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Honeymoon Cruise
Something Old, Something New...

Return to the Ship (DM Donna) 
Monday November 4th, 2002 11:29:13 AM

Returning to the ship, the party sees an interesting sight: a pair of the crew members are on a scaffold, repainting the name of the vessel on the sides of the ship:

The Sword of the Sea

On board the ship, Captain Hawley confirms the amount of treasure his "Wild Cards" (the party members) are supposed to have, as well as explaining the reason for the vessel's official new name:

"Aye, well, our ship's wizard got word from The Jack hisself, y'see...since our home port is on Ayorsa, an' Ayorsa Isle be the home to th' King of Swords, the ships as come from there will all say so by having 'sword' in their names...or 'blade' or 'cutting' or...well, I'm sure you gets m' meanin', hey?" The grizzled half-elf glares at each of you, daring you to contradict him. Then he goes on:

"Anyways, me hearties, that be th' way of it now. We be The Sword o' the Sea now...an' I gots t' tell ya...I like the name." Captain Hawley grins. "That makes you lot me 'Wild Cards o' the Sword', don'tcha know..? Heh heh...I love this colorful codespeak--it's bound to drive them Worm-lovers wild!" The salty old seadog guffaws with gusto as he ambles off to his cabin, leaving you newly-dubbed Wild Cards of the Sword to your own devices...for now.

Monday November 4th, 2002 10:34:46 PM

Rigging steps aside and watches the hordes of spirits walk by and his heart is uplifted. They have done good. Then Andruid attacks and Rigging feels his death coming. Suddenly he is reprieved and a sigh of relief blows out his mouth.

He looks down at the crown and remembers the brewing fight. "Appolo I want to thank you for the faith you have shown in me, but I must refuse this honor you wish to bestow. I am far from ready for such responsibility." He gives the young thief a grin and adds, "I can barely keep this group in line and you want me to take on an empire. No, this challenge is for someone much wiser than I."

He turns to Val, strides over to her and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Looks like you have the real prize. Carry it and guard it well. It represents the hope and salvation of our people much more than this old crown. Besides Ashira, I trust no one more than you to keep it safe."

Rigging wanders away wondering on how to spend his gold.

Akerin  d20+5=21
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 3:30:23 AM

Noting that, apparently, those who walked the ways of redemption did so of their own free will, and those who rejected their salvation also chose thus, Akerin is reminded again of the justice of the ways of Alemi.

He lets Appolo's angry, obstinate and foolish outburst wash over him as he sees Rigging maintain his grip on the crown, and his wise dealing with the situation.

Then, as Andruid 4.0 - and whatever is left of Dain - rushes forward, Akerin throws out his battlenet before him (AC 21, ranged touch attack) at the charging construct. As the net almost reaches it, Alemi's own power in the guardian statue takes it away, or many had been lost.

Akerin falls to his knees, and lifts an ancient chant of thanksgiving for deliverance to his god.

[And there's a wedding here, right? So, Akerin will honor and celebrate the marriage of Rigging and Ashira. He gives her Quaal's feather token - a bird -- 'Should you sometime need to send him a message from afar,' and him Quaal's feather token - an anchor -- 'So as to hold yourselves in the right place despite winds of adversity.']

He spends some time in quiet contemplation as the party eventually moves from temple to ship.

When the group returns to the Hammerhead, now the Sword of the Sea, Akerin speaks with Captain Hawley before they shove off.

"My own small boat, the Tern, I offer in service to the Pirates of Jack, Captain," and he motions to it, beached just a couple hundred yards down the shore. "As we ate the bounty of the sea together the other day, you learned I am both captain and crew of that small vessel.

"In the past day with these men and women - wild cards, you call them, I have seen valor, and bravery, and sacrifice. There is evidence of insight and wisdom in some of them. For the most part, they are worthy companions. The pirates I have from time to time aided against the Ga'al-bound. If you are willing, and I pass your tests, I would join you fully, save one thing. I cannot take upon my body any tatoo. If that disqualifies me, then I shall continue aiding as I might from the Tern."

Captain Hawley (DM Donna) 
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 7:52:08 AM

"Ye be a good addition t' our hand of Wild Cards, young monk, if'n they be of the mind." Captain Hawley tells Akerin. "If they be not--then glad I am to welcome ye to the service of the Pirates o' Jack...though there are rules an' such that The Jack o' Trumps still be thinkin' on. Fer now, though, I be thinkin' it be best to secure your vessel an' have yer presence on the Sword itself, since I know she can sail whether the wind be fair or not...an' we can't say the same for your proud vessel, now, can we..?"

DM Donna 
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 8:15:44 AM

OOC to Kim/Akerin: I'm having trouble with my outgoing email, so I'm asking you here to please send me the particulars about the Tern, like how large it is, what type of ship it is, what it's supposed to be worth, etc.

[Sure, Donna. I'll try to get you a sketch and the other particulars in the next day or two. It's 22' long, two-masted - and the rest will be coming your way. -Kim]

[Oops - two sails, not two masts. Check out:


Follow the 'Photographs' links, and keep on hitting 'Continue' to get a good feel for the sailboat design. -Kim again]

[Oh, and value? All fitted out, perhaps $20000 to $30000. With the value of gold at $400 per ounce... 75 gold pieces? ;-) In D&D terms, though, perhaps one to three thousand gp. What do you think? Maybe more?]

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 11:47:32 AM

(grumble grumble. 2nd time)

As Calendrus walks into the fountain of blood, Ari begins to relax when no deception occurs. As he watches the others walk into the blood, Ari is happy for his ancestors and begins to wonder if any of his family were the ones that refused.

When the rings pops up in Andruid's hand, Ari begins to smile knowing that his time is near an end. When Andruid spouts off against the party, Ari begins to try to bring him back to reason. We have only done what we thought is right..." Before Ari can finish what he was saying, Andruid moves against Rigging. For a brief second Ari begins to respond to the new attack, and then... Andruid is not there any more. Breathing another sigh of relief, Ari joins Akerin in prayer, though he can only listen to what Akerin has said.

Ari is happy for the family as the marriage commences for Riggings and Ashira. But he keeps his thoughts to himself about Appolo's actions in regards to the crown and such.

When the group returns to the ship Ari asks Rigging, "Should we make some kind of lockable transport for the crown, in order to draw less questions maybe?"

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 6:01:54 PM

Redux is amazed at the proceedings at the temple. The wedding, especially, was dream-like.

Upon returning to the ship, Redux understates things, "I guess Black changed his mind about how he wanted our little band to operate. Rigging, I suppose that card he gave us is no longer worth much; back to being just another crewman. There's a new sheriff in town."

(ooc does the captain 'share' his 'cut' with the crew or do we get that honor as well? I wouldn't want my throat cut by another pirate just because I get to be a part of the looting party)

He too ponders the best way to spend the new-found wealth. He'll start by making sure the captain is able to keep it safe while they are away (don't want to carry that with him, even with a bag of holding) and also to suggest a place of commerce where they might conduct business.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 6:20:29 PM

After the ceremony Val approaches the newlywed couple, in her new robe no less, and says, "Congratulations on your union. Rigging, I hope you reconsider taking the crown. You would do a wonderful job, and you wouldn't be alone. We would all help. I don't know if there is anybody else we can trust with such a task. We are at a pivotal time in history." Val pauses and smiles. "I wanted to say my piece, but enough of that -- let's celebrate." Val says and takes a long drink of wine. "Now where did that sneaky little rogue get off to?" Val says to herself as she walks away.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 7:32:49 PM

Appolo says, "Fine, just think you are the most qualified for the job. That's all." After the wedding he congratulates the bride and groom, then slips quietly away, and heads for the ship. With the gold once aboard he disappears and hides, wishing to be alone with his thoughts.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 10:18:44 PM

At the temple, Ashira grasps the crown that Rigging hands her in hesitant hands (I'm assuming you meant Ashira and not Val?). She smiles mischievously at her fiancé. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to buy my affections!" She makes her way toward the ship, and then suddenly turns and heads back to the wolf that has been following the party at a distance. A tear forming in her eye, she scratches the canine gently behind its ear, and then strokes his fur. She speaks to the wolf, knowing that it can not understand a word she says. "Oh, brave one, we only got to know each other, and now I am afraid we must part. I live a dangerous life, and it would be selfish of me to force you to leave the pack." Ashira smiles as she pulls out some jerky from out of her pack and hands it to the wolf. "Go, join the others and live a long and happy life!" With sadness in her heart, Ashira releases her newly acquired animal companion from the spell binding it to her.

Ashira is amazed at how quickly the time passes between their adventure at the temple and the wedding ceremony. It's all a blur. She smiles at the memory of her first kiss with Rigging and their honeymoon at the druid's cottage. She humbly and gratefully accepts Akerin's present, placing the small token tenderly in her backpack.

The half-elf takes note of the changes to the boat and the pirates with mild curiosity. For as long as she could remember, the Pirate life had been all she had ever known, and now everything was changing. But then, everything in her life had changed too, so why not the rest of the Wold?! As soon as all of her and Rigging's duties are tended to, Ashira heads down to Rigging's quarters, hoping to spend some quiet time with her new husband.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 10:43:48 PM

Rigging heads down to his cabin/sleeping area and stows the crown somewhere safe and then does some serious cuddling with his new bride.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 1:34:18 AM

Bart is also amazed at the proceedings in the the temple. After the wedding he congratulates Rigging and Ashira wishing them a long and happy life together.
Back at the old Hammerhead, Bart will always refer to it as Hammerhead. He sees the new management of the ship He disagrees with it and says that to the others. Hmm changing a name of a ship brings bad luck everyone nows that. I agree aith you Redux that it looks like we are ordinary crewman again. It looks like the card that King Black gaves us is not valid anymore. The captain will outrank you but you will say where the ship goes he said. I wonder if our rank is still a five.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 1:41:43 AM

"Why don't we take Akerin's ship and sail back to King Black and hear what he has to say?" Bart suggests. "With the help of the Wayfinder, it won't take long to sail to him."

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 4:20:51 AM

"Thank you, sir," Akerin answers the captain. "Yes, whether I become a 'wild card' must be subject to the wishes of those who already hold that position."

Concerning the Tern, the sailor asks whether the smaller boat might be tethered to the larger ship.

And regarding onboard chores, he tells Captain Hawley, "I can swab the decks, run the lines, hoist the sails, tie knots, follow orders and give them, if necessary. I can navigate the shore - no good once out of sight of land, though - haven't mastered the stars. If any onboard are ill or injured, I may be able to help. Just let me know my duties, and I'll work hard to fulfill them." [Relevant skills: Profession: Sailor 7; Profession: Fishing 5; Use Rope: 4; Heal 14; Knowledge, Physiology: 6]

Not in a position to agree or disagree with Bart's comments regarding the name of the ship, or the chain of command, Akerin offers no comment on that. But at Bart's suggestion to sail his boat, Akerin tells him, "Well, I am open to that, if it seem good to the captain and the cards. But you should know it has sleeping berths for only four, though I suppose one or two more might lie upon the floor. Nine could sail on it, but it might feel cramped after a time, especially if we meet foul weather."

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 2:27:41 PM

"Meeting foul weather, The Wayfinder will help us to get through that," Bart informs Akerin.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 5:44:32 PM

OOC: Ashira -- I think that Rigging was referring to the Feybelle bottle which Val still has.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 8:59:35 PM

OOC (Ooooo...now I get it...thanks Val!)

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 10:10:57 PM

"Murmur, murmur," kiss, kiss, kiss, heart-felt sighs, sounds of tight squeezing.

Thursday November 7th, 2002 3:28:30 AM

"I'm sure the Wayfinder would help us with navigation in foul weather, Bart," Akerin answers the fighter. "And, the Tern does pretty well in stormy weather, too. I was just trying to say that it might feel crowded for all nine of us, especially over extended periods of time. It's fine for a few people. We would want to carry more fresh water, too."

Thursday November 7th, 2002 12:59:31 PM

"You are right it is probally not more than a storm in a glass of water."

Thursday November 7th, 2002 6:35:28 PM

Redux senses that there will be a long voyage before they get to their next port. He settles Talon in and begins preparations to copy down as many spells into scrolls as time allows.

Thursday November 7th, 2002 11:54:07 PM

Rigging, while enjoying snuggling with his new wife, decides he better get up and see what the others are up too. He rises with reluctance and goes up on deck.

He finds Akerin and starts up a conversation with the cleric. "So what do you think of our ship? I think I will always in my heart call her the Hammerhead. Have you given any thought on how we should use the Faybelle bottle. I am not sure if we should turn it over to head man or keep it for ourselves. Hate to see it lost in the political swirl." Rigging looks up at the faithful cleric and asks, "So why aren't you allowed any tattoos? Big part of the tradition and all. You might want to think about a earring as well... and maybe a parrot. Can be a proper pirate without at least one earring and a pirate."

Friday November 8th, 2002 2:08:13 AM

"Yeah, Rigging, and a wooden leg is also part of the tradition. Why don't we sail back to Black and ask him what to do with the bottle?"

Friday November 8th, 2002 4:40:15 AM

"The ship is smooth of line, and most seaworthy. Once I saw a hammerhead shark surface, and wondered at its wedged face. It was fast and vigorous, and swam faster than my boat before the breeze. I then did not know its name.

"The Faybelle bottle is for those whom Alemi directs its use, and I doubt not he can guide us in the way we would use it. It was given us to be used by us. I see no problem with captain and crew getting a share of what those who go ashore gain. But then, I do not know what arrangements you have had in the past. He asked for gold, nothing more. Unless you suggest to him otherwise, or kick against the sharing, he likely will be satisfied with what was already given."

The tall young man smiles at Rigging's and Bart's suggestions of appropriate accoutrements to the pirate's attire and fauna.

He squints one eye shut, and says, "Har har, mateys." The staid and generally responsible fellow breaks out into song, putting some salt into his voice.

"Oh, lay along smartly each lousy recruit.
W-ay! Hey? Blow th' man down!
Or it's lifted ye'll be wi' th' toe of a boot.
Give us th' time an' we'll blow th' man down!"

He laughs. "I've been around sailors and fishermen for the past few years. I like their stories, their songs, and the way they watch each other's backs when they're out on the town - if they don't get four sheets to the wind."

Life on the Sea (DM Donna)  d20=11
Friday November 8th, 2002 6:09:11 AM

The seas are smooth and the wind is brisk; the Sword of the Sea (a.k.a. Hammership) makes wonderful progress towards its ultimate goal of returning to Ayorsa Isle.

Captain Hawley is in a pretty good mood--as is the rest of the crew when they've been told of the Wild Cards' success ashore and the subsequent monetary windfall for themselves and the Pirates of Jack. The deckhands are about whistling, joking and laughing as they work the ship.

It's a fine day at sea.

Friday November 8th, 2002 11:05:42 AM

After a while Appolo comes up on deck. He is a little despondent and listless, and just stands around not doing much of anything. He begins to idley throw his daggers at a target board.

Friday November 8th, 2002 12:15:13 PM

Val walks up behind Appolo in her new robe. It isn't perfect battle gear but it's comfortable. She wraps her arms around his waist and licks his ear. "I want to thank you for giving me space recently. I needed to work some things out and I did. It just took a little longer with everything going on. I've decided to just let things fall where they may and stop thinking about them. For an elf, thats en extremely hard decision to accept."

Friday November 8th, 2002 1:34:31 PM

Appolo turns and looks at her" believe me giving you that space was extremely difficult for me. I'm sorry if I pushed you,it'e just that I was raised by the Priests of G'aal and taught that if you want something just take it if your strong enough. I was truly afraid that I had pushed you away, by pursuing you so hard.
If you don't want to get married that's ok. I just want to be with you." he then tosses his dagger over his shoulder at the boardnailing it.Appolo bends down and picks her up and hugs her."You know we should go visit the elves agian. That was good last time." He then carries her down to his quarters for some private time, well as much as we get aboard ship.

Appolo OOC  d6+2=8
Friday November 8th, 2002 1:38:52 PM

Appolo has gone up mto 6th level new hit points

Rigging  d20+8=25
Friday November 8th, 2002 4:38:38 PM

Rigging enjoys the fine day. He will help out with the sails and tries to get a bearing on where they are using his navigation skill. (rolled 25). He checks on the charts and sees if his estimation agrees with the Captain's course checks.

Friday November 8th, 2002 5:25:28 PM

Bart looks for Bulldog -- he wants to talk to him. He wonders how he survived the water elementals, and if Bulldog still has his magical dagger.

Friday November 8th, 2002 6:16:52 PM

After waking from her nap, Ashira heads up top to check on Rigging and the others. She spots Val and Appolo and smiles. Good to see those two were working things out. She catches up with Rigging as he is finishing checking the course of the ship. "You know, Rigging, I've been wondering what we should do with the Feybelle. With only ten doses, we'll have to choose carefully." Her voice drops to a whisper. "I was wondering about your family. How would it be received if they were freed from Ga'al?"

Saturday November 9th, 2002 12:58:16 AM

Redux sets up to begin scribing on the main deck. With a burst of insight gained from their recent exploits, he begins his work by completing 2 new spells he'd been working on into his spell book. He smiles broadly, thinking, "That'll do, bird."

Saturday November 9th, 2002 10:20:56 AM

Having spent some time scrounging around the shore, Ari decides to spend some time working around a forge, as weather permits. He begins to roughly fashion some items that he has in mind. His mind races as his ideas start to take shape.

He finds that he doesn't have much time for the family, other than to see to his chores. When it's time for sleep, there's no hesitation when he hits his bed.

Monday November 11th, 2002 1:18:08 AM

It seems Bart can't find Bulldog, where can he be? He has al ot of questions for him. He sees Val Apppollo and Ashira standing together and says "Have you seen Bulldog?"
As he hears Ashira talking about the Bottle he says" That's difficult to decide who to cure and who not. I think it is not for me to decide what to do with it, maybe some people with a keyposition in the Aisuldurian government.

Monday November 11th, 2002 8:02:06 AM

The young mage turns to his wife with concern in his eyes, "Do we know that there is only 10 doses? Did Father Farkus say that? I don't remember. Of course I would love to free my family. I sure everyone here has a relative or friend they would like to free. If I free my father, he does have the political connections to help in the struggle, but will he keep them if he is no longer under Ga'als control? This must be given more thought. I was hoping and i am still hopeful that the Faybelle can cure more."

Monday November 11th, 2002 1:43:16 PM

I thought Farkus said that to us

Captain Hawley (DM Donna) 
Monday November 11th, 2002 5:45:59 PM

At this moment, the veteran commander of The Sword of the Sea happens upon the small gathering. His face looks unusually sober.

"The ship's priest tells me that Bulldog done took sick--'tis a particular nasty bit o' business, though it's not catchin'." Captain Hawley tells you. "Priest calls it a 'vye-russ'...says it be leaving Bulldog weak as a kitten fer th' next few weeks...at least until we can hove to at our home port, anyways. Demmed lucky that the holyman caught it when he did--says Bulldog woulda likely gone belly-up if'n he didn't have the right prayers..."

Ari  d4=3
Tuesday November 12th, 2002 1:01:48 AM

ooc 6th lvl hit point.

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 8:06:46 AM

Rigging turns his great mind onto the words Father Farkus said and it does come back to him that the Faybelle bottle will only hold 10 doses. Rigging's head and shoulders slump. He had really thought that they had the heart seeds beaten. Now he understands they can only cure 10 individuals. While this was wonderful, it puts a huge burden of responsibility on him and his friends.
How to decide on who should be cured? Should it be political leaders? Brave fighters who could help in the fight, or powerful priests who could be shown Alemi's path and use their powers to help people.
When he hears about Bulldog's sudden sickness, Rigging puts these thoughts aside and goes to visit his friend and make sure that he is well.

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 4:34:45 PM

Wait Rogging I will go with you. I hope he will be better soon. Maybe we can shear him up with some stories.

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 5:29:15 PM

Valanthe rolls out of bed and puts on the first thing she can find. Which happens to be Appolo's shirt. The shirt doesn't feel as good as her robe (which is around somewhere) but it smells like Appolo. Not sure where the rest of her clothing is, Val gives up looking and heads up to the deck. She has never been very modest but the shirt hangs down almost reaching her knees.
On the deck Val takes a deep breath and stretches her legs. She's exhausted but it's a good exhausted. She's just too alert to slip into reverie at this time. So the young elf stands at the side and gazes at the sea.

Appolo  d20+12=27
Tuesday November 12th, 2002 6:06:07 PM

Appolo wakes a few minutes later,after having rolled over and discovering something was missing. He quickly realizes that Valanthe is gone. He gets up unable to find his shirt, he settles for putting his pants on and then heads up on deck, bare footed and topless. Looking around he spots Valanthe.

Appolo is all smiles and feels good, He is in mischevious and playful mood. He quietly sneaks up behind her and tickles her ribs on both sides at once."I wondered where my shirt went" he says. With laughter in his voice. while continuing to tickle her.

Move Silently 27

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 10:27:36 PM

Val jumps and giggles. She spins around and slaps Appolo's hands. She smiles and looks around to make sure nobody saw. "Tough warriors aren't supposed to be ticklish. Your not supposed to advertise it to the others."

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 6:13:24 PM

"Yes I know. I'm not ticklish, but you are."
He replies while fainting left anf going right tickling her agian. He then steps back saying
"You know the only way to stop me is to catch me if you can. You never know when I'll strike agian." Appolo then begins to back pedal.

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 10:48:36 PM

The half-elf joins Rigging in his visit to Bulldog. Making sure that she stays clear of the big fighter, so as not to catch his illness, she wishes him a speedy recovery. Noting Rigging's sudden mood change, Ashira escorts him back up to top, and begins to rub his shoulders. Guessing what's on his mind, she tries to engage him. "You know, Rigging, it could have been a lot worse. It is truly a blessing to be able to save 10 people. We should think about who we want to free. Like I said before, my first thought is your family, but I'm not sure what type of trouble that would cause for them." She stops rubbing his shoulders and looks into Rigging's eyes, trying to gauge his mood.

Still Trippin'... (DM Donna)  d20=4
Thursday November 14th, 2002 6:33:09 AM

Though a rough wind springs up and there are more clouds in the sky than sun, the ship continues its speedy journey towards the trio of floating islands that make up the haven for the Pirates of Jack.

Any PC that makes a Listen check versus DC10 will notice that small groups of the crew are discussing what ought to be done with the limited amount of heartseed-curative potion in the Feybelle bottle. Some of them seem to think that it should be used to free the minds of the Emperor and key members of his court. Others say that there ought to be some kind of competition so that any of the PoJ members can have the right to fight for a dose or two for use on their still-captive families...there is even a couple of people who wonder if the potion can't be recreated so that the Pirates of Jack can make their own cure to the heartseeds.

Valanthe  d20+6=22
Thursday November 14th, 2002 5:06:48 PM

Val tries to look calm but those that know her, know that something is wrong. The talk of the bottle distresses her greatly, since she has possesion of it. They were in a war and Val didn't plan on handing the bottle over for anything other than a good idea. Regardless of what her superious in the PoJ had to say. She hoped the tears could be recreated but they cannot act that way. Each dose must be used for a person that would greatly hurt Ga'al. In the way of influence of battle. Val, now dressed, heads over to Rigging and Ashira.
To Rigging she says, "We need to talk. Somewhere private. I doubt anybody will like what I have to say. The less that know now the better."

[listen check 22]

Appolo  d20+3=9
Thursday November 14th, 2002 6:28:26 PM

Appolo follows Valanthe downstairs continueing to tease her like happy annoying little puppy."Come on let's play. Don't worry about the bottle.All work and no play makes for a grumpy pirate." he follows her up to where Rigging and Ashira are standing. Completely oblivious to the rest of the crew.

Ashira  d20+5=22
Thursday November 14th, 2002 10:27:17 PM

Noticing the murmur among the crew, the half-elf adopts a more serious manner when approached by Valanthe. She escorts the elven warrior down to the quarters she now shares with Rigging, closing the door once all of the family members enter.

Rigging  d20+5=24
Thursday November 14th, 2002 11:28:20 PM

Rigging listens to the crew talk as he relaxes back into his back rub. Ashira can feel him relax. He gives her a big smile and says, "I don't have a clue who to give the cure to, but I have an idea on how to find them.

Suddenly Val is there and he agrees to follow her down to his quarters. Before she can speak, he holds up his hands to forestall any comment, "I think I have an idea on how to find the proper people to cure but it might even be more difficult than the finding of the Faybelle
Bottle in the first place. I was able to slip off to the Catacombs before the wedding ceremony and get the Wayfinder and the Faybelle Bottle identified. I have a better understanding on how the telescope works and we might be able to use it to help us find worthy canidates. Finding those candidates on the physical plane and giving the cure could be more difficult. What do you think? Do you want me to find possible canidates or do you want to go see the Jack?"

Thursday November 14th, 2002 11:42:37 PM

Val frowns at the mention of the Jack. "I didn't think we should have told anybody about the bottle. All it would take is for a high ranking pirate to order us to give him the bottle. If he wanted to cure a loved one badly enough. With all the pirates I'm sure that several high ranking pirates are thinking the same thing. We have enough to cure ten people at most. We don't know if 1 dose is enough to cure somebody under the seeds full control. Second the person cured must be significant. We are losing a war. We need influential people either diplomaticly or in war. Third we have to make sure that the person cured will want to help us. We don't know that somebody won't be freed just to help Ga'al anyway. If a person enjoys his current social status and doesn't mind what Ga'al is doing, he won't help us. Alemi handed us the bottle. Getting it was the easy part. Using it effectively seems almost impossible." Val walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. "Word about the bottle will spread quickly through the pirates. They will all demand someway for rights to the doses. I'm afraid that the Kings and Jacks will give in to the pressure. After all what is a King with no subjects? Rigging you charged me with keeping the bottle safe. I include stupid decision in that order. Be it deck hand or king. I hope that I'm not the only one that understand it could be years before the bottle is put to use. We have a powerfull tool, rushing to use it will be a mistake. It would have been easier if Alemi provided a list with the bottle."

Friday November 15th, 2002 12:16:28 AM

After completing his new spells, Redux finds Rigging. "I was thinking, would you mind showing me your spell book and going over the Bull Strength spell with me? I thought I could copy it into mine and then prepare a few scrolls for future use."

Ooc: Over the course of the voyage, Redux will scribe 1 Fire Ball (6th level), and 3 Bull Strength scrolls.

Ari  d20+1=18
Friday November 15th, 2002 1:03:43 AM

Hearing the words of the crew sets Ari to think of some things on his own. Knowing that the bottle only provides 10 doses, Ari wonders whether it might be wise to dis-infect some of the priesthood.

(ooc Donna have you been getting my e-mails. I've sent two over the last week with no response)

Please see the OOC note.--DM Donna

Bart  d20=11
Friday November 15th, 2002 3:19:00 AM

Bart hears the rumors about the Bottle but he has nothing to add to the discossion of the other crewmates. He is sure a solution of how to use the bottle will be find soon.

Friday November 15th, 2002 3:22:43 AM

Appolo follows the others down below,humming happily to himself. Slightly miffed that Valanthe is igniring him now but still he is rather happy. He steps inside the room and listens to the tohers without saying aword just stands there in the shadows half naked and listening. The others apparently ignoring him. He thinks to himself-well they never listen to me anyways,what do I care about that stupid bottle anyway-. he then starts humming happily to himself.

OOC from DM Donna 
Friday November 15th, 2002 7:16:54 AM

I am still waiting for complete and updated character sheets for everyone except Valanthe, Appolo, Akerin and Bart.

Since I seem to be having trouble getting email these days, I would suggest that everyone who has yet to submit their CS to post it to this board and to check the "Post Private to DMs" box so that it won't clutter up the public board.

I will copy the CS from the board and convert it to TXT files for my use...then I will delete the CS from the board.

By the way, even though Valanthe, Appolo, Bart and Akerin have submitted their CSes to me, I do believe that this was BEFORE the latest booty was used to buy the group those protective cloaks and then split the leftovers amongst you, so if EVERYONE could post their complete and up-to-date CS on the board (as per the directions above), I would greatly appreciate it.

The party is approaching the point in the story where there is possible combat, and I MUST have those CSes for that part as soon as the sale of the cloaks in the Catacombs is finalized, or you guys won't be allowed to fight.

Walter OOC 
Sunday November 17th, 2002 2:12:27 AM

If anybody is having trouble sending Donna e-mail, send them to me first. Apparently I can get e-mail through just fine. It would be no problem to fwd something. My e-mail address is WanXian01@aol.com

Sail, Ho..! (DM Donna)  d20=15 d20+6=17
Monday November 18th, 2002 7:15:09 AM

Captain Hawley makes it a point to talk to his ship's Wild Cards, since there are several things that have changed in the way the Pirates of Jack are organizing themselves in these first few months after the Wold-wide deity shake-up:

The authority figure previously called "King Black" is now at the very top of the PoJ. His new title is "the Jack of Trumps" or simply "the Jack". The newly-renamed Sword of the Sea is under orders to head for Ayorsa Island so that the Wild Cards of the ship can check in with him and so that the Jack can tell them personally how he intends for the Pirates of Jack organization to be run in the future.

There is still a good fortnight's sailing before Ayorsa Island will be spotted--but the sharp eyes of the lookout up on the crow's nest of the ship see something that immediately stirs the buccanneer blood in all aboard the Sword of the Sea...

"Sail, ho! Sail t'port for'ard!" shouts the crewman. Captain Hawley uses his own telescope and begins to bellow for all hands on deck.

"Target off the port bow! Prepare for th'hunt, me hearties!" the seasoned half-elf orders as the vessel inexorably turns toward the other ship. "Aye, indeed--'tis a fat Aisildur merchant ship, an' it be sittin' low in th' water...more booty for sure, mates--look sharp an' keep on yer toes!"

Anyone looking at the other ship can see that Cap'n Hawley is correct: the schooner is sitting low in the water and there appear to be no discernable weapons.

And the Sword of the Sea is beginning to overtake the other ship...

Monday November 18th, 2002 8:52:57 AM

Rigging pulls out the Wayfinder and trains it on the merchant ship. "Redux, Why don't you have Talon do a fly by. Have him fly high thought in case of archers."

Appolo HP:36,AC:20 
Monday November 18th, 2002 3:29:06 PM

Appolo gets dressed and quickly suits up after the ship is sighted. He has his weapons and a rope and grappling hook. he walks over to Rigging"Well what do you think? Think it's a trap?It's alittle bit to far out to sea for a merchant ship don't you think." he says as stands ready to board, staring a the ship as if it where a deer and Appolo the tiger.

Monday November 18th, 2002 7:10:38 PM

Bart follows Appolos example he gets into his chainshirt checks his weapons and gets an bowfrom the shipsarmory

Ari (AC 12+4+7=22) 
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 2:38:42 AM

Waiting for the best time to cast to get full affect and time from the spells, Ari casts Mage Armor, Spider climb and Shield at the appropriate time prior to engaging the ship. Ari tries to figure out by their position whether this would be a normal place to finda merchant.

Tuesday November 19th, 2002 5:09:19 AM

Val leaves her bow behind since the Sword of the Sea will be taking a direct route. Still something about the merchant vessel seems odd. "Captain how often do loaded merchant ships sail these waters?"

Pursuit (DM Donna)  d20=2 d20+6=25
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 6:11:52 AM

Rigging sees the schooner's name (the Pride of Ga'al) and the flag it flies both confirm it is of Aisilduran origin. Anyone making a Profession (sailor) or Seafaring skill check versus DC10 will be able to figure out for themselves what the captain happily explains to everyone:

"Ahhhh, no doubt she's hauling tail towards a new port--eager t'make a profit at the expense of ignorant infidels."

Anyone who can make a Knowledge (religion) check versus DC15 will be able to suspect that such a trade run can possibly present another kind of opportunity, too: the opportunity to export heartseeds and spread the worship of Ga'al!

The Sword of the Sea steadily gains on the schooner, mostly because the fleeing ship suddenly furls one of its sails. Rigging can see through Wayfinder that the lines to that sail have suddenly snapped, and the cursing sailors of the other ship are now working desperately to fix them in an effort to increase their speed once more.

Anyone eyeing the near-wallowing schooner must make a Spot check versus DC25 (the use of Wayfinder allows Rigging an extra +4 on his roll)--those who succeed will notice that a group of about eight or so identically-garbed individuals are lined up across the aft of the Pride of Ga'al. They are all dressed in dark green robes.

Rigging  d20+11=26 d4+1=4
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 8:15:00 AM

Rigging snaps the Wayfinder down and says, "I see either 2 quads on the ship or at least 8 priests. I want a battle plan made. Redux how would you feel about a fire ball right in the center of those 8? Bart come here. Let me cast a bullstrength spell on you. Let's take advantage of our invisibility rings." To Appolo, "My sneaky friend, this feels like a trap to me. A bit of a coincidence that their sail line breaks at such an unfortunate time."

Rigging suddenly breaks away and strides over to the Captain. "Sir I think we need to be careful of closing with this ship. I have seen either 2 quads on board or a large group of priests. Either way it could be damaging to our ship and crew. I think this sloop is a group of Jack hunters looking for some revenge. Might I suggest we stand off and pepper them with arrows, spells, and our deck weapons. Lets soften them up a little."

OOC 26 for spot check and 4 added to Bart's strength. spell last for hours

Ashira  d20+8=26
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 2:51:04 PM

Ashira spots the green clad figures. Cheered by the thought of combat, Ashira dashes down to her quarters and dons her weapons and armor. Running back upstairs, she smiles at Rigging. "Hey big guy, what about casting one of those Bull's strength spells on me too."

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+6=18
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 5:58:54 PM

Appolo follows Rigging over to the captian
"Yeah I know they want us to attack." replying to Rigging. Then speaking to the captian'Excuse me sir,I think we should aviod that ship. There are possibly eight priests or two quads aboard that ship, according to Rigging. They never go anywhere without a proper escort or a plan. WE must consider what we might gain agianst what we might lose in such an action. Sir" he fervently hopes to avoid combat if possible. He then asks Rigging to use the way finder to scan the horizon for any other ships or any thing out of the ordinary that shouldn't be there.

Tuesday November 19th, 2002 11:08:21 PM

Redux looks up from his scribing to find his ship closing fast with another. 'Ho boy, pleasure cruse is over,' he thinks. He collects his components and goes over to where the best view can be had. He hears the summary of the boat and crew they face. Piping in his copper coin's worth, he suggests to the captain that they also load some flaming ballista to send to the other ship. As far as the fire ball, as Rigging suggests, he judges the distance and considers it a good idea to clear the other ship's deck.

Bart  d20+3=8
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 2:12:37 AM

Bart goes to an Ballista and waits until the ship is in range

Full Steam Ahead..! (DM Donna)  d20=1 d20+6=25
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 7:10:00 AM

Rigging can see that there are holy symbols hanging around the necks of the green-garbed people on the stern of the Pride of Ga'al. They obviously must be priests.

Captain Hawley glares at Appolo.

"Lissen, ye uppity lubber--" he shouts, "--I been sailin' the seas since yer Dad was naught but a twinkle in his father's eye! Ain't no greenhorn Wild Card gonna tell ME to leave off a target...specially not one that's got th' clumsiest crew in all Aisildur! LOOK..!!!" The grizzled half-elf points at the schooner (which is now merely two hundred or so feet away)--the frustrated and panicked shouts of the crew make it quite clear that the sail that was damaged is impossible to repair while trying to run from the pirate ship.

"Niner--kindly tell the other cap'n to lower his flag an' surrender, or the Pride o' Ga'al can host a flamin' ballista bolt!" Hawley orders the navigator-wizard. The middle-aged human casts a Ventriloquism spell and relays the Knight of Swords' orders to the bridge of the floundering schooner. A tall and sweaty human scowls and shakes a fist at the pirate ship.

Meanwhile, the group of clerics have been looking at each other and probably having a conference--four of them turn around and hurry below. The remaining four pull out scrolls and begin to read from them.

The schooner (which is now practically dead in the water for some odd reason) is only 150 feet away. The forward ballista is trained on it, with a coated bolt ready to set aflame and be fired, as well as the catapult crew preparing the use of that weapon, too.

"Wild Cards--prepare to lead the boardin' party!" bellows Hawley.

Time Out for Character Sheets (DM Donna) 
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 7:42:31 AM

Here are the CSes that I have so far:

Appolo (received Nov. 14): there are three things wrong with this sheet--the Hit Points per level are not detailed; the Armor Class doesn't detail why his AC total is 20; and there is no separate section listing all the magic items possessed by Appolo.

Ashira (received Nov. 19): I moved the Hero Point information to the top of the sheet. It was otherwise complete and up-to-date.

Bart (received Nov. 06): Hit Points per level are not detailed; there is no separate listing for magic items owned/carried by Bart.

Redux (received Nov. 19): complete & up-to-date.

Rigging (received Nov. 17): Hit Points per level not detailed; Armor Class details incomplete

Valanthe (received Nov. 16): complete & up-to-date.

Akerin (received Nov. 09): I added the Cloak of Resistance; otherwise complete & up-to-date.


Technically speaking, only Ashira, Redux, Valanthe and Akerin have the info I need to be able to allow them to participate in the upcoming battle--I either don't have CSes or the CSes I do have for all the other characters have incomplete battle information that I NEED as the DM for the game.

Please post your COMPLETE and UP-TO-DATE character sheets here on the board (check the "Post Private to DM" box when posting them) no later than this Friday (November 22). You may include the +1 Cloak of Resistance that Ashira just got from the Catacombs in your sheet.

By the way--which one of you volunteered to RP Talon..? I can't find the email with that info.

Wednesday November 20th, 2002 9:37:23 AM

Rigging glares at the captain and orders, "Redux, I want a fire ball among those 4 clerics now! Everyone else! Prepare for battle."

Redux  6d6(7+4+2+1+5+5)+6=30
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 9:43:32 AM

Redux utters the complex incantation he now knows as Fireball, releasing its energy at the deck of the opposing ship. He aims it towards where he saw the priests escape down into the hold of the ship, expecting that he will cover the topside priests as well as some below with the flame. (ooc total dmg=30)

Appolo HP:36,AC:20 
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 6:03:20 PM

Appolo shruggs his shoulders and walks a way. He then ducks down behind the side of the ship and calmly waits, while eating a apple. He thinks to himself this could be disiasterous.

Bart  d20+9=22 d8=3 d20+9=12 d8=6 d20+9=27 d8=2 d20+9=22 d8=8
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 6:48:51 PM

Bart readies his bow and starts shooting when the boat is in range he aims at the crew on deck if possible he tries to hit the priests(hit ac 22 for 3, 7/6, 27/2, 17/8) (did throw for 2 rounds dont know how long it takes before we can board)

Wednesday November 20th, 2002 9:22:54 PM

Val likes a good fight now and then but she didn't like this situaiton either. "Hey captain, it's easy to say whats an acceptable risk when you sit back here and we lead the way. Remember that the next time you make a bad descision and we pull your sorry butt out of the fire."

Ship-to-Ship Combat Round 1 (DM Donna)  d20+5=22 d20+3=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d20=20 d20+6=12 d20+6=10 d20+7=17 d20+3=19 d20+3=13 3d8(1+2+6)=9 3d8(3+3+7)=13 3d8(4+2+6)=12 3d8(3+6+5)=14 3d8(8+8+5)=21 d6=6
Thursday November 21st, 2002 7:09:00 AM

(OOC to Redux: when casting a spell that allows for a Save, don't forget to post the DC that my NPCs need to Save against, please.)

Redux aims and launches his Fireball at the schooner, and has the satisfaction of seeing all four clerics literally hit the deck as they attempt to dodge the incoming missile. The Fireball explodes against the wooden vessel on the starboard side of the aft castle, setting that part of the boat aflame.

Bart cannot attack, as his character sheet is incomplete.

The ballista bolt on the Sword of the Sea is set on fire and launched at the schooner, hitting the Pride at the base of its aft-most mast and setting that sail on fire. The sailors of the Pride are running about and attempting to put the fires out.

The four clerics (a couple of them looking a mite crispy) regain their footing and read off their scrolls--pointing hands towards the Sword of the Sea. Anyone making a Spellcraft check versus DC15 will be able to tell that they are aiming Searing Light spells at the ship.

Everyone sees a concentration of yellow-white light shoot from each of the cleric quartet's outstretched hand...and each beam strikes true. Suddenly, the Pride of Ga'al isn't the only ship on fire!

"Bucket detail--fire amidships port! Haul yer butts, buckos!!!" hollers Captain Hawley. "Boarding action commencing on my mark..!"

The experienced pirates of the Sword easily quench the flames that resulted aboard their ship, leaving the port deck clear for the dozen or so sailors that readied their grappling hooks and lines as the PoJ vessel drew up alongside the floundering schooner.

"I'll be counting down five, Wild Cards," Hawley says to the party, "Ye get yer butts onto th'other ship and bring the fight to them while me crew secures the vessel in place and takes care of the Pride's hands. Good luck!"

OOC: at the end of round one, the Pride of Ga'al is now beside the hammership. Hawley is about to have his sailors throw grappling hooks onto the other ship and use the attached lines to secure the vessels together. There is no longer any fire on the Sword, but the deck & aftcastle on the starboard side of the Pride IS on fire--and that part of the other ship will be relatively close to the hammership's port side. I will draw up a diagram so that you know what is what...I just hope my email is working correctly so that you all get the picture.

Meanwhile, your party has about one round before they can board the Pride.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+8=25
Thursday November 21st, 2002 9:34:31 AM

The half-elf grins wickedly at Redux's success with the fireball, but looks concerned at the Sword catches on fire. Breathing a sigh of relief as the flames are extinguished, she sets her sights on the green clad figures, trying to size them up, seeing if she call tell who seems to be more important (Spot=25). She prays fervently to Alemi that she will not have to pass through the flames in order to get to the Pride. Nudging Rigging she says "Look, if you've got another Bull's Strength, I'd appreciate it. Or maybe Redux can cast it on me." She looks hopeful as she downs a Barkskin potion. As she watches the two ships draw together she talks over her plan with Rigging. "Ok, I'm trying to figure out which one is the most important. If I can, I'll go after him. If not, I'll stick by your side. But I'm going to activate my invisibility ring if you don't mind." Unless Rigging says otherwise, Ashira activates her ring and disappears from view.

OOC (Rigging, Bart, & Appolo. I don't mind updating your sheets for you if you email them to me. If it helps speed things up, I'd be glad to do it for you.)

Thursday November 21st, 2002 12:01:04 PM

Rigging catches Ashira in a quick hug before she goes invisible. "Sorry Sweetheart but I only had one memorized. If I know we are going into combat I carry more. Redux should be able to cast one on you but hold off on going invisible until he does." Rigging then waves his arms and murmers a spell. He casts a resist elements on Ashira giving her some protection from the fire. "There you go hon. You can pass through the flames without getting hurt. I wouldn't suggest standing in them but they won't hinder you now. It only will last a few minutes so if you are going to use it to your advantage you must do so in the beginning of the fight."

Rigging calls to the others, "I want those clerics taken out first, remember that 4 went below decks. They might be a quad and will work well with each other so be prepared. Ashira, Val, and Bart head that direction first. Ari and Akerin back them up with spells, weapons and healing. Appolo, I want you to look for ships officers. Let's take out the head. Redux, I want you to stay on the Sword with me until the second wave. I will cast a sleep spell on the first resisters so our boarding party can get a foothold. You use your magic missiles to weaken or take out clerics or ships officers. Once we use our spells, we will cross over as well. Have this new rapier to try out. Watch each others backs and may Alemi strengthen your arms."

OOC Resist elements absorbs the first 12 points of damage per round. Only last 1 minute per level so 3 minutes here.

Rigging hps 43 ac 14 
Thursday November 21st, 2002 12:05:19 PM

sorry forgot to put hps and ac on last post

OCC Thanks for the offer Janel but my character sheet is updated now.

DM Donna: This is true--the five complete CSes are now for Ashira, Redux, Rigging, Valanthe and Akerin (who needs to have somebody volunteer to RP for him, since Kim is still out with Real Life stuff sucking up his time.) I can post Akerin's CS to the person who Privately Posts their volunteering to RP him first.

OOC from DM Donna (again) 
Thursday November 21st, 2002 1:46:52 PM

I only just noticed that I didn't list Ari in the updated CS list I made before...that's because Todd sent me a CS around the middle of October, with NO kind of update since then. His Hit Points aren't accurately accounted for, and I don't see whatever magic items he may be carrying listed separately.

I also still can't find that email with the name of the player who volunteered to RP Talon the owl. (Was it Kim? That would explain nobody responding the last time I asked about it...)

Redux  d4+1=4
Thursday November 21st, 2002 10:47:27 PM

Redux takes the cue and deftly performs a Bull Strength spell (+4 to Strength) on Ashira and with a nod encourages her to join the fight. He needed no prompting to stay on the ship; he thought the captain might have miss-spoken by saying they all needed to be in the boarding party. As the others prepare to head out, he will cast Spectral Hand to send with them thinking to himself 'I wonder what they all had for breakfast?'

Friday November 22nd, 2002 1:29:55 AM

Suddenly BArt feels sick he is not sure if he is able to take part of the comming battle he hopes the feeling will fade away soon.

Before the Next Combat Post (DM Donna) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 7:54:53 AM

Kindly DO remember that it is the job of your PCs--as the assigned Wild Cards of the Sword of the Sea--to lead the boarding action that will be taking place soon. Cap'n Hawley is more than aware that there are magic-wielding clerics running around on the schooner...that's why the ordinary NPC pirates will be concentrating on fighting the schooner's NPC sailors--leaving your party to find & fight those clerics, as you all are MUCH better trained and/or experienced to do so.

Talon (George) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 9:10:34 AM

Talon flies up high above the other schooner and looks down careful to avoid any humans pointing bows and arrows at him.

Akerin (George)  d4+1=4
Friday November 22nd, 2002 9:21:44 AM

Akerin glides up behind Val and casts a bull strength spell on the pretty elf. "Subdue the foes of Alemi."

[OOC I am not sure if he has this spell memorized. Are the ones in front of the spells the ones memorized? If this is the case, then Akerin should have more spell at this level and I am taking some leeway here.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength: AC 21, HP 69) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 4:38:52 PM

Grinning her thanks at Redux, the half-elf thinks for a couple of seconds, and then pulls a ring off her right hand and hands it to the wizard. "Here...this is a ring of levitation. I think you might be able to use it better than I can." She makes sure that he accepts the ring before she disappears from view.

Valanthe (Bull's strength, str 21, AC20, HP 53) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 5:50:13 PM

Val feels the rush of magical strength and can't believe it. The magic seemed to enhance the power of her gauntlets. Val smiles and picks up her crystal scythe, moving up to take point. "When we get to the other side everybody stand clear. I don't want to accidentaly cleave anybody that doesn't deserve it." Val watches the ships close the last few meters and works herself into a rage.
[raging prior to combat so it takes effect on the first round.]

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+8=9
Friday November 22nd, 2002 11:18:23 PM

Appolo silently curses, then readies his bow and prepares to cover the rest of the group as they board the ship. He fires his bow one time before the ships are close enough to make boarding possible. He misses horribly. he is staying as low as possible as readies another arrow.

OOC:Sent revised charactor sheet.

CS received. Thank you! -DM Donna

Ari (AC=22, HP=36) Spider Climb, Mage Armor, Shield 
Monday November 25th, 2002 12:12:19 AM

Ari nods as Rigging gives his combat priorities. Readying the Scimitar of Alemi and the Dagger, Ari looks forward to the use of his new weapons.

Bart  d20+9=19 d20+4=17 d8=2 d8=3
Monday November 25th, 2002 2:46:49 AM

Suddenly Bart feels better and he lets go 2 arrows in the direction of the priests before he takes his sword (ac19/17 for 2/3)and prepares to enter the other ship

Akerin (by Kim, again. I'm back - and thanks for your help, George) 
Monday November 25th, 2002 4:51:34 AM

As he heard the captain call for fire, the healer of Alemi cast resist elements, fire on Bart (subtract 5 hp fire damage per round). After granting strength to the powerful Valanthe that she may subdue the Ga'alish opponents, Akerin casts a silence spell on the deck where the four green-clad clerics are congregated. If any have moved, he centers it so as to catch the most possible within the 15' radius (i.e., 30' diameter) sphere.

Ship2Ship Combat, Round 2  d20+6=22 d20=13 d20=10
Monday November 25th, 2002 6:58:57 AM

The magically-powered Sword of the Sea easily draws alongside the Pride of Ga'al. As one, a couple dozen grappling hooks are launched towards the starboard side of the schooner by the eager pirates of the hammership. At least 15 of the lines hold and the two vessels are now tethered together, with the pirates working quickly to secure their end of the lines.

Three boarding planks are hastily brought to bear, but the schooner's crew is able to knock one of them into the water even though most of the Pride's crew is concentrating on keeping the fire on their decks contained, if not extinguished.

Two boarding planks remain and are also secured on the Sword's side.

"Board, board, board!" hollers Captain Hawley, as he unsheathes a cutlass and holds it aloft. "Let's gut this fat hen, me hearties--follow the Wild Cards for the honor of the Jack!!!"

The party is on the port side of the Sword of the Sea within distance of the two boarding planks. The pirates who've secured the lines and the boards look eagerly to you to lead them in their boarding of the Pride.

Anyone clambering across the boarding planks in order to get onto the enemy schooner must make Dexterity check versus DC10 to avoid falling off the plank and into the water between the ships. Those who have the Balance skill, Knowledge (seafaring) skill and/or Profession (sailor) skill can use those skill totals to add to their roll. If your PC fails the initial check and possesses Tumbling as a chosen skill, then your PC can roll a Tumbling check versus DC10 to see if they recover from their potential fall with a snazzy tumbling-like maneuver. Failure of that check means it's into the drink with your PC.

Anyone who makes a Spot check versus DC15 will notice that the spellcasters who'd hit the hammership with their Searing Light spells have all disappeared from the upper decks.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Monday November 25th, 2002 11:34:25 AM

Sheathing his dagger for a seond, Ari Jumps up on the boarding plank and scurries into a position where he can help those without spider climb come across. (If it means that Ari is on the other ship and is just a hand for people to grab for, then that's where he'll be)

ooc Donna. Let me know if Spider climb does not negate the dex check you stated in your post.

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, Rage, str 25, AC 18, HP 63)  d20+6=22 d20+3=22 d20+13=19 2d4(2+1)+11=14 d6=2
Monday November 25th, 2002 2:40:44 PM

[balace check dc 22m spot check dc 22]

Valanthe runs across the far plank (away from the fire)as nimble as a breeze. About halfway across her scythe starts to glow with psionic energy. The elven maiden shouts a battle cry to challenge anybody on the other ship who might dare to stand against her. As she steps onto the other deck, Valanthe swings and cuts down the first enemy she encounters.
[hit ac 19 for 16 dmg. current str bonus is +7. times that by 1.5 gives 10 and the magical bonus makes 11]

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+10=23 d20+6=25 d20+8=13 d6=3
Monday November 25th, 2002 3:43:01 PM

As soon as the ships are secured and the Captian gives the order to baord Appolo jumps and fires his bow one more time. He then follows Valanthe across the blank notching another arrow as he does so. That's when he notices the Priests are gone."The Priests are gone!!" he yells"Watch your backs they might be invisible" After that he drops his bow draws his shot sword and dassins dagger.
Appolo also stays away from the fire.

Attach roll 13 dmg3

Balance 23,Spot 25

Rigging  d20+7=11
Monday November 25th, 2002 7:32:38 PM

Rigging will cast his sleep spell on the largest concentration of enemy sailors/soldiers that he sees. He wants to help clear the way for the boarding party. He will then start looking for spell users.

(spot check of 11)

Redux (Spectral Hand)  d4=4 d20+4=22 d20+6=23 d6+2=3
Monday November 25th, 2002 11:30:54 PM

(ooc d4=4 roll for Spectral Hand's hit points.)

Redux accepts the ring from Ashira. He then casts Ghoul Touch and sends the spectral hand in search of a target. 'Rats' is his immediate thought of the missing spell casters (spot=22); those would have made the best targets. 'Talon,' he calls, 'see if you can spot where those spell casters went.' To the Captain, "Those back-stabbing spell casters have gone missing; be careful, Sir." His attention returns to the hand and finds his first target within a group of the Pride's crew (hit ac=23)making a stinking beacon (paralized for 3 rounds) in the middle of some of the foulest retching known to seafaring.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+9=27 d20+8=18
Monday November 25th, 2002 11:46:11 PM

The invisible half-elf smiles an invisible smile as she nimbly sprints across the plank and onto the Pride (Dex+Prof=27). She too notes that the spellcasters have disappeared (Spot=18). She sticks close to Ari as she unsheathes her swords and tries to locate the spellcasters once more.

Bart (resist elements, fire; ac 22 hp 45)  d20+3=16 d20+3=5 d20+11=26 d10+7=11
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 1:35:47 AM

Bart goes easily over the boarding planks, but he is unaware the priest disapeared from the upper decks. He fights his way towards the spot where he saw them for the last time (ac 26 for 11).

Akerin (AC 19, HP 43)  d20+10=12
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 5:27:48 AM

Akerin casts sanctuary on himself, hoping to be able to focus his attention on healing his mates, or others, should the need arise. Then he follows his companions across the plank.

Were it not for his time already spent acquiring his sea legs (profession: sailor 7), and the nimbleness he developed in his training as a monk, he might have gone into the drink (12 for plank crossing) as he followed after Appolo.

The cleric heads in the direction he observed the priests descend to the hold, net in one hand, a round object in the other. He avoids the flames, if possible.

Ship2Ship Combat Round 3 (DM Donna)  d20+6=17 d20=20
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 7:36:13 AM

The crew of the Sword of the Sea enthusiastically swarm onto the burning deck of the wallowing schooner, blades at the ready. Once the pirates come aboard, however, the blundering crew of the Pride seems to galvanize and put up a bit more of a fight:

The fire engulfing the aftmost mast is contained, though not completely put out--the sail has been loosed so that it falls to the deck in a sudden, ungainly heap. Everyone in the party except Ari needs to roll a Reflex save versus DC15 or be buried under the falling canvas. Anyone failing the save by more than 5 must roll another Reflex save (can't use your Dex bonus on this roll, however) versus DC15 or suffer 10hp damage from the unexpectedly heavy rig.

Val cuts down a few of the enemy sailors; Appolo's arrows find homes in a few more; Rigging's spell fells almost half-a-dozen fire-fighting hands; and Ashira watches Ari's back as he clings to the side of the Pride and lends a hand to the last of the boarding pirates from the hammership.

Redux squints skyward, spotting Talon as the wily owl hoots and circles downward, clearly indicating the portside door in the stern castle of the schooner. Indeed--Bart and Akerin are skirting around what's left of the mast-fire and making their way towards that particular door, too.

Obviously, all three of them feel that the portside door is the one that the clerics have disappeared into.

Rigging  d20+8=20 d20+3=16 d20+7=14
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 8:54:06 AM

[OOC: Made my reflex roll (20) for canvas but don't think I need to because I haven't boarded the ship yet. Second roll was dex roll (16) to cross over, 16. 3rd roll was spot check (14).]

Rigging doesn't see any obvious spell casters, so he pulls rapier and dagger and heads over to the enemy ship. He gracefully crosses the boarding planks without a hitch, noting the falling sails. If any of his comrades get stuck under it and he notices, he will go assist them. He keeps looking around for targets worthy of his attention and will defend himself from any sailors from the Pride of Ga'al who attack him.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+6=26
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 12:51:39 PM

The warrior deftly dodges (Ref=26) the falling sail and whispers into Ari's ear "I think it's time for us to get moving." She spots Bart and Akerin heading toward the door, and decides to lend a hand. She whispers once more to Ari before she takes off "I'm going to help Bart and Akerin. Tell Rigging when he gets over here." Weighing her options, Ashira decides to skirt in between the fires in order to get to the door faster.

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+9=16
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 7:34:27 PM

Appolo just avoids the falling sail, barely. He watches as Bart and Akerin head around the fire. Appolo decides to stay with Valanthe, he will follow her and fight defensively, trying to keep her from getting herself surrounded. He will only make attacks of opportunity at the moment. Appolo is in his kill 'em all and let Ga'al sort 'em out mode. He won't be taking prisoners.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 12:58:55 AM

A look of concern crosses Ari's face as the sail falls and settles to the deck. Seeing that Riggings has come over he comments, "Everyone is following Bart's lead. You might want to catch u and I'll try to keep our backs."

Having seen the sail fall, Ari tries to determine if anyone of the boarding party got caught under the sail. If there is a need, Ari has no problem as he goes around the sail, to cut the sail to help untangle his shipmates.

Bart bulls strength (21) AC 22, HP 45  d20+13=15 d10+8=10 d20+3=16
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 1:57:12 AM

Bart goes further to the door, avoids the falling canvas, attacks someone who is in his path while avoiding attacks of others (mobility +4 AC to attack of opp) (ac 15 for 10).
(OOC: Forgot that Rigging has cast a bull strength on Bart, also I don't know where Bart gets the resist elements from)
[Akerin earlier cast resist elements, fire on Bart -Kim]

Redux-Mage Armor (AC=19)  d20+2=10
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 2:20:15 AM

Redux grits his teeth at the news about the spellcasters; they just had to take the fight below deck. That makes the going much tougher; he also wasn't planning on traversing to the other ship, knowing he'd fall in the water before getting across the plank. He calls to the Captain not to sink the Pride too soon, they must go below the deck to get the spellcasters. Time to check out this ring of Ashira's--he considers the ring, putting it on, and wills to float, trying to gauge the intensity and controllability of the effect. When he settles back to the deck, he casts Mage Armor on himself. Then with the confidence of being able to stay dry should he fall, he takes to the plank and shuffles across it (dex=10) -- just made it. Breathing a bit easier he pulls out his dagger and steels himself to cross between the burning sections.

Ship2Ship Combat Round 4 (DM Donna)  d20+6=21 d20=2
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 8:41:58 AM

The clang of steel versus steel still rings through the air as the battle between the schooner crew and the pirates grows more pitched, but with most of the crew concentrating on containing more of the fire before the ship sinks, the pirates are basically killing at will.

"Overpower, me hearties!" bellows Captain Hawley. "We don't need too many corpses...yet!" The half-elf nods to Rigging. "Ye'll want to stop them spellcasters anyway ye can, though--go for it...me crew an' myself will mop up the regular hands." With this, Hawley bounds across the deck towards the bridge of the ship, leaving Rigging and Redux near the boarding planks.

Akerin and Bart find more of a challenge in walking against the rolling of the deck rather than any of the schooner's sailors actively attacking either of them. Valanthe and Appolo are on the pair's heels, easily driving off the attacks of the two or three crewmembers who try to stop them. Ari brings up the rear of the line to the port door, becoming directly responsible for shuffling off the mortal coil of two more attackers.

Ashira (still invisible) doesn't have to travel as far as the others to get to the portside door, but she's slowed a bit because she has to dodge the fire-fighting sailors who continue to fight the fire that still threatens the aftmost mast and the top of the stern castle.

She can see that she will reach the portside door just a second or two before the other five Wild Cards making for that doorway. All six of them will be at the door in the next round.

Valanthe  d20+7=23
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 11:05:58 AM

Val runs forward and tries to kick the door open. (str check 23)

If the door opens:
Val rushes inside looking for a torso to plant her scythe in.

If the door doesn't open:
Val stands there dumbfounded.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69) 
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 11:52:32 AM

Making it to the door before the others, Ashira decides to try and even the score. She reasons that the priests will probably have a nasty surprise waiting on the other side of the door. As Val approaches she says, "Hey, stand back, I'm gonna open the door."

Standing on the opposite side of the door, essentially using it as a shield, Ashira opens the door quickly.

[OOC: Val got her post in before I could do mine. I figure that since Ashira gets to the door first, she ought to have the first shot at opening it.]

Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:01:33 PM

Talon circles the ships locked in combat. "Wow look at all those rats running from the burning ship onto the other. I am gonna eat good tonight."

Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:04:12 PM

Rigging makes his way over towards his comrades. He fends off anyone coming towards him and will kill any sailor who gets in his way. He looks around for another entrance to the below decks. He doesn't want his people to run straight into a trap. Sending a couple invisible flankers sounds like a good idea to him.

Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:09:43 PM

Concern flashes across Ari's face as he thinks as to where all eight of the priests went. As he passes by some of the others in the crew (not wild cards) Ari comments, "If it can be managed, have someone close and watch the door behind us. I'm concerned whether some of the priests may be invisible some how, and might try to catch us between them by following behind us. So if you see the door open and it's not us, or some human on board this ship, then you know they're invisible somehow. Be prepared also, in case they might try to teleport back up here, in case they're trying to trap us below somehow. Stay on your toes, and good luck, mate!" Having said that, Ari then proceeds to follow the wild cards below decks.

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+6=15 d20+3=6 d20+3=4
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:19:25 PM

Appolo follows Valanthe keeping a sharp eye out for anything suspicious.

Spot 15, Search 6, Listen 4

Redux-Mage Armor (AC=19)  d20+4=15
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 11:01:01 PM

Redux begins to hustle over to where he sees the hatch where everyone else is. Passing the burning door, Redux considers that might be a better way to surprise those below, if only they could get in it. He pauses to see how badly the door might be damaged (spot=15) by the flames and if he considers it possible to break down easily he will pass along the information to the rest of the group and suggest that they split up to go into the hull. He weighs the options and then asks if there is a spell anyone might have to allow him to pass the flames without being hurt.

Bart [bulls strength (21); endure elements, fire; AC 22; HP 45]  d20+13=28 d10+8=13
Thursday November 28th, 2002 1:51:38 AM

Bart is still going towards the door attacking anyone who is coming into his path (ac 28 for 13).

Akerin (AC 19; HP 43)  d20+7=16 d20+4=16
Thursday November 28th, 2002 5:45:33 AM

The monk slips past the burning sailcloth (16), and completes the curved route to the hatch. Whether Ashira or Valanthe open the hatch, Akerin will enter. He descends the ladder, be it Jacob's or companion, or more prosaic stairs, and once dropped down the hatch below the bridge, tumbles (16) to one side or another so as to avoid any initial attacks perhaps aimed his way. He looks to see who or what is there. He still has his net in hand.

Who's On First..? (DM Donna)  d20+6=26 d20=15
Sunday December 1st, 2002 7:47:06 AM

The battle between buccaneers and the Pride's crew continues, with the Pirates of Jack handily beating down all opposition.

A few more of the sailors attempt to drive off the Wild Cards from reaching the portside door. The attacks from the less-than-expert deckhands, however, are easily repulsed by the seasoned fighting skills of Akerin, Bart, Val, Appolo and Ari--and eight more followers of Ga'al are dispatched to the Halls of Judgement.

The minor skirmish is enough to delay Val long enough so that Ashira is, indeed, the first one to reach the door and open it, revealing an empty companionway with three other doors besides the one that is now open. (OOC: expect an email with the latest map about this.)

Still no sign of those disappearing clerics.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69) 
Sunday December 1st, 2002 5:03:57 PM

The half-elf shrugs her invisible shoulders and whispers back through the doorway in Elven "There's no one in here. I'm going to open one of the other doors. Stay back." Ashira moves to the door on the right and once again opens it using the door as a shield for her body.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 12:38:05 AM

Ari does his best to bring up the rear. If there are any from the crew that need any kind of help, Ari assists. Ari is very nervous about what the priests are doing.

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, Rage, str 25, AC 18, HP 63) 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 3:08:26 PM

Needing a place to channel her anger, Val stomps on a couple of unconcious sailors.

OOC: I believe that this is round three of five for her rage.

Monday December 2nd, 2002 3:15:47 PM

Rigging hurries to catch up with the others. "We need to use some caution folks. Let me detect for magic." Rigging will pull out his wand and do just that.

Appolo HP:36,AC:21 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 7:22:43 PM

Appolo is fuming, he doesn't want to be here in the first place. He remains silent and sticks close to Valanthe, following right behind her.

Redux-Mage Armor (AC=19) 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 10:17:57 PM

Redux gets to the entrance and stays close to the wall, looking out onto the chaos around, staying close to the fighters should any of the Pride's crew come at them. He takes the moment while Rigging and Appolo look for traps to drink a potion of invisibility. Looking at the position of Appolo, Redux inquires of his success at finding any traps. Then he adds, "Sure, it would be safer to just burn the ship around them, but then we wouldn't find what they are carrying. Isn't this what you hero types do all of the time?"

Lookin' For Trouble? (DM Chris) 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 1:47:41 AM

As Ashira backs away from the door, the unmistakable smell of the privy fills the corridor, and even seeps out doors to waft in the air about the rest of the group. Glancing over to the other two doors, Ashira notices, much to her chagrin, that they both open in rather than out. Rigging detects no magic in his near vicinity. Well, unless you count the potion of invisibility that Redux consumes just prior to achieving a state of transparency.

Outside, the fight wages on between the pirates and the crew of 'The Pride of Ga'al,' though strangely enough, none of the 'pride's' crew members seem interested in tangling with you heroes.

Talon circles overhead, watching the fight, though helpless to assist from this height.

Akerin (Sanctuary) 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 5:19:34 AM

Akerin pushes open the door to the left. He is prepared to enter, descend if possible, or tumble left or right, depending upon what is on the other side of the door.

Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 4:22:05 PM

Seeing the battle is just about over, Val sits on a nearby crate to catch her breath. The adrenaline fades and fatigue creeps into her muscles.

Appolo Ac 21 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 7:31:06 PM

Seeing Valanthe sit looking tired, Appolo becomes concerned and steps up to her, kneeling
down. "Are you ok?" he asks with a concerned look on his face.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+4=21
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 10:08:05 PM

Again, in Elvin tells Rigging and others behind her what's she's about to do, "I'm going to lie on my back and try to kick in this other door. Don't step on me." (Str=16)

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=28)  d20+4=16 d20+6=25
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 10:15:57 PM

Seeing the close quarters inside and the reaction of the Pride's crew Redux gets a very funny feeling. To no one in particular, "This has "trap" written all over it." He scans the opposite side of the ship looking for another way into the hold (spot=16)(a door, trap door, etc.) To Talon, "Hey, any other openings to the inside you can see from up there? Any signs of those spell caster types (spot=25)?"

Rigging hps 43 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 10:50:58 PM

Rigging calls out, "Either we go down fast and hard and hit them hard or we pull back and reassess. Fighters? What is your opinion since you will be leading the charge?"

What's Behind Door Number... (DM Chris) 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 2:29:58 AM

Akerin pushes the door open, revealing what appears to be the officer's mess. There is a long beautiful stained-wood dining table, and matching chairs that are scattered about the room as if hastily cast aside.

The middle door comes flying open, as Ashira kicks into it from her back. The remainder of the party sees a room with a number of comfortable looking beds, all made up, an open and empty trunk lying at the foot of each. These are in disarray as well, as though emptied quickly of their contents.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 4:45:24 AM

Following up in the rear of the group, Ari watches as the rest of the group assess what they want to do in approaching the interior of the ship. Looking around and waiting for the others to crowd in, Ari helps out with the crew in any way he can.

Wednesday December 4th, 2002 12:44:29 PM

Bart enters through the left door and looks around

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20-2=14 d20+8=19 d20+5=7 d20+10=26
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 1:14:19 PM

Picking herself up off the floor, the half-elf is confused that she hasn't fond the priests yet. Moving at half her speed, Ashira enters the room with the door that she just kicked in, and begins to examine it for any signs of the priests.

OOC (Move Silently=14, Spot=19, Listen=7, Search=26)

Wednesday December 4th, 2002 5:21:32 PM

Val looks over at Appolo. "Don't worry about me. Letting loose like I did is great for a short time but it wears me out. I'm just catching my breath."

Appolo Ac 21 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 7:34:26 PM

Appolo looks her over. "Are you sure? I'll wait until you're ready to proceed." He then hands her his waterskin. "Here drink some water."

Rigging (hps 43 ac 14 ) 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 10:23:02 PM

"I guess we are going in." Rigging follows.

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 43)  d20+4=23 d20+4=13
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 11:05:52 PM

The monk steps forward, pivots right to leap up, performs a shoulder roll across the length of the table, and finishes his tumbling maneuver by bringing his feet down on the cabin floor on the opposite end of the table [tumble 23]. He scans for other passages from this room [spot 13], glancing also briefly under the table. Then he notices the door at the opposite end of the table he just traversed.

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28)  d20+2=19
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 11:43:34 PM

Redux passes the middle door and continues to the officer's mess. He activates his ring of levitation and begins to use his hands to walk along the ceiling. He remembers having a priest of Ga'al hide invisible on the ceiling; as a matter of fact, that's where this ring came from. He is cautious and at the first sign of contact, he will drop to the floor and call attention to what/who he just found. (search=19)
He calls to Talon to fly inside and help with the search.

Water, water everywhere... and not a priest to kill... (DM Chris) 
Thursday December 5th, 2002 3:26:52 AM

Entering into the bed chamber, Ashira begins looking around, and finds no sign of those pesky priests of Ga'al... however, she does catch sight of... wait... whats that? A secret door, that leads to... the officer's mess, where everyone else is currently having their own look-about.

In the officer's mess, things look somewhat disheveled. All is quite ordinary however, until Akerin's gaze passes briefly under the table, and the monk realizes that there is a faint outline of something awfully door-like underneath the rug upon which the table is now resting.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Thursday December 5th, 2002 8:27:54 AM

Not liking the idea of having the party split up for too long, Ashira decides to head through the hidden door. Before she opens the door, though, she shouts "Friend" in Elven so that hopefully her family will realize it is her entering the room, and not an enemy.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=28)  d20+2=18 d20+1=20
Thursday December 5th, 2002 11:40:16 PM

Redux quickly thinks to Talon, "Where are you? What's going on up there?" He recognizes the voice and so makes no move to block Ashira. Besides, Akerin has found something interesting so he too takes a look (spot=18). He directs the others to quickly grab corners of the table and to try to maneuver the table to the side, working together (strength=20, adrenalin is sometimes very useful). Then they will uncover the door and proceed with caution. "Appolo, you're good with traps, you should take the lead. Do you want invisibility or tough it out it out in the shadows?" If Appolo chooses, he will use his scroll to cast invisibility onto Appolo.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+3=18 d20+6=25 d20+10=29 d20+11=26 d20+6=22
Friday December 6th, 2002 2:25:12 AM

When the others discover a trap door under the table and Redux calla out for him, Appolo asks Valanthe, "Are you sure you're going to be ok? I gotta go." Appolo makes his way over to the trap door once it is exposed he gets his tools out and examines the door. looking for traps, locks etc. If he finds any he disables the traps and opens the door quickly and quietly. He also asks everyone to be quiet. After quickly opening the door he will tumble backward away from.

Move Silently 26, Search 18,Disable Device 25,
Open Lock 29, Tumble 22.

Descent into Darkness (DM Chris) 
Friday December 6th, 2002 3:00:10 AM

Finding no traps, Appolo easily opens the trapdoor, revealing a darkened secret hold. Light from above reveals a floor about fifteen feet below you, however there is no obvious way to get down; no ladder, no rope, no nothing. In the shadows, you see that the space below is clear. A strange smell wafts up from beneath... a smell reminiscent of some kind of strong preservative, developed in an alchemical laboratory. Dust rides the currents of air, descending through the motes of light that pierce the darkness below, from your open portal.

Friday December 6th, 2002 8:38:04 AM

Val walks over and stands near the trap door watching with interest.

Appolo Ac 21 
Friday December 6th, 2002 7:54:14 PM

Appolo rolls away from the hole then comes up quickly. Noticing Valanthe walk up to the hatchway and look down, he quickly reaches out and grabs her. "Be careful -- you're a perfect target looking into the hole like that," he says as pulls her away.

Appolo then quickly picks up his tools and starts getting his rope ready. "Redux, Rigging -- either of you got a fireball handy?" He then begins to tie one end of the rope to something solid. "Oh yeah, Redux, I could use that invisibility scroll right now, if you please. Thank you. I'm going in first."

Friday December 6th, 2002 11:52:24 PM

As Appolo fiddles with the rope, Akerin pulls out a stick, the end of which shines brightly. "No fireballs, please," he says. He leans over the hole, poking the stick down and to one side. From the shed light, he looks to see more clearly what lies in the hold. If a good landing place looks available, he drops down below, holding to the edge of the trap door with one hand, and swinging a bit if the best landing place is off to one side or another. The tall man's feet before he drops are only about seven or eight feet above the floor below, and he uses his monk-taught skills to help ensure a safe landing.

Saturday December 7th, 2002 11:52:56 AM

"Take care Akerin... How deep is it?" Bart looks around for a candle, lamp or torch and lights it -- if he can find it of course.

Hold on here... whats in the Hold... (DM Chris) 
Monday December 9th, 2002 12:21:26 AM

Sliding down, Apollo reaches the floor of the hold, and is joined shortly by Akerin, who lands lightly on his feet. They find themselves in some kind of 'secret hold,' and stand in a small fifteen foot wide by 20 foot long clear spot. Extending out from them in every direction are rows of neatly stacked boxes, leaving narrow aisles between them. It would be a simple matter for someone wearing light or no armor to move down these aisles, however, moving through them wearing medium or heavy armor could be difficult. The boxes themselves are large and heavy looking. (OOC: Requires an Escape Artist check [DC 10] if wearing medium or heavy armor to move amongst the boxes; Akerin and Apollo may make listen and spot checks please).

Akerin  d20+5=24 d20+4=15 d20+4=11
Monday December 9th, 2002 1:49:31 AM

[Listen 24, spot 15]

Should Akerin hear or notice anything in particular, he will signal using hand motions (e.g., one hand to ear, and indicating with his chin the direction of the sound) so that Appolo or those looking down from above may understand.

He steps, as quietly as he might (not too quietly, it turns out, with an 11 for move silently), toward any sound. If he hears none, then he moves sternward to the edge of the boxes to get a better look. He checks to see whether the boxes appear uniform in size and configuration, or as an assortment of various types. Any visible labeling? And is there a clear source for the alchemical dust perceived on opening the trap door? He hopes someone is keeping a watch out for any who might enter the conference room above.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+3=16 d20+6=17 d20+3=10 d20+10=23 d20+11=12 d20+11=31
Monday December 9th, 2002 8:26:21 AM

Appolo is slightly irritated to find Akerin standing next, but says nothing. He quickly draws his short sword and assassins dagger under his cloak. All the while keeping his ears and eyes open for anything or anyone that might be dangerous. He slips quickly and silently in to the darkness, shaking his head as Akerin rather noisily makes his way down the aisle. He follows behind sticking to the shadows.

Listen 16, Spot 17, Search 10, Move Silently 23
Used Hero Point. Rerolled Hide. 31

Monday December 9th, 2002 8:32:38 AM

Muttering, "This stinks of heart seeds, I think," Ari will post lookout above the hole as the others search the hole.

Monday December 9th, 2002 9:51:18 PM

Rigging follows the crowd, keeping a watch behind them making sure that no one jumps them from behind.

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28) 
Monday December 9th, 2002 11:23:17 PM

Redux is momentarily glad he is still invisible. He reactivates the levitation ring and floats up to the ceiling, still mindful of finding unexpected guests residing there as well.

Calling, yet again to Talon, "Hey, is there a problem up there?" He feels for contact with the feathered friend, sure he would have felt something had there been a problem.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+8=10 d20+5=11
Monday December 9th, 2002 11:37:07 PM

The half-elf moves in close to the party and watches as Akerin and Appolo scout out the area. She wishes she could be down there helping out, but is afraid it would get too crowded down there. She keeps an eye out for any signs of trouble (Spot=10, Listen=11).

Freeze... (DM Chris)  d20+9=21
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 12:23:37 AM

Apollo and Akerin both notice that while the majority of the boxes and crates are stacked, albeit neatly, to the top of the hold, there are a number of stacks in a row (noted in green on your map) that are only four feet in height. Oddly enough, all is quiet down here, and it is hard to hear anything over the combat thumping outside, above you. Without warning, three of the aforementioned clerics appear, fading into view, as if from invisibility. (OOC: Apollo, Akerin, and Rigging must all make Will saves DC 17 or be held (hold person). Since they surprised you successfully, you don't get the opportunity to cry out should you fail your saving throw. At this point the group above can only see Rigging standing in the light below.)

Akerin (uh, doesn't his sanctuary spell make a difference?)  d20+12=19 d20+5=17
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 1:08:45 AM

Akerin shrugs off the spell effects (Will save 19). "Three of them down here!" he calls up cheerfully. "Take those," he says to Appolo with an urgency in his voice, indicating those back by Rigging, hoping his sharp glance will warn the rogue to step away from what he is about to do.

He pulls a feather forth, and throws it on to the shorter box nearest the spellcaster next to the starboard (port?) hull (C2) [ranged touch on (AC 10?) box, hitting AC 17]. He shoves the taller row of boxes next to him to push diagonally towards the centerline into the shorter row beyond, then steps back in anticipation of rapid arboreal growth.

The feather, when it lands on the box, is one of Quaal's feather tokens -- this one immediately turns into a 60' tall tree, punching up through the ceiling and decking above, and spreading its roots instantaneously into the hold, pushing trunk and roots into invisible or visible clerics and cargo nearby.

[OOC: We're towards the stern, are we not?]

Valanthe (bull's strength, AC 20) 
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 1:21:16 AM

Taking the few minutes to rest helped Val a great deal. Though still a bit tired she's no longer fatigued and out of breath. When the warning is shouted below, Val doesn't hesitate as she grabs the rope and slides down below.

Rigging hps 43  d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d20+11=28
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 8:51:00 AM

Rigging feels the spell enter his mind, but another voice shouts, "If you yield to it, you are dead!"

Rigging activates his own ring of invisibility, and tumbles away to the north and stern part of the boat landing adroitly on his feet. He will move silently towards C3 for a backstab next round.

OOC 24 save for will, 24 skill check for tumble, and 28 move silent skill check. I am sure I will roll a 2 and 3 for my attack rolls next round :-(

Appolo  d20+2=5
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 4:52:21 PM

Appolo suddenly finds himself unable to move, and silently curses to himself, thinking, 'Thank Alemi I'm still hidden.'

[Will 5 failed.]

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 6:40:10 PM

"What's happening down there? Need some help???"

[OOC: Is there enough room down below?]

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 6:54:56 PM

"Room enough!" shouts Akerin back to Bart's question. "Problems!"

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 9:43:15 PM

Hearing Akerin's cry for help, and seeing the tree burst through the floor, Ashira climbs down the rope after Valanthe and unsheathes her swords when she gets to the bottom.

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28) 
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 11:34:23 PM

Hearing the call for help, Redux maneuvers himself above the hole in the floor and then casts Vampiric Touch in preparation of moving down.

Wednesday December 11th, 2002 12:07:21 AM

Ari does his best to move closer to the hatchway. He'll keep an eye out on the room, as the rest of the pary seems to respond to the call for help.

Taking Root... (DM Chris)  d20+10=25 d20+10=19
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 1:54:47 AM

Indeed, the tree smashes through the low-lying boxes, spilling heartseeds everywhere. The strange critters writhe slowly back and forth, as they spill out into the hold. The roots of the tree make the floor within 10 feet a tangled mess, and the upper branches strain against the ceiling as a creaking and snapping sound is heard from the boards that direction.

Wanting to stifle the troublesome hero, the tall human cleric (C1) utters a quick spell, attempting yet again to ensare Akerin in a hold person enchantment. Meanwhile, having lost track of Rigging, the young looking half elf cleric (C3)casts the same spell on Valanthe.

Meanwhile, the comely human female cleric of Ga'al that managed to stop Apollo in his tracks makes her way to his side quickly, and annoyed that Akerin managed to shrug off the spell last round, cast by her colleague, casts hold person on him as well.

(OOC: Both clerics casting on Akerin made their saving throws against his sanctuary spell. Akerin needs to make 2 successful Will saving throws, and Valanthe 1 in order to remain unheld. The DC for all is 17).

Akerin (Sanctuary?)  d20+12=17 d20+12=17 d20+5=9
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 4:42:03 AM

"Right kind of you to try to share," he tells the priestess, as he steps so that he is next both to her and Appolo. He tosses his net, but he aims to too far to the right (AC 9, ranged touch attack), as his foot lost momentary purchase, competing for traction with a symbiotic parasite. The spells fail to affect him, and he retains his mobility, for the nonce.

[OOC: Isn't C2 somewhat rooted by the new tree? The tree feather landed on the box immediately adjacent to her (before her move). Thought that might put her out of action for a while, at least. Whew, and he-he! - both saves made on the nose! And, did any of the boxes in front land on the boxes in the second, green row? Just checkin'.]

Chris - no the tree isn't an entangle spell... just a tree... and now an obstacle.

Rigging hps 43 invisible  d20+11=27 d20+10=29 d20+7=9 d20+7=22 d6+1=4 d4+1=4 d6=4 d6=3 d6=3 d6=5
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 9:44:32 AM

Rigging moves silently up to the half elven cleric (c3) and tries to sneak attacks him.

OOC 27 move silent roll, 29 rapier roll, first roll for holy dagger was a 9 but used a hero point and rerolled a 22. If both attacks were successful and the sneak attacks were successful, Rigging inflicted 23 points of damage. Gave myself +2 for being invisible/flanking. Not sure if 29 is a critical hit so didn't roll extra damage.

Appolo Ac 21 
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 10:12:08 AM

Appolo stands like a statue unable to move silently fuming and wishing Akerin would just smack the witch. Anyone who looks at him can tell he's furious and definitely wants kill something.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 12:48:29 PM

Seeing Appolo in trouble, Ashira decides to come to his aid. She reaches into her pack and removes her potion of remove paralysis. After she finds the potion, Ashira draws her longsword and holds the potion in her left hand. She walks toward Appolo, intent on pouring the potion down his lips once she reaches him.

Valanthe (bull's strength, AC 20)  d20+3=21 d20+9=16
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 6:41:08 PM

Val fights off the effect of the spell [will save 21] and spots C1 close by. She turns and slashes with her crystal scythe [hit ac 16]

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28) 
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 11:38:32 PM

Redux wills himself down and thru the hole, passing by those still at the mouth opening. As he brushes past them he whispers 'Invisible mage coming thru.' As he passes thru the opening he catches his hand on it and swings himself forward while sending moves the Spectral Hand away from him at a 90-degree angle (can't have anything pointing to at him with a big sign reading 'invisible mage here'). He surveys the scene and picks a target to attack and chooses C2 for a drain.

Do Ya Feel Lucky? (DM Chris)  d20+3=14 d20+5=22 3d6(4+3+6)=13
Thursday December 12th, 2002 2:02:32 AM

Akerin's impressive display of willpower leaves him free from enchantment, but apparently it took more concentration than he thought as his net falls short of the sneering female cleric and manages to ensare Apollo, frozen in his held state.

As Rigging had to move to get there, he only gets a single swing. However, the blow lands solidly in the back of the half elf cleric of Ga'al. Unfortunately Rigging also becomes visible.

Ashira reaches Apollo and may use her potion this next round. The cocky female cleric is oblivious to Ashira's presence as she focuses on Akerin.

Valanthe swings, and the sturdy lookin human male cleric brings his shield up to block the blow with ease.

Redux however, easily makes contact with the troublesome female cleric and gains 13 hps for his trouble. Her body convulses slighly as she comes under the effect of his vampiric touch, and the floating wizard becomes visible as his attack goes off.

(OOC: My turn next post)

Do Ya Feel Lucky? (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+16=34 d6+11=15 d20+12=20 d6+10=12 d20+12=13 d20+14=33 d6+10=11
Thursday December 12th, 2002 2:21:34 AM

Cleric 1 hefts a nasty looking mace and swings at Valanthe, hitting her soundly in the shoulder. An unnerving crunch is heard. (Valanthe, C1 hits AC 34 for 15 hps.)

Cleric 2 sneers at Redux, now visible in the room, and casts hold person on the wily wizard. (Redux, make a Will save DC 17 or be held.)

Cleric 3 grimaces at the wound Rigging dealt him, and whips around to address the problem with the blunt of his mace. (Struck Rigging with an AC 20 blow for 12 hps damage.)

Another cleric (C4) materializes as if from invisibility as she brings her mace down upon Valanthe's unsuspecting person. Though in her excitment, her swing is wide, missing Valanthe completely. (Drat those natural 1's.)

Yet another cleric (C5) materializes as if from invisibility as he brings his mace down upon Akerin from behind. (Akerin, hit AC 33 for 11 hps of damage.)

What...? Another cleric (C6) this time a male halfling, appears crouched up on one of the boxes, chanting and waving with his eyes upon Rigging, whom he casts hold person on. (Rigging, make a Will save DC 17 or be held.)

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Thursday December 12th, 2002 2:57:57 AM

Temporarily forgetting about his magical abilities, Ari remembers that he has spider climb cast upon himself. Doing his best not to be noticed, Ari climbs upside down into the lower hold. Preparing his weapons, Ari gets ready to engage the priests.

ooc let me know if I can have an attack on anyone.

Akerin (AC 19, hp 43, or hp 32, if C5 is repositioned by where the monk is)  d20+5=22 d6+2=4 d20+12=25
Thursday December 12th, 2002 5:32:12 AM

Since Akerin had moved (see prior post) to stand in front of Cleric #2*, he lowers his shoulder, driving into her midriff (AC 21), and pushes her back, lifting her up and tossing her into the halfling on the box. [Not sure exactly what damage might be caused, but rolled unarmed attack damage, for 4 hp, if it applies.] If there is room, he continues moving past them, stopping before the last pair of rows of boxes (escape artist 25).

* [--And not back near C5 - please reread previous post for Akerin to see he had moved up right next to Appolo and her, and now, prior to movement would be between Ashira and the boxes lining the starboard hull. Pls see email.]

Rigging  d20+5=7 d20+5=18 d20+8=24 d20+5=10 d6+1=6
Thursday December 12th, 2002 8:39:12 AM

Rigging feels the spell take hold of his mind and almost succumbs to it but fights it off. He stabs forward with his rapier scoring a hit and tries to follow up with his dagger but misses badly.

OOC Rigging used a hero point to reroll first saving throw.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+6=17 d20+5=14 d6=5
Thursday December 12th, 2002 9:41:26 AM

(ooc didn't think i could make the touch attack this round, thanks. Also, Val is a girl.)

Redux feels the burst of the added strength just before the mental attack. 'Whoa' is the best description of what goes thru his mind at the polar opposite feelings; such a surprise. He shakes off the effects of the spell and knows he needs to press on the attack. "Bart we need you, NOW!" With that said, Redux moves himself away to a position roughly between C5 and C1 on the ceiling and casts Chill Touch. Smiling, he once again attempts to reach out and touch the female cleric (C2) (hit AC 14 for 5 points of damage, and 1 point temporary Strength loss if fail Fort. save DC 13).

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Thursday December 12th, 2002 11:33:03 AM

Ashira gently pours the potion into Appolo's mouth, and smiles as the rogue is once again free to move about the cabin. Once Appolo regains movement, Ashira begins to help unentangle him from the net.

Bart bulls strength (21) AC 22  d20+13=27 d20+11=30 d20+11=26 d10+8=14 d6+5=8 d6+5=8
Thursday December 12th, 2002 12:54:59 PM

Bart jumps with sword and dagger drawn down at the lower deck and attacks the priest in front of him (C4 hit ac 27 with sword and crit with dagger ac 26 for 14+8+8 dam)

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, AC 20)  d20+11=30 2d4(2+1)+7=10 d6=3
Thursday December 12th, 2002 4:47:57 PM

It took everything she had to hold onto her weapon. Her shoulder is throbbing badly and there are sharp pains whenever she moves it. The young elven maiden mutters off a long string of curses. Somewhere in there she utters the command word, causing her scythe to glow with psionic energy. She changes her grip and brings the scythe up in a cross-uppercut slash. [Hit AC 30 for 13 dmg]

Come on in... the water is warm... (DM Chris)  d20+8=19 d6=6
Thursday December 12th, 2002 8:40:27 PM

Spiderclimbing into the hold, Ari hangs from the ceiling and realizes that it is roughly a 15-ft. drop to the floor and that no clerics appear to be hovering at this height.

Akerin steps forward and finds himself being deflected in his attack. It is obvious to Akerin that there is some kind of magic at play. (AC 21 doesn't quite hit.)

Redux lands his chill touch, and the cleric is affected by the damage, though her strength does not wane. (Made Fort save DC 19; general note: you can only make a 5 ft. step as a move-equivalent action pulling yourself along the ceiling; You're fine this turn, but just wanted to let you know.)

The net slides right off as Ashira tugs free the now mobile Apollo. (Apollo may act this next turn).

Bart leaps down into the hold, and feels something pop in his legs as he hits the floor 15 feet below. His sword lands a solid blow upon the unsuspecting cleric. (Take 6 hps falling damage; jumping is a move equivalent, you only get your first attack)

Valanthe's blow is solid and the cleric of Ga'al grunts as she slices him good.

(OOC: My turn next post)

Come on in... the water is warm... (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+10=30 d20+10=25 2d6(6+2)+10=18 d20+19=33 d6+11=16 d20+7=19 d6+5=8 d20+11=25 d6+5=7
Thursday December 12th, 2002 9:03:58 PM

Cleric 1 lashes out at Valanthe, catching her solidly on the temple with his mace. (Critical hit for 18 hps damage)

Cleric 2 smiles as she finds herself flanking Akerin opposite Cleric 5. She pulls her mace and swings, connecting solidly with Akerin. (Akerin, C2 hits AC 33 for 16 hps damage)

Cleric 3 swings again at Rigging, clipping him good. (Hit AC 19 for 8 hps damage)

Cleric 4 steps back away from this new threat, and casts hold person at Bart. (Bart, make a Will save DC 17 or be held)

Cleric 5 swings at Akerin as well, not wanting to miss his opportunity for a flanking attack, and lands a solid blow. (Hit AC 25 for 7 hps damage on Akerin)

Cleric 6 smiles as he hops down, and peeks over the top of the boxes to cast hold person on Apollo. (Apollo make a Will save DC 17 yet again)

Another cleric appears (C7)as if fading in from invisibility as he casts hold person on Redux. (Redux make a Will save DC 17 or be held)

Another cleric appears (C8) as if fading in from invisibility as he casts blindness on Redux. (Redux make a Fortitude save DC 18 or be struck blind)

Rigging Hps 23 AC 14  d20+8=20 d20+5=21 d6+1=4 d4+1=3
Friday December 13th, 2002 12:14:47 AM

Rigging launches forth with two quick attacks hoping to put his opponent down. He stabs the cleric with the rapier and slashes with the holy dagger.

OOC. This is the first hit with the holy dagger. Not sure if it does additional damage to these clerics?

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+2=13 d20+7=22 d20+3=15 3d6(2+6+6)+4=18 d6+5=11
Friday December 13th, 2002 3:08:58 AM

Seeing the latest attack from C7 and C8, Ari quickly moves to intercept. Doing his best to line up his approach Ari jumps from the ceiling and lets himself fall in a line of sight intended to use C7 and C8 as a landing pad (rolled a tumble check of 13). Swinging his scimitar and dagger at C7 (AC 22, 15) (Damage assuming the clerics are evil- 18 (if not evil dam is 6) from scimitar - 11 from dagger) Ari does his best to land blows and his own body on cleric #7 and then knocking over cleric #8 (maybe disrupting any spells).

Appolo Ac 21  d20+2=10 d20+2=14 d20+2=7 d20+2=22 d20+7=27 d8=5 d8=3
Friday December 13th, 2002 8:34:32 AM

After being freed from the effects of the first spell and the one by Ashira, Appolo takes a couple of steps and is about to attack the nearest ******* or Witch of Ga'al, when he feels the effects of another spell stop him in his tracks. He is momentarily frozen, but he bears down with all his willpower and overcomes the spell. {Will 22} That's when he launches himself and the nearest Priest of Ga'al with the most terrifing shriek of a battle cry he can muster. Hacking into the enemy with an unholy vengeance.

OOC: Used remaining three hero points to overcome spell. Attack Roll 27 critical hit Damage 5+3+4=12.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Friday December 13th, 2002 1:24:53 PM

The invisible half-elf winces as the two solid blows smash into Akerin and decides it's time to even the score a bit. She casts Summon Nature's Ally, willing a badger to come forth and join their endeavor. Taking a step so that she moves into a flanking position with C5, Ashira unsheathes her shortsword in preparation for a full attack next round.

To speed things along (and if I'm not to do this, you can rap my knuckles, and I'll withdraw! ;) Note: that the spell description says that it takes the full round to cast, I interpret that you won't get any movement, but probably the command. Todd

The PHB says on Pg. 121 that you can take a 5 foot step before or after performing a full round action. Ashira would like to take that step.---Janell

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=7 d20+2=22 d20+11=24 d20+9=15 d20+5=8 d10+8=17 d4+3=5
Friday December 13th, 2002 2:22:34 PM

Bart shivers off the spell that has been cast on him (used hero point to reroll) and attacks the cleric in front of him with his sword and dagger. His first blow hits the cleric for 17 his dagger hits? (ac15 for 5) His second attack with his sword misses the priest.

Friday December 13th, 2002 5:32:34 PM

Talon had been circling the ships and was distracted by a school of fish he saw beneath the waves. His thoughts were on whether he might catch one, but suddenly he remembers Redux and starts winging it in his direction.

Redux  d20+8=20 d20+5=10 d20+5=11 d20+7=15 d6=3
Saturday December 14th, 2002 12:19:58 AM

Redux feels very honored that so many clerics would choose him; it's just a bit much for him to overcome. He shakes off the hold (will=20) but finds himself blinded above the crowd (fort=11, used hero point on the re-roll). He remembers so very clearly where that cleric is that he's been after and so makes a blind attack at her with the spectral hand and the chill touch spell (ac=15 for 3 pts dmg and --1 to strength vs. dc=13) (ooc I'll leave the chance to miss for you to resolve, Chris).

Akerin (AC 19, hp 9)  d20+19=36
Saturday December 14th, 2002 5:43:55 AM

[Am assuming from Appolo's post that he is going after C5.]

Maintaining his focus on the cleric before him (C2), Akerin realizes he cannot take another such blow from her. As he takes the spiked chain from off his hip, he tells her, "You've a formidable swing, m'lady." With a twist of his hips, the chain lashes out, wrapping itself around her mace [disarm 36*]. He snaps back on the spiked chain, causing her mace to whip out of her hands (if all goes well). "Now, you're not planning to heartseed a continent, are you?"

Inwardly, he prays to Alemi to grant him and his ... friends, not just companions, now, a good victory over these corrupters of the flesh. And he hopes Appolo does well.

* [BAB +4, +1 spiked chain, +2 weapon disarm bonus, +4 two hands, and +8 (+4 for each weapon size category larger - her 1d6 implies the light mace, the spiked chain is a large-size weapon). Roll 17+4+1+2+4+8=36. Also, as a healer, Akerin has improved disarm, so his action does not provoke an attack of opportunity, nor does his opponent have a chance to disarm him. -Kim]

Valanthe  d20+11=28 2d4(4+4)+7=15 d6=1
Saturday December 14th, 2002 10:50:07 AM

Val grunts with the blow and staggers back a couple of steps. Grinning in determination she slices with her scythe. [hit ac 28 for 16 dmg]

Deep in it... the hold that is... (DM Chris)  2d6(2+6)=8 d6=3 d100=21 d20+11=15
Sunday December 15th, 2002 11:18:19 PM

Rigging's rapier swings wide, though his holy dagger strikes true causing great pain to his foe. (OOC: Total 11 hps - I rolled the extra damage for ya this times.)

Ari drops from the ceiling, and doesn't quite get his feet around in time to catch himself, though he does manage to knock the two clerics to the ground as he hits. (Ari takes 3 hps from falling, as do his opponents)

Cleric 2 staggers a step as Appolo launches into her with his mighty attack.

Though Ashira can't squeeze her way into a flanking position, she gets close. At the end of the round, her badger appears as noted on the round 5 map.

Bart's sword strikes the cleric (1) a mighty blow, and the devotee of Ga'al unleashes a string of profanities. (OOC: Did Bart spend a hero point to shiver off that spell? I see his first saving throw missed the mark.)

Blindly directing his spectral hand, Redux indeed misses his target. (OOC: 50% miss chance, rolled 21%... high good... low bad.)

The cleric's mace goes flying out of her hand, though she doesn't appear to be alarmed by the turn of events. She grins, "Not a bad idea... now that you mention it. I'll be sure to give you credit... and your name is?"

Valanthe strikes a mighty blow, nearly bringing the cleric to his knees.

Deep in it... the hold that is... (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+10=26 d6+5=11 d20+10=21 d20+7=27 d20+7=21 2d6(2+4)+10=16 d20+9=13 d20+11=22 d6+7=10 d20+9=26 d6+6=11
Sunday December 15th, 2002 11:36:11 PM

Knowing that his death may come soon, cleric 1 lashes out with his mace screaming, "FOR GA'AL!!!" (OOC: Hit Valanthe at AC 26 for 11 hps of damage)

Cleric 2 successfully casts defensively, unleashing a blindness spell upon Akerin. (Akerin needs to make a Fortitude save DC 18 to avoid being blinded).

Cleric 3 sneers, spitting blood as he brings his mace around to club Rigging but good. (Critical threat/confirmed for 16 hps damage).

Cleric 4 steps back away from Bart again and casts hold person again. (Bart needs to make a successful Will save DC 17 to avoid being held)

Cleric 5 swings at Akerin, though is distracted by the spiked chain, and misses.

Cleric 6 steps out from between the boxes to cast hold person on Valanthe. (Valanthe needs to make a successful Will save DC 17 to avoid being held).

Cleric's 7 and 8 both stand up, and lofting their maces, proceed to club Ari. (Both hit for a combined damage of 21 hps. Hit AC 22 and 26)

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, AC 20)  d20+5=22 d20+11=19 2d4(1+1)+7=9 d6=5
Monday December 16th, 2002 1:04:44 AM

Val struggles and breaks free of the magical compulsion [will save 22]. Her vision loses focus for a second and the elven maiden feels the severity of her wounds. Not knowing how long she will last, Val swings at the cleric with all she has left. [hit ac 19 for 14 dmg]

[Walter - can you really refer to Valanthe as a 'maiden'? It means, among other things, 'virgin female'. -Kim]

(Kim - 'maiden' is also used in reference to an unmarried female... it depends on the person who is using the term and what, exactly, they are referring to. Now stop nitpicking and kick evil cleric butt! -the vacationing yet still watchful DM Donna)

[Donna - Akerin is limited by his profession to kicking to subdue evil cleric butt. I'm off to locate a fine tooth comb for further nit-related work. Glad you're watching, Donna dear. -Kim]

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=17 d20+11=26 d20+9=19 d20+5=23 d10+8=16 d10+8=10 d4+5=7
Monday December 16th, 2002 1:23:13 AM

Once again Bart resists the spell of the evil cleric (save 17). "Is that all you have?" Bart says as he puts his sword and dagger into the cleric's body (hit ac 26/19/23 for 16/7/10).

(OOC: Yes I used a hero point last time (see post).)

Akerin (AC 19, hp 26)  d20+12=21 2d8(6+6)+5=17
Monday December 16th, 2002 3:37:53 AM

The unblinded (Fort save 21) healer steps behind Appolo, and hops up on to the box next to him. He casts cure moderate wounds on himself, healing 17 points of damage.

"And shall I give my name to a woman who wants to hold me and blind me with her charms?" he answers the priestess. "No, I seek no credit, thank you."

Though he prepares his spiked chain for more action, his back now against the tree, he looks around the crowded hold quickly to see if any are fallen.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+14=25 d20+9=15 d20+13=29 d8+4=6 d8+4=8 d6+2=4 d20+5=20 d20+5=24 d20=18 d2-1=1 d2-1=1 d3-1=1
Monday December 16th, 2002 9:02:10 AM

Taking another 5 foot step toward the cleric, Ashira is finally in flanking position, and decides to give up playing hide and seek. Launching a full attack, Ashira slices into the cleric with two blows from her longsword, and one from her shortsword (doing 18 dam if all three hit, 10 if only the first long and shortsword connect). As the odd looking half-elf fades back into view, she grins evilly at the cleric in front of her. "Oooo looky...a party and nobody invited me. You know how much I hate being overlooked." She motions her head toward Valanthe, then looks Akerin in the eye. "I believe a maiden is in need of assistance. Perhaps you should go to the rescue?"

Meanwhile, the badger launches itself into the nearest priest clawing and biting with ferocity. (Claw1=20 for 1hp, Claw2=24 for 1hp, Bite=18 for 1hp)

OOC (Breakdown on attack bonuses...+2 for Bull's Strength, +2 for Invis. +2 for flanking=+6 added onto normal bonuses.) Also, didn't read that I could determine where the badger appeared. I'd like to have him positioned in front of C6 if that's ok...otherwise C5 is fine.)

Rigging hps 7 ac 14  d20+8=27 d20+5=25 d6+1=7 d4+1=5 2d6(6+6)=12 d20+5=18
Monday December 16th, 2002 10:07:19 AM

Rigging winces as the mace crushes into him and cries out in pain. A grim look comes into his eyes and he yells, "I will not die alone!" He launches into his attack again driving his rapier into the half elf's chest and following up with his holy dagger into the stomach where he gives it a horrible twist.

OOC sorry in looking at my rolls I realized that I rolled a critical with the dagger. Last 20 sided die roll was to check for critical. Don't think I made it. Still did some nice damage rolling and if this cleric is still standing, I want to go home to Momma. 25 points of damage in total.

Ari AC 22 21 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  1d8+1=9
Monday December 16th, 2002 12:47:41 PM

Wincing in pain from the double strike Ari reaches into his backpack and pulls out his CLW potion and swallows it (restoring 9 points).

Given a chance to do any maneuvering Ari stands and moves towards the rest of the family trying to get his backside covered.

Appolo  d20+7=22 d20+3=22 d8+3=4 d4+3=4
Monday December 16th, 2002 7:33:42 PM

Appolo quickly produces his assassin's dagger and viciously slices into the cleric of Ga'al, slashing her twice with a vengeance.

OOC: ShortSword attack roll 22, Off hand Assassins Dagger 22. Total Damage 8.
Save versus Poison DC 17.

My Toes Are Cold... (DM Chris) 
Monday December 16th, 2002 9:46:22 PM

In her weakened state, Valanthe's scythe swings wide, missing the equally wounded cleric.

Bart's mighty blows easily drop cleric 4, who lies still, bleeding on the deck. Looking down at his fallen opponent, Bart realizes, as do the others, that the ship is taking on water, albeit slowly.

The cleric seems to ignore Akerin in favor of the new threat that Apollo presents.

Ashira's blades indeed bite into her opponent, as he whirls around to face this new threat. The summoned badger nibbles a bit on the cleric, and though he does not like the taste, presses his attack.(OOC: you still cannot flank. not enough space, and the boxes you are next to go up to the ceiling.)

Cleric 3 indeed drops to the floor under the fury of Rigging's assault. Blood is everywhere.

Ari drinks the cure light wounds potion. (OOC: a potion of cure light wounds only cures 1d8+1 hps of damage. So, given the benefit of the doubt, you managed to heal 9 hps, not 15.)

Apollo's blows swing wide, missing one and all, as the canny female cleric defends herself.

(OOC: Clerics turn is next.)

My Toes Are Cold... cont. (DM Chris)  d20+10=21 d6+5=9 d20+14=30 d6+5=10 d20+9=18 d20+4=9
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 12:18:30 AM

Spitting blood, Cleric 1 takes what may be his last swing a Valanthe, connecting with a solid blow. (Hit AC 21 for 9 hps damage)

Cleric 2, also extremely wounded, backs away from the combined attack of Apollo and Akerin, and casts blindness at Apollo defensively. (Fort save DC 18 or be blinded)

Cleric 5 turns on Ashira, and casting defensively, attempts to catch her in a hold person spell. (Will save DC 17 or be held)

Being a sneaky little halfling, Cleric 6 approaches Ari from behind, swinging his mace with all his might. He connects solidly. (Hit AC 30 for 10 hps of damage)

Cleric 7 attempts a touch attack on Ari with fingers that are glowing black, but is unexpectedly repelled by Ari's shield spell.

Seeing her fellow cleric of Ga'al go down, Cleric 8 steps away from her combat with Ari, and casts hold person on Bart. (Will save DC 17 or be held).

Akerin (AC 19, hp 26)  3d8(4+3+7)+5=19 3d8(4+4+8)+5=21
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 1:08:26 AM

Though he wishes to stay and help Appolo with the priestess, Ashira's petition on behalf of Valanthe draws his attention to the elvish lady. He bounds off the box, and draws from a pouch a vial as he covers the twenty feet between them. He vaults her fallen form, then kneels, lifts her head even as her eyes flutter in semi-consciousness, and pours the precious liquid down her lips, which he parts with his free hand. The elixir restores a small measure of vitality to the fallen warrior. (Potion of CSW, 3d8+5 - won in LnB recently. Disregard second roll - hit button again by accident. Valanthe regains 19 hp, bringing her, I believe, to 19.)

[OOC: Picture Akerin's new position as above and to the right on the map of where 'V' is.]

Valanthe (AC 20, HP 33)  2d8(6+6)+2=14
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 2:06:57 AM

Val's eyes close and thankfully open a moment later. Weak and confused Val utters thanks in elvish and reaches for a potion of her own drinking it down. [Potion of CMW]

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+8=19 d20+10=13 d20+5=22 d20+9=18 d8+6=8 d8+6=11 d6+3=9 d20+5=23 d20+5=15 d20=19 d2-1=1 d2-1=1 d3-1=2
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 9:30:33 AM

Shrugging off the impulse to stand stock still in front of the cleric (Will=19), Ashira likes the results from her last attack and presses on. Waging a full attack on C5 again, Ashira hopes to down the fellow soon so she can help out other family members.

Meanwhile, the badger continues its onslaught on C5, inflicting the maximum damage his punny little body can do. (Claw1=23 for 1dam, Claw2=15 for 1dam, Bite=19 for 2dam)

First Long=13 for 8dam
Second Long=22 for 11dam
Short=18 for 9dam

OOC (Hehe...I just looked over the description for half-elf, and realized that for the past two years I haven't been adding in the +2 bonus to resist enchantment spells that elves and half-elves are allowed...sheesh! Also, I forgot to add the extra +2 strength to my damage from last round, so C5 takes an additional 2 hp of damage for each longsword blow that connected, and 1 hp for the shortsword. Finally, could you please give us the AC of the mean baddies? It would make writing the posts a lot easier! :))

Rigging  d4+1=2 d4+1=4
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 10:03:00 AM

Rigging thinks to himself, "This hand to hand combat stuff Hurts!" He notices Ari in trouble and raises his arm, murmurs a few words and launches 2 missiles at the nasty little halfling.
(6 points of damage total)

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=20 d20+11=24 d20+9=28 d20+9=24 d20+5=20 d10+8=10 d10+8=17 d4+5=9 d4+5=7
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 12:49:14 PM

Again bart shiver off the spell. His first attack is on cleric c1 he puts his sword and then his dagger in the cleric's back (hit ac 24, 28 (crit) for 26 dam) His last attack with his sword is made towards cleric c8 (hit ac 20 for 17

Appolo Ac 21  d20+7=24 d20+5=25 d20+7=22 d8+3=11
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 3:23:10 PM

Appolo shakes off the effects and feints with his assassin's dagger, then quickly and ferociously strikes with his sword.

OOC: Fortitude save 24 Bluff 25 Attack 22 Damage 11
If his bluff fails he will still make his attack.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+7=16 d6=3 d100=87
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 7:33:20 PM

Redux, blinded, though with Talon's help to maneuver the spectral hand to where it is needed, makes another blind attack at C2 using the chill touch spell (ac=16 for 3 pts dmg and --1 to strength vs. dc=13 %=87 same criteria used so this connects).

Hey... My Feet Are Wet! (DM Chris)  d20+8=19
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 9:06:53 PM

The potions feel warm on the inside, though outside, Valanthe realizes she is getting wet and cold laying in ankle-deep sea water. Akerin realizes that perhaps the tree was not such a good idea, as that seems to be where the water is coming from... slowly but surely. (OOC: Anybody ever seen Titanic? ; ) )

Ashira indeed connects once with her longsword, while her summoned badger nibbles away at the cleric doing minimal damage to his ankles.

The halfling cleric yelps as Rigging's magic missiles zing into him from across the room.

Cleric 1 drops with a splash, blood seeping out into the sea water that seems to be everywhere now. His form lay unmoving and unbreathing.(However, to get to C8, Bart must move closer, and then Bart wouldn't be able to attack this round anyways.)

Appolo swings wide, barely missing the haughty female cleric. (OOC: Just a note, unless you have the feat Quicker than the Eye from Song and Silence, making a Bluff attempt in combat is a standard action. Which means, unless you are hasted, you can't Bluff, and attack in the same round.)

With Talon's assistance, Redux successfully maneuvers his spectral hand to attack the female cleric. (OOC: Well done... though she made her Fortitude saving throw.)

Hey... My Feet Are Wet! (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+9=24 d6+5=10 d20+9=26 d6+3=6
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 9:21:13 PM

Cleric 2 moves directly away from Appolo and disappears around some boxes further back in the dark, and now wet, hold.

Cleric 5 swings his mace at Ashira, connecting solidly. (Hit AC 24 for 10 hps damage)

The sneaking halfling cleric (C6) takes a step to maintain his flanking position on Ari and swings, hitting Ari solidly. (OOC: hit AC 26 for 6 hps damage).

Both fearful of the raging Bart, clerics 7 and 8 turn their attention and cast hold person on the seemingly unstoppable warrior. (Need to make 2 Will saves DC 17 to avoid being held)

AriAri AC 22 5 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=14 d20+3=13
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 11:55:27 PM

Seeing that his end is near and knowing that he can at least still affect things, Ari continues to trying to pound on #7 (AC 14 and 13) missing him.

Rigging hps 7 ac 14  d8=6 d8=7
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 10:15:03 AM

Rigging doesn't like the way the other cleric just disappeared. He will activate his own ring of invisibility and grab one of his potions of moderate healing. If he can do both actions, he will drink it.

OOC Rolled 16 points of healing. I believe that moderate does 2 d8 +3 but if I am wrong, please reroll the results.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+2=6
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 11:20:57 AM

After missing again with what he thought was a solid, well-timed attack, Appolo trembles with frustration. As he watches his opponent disappear behind some crates, Appolo takes some time to think. She wants to play hide and seek, but I have a better idea -- dominoes. He decides to try and push the stack of crates over with no success. After finding he can't budge them Appolo takes a moment to rest and turns around to look over the situation.

Strength check 6

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+10=15 d20+5=19 d20+9=11 d20+5=6 d20+5=17 d20=9
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 12:53:28 PM

Ashira grimaces as the cleric's mace smashes into her offhand shoulder, the pain radiates into her arms, and her blows prove ineffective. Seeing Cleric 2 disappear, Ashira shouts over to Appolo "Don't get cute, just get out there and find her!"

On the other side of the cleric, the badger seems to be running out of steam as all three of its attacks miss the cleric (Claw1=11, Claw2=17, Bite=9).

First Long=15
Second Long=19

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=17 d20+2=7 d20+2=18 d20+11=19 d20+9=16 d20+5=23 d10+8=13 d10+8=12 d4+5=9
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 4:38:41 PM

Once again Bart shivers off the spells (used hero point again). He attacks the nearest cleric (c8) with his sword and dagger (hit ac 19, 28 (crit) for 26 dam). His last attack with his sword is made towards cleric c8 (hit ac 19/16/23 for 13/9/12).

Bart OOC 
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 4:42:31 PM

sorry messed up my post ignore the results in the middle of the post

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41) 
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 10:36:05 PM

"What do you mean 'she's gone'? I hit her didn't I?" Redux continues his conversation with his feathered friend; though some wouldn't know what a floating, blind man was doing talking to himself. "No, no, don't search for her that way. Tell me when my hand is pointing to the tree. Yes, it is a real tree. No, I don't have time to explain what a real tree is doing floating in water. Now, fly back over here. What do you mean water all around inside? Great! Appolo, step back a few paces!" And with that, Redux casts Web centered on the area past where he last knew C2 to be, as far back as he can get, to the right of the tree (as he once saw it).

Akerin  d20+19=30
Thursday December 19th, 2002 1:48:08 AM

Noticing that Ari is beleaguered, Akerin suggests to Valanthe, "Help him," and points toward Ari. He steps just past her, and now, within ten feet of the mace-wielding halfling cleric (C6), once again extends his spiked chain, wrapping up the little fella's mace, and pulling back with a rotation of his hips to relieve him of the abusive weapon. [Disarm, 30.]

Valanthe (Bull's Strength)  d20+11=21 2d4(2+4)+7=13 d6=5
Thursday December 19th, 2002 2:05:03 AM

Feeling renewed strength Val rises and heads over to C7, slashing with her crystal scythe.
[hit ac 21 for 18 dmg]

Rising Waters... (DM Chris)  d20+5=22 d20+7=14
Thursday December 19th, 2002 2:31:59 AM

Ari indeed misses the cleric in his attempt to ward him off.

Rigging becomes invisible, and pulls out the potion prepared to drink next round. (OOC: Activating a magic item, whether ring or potion are both standard actions... so you only get to do the first. You can drink the potion on your next post if ya like.)

Looking over the situation, Appolo sees that Ari is about to pass out from damage and blood loss, whilst the rest of the party battles on, except for Redux who appears to have been blinded.

Ashira and her badger indeed run into a bit of bad luck as their attacks fail to connect.

Bart connects once with cleric 8 dealing her a bloody slice.

Redux web spell is targeted successfully, blocking up that area with thick, sticky webbing.

The halfling cleric's mace goes flying out of his hand as Akeric snags it with his spiked chain.

Valanthe just misses cleric 7 as he nimbly steps aside of her attack.

Rising Waters... cont. (DM Chris)  d20+3=19 d20+9=23 d20+6=19
Thursday December 19th, 2002 2:43:55 AM

The group begins to notice how the water has risen steadily in the last few seconds, coming nearly up to their knees.

Cleric 2 comes running out from the opposite side of the tree as the web spell, and scoops up her comrade's mace, holding it in a defensive stance.

Casting defensively, cleric 5 unleashes a hold person spell upon Ashira. (Will save DC 17 or be held)

Taking a step back away from melee combat, cleric 6 casts blindness on Akerin. (Fort save DC 18 or be blind.)

Casting defensively, cleric 7 casts hold person on Bart. (Will save DC 17 or be held.)

Cleric 8 swings her mace at Bart, barely missing.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+7=10 d20+3=4
Thursday December 19th, 2002 3:16:26 AM

Appolo takes in the situation and is alarmed by the sight of Ari. After changing position, on Redux's behalf Appolo sees the Witch of Ga'al return and pick up a mace. He yells, "Redux you missed. Witch of Ga'al, to your left, 45 degrees down angle hit -- hit now. Akerin, Ari's hurt bad get him out. I'll deal with you little friend!!"

With that he moves as quickly as he can to attack C6. Stumbling through the water he misses both attacks.

Rigging Hps 23 invisible ac 14 
Thursday December 19th, 2002 9:24:49 AM

Rigging drinks the potion down and moves forward looking to backstab an opponent. He will head towards Ashira.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+8=9 d20+8=11 d20+8=18 d20+10=30 d20+10=18 d20+5=25 d20+5=14 d20+9=20 d20+5=15 d20+5=23 d20=6 d8+6=14 d8+6=13 d6+3=9 d2-1=1
Thursday December 19th, 2002 9:49:14 AM

Ashira succumbs to the spell for a few seconds, but is able to shrug it off at the last minute. She smirks at the cleric. "Looks like things aren't going your way. Why don't you give up now, and save yourself a lot of pain?!" She unleashes a particularly devastating full attack on the priest, connecting all three times. The two blows from the longsword come very close to opening the man's neck, but misses at the last second.

Down at his ankles, the badger manages to get in a good claw attack before the water level gets too high, and he soon proves ineffective (Claw1=15, Claw2=23, dam=1, Bite=6).

Will=9 used two hero points to get a save of 18.

(DM Chris: You may only use one hero point per failed roll as per the rules posted under combat in the Constabulary Castle. I'm afraid that Ashira is held.)
First Long=30 (threat), 18 (no crit) for 14 dam.
Second Long=25 (threat), 14 (no crit) for 13 dam.
Short=20 for 9 dam.
Total dam=36hp

Ari AC 22 5 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=25 d20+7=15 3d6(3+1+1)+4=9 d20+3=10
Thursday December 19th, 2002 11:24:26 AM

Praying for every additional second he can get Ari connects with his holy scimitar on C#7 (critical threat, no crit) for 9 points of damage.

Bart (bulls strength)  d20+2=10 d20+2=17 d20+11=22 d20+9=28 d20+9=17 d20+5=7 d10+8=18 d6+5=8 d6+5=6
Thursday December 19th, 2002 12:22:39 PM

One more time the spell has no effect on Bart. "DON"T YOU KNOW I"M PROTECTED BY DOMI YOU FILTH OFF THE WOLD!!" he yells as he attacks the priest for another time with his sword and dagger (hit AC 22/28 threat crit 17?? for 18/8+6?). His second attack with his sword misses.

(How well are the priests armed, aka are they easily hit aka what's their ac; determining if it is wise to use the power attack feat (-X to hit +X to dam).

(Chris: they appear to be lightly armored in chain shirts, but who knows what magic is at play.)

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+7=22 d2=1
Friday December 20th, 2002 12:02:56 AM

In a softer tone, just between him and Talon, "Ok, Talon, next Cleric that starts waving his hands around, attack them." (ac=22 for 1pt dmg) Redux uses the time to maneuver his spectral hand to the other side of the tree and in the direction Appolo reported the wily cleric went.

[OOC: The wiley cleric is C2, who just showed up again to grab C6's mace. -Kim]

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, AC 20)  d20+11=26 2d4(1+4)+7=12 d6=5
Friday December 20th, 2002 10:00:02 AM

Valanthe turns and brings her crystal scythe back at C7 with an upward slash.
[hit ac 26 for 17]

Akerin (AC: 19; HP: 26)  d20+12=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 2d4(1+3)+4=8 2d8(6+7)+5=18
Friday December 20th, 2002 10:06:47 AM

The monk again resists the attempt to blind him (Fort save DC 19).

As the priestess bends down to retrieve the halfling's mace, being within the ten foot reach of his weapon, Akerin takes advantage of C2's proximity to lash out with his spiked chain, hitting AC 25 (nat 20, not a crit) for 8 hp subdual on her [attack of opportunity].

Then, whirling the spiked chain with his left arm, he moves to Ari. With his right, he reaches out to touch the wounded young man, curing moderate wounds for 18 hp returned to him.

Okay... now this is wet... (DM Chris) 
Saturday December 21st, 2002 1:03:56 AM

Apollo indeed misses with both swings, but as he recovers from his stumble, he realizes that he is in a target rich environment... also that the water seems to be about knee high now.

Its hard slogging through the water, but Rigging does indeed find himself standing next to Ashira by the end of the round.

As per the rules of combat posted in the Constabulary Castle, you may only use one hero point per failed roll. Ashira is indeed held, and her attacks are void. Sorry.

The badger claws at the cleric a bit, but finds that he must make a successful swim check to remain above the rising water level this next round.

Ari strikes true, and while not a critical, manages to pull the hood back from the face of his attacker, to note that he is fighting an elf.

Bart deal a pair of well placed blows to his clerical opponent.

Redux begins maneuvering his spectral hand as Valanthe's vicious cut nearly cripples her opponent.

Akerin smites the evil cleric of Ga'al, and then steps toward Ari, healing touch extended.

Okay... now this is wet...(cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+13=33 d20+13=33 2d6(4+5)+12=21 d20+3=11 d20+10=26 d20+4=7 d20+6=16 2d6(3+4)+10=17
Saturday December 21st, 2002 1:28:51 AM

Cleric 2 takes a quick step to flank Apollo, and then brings her mace down solidly upon his head. (OOC: Critical threat and confirm. 2 natural 20s... Apollo takes 21 hps damage.)

Not noticing the water displacement as Rigging stands there invisibly next to Ashira, Cleric 5 screams... "I will at least take one of you with me!" and performs a coup de grace on Ashira. (OOC: Ashira must make a Fortitude save DC 27 or die.)

Casting defensively, cleric 6, casts blindness at Valanthe, hoping to subdue the scythe wielding heroine.

Both cleric 7 and 8 attempt to keep up the combat, but neither hit in their attempted blows. However, neither do they concede.

Rigging  d20+10=23 d20+7=21 d8+1=5 d4+1=5 12d6(5+5+5+5+1+4+6+2+5+1+5+2)=46 2d6(5+2)=7 2d6(1+3)=4 2d6(4+3)=7
Saturday December 21st, 2002 2:18:43 AM

Rigging yells out "NOOO" and tries to intercept the attacks on his beloved. He launches with two quick and deep stabs with both rapier and dagger.

OOC: OK I gave myself an extra +2 for being invisible and believe I hit with both his. Rolled a 12 instead of a 2 dice so please disregard the 46 points of damage. 3 2d6 rolls represent damage by sneak attacks and holy dagger for a total of 28 points of damage.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+13=22
Saturday December 21st, 2002 11:47:13 AM

Even though she is completely immobile, Ashira somehow manages to resist bleeding to death after having her throat slit from end to end.

OOC (Fort=22...using 3 (+6) hero points to bump it up to a 28).

Bart  d20+11=31 d20+11=30 d10+8=12 d10+8=13 d20+5=19 d6+5=7 d10+8=9
Saturday December 21st, 2002 6:37:13 PM

Bart attacks once more his first blow with his sword gives the priestess C8 a verry nasty cut (crit for 25). After this blow he takes a few steps to attack the halfling cleric C6 with his second attack with his sword (ac 19 for 9).

Akerin (AC 19; HP 26; pretty wet)  d20+6=23 d8+5=11
Sunday December 22nd, 2002 4:12:09 AM

After the healing touch affects Ari (18 hp cured, as per prior post), Akerin hears Rigging's anguished cry. He glances over his shoulder, and notes the cleric (C5) trying to do something to Ashira. He leaps over to her [jump 23], and lays his hand upon her. Cure light wounds for 11 hp. "Alemi, thine aid I seek!" he calls out in the midst of the priesthood of Ga'al.

[OOC: Chris, note, as per our email discusssion, that Akerin's attack of opportunity on C2 was only to take place IF he could both take advantage of the AoO AND heal Ari in that round. If not both, then only the healing of Ari (+18 hp) should have taken place, and that last round. So, this round his action is to move and heal Ashira. - Kim]

Appolo Ac 21  d8=2 d8=3
Sunday December 22nd, 2002 5:15:46 PM

Appolo lets out a scream of pain after having his shoulder crushed by the mace. Falling back and fighting defensively, Appolo takes a healing potion out and drinks it. Then he yells, "Redux she's right in front of you a little your left!! What are you doing?!!" Appolo will fight defensively and wait for an attack of opportunity to arise.

OOC: Cure moderate wounds +5, 2+3+5=10 points healed.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+9=13 d100=93 d3=2
Monday December 23rd, 2002 12:12:44 AM

After hearing Appolo's cry and with Talon's help, Redux positions the spectral hand in a flanking position to C2 and attempts a ray of frost attack (hit ac=13 b/c 93 %, for 2 pts dmg). Hearing Akerin below, he lowers himself and calls to the cleric to cure blindness, if possible.

Ari AC 22 23 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=10 d20+3=9
Monday December 23rd, 2002 1:19:15 AM

Feeling the pain lessen a little bit while Akerin heals him, Ari concentrates harder on hitting the cleric he's been beating up on.

Rigging's anguished cry distracts Ari enough so that he cannot seem to find his target. Hoping his family is okay, Ari continues on with his fight with his current foes.

Akerin's hasty reply to Redux 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 2:15:18 AM

"Not now," Akerin replies to Redux, with no further explanation forthcoming at the moment.

Valanthe (Blinded?)  d20+8=13 d20+9=19
Monday December 23rd, 2002 9:07:43 AM

[Fort Save 13]
Val takes one last swipe at the cleric, hoping to bring him down.
[hit ac 19]

Okay... Now This Means Trouble... (DM Chris) 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 11:24:40 AM

Rigging pops into visibility as he brings Ashira's opponent down with a pair of vicious strikes from his weapons.

At the same time the badger disappears as Ashira's spell ends, and though she miraculously survives the coup de grace, Ashira is still held and quite injured. (OOC: I'm sure you did, but I want to remind you to record that last 17 hps of damage.)

Bart brings cleric 8 down, and turns to stalk the halfling cleric of Ga'al. (OOC: You can't attack, move and attack, so your attack against the halfling didn't occur... just yet.)

Akerin moves swiftly to heal his deeply injured comrade. (OOC: I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear enough, but you did heal Ari.)

Redux's spell goes off, and the mage lowers himself, and realizes that he is standing in about mid-thigh deep water.

Ari indeed misses the target in his swing.

Valanthe misses the mark as well, as her wily elf opponent neatly dodges her mistimed blow.

Okay... Now This Means Trouble... cont. (DM Chris)  d20+11=16 d20+5=10 d20+3=18 d20+7=23 d6+3=7 d20+6=22 d8+1=9
Monday December 23rd, 2002 11:39:51 AM

Seeing the battle turn against her, the wily witch of Ga'al moves across the deck away from Apollo, through the combat to the rope dangling down, and hoists herself up to the next deck.
(This does not provoke an attack of opportunity from Apollo as she is only moving away from him. However it does provoke an attack of opportunity from Bart and Akerin as she moves through their threatened areas to get to the rope. I rolled for both attacks, assuming you take them and they both miss at ACs 16 and 10 respectively.)

The halfling cleric of Ga'al steps up and grinning yells at Bart, "You big bully," as he swings his mace, striking the warrior. (OOC: hit AC 23 for 7 hps damage)

The wily elf cleric strikes out at Valanthe, clubbing her with his mace. (OOC: hit AC 22 for 9 hps of damage)

As the witch of Ga'al disappears above deck, all feel the ship begin to list slightly with the weight of the water it is taking on.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements, Held: AC 21) 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 11:59:20 AM

The half-elf remains frozen in her last position, bleeding from the gash in her neck. She is furious with herself... lacking the will power to shake off the priest's spell. She consoles herself with the thought that even if she were to go down with the ship, she wouldn't drown. It's about the only happy thought she can make of this screwed up mission.

Rigging hps 23 ac14 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 1:41:09 PM

Rigging decides enough is enough. "Everyone topside now! Let's see if these priests can swim! Akerin and Redux, carry Ashira out of here unless you can free her up somehow. I will watch your backs."

Rigging activates his invisibility ring yet again.

OOC: Normally wouldn't ask this but just curious. If the water is up to our waists, wouldn't the halfling cleric be swimming? Wondering if he could swim and attack Bart.

Valanthe (Blinded, AC 20)  d20+5=22
Monday December 23rd, 2002 8:45:40 PM

More than slightly pissed off, Valanthe mutters a long string of curses and takes a step back. Her weapon is now useless since she cannot see. There is one thing that she can try. Val has never atttempted something like this but currently she's injured, blind, and in the hold of a sinking ship. She gathers some of the mental strength she does have and unleashes a psionic attack on the wily elf cleric. A ringing of tiny bells can be heard in the minds of all living creatures within 30ft.

[d20 + Int modifier + non-psionic buffer. Will save DC: 17 + 1 + 4 = 22]

[OOC: I'm not sure how being blinded affects a psionic attack, but I figured that it would work better than a melee attack. BTW, a failed save means the cleric, C7, is stunned for 1d2 rounds.]

(Chris: Unless you have some extrasensory way of seeing your opponent, you may not attack them with psionics. Like magic, you must have a means of visually identifying them.)

Appolo (AC 21; 25 hp)  d20+9=10 d20+5=25 d20+6=14 d20+11=25
Monday December 23rd, 2002 10:00:41 PM

Seeing his opponent head for the rope and start climbing, Appolo quickly produces a dagger and hurls it at her, missing badly. He then goes in pursuit, muttering curses as he splashes through the water. He quickly climbs the rope in hot pursuit of his adversary, throwing himself over the edge and tumbling through and clear of any attack, Appolo comes up weapons drawn prepared for battle.

OOC: Attack 10, Climb 25, Tumble 14, Balance 25

Akerin (AC 19; HP 26; soaked)  d8+3=8 d20+2=19 d20+7=9 d20+7=14
Tuesday December 24th, 2002 12:45:54 AM

Akerin takes Redux's hand, and guides him to place his arm under Ashira's head. He pulls out of his haversack another battlenet, and draws it under Rigging's wife as he lifts her torso and legs to the water's surface, quickly running the control rope through the netting, tying the left and right side, and pulling a section up between her legs, the rope binding three of the net's four corners together as a mesh body basket.

"Come," he tells Redux, giving his sleeve a quick tug in the direction of the rope Appolo just ascended. As they slosh their way that direction, he withdraws a potion of cure light wounds. "Drink," he gently tells Ashira, holding it to her lips, and helps her do what the spell prevents her doing of her own volition. (healing 8 hps). At the rope, he sees the body of one of the enemy clerics floating face down. "Friends, and remaining foes, we bring everyone up we can. Too many have died. Let fighting cease."

Taking the loop of rope from his hip, he ties one end to the net's rope, then climbs up to the room above (climb 19). Once up top, he tosses the rope over the top of the table, then grabs the rope from the other side, and pulls it taut as he positions himself above the trap door, legs and posterior situated kitty corner along one side.

"Lift her up, now," he instructs Redux. He pulls steadily, hand over hand, taking advantage of his simply contrived table pulley (+5 circumstance bonus). His first attempt does not go perfectly (DC 9), but on the second attempt he is able to manage the lift (DC 14). He has the strength to bear the half elf's weight. He rolls Ashira to the side once she clears the trap door, and unties the rope from the net. If anyone moves to attack her, he will defend.

Otherwise, he remains to help others up (dropping one end of his own silk rope back down), and asks his friends to bring all bodies for rescue. "We do not leave them to the water. Is there a ladder below?"

Appolo Ac 21 25hp 
Tuesday December 24th, 2002 2:42:18 AM

Seeing Akerin come up Appolo yells, "Hurry up!! The witch is up here somewhere. No, there's no ladder. Drop the rope back down, I'll cover you!!" Appolo is standing there weapons drawn.

Ari AC 22 23 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=22 d20+3=13 3d6(4+5+5)+4=18
Tuesday December 24th, 2002 12:02:55 PM

With all the sounds going off in the hold Ari doesn't hear the command to withdraw right away. Swinging at the cleric in front of him (Ac=22 for 18 points) connecting? for more damage. Finally realizing that the call for withdraw has come, Ari watches the cleric to see if he can withdraw. If it is clear for him to withdraw, he'll use his spider climb abilities to help out with the withdrawal. If the clerics show true intent to turn the hostilities aside Ari will help them out. But expecting them not to give up so easily, he's ready to do what it takes to keep the clerics busy so that the family can withdraw.

Bart  d20+11=31 d20+11=28 d20+9=23 d20+5=6 d10+8=11 d10+8=16 d6+5=6 d10+8=13
Wednesday December 25th, 2002 4:38:06 AM

Bart brings down a few final blows with sword and dagger at the halfling priest (threat 31 crit 28/23/6 for 11+16/6/13) He then turns away from her and helps everyone who wants to get up. In case she isn't dead he keeps an eye on her (dodge feat +1 AC on her and mobility feat +4? Ac on attack of opp).

"Akerin, leave the damn priest down. We don't have time to bring them up -- let the fish feed on them so that their lives had a meaning."

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements, Held: AC 21) 
Thursday December 26th, 2002 8:57:17 AM

"Ugh," is her thought as she is carried out of battle again; at least there were no feelings when she was dead. Someone once mentioned that she had the constitution of a horse, that must have been why she didn't bleed to death. Ashira would very much like a good swim right now; it would loosen up those tight muscles (grrr, held).

Redux-Mage Armor, Blind(AC=19, HP=41) 
Thursday December 26th, 2002 9:00:22 AM

With the sigh of being sightless, Redux levitates up with Ashira. At the call of the escaping priest, he desperately desires to target it for a magic missile burst. Calling out mentally, "Talon, follow that priest! I want its location."

Thursday December 26th, 2002 10:05:23 AM

Talon, hearing its master's call, wheels after the priest trying to keep him in sight.

Like Rats.... (DM Chris) 
Thursday December 26th, 2002 2:50:31 PM

Down Below...
Bart slays the halfling cleric, and seeing that there is no peaceful escape, the final cleric, already greatly wounded, pulls a dagger, and spitting blood in Ari's face, plunges the weapon into his own chest, and dies, sinking below the rising water. Bart, Valanthe, and Rigging find themselves standing in water quickly rising up to their bellies as the ship groans, and takes a dramatic shift. (Bart, Valanthe, and Rigging must make a Reflex save DC 20 to keep your footing, Ari is fine due to spider climb.)

Up Above...
As Apollo hits the deck ready for a fight, all he can see is his opponents elbows and heels as she bolts out of the room across the deck, and then proceeds to jump overboard.

With Akerin and Ari's aid the rest of the group make it up above as the ship begins to list heavily to one side.

Valanthe (Blind)  d20+7=27
Thursday December 26th, 2002 5:20:24 PM

[reflex save 27]

Val firmly plants her feet as the ship shifts. "No need to alarm anybody but the cleric blinded me. Anybody know where the exit is?"

Appolo  d20+2=20
Thursday December 26th, 2002 6:19:56 PM

He watches as the witch jumps overboard, and breathes a sigh of relief as he helps get the rope and net off Ashira. "Don't worry you'll be ok," he says as he removes the net. He then immediately lowers the rope down. "Akerin take care of her." He then yells into the hatchway, "Come on let's go people -- the ship's sinking!!" Appolo will then help pull the rest of the party up.

Strength check 20

Rigging  d20+8=26
Thursday December 26th, 2002 8:03:30 PM

Rigging stumbles over to Val and murmurs, "Val, it's Rigging. Please don't cut me in half." He guides her over to the ropes and puts it in her hands. As he does this he will look over to Bart and ask, "If you are OK, try to grab a couple of heartseeds. I am sure some higher ups would like to experiment on them."

After Val has a good grip, Rigging will call to Appolo, "Haul away, remember she is blind." Rigging will try and help by boosting her up.

Akerin (AC 19; hp 26; detect magic; swimming)  d20+7=14
Friday December 27th, 2002 1:16:32 AM

As the party members are being hauled up, Akerin downs a potion of swimming. He casts detect magic on himself, and asks Appolo to help Ashira out. "Redux, help Appolo take Ashira." As he speaks, the takes his net and descends quickly into the hold.

He wraps one of the priests of Ga'al in that, and to the end of the other rope secures one of the priestesses. If any obvious magic not on the bodies is visible and obtainable, he grabs, quickly puts in his haversack, and closes it. Overhearing Rigging's instructions to Bart, if any symbiotes are nearby, he tosses them up through the hatchway. If Bart will help him in any way, he appreciates it. He climbs, shoves the symbiotes toward the door for whoever to grab, and hauls up the two bodies, first the netted, then the tied one, thinking there will be no more time to rescue any others from the sinking ship. Up top, he pulls the two bodies along the slanted floor, and over to the side of the ship. Tossing them overboard, he dives in after them, using the ropes to keep them with him, and swims to the Sword of the Sea. If some flotsam is available to help with floatation, he'll take advantage of such.

Friday December 27th, 2002 3:49:40 AM

Appolo becomes slightly miffed when Akerin jumps back in and starts hauling bodies out. Heeding Rigging he pulls Valanthe out carefully and quickly. "Hang on Sunshine I'm going to pull you up now." As soon as Valanthe is up, he turns to check on Ashira. "Don't worry!! Hurry up you guys I need some help up here!! Akerin will you let the dead be, that's Gargul's job any way. We have living people up here that need your help!!" He says dropping the rope once more.

[Chris R - You've been trying to get people out of the hold twice now after the DM already said they are out. -Kim]

Bart  d20+3=21
Friday December 27th, 2002 8:05:09 AM

"Akerin leave the damn boddys! Safe yorself -- we are sinking!" Bart tries to get one heartseed with him but that's all. Once he is above he helps the others to get away.

Valanthe (Blinded) 
Friday December 27th, 2002 10:38:23 AM

Before Val gets hauled up she smiles and says to Rigging, "I wouldn't cut you in half. You I bludgeon. Then I run before Ashira bludgeons me."

Up on the deck Val stumbles over and tries to grab something rooted to the ship. Hopefully her blindness wears off before the ship sinks.

Rigging hps 23 invisible 
Friday December 27th, 2002 3:46:05 PM

Rigging will try to help Akerin as best he can. "Come on! This ship is gonna go down! You're not the Captain so I would prefer you didn't go down with it." Once the bodies are secured, Rigging will scramble up the ropes. "Hey Appolo! It's me! Coming up!"

Akerin (swimming 29; detect magic)  d20+14=29
Saturday December 28th, 2002 1:14:03 AM

As above, any loose, obvious, obtainable magic, Akerin takes along. He smiles at Bart and Appolo, and thanks Rigging for his help.

If either body shows any sign of life, Akerin will perform cure minor wounds (+1 hp, and stabilize). Otherwise, he looks for the best way to get himself, his companions, and the two Ga'alian clerics over to the Freeborn.

Changing the Guard... (DM Chris) 
Sunday December 29th, 2002 2:36:09 PM

The blindness afflicting Valanthe and Redux is determined to be quite permanent until magic is used to heal the effects of Ga'al's evil minions. Though Ashira comes out of the hold enchantment in less than a minute.

After searching for possible magic below decks, all Akerin could see that was magical, is the quickly fading residue of various enchantments that the clerics had placed upon themselves in preparation for battle with the characters.

Likewise, there are no heartseeds that are easily obtained. Apparently the strange worms do not float, and the water level has risen to approximately 6 feet deep in the hold as the ship begins to tip forward. None of the Ga'alian clergy present are alive.

All the characters, one way or another, make their way back to their ship of origin, and watch with mournful sighs as 'The Pride of Ga'al' sinks beneath the waves. Who knows if that evil witch of Ga'al survived? Perhaps that is a loose end for another adventure... perhaps not.

You are cheered to discover, that after the pirates defeated the crew of 'The Pride...', they did indeed come upon some booty, and secured it aboard their own ship.

(OOC: Thank you guys... its been fun. The next post is Donna's. Have a happy New Year. Each character is awarded 2750 xp, as all roleplayed exceptionally well... and from the booty aboard the Pride of Ga'al, each character receives a share equivalent to 1200 gp.)

Monday December 30th, 2002 3:14:08 AM

Relieved that all his friends made it aboard safely, Akerin gives thanks to Alemi, then thanks each one for his or her role in the effort, as well as the captain and crew. If any are in need of immediate healing or medical care, he will devote the balance of his spells to curing, and his healing skills to helping the crew.

After the immediate cares are addressed, he asks Rigging to accompany him, and in his presence tells the captain of his role in the sinking of the ship, not sure whether he will receive punishment for his action, but wanting to take full responsibility, regardless, for his decision to plant the tree. He believes, in hindsight, that this was not, perhaps, the best decision he might have made under the circumstances. "I know that great wealth was lost to us, sir, due to my hasty action. Any wise discipline you would lay forth, I would submit unto."

Akerin also confides to Rigging and Ashira that he wishes to ascertain ways to deal with the removal of the heartseeds from people, without killing them. "Alemi's blessed water will, of course, have that effect on those for whom it is destined. But what of those beyond the number ten?" He asks for a private place in which to examine the two clerics of Ga'al, hoping to enlarge his understanding of physiology, and the interlacing of the heartseeds with people's internal organs and nervous systems. "Once done, despite their allegiance in life, I would give them respectful burial at sea, or on land, whichever the captain would prefer. If we are to win over our opponents in time, I would prefer that bitterness toward them not be allowed root in our hearts." If he is given the space and time to do as he requested, he also will look through their possessions to see if they carried aught of interest or benefit to the Pirates or the party. Before he proceeds with the examinations, however, he awaits the counsel of Rigging and Ashira in this matter. He knows some may find the notion of autopsy offensive, and therefore wishes the matter be handled with discretion.

The healer tells Valanthe and Redux that, should Alemi grant him grace, he can see to the removal of their blindness following his morning prayers on the next day. "This is not something I could attend to during combat, as my skill and wisdom were not sufficient to the task. Pray for me that He grant this boon on the morrow. Betwixt times, I would value any insights you might gain as you experience this time of blindness. I believe that all things, whether momentarily pleasant or painful, can ultimately work for good to those who place their trust in Alemi and who work for His purposes."

Akerin also will take the time to board, asking for a few to join him (whoever cares to), his 22-foot boat, the Tern, which the larger ship tows, and inspect it (as well as check to see if the clever elf cleric might have boarded it surreptitiously). He will take the time to make sure all is shipshape.

To Bart and Appolo, he inquires as to their welfare. "You voiced objections to some of my actions. Please tell me what you would have me do differently, and I will listen, and try to answer any questions you may have of me. Please understand, as well, that swift circumstances do not always allow for full and immediate explanations."

Rigging  d4+3=7
Monday December 30th, 2002 12:27:32 PM

Rigging is pleased with the outcome of the battle. "Akerin don't worry about it. We all fight to the best of our ability and we won. No one was seriously hurt and we came away with some gold and stopped a shipment of heartseeds and at least 7 clerics from doing Ga'al's work. A successful day if you ask me."

Rigging will use the Nautoucolus to pinpoint this position. (OOC: Once a week to know the seas around you within 20 miles ability.) This way if they ever want to come back and dive on the ship they can.

Rigging will gratefully accept some healing and then go sit by Ashira and take her hand and pat it comforting. "That was too close. Know that I cut the cleric in half who tried to hurt you but he was in the process of cutting your throat while I was doing it. I am not sure how you survived but I am saying thanksgiving prayers to Alemi that you did. I was so scared for you. Don't worry... I am sure Akerin will be able to restore your sight, if the spell doesn't wear off soon." Rigging will wipe away the tears that are welling in his eyes, grateful that Ashira can't see them.

OOC: Rigging has gone up to 7th level and is now a 4/3 mage/thief. Rolled hitpoints above.

Monday December 30th, 2002 12:45:09 PM

OOps Just realize that Ashira wasn't blind but paralized. Sigh guess she saw those tears after all.

Valanthe (Blinded) 
Tuesday December 31st, 2002 5:15:08 AM

Valanthe finds blindness strange and intimidating. She isn't scared -- well, maybe a little. If the blindness is permanent she will survive, she always does. What she finds intimidating is the lifestyle that she will have to adapt to. Her time with the pirates will be over for a short time, maybe a decade or two. She guessed it would take that long to find a psionic solution to her problems.

Val sat on the deck, enjoying the feel of the wind on her face. The most shocking thing was the timing. Val felt she was making progress. She could stand larger crowds of people. She was becoming more disciplined, mentally and physically. Now it looked like all her work was for nothing. Nobody knew the strength of the spell cast on her. There is a good chance that Akerin can't cure the affliction. Alemi's tears could probably do it but there was no way Val would ever use one for a thing like blindness. Blindness can be adapted to, heartseeds cannot.

Tuesday December 31st, 2002 8:52:06 AM

In the morning, Akerin prays through a page of his Book of Hours, and requests his spells - including cure blindness twice. If they are ready for it, the healer casts the spell on Valanthe and Redux.

Tuesday December 31st, 2002 10:23:42 AM

After making sure everyone got back and was relatively OK, Appolo sits down next to Valanthe. "Come on, let's go see the ship's priest. Thadius I think is his name. Maybe he can help with the blindness. I'll lead you, take my hand." He gently reaches out and takes her hand and proceeds to take her to the ship's cleric. He explains what happened to Valanthe and Redux during the fight.

Tuesday December 31st, 2002 1:09:31 PM

The very quiet Redux is very grateful for the curing of the blindness. He has heeded Akerin's behest for prayers of his own but they are more for himself than to increase Akerin's ability. The depression he has slipped into brightens somewhat when he is cured but quickly fades as he has to look his comrades in the face after being almost useless during the battle; he knows he should never have let that priest get out of the hold. He confides in Akerin, almost like a confessional, about a few of these thoughts as he is healed. He then spends some time away from the group, out of the way, on the deck or below in his quarters, spending time with Talon (who is always up beat, especially when able to feast). Redux is again grateful for Talon's simple mind and life. Towards evening he approaches Rigging and Ashira. "Ashira...thank you for the gift of the ring before that last battle. I believe it saved my life. I felt so helpless down there,... oh,... you too, sorry, didn't mean it that way. If there is anything I can do to repay you for the ring, let me know. I ..., well, have you all eaten. I know I haven't for most of the day, even though Talon really wanted to share." A smile escapes, briefly. He then heads to the kitchen to see what might be left.

Something Borrowed, Something Blue

Thursday January 2nd, 2003 9:18:43 AM

Ashira too, has been quiet. She doesn't give much advise right away and desires only to be held by Rigging (alone). She doesn't offer any explanation, either, but thoughts go thru her head about this life she's chosen. Death and marriage were not things she thought about much in the not so distant past. But now, the second has been embraced and the first keeps searching her out. Will she have the one and not the other or will both come to pass? As she searches for the inner strength she once was so confident in, she draws upon Riggings strength to see her thru.

Home Again, Home Again (DM Donna) 
Thursday January 2nd, 2003 1:11:33 PM

Several days after the hammership so handily beat the Pride of Ga'al, the following occurs:

Niner (the ship's wizard/navigator)--after having perused the few charts and papers that the crew snagged from the sinking sloop--determines that the evil priests aboard the ship were obviously escorting heartseeds to one of the newly-accessible heathen territories of The Wold (most likely Izen) in a bid to recruit converts from amongst the people to the east.

The ship's cleric suspects that Bulldog obviously will not be able to return to the life of a sea-going Pirate of Jack for a very, very long time, unfortunately.

Captain Hawley announces to the crew his intentions to promote all the Wild Cards of the Sword of the Sea up by one rank each. All of the crew of the hammership are very proud of the half-elf's words of praise...especially when the captain points out that only three of the Pirates were lost in the boarding action upon the Pride of Ga'al.

"An' last--but by NO means least--" Hawley concludes, "Niner has informed me that we'll make Ayorsa Island by sunset tomorrow!" All hands cheer and go back to their duties with a spring in their step that can only come from the knowledge that they will soon see their home port.

"You lot..." the weather-beaten half-elf addresses the party, "...I gots to admit--you done me proud. I hope you all decided as to how you're gonna go with that potion..? 'Tis awful important to the cause, y'know. You all should be of like mind when the Jack calls you before 'im tomorrow."

Thursday January 2nd, 2003 7:52:09 PM

Rigging can sense that Ashira's near brush with death is disturbing her. He leads her down to their cabin and lays down with her in his arms on their bunk.

He whispers, "Beloved, I can see that your heart is heavy. Mine is as well. I almost lost you and you are my light. I am torn between conflicting emotions. One side of me wants to quit this struggle and take you away to somewhere safe. Somewhere where when can have a home and raise children and find peace. Then my other side realizes that this place doesn't exist yet. We can never find peace while Ga'al stretches forth his evil hand to enslave this world. We could never truly be peaceful knowing that some day a priest of Ga'al might grab one of our kids and press a heartseed to their chest. So I am will to fight and risk dying. Dying isn't scary to me but being separated from you terrifies me. I am willing to risk even this for the dream of that home and children with you."

Rigging then rolls over and hugs her tightly. "I love you. Let me show you my love."
He then massages her strong body trying to relax her and proceeds to make gentle love to her.

Friday January 3rd, 2003 2:22:36 AM

Cheered up by the prospect of hitting port, Ari decides to bring his presents out. Approaching Rigging he pulls out a box and shows it off. "We needed a strongbox for storing the crown in and I've had time to make it. Here is the key that will hold this in place." Giving both items over to Rigging, Ari shows him the workings of the box and key.

Once that is done, Ari asks Rigging to get Ashira to come over to them and then pulls out two sheathed daggers. "I wanted there to be something to mark the special occasion of your marriage together. So I've made these as we've traveled, and as I've had time. I'm not sure if these are the right kind of presents to give a couple. But I felt it was somehow appropriate." Handing the daggers over to the couple, Ari points out, "I hope that someday these daggers might help you to find each other if you are separated and that they will keep you protected as if your spouse was here." Looking at the daggers you can see that they are finely crafted ceremonial daggers. On the handle of one is the likeness of Rigging, and on the other is the likeness of Ashira. "Should you be separate, I hope these images will also give you hope to find each other!"

Friday January 3rd, 2003 2:23:19 AM

ooc Check with Donna how these should be recorded on the character sheet. I'm assuming that there would be an artist mark on them also. :)

Friday January 3rd, 2003 5:21:22 AM

Val is delighted to be docking soon but not as happy as everybody else. To her this is just another port. If she gets some shore leave maybe she can find a good spot to relax.

You Don't Know Jack (DM Donna) 
Friday January 3rd, 2003 8:08:42 AM

Finally, the familiar sight of Ayorsa Island comes into view. The Sword of the Sea makes for the nearest harbor, pulling into dock alongside another ship--a sleek-looking schooner by the name of the Coppersworth. The captain dispatches a report and spends a few hours with the harbormaster, scheduling some repairs for the hammership.

"All Wild Cards on deck..!" comes the hollered announcement. Once the party assembles topside, Hawley addresses you:

"Aye, you done me proud an' now the Jack hisself wants to hear from you. See on the shore, there?" He points out towards an area just beyond the docks proper, where a rather nice carriage pulled by four black horses is parked. "The Jack sent his private rig for to fetch you all to him. Step lively an' keep sharp--and good luck on your audience with 'im!"

The carriage is very comfortable and holds all of you easily. The two people accompanying the conveyence are also dressed in matching black outfits--nice quality but not overly showy. One drives the carriage while the other acts as the footman for the coach.

Once the party is settled into the carriage, the trip in it is quick but pleasant. You see the streets of the port city, and (as it's mid-morning or so now) the place is lively with the day's business. Peddlars of all types hawks wares that range from costume jewelry to rugs to prepared food and drink.

The carriage winds its way up a wide cobblestoned road that leads to a very large (dare I say "palatial"?) mansion, halting in front of a pair of large, ornately-carved and gilded doors. The footman jumps down and opens the door to the coach.

"This way, ladies and gents," the servant says with a gesture, "Ye're expected...just go on in an' the Maja-Domo will announce ye to th' Jack."

Following the directions of the footman finds the party ushered through a wide, sumptuously-appointed hall and into a large ballroom-like chamber, at one end of which is a huge, fancy throne. On the throne is the man once referred to as "King Black", but is now referred to as "The Jack"...the ultimate authority over all the Pirates of Jack.

The Jack looked rather pensive when the Major-domo opened the door to the room, but when you are announced, his countenance brightens considerably and he actually jumps to his feet and meets you halfway into the room.

"Harrrr! 'Tis glad I am t'see ya, an' that be a fact!" he says, pulling at the ruffled cravat that is tied around his neck. "I could do with a break from th' pomp an' circumstance of 'official court life'..." Indeed, the Jack looks rather like a stiff bird of paradise--very fancy and colorful in ruffles and brocade.

"So, pull no punches, me hearties--" he says firmly, "--tell me exactly what happened...and how yer mission went. What discoveries have ye made for the Pirates of Jack..?"

Friday January 3rd, 2003 10:18:27 AM

Rigging is truly touched by the presents that Ari made for them. He places the crown in the box and looks with wonder at the daggers. A tear stands in his eye as he turns his dagger over in his hands inspecting it. "Ari this is wonderful. Thank-you. You have caught my beloved's beauty and strength in this carving."

He puts a hand around his wife's waist and gives her a hug. "See with friends and family who care and love us, how can we lose?"

Rigging will put the key of the crown's stong box on his silver necklace.

When the summons comes, Rigging will grab the crown in its new box and climb into the carriage. As they ride in, he will become concerned with what he is seeing. He murmurs to Ashira, "Seems that the Pirates are getting a little soft. We should be building ships, not palaces."

When they are presented to the Jack, Rigging will make a stiff bow and straighten with a smile. "Jack, we have much to discuss and joyous news to tell you. Momentous things have happened since we have last seen each other. First let me introduce you to my companions." He will give everyones name and with a flourish intoduces Ashira as his wife. (OOC not sure if everyone was with us for the first meeting, so just covering the bases.) Rigging looks around and asks, "Not to be indiscreet, but some of the information is sensitive. Do you wish us to discuss it here in open court or would more protected quarters make sense?

After The Jack has either told Rigging to continue the discussion or moved to another location, Rigging will continue his narrative. He will describe the finding of the Nautacolous and the Wayfinder and their abilities. He will describe the group's meeting with the Gold Dragons and the battle of the gods to the best of his ability.

Rigging will tell of the finding of the old capital city, fighting the mechanicals, and freeing the lost spirits from their curse. He will mention the piles of gold with the contact poison and mention, "If we can counteract the poison, then we could use the money to build a fleet of ships. Even if we can't free the gold from its taint, the isle is the perfect place to stage from and place a free colony for refugees."

"Finally my Jack, I have saved the best news for last. Alemi himself has blessed us. He has given us a cure for the heartseed." Rigging will go on to tell about Father Farkus and The Temple of Alemi. He will explain about the magical waters and how they cured both Ari and Redux. He will explain about questing for the Faybelle bottle in the old emperor's vaults, to save the blessed holy water. "Jack we have 10 cures for the heartseed. Now we have to find worthy subjects to cure that can help our cause of freeing everyone from Ga'al's vile taint."

Friday January 3rd, 2003 12:35:36 PM

Appolo spends most of the voyage doing odd jobs and pointedly keeping himself busy and out of the way.

When the Captain calls them together and informs them when they will be arriving at Ayorsa Island, Appolo decides to give Valanthe her gift, before they arrive. He finds Valanthe and hands her a gift wrapped box. When she opens it she will find a necklace made of beautifully crafted platinum and a Silver Dragon scale with an inscription written in elven.

He leans close to her and with a loving smile quietly tells her what the inscription says. "To Sunshine - May You Shine Forever. Love Appolo." He also informs her of its magical properties. Then waits for a response.

In the morning when they leave to meet the Jack, Appolo makes sure he is looking his best -- hair trimmed and nicely brushed and braided, clothes and armour clean. He decides to say nothing and keep his mouth shut.

When they enter the mansion and are introduced to the Jack, Appolo immediately recognizes him but says nothing and drifts to the rear, hanging back and trying not to be noticed.

Saturday January 4th, 2003 1:25:49 AM

On the voyage from sunken ship to Ayorsa
Well, it appears no rebuke or punishment was to come his way for sinking the Pride of Ga'al, so Akerin figures folks are not too angry about that, or something. He still considers his action in that regard ... not wholly wise.

He listens to Redux as he tells him of how he felt less than fully useful in the recent combat. "Redux, each of us has different gifts, and different opportunities. Sometimes things hinder us for a time. I, myself, feel the fool for having sunk the ship with my feather token that changed to a tree. It might have been added to our fleet, to give us a greater edge against the minions of the god who usurps the will of a whole people." After speaking with a serious mein, a wry grin appears as he asks, "On the other hand, is it terribly wrong to be able to tell the story that the 'Pride of Ga'al' is sunken to the bottom of the sea?" As he finishes helping Redux with his sight and any left over wounds, he slaps him in a comradely fashion on the shoulder. "Learn from the past, and change the future."

Concerning the dead...
He spends several hours in a cabin (or, if a cabin is unavailable, on his own boat, the Tern) with the corpses of the clerics, as he had discussed with Rigging and Ashira, and as well with the ship's cleric, Thadius. The latter he invites to participate, should he choose to do so. Just before he begins, he also thinks to ask Redux if he would wish to observe or assist.

He performs meticulous dissection of the two, tracing the tendrils of the spiders, the heartseeds, to see where and how they attach to the organs and nervous system, and up in to the brain. He also seeks to learn whether the host body somehow integrates itself in any similar fashion into the symbiote. [Augmenting knowledge: physiology.]

He recalls when he first was instructed in the study of the noble races, and told that to understand the art of healing, sometimes one needs to examine the remains of the dead. He found the notion repulsive, contrary to how he had been raised. The dead are to be treated with respect, and their bodies with honor. He still feels ambivalence. He does strive to respect the shell of the departed soul. Yet he also counts the value of what he has learned to cure the ills of the living, that their lives may be fuller, and longer.

Unless Thadius or the captain request an alternative, when done, he fully wraps the bodies, and sends them on their way into the sea, with no approval of their choice (or non-choice?) in life to follow Ga'al, but honoring them nonetheless as worthy opponents. As their bodies disappear beneath the waves, Akerin shudders to think what might have happened had their plan to heartseed others not been thwarted.

And other miscellany
He wishes that Bart or Appolo had taken the time to talk with him a bit when given the opportunity after things settled down. He still seeks out their company a few times, just wanting to get to know them better, along with his other mates.

Amidst taking care of loose ends, making sure that the Wild Cards and crew are fully mended, Akerin is seen examining and carving some rods of wood. He talks briefly with Niner and Thadius, asking either what experience, if any, they might have in crafting various magical or holy items. For a couple days he esconces himself on the Tern. Then for a pair of days he works hard with the crew, performing what tasks need doing. This schedule he keeps until the ship comes to dock.

To Ayorsa
Just before the Sword of the Sea docks, he boards the Tern to navigate it safely in, as well. He asks that the bottom be checked for integrity, and asks after the cost of knocking any barnacles or other unwanted guests off the hull.

With The Jack
Akerin gives The Jack the sort of bow he learned as a fighting monk in his youth when Rigging introduces him. He marvels at von Palin's recounting of past events.

When Rigging finishes, he takes one step forward. "If I may, and this is likely knowledge already passed on to you, sir. The hold of the Pride of Ga'al contained many boxes full of heartseeds. I asked one of our opponents if they planned to seed a continent. Niner surmises their now sunken ship had been headed toward Izen in a bid to recruit converts among the people to the east.

"Perhaps we might send emissaries to those same people, warning them of the ways of Ga'al, of their, for the moment, thwarted plot against their very souls, while promoting the ways of the blessed Alemi, and His good and heavenly associates. Perhaps Aisildur will attempt another such outreach. We cannot let their target go unwarned." He pauses a moment. "I myself can give them graphic descriptions of the cursed heartseed's tendrils threading through a body."

Saturday January 4th, 2003 2:22:06 AM

When Black welcomes them, Bart greets him back, saying, "Thanks Black - or do we have to say Jack now...? We had a pleasant voyage. I'm sure Rigging will tell all the discoveries we made."

While Rigging tells his story Bart adds some comment here and then, giving some more details when he thinks they are needed, especially the battle with the constructs, what the pulverizers and hammerers looked like and of course how their ally, the metal man Dain, helped them in the fight.

Sunday January 5th, 2003 9:38:52 PM

(OOC this is my working weekend and it has been especially brutal)

Valanthe recovers from her blindness in quiet contemplation. The young elven woman wonders about her future and what path she may take. She is rather uncertain about a great many things. Most of all, herself.

When they meet the Jack Val will give a polite bow and keep quiet. She isn't a leader and is ill suited for such a position.

Appolo's gift comes as a complete surprise. She gets a little emotional and her eyes tear up. "Oh Appolo it's beautiful," she says as her face lights up. Val turns around and pulls her long hair over one shoulder so Appolo can put it on her.

After the necklace hangs around her neck she turns around and gives Appolo a kiss. "Just remember that I'm a big girl and can take care of myself." Valanthe sits close and rests her head on Appolo's shoulder and gazes at the ocean.

Sunday January 5th, 2003 10:14:16 PM

ooc. What's the deadline over the weekend? I've always been under the impression that we have till Mon morn some time?! :) I usually like to come in Sun even. to do it. :)

Sunday January 5th, 2003 10:21:38 PM

Glad that he could give something to his family, Ari is happy for the praises.

When the group gets the summons to the Jack Ari goes and gets his attending court clothes. Thinking of the Black's court Ari travels down memory lane remember about the year he spent in another court.

When Rigging's story comes around about the god wars Ari wonders whether the family should consider trying to set up merchant house or not. He wonders whether the borders of Aisildur will have to open up more and what things the Aisildurians can offer the other peoples. Ari briefly wonders about the lack of the story of the crown.

Sunday January 5th, 2003 11:42:02 PM

Ashira remains quiet as Rigging and Akerin bear the brunt of telling the adventures. She remains contemplative, as in fact, she has been for the past few days. She rubs the slight scar on her throat. A blow from the priest of Ga'al that by all rights should have killed her. Yes, death has been seeking me out. But why hasn't it found me yet? I've seen better men felled by lesser blows... Alemi, I feel your hand in this...I just wish I knew what you want me to do. Ashira looks over at her new husband, tears almost welling up in her eyes. He's such a good man...I really don't deserve him. She looks around the room at her family and thinks of all the sorrows and joys that she's gone through with them. So much pain and so much strife. None of them deserve this life of pain. Why couldn't they have been born in more peaceful times...why...most of them are little more than adolescents. Now me...I doubt I could ever be happy settling down...even before Mother passed, I was never happy with the quiet life. Ashira smiles as she catches Valanthe cuddling with Appolo. Ahh, but those two, they deserve so much more. They should settle down and raise a family together. The half-elf chuckles as the vision of Appolo bouncing a little lad on his knee fills her head.

Shifting her weight a little as the proceedings continue, Ashira's hand brushes against the hilt of the dagger that Ari recently gave her. Her smile brightens further. She realizes that she has been so consumed with her thoughts of the fragility of life that she has not yet thanked the young man for his beautiful gift yet. Such a sensitive a caring young soul...hopefully one day he can throw off the way of the warrior and find someone to settle down with.

Realizing that she has drifted off into nostalgia, Ashira tries to refocus her mind on the conference with Jack. She tries to determine if any important details have been left out by Rigging and Akerin, but fails to remember any, and remains silent.

OOC Sorry folks, I've been on vacation in AZ since Christmas, and haven't had a internet connection for the past week and a half. Glad to be back!

Monday January 6th, 2003 12:20:02 AM

Appolo smiles. "I know that, and besides, you're not all that big, anyway. Besides, as long as I live, I will always protect you to the best of my ability," he tells Valanthe as he puts the necklace around her neck.

Monday January 6th, 2003 1:21:04 AM

Redux, in his finer robe, stands before King Black with the rest of the family. He listens approvingly of the accounts given by the others. They have recounted the strengths and successes of the last few months (has it been that long?) and remembers, for no particular reason of how much webbing would fit into this room (purely for research purposes, he reminds himself). These events have never been his favorites, though, they have been known to advance or take away from one's career. It doesn't help his thoughts when Talon comments about the Jack's dress being very unnatural for any bird. As Akerin speaks, he recalls the autopsies of the clerics; much too messy, but very valuable.

At his turn to speak, Redux can only add that each of them has had opportunities to show great heroism and other times where the opportunity slipped by. You can be proud at how your wildcards have upheld the honor of the Jacks.

A Call to Council (DM Donna) 
Monday January 6th, 2003 6:55:48 AM

The regaling of the recent adventures of your party does, indeed, take place in a nearby but infinitely more private audience chamber. The Jack is quiet for a while, digesting all the input that the Wild Cards of the Sword of the Sea give him. The information about the destination of the Pride of Ga'al as well as the stated intentions of the cleric cadre do not appear to surprise the beefy man in the least, nor does the description of how heartseeds literally dig into their hosts.

Rigging's description of Isildur and the party's adventure there produces a rather curious expression on the Jack's face, but Rigging's subsequent revelation about the curative potion sweeps away anything the older man might have thought to ask.

"A potion that can destroy a living heartseed..?" echoes the Jack incredulously, his broad face suddenly grinning from ear to ear. "Aye, laddie, if this is so, then the possibilities of such a brew--they fair swamp the mind, now, don't they?" The Jack begins to pace back and forth, then he bellows at the top of his lungs:

"Rushcant! Rushcant, get yer carcass in here!!!" roars the ultimate leader of the Pirates of Jack. Immediately one of the doors into the room bursts open and into the audience chamber runs a thin half-elven woman dressed in worn wizard robes.

"Rushcant, me good right arm," the Jack says to the woman, "Summon up the Council of Kings--we got mighty important business t'discuss, an' I don't care what else any of 'em may be doin' at the moment!"

"Aye, my Jack." Rushcant replies with a bow.

"An' see that these Wild Cards get put up in this here place somewheres." the Jack adds. "I also need for ye to have some guards fetch a bottle of brew that is to be put in that brand-new, fancy-dancy 'curitee room' ye had 'em build."

"At once, sire!" Rushcant acquiesces, bowing again.

"Go now, me hearties!" the Jack dismisses the lot of you with a smile and a wave. "Give over that potion to nobody but Rushcant and the guard...'tis far too precious to be laying about unguarded. Now I gots to ponder th'possibilities an' get ready to discuss this in Council..." Muttering to himself, the Jack strides across the chamber and exits out of the room, chuckling.

"Well...I'd say that you must have made his day with your news, then," Rushcant remarks to you all, "I'd been drilling him on protocol for almost a month, and he's gone and forgotten almost all of it in the space of time it took to speak with you." The half-elf turns to look you all over rather critically, but the smile that crosses her own tanned face reaches the depths of her hazel eyes.

"I'm Rushcant," she introduces herself, "I am Chief Advisor to the Jack--I used to be his first mate when we sailed the Rapier. Follow me, please--I must make arrangements for you to turn over that bottle to us." She leads the way to the door through which she entered the audience chamber. "If you have any questions, I'll be happy to try to answer them..."

Monday January 6th, 2003 10:44:04 AM

A look of concern crosses over Rigging's face and he goes momentarly pale. With a quick look at Val, he speaks up, "Rushcant, no disrespect intended but...", he pauses and grins, "It is amazing what a troublesome word 'but' is." He pauses again and says, "I can only speak for myself in this matter but I do believe I speak for the rest of the wildcards. Alemi didn't give us a potion that can be recreated. He gave my family and the Sword of the Sea's wildcards a blessing that can only be used 10 times. He gave us the responsibility for this blessing. We will not relinquish that responsibility easily.

Rigging stops again choosing his words carefully, "We are sworn to the service of the Pirates of Jack and you have our loyalty. This blessing was put upon us by Alemi himself, who manifested himself to us. We will listen to your council and the council of your Captains but will not willingly give up the Faybelle bottle without knowing how its incredible gift intends to be used."

Rigging pauses and looks keenly into Rushcant's face. "I realize you think we are small fry in the whole big picture. For some reason we have been successful, and have received The Holy Alemi's gift. I think my family is fated to do more with this gift in helping to free the people."

Rigging will then bow low hoping he hasn't insulted his king, or--rather--the King's representative.

Monday January 6th, 2003 10:59:47 AM

"Well met, m'lady," he says to Rushcant. "My name is Akerin."

He is about to speak, but Rigging beats him to it. He nods his head in agreement with what he says, however, then adds, "The Faybelle bottle contains a liquid blessed by the very hand of Alemi, m'lord. I trust his lordship's forgiveness in this matter, but must insist that the bottle not depart from us. However, if all my companions be of like mind, I and any who wish to do likewise shall accompany the bottle.

"The Jack's worthy motive is to understand and see whether the elixir might be duplicated. Perhaps it can, perhaps it cannot. One seldom knows for sure in matters touched by the divine.

"An ancient saying has it, though, that 'The glory of the divine is to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings is to seek it out.' So I am not opposed to his lordship's design. But as a holy charge from a servant of Alemi, I, for one, cannot let this holy water undergo examination, unless I also be present. Know, too, m'lady Rushcant, that his servant told us that outside the Temple of Alemi, the virtue of the liquid would be not long preserved, except when stored within the Faybelle bottle. Every tenth part of the contents of this artifact lost means one less person who can be freed from the cursed heartspider. If there are people of skill who have the art to duplicate it, though, it would be a wonder for its effects to be multiplied. I, then, feel a burden, an obligation, to remain with Alemi's blessed waters. I also would seek Alemi's counsel and guidance in this matter."

Monday January 6th, 2003 12:10:00 PM

"Aye I agree you can put the bottle in that room of yours," Bart allows, "but I will guarding it mit my life."

Monday January 6th, 2003 5:19:24 PM

Appolo says nothing and is looking for the first opprtunity to disappear somewhere and be alone with Valanthe - perhaps a nice dinner or something. He glides silently up to Valanthe and whispers in her ear, "How about you and me disappear for awhile and have a nice dinner together?"

Monday January 6th, 2003 11:10:20 PM

The half-elf takes up a position beside her new husband as he voices his refusal to give up the Feybelle to Rushcant. Her hands on her swords, Ashira's tone is none the less friendly as she addresses the Jack's right hand. "I'm afraid that my husband and the other's are correct. You see, Alemi himself gifted us with the holy waters, and guided us to the bottle. It is clear to me that Alemi wishes for us to guard and use the bottle and its holy waters. I do not wish to defy the Jack, but I would rather deny him than Alemi."

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 12:45:29 AM

Addressing Rushcant, "I believe you should call back the King to sort this out unless you have a compromise in mind that will save us all from directly going against his orders. He seems to have really missed some important information about this 'brew.'

Akerin adds... 
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 2:34:44 AM

"Friends, if we let them examine one tenth of the contents, and they are able to make progress by that study toward coming up with a replicable solution, I think it would be more than worthwhile," Akerin says in response to Ashira. "The priest of Alemi granted us discretion over its use. It seems there would be wisdom in examining a portion of it. If any doubt my allegiance to Alemi in this matter, please speak plainly. As the proverb I cited states, it may be to the greater glory for knowledgeable and dedicated experts to examine the elixir. So, rather than bother The Jack with our concerns, which we have made clear to the Lady and Chief Advisor Rushcant, let his people have the tenth part for their explorations, and make of that what they will. The balance, though, we perhaps ought reserve for directly freeing others."

He turns to ask of Rushcant, "You have the discretion, as the trusted counselor who had the special room constructed, to work with us in this wise, I would trust?"

And evenly, he adds to the young man who is edging out, "Appolo, why are you trying to leave when something of such import is at stake?"

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 8:40:35 AM

Valanthe is not please by the Jack's orders. She should hand it over and let them ruin everything. It would serve them right. She likes traveling with her friends but it's no suprise that the pirates of Jack are getting their butts kicked by Ga'al.

Instead of blowing up, Val just smiles and says in a polite voice. "I know that the Jack's wisdom is boundless. Why it must be greater than Alemi's to ignore the will of a god. It doesn't matter than Alemi charge us with the water. The Jack wishes it. Why I bet the Jack knows that the water only remains potent for a very short period of time outside the bottle. A few seconds at most. So I am sure that the Jack has a way to recreate this irreplaceable liquid in the few seconds it's potent. Isn't that right Rushcant?"

Valanthe (Oops) 
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 8:44:18 AM

OOC: I accidentaly sent the post a little to soon. This was to be added at the end.

Val gives Appolo's hand a gentle squeeze. Dinner would be nice but they could be in jail or dead. Or it might not be that bad. They could be on the run from the pirates, trying to escape with their lives.

Wh-wh-whaaaaaat..? (DM Donna) 
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 9:01:08 AM

Rushcant obviously finds it very hard to believe her pointed little ears--a handful of uppity Wildcards trying to tell the Jack what he can and cannot do..! She blinks for a moment, obviously struggling to find the words to say, then finally speaks:

"Listen...perhaps you don't realize what it is that you have in your Feybelle Bottle there--you possess the means to free people from the direct influence of Ga'al. You SAY that you cannot replicate the potion...but HOW can you be sure of that? Did Alemi manifest himself to you and say: 'here's a potion that works, but you absolutely cannot have more than ten doses of it, and you never, EVER will be able to replicate it.'..? Did he? Or have you all just ASSUMED that you can't copy the potion because circumstances forced you to take what you could when you could and move your butts out of the area? Have any of you even TRIED to analyze the potion at all?" Rushcant looks into everyone's faces.

"You say that Alemi gave you the potion himself," she continues, "Well, fine, then--if you all have ANY reservations about how the Jack will use it...the Jack, to whom you have all pledged loyal service to in our shared fight against the tyranny and injustice perpetrated by Ga'al and his minions, and whom legally owns everything won by his Pirates in his name...then I think you should probably seek divine advice either through magic that you can cast yourselves, or by going to a priest of Alemi and asking THEM for their input." The spare half-elf female draws herself up to her full five feet and five inches of height, then gives a short, shrill whistle.

Before the Wildcards can even blink, the party is surrounded by a couple dozen fellow Pirates of Jack...all of them are obviously specialists of some kind or another: fighters, rogues, and spellcasters. The look on each of their faces is of grim determination--they WILL enforce the edicts of the Jack, regardless of however any of the party members feel about it.

"You have one of three choices." Rushcant tells you. "I can show you the Security Room where the Jack wishes the Feybelle Bottle to be kept while he is consulting with the Three Kings...or I can escort you to the nearest priest of Alemi...or I can have you all escorted directly to the Jailhouse to await a hearing by the Jack on charges of mutiny. Which is it to be..?"

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 9:40:59 AM

Rigging sees the white knuckles of some of his companions and steps forward with his hands raised. "Everyone take it easy." He looks at the half-elf and says, "We will take up two of your options. It is time that we spoke to a priest of Alemi. Akerin and Ari, I think that you are the logical choices for that task."

Rigging looks back to Rushcant and says, "If you can have one of your loyal retainers escort my companions with a note of introduction. I am sure that would be helpful. We should see what the priesthood hierarch is saying. That might be helpful.

The rest of us would like to see the security arrangements that have been made to keep the Faybelle bottle safe."

After his two companions have gone on their task, Rigging will stride along next to Rushcant and say, "I apologize for our zeal. We have been on many hair-raising missions and almost lost our lives in securing this miracle. That is what it is, a miracle. We have looked into the face of Alemi and felt his forgiveness. If is easy to forget that others are working towards the same goals that we are. We have been so alone in our struggles, it is hard to rely on others, no matter what their motivations are or their competence."

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 2:22:52 PM

Valanthe pulls out the bottle and holds it tightly in her hand. "There us another option. Anybody take a step and I destroy the divine water. We know what the limitations are because Alemi sent a spirit to tell us you stupid #$%&^@. Outside of the bottle this divine liquid becomes ordinary water and I don't care what any Jack says. I never wanted to be a pirate in the first place. This orginization is so screwed up. Did you ever think that perhaps the pirates can't defeat Ga'al, isn't because of Ga'al at all? Could it be that the pirates are causing themselves problems? You weren't there. You don't know what we saw and almost died to get. You have no right to say anything. The Jack is a man and no man is all wise. There is ne solid reason to believe that the Jack is right. Maybe if everybody stopped groveling and speak up when something doesn't sound right things would get better." Valanthe is pissed off and ready to carry out her threat.

Oh, Reeeeeeeally...? (DM Donna)  (no, this isn't a usual type of post, but Valanthe's hasty and ill-considered action prompts me to post a hasty but supremely-DM-like countermove.)
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 3:08:46 PM

Rushcant quirks an eyebrow at the determined barbarian lass...and snaps her fingers once more.

Valanthe finds that she is completely frozen in place and unable to move.

"For an elf, my dear, you are being rather shortsighted. You'd rather destroy what little you have than let the Pirates of Jack help to try to make what is there more effective..?" the wizard asks. "I could just reach out and take the bottle from you right at this moment--but I won't, because your leader has wisely chosen to seek the answer to your questions by asking the counsel of a genuine priest of Alemi. He also asks to see how secure the chamber is with his own eyes--both the choices are wise and will be fulfilled. In fact, ALL of you will come with me to our temple of Alemi, there to consult with the god of healing for your own selves." The brunette shakes her head and mutters something about hot-headed barbarians, beckoning for the party to follow her.

The Pirates that surround you part to let you follow Rushcant--but Valanthe is still paralyzed...and now levitating behind the half-elf aide to the Jack.

"This way, Wildcards," Rushcant says, "We will ALL see the priests at the temple...any way you wish to be reassured of the purity of the intentions of the Pirates of Jack on this matter will be proffered. It is up to all of you to decide for yourselves whether to believe in your own faith or not."

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 4:02:52 PM

The healer is trying to figure out why Rigging says that Alemi appeared to them in the temple. Maybe that happened before his arrival and first meeting with them. He recalls the rather ethereal image of the high priest who appeared to them, whom some thought was Alemi, but who disabused them of that notion. However, he is not yet prepared to gainsay the group's leader in front of others, so resolves to bring this up with him later, if possible.

His eyebrow raises at Valanthe's threat and hard words. As Rushcant takes action to neutralize the threat, Akerin feels a mix of relief and irritation. He recalls the ship's captain counseling them to discuss before arrival the party's intentions for the Faybelle Bottle, and further recalls that neither he himself nor anyone else, to the best of his knowledge, ever took the time to do so. And now the matter is being drawn from their own hands. He observes the members of their escort, trying to get a feel for their capabilities. He follows right next to Valanthe, likely joined there by Appolo. If it looks likely that Appolo, or anyone else, is going to try to take the artifact from Valanthe's hands, he will warn them with a stern look not to attempt such. "Let no one else touch or harm the bottle. That bottle must not break due to any foolish squabbling."

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 5:11:02 PM

"What we were told was that we were being given 10 doses of a magical water that I was actually wading in when we were in the temple," Ari explains. "This magical water no longer exists because the magic faded in front of us. We were further told that the bottle was the only container that could retain the magical qualities of the water.

"Knowing we have 10 doses of a curative and knowing that there are many more than 10 deserving people out there. I know I had certain hesitations about doing anything other than using the magical water than the way it was intended. Having recently known the gods to have been at war - who am I to go against what I was told in a temple? Considering everything we saw happen that day in that temple.

"I would ask though why someone that serves towards the same purpose as we, why they would have to be so heavy handed? I admit my companion may have come across a little harshly. Seems many of my family have very rough edges." Ari smiles as the various memories come back.

"But if we follow orders blindly without taking into consideration what we know, what we have seen, and what we believe. Then are we no better now than what is happening to the rest of our people?

"Just because he's the Jack do we lose the ability to question what he thinks and does? Because if we do then we've traded masters and not improved our condition. As it seems since you've taken freedom of choice away from her."

Commenting to himself, but so that others can hear. "Seems many people in this world tend to jump to extremes without even asking." Ari shakes his head in the negative as he says this.

"IF we were enemies I would understand more, but...."

The entire time he's talking he's showing his hands out in the open with no hostility in his face.

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 7:01:45 PM

Appolo reaches out and quickly takes the bottle. "Here, you can have this, better take it to the secure room first. Then we can can go to the temple, although I don't know why. As already stated there's only ten shots in the bottle anyways. It isn't worth fighting over."

He says as he hands the bottle to Rushcant, "Now please release Valanthe -- she'll behave."

He then turns to Akerin, "In answer to your earlier question -- I wanted to leave because I saw this coming days ago. We lost control of the bottle and the water the minute we revealed its existence." He then awaits a reply as he walks along.

Akerin  d20+6=25 d6+2=7
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 9:55:22 PM

No, Appolo will have to reach through or around Akerin to take the bottle. He placed himself next to Valanthe just because he anticipated Appolo trying something like that. If Appolo continues, then he slams a sap down on the rogue's head as the latter tries his move. (AC 25, to knock him out, subdual damage 7.)

If he either stops trying before Akerin has to physically interfere, or remains conscious after getting beaned, Akerin tells him. "Don't start, Appolo, don't play the fool," Akerin warns. "You'll break it for sure. Just back off." He looks both to his companions and to their escort to see that what Valanthe carries is left alone, even by her lover. He keeps himself inserted between Valanthe and Appolo, who will have to get by him to get to her.

Wednesday January 8th, 2003 2:06:22 AM

The half-elf's grip tightens on her swords as Rushcant verbally assalts the group and then calls in the hired help. Many vicious retorts flow through her mind, as well as a few curses. But, as much as she doesn't like it, Rushcant, Rigging and Akerin have a point. Why not ask Alemi and let him settle the matter. Perhaps she and the others have acted too rashly. She works to control her breathing, and takes her hands off her swords as they travel to the temple.

Yes, it will be good to hear Alemi's will. Perhaps he will also indicate who he wishes to be healed with the valuable potion. It would certainly take a load off humans if Alemi would make his will known so easily. But then, why all the jumping through hoops? Why didn't Alemi just give the formula for the healing curative to the Jack himself?! Ashira sighs deeply as she realizes that her thoughts are straying closer to heresy than she cares for. I am certain that Alemi has reasons for what he does. That is enough for me now.

Wednesday January 8th, 2003 2:23:10 AM

"Ya know, Rushcant, you're right. What do we know about what this water can or cannot do. After all, we were there. As a matter of fact, I was blessed by it's curative powers and cleansed of the detestable heart-seed. I even have a small amount of the amazing water left in my canteen here. Not that it is worth anything, it is only the qualities of the Faybelle Bottle that allows the water to retain its healing powers. But, as Alemi granted the blessing to begin with, you are also right in suggesting we visit his temple for his guidance at this time. Lead on."

This is a Temple..? (DM Donna) 
Wednesday January 8th, 2003 5:09:38 PM

Rushcant conducts the party to another building that isn't more than several hundred yards away from the Jack's mansion. It's not a very impressive-looking building--a sturdy brick edifice that has rather utilitarian doors and windows on it.

Into the building everyone goes, entering into a large receiving hall that has five or six people in it. Three or four of them are recognizably dressed as clerics of Alemi. One such man approaches Rushcant as soon as the half-elf wizard waves him over.

"Brother," Rushcant says, "I am here with these people because they seek to know the truth of Alemi's will. They need to be assured of the path that will oppose the evil of Ga'al. For this, I hope you and your brethren can aid them."

The cleric (a middle-aged human male with intense brown eyes and a bald head) eyes Valanthe, who is still floating and paralyzed.

"Welcome to the temple of Alemi," he says, then gives Rushcant a prompting sort of look. Rushcant snaps her fingers yet again, and Val settles on her feet, free to move once more.

"This way to our altar." the cleric tells you. "There we will invoke the presence of Alemi...there your questions will be answered." He leads you all into another room--obviously a worship room, if the pews and the pristine white stone altar at one end are anything to judge by. Once you're at the altar, the cleric kneels and begins to pray in a language that anyone who can cast divine spells recognizes as being the invocation of a communication spell of some type...

"Alemi, here are humble seekers of your wisdom," the cleric says as a warm golden light begins to sparkle in the very middle of the altar, "They seek thy guidance, and wish to know the truth of thy will."

"My children..." the voice that eminates from the golden light is warm and familiar to your very souls, "...I sense confusion and trepidation amongst you--what is it that you wish to know..?"

The presence IS that of Alemi--the very warmth and love of it is undeniable. Make any kind of check or roll you wish, but all PCs will know for sure that they are now in direct communication with the god of healing himself. Whatever it is that your character wants to know for sure, he or she may now ask of the deity.

Wednesday January 8th, 2003 7:20:28 PM

Rigging feels nothing but awe enter his mind. He stammers, "Holy Alemi, You graced us with some of your holy water that can help save others infected with the heartseed. In bringing it to our superiors, they want to experiement with it, hoping to reproduce it in quantity. Is this your will? Should we allow them to use some of it to experiment on, or do you mean it only to cure those few individuals that we have doses for?"

Rigging stammers to a halt basking in the love that he feels.

Wednesday January 8th, 2003 7:51:26 PM

Appolo kneels out of respect for Alemi. He says nothing, hoping to go unnoticed. He thinks to himself, 'What was I thinking trying to grab the bottle back there? That's the problem -- I wasn't. I am going to have to stop reacting like that.' Truth be known, Appolo has acquired a little faith over the years.

Thursday January 9th, 2003 7:05:28 AM

Akerin daily senses Alemi's presence through his prayers and meditations, and in his readings in the Book of Hours.

But this is exceptional. He recalls a similar experience at the convocation which formally ordained him into the Alemic priesthood, and then when he was named a healer of Alemi.

He prays aloud, "Oh, bless thy name and all thy works, holy Lord. We thank thee for thy mercies, we thank thee for thy patience with us, weak vessels all. We thank thee for the strength thou lendest us in our hour of need. We seek thy wisdom, thine ability to see beyond the visible. Grant us a moment of thine insight, and open our eyes to see our way in this matter. Brother Rigging stated it well. Shall we seek to multiply the blessed waters which remove the cursed heartseeds? Or shall we reserve these waters for the ten alone? Oh, that thy blessed water were become as a river that will never run dry, giving health and wholeness unto our peoples, restoring those burdened by unnatural creatures and foul which dwell within their flesh! This is our petition, today.

"But, oh my Lord Alemi, I ask too for peace and understanding among us who oppose those who oppose thee. Give us patience with one another, and ears to hear each other, and hands of love. Forgive me mine impulse to strike a brother. Forgive me, I beseech thee, and let me act more with thy wisdom and forbearance, and less with mine impatience."

Then, as he realizes that this is not really supposed to be his time of personal devotions, and there are plenty of other occasions for that, and his friends may likely grow weary listening to such long-winded prayers...

"Thus, our Lord Alemi, hear and answer our prayers, indeed. Selah."

And he enjoys the peaceful, healing presence of Alemi.

Truth Be Known (DM Donna) 
Thursday January 9th, 2003 7:23:21 AM

"In this brave new Wold in which you now live," Alemi explains, "The initial balance between Good and Evil is equal--the fountain that was manifested briefly in old Isildur could not exist for too long or it would draw the attention of Ga'al and his enslaved followers. This, as you know, was the reason for your quest to get the Feybelle Bottle...so that you may obtain the potion and safely bear it back to your brothers here on this island. Never did I intend for only this little amount to exist--if you choose to share the cure that you have in your possession, then you must give it to those who would analyze it and reproduce it.

"If, however, you choose to keep control of the potion and not to share it, then you have the power to cure only ten others of the affliction that had once plagued yourselves.

"I would have you share your good fortune, my children, but it is your choice." Alemi admits. "Where Ga'al gives no native Aisilduran a choice, the potion you hold in your hands will. Would you deny that freedom to your fellow Aisildurans?"

Thursday January 9th, 2003 3:14:25 PM

Haven gotten no response from the half-elf and now having to confront the fact that the group looks like a bunch of fools, Ari sits down stunned.

Thursday January 9th, 2003 4:45:47 PM

"Ah, my Lord and Master, then thou hast granted us the headwaters of the river, if wisely we use thy gift," Akerin, on his knees, exults. "It was dark unto us, whether it were even possible for the stored waters to be multiplied, lest in the attempt, salvation for even a few be lost. Yet thou dost tell us it is possible, yea, it is our very duty. And in thy wisdom, thou who hast power to enforce thy will, yet dost grant us freedom to choose. For what is love if not a thing chosen freely? Oh, thou art worthy. Woe unto us if we heed not thy words. Blessed art thou, O Master of the Healing Arts!" Akerin bows to the floor in rapture.

Thursday January 9th, 2003 6:57:55 PM

Rigging crows, "Blessed Alemi! Thank-you for your wisdom and your even more wonderful gift of life. We shall free your children from Ga'al's dominance." Rigging bows low with a grin on his face. He is incredibly happy. He feels hope once again fill his soul and is ready to take on the world.

To Rushcant, "My apologies dear lady. You have mine and my family's total support." Rigging again bows.

Friday January 10th, 2003 1:58:10 AM

"Thank you Alemni," says Bart kneeling on his knees, "thank you for helping us again, pease give me your blessing."

Friday January 10th, 2003 2:19:31 AM

Completely in awe of Alemi's grace and blessing, the half-elf paladin beams in exultation at the god's announcement that he wishes healing for all. She falls to her knees as she begs his forgiveness. "Forgive me, my god, for I have acted rashly. I thought I understood your wishes, and would have given my life to defend the potion. But your grace abounds further than my imagination. Truly you are an awesome god!" She smiles at Rigging's response and then apology to Rushcant. She too approaches the half-elf. "Yes, Rushcant, please accept our most humble apologies. We did not mean to insult you or challenge you. We were only acting on what we thought we understood. We were wrong, and wish only to act in accordance to Alemi's will. Please, allow us to accompany you to the vault where we will gladly submit the Feybelle bottle and potion for your examination."

Friday January 10th, 2003 2:34:55 AM

Redux feels the tingle in his chest where the heart-seed once was. He thanks Alemi profusely for the healing which was given remembering how he once tried to thank the deity but found himself in the presence of Father Farkus instead. His sense of thankfulness only increases when it is surely known what the will of the great and wonderful Alemi truly is. He continues to pray in his heart, knowing that his family is doing the right thing.

Friday January 10th, 2003 2:19:13 PM

Appolo just remains silent saying nothing as he stands and silently prepares to leave. He will wait and let the others leave first. Lingering a little, he whispers, "Thank you for your wisdom and patience." Bowing he turns and follows the others out.

Friday January 10th, 2003 7:06:40 PM

Valanthe kneels in respect for Alemi. He is a god but not her god. Even now when her words are calm in tone, they are rebellious. "By apologizing I would admit to wrongdoing, so I offer none. I meant to challenge you Rushcant, and probably will do so again." Val gazes upward and resists the urge to speak. She realizes that she doesn't have to say anything, Alemi already knows. Valanthe doesn't have the love for Alemi that the others do. She doesn't hold one god in her heart. She never could after her people were wiped out and she was left alone. She could never believe if a god cared about her that he would have let it happen. Valanthe is helping the pirates because she respects what they are trying to do. She helps Alemi because she believes that his cause is a good one.

Valanthe stands and sets the Feybelle bottle on the ground. She turns on her heels and walks out of the room, leaving the spirit of Alemi to communicate with his followers.

Akerin adds 
Saturday January 11th, 2003 3:04:24 PM

"Oh, and Great Alemi, permit me, I beseech thee, to ask as well. Shall we go to warn the people of Izen of what the Aisildurians seek to launch upon them? Of their plans to bring them into the slavery of Ga'al? What is thy will in this matter? What is thy counsel?" Akerin asks his god.

Say "Ahhhhhhhh..." (DM Donna) 
Monday January 13th, 2003 7:50:27 AM

The warmly-glowing globe of golden light hovering just above the altar seems to grow even warmer and brighter.

"My children, I know that your intentions are only the most noble, so there is nothing for me to forgive." Alemi's voice tells the party. "Never cease to question...but do try to keep your hearts and minds open to the answers offered in return." A sigh issues from the light.

"I must turn my immediate attention to other matters now," Alemi says, "But I can tell you this before taking my leave: there is one major difference between the heartseeding of Aisildur and the intended heartseeding of the rest of The Wold...that being that non-Aisildurans have the ability to actively choose whether to except Ga'al's heartseed or not. Aisildurans are heartseeded before they have the knowledge or the will to actively resist. All others of The Wold must be convinced to accept a heartseed.

"I do not doubt that there will be many mortals who will choose to accept a heartseed willingly--mostly because of the promise of personal power that Ga'al's followers will make to the person. I also know that the cult of Ga'al will also use underhanded methods to heartseed non-Aisildurans...all manner of tactics ranging from lying to a potential victim to blackmailing them...even to heartseeding by force in some cases!

"So, yes, warn all who would listen..." Alemi tells you, "...you do not have to go actively seek out Izen or any other peoples of The Wold, but when you do encounter them, try to make sure that they know the true price of accepting a heartseed of Ga'al, that your fellow mortals may make their choice without a tissue of lies clouding their judgement."

The light flares up brightly.

"Bless you all, my children--be happy, healthy and merciful in the lives you lead."

The temple returns to its normal illumination.

"I must apologize to you myself." Rushcant says softly. "I panicked when your friend Valanthe threatened that curative potion--none of us wishes to see anything happen to it, especially not now that there's a chance of actually reproducing it so that all of Aisildur may benefit from it." The half-elf wizard bows.

"Follow me--you have to see this security room!" she invites, excitement tinging her words. Rushcant leads you back to the mansion of the Jack, but down to a lower level, through a maze of corridors and into a chamber that looks to be about a hundred feet around. It's a circular room that has a ceiling height of maybe forty feet or so. In the very middle of the room is large, dark boulder.

The boulder, as the party approaches it, looks to be a twenty-foot-cube of roughly-hewn stone. Anyone making an Intelligence check of 15 or more can tell that the stone is a substance called steelstone (anyone with Mining or Geological skill or Knowledge: The Planes can add that modifier to their roll)...a type of stone that is NOT native to The Wold itself, but, rather, to an elemental plane of earth.

Rushcant walks up to one of the sides of the rounded cube and speaks directly to it in a language that only those who understand Terran can translate, though she is obviously speaking some kind of identifying greeting to it.

Just as everyone in the party realizes that the cube has vaguely humanoid features carved on its face--the large eyes of the cube snap open and eye the party. Rushcant says something else, and the cube rumbles, its mouth yawning open and a large, stony tongue sliding foward to stop at the party's feet.

"G'head--put the bottle on Humfree's tongue." Rushcant says.

Rigging  d20+4=16
Monday January 13th, 2003 9:37:35 AM

Rigging frowns as he sees Val stride from the room. After the presence of Alemi departs, Rigging picks up the bottle and follows Rushcant from the temple to the security area. He says to her, "You don't need to worry to much about the bottle breaking. The Faybelle bottle itself is a powerful artifact. Not sure of all of its properties -- but we do know that it won't shatter easily. Val was bluffing on that score." Rigging tries to conceal his grin.

When they arrive at the security room, Rigging will notice the strange stone and something will jog his memory. "Is this steelstone? Where did you get it?" When the face comes alive Rigging will naturally step back. He wonders aloud, "Is this an elemental of earth?" When directed, he places the bottle on the tongue.

Appolo  d20+1=6
Monday January 13th, 2003 2:41:23 PM

As stated before Appolo remains quiet and respectful. He is also the last to leave, quietly thanking Alemi himself then leaving.

He stays to the rear, drifting as far back as he can, as he follows the others silently.

Appolo has no idea what kind of stone it is or what kind of creature it is. He just remains quiet and still watching and waiting.

Monday January 13th, 2003 6:43:15 PM

Valanthe waits for the ceremony to end. She remains quiet and finds herself actually wishing to set sail. She doesn't doubt that the Pirates will keep the bottle safe.

Monday January 13th, 2003 10:53:03 PM

The healer of Alemi closely attends to the work in the security room.

[I've run out of words...]

GULP! (DM Donna) 
Tuesday January 14th, 2003 6:55:08 AM

"Why, yes, Rigging," Rushcant says, nodding, "Humfree here is an earth elemental...very old and strong." She turns to the giant boulder-being. "Okay, Humfree...keep this safe!"

Humfree's tongue slides back into the mouth, which shuts with a raspy rumble. Then the elemental slowly appears to melt into the floor of the room.

"There--the potion will remain safe." the half-elf wizard says with certainty. "Now I will show you to the upper part of the Jack's place...and tell you about what he has planned."

As Rushcant walks along with the party, she tells you of the Jack's recent reorganization. The Jack had been rather dissatisfied with the way things were run of late, and the last straw for him had been the construction of the very mansion that you are now in.

It wasn't that he was not grateful for having such a nice "palace", but the Jack didn't think it completely necessary to waste the Pirates of Jack's hard-won money on such a building...not if it was meant solely for him to live in. So, instead, the Jack allowed the building to go up--as a sort of base of operations whenever he was called by PoJ business to the island.

"Because...well, the Jack is going to be going back to sea himself--he misses it so." Rushcant explains.

The Jack--with that result in mind--did some organizational re-arranging by having the ships of the PoJ renamed so that they'd be easier for each other to recognize. He's also eliminated most of the more rigid military-type rules of the PoJ as well.

"The Jack wants to keep the Pirates as basic as possible." Rushcant tells you. "We will prey on Aisildur's trade and use the profits to help Aisildur refugees. We don't attack just to attack, and we don't kill if we don't have to. Each ship in the PoJ can have their own rules of how they run themselves...but the Jack is still the law of the sea for us. Any squabbles between ships will be settled by him if they cannot be worked out between themselves. You help any innocent who needs help...and you never, EVER let any non-Pirate know about where the islands or the Jack are."

Tuesday January 14th, 2003 2:36:05 PM

I think the potion is safe in this ...place. I dont think we have to guard this room.

Well Rushcant do you know if there is a special mission planned. I dont like to enter other ships, I want to fight against the hart of Ga'al organisation, Hitting them where it hurt most. Maybe we must do some investigation about the hartseeeds where do the come from? From one place? If that's the case we have an excellent goal. Do you know anything about this?
Otherwise we could raid a temple. Maybe the same temple we raid a few years ago, as a revenge of one of our family members that died there.

Tuesday January 14th, 2003 7:40:39 PM

Rigging drops back and puts his arm around Ashira's waist, gives her a peck on the cheek and says, "Not everyday you get to commune with Alemi. Must have been a highpoint in your young paladinhood."

He moves his hand away from her waist and grabs her hand. "His message was very interesting. I am surprised that Ga'al is trying to infect the other races now. It was bad enough when he was just infecting humans. Maybe this means that his forces will be more spread out and vulnerable now. It is something to think on as we develop new plans for the future."

Rigging's quick mind changes directions again. "So the Jack is going back to sea. I wonder if that is a good idea. I know he is tired of the protocol and administration, but think of the damage the beauacracy could do without his strong hand here to kick its butt.
We saw the beginnings of one revolution against his rule. We would easily fall into Ga'als plans if we start struggling amoungst ourselves."

Wednesday January 15th, 2003 12:27:37 AM

Ari quietly listens to the things that are being said around him. Not sure what to think as this junction Ari decides to stay quiet as Rushcant begins to open up to the group.

Wednesday January 15th, 2003 12:28:14 AM

Ashira nods her head at Bart's comment, her blue hair bobbing slightly. "Yes, Bart, I'd have to agree with you. I think the bottle's nice and safe here.

The half-elf beams after Rigging's kiss, and gives him a wink. "Yes, well, I've had many highpoints recently...but I'd have to say that that was a pretty close second to our wedding day." Using her free hand, Ashira gently strokes her husband's face as he takes her hand, though her mood darkens. "I don't know...I think it's a very bad sign that Ga'al has decided to expand his territory. I mean, we're already fighting a loosing battle on Aisildur. At least in the past we knew his power was pretty much contained to one area. Now how will we know who's the enemy?" The soft glow that so recently radiated from Ashira's contenance slowly fades as she considers the implications of Ga'al's new tactics.

Redux  d20+2=7
Wednesday January 15th, 2003 1:07:38 AM

"Really, Rigging, that is quite amazing. Besides hardness, what are it's other qualities? Oh,..., um, nevermind, I'll ask Rushcant. What sort of business are we to be called upon to undertake? Do we have the opportunity for some shore leave to do shopping or other tasks?"

Wednesday January 15th, 2003 4:03:06 AM

The young elf is content to stand back in silence. If she had a voice in matters, Val would suggest seeking out allies in other lands. It will be a difficult job but one that must be done. The Pirates of Jack are not winning the war and Ga'al is expanding. Things must change.

Wednesday January 15th, 2003 4:41:32 AM

As people discuss things, Akerin speaks quietly with Appolo. "The presence of Alemi is awesome, is it not? Look, Appolo, we may have gotten off on the wrong foot in some ways. But I respect your prowess, and value your passion. All hands are needed in the battle for the hearts and minds of the noble races. I wish to fight the good fight, together with you, if we can be agreed. Say, if you ever want to read from the Book of Hours, I'm happy to lend it. It has much wisdom of Alemi in it." The priest gives the rogue an awkward smile.

Heart-to-Heart (DM Donna) 
Wednesday January 15th, 2003 8:32:44 AM

Rushcant addresses each of the party members in turn:

"At this moment, Bart," she says, "I have no knowledge of any specific missions other than the Council of Kings that the Jack has called in order to decide what is the best way to use the potion you and your mates managed to secure. You make very good suggestions, though--I'll see what information the PoJ has in regards to pursuing those avenues."

"Now that the balance of power has been rearranged, Rigging," the half-elven wizard tells him, "I am not surprised that Ga'al is trying to expand his power base...but you should also know that our spy network doesn't have any evidence that Ga'al is going beyond the human race for heartseed candidates, either--all we know for sure is that he is starting to send heartseeds to other lands. However, it would make sense that Ga'al would try to heartseed all whom he can convince to do so...the more beings, the more power for Ga'al." She goes on to add: "The Jack feels that getting back to basics would be best for the PoJ...we will operate as independent agents against the evil bureaucracy of Ga'al--we shall continue to hamper the Aisilduran sea trade in an effort to stem the government's ability to raise money for itself. Money directly translates into power, and all resistors to Ga'al's enslavement are linked by our desire to reduce his power base."

"I don't think our fight is as hopeless as you may believe at the moment, Ashira," Rushcant says to the half-elf, "We Pirates of Jack haven't been as effective as we might be, but I'm sure that the Jack's plans for us will correct that...as well as the potion that we now have. I DO hope we can replicate it--the implications of having a countermeasure for the heartseeds are just so...so monumental..!"

"Now that the potion is safe and the Sword of the Sea is in port undergoing minor repairs, Redux," Rushcant informs him, "You and the rest of the crew will have more than enough time to shop for whatever you may need. I'm sure that the Jack will also want your Wildcards to know whatever decision the Council of Kings arrives at in regards to the potion, too. I'm sure you'll be staying on the island for the next few days at least."

"There is an entire section of the mansion at your disposal should you wish to remain ashore," the Jack's aide tells all of you, "You have but to ask any of the household staff about your rooms and you will be shown to them. Or you may opt to stay in Safeport--as the town has come to call itself--there are several different inns and hostels that are available to you...the more cash you have, of course, the better the accomodations. You can also go back to your ship to await the Council of Kings' decision. The choice is yours.

"Whatever you may choose, though," Rushcant adds, "You will be informed of the Council's decision as soon as they make one."

Wednesday January 15th, 2003 7:21:55 PM

Appolo responds to Akerin with a warm friendly smile. "Yes it is, expected nothing less from Alemi. Sure I would like to look over your book. You know I never thought ill of you, just disagreed with you from time to time. I just tend to disagree violently at times. I am sorry if I offended you my friend."

He then turns to the group as a whole. "OK, now that's over. What about getting something to eat? I'm hungry."

Thursday January 16th, 2003 1:28:51 PM

Following Rushcant's conversation Ari interjects, "I take it the Jack is then going to extend the Pirates outside of Aisildurian waters? Do we need to explore these other lands that the seeds are going to in order to see what kind of people these others are? What do we know of these other peoples?"

Thursday January 16th, 2003 1:43:55 PM

"Before we leave, Rushcant, there is one bit of the story I don't know if you heard. The last battle we were involved in had a half-elf cleric, a halfling cleric and several human clerics; so I believe that ga'al is busy expanding. In a move I can't quite understand, one of the humans, a female, was able to slog thru the water, up a rope and out the hatch before any of us could stop her. She was last spotted swimming away from the ship."

Addressing Appolo, "You are right, my friend, we should eat. Also, a tour of this new (to me) port is in order. I'll call Talon; he'd love to come along.

Thursday January 16th, 2003 2:17:43 PM

Redux why live i'm gladly accept Rushcants offer to stay in this place.

Thursday January 16th, 2003 2:45:43 PM

You are so right, Bart. Yes, we do accept your hospitality here at the mansion. Still, why not explore a little while we have the chance of doing it without finding a battle to finish?

Thursday January 16th, 2003 5:24:06 PM

Rigging also accepts the invitation to stay at the palace. He gives Ashira's hand a squeeze and say, "I bet they have some rooms with those real big bathtubs that will hold two. I'll scrub your back if you scrub mine."

Friday January 17th, 2003 12:13:01 AM

Val doesn't have much to say. In fact she says nothing. Valanthe thinks about wether to stay in the palace or back at the ship. It's a tough choice since she doesn't feel comfortable around high ranking pirates. While not having made up her mind, Valanthe is leaning toward the ship.

Friday January 17th, 2003 1:35:21 AM

The half-elf shrugs at Rushcant's comments to her. Maybe she was right.

Giving Rigging her most mischievious grin, she grabs him around the waist. "Why, Sir von Pallin, I do believe you're trying to seduce me." She winks at Rushcant "Maybe we ought to have someone show us to our rooms. After the battle we've been through, I'm afraid we're all ready for a little shore leave."

Patting Rigging on the behind, she walks over to where Valanthe stands. Smiling at her, she whispers "You know, it took a lot of courage to do what you did back there. Don't hold a grudge. Why don't you enjoy the Jack's hospitality while we're here. I'm sure Appolo could stand some alone time with you, and you've got to admit, it's nicer than that rat infested ship we live on." She winks at the elven warrior, and then pats her shoulder. "Why not make the guys show us a good time while we can. Opportunities like this don't come around very often in the Jacks."

oooOOOooo...Nice..! (DM Donna) 
Friday January 17th, 2003 7:23:47 AM

Rushcant has a pair of housemaids show the Wildcards to their rooms inside the Jack's mansion. The young women show the party to a group of very comfortable bedrooms that open into a shared parlor. Both of them answer any questions about the amenities that can be found in the thriving town of Safeport.

Friday January 17th, 2003 5:51:12 PM

The elf couldn't help but think that the most frequent opportunity is the one to die. When the housemaid leave her room, Val drops her pack and loosens her robe. She crawls onto the bed and stretches out. This was better than her bunk back on the ship.

Saturday January 18th, 2003 6:03:37 PM

Appolo quietly follows Valanthe into the room after the maids leave. He then lets his hair down and strips off his armour and weapons.

"You look confortable. So what do you want to do, stay in or go out? Is there anything bothering you?" he asks as sits down on the bed next to her, with an adoring smile on his face.

Sunday January 19th, 2003 9:35:50 PM

Redux thanks the maids for the assistance. He asks about where food and entertainment might be found. He also inquires about where they might re-supply and plans a trip for magical items. He then checks with Rigging as to when they might go out together. After arrangements are made he takes Talon onto the balcony of his room to spend some time bird watching. (ooc -- taking orders for the catacombs)

Monday January 20th, 2003 3:43:29 AM

Akerin spends some time in his room writing down the extraordinary events of the day, and, in particular, the blessed encounter with Alemi. He composes a psalm to commemorate the event.

He inquires about the possibility of spending some time with his fellow priests of Alemi. He also asks his friends about their plans, and whether there are some planned activities in which he might participate.

All Around the Town (DM Donna) 
Monday January 20th, 2003 6:56:37 AM

According to the maids, Safeport is a rather lively place--especially in and around its numerous taverns. One of the most popular is the Happy Harpy...it's close to the docks and doesn't have nearly the amount of serious brawling that most of the others in the vicinity suffer from.

The maids recommend a trip to the Bazaar, which is a section of Safeport that is also near the docks--it is a marketplace teeming with merchants of all sorts hawking wares from as pedestrian as flour and rice to as exotic as hippogriff eggs. There is also a special transportive doorway to the Catacombs shop, too.

The temple of Alemi located near the Jack's Palace is still in the midst of organizing itself, but the clerics there are happy to share their experiences with Akerin. So far their understanding of their presence in Safeport is to take care of Alemi's agenda and to leave any kind of politics to the Jack and his staff. It's an arrangement that has worked out rather well so far.

Monday January 20th, 2003 10:25:24 AM

Ari does his best to locate a bottle of wine. Once that is done he spends some time cleaning up and relaxing.

Before he gets he too far in relaxing he runs in to the Catacombs and does some quick shopping. Once his shopping is done he heads back to his rooms to get some much deserved sleep.

After his initial sleep he'll spend some time composing his thoughts, studying spells, and drinking some wine all along.

Monday January 20th, 2003 11:07:52 PM

After some thought, a spark comes to Redux' eye. He jumps up, startling Talon and hustles off to find Appolo (probably somewhere near Val, big surprise). Being discrete while also persistent, he calls Appolo over and explains his plan. Repeating slowly, as if to overcome some initial resistance he says, "I need you to sneak into Ashira's room and get her long sword. That should be simple enough, right. I want to take it to the smith and have some improvements made. No, really, she'll love it. Here on land, in a safe harbor she won't miss it, trust me. And if you hurry, I'll be able to make just one trip to the Catacombs. OK?"

Monday January 20th, 2003 11:41:40 PM

After being shown her room, Ashira ushers Rigging in and begins the arduous process of removing her armor and weaponry. Once finished, she smiles mischievously at the rogue and lays back on the couch. "So, Wild Card...what did you have in mind. A night out on the town, or just some quiet time?"

Tuesday January 21st, 2003 3:27:16 AM

Rigging smiles at his pretty but muscular wife and says, "I think our lives are wild enough. I could do with some quiet time with the most beautiful and exotic woman on the island."

Tuesday January 21st, 2003 7:13:28 PM

After a few minutes there's a knock on the door and it is rather persistant, so Appolo gets up and answers it. "Redux!" He then steps outside. "You want me to steal Ashira's longsword. Have you lost your mind? You better have a good reason for this," he says in an audible whisper.

Tuesday January 21st, 2003 10:12:14 PM

"Yes, a very good reason. She gave me a ring just before we boarded that last ship that quite likely saved my life. I just want to try to repay her a little; thought I'd up-grade her sword to something a little 'keener' and 'colder.'

Tuesday January 21st, 2003 11:43:34 PM

Appolo looks at with a smile. "Are you sure this can't wait? I'm quite sure Ashira is quite busy with Rigging right now. I would hate to interupt if you know what I mean. I understand you wanting to show your appreciation. She does know you are grateful. Why don't you buy her some flowers or something? It would be easier then sneaking by a half-elven ranger and stealing her sword."

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 12:41:30 AM

Akerin is pleased to be able to spend some time with fellow priests of Alemi, and enjoys talking about the greatness of the god they serve. He also talks shop, asking them about the creation of items imbued with divine power, seeking to understand the steps one need take in order to craft wands for the purposes of healing, discerning, strengthening, and the like. "I wish to prepare items that will aid my companions and others in need, as Alemi deigns to reveal to me whom I should help."

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 1:55:03 AM

Valanthe lounges in a tub of hot scented water. It's been a long time since she remembered how women are supposed to smell. She listens to Appolo and Redux's conversation across the room and says, "I'll go get it."

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 3:45:35 AM

Occassional giggles and whispered laughs come from Rigging's and Ashira's closed room.

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 6:38:19 PM

When Valanthe pipes in"You'll do it,of course.
Stand aside Redux this should be good." he walks over picks up Val's robe and carries it over to her handing it to her."Well let's go." he says with a smile. he then follows her out and over to Rigging and Ashira's room. Being sure to stay back and out of sight.

Wednesday January 22nd, 2003 11:30:20 PM

The glint in his eye even brighter now, "Yes, yes this will be, Appolo. Before you go, allow me to cast invisibility on you both; then you'll only have to keep from giggling. I'll be here in the hall waiting for your triumphant return."

Talon, your help, please. I'd like you to perch yourself outside this window. If I give you a signal, please start bumping against the windowpanes; don't hurt yourself, just create a noisy diversion.

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 1:10:27 AM

Valanthe smiles and holds up her hand to stop Redux from casting his spell. "There is no need for magic. There are simplier ways to do things." The robe clings to Valanthe's wet skin and the elf walks out of the room. She stops infront of Ashira's door and knocks loudly. When she answers the door Valanthe says, "Since we are in the safest place we could be, I wanted to do some training with other weapons. My scythe is a fine weapon but not always practical for a pirate. Do you think I could borrow your longsword for little while? I figured you wouldn't need it since you and Rigging will be alone."

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 8:56:21 AM

After a few minutes of the loud knocking, Ashira emerges from the room; her hair disheveled, and wearing a hastily donned robe. Armor and weapons bundled in her arms, she drops them with a loud "clunk" in front of Valanthe's feet. Sparks in her eyes, Ashira replies venomously "Here's all my stuff. Use what you want, but touch that door again, and I'll kill you with my own bare hands!" Ashira slams the door behind her.

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 11:32:46 AM

Rigging comes to the door with a small bag of gold and a pillow held in front of him in a strategic way. "Val, could you have them send up some decent wine, more candles, a light dinner, and some more massage oil please?" Rigging hands her the sack. "This should cover it." Rigging adds with a blush and backs into the room and out of sight.

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 3:06:22 PM

Redux hustles over to the pile. "Thanks," he whispers. "Since it's all here, I'll take the armor as well," he says, bringing out his bag of holding. "I'll wear the sword under my robe, just to be safe."

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 5:20:27 PM

Valanthe couldn't help but smile. She heads downstairs and arranges for a nice dinner to be brought up with some wine. Instead of the normal wine, Val thinks they should get the good stuff. She will add some of her own coin and get them a bottle of elderberry wine. Once it's all arranged Val heads back upstairs with the massage oil and opens the door a crack only long enough to slip the oil inside.

As she walked back to her room Ashira did have the right idea. Inside her room she strips off her robe hoping to find Appolo about.

Thursday January 23rd, 2003 7:43:41 PM

Appolo follows valanthe down the hall and watchs the event unfold unfold with meriment in his eyes. By the time he gets bsck to thier room he laughing out loud. He knew it was going to be worth the prize of admission.

Once back in his room he strips down and awaits Valanthe's return on the bed.

Friday January 24th, 2003 1:03:50 AM

Sticking to basics, Akerin first sees about making a wand of cure light wounds. When he makes it, though, it is specially blessed by Alemi, and, as it turns out, is a wand of circle of healing! Akerin is suitably grateful.

Next, spending another day in prayer and holy creation, he creates a wand of blessing. However, it turns out to become a wand of prayer and benediction, affording allies within 60' of the wand at time of activation with a +4 divine bonus on all saves, attacks and damage. The special bonus lasts for eighty minutes.

With his heart full of praise to Alemi, Akerin crafts a wand of detect magic. But, in this incredible display of divine enhancements, it also gains the ability fully to identify all the abilities and characteristics of any item, magic, divine or psionic, with the expenditure of but one charge of the wand.

The healer next crafts a wand of detect poison. But this wand gains such potence, that it additionally can neutralize any poison it detects, at a range of up to 30 feet, as well as communicate to the wand's wielder the exact type of poison, its effects, and normal antidotes.

Akerin makes additional wands:

Divine Endurance - and it grants a 1d4+12 bonus to the constitution score for the recipient, the bonus lasting 48 hours.

Titan's Strength - granting the recipient a 1d4+12 bonus to the strength score, lasting 24 hours.

Modesty - grants the recipient excellent comportment and manners, coupled with a winsome self-effacing manner, and full coverage of body parts which modesty might preclude from exposure. Lasts one day per charge.

Wand of Positive Energy & Goodness - recipient glows with positive energy for a full day; is immune to any life-draining attacks; and enjoys the benefit of damage reduction of 100/5. Any living beings who touch the recipient are healed of all physical injuries, and even of scars and deformities. Any undead who come in momentary contact with the recipient take 8d8 points of damage (save for half) upon touching, 6d8 points the next round, 4d8 the third, and 2d8 points the fourth round. If the undead is brought to zero hit points in this manner, the body is restored to life, and immediately indwelt with the good soul of someone recently deceased.

Wand of Supernal Wisdom - Recipient gains 2d4+12 points of wisdom, lasting 24 hours. At the conclusion of the 24 hours, the 2d4 bonus remains, as a permanent divine bonus to wisdom. Recipient comes to understand that the gifts of the gods are to be used for the welfare of fellow creatures, to encourage them to good and spiritual lives, as well as to know that unbridled and untempered power can lead to woeful corruption. This supernal wisdom is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

After this, Akerin is very hungry, so he gets a snack, and checks in on his friends.

Saturday January 25th, 2003 10:24:53 PM

Upon returning from his shopping trip and admiring Akerin's work, Redux quickly points out, "You know that there's quite a profit to be made by trading in some of those. I mean, I know they were created out of the divine favor of Alemi, and no disrespect intended, but, thru you, Alemi has surely blessed the party. It could very well be that he has blessed you in this way so that these simple wands could provide improved weapons and armor. The divine gift would continue to bless our party, though in a different form, as well as allowing others to use the great and mighty gifts. Wouldn't that be an even greater gift than keeping them to our party?"

Sunday January 26th, 2003 1:56:30 AM

"And what wands were you referring to, Redux?" asks Akerin, surprised that someone might have guessed at his daydreams. "I've just been planning on what I might make, but hadn't really discussed it with anyone, except for some aspects of the process with my fellow clerics of Alemi, here. I am petitioning wisdom and guidance from Alemi and his priests concerning the making of divine wands, yes. I'll let you know when I've been able to make some, if ever."

[The bulk of Akerin's previous post was tongue in cheek. Sorry if it were taken seriously. For instance, it would be preposterous for a 6th-level cleric to craft something such as the wand of positive energy & goodness, as above described. Although Redux's words may also have been written in a similar fashion. I'm just waiting for some sort of ruling as to whether we can use item creation feats, or not. -Kim the impish]

Janell for Ken:
chuckle, chuckle Yes, Redux was tongue in cheek.

Unwinding Ashore (DM Donna) 
Monday January 27th, 2003 9:16:33 AM

The Wildcards' first night ashore unfolds thusly:

Akerin--though he acquires the hard-won ability to Craft Wands as a result of his experiences in Isildur and the combat against the clerics aboard the Pride of Ga'al--realizes that he has had to wait until a trip into Safeport (and the portal to The Catacombs there) in order to get the required material components and detailed instructions on the basics of creating wands before he could even begin to craft his first one. Now that he's been able to get the stuff needed for it, Akerin can begin to make his very first Cure Light Wounds wand.

The newlyweds enjoy each other and the prompt room service Rigging was willing to pay for.

Ari studies and sips.

Appolo, Redux and Val get ahold of the items they are planning to improve for their friends.

Val and Appolo also get the chance to have some nice private time together.

Akerin has some nice daydreams as he begins the creation of his very first wand...who knows? Perhaps some day he may actually be able to craft such powerful wands--but he has to start small, and a Cure Light Wounds wand is still highly useful.

Then comes the dawn of a new day, and a hearty breakfast served by cheerful household staff. The maids are full of gossip--the Council of Kings is now in session, ensconced in the Jack's private audience chamber...there's an informal pool taking bets about how long the Council will remain in session.

Monday January 27th, 2003 5:02:10 PM

Rigging emerges from the rooms shared with his beautiful wife looking tired but happy. He must not have been getting much sleep lately.

He sits down with some of his friends and orders breakfast. As he munches on toast he will say, "So what is the word. As much as I am enjoying the down time, have we heard anything from Jack?"

Monday January 27th, 2003 5:47:21 PM

The last couple off days Bart was silent, while he is training alone with his sword, he thinks over the last years since he started to adventure with this group. His thoughts goes to them who passed away Wynd was the first who was gone, the fights he has fought and won, the luck he has got in the battles. He is still alive and healthey. He thanks Domi for that. At they end of the hours of training his mind is blank no more thoughts, his moves are almost automatic he is in deep trance

(ooc sorry I forgot to say that i was away last week )

Monday January 27th, 2003 9:54:59 PM

Joining the others for breakfast, the half-elf positively glows. Sipping at a glass of orange juice, Ashira smiles at Bart. "Hey big guy, you doing ok?" She rubs Rigging's shoulders. "Well, love. I think I'll go out and do some shopping this morning, then how about we go explore some coral reefs?" She beams at the family members gathered around the table. "How 'bout it, anyone for an underseas adventure? I'd be glad to serve as tour guide."

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 12:05:07 AM

Joining the family in the morning for breakfast Ari greets everyone that comes for breakfast. "That's okay Val. I just want to hang out here for now."

Unless someone proposes otherwise Ari is interested in just wandering the back hallways of the Jacks place and see what rumors he can find or any interesting places or what not.

Understairs Gossip & Such (DM Donna) 
Tuesday January 28th, 2003 8:30:00 AM

The general attitude of those who work in the Jack's palace is rather informal--even light-hearted. The men and women performing their various duties trade quips and gossip while doing their work, and are more than willing to include any of the visiting Wildcards in the conversations that abound.

The consensus amongst the servants is that Safeport is a very lively place--especially whenever a ship just comes back from being at sea. The numerous taverns there are open 24/7, with one particular tavern (the Happy Harpy) being a rather popular one with most pirates.

The kitchen staff are the ones who are running the pool about how long the Jack and the three Kings will remain in Council...the butler is fairly sure that the meeting will not break up before dinner at the very soonest.

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 10:51:25 PM

OOC: Hey guys and gals! Donna has asked for a sub for this week. She's getting bushwacked with real life. Greg Lucking from Games 4 and 9 has agreed to take over here for Donna for this week. He'll get over here and post as soon as he can get up to speed. :)

Thanks for your patience. Remember Donna and Ceil in your prayers and thoughts please.

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 10:54:38 PM

Rigging decides to take his beautiful wife up on her offer of tour guide. Gotta enjoy life while he can. He will put a silver on the council getting out at 2 am

Tuesday January 28th, 2003 11:52:44 PM

Akerin lets his friends know that he'd like to shop for a few things in Safeport to help him out with his first wand. If none object, he does so. If any would want to go with him, he welcomes their company. He expects it should not take too long...

Once he has the items required, he lets his friends know he will need eight hours undisturbed. And, in prayer and fasting and meditation and casting, he works on his project.

[Welcome, Greg!]

Wednesday January 29th, 2003 6:43:32 PM

The half-elf enjoys a leisurely breakfast, and then heads over to the Catacombs to do some shopping. After she is done, she comes in and changes into a swim suit. Finding Rigging, she watches as he changes into his swim suit, then walks with him to the shore line.

Wednesday January 29th, 2003 6:57:38 PM

Appolo spends a wonderful night with Valanthe, sleeps in then orders breakfast in bed for two. After breakfast he takes abath. He then asks Valanthe what she wants to do today. He really doesn't care about what the council of kings is doing or when the meeting will end. He's just going to try and enjoy the day.

Some well-deserved R&R (Sub-assistant back-up DM Greg) 
Thursday January 30th, 2003 12:04:19 AM

While Redux, Bart, Val, Ari and Appolo decide what to do today...

As Rigging and Ashira head out the door for their reef excursion, a young boy dressed in a tunic and apron calls out to them and catches up. "Ser and Mad'm, the head cook Perchant, he tole me to give this to you, and to wish you a gudday." He passes them a large wicker basket covered with a red checkered cloth, turns, and hurries back into the palace. If the cloth is lifted, the smell of fresh bread wafts out. It appears that the kitchen staff have packed a picnic lunch for the excursion. Ashira and Rigging walk out beyond the mouth of the harbour, to where the surf meets the reef-line along the outside coast. There is a bright sun in the sky, and very little wind; it is a perfect day for swimming and exploring the watery underworld.

Meanwhile, Akerin returns with his purchases from the Catacombs, ready to try his hand at creating his first permanent magic item. He realizes it will take one full day to imbue a very small portion of Alemi's power (and also a not-insignificant portion of his own power) into such a wondrous item. [OOC: Kim, as per your note in the Catacombs, I presume you are creating a 1st level cure light wounds wand (heals 1d8+1), which will cost you 375 gp in components from the Catacombs, and 30 XP.] He heads back to his quarters in the palace, but realizes that he might not get the undisturbed time he needs in the sleeping chambers area. Asking one of the many pages ("cabin boys, please!") for a quiet room to carry out his task, he is led to one of the small workshops in the first basement of the palace. The "cabin boy" assures him, "Oy'll just hang this here sign on the door handle, and you can bets no-one will come a-knockin', short of a major 'mergency. Good luck, m'lord." The workshop contains two work benches and chairs, some simple woodworking and metalworking tools, as well as a supply of fruit, bread and water.

Thursday January 30th, 2003 1:30:05 AM

Ari continues to relax around the area from his time out to sea. He ponders for some time as to what his feelings are after seeing Andruid and being reminded that there doesn't appear to be anyone here or in Isldur that is taking care of the animals. As he ponders this question he finds him self roaming the countryside (if there is any) and seeing the sights as he wonders whether he should put more emphasis about being in harmony with the animal kingdom.

Thursday January 30th, 2003 2:57:50 AM

Valanthe doesn't do anything special. The young elf lounges in bed before taking a walk in the bazaar and touring the island.

Thursday January 30th, 2003 8:49:39 AM

The young man enjoys the breakfast with the others, and then watches expectantly while Ashira and Rigging plan their excursion. As soon as they are gone, he sneaks into their room and places a mahogany box on their bed, with a card labeled "Ashira" in carefully scribed calligraphy.

When Valanthe emerges from her bedroom, Redux hands her Ashira's longsword, with a slight frown on his face. "I wasn't able to get it upgraded. Who knew weapons cost that much?! Good thing I took the armor too. I think Ashira's going to like the enhancement I had added onto it." Redux cheers at the thought of seeing Ashira open her present, and smiles at Val. "Thanks again for helping me out. Although I still think it would have been more fun to do it my way."

Not wanting to miss the expression on Ashira's face, Redux calls to Talon. "Talon, post yourself outside of the Palace, and let me know when Ashira and Rigging return."

Thursday January 30th, 2003 1:19:58 PM

"Redux, a magic armor cost a lot of money, magic weapons even more. And magic armor and weapons with more powers cost even more. I paid a lot of money for my chain shirt and I'm saving money to buy a better sword. I'm going to train now. If you want you can join me."

Again Bart trains a long time. He then decides to go to the temple to pray to Domi and Alemni.

Thursday January 30th, 2003 7:58:01 PM

The half-elf thanks the boy, and hands him a gold piece. "Here you go, buy yourself something nice."

Upon arriving at the reef-line, Ashira spreads out the picnic, and begins to serve lunch to her new husband. Thinking to herself that she really needs to work on Rigging's tan line, she fishes out a bunch of grapes from the basket and feeds them to Rigging as she contemplates out loud. "You know love, if they are able to duplicate that water, it could mean the end of the slavery of Aisildur. But what of the other nations? Ga'al is clearly interesting in spreading his control.... So where does that leave us? Are we caught up in a never ending battle?"

Thursday January 30th, 2003 10:21:17 PM

Rigging lounges on the beach enjoying the view of the sky, the water, and his wife. He listens to her concerns and ponders for a minute or two. He then answers, "If they can duplicate the waters, then we can export it to the other nations. I doubt though that Ga'al will get nearly a strong following as he has here. Remember what Alemi said. The priests of Ga'al have to get converts the old fashioned way. They just can't forcibly heartseed a population. The other gods will be jealous of the worshippers and instruct their priests to block Ga'al's minions. He will get some foolhardy types to join him but our main battle is here."
Rigging sits back and rests his head into his arms. As he watches the sky, he adds, "Even if we get a cure, administering it is going to be a huge logistical job. Until they are freed of the heartseed, Ga'al will have his worshippers resist us. I will never forget how we got mobbed at the temple. A whole village rose up agaisnt us. Many were family members of some of our friends. It was horrible." Rigging shutters in the memory.

First day off in a long time (Sub-assistant back-up DM Greg) 
Thursday January 30th, 2003 11:54:27 PM

Most of the party members decide to go their own way today. Like any group of good friends, every so often each of you need to spend some down-time alone, to pursue your separate interests...

Ari makes his way out of the city, getting the feel of the natural world outside the population center. Since the island is not very large, there are no typical wilderness areas. He does find a large colony of sea-birds: puffins, gannets, boobies, and gulls. He finds a rocky stretch of shoreline that is inhabited by large family group of seals. And lastly, he finds a sandy beach that is used by sea turtles as a nesting site, although it is empty right now. In the scrub and grass that covers the island, he finds many small creatures, including lizards, small mammals, and ground-nesting birds. Curiously, there are no carnivores, or snakes. He would have expected to have seen at least a fox or a weasel, but they seem to be absent.

Akerin spends the day in the workroom, barely taking a break to eat, as he works to create his first magic item.

Bart spends the day with the off-duty palace guard, a motley collection of men and women with only the love of weapons and combat in common. They use a wide variety of weapons and styles, and Bart is able to learn a few new tricks. After a hard morning of training, the guards invite Bart out for lunch at a nearby tavern, then back to the palace to resume the training regimen. Once the training day is over, the guards invite Bart out to supper, but he declines, and instead heads to the nearby temple to pray. Afterwards, he returns to the palace for dinner and to meet up with his friends.

Redux spends the day in his chamber, studying and resting, waiting for Ashira and Rigging to return from their underwater sojourn.

Ashira and Rigging enjoy the day and each other's company. The water is warm and inviting, and the coral and small fish are varied and colourful. At one point during the afternoon, a small pod of dolphins joins in the water-play, much to their delight. As the sun is setting, they return to the palace, and upon entering their room, discover a mahogany box with the name "Ashira" on a card on the top.

Valanthe and Appolo head out to explore the city. Since it is a city inhabited by far-ranging pirates, the bazaar contains an incredibly broad array of items from all across the Wold. Almost anything you can imagine can be purchased here. [OOC: This is an opportunity to purchase something a little out of the ordinary, if you want.] They eat lunch at a tavern, and end up spending most of the afternoon there, since the refreshments are especially good. On the way back to the palace at the end of the day, they spot a teenage boy posting a handbill on a nearby wall. They take a closer look at the handbill, which reads:




Second prize, third prize, fourth prize, etc.: The GIANT RED RASPBERRY

Sign up at THE HAPPY HARPY, see SMILING PETE by SUNDOWN, 6th DAY of the MONTH. [OOC: that means by tomorrow sundown, if you want to take part.]

The FUN starts at 9:00 AM SHARP on the 7TH.

Friday January 31st, 2003 7:00:38 PM

Redux hears about the contest and makes his way down to register for the treasure hunt. He stops to talk it up with others reading the poster as well as the staff of the mansion about what kind of an event this is, as well as any history it might have.

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 1:23:55 PM

A treasure Hunt? Hmmm sounds interesting. I think i go to the Happy Harpy to see that smiling Pete

Smilin' Jack (DM Donna) 
Tuesday February 4th, 2003 2:34:44 PM

(OOC: thank you, Greg, for helping the game out when I needed you. Now--let's rock, Wildcards!)

An out-of-breath footman knocks before promptly bursting into the shared parlor of the area inhabited by the Wildcards.

"The Jack--he's ready t'make his announcement--he'd be right well pleased if'n ya go to the public hall!" he blurts out, then turns and scurries for the door. He pauses just as he skids through.

"Oh, yeah--*I* won th'pool!" the grinning servant adds, then runs off.

According to the clock, it's a good 20 hours or so since the Jack first ensconced himself with the three Kings of the Islands. Their debate lasted all that time, and now you are about to hear their decision.

Inside the public audience chamber, the Jack--resplendent in a red velvet coat and fine lawn ruffled shirt--paces up and down instead of sitting in the throne-like chair that is there. Once the Wildcards arrive, he goes to Rigging and firmly clasps the canny mage's hand with both of his.

"We had us a full-on shoutin' match, that we did, me bucko," the Jack says, "The King o' Coins was wantin' to dose all of the major heads of the temples of Ga'al, while King Swords was just as keen as t'keep all the potion here for researchin'. The third King was th'Voice of Reason, though--she pointed out there was more'n enough potion to split th'difference...thus do I have a present for ye..!" The Jack bellows loud, and a page runs into the room with a basket containing five bottles.

"We be keepin' the research potion in that fancy bottle ye got in Isildur." he tells you. "We put five separate doses into five regular potion bottles--Rushcant made sure that they lost NONE of their effectiveness...but she warns ye that these aren't magicked vessels like the Feybelle bottle...they can be unmagicked if'n a spellcaster of the right level makes the attempt. Otherwise, they are five doses of Heart Healin' potion...an' I be happy to say that you all may use them as YOU see fit. I trust yer judgement, maties...I just know ye'll use 'em fer the best!" The Jack of Trumps grins and slaps Rigging's back.

"Now--I got me own ship to tend to, me fine pirates--I'll leave ye to yer rest an' relaxation...little birdies of th' mansion tell me that ye plan to visit the Happy Harpy Tavern, an' I can heartily recommend it!" With this, the Jack winks at you and takes his leave in a swirl of fine velvet and spicy cologne.

You are free to follow up on your stated plans to go to The Happy Harpy.

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 9:01:21 PM

Congratulations on your restart! Enjoy the game! (Donna delete this in a few days. ;)

Tuesday February 4th, 2003 10:05:17 PM

The young paladin grins from ear to ear as the Jack makes the decision of the council public to the WildCards, though she is baffeled by the idea of being in control of five doses. She smiles wickedly and pats Rigging on the back.

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 9:26:25 AM

Rigging feels a conflict of emotions rush through him mind. Joy at being able to save 5 indiviuals from the heartseed. He also feels the crush of responsibility on having to protect the doses and choose 5 worthy individuals.

Rigging reaches forth and accepts the basket. "Thank you my Jack," he murmurs and bows.

"Wildcards, Please attend me for a moment." Rigging will walk to his and Ashira's room. He will turn to his family and say, "I want to divide these up without prying eyes. Protect these with all your bravery and honor." The mage hands out a potion to Val, Bart, Ashira, Redux and Ari. "Appolo, it up to you and I to protect the others. Takes a thief to catch one," Rigging says with a grin.

Rigging suddenly grins, "Who wants a drink? I am ready to head over to the Happy Harpy. If the Jack recommends it, it has to be good. He seems to know his bars."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 11:44:01 AM

Moving into the audience chamber Ari listens to what the Jack has to say.

Happy that the family was able to get 5 doses back, Ari then takes his dose when Riggings gives it back to him.

Since the Jack recommended it and there might not be time for another outing of the family. Ari decides that he'll join the gang at the Happy Harpy.

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 1:00:56 PM

The healer is able to rejoin the party in the public hall in time for the Jack's announcement. He is pleased with their decision.

Once Rigging distributes the remaining vials, Akerin says, "It is wise to place each egg in a separate basket. And I shall join you, Rigging and Appolo, in protecting those baskets, though I do not profess to being a thief."

As plans are discussed for where to go, Akerin pulls from his sleeve a straight, deep brown wooden wand. "Alemi has blessed me and, I trust, all of us, in allowing me to create this wand. It can heal the hurts we sustain." He turns to Ashira. "Are you able to heal wounds? That is, do you know the power to cure light wounds? If so, I may have something for you." He turns to the rest of the party. "Or, if there are any others among us with the power, we have another wand, of similar effect, that one of you can use."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 1:31:00 PM

Val wonders what the treasure hunt will be like. It might be fun to let go for a few hours and engage in some meaningless fun. Not that they haven't already. If the treasure hunt turns out to be a bust she could always sneak off somewhere with Appolo.

"So does anybody know anything about this treasure hunt?"

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 3:30:39 PM

Ashira takes the vial and tucks it in a VERY safe place in her backpack. "I will protect it with my life," she says to no one in particular.

When Akerin asks about her healing ability, Ashira blushes. "Ummm... no, my lord Alemi has not seen fit to give me that ability yet. Ari can though." Oddly enough, Ashira seems to be ashamed of this lack in her abilities.

At Rigging's suggestion of the Happy Harpy, Ashira brightens. "Yes, a night out on the town would be fun." She turns to gather a few of her things when she notices the package lying on her bed. A very curious expression on her face, Ashira inspects the box, then opens it. Finding her armor inside, Ashira looks slightly confused. A smile slowly spreads over her face, and she catches Valanthe's face. Nudging Rigging, she says, "I think I smell a rat."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 3:45:40 PM

OOC: Oops sorry Akerin. Knew I was forgetting someone. Only got 4 hours sleep last night and it is showing.

[No prob. I understand sleep deprivation. -Kim] :-)

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 7:18:45 PM

Appolo listens to the Jack, nodding in agreement with the decision.

He then joins the rest of the group with Rigging and again nods in agreement with Rigging's decision.

When the talk turns to the treasure hunt, Appolo says, "Well let's go, we got a treasure hunt to win."

Wednesday February 5th, 2003 11:13:24 PM

Redux accepts the potion from Rigging with a smile. "May Wardd smile on our adventures and lead the recipients of this nectar of Alemi to our path. Ya know the bright side of all of this, don't you? Two things. Replicating the potion will be a boon to our cause. And this way we only have to find 5 people, not 10; that either makes it more valuable or easier to get rid of. Let's be off for more smiles as a family--off to the Happy Harpy and find out more about this treasure hunt."

Thursday February 6th, 2003 3:09:16 AM

"No, Ashira - do not feel this way," Akerin tells the green-complected half elf. "In his time, I am confident he will vouchsafe to you this skill. For you are a woman of noble spirit."

On the way to the Happy Harpy, the monk makes inquiries of his friends to see if he can find out from them what this contest is all about.

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