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Into the darkness, where the waves sleep

Scouting the descent - Dm Ian  d20=19
Wednesday August 27th, 2003 6:29:12 PM

Moving up quietly, Renik finds the tunnel leading downward is a gradual slope about twenty feet wide, that hooks to the left as it descends. Its clearly been widened and reinforced at some point in the distant past, with stone pilings every ten or so feet reminding the adventurers of a mine.

Moving up, there is no immediate resistance, or obvious traps, but no light either. Curiously, coming up from the tunnel is the echoing sound of the surface delayed and pitched slightly differently that the waves audible from below the side of the promontory.

Rond sees the obvious recent passage of about a half dozen humans and elves with bare feet. They apparently went into the cave with some haste. Once inside the tunnel, however, the stone floor doesn't have enough debris to have captured tracks.

Your marching order heading down?

Tratain AC 24 (Bulls Strength 19 str; Prot. From Elements Lightning 84 points; Spell Immunity: Fireball/Blindness) 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 12:24:13 AM

Tratain decides that Renik is probably right and that they are more likely to encounter thier enemies sooner rather than later, at least he hopes so as he begins casting spells upon the party in preperation for the comming battle.

He says "I hope we run into them before our spells run out or this could get really bad I think."

Tratain casts Freedom of Movement on Feng if he wants it. Spell Immunity Fireball/Blindness as well as Protection from Elements: Lightning on Himself. He also activates his shield and puts on his goggles of night before entering the cave.

He says to Setanos "Do you think we should cast the see invisibility now or wait a tad longer, that we defenitly need during the battle and it only lasts a half hour."

Before Entering Tratain also hands feng 6 scrolls saying "These are will cure small wounds on a person (Cure Light 1d8+1)) I think it better that someone else have at least a little healing available incase things go badly for us, and honestly I think that you have one of the toughest opponents we will face, when you defeat him, you may need healing yourself."

Thursday August 28th, 2003 9:24:52 AM

Feng accepts the spell. A small bit of magic may save his life or the lives of others.

"I'm sure they are expecting us. I have a feeling this will be a very bloody battle."

Renik: Invisible, Cat's Grace, AC 25, HP 62  d20+15=19 d20+25=37
Thursday August 28th, 2003 4:21:03 PM

The rogue floats silently overhead (MS 19), invisible and keeping to the shadows (Hide 37). He tries to calm his racing mind, steeling himself for what is to come.

Thursday August 28th, 2003 5:53:52 PM

Draax cautiously approaches the cave entrance with the others. He nods his head in agreement with Feng's statement.

Entering the darkness - Dm Ian 
Thursday August 28th, 2003 6:32:17 PM

The group moves forward in a loose mob, with Renik concealed overhead.

The floor of the descending ramping tunnel is clean of the plant debris and stone chips you would expect in the opening of such a construction. Someone has been caring for the pilings as well, with new stones and wedges added at various points to reinforce the pilings.

Moving downward, the party moves about a hundred feet, through one full rotation of the ramp, before coming into sight of a loosely piled, three foot high stone barricade about seventy feet away on the curving tunnel. For just a moment, the distant rushing sound of the sea drowns out everything else, and then a group of humans and sea elves stand up, and being to crawl over the barricade. They are dressed in battered, torn clothing, and every at this range, can be seen to have the glassy look and stiff actions of the charmed elves on the beach.

Thursday August 28th, 2003 10:52:01 PM

Feng does holds his position, not wanting to kill these people unless he has no other choice.

"Is there a way to free their will?"

Thursday August 28th, 2003 11:50:13 PM

As he looks at the unfortunate group of controlled individuals that's coming toward the party, the frustration that Draax feels is shown openly on his face. "Not this again. I second Feng's comment. Every one of these poor souls that we kill in self-defense is a victory for the evil cowards that are hiding behind them. Freeing them or immobilizing them is the only win in this conflict."

Draax pulls his sword readying himself for the regrettable work that he will have to do if no one cannot release them.

Tratain AC 24 (Bulls Strength 19 str; Prot. From Elements Lightning 84 points; Spell Immunity: Fireball/Blindness)  d20+7=22 d20+7=23 d20+7=14 d20+7=9 d20+7=19 d20+7=24 d20+7=24 d20+7=23 d20+7=26 d20+7=25 d20+7=12 d20+7=22
Friday August 29th, 2003 12:51:01 AM

Tratain thinks to himself, these must be the slaves the shapeshifter spoke of, and says "I will try to free them, keep an eye out for signs of the shapeshifter, he may try and get near us looking like one of the slaves. Setanos, can you cast those scrolls i gave you now?"

Tratain then casts area Dispel Magic attempting to free the slaves.

[i]Rolled 12 Dispel Checks, not sure now many sea elves or other people are in the area(30 foot radius centered on the sea elves and humans) the caster level check of the spells dispelled are 11, 12, 3, failed, 8, 13, 13, 12, 15, 14, 1, and 11.)

Friday August 29th, 2003 4:42:21 AM

Doing his best to help out the spell effect. Rond barks out loudly, "We do not wish to harm you good fellows. We know you are under a geas to harm us. Free yourselves of your current prison."

To the group Rond says, "We may take some injuries, but we want to just subdue these people, if we can."

If Rond can, he'll use the horn to also supplement the spells. Even to just use the sound of the horn to try to wake these people up.

(ooc I think I can use the horn on at least one person. Character sheet is not available to me)

Setanos (Ac 22, HP 88. Ex BullStr 5, ExCatGr 4, ExEnd 5, ExMageAr)  d20+3=7 d20-4=4
Friday August 29th, 2003 9:29:58 AM

Setanos shifts his axe to the side, and waits to see if Tratains dispel has any effect. If there are still charmed elves, he strikes to subdue, and takes all friends within five feet under his wing.

OOC: Any allies within 5 feet gain +5 AC. -9 to all my attack roles. I'm gonna guess those roll's dont hit :)

Renik: Invisible, Cat's Grace, AC 25, HP 62  d20+25=31 d20+15=24 d20+10=15 d20+10=26
Friday August 29th, 2003 2:30:46 PM

Floating silent and unseen overhead, the rogue continues to hug the tunnel roof. He advances quietly, checking for more dangerous foes beyond the barricade and the brainwashed slaves.

(Hide 31, MS 24, Spot 15, Listen 26)

Battle is joined - Dm Ian  d20+2=7 d20+2=16 d20+2=18 d20+2=13 d20+2=4 d20+2=20
Friday August 29th, 2003 6:58:34 PM

A total of eight bedraggled slaves engage the party, as Tratain's dispel flashes over them. Two of the slaves, a human and a sea elf, thrown themselves flat on the ground, wimpering, "Don't hurt me, don't hurt me..."

The others meet the party's front rank wielding two nets, two longspears, and two knives. Feng and Setanos bear the brunt of the onslaught, but the attacks are weak and easy to fend off.

As the party gathers to reply with mitigated violence, the charmed slaves raise a wordless keening that forms an impromptu harmony with Rond's horn.

(The slaves are AC:10)

Tratain AC 24 (Bulls Strength 19 str; Prot. From Elements Lightning 84 points; Spell Immunity: Fireball/Blindness)  d20+9=26 d20+4=21 2d6(3+1)+8=12 2d6(2+1)+8=11
Saturday August 30th, 2003 11:20:20 AM

Tratain frowns at the lack of success his spell has and says "Well that didn't work nearly as well as I thought it was going to. I either got very lucky on the beach to free as many as I did or these few were enslaved by someone different and more powerful."

Tratain then strikes to subdue the slaves, not wanting to kill them. (Hit One slave twice or aplit the attacks over two slaves if one strike knocks them out 12 and 11 damage)

Renik: Improved Invisible, Cat's Grace, AC 25, HP 62  d20+13=15 d6+7=8 4d6(2+5+3+2)=12
Sunday August 31st, 2003 2:29:19 AM

The rogue floats down behind one of the slaves, and lands a resoundong blow to the side of his head with the flat of his blade (Sneak Attack hits AC 17 (sorry, forgot Cat's Grace), 20 HP subdual damge).

He is aware that they may be under observation, and that his actions may (if he is unlucky) alert their enemies to his invisible presence, but he decides it is imperative they quickly put these slaves out of action before the real fireworks begin, or they are likely to get caught in the crossfire.

Draax, AC21, HP 79  d20+11=21 d8+8=9 d20+6=11 d8+8=9
Monday September 1st, 2003 12:58:37 AM

Draax confronts the first mind-slave that comes in range of his sword. He swings with the flat side of the blade trying to deal non-lethal damage to his opponent (Hit AC 21 for 9 dmg). Not accustomed to swing his sword in this manner he barely hits the slave on his return swing (AC11 for 9 dmg) (Total of 18 dmg).

Feng Ac 22, HP 85 (Freedom of Movement)  d20+11=22 d20+6=15 d8+8=10 d8+8=11
Monday September 1st, 2003 1:42:34 PM

Feng turns the axe in his hands, turning the flat of the blade around. Though ackward, Feng manages to hit the charmed elf.

[hit ac 22 for 10 subdual]
[hit ac 15 for 11 subdual]

Flattening the opposition - Dm Ian  d20+15=26 d8+10=16 d6=5
Monday September 1st, 2003 7:25:19 PM

The warriors of the group wade into the opposition, levelling the charmed slaves to the ground in an unbroken swath, accompanied by cries of pain as their blows land.

Even as the flurry of combat ends abruptly, a single flaming arrow explodes from the far end of the curved tunnel leading downward, sparkling brightly before wounding Tratain for a total of 21 pts of damage.

From his vantage point above and to the outside of the combat, Renik did not see a visible archer when the arrow became visible.

The curve of the tunnel is a total of fifty feet away, leading downward.

Tratain AC 27 (Shield of Faith; Bulls Strength 19 str; Prot. From Elements Lightning 84 points; Spell Immunity: Fireball/Blindness)  d20+17=37
Monday September 1st, 2003 8:21:56 PM

Tratain cries out as the arrow impacts him and says "That Archer is somewhere down that hall, that really hurt. Setanos, Cast those scrolls now please."

Tratain also casts Shield of Faith on himself. (Casting Defensively rolled 37 vs DC 16)
Tratain then moves down the hall as far as he can get, but not straying too far away from the rest of the party.

Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 2:25:59 AM

Rond does his best to help finish off the slaves.

When the mystery archer makes an appearance. Rond tries to use the natural resources around the party to try to sneak up on the archer. (HS and MS).

(ooc 3.5 sheet in e-mail)

Setanos (Ac 22, HP 88. Ex BullStr 5, ExCatGr 4, ExEnd 5, ExMageAr) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:03:41 AM

Setanos nods and pulls out the scroll Tratain gave him earlier. He then reads it, casting See Invisiblity. He then moves down the hall, looking for this archer.

Draax  d20+3=23
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:18:17 AM

After the mind-slaves are taken care of, Draax switches to his bow and begins to scan the area as he moves forward with the others. (23 spot check)

Renik: Improved Invisible, Cat's Grace, AC 25, HP 62  d20+10=30 d20+15=22 d20+25=31
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 4:40:17 PM

Floating back up to the rocky ceiling Renik flies cautiously towards the source of the arrow.

Spot 30
MS 22
Hide 31

Arien (AC 25, extended mage armor, shield) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 5:17:08 PM

When the fiery arrow strikes Tratain, Arien decides to strengthen his own defense and casts Shield.

Creeping forward - Dm Ian 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 6:28:53 PM

The party moves forward slowly, leaving the battered, unconscious forms of the charmed slaves in the care of the two freed slaves.

Moving forward and downward, the tunnel curves down about a hundred and fifty feet of immaculate stonework to a rougher stone cavern with a level, worked floor. The floor is laced with cracks, however, and rivulets of water line the sloping floor leading to a seemingly shallow pool on the left side. The cavern is about forty feet wide, and ninety feet long, with the ruined remains of smashed and rotted crates on one side of the room.

On the far side of the room, in front of a tunnel leading onward, is another slave manned barricade. Stretching out before it is a pool of water at least three feet deep, filled with murky water.

The slaves behind the barricades ready bows, and draw clumsily. There seems to be ten of them.

As Setanos steps to the edge of the cavern behind the cover of his companions, his vision twists for a moment.

(please roll a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 20. The scroll of see invisible is probably caster level 3 unless specified otherwise at the time of purchase.)

Feng Ac 22, HP 85 (Freedom of Movement) 
Tuesday September 2nd, 2003 11:22:30 PM

"This is just great. If we wade through we could hit pits and drown in our armor. If the ground remains a good three feet then we only get stuck with arrows. I hate to say this but we have to take them out before we cross. If that is at all possible."

Setanos (Ac 22, HP 88. Ex BullStr 5, ExCatGr 4, ExEnd 5, ExMageAr)  d20+6=18
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 8:49:04 AM

Setanos looks about, trying to find the hiden archer.

(Caster level check 18 vrs DC 20, failed)

Draax, Ac21, HP 79 
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 11:23:06 AM

Looking at the current situation Draax has to agree with Feng's assessment. He takes aim at one of the enslaved bowmen, but does not shoot. "If someone has any ideas how to take them out without hurting them please speak now."

Tratain AC 27 HP 50 (Shield of Faith; Bulls Strength 19 str; Prot. From Elements Lightning 84 points; Spell Immunity: Fireball/Blindness)  2d8(7+8)+3=18 d20+7=13
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 11:29:19 AM

Tratain pulls out a potion from his Haversack and Drinks it (Cure Moderate Healed 18).

Tratain looks around trying to see anything out of the Ordinary (13 Spot) and says "I don't like this, this feels very much like a trap. I think they want us to rush over there. I'm betting theres something hidden over there waiting for us."

Upon Hearing Fengs and Draax's comments Tratain says "I can make it so they shouldn't be able to see us and have to either back off or come out from behind the barricade."

Renik: Improved Invisible, Cat's Grace, AC 25, HP 62  d20+15=22 d20+25=38 d20+10=20
Wednesday September 3rd, 2003 4:54:00 PM

Keeping to the ceiling shadows Renik makes his way towards the group of slaves, blades at the ready. He peers about, hunting for any sign of their true foes.

MS 22
Hide 38
Spot 20

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