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Going For A Walk In The Woods
The Ghosts of Unhappy

Life is something that happens... When you just fell asleep [DM Jeff] 
Monday July 7th, 2003 2:40:23 AM

Expectantly enough, after the event at the Giggling Ghost, the entire party finds themselves rather exhausted. Sporting bruises and glasses, most make their way up to their beds. Those who stay are given a few hints from Happy about heading while they still had energy left in them. "You'll want a good rest if you plan on hauling all that money around tomorrow." He winks and ushers you off to bed. He seems to be willing to let the bar remain as is, until morning, as he heads off to his own room.

If it's possible, your beds seem to be at the highest state of comfyness ever. You could be sleeping on clouds. If you never woke up, you would die content in these beds. Even Bog finds himself pleased on his makeshift table-and-chair sleeping device.

You dreams are of the most pleasant you could imagine. Of wandering through extraordinary lands, both real and imagined. Sometimes a little of both. Of the Silver Daggers and their amazing exploits. Intricate dances, spinning around foes with weapons soaring through the air along side their wielders. Clever plans. Deep, dark mountains. Botched practical jokes. The alluring troubadour with a voice that could melt the heavens. Your dreams, although as varied as the next, are all terrific and wonderful.

Unfortunately, sometime through the night, a loud scream pierces the utter joy in your sleeping minds. It seems to have come from right above Bog's head. Or maybe Tionel's. Or Gordo's... It seemed to be moving from person to person. With no lights in the room, the entire event seems to be just to spite your restful sleep.

Eyes appear on the ceiling, looking down on everyone with a scornful look. They blink, as if expecting something to be done. Moans echo around the room. First they come from near Tionel, then Gordo and settle on Bralin for quite some time. Florin feels cold for a brief second as chains rattle all around his head. They feel so loud that they could very well be coming from inside his head.

Finally, after what seems to be eternity, calmness appears. No noises from anywhere. No strange, gazing eyes. No reasons to stay awake. Except for the fact that the entire building seemed to be going insane. Then, a faint clink is heard. The kind that you all heard over and over last night. Glasses clinking against each other. The barely audible sound comes closer and closer. Until it is right in front of the party.

Eight glasses appear in the see-through hands of a tall man with a noose around his neck, just as see-through as his hands. He was a ghost and he ment trouble. He gives a wink and then tosses them up. "Catch!" Just before he disappears in a less than brilliant flicker.

(Reflex Saves from everyone)

Bralin  d20=7
Monday July 7th, 2003 10:57:05 AM

His dreams are quite satisfying. Bralin finds himself in undiscovered tunnels deep in the earth. The peace and power of the living rock course through his senses. He sits on a stone and contemplates the earth. All is well.

The dwarf awakens to the screams, and the eyes. He grasps his axe and searches desperately, but even with his darkvision, he cannot find the source.

And then the moaning comes. It is all around him, a horrible sound of pain and anger with no source. The sound goes on and on.
This is not right. This is not right. This is not right.....
Bralin closes his eyes tight and continuously repeats his mantra, until mercifully, the sounds end.

He looks up, and a spirit is tossing him a wine glass.
Totally surprised, the dwarf instinctively attempts to catch it. (Reflex 7)

Gordo  d20+7=26
Monday July 7th, 2003 3:50:49 PM

Gordo is wrenched from blissful dreaming by the unearthly din. He sits bolt upright in bed, spluttering "wassathashatinbat" in a passable impression of Bog.

Despite his eyes being heavy with sleep his lightning reflexes take over as he blurrily sees falling glasses in front of him. His hand snakes out with astonishing speed, snatching the falling glass from the air (Reflex 26).

"Now son" he rumbles to the vanished ghost "that was mighty careless!"

Florin  d20+5=11
Monday July 7th, 2003 11:15:52 PM

Florin enjoys his nights sleep and is displeased when he is awoke by the noise and everything. He watches everything carefully and lays perfectly still while waiting for it to stop and praying to Domi it does.

When the ghost appears with the wine and tosses it, Florin quickly moves and speaks at the same time, "By Domi's will what the heck is this? who are you?"


Tionel  d20+3=14
Monday July 7th, 2003 11:28:31 PM

Tionel gives a particularly un-heroic scream of terror at the sight of the Hanged Man. When told to catch, instincts kick in, and he tries to snatch the glass from the air (reflex 14), even though he probably would normally be just cowering in fear...
Tionel is a little scared of ghosts.

Bog  d20+2=16
Tuesday July 8th, 2003 6:07:36 AM

Bog drifts again on the weightlessness of his dreams. He is walking again on the magical paths that traverse the WOld just as he saw during his wine-induced stupor. His archaic robes flows around him in reds and blues and luxurious purples. Familiars of all sorts flank him, some even carry him as he rides lounged against soft fur heading toward a bright blue beacon. Almost there....almost there....this is it!

He bolts up vertically in bed as the scream pervades his right ear. Instinctively is grabs his head as his headache intensifies. He keeps his eyes shut. When will the screaming stop? Please stop, you cruel cruel screaming.

The screaming stops. Bog opens a lid and looks at the others. No point sleeping now til we find out just what in tarnation that was. Oh...ghosts...that's what that was. GHOSTS?!? Bog jumps out of bed and back against the wall staring wide-eyed at the tall transparent man. Again instinctively his mind shoots from the words "Ghost", "Haunted", and "Scary" to "Don't Spill the WIne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He dives at the glass. [Reflex Save 16]

A Ghastly Ghost [DM Jeff] 
Tuesday July 8th, 2003 1:10:26 PM

Gordo's hands move like lightning, snatching not only one, but two glasses from the air. Bralin, on the other hand, feels his shatter against his chest and tiny pieces dig into his skin [1 damage]. Florin and Tionel both juggles their respecting goblets for a moment, but manage to firmly grasp them in the end. Bog's valiant dive misses the glass completely, but he somehow manages to catch it with his backside. There it lays, pouring wine along your back, unbroken. Three loud shatters connect with the wooden floor, shooting glass everywhere.

"I AM LAZ..." The ghastly voice works into your skulls, driving itself inside you brains and bouncing around like a toy ball. It is almost painful to hear and is most definately annoying. Instead of going away, like a normal sound does, it repeats over and over. The voice seems to change pitch every second, becoming a note higher each time until it is so high pitched that it is almost deadly. Then, suddenly, it disappears as you all speak.

In the center of the room the hanging ghost reappears. It shakes it's fist menacingly towards Bog. "Ghost? I'll show you whose a ghost!" He dives straight through Bog's chest and the floor below him. Bog feels his entire body chill and nearly seize up, before the ghost leaves him and blood seems to warm him up again.

The ghost's head pops through the floor and looks around quizically. "Oh yah... I am ghost." He floats his entire body through the floor and he takes of as much of the party's view as he possibly can. "I'm Lazerus. I represent a group of ghosts. And you will help us."

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 2:17:42 PM

As the ghost goes through its antics, Bralin reaches into his pouch and pulls out a silver sphere inlaid with obsidian symbols representing all the Woldian Gods.

Clutching the holy symbol tightly, he growls his response to the ghost's demand.


Tuesday July 8th, 2003 3:32:21 PM

"It's a fair question, old son. We don't take kindly to threats you know. Ask us nice and you've a much better chance of our help."

He carefully deposits the caught glasses on the sideboard, and turns to face Lazerus.

"So let's have no more of this shriekin' and a-wailin', and knavish tricks and spooky shenanigans, eh? Just say what it is you want, and hop to it. I tend to get a mite grumpy when woken."

Tuesday July 8th, 2003 4:56:45 PM

"s'op dat!" Bog shouts as the "I am Laz" pervades his head. He quakes as the ghost glares at him.

THe chill and fright of the ghost being in his body completely overwhelms poor BOg and he passes out.

Wednesday July 9th, 2003 5:04:06 AM

Poor Tionel is shock-still and staring, without ability to make witty comment, except to put the pillow over his head and yell, muffled, "Just take the wizard and let the rest of us live!"

Wednesday July 9th, 2003 1:31:39 PM

Florin frowns and fights back tears when he hears the answer to who the ghost is ring in his head. Florin does his best to remember his training as a paladin and calms himself abit before speaking to the ghost as calm as possible and sitting the glass to the side, "I agree with the others, I serve no one but Domi but help those in need or who Domi wishes. If you are in need of help and are a good uhh ghost, then my help is extended but otherwise find yourself another erran paladin atleast."

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