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Return to the Ship (DM Donna) 
Monday November 4th, 2002 11:29:13 AM

Returning to the ship, the party sees an interesting sight: a pair of the crew members are on a scaffold, repainting the name of the vessel on the sides of the ship:

The Sword of the Sea

On board the ship, Captain Hawley confirms the amount of treasure his "Wild Cards" (the party members) are supposed to have, as well as explaining the reason for the vessel's official new name:

"Aye, well, our ship's wizard got word from The Jack hisself, y'see...since our home port is on Ayorsa, an' Ayorsa Isle be the home to th' King of Swords, the ships as come from there will all say so by having 'sword' in their names...or 'blade' or 'cutting' or...well, I'm sure you gets m' meanin', hey?" The grizzled half-elf glares at each of you, daring you to contradict him. Then he goes on:

"Anyways, me hearties, that be th' way of it now. We be The Sword o' the Sea now...an' I gots t' tell ya...I like the name." Captain Hawley grins. "That makes you lot me 'Wild Cards o' the Sword', don'tcha know..? Heh heh...I love this colorful codespeak--it's bound to drive them Worm-lovers wild!" The salty old seadog guffaws with gusto as he ambles off to his cabin, leaving you newly-dubbed Wild Cards of the Sword to your own devices...for now.

Monday November 4th, 2002 10:34:46 PM

Rigging steps aside and watches the hordes of spirits walk by and his heart is uplifted. They have done good. Then Andruid attacks and Rigging feels his death coming. Suddenly he is reprieved and a sigh of relief blows out his mouth.

He looks down at the crown and remembers the brewing fight. "Appolo I want to thank you for the faith you have shown in me, but I must refuse this honor you wish to bestow. I am far from ready for such responsibility." He gives the young thief a grin and adds, "I can barely keep this group in line and you want me to take on an empire. No, this challenge is for someone much wiser than I."

He turns to Val, strides over to her and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Looks like you have the real prize. Carry it and guard it well. It represents the hope and salvation of our people much more than this old crown. Besides Ashira, I trust no one more than you to keep it safe."

Rigging wanders away wondering on how to spend his gold.

Akerin  d20+5=21
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 3:30:23 AM

Noting that, apparently, those who walked the ways of redemption did so of their own free will, and those who rejected their salvation also chose thus, Akerin is reminded again of the justice of the ways of Alemi.

He lets Appolo's angry, obstinate and foolish outburst wash over him as he sees Rigging maintain his grip on the crown, and his wise dealing with the situation.

Then, as Andruid 4.0 - and whatever is left of Dain - rushes forward, Akerin throws out his battlenet before him (AC 21, ranged touch attack) at the charging construct. As the net almost reaches it, Alemi's own power in the guardian statue takes it away, or many had been lost.

Akerin falls to his knees, and lifts an ancient chant of thanksgiving for deliverance to his god.

[And there's a wedding here, right? So, Akerin will honor and celebrate the marriage of Rigging and Ashira. He gives her Quaal's feather token - a bird -- 'Should you sometime need to send him a message from afar,' and him Quaal's feather token - an anchor -- 'So as to hold yourselves in the right place despite winds of adversity.']

He spends some time in quiet contemplation as the party eventually moves from temple to ship.

When the group returns to the Hammerhead, now the Sword of the Sea, Akerin speaks with Captain Hawley before they shove off.

"My own small boat, the Tern, I offer in service to the Pirates of Jack, Captain," and he motions to it, beached just a couple hundred yards down the shore. "As we ate the bounty of the sea together the other day, you learned I am both captain and crew of that small vessel.

"In the past day with these men and women - wild cards, you call them, I have seen valor, and bravery, and sacrifice. There is evidence of insight and wisdom in some of them. For the most part, they are worthy companions. The pirates I have from time to time aided against the Ga'al-bound. If you are willing, and I pass your tests, I would join you fully, save one thing. I cannot take upon my body any tatoo. If that disqualifies me, then I shall continue aiding as I might from the Tern."

Captain Hawley (DM Donna) 
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 7:52:08 AM

"Ye be a good addition t' our hand of Wild Cards, young monk, if'n they be of the mind." Captain Hawley tells Akerin. "If they be not--then glad I am to welcome ye to the service of the Pirates o' Jack...though there are rules an' such that The Jack o' Trumps still be thinkin' on. Fer now, though, I be thinkin' it be best to secure your vessel an' have yer presence on the Sword itself, since I know she can sail whether the wind be fair or not...an' we can't say the same for your proud vessel, now, can we..?"

DM Donna 
Tuesday November 5th, 2002 8:15:44 AM

OOC to Kim/Akerin: I'm having trouble with my outgoing email, so I'm asking you here to please send me the particulars about the Tern, like how large it is, what type of ship it is, what it's supposed to be worth, etc.

[Sure, Donna. I'll try to get you a sketch and the other particulars in the next day or two. It's 22' long, two-masted - and the rest will be coming your way. -Kim]

[Oops - two sails, not two masts. Check out:


Follow the 'Photographs' links, and keep on hitting 'Continue' to get a good feel for the sailboat design. -Kim again]

[Oh, and value? All fitted out, perhaps $20000 to $30000. With the value of gold at $400 per ounce... 75 gold pieces? ;-) In D&D terms, though, perhaps one to three thousand gp. What do you think? Maybe more?]

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 11:47:32 AM

(grumble grumble. 2nd time)

As Calendrus walks into the fountain of blood, Ari begins to relax when no deception occurs. As he watches the others walk into the blood, Ari is happy for his ancestors and begins to wonder if any of his family were the ones that refused.

When the rings pops up in Andruid's hand, Ari begins to smile knowing that his time is near an end. When Andruid spouts off against the party, Ari begins to try to bring him back to reason. We have only done what we thought is right..." Before Ari can finish what he was saying, Andruid moves against Rigging. For a brief second Ari begins to respond to the new attack, and then... Andruid is not there any more. Breathing another sigh of relief, Ari joins Akerin in prayer, though he can only listen to what Akerin has said.

Ari is happy for the family as the marriage commences for Riggings and Ashira. But he keeps his thoughts to himself about Appolo's actions in regards to the crown and such.

When the group returns to the ship Ari asks Rigging, "Should we make some kind of lockable transport for the crown, in order to draw less questions maybe?"

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 6:01:54 PM

Redux is amazed at the proceedings at the temple. The wedding, especially, was dream-like.

Upon returning to the ship, Redux understates things, "I guess Black changed his mind about how he wanted our little band to operate. Rigging, I suppose that card he gave us is no longer worth much; back to being just another crewman. There's a new sheriff in town."

(ooc does the captain 'share' his 'cut' with the crew or do we get that honor as well? I wouldn't want my throat cut by another pirate just because I get to be a part of the looting party)

He too ponders the best way to spend the new-found wealth. He'll start by making sure the captain is able to keep it safe while they are away (don't want to carry that with him, even with a bag of holding) and also to suggest a place of commerce where they might conduct business.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 6:20:29 PM

After the ceremony Val approaches the newlywed couple, in her new robe no less, and says, "Congratulations on your union. Rigging, I hope you reconsider taking the crown. You would do a wonderful job, and you wouldn't be alone. We would all help. I don't know if there is anybody else we can trust with such a task. We are at a pivotal time in history." Val pauses and smiles. "I wanted to say my piece, but enough of that -- let's celebrate." Val says and takes a long drink of wine. "Now where did that sneaky little rogue get off to?" Val says to herself as she walks away.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 7:32:49 PM

Appolo says, "Fine, just think you are the most qualified for the job. That's all." After the wedding he congratulates the bride and groom, then slips quietly away, and heads for the ship. With the gold once aboard he disappears and hides, wishing to be alone with his thoughts.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 10:18:44 PM

At the temple, Ashira grasps the crown that Rigging hands her in hesitant hands (I'm assuming you meant Ashira and not Val?). She smiles mischievously at her fiancé. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to buy my affections!" She makes her way toward the ship, and then suddenly turns and heads back to the wolf that has been following the party at a distance. A tear forming in her eye, she scratches the canine gently behind its ear, and then strokes his fur. She speaks to the wolf, knowing that it can not understand a word she says. "Oh, brave one, we only got to know each other, and now I am afraid we must part. I live a dangerous life, and it would be selfish of me to force you to leave the pack." Ashira smiles as she pulls out some jerky from out of her pack and hands it to the wolf. "Go, join the others and live a long and happy life!" With sadness in her heart, Ashira releases her newly acquired animal companion from the spell binding it to her.

Ashira is amazed at how quickly the time passes between their adventure at the temple and the wedding ceremony. It's all a blur. She smiles at the memory of her first kiss with Rigging and their honeymoon at the druid's cottage. She humbly and gratefully accepts Akerin's present, placing the small token tenderly in her backpack.

The half-elf takes note of the changes to the boat and the pirates with mild curiosity. For as long as she could remember, the Pirate life had been all she had ever known, and now everything was changing. But then, everything in her life had changed too, so why not the rest of the Wold?! As soon as all of her and Rigging's duties are tended to, Ashira heads down to Rigging's quarters, hoping to spend some quiet time with her new husband.

Tuesday November 5th, 2002 10:43:48 PM

Rigging heads down to his cabin/sleeping area and stows the crown somewhere safe and then does some serious cuddling with his new bride.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 1:34:18 AM

Bart is also amazed at the proceedings in the the temple. After the wedding he congratulates Rigging and Ashira wishing them a long and happy life together.
Back at the old Hammerhead, Bart will always refer to it as Hammerhead. He sees the new management of the ship He disagrees with it and says that to the others. Hmm changing a name of a ship brings bad luck everyone nows that. I agree aith you Redux that it looks like we are ordinary crewman again. It looks like the card that King Black gaves us is not valid anymore. The captain will outrank you but you will say where the ship goes he said. I wonder if our rank is still a five.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 1:41:43 AM

"Why don't we take Akerin's ship and sail back to King Black and hear what he has to say?" Bart suggests. "With the help of the Wayfinder, it won't take long to sail to him."

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 4:20:51 AM

"Thank you, sir," Akerin answers the captain. "Yes, whether I become a 'wild card' must be subject to the wishes of those who already hold that position."

Concerning the Tern, the sailor asks whether the smaller boat might be tethered to the larger ship.

And regarding onboard chores, he tells Captain Hawley, "I can swab the decks, run the lines, hoist the sails, tie knots, follow orders and give them, if necessary. I can navigate the shore - no good once out of sight of land, though - haven't mastered the stars. If any onboard are ill or injured, I may be able to help. Just let me know my duties, and I'll work hard to fulfill them." [Relevant skills: Profession: Sailor 7; Profession: Fishing 5; Use Rope: 4; Heal 14; Knowledge, Physiology: 6]

Not in a position to agree or disagree with Bart's comments regarding the name of the ship, or the chain of command, Akerin offers no comment on that. But at Bart's suggestion to sail his boat, Akerin tells him, "Well, I am open to that, if it seem good to the captain and the cards. But you should know it has sleeping berths for only four, though I suppose one or two more might lie upon the floor. Nine could sail on it, but it might feel cramped after a time, especially if we meet foul weather."

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 2:27:41 PM

"Meeting foul weather, The Wayfinder will help us to get through that," Bart informs Akerin.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 5:44:32 PM

OOC: Ashira -- I think that Rigging was referring to the Feybelle bottle which Val still has.

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 8:59:35 PM

OOC (Ooooo...now I get it...thanks Val!)

Wednesday November 6th, 2002 10:10:57 PM

"Murmur, murmur," kiss, kiss, kiss, heart-felt sighs, sounds of tight squeezing.

Thursday November 7th, 2002 3:28:30 AM

"I'm sure the Wayfinder would help us with navigation in foul weather, Bart," Akerin answers the fighter. "And, the Tern does pretty well in stormy weather, too. I was just trying to say that it might feel crowded for all nine of us, especially over extended periods of time. It's fine for a few people. We would want to carry more fresh water, too."

Thursday November 7th, 2002 12:59:31 PM

"You are right it is probally not more than a storm in a glass of water."

Thursday November 7th, 2002 6:35:28 PM

Redux senses that there will be a long voyage before they get to their next port. He settles Talon in and begins preparations to copy down as many spells into scrolls as time allows.

Thursday November 7th, 2002 11:54:07 PM

Rigging, while enjoying snuggling with his new wife, decides he better get up and see what the others are up too. He rises with reluctance and goes up on deck.

He finds Akerin and starts up a conversation with the cleric. "So what do you think of our ship? I think I will always in my heart call her the Hammerhead. Have you given any thought on how we should use the Faybelle bottle. I am not sure if we should turn it over to head man or keep it for ourselves. Hate to see it lost in the political swirl." Rigging looks up at the faithful cleric and asks, "So why aren't you allowed any tattoos? Big part of the tradition and all. You might want to think about a earring as well... and maybe a parrot. Can be a proper pirate without at least one earring and a pirate."

Friday November 8th, 2002 2:08:13 AM

"Yeah, Rigging, and a wooden leg is also part of the tradition. Why don't we sail back to Black and ask him what to do with the bottle?"

Friday November 8th, 2002 4:40:15 AM

"The ship is smooth of line, and most seaworthy. Once I saw a hammerhead shark surface, and wondered at its wedged face. It was fast and vigorous, and swam faster than my boat before the breeze. I then did not know its name.

"The Faybelle bottle is for those whom Alemi directs its use, and I doubt not he can guide us in the way we would use it. It was given us to be used by us. I see no problem with captain and crew getting a share of what those who go ashore gain. But then, I do not know what arrangements you have had in the past. He asked for gold, nothing more. Unless you suggest to him otherwise, or kick against the sharing, he likely will be satisfied with what was already given."

The tall young man smiles at Rigging's and Bart's suggestions of appropriate accoutrements to the pirate's attire and fauna.

He squints one eye shut, and says, "Har har, mateys." The staid and generally responsible fellow breaks out into song, putting some salt into his voice.

"Oh, lay along smartly each lousy recruit.
W-ay! Hey? Blow th' man down!
Or it's lifted ye'll be wi' th' toe of a boot.
Give us th' time an' we'll blow th' man down!"

He laughs. "I've been around sailors and fishermen for the past few years. I like their stories, their songs, and the way they watch each other's backs when they're out on the town - if they don't get four sheets to the wind."

Life on the Sea (DM Donna)  d20=11
Friday November 8th, 2002 6:09:11 AM

The seas are smooth and the wind is brisk; the Sword of the Sea (a.k.a. Hammership) makes wonderful progress towards its ultimate goal of returning to Ayorsa Isle.

Captain Hawley is in a pretty good mood--as is the rest of the crew when they've been told of the Wild Cards' success ashore and the subsequent monetary windfall for themselves and the Pirates of Jack. The deckhands are about whistling, joking and laughing as they work the ship.

It's a fine day at sea.

Friday November 8th, 2002 11:05:42 AM

After a while Appolo comes up on deck. He is a little despondent and listless, and just stands around not doing much of anything. He begins to idley throw his daggers at a target board.

Friday November 8th, 2002 12:15:13 PM

Val walks up behind Appolo in her new robe. It isn't perfect battle gear but it's comfortable. She wraps her arms around his waist and licks his ear. "I want to thank you for giving me space recently. I needed to work some things out and I did. It just took a little longer with everything going on. I've decided to just let things fall where they may and stop thinking about them. For an elf, thats en extremely hard decision to accept."

Friday November 8th, 2002 1:34:31 PM

Appolo turns and looks at her" believe me giving you that space was extremely difficult for me. I'm sorry if I pushed you,it'e just that I was raised by the Priests of G'aal and taught that if you want something just take it if your strong enough. I was truly afraid that I had pushed you away, by pursuing you so hard.
If you don't want to get married that's ok. I just want to be with you." he then tosses his dagger over his shoulder at the boardnailing it.Appolo bends down and picks her up and hugs her."You know we should go visit the elves agian. That was good last time." He then carries her down to his quarters for some private time, well as much as we get aboard ship.

Appolo OOC  d6+2=8
Friday November 8th, 2002 1:38:52 PM

Appolo has gone up mto 6th level new hit points

Rigging  d20+8=25
Friday November 8th, 2002 4:38:38 PM

Rigging enjoys the fine day. He will help out with the sails and tries to get a bearing on where they are using his navigation skill. (rolled 25). He checks on the charts and sees if his estimation agrees with the Captain's course checks.

Friday November 8th, 2002 5:25:28 PM

Bart looks for Bulldog -- he wants to talk to him. He wonders how he survived the water elementals, and if Bulldog still has his magical dagger.

Friday November 8th, 2002 6:16:52 PM

After waking from her nap, Ashira heads up top to check on Rigging and the others. She spots Val and Appolo and smiles. Good to see those two were working things out. She catches up with Rigging as he is finishing checking the course of the ship. "You know, Rigging, I've been wondering what we should do with the Feybelle. With only ten doses, we'll have to choose carefully." Her voice drops to a whisper. "I was wondering about your family. How would it be received if they were freed from Ga'al?"

Saturday November 9th, 2002 12:58:16 AM

Redux sets up to begin scribing on the main deck. With a burst of insight gained from their recent exploits, he begins his work by completing 2 new spells he'd been working on into his spell book. He smiles broadly, thinking, "That'll do, bird."

Saturday November 9th, 2002 10:20:56 AM

Having spent some time scrounging around the shore, Ari decides to spend some time working around a forge, as weather permits. He begins to roughly fashion some items that he has in mind. His mind races as his ideas start to take shape.

He finds that he doesn't have much time for the family, other than to see to his chores. When it's time for sleep, there's no hesitation when he hits his bed.

Monday November 11th, 2002 1:18:08 AM

It seems Bart can't find Bulldog, where can he be? He has al ot of questions for him. He sees Val Apppollo and Ashira standing together and says "Have you seen Bulldog?"
As he hears Ashira talking about the Bottle he says" That's difficult to decide who to cure and who not. I think it is not for me to decide what to do with it, maybe some people with a keyposition in the Aisuldurian government.

Monday November 11th, 2002 8:02:06 AM

The young mage turns to his wife with concern in his eyes, "Do we know that there is only 10 doses? Did Father Farkus say that? I don't remember. Of course I would love to free my family. I sure everyone here has a relative or friend they would like to free. If I free my father, he does have the political connections to help in the struggle, but will he keep them if he is no longer under Ga'als control? This must be given more thought. I was hoping and i am still hopeful that the Faybelle can cure more."

Monday November 11th, 2002 1:43:16 PM

I thought Farkus said that to us

Captain Hawley (DM Donna) 
Monday November 11th, 2002 5:45:59 PM

At this moment, the veteran commander of The Sword of the Sea happens upon the small gathering. His face looks unusually sober.

"The ship's priest tells me that Bulldog done took sick--'tis a particular nasty bit o' business, though it's not catchin'." Captain Hawley tells you. "Priest calls it a 'vye-russ'...says it be leaving Bulldog weak as a kitten fer th' next few weeks...at least until we can hove to at our home port, anyways. Demmed lucky that the holyman caught it when he did--says Bulldog woulda likely gone belly-up if'n he didn't have the right prayers..."

Ari  d4=3
Tuesday November 12th, 2002 1:01:48 AM

ooc 6th lvl hit point.

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 8:06:46 AM

Rigging turns his great mind onto the words Father Farkus said and it does come back to him that the Faybelle bottle will only hold 10 doses. Rigging's head and shoulders slump. He had really thought that they had the heart seeds beaten. Now he understands they can only cure 10 individuals. While this was wonderful, it puts a huge burden of responsibility on him and his friends.
How to decide on who should be cured? Should it be political leaders? Brave fighters who could help in the fight, or powerful priests who could be shown Alemi's path and use their powers to help people.
When he hears about Bulldog's sudden sickness, Rigging puts these thoughts aside and goes to visit his friend and make sure that he is well.

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 4:34:45 PM

Wait Rogging I will go with you. I hope he will be better soon. Maybe we can shear him up with some stories.

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 5:29:15 PM

Valanthe rolls out of bed and puts on the first thing she can find. Which happens to be Appolo's shirt. The shirt doesn't feel as good as her robe (which is around somewhere) but it smells like Appolo. Not sure where the rest of her clothing is, Val gives up looking and heads up to the deck. She has never been very modest but the shirt hangs down almost reaching her knees.
On the deck Val takes a deep breath and stretches her legs. She's exhausted but it's a good exhausted. She's just too alert to slip into reverie at this time. So the young elf stands at the side and gazes at the sea.

Appolo  d20+12=27
Tuesday November 12th, 2002 6:06:07 PM

Appolo wakes a few minutes later,after having rolled over and discovering something was missing. He quickly realizes that Valanthe is gone. He gets up unable to find his shirt, he settles for putting his pants on and then heads up on deck, bare footed and topless. Looking around he spots Valanthe.

Appolo is all smiles and feels good, He is in mischevious and playful mood. He quietly sneaks up behind her and tickles her ribs on both sides at once."I wondered where my shirt went" he says. With laughter in his voice. while continuing to tickle her.

Move Silently 27

Tuesday November 12th, 2002 10:27:36 PM

Val jumps and giggles. She spins around and slaps Appolo's hands. She smiles and looks around to make sure nobody saw. "Tough warriors aren't supposed to be ticklish. Your not supposed to advertise it to the others."

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 6:13:24 PM

"Yes I know. I'm not ticklish, but you are."
He replies while fainting left anf going right tickling her agian. He then steps back saying
"You know the only way to stop me is to catch me if you can. You never know when I'll strike agian." Appolo then begins to back pedal.

Wednesday November 13th, 2002 10:48:36 PM

The half-elf joins Rigging in his visit to Bulldog. Making sure that she stays clear of the big fighter, so as not to catch his illness, she wishes him a speedy recovery. Noting Rigging's sudden mood change, Ashira escorts him back up to top, and begins to rub his shoulders. Guessing what's on his mind, she tries to engage him. "You know, Rigging, it could have been a lot worse. It is truly a blessing to be able to save 10 people. We should think about who we want to free. Like I said before, my first thought is your family, but I'm not sure what type of trouble that would cause for them." She stops rubbing his shoulders and looks into Rigging's eyes, trying to gauge his mood.

Still Trippin'... (DM Donna)  d20=4
Thursday November 14th, 2002 6:33:09 AM

Though a rough wind springs up and there are more clouds in the sky than sun, the ship continues its speedy journey towards the trio of floating islands that make up the haven for the Pirates of Jack.

Any PC that makes a Listen check versus DC10 will notice that small groups of the crew are discussing what ought to be done with the limited amount of heartseed-curative potion in the Feybelle bottle. Some of them seem to think that it should be used to free the minds of the Emperor and key members of his court. Others say that there ought to be some kind of competition so that any of the PoJ members can have the right to fight for a dose or two for use on their still-captive families...there is even a couple of people who wonder if the potion can't be recreated so that the Pirates of Jack can make their own cure to the heartseeds.

Valanthe  d20+6=22
Thursday November 14th, 2002 5:06:48 PM

Val tries to look calm but those that know her, know that something is wrong. The talk of the bottle distresses her greatly, since she has possesion of it. They were in a war and Val didn't plan on handing the bottle over for anything other than a good idea. Regardless of what her superious in the PoJ had to say. She hoped the tears could be recreated but they cannot act that way. Each dose must be used for a person that would greatly hurt Ga'al. In the way of influence of battle. Val, now dressed, heads over to Rigging and Ashira.
To Rigging she says, "We need to talk. Somewhere private. I doubt anybody will like what I have to say. The less that know now the better."

[listen check 22]

Appolo  d20+3=9
Thursday November 14th, 2002 6:28:26 PM

Appolo follows Valanthe downstairs continueing to tease her like happy annoying little puppy."Come on let's play. Don't worry about the bottle.All work and no play makes for a grumpy pirate." he follows her up to where Rigging and Ashira are standing. Completely oblivious to the rest of the crew.

Ashira  d20+5=22
Thursday November 14th, 2002 10:27:17 PM

Noticing the murmur among the crew, the half-elf adopts a more serious manner when approached by Valanthe. She escorts the elven warrior down to the quarters she now shares with Rigging, closing the door once all of the family members enter.

Rigging  d20+5=24
Thursday November 14th, 2002 11:28:20 PM

Rigging listens to the crew talk as he relaxes back into his back rub. Ashira can feel him relax. He gives her a big smile and says, "I don't have a clue who to give the cure to, but I have an idea on how to find them.

Suddenly Val is there and he agrees to follow her down to his quarters. Before she can speak, he holds up his hands to forestall any comment, "I think I have an idea on how to find the proper people to cure but it might even be more difficult than the finding of the Faybelle
Bottle in the first place. I was able to slip off to the Catacombs before the wedding ceremony and get the Wayfinder and the Faybelle Bottle identified. I have a better understanding on how the telescope works and we might be able to use it to help us find worthy canidates. Finding those candidates on the physical plane and giving the cure could be more difficult. What do you think? Do you want me to find possible canidates or do you want to go see the Jack?"

Thursday November 14th, 2002 11:42:37 PM

Val frowns at the mention of the Jack. "I didn't think we should have told anybody about the bottle. All it would take is for a high ranking pirate to order us to give him the bottle. If he wanted to cure a loved one badly enough. With all the pirates I'm sure that several high ranking pirates are thinking the same thing. We have enough to cure ten people at most. We don't know if 1 dose is enough to cure somebody under the seeds full control. Second the person cured must be significant. We are losing a war. We need influential people either diplomaticly or in war. Third we have to make sure that the person cured will want to help us. We don't know that somebody won't be freed just to help Ga'al anyway. If a person enjoys his current social status and doesn't mind what Ga'al is doing, he won't help us. Alemi handed us the bottle. Getting it was the easy part. Using it effectively seems almost impossible." Val walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. "Word about the bottle will spread quickly through the pirates. They will all demand someway for rights to the doses. I'm afraid that the Kings and Jacks will give in to the pressure. After all what is a King with no subjects? Rigging you charged me with keeping the bottle safe. I include stupid decision in that order. Be it deck hand or king. I hope that I'm not the only one that understand it could be years before the bottle is put to use. We have a powerfull tool, rushing to use it will be a mistake. It would have been easier if Alemi provided a list with the bottle."

Friday November 15th, 2002 12:16:28 AM

After completing his new spells, Redux finds Rigging. "I was thinking, would you mind showing me your spell book and going over the Bull Strength spell with me? I thought I could copy it into mine and then prepare a few scrolls for future use."

Ooc: Over the course of the voyage, Redux will scribe 1 Fire Ball (6th level), and 3 Bull Strength scrolls.

Ari  d20+1=18
Friday November 15th, 2002 1:03:43 AM

Hearing the words of the crew sets Ari to think of some things on his own. Knowing that the bottle only provides 10 doses, Ari wonders whether it might be wise to dis-infect some of the priesthood.

(ooc Donna have you been getting my e-mails. I've sent two over the last week with no response)

Please see the OOC note.--DM Donna

Bart  d20=11
Friday November 15th, 2002 3:19:00 AM

Bart hears the rumors about the Bottle but he has nothing to add to the discossion of the other crewmates. He is sure a solution of how to use the bottle will be find soon.

Friday November 15th, 2002 3:22:43 AM

Appolo follows the others down below,humming happily to himself. Slightly miffed that Valanthe is igniring him now but still he is rather happy. He steps inside the room and listens to the tohers without saying aword just stands there in the shadows half naked and listening. The others apparently ignoring him. He thinks to himself-well they never listen to me anyways,what do I care about that stupid bottle anyway-. he then starts humming happily to himself.

OOC from DM Donna 
Friday November 15th, 2002 7:16:54 AM

I am still waiting for complete and updated character sheets for everyone except Valanthe, Appolo, Akerin and Bart.

Since I seem to be having trouble getting email these days, I would suggest that everyone who has yet to submit their CS to post it to this board and to check the "Post Private to DMs" box so that it won't clutter up the public board.

I will copy the CS from the board and convert it to TXT files for my use...then I will delete the CS from the board.

By the way, even though Valanthe, Appolo, Bart and Akerin have submitted their CSes to me, I do believe that this was BEFORE the latest booty was used to buy the group those protective cloaks and then split the leftovers amongst you, so if EVERYONE could post their complete and up-to-date CS on the board (as per the directions above), I would greatly appreciate it.

The party is approaching the point in the story where there is possible combat, and I MUST have those CSes for that part as soon as the sale of the cloaks in the Catacombs is finalized, or you guys won't be allowed to fight.

Walter OOC 
Sunday November 17th, 2002 2:12:27 AM

If anybody is having trouble sending Donna e-mail, send them to me first. Apparently I can get e-mail through just fine. It would be no problem to fwd something. My e-mail address is WanXian01@aol.com

Sail, Ho..! (DM Donna)  d20=15 d20+6=17
Monday November 18th, 2002 7:15:09 AM

Captain Hawley makes it a point to talk to his ship's Wild Cards, since there are several things that have changed in the way the Pirates of Jack are organizing themselves in these first few months after the Wold-wide deity shake-up:

The authority figure previously called "King Black" is now at the very top of the PoJ. His new title is "the Jack of Trumps" or simply "the Jack". The newly-renamed Sword of the Sea is under orders to head for Ayorsa Island so that the Wild Cards of the ship can check in with him and so that the Jack can tell them personally how he intends for the Pirates of Jack organization to be run in the future.

There is still a good fortnight's sailing before Ayorsa Island will be spotted--but the sharp eyes of the lookout up on the crow's nest of the ship see something that immediately stirs the buccanneer blood in all aboard the Sword of the Sea...

"Sail, ho! Sail t'port for'ard!" shouts the crewman. Captain Hawley uses his own telescope and begins to bellow for all hands on deck.

"Target off the port bow! Prepare for th'hunt, me hearties!" the seasoned half-elf orders as the vessel inexorably turns toward the other ship. "Aye, indeed--'tis a fat Aisildur merchant ship, an' it be sittin' low in th' water...more booty for sure, mates--look sharp an' keep on yer toes!"

Anyone looking at the other ship can see that Cap'n Hawley is correct: the schooner is sitting low in the water and there appear to be no discernable weapons.

And the Sword of the Sea is beginning to overtake the other ship...

Monday November 18th, 2002 8:52:57 AM

Rigging pulls out the Wayfinder and trains it on the merchant ship. "Redux, Why don't you have Talon do a fly by. Have him fly high thought in case of archers."

Appolo HP:36,AC:20 
Monday November 18th, 2002 3:29:06 PM

Appolo gets dressed and quickly suits up after the ship is sighted. He has his weapons and a rope and grappling hook. he walks over to Rigging"Well what do you think? Think it's a trap?It's alittle bit to far out to sea for a merchant ship don't you think." he says as stands ready to board, staring a the ship as if it where a deer and Appolo the tiger.

Monday November 18th, 2002 7:10:38 PM

Bart follows Appolos example he gets into his chainshirt checks his weapons and gets an bowfrom the shipsarmory

Ari (AC 12+4+7=22) 
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 2:38:42 AM

Waiting for the best time to cast to get full affect and time from the spells, Ari casts Mage Armor, Spider climb and Shield at the appropriate time prior to engaging the ship. Ari tries to figure out by their position whether this would be a normal place to finda merchant.

Tuesday November 19th, 2002 5:09:19 AM

Val leaves her bow behind since the Sword of the Sea will be taking a direct route. Still something about the merchant vessel seems odd. "Captain how often do loaded merchant ships sail these waters?"

Pursuit (DM Donna)  d20=2 d20+6=25
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 6:11:52 AM

Rigging sees the schooner's name (the Pride of Ga'al) and the flag it flies both confirm it is of Aisilduran origin. Anyone making a Profession (sailor) or Seafaring skill check versus DC10 will be able to figure out for themselves what the captain happily explains to everyone:

"Ahhhh, no doubt she's hauling tail towards a new port--eager t'make a profit at the expense of ignorant infidels."

Anyone who can make a Knowledge (religion) check versus DC15 will be able to suspect that such a trade run can possibly present another kind of opportunity, too: the opportunity to export heartseeds and spread the worship of Ga'al!

The Sword of the Sea steadily gains on the schooner, mostly because the fleeing ship suddenly furls one of its sails. Rigging can see through Wayfinder that the lines to that sail have suddenly snapped, and the cursing sailors of the other ship are now working desperately to fix them in an effort to increase their speed once more.

Anyone eyeing the near-wallowing schooner must make a Spot check versus DC25 (the use of Wayfinder allows Rigging an extra +4 on his roll)--those who succeed will notice that a group of about eight or so identically-garbed individuals are lined up across the aft of the Pride of Ga'al. They are all dressed in dark green robes.

Rigging  d20+11=26 d4+1=4
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 8:15:00 AM

Rigging snaps the Wayfinder down and says, "I see either 2 quads on the ship or at least 8 priests. I want a battle plan made. Redux how would you feel about a fire ball right in the center of those 8? Bart come here. Let me cast a bullstrength spell on you. Let's take advantage of our invisibility rings." To Appolo, "My sneaky friend, this feels like a trap to me. A bit of a coincidence that their sail line breaks at such an unfortunate time."

Rigging suddenly breaks away and strides over to the Captain. "Sir I think we need to be careful of closing with this ship. I have seen either 2 quads on board or a large group of priests. Either way it could be damaging to our ship and crew. I think this sloop is a group of Jack hunters looking for some revenge. Might I suggest we stand off and pepper them with arrows, spells, and our deck weapons. Lets soften them up a little."

OOC 26 for spot check and 4 added to Bart's strength. spell last for hours

Ashira  d20+8=26
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 2:51:04 PM

Ashira spots the green clad figures. Cheered by the thought of combat, Ashira dashes down to her quarters and dons her weapons and armor. Running back upstairs, she smiles at Rigging. "Hey big guy, what about casting one of those Bull's strength spells on me too."

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+6=18
Tuesday November 19th, 2002 5:58:54 PM

Appolo follows Rigging over to the captian
"Yeah I know they want us to attack." replying to Rigging. Then speaking to the captian'Excuse me sir,I think we should aviod that ship. There are possibly eight priests or two quads aboard that ship, according to Rigging. They never go anywhere without a proper escort or a plan. WE must consider what we might gain agianst what we might lose in such an action. Sir" he fervently hopes to avoid combat if possible. He then asks Rigging to use the way finder to scan the horizon for any other ships or any thing out of the ordinary that shouldn't be there.

Tuesday November 19th, 2002 11:08:21 PM

Redux looks up from his scribing to find his ship closing fast with another. 'Ho boy, pleasure cruse is over,' he thinks. He collects his components and goes over to where the best view can be had. He hears the summary of the boat and crew they face. Piping in his copper coin's worth, he suggests to the captain that they also load some flaming ballista to send to the other ship. As far as the fire ball, as Rigging suggests, he judges the distance and considers it a good idea to clear the other ship's deck.

Bart  d20+3=8
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 2:12:37 AM

Bart goes to an Ballista and waits until the ship is in range

Full Steam Ahead..! (DM Donna)  d20=1 d20+6=25
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 7:10:00 AM

Rigging can see that there are holy symbols hanging around the necks of the green-garbed people on the stern of the Pride of Ga'al. They obviously must be priests.

Captain Hawley glares at Appolo.

"Lissen, ye uppity lubber--" he shouts, "--I been sailin' the seas since yer Dad was naught but a twinkle in his father's eye! Ain't no greenhorn Wild Card gonna tell ME to leave off a target...specially not one that's got th' clumsiest crew in all Aisildur! LOOK..!!!" The grizzled half-elf points at the schooner (which is now merely two hundred or so feet away)--the frustrated and panicked shouts of the crew make it quite clear that the sail that was damaged is impossible to repair while trying to run from the pirate ship.

"Niner--kindly tell the other cap'n to lower his flag an' surrender, or the Pride o' Ga'al can host a flamin' ballista bolt!" Hawley orders the navigator-wizard. The middle-aged human casts a Ventriloquism spell and relays the Knight of Swords' orders to the bridge of the floundering schooner. A tall and sweaty human scowls and shakes a fist at the pirate ship.

Meanwhile, the group of clerics have been looking at each other and probably having a conference--four of them turn around and hurry below. The remaining four pull out scrolls and begin to read from them.

The schooner (which is now practically dead in the water for some odd reason) is only 150 feet away. The forward ballista is trained on it, with a coated bolt ready to set aflame and be fired, as well as the catapult crew preparing the use of that weapon, too.

"Wild Cards--prepare to lead the boardin' party!" bellows Hawley.

Time Out for Character Sheets (DM Donna) 
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 7:42:31 AM

Here are the CSes that I have so far:

Appolo (received Nov. 14): there are three things wrong with this sheet--the Hit Points per level are not detailed; the Armor Class doesn't detail why his AC total is 20; and there is no separate section listing all the magic items possessed by Appolo.

Ashira (received Nov. 19): I moved the Hero Point information to the top of the sheet. It was otherwise complete and up-to-date.

Bart (received Nov. 06): Hit Points per level are not detailed; there is no separate listing for magic items owned/carried by Bart.

Redux (received Nov. 19): complete & up-to-date.

Rigging (received Nov. 17): Hit Points per level not detailed; Armor Class details incomplete

Valanthe (received Nov. 16): complete & up-to-date.

Akerin (received Nov. 09): I added the Cloak of Resistance; otherwise complete & up-to-date.


Technically speaking, only Ashira, Redux, Valanthe and Akerin have the info I need to be able to allow them to participate in the upcoming battle--I either don't have CSes or the CSes I do have for all the other characters have incomplete battle information that I NEED as the DM for the game.

Please post your COMPLETE and UP-TO-DATE character sheets here on the board (check the "Post Private to DM" box when posting them) no later than this Friday (November 22). You may include the +1 Cloak of Resistance that Ashira just got from the Catacombs in your sheet.

By the way--which one of you volunteered to RP Talon..? I can't find the email with that info.

Wednesday November 20th, 2002 9:37:23 AM

Rigging glares at the captain and orders, "Redux, I want a fire ball among those 4 clerics now! Everyone else! Prepare for battle."

Redux  6d6(7+4+2+1+5+5)+6=30
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 9:43:32 AM

Redux utters the complex incantation he now knows as Fireball, releasing its energy at the deck of the opposing ship. He aims it towards where he saw the priests escape down into the hold of the ship, expecting that he will cover the topside priests as well as some below with the flame. (ooc total dmg=30)

Appolo HP:36,AC:20 
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 6:03:20 PM

Appolo shruggs his shoulders and walks a way. He then ducks down behind the side of the ship and calmly waits, while eating a apple. He thinks to himself this could be disiasterous.

Bart  d20+9=22 d8=3 d20+9=12 d8=6 d20+9=27 d8=2 d20+9=22 d8=8
Wednesday November 20th, 2002 6:48:51 PM

Bart readies his bow and starts shooting when the boat is in range he aims at the crew on deck if possible he tries to hit the priests(hit ac 22 for 3, 7/6, 27/2, 17/8) (did throw for 2 rounds dont know how long it takes before we can board)

Wednesday November 20th, 2002 9:22:54 PM

Val likes a good fight now and then but she didn't like this situaiton either. "Hey captain, it's easy to say whats an acceptable risk when you sit back here and we lead the way. Remember that the next time you make a bad descision and we pull your sorry butt out of the fire."

Ship-to-Ship Combat Round 1 (DM Donna)  d20+5=22 d20+3=15 d20+5=25 d20+5=18 d20=20 d20+6=12 d20+6=10 d20+7=17 d20+3=19 d20+3=13 3d8(1+2+6)=9 3d8(3+3+7)=13 3d8(4+2+6)=12 3d8(3+6+5)=14 3d8(8+8+5)=21 d6=6
Thursday November 21st, 2002 7:09:00 AM

(OOC to Redux: when casting a spell that allows for a Save, don't forget to post the DC that my NPCs need to Save against, please.)

Redux aims and launches his Fireball at the schooner, and has the satisfaction of seeing all four clerics literally hit the deck as they attempt to dodge the incoming missile. The Fireball explodes against the wooden vessel on the starboard side of the aft castle, setting that part of the boat aflame.

Bart cannot attack, as his character sheet is incomplete.

The ballista bolt on the Sword of the Sea is set on fire and launched at the schooner, hitting the Pride at the base of its aft-most mast and setting that sail on fire. The sailors of the Pride are running about and attempting to put the fires out.

The four clerics (a couple of them looking a mite crispy) regain their footing and read off their scrolls--pointing hands towards the Sword of the Sea. Anyone making a Spellcraft check versus DC15 will be able to tell that they are aiming Searing Light spells at the ship.

Everyone sees a concentration of yellow-white light shoot from each of the cleric quartet's outstretched hand...and each beam strikes true. Suddenly, the Pride of Ga'al isn't the only ship on fire!

"Bucket detail--fire amidships port! Haul yer butts, buckos!!!" hollers Captain Hawley. "Boarding action commencing on my mark..!"

The experienced pirates of the Sword easily quench the flames that resulted aboard their ship, leaving the port deck clear for the dozen or so sailors that readied their grappling hooks and lines as the PoJ vessel drew up alongside the floundering schooner.

"I'll be counting down five, Wild Cards," Hawley says to the party, "Ye get yer butts onto th'other ship and bring the fight to them while me crew secures the vessel in place and takes care of the Pride's hands. Good luck!"

OOC: at the end of round one, the Pride of Ga'al is now beside the hammership. Hawley is about to have his sailors throw grappling hooks onto the other ship and use the attached lines to secure the vessels together. There is no longer any fire on the Sword, but the deck & aftcastle on the starboard side of the Pride IS on fire--and that part of the other ship will be relatively close to the hammership's port side. I will draw up a diagram so that you know what is what...I just hope my email is working correctly so that you all get the picture.

Meanwhile, your party has about one round before they can board the Pride.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+8=25
Thursday November 21st, 2002 9:34:31 AM

The half-elf grins wickedly at Redux's success with the fireball, but looks concerned at the Sword catches on fire. Breathing a sigh of relief as the flames are extinguished, she sets her sights on the green clad figures, trying to size them up, seeing if she call tell who seems to be more important (Spot=25). She prays fervently to Alemi that she will not have to pass through the flames in order to get to the Pride. Nudging Rigging she says "Look, if you've got another Bull's Strength, I'd appreciate it. Or maybe Redux can cast it on me." She looks hopeful as she downs a Barkskin potion. As she watches the two ships draw together she talks over her plan with Rigging. "Ok, I'm trying to figure out which one is the most important. If I can, I'll go after him. If not, I'll stick by your side. But I'm going to activate my invisibility ring if you don't mind." Unless Rigging says otherwise, Ashira activates her ring and disappears from view.

OOC (Rigging, Bart, & Appolo. I don't mind updating your sheets for you if you email them to me. If it helps speed things up, I'd be glad to do it for you.)

Thursday November 21st, 2002 12:01:04 PM

Rigging catches Ashira in a quick hug before she goes invisible. "Sorry Sweetheart but I only had one memorized. If I know we are going into combat I carry more. Redux should be able to cast one on you but hold off on going invisible until he does." Rigging then waves his arms and murmers a spell. He casts a resist elements on Ashira giving her some protection from the fire. "There you go hon. You can pass through the flames without getting hurt. I wouldn't suggest standing in them but they won't hinder you now. It only will last a few minutes so if you are going to use it to your advantage you must do so in the beginning of the fight."

Rigging calls to the others, "I want those clerics taken out first, remember that 4 went below decks. They might be a quad and will work well with each other so be prepared. Ashira, Val, and Bart head that direction first. Ari and Akerin back them up with spells, weapons and healing. Appolo, I want you to look for ships officers. Let's take out the head. Redux, I want you to stay on the Sword with me until the second wave. I will cast a sleep spell on the first resisters so our boarding party can get a foothold. You use your magic missiles to weaken or take out clerics or ships officers. Once we use our spells, we will cross over as well. Have this new rapier to try out. Watch each others backs and may Alemi strengthen your arms."

OOC Resist elements absorbs the first 12 points of damage per round. Only last 1 minute per level so 3 minutes here.

Rigging hps 43 ac 14 
Thursday November 21st, 2002 12:05:19 PM

sorry forgot to put hps and ac on last post

OCC Thanks for the offer Janel but my character sheet is updated now.

DM Donna: This is true--the five complete CSes are now for Ashira, Redux, Rigging, Valanthe and Akerin (who needs to have somebody volunteer to RP for him, since Kim is still out with Real Life stuff sucking up his time.) I can post Akerin's CS to the person who Privately Posts their volunteering to RP him first.

OOC from DM Donna (again) 
Thursday November 21st, 2002 1:46:52 PM

I only just noticed that I didn't list Ari in the updated CS list I made before...that's because Todd sent me a CS around the middle of October, with NO kind of update since then. His Hit Points aren't accurately accounted for, and I don't see whatever magic items he may be carrying listed separately.

I also still can't find that email with the name of the player who volunteered to RP Talon the owl. (Was it Kim? That would explain nobody responding the last time I asked about it...)

Redux  d4+1=4
Thursday November 21st, 2002 10:47:27 PM

Redux takes the cue and deftly performs a Bull Strength spell (+4 to Strength) on Ashira and with a nod encourages her to join the fight. He needed no prompting to stay on the ship; he thought the captain might have miss-spoken by saying they all needed to be in the boarding party. As the others prepare to head out, he will cast Spectral Hand to send with them thinking to himself 'I wonder what they all had for breakfast?'

Friday November 22nd, 2002 1:29:55 AM

Suddenly BArt feels sick he is not sure if he is able to take part of the comming battle he hopes the feeling will fade away soon.

Before the Next Combat Post (DM Donna) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 7:54:53 AM

Kindly DO remember that it is the job of your PCs--as the assigned Wild Cards of the Sword of the Sea--to lead the boarding action that will be taking place soon. Cap'n Hawley is more than aware that there are magic-wielding clerics running around on the schooner...that's why the ordinary NPC pirates will be concentrating on fighting the schooner's NPC sailors--leaving your party to find & fight those clerics, as you all are MUCH better trained and/or experienced to do so.

Talon (George) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 9:10:34 AM

Talon flies up high above the other schooner and looks down careful to avoid any humans pointing bows and arrows at him.

Akerin (George)  d4+1=4
Friday November 22nd, 2002 9:21:44 AM

Akerin glides up behind Val and casts a bull strength spell on the pretty elf. "Subdue the foes of Alemi."

[OOC I am not sure if he has this spell memorized. Are the ones in front of the spells the ones memorized? If this is the case, then Akerin should have more spell at this level and I am taking some leeway here.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength: AC 21, HP 69) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 4:38:52 PM

Grinning her thanks at Redux, the half-elf thinks for a couple of seconds, and then pulls a ring off her right hand and hands it to the wizard. "Here...this is a ring of levitation. I think you might be able to use it better than I can." She makes sure that he accepts the ring before she disappears from view.

Valanthe (Bull's strength, str 21, AC20, HP 53) 
Friday November 22nd, 2002 5:50:13 PM

Val feels the rush of magical strength and can't believe it. The magic seemed to enhance the power of her gauntlets. Val smiles and picks up her crystal scythe, moving up to take point. "When we get to the other side everybody stand clear. I don't want to accidentaly cleave anybody that doesn't deserve it." Val watches the ships close the last few meters and works herself into a rage.
[raging prior to combat so it takes effect on the first round.]

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+8=9
Friday November 22nd, 2002 11:18:23 PM

Appolo silently curses, then readies his bow and prepares to cover the rest of the group as they board the ship. He fires his bow one time before the ships are close enough to make boarding possible. He misses horribly. he is staying as low as possible as readies another arrow.

OOC:Sent revised charactor sheet.

CS received. Thank you! -DM Donna

Ari (AC=22, HP=36) Spider Climb, Mage Armor, Shield 
Monday November 25th, 2002 12:12:19 AM

Ari nods as Rigging gives his combat priorities. Readying the Scimitar of Alemi and the Dagger, Ari looks forward to the use of his new weapons.

Bart  d20+9=19 d20+4=17 d8=2 d8=3
Monday November 25th, 2002 2:46:49 AM

Suddenly Bart feels better and he lets go 2 arrows in the direction of the priests before he takes his sword (ac19/17 for 2/3)and prepares to enter the other ship

Akerin (by Kim, again. I'm back - and thanks for your help, George) 
Monday November 25th, 2002 4:51:34 AM

As he heard the captain call for fire, the healer of Alemi cast resist elements, fire on Bart (subtract 5 hp fire damage per round). After granting strength to the powerful Valanthe that she may subdue the Ga'alish opponents, Akerin casts a silence spell on the deck where the four green-clad clerics are congregated. If any have moved, he centers it so as to catch the most possible within the 15' radius (i.e., 30' diameter) sphere.

Ship2Ship Combat, Round 2  d20+6=22 d20=13 d20=10
Monday November 25th, 2002 6:58:57 AM

The magically-powered Sword of the Sea easily draws alongside the Pride of Ga'al. As one, a couple dozen grappling hooks are launched towards the starboard side of the schooner by the eager pirates of the hammership. At least 15 of the lines hold and the two vessels are now tethered together, with the pirates working quickly to secure their end of the lines.

Three boarding planks are hastily brought to bear, but the schooner's crew is able to knock one of them into the water even though most of the Pride's crew is concentrating on keeping the fire on their decks contained, if not extinguished.

Two boarding planks remain and are also secured on the Sword's side.

"Board, board, board!" hollers Captain Hawley, as he unsheathes a cutlass and holds it aloft. "Let's gut this fat hen, me hearties--follow the Wild Cards for the honor of the Jack!!!"

The party is on the port side of the Sword of the Sea within distance of the two boarding planks. The pirates who've secured the lines and the boards look eagerly to you to lead them in their boarding of the Pride.

Anyone clambering across the boarding planks in order to get onto the enemy schooner must make Dexterity check versus DC10 to avoid falling off the plank and into the water between the ships. Those who have the Balance skill, Knowledge (seafaring) skill and/or Profession (sailor) skill can use those skill totals to add to their roll. If your PC fails the initial check and possesses Tumbling as a chosen skill, then your PC can roll a Tumbling check versus DC10 to see if they recover from their potential fall with a snazzy tumbling-like maneuver. Failure of that check means it's into the drink with your PC.

Anyone who makes a Spot check versus DC15 will notice that the spellcasters who'd hit the hammership with their Searing Light spells have all disappeared from the upper decks.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Monday November 25th, 2002 11:34:25 AM

Sheathing his dagger for a seond, Ari Jumps up on the boarding plank and scurries into a position where he can help those without spider climb come across. (If it means that Ari is on the other ship and is just a hand for people to grab for, then that's where he'll be)

ooc Donna. Let me know if Spider climb does not negate the dex check you stated in your post.

Valanthe (Bull's Strength, Rage, str 25, AC 18, HP 63)  d20+6=22 d20+3=22 d20+13=19 2d4(2+1)+11=14 d6=2
Monday November 25th, 2002 2:40:44 PM

[balace check dc 22m spot check dc 22]

Valanthe runs across the far plank (away from the fire)as nimble as a breeze. About halfway across her scythe starts to glow with psionic energy. The elven maiden shouts a battle cry to challenge anybody on the other ship who might dare to stand against her. As she steps onto the other deck, Valanthe swings and cuts down the first enemy she encounters.
[hit ac 19 for 16 dmg. current str bonus is +7. times that by 1.5 gives 10 and the magical bonus makes 11]

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+10=23 d20+6=25 d20+8=13 d6=3
Monday November 25th, 2002 3:43:01 PM

As soon as the ships are secured and the Captian gives the order to baord Appolo jumps and fires his bow one more time. He then follows Valanthe across the blank notching another arrow as he does so. That's when he notices the Priests are gone."The Priests are gone!!" he yells"Watch your backs they might be invisible" After that he drops his bow draws his shot sword and dassins dagger.
Appolo also stays away from the fire.

Attach roll 13 dmg3

Balance 23,Spot 25

Rigging  d20+7=11
Monday November 25th, 2002 7:32:38 PM

Rigging will cast his sleep spell on the largest concentration of enemy sailors/soldiers that he sees. He wants to help clear the way for the boarding party. He will then start looking for spell users.

(spot check of 11)

Redux (Spectral Hand)  d4=4 d20+4=22 d20+6=23 d6+2=3
Monday November 25th, 2002 11:30:54 PM

(ooc d4=4 roll for Spectral Hand's hit points.)

Redux accepts the ring from Ashira. He then casts Ghoul Touch and sends the spectral hand in search of a target. 'Rats' is his immediate thought of the missing spell casters (spot=22); those would have made the best targets. 'Talon,' he calls, 'see if you can spot where those spell casters went.' To the Captain, "Those back-stabbing spell casters have gone missing; be careful, Sir." His attention returns to the hand and finds his first target within a group of the Pride's crew (hit ac=23)making a stinking beacon (paralized for 3 rounds) in the middle of some of the foulest retching known to seafaring.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+9=27 d20+8=18
Monday November 25th, 2002 11:46:11 PM

The invisible half-elf smiles an invisible smile as she nimbly sprints across the plank and onto the Pride (Dex+Prof=27). She too notes that the spellcasters have disappeared (Spot=18). She sticks close to Ari as she unsheathes her swords and tries to locate the spellcasters once more.

Bart (resist elements, fire; ac 22 hp 45)  d20+3=16 d20+3=5 d20+11=26 d10+7=11
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 1:35:47 AM

Bart goes easily over the boarding planks, but he is unaware the priest disapeared from the upper decks. He fights his way towards the spot where he saw them for the last time (ac 26 for 11).

Akerin (AC 19, HP 43)  d20+10=12
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 5:27:48 AM

Akerin casts sanctuary on himself, hoping to be able to focus his attention on healing his mates, or others, should the need arise. Then he follows his companions across the plank.

Were it not for his time already spent acquiring his sea legs (profession: sailor 7), and the nimbleness he developed in his training as a monk, he might have gone into the drink (12 for plank crossing) as he followed after Appolo.

The cleric heads in the direction he observed the priests descend to the hold, net in one hand, a round object in the other. He avoids the flames, if possible.

Ship2Ship Combat Round 3 (DM Donna)  d20+6=17 d20=20
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 7:36:13 AM

The crew of the Sword of the Sea enthusiastically swarm onto the burning deck of the wallowing schooner, blades at the ready. Once the pirates come aboard, however, the blundering crew of the Pride seems to galvanize and put up a bit more of a fight:

The fire engulfing the aftmost mast is contained, though not completely put out--the sail has been loosed so that it falls to the deck in a sudden, ungainly heap. Everyone in the party except Ari needs to roll a Reflex save versus DC15 or be buried under the falling canvas. Anyone failing the save by more than 5 must roll another Reflex save (can't use your Dex bonus on this roll, however) versus DC15 or suffer 10hp damage from the unexpectedly heavy rig.

Val cuts down a few of the enemy sailors; Appolo's arrows find homes in a few more; Rigging's spell fells almost half-a-dozen fire-fighting hands; and Ashira watches Ari's back as he clings to the side of the Pride and lends a hand to the last of the boarding pirates from the hammership.

Redux squints skyward, spotting Talon as the wily owl hoots and circles downward, clearly indicating the portside door in the stern castle of the schooner. Indeed--Bart and Akerin are skirting around what's left of the mast-fire and making their way towards that particular door, too.

Obviously, all three of them feel that the portside door is the one that the clerics have disappeared into.

Rigging  d20+8=20 d20+3=16 d20+7=14
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 8:54:06 AM

[OOC: Made my reflex roll (20) for canvas but don't think I need to because I haven't boarded the ship yet. Second roll was dex roll (16) to cross over, 16. 3rd roll was spot check (14).]

Rigging doesn't see any obvious spell casters, so he pulls rapier and dagger and heads over to the enemy ship. He gracefully crosses the boarding planks without a hitch, noting the falling sails. If any of his comrades get stuck under it and he notices, he will go assist them. He keeps looking around for targets worthy of his attention and will defend himself from any sailors from the Pride of Ga'al who attack him.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69)  d20+6=26
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 12:51:39 PM

The warrior deftly dodges (Ref=26) the falling sail and whispers into Ari's ear "I think it's time for us to get moving." She spots Bart and Akerin heading toward the door, and decides to lend a hand. She whispers once more to Ari before she takes off "I'm going to help Bart and Akerin. Tell Rigging when he gets over here." Weighing her options, Ashira decides to skirt in between the fires in order to get to the door faster.

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+9=16
Tuesday November 26th, 2002 7:34:27 PM

Appolo just avoids the falling sail, barely. He watches as Bart and Akerin head around the fire. Appolo decides to stay with Valanthe, he will follow her and fight defensively, trying to keep her from getting herself surrounded. He will only make attacks of opportunity at the moment. Appolo is in his kill 'em all and let Ga'al sort 'em out mode. He won't be taking prisoners.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 12:58:55 AM

A look of concern crosses Ari's face as the sail falls and settles to the deck. Seeing that Riggings has come over he comments, "Everyone is following Bart's lead. You might want to catch u and I'll try to keep our backs."

Having seen the sail fall, Ari tries to determine if anyone of the boarding party got caught under the sail. If there is a need, Ari has no problem as he goes around the sail, to cut the sail to help untangle his shipmates.

Bart bulls strength (21) AC 22, HP 45  d20+13=15 d10+8=10 d20+3=16
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 1:57:12 AM

Bart goes further to the door, avoids the falling canvas, attacks someone who is in his path while avoiding attacks of others (mobility +4 AC to attack of opp) (ac 15 for 10).
(OOC: Forgot that Rigging has cast a bull strength on Bart, also I don't know where Bart gets the resist elements from)
[Akerin earlier cast resist elements, fire on Bart -Kim]

Redux-Mage Armor (AC=19)  d20+2=10
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 2:20:15 AM

Redux grits his teeth at the news about the spellcasters; they just had to take the fight below deck. That makes the going much tougher; he also wasn't planning on traversing to the other ship, knowing he'd fall in the water before getting across the plank. He calls to the Captain not to sink the Pride too soon, they must go below the deck to get the spellcasters. Time to check out this ring of Ashira's--he considers the ring, putting it on, and wills to float, trying to gauge the intensity and controllability of the effect. When he settles back to the deck, he casts Mage Armor on himself. Then with the confidence of being able to stay dry should he fall, he takes to the plank and shuffles across it (dex=10) -- just made it. Breathing a bit easier he pulls out his dagger and steels himself to cross between the burning sections.

Ship2Ship Combat Round 4 (DM Donna)  d20+6=21 d20=2
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 8:41:58 AM

The clang of steel versus steel still rings through the air as the battle between the schooner crew and the pirates grows more pitched, but with most of the crew concentrating on containing more of the fire before the ship sinks, the pirates are basically killing at will.

"Overpower, me hearties!" bellows Captain Hawley. "We don't need too many corpses...yet!" The half-elf nods to Rigging. "Ye'll want to stop them spellcasters anyway ye can, though--go for it...me crew an' myself will mop up the regular hands." With this, Hawley bounds across the deck towards the bridge of the ship, leaving Rigging and Redux near the boarding planks.

Akerin and Bart find more of a challenge in walking against the rolling of the deck rather than any of the schooner's sailors actively attacking either of them. Valanthe and Appolo are on the pair's heels, easily driving off the attacks of the two or three crewmembers who try to stop them. Ari brings up the rear of the line to the port door, becoming directly responsible for shuffling off the mortal coil of two more attackers.

Ashira (still invisible) doesn't have to travel as far as the others to get to the portside door, but she's slowed a bit because she has to dodge the fire-fighting sailors who continue to fight the fire that still threatens the aftmost mast and the top of the stern castle.

She can see that she will reach the portside door just a second or two before the other five Wild Cards making for that doorway. All six of them will be at the door in the next round.

Valanthe  d20+7=23
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 11:05:58 AM

Val runs forward and tries to kick the door open. (str check 23)

If the door opens:
Val rushes inside looking for a torso to plant her scythe in.

If the door doesn't open:
Val stands there dumbfounded.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69) 
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 11:52:32 AM

Making it to the door before the others, Ashira decides to try and even the score. She reasons that the priests will probably have a nasty surprise waiting on the other side of the door. As Val approaches she says, "Hey, stand back, I'm gonna open the door."

Standing on the opposite side of the door, essentially using it as a shield, Ashira opens the door quickly.

[OOC: Val got her post in before I could do mine. I figure that since Ashira gets to the door first, she ought to have the first shot at opening it.]

Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:01:33 PM

Talon circles the ships locked in combat. "Wow look at all those rats running from the burning ship onto the other. I am gonna eat good tonight."

Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:04:12 PM

Rigging makes his way over towards his comrades. He fends off anyone coming towards him and will kill any sailor who gets in his way. He looks around for another entrance to the below decks. He doesn't want his people to run straight into a trap. Sending a couple invisible flankers sounds like a good idea to him.

Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:09:43 PM

Concern flashes across Ari's face as he thinks as to where all eight of the priests went. As he passes by some of the others in the crew (not wild cards) Ari comments, "If it can be managed, have someone close and watch the door behind us. I'm concerned whether some of the priests may be invisible some how, and might try to catch us between them by following behind us. So if you see the door open and it's not us, or some human on board this ship, then you know they're invisible somehow. Be prepared also, in case they might try to teleport back up here, in case they're trying to trap us below somehow. Stay on your toes, and good luck, mate!" Having said that, Ari then proceeds to follow the wild cards below decks.

Appolo HP:36,AC:20  d20+6=15 d20+3=6 d20+3=4
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 7:19:25 PM

Appolo follows Valanthe keeping a sharp eye out for anything suspicious.

Spot 15, Search 6, Listen 4

Redux-Mage Armor (AC=19)  d20+4=15
Wednesday November 27th, 2002 11:01:01 PM

Redux begins to hustle over to where he sees the hatch where everyone else is. Passing the burning door, Redux considers that might be a better way to surprise those below, if only they could get in it. He pauses to see how badly the door might be damaged (spot=15) by the flames and if he considers it possible to break down easily he will pass along the information to the rest of the group and suggest that they split up to go into the hull. He weighs the options and then asks if there is a spell anyone might have to allow him to pass the flames without being hurt.

Bart [bulls strength (21); endure elements, fire; AC 22; HP 45]  d20+13=28 d10+8=13
Thursday November 28th, 2002 1:51:38 AM

Bart is still going towards the door attacking anyone who is coming into his path (ac 28 for 13).

Akerin (AC 19; HP 43)  d20+7=16 d20+4=16
Thursday November 28th, 2002 5:45:33 AM

The monk slips past the burning sailcloth (16), and completes the curved route to the hatch. Whether Ashira or Valanthe open the hatch, Akerin will enter. He descends the ladder, be it Jacob's or companion, or more prosaic stairs, and once dropped down the hatch below the bridge, tumbles (16) to one side or another so as to avoid any initial attacks perhaps aimed his way. He looks to see who or what is there. He still has his net in hand.

Who's On First..? (DM Donna)  d20+6=26 d20=15
Sunday December 1st, 2002 7:47:06 AM

The battle between buccaneers and the Pride's crew continues, with the Pirates of Jack handily beating down all opposition.

A few more of the sailors attempt to drive off the Wild Cards from reaching the portside door. The attacks from the less-than-expert deckhands, however, are easily repulsed by the seasoned fighting skills of Akerin, Bart, Val, Appolo and Ari--and eight more followers of Ga'al are dispatched to the Halls of Judgement.

The minor skirmish is enough to delay Val long enough so that Ashira is, indeed, the first one to reach the door and open it, revealing an empty companionway with three other doors besides the one that is now open. (OOC: expect an email with the latest map about this.)

Still no sign of those disappearing clerics.

Ashira (Barkskin, Invisible, Bull's Strength, Resist Elements: AC 21, HP 69) 
Sunday December 1st, 2002 5:03:57 PM

The half-elf shrugs her invisible shoulders and whispers back through the doorway in Elven "There's no one in here. I'm going to open one of the other doors. Stay back." Ashira moves to the door on the right and once again opens it using the door as a shield for her body.

Ari AC 22 36 hp Spider climb Mage Armor Shield 
Monday December 2nd, 2002 12:38:05 AM

Ari does his best to bring up the rear. If there are any from the crew that need any kind of help, Ari assists. Ari is very nervous about what the priests are doing.

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