I think your plan has merit but it also has some holes. Tell me more about this bird token of yours. How long is it active for? How fast can it fly? Is it intelligent to figure out where to go and how to find someone?

The other problem that I see is who to send the message to. The Jack might not even be there. He is starting to do more of his own sailing. We might be better off sending the message to Starr. She is the one who sent us off after the Ironbanks. She is most likely still on the island."

Rigging looks to the spellcasters and says, Does anyone have a way to shrink a person or lighten a person enough so the bird could carry him. Just a thought."

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 3:25:49 PM

Clearly unnerved by the seriousness of the situation, Ashira snaps at Bart. "Hassel, huh. Fine!" She slams the token down in front of Rigging. "You know what, I don't care what you do with this. Give out our names and locations to all of the Aisildurian navy for all I care. I'll be in our cabin." Ashira storms off for a few minutes, fuming along the way.

She returns shortly later, slightly sweaty but more in control of her emotions. "Rigging, I have done the best I can. You write the note. As for the token, all I can say is what the ship's magician told me. "It can be used to deliver a small handwritten message unerringly to a designated target as would a carrier pigeon. It will last as long as needed to deliver the message." Ashira waits in silence, pacing in a corner as the others decide what to do with the token.

OOC (Quaal's Feather token, bird...pg. 264 of DMG).

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 4:10:38 PM

Rigging is a little surprised by his wife's stress level. He knows that the situation is serious but this group is often in tight corners.

"OK hon. I didn't know that the token was so strong. I guess we will have to trust a note to it. Now the question is to where. If the token will go to Jack, he is the man in charge, so we should send it to him. I don't think we need to be as cryptic with the note. We won't give our position away but we can tell him what we saw."

Rigging quickly writes the following note, while doing so says, "Ashira, please activate the token". The note will say, "My Jack, The Sword of Redemption has spotted an armada of empire ships heading your way. They have found the island. Prepare to defend the island or flee. Aproximate strength is dozens of ships, around 1/4 of entire empire's navy. We are coming at best speed. Alemi be with you. The Wildcards"

Rigging pulls off his signet ring and wraps the note around it. "Hope I can get this back." he murmers and ties the note to the bird. "Take this note to the Jack of the Pirates of Jacks as swiftly as possible.

Rigging releases the bird and murmers a quick prayer, "Alemi, guide our feathered friend and keep him safe."

Rigging will peck his wife on the cheek and say, "It was a good plan dear. Pray it works."

Rigging will return to the Nautacolous and speed the ship along.

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 11:07:49 PM

Redux says a short prayer to Waard to get the message to the Jack in time to save the island. He is glad that the message is finally off. With everyone's help, getting the message written and sent was much like having his two grandmothers in the kitchen at the same time when he was younger, except that this was more successful. His thoughts stray to his family and especially his mother; a woman of such character in a world gone mad. It is really her he fights for, though she'll never know it. With the crisis at bay, Redux heads out to find a new piece of leather to add to the insole of his shoes.

Wednesday September 10th, 2003 11:36:02 PM

Val stands on the deck looking out at the horizon. One more person giving their two cents on a simple message would only aggrivate the situation. That and Val wasn't so sure that there will be anything left to save.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 10:55:11 AM

Walker paces about the ship wonderring if they can get back in time and if thier message will get thru.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 1:02:16 PM

Meanwhile Appolo sleeps blissfully unaware of the world around him.

Looming Horizon (DM Donna) 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 3:51:47 PM

Rigging uses all the magic items available to him. The little bird, once animated, picks up the message and flies off.

Wayfinder seems to not work anymore...not when trying to use it for locating the attacking force.

The Nautilocus aids the hammership as well as the crew working feverishly around the clock to make the ship sail faster, further--Ayorsa must be reached! It must be protected!

Finally the ship approaches the coordinates where Ayorsa is supposed to be located--Captain Hawley figures you've all shaved almost three days off the usual time a ship would have taken on the same trip.

You hear it first--sound travels well across the water.

The sounds of missiles screaming through the air. The sounds of men and women in battle, fighting...dying. The sounds of the fate of Ayorsa.

"All hands, battle stations!" roars Captain Hawley. "Catapults, arm for flamers! Ballista--chain the bolt! All speed fo'ard!" The Sword of the Sea never seemed slower than when following those sounds--the horizon was never further out of reach...

...but, finally, the hammership breaks that horizon line--and Wayfinder's extra magnification confirms that all the ships of the Pirates of Jack that were on Ayorsa are now battling the attack force in earnest.

Another sight sends stomachs plummeting and hearts racing: Safehaven is in flames.

The Sword churns through the current--the very closest ships are a PoJ vessel, the Giddy Cup, and an Imperial vessel, the Surestrike. The Cup is a two-hundred foot schooner that used to be double-masted, but one of them is down in flames, and some of the Cup's crew is doing its best to put the fire out. The Surestrike is heavy-prowed warship--a good three hundred feet long. It is about 100 feet away from the Cup, and you can see its crew members are loading two catapults with shots that look to be the same kind that Hawley ordered to load the hammership's own catapults with--flaming missiles. You can tell that the catapult crews are three rounds away from being able to fire. Their most likely target would be the Giddy Cup.

Currently, the Sword of the Sea is a good 250 feet from the two above ships. The max range for the catapults is 200 feet; the ballista is 150 feet. It will take the hammership two rounds to get within catapult range because the hammership travels through the water as 30 feet per round.

Appolo Ac;21 Hp;36 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 5:07:08 PM

Appolo having spent the trip resting and lounging around,appears on deck fully armed and ready for battle.Smiling happily,like wolf closing onit's prey, He is in a rather good mood and relaxed.Thinking well here we go agian.

Walker  6d6(2+5+3+3+6+5)=24
Thursday September 11th, 2003 5:11:14 PM

Walker will use Shadow Conjuration to cast a Fireball at the Surestrike. If the catapults are close enough together he will place it between them. Otherwise he will place it to whichever catapult will cause maximum damage/casulties.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 7:04:44 PM

Speaking so that all the deck hands can hear, "We can not lose heart at the sight we see. We have arrived where there is still fight left, and still fight to dish out. That is more than we could even pray for. We must uplift our bothers, and let them know that the fight is still with in us."

Before Ari says another word, he quickly bows to his knees. Lem, let me words and motivation be felt by all who fight in your name.

As loudly as he can make his voice chant Ari gathers all that are topside to join in with him.

"I am full of life.
MY strength empties the defiled one
And MY efforts give glory to The Dragon.

Ari helps out where he can, but always encouraging others to join in the chant, and to keep the chant going as the ship flies into battle.

(OOC see duncans travels for this famous quote)

Valanthe, Ac 20, 87 Hp 
Thursday September 11th, 2003 10:25:01 PM

Knowing that it could be some time before they board or are boarded by another vessel, Val heads down to her bunk and grabs her composite long bow. In the grand scheme of things one extra bow is not all that important but she has to do what she can, while she can.

Thursday September 11th, 2003 11:54:47 PM

Rigging will look over to the Captain and say, "Sir. Of course this is your battle to direct. Might I suggest that we try and find the Empire's flag ship. If we can sink that, we will take out the leadership of the enemy,and hurt their morale. It will also lift ours and our allies morale. It might also create an opening where we can give some civilians a chance to escape. Remember with the sharks, and I controlling the winds with Nautaocolus we should be one of the most nimble ships in the battle. We need to use it to our advantage."

When Rigging sees the fireball launch, he will yell, "Wildcards and spellcasters to me." When they have gathered. He will order, "If the Captain agrees, we are going to go after the head. We hunt down the flagship and take it out! Save your spells! We are going to need them to take the monstrosity down. She is 3 times our size.

Rigging will turn to Redux and hand him Wayfinder. "Here take care of this for me. You are our main lookout. Help find our target and let us know what activity you see. Don't try to will yourself there. It might work, and you are truly in trouble then. You will come back to weak to fight.

Ashira, you Val and Bart organize the archers. Don't bunch up. Be wary of enemy fireballs and other spells

Ari you are doing great! Keep the chanting going.

Walker, you set up an hospital and help the wounded until we get close. Then do what you can individually.

Appolo when we find the flagship, we will eventually have to board. You and I are going to go invisible and take down the priest. She has a dagger in the back coming. Any other suggestions? Alemi grant you luck"

Rigging will concentrate on the Nautaoculus and summon the winds. "Come on Redux, Give me a course!"

Friday September 12th, 2003 6:33:26 AM

Redux takes the artifact with some awe. Activating his levitation ring, he heads up into the crows nest and scans the battlefield for signs of Ga'al's Unholy Vengence . Upon sighting it, he will shout out the direction to Rigging.

Friday September 12th, 2003 6:40:38 AM

Unsheathing her bow, Ashira nods in answer to Rigging's order. Finding the nearest sailors with some ability in archery, she sends them to the armory to arm themselves, then organizes them facing the Giddy Cup. "Alright, lads, you heard the man, I want this line staggered...no bunching up! Everyone prepare your arrows with oiled rags like I showed you. We may not take down many of their men, but if we're lucky, we'll give them something to remember!" Ashira looks down at the bow in her hand and remembering the previous owner, fires off a prayer to him. "Alemi, guide my arms. Let my arrows fly straight and strike your enemy with a vengence." She avoids using Alemi's arrows for now...too precious, and sticks with using the ship's stores.

Walker, Ac 18 
Friday September 12th, 2003 8:07:12 AM

Realizing Rigging's wisdom in going for the flagship, Walker, though somewhat disappointed in not activley participating in combat, goes to make shure all is ready in the hospital area.
He will then standby to provide first aid to anyone wounded on the way to the flagship. While waiting he will use his crossbow as oppertunity permits.

Halfway to the Cup (DM Donna)  d20+5=12 d20+5=8 d20+15=21 d20+10=16 d20+6=18 d20+6=17 7d6(5+1+6+5+2+4+3)=26 d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+8=21 d20+8=19 5d6(4+4+6+4+2)+6=26 5d6(2+3+4+5+1)+6=21
Friday September 12th, 2003 8:43:24 AM

The hammership's crew follows the orders of Captain Hawley and the Wildcards, as they both coincide with each other.

"Just my thinkin', lad." Hawley tells Rigging. "Just holler out the headin', and we'll make straight for that blasted barge!"

The Sword is now 30 feet closer to the battling duo of the Cup and the Surestrike. Walker lets fly with his Shadow Fireball at the Imperial foe, striking the ship squarely between the catapults and doing 26hp dam/2 st.pt. damage. Everyone aboard the PoJ ships can see the Imperial crew scurry to put out the fires that have sprung up from the hit.

The crewmembers of the Sword continue on their course, awaiting word from Redux, who is topside and using the Wayfinder (regular use, of course!) to attempt to Spot...

...the Vengeance! Redux sees the huge warship (it's 600 feet long!) engaged with three PoJ ships: the Stiletto, the Changebox, and the Pigsticker. Even as Redux recognizes that last ship as The Jack's own ship, he sees the Changebox get fired upon by no less than four catapults from the Vengeance's port side. Two of the flaming shots hit the sturdy mariner vessel, causing a total of 47hpd/4 st. pt. damage. Redux also witnesses the horrible flaming demise of one of the Changebox's two catapults--including its crew of three people.

For the Sword to reach the Vengeance, the ship must pass around the port side of the Cup (thus putting the Cup between it and the Surestrike) and make top speed on a north-northeast course. It will take three rounds to reach catapult range to the Vengeance.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Shield of Faith  d4+1=4
Friday September 12th, 2003 10:07:36 AM

Walker will wait until we are entering catapult range and cast Bull Strength then Sheild of Faith.

Appolo Ac 21 Hp36 
Friday September 12th, 2003 12:24:03 PM

Appolo checks his gear and nods at Rigging"No problem boss,just remember if she can she you when your using the wayfinder then she can probably see invisible things as well.Being invisible might help us avoid most of the crew,but the priests are another matter.Not to mention that there's probably serveral quads aboard that thing considering it's the flagship and all.I hope Jancarriss is pleased with thw name,because business is about to pick up."

Friday September 12th, 2003 6:56:11 PM

Bart mans an catapult loaden with lengths of chain ready to fire when the enemy is in range

Valanthe, Ac 20, 87 Hp 
Friday September 12th, 2003 10:15:12 PM

Looking upon the situation, Val has a thought. At first she is reluctant to share it since it's a guaranteed death sentence.

"Rigging I have a thought. Our vessel will make a bigger difference at long range where it can use it's superior speed and manuverability to maximum effect. When we get the chance, I want to board Vengeance as well. I should be able to cause enough of a distraction to help hide your presence on the ship."

She knows she is putting Rigging in a tough spot but this is war and tough descisions need to be made. The Swords crew is needed onboard the ship and she doesn't want to speak for the other Wildcards. The catapult crews have to be taken out no matter the cost.

Saturday September 13th, 2003 12:49:49 AM

Rigging helps steer The Sword towards the Vengence. He will call out some orders. "Redux to me!" When the mage comes back down. "Redux, I am sorry but I have a dangerous mission for you. I want you to activate your fly spell, turn invisible and use your fireballs against the Vengence. You will have to use your best judgement on where to strike. The catapults are devestating our allies. They can be your first target unless you see massed troops. I plan on leading a boarding party. We have to take out that ship. The wildcard's plus some others are going in. Here let me have the Wayfinder back. I am gonna give him Wayfinder and Nautacoulus for safe keeping. Also let me borrow your bullstrength wand. I will does the boarders just before we attack. Good luck."

Rigging turns away, his eyes moist. He knows that after the first fireball his friend is gonna be a major target.

"Bart and the other heavy weapon's crews! You have one shot as we cross around the Cup. Try to help her out against the Surestrike. I expect the quickest reload time we have ever achieved!

Val and Ashira, Take some bowshots against the sure strike and then organize a boarding party.
If any one has some ideas on how to get aboard that ship I am all ears."

OOC Does the Sword have a ram?

Saturday September 13th, 2003 4:18:26 PM

Hoping the chant will keep going, or at least have an effect. Ari stops long enough to remind Rigging, "I can join Val and Ashira at least for some long range strafing."

When Rigging asks for ideas on boarding Ari adds, "If we have levitation, I would imagine you could use the catapults to launch a small force towards the ship. You might be able to get the wildcards as one on the ship and let the hammerhead continue on. Or we could all launch towards the Vengenece."

Redux (hp=46, ac=15)  6d6(1+5+3+3+6+3)=21 d20+4=20
Saturday September 13th, 2003 11:03:27 PM

A very cross look forms on Redux' face as he witnesses the strike against the Changebox. He pulls out a 6th level fireball scrolls and aims it at the Vengeance, using the scope to assure his aim at a catapult or two. His first target would be any catapult about to fire, but will otherwise take out the ones that just fired upon the Changebox. Satisfied at the results, another plan forms in his mind as he spots the steering wheel and the captain. Having heard his name, he jumps out of the nest and levitates down to Rigging.

I'd rather stay in the nest for as long as possible. I have an improved invisibility spell that allows me to attack without becoming visible but with the scope, I can aim the fireballs very well. Neither improved invisibility nor fly last very long, though I can levitate down to the water, drink a potion of invisibility and have a little more time.

Anyways, I have a plan that might cripple the Vengeance. If we take an arrow, I can cast darkness upon it, you cast true strike. One of our best archers (nodding towards Ashira & Val) could then shoot it at the wheel room or wherever the captain is, depending on your opinion, of the Vengeance; thus they would be unable to see and keep it from being able to maneuver/target.

Ashira  d20+2=19 d20-3=17 d20-3=9 d8+7=9 d8+7=13
Saturday September 13th, 2003 11:45:29 PM

Feeling the heat of battle boil in her veins, Ashira decides to let her archers loose. "Alright men, we're not close enough to make them really worry, but let's get warmed up. Everyone light their arrows....aim....loose!" Praying for guidance and good winds, Ashira looses two arrows of her own, aiming at the helmsman on the Surestrike, hoping she might be able to take out the ship's guidance (Attack=19 and 17...holy cow, that last one was a natural 20!!!! No crit, though :( Damage=9 and 13) She keeps an eye on the Surestrike as she listens to Rigging's commands.

OOC (I applied the following penalties to my attack...-6 range penalty (we're about 220 feet out, right?) and then a --2 penalty for using the composite bow without the prerequisite strength. Total combined penalty= -8. Damage includes favored enemy bonus of +4 to heartseeded individuals...a safe bet on an Aisildurian vessel ;). Did not include any damage for using lit arrows.)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 1 (DM Donna)  d20+5=20 d20+5=24 5d6(1+6+2+2+1)=12 3d6(6+3+1)=10 5d6(5+4+3+4+4)=20 3d6(6+2+4)=12 d20+5=24
Monday September 15th, 2003 8:21:33 AM

Walker: since the Sword is changing their target to taking out the Vengeance, I assume you'll be waiting to get within catapult range of the second ship before buffing yourself up.

Bart: there are two catapults on the Sword: fore and aft. Which one are you helping with? (And neither fire chains--they are currently being primed with flaming missiles...which are large, heavy, tar&kerosene-coated balls about four feet around. They're set on fire and then hurled through the air at a target.)

Val: you've made your offer, we'll have to wait and see if your fearless leader takes you up on it.

Rigging: the leader of the Wildcards sees the two catapults of the hammership fire up their missiles and launch them over the Cup--both of them are direct hits on the Surestrike! (OOC: both hits total 27hpd; 25 st. pt.) That's one Imperial ship that won't make it back to Aisildur again, since she is taking on water now.

It will take the catapult crews six rounds to reload.

And, yes, the hammership's "head" is strucuturally re-inforced and metalclad--it is made for ramming.

Redux: The fireball launched at the Vengeance does 2 st.pt. damage and has started a fire very near one of the catapults...but not near enough to directly destroy/damage it.

Ashira: the archers let loose their arrows, felling many on the deck of the Surestrike...in fact, one of the fallen tumbles into the stash of flaming shots, and soon there is a fire aboard the ship!

The flaming missiles from the Sword of the Sea causes the beleaguered Cup to rally and cheer. Their own archers bring more devestation to the crew of the evil ship.

The Surestrike starts to sink faster.

The hammership is now two rounds away from the Vengeance; the catapults need six rounds to be loaded.

Monday September 15th, 2003 4:12:36 PM

Appolo feels he is being ignored agian,but is quite used to it as he takes a seat next to the mast staying low,Appolo quietly munches on an apple as he waits for the order to board the Vengence.He quietly thinks{Yeah Grgul and Jancariss are going to be doing alot of busines today.}A wicked smile comes across his face,as he laughs out loud.

Monday September 15th, 2003 5:23:59 PM

Rigging shouts, "Ramming speed! Captain aim for front or the rear. Less crew will be there to meet us!

Redux soften them up for us with some fireballs!

Apollo, You and I are gonna do some invisible priest hunting. If it gets to hot, strike and dive overboard.

Bart, take your catapult shot when ready and the prepare to board.

Val, Try to take out their bowman and sharpshooters.

Walker, Do you have any fire resistance spells? Give them to the fighters and yourself. Then join the boarding party

Ari, To the boarding part. Any spells that will be of use, now is the time to use them."

Rigging will cast a mage armor on himself.

Valanthe  d20+6=24 d20+1=11 d8=3
Monday September 15th, 2003 6:51:48 PM

Valanthe notches an arrow and pulls it back. Her small arm trembles slightly as she holds the arrow for the right moment. When a deck officer comes into sight Val lets her arrow fly. Quickly she fires another arrow hoping to catch the man next to him.
[hit ac 24 for 3 dmg. -4 penalty due to two full range incriments]

ooc: are we officially 3.5 yet? I see they dropped mighty bows and made composite ones better.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Shield of Faith 
Monday September 15th, 2003 9:27:41 PM

Walker will also use this time to cast See Invisible. He will then draw his sword and wait for boarding orders.

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+4=9 d20-1=13
Monday September 15th, 2003 9:44:00 PM

She allows a few seconds of celebrating from her archers before Ashira refocuses them. "Switch targets....Vengenance! Aim for the catapult crews! Light....Aim...Loose." Ashira releases two arrows toward her new target, but finds that Warrd is not on her side this time (AC 9 and 13).

Redux (hp=46, ac=15)  5d6(6+5+1+6+2)=20
Monday September 15th, 2003 10:46:28 PM

Rigging, Captain, get me within 120 feet so I can send a lightning bolt at their waterline. He looks for a possible line of mages/clerics making trouble and then Redux sends another fireball towards the Vengeance.

DM Donna 
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 6:54:17 AM

I have to resolve a combat issue before posting Round 2; I will post Round 2 as soon as possible.

Ari AC 17 or 21 50 hps  d4=4 d4=1
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 8:36:49 AM

Preparing for the upcoming battle, Ari quickly casts Bulls Strength, Cats grace and shield.

Once the spell casting is done, Ari will man the rails with his bow in hand.

(ooc hoping to get one action free, ;) If not, then shield is not cast by the time boarding starts)

Bart  d20=19
Tuesday September 16th, 2003 2:33:39 PM

Bart is ready to fire a catapult. and orders the man to ready the lengths of chain (far better against crew and rigging. (hit roll 29)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round Two (DM Donna)  d20+15=22 d20+5=19 5d6(1+4+3+4+4)=16 3d6(6+4+1)=11 5d6(5+4+1+4+5)=19 3d6(3+4+3)=10 6d6(6+5+2+3+6+6)=28 6d6(4+1+1+1+1+6)=14 6d6(4+4+2+6+4+1)=21 6d6(3+5+2+5+5+6)=26 6d6(3+1+4+6+5+1)=20 6d6(3+1+1+6+5+4)=20
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 7:34:50 AM

Appolo is chortling over the thought of payback.

Rigging's order for ramming speed and a direct course for the Vengeance now propels the Sword half again as fast as it had been going before. The ship technically reaches catapult range at the very end of this round--however, neither of the two catapults on the PoJ ship will be ready to fire anything for another four rounds.

The hammership makes straight for the rear of the huge dreadnought.

Val can feel a certain satisfaction to see one of her arrows hit some officer. (OOC: we officially went to the 3.5 rules as of September 1st.)

Ashira sees that one of her arrows does, indeed reach the Vengeance, sending one of the crewmembers reeling.

Redux's newest Fire Ball smacks into the ammo supply that he'd barely missed before, doing 20hpd and 2 st.pt. damage to the Vengeance. An ominous plume of smoke rises from behind that one particular catapult.

Ari begins to cast his spells, one spell per round.

Bart may be ready to fire "a" catapult, but he should first:

a) tell the DM which catapult he is helping to man--either the fore or the aft catapult.
b) remember that it takes SIX WHOLE ROUNDS to load a single catapult, and
c) be a bit put out that the catapult ammo does NOT include chains, unfortunately--only regular missiles or flaming missiles. (This is obviously a suggestion to be made to the captain later...IF you survive the battle, that is!)

The Pigsticker and the Stiletto both loose catapults upon the Vengeance, which is concentrating its attacks on the very damaged Changebox...which is slowly but surely sinking. (OOC: 25hpd total + 22 st.pt.dam. to the Vengeance.)

The mighty armored dreadnought seems to shrug off the damage done to it by any of the PoJ ships...suddenly a barrage of Lightning Bolts strikes the Pigsticker, the Stiletto and the Changebox.

The Pigsticker, which is The Jack's ship, suffers 42hpd and 4 st.pt.dam.; the Stiletto is zapped for 47hpd and 4 st.pt.dam.

The Changebox simply explodes, its blasted, burnt hull immediately getting sucked under the unforgiving water, which was already full of debris and blood.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The Sword of the Sea is now 195 feet from the rear of the Vengeance (and about 300 feet away from the Pigsticker). The hammership is now at "ramming speed", which is your top speed plus some extra "push" thanks to your ship's magic tail--the hammership is now travelling 40 feet per round, which means the PoJ will ram the back of the Imperial dreadnought in about 5 rounds.

Meanwhile, the hammership is within catapult range--but there are four more rounds until the catapults may be fired. By that time, the Sword will probably have to target other ships with their catapults, because the minimum effective range for a heavy catapult is 100 feet, so the hammership will be too close to make effective shots against the dreadnought.

However, in the very next round, that handy-dandy ballista that has its chained missile (suitable for grappling a ship for boarding!) will be within range to fire upon the Vengeance...and--being an oversized crossbow and all--ballistae don't have a minimum range...it'll damage anything in its path up to 150 feet away.

Wednesday September 17th, 2003 1:47:47 PM

Bart is at the front catapult waiting to be in range

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+6=19 d20+3=9 d8+7=9
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 3:28:59 PM

Ashira continues to direct the archers under her care. "Continue to aim for the catapult crew of Vengence! Prepare to board after ballistae have been fired!" As Ashira nocks and fires her arrows, she notices that the motion is begining to become second nature to her. It is as though Alemi is strengthening her very arms as they go through the motions of nock, aim, draw, release and follow through. She smiles as her first arrow strikes one of the intended targets (AC 19, 9hp dam), but frowns slightly as her second missile goes astray.

Wednesday September 17th, 2003 5:56:50 PM

Walker will stand ready with his sword drawn.
He will ast the previously mentioned spells after one round, leaving one round to get into boarding position.

Valanthe  d20+8=11 d20+3=9
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 10:00:04 PM

Hastily, Valanthe fires off two more arrows but misses her mark.

Appolo Ac21 Hp36 
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 10:32:23 PM

Appolo stands up and walks over to Ari"Hey buddy you got a spell that can help me get across to the enemy over there." He has his game face on is deadly serious.

Wednesday September 17th, 2003 11:13:52 PM

Rigging will use the Wayfinder to look at the Vengence. (OOC When you say armored, what do you mean? Does the ship have armor plating?)

He will call out to Bart, "Use your lightning bolt to weaken the area that we are going to strike. I want to put a big hole in the Vengence's side."

Rigging will yell out to Ari, "Do you have any spells that will warp wood? If so be prepared to use them on the Vengence."

Rigging will then activate his invisiblity ring.

Redux (hp=46, ac=15)  5d6(6+5+5+1+6)=23
Wednesday September 17th, 2003 11:59:17 PM

Redux continues with his onslaught, sending another 5 hd fireball at the Vengeance, wanting to soften them up as much as he is able for 23 pts dmg.

Thursday September 18th, 2003 12:21:30 AM

Ari finishes casting Bulls Strength on himself, and starts casting cats grace. Caught up in his spelling, Ari misses the comments directed at him.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round Three (DM Donna)  d20+7=20 6d6(4+4+4+1+2+6)=21 d20+15=25 d20+15=16 d20+15=27 d20+5=11 d20+10=20 3d6(4+3+4)=11
Friday September 19th, 2003 7:28:18 AM

(OOC: My apologies for not posting yesterday; we were all in a frenzy preparing for Hurricane Isabel...and then the danged storm passes south of us! ::sigh:: I will be posting Saturday about 4pm to help make up for it, though.)

Bart feverishly helps the other two hands load the fore catapult with another flaming missile shot. They are about halfway done with their task. (3 rounds down; 3 rounds until the catapult can be fired.)

Ashira and Valanthe continue to pepper the decks of the dreadnought with arrows, as does the rest of the archer contingent aboard the Sword of the Sea. (HP damage total to crew of Vengeance for this round: 30hp.)

Appolo seeks out Ari, who is too busy casting to even realize that his teammate is requesting any spells that will help out in the intended boarding action about to happen in another four rounds. Ari now has Bull's Strength.

Rigging can see through the lens of the telescope that there are heavy metal plates bolted onto the sides of the dreadnought, making it that much more formidable as a fighting ship...it's really lucky that the hammership's prow is clad in metal as well, or else ramming the huge Imperial warship would be a bad idea. Rigging is now invisible.

Walker now has Bull's Strength.

Redux's magic does 23hpd and 2 st.pt. damage to the Vengeance.

There is a commotion in the rigging of the Pigsticker's mainsail: The Jack has ascended to the crow's nest and is now braced up there with an especially large crossbow, which he now aims at the Imperial ship his vessel is engaged with. He fires amidships three times--and all three shots seem to hit...but nothing seems to happen. Everyone in the party should roll an Intelligence check or a Knowledge, Arcana check (whichever gives your PC a greater bonus) versus DC15 to recognize the legendary magic crossbow called Spitfire...recognizing the weapon will mean that your character realizes that The Jack has just fired off three Delayed Detonation Fireballs into the middle of the dreadnought, which will go BOOM in another three rounds.

The Stiletto fires its ballista at the dreadnought--but the chained missile simply bounces off the armored hull! (The Stiletto is almost directly in front of the dreadnought, while the Pigsticker is just off the Imperial ship's port bow.)

The Vengeance is still loading its own catapults...one of which has now started to catch fire (yay, Redux!)--crew members hurry to put it out. However, what Rigging feared earlier seems to be taking place: a half-dozen armored people in the cleric garb of Ga'al have assembled in the forecastle and are casting spells. Spellcraft check of 15 or higher will reveal that they are all casting a Summoning spell.

Six Huge Fiendish Dire Wasps appear--and head straight for the Pigsticker...obviously heading for The Jack himself! They will reach that ship in two rounds.

"FIRE BALLISTA!" screams Hawley at the top of his lungs. The ship's crossbow is fired--and the chained missile flies true, hitting the Vengeance on the starboard side of its aft. (OOC: 11hpd; 1 st.pt.dam.) The hammership now has a lock on the dreadnought.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 145 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; the Imperial ship seems to not have noticed the Sword--or else not have deemed your ship as much of a threat. Your ship's ballista hit the Imperial ship with a solid shot and now has a chain in place to help with boarding after the two ships resolve the ramming action, which is now four rounds away.

Walker  d20+2=18
Friday September 19th, 2003 10:16:18 AM

Walker recognizes the legendary magic crossbow called Spitfire.

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+6=9 d20+3=11
Friday September 19th, 2003 11:08:40 AM

Spotting the Jack in dire trouble, Ashira directs her archers to switch targets again. "Switch targets...wasps!" Ashira releases her arrows in rapid succession, but forgets to adjust the change in range and watches as her arrows plumet prematurely.

Friday September 19th, 2003 4:44:33 PM

Appolo seeing the chain firmly lodged into the Vengence,he comes up with a plan. Appolo grabs Ari a and shakes him"Ari I need a climbing spell someting to help me use the chain to cross to the Vengence now befor they notice us. Can you help me!!" He then looks around for Rigging"Rigging I'm crossing over via the chain and hopefully you can follow!! I want to be in position before they take notice of the Sword."
he then rechecks his gear weapons,thieaves tools rope grappling hook.

Valanthe  d20+8=11 d20+3=21 d20=6
Friday September 19th, 2003 10:45:22 PM

Valanthe turns her attention away from the ship and lets two arrows fly at the Dire Wasps.

Rigging invisible, mage armor  d20+4=24 d20+4=15
Friday September 19th, 2003 11:19:11 PM

Rigging is amazed as he watches the different actions of everyone. When he sees the clerics gather he will yell, "Redux, Fireball centered on the clerics in the forecastle! Now!"

He notices the shots and immediately knows what is coming. "Captain! There is gonna be some serious fireworks in the middle of that ship in a few seconds. Make sure we hit in the rear or we might get caught in it!"

"Apollo, Wait to we ram. The ship is moving faster than you can climb and you will end up in the water or worse crushed between the ships."

"Walker, do you have any bless spells you can cast on the crew?"

"Ari, Where is my warp wood spell!? That ship has metal plating on it and I want it out of the way!"

Rigging also sees the summoning and yells, Archers, One shot at those beasts!"

Rigging is so caught up in giving commands he has no time to make any actions for himself but keeps using Wayfinder to study the situation."

OOC 24 intelligence roll to understand crossbow, 15 to understand summoning. Sorry I missed a post but hurricane's eye past right over my head yesterday. No power"

Redux  d20+2=14 d20+8=21 7d6(4+5+2+4+2+6+4)=27
Saturday September 20th, 2003 12:06:56 AM

The nature of the weapon and the intent of it's user elude Redux, though, once the fireballs go off, he is sure to remember the lesson (finding them such a lovely weapon). Being able to witness the spellcasters, however, gives him an edge and hones in on what they are doing. Focusing on their location, he casts his 7 hd (and last) fireball for 27 pts of dmg.

Walker , bull strength 
Saturday September 20th, 2003 7:51:13 AM

Per Rigging's request Walker will cast Bless this round.

DM Donna 
Saturday September 20th, 2003 4:49:31 PM

Waiting for Ari to post what he does.

Ari  d20+4=8 d20+4=5
Sunday September 21st, 2003 10:37:23 PM

(ooc apologies, out for two football games yesterday, bells today, and computer troubleshooting.)

Stopping briefly between spells, "I do not have warp wood available. Sorry Rigging."

Responding to Apollo, "I do not have spider climb memorized right now" (ooc at least I don't think so. I don't have access to my character sheet. Donna can you double check).

Hearing the call for the Jack, Ari whips out his bow and fires off two shots. (if in range.) Due to the disraction of coming out of spell casting, Ari's shots aren't that precise and they miss by a long shot.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 4 (DM Donna)  d20+5=13 6d6(6+4+3+6+3+1)=23 d20+10=11 d20+10=29 6d6(2+3+1+6+1+2)=15 d20+5=18 6d6(6+6+5+2+6+6)=31 d20+17=18 d20=18 d20=8 d20=11 d20=11
Monday September 22nd, 2003 3:01:45 AM

(OOC: Everyone can be considered Blessed as per this round; please remember to post your AC, Normal HP/Battle HP, and Spells In Place when posting for your character.)

Out of all the arrows fired by the Wild Cards, only one of Val's actually hits a Fiendish Dire Wasp.

Redux lets fly his final Fireball spell; the evil clerics are so absorbed in the second summoning spell they are attempting that they don't notice it until it's too late; each of them suffers 27hpd; the Imperial ship suffers another 2 st.pt.damage.

Off the Sword's starboard bow, there is a sizzle and a flash--a spell caster somewhere has cast Lightning Bolt--but not at the Sword herself...it is the Cup that gets hit, suffering another 23hpd & 2 st.pt.dam. The smell of ozone is heavy in the smoky air, however, an olfactory reminder of the hammership's close call.

The clerics aboard the dreadnought are scattered and too shaken to resume casting this round.

The archers of the Sword take aim and loose their single fullisade at the Wasps threatening The Jack. The majority of them hit the summoned creatures for 15hpd.

Archers from the Stiletto also target the flying horrors that threaten The Jack; their shots hit and do another 31hpd to the giant insects. Two of the wasps are now gone.

Aboard the Pigsticker, The Jack draws his cutlass, barking out some orders and giving a rallying whoop that can be heard by the crews of all three PoJ ships now engaging the Vengeance. The heartening confirmation that your ultimate leader is still hale and hearty adds a +2 morale bonus to everyone's combat rolls for as long as The Jack remains actively fighting. (OOC: please remember to add this to your hit & damage rolls until further notice.)

The Pigsticker's own archers add their missiles to those of her sister ships in attempting to get rid of the Wasps; most of their shots miss, in spite of The Jack's rallying cry.

On the deck of The Jack's flagship, however, can be seen a female figure dressed in red and white: it's Rushcant. She casts a spell, targeting the remaining Wasps (roll a Knowledge Arcana check vs. DC18 to recognize the Deep Slumber spell). Three of the giant Wasps fall to the water, asleep. Only one threatens The Jack now.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 105 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; you have 3 rounds until impact; 2 rounds until the ballista is reloaded; 2 rounds until the catapults may fire.

(OOC: I will post again at about 5pm or so Eastern time, as this particular post was one I had been anticipating to make on Saturday, and so doesn't count as the "Monday" post for me;
I also realized something important--the fore catapult will be able to fire into the dreadnought after all--the Imperial ship is over 600 feet long, and there will be nothing impeding the hammership's aim. HOWEVER, the aft catapult cannot fire at the dreadnought since its own mast will be in the way, fouling the shot.)

Ashira (AC20, HP71)  d20+9=25 d20+6=21 d8+5=8 d8+5=6
Monday September 22nd, 2003 9:05:19 AM

"Take down the last wasp!" Ashira belows at her archers. Rallying under Walker's blessing and the Jack's war cry, Ashira takes aim at the beast and once more feels Alemi's strength flowing through her. She smiles with satisfaction as both arrows lodge into the wasp's body (AC 25 and 21 for 14 combined damage).

Walker, Ac 18, Bull Strength, Bless 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 9:12:10 AM

Walker will cast Shield of Faith.

Monday September 22nd, 2003 2:22:23 PM

Bart is stiil working at the front balista. He asks for the archers to ready a bow and some arrows for him.

Ari AC 21 50 hps BS +4, CG +1, Hasted, The Jack's bonus 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 3:23:49 PM

Confident the Jack is temporarily out of danger, Ari continues on his casting and casts haste on himself.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 4:32:37 PM

A triumphant smile sets on Redux's face as he sees that he has disrupted the spells of the sizzled clerics. The battle is brought home to Redux as the lightening bolts crackles by. "Hmmmm...time for a change in tactics." Redux mumbles to himself as he removes a Mage Armor potion from his belt and drinks it down. He then begins rummaging in his backpack for his wand of Bull's Strength. "Anybody need Bull's Strength? he shouts out to the Wildcards as a group.

Ashira (AC20, HP71) 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 4:34:14 PM

At Redux's offer of spellcasting, Ashira shouts out to the mage "Redux, I would like to be strengthened...get Val and Bart too. Appolo if he'd like it."

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 20, Blessed)  d20+12=21 d20+7=23 d8=8 d8=7
Monday September 22nd, 2003 10:06:46 PM

"I'll take one Redux. It will come in hand once we board the Vengeance." Valanthe says as she fires off two more shots at that last wasp.

[hit ac 21 for 8]
[hit ac 23 for 7]

Rigging, hps 52, ac 18 invisible, blessed, mage armor 
Monday September 22nd, 2003 11:17:09 PM

Rigging yells to the crew, "Boarding party forward, ready your weapons, all missiles concentrate on the area that we will be impacting and boarding. Look and take down any snipers in the rigging."

Rigging will then concentrate on the Nautocolous summoning the winds to speed the boat along as fast as possible.

Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 2:29:46 AM

Bart hears redux shouting, "over here Redux" he shouts back

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 5 (DM Donna)  d20+12=31 6d6(3+6+6+4+4+5)=28 d20+5=21 d20+5=22 d20+5=6 d20+5=19 3d6(3+4+3)=10 3d6(3+1+3)=7 3d6(6+1+5)=12 3d6(5+1+1)=7 d100=80 d20=19 d20=2
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 7:08:39 AM

(OOC: So much for trying to sneak in an extra post. Oh, well--prepare to die. ;D)

Ashira and her archers as well as Val fire upon the last Fiendish Dire Wasp, killing it just as it dives at The Jack for a deadly sting! The Jack turns and gives his saviors a cheeky salute before leaping onto the rigging and sliding down to the deck.

Walker now has Shield of Faith as well as all his other spells in place.

Bart finds a bow and arrows laid out for him within easy reach.

Ari is now Hasted.

Redux offers Bull's Strength to those who don't have it yet.

Rigging readies his boarding party and continues to help the ship along.

There is a horribly familiar screaming sound whistling through the air--some surrounding Imperial ships on the far side of the Vengeance are attempting to fire their catapults at the Pigsticker, the Stiletto and the Sword of the Sea!

"INCOMING!" screams Rushcant.

Two missiles strike the Pigsticker for 14st.pt.dam.; one missile crashes into the water between The Jack's ship and the hammership, and the fourth missile hits the Stiletto for 12 st.pt.dam., shattering its main mast...as well as likely killing the three sailors that had been in its rigging, attempting to get into sniper positions against the Vengeance. The remains of the mast and the men fall into the churning, blood-bespattered waves.

Suddenly several of the crew of the Sword start to take swings at their fellow sailors! Everyone in the party must roll a Will save versus DC18. Failing means you have been successfully Confused by some of the mage/clerics aboard the Imperial ship and will attack the person closest to you for the next 8 rounds (for the sake of brevity, each party member is considered to be standing closest to an NPC sailor). Those who save may roll a Spot check versus DC20 to see where the spellcasters are aboard the ship.

"Stand down, there! STAND DOWN!" Hawley (who made his saving throw) bellows at the brawling pirates, to no avail. Magic is at work, and will either have to be countered or allowed to run its course.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 65 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; you have 2 rounds until impact; 1 round until the ballista is reloaded; 1 round until the catapults may fire. The hammership also has a problem in that about 1/3 of the crew (18 people) failed their Will Save versus the Confusion spell.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Sheild of faith, Bless  d20+8=20 d20+10=27 d20+10=11
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 8:40:22 AM

Walker feels a momentary disorientation as he shrugs off the spell effects (will 20). He quickly spots the enemy spellcasters (spot 27).
If any of the confused crew are near he will smak them with the flat of his blade to knock them out (hit ac 11). Then he will move forward to boarding positions.

Ari AC 21 50 hps BS +4, CG +1, shield, The Jack's bonus  d20+7=10 d20+7=21 d20+3=8
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 12:57:41 PM

(ooc Donna. I mixed up characters. Ari does not have haste, it was shield he was trying to cast)

Ari's eyes start to wax as the effects of the spell begin to take place. Realizing what's about to take place Ari shouts into his mind NOOOOOO

(hero point used)

Shaking off the effects of the spell, Ari looks around for the source of the spell. Not able to recognize where the spell casters are, Ari pulls out his wand of dispel magic. (lvl 12 with 10 charges).

(Can you use area dispel and only target the confusion spell? If you can Ari will figure out the best placement for the 30 foot dispel circle. If not he'll start picking targets)

Ashira (AC20, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus--------Confused  d20+8=14
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 1:28:12 PM

Ashira is just preparing to begin her next volley of arrows when her eyes bolt in disbelief (Will=14)! Somehow the enemy has managed to board the Sword and there is an Aisildurian sailor standing right next to her where an archer had stood moments before! The half-elf drops her bow quickly and begins unsheathing her swords in preparation to attack her enemy. "The enemy has boarded, repel the invaders!" the confused paladin shouts to her archers.

Rigging AC 19, mage armor, bless, invisible, jacks bonus  d20+7=22
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 9:37:29 PM

Rigging checks around him and notices the confusion. He sees Ari pulling out his wand and breaths a sigh of relief. "Ari concentrate on ship's officers and wild cards first! They can do the most damage!"

Rigging then casts a protection from arrows spell on himself

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 20, Blessed, Bull Strength)  d20+8=23 d20+4=20 d20+12=27 d20+7=8 d8=3
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 9:42:29 PM

Valanthe hears Ashira's shouts of alarm and whirls to see an enemy force of zero. "Ashira what are you talking about? There aren't any enemy's on . . ." Valanthe stops speaking as she sees the enemy spellcasters.

"Very clever." Valanthe says to herself as she fires two arrows off at the spellcasters. After the arrows are away Val drops her bow and quiver. There are only a few moments before they are able to board. A few moments is all she needs.

[hit ac 27 for 3 and missed ac 8]

ooc: will save 23, spot check 20. What is the bull strength bonus?

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+9=26 d20+8=11 d20+6=9 d20+8=16 7d20(14+16+17+19+9+18+17)=110 7d6(1+5+5+4+2+5+4)=26
Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 10:02:47 PM

Redux makes his save, however Talon doesn't. The bird takes to the air and begins to dive and swoop at those around him. The silly bird is too confused to hit anything nearby, but a few feathers do swirl about. Redux looks across the ship but doesn't spot where the confusion blast came from. He frowns at those around him, recognizing that Bull Strength would only make matters worse here on the ship. Looking down the deck of the Vengeance, Redux casts Lightning Bolt, directing it to run across 100 feet of the deck (more if the ship gets closer as he casts, he'll wait till the last possible second this turn to release the strike) for 26 pts of dmg (ignore the 7d20 roll--that would have been soooo cool :) ).

Tuesday September 23rd, 2003 10:04:28 PM

(ooc Sorry Val, i was writing and didn't see you had posted. i'll tag you the next round)

Appolo Ac 21 Hp36  d20+6=23
Wednesday September 24th, 2003 5:13:05 AM

Appolo shakes off the efects of the spell and move over to Rdux"He buddy you happen to have
anything that canhelp me get abord the enemies ship with out being noticed would ya?"He says as he easily sidsteps a couple posessed sailors.
Will save 23

Wednesday September 24th, 2003 1:03:41 PM

Bart is still helping to ready the catapult

ADM Nellie 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 8:19:11 AM

Okay folks....ya'll should have gotten the email by now that Donna's system is down. :( I'm gonna take over for a little while. I will post today as soon as I get a copy of the module. Hang tight until then. I will post again today if everyone can make your post before say 10 pm EST so that the game doesn't drag. If not, we'll try for tomorrow.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 6 (ADM Nellie)  d6=6 d20+5=15 d20+1=19 3d8(2+5+3)+8=18 d2=2 d2=1 d2=2 d2=1 d2=2 d2=1 6d6(1+5+1+6+5+2)=20 6d6(2+3+2+3+5+4)=19 6d6(5+5+6+1+1+5)=23 d20+1=3
Thursday September 25th, 2003 11:17:13 AM

Mayhem rules aboard the Sword as a third of the crew begins brawling with one another. Captain Hawley turns an unnatural shade of red and the veins on his forehead begin sticking out as he vainly attempts to restore order on his ship. "Of all the bloody blazin times to start a fist fight! Screw your heads on tight and prepare to board that ship!!!!!!" Hawley begins screaming for the ship's mage to restore order, but the poor gnome is currently busy trying to control the massive sharks which are propelling the Sword toward the Vengence.

Walker does the best he can not to damage the crew, but not allowing the mayhem to get out of control. A raging cabin boy emerges from the galley with a frying pan...intent on attacking the first mate. Acting quickly, Walker takes the lad down with little effort.

Ari pulls out his wand and looks around for the best place to begin dispelling the magiced crew (According to the PHB 223 you may cast an area dispel with a radius of 30 feet. You may not specifically try and dispel ONLY the confusion, but since magical equipment isn't effected and the only other spell cast was bless...this looks like Ari's best option. Roll d20+12, must succeed vs. DC 16 to dispel the confusion in an area. I'll let you know about the Bless later.) About this time, Ashira begins shouting something about Aisildurian sailors being on the ship. She draws her swords and begins to move menacingly toward the nearest archer. Shocked, the small man drops his bow and raises his arms in a defensive manner as the crazed paladin begins to stalk him.

The loss of their leader seems to take some steam out of the archers until they see Val pincushion one of the spellcasters on the Vengence. Following suit, they take aim in the same general direction, but failing to have pinpointed the spellcasters, their arrows cut down a few nearby sailors.

Rigging, Bart, and Appolo each find their own ways to prepare for the upcoming combat as Redux throws his lightening bolt. With a blinding flash of light and a deafening crack, the bolt hits the back half of the Vengence. An ominous creaking sound is emitted as a large crack begins to form on one of the juggernaut's masts. Amazingly, Redux's bolt has also managed to hit all six of the clerics who had dispersed themselves among the crew in a vain attempt to escape from the rampant mage in the black robes. Managing to dodge out of the direct path of the bolt (Made Reflex, only take 1/2 dam), the clerics are definitely looking worse for the wear as their burnt and sizzling cloths can attest. Val and Walker watch as they begin muttering moving their hands in a manner which leaves no doubt that they are casting spells once again. The burnt skin on their bodies fade to a light pink and the clerics once again try to hide themselves among the crew of the Aisildurian ship (Spot DC 20 to find them again).

Meanwhile, Redux's crazed owl begins to peck at the heads of some of the men manning the ballistae. They bat at the circling bird above their heads in annoyance, but can't touch the pesky avian.

And then you hear it....the sound of the Jack's delayed fireball's exploding on the Vengence! Three brilliant flashes of blinding light wash over you like a wave feeling like a stifling breeze on a summer day. The smell of burning flesh fills the air, and when your eyes finally adjust you see that three massive fires have erupted on the deck of the Vengence! Those who make their spot checks also notice three of the clerics are now busy doing the "Stop, drop, and roll"!

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now 25 feet away from the back of the Vengeance; you have 1 rounds until impact; the ballista and catapults are loaded and may fire.

Ari  d20+12=17 d20+12=24
Thursday September 25th, 2003 2:10:45 PM

Concern flashing across his face, Ari pays no heed to any action outside of his ship.

Doing his best to place his dispel in the best places, Ari quickly dispels the confusion effects. (17 for last round, 24 for next round)

(ooc let me know when he has most of the crew covered, otherwise will keep dispelling. BTW no e-mail as of yet)

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith  d20+10=24
Thursday September 25th, 2003 4:25:38 PM

Walker keeps sight of the enemy clerics (spot 24). He casts Shield of Faith on himself (+2 Ac).

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 6:20:22 PM

The half-elf shakes her head in confusion as Ari's dispel magic takes affect. Slowly she lowers her swords as a blush colors her cheeks. "Sorry mate!" she says to the short man before returning to the archer area. Reaching in her pack, Ashira pulls out a Barkskin potion and drinks it down...knowing that all too soon they will be immersed in combat. "Brace for impact. Prepare to board!" she shouts to her archers.

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 20, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus) 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 9:19:24 PM

Valanthe looks around at the destruction the Aisildurian navy is inflicting. Valanthe draws her sword and lets loose a primal scream signifying the release of her rage.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus  d20+7=17
Thursday September 25th, 2003 10:13:40 PM

Things move fast and Redux loses the Clerics in crowd. He remembers his promise and he taps Val with his Bull's Strength wand, giving her a +4 strength to her rage. "Hold on Appolo, I'll tap you before you board."

Rigging AC 19 Hps 50 invisible, mage armor, Jack inspiration, 
Thursday September 25th, 2003 10:43:36 PM

Rigging will use Nautaoculus to speed the Sword forward,"Before they make contact he will stow the artifact away and grab something to hang on too. " Fire the balastia, fire catapult! Brace for impact! Prepare to board!" Then Rigging hangs on.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 7 (DM Donna)  d20+12=15 d20+12=32 3d6(6+1+1)=8 3d6(4+6+1)=11 3d6(6+3+1)=10 d20+17=30 3d6(5+5+4)=14 d20+12=27 4d10(6+9+4+1)=19
Friday September 26th, 2003 7:18:18 AM

"All hands--brace for impact...!" Hawley screams at the top of his lungs.

Ari's well-aimed and timely use of his wand dispels the effects of the Confusion from everyone on deck.

Walker sees a female cleric who looks particularly determined heal herself of all damage that she's taken so far. If Rigging described the cleric who'd turned his astral self away, Walker will logically assume that she is the cleric that Rigging saw via Wayfinder.

Ashira shakes off the Confusion (again thanks to Ari's wand) and braces for impact with the back end of the dreadnought, along with her corps of archers.

Val prepares for hand-to-hand fighting and is boosted by Redux's wand of Bull Strength.

Rigging's orders for the ballista and the fore catapult are followed through: the ballista's giant bolt tears through the wall of a topside cabin, causing 8hpd. The fore catapult fires, its flaming missile joining the tail end of the blazing mess amidships of the dreadnought, adding a total of 21st.pt.damage. The armored ship shudders with the incredibly accurate shot! The very middle of the top cabins of the Imperial ship are very much ablaze (flames are approximately 150 ft. long by 60 ft. wide by about 30 feet or so high from the very center of the ship.)

The hammership's sister ships are busy reloading their own catapults, but the Pigsticker fires off its own ballista...adding 14hpd and snagging the Vengeance with its own chain to help in boarding the vessel. Once more the flamboyant Jack scrambles nimbly up the rigging of his ship's tallest mast.

"Prepare t'board! Prepare t'board!" crows the leader of the Pirates of Jack for all to hear.

The clerics that had cast the summoning spells are now busy healing themselves of their damage.

"IMPACT IN 5...4...3...2...1..!" Hawley'a voice counts off the seconds as the back of the Imperial ship looms ever larger, ever closer...

CRASH!!! (OOC: impact damage to Imperial ship is 19 st.pt.)

The hammership is wrenched violently because of the sudden stop. Only Rigging stated that he braced himself for impact, so everyone else in the party must roll a Strength check versus DC15. Failing means your PC didn't grab onto anything solid in time, and thus you have to roll a Reflex Save to keep from being knocked off your feet and suffering embarrassment, 3hpd, and taking a partial action to get back to your feet before you can do anything else.

SUMMARY OF WHERE YOU ARE NOW (and how it effects your battle):

The hammership is now solidly wedged into the back of the Vengeance; people who are on their feet may climb onto the Imperial ship by making a successful Climb check versus DC15. Success means you take one round to climb up and onto the deck of the dreadnought (it's a bit taller besides being longer than the hammership). Failure means your PC rolls a d100--33 or less means the PC has fallen into the sea. 34 or more means the PC fell back onto the hammership. The ballista will be reloaded in 3 rounds; the fore catapult will be reloaded in 6 rounds. The Aft catapult is ready to fire, but it needs an Imperial target within its range...and there are none so far.

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's bonus)  d20+3=20 d20+3=7 d20+3=19
Friday September 26th, 2003 8:03:12 AM

Glad to see that the effects of the spell has been countered, Ari quickly grabs a hold of the rails as the ships collides with the enemy. (Strength=20)

Once the ship hits, Ari decides he wants to get a vantage point from which he can fire his bow. Climbing up into the Rigging, or onto the Vengence (whichever is faster). Ari begins to slide as he begins to climb into position (climb=7). Quickly regrasping, Ari gets a better grip on things, before he can fall (hero point used, climb=19). Ari places himself in such a way that he can give covering fire over the Vengence.

(ooc Donna I didn't realize that all stat enhancements BS, CG etc, are all flat +4 in 3.5. So I've adjusted AC and such accordingly. I can give you a character sheet just for the current battle.

Also, do characters get a synergy bonus from Profession Sailor? Since Ramming tactics could be a part of the profession?

Is Bless still in effect? Nellie didn't get a chance to deal with that.)

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin  d20+2=5 d20+8=28
Friday September 26th, 2003 9:07:29 AM

Even though she isn't able to grab onto anything before impact (Str=5), Ashira barely notices the lurching (Ref=28). Sheathing her swords, she pulls her Slippers of Spider Climb out of her backpack, puts them on. Then she tries to capture Redux's attention. "Hey, I could use a tap from that wand!"

Rigging AC 19 HPs 50 Invisible, mage armor, bless, protection from arrows, jacks inspiration +2 
Friday September 26th, 2003 9:39:01 AM

Rigging will run over to the boarding party, while pulling out his seal of quickness. When he gets to the group, he will break it and then grab Apollo's arm saying, "Apollo It's Rigging. Let's do some hunting. I have my slippers of spider climb on. I will help you quickly up the wall. He will then really quickly climb up the wall of the Vengence towing Apollo.

OOC seal of quickness is a seal when broken, gives everyone in the party a base speed of 100' for one round. It pays to say hello...have a couple more that might come in handy.

Apollo Ac21 Hp 36 Invisible, Bullstrength +5  d20+2=20 d20+6=20
Friday September 26th, 2003 10:19:45 AM

Appolo easily remains standing and replies to Rigging"Sure boss just as soon as Redux taps with his wand,I'll be ready for some good old low down backstabbin and throat cutting.Besides
I let let one get away last time and looks like she wants another turn on the dance floor.You know me never one to turn a lady down." He then turns to Redux"I'm ready for you to zap me anytime now." While waits he readies his gear checks his rope and grappling hook.Once Redux zaps him he will hand part of the rope to Rigging here we'll use this make, things easier.
Then move forward to climb up to the The Vengence.

Strenght check 20,Climb check 20 with rope.

Walker, Ac 20, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus  d20+5=17 d20+7=24 d20+15=21 2d6(3+1)+9=13 d6=6
Friday September 26th, 2003 10:44:41 AM

Walker uses the momentum from the impact to move forward (Str=17) and climbs up to the deck of the Vengeance(climb=24). If he has any move left (seal)he will move toward the cleric he spied earlier if he can do so without drawing any attacks (Aoo).Whatever else he will draw his sword and activate its flame. If he has enough time to attack anyone he will attack the cleric or whatever sailor gets in his way.[Hit ac21, dam:13 reg + 6 flame = 19 total]

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Friday September 26th, 2003 10:04:14 PM

Sensing the urgency, Redux taps Appolo for a +4 strength bonus."Just a second, Ashira, wasn't sure about you for a bit there. Let's let these two get over there with their invisibilty and get to the spell casters first. i don't think they like me much, so i'll stay behind a bit and cast some magic on myself after you leave." Calling after Appolo & Rigging, "Don't forget to activate your rings!"

Valanthe (HP 87/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+8=21 d20+12=28
Sunday September 28th, 2003 10:17:59 PM

Valanthe grabs the railing with one hand and doesn't move as the two ships collide. Her breaths are deep and her gaze is locked on the deck of the Vengence. The desire to kill is almost overwhelming as Valanthe climbs up as fast as she can.

ooc: str check 21, climb check 28

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 8.5 (DM Donna) 
Monday September 29th, 2003 6:51:49 AM

Thanks to the quick thinking of Rigging, those party members who climbed aboard the Vengeance are now fast enough to take that action as though it were a five-foot-step.

In other words, some of you are entitled to attack the closest Imperial seamen.

People who may NOT attack: Bart (who didn't post and so I assume he's still with the fore catapult crew), Ashira (she's still aboard the Sword), Walker (who is drawing his sword and activating its flame), and Redux (who is also still on the hammership).

People who may attack: Ari, Rigging, Appolo, and Val.

The closest targets to any of those aboard (so far) are the regular crewmembers of the dreadnought, each of whom are armed with short swords.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Monday September 29th, 2003 10:13:38 AM

Noting Ashira's anticipation to get into the fight, Redux taps her with the Wand of Bull's Strength as soon as he is able to.

Bart  d20+3=16 d20+12=19 d10+7=16
Monday September 29th, 2003 2:05:41 PM

After the impact Bartr helps a few of the catapult crew on their feet and then readies himself to board the imperial ship he attacks the nearest enemy he sees (using spring attack feat hit ac 19 for 16)

Ari AC 23 HP 50 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's bonus)  d20+10=15 d20+10=15 d8+5=13 d8+5=11
Monday September 29th, 2003 10:22:32 PM

Doing his best to let the other fighters get in front, Ari quickly scans the crowd and tries to find an archery target.

Picking his darkwood arrows from his quiver, Ari releases two arrows. (AC 15 and AC 15 for 13 and 11 points respectively)

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=29 d20+14=20 d6+10=11 d6+10=16
Monday September 29th, 2003 10:30:03 PM

Valanthe isn't sure why she moves so fast but only for a moment. Before she knows it, she's over the railing and driving her sword into the nearest enemy.

[hit ac 29 for 11 and hit ac 20 for 16]

Rigging, AC 19, HPs 50/50 invisible, mage armor, bless,protection from arrows, Jack's +2 
Monday September 29th, 2003 11:44:51 PM

Still holding onto Apollo's invisible arm, he will whisper, "Lets take down some priestess'. A double backstab will put a big crimp in her style. Then we fight back to back til our women pull our fat out of the fire." Rigging will keep a hand on Apollo's shoulder and start to move towards the priestess.

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin 
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 12:09:25 AM

Ashira thanks Redux quickly and then clamors over the side of the ship, anxious to join the others. She is amazed at the versatility of the slippers as she literally walks up the side of the enemy ship.

OOC Not sure about how the slippers work...if you don't need to use your hands to steady yourself. If not, then Ashira will draw her swords on the way up.

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 9---ADM Nellie  d20+8=20 d20+5=21 d20+5=14 d20+5=8 d20+5=13 d6=1 d20+5=10 d20+5=21 d20+5=8 d20+5=18 d20+5=22 d20+5=16 d6=4
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 10:58:03 AM

Please note that round 8.5 is a round and a partial round. Since they were not moving at the time the seal was activated, Redux, Ashira, and Bart are unable to perform an extra action this round. All those aboard the ship are only allowed to make one attack this round.----ADM Nellie

Most of the Wildcards lead the boarding party as they quickly clamor up the ship, and thanks to Rigging's seal, are able to make a surprise attack. Appolo (don't forget that Bull's Strength!) and Rigging opt for stealth, and keep moving toward the last known location of the priestess (Spot DC 20 to find a priest amid the plethora of sailors).

Valanthe is unable to constrain her rage any longer, and plants her sword into the nearest Aisildurian sailor. Grabbing his gut, the young man (goodness, he can't be that much older than the cabin boy on the Sword) stares at the beautiful deadly maiden as he grapples for his sword.

Ari hangs back a bit and then makes it to the top of the deck of the Vengenance. Finding more than a few choices of archery targets, he settles on a tall, gangly looking fellow with stringy hair about 50 feet away. His loosed arrow flies through the air and lodges itself firmly in the man's neck. The man quickly disappears in the sea of sailors, several of whom seem to have taken notice of Ari.

After tapping Appolo with the wand, Redux is unable to tap Ashira. The half-elf warrior waits impatiently to begin climbing aboard the enemy vessel.

Bart manages to keep his footing after the jarring impact and helps out a few of the other Pirates around him. He then heads over to the Vengenance and begins climbing aboard the vessel. Working slowly and steadily...hand over hand, Bart finds it no problem to board the vessel. Making it to the top, Bart surveys the massive battle in front of him. Unfortunately, he is unable to attack this round.

About 20 other crew members of the Sword begin climbing up the side of the ship. One particularly "well feed" Pirate looses his grip on the rope and goes plummeting into the depths of the waters below.

Meanwhile, on the Pigsticker....
Those of you not involved in hand to hand combat notice that Jack has managed to climb the rigging of the mainsail and is continuing his rallying cry. With a loud "Whoop" he grabs a rope and launches himself toward the Vengenance. He lets go of the rope while he is about 50 feet from the Vengenance. You watch expectantly, knowing that there is no way the Jack has enough lift to avoid the water between the two ships. Amazingly, though, the Jack is able to defy the pull of gravity and continues sailing through the air towards the enemy dreadnought. He tucks his feet into his chest and cannonball's into several nearby awestruck Aisildurian sailors on the Vengenance, bowling them over. Waiting until the last second to unfold his legs, the portly leader of the Pirates pulls off a feat that seems physically impossible, and lands with precision and grace right in the middle of the enemy ship! He smiles roguishly as he brandishes his scimitar in a stage bow!

Noting the arrival of the newcomers, several sailors move to intercept Valanthe, Ari, and Bart.

Val finds herself with a welcome party of four sailors who quickly surround the maiden...including the young man she speared last round. The lad somehow works up enough energy to attack the feriocious barbarian in front of him and his sword slices through her armor, cutting a tiny gash in her side (1 hp dam).

Ari and Bart are likewise quickly surrounded. Ari's opponents have a rougher time of it, and not a single blow manages to touch the young man, though one comes very close, bouncing off the invisible shield surrounding Ari.

Being closest to the area of impact between the two ships, many of the sailors around Bart are trying to make their way to their feet. Three lucky (or unlucky as the case will be!) Aisildurians take up positions to block the stocky fighter, lashing out at Bart with their shortswords. A particularly well groomed sailor takes advantage of his partner's ill timed blows and slices into Bart's leg with his sword (4hp dam). Bart, please include your AC, HP and any spells affecting Bart in the post name. Thanks!----Nellie

Those not involved in hand to hand combat who have managed to spot the clerics notice that they once more seems to be casting spells....though at this distance it is extremely difficult to tell which type of spell (Spellcraft check DC 15 to recognize it as a Evocation spell). Ominously, there are no explosions, lightening bolts, or any other physical manifestation of the spell.

I am going to rule that the bless is still in effect for those who had magic dispelled on them, since the Confusion spell was a higher level spell and was dispelled first.---ADM Nellie

Rigging Hps 50/50 AC 19, mage armor, bless, Jacks +2, invisible, protection from arrows  d20+10=30 d20+10=27 d6+3=6 2d6(3+3)=6 2d4(3+3)+3=9 2d6(5+1)=6 2d6(3+6)=9
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 1:51:56 PM

Rigging calmly walks up and to the female priestess that he has seen before and backstabs her twice with rapier and holydagger. As he probes her vitals, he will whisper in her ear, "You should have stayed away friend...Now you can sit on Ga'al's own lap.

OOC ok made a couple of mistakes while rolling. First off should have been plus 9 not 10. Didn't bother rolling for critical hit because it was a back stab. Second mistake was I should have rolled 1d4+3 of damage for holydagger not 2d4. First hit does 12 points of damage, second holy dagger does 21 points of damage for a total of 33 points.

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 4:49:31 PM

Ok....that was my bad. I didn't give you a perspective. This ship is 600 feet long...and just crawling with Aisildurian soldiers. There are tons of distractions (fires, archers, etc.). Thus the Spot DC 20 each round to find the priests. The nearest 3 priests (unfortunately not the chick Rigging was hoping for)are 55 feet from the spot where the party landed on the ship. The other 3 priests are approximately 250 feet away. Rigging, I fully realize this might change your post. Please feel free to write a different post and you may keep your rolls for when you do encounter that pesky little chick!

Walker, Ac 20, Hp 73, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus  d20+10=30 d20+17=30 2d6(4+3)+9=16 d6=4
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 5:33:32 PM

Walker will make a normal move towards the priests [spot 30]while doing his best to aviod provoking any Aoo. He will angle his last steps to be within reach of an officer or sailor and swing at them. [hit ac 30, dam 20=16 base + 4 fire]

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=33 d20+14=31 d6+10=15 d6+10=12
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 6:47:06 PM

Valanthe eyes the sailors with the eyes of a predator. She growls before letting out a primal scream. Without thinking her sword tears into the sailors.

[hit ac 33 for 15 and ac 31 for 12]

Rigging AC 19 hps 50/50 Invisible, mage armor, bless, protection from armor, Jack's +2  d20+8=25
Tuesday September 30th, 2003 11:58:12 PM

Rigging spots some of the priest that are closer. He will tug on Apollo's arm and say, "Priests buy the third mast. Let's go cause some damage. I will take the tallest one. You pick one of the others. We need to put them down fast." Rigging will use his movement to avoid running into combatants and close on the priests. He will jog if nessecary but he wants to be able to attack next round.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 7:54:35 AM

Frustrated at the time all the preparations are taking, Redux finally manages to tap Ashira with the Bull's Strength wand and wishes her good luck.

Ashira (AC23, HP71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 7:57:12 AM

Moving as quickly as she can with great anticipation, Ashira climbs up the side of the ship. Anxious to get in the fight, Ashira takes a double move in an attempt to get topside.

Bart (Ac24 hp 50) Jack's inspiration, Bless  d20+12=21 d20+7=19 d10+7=11 d10+7=10
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 2:52:39 PM

Bart attacks his opponent with his bastardsowrd in both of his hands (hit Ac 24/22 for 13+12). If he feels and sees that he can hit his opponent easily he will use more in his next blows, giving up some accuracy.
(can you give me some info on that so bart can use his power attack feat)

Battle for Ayorsa, Round 10---ADM Nellie  d20+11=22 d20+11=14 d20+11=12 d8+2=10 d20+5=7 d20+5=15 d20+5=16 d20+5=20 d6=5 d20+5=10 d20+5=11 d20+5=6 d20+5=18 d20+5=17 d20+5=14 d20+5=22 d20+5=20 d20+5=9 d6=2 d6=3 d20+5=7 d20+5=24 d20+5=20 d20+5=14 d20+5=9 d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d6=5 d20+5=16 d20+5=12 d20+5=17 d6=5 d6=3 d6=3
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 4:14:36 PM

Somehow managing to avoid the notice of the Aisildurian sailors, Walker moves further onto the ship. He hacks down a sailor who gets in his way and is beginning to approach the position of the priests. His keen eyes notice that the officers seem to be congregated on the other end of the ship about 400 feet away from his present location. Finally taking note of Walker, four sailors emerge from the crowd to surround the cleric. One of the sailors attacks manages to connect and Walker takes 5 hp of damage from the man's sword.

Val continues to rage against the poor souls who press in around her, killing the young man she injured before and his partner to the right. The other two sailors gasp at the killing prowess of their opponent. Clearly unnerved, both of the remaining sailors attacks miss Val by a mile. Oddly enough, none of the plethora of surrounding Aisildurian soldiers seem in any hurry to engage the elven warrior!

Deciding to take out the biggest source of trouble first, Rigging and Appolo press forward, dodging and weaving around the sailors that swarm around them. A strange thing happens as the two Wildcards approach the priests. Rigging notices that when they get within about 40 feet of the nearest priest, Appolo suddenly becomes visible!!!! Oddly enough, Appolo notices the same thing about Rigging!!!!!! All of the rest of the Wildcards notice that both Rigging and Appolo suddenly become visible. Not a few Aisildurian sailors notice the appearance of the two strangers also! Both Rigging and Appolo find themselves within 5 feet of the priests.

A wicked smile forms on the tallest priests face as he notes the sudden appearance of Rigging and Appolo. "Well, well, well...we were wondering when you would show up! Certainly took your time, didn't you. No matter...you won't be a bother much longer!" All three of the priest begin to cast spells. A large, glowing battleaxe appear on the right side of each of the priests. Two of the axes float toward Rigging, and one floats toward Appolo. The axes swing themselves at their targets, but only one of the attacks aimed at Rigging manages to connect, doing him 10hp of damage. The axe threatening Appolo misses its attack by a mile. After casting their spells, the priests move further away from Appolo and Rigging (they are now approx. 35 feet away. Several Aisildurian sailors swarm forward and surround Appolo and Rigging. All of the sailors attacking Appolo time their blows clumsily and are unable to connect. Two of Rigging's opponents, however manage to cut through his defenses, inflicting a total of 5 hp of damage on the Wildcard's leader.

Not expecting the sailors to surround him so quickly, Ari takes up a defensive posture, weighing his options. One of the sailors attacking him manages to connect this round, inflicting 5 hp of damage.

Bart slices into two of the sailors that surround him, easily taking their lives (AC 14 for the sailors). The sole sailor opposing Bart times his blow poorly and smack the deck with his blade.

Finally able to empower Ashira, Redux taps her with his wand, and her muscles immediately bulk up under her armor. Swords in hand, she begins to climb up the side of the ship. Finding it absolutely no problem to skitter up the side of the ship, Ashira notices something very strange during her ascent. She begins to see lots of movement in the waters below her. At first thinking that it is just a few unlucky sailors who have been thrown overboard, Ashira thinks sets the vision aside. However, she glances down over her shoulder as she continues to climb and this time she makes out the distinctive forms of sahuagin!!!!!!! Hordes of them are emerging from the blood stained waters below and are beginning to climb up the sides of all of the ships...by the looks of it, they be on top of the ships in another two rounds or so. Ashira reaches the top of the Vengeance and begins to sound the alarm at the top of her lungs. "Sahuagin climbing from below!!!!" Three sailors rush from the fray and engage Ashira as she reaches the deck. In an amazing show of swordsmanship, all three of Ashira's opponents connect with the well armored paladin, inflicting a total of 11 hp of damage!

Meanwhile, in the middle of the ship, the Jack begins to beat back the swell of sailors who begin to pack in around him. Waves of Aisildurian's fall as the Jack sweeps his sword back and forth. He is now beginning to beat a path toward the officers of the Vengeance as easily as though he were slicing through vegetation. Hooting and hollering at the sight of their leader pressing the battle, the few common Pirates who boarded with the Wildcards last round begin surging forward, and the din of sword against sword is almost deafening.

In the meantime, several of the horde of Aisildurian sailors take note of the vulnerable position of the Sword. Arming themselves with grappling hooks, the sailors place them over the railing and begin lowering themselves toward the Sword! Noting the action, Captain Hawley orders the ships mage to move the Sword out of harms way. The large sharks propelling the ship do their best to seperate the two ships, and the Sword soon moves out of boarding range, leaving the poor Aisildurian soldiers literally hanging by a thread over the side of the Vengeance!

Walker, Ac 25, Hp 68, Bull Strength, Bless, Shield of Faith, Jack's Bonus, Expertise  d20+12=23 2d6(6+4)+9=19 d6=5
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 4:41:07 PM

Walker moves forward whirling his sword in a defensive arc around himself. He smashes down the sailor firectly in his path and tries to move 30 feet closer to the priests. Now that he is about Garguls business, mist flows from under his clock as he moves forward.
[hit Ac 23, dam 19 base + 5 flame = 24 total]

Appolo Ac:21 Hp:36 Bless+1,Jack's+2,Bulls Strenght +4  d20+12=18
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 4:56:21 PM

Appolo goes completely defensive and indtead of engaging the sailoirs he ducks low and tumbles through them pursuing his quarry and is not really surprised that his ring failed.He expected it it to.He comes up looking at the priests"I was wondering have you seen a certian priestss,she's from the former Pride of G'aal.You sees she kind of ran out on me.Never finished our dance,didn't even give me a name you know.I think she owes me one."

Tumble role 18,run feet to close with priests.

Ari AC 23 HP 45 (BS +4, CG +4, Shield, Bless, Jack's bonus  d20+10=18 d20+10=16 d8+5=10 d8+5=6
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 8:29:53 PM

Noting that the sailers of the Vengence are the most experienced of fighters. Ari fires a shot at the sailor between him and the priests. (Point Blank)(AC 19 (forgot +1 for point blank) AC 17 for 10 and 6 point if they hit). If the sailor drops, the second arrow will be for priest 2.

Valanthe (HP 101/ 87, AC 18,Rage, Blessed, Bull Strength, Jack's Bonus)  d20+19=27 d20+14=28 d6+10=16 d6+10=14
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 10:22:52 PM

Discouraged by her weak opponents, Valanthe screams at them again before turning and running over to P2. Consumed by her rage Val uses no particular stratedgy other that put sword through priest.

ooc: 40' base move to get to P2. Val hit Ac 27 for 16 and Ac 28 for 14.

Ashira (AC23, HP60/71) Bless, Jack's Bonus, Barkskin, Bull's Strength 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 10:34:45 PM

Spotting Rigging and Appolo in trouble, Ashira passes up the opportunity to attack some of Aisildur's finest, and squeezes past the sailor in front of and to the left of her, drawing attacks of opportunity from them. She then skirts around the soldiers surrounding Ari and those hemming in Rigging. Making a double move places her about 5 feet from one of the priests, and 10 feet from the soldier on Rigging's right. As she watches the combat around her, Ashira decides that it would probably be best to concentrate on the priests, since Rigging doesn't seem particularly threatened by the sailors.

Redux (hp=46, ac=19), Mage Armor, Bless, Jacks Bonus 
Wednesday October 1st, 2003 11:06:31 PM

Redux casts Improved Invisibility on himself as he watches the two ships part. He's somewhat taken aback by the news that those smelly sahuagin are about to try boarding.

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