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Valanthe (Bull's Strength, Rage, str 25, AC 18, HP 63) 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 3:08:26 PM

Needing a place to channel her anger, Val stomps on a couple of unconcious sailors.

OOC: I believe that this is round three of five for her rage.

Monday December 2nd, 2002 3:15:47 PM

Rigging hurries to catch up with the others. "We need to use some caution folks. Let me detect for magic." Rigging will pull out his wand and do just that.

Appolo HP:36,AC:21 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 7:22:43 PM

Appolo is fuming, he doesn't want to be here in the first place. He remains silent and sticks close to Valanthe, following right behind her.

Redux-Mage Armor (AC=19) 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 10:17:57 PM

Redux gets to the entrance and stays close to the wall, looking out onto the chaos around, staying close to the fighters should any of the Pride's crew come at them. He takes the moment while Rigging and Appolo look for traps to drink a potion of invisibility. Looking at the position of Appolo, Redux inquires of his success at finding any traps. Then he adds, "Sure, it would be safer to just burn the ship around them, but then we wouldn't find what they are carrying. Isn't this what you hero types do all of the time?"

Lookin' For Trouble? (DM Chris) 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 1:47:41 AM

As Ashira backs away from the door, the unmistakable smell of the privy fills the corridor, and even seeps out doors to waft in the air about the rest of the group. Glancing over to the other two doors, Ashira notices, much to her chagrin, that they both open in rather than out. Rigging detects no magic in his near vicinity. Well, unless you count the potion of invisibility that Redux consumes just prior to achieving a state of transparency.

Outside, the fight wages on between the pirates and the crew of 'The Pride of Ga'al,' though strangely enough, none of the 'pride's' crew members seem interested in tangling with you heroes.

Talon circles overhead, watching the fight, though helpless to assist from this height.

Akerin (Sanctuary) 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 5:19:34 AM

Akerin pushes open the door to the left. He is prepared to enter, descend if possible, or tumble left or right, depending upon what is on the other side of the door.

Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 4:22:05 PM

Seeing the battle is just about over, Val sits on a nearby crate to catch her breath. The adrenaline fades and fatigue creeps into her muscles.

Appolo Ac 21 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 7:31:06 PM

Seeing Valanthe sit looking tired, Appolo becomes concerned and steps up to her, kneeling
down. "Are you ok?" he asks with a concerned look on his face.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+4=21
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 10:08:05 PM

Again, in Elvin tells Rigging and others behind her what's she's about to do, "I'm going to lie on my back and try to kick in this other door. Don't step on me." (Str=16)

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=28)  d20+4=16 d20+6=25
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 10:15:57 PM

Seeing the close quarters inside and the reaction of the Pride's crew Redux gets a very funny feeling. To no one in particular, "This has "trap" written all over it." He scans the opposite side of the ship looking for another way into the hold (spot=16)(a door, trap door, etc.) To Talon, "Hey, any other openings to the inside you can see from up there? Any signs of those spell caster types (spot=25)?"

Rigging hps 43 
Tuesday December 3rd, 2002 10:50:58 PM

Rigging calls out, "Either we go down fast and hard and hit them hard or we pull back and reassess. Fighters? What is your opinion since you will be leading the charge?"

What's Behind Door Number... (DM Chris) 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 2:29:58 AM

Akerin pushes the door open, revealing what appears to be the officer's mess. There is a long beautiful stained-wood dining table, and matching chairs that are scattered about the room as if hastily cast aside.

The middle door comes flying open, as Ashira kicks into it from her back. The remainder of the party sees a room with a number of comfortable looking beds, all made up, an open and empty trunk lying at the foot of each. These are in disarray as well, as though emptied quickly of their contents.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 4:45:24 AM

Following up in the rear of the group, Ari watches as the rest of the group assess what they want to do in approaching the interior of the ship. Looking around and waiting for the others to crowd in, Ari helps out with the crew in any way he can.

Wednesday December 4th, 2002 12:44:29 PM

Bart enters through the left door and looks around

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20-2=14 d20+8=19 d20+5=7 d20+10=26
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 1:14:19 PM

Picking herself up off the floor, the half-elf is confused that she hasn't fond the priests yet. Moving at half her speed, Ashira enters the room with the door that she just kicked in, and begins to examine it for any signs of the priests.

OOC (Move Silently=14, Spot=19, Listen=7, Search=26)

Wednesday December 4th, 2002 5:21:32 PM

Val looks over at Appolo. "Don't worry about me. Letting loose like I did is great for a short time but it wears me out. I'm just catching my breath."

Appolo Ac 21 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 7:34:26 PM

Appolo looks her over. "Are you sure? I'll wait until you're ready to proceed." He then hands her his waterskin. "Here drink some water."

Rigging (hps 43 ac 14 ) 
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 10:23:02 PM

"I guess we are going in." Rigging follows.

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 43)  d20+4=23 d20+4=13
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 11:05:52 PM

The monk steps forward, pivots right to leap up, performs a shoulder roll across the length of the table, and finishes his tumbling maneuver by bringing his feet down on the cabin floor on the opposite end of the table [tumble 23]. He scans for other passages from this room [spot 13], glancing also briefly under the table. Then he notices the door at the opposite end of the table he just traversed.

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28)  d20+2=19
Wednesday December 4th, 2002 11:43:34 PM

Redux passes the middle door and continues to the officer's mess. He activates his ring of levitation and begins to use his hands to walk along the ceiling. He remembers having a priest of Ga'al hide invisible on the ceiling; as a matter of fact, that's where this ring came from. He is cautious and at the first sign of contact, he will drop to the floor and call attention to what/who he just found. (search=19)
He calls to Talon to fly inside and help with the search.

Water, water everywhere... and not a priest to kill... (DM Chris) 
Thursday December 5th, 2002 3:26:52 AM

Entering into the bed chamber, Ashira begins looking around, and finds no sign of those pesky priests of Ga'al... however, she does catch sight of... wait... whats that? A secret door, that leads to... the officer's mess, where everyone else is currently having their own look-about.

In the officer's mess, things look somewhat disheveled. All is quite ordinary however, until Akerin's gaze passes briefly under the table, and the monk realizes that there is a faint outline of something awfully door-like underneath the rug upon which the table is now resting.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Thursday December 5th, 2002 8:27:54 AM

Not liking the idea of having the party split up for too long, Ashira decides to head through the hidden door. Before she opens the door, though, she shouts "Friend" in Elven so that hopefully her family will realize it is her entering the room, and not an enemy.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=28)  d20+2=18 d20+1=20
Thursday December 5th, 2002 11:40:16 PM

Redux quickly thinks to Talon, "Where are you? What's going on up there?" He recognizes the voice and so makes no move to block Ashira. Besides, Akerin has found something interesting so he too takes a look (spot=18). He directs the others to quickly grab corners of the table and to try to maneuver the table to the side, working together (strength=20, adrenalin is sometimes very useful). Then they will uncover the door and proceed with caution. "Appolo, you're good with traps, you should take the lead. Do you want invisibility or tough it out it out in the shadows?" If Appolo chooses, he will use his scroll to cast invisibility onto Appolo.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+3=18 d20+6=25 d20+10=29 d20+11=26 d20+6=22
Friday December 6th, 2002 2:25:12 AM

When the others discover a trap door under the table and Redux calla out for him, Appolo asks Valanthe, "Are you sure you're going to be ok? I gotta go." Appolo makes his way over to the trap door once it is exposed he gets his tools out and examines the door. looking for traps, locks etc. If he finds any he disables the traps and opens the door quickly and quietly. He also asks everyone to be quiet. After quickly opening the door he will tumble backward away from.

Move Silently 26, Search 18,Disable Device 25,
Open Lock 29, Tumble 22.

Descent into Darkness (DM Chris) 
Friday December 6th, 2002 3:00:10 AM

Finding no traps, Appolo easily opens the trapdoor, revealing a darkened secret hold. Light from above reveals a floor about fifteen feet below you, however there is no obvious way to get down; no ladder, no rope, no nothing. In the shadows, you see that the space below is clear. A strange smell wafts up from beneath... a smell reminiscent of some kind of strong preservative, developed in an alchemical laboratory. Dust rides the currents of air, descending through the motes of light that pierce the darkness below, from your open portal.

Friday December 6th, 2002 8:38:04 AM

Val walks over and stands near the trap door watching with interest.

Appolo Ac 21 
Friday December 6th, 2002 7:54:14 PM

Appolo rolls away from the hole then comes up quickly. Noticing Valanthe walk up to the hatchway and look down, he quickly reaches out and grabs her. "Be careful -- you're a perfect target looking into the hole like that," he says as pulls her away.

Appolo then quickly picks up his tools and starts getting his rope ready. "Redux, Rigging -- either of you got a fireball handy?" He then begins to tie one end of the rope to something solid. "Oh yeah, Redux, I could use that invisibility scroll right now, if you please. Thank you. I'm going in first."

Friday December 6th, 2002 11:52:24 PM

As Appolo fiddles with the rope, Akerin pulls out a stick, the end of which shines brightly. "No fireballs, please," he says. He leans over the hole, poking the stick down and to one side. From the shed light, he looks to see more clearly what lies in the hold. If a good landing place looks available, he drops down below, holding to the edge of the trap door with one hand, and swinging a bit if the best landing place is off to one side or another. The tall man's feet before he drops are only about seven or eight feet above the floor below, and he uses his monk-taught skills to help ensure a safe landing.

Saturday December 7th, 2002 11:52:56 AM

"Take care Akerin... How deep is it?" Bart looks around for a candle, lamp or torch and lights it -- if he can find it of course.

Hold on here... whats in the Hold... (DM Chris) 
Monday December 9th, 2002 12:21:26 AM

Sliding down, Apollo reaches the floor of the hold, and is joined shortly by Akerin, who lands lightly on his feet. They find themselves in some kind of 'secret hold,' and stand in a small fifteen foot wide by 20 foot long clear spot. Extending out from them in every direction are rows of neatly stacked boxes, leaving narrow aisles between them. It would be a simple matter for someone wearing light or no armor to move down these aisles, however, moving through them wearing medium or heavy armor could be difficult. The boxes themselves are large and heavy looking. (OOC: Requires an Escape Artist check [DC 10] if wearing medium or heavy armor to move amongst the boxes; Akerin and Apollo may make listen and spot checks please).

Akerin  d20+5=24 d20+4=15 d20+4=11
Monday December 9th, 2002 1:49:31 AM

[Listen 24, spot 15]

Should Akerin hear or notice anything in particular, he will signal using hand motions (e.g., one hand to ear, and indicating with his chin the direction of the sound) so that Appolo or those looking down from above may understand.

He steps, as quietly as he might (not too quietly, it turns out, with an 11 for move silently), toward any sound. If he hears none, then he moves sternward to the edge of the boxes to get a better look. He checks to see whether the boxes appear uniform in size and configuration, or as an assortment of various types. Any visible labeling? And is there a clear source for the alchemical dust perceived on opening the trap door? He hopes someone is keeping a watch out for any who might enter the conference room above.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+3=16 d20+6=17 d20+3=10 d20+10=23 d20+11=12 d20+11=31
Monday December 9th, 2002 8:26:21 AM

Appolo is slightly irritated to find Akerin standing next, but says nothing. He quickly draws his short sword and assassins dagger under his cloak. All the while keeping his ears and eyes open for anything or anyone that might be dangerous. He slips quickly and silently in to the darkness, shaking his head as Akerin rather noisily makes his way down the aisle. He follows behind sticking to the shadows.

Listen 16, Spot 17, Search 10, Move Silently 23
Used Hero Point. Rerolled Hide. 31

Monday December 9th, 2002 8:32:38 AM

Muttering, "This stinks of heart seeds, I think," Ari will post lookout above the hole as the others search the hole.

Monday December 9th, 2002 9:51:18 PM

Rigging follows the crowd, keeping a watch behind them making sure that no one jumps them from behind.

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28) 
Monday December 9th, 2002 11:23:17 PM

Redux is momentarily glad he is still invisible. He reactivates the levitation ring and floats up to the ceiling, still mindful of finding unexpected guests residing there as well.

Calling, yet again to Talon, "Hey, is there a problem up there?" He feels for contact with the feathered friend, sure he would have felt something had there been a problem.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+8=10 d20+5=11
Monday December 9th, 2002 11:37:07 PM

The half-elf moves in close to the party and watches as Akerin and Appolo scout out the area. She wishes she could be down there helping out, but is afraid it would get too crowded down there. She keeps an eye out for any signs of trouble (Spot=10, Listen=11).

Freeze... (DM Chris)  d20+9=21
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 12:23:37 AM

Apollo and Akerin both notice that while the majority of the boxes and crates are stacked, albeit neatly, to the top of the hold, there are a number of stacks in a row (noted in green on your map) that are only four feet in height. Oddly enough, all is quiet down here, and it is hard to hear anything over the combat thumping outside, above you. Without warning, three of the aforementioned clerics appear, fading into view, as if from invisibility. (OOC: Apollo, Akerin, and Rigging must all make Will saves DC 17 or be held (hold person). Since they surprised you successfully, you don't get the opportunity to cry out should you fail your saving throw. At this point the group above can only see Rigging standing in the light below.)

Akerin (uh, doesn't his sanctuary spell make a difference?)  d20+12=19 d20+5=17
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 1:08:45 AM

Akerin shrugs off the spell effects (Will save 19). "Three of them down here!" he calls up cheerfully. "Take those," he says to Appolo with an urgency in his voice, indicating those back by Rigging, hoping his sharp glance will warn the rogue to step away from what he is about to do.

He pulls a feather forth, and throws it on to the shorter box nearest the spellcaster next to the starboard (port?) hull (C2) [ranged touch on (AC 10?) box, hitting AC 17]. He shoves the taller row of boxes next to him to push diagonally towards the centerline into the shorter row beyond, then steps back in anticipation of rapid arboreal growth.

The feather, when it lands on the box, is one of Quaal's feather tokens -- this one immediately turns into a 60' tall tree, punching up through the ceiling and decking above, and spreading its roots instantaneously into the hold, pushing trunk and roots into invisible or visible clerics and cargo nearby.

[OOC: We're towards the stern, are we not?]

Valanthe (bull's strength, AC 20) 
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 1:21:16 AM

Taking the few minutes to rest helped Val a great deal. Though still a bit tired she's no longer fatigued and out of breath. When the warning is shouted below, Val doesn't hesitate as she grabs the rope and slides down below.

Rigging hps 43  d20+5=24 d20+5=24 d20+11=28
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 8:51:00 AM

Rigging feels the spell enter his mind, but another voice shouts, "If you yield to it, you are dead!"

Rigging activates his own ring of invisibility, and tumbles away to the north and stern part of the boat landing adroitly on his feet. He will move silently towards C3 for a backstab next round.

OOC 24 save for will, 24 skill check for tumble, and 28 move silent skill check. I am sure I will roll a 2 and 3 for my attack rolls next round :-(

Appolo  d20+2=5
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 4:52:21 PM

Appolo suddenly finds himself unable to move, and silently curses to himself, thinking, 'Thank Alemi I'm still hidden.'

[Will 5 failed.]

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 6:40:10 PM

"What's happening down there? Need some help???"

[OOC: Is there enough room down below?]

Tuesday December 10th, 2002 6:54:56 PM

"Room enough!" shouts Akerin back to Bart's question. "Problems!"

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 9:43:15 PM

Hearing Akerin's cry for help, and seeing the tree burst through the floor, Ashira climbs down the rope after Valanthe and unsheathes her swords when she gets to the bottom.

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28) 
Tuesday December 10th, 2002 11:34:23 PM

Hearing the call for help, Redux maneuvers himself above the hole in the floor and then casts Vampiric Touch in preparation of moving down.

Wednesday December 11th, 2002 12:07:21 AM

Ari does his best to move closer to the hatchway. He'll keep an eye out on the room, as the rest of the pary seems to respond to the call for help.

Taking Root... (DM Chris)  d20+10=25 d20+10=19
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 1:54:47 AM

Indeed, the tree smashes through the low-lying boxes, spilling heartseeds everywhere. The strange critters writhe slowly back and forth, as they spill out into the hold. The roots of the tree make the floor within 10 feet a tangled mess, and the upper branches strain against the ceiling as a creaking and snapping sound is heard from the boards that direction.

Wanting to stifle the troublesome hero, the tall human cleric (C1) utters a quick spell, attempting yet again to ensare Akerin in a hold person enchantment. Meanwhile, having lost track of Rigging, the young looking half elf cleric (C3)casts the same spell on Valanthe.

Meanwhile, the comely human female cleric of Ga'al that managed to stop Apollo in his tracks makes her way to his side quickly, and annoyed that Akerin managed to shrug off the spell last round, cast by her colleague, casts hold person on him as well.

(OOC: Both clerics casting on Akerin made their saving throws against his sanctuary spell. Akerin needs to make 2 successful Will saving throws, and Valanthe 1 in order to remain unheld. The DC for all is 17).

Akerin (Sanctuary?)  d20+12=17 d20+12=17 d20+5=9
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 4:42:03 AM

"Right kind of you to try to share," he tells the priestess, as he steps so that he is next both to her and Appolo. He tosses his net, but he aims to too far to the right (AC 9, ranged touch attack), as his foot lost momentary purchase, competing for traction with a symbiotic parasite. The spells fail to affect him, and he retains his mobility, for the nonce.

[OOC: Isn't C2 somewhat rooted by the new tree? The tree feather landed on the box immediately adjacent to her (before her move). Thought that might put her out of action for a while, at least. Whew, and he-he! - both saves made on the nose! And, did any of the boxes in front land on the boxes in the second, green row? Just checkin'.]

Chris - no the tree isn't an entangle spell... just a tree... and now an obstacle.

Rigging hps 43 invisible  d20+11=27 d20+10=29 d20+7=9 d20+7=22 d6+1=4 d4+1=4 d6=4 d6=3 d6=3 d6=5
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 9:44:32 AM

Rigging moves silently up to the half elven cleric (c3) and tries to sneak attacks him.

OOC 27 move silent roll, 29 rapier roll, first roll for holy dagger was a 9 but used a hero point and rerolled a 22. If both attacks were successful and the sneak attacks were successful, Rigging inflicted 23 points of damage. Gave myself +2 for being invisible/flanking. Not sure if 29 is a critical hit so didn't roll extra damage.

Appolo Ac 21 
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 10:12:08 AM

Appolo stands like a statue unable to move silently fuming and wishing Akerin would just smack the witch. Anyone who looks at him can tell he's furious and definitely wants kill something.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 12:48:29 PM

Seeing Appolo in trouble, Ashira decides to come to his aid. She reaches into her pack and removes her potion of remove paralysis. After she finds the potion, Ashira draws her longsword and holds the potion in her left hand. She walks toward Appolo, intent on pouring the potion down his lips once she reaches him.

Valanthe (bull's strength, AC 20)  d20+3=21 d20+9=16
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 6:41:08 PM

Val fights off the effect of the spell [will save 21] and spots C1 close by. She turns and slashes with her crystal scythe [hit ac 16]

Redux-Mage Armor, Invisible(AC=19, HP=28) 
Wednesday December 11th, 2002 11:38:32 PM

Redux wills himself down and thru the hole, passing by those still at the mouth opening. As he brushes past them he whispers 'Invisible mage coming thru.' As he passes thru the opening he catches his hand on it and swings himself forward while sending moves the Spectral Hand away from him at a 90-degree angle (can't have anything pointing to at him with a big sign reading 'invisible mage here'). He surveys the scene and picks a target to attack and chooses C2 for a drain.

Do Ya Feel Lucky? (DM Chris)  d20+3=14 d20+5=22 3d6(4+3+6)=13
Thursday December 12th, 2002 2:02:32 AM

Akerin's impressive display of willpower leaves him free from enchantment, but apparently it took more concentration than he thought as his net falls short of the sneering female cleric and manages to ensare Apollo, frozen in his held state.

As Rigging had to move to get there, he only gets a single swing. However, the blow lands solidly in the back of the half elf cleric of Ga'al. Unfortunately Rigging also becomes visible.

Ashira reaches Apollo and may use her potion this next round. The cocky female cleric is oblivious to Ashira's presence as she focuses on Akerin.

Valanthe swings, and the sturdy lookin human male cleric brings his shield up to block the blow with ease.

Redux however, easily makes contact with the troublesome female cleric and gains 13 hps for his trouble. Her body convulses slighly as she comes under the effect of his vampiric touch, and the floating wizard becomes visible as his attack goes off.

(OOC: My turn next post)

Do Ya Feel Lucky? (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+16=34 d6+11=15 d20+12=20 d6+10=12 d20+12=13 d20+14=33 d6+10=11
Thursday December 12th, 2002 2:21:34 AM

Cleric 1 hefts a nasty looking mace and swings at Valanthe, hitting her soundly in the shoulder. An unnerving crunch is heard. (Valanthe, C1 hits AC 34 for 15 hps.)

Cleric 2 sneers at Redux, now visible in the room, and casts hold person on the wily wizard. (Redux, make a Will save DC 17 or be held.)

Cleric 3 grimaces at the wound Rigging dealt him, and whips around to address the problem with the blunt of his mace. (Struck Rigging with an AC 20 blow for 12 hps damage.)

Another cleric (C4) materializes as if from invisibility as she brings her mace down upon Valanthe's unsuspecting person. Though in her excitment, her swing is wide, missing Valanthe completely. (Drat those natural 1's.)

Yet another cleric (C5) materializes as if from invisibility as he brings his mace down upon Akerin from behind. (Akerin, hit AC 33 for 11 hps of damage.)

What...? Another cleric (C6) this time a male halfling, appears crouched up on one of the boxes, chanting and waving with his eyes upon Rigging, whom he casts hold person on. (Rigging, make a Will save DC 17 or be held.)

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Thursday December 12th, 2002 2:57:57 AM

Temporarily forgetting about his magical abilities, Ari remembers that he has spider climb cast upon himself. Doing his best not to be noticed, Ari climbs upside down into the lower hold. Preparing his weapons, Ari gets ready to engage the priests.

ooc let me know if I can have an attack on anyone.

Akerin (AC 19, hp 43, or hp 32, if C5 is repositioned by where the monk is)  d20+5=22 d6+2=4 d20+12=25
Thursday December 12th, 2002 5:32:12 AM

Since Akerin had moved (see prior post) to stand in front of Cleric #2*, he lowers his shoulder, driving into her midriff (AC 21), and pushes her back, lifting her up and tossing her into the halfling on the box. [Not sure exactly what damage might be caused, but rolled unarmed attack damage, for 4 hp, if it applies.] If there is room, he continues moving past them, stopping before the last pair of rows of boxes (escape artist 25).

* [--And not back near C5 - please reread previous post for Akerin to see he had moved up right next to Appolo and her, and now, prior to movement would be between Ashira and the boxes lining the starboard hull. Pls see email.]

Rigging  d20+5=7 d20+5=18 d20+8=24 d20+5=10 d6+1=6
Thursday December 12th, 2002 8:39:12 AM

Rigging feels the spell take hold of his mind and almost succumbs to it but fights it off. He stabs forward with his rapier scoring a hit and tries to follow up with his dagger but misses badly.

OOC Rigging used a hero point to reroll first saving throw.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+6=17 d20+5=14 d6=5
Thursday December 12th, 2002 9:41:26 AM

(ooc didn't think i could make the touch attack this round, thanks. Also, Val is a girl.)

Redux feels the burst of the added strength just before the mental attack. 'Whoa' is the best description of what goes thru his mind at the polar opposite feelings; such a surprise. He shakes off the effects of the spell and knows he needs to press on the attack. "Bart we need you, NOW!" With that said, Redux moves himself away to a position roughly between C5 and C1 on the ceiling and casts Chill Touch. Smiling, he once again attempts to reach out and touch the female cleric (C2) (hit AC 14 for 5 points of damage, and 1 point temporary Strength loss if fail Fort. save DC 13).

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Thursday December 12th, 2002 11:33:03 AM

Ashira gently pours the potion into Appolo's mouth, and smiles as the rogue is once again free to move about the cabin. Once Appolo regains movement, Ashira begins to help unentangle him from the net.

Bart bulls strength (21) AC 22  d20+13=27 d20+11=30 d20+11=26 d10+8=14 d6+5=8 d6+5=8
Thursday December 12th, 2002 12:54:59 PM

Bart jumps with sword and dagger drawn down at the lower deck and attacks the priest in front of him (C4 hit ac 27 with sword and crit with dagger ac 26 for 14+8+8 dam)

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, AC 20)  d20+11=30 2d4(2+1)+7=10 d6=3
Thursday December 12th, 2002 4:47:57 PM

It took everything she had to hold onto her weapon. Her shoulder is throbbing badly and there are sharp pains whenever she moves it. The young elven maiden mutters off a long string of curses. Somewhere in there she utters the command word, causing her scythe to glow with psionic energy. She changes her grip and brings the scythe up in a cross-uppercut slash. [Hit AC 30 for 13 dmg]

Come on in... the water is warm... (DM Chris)  d20+8=19 d6=6
Thursday December 12th, 2002 8:40:27 PM

Spiderclimbing into the hold, Ari hangs from the ceiling and realizes that it is roughly a 15-ft. drop to the floor and that no clerics appear to be hovering at this height.

Akerin steps forward and finds himself being deflected in his attack. It is obvious to Akerin that there is some kind of magic at play. (AC 21 doesn't quite hit.)

Redux lands his chill touch, and the cleric is affected by the damage, though her strength does not wane. (Made Fort save DC 19; general note: you can only make a 5 ft. step as a move-equivalent action pulling yourself along the ceiling; You're fine this turn, but just wanted to let you know.)

The net slides right off as Ashira tugs free the now mobile Apollo. (Apollo may act this next turn).

Bart leaps down into the hold, and feels something pop in his legs as he hits the floor 15 feet below. His sword lands a solid blow upon the unsuspecting cleric. (Take 6 hps falling damage; jumping is a move equivalent, you only get your first attack)

Valanthe's blow is solid and the cleric of Ga'al grunts as she slices him good.

(OOC: My turn next post)

Come on in... the water is warm... (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+10=30 d20+10=25 2d6(6+2)+10=18 d20+19=33 d6+11=16 d20+7=19 d6+5=8 d20+11=25 d6+5=7
Thursday December 12th, 2002 9:03:58 PM

Cleric 1 lashes out at Valanthe, catching her solidly on the temple with his mace. (Critical hit for 18 hps damage)

Cleric 2 smiles as she finds herself flanking Akerin opposite Cleric 5. She pulls her mace and swings, connecting solidly with Akerin. (Akerin, C2 hits AC 33 for 16 hps damage)

Cleric 3 swings again at Rigging, clipping him good. (Hit AC 19 for 8 hps damage)

Cleric 4 steps back away from this new threat, and casts hold person at Bart. (Bart, make a Will save DC 17 or be held)

Cleric 5 swings at Akerin as well, not wanting to miss his opportunity for a flanking attack, and lands a solid blow. (Hit AC 25 for 7 hps damage on Akerin)

Cleric 6 smiles as he hops down, and peeks over the top of the boxes to cast hold person on Apollo. (Apollo make a Will save DC 17 yet again)

Another cleric appears (C7)as if fading in from invisibility as he casts hold person on Redux. (Redux make a Will save DC 17 or be held)

Another cleric appears (C8) as if fading in from invisibility as he casts blindness on Redux. (Redux make a Fortitude save DC 18 or be struck blind)

Rigging Hps 23 AC 14  d20+8=20 d20+5=21 d6+1=4 d4+1=3
Friday December 13th, 2002 12:14:47 AM

Rigging launches forth with two quick attacks hoping to put his opponent down. He stabs the cleric with the rapier and slashes with the holy dagger.

OOC. This is the first hit with the holy dagger. Not sure if it does additional damage to these clerics?

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+2=13 d20+7=22 d20+3=15 3d6(2+6+6)+4=18 d6+5=11
Friday December 13th, 2002 3:08:58 AM

Seeing the latest attack from C7 and C8, Ari quickly moves to intercept. Doing his best to line up his approach Ari jumps from the ceiling and lets himself fall in a line of sight intended to use C7 and C8 as a landing pad (rolled a tumble check of 13). Swinging his scimitar and dagger at C7 (AC 22, 15) (Damage assuming the clerics are evil- 18 (if not evil dam is 6) from scimitar - 11 from dagger) Ari does his best to land blows and his own body on cleric #7 and then knocking over cleric #8 (maybe disrupting any spells).

Appolo Ac 21  d20+2=10 d20+2=14 d20+2=7 d20+2=22 d20+7=27 d8=5 d8=3
Friday December 13th, 2002 8:34:32 AM

After being freed from the effects of the first spell and the one by Ashira, Appolo takes a couple of steps and is about to attack the nearest ******* or Witch of Ga'al, when he feels the effects of another spell stop him in his tracks. He is momentarily frozen, but he bears down with all his willpower and overcomes the spell. {Will 22} That's when he launches himself and the nearest Priest of Ga'al with the most terrifing shriek of a battle cry he can muster. Hacking into the enemy with an unholy vengeance.

OOC: Used remaining three hero points to overcome spell. Attack Roll 27 critical hit Damage 5+3+4=12.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21) 
Friday December 13th, 2002 1:24:53 PM

The invisible half-elf winces as the two solid blows smash into Akerin and decides it's time to even the score a bit. She casts Summon Nature's Ally, willing a badger to come forth and join their endeavor. Taking a step so that she moves into a flanking position with C5, Ashira unsheathes her shortsword in preparation for a full attack next round.

To speed things along (and if I'm not to do this, you can rap my knuckles, and I'll withdraw! ;) Note: that the spell description says that it takes the full round to cast, I interpret that you won't get any movement, but probably the command. Todd

The PHB says on Pg. 121 that you can take a 5 foot step before or after performing a full round action. Ashira would like to take that step.---Janell

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=7 d20+2=22 d20+11=24 d20+9=15 d20+5=8 d10+8=17 d4+3=5
Friday December 13th, 2002 2:22:34 PM

Bart shivers off the spell that has been cast on him (used hero point to reroll) and attacks the cleric in front of him with his sword and dagger. His first blow hits the cleric for 17 his dagger hits? (ac15 for 5) His second attack with his sword misses the priest.

Friday December 13th, 2002 5:32:34 PM

Talon had been circling the ships and was distracted by a school of fish he saw beneath the waves. His thoughts were on whether he might catch one, but suddenly he remembers Redux and starts winging it in his direction.

Redux  d20+8=20 d20+5=10 d20+5=11 d20+7=15 d6=3
Saturday December 14th, 2002 12:19:58 AM

Redux feels very honored that so many clerics would choose him; it's just a bit much for him to overcome. He shakes off the hold (will=20) but finds himself blinded above the crowd (fort=11, used hero point on the re-roll). He remembers so very clearly where that cleric is that he's been after and so makes a blind attack at her with the spectral hand and the chill touch spell (ac=15 for 3 pts dmg and --1 to strength vs. dc=13) (ooc I'll leave the chance to miss for you to resolve, Chris).

Akerin (AC 19, hp 9)  d20+19=36
Saturday December 14th, 2002 5:43:55 AM

[Am assuming from Appolo's post that he is going after C5.]

Maintaining his focus on the cleric before him (C2), Akerin realizes he cannot take another such blow from her. As he takes the spiked chain from off his hip, he tells her, "You've a formidable swing, m'lady." With a twist of his hips, the chain lashes out, wrapping itself around her mace [disarm 36*]. He snaps back on the spiked chain, causing her mace to whip out of her hands (if all goes well). "Now, you're not planning to heartseed a continent, are you?"

Inwardly, he prays to Alemi to grant him and his ... friends, not just companions, now, a good victory over these corrupters of the flesh. And he hopes Appolo does well.

* [BAB +4, +1 spiked chain, +2 weapon disarm bonus, +4 two hands, and +8 (+4 for each weapon size category larger - her 1d6 implies the light mace, the spiked chain is a large-size weapon). Roll 17+4+1+2+4+8=36. Also, as a healer, Akerin has improved disarm, so his action does not provoke an attack of opportunity, nor does his opponent have a chance to disarm him. -Kim]

Valanthe  d20+11=28 2d4(4+4)+7=15 d6=1
Saturday December 14th, 2002 10:50:07 AM

Val grunts with the blow and staggers back a couple of steps. Grinning in determination she slices with her scythe. [hit ac 28 for 16 dmg]

Deep in it... the hold that is... (DM Chris)  2d6(2+6)=8 d6=3 d100=21 d20+11=15
Sunday December 15th, 2002 11:18:19 PM

Rigging's rapier swings wide, though his holy dagger strikes true causing great pain to his foe. (OOC: Total 11 hps - I rolled the extra damage for ya this times.)

Ari drops from the ceiling, and doesn't quite get his feet around in time to catch himself, though he does manage to knock the two clerics to the ground as he hits. (Ari takes 3 hps from falling, as do his opponents)

Cleric 2 staggers a step as Appolo launches into her with his mighty attack.

Though Ashira can't squeeze her way into a flanking position, she gets close. At the end of the round, her badger appears as noted on the round 5 map.

Bart's sword strikes the cleric (1) a mighty blow, and the devotee of Ga'al unleashes a string of profanities. (OOC: Did Bart spend a hero point to shiver off that spell? I see his first saving throw missed the mark.)

Blindly directing his spectral hand, Redux indeed misses his target. (OOC: 50% miss chance, rolled 21%... high good... low bad.)

The cleric's mace goes flying out of her hand, though she doesn't appear to be alarmed by the turn of events. She grins, "Not a bad idea... now that you mention it. I'll be sure to give you credit... and your name is?"

Valanthe strikes a mighty blow, nearly bringing the cleric to his knees.

Deep in it... the hold that is... (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+10=26 d6+5=11 d20+10=21 d20+7=27 d20+7=21 2d6(2+4)+10=16 d20+9=13 d20+11=22 d6+7=10 d20+9=26 d6+6=11
Sunday December 15th, 2002 11:36:11 PM

Knowing that his death may come soon, cleric 1 lashes out with his mace screaming, "FOR GA'AL!!!" (OOC: Hit Valanthe at AC 26 for 11 hps of damage)

Cleric 2 successfully casts defensively, unleashing a blindness spell upon Akerin. (Akerin needs to make a Fortitude save DC 18 to avoid being blinded).

Cleric 3 sneers, spitting blood as he brings his mace around to club Rigging but good. (Critical threat/confirmed for 16 hps damage).

Cleric 4 steps back away from Bart again and casts hold person again. (Bart needs to make a successful Will save DC 17 to avoid being held)

Cleric 5 swings at Akerin, though is distracted by the spiked chain, and misses.

Cleric 6 steps out from between the boxes to cast hold person on Valanthe. (Valanthe needs to make a successful Will save DC 17 to avoid being held).

Cleric's 7 and 8 both stand up, and lofting their maces, proceed to club Ari. (Both hit for a combined damage of 21 hps. Hit AC 22 and 26)

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, AC 20)  d20+5=22 d20+11=19 2d4(1+1)+7=9 d6=5
Monday December 16th, 2002 1:04:44 AM

Val struggles and breaks free of the magical compulsion [will save 22]. Her vision loses focus for a second and the elven maiden feels the severity of her wounds. Not knowing how long she will last, Val swings at the cleric with all she has left. [hit ac 19 for 14 dmg]

[Walter - can you really refer to Valanthe as a 'maiden'? It means, among other things, 'virgin female'. -Kim]

(Kim - 'maiden' is also used in reference to an unmarried female... it depends on the person who is using the term and what, exactly, they are referring to. Now stop nitpicking and kick evil cleric butt! -the vacationing yet still watchful DM Donna)

[Donna - Akerin is limited by his profession to kicking to subdue evil cleric butt. I'm off to locate a fine tooth comb for further nit-related work. Glad you're watching, Donna dear. -Kim]

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=17 d20+11=26 d20+9=19 d20+5=23 d10+8=16 d10+8=10 d4+5=7
Monday December 16th, 2002 1:23:13 AM

Once again Bart resists the spell of the evil cleric (save 17). "Is that all you have?" Bart says as he puts his sword and dagger into the cleric's body (hit ac 26/19/23 for 16/7/10).

(OOC: Yes I used a hero point last time (see post).)

Akerin (AC 19, hp 26)  d20+12=21 2d8(6+6)+5=17
Monday December 16th, 2002 3:37:53 AM

The unblinded (Fort save 21) healer steps behind Appolo, and hops up on to the box next to him. He casts cure moderate wounds on himself, healing 17 points of damage.

"And shall I give my name to a woman who wants to hold me and blind me with her charms?" he answers the priestess. "No, I seek no credit, thank you."

Though he prepares his spiked chain for more action, his back now against the tree, he looks around the crowded hold quickly to see if any are fallen.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+14=25 d20+9=15 d20+13=29 d8+4=6 d8+4=8 d6+2=4 d20+5=20 d20+5=24 d20=18 d2-1=1 d2-1=1 d3-1=1
Monday December 16th, 2002 9:02:10 AM

Taking another 5 foot step toward the cleric, Ashira is finally in flanking position, and decides to give up playing hide and seek. Launching a full attack, Ashira slices into the cleric with two blows from her longsword, and one from her shortsword (doing 18 dam if all three hit, 10 if only the first long and shortsword connect). As the odd looking half-elf fades back into view, she grins evilly at the cleric in front of her. "Oooo looky...a party and nobody invited me. You know how much I hate being overlooked." She motions her head toward Valanthe, then looks Akerin in the eye. "I believe a maiden is in need of assistance. Perhaps you should go to the rescue?"

Meanwhile, the badger launches itself into the nearest priest clawing and biting with ferocity. (Claw1=20 for 1hp, Claw2=24 for 1hp, Bite=18 for 1hp)

OOC (Breakdown on attack bonuses...+2 for Bull's Strength, +2 for Invis. +2 for flanking=+6 added onto normal bonuses.) Also, didn't read that I could determine where the badger appeared. I'd like to have him positioned in front of C6 if that's ok...otherwise C5 is fine.)

Rigging hps 7 ac 14  d20+8=27 d20+5=25 d6+1=7 d4+1=5 2d6(6+6)=12 d20+5=18
Monday December 16th, 2002 10:07:19 AM

Rigging winces as the mace crushes into him and cries out in pain. A grim look comes into his eyes and he yells, "I will not die alone!" He launches into his attack again driving his rapier into the half elf's chest and following up with his holy dagger into the stomach where he gives it a horrible twist.

OOC sorry in looking at my rolls I realized that I rolled a critical with the dagger. Last 20 sided die roll was to check for critical. Don't think I made it. Still did some nice damage rolling and if this cleric is still standing, I want to go home to Momma. 25 points of damage in total.

Ari AC 22 21 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  1d8+1=9
Monday December 16th, 2002 12:47:41 PM

Wincing in pain from the double strike Ari reaches into his backpack and pulls out his CLW potion and swallows it (restoring 9 points).

Given a chance to do any maneuvering Ari stands and moves towards the rest of the family trying to get his backside covered.

Appolo  d20+7=22 d20+3=22 d8+3=4 d4+3=4
Monday December 16th, 2002 7:33:42 PM

Appolo quickly produces his assassin's dagger and viciously slices into the cleric of Ga'al, slashing her twice with a vengeance.

OOC: ShortSword attack roll 22, Off hand Assassins Dagger 22. Total Damage 8.
Save versus Poison DC 17.

My Toes Are Cold... (DM Chris) 
Monday December 16th, 2002 9:46:22 PM

In her weakened state, Valanthe's scythe swings wide, missing the equally wounded cleric.

Bart's mighty blows easily drop cleric 4, who lies still, bleeding on the deck. Looking down at his fallen opponent, Bart realizes, as do the others, that the ship is taking on water, albeit slowly.

The cleric seems to ignore Akerin in favor of the new threat that Apollo presents.

Ashira's blades indeed bite into her opponent, as he whirls around to face this new threat. The summoned badger nibbles a bit on the cleric, and though he does not like the taste, presses his attack.(OOC: you still cannot flank. not enough space, and the boxes you are next to go up to the ceiling.)

Cleric 3 indeed drops to the floor under the fury of Rigging's assault. Blood is everywhere.

Ari drinks the cure light wounds potion. (OOC: a potion of cure light wounds only cures 1d8+1 hps of damage. So, given the benefit of the doubt, you managed to heal 9 hps, not 15.)

Apollo's blows swing wide, missing one and all, as the canny female cleric defends herself.

(OOC: Clerics turn is next.)

My Toes Are Cold... cont. (DM Chris)  d20+10=21 d6+5=9 d20+14=30 d6+5=10 d20+9=18 d20+4=9
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 12:18:30 AM

Spitting blood, Cleric 1 takes what may be his last swing a Valanthe, connecting with a solid blow. (Hit AC 21 for 9 hps damage)

Cleric 2, also extremely wounded, backs away from the combined attack of Apollo and Akerin, and casts blindness at Apollo defensively. (Fort save DC 18 or be blinded)

Cleric 5 turns on Ashira, and casting defensively, attempts to catch her in a hold person spell. (Will save DC 17 or be held)

Being a sneaky little halfling, Cleric 6 approaches Ari from behind, swinging his mace with all his might. He connects solidly. (Hit AC 30 for 10 hps of damage)

Cleric 7 attempts a touch attack on Ari with fingers that are glowing black, but is unexpectedly repelled by Ari's shield spell.

Seeing her fellow cleric of Ga'al go down, Cleric 8 steps away from her combat with Ari, and casts hold person on Bart. (Will save DC 17 or be held).

Akerin (AC 19, hp 26)  3d8(4+3+7)+5=19 3d8(4+4+8)+5=21
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 1:08:26 AM

Though he wishes to stay and help Appolo with the priestess, Ashira's petition on behalf of Valanthe draws his attention to the elvish lady. He bounds off the box, and draws from a pouch a vial as he covers the twenty feet between them. He vaults her fallen form, then kneels, lifts her head even as her eyes flutter in semi-consciousness, and pours the precious liquid down her lips, which he parts with his free hand. The elixir restores a small measure of vitality to the fallen warrior. (Potion of CSW, 3d8+5 - won in LnB recently. Disregard second roll - hit button again by accident. Valanthe regains 19 hp, bringing her, I believe, to 19.)

[OOC: Picture Akerin's new position as above and to the right on the map of where 'V' is.]

Valanthe (AC 20, HP 33)  2d8(6+6)+2=14
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 2:06:57 AM

Val's eyes close and thankfully open a moment later. Weak and confused Val utters thanks in elvish and reaches for a potion of her own drinking it down. [Potion of CMW]

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+8=19 d20+10=13 d20+5=22 d20+9=18 d8+6=8 d8+6=11 d6+3=9 d20+5=23 d20+5=15 d20=19 d2-1=1 d2-1=1 d3-1=2
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 9:30:33 AM

Shrugging off the impulse to stand stock still in front of the cleric (Will=19), Ashira likes the results from her last attack and presses on. Waging a full attack on C5 again, Ashira hopes to down the fellow soon so she can help out other family members.

Meanwhile, the badger continues its onslaught on C5, inflicting the maximum damage his punny little body can do. (Claw1=23 for 1dam, Claw2=15 for 1dam, Bite=19 for 2dam)

First Long=13 for 8dam
Second Long=22 for 11dam
Short=18 for 9dam

OOC (Hehe...I just looked over the description for half-elf, and realized that for the past two years I haven't been adding in the +2 bonus to resist enchantment spells that elves and half-elves are allowed...sheesh! Also, I forgot to add the extra +2 strength to my damage from last round, so C5 takes an additional 2 hp of damage for each longsword blow that connected, and 1 hp for the shortsword. Finally, could you please give us the AC of the mean baddies? It would make writing the posts a lot easier! :))

Rigging  d4+1=2 d4+1=4
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 10:03:00 AM

Rigging thinks to himself, "This hand to hand combat stuff Hurts!" He notices Ari in trouble and raises his arm, murmurs a few words and launches 2 missiles at the nasty little halfling.
(6 points of damage total)

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=20 d20+11=24 d20+9=28 d20+9=24 d20+5=20 d10+8=10 d10+8=17 d4+5=9 d4+5=7
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 12:49:14 PM

Again bart shiver off the spell. His first attack is on cleric c1 he puts his sword and then his dagger in the cleric's back (hit ac 24, 28 (crit) for 26 dam) His last attack with his sword is made towards cleric c8 (hit ac 20 for 17

Appolo Ac 21  d20+7=24 d20+5=25 d20+7=22 d8+3=11
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 3:23:10 PM

Appolo shakes off the effects and feints with his assassin's dagger, then quickly and ferociously strikes with his sword.

OOC: Fortitude save 24 Bluff 25 Attack 22 Damage 11
If his bluff fails he will still make his attack.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+7=16 d6=3 d100=87
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 7:33:20 PM

Redux, blinded, though with Talon's help to maneuver the spectral hand to where it is needed, makes another blind attack at C2 using the chill touch spell (ac=16 for 3 pts dmg and --1 to strength vs. dc=13 %=87 same criteria used so this connects).

Hey... My Feet Are Wet! (DM Chris)  d20+8=19
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 9:06:53 PM

The potions feel warm on the inside, though outside, Valanthe realizes she is getting wet and cold laying in ankle-deep sea water. Akerin realizes that perhaps the tree was not such a good idea, as that seems to be where the water is coming from... slowly but surely. (OOC: Anybody ever seen Titanic? ; ) )

Ashira indeed connects once with her longsword, while her summoned badger nibbles away at the cleric doing minimal damage to his ankles.

The halfling cleric yelps as Rigging's magic missiles zing into him from across the room.

Cleric 1 drops with a splash, blood seeping out into the sea water that seems to be everywhere now. His form lay unmoving and unbreathing.(However, to get to C8, Bart must move closer, and then Bart wouldn't be able to attack this round anyways.)

Appolo swings wide, barely missing the haughty female cleric. (OOC: Just a note, unless you have the feat Quicker than the Eye from Song and Silence, making a Bluff attempt in combat is a standard action. Which means, unless you are hasted, you can't Bluff, and attack in the same round.)

With Talon's assistance, Redux successfully maneuvers his spectral hand to attack the female cleric. (OOC: Well done... though she made her Fortitude saving throw.)

Hey... My Feet Are Wet! (cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+9=24 d6+5=10 d20+9=26 d6+3=6
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 9:21:13 PM

Cleric 2 moves directly away from Appolo and disappears around some boxes further back in the dark, and now wet, hold.

Cleric 5 swings his mace at Ashira, connecting solidly. (Hit AC 24 for 10 hps damage)

The sneaking halfling cleric (C6) takes a step to maintain his flanking position on Ari and swings, hitting Ari solidly. (OOC: hit AC 26 for 6 hps damage).

Both fearful of the raging Bart, clerics 7 and 8 turn their attention and cast hold person on the seemingly unstoppable warrior. (Need to make 2 Will saves DC 17 to avoid being held)

AriAri AC 22 5 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=14 d20+3=13
Tuesday December 17th, 2002 11:55:27 PM

Seeing that his end is near and knowing that he can at least still affect things, Ari continues to trying to pound on #7 (AC 14 and 13) missing him.

Rigging hps 7 ac 14  d8=6 d8=7
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 10:15:03 AM

Rigging doesn't like the way the other cleric just disappeared. He will activate his own ring of invisibility and grab one of his potions of moderate healing. If he can do both actions, he will drink it.

OOC Rolled 16 points of healing. I believe that moderate does 2 d8 +3 but if I am wrong, please reroll the results.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+2=6
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 11:20:57 AM

After missing again with what he thought was a solid, well-timed attack, Appolo trembles with frustration. As he watches his opponent disappear behind some crates, Appolo takes some time to think. She wants to play hide and seek, but I have a better idea -- dominoes. He decides to try and push the stack of crates over with no success. After finding he can't budge them Appolo takes a moment to rest and turns around to look over the situation.

Strength check 6

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+10=15 d20+5=19 d20+9=11 d20+5=6 d20+5=17 d20=9
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 12:53:28 PM

Ashira grimaces as the cleric's mace smashes into her offhand shoulder, the pain radiates into her arms, and her blows prove ineffective. Seeing Cleric 2 disappear, Ashira shouts over to Appolo "Don't get cute, just get out there and find her!"

On the other side of the cleric, the badger seems to be running out of steam as all three of its attacks miss the cleric (Claw1=11, Claw2=17, Bite=9).

First Long=15
Second Long=19

Bart (Bulls strength)  d20+2=17 d20+2=7 d20+2=18 d20+11=19 d20+9=16 d20+5=23 d10+8=13 d10+8=12 d4+5=9
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 4:38:41 PM

Once again Bart shivers off the spells (used hero point again). He attacks the nearest cleric (c8) with his sword and dagger (hit ac 19, 28 (crit) for 26 dam). His last attack with his sword is made towards cleric c8 (hit ac 19/16/23 for 13/9/12).

Bart OOC 
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 4:42:31 PM

sorry messed up my post ignore the results in the middle of the post

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41) 
Wednesday December 18th, 2002 10:36:05 PM

"What do you mean 'she's gone'? I hit her didn't I?" Redux continues his conversation with his feathered friend; though some wouldn't know what a floating, blind man was doing talking to himself. "No, no, don't search for her that way. Tell me when my hand is pointing to the tree. Yes, it is a real tree. No, I don't have time to explain what a real tree is doing floating in water. Now, fly back over here. What do you mean water all around inside? Great! Appolo, step back a few paces!" And with that, Redux casts Web centered on the area past where he last knew C2 to be, as far back as he can get, to the right of the tree (as he once saw it).

Akerin  d20+19=30
Thursday December 19th, 2002 1:48:08 AM

Noticing that Ari is beleaguered, Akerin suggests to Valanthe, "Help him," and points toward Ari. He steps just past her, and now, within ten feet of the mace-wielding halfling cleric (C6), once again extends his spiked chain, wrapping up the little fella's mace, and pulling back with a rotation of his hips to relieve him of the abusive weapon. [Disarm, 30.]

Valanthe (Bull's Strength)  d20+11=21 2d4(2+4)+7=13 d6=5
Thursday December 19th, 2002 2:05:03 AM

Feeling renewed strength Val rises and heads over to C7, slashing with her crystal scythe.
[hit ac 21 for 18 dmg]

Rising Waters... (DM Chris)  d20+5=22 d20+7=14
Thursday December 19th, 2002 2:31:59 AM

Ari indeed misses the cleric in his attempt to ward him off.

Rigging becomes invisible, and pulls out the potion prepared to drink next round. (OOC: Activating a magic item, whether ring or potion are both standard actions... so you only get to do the first. You can drink the potion on your next post if ya like.)

Looking over the situation, Appolo sees that Ari is about to pass out from damage and blood loss, whilst the rest of the party battles on, except for Redux who appears to have been blinded.

Ashira and her badger indeed run into a bit of bad luck as their attacks fail to connect.

Bart connects once with cleric 8 dealing her a bloody slice.

Redux web spell is targeted successfully, blocking up that area with thick, sticky webbing.

The halfling cleric's mace goes flying out of his hand as Akeric snags it with his spiked chain.

Valanthe just misses cleric 7 as he nimbly steps aside of her attack.

Rising Waters... cont. (DM Chris)  d20+3=19 d20+9=23 d20+6=19
Thursday December 19th, 2002 2:43:55 AM

The group begins to notice how the water has risen steadily in the last few seconds, coming nearly up to their knees.

Cleric 2 comes running out from the opposite side of the tree as the web spell, and scoops up her comrade's mace, holding it in a defensive stance.

Casting defensively, cleric 5 unleashes a hold person spell upon Ashira. (Will save DC 17 or be held)

Taking a step back away from melee combat, cleric 6 casts blindness on Akerin. (Fort save DC 18 or be blind.)

Casting defensively, cleric 7 casts hold person on Bart. (Will save DC 17 or be held.)

Cleric 8 swings her mace at Bart, barely missing.

Appolo Ac 21  d20+7=10 d20+3=4
Thursday December 19th, 2002 3:16:26 AM

Appolo takes in the situation and is alarmed by the sight of Ari. After changing position, on Redux's behalf Appolo sees the Witch of Ga'al return and pick up a mace. He yells, "Redux you missed. Witch of Ga'al, to your left, 45 degrees down angle hit -- hit now. Akerin, Ari's hurt bad get him out. I'll deal with you little friend!!"

With that he moves as quickly as he can to attack C6. Stumbling through the water he misses both attacks.

Rigging Hps 23 invisible ac 14 
Thursday December 19th, 2002 9:24:49 AM

Rigging drinks the potion down and moves forward looking to backstab an opponent. He will head towards Ashira.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+8=9 d20+8=11 d20+8=18 d20+10=30 d20+10=18 d20+5=25 d20+5=14 d20+9=20 d20+5=15 d20+5=23 d20=6 d8+6=14 d8+6=13 d6+3=9 d2-1=1
Thursday December 19th, 2002 9:49:14 AM

Ashira succumbs to the spell for a few seconds, but is able to shrug it off at the last minute. She smirks at the cleric. "Looks like things aren't going your way. Why don't you give up now, and save yourself a lot of pain?!" She unleashes a particularly devastating full attack on the priest, connecting all three times. The two blows from the longsword come very close to opening the man's neck, but misses at the last second.

Down at his ankles, the badger manages to get in a good claw attack before the water level gets too high, and he soon proves ineffective (Claw1=15, Claw2=23, dam=1, Bite=6).

Will=9 used two hero points to get a save of 18.

(DM Chris: You may only use one hero point per failed roll as per the rules posted under combat in the Constabulary Castle. I'm afraid that Ashira is held.)
First Long=30 (threat), 18 (no crit) for 14 dam.
Second Long=25 (threat), 14 (no crit) for 13 dam.
Short=20 for 9 dam.
Total dam=36hp

Ari AC 22 5 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=25 d20+7=15 3d6(3+1+1)+4=9 d20+3=10
Thursday December 19th, 2002 11:24:26 AM

Praying for every additional second he can get Ari connects with his holy scimitar on C#7 (critical threat, no crit) for 9 points of damage.

Bart (bulls strength)  d20+2=10 d20+2=17 d20+11=22 d20+9=28 d20+9=17 d20+5=7 d10+8=18 d6+5=8 d6+5=6
Thursday December 19th, 2002 12:22:39 PM

One more time the spell has no effect on Bart. "DON"T YOU KNOW I"M PROTECTED BY DOMI YOU FILTH OFF THE WOLD!!" he yells as he attacks the priest for another time with his sword and dagger (hit AC 22/28 threat crit 17?? for 18/8+6?). His second attack with his sword misses.

(How well are the priests armed, aka are they easily hit aka what's their ac; determining if it is wise to use the power attack feat (-X to hit +X to dam).

(Chris: they appear to be lightly armored in chain shirts, but who knows what magic is at play.)

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+7=22 d2=1
Friday December 20th, 2002 12:02:56 AM

In a softer tone, just between him and Talon, "Ok, Talon, next Cleric that starts waving his hands around, attack them." (ac=22 for 1pt dmg) Redux uses the time to maneuver his spectral hand to the other side of the tree and in the direction Appolo reported the wily cleric went.

[OOC: The wiley cleric is C2, who just showed up again to grab C6's mace. -Kim]

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, AC 20)  d20+11=26 2d4(1+4)+7=12 d6=5
Friday December 20th, 2002 10:00:02 AM

Valanthe turns and brings her crystal scythe back at C7 with an upward slash.
[hit ac 26 for 17]

Akerin (AC: 19; HP: 26)  d20+12=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=8 2d4(1+3)+4=8 2d8(6+7)+5=18
Friday December 20th, 2002 10:06:47 AM

The monk again resists the attempt to blind him (Fort save DC 19).

As the priestess bends down to retrieve the halfling's mace, being within the ten foot reach of his weapon, Akerin takes advantage of C2's proximity to lash out with his spiked chain, hitting AC 25 (nat 20, not a crit) for 8 hp subdual on her [attack of opportunity].

Then, whirling the spiked chain with his left arm, he moves to Ari. With his right, he reaches out to touch the wounded young man, curing moderate wounds for 18 hp returned to him.

Okay... now this is wet... (DM Chris) 
Saturday December 21st, 2002 1:03:56 AM

Apollo indeed misses with both swings, but as he recovers from his stumble, he realizes that he is in a target rich environment... also that the water seems to be about knee high now.

Its hard slogging through the water, but Rigging does indeed find himself standing next to Ashira by the end of the round.

As per the rules of combat posted in the Constabulary Castle, you may only use one hero point per failed roll. Ashira is indeed held, and her attacks are void. Sorry.

The badger claws at the cleric a bit, but finds that he must make a successful swim check to remain above the rising water level this next round.

Ari strikes true, and while not a critical, manages to pull the hood back from the face of his attacker, to note that he is fighting an elf.

Bart deal a pair of well placed blows to his clerical opponent.

Redux begins maneuvering his spectral hand as Valanthe's vicious cut nearly cripples her opponent.

Akerin smites the evil cleric of Ga'al, and then steps toward Ari, healing touch extended.

Okay... now this is wet...(cont.) (DM Chris)  d20+13=33 d20+13=33 2d6(4+5)+12=21 d20+3=11 d20+10=26 d20+4=7 d20+6=16 2d6(3+4)+10=17
Saturday December 21st, 2002 1:28:51 AM

Cleric 2 takes a quick step to flank Apollo, and then brings her mace down solidly upon his head. (OOC: Critical threat and confirm. 2 natural 20s... Apollo takes 21 hps damage.)

Not noticing the water displacement as Rigging stands there invisibly next to Ashira, Cleric 5 screams... "I will at least take one of you with me!" and performs a coup de grace on Ashira. (OOC: Ashira must make a Fortitude save DC 27 or die.)

Casting defensively, cleric 6, casts blindness at Valanthe, hoping to subdue the scythe wielding heroine.

Both cleric 7 and 8 attempt to keep up the combat, but neither hit in their attempted blows. However, neither do they concede.

Rigging  d20+10=23 d20+7=21 d8+1=5 d4+1=5 12d6(5+5+5+5+1+4+6+2+5+1+5+2)=46 2d6(5+2)=7 2d6(1+3)=4 2d6(4+3)=7
Saturday December 21st, 2002 2:18:43 AM

Rigging yells out "NOOO" and tries to intercept the attacks on his beloved. He launches with two quick and deep stabs with both rapier and dagger.

OOC: OK I gave myself an extra +2 for being invisible and believe I hit with both his. Rolled a 12 instead of a 2 dice so please disregard the 46 points of damage. 3 2d6 rolls represent damage by sneak attacks and holy dagger for a total of 28 points of damage.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21)  d20+13=22
Saturday December 21st, 2002 11:47:13 AM

Even though she is completely immobile, Ashira somehow manages to resist bleeding to death after having her throat slit from end to end.

OOC (Fort=22...using 3 (+6) hero points to bump it up to a 28).

Bart  d20+11=31 d20+11=30 d10+8=12 d10+8=13 d20+5=19 d6+5=7 d10+8=9
Saturday December 21st, 2002 6:37:13 PM

Bart attacks once more his first blow with his sword gives the priestess C8 a verry nasty cut (crit for 25). After this blow he takes a few steps to attack the halfling cleric C6 with his second attack with his sword (ac 19 for 9).

Akerin (AC 19; HP 26; pretty wet)  d20+6=23 d8+5=11
Sunday December 22nd, 2002 4:12:09 AM

After the healing touch affects Ari (18 hp cured, as per prior post), Akerin hears Rigging's anguished cry. He glances over his shoulder, and notes the cleric (C5) trying to do something to Ashira. He leaps over to her [jump 23], and lays his hand upon her. Cure light wounds for 11 hp. "Alemi, thine aid I seek!" he calls out in the midst of the priesthood of Ga'al.

[OOC: Chris, note, as per our email discusssion, that Akerin's attack of opportunity on C2 was only to take place IF he could both take advantage of the AoO AND heal Ari in that round. If not both, then only the healing of Ari (+18 hp) should have taken place, and that last round. So, this round his action is to move and heal Ashira. - Kim]

Appolo Ac 21  d8=2 d8=3
Sunday December 22nd, 2002 5:15:46 PM

Appolo lets out a scream of pain after having his shoulder crushed by the mace. Falling back and fighting defensively, Appolo takes a healing potion out and drinks it. Then he yells, "Redux she's right in front of you a little your left!! What are you doing?!!" Appolo will fight defensively and wait for an attack of opportunity to arise.

OOC: Cure moderate wounds +5, 2+3+5=10 points healed.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=41)  d20+9=13 d100=93 d3=2
Monday December 23rd, 2002 12:12:44 AM

After hearing Appolo's cry and with Talon's help, Redux positions the spectral hand in a flanking position to C2 and attempts a ray of frost attack (hit ac=13 b/c 93 %, for 2 pts dmg). Hearing Akerin below, he lowers himself and calls to the cleric to cure blindness, if possible.

Ari AC 22 23 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=10 d20+3=9
Monday December 23rd, 2002 1:19:15 AM

Feeling the pain lessen a little bit while Akerin heals him, Ari concentrates harder on hitting the cleric he's been beating up on.

Rigging's anguished cry distracts Ari enough so that he cannot seem to find his target. Hoping his family is okay, Ari continues on with his fight with his current foes.

Akerin's hasty reply to Redux 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 2:15:18 AM

"Not now," Akerin replies to Redux, with no further explanation forthcoming at the moment.

Valanthe (Blinded?)  d20+8=13 d20+9=19
Monday December 23rd, 2002 9:07:43 AM

[Fort Save 13]
Val takes one last swipe at the cleric, hoping to bring him down.
[hit ac 19]

Okay... Now This Means Trouble... (DM Chris) 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 11:24:40 AM

Rigging pops into visibility as he brings Ashira's opponent down with a pair of vicious strikes from his weapons.

At the same time the badger disappears as Ashira's spell ends, and though she miraculously survives the coup de grace, Ashira is still held and quite injured. (OOC: I'm sure you did, but I want to remind you to record that last 17 hps of damage.)

Bart brings cleric 8 down, and turns to stalk the halfling cleric of Ga'al. (OOC: You can't attack, move and attack, so your attack against the halfling didn't occur... just yet.)

Akerin moves swiftly to heal his deeply injured comrade. (OOC: I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear enough, but you did heal Ari.)

Redux's spell goes off, and the mage lowers himself, and realizes that he is standing in about mid-thigh deep water.

Ari indeed misses the target in his swing.

Valanthe misses the mark as well, as her wily elf opponent neatly dodges her mistimed blow.

Okay... Now This Means Trouble... cont. (DM Chris)  d20+11=16 d20+5=10 d20+3=18 d20+7=23 d6+3=7 d20+6=22 d8+1=9
Monday December 23rd, 2002 11:39:51 AM

Seeing the battle turn against her, the wily witch of Ga'al moves across the deck away from Apollo, through the combat to the rope dangling down, and hoists herself up to the next deck.
(This does not provoke an attack of opportunity from Apollo as she is only moving away from him. However it does provoke an attack of opportunity from Bart and Akerin as she moves through their threatened areas to get to the rope. I rolled for both attacks, assuming you take them and they both miss at ACs 16 and 10 respectively.)

The halfling cleric of Ga'al steps up and grinning yells at Bart, "You big bully," as he swings his mace, striking the warrior. (OOC: hit AC 23 for 7 hps damage)

The wily elf cleric strikes out at Valanthe, clubbing her with his mace. (OOC: hit AC 22 for 9 hps of damage)

As the witch of Ga'al disappears above deck, all feel the ship begin to list slightly with the weight of the water it is taking on.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements, Held: AC 21) 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 11:59:20 AM

The half-elf remains frozen in her last position, bleeding from the gash in her neck. She is furious with herself... lacking the will power to shake off the priest's spell. She consoles herself with the thought that even if she were to go down with the ship, she wouldn't drown. It's about the only happy thought she can make of this screwed up mission.

Rigging hps 23 ac14 
Monday December 23rd, 2002 1:41:09 PM

Rigging decides enough is enough. "Everyone topside now! Let's see if these priests can swim! Akerin and Redux, carry Ashira out of here unless you can free her up somehow. I will watch your backs."

Rigging activates his invisibility ring yet again.

OOC: Normally wouldn't ask this but just curious. If the water is up to our waists, wouldn't the halfling cleric be swimming? Wondering if he could swim and attack Bart.

Valanthe (Blinded, AC 20)  d20+5=22
Monday December 23rd, 2002 8:45:40 PM

More than slightly pissed off, Valanthe mutters a long string of curses and takes a step back. Her weapon is now useless since she cannot see. There is one thing that she can try. Val has never atttempted something like this but currently she's injured, blind, and in the hold of a sinking ship. She gathers some of the mental strength she does have and unleashes a psionic attack on the wily elf cleric. A ringing of tiny bells can be heard in the minds of all living creatures within 30ft.

[d20 + Int modifier + non-psionic buffer. Will save DC: 17 + 1 + 4 = 22]

[OOC: I'm not sure how being blinded affects a psionic attack, but I figured that it would work better than a melee attack. BTW, a failed save means the cleric, C7, is stunned for 1d2 rounds.]

(Chris: Unless you have some extrasensory way of seeing your opponent, you may not attack them with psionics. Like magic, you must have a means of visually identifying them.)

Appolo (AC 21; 25 hp)  d20+9=10 d20+5=25 d20+6=14 d20+11=25
Monday December 23rd, 2002 10:00:41 PM

Seeing his opponent head for the rope and start climbing, Appolo quickly produces a dagger and hurls it at her, missing badly. He then goes in pursuit, muttering curses as he splashes through the water. He quickly climbs the rope in hot pursuit of his adversary, throwing himself over the edge and tumbling through and clear of any attack, Appolo comes up weapons drawn prepared for battle.

OOC: Attack 10, Climb 25, Tumble 14, Balance 25

Akerin (AC 19; HP 26; soaked)  d8+3=8 d20+2=19 d20+7=9 d20+7=14
Tuesday December 24th, 2002 12:45:54 AM

Akerin takes Redux's hand, and guides him to place his arm under Ashira's head. He pulls out of his haversack another battlenet, and draws it under Rigging's wife as he lifts her torso and legs to the water's surface, quickly running the control rope through the netting, tying the left and right side, and pulling a section up between her legs, the rope binding three of the net's four corners together as a mesh body basket.

"Come," he tells Redux, giving his sleeve a quick tug in the direction of the rope Appolo just ascended. As they slosh their way that direction, he withdraws a potion of cure light wounds. "Drink," he gently tells Ashira, holding it to her lips, and helps her do what the spell prevents her doing of her own volition. (healing 8 hps). At the rope, he sees the body of one of the enemy clerics floating face down. "Friends, and remaining foes, we bring everyone up we can. Too many have died. Let fighting cease."

Taking the loop of rope from his hip, he ties one end to the net's rope, then climbs up to the room above (climb 19). Once up top, he tosses the rope over the top of the table, then grabs the rope from the other side, and pulls it taut as he positions himself above the trap door, legs and posterior situated kitty corner along one side.

"Lift her up, now," he instructs Redux. He pulls steadily, hand over hand, taking advantage of his simply contrived table pulley (+5 circumstance bonus). His first attempt does not go perfectly (DC 9), but on the second attempt he is able to manage the lift (DC 14). He has the strength to bear the half elf's weight. He rolls Ashira to the side once she clears the trap door, and unties the rope from the net. If anyone moves to attack her, he will defend.

Otherwise, he remains to help others up (dropping one end of his own silk rope back down), and asks his friends to bring all bodies for rescue. "We do not leave them to the water. Is there a ladder below?"

Appolo Ac 21 25hp 
Tuesday December 24th, 2002 2:42:18 AM

Seeing Akerin come up Appolo yells, "Hurry up!! The witch is up here somewhere. No, there's no ladder. Drop the rope back down, I'll cover you!!" Appolo is standing there weapons drawn.

Ari AC 22 23 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield  d20+7=22 d20+3=13 3d6(4+5+5)+4=18
Tuesday December 24th, 2002 12:02:55 PM

With all the sounds going off in the hold Ari doesn't hear the command to withdraw right away. Swinging at the cleric in front of him (Ac=22 for 18 points) connecting? for more damage. Finally realizing that the call for withdraw has come, Ari watches the cleric to see if he can withdraw. If it is clear for him to withdraw, he'll use his spider climb abilities to help out with the withdrawal. If the clerics show true intent to turn the hostilities aside Ari will help them out. But expecting them not to give up so easily, he's ready to do what it takes to keep the clerics busy so that the family can withdraw.

Bart  d20+11=31 d20+11=28 d20+9=23 d20+5=6 d10+8=11 d10+8=16 d6+5=6 d10+8=13
Wednesday December 25th, 2002 4:38:06 AM

Bart brings down a few final blows with sword and dagger at the halfling priest (threat 31 crit 28/23/6 for 11+16/6/13) He then turns away from her and helps everyone who wants to get up. In case she isn't dead he keeps an eye on her (dodge feat +1 AC on her and mobility feat +4? Ac on attack of opp).

"Akerin, leave the damn priest down. We don't have time to bring them up -- let the fish feed on them so that their lives had a meaning."

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements, Held: AC 21) 
Thursday December 26th, 2002 8:57:17 AM

"Ugh," is her thought as she is carried out of battle again; at least there were no feelings when she was dead. Someone once mentioned that she had the constitution of a horse, that must have been why she didn't bleed to death. Ashira would very much like a good swim right now; it would loosen up those tight muscles (grrr, held).

Redux-Mage Armor, Blind(AC=19, HP=41) 
Thursday December 26th, 2002 9:00:22 AM

With the sigh of being sightless, Redux levitates up with Ashira. At the call of the escaping priest, he desperately desires to target it for a magic missile burst. Calling out mentally, "Talon, follow that priest! I want its location."

Thursday December 26th, 2002 10:05:23 AM

Talon, hearing its master's call, wheels after the priest trying to keep him in sight.

Like Rats.... (DM Chris) 
Thursday December 26th, 2002 2:50:31 PM

Down Below...
Bart slays the halfling cleric, and seeing that there is no peaceful escape, the final cleric, already greatly wounded, pulls a dagger, and spitting blood in Ari's face, plunges the weapon into his own chest, and dies, sinking below the rising water. Bart, Valanthe, and Rigging find themselves standing in water quickly rising up to their bellies as the ship groans, and takes a dramatic shift. (Bart, Valanthe, and Rigging must make a Reflex save DC 20 to keep your footing, Ari is fine due to spider climb.)

Up Above...
As Apollo hits the deck ready for a fight, all he can see is his opponents elbows and heels as she bolts out of the room across the deck, and then proceeds to jump overboard.

With Akerin and Ari's aid the rest of the group make it up above as the ship begins to list heavily to one side.

Valanthe (Blind)  d20+7=27
Thursday December 26th, 2002 5:20:24 PM

[reflex save 27]

Val firmly plants her feet as the ship shifts. "No need to alarm anybody but the cleric blinded me. Anybody know where the exit is?"

Appolo  d20+2=20
Thursday December 26th, 2002 6:19:56 PM

He watches as the witch jumps overboard, and breathes a sigh of relief as he helps get the rope and net off Ashira. "Don't worry you'll be ok," he says as he removes the net. He then immediately lowers the rope down. "Akerin take care of her." He then yells into the hatchway, "Come on let's go people -- the ship's sinking!!" Appolo will then help pull the rest of the party up.

Strength check 20

Rigging  d20+8=26
Thursday December 26th, 2002 8:03:30 PM

Rigging stumbles over to Val and murmurs, "Val, it's Rigging. Please don't cut me in half." He guides her over to the ropes and puts it in her hands. As he does this he will look over to Bart and ask, "If you are OK, try to grab a couple of heartseeds. I am sure some higher ups would like to experiment on them."

After Val has a good grip, Rigging will call to Appolo, "Haul away, remember she is blind." Rigging will try and help by boosting her up.

Akerin (AC 19; hp 26; detect magic; swimming)  d20+7=14
Friday December 27th, 2002 1:16:32 AM

As the party members are being hauled up, Akerin downs a potion of swimming. He casts detect magic on himself, and asks Appolo to help Ashira out. "Redux, help Appolo take Ashira." As he speaks, the takes his net and descends quickly into the hold.

He wraps one of the priests of Ga'al in that, and to the end of the other rope secures one of the priestesses. If any obvious magic not on the bodies is visible and obtainable, he grabs, quickly puts in his haversack, and closes it. Overhearing Rigging's instructions to Bart, if any symbiotes are nearby, he tosses them up through the hatchway. If Bart will help him in any way, he appreciates it. He climbs, shoves the symbiotes toward the door for whoever to grab, and hauls up the two bodies, first the netted, then the tied one, thinking there will be no more time to rescue any others from the sinking ship. Up top, he pulls the two bodies along the slanted floor, and over to the side of the ship. Tossing them overboard, he dives in after them, using the ropes to keep them with him, and swims to the Sword of the Sea. If some flotsam is available to help with floatation, he'll take advantage of such.

Friday December 27th, 2002 3:49:40 AM

Appolo becomes slightly miffed when Akerin jumps back in and starts hauling bodies out. Heeding Rigging he pulls Valanthe out carefully and quickly. "Hang on Sunshine I'm going to pull you up now." As soon as Valanthe is up, he turns to check on Ashira. "Don't worry!! Hurry up you guys I need some help up here!! Akerin will you let the dead be, that's Gargul's job any way. We have living people up here that need your help!!" He says dropping the rope once more.

[Chris R - You've been trying to get people out of the hold twice now after the DM already said they are out. -Kim]

Bart  d20+3=21
Friday December 27th, 2002 8:05:09 AM

"Akerin leave the damn boddys! Safe yorself -- we are sinking!" Bart tries to get one heartseed with him but that's all. Once he is above he helps the others to get away.

Valanthe (Blinded) 
Friday December 27th, 2002 10:38:23 AM

Before Val gets hauled up she smiles and says to Rigging, "I wouldn't cut you in half. You I bludgeon. Then I run before Ashira bludgeons me."

Up on the deck Val stumbles over and tries to grab something rooted to the ship. Hopefully her blindness wears off before the ship sinks.

Rigging hps 23 invisible 
Friday December 27th, 2002 3:46:05 PM

Rigging will try to help Akerin as best he can. "Come on! This ship is gonna go down! You're not the Captain so I would prefer you didn't go down with it." Once the bodies are secured, Rigging will scramble up the ropes. "Hey Appolo! It's me! Coming up!"

Akerin (swimming 29; detect magic)  d20+14=29
Saturday December 28th, 2002 1:14:03 AM

As above, any loose, obvious, obtainable magic, Akerin takes along. He smiles at Bart and Appolo, and thanks Rigging for his help.

If either body shows any sign of life, Akerin will perform cure minor wounds (+1 hp, and stabilize). Otherwise, he looks for the best way to get himself, his companions, and the two Ga'alian clerics over to the Freeborn.

Changing the Guard... (DM Chris) 
Sunday December 29th, 2002 2:36:09 PM

The blindness afflicting Valanthe and Redux is determined to be quite permanent until magic is used to heal the effects of Ga'al's evil minions. Though Ashira comes out of the hold enchantment in less than a minute.

After searching for possible magic below decks, all Akerin could see that was magical, is the quickly fading residue of various enchantments that the clerics had placed upon themselves in preparation for battle with the characters.

Likewise, there are no heartseeds that are easily obtained. Apparently the strange worms do not float, and the water level has risen to approximately 6 feet deep in the hold as the ship begins to tip forward. None of the Ga'alian clergy present are alive.

All the characters, one way or another, make their way back to their ship of origin, and watch with mournful sighs as 'The Pride of Ga'al' sinks beneath the waves. Who knows if that evil witch of Ga'al survived? Perhaps that is a loose end for another adventure... perhaps not.

You are cheered to discover, that after the pirates defeated the crew of 'The Pride...', they did indeed come upon some booty, and secured it aboard their own ship.

(OOC: Thank you guys... its been fun. The next post is Donna's. Have a happy New Year. Each character is awarded 2750 xp, as all roleplayed exceptionally well... and from the booty aboard the Pride of Ga'al, each character receives a share equivalent to 1200 gp.)

Monday December 30th, 2002 3:14:08 AM

Relieved that all his friends made it aboard safely, Akerin gives thanks to Alemi, then thanks each one for his or her role in the effort, as well as the captain and crew. If any are in need of immediate healing or medical care, he will devote the balance of his spells to curing, and his healing skills to helping the crew.

After the immediate cares are addressed, he asks Rigging to accompany him, and in his presence tells the captain of his role in the sinking of the ship, not sure whether he will receive punishment for his action, but wanting to take full responsibility, regardless, for his decision to plant the tree. He believes, in hindsight, that this was not, perhaps, the best decision he might have made under the circumstances. "I know that great wealth was lost to us, sir, due to my hasty action. Any wise discipline you would lay forth, I would submit unto."

Akerin also confides to Rigging and Ashira that he wishes to ascertain ways to deal with the removal of the heartseeds from people, without killing them. "Alemi's blessed water will, of course, have that effect on those for whom it is destined. But what of those beyond the number ten?" He asks for a private place in which to examine the two clerics of Ga'al, hoping to enlarge his understanding of physiology, and the interlacing of the heartseeds with people's internal organs and nervous systems. "Once done, despite their allegiance in life, I would give them respectful burial at sea, or on land, whichever the captain would prefer. If we are to win over our opponents in time, I would prefer that bitterness toward them not be allowed root in our hearts." If he is given the space and time to do as he requested, he also will look through their possessions to see if they carried aught of interest or benefit to the Pirates or the party. Before he proceeds with the examinations, however, he awaits the counsel of Rigging and Ashira in this matter. He knows some may find the notion of autopsy offensive, and therefore wishes the matter be handled with discretion.

The healer tells Valanthe and Redux that, should Alemi grant him grace, he can see to the removal of their blindness following his morning prayers on the next day. "This is not something I could attend to during combat, as my skill and wisdom were not sufficient to the task. Pray for me that He grant this boon on the morrow. Betwixt times, I would value any insights you might gain as you experience this time of blindness. I believe that all things, whether momentarily pleasant or painful, can ultimately work for good to those who place their trust in Alemi and who work for His purposes."

Akerin also will take the time to board, asking for a few to join him (whoever cares to), his 22-foot boat, the Tern, which the larger ship tows, and inspect it (as well as check to see if the clever elf cleric might have boarded it surreptitiously). He will take the time to make sure all is shipshape.

To Bart and Appolo, he inquires as to their welfare. "You voiced objections to some of my actions. Please tell me what you would have me do differently, and I will listen, and try to answer any questions you may have of me. Please understand, as well, that swift circumstances do not always allow for full and immediate explanations."

Rigging  d4+3=7
Monday December 30th, 2002 12:27:32 PM

Rigging is pleased with the outcome of the battle. "Akerin don't worry about it. We all fight to the best of our ability and we won. No one was seriously hurt and we came away with some gold and stopped a shipment of heartseeds and at least 7 clerics from doing Ga'al's work. A successful day if you ask me."

Rigging will use the Nautoucolus to pinpoint this position. (OOC: Once a week to know the seas around you within 20 miles ability.) This way if they ever want to come back and dive on the ship they can.

Rigging will gratefully accept some healing and then go sit by Ashira and take her hand and pat it comforting. "That was too close. Know that I cut the cleric in half who tried to hurt you but he was in the process of cutting your throat while I was doing it. I am not sure how you survived but I am saying thanksgiving prayers to Alemi that you did. I was so scared for you. Don't worry... I am sure Akerin will be able to restore your sight, if the spell doesn't wear off soon." Rigging will wipe away the tears that are welling in his eyes, grateful that Ashira can't see them.

OOC: Rigging has gone up to 7th level and is now a 4/3 mage/thief. Rolled hitpoints above.

Monday December 30th, 2002 12:45:09 PM

OOps Just realize that Ashira wasn't blind but paralized. Sigh guess she saw those tears after all.

Valanthe (Blinded) 
Tuesday December 31st, 2002 5:15:08 AM

Valanthe finds blindness strange and intimidating. She isn't scared -- well, maybe a little. If the blindness is permanent she will survive, she always does. What she finds intimidating is the lifestyle that she will have to adapt to. Her time with the pirates will be over for a short time, maybe a decade or two. She guessed it would take that long to find a psionic solution to her problems.

Val sat on the deck, enjoying the feel of the wind on her face. The most shocking thing was the timing. Val felt she was making progress. She could stand larger crowds of people. She was becoming more disciplined, mentally and physically. Now it looked like all her work was for nothing. Nobody knew the strength of the spell cast on her. There is a good chance that Akerin can't cure the affliction. Alemi's tears could probably do it but there was no way Val would ever use one for a thing like blindness. Blindness can be adapted to, heartseeds cannot.

Tuesday December 31st, 2002 8:52:06 AM

In the morning, Akerin prays through a page of his Book of Hours, and requests his spells - including cure blindness twice. If they are ready for it, the healer casts the spell on Valanthe and Redux.

Tuesday December 31st, 2002 10:23:42 AM

After making sure everyone got back and was relatively OK, Appolo sits down next to Valanthe. "Come on, let's go see the ship's priest. Thadius I think is his name. Maybe he can help with the blindness. I'll lead you, take my hand." He gently reaches out and takes her hand and proceeds to take her to the ship's cleric. He explains what happened to Valanthe and Redux during the fight.

Tuesday December 31st, 2002 1:09:31 PM

The very quiet Redux is very grateful for the curing of the blindness. He has heeded Akerin's behest for prayers of his own but they are more for himself than to increase Akerin's ability. The depression he has slipped into brightens somewhat when he is cured but quickly fades as he has to look his comrades in the face after being almost useless during the battle; he knows he should never have let that priest get out of the hold. He confides in Akerin, almost like a confessional, about a few of these thoughts as he is healed. He then spends some time away from the group, out of the way, on the deck or below in his quarters, spending time with Talon (who is always up beat, especially when able to feast). Redux is again grateful for Talon's simple mind and life. Towards evening he approaches Rigging and Ashira. "Ashira...thank you for the gift of the ring before that last battle. I believe it saved my life. I felt so helpless down there,... oh,... you too, sorry, didn't mean it that way. If there is anything I can do to repay you for the ring, let me know. I ..., well, have you all eaten. I know I haven't for most of the day, even though Talon really wanted to share." A smile escapes, briefly. He then heads to the kitchen to see what might be left.

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