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Hello, Goodbye (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 7th, 2003 8:03:04 AM

The survivors of the sahuagin imprisonment are mostly healed up, thanks to the efforts of the Sword's ship's cleric as well as those of Akerin and the now-fully-healed Walker. All hands have been working repair shifts to make the battered Sword of the Sea seaworthy for the trip back to Ayorsa Island. Sixteen days of 24-hours-a-day work on the vessel was all it took.

Ten days into the repairs, Coral and all but one of the Ebbtide tribe survivors say their goodbyes to the airbreathers.

"We're going to seek out and gather together whomever may have survived the massacre." Coral explains. "Many of us perished, but if we managed to live, I'm sure there MUST be others...we will gather and settle in a deepwater canyon a few leagues northeast of this island. It has the resources to support us and is close enough for us to help our new allies whenever they need it." One of the females in the tribe clears her throat and arches an eyebrow at him. Coral rolls his eyes and adds:

"...or for the airbreathers to come to OUR aid...NOT that we'll be likely to need it..!"

Before he leaves, Coral gives a small, carved object to Ashira.

"This is the Seal of the Ebbtide Tribe...it symbolizes the confirmation of the pact between the Pirates of Jack and our tribe." He turns to go, hesitates, turns back and quickly kisses Ashira quite passionately before turning away once more and leaping into the water with the others who will be searching the depths for more aquatic elves.

All of the Ebbtiders disappear beneath the water. If Ashira looks down at the carved item, she will smile, no doubt: the Seal of the Ebbtide Tribe is just that--a carved coral figurine of a seal, posing in a most regal manner.

As well as repairing the ship, all hands have also worked hard at cleansing the temple island of all sahuagin elements--spiritual and physical. A small fort of sorts is erected and those who will be remaining have been toiling at making dwellings for themselves within it.

Still, as hard as everyone's been working, the very tropical locale of the islands makes those hours set aside for rest quite pleasant. Everyone has enough time to enjoy the warm breezes, ripe fruit and berries, the idle soaring of seabirds, the cavorting of dolphins near the ship...and the occasional skinnydip in the nearby coves.

Day Seventeen finds the crew of the Sword making ready to cast off and sail home while Akerin leads those who will remain on their New Temple Island in a ceremony to dedicate the completely-cleansed building of worship to Alemi. The Sword has time to stay for the completion of the ceremony...but must then leave or they'll miss the tide, and The Jack will be wanting to know what's happened here as soon as possible.

It's time to say hello to new crewmembers...and goodbye to old friends.

Thursday August 7th, 2003 8:50:15 AM

The half-elf fully enjoys the hard work and the time off. When not repairing the ship, Ashira spends almost all of her time with Rigging trying (perhaps too hard?) to prove her devotion to her new husband.

As the Ebbtide ambassadors prepare to leave, Ashira gratefully accepts the seal and smiles. Her smile fades to anger as Coral steals his kiss. She aims a swing at Coral's jaw, but the slippery sea elf gets away before Ashira's fist can connect. Turning to Val she hands her the seal. "I think you better keep a hold of this."

As they prepare to leave, Ashira approaches Akerin and hugs the cleric tightly. "I know you are doing this for Alemi, but we are going to miss you." She places a small feather token in his hand. "This was my wedding present from you, but I'd like you to have it. If you should ever find yourself in need, send us a message and we'll be here." She hugs the cleric once more, and then turns to leave. Catching sight of Walker, she approaches the new Wildcard. "So...we haven't had much time together. I hear you're a priest of Gargul. Rather rare around here. I couldn't help but notice that sword that you brought back with you.... I thought clerics usually didn't partake of violence."

Thursday August 7th, 2003 1:30:26 PM

Walker answers Ashira, "My path was born in violence, nay I should say rage. I spent a good portion of my first year away from home with nothing but thoughts of vengance in my heart. I have found peace in Gurgul's wisdom since my early days but innner peace does not right outer wrongs."

Thursday August 7th, 2003 7:12:02 PM

Rigging enjoys the hard labor but enjoys the time alone with his wife even more. He will invite her to swim and get her to introduce him to some of the dolphins who always seem to be around.

Rigging notices his wife's discomfort about the Coral situation and finally takes her hand and says, "Beloved. I know you had a past before you met me. I know you might have had other lovers. It doesn't matter to me. I know that you love me now and the others are only fond memories. I don't begrudge you them. Enjoy them. Know that I love and trust you always. Know that you can always trust me. That is what marriage is all about." Rigging hugs Ashira to him and murmers, "Can Sea elves kiss longer than normal airbreathers? I knew those gills had to come in useful."

Friday August 8th, 2003 6:55:54 AM

Ari enjoys himself working out in the forge area. Helping to repair the ship and build other assundary items as necessary.

Knowing that Akerin is going to stay on the island, Ari decides that he should have some kind of statue/statuette of Alemi for the new temple. Trying to guess his time avialable, Ari does his best to build something appropriate for the temple. (taking a 20)(I'm hoping for something roughly humanoid size, based upon Ari's recollections of everything he's seen)(Ari could also put an arcane mark on the piece as an artists signature)

When it's time to cast off, Ari does his best to surprise Akerin with his new item. "Good luck. I hope something good really comes out of all this."

Also during his time on the island, Ari does his best to relax somewhat. When he gets a chance he invites Rigging to relax with him one of these days.

"I wonder if we should investigate what is goign on, on the mainland political wise. Whether it is possible for people with no heart seeds to live on the mainland now or not. With it possible for people to worship our enemy without the seeds. I wonder if a person without a heartseed can be truly kept out of living on the mainland. If this is the case, should we consider finding a place that we might want to defend.

Though the pirate life does help with the War against Ga'al. I wonder if we can really affect change within system that seems so bloodthirsty to me.

Many of us have had some training in castle life, and a basic understanding of taking care of the countryside. Can we consider making our own base of operations from which we can try to affect the country in a different means than the pirates? We still be associated with them through our marks. But if we had a place or port of our own, how many of the pirates do you think might want to become legitamate traders, or sailors, or just dock hands?

I just wanted to present you with the idea. We'll see whether it has any merits or not."

Friday August 8th, 2003 9:18:32 AM

Rigging will give Ari's comments some thought and then reply, "Ari, I agree with you. I am not satisfied with being a pirate either. As we move farther up the ranks, we can see that the pirates are much more political than I originally anticipated. We can try to work in the system, to make them more effective, but that would definitly be swimming upstream.

Your idea of having a landbase has merit. I doubt we have the strength to defend ourselves from the worshipers of Ga'al though. I bet the priests of Ga'al will allow the odd free willed person to exist, but a whole conclave of them would be to much of a challenge to their authority. They would have to crush it and would do so. We would need an army to defend it. We aren't there yet but someday...?

Now having our own port on an unclaimed island, where we could work with the pirates but be seperate appeals to me. We would need our own ship and crew but we could make our own missions. It is something to think about."

Rigging claps the young man on the shoulder and adds, "We have done good work so far. If we keep doing what we are doing, I am convinced that we can make a difference, and in a few years when we have more experience, treasure, and resources, we can move in a more independent direction."

Westward, Ho..! (DM Donna)  d20=14 d20=1 d20=7 d20=4 d20=12 d20=9 d20=10 d20=3 d20=12
Friday August 8th, 2003 11:04:46 AM

Ari's statue--miraculously--is complete only a few hours before the Sword of the Sea is supposed to embark. It's universally-agreed that it's a pretty darn good statue even if it is a bit rough around some edges.

Playtime is always fun with a mate...but Rigging finds that the dolphins don't come too close while he's with Ashira, though they play a combination of "tag" and "keep away" with her when she's by herself.

Bittersweet is the parting of friends--but inevitable, as that Seal must get back to Starr and The Jack as soon as possible, as well as the news of the discoveries the Wildcards have made.

Hawley orders the ship to cast off. The ex-Ironbank crewmembers (and Akerin) line up on the beach to wave goodbye. They wave until the ship is practically out of sight.

The next few days of sailing conditions are nigh on perfect--a fair wind, a partly-cloudy sky, a favorable current...there's even the occasional leap from a dolphin or two that follows the ship now and then.

It's smooth sailing all the way back to Ayorsa, and the Sword weighs anchor a mere six weeks later at Safeport.

OOC: I'll be posting at least once over the weekend, so you may post any projects or errands that you'll have your characters do in addition to the mission they must technically complete.

Friday August 8th, 2003 11:11:01 AM

Walker will gladly bend his back and spells (mending, healing, etc.)to the repair of ship and crew. Any free time will be spent walking about on deck, perferably in the evening/night hours.

Friday August 8th, 2003 11:14:50 AM

Ooc: this should have been before Donna's post but I did it at work and it took me over twenty minutes to make from start to finish.

Friday August 8th, 2003 11:32:27 AM

Appolo spends his time staying out of the way and outof sight.He let's the others repair the ship.He also spends a much time with Valanthe as possible.
When they reach Safe Port he heads out and finds a room for himself and some place to eat.

Saturday August 9th, 2003 12:53:47 AM

At the beginning of the journey, Redux approaches Ari and asks him if he can copy the spell spider climb out of his spellbook. Then, during breakfast, he asks if anyone in the party would be interested in a pair of spider climb slippers, stating that he thinks he can create them. All he asks is that anyone interested pitch in 1000gp/pair of slippers to cover the materials costs.

Redux disappears for most of the voyage spending days at a time in his quarters. Outside the door the sounds of splashing and spellcasting can be heard off and on throughout the days.

OOC: Carl: Adventurer's Repose 
Sunday August 10th, 2003 8:24:46 AM

I'm still in need of an Adventurer's Repose entry for Walker. Please mail me this ASAP to carl_white at zen.co.uk.

If you need any guidance on how to complete these details, please take a look at the online character creation guidelines in the Constabulary Castle (http://www.woldiangames.com/constabulary/character_creation.htm)

Also I still have Bart, Valenthe and Akerin listed for the game. Are these characters still active?


At the Archives (DM Donna) 
Sunday August 10th, 2003 10:05:27 AM

Starr--the King of Coin's representative on Ayorsa Island--is found at her usual haunt: the Archive building. She is very happy to see the party and quite eager to hear the news of the Ironbank and its mission.

(Walker will have seen Starr before; they don't know each other too well, but he knows she's a mid-level official in the Coins hierarchy...and she had a cousin on the 'Banks who was amongst those killed in combat during the initial ambush.)

Sunday August 10th, 2003 10:00:49 PM

Rigging will enjoy the time with his wife. He notices that Appolo is shirking his duties and he will search out and find him and assign him him duties cleaning out the bilges.

He will find Redux and offer his help on his project. Before he donates, he asks, "Who gets the slippers?"

He will spend some time with his spellbooks researching and memorizing his spells and do what ever he can to help speed up the boat with the Nautacolous.

Monday August 11th, 2003 9:20:14 AM

Bart approuches Rogging and Redux and asks are the magic items already identified?

Monday August 11th, 2003 9:29:00 AM

After sneaking away to meet Appolo, Valanthe keeps busy on deck.

Monday August 11th, 2003 5:37:08 PM

The half-elf seems almost blissful on the first half of the journey to Ayorsa. Finally, all seems right with the Wold. Then, as they near the pirate island, Ashira begins having familiar nightmares once more. Once again she stands in front of the Wildcards...strange people at her back. Rigging approaches her, attempting to reason with her. "Kill them!!" she snarls in return "They are unworthy." Stepping forward, she engages Rigging in combat and finally lunges her longsword into his chest. Blood bubbles from Rigging's lips, and he slumps forward to fall dead on Ashira. Ashira awakens several nights cover in sweat and scared out of her wits.

One the day of arrival in Ayorsa, Ashira joins the other Wildcards as they seek out Starr. She looks extremely haggard, as though she has not slept well in weeks, though she keeps her dreams to herself. At the archives, she is surprised that Rigging does not give a report to Starr, and approaches the woman. "Ma'am, we are glad to report that the mission to locate the Ironbanks has been a success! Apparently the 'Banks fell victim to a surprise attack by the sahuagin, and all but a few members where killed in the battle. Some of survivors were kept in an attempt to sacrifice them, but we were able to rescue most of the captives. In addition, we were also able to rescue several surviving members of the Ebbtide community. It seems that the sea devils attacked them also. A companion of ours...Akerin, a priest of Alemi has decided to stay with the community to get it back on its feet. Likewise, all of the surviving members of the 'Banks have decided to stay with the Ebbtide community, except for our new companion Walker." She motions to the cleric of Gargul. "I am sure that Walker can provide you with a more thorough briefing about the attack on the Ironbanks." Ashira pauses and rubs at her eyes briefly before continuing. "The Ebbtide community has relocated to a canyon a few leagues northeast of the island they had occupied before. They send their thanks for our efforts and pledge a continuing alliance. We submit their seal to be given to the Jack." Ashira motions for Val to give Starr the seal, and then her face grows more solemn. "I am afraid that we have some very disturbing information to report as well. The sahuagin have apparently been swayed by Ga'al's bribes and have begun worshiping him. The survivors of the 'Banks indicated that they were waiting for a shipment of heartseeds which never arrived. It would appear that we now have not only the Aisildurian navy to deal with, but also the sahuagin. They are a strong foe indeed, and who knows what benefits Ga'al will grant them with his heartseeds?" Ashira pauses and waits to see how Starr reacts to the report.

Monday August 11th, 2003 6:09:25 PM

Walker steps forward, "My condolences for the lose of your cousin," says to Starr, "All aboard the 'banks fought well, but surprise and numbers lost us the battle." He will fill in any details that she wishes.

No Time for Tears (DM Donna) 
Monday August 11th, 2003 8:16:16 PM

Starr receives Ashira's report, frowning thoughtfully when the half-elf tells of the development between the sahuagin and Ga'al. She is reaching into a nearby desk drawer when Walker tells her of her cousin Sawyer. For a moment, she is silent. Her eyes swim with tears--but they do not fall.

"Died fighting, did he?" she asks the cleric of Gargul, who confirms the fact. "At least he went out the way he wanted." The King of Coins' representative closes her eyes and appears to almost lose her battle with her own tears...but when she slowly opens her eyes once more, the tears are gone.

"Thank you for telling me, Walker." she says softly. "And now..." The dark-haired woman continues to reach into the drawer, removing from it a cash box which she immediately opens. Inside is a pouch that she hands over to Ashira.

"This is the paltry monetary reward that my King authorized for completion of the mission--there should be more than enough there to give Walker a share for having suffered at the hands of those sea devils," Starr explains, returning the box to its drawer, "I am off to report to The Jack and then have a conference with my King. Thank you all once more." Starr hurries off before any of the party can do more than thank her for the promised reward.

Looking into the pouch reveals several scores of gems that--when exchanged for cash (and after the rest of the hammership gets its share)--results in each PC getting 3000gp in additional treasure...even Walker, if the party so desires.

Monday August 11th, 2003 9:40:43 PM

Rigging pats his wife on the back and gives her a kiss. "I am heading off to the catacombs to get this stuff identified and make some purchases. I will meet you at our quarters for some dinner tonight. I feel like some beef!"
Rigging heads on out

Monday August 11th, 2003 10:01:10 PM

Valanthe walks over to Ashira and says quietly, "What's wrong?" Valanthe isn't sure what's wrong but she knows the difference between up all night and up all night with a man.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 12:10:51 AM

Netting his share to the treasure, Ari tries to figure out what to do with his 3000. He finally decides to get a bottle of wine, and just think about it.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 8:43:23 AM

Shocked at the generosity of Starr, Ashira takes her share of the treasure and stores it in her backpack. She then collects another share and hands it to Walker. "Brother, take this...I have a feeling we're going to need all the help we can get in the future."

The half-elf smiles at Rigging and nods at his comment. "All right. I'll meet you back at the hammerhead. We'll eat wherever you want tonight." She sighs....try as she might she still hasn't acquired a taste for beef yet.

Ashira heads back to the hammerhead when she is intercepted by Val. Looking as if a very heavy weight has suddenly been dumped on her shoulders, Ashira tries to smile at her "little sister". "Would you accompany me back to my quarters?" she asks lamely. "I need you to take a look at my armor." Once they are in the safety of Ashira and Rigging's quarters, Ashira collapses on the bed. Turning away from Val, Ashira begins to quietly sob. "Val, I don't know what's wrong. Everything seems to be going well, but then I started having these terrible dreams." Ashira tells Valanthe briefly about the nightmares she has been having, but holds back the information about killing Rigging in the end. "What's going on with me? I feel like...like. Oh shades, I don't know. I'm really scared Val." Tears streaming down her face, Ashira terror filled eyes connect briefly with Valanthe's.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 7:31:13 PM

Appol finds aplace to stay and then joins the others at the archives. He listens quietly in the back and accepts his share of the payment with a nod,but he is more concerned with Ashira's haggard appearence then anything else. He quietly follows behind her and Valanthe when the two walk off together.After they enter the room, Appolo sits down outside the door and waits patiently and quietly.

OOC:Having problems with staying online do to the recent Microsoft system virus.It cause complete system shut down after a few seconds of being on line. So my posts maybe a little sporadic.

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 7:48:14 PM

Walker thanks Ashira and the others for their generosity.
To Rigging he says, "I would accompany you to the catacombs with you permission?".

Tuesday August 12th, 2003 8:11:15 PM

Rigging hears Walker and replies, "Sure feel free."

Several hours later Rigging will come back from the Catacombs with the items taken at the temple. "Folks we have several nice things." Rigging will explain what was identified and give over the magic items and the pearls except his and Ashira's shares.

He will go to their quarters and notice that Ashira looks a little depressed. He will walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her folding her into a hug. "Ready for a night on the town. I think we should do a little shopping and have a nice meal in private. Don't worry, I won't force my beef on you."

He will lead her out and take her to the market. He will find a jewlery booth and start showing her different sets of earrings. He will find one he thinks are flattering and ask,"How about these love? I really think they bring out your eyes and match your hair very well."

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 12:28:58 AM

Valanthe sits close to Ashira and gives her a shoulder to cry on. She isn't sure what to say or do but Ashira needs comforting words.

"I don't think anything is wrong with you. I think you should check for outside influence. If Ga'al is threatened by what we do, his people could try to take us apart from the inside. Either the dreams to keep you from sleeping. Hoping to catch you offguard at some point. Or maybe they are trying to turn you to their side." Val pauses for a moment before coming up with an idea. "Say your elven, well part of you anyway. What about trying reverie instead of sleeping? It might be a little difficult to explain but I believe you could learn."

The Jack Again (DM Donna) 
Wednesday August 13th, 2003 7:26:09 AM

The party has put into port for not quite 24 hours when a runner from The Jack's palace comes with word that The Jack would like them to report to him--now.

Though politely phrased, the messenger conveys an urgency that is picked up by all, and the party goes to see what the leader of the Pirates of Jack wants.

Once at the palace, the Wildcards are ushered straight to The Jack's audience chamber, where they see the man pacing. He looks up upon their entrance, grins and goes to greet you with heart handshake and a slap on the back.

"VERY happy are these old peepers to see ya!" he declares enthusiastically. "Your speedy retrieval of that Ebbtide treaty is just what the healer ordered! I need a crew I can truly depend on for a VERY important mission--" He glances at one of the side doors, "--whose, ah, details I'll have the very capable Rushcant give to you...RUSHCANT!"

His stoic aide appears (using a different door than the one The Jack's been stealing glances at) and comes toward the group.

"I have t'be hurryin' away...there is...ah... pressing business for me to tend to..!" the flamboyant pirate states as he sweeps out of the chamber, using the door he's been eyeing. Between Rushcant's rolling eyes and the swirl of a skirt along with the decidedly feminine giggle just as The Jack closes the door behind him, the Wildcards can just guess at why The Jack's business is so "pressing."

"Hormones aside," Rushcant tells the party in a long-suffering tone, "The Jack IS correct--this is a mission that must be handled by only THE most able and--more importantly--most trustworthy...so that means YOU lot, naturally." Here the woman smiles. Then she continues brusquely:

"As you know, the Pirates of Jack have undercover agents--moles--in place all over Aisildur. They are VERY important sources of information for us. We've just received word that our mole in a specific area of Aisildur passed away recently. There was no foul play--their time had just come. You are needed to transport a replacement mole to Moresto. The mole--for security reasons--will come to the ship at night and go quickly below; they have orders to not be seen abovedecks until your ship reaches Aisildur.

"The mole's ultimate destination is to be known only to you, the mole and Captain Hawley...the rest of the crew is not allowed to know the mole's identity nor where they are going. The fewer who know your true destination, the better."

Moresto is a name that will sounds VERY familiar to Ari and Bart. They originally come from Adorus, which is a slightly smaller village nearby. Moresto is only a league and a half away, though it is a larger town.

"The Jack and I concur that you, as the tried and true Wildcards of the hammership Sword of the Sea, are the only ones who can accomplish this mission in a swift and successful manner." Rushcant says. "You can maintain secrecy, and The Jack trusts you implicitly. Will you escort the mole to Aisildur, please..?"

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 9:49:45 AM

Ari looks at Bart for a moment, as the name Moresto rolls around in his head for a little while longer. The party's last trip in that area resulted in what should be the destruction of the town and the loss of some more friends. Ari is decidely torn as to whether this is a good thing or not.

I wonder if we would see the crazed one that started this whole affair.

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 10:56:12 AM

Slightly in the past
Looking slightly embarrassed, Ashira dries her tears and smiles at Val. "Yeah, that's probably it. Those little son's of Ga'al are trying to soften me up. Yeah, I remember Father talking about reverie...though I never have...it just didn't come naturally to me. Please tell me how if you can." Ashira looks thoroughly relieved.

Present time
Ashira looks amazed at the Jack's behavior, blushing slightly when she hears the girl giggle. Then she is taken aback by Rushcant's description of the assignment. She'd never really thought of her family as "the best". True, they were good, but the best? She hopes that the Jack's trust was not misplaced. She steps forward. "Aye, ma'am you can count on us. When do we set sail?"

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 11:10:27 PM

[Slightly in the past]
"Well I don't think I have ever slept myself so I can't describe the differences but I'm sure we can figure it out."

Valanthe moves onto the bed and lays down with her hands laced and resting on her stomach. Her breathing slows and her head turns to look at Ashira.

"When I go into reverie I make sure that I'm comfortable. Though most elves just use stone. I think that I've gotten spoiled. Anyway, after I'm comfortable I try to slow my breathing, though some nights thats tougher than others. Then I try to remember a good time in my life and lose myself in the memory. Though you can't control what memories you relive. I think you will like reverie once you experience it."

[Present Time]

Valanthe doesn't know if she should be honored or worried that they were the most trusted. Were the other teams not as dedicated or were they simply better? Realizing these thoughts as dangerous, Val pushed them away and focused on the mission at hand.

Wednesday August 13th, 2003 11:42:48 PM

Rigging is aggravated that his romantic plans for Ashira have been disturbed. He senses something is bothering his beloved and vows to get to the bottom of it soon.

When the Wildcards are asked to perform this mission, Rigging will step forward and say, "Rushcant, we are honored by the Jack's and your trust in us. Of course we will accept the mission but I will say that I am not sure of the wisdom of your choice. The Sword of the Seas by its very design is a unique ship. It has enjoyed certain successes lately. If she is spotted, won't it be apparant to the priest's of Ga'al that the pirates are up to something? Wouldn't it make more sense to place your spy on a less wellknown and less obvious battleship? Or are you afraid that the replacement is known about already and we will have to fight our way through?"

Details, Clear and...Strange... (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 14th, 2003 8:19:57 AM

"Let's put it this way..." the right-hand person to The Jack explains, "...the hammership you use is very rare--there is only one other in the PoJ fleet--but it's also the only ship here in the area that has the means of sailing whether or not there's a wind about...and it's devillish important that we get this mole to Moresto as soon as possible. The solution to the possibility that a ship of the Empire sees you is VERY simple:

"DON'T let them see you."

With this Rushcant gestures to a pair of footmen who begin to escort the party out of the audience chamber and the palace itself.

"After it's dark, Captain Hawley will receive a visitor..." Rushcant tells you as you're quick-stepped through the area, "...as soon as the visitor is aboard, you'll sail--good luck!!!"

The palace doors shut tight behind you.


Well, returning to the dock at which the Sword of the Sea is anchored reveals a bustle of activity--obviously Hawley is acting on orders given to him because there are crates of supplies and such being hauled onto the ship.

The dock itself is awash in sailors, a few "working girls", some cats trying to filch the odd fish here and there...and a hunched-over old woman who is nearly knocked off her feet by a rushing deckhand with a wheelbarrow.

"Whippersnapper..!" the old woman shakes a fist at him, then stops short, her attention seemingly arrested by the party--no, wait...not the party, but someone within it...


"You have the aura of destiny about you, woman," the older female says, approaching, "For but a silver and a smile, I'll tell ye of your future, aye..?"

Will Ashira pay..?

Thursday August 14th, 2003 8:30:47 AM

The half-elf is surprised that the woman takes note of her. What could be so interesting about a half-aquatic elf? ;)

"An aura of destiny you say? I happen to believe that destiny just happens to be what you make of life. The gods do not control us as puppets. But..." Ashira fishes out a silver piece and places it in the woman's hand. "I could use a little entertainment. Oh, and if you would, please tell me the sex of my future children...it will make naming them so much easier." Ashira smiles kindly at the old woman, feeling much better after her talk with Valanthe.

Kassandra & Company (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 14th, 2003 8:56:56 AM

The old witch takes the coin from Ashira, a smile reflected in the warm brown depths of her own eyes.

"Let me see your palm, dearie," she says, stretching out her own, "Kassandra must see what your lines of life have to reveal..." The old witch squints closely at the blue-tinged skin, harrumphing.

"Long life line...oh, and I can see that you're going on a sea voy--"

Even as the party begins to groan, moan and/or roll their collective eyes at the standard "palm reading" fare that Kassandra was beginning to mouth, the old witch cuts her "predictions" off with a strange laugh.

It's a laugh that sounds as though there are TWO people laughing--one with Kassandra's old but feminine voice, and a deeper, rumbling...more menacing laugh. A laugh that chills the half-elf to her very soul.

Ashira gasps as Kassandra's grip on her hand becomes painfully strong--then is shocked into inaction when the old witch snaps her head up to look into the paladin's face...

...Kassandra's eyes are now a glowing shade of green...

When the witch speaks, it is in that eerie double voice:

"I look at ye and yet I see
The kernel of catastrophe
Turn ye will, and turn again
Who be foe? Who be friend?
A sacrifice shall ye make
For love, and yet ye shall forsake
A heart ye have--not one, but two
The darker of which shall conquer you
And yet 'tis love of family and friends
That shall be your only way to make amends..."

Suddenly Ashira is free once more.

"My...my goodness..." Kassandra's quavery, single voice gasps, "...I...musta tuned in...to a REAL one..! Wow...I need a drink!"

Kassandra disappears into the crowd before anyone else in the party can act on it.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 9:09:29 AM

As Ari watches the proceedings with Ashira. Ari does his best to watch what the witch is doing and to see if there's any chicanery to what she is doing.

Ari smirks at first to the effect of the double voice. WHen Ashira seems to get uncomfortable, the hairs on Ari's neck begin to raise. Just about the time he's ready to take action, the witch lets go and disappears.

Concern flooding his face, he turns to Ashira to see her first reactions.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 12:16:47 PM

Appolo agian follows silently behind the group bringing up the rear.Watching and listening.Paying close attention nothing about this mission feels right,a,rushed mission,using a ship easily recognized by the enemy,Ahira apparently not herself and not getting much rest.
By the time they reach the ships he is already silently cursing to himself and has his gane face on, he is clearly not happy.

The old fortune teller does nothing to brighten his day,but his gone before evn he could react.

Appolo turns and silently stands there watching the woman disappear. It is clear he can't catch her. So he turns back and watches Ashira trying to gage her reaction. He thinks silently to himself{They already know we're coming.}He then walks past Rigging and whispers what he is thinking"They already know we're coming,I'm afraid." then Silently and morosely boards the ship.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 1:32:50 PM

Ashira stares at her hand as Kassandra disappears. She looks up and spots several of the family members staring at her. She smiles unconvincingly. "Charlatan! Bah!! What is all that rubbish supposed to mean...a seed of catastrophe...hmmph." She takes Rigging's hand as she boards the Sword. "What a waste of good silver, she didn't even tell me the sex of our future children!" Ashira laughs nerviously, but those with keen senses will notice that she is trembling, be it ever so slightly. "Come on, we've got better things to do with our time than listen to some old hag!" Ashira rubs her eyes wearily and whispers to Rigging. "I haven't been sleeping well lately. I'd really appreciate it if we could sneak off and catch a nap. I have a feeling we're not going to be able to rest much on this mission."

Thursday August 14th, 2003 9:25:01 PM

Valanthe doesn't know how much the old woman's words affected Ashira, but she knows they did. She wanted to talk with Ashira privately but that would reveal too much to the others. Hopefully some time with Rigging will give Ashira some comfort.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 11:35:53 PM

Rigging will be led to the cabin by his wife. When they arrive he will grab her by the shoulders and say softly but firmly "Strip" He will then help her unstrap her armor.

When the armor and clothes are off, he will lay his wife gently on the bed and roll her to her stomach. He will then start massaging her shoulders, back, buttocks, legs and feet. As he does this he will say, "Ashira, I know something is bothering you. I wish you would share it. I have seen you tossing and turning in your sleep. You have even cried out in the night. What are you dreaming about that has been getting you so upset? Was seeing Coral again upsetting? Is it the next mission? Did T
the old lady at the wharf scared you? What did she really say? We know that we have dangerous jobs. We know that we have to make decisions that could effect each other and we know that we have to trust and rely on each other and the other members of our family.

Her prophecy said to me that some one you know from the past might betray you. If you trust your current family, you will be ok. This is nothing new. I trust you and the others with my life and even more important to me..your life. Whatever comes we will face together."

Rigging keeps massaging and whispers, "Now sleep and I will keep the bad dreams away this time..Rest and sleep in peace" Rigging lays down next to his bride and pulls her into a spoon hugging her close.

Thursday August 14th, 2003 11:50:47 PM

The time that Redux spent brewing and creating felt good to Redux. It was good to be so productive. Still, he feels like his efforts, no matter how good, aren't good enough for the family to notice. It was a real disappointment when no one wanted to have a matching pair of boots to the ones he now wears, except for Ashira, and even she's not wearing them. They turned out quite well, he thinks. It has made him turn inward even more than he had been before. He stays with the party, when they are called as a group, otherwise he keeps to himself. He had been hatching plans to upgrade everyone's cloaks himself; gloves of storing, hat of disguise, bracers of armor--there were many useful things he could do if they'd only ask. He does all of this introspectively, he doesn't yet get it that he needs to talk to the others more about his research and spells. A wise person once said 'a bird is good friend, but not a worthy counselor.'

Friday August 15th, 2003 8:04:37 AM

The past: Thanks redux for his offer, but currenty does not have enough funds and tells him he already has boots that he finds quite usfull. Asks if the Spder climbing could be added on top of the exsisting enchantment and what it would cost, for future refernce.

Friday August 15th, 2003 8:45:38 AM

Exhausted, Ashira follows Rigging's commands faithfully. Wouldn't want to be accused of disobeying an order from a superior officer. ;) She lies on the bed and slips into a relaxed state as Rigging unknots the tension from the past few weeks. "He's really too good for me." she thinks as Rigging pampers her. Beginning to fade in and out of consciousness as Rigging's massage continues, she listens as attentively as she can to her husband. "It's true...I've been having nightmares. " The tension in her back gets stronger as Ashira thinks about the dreams. "I don't know what they mean, but they scare me. Maybe you're right. Coral really did set me back. I really didn't think I'd ever see him again. I keep dreaming that I'm on the ship and I'm fighting you and the others. I don't understand. And then the hag at the wharf. Rigging, I'm scared that someone's trying to throw me off..." Ashira let's her thoughts trail off and slips back into Rigging's relaxing touch, not knowing what else to say.

As Rigging finishes his massage, he notices that Ashira is sound asleep. Whether it was Rigging's assurance of protection, Val's lessons in reverie, or just simple exhaustion, Ashira slips into unconciousness...and for the first time in a long while, does not dream.

Back to the Sea (DM Donna) 
Friday August 15th, 2003 8:59:31 AM

The Sword of the Sea is supplied and has been re-inspected by the port shipbuilders in order to be completely, 100% seaworthy and up-to-snuff for this very important next voyage. All the extra personnel are gone by the time dusk begins to spread over the dock.

Once it is fully dark, however, a figure comes aboard the hammership, wrapped in an obscuring cloak and quickly disappearing below to preserve their anonymity. Soon after Captain Hawley hollers for the crew to make way and put to sea, or there'll be the devil to pay!

He also calls you into his cabin. When the party gets there, you see that the grizzled half-elf is not alone--the mysterious dark-garbed figure is with him.

"This be Dralinda," the captain says curtly, "She's not to be abovedecks 'til we get where we're going. She'll be staying in the quarters you've been assigned, just t'make sure she stays safe until our...arrival. Her name is not t'be mentioned to anyone else aboard the ship. Any questions..?"

Friday August 15th, 2003 9:35:04 AM

Looking thoroughly rested after her nap with Rigging, Ashira reports to the Captain's cabin. Turning to Rigging, she whispers "Should we give her one of our Invisibility rings? It would make concealing her presence a lot easier." Then she addresses the group as a whole, but still making sure that her tone is quiet enough not to be heard by the casual passer by. "Since our friend here is so important to us, we should post a guard around the clock. But we want to be discreet about it. Any ideas?"

Friday August 15th, 2003 10:10:25 AM

"An invisible guard would be fairly subtle.", says Walker.

Friday August 15th, 2003 12:15:23 PM

"Given time I could set up a mystic alarm around her quarters that would alert me to any problems. We probably need to set up a messaging system so the guards can get in and out without anyone else faking us out."

Friday August 15th, 2003 6:16:34 PM

When Appolo arrives at the Captians office none to happy and all businees.Appolo stands silently and listens.He then speaks"I'll take care of her,I can be rather inconspicuos when I want to be,besides the crew alreadt think I'm strange and are quite used to me moving around at odd hours doing my own thing.So I'll stay with her,until we reach our destination."

Friday August 15th, 2003 6:24:04 PM

"Yes, Appolo, you would make a fine choice. But, you can not stay awake all day and still be in fighting condition." Ashira looks as if she knows from first hand experience what she is talking about. "There needs to be at least two people guarding her."

Friday August 15th, 2003 11:25:45 PM

The young leader listens to the dialoge of the others and steps forward and offers his hand to
Dralinda and says, "Milady it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Rigging and I am in command of the Wildcards on the Sword of the Sea. You have intrusted yourself to the finest ship in the Pirates. We will get you to where you have to go safely or perish trying."

Rigging steps back and thinks for a minute. "I believe that our guest should stay in Ashira's and my cabin. We can juggle our schedules so that one of us is always with her."

Rigging turns to the others and says, "OK I want a search of the ship before we get underway. Redux, I want you to look for invisible creatures and use your magic in any way to try to find stowaways. Ari and Walker, I want you to do the same. We have had a lot of strangers on board lately and I want to make sure they all got off. I don't think we will be able to hide Dralinda's presence from the crew. It is to tightknitt. We won't deny a passenger on the ship but we won't discuss it either.

Val, Bart, and Appolo will have door guard duty. You can adjust your schedules as you see fit but I expect one of you obviously guarding my cabin from intrusion. That will give us one guard in the cabin and one outside. Walker, Ari, and Redux. I want you three plus the ship's magician to get together and look at your spells on concealing the ship if we come across any of the enemy. Walls of Fog, Darkness spells, whatever. Just be prepared to obscure us. Also think about some offensive spells that will wreck other ships rigging and sails. The Sword should be able to outrun most other ships but lets be prepared."

Rigging turns to the Captain and says, "Of course I offer my and Nautacolus' expertise in getting the Sword to our destination as quickly as possible"

Rigging turns to the others, "OK Lets get going. I want this ship searched from biliges to mast."

Walker, see invisible 
Saturday August 16th, 2003 11:29:49 AM

Walker replies to Rigging, "As you wish. I will do a quick check above desk and concentrate my efforts below. I have Darksight so I should be most useful searching below decks." He will give a small bow to the rest of the Wildcards, the Captain and one to Dralinda then leave the room, wisps of fog trailing out from under his robes as he moves. If not already armed and armored he will equip himself.
Just before going on deck he casts see invisible. He will then do a quick sweep of the deck and check the rigging/masts/yards. If he finds nothing, he will search below decks starting as low as possible.

Sunday August 17th, 2003 9:08:41 PM

Unfortunately Val won't have an opportunity to talk with Ashira right now. She wishes she could but discression is important and her duty to protect the passenger takes precidence over all things. While on duty Val makes use of her partner invisiblity ring to keep out of sight.

Monday August 18th, 2003 11:20:07 AM

"We might even want to set up the magic users to keep a scrying eye on the guest from a seperate place."

Looking at the other magic users in the group Ari state, "So what are we to do?"

Dralinda Speaks (DM Donna) 
Monday August 18th, 2003 2:31:06 PM

Dralinda removes the black hooded cloak that kept her from being seen by the other crewmembers. She is a human female with shoulder-length brown hair, brown eyes and of average height and weight.

"Greetings." she says simply. "I'll cooperate with any arrangements you decide to make."

The Wildcards discuss the options in front of them for securing their passenger. A thorough search of the ship reveals no unauthorized visitors.

"Thank ya, Rigging," Hawley says to the party's leader, rubbing his face tiredly, "I don't think we'll be needin' it--but it's nice to know them items will be there in case we need 'em." The Captain then dismisses you all.

Dralinda--cloaked once more--is escorted to a room near the quarters the Wildcards usually occupy. Once inside, she removes the cloak again and sits on her bunk, sighing.

"I don't look forward to having to spend weeks inside a cabin, but I suppose it's necessary." the spy says. "But, please--tell me a bit about yourselves...apparently The Jack is just pleased as punch about how you've been fulfilling your duties."

Monday August 18th, 2003 9:36:25 PM

Rigging will sit down next to the spy. "Not much to tell really. We have been lucky in some of our missions and been in the right place at the right time.

How about you? Are you allowed to tell us why you are so important? Always nice to know why your sticking your neck on the chopping block."

Talking Shop (DM Donna) 
Tuesday August 19th, 2003 6:16:57 AM

"Well, I can tell you that ANY spy or mole that can successfully operate in Aisildur is potentially important--you never know where or when you're going to pick up useful information." Dralinda says. "I had planned on becoming a bard some day, and this is one way to sort of test myself about how good an actress I can be...I'm going to be a Jill who's obsessive about keeping clean."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 8:42:32 AM

Ashira listens with interest to Dralinda's description of herself. "I am curious about your name, though...most Aisildurian's have a name beginning with "A". How did you come by Dralinda?" She rubs her ring of invisibility thoughtfully. Should we give her a ring? she thinks to herself. If we run into trouble, it would be very useful, but what if she's a double spy. Wouldn't be that much fun trying to track down an invisible spy. Ashira decides for right now to keep the ring to herself until she gets to know this "Dralinda" better.

The half-elf turns to her husband. "Well, I guess the honeymoon is over. Shall we accompany our guest to our quarters? I'd feel a lot better if we kept her very close. I'll take the first shift if you want to head up top and help get the ship underway."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 9:19:30 AM

Appolo disappears and returns with a hammock, his gear and some bedding.He quietly places his gear in the corner and sets up his hammock.
He then turns to the"OK I'm ready and no offense lady,but I don't want to know your name or anything about you.I'll be staying with you for the remainer of the voyage.I'm going to be your shadow." he says rather nonchalantly in cold,monotone voice.

When ashirs mentions taking first watch appolo looks at her"That's ok I can take of things.You should go get some rest.You look like you need it and Rigging should go with you.The less attention we draw to her the better so everyone go and do what you normally do. This ship is a relatively small place and sooner or later the word is going to get out,I'd rather it be later.' Almost as an after thought"Redux I think we shall need the services of Tallon. Could you please have him watch the corridor."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 11:35:37 AM

"It is a dangerous thing that you volunteer for. I hope you have the mettle to get through all the fear you are going to deal with. Since leaving my village a long while back, I've had all kinds of fear. But the constant fear of being found out is something I'm not sure I could handle for a long period of time."

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 10:26:48 PM

Val keeps to herself and stands in the back. Like Appolo she doesn't want to know anything about the girl. There is a very real chance that she could get captured and heartseeded. Knowing something like who a high level mole is would be damaging to the resistance.

Tuesday August 19th, 2003 11:45:40 PM

Rigging says, "I will leave you in Ashira's capable hands." To everyone else, "Come on we all have duties to perform. Who has first watch?" After Rigging gets his answers he will motion to Redux to follow him up to the deck.

When the get to the top, Rigging will pull out a sack of gold (1000 gps) and hand it to the young mage. "I am sorry I didn't give this to you earlier. Ashira has had me worried and distracted. She has been having a lot of bad dreams and hasn't been sleeping well." The young leader shakes his head and says, "I would appreciate your making me those slippers when you have a chance. Being able to walk on walls would be useful. I wish I was far along enough in my magical studies to make magic items. It must be really great to create things. What else have you been thinking about? If you could come up with a way for the entire group to communicate that would be awesome. I was thinking of some kind of broaches that would allow us to communicate with each other while we were seperated. Could you make those?"

Wednesday August 20th, 2003 8:33:48 AM

Well I will be on watch first. it gives me some time to clean and repair my equipment.

Wednesday August 20th, 2003 3:12:36 PM

Appolo is slightly irritated,he feels like he's being ignored."Rigging I can take of this.I'll be staying with her all the time see I even moved in.Eveyone just go about your business as usual. Ijust need some one to watch the corridor,that's all." He then jumps in the hammock.

Over the Bounding Main (DM Donna)  d20+4=23
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 4:00:17 PM

(OOC: Players will have until Friday to completely straighten out the items purchased from the Catacombs or having been made by Rigging [potions & some Slippers of Spider Climbing, I do believe] added to their character sheets and sent to me in time to be included in this upcoming adventure.)

"Popular naming custom is to name your children according to your rank in society," Dralinda agrees with Ashira when she brings up the subject of Aisildurian names, "My family's rank within the town where I was born isn't as high as yours must have been, since your name begins with the number 1 letter, 'A', and I, as a 'D', must be of lesser social rank than you are."

Dralinda looks suprised and then amused when Appolo must repeat himself several times. She thanks him for his observation of duty and assures him that she does not snore.

The voyage towards Aisildur is largely without problems, although there IS a three-day stretch that has a storm in it bad enough to warrant every PC to make a Reflex Save versus DC15. Those who fail the save lurched into some obstacle that does some bruising (only 5hpd).

Dralinda avoids being forcibly tumbled out of her bed (OOC: made her Reflex Save with a 23 result.)

Three days after the storm, Captain Hawley calls the Wildcards into his cabin once more.

"We be as close as we're gonna get, mateys," says the weatherbeaten skipper of the hammership, "It's getting close to sunset--your best time for getting ashore an' over to Moresto. You'll be catching the tide into shore, an' you'll have only six to eight hours in order to catch the tide comin' back to th' ship. You miss that tide, an' you won't be able to make for the ship until tomorrow night, cuz if'n you try to come out here in broad daylight, you'll lead any coastguards in the area right to the Sword--an' none o' us wants that, now, do we..?"

It's a rhetorical question, but Captain Hawley pauses in order to hear any kind of other questions you have or clarifications you feel the need to make.

Walker  d20+1=2
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 6:56:33 PM

Walker takes a small tumble during the storm.

Walker will make sure his own equipment is together and in shape for the mission. He will then stand by to offer any help needed by the rest of the team.

Valanthe  d20+8=21
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 10:00:47 PM

Valanthe stands ready for battle. Black leather armor and sword at her side. Strands of her coppery red hair peek out from behind the hood.

"We should get moving."

Rigging  d20+8=23
Wednesday August 20th, 2003 11:20:37 PM

Rigging has no trouble maintain his feet the ship navigates the storm.

He will assemble the wildcards plus their passenger and head over to the longboat which they will use to get them to shore. "Everybody ready? he will inquire. If he gets positive responses he will get his family loaded up and have the ship lowered. He will then have the small sail raised and activate Nautocolus to help them quickly move the boat to the proper destination. He will hand Wayfinder to Ashira and have her scan the horizons for any patrol ships. "Just look through it. I don't want you to do any astral projecting dear."

Redux  d20+5=11
Thursday August 21st, 2003 2:46:37 AM

Redux happily accepts Rigging's bag and takes the appropriate measurements to make a pair of slippers for him. "I'll get back to you on that communications thing; it'll take some researching." He sets up Talon in the hallway for most of the voyage, except for when his friend must be about his chores of cleaning the ship of mice. Caring for his research and creations and potions, the mage takes a tumble during the storm. When the time comes, he joins the group with his things and heads for shore.

All Ashore Who's Going Ashore (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 21st, 2003 7:23:44 AM

(OOC: Anyone who failed their save and didn't get healed up either through a potion or by visiting Walker or the ship's cleric starts off with 2hp damage.

Also please note that everyone who emailed me about their equipment changes may now consider their equipment useable in this adventure.)

Dralinda--draped in all-concealing black--is promptly escorted to the longboat and the entire landing party casts off, quickly rowing for shore.

The journey to the shore is a lifetime (at least from the perspective of the people in the little boat), but it's relatively quick with no surprises at all.

Rigging's use of the Nautolocus has assured him that if the party heads east-northeast, they'll reach Moresto in as short a time as possible.

Assuming, of course, that nothing...and nobody...encounters the party on their way to the large town.

Ari and Bart become keenly aware that their own native stomping grounds aren't all that far away.

(OOC: a marching order, if you'd please...and let me know where you place Dralinda within your ranks.)

Ari  d20+4=6
Thursday August 21st, 2003 9:23:49 AM

"Rigging, how do we want to do this. What's our story if we get stopped? With Bart and I being from around here, do we want to weave anything in? We can probably come up with some kind of story."

(ooc sorry for missed post. Rolled reflex, down 2 points.)

Thursday August 21st, 2003 9:32:40 AM

Walker asks Rigging."It is dark; are we trying to totaly avoid contact? I will take whatever place in our order you think is best."

Ashira  d20+6=13 d20+8=19 d20+5=18
Thursday August 21st, 2003 10:52:05 AM

Looking remarkably well rested from the voyage, Ashira sets out with her family.

The half-elf returns Wayfinder to Rigging, whispering to the assembled group. "Alright, I suggest that Sunshine (she points to Val) and I use the invisibilty rings. I also suggest that we form a circle around our guest. Does anyone have a potion of invisibility for our guest?" As she discusses tactics, Ashira reaches in her pack and places a barkskin potion, a Cure Moderate Wounds potion, and a potion of Hiding in the pouch on her belt. She also removes an odd looking piece of parchment (Seal of Quickness) and tucks it in her belt. She tries to remain vigilant of her environment as she listens in to the other Wildcards (Spot=19, Listen=18).

OOC Failed reflex. Down by 2 hp.

Walker  d20+6=22 d20+10=25
Thursday August 21st, 2003 12:27:49 PM

Walker also stays alert(Listen=22, Spot=25).

Thursday August 21st, 2003 6:16:57 PM

Appolo spends the voyage attending to thier charges every need including sneaking her up on deck at night and the early morning.He makes sure she comfortable as possib;e during the voyage.

When the captian tells them they have arrived,Appolo gathers all his gear and makes ready to be sneaky.

When Ashira makes her suggestion Appolo speaks up"We shouldn't go invisible right away to easy for us to lose track of each other.Only if we have to. Ashira I'll be point as usaul anyways.May I also suggest that once we reach town that only one or two of us escort her inside,the larger the group the more attention we will draw." Appolo still has his misgivings about this mission and fully expects G"aal himself to be waiting for them.

Thursday August 21st, 2003 11:28:42 PM

"Maybe but there is the chance that somebody knows about this mission. Not who exactly but that wouldn't stop them from looking everybody over. Splitting up, even temporarily, may work but it will also weaken us."

Thursday August 21st, 2003 11:46:58 PM

"I wonder if we all should go. It might be faster for just a few or even 1 of us to travel and deliver our charge to her mission. We could use the rings of invisibility. Our young friend could borrow the other and we should be able to slip in without any problems."

Off We Go...Almost (DM Donna) 
Friday August 22nd, 2003 10:18:09 AM

Dralinda stays inside her cabin except to visit the head a few times a day. She obeys her orders "not to go abovedecks until the destination is reached."

Walker's alertness reveals nothing but beach sand and chirping crickets (so far!)

The Wold turns as the Wildcards carefully discuss their plans. They will be able to head out as soon as they definitively state their marching order (including where Dralinda will be within it.)

Friday August 22nd, 2003 12:47:21 PM

"this could go relatively smoothly. But we could also designate one person in a group to act like we are escorting them and keep Dralinda invisible. So if they do try anything, our escort will have a nasty bite to them."

Friday August 22nd, 2003 2:38:18 PM

"I guess we all should go. Apollo, Will you be so good to take point? Val I would like you to follow him a few yards behind but activate your invisibility ring please. I am sure Apollo will feel better with you behind him watching his back....hmmm I would like the main body to consist of Ashira and Walker, then Dralinda and Redux, followed by Ari and Bart. I will follow as a rear guard a few yards back, also invisible.

Redux, If you would have Talon follow us in the air and watch out for any patrols, that would be very helpful. Anyone have any other suggestions?" If nobody comes up with anything then Rigging will get the company moving in the right direction. He will trail along around 25 yards back, watching for an ambush

Friday August 22nd, 2003 3:24:31 PM

Walker says, "I think that makes sense. I would think it unwise to divide us."

Sunday August 24th, 2003 10:14:27 PM


Val checks one last time to make sure her weapons are secure before activating her ring and becoming invisible.

Redux  d20+6=24 d20+10=25
Monday August 25th, 2003 1:27:45 AM

(down 2 hp)
Regarding Talon: "Will do." 'Talon, fly from tree to tree in that direction (indicating their path) and call out any 2 or 4 legged creatures out there.'

Redux offers an invisibility potion to their guest, along with some additional herbs to keep her heartseed dormant (maybe she should take some now- - after all, a Jill will need to pass a physical test at some point so she must have one). He comments that it is too bad they can't give her some of their Alemi Water to rid her body of the plant. He fills his belt potion-pouch with invisibility, mage armor and curing; he also has his scroll keeper at the ready.

I'll take the rear rank with Ari. May I suggest a more or less group order as the path allows with Ashira & Val in the lead; next rank, Walker, Dralinda and Appolo; third rank Rigging & Bart.

Hiking into Enemy Territory (DM Donna)  d20=8 d20=7 d20=13 d20=16 d20=5 d100=72
Monday August 25th, 2003 7:30:09 AM

Talon, flying ahead of the party as you all make your way in the direction of Moresto, occasionally hoots that there are creatures up ahead--once it seemed to be a pair of wolves, another time it was a farmer who trudged down the road a ways and then turned from the trail the PCs are taking onto a smaller side path that (most likely) led the way to his home.

No other encounters hold up the party at all, and--an hour later--Moresto looms into sight.

It's a sizeable town--perhaps comparable in size to Safeport--but that is where the similarity ends. Right now in Safeport the party all knew that the various taverns and inns were only just starting to crank up their celebrations of the evening...but here, in Moresto, all is sedate. The foot traffic is orderly and not in any particular hurry. Had this been the pirate town, however, the ebbing and flowing of patrons from shop to shop would be raucous chaos.

There is no shouting in Moresto--there is nothing louder than the occasional "oh...excuse me..." when one person accidently jostles another or when two people meet at a doorway.

"This is as far as you should go..." Dralinda whispers, loosening her cloak and checking herself to be sure she has all she needs, "...any closer and the native adults will all realize that you aren't Seeded properly. Thank you for the escort...and good luck on the trip back..!"

She leaves, heading for the outskirts of the village as you watch. One of the people appears to bump into the spy, who then screeches loudly about needing to scrub herself with boiling water now that some dirty old laborer has gotten cooties all over her! You have to smile when the normally-calm populace goes into a bit of a flutter when they realize there's a Jill amongst them. You see Dralinda directed to the local shelter for other Slaags.

You have completed your part of dropping the spy off at Moresto and have four to six hours to make it back to the ship...

...and Adorus is less than half-an-hour away...

Appolo  d20+11=15
Monday August 25th, 2003 11:11:24 AM

Appolo Remains standing during the storm.
He then suits up and and gets into the long boat with the others,prepared to take point. Once ashore he leads the way quietly and efficiently forward.

Once Dralinda is safely in the town and on her own Appolo turns to the group"Ok that was easy,now let's head for the ship." he then starts walking back the way they came.

Monday August 25th, 2003 1:51:29 PM

Rigging will deactivate his ring and say, "OK people, good work. Let's get back to the ship. This mission has gone extremely smoothly. Now that we are heading back, lets not get sloppy. Same marching order as when we a came."

Rigging will activate his ring and assume the rear postition keeping a careful watch.

Monday August 25th, 2003 4:43:00 PM

Pincing himself to make sure he's awake. Ari is amazed at how little effort there was on this particular mission.

With the mission over, Ari wistfully remembers about his home village. Now just over the rise. Remembering that most of the village people were decimated when the temple blew up. Ari wonders what they've done there since.

"Do you want to check out our handiwork on the temple in Adorus on the way back? I know most of the people were killed, I just wonder what shape the temple is in"

Monday August 25th, 2003 5:36:48 PM

Rigging shutters and says, "No, I never want to see that evil place again. Many of us lost friends and family there. I see no reason to go back and tempt Ga'al again. Lets get back to the ship."

Appolo  d20+10=24 d20+11=15 d20+6=7 d20+3=19
Monday August 25th, 2003 6:51:38 PM

Appolo looks at Ari when he suggests going back to Adurus"I agree with Rigging,that was a bad scene ,I also hve no reason to return either."
Appolo then heads out quickly and silently the way they came.He is moving with a certian amount of speed as well.

Hide: Move Silently 24,Hide 15, spot 7,Listen 19

Monday August 25th, 2003 7:00:43 PM

"We should stick to the mission", says Walker.

Monday August 25th, 2003 9:59:57 PM

"I have a bad feeling. I don't know wht but I do. We have plenty of time. Perhaps Appolo could follow Dralinda just to make sure everything is alright. He should be able to make it in and out undetected and we have plenty of time."

Warning from Above (DM Donna) 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 6:25:15 AM

Although there is a pause in the party's progress, it is eventually agreed that they all need to remove themselves from Aisilduran soil as soon as possible, and so the Wildcards continue their trek back to the Sword of the Sea.

Suddenly, however, everyone hears Talon's hooting from high above, where the conscientious owl has been continuing to follow his master's orders.

(OOC: email incoming for Redux...heh heh heh)

Appolo HP:36 AC:21  d20+10=29 d20+11=30 d20+6=11 d20+3=19
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 3:45:40 PM

When Appolo hears Tallon's hooting he drops immediately to the ground and quickly but quitely low crawls into some bushes.

Move Silently 29, Hide 30,Spot 11,Listen 19

Tuesday August 26th, 2003 3:55:47 PM

The mage swears quietly as Talon relays his message...which is oddly the first time the party has ever heard the man utter profanities. "Someone is following us." Redux whispers to Rigging urgently. "Talon says he thinks he is very close to catching us, and thinks he is determined to catch up with us." He pulls out the potion of mage armor from his belt and drinks it down quickly. "You want to try and ambush him, or should we try and outrun him?" Redux quietly asks of the Wildcard leader.

Tuesday August 26th, 2003 7:08:41 PM

Overhearing Redux's report from Talon, Ashira adds in her own profanities. She pulls out her barkskin potion and drinks it. She whispers to her husband "Rigging, I have something here that will allow us to travel quickly, but it will only last for a few seconds (1 round). Somehow I doubt there's only one following us, but I worry about leading anyone back to the ship." Ashira fidgets with her invisibility ring tossing up whether she should activate it soon.

Tuesday August 26th, 2003 9:46:10 PM

Val draws her sword and walks back the way she came. If somebody was following them she would meet this person head on.

Rigging invisible, mage armor 
Tuesday August 26th, 2003 9:59:21 PM

When Rigging sees the group gather around Redux, he will dispel his invisibility and go hear the report. He will ponder for a few seconds and then say, "OK Lets see who is chasing us. It might be Dralinda trying to catch up but lets plan for the worst. Ashira, Bart, Walker will be our ambassadors. Appolo, you hide using your skill. Val activate your invisibility ring. Ari, use your woodsman skills to make yourself scarce, Redux, Do you have an invisiblity spell? If so then you go invisible and so will I. If our visitor is hostile then take appropriate actions. Remember some of us will be closing for backstabs so no mass spells.

Rigging will cast mage armor and reactivate his invisibility ring and move an area where he can be sneaky.

Company's Coming... (DM Donna) 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 7:00:07 AM

Now is the time for people to make their specific checks to see how successful they are at hiding, using their skills, etc.

Your party has one more "free" round for making preparations.

Talon's message to Redux remains the same: one person, dressed darkly, determined to catch up to your group.

Wednesday August 27th, 2003 7:29:13 AM

Walker will step to the front (towards the approching person) draw his sword placing it point down on the trail and resting his hands across the pommel and wait.

Ari  d20+6=15
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 8:19:02 AM

Ari moves to where he can cover Walker and any other path blockers, and yet get partial to total cover. Preparing his bow, Ari will plant two arrows in the ground in preparation.

(HS 15)

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23)  d20+8=19 d20+5=14
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 8:49:07 AM

Ashira draws her swords and takes up a position nearby Walker. She too places the blades in the ground, ready for action, but not outright threatening. She scans the darkness for signs of the visitor (Spot=19, Listen=14) hoping against all hope that the visitor is friendly.

Rigging Invisible Mage armor ac 19 hps 50/50 
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 11:46:30 PM

Rigging will find a likely spot and then call out in a stage whisper, "Remember. This might not be an enemy. Let's ask some questions before we start hacking."

Redux (Mage Armor) 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 12:41:59 AM

Redux nods at Rigging's plan. He begins the incantations for the invisibility spell as he finds a spot 20 feet away from the others with sufficient cover to protect himself from any forth coming attack. He tells Talon to keep an eye on the person tracking them, but warns his feathered friend not to endanger himself while doing so.

Stranger in Black (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 7:57:43 AM

Hurrying up the trail is that figure in black. Immediately you all realize that it is NOT Dralinda, but a man--a man in a big hurry. He jumps, startled to see that the group has stopped in the road. You see him fumble for something that seems to be worn around his neck--some kind of lens on a stick, from the look of it, which he holds up to his right eye and stares around the area with.

"Ahhhh--you ARE all here--good, good!" he says, his voice sounding cultured and refined. The man drops the lens and holds out both his hands. "I'm not armed...but I have VERY important news for you--something that you MUST tell The Jack right away!"

Thursday August 28th, 2003 9:31:57 AM

Val has her sword drawn and looks the man over. This was just too strange. Nobody was supposed to know about their mission and this strange man knew which way they were heading and the time they arrived. Val hoped that he was an agent of the jack.

Rigging mage armor 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 9:32:14 AM

Rigging seeing the stranger's actions figures that he has some kind of magic that allows him to see the him. He will dispel he invisibility and step forward.

"Sir you claim to have some information for the Jack. Then speak quickly. What is this information? How did you even know that we were here? Most important is who are you and how do we know you aren't an agent for the priest of Ga'al?"

Thursday August 28th, 2003 11:59:48 AM

Appolo is hiding about 75 yards up the trail and has know idea what the others are doing.He just hopes that they went to cover as well.

Thursday August 28th, 2003 8:11:54 PM

Walker will stand and wiat for the strangers answer to Rigging.

Friday August 29th, 2003 4:44:40 AM

Wondering about the stranger, Ari concludes that the lens must be a pretty interesting magic item.

When Riggings asks the stranger about knowing what they are up to. Ari wonders whether the stranger knows about their ship or not, somehow.

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23) 
Friday August 29th, 2003 7:57:32 AM

The half-elf watches the proceedings with cautiousness, ready to strike should it be needed. She too waits for the stranger's response.

Redux (Mage Armor, Invisible) 
Friday August 29th, 2003 8:00:40 AM

The mage's eyes raise in wonder at the stranger's too, figuring that he must have some way of seeing through the invisibility. Watching Rigging step forward, Redux's mind calls up a backup plan, and the spell Web immediately comes to mind. He stands patiently awaiting the stranger's answer, ready to cast his spell if needed.

Monday September 1st, 2003 10:02:06 AM

Bart stays in the back waiting for any problem that comes up

Monday September 1st, 2003 12:24:47 PM

Walker still waits for the strangers reply while staying alert for other threats.

Danger, Will Robinson! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 8:01:09 AM

The human man takes a few steps closer, holding his arms up and out.

"You have to get back to the home island of the ship called the Sword of the Sea--the clerics of Ga'al have managed to trace the ship back to its home island's location...and about one third of the entire Empire's fleet is now sailing for that island with orders to completely obliterate it!"

Slowly the man moves his left hand and reaches into a bulging breast pocket, withdrawing a beaded necklace from within it and holding it out to Ashira (to whom he is more or less closest).

"This is a strand of prayer beads," he says, "I give it to you as a sign of good faith, and to prove that I am telling the truth."

(OOC: Sorry about the nonposting--Labor Day weekend here in the USA, and I was busy, busy! I will post later tonight to make up for it...about 6pm Eastern time.)

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 2:49:42 PM

Walker steps up, "Pardon my Lady," as he reaches for the necklace, "but this is more my purvue." Suspecting a trick of some kind and wanting to shield the others he takes the necklace. Thinking at the first opertunity he will ask Redux to check it and make sure it is only what it seems. He will then let Rigging decide its disposition.

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 5:41:57 PM

Ashira stands aside as Walker takes the necklace. Her eyes frowning slighty, Ashira doesn't say anything, figuring that Walker might know something she doesn't. Still, the whole run in thing was a little too coincidental. She focuses on the stranger, trying to Detect any evil in him.

A Real Warning (DM Donna) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 6:12:27 PM

Walker takes the necklace as Ashira casts her spell--suddenly, the necklace sparkles brilliantly. The cleric of Gargul becomes convinced that he is, indeed, holding a Strand of Prayer Beads, with three very useful beads on it: a bead of healing, a bead of smiting, and a bead of karma.

Ashira becomes aware that--aside from making the necklace sparkle for a moment, her Detect Evil spell has no other effect--it certainly doesn't detect any evil.

(OOC: I've been told to let you know that the above Strand is brought to you by the great good fortune of DM Donna winning the DM Lotto on the DM Board. It also proves that the messenger IS telling you all the truth: if you do not race back to Ayorsa Island with all due haste, there may not be an island to return to..!)

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 10:05:26 PM

Rigging has a gut feeling that this warning is real. Thoughts race through the young mage's mind, "How did they follow The Sword? How many ships are really coming? How do we get ahead of them?" He glances at Walker and sees the look of wonderment cross his face.

Rigging steps forward and lifts his hand to shake the stranger's hand. "Thank you for the warning and the gift. Will you be travelling with us? Speed is obviously very important so let us get to our tasks."

Rigging will turn to Redux and says, "Quickly send Talon ahead with a note. Have the Captain be prepared to cast off as soon as we arrive. Don't tell him anything else because he might be tempted to leave without us. This is a fight I don't want to miss."

Once Talon is winging his way ahead, Rigging will say, "Now we run. Last one back to the ship has to clean the bilges." The mage heads out leading the group in a jog.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:10:43 PM

Wondering about what the man has said so far. Ari is about to ask a question when Rigging states it for him. Ari wonders whether maybe one of the priests got away and tracked the crew through Walker or some other way.

Or did the priests somehow insert someone into the crew that we didn't know of? Thinking about it now, I know we didn't check with the crew members to make sure that everyone was of the crew.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:25:42 PM

If the man is telling the truth then they are in great danger. By returning to the island they could lead Ga'al forces there. Valanthe curses when she realizes that they have no choice. They must return to the island as fast as their ship will take them.

Redux (Mage Armor, Invisible) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 8:32:04 AM

The mage nods invisibly at Rigging's request. Taking out a quill and paper, he jots down a short note to the Captain telling him to have the vessel ready to embark as soon as they arrive. Redux gently ties the note to Talon's leg. "Find the Captain and give this to him. I don't care what you have to do to find him....tap at his cabin door if that's what it takes." Redux smiles at his small joke. "But make sure that only the Captain gets this note. And keep in constant communication with me. Let me know if you get into trouble." Redux adopts a look of motherly concern for the bird as he sends him off, hoping that Warrd will watch over his little friend. As the group heads out, Redux does his best to keep up, but quickly breaks out in a sweat. He is obviously unaccustomed to this kind of prolonged exercise.

Ashira (Barkskin, AC 23) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 8:39:46 AM

Eyes wide with terror as the messengers message is confirmed, Ashira sheathes her swords and breaks into a run for the ship. She quickly passes Rigging, reason apparently having been abandoned and replaced with terror. "Come on, no time to loose." she pants over her as she runs into the night.

Shades, we've never had to worry about this kind of problem before. How did those dogs find the island...is there a spy amoung the crew? Does this have something to do with my dreams? A third of the Aisildurian navy! Shades! Do we even possibly stand a chance against those kind of odds? Ashira's mind is filled with terrifying thoughts as the sweat rolls down her back and the scenery races by.

Running, Running--Faster, Faster! (DM Donna) 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 9:28:02 AM

Talon flies off to do his master's bidding and the questions prey on everyone's minds: How could the Empire have discovered Ayorsa's location? WAS there a traitor amongst the crew? Could the hammership reach Ayorsa in time to give warning? And can the Pirates of Jack possibly ward off an attack by one third of the Empire's fleet?

The party is almost to the beach where the longboat is secreted when Talon returns without the note. He lets Redux know that the captain was rather grumpy but the entire ship is now on alert and ready to sail as soon as the party arrives at the ship.

At the beach, the moon shines its pale light over a deserted seascape. Nobody is around and the boat is still there. Pushing off is not interrupted and the trip back to the Sword is featureless save for any discussion between party members.

Once back at the ship, Hawley orders all hands to stow the boat and make sail doubletime. Then he orders the Wildcards into his cabin.

"Can you kindly tell me why the bloody blue sahuagin I wake up to find that blasted owl pecking at me porthole???" he asks, waiting for an explanation.

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 5:20:28 PM

Rigging takes several heavy breaths trying to catch his breath. When he has recovered he will say, "Sorry to rouse the whole ship Captain, but we have gotten news that the Ayorsa"s location has been discovered by the Empire. They have launched a massive assualt consisting of 1/3 of their fleet." Rigging will go one to explain about how they were met and the gift that was given.

"I plan to use Wayfinder to try to locate the fleet and see if they are truely heading for our base. I figured we need to be underway as quick as possible in case the news is true. I will use the Nautocolus to speed the ship if I find the enemey fleet. Do you have anyway to contact the Jack? We need to warn them as fast as possible."

When the discussion is over, Rigging will pull aside Ashira and Redux. "I am going to use the Wayfinder now. Please keep anyone from disturbing me. I want to get some coabiration of our informant's story." Rigging will settle himself comfortable in his bunk and raise the Wayfinder to his eye. "Show me the fleet." he whispers.

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 5:55:29 PM

Redux, Rigging, Walker can we use they wayfinder to sent an storm into the empires fleet when we find them? it can control winds or not?

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 9:52:20 PM

"No Bart...neither of the artifact's to my knowledge can control the weather. Nice idea though!"

Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 10:33:07 PM

Taking up a position besides her husband, Ashira gives Rigging an appraising look. "Love, I do not mean to offend you, but perhaps it would be safer for me to use the Wayfinder?" Should Rigging not accept her offer, Ashira stands by to prevent anyone from interupting Rigging's astral projection.

Redux  d20+9=12
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 11:06:24 PM

Redux, still tired from the fast pace back to the ship gets a stool and joins Ashira beside Rigging. He pulls his boots off and observes his feet, noting the chafing and blisters forming. He realizes that the boots will need some adjustment for this kind of use. His feet also need attention, and he pulls up his pack to see if there might be any herbs available (herbalist check=12); maybe the priest has something better. As he finishes adjusting things, his eyes focus on the scroll organizer and he gasps as the word 'Fly' pop out at him. Lesson learned, the spell will be more in his thoughts if the party must make time quickly ever again.

Thursday September 4th, 2003 4:54:26 AM

Appolo quickly joins the others following behind and covering thier tracks as best he can. He is the last to board the boat doing so in silence.Once back at the ship he heads to his quarters outs his stuff away and gets cleaned up,changes clothes and kicks back.
Appolo then pulls out a bottle of wine pours himself a cup and just relaxes in his hammock putting the wine back carefully.
He doesn't bother to go see the Captian as he has nothing to report or do and is rather tired. He is just happy that everyone got back to the ship unharmed and figures sooner ot later,hopefully later some one will clue him in on what;s going on, but until then he'll sleep.

Sneak Peek (DM Donna)  d20+12=30
Thursday September 4th, 2003 7:08:31 AM

Rigging issues his command, and the Wayfinder activates. The leader of the hammership's Wildcards finds himself drawn up and out of his body, then immediately yanked across the sea...

He is flying...flying...then he sees, much to his dismay, ships...dozens of them--all flying the Empire's flag.

The mysterious informant, Rigging finds, was off in his announcement--but not by much. The number of ships could be more accurately estimated at between a quarter and a third of the Navy...closer to the one-quarter mark.

Still--there are MORE than enough ships here to destroy Ayorsa...and they ARE on a direct course for the island's last known location!

Rigging finds himself drawn to the lead ship--a huge, honkin' warship that is bristling with ballistae and catapults as well as a metal-shod and rather pointy battering ram. It has no less than five masts and is more than twice the length of the Sword of the Sea.

The name of this ship is Ga'al's Unholy Vengeance.

Rigging's astral body is pulled towards the forecastle of this massive dreadnought, where there appears to be a religious ceremony occurring--a rite of some sort that has a trio of priests ripping open the chest of one of the seamen and offering up the bloody, pumping heart to their evil master.

One of the priests looks awfully familiar as she comes forward to ceremonially lick the dripping blade used to kill the sacrifice...

...it's the female priest from the Pride of Ga'al--the one who got away..!!!

The harshly beautiful woman stops, suddenly turning and looking directly at Rigging. He sees her laugh, her bloodied lips turning up in a snide smile, and mouth the words:

"Thank you for your help...fool!"

Then she seems to speak something else and throw some of the blood from the sacrifice in his direction.

Rigging finds himself yanked back to his body--this time very painfully! (Roll a Fort save versus DC19 or suffer 2d10 of damage from the evil cleric magic.)

The divine magic that the survivor of the Pride of Ga'al used did more than attempt to damage Rigging, however--the young man finds that he can't remember exactly where the fleet is in relation to the hammership...but he IS sure that the fleet is only less than a day ahead of the Sword of the Sea--and that they ARE on a heading towards Ayorsa Island!

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