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Scene 2: The Race for the Mask!

The Mask of Illgilon? [DM Jerry} 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 6:53:41 PM

Turin enters the store after petting the dogs and getting several licks in the face before he can escape.

Drew sets up a watch outside next to a burly young man who is an obvious weightlifter. He sees drew and instinctively flexes his muscles to show his supposed superiority.

Gordo enters ths shop watching for things out of the normal inside. He is jostled around, but eventually gets a look at all 2 dozen or so people inside. He spots a young man with a pony tail showing the owner a picture.

Tionel, getting to the point, looks for the mask and asks for an attendant. He also sees the pony tailed guy and gets a glimpse of the face. Torl! The upstairs neighbor from yesterday. What's he doing here!

Syr, looking around the shop finds nothing that comes close to matching the mask in the drawing. He keeps bumping into a large hairy young man with the beginnings of a beard. Every time this happens he gets a stare.

The young man is heard by Gordo and Tionel to say, "No, I need this exact mask here in the drawing. No other mask will do! Have you seen it. Yes, I know it's the Mask of Illgilon. Yes I know what it is claimed to do. Yes I know it is considered just a legend. Yet, I know it's in this city somewhere and I must find it this night!"

He slams his hands on to the table to the surprise of many around him.

The owner, simply giggles. Then laughs. Big beer-bely laughing.

Muyhahahaaaaaoy! Boy! The Mask of Illgilon. Hey folks this guy is looking for Illgilon! Perhaps he believes in dwarves bringing chilren year end presents too! Mahahaaaaaa!

It is then that the ponytailed boy turns and sees Gordo. His face turns white. "Tolo! To me quick. We're outta here!"

He leaves the drawing on the counter for just a second.

It is the same drawing given to you by Lady Firiona!

Fast as lightning, Torl and Hairy Tolo push to the doorway of the store Tolo using his brawn to push people out of the way quickly.

Gordo  d20=14 d20+2=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=11 d20+4=12
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 8:03:36 AM

"Hey now, son, you just stop where you are!" booms Gordo, his voice loud and commanding (Intimidate 14). He pushes his way in front of the doorway, attempting to block it before the lad and his minder can reach it (base speed 40' per round, Str check 19).

If the big man is able to reach the man with the ponytail he attempts to grab him and prevent his escape (Attempts to pin: Touch attack roll: crit threat 25, 11 to follow up, Grapple check 12).

"Now then lad, what's all this about?"

Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 9:48:18 AM

Drew rolls his eyes and looks away from the clearly pompus idiot.

Syr  d20+9=29
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 3:41:11 PM

Taking advantage of the situation, the small elf weaves through the crowd as the two attempt to leave. Rather than joining Gordo, he decides to follow Tolo at a small distance. (Hide 29, natural 20) (I assume Tolo is the boy that Syr keeps bumping into?)

Once outside, he tries to signal Drew before continuing to trail the large hairy kid.

Tionel  d20+4=14
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 4:20:47 PM

"Mask of Illgilon?" Tionel mutters to himself as the others run away, confident that his companions will be able to stop them. He runs a hand through his dark hair, thinking about it. (Bardic lore check DC 14?)
Turning to the owner of the maskshop, he says, "Ah, sir, pardon the disturbance of my fellows..." He tries to smoothe things over so that the man will not kick them out for causing so much suffering when the poor man's trying to sell things.

Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 5:16:48 PM

Turin, listening to the boy's conversation, starts to get suspicious. Then, as soon as he sees the drawing, his face pales.

He quickly chases after Torl and Hairy Tolo, making his way through the crowd as fast as he can.

Move it or lose it grandpa! [DM Jerry]  d20=9 d20=3 d20=7
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 7:02:14 PM

Torl, the ponytailed guy, is stopped at the door by Gordo (initiative of 9 is slower than Gordo) and bristles as he has to listen to his speech but does not look intimidated.

"I have no time to listen to lectures old man. I have a mask to find."(Reaction check of 3)

He tries to duck under Gordo's arm, but Gordo is too fast for him.(Dex check of 7)

Tolo, the hairy guy, finally arrives at the doorway and making a fist with one hand and says, "Move it or lose it grandpa!"

Syr makes it across the room and takes up a flanking position on Tolo.

The brawny guy next to Drew, hops instantly to his feet and goes to the doorway. Tapping Gordo on the shoulder--hard--he grins and points for Gordo to move. There is threat intent in his eyes. He doesn't speak.

The shopkeeper turns to Tionel and says, "Well at least there's one kid in here who has manners. How can I help ya boy? Does your mom need a mask?"

Turin, having seen the drawing that Torl has makes his way through the crowd to stand behind Torl and beside Tolo.

Many in the store have turned around to watch the confrontation.

Wednesday December 4th, 2002 9:56:48 AM

Drew tapps the boy on the shoulder who was tapping Syr and shakes shakes his head no. The return promise completely evident.

Wednesday December 4th, 2002 2:37:14 PM

Syr stands on the side poised for action. He searches Gordo's face carefully to determine which way the big man might go. As the bodybuilder taps Gordo on the shoulder, Syr watches Drew move to back him up.

Gordo  d20+3=18 d20+3=12 d6+2=8 d20+3=7 d6+2=3 d20+4=20
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 5:59:19 PM

The big man spreads his great hairy arms wide, a broad grin on his face. He displays no tension or aggression, just friendly relaxation. "Now then my lads, no need for all these harsh words! Just a fair question plainly stated; son, you looked like you'd swallowed a bad pickle when you saw me just now. And I'm the first to admit I'm no oil painting, but usually when folk see me they don't go white and run off like a hare with the hounds at his heels. Just got me thinking there might be a reason you don't like me, and got me to wondering how we might change that." (Diplomacy 20)

As he says the words "A reason you don't like me" he watches the man's eyes closely. He checks to see if they stray to thing ring hanging around his neck, or if he can figure out what might be behind the young man's hostility (Sense Motive 18).

He pays the burly fellow who tapped him no heed, but is ready for an attack; if the fellow strikes him he responds with a couple of rapid punches (Readied attack, Flurry, AC 12 dmg 8HP, AC 7 dmg 3, all damage subdual), saying "Now that was just impolite, son."

Wednesday December 4th, 2002 10:43:28 PM

Barick pulls himself from the daze he seemed to be in to observe the goings on with Gordo, Torl, and his cronie. "Oh this ought to get interesting, eh Krug?" He stands by waiting to see how the confrontation unfolds.

Want to get along? [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 11:38:01 PM

Torl looks at Gordo, unflinching--disciplined.

"I don't like you because you got in the way of my plans recently. I don't intend for that to happen again. Want to get along? Go home and leave your mask hunting for another day. I intend to find that mask. Find it before you. Yes I know you look for it. But it will be mine. That I promise. It would be unfortunate if someone got hurt over a mask wouldn't it?"

Turin  d20+4=15
Thursday December 5th, 2002 3:01:58 AM

Turin chuckles softly from behind Torl. "Yes, it would be unfortunate if that happened, wouldn't it? What's so important about this mask that it's worth getting hurt over?" He smiles grimly at Torl as soon as he looks at him, and at Tolo as well (Intimidate roll of 15).

Thursday December 5th, 2002 8:36:26 AM

"You know we look for it do you? My but you're well informed, son. I congratulate you on your resourcefulness lad, really I do. And confident too, I like that in a fellow."

Gordo continues to smile as he scratches his thick sideburns, then continues, ignoring Torl's implied threat; "But I'm afraid we'll not be able to accommodate you, son. See we made a promise, and I for one don't hold with breaking promises. So it looks like we'll be in competion! That should be fun, eh?"

"Well then, be off with you laddie, and good luck in your hunting! No doubt we'll see you again soon!"

Gordo steps aside to let the men pass, his expression of cheerful friendliness still in place.

(OOC: Jerry, does Gordo recognize Torl? He's not the same ponytailed fellow we captured and brought back to the big float by boat is he? Wasn't that fellow arrested?)

Once they leave he approaches the shopkeeper. "Sir, I'm sorry for any disturbance. No harm was meant, I assure you. If it's all right I'd like to buy one of your fine masks."

Gordo asks the shopkeeper for his opinion on what ,mask would best suit him, and takes whatever he is offered with good humour, paying whatever the asking price is (within reason!).

"Incidentally, it sounded like you'd heard of the legend of the mask that young fellow was after. What did he call it, the Mask of Algernon? What was this legend then? What was it supposed to do?"

Thursday December 5th, 2002 8:55:54 AM

Drew steps aside and allows the others to pass, then looking back to his family he asks. "Why did they let him out of prision so quick and what is he doing looking for a legendary mask? It sounds like the large lady lied to us. I don NOT like being lied to."

Syr  d20+5=15 d20+9=24
Thursday December 5th, 2002 4:18:33 PM

The elf visibly untenses as Gordo let's the threesome pass. Hearing the conversation he decides a bit more reconaissance is in order so he continues to trail behind the group looking at their weapons and figures with a warrior's eye. (Spot 15 to see how they are armed?) (Hide again at a 24 to follow)

Thursday December 5th, 2002 11:16:04 PM

Barick shrugs as the two scoundrels pass, "Well crisis averted I suppose."

He enters the shop and looks around at the selection of masks. A bit puzzled he asks the shop keeper, "Which is your budget value mask? I am on a tight budget you see and I seek the greatest value."

Friday December 6th, 2002 2:13:44 AM

The lean elf looks around, shaking his head as his companions deal with the offendees. He'll figure out more about that later.
"I already have an interesting mask, sir. But I'm more interested in tales, as I tell them as part of my trade. What's the mask of Illgyion, sir? It sounds interesting, and I'm in the mood for tales before a bit of revels...Besides, a unique tale about the day of masks is priceless..."

(OOC: Still a lil busy with finals, sorry.)

Friday December 6th, 2002 9:04:06 AM

As Drew watches Syr go by he quietly so no one else can hear it, "Dont go further than you can scream."

Creation of Illgilon [DM Jerry]  d20+5=23 d20+3=19
Friday December 6th, 2002 6:10:28 PM

(OOC: Jerry, does Gordo recognize Torl? He's not the same ponytailed fellow we captured and brought back to the big float by boat is he? Wasn't that fellow arrested?)

[Yes, he is the same guy. I thought that was plain. :)]

Torl answers Gordo, "I appreciate the gentleman's approach. May the best man win. As to why the mask is so important....well if the fat lady didn't tell ya I"m not going to. :)

He rushes outside, calls his goons to him, and the weight lifter and the hairy guy join him along with a youthful girl and a grown tall man who looks like a beanpole.

The shopkeeper answers Gordo and says, "A brave young man like you should have a dragon mask! I have them in various colors and you can get them with an illusion so that when you stick out your tongue it gives the illusion of breathing fire. Sound too! Only 100gp. 70 to a young man like you. However, I figure you'll just need the regular dragon mask which is 10gp. Made of wood and hand carved, it has a 25 year rating of not being picked....except for the black ones.

Suddenly the door of the store slams shut. The door glows golden. A glyph appears on the door. It is red.

Syr, Gordo and all others who were inside the store remain inside the enspelled door.

Laughing, Torl and his goons run off into the brightly lit streets in the direction of the lift.

The storekeeper laughs a hearty laugh again and says, "Son, The Mask of Illgilon is the creation of Illgilon, a Sorceror of great power in these parts. He was obsessed with not being chosen on Mask Day and with the help of a sponsor created a mask that would be magicked to prevent one from being chosen.

"It is said that someone as a joke, removed his mask as the procession came by and Illgilon was chosen. He screamed and cried and fought, but the power of the summoning took him. This was 18 years ago this year.

"The mask promptly disappeared. Yet the next year in this very store, it appeared on my wall the night before the procession. Every year since, someone has tried to buy and wear the mask on Mask Day. As to it's success, no one has been able to track it. Some say it's a Floating Legend and doesn't truly exist. Others say it's a ploy of those who sell masks to drump up business on the last night.

Personally, I think the whole thing is a bunch of hogwash. A thief planted the mask here that first year and something similar has happened since. It seems like the kind of prank the Lords of Diamonds would try to pull.

Saturday December 7th, 2002 2:44:13 AM

Turin looks at the door, then looks for any windows. He turns to someone who works here, and asks (if there are windows, if not, just the second question) "Do the windows open? And are there any back doors?"

Saturday December 7th, 2002 12:18:59 PM

"Nonetheless, it is an interesting story!" Tionel laughs slightly, running a hand through his hair as he glances at the locked doors, then looks back to the shopkeeper. "Say, do you happen to have a back exit? I'd suggest no one try the front door unless they want a bit of a hotfoot or something."
Privately, he wonders to himself...

Sunday December 8th, 2002 2:32:17 PM

Barick spins on his heels as the door slams shut. "Curse my eyes for letting that crumb get the drop on me!"

He chimes in with the others, "Aye! where's the nearest exit out of here?"

Sunday December 8th, 2002 6:10:50 PM

"That's a mighty fine tale there, sir! A magic mask, appearing out of the blue like that! Wonderful!" grins Gordo, cheerfully trying on his wooden silver dragon mask. "And so is the mask, I'll take it!" he says, handing over 10 GP.

"So let me get this straight; the mask was supposed to have appeared here in this very shop one year after this wizard fellow was picked. The night before the procession you say. And then each year after that the mask turned up somewhere new? According to the legend, of course."

Once the shopkeeper has replied Gordo turns to his companions; "Lads, I'm sorry for messing up your subterfuge back there. I'm none too good at the old softly softly, just tend to come on out and say whatever's on my mind. Still, we know the score now, I suppose. Looks like we have to get to those other shops pronto. I know we can cover more ground if we split up, but I wouldn't like to run into Torl's gang on my own. It would be far safer to stick together. Assuming we can get out of this fine establishment, of course!"

If no alternate exit route is discovered, and no-one is able to deactivate the glyph, Gordo asks everyone to take cover behind the counter, and opens the door.

Syr  d20+3=19
Sunday December 8th, 2002 6:16:20 PM

The elf watches the door shut and attempts to determine what the Glyph could represent. (Psicraft 19).

Syr moves toward the rear of the store, looking for an exit. Nudging Gordo he says softly, "I THINK they are now winning this race. Considering this is supposed to be a secret, how does Torl know about the fat lady? Any ideas on where to go next?"

Monday December 9th, 2002 9:43:40 AM

Startled at the fact that the door slammed shut and that he saw no one do it yanks his axe from its hold and looks about the crowded street. If he saw the Pony tail man do anything he will give chase screaming for the city guard.

Losing the Race? [DM Jerry] 
Monday December 9th, 2002 8:59:21 PM

Turin, Tionel, Gordo, Syr and Barick along with others in the panicked crowd are shown through the owner's private quarters to the rear door where he calls for the guard to find a wizard to open the front door.

Gordo buys his mask and is thanked for his patronage and for not using violence in the shop.

Drew definitely saw both Torl and the tall man do something that resembled spellcasting. The tall man made motions like a spellcaster. Torl simply put his hands on either side of his head and stared with his eyes bugging out. (I'll leave it to you as to give chase or not.)

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 2:25:00 AM

"Come, let's hurry. I think if we still want to find the mask, and it's a worthy hunt, we should get moving. I don't think we should split up, 'cause if we do, those guys could mug whoever finds the mask, and we should definitely not proceed down the list if they're ahead of us. Let's go to the closest along the pathway... *swearing* if only we had a map of the area, or a good guide. What do you think?"

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 2:29:04 AM

Remembering that his brother is alone out front with the competition, Syr weaves through the crowd and races around the store to where they left the half-orc, "Drew!" Assuming he spots him, he calls out, "Quick which way did they go?"

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 3:07:47 AM

Turin shrugs. "That one guy, Torl, does something really freaky. We need to find a way to keep him from doing it. Magic is one thing, but that..."

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 9:20:53 AM

As Syr and the others come out of the shop they hear and see Drew giving chase calling for the city guards at the top of his lungs while chassing the men and drawing as much attention to them as possible. "That Pony tailed man there and hir friends, them they sabatoged a door to a mask shop. Stop them, hold them for the guards!!"

(Did any respond to his screams from last post?)

Gordo  d20+3=21 d20+3=22 d20=13
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 12:30:56 PM

The big man hears Drew yelling and sets off at a run, urging his companions to do likewise. For such a large man he moves surprisingly fast (Move 40). "We're right behind you Drew!" he yells, "Don't lose them!"

As he races down the street weaving gracefully through the crowds (Dex 21) he tries to spy the fleeing group (Spot 22! Good rolls!)

As they race down a level he thinks back. "Where were those other shops?" he shouts to his young companions. "Do any of you know where the other shops are?"

He remembers the note that Lady Firiona passed him, and pulls it out. It reads;

Normal Businesses that carry Masks:

Ozmic's Works of Wax
Fence Level Auctions
The Glittering Ghost Tavern

Stores that specialize in Masks:

Ye Old Mask Shop
The Mask Emporium
Living Masks
Turtle Masks

He shouts the names out to his companions, hoping to jog someone's memory, including his own (Int 13).

Barick  d20+3=11 d20=3
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 2:25:09 PM

Barick gives chase with the rest of the crew. He motions for Krug to follow him as he plucks his way through the crowd but has a difficult time keeping up with the others(Dex 11).

He hears Gordo's booming voice and tries to remember where the other shops could be but is so totally confused by the streets of the Float he is hopeless (Int 3).

Into the crowd [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 10:47:26 AM

A crowd of celebrating citizens all wearing masks mass in front of the downramp, heading to bars and taverns as the night becomes late. Torl and friends, quickly try to lose themselves in the crowd as our heroes give chase.

[Drew please make a spot check DC 17 to keep them in your vision.]

The others need to make a spot check DC 10 to keep the running Drew in their vision as he chases the others in the crowd.

From nearby a group of soldiers on duty due to the celebration sit lounging near the downramp. One of them yells back at Drew.

"Calm down boy! She'll forgive ya in the morning."

He takes another swig of what is in his water flask.

(sorry for the late post. I'll post again tonight.)

Drew  d20=19
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 11:28:30 AM

Drew makes his spot check and keeps chase. As he goes by he yells back at the guard. "I'll remmeber that sir when I have to report why a known criminal got past you in the morning."

Syr  d20+5=6
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 1:13:03 PM

Syr easily follows Drew until they get to the crowds. His short height prevents him from seeing the big half-orc in the mix. After a short time he loses all sight of his brother and slows to a walk, confused on what to do next. (let's hear it for a natural 1!)

Knowing the others are somewhere nearby he calls out, "TURIN... BARICK... Gordo... Tionel... Where are you?"

Barick  d20+3=20
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 1:24:55 PM

Barick easily keeps the large, bellowing half-orc in sight as he gives chase through the throng of revelers.

Gordo  d20+3=17 d20+5=16
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 1:30:09 PM

Gordo too manages to keep Drew in his sights (Spot 17) as he races through the crowded streets. "I'm still with you, big fella!" he calls to his companion.

Hearing Syr over the general hubbub of the crowd (Listen 16) the big man raises his huge hairy arms into the air as he runs and bellows "OVER HERE LAD!! Follow the hairy hands!" He grins widely at the thrill of the chase. What fun!

Turin  d20+4=13
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 5:28:39 PM

Turin sees Drew running, and quickly starts to run after him.

Endangering the Public [DM Jerry]  d20+3=23 d20+4=5 d20+4=10
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 10:39:23 PM

The guard snorts at Drew's comments and says, "He has alot of nerve for an Orc. I think we need to ask him some questions as to why he's racing through traffic like that and endangering the public."

Another guard says, "Leave him be Zoyy. He might be one of those adventurer kids Lady Firiona asked us to watch out for. Come on. Let's go."

The two guards race towards the entrance of the lift whistling for more guards to join them.


Seeing that Drew is keeping pace with him (Spot DC d20+3=23) Torl ducks down in the crowd and dons his mask: a turtle mask of nondescript design. (Drew make another DC 17 check to keep him spotted with his mask on.]

[Folks please list in your Post Name field if you have your mask donned and include your mask's description from time to time.]

Turin, Gordo, and Barick continue to give chase, when suddenly from the side they hear a voice shout, "Web!" Pivoting your heads, you see the tall man grinning fiercely with webs spring shooting in all directions. [DC14 to keep running. Otherwise you're caught in the web.]

From nearby you hear the frustrated voices of Tolo and Nheel as they get caught in the web. [d20+4=5 d20+4=10]They scream curses at the tall man.

The tall man races on. [DC14 Spot to keep him in sight.]

Meanwhile Torl and Drew race on.

Syr comes up behind the web with nowhere to go. Many men, women and even a few children are caught in the web cursing and calling for the guard. [DC 10 to spot any caught in the webs. DC 14 to spot any who save and keep on running.]

Drew  d20=8
Thursday December 12th, 2002 9:34:28 AM

Drew finnaly looses sight of them and curses under his breath.... Then turning around and seeing the mess of webs and such he rushes back to help cut and rip people free. When he sees the guard he looks at him deeply and then quietly so no one else can hear but the guard andhimself he says "I realize that most kids running, calling for a guard are probably just fooling, however as this mess indicates, some are not. Perhaps the error should be to investigate too many of them instead of not enough?"

Gordo (Wearing Silver Dragon mask)  d20+3=12
Thursday December 12th, 2002 12:09:15 PM

Gordo is so busy waving his hands in the air and grinning that he completely fails to realise what is happening until too late.

"Hey, what the..." he shouts as he becomes hopelessly ensnared in the web, and crashes to the ground. His face and mask covered in sticky strands he looks up and sees Tolo and Nheel.

"Well now, fancy meeting you here!" he grins fiercly.

Syr (worn tiger mask)  d20+5=23 d20+5=17 d20+5=16 d20+5=24
Thursday December 12th, 2002 2:18:53 PM

Syr comes up on the mass of sticky confusion and sees Drew (Spot 23) returning to help everyone out. With a sigh, he pushes his mask to the top of his head and proceeds to pull and cut the webs trying to extricate the innocent bystanders.

As he is cutting, he spots Tolo and Nheel (spot 17, 16). Calling loudly to the guards, "You may want to talk to THOSE two. They are close with the person who caused this! Maybe this time if you decide to hold them, they won't escape like their partner."

Turin  d20+5=12
Thursday December 12th, 2002 4:41:39 PM

(Assuming it's a Reflex check) Turin gets stuck in the web, and curses, reaching for a dagger to see if it will cut through.

A Sticky Sight [DM Jerry] 
Thursday December 12th, 2002 6:38:45 PM

Zoyy, growls his hatred at Drew and reaches for his sword. As he takes a breath for words, his comrade cuffs him to the ground.

"Enough Zoyy! This boy is not the orc that killed your father and brother."

The other guy turns to Drew and says, "Thanks for your help friend. I apologize for my comrade. He has....issues. Let's see if we can't help these folk get free and then I want to hear your story. If there's a criminal on the loose I want to know. And it seems that at least someone doesn't want you catching him. :) That's evident."

Syr hears a commotion ahead. Sounds like trouble.

Barick, saving against the web, stands with Drew as he works to cut people free.

Tolo sneers at Gordo's cheerful greeting. Nheel grins back at him. "I like your attitude. You are a good opponent. Don't take stuff too seriously. I mean really, like now, we can sit here and sneer at each other or laugh. I prefer to laugh! Hehehehooooo! This is soo funny. Taken low by my own mage. Whoooooo!"

Turin begins to cut himself free. He frees a hand.

[All who have not spotted Nheel and Tolo may do so with a Spot of 10 now.]

Barick  d20+3=10 d20+2=18
Thursday December 12th, 2002 9:05:58 PM

Barick cuts at the webbing carefully, making sure he doesn't injure anyone in the process. Suspecting what this spell is capable of he is guessing the mystical webbing will dissolve itself before long anyway (Spellcraft 18).

"Take it easy children, we'll have this off you in a moment," he reassures them as he works steadily. He also notices Nheel and Tolo out of the corner of his eye (Spot 10).

Friday December 13th, 2002 2:54:17 AM

Syr rejoins the group in any way possible.

Drew  d20=20
Friday December 13th, 2002 9:08:13 AM

Drews perseptions seem to light up and he seems to spot everything all of a sudden. As he does so he talks to the guard helping to cut people free and starts with the day that the gems were stolen.

Gordo (Silver Dragon Mask)  d20+2=9
Friday December 13th, 2002 9:50:35 AM

The big man grins back at Nheel. "Laughter's always the best medicine, son. For everything except a hernia, as my old nan used to say."

He struggles to free himself from the web (Str 9), but is held fast.

"Say, could any of you lads cut me free?" he asks of the rescuers. "This stuff is stickier than than chef Milo's Sticky Toffee Pudding!"

Tionel (Wearing Two-Faced Mask)  d20+5=22 d20+5=18 d20+5=24 d20+5=14 d20+5=22 d20+5=23 d20+5=18
Friday December 13th, 2002 12:33:06 PM

Hurrying up to join them, Tionel stops at the web, panting for breath. "Okay...guys, I've remember where a few of the places are." He sorts out Ozmic's Works of Wax (R#1), The Glittering Ghost Tavern (R#3), The Mask Emporium
Living Masks (R#5), and Turtle Masks (R#6) in his mind, having figured out by jogging his memory where those places are in the city. He sorts them out in his mind, trying to figure out which one's closest. He doesn't actually spot the guys getting away, though.

Turin  d20+4=14 d20+1=19
Friday December 13th, 2002 4:34:33 PM

Turin notices Tolo and Nheel, and starts cutting more quickly. (Str roll of 19)

No CastingOon the Innocent. [DM Jerry} 
Monday December 16th, 2002 12:40:36 PM

Listening carefully to Drew's story, the guard smiles.

"Thanks son. My name is Arturo. We'll put out a minor summons for this Torl fellow so we can talk to him. I think he's up for a fine.

"We don't look kindly upon inflicting magic upon the populace."

He then turns his attention to the two bodyguards of Torl.

"Boys, I'll need to have you answer some questions and hear your side of the story, but I need to return to my post. Come with me you two and we'll get this straightened out."

"Looks like Torl gets into mischief quickly. My sheet here says he was taken in for questioning yesterday for minor theft, leaving the island without a writ, and harming the public with magic. If it wasn't for the fact that you guys also left the island, we would probably have let him stay the night behind bard. But as it was, we let him go, being a youth and all. Mistake that."

"Well Drew, you and your comrades may go. Good luck on your hunt for the mask. I wanna see if it you find it. I'm curious now. Oh, and remember, no casting of magic upon the innocent."

He takes the two bodyguards in arm and marches off with them towards his guard station.

About the time that the last folk are being freed, the web collapses and disappears except for a slight stickyness upon the floor and on everyone's clothes.

Monday December 16th, 2002 5:16:30 PM

Barick nods to the guards as they leave with Torl's henchmen. "Well I suppose we had better get a move on here. Torl must have quite a lead on us now. Tionel, which shop do you think Torl was headed to next judging by the direction he left in? We'll either be chasing him all night or perhaps we should take our chances, let him have the next shop, and try to get ahead of him? What say you all?"

Monday December 16th, 2002 7:23:48 PM

Drew smiles after the guard. "Well its ggod to see good men in a tough position."

Tuesday December 17th, 2002 9:58:14 AM

"Aye, our thanks, Arturo. Well, I guess it doesn't much matter where Torl is headed; we just need to find the nearest mask shop. Let's go!"

Tuesday December 17th, 2002 10:24:07 AM


Tuesday December 17th, 2002 2:04:03 PM

Syr rejoins the group with a relieved grin. "I say we hit the Living Mask, it just sounds appropriate."

Tuesday December 17th, 2002 6:28:29 PM

Turin shrugs. "Wherever, I've got a score to settle with Torl."

Tuesday December 17th, 2002 7:47:33 PM

The elf quickly wanders back over to the group. Sighing somewhat, he asks, "Does anyone know the way...?"

Wednesday December 18th, 2002 3:51:19 PM

"This is getting us no where fast. Let's hire a guide to show us the way around. Even a coach might be faster." Barick begins looking around for either a guide of some sort or a coach for hire.

Thursday December 19th, 2002 2:39:50 AM

Syr's eyes light up, "Wow, I've never rented a coach before! The only time that I've even been in one was earlier today. You don't get too much of that growing up in an orphanage."

Thursday December 19th, 2002 8:32:05 AM

"Good idea, lad. The lady gave us money to track down this mask, so we might as well use it. Now all we need to do is find where to hire coaches from!"

ADM Jan 
Thursday December 19th, 2002 10:50:50 AM

As luck would have it, there appears to be a carriage halt that can be seen down a nearby street. Two carriages are halted there, both are open top, their drivers stood talking, sharing a joke. One carriage looks to have much better livery than the other, which looks a bit flea-bitten.

There appear to be other options too - flat bed delivery carts, empty and returning to the levels below.

Thursday December 19th, 2002 11:33:36 PM

Turin frowns. "Let's take the ratty one. It's not too nice, but it'll do, and I have a feeling this cost of this mask is going to be a great one."

Friday December 20th, 2002 9:53:46 AM

"Ahhhh another carrige....."

Friday December 20th, 2002 10:20:11 AM

Tionel glances at Turin, pondering...and then says to the driver of the carriages, "Oh, driver...could you perchance take us all to the nearest mask shop? Specifically..." and he rattles off the list that they're given, minus, of course, the one they've now been to. "We're in a hurry, if you know what I mean. And, with the size of some of my companions, we're going to have to rent both your carriages." He takes out a handful of gold pieces and hands them to both drivers. (prob'ly 4 or 5 each...he's good at making few numbers appear many.)

Friday December 20th, 2002 10:24:14 AM

The big man clambers up onto the chosen vehicle, ready for the chase to commence.

Friday December 20th, 2002 3:34:46 PM

Barick climbs up into the carriage after Gordo.

"Let us make haste, time waits for no one especially now."

Ratty Happenings [DM Jerry] 
Friday December 20th, 2002 5:43:18 PM

As you all clamber abord the ratty carriage, a man who looks similar to a rat himself says, "Ok then goodpeople, where would you like to go?"

Once he hears the destination and that you're in a hurry, he says, "Well OK then. Wish us luck."

He yells "AiiiYA!" and the two horses take off... but the wagon doesn't as the yoke and harness break off trailing after the horses.

The rat man simply cries.

A woman who could have been the rat man's sister says, "Told ya Whiskers. Gotta spend your profits on your wagon instead of the bottle."

She turns to you and flashes a toothy smile.

"Come on folks. I'll take ya everywhere you want to go. Five gold per destination. Well? You said you were in a hurry to catch that guy who cast the web on everyone. Let's go!"

Saturday December 21st, 2002 3:14:46 PM

Turin shrugs. "Sounds good to me."

Saturday December 21st, 2002 4:44:08 PM

The big man roars with laughter as the horses take off down the street without them. "Whiskers, old lad, I'd get running if I were you!"

He hops up behind the grinning woman and says "Lass, you're harsh but fair. 5 gold it is, on the condition that you keep up with your horses!"

He winks cheerily at Whiskers.

Sunday December 22nd, 2002 3:03:28 AM

At first, Tionel feels sorry for the man with the horses running away and all...but then, hearing about how he spends his money, it turns to mirth. He hops up into the carriage, silently wondering how likely they are to get there in time...
"Perhaps we're in the wrong sort of business...our benefactor seems to desire not to be chosen as the new head. Seems to me, it's a bit like trying not to fulfill one's civic duty..."

Monday December 23rd, 2002 3:28:12 AM

Syr squeezes into the carriage between Tionel and Gordo. "Onward ...time is wasting!"

Monday December 23rd, 2002 11:09:31 AM

Drew looks sternly at the woman and then says. "we did not say we were in a hurry to catch the man who cast the web spell, we were in a hurry to get to a mask shop."

Monday December 23rd, 2002 4:20:05 PM

Barick laughs along with Gordo, "I'm right behind you, let's do it!" He waves his trusty wolf to his side as he follows the old lady to the next mask shop.

A Lone Figure [DM Jerry] 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 6:59:09 PM

As you step up onto the wagon, a lone figure approaches as if to ask you something. [This is Matt's entrance folks. I'll leave it up to Matt and his character as to what he says and how he looks, etc.]

Tuesday December 24th, 2002 5:42:02 PM

Seeing the figure approaching them the big man flashes a friendly grin.

"Can we help you, son? Only we're in a bit of a hurry, see, so you'd best make it quick!"

Thursday December 26th, 2002 1:14:29 AM

Syr, eager to be off in the carriage, eyes the approaching figure warily.

Saturday December 28th, 2002 6:02:21 AM

"Well lad? What was it you wanted?"

The big man is eager to be off in pursuit of their quarry. The longer they wait the more of a head start that rascal Torl will gain over them. And having promised the Lady Firiona to track down the mask (now revealed as the fabled mask of Illgilon), for a not inconsiderable reward that would end up going to Mama Flaust's needy orphans, it certainly wouldn't do to lose it to that young ponytailed whippersnapper.

Gordo grins to himself. Back in the big Float barely a few days, and already he's tied up in a rare old adventure! These younguns are proving to be a bad influence!

Tionel  d20+5=6
Saturday December 28th, 2002 12:53:44 PM

Tionel stared out the window as he sits down, whistling an interesting tune he'd heard in the taverns...rather badly, actually. (Performance roll: Damn 1...). Realizing he can't get it, he pauses and glances at his companions to gauge their moods.
The elf was still uncertain as to their quest. Should they recklessly pursue Torl, who has merely cast a spell temporarily stopping some of his companions? Or should they spend their time searching for some fabled mask, with an implied curse and wanted for probably ill-gotten methods? Why not just spend the night partying away? Still...he had to admit it was exciting.

Sunday December 29th, 2002 4:35:32 AM

Turin looks at the newcomer. "Well, what do you want?"

Monday December 30th, 2002 2:10:44 AM

"Hurry friend, be out with it! We have vermin to catch!" Barick looks anxiously at the stranger who is interupting their pursuit.

The Figure - Bog (Matt) 
Monday December 30th, 2002 10:47:00 PM

The figure looks at you startled each time someone else speaks to it. He looks from one to the next to the next then shakes his head.

He looks only so slightly worse than the condition of Whisker's carriage. His form is quite mysterious as he wears several layers of robes and wears a cloth skull cap which dangles long past his ears although you cannot totally tell which of his ensemble is actually garment and which is the crusted filth which seems to be prevalent about his person.

Curiously he shakes his head again grinning, then sticks his finger in his ear and shakes vigorously.

"I 'adn't 'eard so much o' this speak at me for so longin' a time."

The "man" grabs the handle lightly and opens the door. But a slight hesitation crosses his frowning face. He thinks a bit, smiles and takes a step back, mumbling a bit. Fluffing up his garments he suddenly spins and shakes causing his robes to rustle furiously kicking off bits of grime and filth. Strangely enough it sounds like it's accompanied by...the sound of rainfall.

His rustling finished, the man opens the door and helps himself inside and squeezes himself into the seat and chews on some unseen thing and scratches a now-seen slightly pointed ear while the "sound" changes to that of busily squeaking rats.

"Well, M'n you need'n a guide knows verm'n, id'n ya?"

Off to the races! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday December 31st, 2002 9:52:17 PM

The ratwoman says, "Well get in boy. We've no time to..."

And she's off!

....racing for position among the wagons heading down in the cart lane.

....weaving in and out of traffic.

....turning on two wheels.

"Everyone lean right kids!"

Around the bend to the 2nd level...3rd level...

"Hey Zionel! Ratgirl here. You see a kid mage dressed like a fool headed this way casting spells?"

"Yeah! Heading down to 5th. Something about Dartt's Used Maskshop a fight over a mask."

"We're on it! Hey Zionel! Blaze a trail for us eh? Lives or money is at stake!"


Wednesday January 1st, 2003 8:49:19 AM

As the filthy fellow clambers in beside him Gordo raises an amused bushy red eyebrow. Now here's a fellow who makes up for in confidence what he lacks in personal hygene. "Well son, you're a dark horse and no mistake. A guide eh? Well I don't see..."

Anything further the big man was about to say is cut off as the wagon jolts forward and he grabs for the nearest handhold. Through clenched teeth, and bouncing up and down as their carriage speeds around the bends, the big man manages to spit out;

"Th-th-the name's G-G-Gordo, puh-puh-pleased to meet you lad!"

Thursday January 2nd, 2003 12:27:09 AM

Syr grudingly moves aside as the stranger enters, "What do we need a guide for?"

Looking at the hygiene challenged newcomer he utters, "Hey, Ya got a name?"

Thursday January 2nd, 2003 3:59:59 AM

"Well...hello..." Tionel doesn't know what to make of the new man. Even though he sometimes would wander through woods and uninhabited areas for a while, perhaps even gaining fleas and ticks during said stay, he considered himself a generally clean person. Looks are quite important to a musician, the handsome elf thinks to himself. At the sight of the ears, Tionel almost faints. An elf, this dirty? No, no...he reminds himself. Orcs have pointy ears, too. Obviously, the man is an orc.
As they tumble effortlessly around, he tries to follow the driver's instructions, as insensible as they seem. "I'd rather be dancing..." he mumbles.

Thursday January 2nd, 2003 5:37:51 AM

Turin looks at the newcomer. "Someone who knows vermin, eh? Two or four-legged?" He smiles coldly.

Dartt's Used Maskshop [DM Jerry] 
Thursday January 2nd, 2003 7:22:17 PM

As the questions accost this stranger in the wagon, the group sidespins into the pedestrian lane which is empty at the moment to pass a slow cart and horse. Emptying out onto Sailors Fork the group wheels in and out of the sailor traffic turning NE to follow the road. Then left upon Grappling Hook and north on Dagger Point a ways to where the road turns left near the northern edge of the city. To the left is the famous Giggling Ghost. A small but popular Tavern. To the right is Dartt's Used Maskshop. A small crowd is gathered looking into the windows: tavernfolk curious as to the commotion inside the maskshop.

[OOC: Please note that we are a bit behind the rest of The Wold in time right now. This Giggling Ghost is the smaller more cozy version before it burned down. The new grand opening of the huge new improved GG has not happened yet in our timeline.]

Gordo  d20+2=12 d20+3=22 d20=19
Friday January 3rd, 2003 8:30:25 AM

"Good driving, lass!" cries a grinning Gordo as they rattle along at top speed. "Woo-hoooo!"

When they screech to a halt at the shop he looks to his companions he says "Well unless I miss my guess young Torl has beat us to it, and has decided to make a nuisance of himself. What say we discourage him?"

To the newcomer he says "So you're a guide, eh son? Well if you know a back entrance to this place it sure wouldn't hurt to show us it. I'll head in front ways, but if we can get in the back way too it'll cut off any chance of escape for that young pup.

(OOC: on the Fence Level map (http://www.woldiangames.com/maps/yrth/peninsula/newelenna/floatingcity/floating_city_lvl_5.htm) there is a right turn up ahead, with another right turn into the alley running behind Dartt's Used Maskshop. Gordo makes an Int roll 19 to spot and intuit the location of a back entrance and point it out to the others.)

The big fellow vaults out of the wagon and makes straight for the shop entrance. He muscles and weaves his way through the crowd (Str 12, Dex 22) in an attempt to gain access to the shop.

"'Scuse me! Sorry! Coming through! Mind your backs! Oops, sorry 'bout that!"

Friday January 3rd, 2003 4:01:24 PM

Turin jumps out after Gordo, getting ready for, well, anything.

Syr  d20+3=18
Friday January 3rd, 2003 4:37:58 PM

The small elf looks at the dense crowd and shakes his head. "I'm going to try and find this other entrance. Anyone can join me or fight through the mass of bodies...?" With that he heads to the other side of the building looking for another way in. If he finds a locked door, he will listen at the door (listen 19). Otherwise, he enters the rear of the shop.

Deploying for Action [DM Jerry] 
Friday January 3rd, 2003 9:32:53 PM

Syr runs around towards the rear of the shop. It takes time and he gets into the alley, but not around the corner.

Turin and Gordo runs for the entrance with Gordo swimming through the crowd as fast as he can.

He makes it to within about 5' of the doorway and spots two thiefly types in the doorway blocking the way. Both have daggers drawn and sneers daring the populace to push past them into the shop.

The shop front is bright yellow in color with a sign written on a giant mask tot he side of the door. To the left of the door is a large bay window, with part of the crowd pushing and shoving to get a better view of what's going on inside.

Gordo ends up about 3 people deep from the front of those facing the thieves. Turin is at his flank.

[Jerry OOC: Folks I'm going to take a liberty here and ask for someone to sub for Anthony/Drew for a week or two. If you are willing, please email me.]

Turin  d20+4=17
Saturday January 4th, 2003 1:23:32 PM

Turin, seeing the two, starts elbowing his way to get closer. As soon as he has an unblocked view of the thieves, he chuckles, and says, "You know, it's probably a good idea to move to the side." He readies his spiked chain, daring them to stay. (Intimidate, 17)

Saturday January 4th, 2003 2:20:45 PM

Hopping out of the carriage, a bit after Gordo and the others have gone racing towards the front, Tionel dusts himself off and looks about. "Hmmm...I think it's safe to say, if they do get out, we're going to still need a carriage. Thank you for the ride, madam...and if you would wait a minute, we might need your services again." Tionel graciously pays and tips the driver. Then, he turns back to the crowd and scans it...pondering.

Drew [by Scott] 
Monday January 6th, 2003 1:44:02 AM

The carriage squeaks slightly as he gets out. Drew looks at the building searching for a front window. Slowly pushing his way through the crowd he draws his axe as he approaches the store front. Due to the press of people, he holds it carefully away from the innocents.

Monday January 6th, 2003 1:45:12 AM

Knowing his friends will soon need help, he moves through the alley as fast as possible, hoping to find a door.

Monday January 6th, 2003 3:01:16 AM

Rushed along the bumpy track with not but a moment to catch his breath, Bog nods as they pull up to their stop and watches as everyone frantically tumbles out. He obligingly lets them all pass before stepping quietly out himself and begins fumbling through his robes until he produces a silver piece which he hands to the driver.

"Thank ye," he says smiling and deposits the mud-crusted coin in the driver's hand.

He then turns and trundles to the shop folding his hands together.

"Hmmmm....if'n I wanna get in, I wonder..."

He reaches into a dark velvet pouch and pulls out a blob of fur, which he strokes.

"H'kay, Dmitri friend. Kinya get in? Find us a way and thin op'n it up fer us."

He then sets the blob of fur down near the side of the building, perhaps close to any small opening, cracks, holes under the house by the ground, etc.

He pokes the the fur. "Git mov'n."

Gordo  d20+5=15 d6+2=5
Monday January 6th, 2003 4:06:50 AM

Shoving his way through the last few folks in front of the shop, Gordo comes face to face with the two knife-weilding thugs.

"You heard my friend here, boys; we're coming in, and we can either go past you or through you. Your choice, lads" says the big man, his ever-present easy grin still in place.

He steps forward and (if the hood nearest him does not step aside) launches a sudden and violent headbutt at the man's nose (AC 15, 5HP subdual damage, DC 14 or be stunned (Stunning Blow)).

You Can Come In Man! [DM Jerry] 
Monday January 6th, 2003 7:46:24 PM

The first man reacts to Turin's Intimidate by holdiing his hands in the air and saying, "Hey man. No sweat. You can come in man!"[Hero Point awarded to Turin]

The second looks at the first one in confusion and surprise. He pivots to allow Turin and Gordo to enter and then swipes a few threats himself against the remaining crowd.

Tionel scanning the crows notices that most of these people carry beer mugs or wine glasses and have left the Giggling Ghost across the street to come see what the commotion is. Others are passersby and revelers.

Drew makes his way about halfway through the crowd. He does see a front bay window.


Syr turns the corner of the alleyway and hears two voices from the shadows.

The first voice says, "Well now, what do we have here?

The second voice says, "Boy it's a little late for you to be out in a dark scary all along isn't it?"

The first voice says, "Son better leave us backpack. We'd hate to have something bad happen to it."

The second voice adds, "Yeah and that ring on your finger too. I fancies that."

The first voice concludes, "Just don't make any sudden moves with that axe boy. You'd hate to have an arrow in your throat. Now nice and easy. Put the ring in the pack and kick it towards us real gently."


The blob of fur is motionless. [See my email Matt.]


Inside, the commotion rises to a fever pitch.

Tionel  d20+8=23
Monday January 6th, 2003 11:03:55 PM

To do his part in both getting the attention of everyone, clear the crowd, and make it easier for the rest of the people, Tionel rolls up his sleeves and withdraws a mandolin. Suddenly, his voice calls out loudly, "If I may have your attention, please," as he plinks out a loud, rather nice sounding chord... With that, he launches into a nice little, rather dirty ballad about a maid and her employer. With all his skills, he plays and heads over to the inn, intent on drawing as many people who simply are looking for a good time back to the inn and away from the store, thus clearing the way for his companions... (Perform check 23, Bardic Music Use #1 )

Gordo  d20+3=12 d20+5=20
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 8:55:21 AM

"Good work, lad!" grins Gordo to Turin as they race inside. "I thought we had a scrap on our hands there for sure!"

Once inside he scans the shop, hunting for Torl and his accomplices (Spot 12, Listen 20), specifically the young girl and tall beanpole fellow.

He hopes fervently that some of his companions follow them or Syr shortly. Torl is a tricky customer, and although two of his gang are out of commission, there are still more left.

Turin  d20+4=5 d20+4=6
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 2:42:57 PM

Turin goes inside, chuckling and nodding at Gordo. He also looks around for Torl, but is confused by the scene in front of him. "Where are they?" he whispers to Gordo.

Tuesday January 7th, 2003 4:23:59 PM

Bog stands confused for a few moments, then pokes at the fur again. He picks it up and shakes it about, but it rather jsut falls apart and blows off in the wind.

"Hmmmph!" he grumbles, "Shed'n. Now war'd hit goo?"

He starts searching through the pouches and bags which hang from his belt.

Stop thief!!!! [DM Jerry]  d20+10=20
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 6:37:58 PM

Tionel is like the Pied Piper! As he begins to play, people begin to say Ooooh! and Aaaah! and soon their attention is riveted. They begin to head back to the inn en masse.

Why watch a fight you can't see when there's dancin' to do! And with masks on, everyone gets a dance partner, no matter how ugly they are!

The door opens onto an average inn. A staircase runs up the left hand wall and doors to inn rooms run along the balcony. The balcony turns and runs also across the back of the tavern where it ends against the right wall. Against the back wall of the tavern under the balcony is the bar proper. A fireplace is in the wall on the right. Tables are spread throughout the place and 4 old chandeliers are centered in a square pattern over the seating area.

A squealing ghost comes racing at Tionel. "Whee....thanks mister. Things were getting mighty scarce over here. And it's about time for the night's activity as well and music and dancin will get them stirred up mighty well! Thanks!"

Gordo, meanwhile hunts for Torl and his accomplices. He doesn't see them, but Torl spots him. (Spot of 20) Gordo does hear a female voice that says, "No not that way!"

Turin also hears the voice and turns just to see to his horror that someone has the mask!

And with a crash, the young girl is thrown by the beanpole through the window. She has a mask under her arm!

Beanpole screams! "Run girl run. We got it!"

The owner screams in return. "Stop thief!!!! Stop her someone!"

Torl dives across the room making for the window.

Bog stands outside confused about a piece of fluff.

Syr  d20+5=15 d20+2=8
Wednesday January 8th, 2003 2:26:41 AM

The elf slows down his frantic pace and pushes his tiger mask on top of his head to get a better view of his adversaries (spot 15). Voice trembling slightly, "Look guys, I'm not looking for trouble, I just have to help my friends for a few moments." (Diplomacy 8) Realizing his plea is probably falling on deaf ears, he steels himself and continues moving slowly through the alley searching for the door.

Drew  d20+10=22
Wednesday January 8th, 2003 2:45:20 AM

Drew moves up to the door and speaks menacingly to the two thieves, "This is not your fight. Don't you think this would be a good time to leave?"

He moves to the front window he saw earlier, trying to see what is going on inside.

Gordo  d20+9=27 d20+9=18 d20+4=6
Wednesday January 8th, 2003 7:51:32 AM

"DREW! TIONEL! WHATEVER-YOUR-NAME-IS!" roars Gordo, knowing his companions are still outside the building, and no-doubt have a view of the girl who just came flying out the window. "STOP THAT LASS! SHE HAS THE MASK!"

Should he stop Torl? Or Beanpole? Or head after the girl? Could she just be a diversion, the mask under her arm maybe an illusion? They do have a mage. Deciding that the mask in view is his first priority and that he lacks the luxury of time to make a better choice, Gordo races towards the window and leaps through it in hot pursuit of the young lass, avoiding any blows aimed at him by the two hoodlums. If by some miracle he reaches the girl he attempts to grab at her, but clumsily.

(Run: Fast Movement (40'), Jump 27, Tumble (if neccessary to avoid AoO) 18, Grapple touch attack 6).

Turin  d20+3=10 d20+5=19 d20+5=15 d20+1=19 d20+3=13
Wednesday January 8th, 2003 3:30:44 PM

Turin takes off after the girl, following Gordo through the window, and, if possible, tripping the girl with his chain. (Jump 10, Tumble 19 if necessary, 15 on a trip attack (touch), strength roll of 19 (if she doesn't win with a dex/str roll (whichever is higher), she's tripped) trip defense roll of 13 if she wins (she has to roll higher than strength on that one) if she succeeds, Turin drops the chain.)

Wednesday January 8th, 2003 5:47:55 PM

"Mmm mmm Hu what?" says Bog looking up at the screaming.

He trudges around to the front of the building.

"Hey., you yong'n shouldn' be steelin' lak dat. Mmbulrubul tings dat fly swarm'm round'n git that guy...er....gal!" He then waves his arms about and tosses some different colored filth into the air. (Different at least from the filth that layers his body).

[Summon Swarm on the girl, trying for flying bugs.]

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