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Paths to Glory
Scavenger Hunt

The Happy Harpy Tavern (DM Donna) 
Thursday February 6th, 2003 8:53:07 AM

In the heart of Safeport lies a popular tavern. Geographically speaking, the Happy Harpy lies only a few streets beyond the docks that the pirate ships use to offload their hard-won booty and hove to for repairs and such.

The Tavern itself is neither too small nor too big--it can hold about a hundred Pirates of Jack as long as all of them remain friendly. The proprietor--Smilin' Pete--ensures that all remain friendly...or they end up with a few bruises in unmentionable places before ending up back in the street outside the place of business.

This evening finds the tavern hosting a near-capacity crowd as the Wildcards of the Sword of the Sea walk in--the taproom's dozen or so longtables have seamen (and women) sitting along them with tankards in hand and engaged in various activities that range from good, old-fashioned debates to chugging contests to singing some off-key (and slightly off-color!) chanties.

The Wildcards spot an appropriately-sized booth off to one side of the tavern (thanks the fact that the former occupants have just grabbed up one of their number and have carried him off while chortling about seeing how well he can swim) and head for it, passing by a large carved panel that is host to several handbills.

The first handbill announces that tonight is the night of Smilin' Pete's THIRD ANNUAL WILDCARD TREASURE HUNT, where the Wildcards of all ships in port can compete for the Fame, Honor and Glory of their vessel (as well as possession of the coveted Golden Rose trophy!) Anyone curious about this (or any other handbill on the panel) is urged to ask any bar personnel about it.

(OOC: I didn't include a copy of this particular announcement when I sent out the file with the signs in it, players.)

Other announcements plastering the board:

1. A reward for the return of a lost pet.
2. A call from the King of Cups to find out why traders are heading west.
3. The King of Coins is looking for a ship to discover the fate of another missing ship.
4. A rather stuffy-looking caricature of a mayoral candidate on a campaign poster.
5. An announcement by the King of Swords that Aisilduran traders are running the South Kings Channel without escorts, and that such ships must be ripe pickin's.

The party reaches the booth just as a pretty barmaid finishes wiping off the table there. She straightens up and flashes you a smile.

"I'm Jami." the brunette girl introduces herself. "Welcome to th' Happy Harpy! Are you here for the ale...or the contest..?"

Thursday February 6th, 2003 10:33:17 AM

Appolo takes his seat and when the barmaid arrives he returns her smile with a beaming smile of his own and says, "We're here for both, of course, and some food as well. Ale for everyone as well as some bread, salami and cheese, if you please." He fishes around in his pockets and produces 5 gold pieces, Appolo then hands her the gold. "Where do we sign up for the Treasure Hunt?" he adds with a bright-eyed smile.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 12:47:31 PM

Ashira takes a seat at the table with the others and smiles as Appolo places his order with Jami. With a motion of her hand, Ashira tries to grab Jami's attention. "A nice pot of tea for me please." She smiles at Rigging. "Well, hubby, should I go put us down for the treasure hunt? Sounds like everyone's interested."

Thursday February 6th, 2003 1:25:51 PM

"Indeed my dear, tell us about the contest before you get our drinks and food," Bart requests.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 9:53:01 PM

Rigging smiles at his wife and replies, "Of course we will try our hand at the treasure hunt. I believe it says something about the honor or your ship at stake. I suggest we win this treasure hunt or our Captain might have us sanding the deck with our fingernails."

Thursday February 6th, 2003 10:06:43 PM

Akerin goes for some tea, as well. He enjoys the fellowship of his companions.

Thursday February 6th, 2003 11:40:16 PM

Hoping things will go well tonight, for the break the family needs. "Wine for me please"

Friday February 7th, 2003 2:08:22 AM

Akerin quietly hands to Ari the wand of cure light wounds given him some time back. "You can use this to help heal those who need it, Ari." He explains briefly how to use it, then sips more tea.

Keep Your Day Job (DM Donna) 
Friday February 7th, 2003 6:54:12 AM

Before Jami can answer your inquiries about the contest, the slightly-slurred but nonetheless on-key baritone of Captain Hawley sounds from a table that is quite near your booth:

Yo ho ho an' a kegger to boot!
We sink us a ship
An' we divvy the loot!
Warships come
An' we blow 'em to bits!
To top off th' day
Here's a wench with big--"

"Captain Hawley!" Jami interrupts the singing half-elf, who leers at her politely (as much of an oxymoron as that may sound! ;D) "I do believe that these are the Wildcards you were telling me about between, ahhh, songs..?"

"Why bless me barnacles, so they arrrrrre..!" the highly-tipsy captain of the hammership agrees. "Lissen...I'm in me cups, so I'll be shufflin' off to th' ship to sleep it off...but before I do, would you all be so kind as to pick us a mission to get ready for..?" Hawley waves his nearly-empty tankard towards the bulletin board with the announcements. "Just let me know which one of them signs interests ya the most, an' I'll be able to stock the ship for that kind o' mission."

(OOC: Two of the signs--the lost pet and the campaign poster--aren't missions for a ship; the others are. Pick which one you would like to follow for the upcoming module.)

Friday February 7th, 2003 9:57:49 AM

Valanthe wished she some wine. Right now she would even settle for ale. It was a great preliminary to bedchamber activities. Ashira and Rigging's actions of late has inspired certain behavior in the young elf. Behavior which Appolo seems to enjoy a great deal

"Well plundering unguarded trade ships sounds like a good idea and a trap as well. But military ships usually have valuable things on baord as well."

Friday February 7th, 2003 2:06:57 PM

Rigging listens to his Captain ask for suggestions on the next mission and he speaks up, "I think we should forgo the chasing down unguarded merchant vessals. There must be a reason that they aren't being guarded...like the ships are guarding something even more important. Let the lesser pirate ships take those easy pickings."
Rigging pauses and takes a sip of his drink and then continues. "The mystery of why the merchant ships are heading west is intriguing but I think we should go look for our lost ship. First they might be in trouble and need assistance. Second we might find the warships that are supposed to be guarding the merchants are responsible and I want to know what they are guarding. It must be important. The third and final reason I have is we might be able to find more worthy victims to give Alemi's blessings to than we would on merchant ships."

Friday February 7th, 2003 2:10:26 PM

"Let's not worry about that right now. Eat, drink, be merry, enjoy tonight -- and let's win that treasure hunt." When the waitress comes back, Appolo orders the finest elven wine avialable, two bottles of it, and doles out another 20 gold pieces.

Friday February 7th, 2003 2:14:03 PM

The half-elf heads over to the bar area and signs up the Wildcards of the Sword of the Seas for the treasure hunt. She returns just in time for discussion about the next mission. "I don't like the idea of plundering trade ships. I don't think it's very sporting. Our last mission was a little different since we had those priests to deal with. The assignment from the King of Coins sounds interesting."

Sensing that Valanthe is a little thirsty, she motions to the ale on the table from Appolo's order. Moving in close, she whispers to the elf, "So, you want to tell me what's going on with my armor, or do I need to torture the information out of you?!"

Friday February 7th, 2003 2:35:50 PM

"Yes, Rigging," Akerin agrees. "Perhaps some of the crew on the missing ship are yet alive, and in need of help - especially if in the clutches of the Ga'alians. I'll cast my vote, if a vote I have, for answering the King of Coins."

Friday February 7th, 2003 7:33:16 PM

"Sorry Appolo, but the Captain asked for an answer now. He wants to get the ship repaired, provisioned and ready." Rigging takes a quick scan around the table and adds, "If there isn't any dissent in the ranks, why don't we try to find our missing comrades, Captain."

Friday February 7th, 2003 9:15:39 PM

Valanthe smiles and takes a sip of Elven wine. It was nice of Appolo to order the wine but she hoped that everybody knew their limits. Elven wine was powerfull stuff, even for elves. Valanthe didn't want to be carrying everybody back to their rooms.

"I don't think it's my place to say anything," Val replies.

Ari  d20=2
Friday February 7th, 2003 10:01:19 PM

(d20 roll accidental)

Sitting back and listening to the others speak. Ari relaxes as he waits for everyone to speak. Once everything is done and Riggings is done Ari commetns, "It's nice to have fun, but we probably want to think about always getting our business out of the way first so we can have more fun and not have to worry about any immediate decisions in the morning.

Anyhoo. I agree with you Riggings that we should probably go for the missing ship. Because it's for the King of Coins we might want to ask about both his missions and see if they are somehow related, or keep the other in the back of our mind as we search for the missing ship."

Once he's had his say Ari just leans back into his chair and listens to the din of the Harpy. He's not listening for anything particular its just that there's not been much occasion to relax. Being the life of a Wildcard.

Friday February 7th, 2003 11:37:57 PM

"You're right, Rigging, following the missing ship does seem more like what this group should find itself doing." Redux then adds, "However, the lone ships are tempting, and would be following the namesake of our ship's notice for assistance (King of Swords -- Sword of the Sea). And, speaking of finding things, does the treasure hunt have anything to do with the missing pet?"

Saturday February 8th, 2003 12:09:51 AM

Appolo quietly listens to the others and waits. When Ashira returns and announces that she has signed the group up, he asks, "So, when does it begin?" He then makes sure Valanthe gets her wine, then he quietly slips the extra bottle into a cloth sack and hides it under his cloak.

Saturday February 8th, 2003 6:05:27 AM

"I like the idear of rescuiong the ship and helping our comrades," says Bart. "Let other ships huntdown the merchants. I think with the wayfinder we are the perfect crew to locate the missing ship."

Explanations All Around (DM Donna) 
Monday February 10th, 2003 7:21:01 AM

"Find th' ship...nooooo pro'lem..." the tipsy half-elf nods and staggers out of the Happy Harpy. Jami shakes her dark blonde head at the retreating captain of the hammership and sighs.

"The weirdest thing is that he'll make it back to his ship AND remember what you told him--but he STILL can't remember my name." she comments with a wry grin. "Now--first off, if I recall correctly, you wanted to know about the contest...well, it's a scavenger hunt, really. Starts at midnight, ends at dawn. Smilin' Pete hands out a list of items for Wildcards to go out an' get...you're only supposed to scrounge 'em from Ayorsa Island itself. You can use any means necessary for getting any item short of bodily harm, but if the item in question is already in the possession of a conscious person, then you can't force 'em to give it up...you can only try to persuade 'em to lend you the item for the scavenger hunt. Mages aren't supposed to use charms on them--and neither are they supposed to get stuff from other lands or planes or wherever." The young woman stops to think.

"Other than that, anything goes--even swiping stuff other teams have already collected." Jami says with a nod. "The only way to safeguard your booty is to come back here to the tavern and have Smilin' Pete check it off your list."

The meal that is served at the tavern this night is a rather hearty venison stew (with meat you can not only taste, but actually SEE!), dumplings, some decent dwarven ale (with separate water for those who can't drink it undiluted), and some stale round dinner rolls.

"They're ammunition." Jami explains. "Nobody ever eats 'em--but they make for fun food fights. Smilin' Pete fancies a good brawl now an' then, but he doesn't stand for unnecessary bloodshed, so he provides non-lethal weapons." The barmaid makes sure that the round, brown ceramic teapot that also goes with the meal remains full.

"Any questions you have about any of them notices can usually be answered by someone here in the tavern," Jami tells you, "I happen to know that ol' Peg-leg's pet is really a rather grumpy hippogriff...she tends to take off for a few days every now an' then, so he worries an' offers that reward. NObody in their right mind would go lookin' for a hippogriff in heat, though--so I don't think that Fluffy is going to be used for this year's scavenger hunt.

"I'll go see if Starr is around--she's the rep for the King of Coins in this part of Safeport. She'll be able to give you more details on that missing ship. Now...is there anything else that you'll be needing..?"

Monday February 10th, 2003 8:56:29 AM

The half-elf smiles at Jami's description of the event. "Sounds like fun, could even be tailor made for us. Glad we've signed up!"

Ashira nuzzles up next to Rigging, and whispers in his ear, "I could use a couple of minutes of private time with you." She gets up and tries to find a semi private place in the crowded Inn. If Rigging moves to join her, she hands him a small box. Ashira looks lovingly up into Rigging's eyes as she opens the box for him. "You know, when we got married, everything was kind of a blur, and I didn't get a chance to give you what I wanted. I thought I might lose you that last mission, and so I decided not to wait." Rigging finds a small feather token and his wedding ring inside the box. "I went ahead and had our rings enchanted. They are now both +1 rings of protection." Ashira blushes a little, and her eyes drop to the floor. "It was all I could afford. I'm hoping to make them stronger in the future. The feather is in case you get in a pinch like back on the ship. Just rub it gently, and a large whip will appear and attack your enemies for you." Ashira nudges Rigging playfully. "I figure you can use all the help you can get when it comes to defending yourself!"

OOC: Rigging is now in possession of a +1 ring of protection, and Quaal's feather token (whip) - please add them to your sheet. :)

Monday February 10th, 2003 10:49:57 AM

"How many of these Scavenger Hunts have there been and has there always been a winner? Do they usually go quickly or take all night long?"

Getting into the spirit of the possible chase Ari starts pondering what he might be able to do to help.

(OOC: Can I reserve the right to change my spell list a little bit? ;) and by how much due to time restrictions?)

You have until 6am Eastern Time this Friday, February 14th, to get me your CS, though I would like it sooner. Whatever the spell list is on the CS that I have in my possession by that time will be the spells that Ari has available to him... and I have your old, old CS on my Mom's computer, so if you don't have your updated sheet to me by then, I'll be using THAT one--whether or not Ari may have gone up a level.

This goes for the entire group of characters.~~DM Donna

hehe. I was talking in game time. But I'll take this answer. -Todd :)

Monday February 10th, 2003 4:59:08 PM

Rigging is touched by the gift from Ashira and gives her a passionate kiss and hug. As he breaks away, he will say, "Dearest, thank you for this. I will always wear it and cherish it like I cherish you."

Akerin  Akerin
Tuesday February 11th, 2003 1:34:38 AM

The normally somewhat reserved monk finds Jami's remarks and observations amusing. He smiles at her comment regarding the captain. He chuckles at the brawl-biscuits. He outright laughs as she explains the situation with 'Fluffy.'

"Jami, you are priceless," the cleric says, his face alight with delight. "Though Cap'n forget your name, I doubt I will. Thank you for your running commentary, and our compliments to the kitchen." In addition to the cost of the meal, he adds a pouch with 20 gold pieces. "Half's for you, the rest for the kitchen. I expect we'll drop by from time to time, as circumstances allow. I'm Akerin."

He looks around the inn, then indicates that she should lean forward a bit, as he wishes to be discreet. "You wouldn't have an idea, would you, who might present our stiffest competition?" he asks quietly.

Pubside Gossip (DM Donna) 
Tuesday February 11th, 2003 7:08:03 AM

"Why...why thank you, sir!" the serving maid is beaming as she quickly tucks away Akerin's hefty tip. Then she leans down and whispers confidentially to the healer:

"Well, I can definitely put you wise to last year's winners of the hunt--they are the Wildcards for the ship called the Coppersworth. Bunch of bad pennies, if'n you ask me, though--they only won because they ambushed an' swiped a bunch of items from the frontrunners of the time, the guys from the Stiletto. The Stiletto group cried foul because the Coppersworth bunch supposedly gave one of 'em a concussion, but none of the Stiletto guys could prove it, so the Coppersworth Wildcards won."

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 8:29:43 AM

Val relaxes and sips her wine. There was no need to drink to much and do something foolish. Not with this lot around. She wondered when Redux would get around to explaining what he did. Val would give the mage a little time before she spilled things.

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 11:59:21 AM

Listening to the advice of the bairmaid, Rigging says, "I wonder if we should split up into teams for this little adventure or stick together. Sounds like some of the wild cards would rather sit around and take the items away from the other contestants rather than working.
It would be a lot tougher to take on our whole group but we wouldn't be as efficient."

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 1:41:28 PM

Ashira smiles as she returns to the table with Rigging. Leaning over Valanthe, she whispers, "Ok, then I guess it's going to be torture. You just let me know when you're ready to start talking." She stands up on the table and begins to sing in an ear-splitting off-key voice.

"What do you do with a drunken pirate?
What do you do with a drunken pirate?
What do you do with a drunken pirate?
Early in the mornin?"

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 4:57:17 PM

"Well we need a fast and agile runner and someone to protect him or her," says Bart. "I can do the last part. Maybe Redux and Talon can do the comminications between the runner group and the search group. Talon could guide us back to the rest of our party."

Tuesday February 11th, 2003 6:23:27 PM

Appolo is quietly eating and drinking while watching and listening to those around him. When Ashira comes back and says something about torture to Valanthe, then gets up on the table and starts singing, Appolo starts laughing and throws a couple of gold pieces at her feet. "Hey - who ordered the entertainment? Now let's see you dance!" He then begins to sing along with her.

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 1:54:22 AM

"We can also use Talon as possible overhead scout to advise us of ambushes. I've been wondering whether I could contact some of the local animals and have them help us out or not."

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 3:51:38 AM

"I can be the runner. I am fast and can make myself faster when the occasion calls for it." Affected by the wine Valanthe figures why not and gets up on a table. She starts dancing, flashing some leg now and then.

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 4:11:08 AM

Akerin thanks Jami. "Hope you'll root for us," he says to her with a smile. He makes sure the rest of the party is made aware of the information she provided him.

Observing the interactions and antics of his friends, he arches an eyebrow. "Was something strange going on while I was working on the wand?"

Food Fight! (DM Donna)  d20+4=5 d20=14 d20=15 d20=15 d20=16 d20=13 d20=1 d20=5
Wednesday February 12th, 2003 7:52:14 AM

"I surely do hope your group wins!" Jami tells Akerin, then is summoned away by some pirates at another table.

Ashira's serenade draws attention from more than just Appolo--by the time her song mercifully ends, there is a total of about 12 gold pieces, 27 silver pieces and 33 copper pieces that have been tossed her way.

Then--arcing high from across the taproom--a lone dinner roll lobs towards Ashira...but ends up smacking a large half-orc one table over in the back of his head.

The burly pirate leaps to his feet with a roar, seizes a handful of biscuits from the basket on his table, and proceeds to hurl them in the general direction of the unknown attacker.

"To battle! To battle! Bomb's awayyyyyyyyyyy..!" shrieks someone else, and suddenly the air is full of almost-edible missiles...

(OOC: in order, I rolled to see if any rolls have hit Ashira (5), Rigging (14), Akerin (15), Valanthe (15), Appolo (16), Bart (13), Redux (1), and Ari (5). Compare the results with your PC's AC--as long as the result isn't a natural 1 (as in the case of Redux), you can actually opt to allow that your PC did get hit by the buns, since you know there are dozens of the things being flung around now.

Your PCs can start throwing rolls, too, but you only need to make a combat roll of the dice IF you wish for your bun[s] to hit a SPECIFIC target.)

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 1:27:38 PM

Rigging feels a roll bounce of his back and turns around to see what happened to have one bounce of his forehead. He dives for cover and scoops up some ammo of his own. He starts chucking them indiscriminately around the room, while trying to dodge any that come his way. He yells to Ashira, "See what your singing caused! You need to stick to your day job."

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 3:52:41 PM

Deftly managing to dodge the rolls chucked at her, Ashira hops down from the table top, and ducks under cover. She smiles at Akerin's comment. "Yes, some hanky panky occured, and I'm trying to pump the information from Valanthe. Haven't been too successful so far, though." Ashira grabs several rolls and throws them in the general direction of her first assailant.

Ashira pouts a little at Rigging's comment. "Are you saying you don't like the way I sing?! Besides, I just earned you some ale money!" Adopting a more serious look, Ashira says, "You know, I've got a plan for this treasure hunt. Why don't we give Redux one of the invisibility rings, and have him be a stationary drop off point. Then we could have Val be an invisible runner. That way we wouldn't have to worry about them getting jumped. What do you think?"

Wednesday February 12th, 2003 10:14:56 PM

Rigging ducks another flying pastry and winks at his wife. "Honey, Have you ever heard that great minds think alike? We are definitely on the same wave length"

Redux  d20=9
Wednesday February 12th, 2003 10:45:20 PM

(ooc: roled one for Talon)

Feeling somewhat above the 'common' food fight but still wanting to observe (and laugh at) the mayhem, Redux gathers his robes and finds cover near the wall that will give him a good vantage point. He will root for his friends when he sees them attacking. He even finds himself watching where the food originated and calls out to them the origin of the successful hit so that they may retaliate with more precision. He gives Talon permission to attack any food thrown at him, but not the thrower.

Thursday February 13th, 2003 5:15:34 AM

Being slightly drunk and dancing on a table, Val makes a fine target. By the time she figures out what's going on and gets behind some cover, Val got hit a few times. Making the most of the situation Val scoops some of the icing off her body and licks it off her finger.

Thursday February 13th, 2003 5:49:57 AM

This reminds Akerin of missile-dodging practice back at the monastery. What fun! He gets into the spirit of it, catching rolls and lobbing them back, aiming the buns at buns, and laughing when he takes a hit. One comes through the air, and his uses his head to deflect it in a new arc. He tumbles, and rises with a kick of the leg to spike a passing biscuit up over the chandelier.

Thursday February 13th, 2003 8:52:29 AM

With the first few rolls just being UFO's Ari finally catches on and grabs his drink and moves out of the way of the main fray. Not sure if this is some kind of distraction due to the comments about the other Wildcards. Ari decides to keep an eye out to see if it is all fun or not.

Appolo Ac21  d20+9=24 d20+9=22 d20+11=12
Thursday February 13th, 2003 7:52:05 PM

Appolo ducks under the table aftwer gathering all the extra coin and grabbing the wine bottle. He then pulls out a small knife and starts hollowing out some of the bread rolls. He then pours the wine into the roll, putting the pieces of bread back in as a stopper once it is full. He does this to a few of the bredrolls.

Then he hurls one saturated bredroll at Redux, and another at Ari. He then hides under the table, luaghing the time after nailing the both of them with a splat. "Well that was funny!!" he exclaims. "Thought they'd get out of this."

Attack Rolls 24 and 22 hide 12

Friday February 14th, 2003 4:12:27 AM

Bart grabs all the buns he can and starts throwing them around, not aiming in particular at anyone, but with a great speed.

Smilin' Pete Appears (DM Donna) 
Monday February 17th, 2003 1:00:16 PM

The food fight goes on for a while, evoking competition as well as laughter. By the time the clock ticks to ten of twelve, nobody in the tavern has escaped being the target of flying dinner rolls, though clearly some of the patrons are the worse for wear. Still, it's all good, clean fun...

"Your attenSHUN!!!" bellows a bass voice that cuts through all the noise. Suddenly you can hear a pin drop within the Happy Harpy... or, rather, one last errant roll lobbed from a corner that happens to bounce off one of the moose heads that hangs on a wall before falling to the floor at the feet of a tall, scrawny-looking human male with stringy dark hair pulled back in a careless ponytail. His dark brown eyes are serious and his face is set into an almost grim mask.

"They call me Smilin' Pete...for obvious reasons," he announces to the crowd, evoking a smattering of laughter. "It's time to start this year's annual Wild Card Scavenger Hunt. Competing for the purse of 1,000 gold and the prestigious Golden Rose award are four teams, the Wildcards from the ships the Stiletto, the Little Brown Jug, the Sword of the Sea, and, of course, last year's champions, the Wildcards from the Coppersworth."

The various crews of each ship named stand and acknowledge the applause of the rest of the tavern customers as Smilin' Pete introduces them. When the crew from the Coppersworth are announced, there is a slight rise in the volume of the applause, but there are a goodly number of hisses and grumbles as a lithe human man bows with a great flourish, his perfect white teeth in contrast to his perfectly tanned skin.

"Yes, yes, Blackjack," Smilin' Pete says a bit testily when the roguish Wildcard hams it up a bit longer than the barkeeper would like, "We all appreciate how clever you were... last year. This year, we will see whether the Coppersworth continues to reign supreme as the holder of the Golden Rose, or whether you will have to fork it over to any other crew."

Jami appears, handing out rolls of parchment to the teams, ending up with handing one over to Rigging as Smilin' Pete continues to speak about the competition:

"Okay, the rules are simple: you get stuff from the list, and it MUST come only from Ayorsa Island--no kind of magic allowed to 'import' the item nor to 'export' yourselves to any other place but Ayorsa, y'hear? You can otherwise use any means short of causing bodily harm to another person to get the item... unless whoever has possession of it is conscious. You can only use your powers of persuasion--your natural powers, that is!--to get the other person to let you have the item in question.

"Once you get an item from the list, it won't be considered 'gotten' by YOUR team unless you bring it here and present it to me, so's I can cross that item off your team's list.

"We'll count down to midnight--then, the teams have until dawn to get their particular list checked off... the quicker you find and turn in your items, the more points they'll be worth!" Smilin' Pete says.

"Any questions..?"

Monday February 17th, 2003 10:21:56 PM

Rigging takes the list and gives it a quick scan. "OK team...Let's take a quick look at this list and see who should go after what?"

Akerin / Kim 
Tuesday February 18th, 2003 3:23:40 AM

Akerin waits to hear, or read, the list of items to be scavenged.

[Folks - I'm swamped this week. Would someone like to post for Akerin through Thursday? - Kim]

Tuesday February 18th, 2003 11:23:20 PM

Ari counts down to midnight then quickly works with his teammates to see what things are on the list.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 4:36:08 AM

Akerin again tries to read the list of items the teams are to recover.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 8:26:25 AM

Ashira glances over the list, mentally working through where she could find some of the items on the list. She whispers to Rigging in Elven "So, you want me to give him my ring?"

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 8:31:10 AM

Taking a towel and quickly moping up the wine off his head (amazingly his robes remain spotlessly clean!) from Appolo's little grenade, Redux scowls at the young man. "I have half a mind to web you to the floor of the next temple of Ga'al that we come to and let the priests figure out what to do with you. Be careful who you make enemies of, young man!" There is a note of humor in the mage's voice, but not much of one. Redux too moves in to take a look at the list.

Wednesday February 19th, 2003 10:33:25 AM

Appolo replies to Redux, "Hey, just didn't want you and Ari to feel left out of the fun." He then sits down and pours himself and Valanthe the last of the wine. "Here you go Sunshine. Cheers." With that he slams his home.

Countdown (DM Donna) 
Wednesday February 19th, 2003 12:21:54 PM

The list that the Wildcards hold has the following items on it:

1. a blonde wig
2. a barrel of molasses
3. a stuffed animal
4. a gold goblet
5. a child's doll
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

"Each list has seven items on it...each of those items is worth 100 points--IF it is the very first of that item to be brought here to me. Otherwise, the regular items are worth only 50 points. From midnight to dawn is about six hours, so I'll be taking away ten points per hour that you do not bring in an item on the list. Being first is best, but being quick DOES count, too...as well as getting ALL the items on your list. No penalties are taken against the bonus item--but I have to add that the blue rose MUST be natural...NO artifice involved in its creation. Heh heh...oh, the clock, mates, the clock..!" Smilin' Pete points at the large wooden clock that ticks above the main door into the tavern. It is almost at twelve.

"Here we go, then--" yells the ex-pirate, "Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one...LET THE SCAVENGER HUNT BEGIN..!"

Thursday February 20th, 2003 12:38:22 AM

Rigging pulls his group aside. "OK I would bet we could get the barrel of molasses right here. Ari you are in charge of the snake. If a druid can't find a snake on this island then no one can. Anyone have any ideas? We need gatherers and protecters."

Thursday February 20th, 2003 2:00:11 AM

Appolo looks at the list then reaches into his pack and pulls out a one-foot tall figurine or wooden doll of Valdor complete with sword and movable arm. "Well, I have the doll right here," he says, showing it to everyone. "And we should have molasses on the ship as well as a gnome's tool set." He says all of this quietly, trying not to be over heard. He then takes the doll over to Smilin Pete and says, "One doll - this is mine, and when this is over I want it back. I am Appolo representing the Sword of the Sea and its wildcards." He then heads back to his table.

"Well, let's get going."

OOC:Valdor Doll gift from The Toymaker. Giggling Ghost/Red Wyrm Inn

Thursday February 20th, 2003 9:07:32 AM

Sorry about my absence but work has been keeping me busy. I will try to catch up later today or tomarrow.

Thursday February 20th, 2003 9:34:07 AM

"You might try seeing if you can get Valdor's hair to count as a wig" As Ari points to the doll

First Item Found! (DM Donna) 
Thursday February 20th, 2003 11:45:21 AM

Smilin' Pete looks at Appolo with surprise, then actually almost twists his lips with a nod.

"Very clever, young man!" he says, holding out a hand. "100 points to the Sword of the Sea for their submission of one child's doll. Hereafter any other dolls turned in have a base worth of 50 points... minus the time penalty." This announcement brings applause from the spectators, some grimaces and/or impressed glances from the Wildcards from the Stiletto and the Little Brown Jug... and glares from the crew representing the Coppersworth.

"Time's a-wastin', mates, let's go..!" one of the hunters says, which results in the other three teams streaking off in different directions.

"Where's your list--I must check off the doll from your list, or it won't count." Smilin' Pete says.

You will have to designate who has the list, as well what kind of location and/or idea you may come up with for securing the other items you're looking for. I'll let you know how each idea and/or tactic pans out.

Thursday February 20th, 2003 2:25:55 PM

The half-elf whispers to her husband as she prepares to sprint out the door. Let's split up into groups of two. How about Bart & Appolo, Ari & Akerin, you and I. That way if we are jumped, we'll stand a better chance of comming out. We'll station Redux about 20 feet away from the Inn with his two rings. Let Val be a runner with her ring. Then we can use Talon to act as a go between for all of us. Ashira takes out a piece of red cloth from her backpack and tears it into four pieces. She gives one to each group. Whispering she says when you find an item, hold up your cloth. Talon will be looking for you, and Redux will tell Valanthe to run toward your group. Val will run the items back and forth. Redux should hold the list, since he'll be the one turning in the items. Ashira looks over at Rigging. "What do you think?"

Thursday February 20th, 2003 2:27:23 PM

As an after thought, Ashira takes the list from Rigging and hands it to Happy so that he can mark the doll from the list.

Friday February 21st, 2003 1:00:14 AM

Keeping close to the conversation and voice low, Redux nods at Ashira's suggestion. "Yes, that's a good plan. I could even give Talon the bag of holding and use him as a courier if we needed to; he should be able to fly without being encumbered by it. If we split up, we should give each group a specific task, like one head to the ship for the tool set and another to the castle for the goblet. We might need to give up some gold in order to get some of the items, but be wary of overpricing. Oh, and the castle probably has some stuffed trophies hanging on the walls or somewhere, right?"

Friday February 21st, 2003 1:51:48 AM

The monk walks to the wall, steps up on a chair, and removes one of the moose heads that adorns the wall of the tavern.* He walks over to the sponsor of the scavenger hunt. "Here is a stuffed animal, Pete. Does this qualify?"

If it qualifies, great. Whether or not it does, Akerin next talks to Ari. "Valdor's hair is light brown, not blond. Let's go, druid, and find a flower, or snake, or molasses. Even all three." He goes out with Ari, and begins seeking, asking, and poking around with great energy. "Grass, and under porches, are good places to look for snakes, right?"

* For the origin of the moose head, see post:
Smilin' Pete Appears (DM Donna)
Monday February 17th, 2003 12:00:16 PM

Another First Item Found! (DM Donna) 
Friday February 21st, 2003 6:59:53 AM

Smilin' Pete puts a big "X" mark with the number 100 next to item number 5 on the Wildcards' list...then eyes the moose head Akerin offers up to cover the "stuffed animal" entry.

"Hmmm...well, I was figurin' that you'd all have to go OUT and look for the stuff," the bartender says, but his quill moves over the parchment once more, "However, I didn't say that the bar was off-limits, so you got yourself one less thing to look for." When he hands you back the scavenger hunt list, it looks like this:

1. a blonde wig
2. a barrel of molasses
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

Friday February 21st, 2003 8:23:50 AM

Looking as if she just stumbled onto a great idea, Ashira lowers her head and mumbles a few words (Casting Summon Nature's Ally-Tiny Viper into her hand). After she is done, she removes her invisibility ring and hands it to Redux. Then she says to Ari "Hold on a second, I need you to tell me if the snake I summon is indigenous."

Friday February 21st, 2003 9:10:13 AM

A huge grin spreads across his face as pride fills his heart at his team's intelligence and resourcefulness. He claps both Appolo and Akerin on the back and says, "I am supposed to be the genius. Good work gentlemen."

He turns to the waitress Jami and asks, "Dear, Is it possible that we could get barrel of molasses from your storeroom? I figure we will give it back and I you will get a very nice tip out of it. How does 10 gold sound hmmmm?"

Friday February 21st, 2003 3:07:49 PM

Glad to see his fellow cards are on the ball about things around them, Ari feels a little out of sort that he has nothing to offer right away. When Ashira talks about the Viper Ari quietly adds, "It just depends upon whether the spell is interpreted as interference or not, I think."

Ari also starts to ponder what kind of environment the blue rose would live in and where that might be here on the island. (Nature sense)

Saturday February 22nd, 2003 11:14:45 PM

The healer smiles at Rigging, and gives Appolo a friendly punch on the shoulder.

As Ashira and Ari discuss the poisonous little serpent, he says, "No, it depends upon whether or not the viper is from Ayorsa. C'mon, let's go see what else we can get. Check with Jack to see if it qualifies, Ashira - unless Ari can verify it's a local. Don't these ones leave after a few minutes? If not, great. If so, we'll look for another. And that flower. Keep an eye on each other's back."

Akerin heads out with Ari, with the knowledge that the rest of the teams have a head start in looking for the other items. Snake? Flower. Molasses. Blondes. And other teams' members heading back to the tavern.

Sunday February 23rd, 2003 7:55:51 AM

Valanthe is caught off guard by the whirlwind of events that just took place. One minute she's getting mentally ready for the task at hand and then items are being crossed off their list. Valanthe watched the other contestants. No weapons were allowed but there will be fighting. Lucky for her mental assaults were not made illegal.

Tuesday February 25th, 2003 1:58:33 PM

Redux removes the ring of protection and puts on the ring of friendship invisibility. To Val he says, "You're not going to activate yours, are you? I don't want to pop out and get tagged by someone floating up in the air." If she is planning on using hers, he will ask for one of the other rings to activate once he's outside. He shows Talon the cloth and does his best to impress his feathered friend what he needs to look for and what he should do.

Tuesday February 25th, 2003 6:45:26 PM

Appolo looks around. "Come on Bart, let's go find us a golden goblet!" He then heads toward the door.

What Qualifies (and What Don't) (DM Donna)  d20=11 d20=7
Wednesday February 26th, 2003 6:49:40 AM

(OOC: Ari's Knowledge: Nature check roll [which he forgot to roll for] is 11 in regards to identifying the viper summoned--he needs a 15 or better to be 100% sure whether the snake IS a local one.)

Ari is reasonably sure that the snake is, indeed, from Ayorsa Isle...but he has to admit that he could be mistaken about it.

Jami is off like a shot to see about the molasses, but the look on her face is rather crestfallen when she comes back.

"The only molasses in the kitchen are a couple of jugs...no barrels." she tells Rigging. "You'll have to think of some other place to get it."

Ari's attempt to ponder the proper environment for a blue rose comes up quite short (OOC: check result [which Ari also neglected to roll for himself] is only 7. Anyone trying to fathom this specific horticultural information must make a Knowledge (Nature) check versus DC18.)

Talon eyes his master with a bit of skepticism, but eventually gets the idea that he will be on the lookout for the Wildcards to be signaling with the bits of cloth.

Smilin' Pete is topping off tankards of ale if anyone wants to show him the snake.

Ashira  d20+2=3 d20+2=21
Wednesday February 26th, 2003 9:29:33 AM

The half-elf checks the snake out herself (nature knowledge a nat. 1!!), but has no clue as to whether it comes from the island or not. She looks at Rigging inquisitively as the snake wriggles in her hand. "I don't know if this comes from the island or not. Ari thinks it probably does. I think it's worth a shot to give it to Pete. What do you think?" If Rigging agrees to give it to Pete, then Ashira does. If not, then she keeps a hold of the beasty, and prepares to head out into the wild blue yonder with Rigging, making sure to hand Redux the list before she leaves.

As the goings on with the snake are settled, Ashira ponders on where to find a blue rose. Her eyes bolt (nature knowledge=21!!!), and she nudges Rigging insistently and desperately. "Come on, I need to show you something!"

Wednesday February 26th, 2003 10:23:49 AM

"Well a golden goblet it is Apollo, and maybe we can find the wig too. I suggest heading to the richer part of town. If there is a goblet we sure can find one there," says Bart. "Maybe we find an an goldsmith and if we are lucky a gnomish one. Let Domi guide us!"

Wednesday February 26th, 2003 6:56:14 PM

"All right, back to the palace, then we'll head for the ship if that doesn't pan out," Appolo says.

Wednesday February 26th, 2003 9:25:43 PM

Rigging guides Ashira to Pete and says, "Ah Pete, We have a snake here for your inspection. Make off our 100 points please so I can go find a blue rose."

After Pete makes his decision, he will go with Ashira to see what she wants to see.

Thursday February 27th, 2003 3:18:44 AM

"Come on, Ari. Any ideas as to where to look?" says the monk, doing his own looking as Ari walks about with some sort of faraway look in this eyes. "We've got to find some of the other things."

More Items Found (DM Donna)  d20=18
Thursday February 27th, 2003 6:48:52 AM

Smilin' Pete squints at the little viper the Wildcards offer as their latest entry. He harrumphs over it for a moment or two, then he nods.

"Yup, it's local." he says. "Where's your list..? You guys are really rolling with these submissions..!" (OOC: remember, troops, you have to post that you're giving Pete both the item AND the list in order to have him award your points for the hunt!)

Ashira's concentration on the blue rose matter inspires her with the fact that, since a blue rose would be VERY rare, one of the best places that a person could look for one would be where a person grows plants for a living...like Minton's Apothecary Supply, which she recalls having seen when the party was first on its way to the Jack's palace. It was less than a mile away from the Happy Harpy, too...

Right at this point, however, a member of one of the other teams comes hurrying into the bar--a half-elf with sandy brown hair to his shoulders and an eyepatch over his right eye. You all recall that he was one of the Coppersworth's crew. He approaches Smilin' Pete and presents a well-worn ragdoll with red yarn hair and a glittering gold cup, along with a piece of parchment that is obviously the Coppersworth's scavenger list.

"Ah, Reed, yer group finally decided to join the hunt, eh..?" the bartender teased as he checked off the doll and the goblet. "Better hurry, though--the Sword of the Sea has gotten a big lead on yer group!"

The one-eyed monk turns rather glacial hazel eye upon the party, then snatches the list from Smilin' Pete's hand and hurries from the bar, all while both the bartender and the other patrons have a hearty laugh at Reed's behavior.

"Your list, Wildcards," Smilin' Pete says again, "So's I can check off that snake and you all can go on your way." He holds out his hand.

Thursday February 27th, 2003 9:14:25 AM

Rigging hands the bartender his list with a smile. He says to Ashira, "I better stay here with the list. If the others come back with items, they won't count without it. If you see the others, let them know where I am."

The young seven gives his wife a kiss on the lips and a quick hug. "Be careful out there. I know you can protect yourself, but don't hurt anybody." He tempers his cautions with a warm smile.

Thursday February 27th, 2003 9:38:56 AM

"Sorry Akerin I was trying to figure out if with all the training I'd had whether I could recognize that blue flower. But it seems that though I can probably identify 90% of the flowers and animals in the surrounding area, I don't recall ever seeing or being told about that blue flower. I'm half tempted to believe that it's a magic artifact of some sort.

"Maybe we should try to figure out where we might find the barrel of molasses."

Thursday February 27th, 2003 11:22:28 AM

Ashira hands the list to Rigging (she was the last one to have it) who then hands it to Pete. She smiles at her husband's suggestion and flattery, but shakes her head. "No, remember the plan, Redux keeps the list and submits the items. We travel in twos so we're not as easy to jump. That way Redux and Talon know what's going on with the other groups. But if you want to change the plan...." Ashira lingers a couple of seconds, awaiting Rigging's decision.

Regardless of which way Rigging wants to go, Ashira makes sure that the list is in good hands, fishes out and downs her invisibility potion (since she doesn't have her ring) and then runs as fast as she can toward Minton's.

Thursday February 27th, 2003 11:24:40 AM

OOC (Oops, if Rigging decides to go with Ashira, she quietly whispers in Elven the place where she thought she saw Minton's so he can follow her while she's invisible. If not, then she does not reveal the location of the valuable rose.)

Thursday February 27th, 2003 12:18:04 PM

Since Rigging is staying behind with the list, Valanthe runs out of the tavern and back towards the palace. Along the way she activates her invisibility ring. One can never be too careful.

Thursday February 27th, 2003 2:16:59 PM

On their way through the town, Akerin says to Ari, "Molasses. Fine. It's past midnight - taverns and stores would be the best places to look. Might find a blonde wig in a tavern, too. Or a house of ill repute," he says, and spits to the side. "Let's hit the taverns and the like, and see if we can find either object - or even a gold goblet."

Rigging  d4+1=4 d4+1=3
Thursday February 27th, 2003 9:29:24 PM

Rigging looks for Redux and sighs, "Redux is already gone my love. I think it would best if I stayed, but wait a few moments and let me aid you." Rigging quickly casts 2 spells on his beloved. "The first will make you stronger. I doubt it will be necessary but you can never be too careful. The second will make you more agile.

OOC: Rigging cast Bull's Strength and Cat's Grace on Ashira. +4 to Strength score and +3 to dexterity score.

Thursday February 27th, 2003 9:58:12 PM

Apparently invisible to Rigging, Redux steps forward. ;) "You know Rigging, I'd still be happy to take care of the list for you. If not, I guess I'll try and find Ashira. Don't like the idea of being all by myself." Redux manages a shakey smile, but it is obvious that he is concerned about bodily harm coming his way.

Friday February 28th, 2003 8:46:10 AM

Rigging jumps, grabbing his chest, and spins around. He whispers, "Redux! Is that you? You scared me!" The young mage recovers and says, "OK. You stay here with the list. I am going to catch up with Ashira."

Rigging hurries out of the bar calling for his wife to wait if she has left without him.

Friday February 28th, 2003 9:04:17 AM

The invisible half-elf waits patiently for her husband, relaying the location of the store to Rigging in whispered Elven (like I posted before). She continues to whisper in Elven, "Give Redux your ring so he can be invisible, and drink your invisibility potion that we got from the wedding. Let's go!" As soon as Rigging is invisible, Ashira runs as fast as she can towards the store.

Friday February 28th, 2003 4:07:21 PM

Appolo sprints off toward the palace with Bart following behind, he is looking for a golden Goblet and some molasses. He figures he should be able to find it there.

Saturday March 1st, 2003 4:38:27 AM

"Appolo keep your eyes open for an gnoome too. We go to richer part of town, there we can surely find a gnoome," Bart suggests in his unique accent.

The List Updated (DM Donna) 
Monday March 3rd, 2003 8:25:12 AM

Smilin' Pete takes the Wildcards' list and makes his marks, handing the list back to Redux. It now reads:

1. a blonde wig
2. a barrel of molasses
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake X 100 pts.
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

"There ya are--an' QUITE a whoppin' lead ya have there!" the bartender points out. "I think your group is gonna have a pretty good chance at knockin' the Coppersworth crew off their perch!"

"Place yer bets, people--place yer bets..!" yodels a nearby half-elf with a big voice and a bigger waistline. He is immediately mobbed by people betting for various teams and specific outcomes.

Please post precisely which item your specific PC is looking for and what kind of ideas they have for finding their particular object...also confirm whether your PC is alone or partnered up with someone, too, please.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging 
Monday March 3rd, 2003 8:52:31 PM

Running as fast as her half-elf legs will take her with Rigging by her side, Ashira hopes and prays that they are able to make it to Minton's Apothecary Supply before anyone else thinks of the store.

Valanthe (Invisble) 
Monday March 3rd, 2003 10:29:53 PM

Valanthe heads for the palace knowing that her room there will grant her entrance. She knows there will be at least a golden goblet as well as a barrel of molases in the store room.

Appolo At the Palace Golden Goblet, Molasses,With Bart.  d20+3=11 d20+3=12 d20+3=13
Monday March 3rd, 2003 10:58:32 PM

"Bart, find the the molasses. I'll search for the golden goblet. Let's search the kitchen and dining as well as the food storage area." Appolo then starts his search of the kitchen pantry and dining room.

OOC: I rolled three search rolls, one for each location. 11 12 13.

Redux  d20+4=21 d20+4=18 d20=12 d20+6=25
Tuesday March 4th, 2003 12:03:10 AM

Redux rubs the ring now on his hand. He knows it is for invisibility but, in all the confusion he thinks he has the wrong one. 'If this one is connected to Val's and I activate it,' he thinks to himself, 'she'll be running along and become visible; that wouldn't be good. Let's wait a while and see if that is necessary; I think there's a scroll that'll do the job if I need it to.'

Redux takes a good look around him, turning slowly (spot=21, 18 -- didn't know how many to roll). He looks especially hard at patrons who might be blond (to try to see if they might be wearing a wig) and at the area around the bar (to see if there are any gold goblets on hand, sitting out in the open where no one sees them). If he sees any possibilities, he will approach and strike up a conversation with the person/barkeep as to confirm if they might be used for the Sword's list (diplomacy=14+4(forgot bonus)=18). If no possibilities are available, he will simply ask the bartender where a balcony might be found (given that there's a 2nd floor to the establishment) where he can sit and wait for his team. He'll purchase a bottle of wine to take with him.

To Talon: Take flight and circle the island, looking out for our friends; especially if they are giving a signal (spot=25).

Akerin the reluctant  d20+1=15
Tuesday March 4th, 2003 3:10:35 AM

"Ari, are you even alive? Keep up, man!" Akerin makes a few inquiries as to where one might find a house of women - who stay up late, and don't mind company. If someone in this town responds to his line of questioning, the monk drags the befuddled Ari along. He lets it be known, once in the target area, that he is looking for "as many blondes as possible. Even blondes whose eyebrows are not blonde. I like wigs, if you know what I mean." He is not really sure he knows what he means, himself. [Diplomacy check, DC 15. He is not gifted with great natural charm, but he has cranked up more that he generally displays.]

Nevertheless, should he find, among the blondes, any who have access to a blonde wig ... he offers 30 gp for the use of the wig for the evening. He will try to return it by the next evening. If 30 is not adequate, he will negotiate upwards to 40, 50, 70 ... even 100 gp if necessary. More than that? Ari will have to chip in.

And if any complain that he said, 'as many blondes as possible,' he will give each 5 gp - up to the first ten. "No one I know could want more than ten," he says. What would his bishop say if he knew of this? He will NOT engage in any improper behavior with any of the women, even should they offer.

The moment he has the wig, the monk hides it under his shirt, and takes off running. "You'll have to keep up, Ari, 'cause I'm not slowing down." He runs in the middle of the streets, so that any who might try to impede progress will have to step away from the shadows and alleyways in order to get to him. He holds a thunderstone in one hand, and has a tanglefoot bag at the ready in the other. He has great endurance, so maintains a good and steady pace back to the tavern.

The Game is Afoot (DM Donna)  d20+10=28
Tuesday March 4th, 2003 6:48:24 AM

Redux sees many different blonde heads in the tavern, but none of them look to be the result of fake hair pieces. Smilin' Pete eyes the mage and tells him that the Happy Harpy doesn't have outdoor balconies, but there's a set of doors over yonder (here the bartender points) and they do lead to a terraced outdoor area to one side of the tavern. (Once Redux goes through the indicated doors, he can see that the terrace has tables and seating for an additional 40 or so customers. He can find himself a seat in several different spots, though, as all of the tables aren't quite full.)

Akerin and Ari travel a mere three blocks before a sign advertising "The House of Woo-Woo" beckons to them... literally, since the sign is carved to resemble a winking, buxom human beauty with the additional animation of one of her fingers crooking repeatedly in an enticing fashion as she blows kisses.

It's quite a feat of magic, obviously--and VERY effective, too, as there is a steady stream of clientele in and out the doors.

Going inside, the monk is immediately greeted by a woman in a tight-bodiced gown who vaguely resembles the girl depicted on the sign, though she is older and not so well-endowed.

"Welcome to my House!" she says, fluttering her eyelashes at Akerin (and Ari, if he's along for the ride). "I'm Woo-Woo... what is your pleasure this night..?" Once Akerin lets her know what he is seeking, the woman gapes at him for a moment, then a rather canny look comes across her face.

"Ohhhh... I'll bet it's that stupid Scavenger Hunt thing, right?" she asks, then nods. "Yeah, you don't even have to say anything--I thought it was weird when old Able came in here and went right up to Trixie's room without giving me so much as a 'how-do-you-do'! Trixie's the... ah... specialist here with a wig assortment. She was with a customer, but I think she's done now. You just go ask her about the wig." The madame points Akerin over to where an exotically-made-up brunette is sitting, waiting for a customer.

Trixie, for her part, frowns when Akerin makes his proposition.

"I'd love to accommodate ye, sir," she says, "But Able busted in on me, grabbed my entire wig case, an' then just high-tailed it outta of the room. All's he left behind was a handful of gold coins and some words about a hunt or somethin'..."

At the Jack's palace, Appolo and Bart make their way towards the kitchen, intent on getting a goblet and/or that molasses... both of these two characters need to make a Spot check versus DC28 to notice the furtive figure leaving the area.

Valanthe should make the check, too, but since she's a bit behind the pair and invisible as well, the furtive figure isn't as careful once he reaches where she is located, and so the Spot check DC for her is only 23.

Beat the Spot check by 4 or more to recognize the sneaky individual as Blackjack of the Coppersworth Wildcards.

Ashira and Rigging make their way towards the location of Minton's... so far it doesn't appear that they are being followed.

Tuesday March 4th, 2003 7:25:46 AM

Coming out of his reverie, "Do you have anyone here locally that you might get or make wigs from or for? Are there any playhouses around here?"

When Akerin and Ari are alone again Ari ponders to him, "Since you're throwing around gold and we've not been here that much. Is there anything in the rules that we can't bribe Pete about where everything is?"

Rigging (invisible) 
Tuesday March 4th, 2003 7:58:17 PM

Rigging sprints along side his wife, holding her hand so they don't become seperated. When they get to Minton's he will whisper, "Should we play it straight up or get sneaky? Might be tough to negotiate invisible," he adds.

OOC: I am on the road and I forgot my laptop. I will try to find computers to post with but won't be home until Wed. If I haven't posted by 8 pm est someone post for me please.

Valanthe  d20+3=23
Tuesday March 4th, 2003 10:16:17 PM

Valanthe rushes into the palace searching for a goblet or anybody who may have one.

OOC: spot check 23 ::dances for joy::

AppoloAt the Palace Golden Goblet, Molasses,With Bart.  d20+6=16 d20+3=18 d20+3=10
Wednesday March 5th, 2003 2:53:09 AM

Appolo doesn't spot anything and continues his search.

OOC:Spot Roll 16, Search rolls 18,10

Bart  d20+3=4
Wednesday March 5th, 2003 5:57:48 AM

Bart enters the kitchen and looks for the door of the storeroom.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=13 d20+10=17
Wednesday March 5th, 2003 12:40:18 PM

The invisible half-elf runs down the street as she hold onto her husbands hand. She whispers as her feet pound the ground "I wonder if they're even going to be open. If they are, then maybe we should just lay down some gold. If it comes right down to it, I'm not willing to steal, but maybe we can come up with a creative trade." Once she arrives at Minton's, Ashira begins to search for the rose (Spot=13, Search=17).

Redux  d20+4=12 d20+6=9
Wednesday March 5th, 2003 11:04:12 PM

Redux takes his wine and glass to the indicated outdoor area. He looks around the area to see who might be out their and what their business might be (especially members of other teams) (dc=12). He finds a safe looking spot to relax.

To Talon: Where are you at? Fly back down this street towards the palace. We are working now, so be sharp (dc=9). What's that? No, there is not a blond mouse on the list, that was a wig, they are not the same.

Thursday March 6th, 2003 12:55:11 AM

Akerin gives Trixie eight gold pieces for the information she shared. "Half is for you, and half for Woo-Woo. Can you describe Able?" If she does so, he gives her two more gold pieces, and he tries to put her description together with the crew members of the other teams that were there at the inn before the contest began.

He also waits to hear if Trixie answers Ari's question about local wigmakers.

If she identifies one in the area, he asks her for directions, then takes off with Ari to the wigmaker. If she does not, then he suggests, "Let's see if we can wrangle at least one blondish wig from the surplus Able carries," and sets off running back toward the tavern in an attempt to find the man with the box of wigs.

The Hunt Continues (DM Donna) 
Thursday March 6th, 2003 3:54:38 PM

Ari & Akerin:
"Able..?" Trixie echoes incredulously. "Why, ever'body knows Able--he's the head honcho of the Coppersworth Wildcards!" The working woman goes on to describe the man as 6'6" tall with a 200-pound athletic build who wears his black hair in a ponytail and has THE most intense blue eyes. Able appears to be in his early 20's, is dressed rather flamboyantly and usually totes a lute or guitar across his back.

"Oh, aye--there's a nice old stage just east of here by about two blocks..." Trixie says of Ari's inquiries as she banks her newly-acquired gold pieces by depositing them quickly within her bodice, "...can't miss it--it's a big, round building called 'The Indoor Ampee-Theater'...or something like that."

Akerin and Ari will have to choose to either chase after Able OR go to check out the Amphitheater, since the Happy Harpy lies in the completely opposite of the ultimate location of the Indoor Amphitheater.

Rigging & Ashira:
Minton's is easily recognized by a hanging sign that declares it to be Safeport's Premiere Apothecary (Home of The Wold's Freshest Ingredients!) It looks like your typical medieval-styled shopfront with a square window of slightly-wavy glass on either side of a heavy wooden door.

The shop is dark (there is no way to easily Spot a blue rose from outside the store) and the door is locked...and the rest of the buildings on this side of the street are crowded together so that it is obvious that Rigging and Ashira must choose to either pick the lock on the shop door or look for a back way into Minton's in order to enter the shop.

Appolo, Bart & Valanthe:
Val recognizes the rival Wildcard called Blackjack hurrying away from the area of the kitchen--he has a smug look on his face...but--more disturbingly--he has absolutely nothing in his hands.

If Blackjack wasn't here at the palace to take something for the Scavenger Hunt, then what was he sneaking around in the kitchen for..?

Appolo and Bart--who have entered the kitchen unawares--must each make a Reflex Save versus DC25. Failure means that they have walked into the boobytrap that Blackjack set on the door...a barrel of molasses that up-ends onto them from above followed by a pair of sacks that bust open and spill flour from one and rolled oats from the other..!

As Redux attempts to get his familiar to answer him, he sees a tall, athletic bard (human man with his black hair in a ponytail) carrying a large box towards the bar to where Smilin' Pete is. He puts the brass-bound case on the bar and removes a curly blonde wig from the box, showing it to the bartender.

"Great!" Smilin' Pete says with a nod. "Now...where's your list..?"

The wig-bearer looks stricken--he doesn't HAVE his team's list! He scowls at the laughter from the surrounding patrons, looks in the box, then departs, taking the blonde wig with him. Money exchanges hands, as it appears that some of the customers bet that somebody would try to turn in scavenger hunt items without remembering to include their team's list.

Rigging  d20+8=23
Thursday March 6th, 2003 4:28:54 PM

Rigging slides a lock pick out from his boot and approaches the door. He inserts the pick and fiddles for a moment. As the door clicks open, he will whisper to his wife, "Look dear, the door is open. Let's take a quick look inside and see what we can find."

Thursday March 6th, 2003 4:29:37 PM

OOC 23 lock pick check.

I forgot to post a DC for the lock, so I'll award you guys that you managed to pick this one. Ashira can try another Spot and/or Search check. --DM Donna

Akerin (Wiggy hunt)  d20+1=19
Thursday March 6th, 2003 8:20:55 PM

Out on the street, Akerin quietly suggests to Ari that they head for the Amphitheater. "I wish to play fairly. If Able gets there first, so be it. We might still earn our 50 points fairly. Regarding getting the info from Pete, well, it may be a little late to ask him," he concludes with a smile.

Unless Ari objects, he races toward the new target. Once there, he will see if any are about. And explain the need [amazing, he's getting even more diplomatic - 19], and offer a rental fee, and, should success ensue, return with the wig to the Happy Harpy. If no one is about, he'll ask Ari for his further thoughts on how they might obtain it.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible, Detect Plants) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=17 d20+10=17
Thursday March 6th, 2003 8:51:22 PM

The half-elf smiles invisibly as the door opens in front of her...what luck! She moves into the store quickly and begins murmuring the words to a spell (Detect Plants). She turns to her right and begins to concentrate on finding a blue rose. She prays that Alemi will bring them success quickly. As she does so, she quickly scans the room (Spot=17, Search=17).

Redux  d20+4=15
Thursday March 6th, 2003 9:07:50 PM

'Humph,' Redux says with a smile and sipping his wine, noticing that it just got a lot sweeter and better. He sets down the wine and slides over to the box he just witnessed being brought in. 'Let's see what we have here.' With that he re-opens the box and searches its contents (dc=15), looking for a blond wig (or something close) or anything else on the list. If he finds another, he will confidently present his list and the item to Smilin' Pete. He says, "Too bad that poor chap was un-able to present you with the very first wig to be checked off," unaware of the pun he just uttered. Depending on its contents, Redux may have other items to present or not. He then pulls out a brown sack (type 1 bag of holding) and manages to, quite easily, store the entire box inside (for safe keeping, of course).

Valanthe (Invisible)  d20=15
Thursday March 6th, 2003 9:26:18 PM

Valanthe watches the man try to make his escape. His smug looks riles her anger. Normally she would beat the man senseless - but physical violence is against the rules. With a devilish smile, Valanthe unleashes a psionic attack against Blackjack.

[OOC: Mind Thrust has a -8 DC modifier against non psionic individuals. I am betting that BlackJack gets caught flat footed which gives a bonus of +8 unless I am reading the chart wrong. I hope that I am right when put down, Will save DC 16 vs stun.]

Appolo  d20+9=14
Friday March 7th, 2003 2:00:23 AM

As Appolo enters the kitchen he gets creamed by molasses and flour. He also gets knocked to the floor. When he gets up he is angry and cursing, "When I find out who did this, I'm going to kill the son of argh!!"

Friday March 7th, 2003 7:43:52 AM

"The amphitheater is fine," answers Ari. "I don't think we really need to worry about the others unless they decide to jump us for some reason.

"I'm also thinking that if we get the chance to talk to other people that we might as well ask them whether they know where to find any of other items as we go. We don't know where we'll find some unanticipated help."

Bart  d20+3=13
Sunday March 9th, 2003 1:05:44 PM

"Damn... at least we found the barrel," Bart comments philosophically.

Happy Hunting (DM Donna)  d20=4 d20+4=23
Monday March 10th, 2003 7:36:56 PM

Akerin & Ari: The pair find the distinctive round building rather easily, but the place is closed. However, knocking upon the stage door does have the portal opened to them by a wizened old man who scowls at them. Thanks to Akerin's Diplomacy, however, the old man agrees to fetch a blonde wig for them for a modest fee of a single gold coin...and the promise to return the hairpiece in the morning.

Akerin & Ari now have one blonde wig in their possession.

Ashira & Rigging: The couple quickly search the shop and its back room, which houses a surprisingly large variety of growing plants...none of which yield a blue rose.

Ashira & Rigging will have to think of something else.

Redux: Looking into the abandoned box, Redux is disappointed (but, most likely, ultimately not too surprised) to see that there are no blonde wigs in it...not anymore. Able took the only blonde wig with him.

Appolo, Bart & Val: Val's psionic attack gives Blackjack a sudden whopping headache, but the man successfully resists being stunned--he also sees Val suddenly appear as she has initiated an attack that nullifies her state of Invisibility. She hears a string of swear words--but Val also hears the muffled cries of her two colleagues in the kitchen.

Blackjack wastes no time whatsoever--he runs flat out for the nearest exit.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen itself, Appolo and Bart find themselves standing in a pool of molasses, covered by flour and rolled oats. The barrel dangling over the door is now completely empty.

Monday March 10th, 2003 7:59:32 PM

Val curses and hurries into the kitchen. She does what she can to free Appolo and Bart from the goo.

Monday March 10th, 2003 11:13:03 PM

"Well dear, this was a nice try. Do you have any other ideas? Maybe we can ask the owner of this establishment? He/she should know where to find a blue rose if anyone does."

Akerin  d20+4=23
Monday March 10th, 2003 11:57:37 PM

Akerin pays the man the requested gold piece. "Thank you, sir. Until tomorrow, then!"

He takes Ari by the elbow. "Like the wind," he whispers. Stuffing the wig down the front of his shirt until it lodges firmly next to his left hip just above the belt, where he can feel it with his elbow, then buttoning up his shirt, he helps his friend get up to speed. They run back to the Happy Harpy - again, down the center of each street, avoiding the buildings and dark corners. Should someone attempt to waylay them, he will attempt to tumble past (tumble check DC 23), monitoring the spot where he placed the wig, and continue on his way.

Once back at the tavern, Akerin finds Redux.

"Redux, show, please, Smilin' Jack the list. Smilin' Jack - here is one blonde wig," he says, unbuttoning his shirt enough to reach down for it and draw it forth. "I promised to return it tomorrow," he tells him as he hands it over.

Once Jack has noted the wig's entry on the list, Akerin asks what the score is so far, and how the other teams are doing - the Stiletto, the Little Brown Jug,and the Coppersworth. "What do we still need to find?" he inquires.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible, Detect Plants) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+2=14 d20+2=20
Tuesday March 11th, 2003 10:47:18 AM

The half-elf shrugs her invisible shoulders. She whispers to her hubby in Elven, "No dear, I'm not sure where to look next (know. nat=14). The store owner is a good idea, but where will we find him? He's not here." Ashira ponders the matter of the shop owner briefly (Wis.= 20) but continues to maintain her focus on the spell, beginning to sweep the surrounding area (440 ft. range) begining at the north. "I'm using a spell to try and find the rose, but I can do that from anywhere... so long as I can concentrate."

OOC (Unless something stops her, Ashira will attempt to sweep the whole island with her Detect Plants spell starting at the north, then east, south, west. She will follow wherever Rigging suggests, but she will make sure she has covered all of the island before the spell has concluded.)

Redux  d20+2=18
Tuesday March 11th, 2003 10:56:15 PM

Not finding the hoped for blond wig, Redux rids the bar of the large chest and then makes his way to his post on the porch. He calls for Talon to give his location as well as signs of friendlies or not so friendlies. He ponders the fate of his companions and hopes he can come to their aid if trouble should arise. He keeps a sharp lookout for any of the contestants of this game, especially his own team (dc=18). He checks the list again to try to think of ways to acquire the needed items.

Ari  d20+1=17 d20+3=16
Wednesday March 12th, 2003 11:19:03 AM

Ari follows Akerin back to the tavern in order to check off their wig. While on their trek back Ari tries to keep an eye out at the passing building to see if anything might help with their diminishing list of things to get.

(Spot 17, search 16)

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 1:55:41 PM

"Val have you any idear who did this????!!!! I will get him or her!"

Bart takes off the most of his clothes and runs upstairs to put on some new clothes.

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 7:16:11 PM

Hopping mad Appolo follows Bart upstairs gets cleaned up and a change of clothes. He will the resume his search for the goblet and some molasses. "Val see if you find some more molasses around here. We'll be back."

Wednesday March 12th, 2003 8:57:38 PM

OOC: Sorry about my absence yesterday. None of my browsers would load any woldian web pages.

"It was Blackjack. I gave him a mental shock but he only swore and ran off."

Val runs into the store room to check for any molasses and any back exits the kitchen may have.

Thursday March 13th, 2003 12:13:49 AM

Rigging checks to see if the shop keeper has rooms above the shop where he might live. If not he will follow along with Ashira as she casts her spell. "If we can't find the rose, maybe we should concentrate on some of the other items."

More Treasure Found (DM Donna)  d20=20 d20=20
Thursday March 13th, 2003 1:42:32 PM

Redux, Akerin & Ari: The mage moves away from the bar, just as a rather breathless young woman rushes into the bar with a bulging bag in her hands, cursing as she just about trips into the doorway.

"Reed! You're not supposed to interfere, blast it!" she yells at the less-than-ethical Coppersworth monk, who follows her in. The female is from the Stiletto, Redux realizes. She presents the bag and her ship's list to Smilin' Pete, who then removes from the bag a tun of molasses, a carved doll and a stuffed beaver. These items get checked off the Stiletto's list.

"Let's see what you have..." Smilin' Pete says to Reed, who gives over a blonde wig and a medium-sized barrel of molasses, "...aye, aye...the items are checked off--but watch yerself, halfblood...I like creative thinkin', but I don't cotton to no cheating..!" The items are checked off the Coppersworth's list just as Ari and Akerin come into the bar with their rented wig.

Smilin' Pete nods to Ari and Akerin and asks for the hammership Wildcards' list, so he can check off the wig.

Val, Appolo & Bart: While the menfolk are divesting themselves of their sticky clothing, Val pokes around the kitchen, and finds that there is a space in the pantry that is large enough to have formerly held two medium-sized barrels of molasses (like the one dangling empty over the door)...there is also a cabinet that contains a completely empty shelf--the other items in the cabinet are pewter tankards and crystal wine glasses.

Rigging & Ashira: Ashira is disappointed when her concentration on the Detect Plants spell doesn't yield any results.

Rigging finds that there is no residence attached to the apothecary shop...however, both he and his wife DO hear the sound of muffled sobbing on the other side of the store's rear exit. (OOC: both of you got natural 20's for your Listen check!)

Rigging  d20+11=25
Thursday March 13th, 2003 7:13:06 PM

Rigging tip toes over to where he hears the sobs and takes a look at what he sees.

move silently 25

Thursday March 13th, 2003 10:04:48 PM

Val runs into the dining area looking for any gold cups currently being used.

Friday March 14th, 2003 12:55:15 AM

Redux keeps active (surely no time to drink in this job), spotting his team and promptly producing the needed list. To the pair he says, "You're not the first, but we've by far retrieved the most items," he says with a smile. In a more hushed tone, "That rose would cinch it for us. The goblet and the tool set haven't been turned in by anyone I've seen. Why don't you run to our ship to see if our good friend Nipper is around? Don't insult him but he might know of a tool or two of that type. The funny little guy might even have that goblet. As long as we get all the items, we should have a chance of winning, even without the rose."

Friday March 14th, 2003 4:28:18 AM

"Well done, sailors!" Akerin compliments their competition, Reed and the woman from the Stiletto. "Just barely beat us out on the wig."

As Redux makes his quiet suggestion, "Sounds like a plan, Redux. Off we go, Ari!"

And, unless Ari has other plans, Akerin makes haste back to the Sword of the Sea, to have a brief chat with Nipper, per Redux's suggestion, concerning special tools, and golden goblets. He'll even mention the blue rose. Why not? "For the honor of your shipmates - and I'll be sure to mention your role in our winning," he tells Nipper, "- if we win!"

Should Nipper, or any others on board, be able to produce one or more items, then, back it shall be to the Happy Harpy, post haste.

Friday March 14th, 2003 9:40:49 AM

Appolo heads upstairs, gets cleaned up and changes clothes. Then he heads back down stairs. "Valanthe did you find anything?"

Sunday March 16th, 2003 3:45:03 AM

After Bart has changed, he goes back to the kitchen. "Well, that was our barrel of molasses. We still have to get one but I will go looking for a gnome. I will look for an smith goldsmith or something like that if there is a gnome, there will be one in the same area. Cutting gems or inventing things."

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=15 d20+10=11
Sunday March 16th, 2003 8:47:54 PM

Disappointed that her idea and spell did not yield any results, Ashira lets her concentration drop. She follows Rigging from a distance, trying to locate the sound of the sobbing, and keeping a sharp eye out for trouble (Spot=15, Search=11).

Monday March 17th, 2003 12:57:37 AM

Unsure where to look or what to think next, Ari follows Akerin to the ship to talk with Nipper.

Hunting High & Low (DM Donna)  d20=19 d20=17 d20+5=6
Monday March 17th, 2003 7:20:38 AM

Rigging & Ashira:
Rigging tiptoes over to the back door of the shop and hears the sobbing coming from the other side of the door. As neither he nor Ashira have tried to open the door yet, however, neither of them can see anything.


Val, Appolo & Bart:
Valanthe's ever-sharp eyes catch sight of a goblet that was left in the dining room itself (OOC: I rolled the Search check myself and it was 19 without any adjustments made to it) and can happily show her prize to Appolo. Bart seems to recall a goldsmith's shop only a few buildings down the street from the palace (OOC: I rolled an Intelligence check for Bart--result 17.)

Akerin & Ari:
Reed stares silently at Akerin's well wishes before slipping back out of the place, though the female from the Stiletto crew gives Akerin a thumb's up.

"Best of luck--now I'm off to beat the pants off ya!!!" she says as she hurries from the tavern. Many of the patrons present laugh uproariously and drink a toast to her and the hunt.

Ari and Akerin get to the hammership and find Nipper asleep in his berth--and he's absolutely incensed that the pair have disturbed his precious sleep for a stupid contest like this..! (OOC: since you neglected to roll for it, I made the Diplomacy roll for you {even adding +5 because this contest IS for the honor of the ship}, but the result is a natural 1.)

The mage hands over the list and it is updated:

1. a blonde wig X 50 pts.
2. a barrel of molasses
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake X 100 pts.
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

Rigging (Invisible) 
Monday March 17th, 2003 8:46:54 AM

Rigging will whisper to his wife. "Back me up."
He will then try the door hand gently to see if it is locked. If it isn't, he will open it slightly and peek inside.

Monday March 17th, 2003 1:58:51 PM

"I remember there is a goldsmith nearby, I will go there and see what he can do with an goblet or a gnoome tool set."

At the goldsmith, Bart asks the smith if he has a gnome tool set, or knows someone who has one. He also wants to borrow a golden goblet.

Monday March 17th, 2003 5:18:30 PM

When Valanthe produces the golden goblet, Appolo smiles. "Very good Sunshine -- now hurry up and get it back to the tavern and get it checked off. All right Bart, let's go find us some tools."

Monday March 17th, 2003 7:48:54 PM

Valanthe nods in agreement. She activates her ring of invisibility and runs back to the tavern with goblet in hand.

Akerin  d20=13
Tuesday March 18th, 2003 4:34:12 AM

"Well, actually, Nipper, maybe there's no contest. Maybe we just wanted to see if you would be grouchy if we woke you up in the middle of the night. I didn't think you would be, but Ari thought you would." He clicks his tongue as if in disappointment. Akerin hands a gold piece to Ari. "You win."

He salutes Nipper, (and, on the way out, is ready to try to block with his hands anything Nipper may try to throw at him - 13+? - can't look up bonus now - for defense) and as he leaves says, "Come on, Ari. Let's go report our failure to our friends." Unless Nipper changes his mind and calls them back, he heads out of the ship, and, on the way back, looks about with Ari to see if there are any other promising spots to seek for goodies for the scavenger hunt. "This is rather an enjoyable game, don't you think, Ari?"

Tuesday March 18th, 2003 9:29:05 AM

As has been his fortune, Redux returns to his post on the porch, thinking, 'this is rather a lot of exercise, just keeping the list. It is so much fun being able to see what the other teams are bringing in and know how they are doing.' 'Talon, what have you found: Mouse, Friend or Foe?'

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=10 d20+10=22
Tuesday March 18th, 2003 2:20:35 PM

The half-elf watches the door where she supposes her husband to be, anxious to see what is behind (Spot=10, Search=22).

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 12:04:32 AM

Having no luck with his creativity, Ari has no idea where to look for anything on the list. When Akerin flips the gold piece to him he looks at Akerin for a moment before realizing that what he's saying is a ruse.

More Hunting by Night (DM Donna) 
Wednesday March 19th, 2003 3:25:48 PM

Redux & Valanthe:
The mage sees another one of the Coppersworth group--the stylish rogue named Blackjack--come into the bar and go over to Smilin' Pete, closely followed by a huffing and puffing guy from the Wildcards from the third ship.

Blackjack takes off his backpack and hands the stonefaced bartender his ship's list and several items from the pack: a gold goblet, a wriggling green snake, and a small leatherbound box that, when opened, has an array of miniscule tools in it--the gnome's toolset.

At this moment, the clock on the wall strikes two...it is now two hours into the Scavenger Hunt, and the second hunter groans, knowing that any items he's turning in for his group have now lost ten points apiece in value.

Smilin' Pete checks off a wig, a stuffed crow on a branch, a goblet and another live snake from the newcomer's produced list, giving 40 points each for the items.

Talon's response to Redux's question seems to be that the owl is enjoying mouse tartare.

Valanthe now enters the bar--still invisible.

Bart & Appolo:
The pair find themselves outside a shop called Gilbert's Golden Goods, and it is closed tight (since it IS about two o'clock in the morning, after all!) Hammering on the door awakens a yawning young woman who refuses to open the door to Bart and Appolo--in fact, she threatens to summon the city guard if the pair don't go away right this minute..!

Akerin & Ari: Nipper almost launches a spare cog at the pair for waking him up so rudely, but (apparently) thinks the better of it.

"Hey...I seem to recall that there IS a gnome tinker in Safeport...he's got a place he calls 'the Fixxit Shop' over by bazaar area...uhhhh...a couple blocks north, if I remember correct. Now get on out of here..!" Nipper growls, heading back to his berth.

Ashira & Rigging:
Rigging finds himself peeking not inside, but outside, since the formerly-locked door was the rear door of the apothecary shop. He looks out into an alley that has several doors of other buildings facing it. There are also several diffent kinds of receptacles for garbage and such littered here and there.

The sobbing is now louder...and it seems to be coming from behind a large, boxy trash container some 30 feet away and over to the right. It sounds like the kind of crying that an inconsolable child would make.

Rigging Invisible  d20+11=27
Wednesday March 19th, 2003 5:17:26 PM

Rigging closes the door and whispers to Ashira,
"This might be a trap. Why don't you go out the front and circle around to the back. If it is a trap, you will be in position to do some good. I will wait a minute for you to get into position and then head out the back. If it is a hurt child, I will dispel my invisiblity and attend him or her. Sound good? Now scoot."

Rigging will listen to any suggestions that his wife might have and then give her a chance to her spot. He will then slip out the door and move as silently as he can to see what or who is crying.

OOC rolled 27 for move silently

Ashira  d20+9=27 d20+10=27 d20+5=25
Wednesday March 19th, 2003 5:58:56 PM

The half-elf thinks over Rigging's plan...seems just as good as any other. She whispers her support "Okay, I'm heading out now...take care of yourself I'll be over there in a minute." Ashira heads out the front door, and circles around the back, keeping a sharp look out (Spot=27, Search=27...that's weird! Listen=25).

Wednesday March 19th, 2003 10:48:43 PM

Valanthe becomes visible and hands the golden goblet to Smilin Pete.

"Here...you...go" Val manages to gasp out in between breaths. She ran hard hoping to catch Blackjack but his head start was too great. At least with Redux present the goblet will be worth some points.

Thursday March 20th, 2003 12:04:10 AM

Redux jumps up with a start. Hastening over to Val & Smilin Pete he mumbles something like "didn't see you come in. and hands over his list.

Akerin  d20+4=12
Thursday March 20th, 2003 2:44:24 AM

"Thanks, Nipper," Akerin whispers on the way out.

"Well, another place to go, eh, Ari?" So, it is northward they go, looking for the 'Fixxit Shop' in the area of the bazaar. [Spot 12.]

Should they find it, Akerin will knock, softly at first, at the door. If no response to a soft knock, he will knock moderately, and wait a bit. If still no response occurs, he will knock, sharply, twice, then stand back from the door.

Should someone answer, he will indicate the need for immediate assistance, and tell the one who answer that he is willing to pay immediately, as well.

And, if a gnome, or a friend of a gnome, is willing, he will pay rental, with a deposit as well, for the use of the tools until the next afternoon or evening. "Or, I can even have them back in the morning."

Ari  d20+1=4 d20=10 d20=9 d20=5 d20=4 d20=1 d20=13 d20=17 d20=12 d20=13 d20=6 d20=14
Thursday March 20th, 2003 3:41:34 PM

Feeling sort of like a fifth wheel Ari follows along with Akerin on the way to check out for the gnomes tools. He does his best to keep an eye out for other clues to the stuff the groups is missing. Spot check=4 (other rolls are just in case)

Friday March 21st, 2003 1:55:00 AM

"I'm terrible sorry mylady, if it wasn't for the hunt I hadn't even think about waken you up at this hour of the night," Bart says politely. "I apologize for our disturbance of your night. But while you are awake maybe you could help us, do you have some gnoome tools? And have you heard about a blue rose? We will be very grateful if you can give us any information."

Friday March 21st, 2003 1:24:24 PM

Appolo just shakes his head as Bart pounds on the door waking the young woman up. When Bart asks his questions Appolo adds, "Yes we would be very appreciative of any help you could give us, mi'Lady, and sorry about the hour." Appolo of course would have tried some breaking and entering first, but too late now.

Still Hunting Around... (DM Donna)  d20=9 d20=17 d20=18
Monday March 24th, 2003 3:03:05 PM

Redux & Valanthe:
Valanthe hands over the goblet and Redux produces the list, so Smilin' Pete checks off the latest of the items that the Sword of the Sea's Wildcards have turned in:

1. a blonde wig X 50 pts.
2. a barrel of molasses
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet X 40 pts.
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake X 100 pts.
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

"All's ya need to complete the list is the molasses, the tools an' that rose...if you can find one on the island..!" Smilin' Pete says as he hands back the paper to Redux. "Your crew is doin' themselves proud!"

Bart & Appolo:
"I don't care WHAT you're looking for--go away!" the girl demands as the door opens up a bit, revealing a couple of chains that are securing it on the other side. As she draws in her breath to scream for the guards, however, Appolo's Diplomacy prevails where Bart's fell a bit short (OOC: I rolled Diplomacy checks for the two of you--Bart only got a 9, but Appolo got a 17.) She eyes Appolo--apparently there is something about the young man that appeals to her--then she says in a huffy kind of voice:

"I'm a respectable apprentice goldsmith, thank YOU--I don't associate with gnomes or people who'd be weird enough to grow blue roses...nor do I think it's very polite for you pirate-types to go around hammering shop doors down at all hours of the night! I can't help you, so good NIGHT!"

With this, the door is shoved very firmly closed and an audible click of a keyed lock can be heard as an underscore to her soliloquy.

Akerin & Ari:
The monk and his fellow Wildcard find the Fixxit Shop and knock...and the door is almost immediately opened by a rather wizened old gnome, who listens as Akerin explains the why's and wherefore's of the pair's visit to the shop.

"I'm Bingle." the gnome introduces himself. "I've heard of the Hunt--and you can borrow my tools to complete your quest...however, I'm in the middle of repairing Mayor Merinol's favorite cuckoo clock--you'll have to wait another two hours before I can let you borrow the set."

Rigging & Ashira:
Rigging quietly sneaks up on the source of the crying sounds and hops forward to see...

...a little human girl, maybe about five years old, in her nightgown and sobbing as she scrubs her face with her fists.

Ashira encounters nobody else as she comes up to where her husband has discovered the sobbing child.

Monday March 24th, 2003 4:16:42 PM

Well that's was it about my idear of gnoome tools, and we stiil have to find that barrel of molasses. Any idear maybe we must see the others back in the inn, I know it is a kind off foul play but maybe we can lay a trap for the other pirates, they did the same to us I think, at least the winners of last year did

Redux  d20+2=20
Monday March 24th, 2003 5:10:10 PM

Redux takes Val to the side and finds a place where they may talk in private. He gets very close to her and keeps his mouth directed at her ear, lest any be able to read lips. "Val, in between presenting this list I've done some thinking. The list only states that the rose must be blue. With some liberal bending of that term, it could be anything from a real rose that has the color blue, an animated rose that is crying and sad or, something we could find...say, a picture of a blue rose. Do you think you could find that; maybe go back to the palace and look at the art, stained glass and the like? Maybe, in your running around you've seen something like that?" He pauses and tries to remember once more if there was any stained glass in the palace, temple or along the streets where he's been (dc=20), and will pass that information along to her.

Monday March 24th, 2003 6:01:19 PM

"Ya come om let's head for the ship,we can probable get some molasses there and I have an idea." Appolo says as he heads toward the ship.

Monday March 24th, 2003 6:07:14 PM

Rigging dispels his invisibility spell and squats down next to the little girl, "Its OK honey. Can I help you in some way? Are you lost?" Rigging says in a soothing voice. He does a quick look around to see if anything looks wrong.

OOC I tried ot do a spot roll but it wouldn't allow me to roll the dice. Rigging gets a +8 on his spot rolls.

Valanthe  d20+1=13
Monday March 24th, 2003 9:57:44 PM

Valanthe was going to head over to the general store to find a barrel of molases, but the rose was worth more. She tried to remember if she saw any pictures of a blue rose at the palace. [int check 13]

"Redux could you enchanct a regular rose to appear blue?" Valanthe asked quietly.

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 12:22:34 AM

"No. Boss-over-there would have us for cheating, for sure."

Tuesday March 25th, 2003 4:41:35 AM

"Do you hear that, Ari? Good Bingle here does work for the Mayor!" He looks at the gnome with admiration. "Surely you know your priorities, and are renowned for craftsmanship. I would not have you miss your deadline. Come, Ari, let us return in two hours." He sets down three gold pieces on the crosspiece of the door next to Bingle. "This is to confirm our reservation."

About to leave, a thought occurs to him. "Uh, Bingle. Oh, excuse me. I am Akerin, and this is Ari. Would you be needing your whole tool set to complete the job? I was wondering whether we might just have a portion of it. Maybe the carrying case, and the tools you're sure you won't need to use to complete the job for the Mayor's cuckoo clock? If you think that would not be a problem, just tell me how much for rental and deposit, and we'll take what you won't use, and return it at the time you say - as long as it is at least half an hour after dawn."

Should Bingle accept this arrangement, Akerin will pay him (within reason - no more than 10 gp for rental, and 25 for deposit, though less is certainly fine on both accounts), then race with Ari back to grab Redux and show the list and the toolbox to Smilin' Pete.

If Bingle will not do this - well, then, he suggests to Ari, in Bingle's hearing, "Hey, druid - let's think about the blue rose again. We have two hours of looking to do, eh?"

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+2=18 d20+9=18 d20+10=19
Tuesday March 25th, 2003 4:45:01 PM

As Rigging comforts the child, Ashira ponders on where she might find a blue rose (know, nat=18). She also keeps her eyes peeled for any signs of trouble (spot=18, search=19).

Wednesday March 26th, 2003 2:56:34 PM

"I also wonder whether a note from Master Bingle might be enough to secure our list for now with the understanding that we would turn it over in 2 hours to prove that we do have use of the tools."

Kim to fellow players (Donna - go ahead and delete this in a couple days) 
Thursday March 27th, 2003 2:32:10 AM

OOC: Hey, friends, when it takes three days for all of us players to post - it really slows this game down to a crawl. Any way we can pick things up?

The Night Wears On (DM Donna)  d20=6
Thursday March 27th, 2003 7:38:12 AM

Bart & Appolo:
After thinking about it for a moment or two, the pair make their way to their hammership, where they are able to find a barrel marked "molasses", though there is only a scant quart or two left inside the container.

Redux & Val:
Val cannot recall seeing any representation of a blue rose in her travels this night, and Redux's logic seems to favor that Smilin' Pete's description of a blue rose indicated that he was looking for a naturally-occurring live specimen...no magic is to used to create it, nor to summon it from off the island, nor to make a non-blue rose appear to be blue.

Akerin & Ari:
Bingle blinks, startled at the monk's suggestion.

"I must have all my tools available to me while I work, sir," the gnome says firmly, "Since I can never be sure when I might be needing one of the more exotic implements...and I'll be happy to let you borrow my tool set free of charge--AFTER my job here is done." (OOC: made a Diplomacy roll for Akerin, but the gnome stands firm on his way of thinking.)

Ashira & Rigging:
The girl peeks up at Rigging between her fingers, looking anxiously at him for a moment or two, then she makes a bit of an effort to stop crying.

"I'm losted." she tells the married couple. "I was in the garden with Mimi a'coz she wanted to listen to the nightbirds an' a mean lady kidnapped Mimi an' I runneded after her an' she runneded faster an' now I don't know where my house is an' I want Mimi back..!" She starts crying again.

Looking her over, Rigging can see that the little girl is in her nightgown, barefoot, smudged around the edges, but otherwise unharmed.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 6:20:36 PM

Akerin nods at Bingle's reasoning. "Fair enough, good gnome. Do well for the mayor, and we shall return in two hours, if Alemi will it."

He talks with Ari. "So, molasses and flower to go. Ari, I'll follow your lead on this one." Wherever Ari suggests they go (within reason ;-) ), Akerin comes along and assists.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 8:17:13 PM

"Grab the barrel Bart,let's go We'll fillit with water and seal."Appolo says.

Thursday March 27th, 2003 9:26:47 PM

"I can't remember anything Redux and we don't have time to rack my brain. I'm off to search. If I run across it I will surely bring it back."

Valanthe tears out of the inn and heads for the general store. There is a slim chance that there is a barrel of molases there.

Ari  d20=1
Thursday March 27th, 2003 11:07:47 PM

Expecting an answer to his posed question, Ari is a little frustrated when no one responds to it.

When Akerin asks him to consider the blue flower question again, Ari ponders once more where it might be.

(unless there is something REALLY special of this flower, Kent says there should be no roll on my nature sense. But here's a d20 with no bonus since I have no idea how to add in a bonus to a roll that doesn't exist. (sheesh a 1))

Friday March 28th, 2003 12:31:46 AM

"Oh, sorry, Ari, you asked whether a note from Bingle would do. Don't think Smilin' Pete would accept a note. How would we feel if one of the other teams said, 'Okay, we don't actually have the blue rose, but we have a note from a horticulturalist that we can have it here before dawn'?

"So, anyway, no clue on the flower, eh? How about we just walk along and look at any gardens we see?" So Akerin takes Ari by the arm, and walks with him through the town, just looking for likely places for roses.

Friday March 28th, 2003 9:45:36 AM

The ever-vigilant mage resumes his post and his wine hoping to hear back on the fate of more items on their list. While he waits, he composes a list of what has been brought in and what the team status is. He's pleased to note that they are just a bit ahead, thanks to some quick work and thinking, at the start of the game.

Saturday March 29th, 2003 2:16:45 PM

Or something else we can find!

Looking, Looking Everywhere (DM Donna)  d20=17 d20=1
Monday March 31st, 2003 7:20:36 AM

Ashira & Rigging:
The little girl continues to cry--although not as loudly as she had before, repeating over and over that she wants her "Mimi" back.

Akerin & Ari:
The two shipmates must be satisfied with Bingle's promise to relinquish his tool set to them after he is finished with it, because logic dictates that a Scavenger Hunt requires that one must physically possess the items for the Hunt and bring them to the designated area (in this case, to Smilin' Pete at the Happy Harpy.)

Of course, Akerin & Ari could always attempt to cheat by either robbing the gnome or using magic to charm him out of the tool set...

Bart & Appolo:
Bart's brain slowly cranks into gear as Appolo speaks of putting water in the barrel of molasses they've just located (OOC: rolled an Intelligence check of 17)--Smilin' Pete's list simply says that "a barrel of molasses" is needed...but it doesn't necessarily have to be a FULL barrel--just an official container that has some molasses in it ought to be just fine.

The elven lass hurries off to search for a general store, but cannot remember where she could have seen one (OOC: made an Intelligence check for a natural 1--sorry, Val!) So intently is the barbarian-turned-pirate concentrating on her task at hand, that she becomes dangerously unaware of her present surroundings...

Valanthe must make a Spot check versus DC19 due to her preoccupation with the Hunt. Success means that she will suddenly become aware that there are at least two people following her; failure means that she remains unaware of their presence.

The mage sees and hears various wagers being paid out, collected upon and made yet again...one of the more interesting developments is a female bookie offering 100-to-1 odds on anyone participating in the Hunt finding a blue rose.

Appolo  d20+2=20
Monday March 31st, 2003 11:52:35 AM

"You're right Bart we don't need tp fill it. Let's go." with that he hurries out carrying the half filled barrel of molasses.

OO:Rolled Strength Check 20

Valanthe  d20+3=20
Monday March 31st, 2003 6:59:37 PM

Valanthe pauses and looks around wondering how she got so lost. She was positive that there was a general store on this street.

ooc: spot check 20

Monday March 31st, 2003 10:18:49 PM

OOC sorry folks having some computer problems. Should be more regular now.

Rigging squats down next to the girl and says, "Shhhhh don't cry honey. I will help you.
I will help you find your Mimi. Is Mimi you Mom? Can you tell me what the mean lady who took her looked like?" Rigging thinks to himself that Kidnap is a big word for a 5 year old and keeps a shred of suspision that this isn't what it seems.

He calls out in elven, "Ashira, I am taking they young one back to the tavern. Stay invisible and guard our backs. This night just got more serious than a simple treasure hunt. I think this Mimi might have been someone important."

Rigging scoops up the little one very gently and starts trotting back towards the tavern unless he noticed a guard barracks or office on his travels. Then he will go there.

Tuesday April 1st, 2003 4:46:33 AM

Since Akerin and (presumably) Ari have already left the gnome's shop behind, that decision is made. How can the Mayor do without his cuckoo clock? What's a clock, anyways?

The pair (I think - does Ari agree?) walk on, looking for gardens nestled in the town. Akerin takes some time to meditate on the glories of Alemi, and to thank him for the wonderful regenerative powers that he grants, so as to make of the Wold a better place.

Unless Ari directs otherwise (but if he stands in befuddled inaction, this will move Akerin to get his talented friend to get a move on again), the pair take a zig-zagging path back in the general direction of the tavern. Akerin does make an attempt to keep his eyes and ears alert for any who might try to waylay them.

Tuesday April 1st, 2003 9:15:35 AM

Commenting to Akerin as they stroll along, " I wonder if we could find any animals that might know about this blue rose thing."

"We could also just watch around the town and see what we can see."

Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 10:21:11 PM

The mage considers taking a part of the action. He muses a bit, trying to think of ways to come up with a rose with color blue.

ooc George 
Wednesday April 2nd, 2003 10:24:47 PM

Where are the posts? Something going on that I don't know about

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging 
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 10:26:08 AM

As asked, Ashira backs her husband up.

Thursday April 3rd, 2003 1:23:33 PM

Appollo keep your eyes open for the blue rose. I wonder if he did mean the flower or a girl called rose, if we collor her hair we have a blue rose!

Wrapping Up the Hunt (DM Donna) 
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 2:18:17 PM

The elf notices that she's being followed--but then sees that, while there IS one person following her (looks like that half-elf from the Coppersworth crew, Reed)...there is someone else following HIM--and that second person catches up to him before he can do anything himself.

"Don't even THINK of trying to pinch something else, monk!" growls a human woman whom Val vaguely recalls is supposed to be on the Stiletto team. "You may have been able to swipe some of our stuff, but I'll be the Dark Lord's footstool before I allow you to get the drop on some other team..!"

Reed scowls because it is very obvious that his attempt to sneak up on Val is now very much blown, but then he just gives both ladies a short bow.

"No matter--I'm sure the rest of my team has...secured and submitted everything else on the list by now." he says demurely. "If they have, then we win, because none of our magic showed any such thing as a blue rose on Ayorsa Island." The look on his face is rather smug as he turns and walks away.

Back at the Tavern:
Even though Ari and Akerin look very carefully on their way back to the Happy Harpy, there is no sign of a blue-colored rose.

Appolo and Bart turn in their barrel of molasses, but they have to wait behind the sudden rush of most of the Coppersworth crew, who have entered and (as Redux's sharp eyes and quick brain deduce) turn in all the rest of the items on the Scavenger Hunt list...except for the bonus item.

"Dunno what made you think of a blue rose, Petey," Able says as his group's points are tallied, "But none of us here can get a bead on one."

Redux does the math in his head--unless the Wildcards of the Sword of the Sea can get all the items on their list in before the end of this hour, they'll lose the Hunt to the Coppersworth crew.

Smilin' Pete checks off the barrel of molasses from the list that Redux hands him, bringing the hammership group's list up to date:

1. a blonde wig X 50 pts.
2. a barrel of molasses X 40 pts.
3. a stuffed animal X 100 pts.
4. a gold goblet X 40 pts.
5. a child's doll X 100 pts.
6. a gnome's tool set
7. a live snake X 100 pts.
8. BONUS ITEM WORTH 500 points: a blue rose

Ashira & Rigging:
The little girl clings tightly to Rigging, sniffling and shivering.

"Mimi is Mimi...Mommy is Mommy--but I don't have a Mommy...I want my Mimi!" she hiccups, then goes on: "She was a dark lady--she said she wanted to be friends with me...then she grabbed my Mimi and runneded off with her! That's kidnapping!" Some more questioning leaves Rigging with no doubt that the little girl in his arms seems to have encountered the darkskinned human cleric woman who was with the Coppersworth team.

Akerin  d20+1=20 d20+4=23
Thursday April 3rd, 2003 10:48:33 PM

The monk takes aside his friends, and, out of earshot of the other contestants, in a whisper, tells them he needs their help.

Whoever among Appolo, Bart, Ari, and Redux are willing, he leads back to the gnome's workshop. While within sight of the shop, he explains the gnome's desire to finish his task, and that they will need to pursuade him to relinquish the tools earlier than two hours hence. "Perhaps our combined charm and persuasion - no strong-arm tactics, friends, against the gnome, or I quit the game - might turn his mind. Or," and he shrugs his shoulders, "... or, he'll just get mad. I'm willing to pay him up to 35 gold pieces. That might help induce him to help us now, when it will make a difference, rather than later, when it will not. Hey - maybe we can offer to bring him, his tools, and the - what'd he call it? - the cuckoo clock - so he can continue working on it at the Happy Harpy."

When he and any who accompany him arrive at the Bingle's shop, Akerin knocks at the door, persistently if necessary, and, much more charming than he is wont to be (diplomacy 20), as well as offering first 25, then 30, then 35 gold pieces (shoot, he'll even go for 50 gp, and whatever his friends may want to add in). He is even willing to raise the stakes to a Quaal's feather token (anchor), or an everburning torch.

"Sir, whether we win or lose is in your hands. I will agree to perform one honorable favor for you, should you let us take the tools immediately." If he still demures (but not until), he suggests the notion of bringing the clock, the tools, and the gnome to the center of the contest, where he may continue to work on the cuckoo clock.

[I'm hoping that the offers of remuneration, or items alchemical or magical, and/or agreement to an honorable task, will stack on top of the rolled diplomacy check, to add whatever circumstantial bonuses to diplomacy you may deem appropriate.]

Should Bingle agree to the relocation of the tools, then Akerin shall encourage his friends to move with due haste, en masse, back to the Happy Harpy. Should any attempt to detain them, Akerin will tumble past (DC 23) and continue to the tavern with the tools. Unless the Bingle insists on coming, then the monk will carry the tools in his Heward's haversack.

Thursday April 3rd, 2003 11:46:45 PM

Rigging smiles down at the girl and stops walking. "Honey was Mimi your doll? Did the mean lady steal your doll? I promise if we can't get your doll back, I will get you another doll." He says out loud to his invisible wife, "I can't believe they took her doll. We need to find her home. Her parents must be frantic."

Rigging looks down at the little girl and asks, "Honey, What is your Mommy's and Daddy's name? What do other people call them? What does your Daddy do? Is he a farmer or does he work in a store?"

Ari  d20=16
Friday April 4th, 2003 12:32:57 AM

When Akerin pulls Ari outside to talk Ari will snap his fingers as if he's thought of something. Thinking to himself Ari ponders whether there is any kind of business that might be called the blue rose. Like a flower shop, or maybe a tavern. Anything that might have a sign with a blue rose on it and whether they could bring it to Pete. (d20 in case you need it)

If something comes to mind he'll put his hands around his mouth and put his mouth to Akerin's ear (no read lips) and let him know what he thought about.

Last Minute Returns (DM Donna) 
Monday April 7th, 2003 8:24:30 AM

Akerin & Ari:
Quickly the pair return to Master Bingle, who is at first rather annoyed at the pair's insistence, then sighs and nods agreement with Akerin's suggestion that the cuckoo clock can be worked upon at the Happy Harpy.

"No, no--I don't need the money...I just want to get this done." Bingle says at the monk-healer's offer. "It's mostly the prestige of the job, you know--that, and I'm hoping that other people on Ayorsa Island will see the clock and order the crafting of such devices for themselves." The gnome carefully packs up the clock and his tools, explaining in rather exhaustive detail about how his clock uses a pendulum to rather accurately tell time, and how he is adjusting the delicate mechanism that controls the little cuckoo that pops out of the device to chirp the proper hour once the large hand reaches twelve.

The human woman who spoke to Reed frowns.

"I don't like the sound of what he just said." she says out loud, then nods and gives Val a slight smile. "Your team is the best able to beat the crew from the Coppersworth, though--so best of luck to ya..!" With this, the woman scampers off into the darkness.

Back at the Tavern
Money continues to exchange hands as various side bets are called and collected on.

Ashira & Rigging:
"Mommy sewed Mimi for me...Mimi has red hair just like Mommy used to..." the little girl says. "I gots Mommy's name, but Mimi gots Mommy's hair...tha'sis why I want my Mimi back!" The child snuffles but bravely holds back the sob that hovers on her lips. "Mean ol' lady--she lied to me and tooked my Mimi! That's kid-napping, you know. My daddy is always scareded that I will be kidnapping. Everyone calls him 'your honor'...or 'Mister Mayor'..."

Monday April 7th, 2003 3:16:06 PM

Appolo having followed Akerin and ari out to the smiths place, steps in. After hearing what the Bingle said Appolo put's in"Well if you let us have the tools I'll purchase your a clock myself especially if you can make work on a ship at sea. We'll bring the tools right back as soon as there checked of our list.One hour you can still finish in time to present it to the Mayor and you'll have your first customer. You can tellpeople that the sword of the Sea has peurchased one of your clocks already. That should help business. Here's 100 gold as a down payment. Appolo puts a sack on the counter."What do ya say, do we have deal?""
Appolo awaits Bingles response.

Rigging  d20+4=17
Monday April 7th, 2003 10:38:00 PM

"Your the major's daughter? Well we will get you home to you father and mother real soon." In elven he stage whispers, "The mayor's daughter. Great just great, either we will be heros or goats."

Rigging starts looking around and trying to remember where the major's house would be or some other official building where he could find a guilde to the major's house.

OOC made a intelligence check to find directions

Monday April 7th, 2003 11:28:22 PM

Val watches the woman leave. It was clear that the Coppersworth played dirty and used their expierence in the contest to their advantage. Finding herself a bit lost, Val decides to try and find her way back to the tavern to get an update on the game.

Akerin  d20+6=14 d20+4=20 d20+4=13
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 12:25:05 AM

"Appolo, good Bingle here is coming with us, as he agreed, so that both our objectives might be accomplished." He offers to carry the clock or the tools, or all of them, in the safety of his haversack. Unless Bingle objects, he does so. "Surely you're acquainted with the extra-dimensional capacity of Heward's Haversack," he mentions to Bingle. "It'll keep safe and sound within." As they walk as briskly as the gnome's legs will allow, he engages him in conversation. "And yes, I would love to learn more about the such 'clocks.' Do cuckoos nest in them? If Appolo thinks we should have one at sea, then perhaps we can commission you to make one suitable for the sea. Um, do you fashion gull clocks?"

Despite the pleasant conversation, Akerin does keep his eyes and ears open, lest some less scrupulous contestants hinder or divert them.

If Akerin is the one carrying the gnome's tools, he quietly speaks with his companions. "Should foul play arise, let us get past it. You protect good Bingle, I'll make every effort to turn to reach Redux." If waylaid, Akerin will jump (DC 14) and tumble (DC 20) past any opponents, and then run flat out to the tavern. [Spot check 13.]

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) in search of Blue Rose with Rigging  d20+9=20 d20+10=15
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 10:12:40 AM

The half-elf shakes her invisible head as she follows Rigging, talking to him in whispered Elven. "No, lover, I think we ought to take her to Pete's. If I remember correctly, it was against the rules to steal an item. Plus, I'm sure someone there will know where this little one's home is. Two birds with one stone." Ashira keeps her eyes out for any signs of trouble or a blue rose on the way (Spot=20, Search=15).

Tuesday April 8th, 2003 6:40:36 PM

"Sorry didn't catch that. Ok come on lets go then."Appolo replies.

Ari  d20=2 d20=19 d20=7 d20=4
Tuesday April 8th, 2003 11:11:16 PM

As the group moves towards their goal, Ari keeps an eye out for any foul play.

The Clock Keeps Ticking (DM Donna) 
Wednesday April 9th, 2003 8:27:06 AM

Rigging & Ashira:
Rigging can't remember the directions to the Mayor's house, as he's never had the occasion to visit the place before--however, Ashira's words hold a lot of wisdom...it's quite reasonable to assume that somebody in the tavern would know how to get to Merinol's house.

Akerin, Appolo & Ari:
Bingle--after giving Appolo an odd look--reluctantly allows Akerin to pack the all-important cuckoo clock into the haversack...no doubt because of the monk's explanation of how the magic pack is supposed to work. The gnome intersperses questions about the haversack with explanations about how one calibrates the mechanism that controls the cuckoo figuring so that it emerges on the hour and chirps realistically the precise number of the hour upon which it appears.

"...any fool could simply magic up the effect, my boy," Bingle says matter-of-factly, "...but to engineer the tiny gears and mechanisms that make such a thing possible without relying on the arcane--now THERE'S an achievement..!"

Soon the Happy Harpy is within sight--and there appears to be nothing suspicious in the area.

Back at the Tavern:
The patrons continue to drink and collect on their various side bets, waiting (along with the rest of the hammership's Wildcards) to see how the Hunt will end.

Akerin  d20+1=19
Wednesday April 9th, 2003 10:42:37 PM

There in sight of the Happy Harpy, Akerin tells Bingle, "Great! We'll have you set up in no time, may Alemi so grant." Along with Appolo and Ari (and Bart, if he joined us), he escorts the cunning craftsgnome into the inn, calls for Redux, opens the Haversack, extracts the tool bag, and places it on the counter before Smilin' Pete. "Thanks to good Bingle here, we have the tools. He simply requests a spot - and we request for him - where he might continue to fashion a fascinating time-keeping device for his honor, the Mayor. So, the tools are here, and the talented gnome who uses them. Do we get extra credit for having him accompany his toolset?" he asks with a friendly wink and a smile. [Diplomacy 19.]

Wednesday April 9th, 2003 11:03:25 PM

Rigging replies in elven, "OK Sweetheart, Let's head for the tavern. You are right. We can find someone who knows the mayor."

Rigging turns to the little girl and smiles, "Honey we are going to take you to some people who know your father and can tell us where you live. We will have you back with your parents very soon. I promise." the young mage says in common.

Thursday April 10th, 2003 12:07:21 AM

Responding to Bingle's stare, "Was there something you wished to ask me, or did I somehow offend you?"

DM's Note: my mistake--I attributed the actions of Appolo to Ari...I've corrected the DM entry above to reflect this. Ari doesn't have to feel paranoid now. ;)

Thursday April 10th, 2003 2:46:08 PM

Bart is waiting at the outside of the inn waiting for the others to appear. In the meantime he is breaking his head about he blue rose. Where to find one not in a normal garden maybe in a special building for growing strange and extic plants.
Hmmm I go to the richer part of town, to houses with a big garden. Climbing over the walls and have a look in their gardens and green houses

Things Come to a Head (DM Donna) 
Thursday April 10th, 2003 8:32:32 PM

Back at the Happy Harpy, the quartet with Master Bingle's tools enters the tavern--only to hear the clock strike the hour of three as they approach Smilin' Pete, who methodically accepts the gnome tool set, checks it off the list that Redux produces and allows the gnome to continue to work on the clock at a table next to the bar.

"You lot an' the crew of the Coppersworth got all the items on the list--save the bonus," the bartender says with a sage nod, "But the score puts last year's champions in the lead by ten points--unless you lot come up with the bonus item, then they win."

At this point, Rigging--toting the still-sniffling little girl in his arms--and the invisible Ashira enter the bar, much to the audible surprise of the patrons within.

"Hey, now, wait a minute, there!" Smilin' Pete demands, definitely scowling. "This is a tavern, man--minors aren't allowed in here! What d'ya mean by toting in a little girl???"

Smilin' Pete isn't the only one who disapproves of this turn of events, it seems, because the expressions and manner of the tavern's clientele becomes decidedly UNfriendly...

Thursday April 10th, 2003 10:58:49 PM

"Hold, friends!" Akerin's voice projects with a tone of authority, followed quickly by an appeal to reason. "I, for one, have come to trust his judgment. Let him speak, and explain in our hearing."

Should it appear that anyone - especially someone from the Coppersworth - who have a reputation for cheating - looks to make any antagonistic move whatsoever, the healer monk is prepared to divert such a one. However, his countenance is one of peace, and his stance appears relaxed.

Ari  d20=8
Thursday April 10th, 2003 11:22:50 PM

While everyone's attention is diverted by his team mates, Ari continues to ponder the question of a blue rose. He tries to spot people's tatoos and any other idea that might float off of his head.

Thursday April 10th, 2003 11:40:03 PM

Rigging marches in to the bar still holding the little girl in his arms. He strides up to Pete and says in a loud and commanding voice, "I found this poor girl in the alley. She claims that a mean lady stole her doll from her. When she tried to pursue the dollknapper, she became lost in the city. I believe she is the mayor's daughter and he will want her back. I don't want anything bad to reflect upon the pirates. This was only supposed to be for fun. Ship's pride is important, but stealing and recklessly endangering an innocent, sweet, little girl is pushing things to far."

Rigging puts the child down and leads her over to the items brought in. He kneels down and points to them. "Honey do you see your Mimi here?"

Rigging straightens and says to Pete, "Do you have anyone to send to her home? If here parents have discovered her missing, they must be frantic. I would hate to see the city guard come storming in here."

Yore Cheatin' Ways (DM Donna)  d20+5=12
Friday April 11th, 2003 8:05:41 AM

Akerin's injuction halts anyone from taking physical action, but the Bad Pennies from the Coppersworth have smirks on their faces, enjoying the trouble that Rigging's entrance is getting their rivals into.

Ari can't see anyone with a blue rose for a tattoo...ships, mermaids, tribal markings, geometric designs, dragons and even a rather buff elven woman au naturel, but no blue roses.

Rigging's announcement deepens Smilin' Pete's scowl--but he can tell it's because the bartender is now entertaining the idea of someone having cheated on their Scavenger Hunt items.

"Why, curse me for a rusty sprocket--it is you..!"

This exclamation comes from none other than the gnome that Akerin, Ari and Appolo accompanied into the tavern. He approaches Rigging with utter astonishment writ large on his bearded face.

"Mister Bingle..?" the little girl in Rigging's arms asks in a teary voice.

"Yes, Rosie, it's me." the gnome replies, then nods to Smilin' Pete. "I've been to Mayor Merinol's house--this is, indeed, his little daughter."

The owner/bartender of the Happy Harpy looks both astounded and VERY annoyed, then makes an effort to school his features into something less threatening.

"Well, child--IS your doll here..?" Pete pushes the selection of dolls and figures from the items returned for the Hunt.

"Yes! My Mimi! THAT'S my Mimi..!" she says excitedly, clapping her hands and pointing at a well-worn rag doll with red yarn hair. The bartender plucks it up and hands it to the girl, who wipes away the last of her tears and hugs the doll fiercely.

"Who kidnapped your Mimi, then..?" Pete prompts. She points an accusing finger at one of the Coppersworth crew.

"The mean lady!" she says petulantly, hugging her doll all the closer.

"The child is mistaken." Able denies. "Bess told me that the girl GAVE her the doll." He and the dark-skinned, dark-eyed female Rose pointed to exchange glances.

"The lady said she wanted to see my Mimi--" the little girl replies hotly, "--then she runneded away with her! That's kidnapping!"

"You forgot the part about my asking to use Mimi to play a game." Bess says in a cold voice.

"Don' wanna play--just listen to the night birds!" the child counters. "You be kidnapping my Mimi!" The little girl buries her face into the doll's body and starts to cry again.

"Hmmm..." Smilin' Pete frowns, "...she's just a wee mite--it's possible that she didn't pay attention to everything Bess told her..."

"Exactly!" Able says insistently. "Bess asked for the doll--can't help it if the rugrat can't understand what's really happening, now, can we..?"

"Well...no, I guess not..." Smilin' Pete is forced to admit.

"Then we win--again!" Able announces with a big, smug grin. Pete looks over the parchment with the Scavenger Hunt list on it.

"Well...you ARE in the lead by ten points..." the bartender says grudgingly.

"Wait a minute." Once more Master Bingle interrupts. "You forgot the bonus item here--the blue rose." The gnome taps the spot on Pete's list that names the item.

"What about it?" Pete asks, slightly annoyed. "Nobody turned one in...I guess none of the plant nurseries or apothecaries on the island had one in stock."

"If I grasp the rules of this contest correctly, sir," Bingle says matter-of-factly, "Then all the participants here have until dawn to get all the items on the list..?"

"Yes, that's right." Pete agrees. "But I'm calling the Hunt now, seein' as how we have to get the mayor's daughter back to her daddy before there's real trouble..."

"Then you must credit this young man's team with returning here with a blue rose." Bingle announces, pointing at Rigging. Smilin' Pete stares at the gnome.

"How d'ya figure THAT?"

"We all saw him carry one into the tavern." Bingle says calmly.

"Oh, come on, now--" Able argues, "--all that dork carried in here was a bawling baby who was crying for her stupid dolly!"

"That 'baby'--" Bingle explains in a frosty voice, "--is named after her late mother...Rose Merinol." Suddenly Smilin' Pete lives up to his name.

"By cracky, you're completely correct, Master Bingle--she was so sad, that I have to say that never in my life have I ever witnessed a Rose more Blue!" Pete grins, takes the hammership's list and checks off the bonus item listed on the bottom.

"The Wildcards of the Sword of the Sea are this year's winners..!" declares the bartender. The entire tavern lets out a loud, raucous cheer of approval.

"Why, you son of a--" Able angrily rasps, but is interrupted as a dagger suddenly appears on the post next to Rigging's head. (OOC: someone tried to hit Rigging with a thrown dagger, but they missed with only a 12.)

"GET 'EM!!!" bellows the Bad Penny known as Blackjack, and the rest of the Coppersworth crew surge forward, intent upon attacking the Wildcards regardless of their surroundings...

Appolo HP:36,AC:21  d20+9=17 d4+2=4
Friday April 11th, 2003 12:27:26 PM

When the attempt is made on Riggings life and Black Jack calls for an attack Appolo had drifted over to the bar by that time. He then takes out a dagger of his own and hurls it at Black Jack. Following quickly behind the dagger
drawing his sword in one hand assins dagger in the other he closes with BlackJack. A stone cold merciless expression on his face.

OOC: 17 To Hit Damage 4

Akerin  d20+6=20
Friday April 11th, 2003 2:22:08 PM

"We are all Pirates of Jack!" Akerin shouts. He leaps up upon the bar. "Shame! Shame to use blades against one another! Who here, from either ship, wants to be known as a fool, who would spill the blood of a brother, a sister? And what IDIOT is willing to risk the life of this sweet girl?"

Then he shrugs. "Stop, lest we answer to the Mayor. Lest we answer to The Jack."

Concerned for little Rose, he looks to Rigging to take her to safety. He also glances in Bingle's direction. As BlackJack races forward, the monk takes the net off his hip and throws it over the pirate's head and shoulders, knowing that, with them already in motion, his words against bloodshed need to be backed with action against bloodshed.

[Ranged touch attack, AC 20, only size, dexterity and deflection bonuses factor into the fellow's AC computation against such an attack. If hit, BlackJack is entangled, -2 on attack and -4 penalty on effective Dexterity. Can only move at half speed and cannot charge or run. Spellcasting requires Concentration check, DC 15. Can escape with DC 20 Escape Artist check (full-round action), or burst with DC 25 Strength check (full-round action).]

Saturday April 12th, 2003 7:50:06 AM

The quiet mage gives a sigh and remembers his best cure for his family in a fight they needn't be in. Backing away towards the exit, Redux cast web into the area hoping to slow down the fighting and give them time to think about their actions.

Ashira (Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Invisible) 
Saturday April 12th, 2003 10:06:06 PM

Viewing the crew of the Coppersworth rushing towards them bent on bodily damage, Ashira is torn. Her first thought is to rush forward and protect her husband, but Akerin's speech reminds her of the danger posed to Rose. Her mind made, Ashira rushes forward and scoops up the young girl in her invisible arms, trying to take her to some place out of the middle of the brawl (behind the bar, perhaps?).

Sunday April 13th, 2003 10:24:24 PM

Quickly calling out to add to Akerin's voice Ari adds, "You of the Coppersworth, do you wish to prove to everyone here how much of a sore loser you are? Do you want to show yourself to have no respect for Smiling Pete's judgement, or his establishment. What about the dis-honor you do your ship by these actions?"

Ari stands ready to try to duck, or jute around any attacks that come. Ari has not drawn his weapons because he is expecting a bar fight, and plus it's bad form.

Sunday April 13th, 2003 11:20:20 PM

Valanthe feels the urge to let loose and slice into their Coppersworth counterparts but doesn't. Any other time she wouldn't hesitate but this wasn't your average tavern brawl. Holding her crystal scythe in a ready position, Val concentrates on defending herself if the attack is pressed.

OOC: Val is fighting defensively this round.

Monday April 14th, 2003 12:55:50 PM

Bart is unaware of the fight in the tavern and is still looking for a blue rose. Peeking in private gardens

Monday April 14th, 2003 9:50:04 PM

Rigging's first impulse is to get the little girl to safety. When he sees her scooped up and disappears, he figures Ashira has taken her to safety. He turns his attention to the oncoming rush and prepares for battle.

Fight! Fight! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday April 15th, 2003 9:58:09 AM

Pandemonium breaks loose within the Happy Harpy--the Bad Pennies surge forward even as both Bingle and Ashira move to get little Rose out of the line of intended fire. Some people shout encouragement for the battle-to-be, while others voice sentiments to head off the impending violence.

The Web spell catches many who would be swinging fists (and other weapons!) in its area of effect.

Smilin' Pete reaches underneath the bar, withdrawing a heavy, long club, scowling with definite displeasure.

And the doors into the tavern burst open--admitting eight or so chainmailed fighters, each wearing the crest of Safeport on their chest.

"Halt--HALT IN THE NAME OF THE MAYOR..!" bellows a rather burly-looking newcomer. "I demand to know just what is going on here..?"

Tuesday April 15th, 2003 11:02:19 PM

Val looks over at the newcomer and wonder what else will happen. She believes the bad pennies will try to blame everything on everybody else, but believes enough people know the truth and things will be straightened out.

Tuesday April 15th, 2003 11:17:11 PM

Rigging eyes the guardsmen as they come in. His quick mind jumps from thought to thought very quickly. "Should he be forthright and honest with the guards. It would put the Coppersworth 'Bad penny's' in trouble and though they were in the wrong, they still were Pirates of Jack. Should he try to cover up the incident. Having Rose in the tavern would be hard to explain."
Rigging steps forward and says, "My good sirs, My associates here were just having a discussion on which ship should win Smilin Petes' scavenger hunt. The discussion was getting lively but your arrival has seemed to damp it down some."
Rigging pauses, takes a deep breath and adds, "Your arrival here is good fortune not only in saving our good Pete's furniture but you can return a valuable to his lordship the mayor. In our travels, we have discovered his daughter roaming the streets. I am sure that the Mayor would look on favorably upon the gentleman who returned his loved one home safely"

In elven, he murmurs, "Honey. Could you please bring Rose here?"

Once the little girl materializes, Rigging will continue. "I know that it seems strange that she is here, but upon finding her wandering and crying in the street, we brought her here to find out where she belongs. She recognized this fine artisan here and he was just taking charge of her when you arrived.

I would think you would want to get here home quickly. If I was her father, the mayor, I would want to know my baby whereabouts above all else."

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 4:29:18 AM

Pleased with Rigging's answer, Akerin sits down on top of the bar. He points to BlackJack. "He was just borrowing my net. I am a fisherman," he says. "We're glad you men came tonight. At least, I am." He hops down from the bar, and walks over by the craftsgnome, skirting the webbing. "I am sure that the good gnome Bingle can help answer any questions you gentlemen might have. And, were there no objections, I and some of my friends would be willing to accompany you militiamen, as you return sweet Rose and her Mimi to her father."

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 9:13:36 AM

Quickly catching up on the idea, Ari moves over to help escort Rose and the gnome. Ari shows signs of relief that the brawl did not escalate, and he hopes that the wildcards of the Coppersworth know better than to continue the fight.

Wednesday April 16th, 2003 11:37:09 PM

Rigging holds his breath waiting for the reaction of the guards.

Thursday April 17th, 2003 12:36:03 PM

Appolo narrowly misses getting caught in Redux's web and is getting ready to slice BlackJack up when the Gaurd come in. He drops his arms under his cloak and moves over to Rigging silently waiting. On the way he grabs the little girls doll in order to return it to her.{If she doesn't already have it.} He then silently waits for Rigging to decide what they are going to do.

Thursday April 17th, 2003 10:24:05 PM

Rigging strolls over to the bar and orders a shot of whiskey. He slaps a silver down on the bar. He downs it and heads back over to the guardsmen.

A Rose is a Rose (DM Donna) 
Friday April 18th, 2003 11:21:44 AM

The big burly guard glares all around at the patrons--from his expression alone, it's rather hard to tell if Rigging's explanation has had the intended effect. Then Master Bingle comes forward.

"You...you're Sergeant Stone, aren't you..?" the gnome asks. The guard nods. "I thought I recognized you...I'm Bingle--the Mayor commissions various works from me every once in a while."

"Right--you did Rosie's musicbox...an' there's some timey-thing that Merinol asked for..." the sergeant nods as he speaks.

"Correct, sir." Bingle agrees. "I can vouch for the man who just spoke--the annual Scavenger Hunt simply...generated higher spirits than usual."

"And Rosie..?" Stone asks, looking around. The little girl is in Ashira's arms now, hugging the worn but well-loved rag doll that Reed from the Coppersworth had turned in for his ship.

"Safe and sound after a night of misadventure." Bingle tells the guardsman. Stone stands for a moment, casting a rather evil eye over the Web that still covers most of the Bad Pennies (and a few other patrons as well), then he nods once more.

"Okay, then--how's about you and your crew follow me to the Mayor's house, eh..?" he says to Rigging.

Akerin  d8+5=13
Friday April 18th, 2003 11:56:22 AM

The healer takes a moment to help BlackJack out of his net. "Glad things went no further," he whispers. "I am a healer of Alemi. May I repair the damage my friend did you?" If the hot-headed pirate allows him, he performs a cure light wounds on BlackJack (for 13 points).

Whether or not the leader of the Bad Pennies accepts the healing, Akerin tells him, "Look - I'll stand you a drink next time we meet. No need to be bad blood between us. You have a talented crew."

As the group leaves with the town guards, Akerin joins in.

Saturday April 19th, 2003 1:35:36 AM

Rigging will accept the offer to go to the mayor's house. He will give a quick bow to the "Bad Pennies" and nod to Smiling Pete. He will then ask, "Hey Pete, When do we get our reward? for winning the game."

Sunday April 20th, 2003 11:11:29 PM

Valanthe follows the others to the mayor's house.

Monday April 21st, 2003 12:57:16 AM

Redux stifles a smile and winks at those caught in the web. "It should wear off on its own by breakfast." He then take his place with those leaving to the Mayor's house.

Monday April 21st, 2003 1:54:32 AM

Appolo just falls in line behind Valanthe and whispers"Come on let's go celebrate by ourselves.I just happen to have a nice bottle of wine." he takes her hand and strats to pull her away from the others.

Monday April 21st, 2003 3:24:33 AM

Ari follows behind the others as he considers the justice of the situation. Ari wonders what Smiling Pete will have to say to the Wildcards of the Coppersmith, and whether he'll want the web brought down.

All Settled, Then..? (DM Donna) 
Monday April 21st, 2003 4:40:04 PM

"Heyyyy...what are you askin' him for..???" demands the very Webbed Able in a rather childish voice, "...I'm the leader..!"

Blackjack (unseen by Able) rolls his eyes, then asks in a voice that smacks of forced joviality:

"Why, then, o Fearless Leader, what do say..? Accept or deny..?"

"I never turn down a free drink!" Able says immediately. Blackjack nods an affirmative to Akerin, and thus is healed by the Sword of the Sea's Wildcard healer.

Everyone follows the city guard several streets over to a very nice house in a rather pretty street. It takes a few minutes, but the sergeant eventually is whisked away from the rest of you and off to another room where--behind closed doors--you can hear two distinctly different voices speaking to each other.

From the sound of things, at least one voice isn't very pleased--in fact, there is a string of oaths that makes it VERY apparent that one man is quite unpleasantly surprised. Soon a rather blanched housemaid scurries into the room where the rest of you are located.

"His Honor will see you all now." she says, looking very worried. She quickly ushers the group to what is obviously a large office and hastily exits the room.

Sitting at a large desk that is full of various books, scrolls, cases and writing implements (as well as a figurine of a frog that appears to be bobbling its head merrily at the lot of you) is a scowling, heavy-set man with a curly blond wig on his head and a robe over his dressing gown.

He looks a LOT like the portrait on the campaign poster in the Happy Harpy Tavern.

"Well..???" he says in rather sour and demanding tone. "What have you to say for yourselves..???"

Monday April 21st, 2003 5:26:23 PM

Rigging steps forward and bows to the mayor, "Good sir, We are the wildcards from the Sword of the Seas. While participating in the pirate's annual scavenger hunt my wife," Rigging points out Ashira, "and myself found your daughter crying in the street. At that point we didn't know she was your daughter but we quit the game and brought her to Smilin' Pete's tavern to see if anyone could claim her. She was quickly recognized by a gnomish artisan who you have commissioned.

We were about to bring her home when your ever efficient guardsmen entered the tavern and directed us to your home. We are glad to reunite a daughter to a loving father. Many of us have lost or been estranged from our parents in our war against Ga'al"

Ashira  d20+7=17
Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 9:34:19 AM

The invisibilty long since having been worn off, Ashira steps forward when Rigging mentions her and gently leads little Rosie to the Mayor. "Yes, mister Mayor...we meant no harm. As my husband said, we found your beautiful child sobbing in the streets, crying out for her Mimi. Since we are new to the island, sir, we had no idea where your house was, so we took your precious Rose to the place where we knew someone could direct us. Now, I know that a bar is no place for such a precious child, but, having no other recourse, my husband I personally watched over the precious one, making sure no harm came to her. I don't think Alemi would have been pleased if we had just left her sobbing in the streets. And, as an added benefit, Rose was able to recover her precious Mimi. I appologize for the distress that this has brought to mister Mayor, but please keep in mind that we were only trying to see to the safety of your precious daughter." Ashira bows to the mayor, and hopes that she might temper the judgement that it would seem he is about to pronounce on the party. (Diplomacy=17)

OOC Sorry for the lack of posts folks...have company, and have found it hard to get online. ;)

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 2:16:30 PM

Not sure what he can add to the conversation, Ari makes sure that he can add a happy, friendly face, to back up what Riggings is saying.

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 3:07:45 PM

After scouting around in private gardens, with no succes! Bart returns to the inn to meet his friends again

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 5:49:24 PM

"Our apologies, Mayor Merinol, for the inconvenience of being awakened at this odd hour," Akerin begins with a serious face. "Yet at any hour of the day it is an honor to be able to meet you. My name is Akerin, a healer of Alemi. We saw your campaign poster yesterday. I wish you well in your bid for re-election.

"Good Bingle here agreed to help us out this even'. I am grateful to him that he accompanied us to the inn, and for his wise and timely intercession on behalf of your daughter. And our leader, Rigging, and his wife, Ashira, again demonstrate to us both their wisdom and compassion.

"If there is a service we might perform on your behalf, and it be in our power and a thing of righteousness, please speak the word."

Tuesday April 22nd, 2003 11:06:14 PM

Valanthe recognizes this situation as one that she should not participate in. Things seem rather delicate at the moment and losing her temper wouldn't help.

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 4:33:57 AM

Appolo stands quietly behind Valanthe and tries agian"Come on we're not needed here,let's go." he whispers in her ear.

Reprieve (DM Donna) 
Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 8:01:37 PM

The mayor's face remains rather severe-looking--until the party's dialogue reminds him of little Rose and how she'd been rescued from being lost. Looking to Bingle (who confirms all that is put forth by the crew from the Sword of the Sea,) Merinol's expression melts into the tender warmth that only a father can have for his daughter.

"My very campaign actually stumps against Smilin' Pete's annual shenanigans," the mayor says, "Because the day after, my office is flooded with complaints about missing items and property that's been broken into...but I must say that I am quite glad to hear that you were part of this year's hunt--only the gods know what may have happened to my little Rosie if you hadn't found her and had the presence of mind to bring her back to me." He dismisses the gnome, asking Bingle to get Rose to her nursemaid.

"I was of the mind to toss you all into the pokey for a night or two--" Merinol admits, "--just to teach you the folly of midnight breaking-and-entering...but my men have no evidence that you, yourselves, broke into anywhere...and you DID bring back my daughter. So--take yourselves off to wherever you wish to go, with my thanks. Should I ever need a favor from honest pirates, I will know to ask it of you. Good night."

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 11:23:01 PM

Rigging gives another short bow to the mayor, and then leans down ot the cute little girl Rose. "Rose it was a pleasure to meet you. You have brought myself and my friends some good luck. If you ever need a favor, please come as Arrack Von Palin." He gives her a quick wink and adds, "My friends call me Rigging. I hope you will too."

The young mage stands up and says to his family. "Let's head back to the tavern have a night cap. Maybe Bart will be there and then we can head back to the ship. Time to get back to business."

Rigging leads his friends out.

Wednesday April 23rd, 2003 11:44:07 PM

Once the group has headed out beyond the mayor's hearing Ari comments, "We may want to take news of everything that has happened tonight, back to the ship. I'm not sure we would be very safe given the nature of this years losers, not to mention if they might try to do anything untowards to our ship or it's captain."

Thursday April 24th, 2003 2:53:50 AM

"If they've a shred of honor in them, then our buying them a drink will settle the matter," Akerin puts forward with a degree of hope. "I think it was the passion of the moment - just when they thought they won, then the decision was overturned. Of course, no excuse for that dagger. But let's us be good sports, and maybe turn opponents into friends."

Then, he shrugs, "But still, Ari, you may have a point. No harm letting the captain know that there's at least the possibility of some 'shenanigans' as the mayor put it.

"Hey - and way to go, me buckos!" Akerin says to his friends with a smile. "You're a resourceful crew, none can gainsay!"

Back at the inn, if the crew of the Coppersworth is still about, Akerin honors his promise to stand them a drink. (20 gp should more than do the trick - the 'good stuff' - though the cleric himself will go light on imbibing.)

He also will engage them in conversation, and ask about some of their adventuring exploits, swapping stories till the sun comes up. He will lightly kid Able a bit about making sure he found himself in the thick of things. If Able seems touchy, then Akerin smooths things out. He asks if one among them is a cleric. If so, he'll talk a little shop with him or her.

First thing in the morning, to keep another set of promises, he returns the wig, and helps his friends return what they can.

"Should we order up one of those cuckoo clocks?" he asks his mates. "Or at least ask what it would cost to order one that can stand the rigors of the sea?"

Return to the Happy Harpy (DM Donna) 
Thursday April 24th, 2003 4:07:01 PM

The Wildcards of the Sword of the Sea find that the tavern still has a goodly amount of customers for all that it is nearly dawn now...however, the Coppersworth crew is notably NOT amongst them. Apparently Akerin's offer to buy them a drink will have to wait until another time.

Smilin' Pete, however, presents the bag of 1000 gold pieces and the mounted gold rose with a flamboyant flourish to Rigging to the wholehearted (if inebriated) applause of the tavern's customers.

"Come back next year and see if you can hang on to it!" the bartender tells the party, then goes back to his duties behind the counter.

Jami comes up to the table you are all occupying and adds her own congratulations.

"Glad to see them Bad Pennies get their comeuppance, I can tell ya!" she says with a nod of her head. "Oh--and I've got word about Starr...she's the King of Coins representative on Ayorsa Island..? Well, she can be found at the Scroll Repository during the daytime hours." The brunette gives you directions to the Repository and a description of the woman as well before resuming her own serving duties.

(OOC: Each PC can add 1000xp to their character sheet; the party now has 1000gp to divide amongst themselves as well...you'll have to decide amongst yourselves what happens to the rose plaque.

Please completely update your character sheets and send them to me as soon as possible because the Wildcards' newest adventure is supposed to begin Monday, April 28th.)

Thursday April 24th, 2003 11:03:38 PM

The half-elf smiles at her new husband, and pats him on the back. "You did a good job back there. But I have a few things to attend to before this night is over."

Smiling, she heads over to Redux and pats the young mage's shoulder. "Would you mind returning my invisibility ring? I think we might need it in the future."

After Redux returns her ring to her, Ashira heads over to Valanthe. Gently laying a hand on her shoulder, Ashira smiles playfully at the elven warrior. "Ok...we've got some unfinished business. I think you still owe me an explaination about my armor. Now, I've been pretty nice so far, but I'm going to have to play dirty. I'll give you one more chance to spill your guts before the real tortue begins."

Saturday April 26th, 2003 12:44:43 AM

Rigging collects his share of the winnings, puts his arm around his lovely elven bride, and decides he wants to head back to the boat. He lifts his glass one last time in toast and says,
"To my family, the best wildcards on any ship. I am proud to be family with you. Now I want to get closer to my immediate family" He pulls Ashira a little closer and says, "I hope you will join me in our own private victory celebration?"

The next morning, Rigging will head over with anyone who wants to join him to meet Starr at the Scroll Repository.

Sunday April 27th, 2003 10:41:01 PM

Val smiles. "Actually I couldn't give any specific details so you would only be waisting your time. Besides I don't think that you have it in you." Her smile remains as a challenge knowing that Ashira is too good natured to try anything too dirty.

Monday April 28th, 2003 1:00:30 AM

"Jami, thank you kindly for your help," Akerin says as he looks up at her, noting the long and light brunette hair. "We'll see if we can't look in on Starr. At the scroll repository, eh? Eh, would you happen to know her?" If Jami can give him a description of the local rep for the King of Coins, he thanks her. "I owe you a rose, Jami. You're a good one."

On the way back to the ship, Akerin suggests to his friends, with whom he has stayed up the whole night. "What do you say we divide the reward into ten shares? One for each of us - that's 100 gp each, easy mathematics, there; and a share for party treasure, plus a share to get something for the crew. Our lives can depend on them, and I'd guess that they wouldn't mind if we picked up something for them just to say thanks."

He waits to see if this sounds good to them.

Before everyone scatters to their various activities, he reminds them of Starr who is, according to Jami, available at the Scroll Repository. "Should all of us go see her, or would it be all right with you, Rigging, if just a few of us went as representatives to find out what we can about the missing ship, and report back to the rest? I'd be happy to be among those who go meet with her. I'm thinking that the sooner we find out what she knows, the better. After all, it's not even mid-morning yet." He does not seem to want to wait a whole day to get in touch with this potential contact for the King of Coins, and figures that the party can catch up on their sleep after meeting with her.

The healer-monk really does not look tired at all.

Monday April 28th, 2003 1:51:20 AM

After having his entreaties ignored is standing slightly behind Valanthe when Ashira comes over,Appolo quietly listens to them then says loud enough to be heard"Ashira perhaps your asking the wrong person,I mean about your armour." he thenheads back to his quarters at the Jack's place to get some sleep and perhaps drink a little wine.

Monday April 28th, 2003 6:28:16 AM

Seeing as the pennies are not in the bar, Ari decides to spend sometime enjoying the local flavor of wine.

When Akerin talks about going to see Star, Ari pipes up, "I'll go with you if you'll have me".

Monday April 28th, 2003 11:47:18 AM

Well I'm glad we have won after all, and we did a good job to ohelping that innocent girl. Praise Domi, helper of the innocent.

It's fine with me Akerin if you want to go with a smalle delegat5ion, but don't you think the lady want to see all of us before she trust us with a mission?

Monday April 28th, 2003 4:48:34 PM

"Great, Ari. If I'll have you? I wouldn't want to go without you, man," Akerin answers.

"Amen to that, Bart. And perhaps you're right, that Starr would want to see us all. But I still think we should not wait a whole day before we see her. Shall I invite her to the ship, or should we all put off taking our naps until we've found out what needs to be done, and go there together now?"

As many are willing to come is fine with Akerin. But, unless Rigging orders otherwise, he is going to see Starr now, following Jami's directions to the Scroll Repository.

Monday April 28th, 2003 10:28:53 PM

Rigging says, "I don't think everyone should go with us. Starr might be overwhelmed and since we can't bring the who crew with us, we might as well only send a few. Akerin, Bart, and I will go see Starr. Why don't the rest of you figure out a nice present for crew. A barrel of the good stuff maybe? Maybe a set of clothes for everyone? Breathmints?" Rigging says the last with a smile and heads out the door.

Tuesday April 29th, 2003 5:47:33 PM

"Sounds fine, Rigging. Oh, any reason Ari couldn't come along, too?" He waves surreptitiously for Ari to follow along as they head out - unless Rigging explicitly says no.

As they walk along, Akerin says to Bart, "So, we missed you toward the end of the scavenger hunt. Were you looking for the rose, too?" He awaits Bart's answer, then asks Bart about his family, upbringing, and how it was he joined up with this group.

Wednesday April 30th, 2003 10:05:31 PM

OOC...What's going on with the posts? Haven't seen a DM post for a week. Is everything ok?

Bart  d10=9
Thursday May 1st, 2003 12:40:47 AM

I hope it isn't because i didn't sent my char sheet hp roll

Thursday May 1st, 2003 3:30:45 AM

Our DM is ill. a temporary replacement will be starting soon.

Thursday May 1st, 2003 3:40:47 AM

Redux is seen snapping his fingers and nodding, like he just figured something out. "Hmm...what was that Rigging? Something to honor our ship maybe? How's about setting up a catered meal on the ship; something nice that the crew would miss while out at sea? I'll head back to the Tavern and speak to someone. Then I need some rest."

Thursday May 1st, 2003 8:59:19 AM

Yes, all, Donna is sick. I will be DMing us for a while. I'll make my first post sometime this afternoon. Can't wait, it's gonna be a blast!

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