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Appolo  d20+6=7 d20+3=14 d20+11=18 d20+10=24
Friday June 27th, 2003 2:45:34 AM

Appolo had been leading the group through the forrest, but when the group stop he lost sight of them being serval yards ahead with bow in his hand, He stops, listens and watches.After afew seconds cirles back just intime to catch Redux's report."Sounds like either the sharkmen or Sea Devils to me." he whispers to Rigging the sprints silently and swiftly out front agian.

Spot 7. Listen 14, Hid 18, Move silently 24

Ashira  d20+8=26 d20+5=18
Friday June 27th, 2003 8:38:17 AM

Ashira hangs back with the main group. "That sounds like sea devils to me. Redux, you got a fireball handy? We might need one. But first we need to see if there is anyone in those buildings." she whispers. As they travel forward, Ashira strains her senses to try and locate any source of trouble ahead.

Anybody Got Some Lysol?!-ADM Nellie  d20+3=14 d20+6=25 d20+7=20 d20+7=14 d20+6=24 d20+6=13 d20+7=25 d20+7=24 d20+7=21 d20+7=9
Friday June 27th, 2003 8:58:34 AM

Valanthe and Appolo find it no problem to hide in the lengthening shadows as they scout ahead. It doesn't take them too long into the journey to ascertain that Talon's initial conclusion is valid...it would appear that there is no wildlife on the island.

Redux relays Rigging's query to Talon, and receives a mental message back quickly. Looks like they're just standing around. Do I have to stay here, because these things smell REALLY bad!

As Val and Appolo push forward in the darkness, they become aware of a stench before they ever spot anything. It does indeed smell like rotting fish...or maybe worse. Her keen Elven eyesight allows Valanthe to spot the two Sahuagin standing guard in front of the buildings. They are speaking in low tones in a language similar to the one Val has heard Ashira speak in a few times. Appolo too picks up on the whispered conversation between the guards, though he has not spotted them yet.

As Val and Appolo sneak forward, the guards suddenly become tense and move their tridents into combat ready positions. They scan the darkness around them, and one of the guards begins pointing toward Val and Appolo are hiding in the undergrowth.

The rest of the party continues to travel behind in the darkness. As is standard for this kind of operation, Rigging knows that it will take approximately two rounds before he can reach Appolo's position, should he need any assistance.

Friday June 27th, 2003 2:38:26 PM

Looking at the Sauhgin Appolo sees one pionting in their direction"Great,they know we're here.What do you think,take them out or retreat back to the others?" He whispers to Valanthe in dwarvish.

Valanthe(Raged, AC 18)  d20+12=31 2d4(1+1)+7=9 d6=2
Friday June 27th, 2003 9:43:31 PM

In response to Appolo's question Val mutters the elvish command word and her crystal scythe begins pulsating a blue light. She steps out of the bushes and lets loose a battle cry and charges the two shark men.
[hit ac 31 for 11]

Appolo Ac 21 Hp36  d20+7=10
Saturday June 28th, 2003 3:04:12 AM

Appolo utters a curse then drops his bow and draws hias sword and dagger following right behind her. Thinking I'm supposed to be the rash and impulsive one. He swings at the Saughin or the right and misses then goes on the defensive.

Sunday June 29th, 2003 9:55:24 PM

Rigging hears the sounds of battle and curses to himself, "So much for being discreet." Louder he will say, "Redux and Ari, I want you to be our reserve. Watch for any large groups of nasties coming and slow them down with spells so they don't get to our backs." Everyone else, to Battle!"

Monday June 30th, 2003 9:14:14 AM

Nodding at Rigging, Ashira unsheaths her swords and heads forward to assist Val and Appolo.

Bite This!-ADM Nellie  3d10(9+9+8)+2=28 3d10(6+5+8)+2=21 d20+6=25 d8+2=8 d20+1=17 d20+6=10 d20+1=21 d20+1=11 d4+1=2
Monday June 30th, 2003 9:43:01 AM

Val and Appolo rush forward and engage the nasty creatures as the rest of the party (besides Ari and Redux) speed forward to lend assistance.

Val rips her scythe into the creature's body with such for that it opens a wound through which several of the sahuagin's chest muscles can be seen. The foul beast snarls at the raging barbarian and jabs her viciously with its trident, inflicting 8 hp of damage.

Appolo's opponent watches as the stealthy young man's sword swings wildly past its head. Trying to take advantage of the off mark lunge, it swings its trident forward, barely missing Appolo. It times its bite attack better, and takes a small nip out of Appolo (2hp damage)...though Appolo finds it hard to concentrate with the nasty smell of sahauagin breath so close to him. Both he and Appolo hear muffled sounds coming out of the buildings in front of them.

Rigging, Ashira, Akerin and Bart hear the sound of battle closer than before, but still are unable to engage in combat with the nasties

Redux  d20+10=27
Monday June 30th, 2003 2:29:47 PM

Redux calls to Talon, 'Your job there is done. Come to me, my feathered friend.' Redux acknowledges Rigging's command and pulls out a scroll to cast invisibility on himself and then for Ari if he chooses. He will call to Talon to come near to his location, giving the bird directions and letting him know he is hiding, 'though you should be able to smell me. Alight on a tree or stay aloft.'

Monday June 30th, 2003 7:46:53 PM

ooc Nellie can you see the private posts? I did respond over the weekend. But I was waiting for a response to either an e-mail or have you make public the private response I listed. I haven't seen any reponses to any private posts. That's why I ask.

Rigging mage armor, ac 19, hps 50  d20+8=25
Monday June 30th, 2003 9:28:47 PM

Rigging will look quickly around to see if any other nasties are coming his way. He will then cast a mage armor on himself as he moves towards the battle.

OOC spot check 25

Appoko Ac 21 34 hit points 
Monday June 30th, 2003 10:26:42 PM

Appolo plays defence and falls back as hears more of these creatures stirrimg in the huts.
He will play defense and attempt tp keep anyone from flanking Valanthe.

Valanthe (Raged, AC 18)  d20+12=21 2d4(3+4)+7=14 d6=1
Monday June 30th, 2003 11:07:34 PM

Val doesn't even notice the nasty trident wound. Her thoughts contain the creature infront of her and the need to hurt it. Val spins her scythe and brings it around for another swipe. [hit ac 21 for 15]

And Behind Door Number One...-ADM Nellie  d20+6=19 d8+2=9 d20+1=5 d20+6=23 d8+2=10 d20+1=2 d20+11=24 d8+4=8
Tuesday July 1st, 2003 11:15:11 AM

The battle between the sahuagin and Val and Appolo continues to rage as the rest of the party nears the combat. Val takes a nasty slice out of her foe, who isn't looking so good. The sahuagin dishes out another nasty blow with its trident, slicing raggedly through Val's shoulder (9hp damage).

Hearing the noises in front of them, and expecting reinforcements, Appolo moves to prevent anyone from flanking Valanthe. Smiling wickedly, his opponent follows him, and spears him triumphantly with his trident (10hp damage). To his surprise, no one emerges from either building, though he does continue to hear the muffled noises coming from inside.

Talon wings his way back to his master and alights on a nearby tree with a distinctly unpleasant look on his owlish face. Ari considers his options as the invisible Redux casts invisibility on him.

Rigging moves into the battlefield and casts his protective spell as Ashira moves forward to position herself in striking range. She moves in and engages the sahuagin attacking Appolo, slashing at it viciously, something akin to lust in her eyes. Bart and Akerin move into the area, but hang back, watching the battle unfold before their eyes.

Appolo Ac 21 Hp36  d20+7=13
Tuesday July 1st, 2003 1:02:58 PM

Appolo is glad to see the rest of the party.
"Hello, nice little beach party we're having here." he says to Ashira as he swings back at his opponent.Missing agian.

Tuesday July 1st, 2003 5:56:50 PM

Rigging decides that his friends can handle the current foes and runs around the combatants towards the sheds. When he gets to the other side he will look for a door or window to check out.

Valanthe (Raged, AC 18)  d20+12=25 2d4(4+2)+7=13 d6=6
Tuesday July 1st, 2003 8:11:41 PM

Valanthe grits her teeth and growls at the Sahuagin. Gripping the scythe tightly she brings it around in an uppercut motion.
[hit ac 25 for 19]

Ashira  d20+9=21 d20+4=22 d20+8=21 d8+6=8 d8+6=8 d6+4=7
Tuesday July 1st, 2003 10:23:57 PM

The half-elf smiles evily at Appolo's comment as she slices at the creature in front of her. "Yeah, but will you look at the scum that's washed up on shore?! What a stench!" Three long bloody slashes appear on the creatures chest as Ashira connects with all three of her blows.

Redux  d20+6=12 d20+6=7 d20+6=7 d20+14=32
Tuesday July 1st, 2003 10:40:43 PM

Redux moves closer to the edge of the clearing but stays well within the foliage. He keeps a watchful eye and listening ear for anything besides the battle by the huts and asks Talon to do the same.(Redux: spot=12, listen=7; Talon: spot=7, listen=32) The foliage is thick; but the battle sounds are thicker, to Redux' senses. Talon listens better but on an empty island, there may not be much to hear. Redux decides to move parallel to the group, circling around to a different vantage point (left), moving outside of the trees, after noting the moving of the branches around him.

Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 6:40:35 AM

After Ari gets invisibility cast on himself, he decides to follow Rigging as he moves about the area. Ari does his best to use the sound of combat to cover his movement as he looks around the area for any sign of their lost crew members.

(if he can, Ari will try to peek into the door of the hut to see what is going. If not, it is for the next post then.)

Unexpected Guests-ADM Nellie  d20+6=22 d8+2=8 d20+1=19 d4+1=3
Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 9:41:11 AM

Val continues to slice and dice at her opponent as Appolo and Ashira gang up on the remaining sea devil. Meanwhile, Rigging, Redux, and Ari, seemingly of one mind decide to examine the occupants of the buildings.

Valanthe's last swing causes the sahuagin to wobble slightly, but it does not drop. It seems determined to dish out as much damage as it can before it goes. Timing its blows carefully, the sea devil lunges its trident deep into Val's stomach, and follows up with a nasty bite to the shoulder (11hp damage).

Appolo's opponent turns to face Ashira as the two Wildcards exchange their banter. It snarls and starts to say something in an odd language of shrill squeals, but is unable to finish as it coughs up bloody foam. It looks down to find Ashira's shortsword buried in its lung. It drops on the sandy soil, blood streaming from its lifeless body.

The invisible form of Redux sneaks around the battle, but is unable to make it to any window. Rigging manages to make it to the side of the right building, and peers in the nearby window. To his shock, he sees several familiar figures. Why...its the search party that was sent out from the Sword earlier this afternoon...but they are all bound and gagged. The invisible Ari makes it to the door on the right shack, opens it, and sees the same sight as Rigging.

Meanwhile, Akerin and Bart continue to hang back, waiting in case reinforcements are needed.

Sorry folks, but I can't read private posts as I am but only a lowly ADM. If you need to ask me something, please email to nellieknotts@earthlink.net.---Nellie

Valanthe  d20+12=21 2d4(3+4)+7=14 d6=6
Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 6:59:48 PM

This time Val brings her scythe up and down in a cross slash hoping to rend the creature from shoulder to waist.
[hit ac 21 for 20 dmg]

Rigging  d20+8=14
Wednesday July 2nd, 2003 11:41:28 PM

Rigging sees the door open, (spot check of 14) and quickly activates his own ring of invisibility. He will then head around to the door yelling, "We have hostages inside! No fireballs into the buildings please!"

Ari (invisible, shield) AC 23 HP 36  d20=6
Thursday July 3rd, 2003 9:28:18 AM

Opening the door enough to allow himself in, Ari does his best to move in quietly. If there is no enemy within, Ari does his best to untie all the captives. Hoping no attack is coming Ari mumbles to the first captive, "The swords have come."

Appolo Ac 21 HP36  d20+7=22 d8+4=12
Thursday July 3rd, 2003 11:09:52 AM

Appolo attacks the remianing opponent,striking Vicisously.

Attack Roll 22,Damage 12

Ashira  d20+11=22 d8+6=12
Thursday July 3rd, 2003 10:11:43 PM

Sizing up the battle, Ashira waits to see whether Val and Appolo down the remaining creature. If not, she attacks it with a single stroke from her longsword. If the creature is already dead, she goes over to the left building and opens the door, prepared to strike should she find any foes on the other side.

Thursday July 3rd, 2003 10:23:24 PM

With added confidence that there are no more baddies (because they haven't come to rescue their fallen/falling buddies) Redux continues his trip around to the hut and looks inside; He pulls out his dagger on his way in.

Surprise, Surprise!!!-ADM Nellie 
Friday July 4th, 2003 12:46:01 PM

With one amazing blow, Valanthe sunders her opponent as desired, leaving no doubt that he is dead. Neither Appolo nor Ashira is able to follow through with their attacks.

The invisible Rigging and Ari check out the right most building and find no more opponents. Ari begins to quickly untie the captives, reassuring them as he goes. Though shocked and surprised, several of the hostages begin to laugh and cheer as they are released. "Aye, we knew ye'd be comin for us. Stupid nasty little buggers snuck up on us. Didn't even see them coming." Though most of the crew members have taken a nasty beating, none of them seem to be in mortal danger.

Ashira and the invisible Redux opt to examine the left building. Ashira carefully opens the door and after making sure there is no immediate danger, she enters. At first it looks like the building is empty, but then a shuffling movement in the darkened corner tips off Ashira and Redux. Ashira approaches warily, and finds the badly beaten form of a sea elf!

Appolo Ac21 Hp30  d20+6=11 d20+3=13
Friday July 4th, 2003 5:51:40 PM

Once he see that the other is down as well Appolo begins to look over Valanthe's wounds. He then waves Akerin over"Akerin Val's hurt,she need your help!!" Once Akerin comes over Appolo then sets up as a lookout he doesn't like the fact that there's only two of these things around.
Spot 11.Listen 13

Akerin  5d8(2+2+8+8+2)+5=27 3d8(6+6+5)+3=20
Sunday July 6th, 2003 12:13:26 AM

Seeing the carnage at an end, Akerin approaches the wounded Val and Appolo. He uses his wand to heal first Val (5d8+5=27 of 28), then Appolo (2d8+2=14--but you only get the 12 you lost, if I counted right). As he finishes his work, he will counsel the pair on their tactics, "These two, while evil to their core, might have provided useful information regarding the answers and comrades we seek." He looks, again, over at the pair lying on the ground and continues, "While I would never raise or heal them simply to gain the information, if you had held back at the end, we may have had the chance at questioning them." He grasps their shoulders just a little tighter and pushing down slightly, using his full 6'6" stature to help them to their knees, he begins to pray over them. "Oh great Alemi, we thank the for your watchful care of these two reckless warriors. We are grateful for their protection and success in the battle. We thank thee for the healing of their wounds with your mighty power. It is our plea that you would heal their minds of the pain and violence that they will find themselves less reckless and more in control in future engagements. We humbly ask you to hear our prayer."

Sunday July 6th, 2003 12:21:13 AM

"Ashira, this is one of your race, I will summon Akerin." He rushes out the door but stops short, as he witnesses the tall and heavy healer praying over Val and Appolo. Its just a bit funny, but he knows better than to intrude on the moment for fear he would be next to be prayed over (invisibility doesn't last forever). Once the healer is finished he will approach and ask for his assistance with the newfound sea elf.

Sunday July 6th, 2003 12:32:15 AM

The half-elf starts at Redux's words as she was until now unaware of the mage's presence. Rushing to the elves side, Ashira quickly cuts loose its bonds. Examining the figure, Ashira jumps backward slightly, her eyes wide with shock. "By the gods... Coral!!!" she whispers. She gently lifts the limp form from the floor, and heads out the door belowing "Akerin, get over here now! I need your help now!!!!".

Ari (invisible, shield) AC 23 HP 36 
Sunday July 6th, 2003 10:26:15 AM

Having a few questions for the crew Ari continues untying crew members as he asks questions.

"Did the sea devils catch you unawares, or thru invisibility, or both? Is there anyone needing healing here, because Akerin would be able to help with anyone needing it."

As the calls echo around for Akerin to help out, "As you can hear from others of our party."

Appolo Hp36,Ac 21 
Sunday July 6th, 2003 12:30:04 PM

Appolo looks at Akerin"Thank you my friend for the healing.I'll go on watch now." he just shakes his head as he takes up sentry duty.

Sunday July 6th, 2003 9:53:37 PM

Exhausted Val walks over to the side and sits down. Thankfully the intense pain from her wounds were only felt for a few moments.

Tending the Sheep-ADM Nellie 
Sunday July 6th, 2003 10:36:41 PM

The night slowly closes in around the party as Appolo posts watch. He notices no sign of trouble...yet.

A crew member named Salty answers Ari's inquiries. "Not sure about the invisibility... But most of us got snagged by stupid net traps. I kept tell'n Keeler that we needed to spread out, but no...." A sailor who must be Keeler snorts derisively through a broken nose at the comment. "Anyways" Salty continues "Next thing I's know, we're been dragged to this here hut and those scalies be beaten the liv'n day lights out of the sea elf in that other hut. Seemed to be lik'n it so much that they made us watch for a while...though they stowed us away when the elf started yell'n about some big sacrifice tonight, and how he would'n let em get away with it. Rekin they beat em somethin' fierce after that, 'cause we didn't hear nothin' else out of em."

As they head out of the building. Salty takes a look around at the crew members as they are freed by Ari. "Naw, don't think we'll be needing much of healing...took a few lumps, that's all. I rekin though that the Cap'n be wanting to know about this. Maybe we oughta head back and report." Salty spots the two bloody corpses of the sahuagin, and swears loudly. "Blimey!! If we'd known that their were only two of em guard'n us we woulda tried a lot harder to escape. Wonder where the rest of those little buggers got off too...musta been at least eight or nine of em that got us."

As Ashira carries the limp form of "Coral" over toward Akerin, she is able to pick up a thready pulse, but the elf's condition does indeed seem to be dire.

Rigging (invisible, mage armor) 
Sunday July 6th, 2003 10:42:51 PM

Rigging deactivates his ring and helps free the crew. "How many of the enemy were there?" he asks the prisoners. "We only saw 2 of them but how could only 2 of them capture all of you? Answer quickly. I have people exposed on the beach."

Salty-ADM Nellie 
Monday July 7th, 2003 8:09:35 AM

The man looks at Rigging thoughtfully and rubs his chin. "Hmmmm...I thought I already answered that question...musta took a harder lump on the head than I thought. I figure there were at least eight or nine of em that jumped us...can't be sure though."

Note that all of the prisioners have been released by now.--Nellile

Rigging mage armor  d8+3=10
Monday July 7th, 2003 9:14:35 AM

Rigging will pass the word of what he has learned from the crewmen. He tells them to hold on leaving until he has a chance to talk to the other prisoner. He might have some information that the Captain needs to know.

Rigging will head over to the seaelf to see if he is ok. He will tell the other Wildcards that there are still 7 to 8 "seadevils" out there and they are conducting a sacrifice. "Apollo start thinking about some trap ideas. Remember your targets will most likely be coming from the sea. Get with Ashira to find out what is effective against these things.

Akerin, We need some healing here!" Rigging loses patience and pulls out a potion of healing. He will hold it to the elf's lips and say, "Drink this, It will help"

OOC 10 points of healing

Coral-ADM Nellie 
Monday July 7th, 2003 11:00:03 AM

The sea elf chokes slightly as the potion is poured down his throat, then bolts upright, struggling feebly against Ashira's grasp. Falling to the ground, he gets to his feet weakly, and wildly surveys his surroundings, his fists readied to defend himself. The grimace on his face changes to a smile as he spots the corpses of the sahuagin, realizing that he has been freed from his tormentors. Spotting Rigging and the other Wildcards, the look on his face becomes more urgent. "They've got the rest of your mates at the temple. There's going to be a big sacrifice tonight, when the moon is full. You need to hurry...it's only a few hours away. Don't worry, though, I know where..." Coral apparently looses track of what he was just about to say as he spots Ashira nearby. "Ashira, is that you?!! Now I know I must be dead...for their are no angels but in the lands of the dead." Coral lunges toward Ashira and begins kissing her passionately!

Monday July 7th, 2003 11:24:59 AM

Turning a bright red under her natural green complexion, Ashira steps back from Coral, gently pushing his face away from hers. "Ummm...it's good to see you again. But look, you are still too weak to be exerting yourself. Akerin, get over here and heal Coral now! We have much to talk about. Many things have changed since we last met." Ashira shuffles her feet uncomfortably, actively trying to avoid eye contact with Rigging. "Coral, its important. Do you know where the sea devil's temple is? And you said they have our mates...all of our crew members are accounted for. Did the others come from another ship perhaps?"

Monday July 7th, 2003 6:08:10 PM

Rigging's mouth will drop open when the sea elf gives his wife such a passoniate kiss. He is about to step forward and interpose himself when Ashira pushes Coral away. Quickly thinking that he will have to get Coral alone and ask him some questions, Rigging is saddened to think that he really doesn't know much about his wife's history. She has been around much longer than he has and this is bound to happen now and then. Still he doesn't like it but understands it is a honest mistake.

He will hold out his hand to Coral and say, "My name is Arrack Von Palin. I see you have already met my WIFE Ashira. I am a Seven with the Sword of Redemption and leader of there Wildcards. We are looking for some lost comrades from another ship. Sounds like you know where they are. Where is this temple? Is it underwater? Can you lead us there. It sounds like time is short and we have to hurry."

Rigging will turn to his shipmates they rescued and say, "Gentlemen please inform the Captain that the Wildcards are going to raid another temple. Tell him some of the crew of the missing ship are there and we are going to try to free them and find out what happened. Now hurry back to the ship but stay together. I don't want to have to rescue you again."

Akerin  4d8(3+6+3+4)+4=20 d8+1=5
Monday July 7th, 2003 9:14:07 PM

Akerin gives a discerning look at Appolo as he walks away. He nods in his direction and speaks softly to Val, "That boy has a lot of zeal, if he'd only learn to channel it. If you pray, think of him." Looking up, Akerin hears his name being called more urgently than before. With a look of confidence and control he makes his way over to the hut. "Your cries have been heard by the great Alemi. None were in immediate peril of death and there is healing for all." He looks over the new ally as he moves his hands carefully and gently over his wounds. He pulls out his wand, still warm from being used over his own crew and, with a gentle smile, begins to pray and tap lightly on the elf's chest, administering the healing power of his god. Once, and the elf stands up straighter; twice and his color returns; three times and any onlookers can tell he wants to speak but restrains himself as the treatment continues. After 5 touches, the healer knows that the added 25 points is most of what he will need to be at full health.

Redux  d20+2=15
Monday July 7th, 2003 9:20:10 PM

If only someone could see the invisible Redux, they would see his mouth hanging open in disbelief. Calling to Talon, then to the men now free he exclaims, "Talon will lead you the fastest way to the ship and notify us should you run into trouble." He moves over to the fallen sea devils and retrieves their weapons (and armor and knives or anything else that might be of use) (search=15). He takes them to where Coral and the others are at and deposits them on the ground. "If you are to come with us, prepare yourself with what is at hand. This is probably going to get serious before we are through."

Monday July 7th, 2003 11:16:39 PM

Val resists the urge to walk over and inflict some bodily harm on Coral. They need his help right now but perhaps later. . .

Ari (invisible?) 
Tuesday July 8th, 2003 6:56:37 AM

Concern flooding over his invisible face as the sea elf details where the rest of the crew is. Ari waits patiently for Rigging to come up with a plan. While he waits he watch the surrounding buildings and their rooftops to make sure no other devils catch them offguard.

Old Flames and New Allies-ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 8th, 2003 8:52:17 AM

Coral looks stunned as Ashira pushes him away and then Rigging makes introductions. "Yes, I can see that much has changed." he says to Ashira Turning his attention to Rigging, the sea elf manages a weak smile. "Congratulations Arrack Von Palin...you have chosen the most beautiful woman for a wife!" He quickly adopts a business like tone as he continues speaking with the leader of the Swords. "Yes, I know where the sea devil's temple is. Ever since the devils came through and almost destroyed our community I have been trailing them. And if what Ashira says is true, then yes, the humans they have captured must have come from the Ironbanks. I am not sure why, but the devils have chosen to erect their temple above the waves on another nearby island. Perhaps it is because they are using human sacrifices and do not wish them to be harmed before they are offered... Yes, time is very short, but I can easily lead you to the temple."

Coral smiles as the saguahin's weapons drop at his feet, picking up one of the tridents and giving it a couple of tosses back and forth between his hands to find the balance point. "Thanks to your friend, (he motions to Akerin) I can lend my services as a warrior also if you wish."

Ari (invisible) and Appolo continue to scan the surrounding area for signs of a sneak attack but find none...perhaps Waard is with you on this mission?

The crew members of the Sword quickly gather as Rigging gives the order to head back to the Sword. They chuckle at the mention of another rescue, and are sure to spread out before returning to the ship. Salty turns as Talon takes to the air and smiles at Rigging. "Good luck to ye, and give those devils a good old fashioned Pirate welcome, will ya?!" Talon begins leading the way back to the Sword, and the crew members follow the form of the white owl through the darkness.

Make any preparations you you want now as we will be entering combat in the next day or two.--Nellie

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 9:20:10 AM

Still blushing and staring at her feet most of the time, Ashira asks the Wildcards to gather around her. "Alright, we know what we're going against, so we might as well try to make the best of the situation. As Val and Appolo have already demonstrated, the sea devils are very susceptible to the traditional form of combat." Ashira manages a weak smile at Valanthe. "However, they do have a couple of other weaknesses. The first, obviously is fire. Most below the wave dwellers are afraid of fire. I suggest that the fighters hold back some so that Redux can get in a fire ball or two if possible. Also, the sahuagin are very susceptible to direct sunlight...I am confused as to why they were able to attack our crew during the day, since they are stunned by direct sunlight. Be aware that though they will probably engage us with weapons, they also have the ability to throw themselves into a rage, biting and clawing until they are killed. And we should encounter them under the waves, they have the ability to call sharks to their aid."

After her speech, Ashira tries to pull Rigging aside for a private word. If she is able to, she whispers to her husband in Common "I'm sorry about not telling you about Coral before, but I honestly thought it would never come up. It is a long story, and takes place in a time in my history that I don't particularly care to think about, but I will tell you when you are ready. But know that I will always love you and that nothing or no-one can interfere with our love and my devotion to you."

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 2:36:10 PM

Appolo listens to Ashira and Rigging then once ashira is done talking to Rigging,he walks over to him."Ah Rigging, O think we should head back to the Sword and bring it with us.I think that there might be more to this then the Sea-Devils themselves. It doesn't make sense for them to build their Temple on land and I don't like the fact that they were bold enough to attack in broad daylight.I think they are recieving support from someone." he then waits for a reply.

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 5:56:45 PM

"Apollo when your right your right! Looks like we are all heading back to the Sword. I don't feel like swimming to another island. Sharks and all."

Rigging goes over to one of the slain sharkmen and flips him over. He does a quick inspection looking for heartseeds. After he finds or doesn't find any, he will lead the others back to the ship."

Along the way, he will ask Coral, "How many of these nasties will we encounter at the temple?
What is the layout of the temple? Any information you can give us to prepare for the battle will be very helpful. We have some mighty fighters, including Ashira of course, but with some planning maybe we could kill all of them without losing any of us. Always a primary goal."

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 7:45:16 PM

ooc. New module yet? (hehe) or stay with old character sheet?!

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 8th, 2003 9:22:32 PM

New module begins on August 1st ish. Sorry Ari, stick with you old sheet.

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 9:44:49 PM

When Ashira pulls him aside as they are walking, Rigging will listen to his wife. He will smile and give her a hug. "Dearest I understood when I married an older woman, she might have a past. I was surprised when the past came up and kissed her, but you didn't kiss back so I feel a little better."

The young mage gives his beautiful wife a quick glance and tries to surpress a grin. He adds, "Besides, I never told you about my other fiance. You know I was noble born. My marriage was arranged at an early age. I first met my bride to be when I was eleven. She was a fiesty fifteen year old. She was concerned that I might not be mature enough for her, so she decided to give me some lessons. Yes I really enjoyed those lessons that day. Study study study and study some more. That was my motto." Rigging glances at his wife and breaks out laughing at her shocked expression. "Honey I was just kidding! Get your hand off your sword please! You know I only care for you. I think I better go talk to Redux. Gotta discuss spell selection." Rigging makes a quick getaway.

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 10:19:14 PM

finds reward in helping and healing. A whisper of a thought enters his mind that seems to indicate that reminds him that there is always more healing necessary than is given by the gods. He says a quiet prayer that this will not be the occasion that whisper becomes reality, asking Alemi to grant them strength and fortitude in their rescue mission.

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 10:30:36 PM

Redux finds himself getting run into by Rigging. As the pair pick themselves off the ground, Redux stammers, "I wasn't eavesdropping, . . . , really. ... Something about spells, is that what you wanted to discuss. As for scrolls, I have several for fireball, darkness & daylight, which might stun them, or at least distract them. I only have one magic missile spell but I also have a lightning bolt that can do some damage.

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 11:25:12 PM

Coral's appearence seems a little too coincidental for Val's liking. It seems an old 'friend' of Ashira's turned up when they needed him the most. Valanthe hopes that she is just thinking too much into a coincidence.

Appolo  d20+11=27 d20+11=13 d20+3=4 d20+6=24
Wednesday July 9th, 2003 1:50:33 AM

Appolo quickly and silently takes the lead about 50 yards ahead of the main group. he moves silently and swiftly paying close attention to everything around him.he is expecting an ambush at any minute.

Move silently 27, Hide 13,Listen 4,Spot 24

Wednesday July 9th, 2003 6:11:06 AM

Following along with the group. Ari does his best to help out the other pirates in order to get back to the ship. Letting the others take the lead in the talking. Ari wonders why Rigging is talking about sharkmen when it was the Sanguin that they just finished with.

All Together Now-ADM Nellie 
Wednesday July 9th, 2003 1:58:45 PM

Rigging's inspection of the sahuagin show no signs of heartseeding.

The Wildcards find it no problem to overtake the other crew members, even in the darkness. Salty looks surprised as the Wildcards approach, and whispers to Rigging "I thought ye was gonna go save the captives." He shrugs as they plod on toward the Sword.

Coral listens attentively to Rigging's questions. "I really don't have any idea how many of the devils are at the temple, but I would wager that we will run into significant resistance. Likewise, I don't know the layout of the temple...I've only been tailing the sahuagin since they attacked our pod. But, I know that they have a back door where they led the captives too. I can take you through that if you'd like. Also, they have a mutant among their ranks. The foul beast has four arms, and seems to be one of the highest of their ranks. If we take him out, some of the other resistance might fade."

It is even more difficult to travel through the dense undergrowth in the night, and the time seems to fly by as the moon slowly begins to rise above the horizon. By the time the party is able to return to Sword of the Seas, the moon has risen almost to its height. You estimate that there is only an hour at the most before the sacrifices are scheduled to begin.

Wednesday July 9th, 2003 10:18:53 PM

Rigging runs aboard the ship yelling, "Everyone to your stations! Prepare to get underway! Raise the anchor!" When Rigging sees the Captain he will run over and say, "Captain, I apologize for ordering the ship underway. We only have about an hour to get to the a temple where a group of Sanguin are preparing to sacrifice the remaining crew member of the Ironbanks. Time is of the essense. I want to introduce you to Coral, an old friend of Ashira's who knows where the island and the temple is. If you can get some directions from him, I would like to use the time to organize the Wildcards for a raid. I will come help with the Nautocolus to speed the ship along. Might I recommend that we get the sharks to pull the ship for maximum effort."

Rigging will gather the Wildcards around him and take a quick look at everyone. "Is everyone healed up? Now is the time. Redux, I want you to take the first crack at this mutant that Coral mentioned. Do you have a lightning bolt memorized? Does anyone have any ideas on how to assault the temple. I think we need to use our invisibility rings to maximum advantage. We need a group dedicated to try to free the prisoners. I think we should carry some extra weapons and as many healing potions as possible to help cure and arm some of the Ironbank's crewmembers." The young mage takes a big breath and blows it out. Suddenly a grin crosses his face. "Feels good getting to raid an evil temple huh? Brings back memories...scary memories, but gets the blood up."

Wednesday July 9th, 2003 11:51:01 PM

"I think we should hold off any definate plans until we know how many of these creatures we will be dealing with. Plus the layout of the island will probably be a factor."

Thursday July 10th, 2003 8:54:32 AM

"What extra spells do we have left? I'm pretty exhausted right now and I don't think I'll have anything of any real use as of right now."

Thursday July 10th, 2003 10:14:21 AM

The half-elf readies herself for the impending raid, tightening her armor and readjusting all her weaponry. When Rigging mentions how nice it is to be raiding an evil temple again, Ashira pales slightly, and prays to Alemi that there will be no casualties on this mission. She joins in on the prep talk. "Redux, do you have the ability to become invisible again? If so, then I suggest that Rigging, and Appolo use the rings in order to get off a few unexpected attacks. Val, Bart Coral and I don't really need to be invisible...unless you can make us all invisible? Since Ari has exhausted most of his offensive spells, then he's probably best sticking with the fighters. Akerin, I believe it would be most useful if you hang back and provide healing as needed. You are truly useful in battle, but I fear that we will need healing more than another hand. So, if Val, Bart, Coral, Ari and I remain visible, we can provide a distraction by being the first ones in. That way we can also judge the toughness of the opponents. Redux, Rigging and Appolo, you stay invisible and try and find that mutant. It's a temple, so there will probably be a priest too...so you'll want to keep and eye out for that too. Wait until your in the best position, and then strike. How's that sound?"

Bart (George) 
Thursday July 10th, 2003 10:47:43 PM

Bart listens to the different plans and adds, "I think we should try to power up as much as possible before we go in. I really liked the bullstrength spell. I can really put down creatures fast. I am sure Ashira, Val and Coral could all benefit from them."

Bart starts pulling out his weapons and checks them over. He will sharpen his sword and generally prepare himself for battle

Thursday July 10th, 2003 11:12:29 PM

Akerin listens from the background at the plans being made. At the comment of his healing ability, he becomes saddened. He knows that this is not gratuitous violence but a genuinely dangerous mission. "Let us get as close as we are able. I will give us all Alemi's blessing to improve our advantage in the fight. It will only last 6 minutes but that should be more than enough time to do what we are there to do. After that, should we need cover for the tactical retreat, I will cast a thick fog to hide our path to safety. Let none of you find yourselves alone in a fight or they will overtake us."

Thursday July 10th, 2003 11:13:12 PM

Redux sits on the deck flipping thru his scroll organizer. A pained look crosses his face at the question of his stock of invisibility. "No, no more scrolls of invisibility. But," he adds with a smile, "I do have the spell memorized as well as a potion of invisibility. I also have the wand of bull strength that would be good, especially for the fighters, before we begin. Regarding tactics, it might be good to use our bows first, this time and from at least 2 angles, if possible; anyone have some flaming arrows?" He looks up as Talon comes down for some attention. He stops talking and simply strokes his feathers as he continues to listen.

Friday July 11th, 2003 7:59:30 AM

Rigging will start pacing the deck his mind in an obvious whirl. "There are several things we need to think about. How to cordinate the attack? How to get some beat up prisoners back to the ship if we are pursued? How we keep the Sword from being seen by guards and the temple alerted to our presence? Val, I agree that we need to know the layout of the temple and what we are facing but we are really limited on time here. We can send Talon ahead to do a quick survey but that will only be of the outside of the temple unless..." Rigging turns to Redux and says, "Could you cast your invisibility on Talon? Then he could fly right into the temple and give us an idea on what we are facing."

Rigging pulls out the magical sextant and continues, "I am going to leave the planning of this assault in your capable hands family. I think Ashira was right though. Apollo and I should try to go ahead and station ourselves where we can do some serious surprise damage taking advantage of our rings. The rest of you, including Coral can make up the main body of our attack. Think hit and run. Remember we will need to have some kind of guard on the longboats if we are to get the injured back to the Sword. Maybe we can recruit some of the crew for this duty and they can help man the oars. Gotta go help speed the boat along."

Rigging leaves the group and heads over to the Captain activating the sextant and using its abilities to get to "Temple Island" faster.

Escape to Temple Island-ADM Nellie 
Friday July 11th, 2003 12:37:45 PM

Coral joins up with Rigging as he prepares the Nautocolus to speed the ship along. Amazed at the wonder of the devise, Coral gives Rigging rough directions to the island, indicating that it is on the other side of the island the Sword is currently beached upon, a few miles away. He also warns Rigging that there is a large coral reef that surrounds the island, so the Sword will have to be left several yards from the island's shore.

There is a flurry of activity on the deck of the Sword as the Captain prepares the crew for the rescue mission. The ships mage is called forward, and once again performs the strange ceremony with the shark jaws. Pulling with all their gigantic shark might and aided by the favorable winds provided by Rigging, the ship shudders and groans, but once more finds its home in the sea. Meanwhile, teams are formed to dispatch and guard the longboats that will be dedicated for the rescue of the Ironbanks crew. It is no surprise that the Captain decides that the Wildcards should be dispatched first as a raiding party before the other members of the crew join in on the effort.

Arming themselves and preparing the longboats, the crew of the Sword of the Seas appear anxious but jittery as the large ship slips quietly through the night waters toward the mysterious island. Time passes as quickly as the waves that lap against the vessel. As Rigging approaches the launch spot indicated by Coral, you are horrified to see that the moon is VERY close to being full. This one's going to be close. Up ahead, where the island is supposed to be located, a dense fog looms in the darkness.

The longboat for the Wildcard's is readied and lowered into the waters. With a small splash, it hits the waters, and Bart begins to row steadily toward the fog and away from the Sword...

Friday July 11th, 2003 5:32:17 PM

As she approaches the island, Ashira pulls out two barkskin potions from her backpack and drinks it. Her skin immediately thickens as the magic coarses through her veins. "We're close now" she whispers "time to use that wand." She hands the other potion to Coral, whispering to him to drink it. Her hands nerviously grip her sword hilts as they near the island.

Coral-ADM Nellie 
Friday July 11th, 2003 9:59:44 PM

The elf drinks the profered potion and stares into the fog ahead. "Not very far now" he whispers "Keep the noise down and get ready. I'll lead you to the side door."

Rigging hps 50, ac 18, mage armor, invisible 
Friday July 11th, 2003 10:35:11 PM

When the boat beaches, Rigging tap Apollo on the shoulder and point to his ring. Then Rigging will activate his own. The others her him say, "Apollo and I will go in first. Give us a minute to get set and then the rest follow. Of course if you hear our screams of pain, feel free to rush in to our rescue."

OOC How long has it been since we traveled the other ship and now?

Redux  d20+2=13
Friday July 11th, 2003 11:46:33 PM

To Rigging: "No, I will not ask Talon to go into the temple alone, even invisible."

As they row in, Redux will take out his Bull Strength wand and offer it to all the fighters. Those who accept, roll 1d4+1 for your strength bonus for the next 3 hours.

To Talon, flying above the boat: 'Let me know when you smell their stench so we can all be extra vigilant.' (smell check=13)

Friday July 11th, 2003 11:50:56 PM

Akerin sees to it that he takes his turn on the oars, not wanting any of the fighters to be fatigued when the battle starts. The work is good for him: his mind is able to relax while his body works at the repetitive task. Once they hit shore and before they break up, Akerin will pray over the group giving them a +1 bonus to attack, damage, save and skill check rolls and a --1 penalty to all enemy's rolls for the same.

AppoloHp 36 ac 21 Invisible 
Saturday July 12th, 2003 1:02:02 AM

Appolo hgas plenty of arrows wrapped in oily cloth and plenty of oil he also has a small bullseye hooded lanter lit. He is ready for some dark and dangerous wet work.He laso has remained silent. When rigging indicates for him to activate his ring he does so and follows Rigging ashore,taking point just ahead of him.

Bart (bullstrength)  d4+1=4
Saturday July 12th, 2003 3:42:33 PM

Bart accepts Redux's spell eagerly and feels much stronger after it takes effect. He will pull out his sword and follow Coral to the temple.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength)  d4+1=3
Saturday July 12th, 2003 10:44:09 PM

Ashira gladly accepts Redux's offer of the wand, and smiles as she suddenly feels stronger.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength)  d4+1=5
Saturday July 12th, 2003 10:45:39 PM

Coral follows suit with Ashira, his eyes widening as his muscles swell with magical power.

OOC William 
Sunday July 13th, 2003 7:54:20 PM

Hi all I'm back I didn't forgot you guys! I was in the hospital for 14 days I had an big car accident. I broke my leg, they did put an steel pin imside, luvkily I dont have other injury's . I will post to morrow after i read the post


Strange Weather We're Having-ADM Nellie  d6=5 d6=1 d20+3=20 d20+3=8 d20+7=12
Sunday July 13th, 2003 9:49:51 PM

Bart and Akerin continue to row steadily, and soon enter the fog bank. Strangely, even though the moon is mostly full, it is almost impossible to see. You find that you can only see about 5 feet around you. Continuing to row into the mist, you hear the faint sounds of chanting close by, and then the soft crunch as the boat hits the sandy shore.

As soon as the boat settles against the island, the invisible forms of Rigging and Appolo begin to head out into the mist. Limited to about 5 feet of visibility, Rigging and Appolo stumble about on the sandy beach (crunch, crunch, crunch), but eventually manage to find what must be the main entry way to the temple. Scouting around to what you think is the west, you come upon a small door. All of the doors encountered so far have been closed, and you can see light shining from underneath both of them.

The rest of the party waits in the darkness of the fog, silently counting off the seconds. Talon circles above the boat, and reports that he doesn't smell anything yet. Then, suddenly there are a couple of small splashes, followed quickly by that ever so familiar stench of rotting fish. Ashira and Bart feel cold scaly arms reach out of the surrounding water. Bart's attacker manages to grab onto him, and begins pulling him toward the waters. Bart-Grapple check (base attack + strength) vs DC 12 to avoid being pulled into the water. Ashira's opponent barely misses her and ducks back quickly under the water.

Valanthe (60hp, AC 20) 
Sunday July 13th, 2003 10:42:46 PM

Valanthe grabs ahold of Bart and tries to hold him on the boat. She isn't particularly thrilled with the situation. Sitting on a boat trying to fend off monsters who can breathe water is not a healthy situation.

Ari AC 16 HP 36(prayer, Bulls strength +2)  d4+1=2 d20=14
Monday July 14th, 2003 6:50:53 AM

Ari will make use of the strengthening aid.

Hearing the splashes Ari quickly looks around to their source. (listen is 14+1=15 +1 for prayer=16 assuming DC=15).

If Ari is in a position to help, he'll reach out and help. If he cannot help, he'll do his best to balance the boat with the actions of his crewmates.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer) 
Monday July 14th, 2003 10:45:34 AM

"Everybody, out of the boat! Don't play to their strong suit. Get them up on land." Ashira unsheaths her swords and jumps into the nearby water.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer) 
Monday July 14th, 2003 10:46:29 AM

Following Ashira's lead, Coral jumps into the water on the other side of the ship, trident in hand.

Redux  d20=13
Monday July 14th, 2003 7:10:07 PM

At the brief sight of the saguahin, narrowly missing Ashira (he was right beside her and that was really creapy), Redux barely grabs his robes, runs to the front of the boat and jumps directly to the land (jump=13). "RIGGING, APPOLO, TRAP, THEY ARE EXPECTING US," he yells into the fog. He casts invisibility on himself. 'Talon fly to where Appolo & Rigging are and give me some idea as to their direction.'

Appolo Ac 21 Hp 36 Invisible  d20+11=31 d20+10=29 d20+3=18 d20+6=17 d20+3=16
Monday July 14th, 2003 8:15:00 PM

Appolo moves silently forward,using the fog to his advantage.Keeping his eyes and ears open for trouble.Hearing sounds of possible trouble he stops and waits for Rigging to say something.

Move silently 31,Hide 29,Listen 18, spot 17, search 16

Akerin  d20+6=26 d20+6=23 d6+2=6
Monday July 14th, 2003 11:08:18 PM

Seeing his boatmate opposite him in trouble from the Sahuagin, Akerin takes a stride across the boat, forms a wide stance for stability and takes a swing with his sap at the evil being (dc=26, crit threat only) and knocks it squarely on the head (dam=7 (prayer) subdual). He's glad the boat is beached and that they won't flip it immediately.

Bart  d20=9 d20+14=27 d10+9=17
Tuesday July 15th, 2003 6:57:49 AM

Bart feels some hands trying to grap him easily he breaks free (grapple check 9+7+5) turns around and attacks his attacker (ac 27 for17)

(ooc i dont have my char sheet or PHB at hand with the bullstrenth i have an strenght of 21 that gives me a bonus of 5 or not?)

Time is A Ticking-ADM Nellie  d20+7=13 d20+6=15 d20+7=11 d20+7=26 d20+5=10 d20+5=22 d20+5=18 d4+2=5 d2+1=3 d4+1=2 d2=1
Tuesday July 15th, 2003 10:53:07 AM

Rigging and Appolo continue to skirt around the temple, but find no other entrances. They do note that the temple appears to be under construction, as though it is currently serviceable, but there are plans for future expansion.

Meanwhile, back at the longboat, Val and Akerin rush to Bart's aid. As Val pulls Bart back into the boat, Akerins smacks the foul beast on the noggin producing a sound much like a coconut would make. Meanwhile, Ari makes sure that the ship remains balanced as the combat rages. With Val's help, Bart easily brushes off his opponent (Yep, a 21 is a +5 bonus). Spinning around, Bart's sword slashes into the scaly creature of the deep, almost decapitating it. The combined attack proves too much for the creature, and it bobs helplessly on the waves, apparently unconscious.

All those above the waves hear the chanting stop abruptly. It is quickly replaced by the loud swearing in Common.

Meanwhile, beneath the waters, Coral and Ashira find and swim toward the sahuagin that attacked Ashira previously. Finding itself surrounded, the sea devil drops its trident and whips itself into a rage. Turning on Coral, it manages to connect with a few of its attacks, inflicting minimal damage on the elf.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+12=25 d20+7=20 d6+5=10 d6+5=8
Tuesday July 15th, 2003 4:25:41 PM

Knowing that her longsword will be of little use underwater, Ashira lunges forward at the sea devil with her shortsword twice. Large pools of blood flow from the sahuagins body as both blows connect.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+7=22 d8+4=9
Tuesday July 15th, 2003 4:30:35 PM

Unfazed by the blood frenzy, Coral presses in on the sea devil, hoping to finish the encounter quickly. He lunges his trident toward the bleeding creature, feeling a satisfying crunch as it connects with the scaly creature.

Ari AC 16 HP 36(prayer, Bulls strength +2) 
Tuesday July 15th, 2003 10:35:45 PM

ooc I'm a little confused. Did we leave the longboat beached after dropping off the others? Did the devils try to drag someone off the beach into the water?

Rigging AC 19, hps 50 mage armor, invisible, prayer  d20+11=28 d20+8=22 d20+6=15
Tuesday July 15th, 2003 11:18:23 PM

OOC Sorry folks, my laptop experienced some problems yesterday.

Rigging will whisper to Apollo, "Guess we need to go in the front door. Let's see if we can free some prisoners while our friends are making so much noise."

Rigging will go back to the main entrance trying to move as quietly as possible and keep his eyes and ears out for trouble.

OOC first roll was for move silently, second was for spot, third was for listen

Tuesday July 15th, 2003 11:24:35 PM

Valanthe grabs the oars and starts rowing for shore. She wishes she could help but underwater fighting is not one of her strong points.

ADM Nellie 
Wednesday July 16th, 2003 6:55:16 AM

Sorry about the confusion folks. The longboat has already been beached. No one has been dragged underwater, though Ashira and Coral have jumped in on their own accord. According to my notes, Ari, Val, Akerin, and Bart are still aboard the beached longboat.

Wednesday July 16th, 2003 9:23:09 AM

Getting out of the longboat, Ari stands watch as best he can along the shore. Trying to wait for his friends that are in the water, or if Rigging calls out for assistance.

Somebody Ought to Call Surprise By Design-ADM Nellie 
Wednesday July 16th, 2003 9:34:50 AM

Rigging and Appolo scoot around the perimeter of the temple and make it back to the main doors with no problem. Once at the doors, Rigging leans in take a listen behind the temple doors. He hears the sounds of a scuffle, and someone screaming "Ye nasty barnacle luvin freaks, I'll not go down without a fight!" along with a second voice that lets out a stream of profanities that even the most hardened Pirate would blush at. Then a strong voice, that is obviously unaccustomed to Common yells "Oh great Ga'al, we present these, your most hated enemies as a sacrifice to you. May their blood and screams be pleasing in your sight!"

Knowing there is no time to lose, Rigging reaches forward and yanks open the left main door (which opens outward). He is greeted by a volley of crossbow bolts which bounce off the open door and out into the night fog (I am assuming that you stood behind the door when you opened it).

Though very dimly lit, the light inside the temple is almost blinding compared to the inky darkness of the fog, and it takes Rigging and Appolo's eyes a few minutes to adjust. When their eyes do clear, it's hard to believe the sight in front of them. The interior of the temple is decorated in a blood red with several frescos depicting a definite Ga'alian theme...though more shark like in form. Four sahuagin armed with repeating crossbows stand in front of the doors looking vainly for the person who opened the door. Toward the back are two blood stained altars. A sahuagin dressed in the traditional robes of a priest of Ga'al (including the blood red handkerchief) stands between the two alters as four other sahuagin struggle to place two humans on the altars.

Meanwhile, back on the beach, the remaining Wildcards watch and wait for the return of Ashira and Coral. A large pool of blood forms on the waters surface, and then a few seconds later, Ashira and Coral emerge dripping wet from the ocean. No signs of the second sahuagin can be found.

Combat maps in your boxes, folks.--Nellie

Wednesday July 16th, 2003 10:07:37 AM

Come on we have tro go to the temple no time to loose! Bart rushes forward to the temple with his sword drawn ready to fight anything that comes on his path.

Wednesday July 16th, 2003 10:24:46 AM

Redux hustles towards the sounds from the temple hoping to get a fireball inside before his comrades enter. A Chaotic-Neutral thought enters his mind that maybe he can center it to the side and only singe his friends. 'Talon! Stay out of that Temple. Fly to the ship if the fog is too much for you.'

Wednesday July 16th, 2003 10:33:01 AM

Akerin gathers his weapons, potions, wands and things he might need for healing and begins to make his way to the temple. He prays Alemi will help to spare the captives from sacrifice.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer) 
Wednesday July 16th, 2003 1:52:16 PM

An evil glint in her eyes, Ashira shakes the ocean water from her hair. Smiling at Coral she says "Just like old times, eh?" As they had previously discussed, Ashira waits for Redux to finish his spell before she storms into the temple. Making a double move, Ashira engages with one of the sahuagin (S10) blocking the way.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer) 
Wednesday July 16th, 2003 1:55:25 PM

The multiple scratches on his body streaming blood, Coral smiles back at Ashira. "Yeah, but I think you're getting better!" He follows Ashira into the temple once the spellcasting is finished, yelling a strange sounding battle cry.

Wednesday July 16th, 2003 2:57:47 PM

Seeing that the water fighers are fine, Ari moves with the rest of the group to engage those in the temple.

Appolo Hp36 ac 21 Invisible  d20+11=24 d20+10=14 d20+7=25
Wednesday July 16th, 2003 3:50:39 PM

Appolo silently draws a dagger and lightly tosses it into the fog.It lands with a loud clatter.He then tumbles silently at the diangle to the otherside of the door way,crossing right in front of the enemy and coming up in the shados to thier right.

Rigging ac 21, hps 50 invisible, cats grace +3, prayer, mage armor  d4+1=3
Wednesday July 16th, 2003 10:00:12 PM

Rigging flinches away from the bolts slamming into the door. A plan quickly forms in the young rogue's mind. He shouts, "Clover! Diron! There are to many of them! Quick get back to the boat. Its a trap! The smelly fishheads have crossbows!" Rigging will then bolt loudly down the stairs hoping to draw some of the Sauhuagin out into the open, where his more muscular friends can deal with them. He will make sure to stay out of the line of fire and when he makes it to the bottom, he will make a quick right and crouch by the wall at the bottom of the stairs. If he has time, he will cast a quick spell on himself called Cat's grace

Valanthe ac 20, 60hp 
Wednesday July 16th, 2003 11:02:31 PM

"Rigging we don't have time to fall back. They will stall us with their crossbows until the sacrifices have been made. Then they will overwhelm us with numbers." Val says as she runs past Rigging with her glowing scythe in hand. She rushes through the door knowing full well that she will be drawing their fire.

OOC: I am not sure what the distance is between Val and the Sauhuagin. She will engage number 11.

A Rise in Temperature-ADM Nellie  6d6(3+3+2+2+6+6)=22 d20+1=3 d20+1=7 d20+1=15 d20+1=11 d20+1=4 d20+10=15 2d4(2+3)+5=10 d6=6 d20+8=19 d20+8=21 d20+6=22 d20+6=20 d2+2=3 d20+6=24 d4+2=3 d20+6=16 d20+6=25 d20+6=10 d2+2=4 d20+6=10 d20+6=22 d20+6=7 d2+2=3 d20+7=25 d20+7=20 d8+2=4
Thursday July 17th, 2003 12:51:08 PM

As had been previously discussed in their planning sessions, the Wildcards hold off until they hear Redux finish up his spell. Sidestepping west, Redux carefully calculates where to place his fireball so that it will be most effective. The fog in front of Redux burns away as the small burning sphere hurtles through the darkness and into the temple. It continues to grow in size and intensity until it reaches the middle of the temple and then explodes in a burst of blinding light and searing heat. The flames rip through the sahuagin ranks all but killing several of them. Curiously though, the priest remains untouched by the blazing flames, without so much as a spot of soot on his robes!

As the flames die down and the lighting returns to its former dim state, the Wildcards rush in and begin their assault. Due to the distance, Bart, Ashira, Coral, Ari, and Akerin are forced to make double moves to close the ranges with the crossbowmen. Val, on the other hand is able to engage and attack S12 (since Ari already closed with S11). The crackling scythe arc through the air and beheads the sea devil with one blow. The head flies through the air, biting and snarling until it smacks against the left wall. Meanwhile, the invisible Appolo sneaks past the combat and hides in the shadows with no problem, scoping out the temple (Spot check please). The invisible Rigging tries his hand at deceit as he rounds the corner and casts his spell.

As Val predicted, the sea devils do not fall for Rigging's ruse, standing their ground. Dropping their ineffective crossbows, the devils fall back on their natural weapons, having no time to retrieve their tridents. Fighting for it's life, S9 claws and bites frantically at Bart and manages to connect, but inflicts minimal damage (6hp). Likewise, Ashira and Ari's opponents also scratch the Wildcards to little effect (4 hp to Ashira, 3hp to Ari).

The sounds of battle ring through the temple, and apparently attract attention. The door toward the back of the temple bursts open and two saguahin rush in. Seeing their brothers engaged, they move forward and take careful aim at Bart with their crossbows. One bolt whizzes past Bart and Akerin while the second one lodges into his left arm (4hp damage).

The four sea devils by the altars quickly finish securing the captives to the altar, and rush toward the open door at the back of the temple. Looking triumphant, the priest moves over to stand by the altar containing captive #1. Raising his arms to the sky, he plunges them savagely into the mans chest and rips open his rib cage. Blood spurts upward as the dying captives screams fill the air. Reaching around, and apparently taking great delight in the torture, the priest finally removes his arms. A triumphant smile on his face, he holds out the man's still beating heart. "So is the fate of all who do not fall to their knees and worship almighty Ga'al!"

Appolo Hp36 Ac 21 Invisible  d20+6=22 d20+11=29 d20+10=14 d20+7=19 d4+2=4
Thursday July 17th, 2003 2:18:53 PM

Appolo takes a good look around,then curses as the Priest kills the prisoner. He thinks to himself time to give this fool a little reality check. He moves quickly and silently toward the priest,getting behind the wretch. He takes out his assins dagger and back stabs the Priest.

OOC: Spot 22,Move Silently 29,Hide 14,Attack 19
Damage 4x3=12{Back stab}+ Poison Save Dc 17.

Rigging AC 21 hps 50 (invisible, mage armor, prayer, cats grace 3) 
Thursday July 17th, 2003 4:23:58 PM

Rigging sighs as he sees everyone rush pass. He will follow the group and see the priest kill his victim. He will run around to his left deciding to backstab the priest and take some revenge. He thinks the priest will be heading in that direction towards the next prisoner and he will be in position to do some damage. If he has time after he gets to position, he will cast a true strike spell.

Redux (prayer)  3d4(1+1+3)+3=8
Thursday July 17th, 2003 10:16:27 PM

Delight turns to a scowl as the fireball goes off but doesn't affect the priest. Moving to the doorway, Redux casts magic missiles at the priest (3 missiles for 8dmg :( ). He knows he can do better and begins to think of a different spell.

Bart  d20+15=24 d10+10=18 d20+9=26 d10+10=18
Friday July 18th, 2003 3:41:40 AM

Bart attacks his foe with al his might (ac 24 for 18)His second attack on the devil makes another nice bloddy line on the beast (ac26 for 18)

Ari AC 16 HP 33 (prayer, Bulls strength +2)  d20+7=17 d20+3=7 3d6(3+3+5)+5=16
Friday July 18th, 2003 4:20:25 AM

Snareling his disguist at the gruesum ceremony Ari calls out, "May Alemi purify this place of the stink of any and all who follow Ga'al".

Ari emphasises his point by taking a swipe at S11 with the holy scimitar of Alemi and the dragon Dagger. (Hitting AC 18 and * (forgot +1 from BS) doing 16 points of damage (against evil creatures))

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+9=27 d20+4=19 d20+8=26 d8+8=11 d8+8=12 d6+5=7
Friday July 18th, 2003 10:02:00 AM

A wicked glint in her eyes, Ashira unleashes a full attack on the sea devil in front of her (S11). She dodges and thrusts looking for the perfect opportunity to strike. As the sahuagin parries, Ashira finds the opening she was looking for and slashes under her opponent's arm and then follows with a stabbing blow to the chest with her shortsword.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+7=9
Friday July 18th, 2003 10:07:45 AM

The half-elf spits in disgust at the sacrifise and lunges his trident toward the sahuagin in front of him but misses terribly. Glancing at Ashira, he states the obvious. "We've got to get up there before he can get to the others."

High Stakes Game-ADM Nellie  d20+7=19 d20+7=23 d8+2=5 d8+2=8
Friday July 18th, 2003 10:31:57 AM

Once again, seeming of the same mind, Appolo and Rigging both pick the priest as target of their attacks. Appolo sneaks around the edges of the temple, stealthly slinking toward the priest, but suddenly runs into something very solid. Looking up, Appolo finds himself face to face with the ugliest creature he's ever seen! Dressed in leather armor with four arms and a very raged scare across the side of its face. No doubt, this must be the mutant that Coral was talking about! It's hard to believe that you didn't spot that monstrosity before, but with the dim lighting, it seems to melt into the shadows. The beast snarls at his invisible opponent, but can't seem to locate the sneaky thief as it flails two tridents in front of him.

Rigging enters the temple and skirts around the battle line and heads toward the priest. Even making a double move Rigging is still unable to close ranks with the blood thirsty priest.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Wildcards form a deadly reception line as they literally chop the competition into pieces. Bart's blows leave his opponent in a pile of pieces before his feet, and Ari's holy strike likewise dices the sahuagin in front of him. Not wanting to be found shirking, Ashira's blows prove well placed and the last remaining frontline sea devil drops in a quivering pile of flesh.

Seeing that the front line has failed, the remaining sahuagin regroup. The two newcomers move into a position in between the altars and fire their crossbows hitting Ari (5hp) and Coral (8hp). The two of the sea devils guarding the captives move to block the left flank and remove their tridents hanging from their backs. The remaining two sahuagin seem to be struggling with something in the rear of the temple.

Pocketing the former Pirates heart in his robes, the priest of Ga'al grabs the corpse and rips it out of the restraints, throwing it carelessly in the corner. Redux's bolts slam into his body, but he barely seems to notice. Taking up a position by the other captive, he snarls at the Wildcards. "Weak Alemi is nothing compared to the dominion of Ga'al! Soon all will bow their knees to his rule and you Pirates will be crushed under his feet. War is coming, and you will soon meet the fates you deserve!" The priest raises his arms above the captive as the man struggles frantically against the restraints holding him to the altar, blood streaming down his arms.

Appolo Hp 36 Ac 21 Invisible  d20+5=13 d20+5=16 d20+11=31 d20+10=24 d20+11=28 d20+7=23 d4+2=3
Friday July 18th, 2003 5:40:16 PM

Appolo looks up at the creature and thinks not now big,don't have time to play.Appolo then swiftly side steps and sprints silently and swiftly pst the two suaghin in the middle,jumps up on the edge of the altar and luanches himself dagger in hand straight at the priest driving his assins dagger into the Priest as he tackles him and drives him to the floor.Becoming visible as he make contact.

OOC:Hero Point Jump 16,Move silently 31,hide 24
Balance 28 Attack 23,Damage 3 if it counts as a back stab 9,This is also a tackle. Also I am using my Run Feat for the Charge if possible.

Bart  d20+15=23 d10+10=17
Saturday July 19th, 2003 4:38:36 AM

Bart rushes to the nearest seadevil and attacks him (ac 23 for17) (i cant access my email so i have no map i dont know if a second attack is allowed or who the nearest foe is)

Rigging AC 21 Hps 50 invisible, cats grace 3, true strike, prayer  d20+28=48 d20+28=44 d20+10=26 d20+11=14 d4+2=3 2d6(4+5)=9 2d6(4+1)=5 2d6(2+2)=4 d6+2=8
Saturday July 19th, 2003 4:39:53 PM

Rigging is surprised to see the mutant so close and decides to attack him instead. He slides up and uses a sneak attack using his holy dagger first and following up with the rapier. He slashes into the mutant viciously with the dagger and then buries his rapier in beside the first wound.

OOC Some sweet rolling 48 was my first roll including the true strike spell, rolled a natural 20 and followed up with a critical hit roll which was successful. Then rolled a 26 for my rapier. total damage from the holy dagger attack was 21. 2d6 for sneak, 2d6 for critical or do I double my damage from the dagger attack? (1 point more if I do)and 2d6 for the creature being evil with my holy dagger, Rapier hit for 8 more. If it holds, I did 29 points of damage to the mutant. I am in awe of myself. :-)

Valanthe ac 20, 60hp  d20+9=29 d20+10=27 2d4(3+3)+5=11 d6=2
Sunday July 20th, 2003 12:36:21 AM

With one man already killed, the other would surely go soon. Desperate to save the last sacrifice Val runs over to the alter and leaps onto it. Looking down at the Sauhuagin Priest, Val brings her scythe around and slashes the creature.

OOC: Jump check 29, without the bonus that fast movement provides. Val hit ac 27 for 13. Sorry about my absence. I recently purchased Knights of the Old Republic for the xbox and got hooked.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+14=29 d8+8=16
Sunday July 20th, 2003 9:02:04 PM

Seeing that Val and Appolo seem to have the priest well in hand, Ashira decides to make her own move to slow down the sacrifices. Running full steam toward S4, Ashira charges the sea devil with her longsword, ready to plant it in his chest.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+9=29 d20+9=28 2d8(1+7)+8=16
Sunday July 20th, 2003 9:08:28 PM

Seemingly unwilling to leave Ashira's side, Coral follows suit, charging S3. Webbed feet flapping on the stone floor, the sea elf levels his trident and rushes forward, a wild scream emerging from his lips as his trident lodges in the sea devils chest.

Akerin  d20+2=17
Sunday July 20th, 2003 10:03:01 PM

Akerin, upon entering the temple sees the priest finish the first sacrifice, runs to the 2nd and immediately tries to free him, making a hard pull at the strap (dc=17). He is praying to Alemi to give him the help required to get the captive off the alter to safety while the priest is distracted.

Redux (prayer)  d4=4
Sunday July 20th, 2003 10:06:55 PM

Redux casts Spectral Hand, creating a glowing hand beside him with 4 hp that he begins to direct towards the priest and other sea devils.

Appolo OOC 
Monday July 21st, 2003 2:26:48 AM

I'd just like to piont out that if Appolo's attack was successful then most likely him and the Priest are on the floor behind the altar and if not then Val most likely sliced a chunk out of Appolo's back and drove him to the floor,considering that Appolo got there first and would be directly between her and the Priest.

Ari AC 16 HP 28 (prayer, Bulls strength +2)  d20+8=22 d20+4=16 3d6(2+3+2)+6=13 d4+7=10
Monday July 21st, 2003 4:46:35 AM

Seeing everyone rush forward and noting that there is not much space in the area. Ari takes second to look around and see what's going on.

Seeing that Rigging has become visible after dealing a nasty blow to the mutant looking thing. Ari decides to flank Rigging's position on the mutant. He'll try to wait until the mutant turns towards Rigging, and then move into attack. (AC 23 AC 17 for 13 if evil or 8 if not, and 10 points if ac's hit (forgot prayer bonuses))

Divide and Conquer?-ADM Nellie  d20+4=24 d20+2=10 d20+6=20 d20+5=21 d20+3=18 d6=4 d20+11=29 d20+11=31 d20+11=23 d8+5=9 2d8(4+7)+10=21 d20+9=27 d20+9=27 d6+1=4 d6+1=3 d20+13=21 d20+8=21
Monday July 21st, 2003 11:18:17 AM

The battle continues to rage between good and evil as the Wildcards appear to be getting the upper hand.

Slipping past the two sahuagin guarding the middle of the altar, Appolo makes an amazing leap and pounces on the unsuspecting cleric, smashing him into the ground and driving the dagger into his shoulder. Reeling from the pain of the blow and surprise, the priest snarls at the young man with murderous rage. Grabbing the rogue by the shoulders, the priest lifts Appolo from on top of him and in an amazing feat of strength (priest strength=21, Appolo=18), throws Appolo into the altar (Appolo takes 4 points of damage). Then, the priest begins casting a spell and then reaches out and touches Appolo on the leg. Appolo's body shudders as evil energy flows over him, and he immediately feels as if he is not as lucky as he used to be.

Bart, Ashira and Coral all pick out their intended victims and rush them. Bart's blow slices deeply into the sea devil's leg, badly wounding it. The devil and its partner drops their crossbows and draw their tridents.

Ashira likewise manages to spear her victim, catching him in the pelvis region with her longsword. The blood streaming from the wound proves to be extremely distracting, and the sahuagin is unable to connect with its ill aimed blow at Ashira.

With an amazing rush, Coral slams into his opponent, his trident traveling completely through the devil's body. It slumps lifelessly forward and Coral's trident is ripped out of its body as it falls to the ground.

Using his invisibility wisely, Rigging launches an amazing attack against the mutant, cutting a deep wound in its stomach, and then following with a well places blow with his rapier. The PHB states that "Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied." So, Rigging inflicts a total of 24 hp damage. Not bad! Spotting the chance to help out Rigging, Ari moves forward to help Rigging with the mutant. His scimitar slashes across one of the mutants arm, leaving a deep gash The mutant cannot currently be flanked by Ari. Ari took more than a 5 foot step, so therefore he cannot wage a full attack.Looking unfazed at the dual attack, the mutant smiles and wages a full attack against Rigging. In and amazing flurry of blows, the devil lunges one trident into Rigging's shoulder (9hp), another into his stomach (21 hp-a critical :( ) and then plunges a shortsword into his leg (4hp) and then the other shortsword into his side (3hp). Blood pours from Rigging's wounds (he takes 37 dam. total). Laughing wickedly, the mutant takes a step backward, forcing his opponents to come to him one at a time.

Valanthe rushes forward and hops on top of the altar. She notices that the priest is prone and she is unable to attack him this round. Taking advantage of her position, Val slices into Bart's opponent (S8) and almost brings it to its knees.

As Akerin struggles with the leather straps holding the captive in place on the altar, Redux decides to lend a helping hand.

Divide and Conquer Addendum-ADM Nellie 
Monday July 21st, 2003 11:21:57 AM

Spotting their cleric in trouble, the two sahuagin at the back of the temple rush forward to engage Appolo, pulling their tridents from behind their back.

Bart  d20+15=24 d10+10=19 d20+9=15 d10+10=16
Monday July 21st, 2003 3:24:29 PM

Bart makes another attack he makes another slice in him (ac 24 for 19) he takes a few steps and attacks the second devil he probally misses this beast (ac 15 for16)

Appolo Hp32/36 Ac 21 Invisble  d20+7=16 d20+8=16 d20+3=20 d20+3=21 d20+3=21 d8+3=5 d6=3 d6=2 d6=3
Monday July 21st, 2003 5:38:51 PM

Appolo quickly rolls back and reactivates his ring going invisible agian.He then retreats swiftly and silently running toward the monster. Drawing his sword as he does so.He attempts to backstab the monster with his sword.

OOC:Move silently 16,Hide 16, Tumble 20 Attack 21
Damage 5+{3d6 if applicable=8+5=13} please ignore extra attack roll.Run Feet

I used the assins dagger on the priest it's poisoned.I think he needs to save DC17.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+12=19 d20+4=11 d20+8=13 d8+8=10
Monday July 21st, 2003 9:15:13 PM

Trying to finish the sea devil in front of her quickly, Ashira launches a full attack, but is only able to hit with her first longsword strike. Cursing, she watches as Rigging is sliced savagely by the mutant. She is torn between stopping the priest and helping her husband. "Val, Bart...Rigging needs help!" she shouts as she dodges and weaves past the fainting blows of the sea devil in front of her.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+7=12
Monday July 21st, 2003 9:19:43 PM

Hearing Ashira's cry for help, the sea elf seems to struggle internally for a few seconds. Lunging his trident toward Ashira's sahuagin and missing, Coral doesn't miss a beat. He begins to make a bee line for the mutant.

Rigging ac 21 hps 13/50 mage armor, cats grace 3, prayer  d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Monday July 21st, 2003 10:24:53 PM

Rigging will backpedal away from the mutant,towards the door, while launching several missiles from his hands. He will then grab a potion of moderate healing and prepare to drink it.

Redux (prayer)  d20+7=14 d20+7=15
Monday July 21st, 2003 10:43:45 PM

Redux moves forward to the door as he continues to send the spectral hand forward. He chooses a victim (S5) and casts Ghoul Touch (hitting ac=14).

Akerin (prayer)  d20=7
Monday July 21st, 2003 10:45:05 PM

Akerin continues to work at the bindings, not using simple strength but working the mechanism to get the binding off. He calmly tells the man that he will need to leave him to help another of his friends, once the first hand is free. If successful at removing the first hand strap, he will hand the man his Siangham before starting over to where Rigging is (or will be).

Valanthe ac 20, 60hp  d20+9=23 d20+10=24 2d4(2+3)+5=10 d6=4
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 2:28:30 AM

With nobody left in position to hold off the mutant, Val jumps over the two sauhuagin (S7,S8) and lands on the other alter. Her scythe comes down in a quick arc hoping to end this creatures life.
[jump check 23, hit ac 24 for 14]

OOC: My intention was not to take a chunk out of Appolo. He was invisible with no way for me to know what he was going to do.

Appolo OOC 
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 3:50:30 AM

I know you were'nt after Appolo.I was just trying to clear up where exactly Appolo was in relationship to everyone else and the Priest.

Ari AC 16 HP 28 (prayer, Bulls strength +2)  d20+9=17 d20+5=8 d20+5=20 3d6(3+5+1)+6=15 d4+7=9
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 6:43:26 AM

Seeing Rigging back off Ari worries about his chances with the Mutant. Praying that this strikes are true, Ari does his best to move around to the backside of the mutant and keep his 4 arms from hitting him. (AC 17 w/scimitar and AC 20 w/dagger (burned a hero point) for 15 points and 9 points of damage)

Do You Feel A Draft?-ADM Nellie  d20+6=9 d100=79 d100=65 d20+6=25 d20+6=24 d8+2=3 d8+2=3 d20+6=23 d8+2=4 d8+6=8 d20+11=16 d20+11=24 d8+5=13 d20+9=10 d20+9=22 d6+1=6 d20+3=19
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 2:30:27 PM

Quickly dropping his first opponent, Bart steps forward and slashes at the remaining sea devil in his path, but to no avail. Noting the opening, the sea devil lunges his trident toward Bart, but smashes it into the side of the altar.

Rising to his feet, Appolo activates his ring once again, and disappears from view. He notes the battle between Rigging and the mutant, but is unable to help right now. Note that rising from prone is a movement action, and activating a ring is a standard action, so Appolo has used up all his movements for this round. The two sahuagin surrounding him look puzzled as the young man disappears in front of their very eyes, and lunge their tridents toward where they last saw Appolo. Amazingly (they had a 50% chance to fail, but they both made their roles!), they are both able to locate Appolo, but their two attacks only manage to nick him (6 hp total). One of the sea devil takes up a position to bar Bart's path to the priest (S6), while his partner (S5) moves to be able to engage Ashira next round.

Ashira manages to badly wound the sea devil in front of him, but cannot take him down. Coral tries to help, but fails, and heads over to engage the mutant. The sea devil takes advantage of the one-on-one combat and spears Ashira with its trident, ripping a small cut in her shoulder (4 hp dam).

Having met his match, Rigging retreats (a 5 foot step) and launches his missiles. The glowing bolts smash into the mutants chest causing him to grunt. Rigging reaches into his pack and pulls out his potion.

Meanwhile, Val barely manages a standing jump over the two sea devils in the center (needed 10 feet, got 10 feet). She draws and attack of opportunity from S7 who is so distracted by the move that he doesn't even come close to the leaping barbarian! Moving to the edge of the altar, Val slices into the side of the mutant, causing blood to freely flow from one of its upper arms. The freak of nature is definitely begins to look worse for the wear, but it apparently has some fight left to it. It turns and engages Val and connects with its bottom set of hands (20hp dam), but missing with the top trident, shortsword combination.

Not wanting a clash with those fearsome weapons, Ari uses his spider climb slippers and skitters behind Val and then over the altar. He takes up a position toward the rear of the altar, and hacks at the side of the mutant, but his blow with the scimitar only bounces of the creature's leather armor (you can keep that hero point since you could only wage one attack this round. :).

Redux's ghostly hand floats over to his intended victim, but can't quite manage to touch him.

Akerin manages to free one of the captives arms and places the weapon in his hand as he turns to help out Rigging.

Needing to finish what he started, the priest rises to his feet and stands above the captive, raising his hands once more. Terror in his eyes, the captive swings the Siangham that Akerin gave him, but is still bound sufficiently that his attack proves futile. The priest plunges his hands down and once more performs the grizzly sacrifice, though this time he is unable to torture the victim as extensively as the previous sacrifice, and he quickly pockets the man's beating heart.

At the back of the temple, unnoticed by most of the combatants, one of the captives, now free from his guards, opens the side temple door and flees into the darkness beyond. For any watching, they spot other captives following the first's flight to freedom.

Ari AC 16 HP 28 (prayer, Bulls strength +2)  d20+9=19 d20+5=17 3d6(3+4+6)+6=19 d4+7=8
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 7:14:19 PM

Not realizing his spell effect was still working, Ari is happy to have been not engaged by the Mutant.

Doing his best and hoping that the Mutant will fall soon, Ari connects solidly with both weapons. (AC 19 and 17 for 19 points and 8 points)

Rigging AC 21 hps 36/50 cats grace 3 mage armor, prayer  2d8(4+8)+3=15
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 8:22:48 PM

Rigging will see Akerin starting to come to him and will yell, "Akerin No! I am fine! Kill that priest!" Rigging will then quaff his potion of moderate healing and start heading towards the priest.

ADM Nellie 
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 8:44:52 PM

Whoops!!! I thought Ari had slippers of spider climb. My bad. Oh well, consider it a present from me to the Wildcards. :)

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+9=15 d20+4=10 d20+8=12 d8+8=11
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 9:25:42 PM

Righteous anger welling up inside the paladin, Ashira growls with frustration and plants her longsword into the sea devil in front of her. Hoping that she has inflicted enough damage to kill the beast, she turns her other attacks on the newcomer (S5), but misses horribly with both of them.

OOC (Sigh...I forgot the +1 prayer bonus. Oh well.)

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)-NPC ADM Nellie  d20+9=19 d8+4=11
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 9:30:59 PM

The sea elf heads straight for the mutant and heads into flanking position with Ari. He thrusts his trident toward the monstrosity, praying for success.

Akerin (prayer)  d20+6=25
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 10:24:04 PM

A guilty thought crosses his mind and he prays Alemi's forgiveness for leaving the bound man to the priest. Knowing that the priest must be stopped he takes out his net and successfully captures 'it'. He is quick to pull the net tight so that there will be no escape.

Redux (prayer)  d20+7=20 d6+2=4
Tuesday July 22nd, 2003 10:44:10 PM

Redux takes aim with his spectral hand and this time connects with S5 using the Ghoul Touch spell (save dc=15 or be paralyzed for 4 rounds).

Appolo Hp 25 ac 21 Invisible  d20+7=22 d20+8=12 d20+8=19 d20+3=11
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 12:15:04 AM

Appolo quickly and silently moves to attack and backstabb the monster from behind. He attacks with his shortsword,appearing momentarily while missing then disappearing agoan silently drifting into the corner.Appolo fels odd slower then usaul and off balance.Then he remembers the words of the priest and realizes he's been cursed.

Move silent 22,hide 12,attack 11.

Bart  d20+15=25 d20+9=26 d10+10=18 d10+10=16
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 4:27:32 AM

I come to you Rigging when i finish this one yells bart as he mekes his first attack, making an awful cut in his underbelly (ac 25 for 18) If his first attack dont finish his foe he second attack will (ac 26 for 16). After he finishes his opponent Bart goes towards the mutant.

ADM Nellie 
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 7:53:35 AM

Chris, I sent you out several emails. Have you been recieving them?

The Fall of Coral-ADM Nellie  d20+11=15 d20+11=27 d8+5=7 d8+5=8 d20+9=22 d20+9=16 d6+1=4 d6+1=2 d100=99 d20+6=16 d20+4=11 d20+6=16 d20+4=22 d20+2=17 d20+2=10 d20+13=20 d20+5=10
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 10:04:38 AM

The battle continues as the Wildcards steadily thin the ranks of the sahuagin.

Ari, Coral, and Val decide to gang up on the mutant. Unfortunately, neither Ari nor Coral's attacks manage to inflict any damage on the mutant, and even Appolo's invisible sneak attack doesn't touch him. Val appears to be waiting for just the right moment to strike, as she bobs and weaves past its faints. Spotting Coral's arrival, the monstrous mutant laughs mirthfully. "Tell me, little fish man...if the humans can not kill me, what makes you think you can?" Shifting his weight, the huge sea devil turns to attack Coral. Every single one of the blows connects with the unarmored sea elf, and he slides off the edge of the mutant's tridents, collapsing in a large pool of his own blood.

Feeling much better, Rigging makes his way over toward the priest and finds that Ashira and a sea devil (S5) are blocking his way to the cleric. Meanwhile, taking the loss of the captive personally, Akerin flings his net over the altar and snatches the unholy priest. He tugs at the rope holding the net, but the sea devil has better leverage, and yanks the rope out of Akerin's hands (Priest Strength=17, Akerin=10). The ensuing slack gives the priest just enough room to begin casting a spell (Conc check=20). A black trident floats in the air in front of Ashira and lunges toward her, catching on her armor, and causing no damage. He ignores the stench from the neighboring sahuagin.

Ashira is able to take down the sahuagin in front of her, but doesn't touch S5. Then, a odd looking hand floats over and taps the sea devil on the shoulder. An odd look fixes on its face, and freezes in place. He begins to exude a gut wrenching stench. All within 10 feet of S5 must make a Fort save DC 15 or take a -2 penalty to attack, damage, saves, skill checks, and ability checks.

In between the altars, Bart find that it takes both of his attacks to down the sea devil in front of him (S6). Having made a full attack on the devil, Bart is only able to make a 5 foot step toward the mutant. The remaining sea devil (S7) tries to spear Bart as he leaves, but its trident bounces off Bart's armor to no effect.

Ari AC 16 HP 28 (prayer, Bulls strength +2)  d20+4=5 d20+4=21 3d6(4+6+4)+11=25 d20=19 d20=19 d4+12=16 d4+12=14 2d6(2+6)=8
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 10:24:58 AM

(ooc do I keep my action, or keep the slippers? ;) )

"NOOOOO. AKERIN Coral is down"

Lettings his frustration show with his inability to hit, Ari muscles his weapons towards their intended target. (power attack + 5) Hoping to connect with his scimitar (Hero point used for AC 21) Ari deals a hefty blow (25 points). Swinging his dagger Ari hopes for another mighty blow(possible crit hit I believe ( two 19's) for 38 points of damage. (16+14 for weapon, +8 special ability Ifire damage) dragon dagger)

ADM Nellie 
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 12:20:16 PM

Ari-Ummm...I'll just let you have the move I gave you. Sorry, no slippers of spider climb this time. ;)

Redux  6d6(4+2+5+3+2+5)=21
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 1:12:57 PM

Redux is now rather perturbed at the priest because his spells have had no effect. Stepping thru the doorway and towards the priest, he lines up a 5' path where his friends aren't (so that there is a straight line between him and the priest). As he chants, some might feel a spark in the air. When he points his finger at the priest, a 5' bolt of lightning is sent at the priest dealing 21 pts of damage to any in its path. The bolt will then continue, hitting the wall, probably breaking it and continuing to the next.

Bart  d20+15=23 d20+15=23 d10+10=20 d10+10=17
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 4:43:41 PM

The attack on him by the seadevil distracts bart from his original goal also he sees that several of his friends are attacking the mutant now so he turns and attacks the devil who just attacked him. His blows are well placed (ac 23+23 for 20+17)

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+13=22
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 6:06:25 PM

The half-elf's eyes water at the stench from the sea devil in front of her, but she remains unaffected. Taking a quick look around, Ashira spots Coral's battle with the mutant and watches in horror as he is chopped down in front of her eyes. Tears begin to form in her eyes and she begins to run toward the fallen sea elf (Double move). "No, Coral, don't leave me!!!"she sobs as she makes her way to her fallen ex.

Rigging ac 21, hps 36/50 prayer, cats grace 3 mage armor  d20+6=20 d20+8=17 d20+9=20 d20+6=12 d6+1=3
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 8:43:10 PM

Rigging notices the smell but only seems to get a small whiff of it and is able to handle it. Rigging pulls out his sword and dagger and gets ready to engage the priest when a bolt a lightning sizzles by. He grins and thinks, "Gonna have to get Redux to show me that one. Hope the priest is slowed down a little."

Rigging springs up on the alter (tumbling skill 17) and stabs at the priest with his rapier and dagger.

OOC doubt I hit with the dagger but rapier might have so I rolled damage. Do I get any pluses because the priest is entangled in a net? Fortitude save of 20

Akerin  d8+1=9
Wednesday July 23rd, 2003 10:39:54 PM

Akerin, somewhat surprised at the show of strength by the priest, begins to swing his spiked chain in anticipation of attacking the priest. When Coral goes down followed by the air becoming electric, he wisely puts it down the long, metal weapon in favor of using his healing skills for Coral--just as the lightning bolt flies by. With a nod towards Redux he hustles to Coral's side to stabilize him. Flicking his wrist, Coral gains 9 hit points from the use of his CLW wand.

Valanthe, AC 20, 40hp  d20+10=27 2d4(2+2)+5=9 d6=5
Thursday July 24th, 2003 1:31:30 AM

Valanthe plants her feet while using all the strength she could muster. Her scythe slashes at the mutant. [hit ac 27 for 14]

Appolo Hp:25 Ac:21 Invisible  d20+3=21 d20+7=13
Thursday July 24th, 2003 12:25:07 PM

Appolo tries for a backstab on the mutant agian.
Missing agian, he stays visible this time.

Save versus curse 21, Attack 13.

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Ticked Off Mage-ADM Nellie  d20+13=14
Thursday July 24th, 2003 10:52:34 PM

Thoroughly distracted by Coral's fall, Ari is unable to connect with any of his blows. The visible (became visible after your attack) Appolo also is unable to touch the big fella. Val, however, not only manages to slice into the beast, but slices through its neck, piercing the jugular artery. A massive fountain of blood spurts forth obscuring all near combatants eye sight. Clearing the blood from their eyes, Appolo, Ari, and Val watch as the large form of the grotesque sea devil smashes into the ground, stone cold dead.

Bart slices into the closest sea devil and in two amazing blows sends the creature to a long belated meeting with Gargul.

Frustration framing his features, Redux lets loose with a mighty lightening bolt that rips through the temple, momentarily blinding those nearby. The priest eyes widen in terror, and then screams of pain are heard, followed quickly by a deep low rumbling. As the ringing in your ears subside and your eyesight returns to normal, you notice that the now freed priests body is smoking, and there are two huge holes in the back walls of the temple. Rigging jumps up on the altar to lend a hand in the effort, but misses with his blows. The now all so familiar sounds of spellcasting fill the air, but stop abruptly as Rigging's faints seem to distract the priest.

A decidedly determined Ashira dashes towards Coral's fallen body but is unable to lend assistance this round. Akerin soon shows up and Coral's eyes flutter open as the healing touch of Alemi is administered.

Valanthe ac 20, 40 hp 
Thursday July 24th, 2003 11:44:44 PM

Valanthe drops to the floor and flanks the priest. Hopefully she will be enough of a distraction for Rigging to kill the creature.

Rigging ac 21, hps 39/50 cats grace 3, mage armor, prayer  d20+8=26 d20+5=19 d6+1=5
Friday July 25th, 2003 9:55:29 AM

Rigging looks down at the foul priest and says, "I hope you are prepared to met Ga'al." he then swiftly attacks him with rapier and dagger.

OOC forgot to add prayer to the rolls so please add one for each roll. rapier was first with a 27, dagger was next with a 20. Rolled damage with the rapier because I missed with a 20 earlier 6 ot 7 points of damage depending if prayer effects damage rolls.

Bart  d20+15=17 d10+10=20
Saturday July 26th, 2003 4:56:38 AM

After the defeat of his foe Bart looks around for anaother enemy to fight. He chooses the nearest one to attack (ac 17 for 20)

Appolo HP:25 Ac:21  d20+9=13
Saturday July 26th, 2003 1:00:36 PM

Appolo bends over cuts the mutant's head off,picks it up and throws it at the priest.
"He bozo catch this." he yells.

Roll to throw head 13

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer) 
Sunday July 27th, 2003 8:05:27 PM

Seeing Coral return to consciousness, Ashira regains some self control, and gently props the sea elf up against the temple wall. Knowing that the mutant threat has been VERY effectively neutralized, Ashira heads toward the priest to see if she can help Rigging.

Redux  d20+7=16
Sunday July 27th, 2003 8:44:44 PM

Redux again sends forth his spectral hand at the priest. He casts Vampiric Touch and takes a swing at the priest. Missing his target (again) he decides the next time he won't miss (this guy is too dangerous).

Past, Present, and Future-ADM Nellie 
Sunday July 27th, 2003 8:55:28 PM

Surrounded and severely wounded, the priest of Ga'al looks pridefully around at those who surround him. "You may have won the battle, but you'll loose the war! I'll not deprive Ga'al of his greatest sacrifice...even if it costs my life!" Withdrawing a dagger from his robes, the priest sprints off toward the area where the prisoners had been lead out of (drawing attacks of opportunity from Rigging, Val, and Ashira...Rigging connects). He opens a small door, and anyone following the priest spots a very pale looking human with pale green eyes slumped against the prison wall.

No more combat maps, since you pretty much have finished the combat. Walker, feel free to make your first post.---Nellie

ADM Nellie 
Sunday July 27th, 2003 8:58:00 PM

::sigh:: I'm not sure where the AoO rolls went, but I made them for you guys.

Valanthe  d20+10=21 2d4(4+1)+5=10 d6=3
Sunday July 27th, 2003 11:40:31 PM

Valanthe brings her scythe down low hoping to take off part of the priests leg. [hit ac 21 for 13]

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)  d20+12=24 d8+8=15
Monday July 28th, 2003 7:31:33 AM

The half-elf joins chase and notes the prisoner with horror. Not desiring another sacrifice, Ashira swings her longsword at the priest, praying to Alemi that he will give her success. She smiles a savage smile as she hacks through the priest robes and slices into his back muscles.

Monday July 28th, 2003 7:59:19 AM

If the priest is delt with before he reaches Walker he will simple lower himself slowly to the floor the "closet" he was held in.
He will say to his rescuers, "Ironbank....I'm off the Ironbank. Please....any of my shipmates make it?"

One Very Dead Priest-ADM Nellie 
Monday July 28th, 2003 8:19:46 AM

Timing her swing just a little off, Val barely misses the priest's legs. Sparks fly as her scythe connects with the tiled floor.

The priest of Ga'al slumps to the floor as Ashira's blow slices through more than just muscles in his back. A large pool of the priest's blood forms at Walker's feet.

Ok folks, combat is over. I'll send you out an email today.---Nellie

Monday July 28th, 2003 9:40:57 AM

Hearing a voice ask about other people as the others in his group finish off the priest. Ari responds, "There are others that have escaped as far as I could tell."

Rigging ac 21 hps 38/50 cats grace 3, prayer, mage armor 
Monday July 28th, 2003 9:44:29 AM

Rigging will round the corner and see the young human. He will hear his question and head over to him, sheathing his weapons. Rigging will call out his orders, "Akerin! I have a patient for you! Val, Ashira, watch the exits. Redux, Can you have Talon do a quick sweep for survivors outside?"

Rigging will head over to the hurt Ironbank's crewman and squat next to him. "You are going to be all right. I am Rigging, head of the wildcards for the Sword of the Seas." Rigging will pull out a waterskin and offer it silently to the green-eyed prisoner. "Our healer will be with you presently. Do you know of any other crewmates that might be being held somewhere else?"

Monday July 28th, 2003 10:27:05 AM

"No....the Ironbanks is lost....all the survivors were being held here....I've been listening to there screams as they were killed by these devils....I do not know how long I have been here.....they were saving me for some special "holy" day...they saw my holy symbol and knew I was the ships cleric.....you found no one else from my ship?"
See's the bag laying next to him, opens it and withdraws his holy symbol. Anyone near will see an eye on the synbol. He'll clutch the symbol and bag to himself, all thats left of the Ironbanks.

Monday July 28th, 2003 1:27:23 PM

Hmm that was a better raid then the last one we did on a temple. Bart looks around if he sees any foe still alive he seaech their bodys for any valuables. He pays a lot of attention to the dead mutant, He says to Redux if i collect all the weapons and valuables can you do a detect magic on it?

Monday July 28th, 2003 1:28:42 PM

OOC Nellie could you sent your email to joetyphon@hotmail.com instead of my normall adress

AppoloHp:25 Ac:21 
Monday July 28th, 2003 5:24:08 PM

Seeing the priest go down and the prisoner being taken care of Appolo starts spreading lanter oil around"Hurry up people it's almost time for a barbeque."He takes atorch a starts lighting the place on fire.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer) 
Monday July 28th, 2003 5:25:15 PM

Suddenly looking very weary, the half-elf checks to make sure the captive is alright and then heads over to Coral. Lifting the sea elf to his feet, Ashira smiles with intense relief. "You know, you gave me quite a scare back there. What did you think you were doing, trying to take on that mutant?" She adopts a more serious tone and looks Coral in the eyes. She moves out of the temple and into the fog for a bit of privacy. "We need to talk. I want you to understand that my life has changed drastically. I'm not the same woman I was when we were together. There is a lot in my life that has changed." She cups Coral's face with her hands. "I will always care about you, but I can never love you. Rigging is my husband and I love him with all my heart. He's a good man, Coral, and he deserves all my devotion. I'm sorry, but it would be best if we don't see each other again." Ashira turns so that Coral will not see the tears in her eyes.

Coral (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Prayer)-NPC ADM Nellie 
Monday July 28th, 2003 5:33:50 PM

The sea elf smiles at Ashira comment about scaring her, but his face turns stony as they head outside. He listens to her in complete silence, and then nods his head. "Yes, I can see that you have changed. And you're right, that Rigging fellow is a good man...not bad for a human. And he truly seems to love you." Coral stammers over the last part. He chuckles mirthlessly as Ashira mentions not meeting again. "Yes, well....seeing as I am the Captain of the Guard now for the Ebbtide tribe, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. Most of the tribe was annihilated in the raid by the sea devils, so they'll be needing me now more than ever." His tone turns more serious. "But if something should ever happen, know that you will always have a home under the seas."

Monday July 28th, 2003 11:40:30 PM

Val briefly glances at Ashira and Coral before moving over to the door. Her eyes narrow as she concentrates on the task at hand.

Tuesday July 29th, 2003 3:54:13 PM

After getting the fire going Appolo walks up next Val and pulls out two healing potions and hands one to her."Here drink this you'll feel better.He then downs one himself."Come on let's go for a walk down on the beach." He heads out down to the beach.

OOC:Two Cure Moderate Wounds Potions.Not sure the Values.

Redux  d20+6=19 d20+10=23
Tuesday July 29th, 2003 4:59:38 PM

Redux follows after the fighters. When he sees the priest is dead and the live captive, he wonders about the open door. He turns around and exits the temple through the side door the captives left out of, seeing what might be there. He calls Talon to himself and asks the bird to scan the area (spot=19, listen=23).

Akerin  2d8(3+2)+2=7
Tuesday July 29th, 2003 5:13:10 PM

Akerin finishes his ministering (additional healing=7pts) as Ashira comes to take Coral away. He gets up and heads over to the newfound captive. He mentions to Appolo, "Do not waste your potions while I am around with the wand. You do what you want to do. In the morning you may want to ask Redux to return and destroy the stone structure using that lightning spell he demonstrated earlier. Arriving where the captive is, he begins to sum up what he needs. Since he is conscious, he asks the man's name, priestly affiliation as well as where the man hurts.

Tuesday July 29th, 2003 5:15:12 PM

Cure moderate wounds: 2d8+2

Tuesday July 29th, 2003 8:36:01 PM

Walker.....my name is Walker.......I follow Gargul.......they kept me here....I do not know how long......no sleep......beatings....no food.....got some wounds repelling boarders from the Ironbanks.....tried.....to many....all taken or killed....anyone else from my ship?

Tuesday July 29th, 2003 9:09:26 PM

Rigging starts to calm down. He looks around to make sure that everyone is alright. He will pull out his wand of detect magic and activate it. He will note any magic and have his friends collect it. "I want to bring back the bodies of our fallen comrades. I won't leave pirates in this unholy place. They deserve a proper burial." Rigging looks to Redux and asks, "Has Talon found any other prisoners yet? I thought I saw some running away."

Rigging will notice Ashira and Coral talking but decides that they need there privacy. He wonders if Ashira misses her undersea life.

Valanthe (40hp) 
Tuesday July 29th, 2003 11:22:49 PM

Valanthe turns down the healing potion insisting that her injuries aren't that bad. There are others that need that healing potion more.

All Over But The Shoutin' (DM Donna)  ...no, wait...even THAT is all over, too..!
Wednesday July 30th, 2003 8:27:55 AM

Now that the battle has been won by the good guys, the party notices that the fog that had crippled their vision is breaking up...soon the last wisps of the stuff are gone and the night doesn't seem quite so dark anymore--though it is, indeed, still nighttime.

The water laps at the not-too-distant shore. The Wold turns. The DM notices that nobody has followed up on Bart's suggestion...

Wednesday July 30th, 2003 9:11:14 AM

Currently waiting on the next round of posts, Ari was unable to post about Barts suggestion! :)

While Rigging continues questioning the ex-prisoner and figuring out what to do next. Ari will help Bart assemble any useful items from the fight.

"If we are going to burn the temple " Ari turns to look at Riggin and see if he agrees or not," then we should make sure the bodies burn. This" pointing to the mutant, " should definitely not have any chance to return."

Looking over the Sword of Alemi, Ari wonders to himself if there is any way to cleanse the temple of Ga'al's reek.

Wednesday July 30th, 2003 5:30:58 PM

When Akerin comes over and Valanthe refuses the
potion Appolo says"Akerin your right,we would gladly accept the healing from your wound.Better give her two shots though,she's being stubborn agian,refusing to believe she's hurt."

Wednesday July 30th, 2003 9:19:48 PM

Having wrapped up her business with Coral, Ashira heads back into the temple and rejoins Rigging. She looks inquisitively at Walker, but doesn't ask any questions yet, feeling that the man has probably gone through enough already. With a heavy heart, Ashira gathers up the former captives bodies and transports them to the longboat.

Coral-NPC ADM Nellie 
Wednesday July 30th, 2003 9:23:28 PM

Coral waits a few minutes until after Ashira enters the temple, and then enters himself. He keeps his distance from the half-elf and approaches Akerin instead. "Sir, you saved my life today, and I hesitate to ask any further assistance from you. But, my people were badly injured when the sea devils raided the pod, and a man of your greatness would be a blessing to us. We would love to honor our agreement with the worthy Pirates of Jack, but it will be difficult until we are full strength."

Wednesday July 30th, 2003 10:25:05 PM

Rigging shakes his wand of detect magic. "I guess this thing isn't working. I better be sure, and activates the wand again on the items, weapons, that they pulled off the dead."

Rigging calls to Appolo, "Appolo, see if you can find any gold or other loot. After that, lets see if we can bring this temple down." Rigging will also look around for some treasure.

He will then help carry anything they found plus the bodies of the slain Ironbanks pirates out to the rowboat.

Wednesday July 30th, 2003 11:01:23 PM

Val helps carry the slain pirates down to the beach so they can be properly buried. She also keeps busy gathering any stray equipment.

Akerin (Kim, back for a few days to play the healer of Alemi, if I may) 
Thursday July 31st, 2003 3:05:04 AM

Akerin smiles at Appolo and Valanthe. "I will heal her if she wishes, but will not force my will nor use the wand unless if she refuse."

A moment or two later, when Ashira's old friend speaks to him, he replies, "Glad am I that your life was spared this day, Coral. Would that ... Why must those who worship the ..." Akerin bows his head for a moment, then looks Coral in the eye. "And Rigging not oppose it - and I see no reason why he would - yes, I will do what is granted me to help you and your people. Alemi the Compassionate moves us to make whole whom we might. Grant me leave to speak with Rigging a moment."

Akerin approaches the group's leader. "Rigging, I am asked to help Coral's people. It may take some time. Am I free to do what I can?"

If answered in the affirmative, the healer of Alemi goes to heal and comfort the now freed prisoners, using what means he has, whether natural or supernatural, to restore as many as possible. When morning comes, he does what more he can do.

Wand...What Wand...? (DM Donna) 
Thursday July 31st, 2003 1:27:40 PM

Rigging once more tries to activate his wand--and nothing seems to happen. Then, suddenly--


A tiny, sparkly little winged fairy appears in a cloud of glitter. Drawing in a very deep breath, the sprite suddenly starts coughing and hacking violently for a moment or two.

"Oh, geez! ::cough, hack:: I keep TELLIN' 'em down in ::cough, cough:: Procurement that this ::hack, wheeze!:: fairydust crap just DON'T ::coughcoughcough:: WORK!!!" the little being yells. However, by the end of her tirade, the fairy is apparently able to articulate once more:

"Ahem...sorry. You, sir, have tried to activate a wand Guaranteed by the Fey Foundation of The Wold...but it hasn't worked. As per Warranty Addendum 713.9, I am here to replace the Defective Product in question with one that IS supposed to work..." From thin air, the teeny-weeny winged wonder produces a fairy-sized wand and taps Rigging's non-working item with it.

POOF! (It's another cloud of glitter again.)

This time the fairy is coughing and hacking so hard that all of you can barely make out something to the effect that the Warranty states the wand be replaced with a replica of the original which has been tested and proven to be operable and if she EVER gets her hands on the danged fairy who thought up this glitter crap then she was going to pull that little so-and-so's wings off!

The glittery stuff coats everything in the area, then slowly dissolves away--except that it leaves behind a glowing residue on four of the things taken from the defeated sahuagin: a suit of Leather Armor, a potion bottle, a wand that looks like it's carved from bone, and a ring that appears to be made of twisted barbed wire, but upon closer inspection, the interior barbs are missing, making it safe for the wearer. Oddly enough, one more thing is glowing softly as well: the bag that Walker is holding onto.

Rigging now holds in his hands a Wand of Magic Detection with the same amount of charges that it had before he tried to activate it (since the DM didn't notice his attempt to use it earlier, this Detect Magic is on her!)

Thursday July 31st, 2003 5:19:17 PM

Rigging coughs and waves his hand if front of his face as the dust settles around him. He looks at the fairy in amazement and gives his thanks.

He will then collect the smaller magic items and store them away for safe keeping. "Bart could you get that leather armor off. Its magic and is valuable." Rigging will point out the proper sahuagin.

When Akerin poses his question to Rigging, the young leader will say, "Of course you can use your skills to help out Coral and his tribe? Are you planning to be gone for long? I am sure politically speaking, having you with the sea elves will be beneficial to both the elves and the pirates. Help cement the bonds of friendship and mutal defense. Of course having you as a member of the Wildcards has been very helpful. I guess you will have to follow your heart's desire and pray to your god. I will support whatever decision you make." Rigging looks quizically at the healer for a minute. "How long can you hold your breath for? You might want to reconsecrate this temple and use it as a base of operations. Use if for good instead of evil. Of course you would be setting yourself up as a target to the
sahuagin but you could become an outpost for the pirates. Something to think about...but think fast. I think Appolo is getting torches ready."

Friday August 1st, 2003 3:03:24 AM

"I will go now to help those in greatest need this evening. Appolo, my impetuous friend, who would cleanse the Wold of evil scourges one way or another - fire does indeed cleanse. But there are other ways, as well. Evil needs purging, indeed. But, pray grant me leave to work with the sea elves, and see what they would do. Mayhaps Rigging's suggestion may interest their ears. Salt can purify, as can water. Even more the good will and good deeds of men and women of the noble races, who seek wise ways in which to walk, and who speak truth in love. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." He considers another moment. "But as for the bodies of the wicked priests, they may be consigned to the flames, as far as I am concerned. They gave their hearts to Ga'al. Let him enjoy their bitter ashes, if enjoyment is something he understands."

"Hold my breath?" Akerin laughs at Rigging's question. "Well, I suppose I shall see, soon. Before we speak of my taking leave of you, my friends, let me speak with our allies here. Hmmm - an outpost? My boat will take some time in repair.

"Shall we speak at breakfast?"

He does heal whom he can. He talks with Coral and the others, to see what more he can learn of their ordeal - at least with those of them he perceives not reluctant to speak of such matters. More, he wants to learn of their lives before the recent events, and to see if any have ideas of what they might do now. He silently prays to Alemi, asking for guidance concerning what next he will do. Remain with the Wild Cards - the Swords of Redemption? Or, for now, join with the sea elves, to help them rebuild their lives? Which direction will he go, after breakfast? Is the tongue of the sea elves hard to learn?

Friday August 1st, 2003 6:22:13 AM

"Should we then do our best to clean out this temple and see if there's anything else that is useful? Maybe send Talon back to the ship and tell them to send out a search party and what has happened here."

Walker (1 hit point, exhusted) 
Friday August 1st, 2003 8:21:19 AM

"Please.....someone help me....up.....and.....out of here."
clutching bag to himself, "please....I....neeeeed out of here"

Whoever is near can see that just making this plea has left him sweating and looking ready to pass out.

Ask and Ye Shall Receive...This Time! (DM Donna) 
Friday August 1st, 2003 9:15:06 AM

As though some kind of strange yet beneficial magic has been cast, the sound of another rowboat approaches--the party can tell from the voices that it is fellow sailors from the Sword. The longboat hoves to and one of the crew jumps out, saluting Rigging smartly.

"Hey! Great to see you're alive!" the crewman--who has but two sword tattoos on his arm--says by way of greeting. "Cap'n sent us to back ya up, but I knew you'da kicked fish butt by the time we got here. The Cap'n also sends his compliments--we checked out the entire compound and found a couple hidey-holes that had more prisoners in 'em...there's a total of about a dozen hands the survived the capture of the Ironbank--there's seven other waterbreathers we literally dug up that were near death. Flamin' sea devils!" Here the junior crewman spits (and so do all the others in the longboat.) "They all wanna see ya when ya get back to the ship...which, by the way, is gonna need a heckuva LOT more repairs before it can do more than island-hop, if ya know what I mean..."

So now the PCs have several more pairs of hands to judiciously stack up bodies for a pyre, as well as help transport the extremely weak and barely-alive Walker, cleric of Gargul.

Friday August 1st, 2003 9:31:10 AM

Ari wonders if and when Akerin might use the wand on Walker.

Hearing the longboat pull up and the report on the condition of the sword. Ari starts to size up whether there are enough supplies to build a forge and whether his blacksmiting abilities is what the Sword is going to need in order to get back out to sea.

Friday August 1st, 2003 9:56:36 AM

Smiling at the arrival of the "backup", Ashira accompanies Rigging to the longboat after helping Appolo and the others dispose of the sea devil's bodies.

After the long night, she feels the need for some alone time with her husband. Funny how battle made one evening feel like weeks. She briefly wonders how the Ebbtide pod will get along if Akerin decides to stay with them, but quickly shift her mind to other thoughts. Best to keep her mind far from Coral for now. Considering all the treasure that they have just found, she figures that she'll probably have to go and have it identified. Should be interesting to see what new toys they just acquired.

Walker (1 hit point, exhusted) 
Friday August 1st, 2003 2:26:27 PM

Walker sits, struggling to remain upright and, as he watches the others haul out dead bodies and loot wonders what kind of ship they are off of that would leave the wounded laying neglected.

Rigging  2d8(7+8)+3=18
Friday August 1st, 2003 5:08:42 PM

Rigging listens to the report of the duece and then notices Walker. He is shocked that Akerin hasn't healed him up yet. He will stride quickly over to him and grab him by an Walker but the arm trying to lend some support. "Akerin! What are you thinking?!"

Rigging will quickly hold a potion of moderate healing to the cleric's lips and help him drink it down. "Here this will make you feel better. I am so sorry for the delay. Please forgive my crew. We get a little one tracked minded at times."

Once Walker is looking more fit, Rigging will order everyone into the boats. "No I am sorry Appolo, You can't burn down the temple yet. Akerin might be using it as a base.... Appolo put that torch down!.....Yes yes I promise if Akerin doesn't want it we can burn it down later...Apollo just get into the boat. I want to get this mutant blood off my shirt."

Friday August 1st, 2003 8:19:50 PM

Appolo puts his torch away with loook of disappointment,then helps gather the bodies of the enemy and arrange them on a funerul pyre. He then burns the bodies. He then gathers up the rest of the loot and puts it in the longboat.He just ignores the reinforcements.

Friday August 1st, 2003 8:19:54 PM

Thank you......Rig......Rigging is it not?
I feel some what better now....at least well enough to move under my own power.
Still very tired...but nothing prayer, sleep and a few meals will not fix, again my thanks.

Akerin  d8+1=7 d8+1=3 d8+1=3
Friday August 1st, 2003 11:27:04 PM

[Ahem. Akerin was healing all who needed it. However, to formally ratify this...]

Akerin approaches Walker. "Sorry, brother. I am Akerin, and I do believe you have seen better days. Let's make this one a bit brighter for you." Using the wand, he cures Walker of 13 hp damage. "Please forgive the delay. I should have recognized the extent of your injuries. You serve Gargul, I take it? Myself - I'm a healer of Alemi. Well met. Or, perhaps not entirely well, but ... my, my mouth is just running like a fountain. If you are a cleric, perhaps on the morrow you and I can do what we might for others injured."

"Yes, now, let us go and tend to the others. Near death, you say? Let us row quickly!"

Saturday August 2nd, 2003 6:36:19 AM

Bart helps Walker into a boat and loads it with the magic items they found. AFter that he rows out to sea and starts talking to Walker. Hi my name is Bart I heard you are a priest are you a crewmember on the Ironbanks too?

Walker (32 hit points, still exhusted) 
Saturday August 2nd, 2003 8:00:23 AM

[ooc to Akerin: I personally thought you were healing others but Walker could not see this from were he was, he was in bad shape, and I did need to know how many points he would get out of this, thanks :-) ]

To Akerin: "Thank you for you care, I will gladly provide what help for the others that I can tommorrow."

To Bart: "My name is Walker, sad cercumstances to meet you under Bart. Yes I am a follower of Gargul and was the Ironbank's healer.

While his wounds do look better, anyone can see
he is still almost swooning from exhustion.

Row, Row, Row Your Boat(s)... (DM Donna) 
Sunday August 3rd, 2003 8:14:19 AM

The stench of burning dead sahaugin is horrible, but infinitely sweeter than that of the foul odor of living ones, that's for sure. The extra hands make quick work of aiding the Wildcards in getting into their own boat with Walker. The new arrivals carefully transport the other, late crewmembers of the Ironbank in their own craft.

Upon arrival back at the Sword of the Sea, the party is welcomed aboard by a rather drawn Captain Hawley. Even though he is a grizzled half-elf, the events of the last 24 hours have actually seemed to have put a few more wrinkles and a gray hair or three on him.

"Aye, welcome, Wildcards," he greets you, "I hear tell ya gutted yerself a fine kettle of nasty fish! Good fer ya...we seen what they done to the waterbreathers an' the few who survived the ambush of the 'Banks...no plane of damnation can be nasty enough for the likes o' them!" Hawley's voice is sharp enough to split fairy hair, and his expression is a mix of outrage...and weariness. A very disturbing combination on the face of a man who is supposed to age very slowly thanks to his elven blood.

"Whistler be wantin' to see ya," the captain continues, "He's recuperatin' in the sick bay area...port forward." He hooks a thumb in the general direction the group needs to go. "Now I'm off to oversee repairs...flamin' sea devils...hope they all rot in h..." Hawley mutters as he moves out of earshot.

Sunday August 3rd, 2003 10:22:06 PM

Valanthe helps the wounded sailer she was helping to the sick bay. She notices some blood spots on her nice robe and wonders why she wore it into battle in the first place. When the first possible moment arrived, she would clean the robe and put it away for special occasions.

Sunday August 3rd, 2003 10:37:26 PM

Rigging will help some of the wounded aboard, listen to the Captain's tirade and then go see Whistler.

Monday August 4th, 2003 8:49:26 AM

Ari does his best to help with the wounded, and anything else that will help out. He gives a comforting word here, a helping hand there.

Wondering what Whistler has for the group, Ari follows when the go to see Whistler.

Ari waits with anticipation to get back on the forge and help out with the ships repairs.

Monday August 4th, 2003 10:21:37 PM

Wiping the sahuagin blood from her weapons on the trip back to the Hammerhead, Ashira is unusually quiet. She sits close to Rigging, but does not speak with him.

After arriving on the Hammerhead, Ashira listens to the Captain with noted distraction. She sticks close by Rigging as he heads toward were Whistler is recovering. She also cautiously eyes the newcomer Walker, but only for a while, figuring that if the sahuagin wanted to kill him, he must be ok.

Monday August 4th, 2003 10:27:11 PM

Redux does what he can to help out. After some stumbling, he gets his gear in order back on the ship. He then joins the others with Whistler, to hear the story the missed and the reason for the rescue.

Tuesday August 5th, 2003 2:44:45 AM

Akerin listens to the captain's words, then heads for the sick bay. Quickly he eyes those there, and judges who is in greatest need of immediate care, including Whistler. He uses his knowledge of anatomy, the art of healing, and a few twinks here and there of the wand of cure light wounds - although he tries to conserve some charges.

"What did you have in mind, Whistler?"

Whistler Speaks (DM Donna) 
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 6:38:28 AM

"There be two things that we all wanted ye t'know..." Whistler tells the party, "...first was that these devils lived up to their name--they made some kind of pact with Ga'al...they seemed to be convinced that Ga'al is the newest incarnation of their accursed shark god!" Here the tough sailor spits (as do several others) to show his derision of that notion. "But that don't matter none--the sea devils are linin' up all over their territories in order to...to get heartseeded! Stubby--before she died, that is--could tell what they was sayin'...she said they was all excited a'cuz there was a ship that were a'posed to be comin' here with their heartseeds. Some ship called the Pride o' Ga'al or some such. Ship's long overdue, and them devils were starting to get antsy about it."

Many disgusted and angry mutters come from those survivors who can focus on the conversation. Whistler waves them quiet and then goes on:

"Second thing is...well...the mates here an' I...we wanna stay here with the Ebbtides. We damn near got kilt here, but we ain't gonna let them sea devils get their nasty claws into this area--b'sides...Em over there's been after my salty tail for the last five years--"

"--THREE years, you spalleen!" snaps the seasoned female crewmember whose arm is set in a splint.

"--an' it's time I settle down...so we may as well do it in a place that needs our help if The Jack is gonna have the advantage of it at all." Whistler finishes his sentence with as much dignity as his fellow 'Banks survivors will let him have with all their ribbing and catcalling.

"We just would like a cleric or th' like to stay with us, seein' as how poor Walker was the first one they drug off to sacrifice..." Whistler says, looking a bit sad at the remembrance.

Tuesday August 5th, 2003 9:17:52 AM

Rigging gently claps Whistler on the shoulder. "Whistler, you should know a couple of things. The first is we were able to rescue Walker. He is alive but has gone through a terrible time. I am not sure if he is going to want to stay, but one of ours, my friend Akerin," Rigging quickly points to the priest, "is thinking about staying. I am sure that he would love having you and some of your crewmates stay with him.

The second thing is The Sword of the Seas lived up to her name and intercepted The Pride of Ga'al," Rigging will pause as he waits for the spitting to stop, "and put her on the bottom."
Rigging will pause again waiting for the cheers to die down. "The one thing that we discovered, was Ga'al has branched out and is taking non-humans as worshippers these days. Not only inherently evil creatures like the sahaugin, but goodly folk as well. We have seen halflings and elves in his malicious sway. You will need to check all recruits carefully.

We also saved a sea elf named Coral. He would be a good go between for you between your colony and the sea elves. Rest now. Sleep knowing that you are safe and in Alemi's hands"

Rigging looks down at his bloody shirt and gives a start. "I need to get freshened up and changed. I will gladly share a mug of ale with you and all your brave comrades later."

Rigging starts to leave and grabs Ashira's hand as he turns to go. "I will wash your back if you wash mine?" he smiles at her.

Tuesday August 5th, 2003 12:16:33 PM

The half-elf smiles with intense relief at Rigging's comment. "Business first, husband. We should tell the Captain what we've learned about the devils. Then, let's get that foul blood off of you and me. Unless you're into sponge baths, might I recommend a nice swim? I'm sure I can find us a nice secluded spot nearby...that is unless we are needed on the Hammerhead." Ashira heads back to the Captain and gives a brief report and then requests a few hours of rest for the Wildcards to recover from the recent battle. Then she goes to check on Walker, making sure that the new cleric has found suitable accommodations and is resting.

DM Prerogative (DM Donna) 
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 1:00:42 PM

This is a general OOC note to the players: The game is lagging a bit from its schedule, so tomorrow's post will jump to the point where the Sword is about to leave the island. The total amount of time spent at the island was 16 days. In that time, everyone has helped fix the ship, Walker has had a reunion with his Ironbank crewmates (who all agree that Walker should simply switch places with Akerin, as the poor cleric of Gargul needs to be away from the place of his imprisonment), Coral and all of the surviving aquatic elves (save one) have left to go back to their underwater territory to find and group together what may be left of the Ebbtide tribe, and everyone left at the island has been able to relax between repair shifts, enjoying the island scenery and delighting in the flocks of seabirds, cavorting of dolphins, and collecting of seashells.

Remember, players--EVERYONE must have their updated CSes in to me before I post tomorrow (that is usually at 6am Eastern time) if they want to be sure that their character can engage in any possible combat that might occur. Walker's sheet is in the 3.5 edition rules already, so he is exempt. If you don't have 3.5 yet, get it to me in 3e--but get it to me BEFORE TOMORROW'S POST!

Thanks! 8)

Tuesday August 5th, 2003 5:26:47 PM

Appolo spends as much time relaxing as possible,while the ship is repaired and made ready. When it is time to leave,he says good bye to Akerin and hands him a Dagger with {TO Akerin,From Appolo} ingraved on it.He wishes the healer luck.

Wednesday August 6th, 2003 8:08:17 AM

After gathering up all the magical items from their recent battle, Ashira heads off to have them identified. She spends the rest of her time alternating between sparring practice with Val and Bart and having plenty of uninterupted "quiet time" with her husband.

The 4-Armed Mutant REANIMATES!!! (DM Donna)  d20+10=23 d20+10=20 d20+10=16 d20+10=24
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 8:40:39 AM

Suddenly the four-armed mutant who'd been SUCH a bear in the last fight the Wildcards engaged in reappears, wielding a giant +4 Feather of Tickling in each of its four arms!

"You were warned, puny airbreathers!" growls the hulking menace as he advances on the group. "I have been granted Divine Permission to seek revenge on you for having bested me in combat! I will have that revenge--NOW!!"

Walker, Rigging and Ashira manage to easily dodge the mutant and escape the area entirely.

Appolo and Valanthe are nimble enough to stay just beyond the range of the Feathers.

However, Redux, Arislan and Bart aren't so lucky--the mutant is able to make Tickling Attacks on each of them...two on Bart!

His attack on Redux hits AC23; Redux (according to his OLD character sheet) only has AC15, so he is hit with the Feather, and must now make a Fortitude save with a -4 penalty or double over helplessly with laughter. (Total Fort Save for Redux is only +1 because that equals the 5 from his OLD sheet minus the 4 penalty.)

Another feather connects with Ari, easily overcoming his OLD armor class of 16 and forcing Ari to make a Fort Save with a total OLD bonus of only +4.

Two feathers wiggle Bart's way, one misses but the other connects with a hit of 24 versus Bart's OLD AC of 22. Bart's Fort Save is +1 because his OLD sheet has +5 for the Fortitude Saving Throw.

None of the characters here can fight back, because the DM has not received any CS updates as she has been repeatedly asking for!

All three offenders must save versus DC21 or become helpless with laughter...and laughing like this will indefinitely hold up the game for everyone else!


(Appolo and Valanthe should send the Dungeonmaster their CS and an update on their conversion to 3.5 respectively.)

Walker  d20+8=26
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 12:53:32 PM

Walker easily recognizes the horrible mutant as some sort of chastizment from the Gods, Knowing it will cause no real harm he ignores it. Will 26

Wednesday August 6th, 2003 10:46:49 PM

The half-elf watches with a mixture of amazement and preturbment as the reanimated mutant attacks the members of her family. "For the love of Alemi...is there nothing we can do to stop this abomination? How many times must you die?" Knowing that the nasty has been sent by the gods on a divine mission she does not attempt to intervene.

Wednesday August 6th, 2003 11:10:10 PM

"Belief in the higher powers that be usually works for me." As Ari wipes a hand across his face and no longer sees the mutant. Stepping back a little bit, he watches in wonder as the other two get continued tickling.

Redux  d20+1=8
Wednesday August 6th, 2003 11:10:52 PM

As Redux doubles over on the ground laughing, he looks up at the sky and tries to form the words "...but I did what you asked...just like (::or rather WITH::) Ashira."

A Boon is Granted! (DM Donna) 
Thursday August 7th, 2003 7:31:50 AM

Just as suddenly as the four-armed horror appeared, it disappears. Apparently the gods are satisfied that order has been restored to The Wold...for now.

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