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Into the Emperor's Palace

Into the Darkness (DM Stephen)  d100=90 d6=3 d20+2=5
Tuesday September 10th, 2002 12:07:32 AM

The party makes their way into the palace. The huge thick bronze doors can be closed with some effort, but with the help of a few, the doors can be shut and there is plenty of debris that can be used to stop the door. It turns very dark. However there is a dim light up ahead. The light from Redux's Dancing Lights provides adequate illumination for now. The entrance way is cluttered with dirt, leaves, creeping vines, fallen stone, insects, spiders, cobwebs and other debris. Rat droppings, nut shells fragments, and other crunchy sounds echo though the hallways with every step. The dankness of the moist moldy odors fills your nostrils. The massive stone walls retain cold of the previous evening and the air fills chilly.

You all hear the fluttery sounds of winged flight above you. Looking up, everyone can spy a small hole in the ceiling where some birds just exited. You can hear the squeaks of mice or rats... who knows!! (Well maybe Ari or Ashira will, Wilderness Lore check DC 18. to anyone who can.)

After walking about 20 to 30-ft into the palace, everyone comes to a large circular room. You all enter through the south entrance and are facing north. In the circular room there are doors on the north, east and west walls. Beautiful, at one time, pair of stairs leading up to a second floor entrance on the north wall. The stairs ran along and followed the curve of the east and west wall. They both met in the center at the top at the second floor entrance some 30-ft up. However, the both sets of stairs have collapsed halfway up to the second floor. A ledge still exists in front of the second floor doorway. The ceiling of the circular room towers high above the floor. There is no roof. There may have been a stained glass dome covering it at one time. It has fallen in and rainwater has apparently washed it away over several centuries. Little bits of shiny multicolored glass still twinkle on the floor. A shaft of indirect sunlight shines down from above. Looking up you can see clouds and the blue sky.

You are all exhausted from your run. This looks like a good place for a rest. Ashira now has time to perform her spell on the wolf. The wolf is barely conscious. It wimpers and whines at his sore wounds. Ashira and Akerin tend to the wolf's wounds. Ashira casts Animal Friendship on the wolf. (The wolf fails his save, 5) When offered a hand-full of water, the wolf accepts and starts to lick it from her hand. A good sign of trust. However, the wolf is not fully healed and is still in a great deal of pain.

(Party's initiative)

Ashira  d8+1=7
Tuesday September 10th, 2002 4:15:26 PM

Ashira picks up the wolf, moves it well away from the others (just in case her new friend doesn't like the rest of the family), and sits down s she tends to the wolf. She looks over at Akerin. "This wolf is now my friend, and as such, is my responsibility. It would be best if you saved your spells for the rest of the family, should trouble befall us." Ashira searches through her pack and withdraws a small vial of pink liquid (CLW 1d8+1). Smiling down at the wolf, she strokes its muzzle. She speaks to the animal, even though she knows it cannot understand her. "Now, now, strong warrior....it won't do having to carry you around. Drink this, it will help you feel better." If the wolf is still able/willing to drink from her hand, she carefully pours the potion into her palm and offers it to him. Otherwise, she pours it gently down his throat. The potion restores 7 hp to the wolf.

Valanthe  d20+8=28 d20+8=21
Tuesday September 10th, 2002 5:05:53 PM

Val tries to rest, but has too much energy built up. Occasionally she glances up at the top ledge, wondering what's on the second floor. Leaving her bow behind, Val straps her scythe to her back and starts climbing the wall. [Two climb checks, 28, 21]

Redux  d20+4=8
Tuesday September 10th, 2002 5:40:57 PM

Redux smiles at Ashira and Akerin's ministerings to the wolf. "Ya know what Ashira? My cousin Alzafar would be proud at this small circus we're forming," he says jokingly. "Do you really think the wolf can help us?" He looks around the area for a clean(er) place to sit down (spot=8 lol). Looking to the side he exclaims "Val, what are you doing?"

Bart  d20+3=18 d20=18 d20+2=6
Tuesday September 10th, 2002 7:02:48 PM

Before Barts sits down for a rest he looks around walking to the doors and and the stairs (spot and listen both 18 and wildernesslore 6)

Tuesday September 10th, 2002 9:55:52 PM

Rigging looks around the room and pulls off his pack. "Lets rest up and have a quick meal." He looks at Ashira and thinks, "Oh Ashira, Don't get to attached. You really took the loss of Taker hard. I don't want to see you get hurt."

Rigging pulls out both Nautacolous and Wayfinder out. "OK my friends, help me find Feybelle." Rigging looks at both Ashira and Redux. "I am going to try to see our target. Don't let me stay under for too long. I want to be able to walk afterwards."

Rigging sits down with his back to a column. He holds the sextant in his lap with one hand and puts the telescope to his eyes. "OK my friends, show me the Faybelle bottle. Where is it?"

Tuesday September 10th, 2002 11:45:18 PM

Following the group and understanding Ashira has done Ari offers, "We may have to acquire some more animal friends at least to help us out around here. If anything to help clear things out here in the temple, or help us get through the temple unmolested. When we next rest I may add the same spell to my list."

As Rigging talks about finding his way, Ari comments, "I don't know about the rest of you. But I'm a bit tired and could use the rest. I'm thinking about changing some of my spells because they're set up for dealing with humans. I'm not set up for dealing with the local animals here. Plus. We probably want to see if our friend's buddies (indicating the wolf) are coming back, or can find an alternate way in."

"We also probably should start mapping and labeling what we find here in the temple." With that in mind Ari pulls out a pen and paper and starts making a rough sketch of the room and the exits that are viewable from here.

Ari also decides that maybe it is time to start keeping a log of things as they unfurl with the group, knowing that the world has been changed recently along with the discovery of this area of land that his ancestors use to live on.

A Time for Rest (DM Stephen)  d100=21 d6=2 d100=27 d6=1
Wednesday September 11th, 2002 12:42:46 AM

Many of you find a place to relax. Redux finds a perfectly shaped stone, that was once part of the stairs, that is perfect to lay upon (lumbar support and everything!!)

Valanthe takes to climbing the wall. At one time the wall was perfect and smooth. Would have been impossible to climb without a rope and grapple. However, this wall is filled with cracks and loose stone making the climb possible but very difficult. (Val's first roll is a nat. 20, DC was 25) Valanthe climbs 20-ft up the wall (half your move). Only ten feet away from the second floor doorway, Valanthe has a little trouble but is able to hold on. However, she goes no higher (21 fails, but not by more than 5, so you don't fall.)

The wolf laps up the potion and his wounds heal completely. The wolf instantly springs to his feet and nearly knocks Ashira over trying to lick her neck and face. He gently shakes the grass and dirt from his coat. He still exhibits a little soreness where he was injured by Bart. The wolf then notices the others. The wolf steps close to Ashira; never taking his eyes off the others. He begins to make a low deep growl in their direction.

Rigging prepares to be shot into the ethereal. Again, the items will not work. The same voices in Rigging's head tell him that certain conditions are not being met. Next come a blurry vision of rolling waves and misty spray on the open sea. The vision quickly goes away as soon as it came.

Bart and Akerin both recognized the structure outside the palace walls (where the bell rang) as a place where warriors trained. Akerin being a monk, knew the style of layout as a monastery.

Ari starts to draw layouts and take stock of the situation. However, his druid senses tell him HE IS NOT ON A ISLAND!! (for the umpteenth time!) :)

(Party's initiative)

Wednesday September 11th, 2002 9:05:44 AM

Rigging sighs and puts the items away. "I guess I have to be at sea for these to work." He notices Ashira's success and decides to try to make friends with her new friend. Tough to cuddle when a wolf is trying to rip your head off. He pulls some dried meat out of his pack, takes a bite and slowly moves towards Ashira.

"Ashira" he says in a soft voice. "Can I meet your new buddy?" Rigging hunches down and offers the piece of meat to the wolf placing it on the ground.

Appolo  d20+5=25
Wednesday September 11th, 2002 1:02:39 PM

After checking out the general area Appolo finds a spot and sits down. He drops his pack and gets out some food and water as he watches the others.

He notices Valanthe is stuck a few feet from her objective, Ashira making a pet out of a wolf. He decides to go help Valanthe. Appolo
walks over and looks up"How are you doing, looks like your stuck?" He says as he readies his rope and grappling hook. He then walks up to the broken stairs and hurls his grappling
as soon as he gets it grappled firmly Appolo
begins to climb."I'll be there in a minute."

Climb check 25{with rope] Not sure of bonus rope gives.

(DM Stephen) 
Wednesday September 11th, 2002 1:11:03 PM

(GAME NOTE: I think that if a player climbs with a knotted rope against a wall for support, it's only a DC 5. I dont have my book with me, but I think Im right. Rope has a significant bonus to climbing DC's. DC's are listed in the Players Handbook under the Climb skill description.)

Valanthe  d20+8=26
Wednesday September 11th, 2002 2:10:16 PM

Val looks down at Appolo and smiles. "No I'm alright. My handhold wasn't sturdy enough." Val finds a few good handholds and makes her way up the wall. Freeclimbing is one of the things she enjoys but has little time for. "Redux I seriously doubt that the bottle will be on the second floor. I'm trying to get a head start and use up some of this nervous energy I have. Even if the bottle is down there, I'm hoping to find treasure. I don't know about everybody else but a large payday would be nice. A city like this, abandonded, has to have treasure here somewhere."

OCC: climb check 26

Ashira  d20+6=19 d20+1=12
Wednesday September 11th, 2002 3:22:22 PM

Ashira kneels down toward the wolf and whispers to it in an effort to calm the animal some. When Rigging approaches, Ashira keeps her voice low and reassuring. "Ummm, dear, I don't think that's such a good idea. Why don't you let me take the rear guard for the rest of the day, holding back with my new friend. Tomorrow I will be able to prepare a spell so I can speak with him, and hopefully he will be a little less shy then." If the wolf allows her to leave its side, Ashira slowly approaches Rigging and nuzzles up against him, trying to convey by non-verbal action that he is not a threat.

OOC (Don't know if I need a handle animal check or not, but it's 19. Also rolled Diplomacy of 12).

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20 St.+2  d20+11=13 d20+10=27 d20+10=23 d20+3=16 d20+6=19
Wednesday September 11th, 2002 8:30:54 PM

Upon reaching the top Appolo replies to Valanthe"Treasure hunt Ehh. Well then let's go, catch me if you can."He then sprints up the remaining stairs and disapears down the hallway once around the corner he quickly and quietly hides in the shadows. Waiting,listening watching.

Hide 13 Move Silently 27 Listen 16 Spot 19
Made extra Move Silently roll 23 please ignore .

Redux  d20+14=25 d20+6=13 d20+4=18
Wednesday September 11th, 2002 10:41:28 PM

Talon isn't able to keep still either. He easily picks up the sounds (listen=25), though not so well the actual creatures (spot=13) that seem to be everywhere. He shows some level of restraint until the wolf hops up and then looses it and starts for the opening above. It is with minor difficulty that Redux is able to call the bird down (diplomacy=18) and sends him into the 2nd floor area to hunt and keep an eye on Val & Appolo. To the pair "Now we expect to hear from you if you need help. Don't stay in any one room too long. It might even be good for you to call out your movements so the rest of us know when to be worried."

Rest and Relaxation (DM Stephen)  d100=55 d6=2 d20=1 d100=68 d6=5
Thursday September 12th, 2002 12:28:53 AM

After Ashira nuzzles up against Rigging, the wolf looks on slack-jawed but still cautious. He continues to watch with his head slightly tilted and with wide feral eyes. One ear perks up to compliment an adorable expression of contemplaton and confusion.

(The wolfs opposed diplomancy check was an instant failure with the roll of a 1)

Looking at the piece of jerky, the wolf sniffs the air to confirm what he sees. Keeping his head low, he slowly walks closer to the couple. Ever so gently, the wolf stretches out to reach for the food. After snatching it, he quickly turns back and returns to the safety of his corner.

Val and Appolo reaches the second floor. The hallway extends off into the darkness and doors can be seen on either side of the hallway. Val can see 15-ft past the entrance until it gets too dark. Appolo sees even less. Ancient corroded suits of armor stand in attention on either side of the doorway. It is easily determined to be decoration. Appolo sneaks playfully into the darkness.

(Val needs to make opposed listen check DC 17 and spot check DC 13 to hear and see him.)

As Appolo sits smirking in the darkness. He hears the familiar sounds of crunching debris under his feet (-10 penalty to Move Silently checks due to you cant see where your going and with all the debris covering the floors). There is a strong scent of mildew.

Akerin remains silent after he sat down. He has apparently dozed off from exhaustion!!

(parties initiative)

[Stephen: try - [Party's initiative] - love, Kim]

Valanthe  d20+6=18 d20+3=22
Thursday September 12th, 2002 1:31:19 AM

Val watches Appolo sneak away. Smiling she says, "Appolo do you have a torch handy? I don't normally carry one. Considering all the stuff your stepping on, some light might be a good idea. The last thing either of us needs is to break an ankle or fall down a hole."

Thursday September 12th, 2002 1:53:06 AM

Bart isn't very happy thjat Val and Appollo are already on the 2nd floor. He says to them don't go to far, stay in our neighborhood, Akerin really needs a rest, we can't follow you now!
Ashira keep that wolf away from me, I don't like the idear to have a wolf in our group.

Thursday September 12th, 2002 1:59:54 AM

Appolo steps out of the shadows"Well I must be slipping, you're not supposed to find me that quickly kind of takes the fun out of it." He yawns and stretches as walks back to the edge.
"Can someone tie my gear to the end of the rope please. We need some light up here."

Thursday September 12th, 2002 7:00:21 AM

[OOC: Sorry - away, then swamped on return. Akerin wakes up!]

Prior to her giving him the potion, Akerin also lightly applied his healing skills to the wolf, but perceived it might be better should he see Ashira as his primary benefactress.

Hearing the need for light, Akerin offers one of his everburning torches. He uncovers the end of the torch, removing a black cloth. "This should keep things well lit up front. I'll carry one back here," he says. He joins up with the others.

Thursday September 12th, 2002 2:34:39 PM

"okay. It is to explore it looks like we are doing. I was hoping we'd have time to redo some of our spells. Guess not."

Thursday September 12th, 2002 2:38:34 PM

The half-elf finishes her nuzzling, and returns to the corner where the wolf retreated to. Ashira turns to face Bart, clearly annoyed at his comment about the wolf. "Don't worry about it Bart, I won't let him get near you, since he'd probably just bite you anyway. And tell me, since you're voicing your opinion.... When we find Feybelle and need to leave the palace, what were you planning to do with that pack of wolves that still has its den in the courtyard?! Even a party as strong as we are can't contend with a pack that size. We were lucky to get out alive this time. Unless you want to slaughter them all. I believe MY friend here might be able to help us a little with the pack." Ashira shuts her mouth and tries to cool off as she heads over to the wolf and begins to groom him. She wonders to herself whether it is wise to rest much longer with such an important artifact to find.

Thursday September 12th, 2002 4:27:46 PM

Rigging stands up and stretches. He murmers to Ashira, "Easy love....not everyone is as comfortable with wild animals as you are. Bart is a city boy."

Rigging in a louder voice then says to the others, "OK Who has torches or other light making devices. I do have one dancing light spell. We might need to make some extra torches."

Rigging is daunted by the size of the palace. We are looking for one little bottle in this place. Rigging then says, "If anyone is changing spells, lets concentrate on detect magics and such. We are going to have to be able to determine what is what here."

Rigging ponders the thought of splitting up to search but decides against it. He figures it is better to stay together to get the lay of the land at least for the first day. Any potential monsters or guards should have shown themselves by then.

"OK Lets search this floor first. I want the party to stay together to start so don't suggest splitting up yet. Remember this isn't a joy ride. The Faybelle might be the salvation of our families and many others. Keep your wits around you."

Thursday September 12th, 2002 8:04:11 PM

Appolo looks around"Come on.Looks like we're wanted down on the first floor." He then quickly repels down.

Thursday September 12th, 2002 9:48:42 PM

"Rigging aren't we after a very valuable bottle? Valuable things aren't put in easy to reach places. Wouldn't it make sense to search the high ground first?"

Thursday September 12th, 2002 10:41:02 PM

Feybelle Bottle back with him to his palace. There is a great vault there, where he keeps his vast treasures.' Do you remember that, Appolo? Personally, as much as going thru this entire place might seem amusing, our best shot might actually be down or into the side of a mountain; someplace a vault would be found. A 'vast treasure' sounds exciting and profitable. And I've got a bag of holding that says I am able to carryout more than you." That last part almost sounded childish, like he stuck out his tongue, which, of course, Redux would never do.

No Rest for the Weary (DM Stephen)  d100=7 d6=6 d100=94 d6=2 d100=39 d6=2 d100=16 d6=6
Friday September 13th, 2002 12:42:36 AM

Akerin tosses up an everburning torch. Valanthe catches it. She can see that the first two rooms are small and look to have been storage closets. Nothing left but rotten wood, grime, rats nests. There are some ceramic jars and flasks. There is a large mass of partially chewed wax on the floor. It was probably once a collection of candles. There are also some rusted candle holders and other junk. The large jars are filled with a hardened resin. The flasks appear to smell of lantern oil.

The other room is just as small, and looks to contain similar items. There are rusted buckets, and rotten 5-ft long wooden poles. May have been mops and brooms at one time. There is some kind of device mounted on a pipe near the far wall. It has a handle and a spout.

As Appolo makes his way out of the darkness and before he shimmies down the rope, a small stone tile drops from the second floor hallway and smashes down onto the first floor hallway (this is the north hallway directly below the second floor entrance). The wolf jumps nerviously from the sound of the crash.

Valanthe can see that Appolo almost fell through a hole in the floor. Everyone on the first floor can see the torch light from Val partially illuminating the lower north hallway. For a brief moment, you notice that the end of the lower north hallway opens into a very large room.

Back down on the first floor, the east doorway looks to go in 5-ft and stops. Apparently the ceiling collapsed a long time ago.

The west doorway opens into another room. It is too dark to see anything.

"CLANG clangy clang clang!!!" A bloody dagger lands in the middle of the floor of the circular room. It wasn't thrown but merely dropped from above. Everyone looks up to see a tall slender humanoid figure looking down through the large opening in the ceiling. The sun behind him outlines his figure with a shadowy silhouette. He does nothing but look upon you for a short moment. Then suddenly his form begins to change shape into that of a large bird. It takes off and flies away. The dagger doesnt appear to have been directed at anyone in particular. However, Appolo recognizes the dagger as belonging to him. The same dagger he had thrown at one of the wolves earlier that morning.

Ashira's new wolf friend becomes excited and begins to prance and pace back and forth. His tail wags as he barks. Whimpering at little after the visitor leaves, the wolf retreats back to Ashira.

(Party's Initiative)

Friday September 13th, 2002 11:21:20 AM

Rigging sees the figure and notices the wolf's reactions. He calls up to the figure as it is leaving. "Please come back! We mean no harm! We want to be friends!" If the figure keeps retreating, Rigging will continue with his explorations. "Everyone take some of these flasks. I don't think lamp oil goes bad." Rigging pours a few drops of the older oil and tries to light it.
Rigging will then check out the other closet and try to work the handle that is on the wall.
After this he will start heading north

Primed and Ready (DM Stephen)  d20=12 d20=16 d100=14
Friday September 13th, 2002 12:04:48 PM

Rigging climbs the rope to the second floor (climb checks up the rope: 12, 16. Success), where Val is inspecting the two small rooms. He takes as many flasks of oil that he can put in his pack. He also pumps on the lever of the strange device in the other room. Water begins to come out the spout!! The water stops when Rigging stops pumping (I ruled that there was a 20% chance that the water pump still worked, rolled a 14).
(Rigging you may have another turn to do something else) :)

Friday September 13th, 2002 12:21:25 PM

"Well at least we know that we have water. Though I'd probably boil the stuff first or perhaps filter it. I'm glad the lamp oil was in flasks and not casks." Val grabs a few flasks to hand out and slides down the rope to the first floor.

Friday September 13th, 2002 12:55:08 PM

Well who can that be? obviously he means us no harm or not yet...
Bart lights some oil and goes to the door in the west. He stands in the dooropening and looks into the room...

Saturday September 14th, 2002 4:40:53 PM

Appolo climbs down and picks up the dagger. "Nice of him to return this, interesting." He then gathers the rest of his gear.

He watches as Valanthe comes down and Rigging goes up, while Bart goes west. "Hey, I thought we were going to search the first floor first? The Throne room is probably a good place to start."

Saturday September 14th, 2002 8:47:27 PM

Akerin takes a flask from Valanthe with a nod of thanks.

"'Nice' is not the word. He likely is a druid, and wolf-friend," the cleric-monk says to Appolo. "He is letting us know that there is someone who watches over the wolves. Perhaps it was a kindness for him to return it. Perhaps it was a warning."

He massages his leg for a moment. "Our new companion here recognizes him as friend. Perhaps, when our purpose is fulfilled here, he may allow us to leave without having to harm, or be harmed by, the pack. Of course, he may ask something in return," he speculates.

Meanwhile, he waits to see which way the party chooses to go, holding off on additional counsel for the moment.

Sunday September 15th, 2002 8:50:12 PM

"OK everyone. Lets explore the first floor first. Don't know how we can get Ashira's new friend up the rope and don't want to try wrestling it now." Rigging calls out. He quickly scampers down the rope and organizes everyone. "Ashira you are in the back. Apollo and Val up front. Redux can you have Talon scout ahead into the big room? Val, Ashira, Ari and I will hold torches or whatever light sources we have. Let's get going." Rigging directs Val and Appolo ahead.

Sunday September 15th, 2002 10:34:32 PM

Redux sighs at Rigging's reply. He tells Appolo, "That fellow must know that we'll need that here. Also, you're sure to know that returning a weapon in no way diminishes his ability to attack and defend." Then to Talon, "Time again to work. Come down here and help us search. You may attack any mouse that attacks the group first."

Ashira  d20+8=14 d20+5=6 d20+10=30
Sunday September 15th, 2002 10:41:21 PM

Ashira watches the exchange between the stranger with interest. She takes particular note of the wolf's actions to the stranger, and nods in approval of Akerin's conclusions. She keeps a watchful eye out as the party seaches the first floor (Spot=14, Listen=6, Search=30).

Explore the Decor (DM Stephen)  d100=24 d6=6
Sunday September 15th, 2002 11:57:05 PM

Appolo picks up the disgarded dagger and notices that the edge has been ground down to an extremely dull edge. This dagger couldn't even cut warm butter. It will take at least half a day with a whetstone to put an edge on this blade again. There are some words inscribed directly into the side of the blade. However it is in an alphabet and language that Appolo cannot comprehend.

Bart looks into the West doorway. It is a fairly large room. Mice scurry about in the light of the torch. Layers and layers of cobwebs hang ahout like drapery. A rusted chandelier still hangs from the ceiling. Rotting couches and tables are scattered about. Tattered tapestries dangle from the walls and lump onto the floor. Bookshelves in various forms of disarray. Against the far west wall is what looks to be a bar. Many bottles are scattered about. Some still contain colored liquid. Flat square-shaped "boards" lean up against the walls in several locations. They too are covered completely in dust. There are massive arch-shaped double doors against the north wall. Bits of stone, tile, misc. garbage, half eaten insects, rat and mouse turds and bird droppings cover the floors. Even the wolf left a deposit on the floor. Everything is covered with a thick layer of dust and webs. Giving the place a very monotone appearance.

The large room through the north hallway (from the circular room) is very wide open and very spacious. The ceiling rises 60-ft into the air. A second floor walkway can be seen going the full circumference of the room. Directly to the north of the rooms entrance, about 80-ft straight forward, is what looks to be a throne. There are double doors on the east wall, west wall and on either side of the entrance on the south wall.

Just like the other rooms, covered in dust, cobwebs and the filth from centuries of rodents, birds, insects and who knows what!!

There are a group of statues against the north wall. They appear to be in various stages of ruin (arm missing here, a nose missing there), but the one closest to the throne looks to have been hacked to death. Parts of that statue are scattered over a 40-ft radius.

(party's initiative)

Monday September 16th, 2002 4:26:55 AM

The tall young man takes some time to look (with some care, wary of the possibility of little occupants) at the bookshelves, to see whether any tomes may have survived the ages. He loves a good book.

Monday September 16th, 2002 11:29:09 PM

Rigging feels despair filling his heart. "This is like searching for one particular fish in the sea," he murmurs. "OK -- Let's line up any bottle we find and put them into a corner. I doubt the Faybelle is sitting on a bar with liquor in it but who knows. I will detect magic on all of them later." Rigging will wander over to the statue and try to locate the face. If he finds it he will pick it up for a better view.

Redux  d20+4=20 d20+4=24 d20+6=15 d20+14=30
Monday September 16th, 2002 11:40:24 PM

Redux spots (dc=20) the writing on Appolo's dagger and asks to take a closer look at it. If it is something he recognizes he'll say so. If it's not, he'll ask Ari to give it a try. He then hustles over to where Rigging & Bart are looking into the rooms. "Do you think there's a hidden passage somewhere? Throne rooms usually have them. Every king story I ever heard had one. I bet, if we could recognize it, that beat-up statue is Domi, or maybe Alemi. Given what we know, that wasn't very smart of them.' (2nd set of spot checks Redux-24, Talon-15, if needed) (Redux can hear a small voice 'the mice, the mice.' Talon-Listen=30)

Tuesday September 17th, 2002 12:31:44 AM

Val looks at the statues as she walks over to the flat boards. She pulls out a spare rag and starts cleaning the boards.

Tuesday September 17th, 2002 12:43:39 AM

"Rigging how long does an detect magic works? Is it not easier to look in each interesing room with an detect magic, maybe there is some other interesting stuff." Although he has his comments, Bart starts to collect the bottles he sees in the west-room. After that he peeks through the double doors in the north wall of the west-room. He expects to find a storage room.

Appolo  d20+6=25 d20+3=23 d20+3=16 d20+10=18
Tuesday September 17th, 2002 2:07:53 AM

Appolo hands the dagger to Redux. "Sure, you can have it, let me know what you can about the writing." Watches as the others check the bar. "Akerin be careful what you pick up. Well I'm going to check out the throne room. Val why don't you let the maid handle the dusting and come with me? If you come with me to the throne room maybe I'll make you Queen, there is a vacancy that needs to be filled around here." With that he heads for throne room torch in hand. He then proceeds to quickly and quietly search the throne room, especially the throne itself, for traps secret doors and anything interesting.

Spot 25, Search 23, Listen 16, Move Silently 18

Ashira  d20+10=29 (Search)
Tuesday September 17th, 2002 11:21:45 AM

Ashira nods her agreement with Redux's comments about the throne room. "Yes, the throne room is probably the key." Since Appolo is already searching the throne room, Ashira goes over to the double doors the the east of the throne room, and kicks them open with her foot. If she is able to open them, she enters whatever is beyond, and slowly and methodically searches the area.

Tuesday September 17th, 2002 9:51:34 PM

Rigging answers Bart's question, "It only lasts a few minutes. No, I can't cast the spell and wander the whole palace looking for magic. It would be great if I could, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way."

Rigging will keep looking around the throne room looking for those secret doors. He will knock on walls and look behind tapestries.

Wednesday September 18th, 2002 12:37:17 AM

Considering that she can't read, Val abandons the tablets and follows Appolo. She hoped that the tablets provided some information. Maybe an event long passed, a prophecy, or maybe a warning of things to come. As she walks through the doors to the Throne room, the idea of Queen is appealing.

First things first. (DM Stephen)  d100=90 d6=5 d100=70 d6=1 d100=32 d6=3 d100=63 d6=4 d100=95 d6=6
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 1:00:11 AM

Akerin looks across the bookshelves. The books are in a shambles. Whole books have turned into moldy blocks of paper pulp. Others are chewed up by rats and mice. Any pages that can be found that have actual writing is smeared and unreadable. However there is a small silver and golden box that is made to look like a book. It is still sealed!! After cleaning off the latch, it opens with a little effort. There is a book inside. Akerin eyes become wide!! The book is in perfect shape. Just a little brown around the edges. There is a holy symbol of Alemi on the cover. If you open it up, you will recognize the book as a Book of Hours (Daily prayer book). Filled with scripture and prayers for every day of the year. It looks to have never been used.
(I rolled a 90/5, very good. If used daily when you pray to Alemi, you gain a +2 competence bonus to Knowledge (Religion) checks. Worth 500gp)

Rigging looks at the bottles at the bar. It is quite apparent that these are just liquor and wine bottles. (Rigging needs to remember what Father Farkus had told him.) Rigging then leaves the west bar and enters the north Throne room where the statues are. The broken statue is in horrible shape. Someone or something really went off on it. the head is nothing but gravel. However the base of the statue has the name, "Emperor Calendrus." (Rolled a 95/6.) While searching the walls and tapestries, Rigging finds nothing of interest. However, he notices the other statues must be previous emperors by their dates written below their names. Though one statue looks to be in near mint condition and it has no name at the bottom, unlike the others.

Redux doesn't know or recognize the script on the dagger either. Redux then hands it to Ari. Fortunately, Ari has no problem reading it. It's in druidic and it says,
"I watch the land, hastening ills for my prey,
Where treasures accumulate, and men decay."

Searching around the throne, Redux and Talon find a open passage way directly behind the throne. Leads north to a closed door.

Valanthe picks up one of the flat boards and starts to wipe the dust away. She discovers a beautifully painted portrait of a woman and her infant child. The room is filled with dozens of these paintings. Some are portraits of men others are landscapes. One painting is of the city as the sun rises above the huge gates in the harbor. (The same one you all passed under as you entered harbor.)

Bart starts to gather a few bottles. Nothing special. He then opens the double doors on the north wall in the bar. He peeks through to see the others in the throne room. There seems to be more than one entrance into that massive chamber.

Appolo enters the Throne room. The room is quite large and is a lot to take in at once. However, right in front of the throne is a circular disk etched into the floor with decorative tile (about a 5-ft radius). Almost didnt notice it. Brushing away the dust and grime you can see the presence of strange runes and symbols inlaid with what looks to be platinum!!

Ashira kicks in the doors on the east wall of the throne room. Another huge room. Looks to have been a grand banquet hall. It has a one very long table. Dozens and dozens of chairs are scattered about. The place is a wreck like everything else you've seen.

Then suddenly the circle with the runes in front of the throne begins to glow. Appolo hops back in surprise!! Torches mounted on the walls instantly burst with blue flames, one by one. A column of air starts to rotate over the circle and blows the dust and grime away. Centuries of dust and filth fills the air.
(Everyone in the throne room make a Fortitude save of DC 18. If you make your save, you are merely stunned with coughing for 1d4 rounds. You can still act and move but you lose your Dex to AC. If you fail, [first effect] you are prone while you choke for air and are blinded for 1d4 rounds. [Second effect] Then you are stunned for an additional 1d4 rounds. But you can see and move.)

The runes glow brighter and brighter and create an erie blue column light that reaches to the ceiling. A large humanoid figure begins to materalize in its center. As the light from the circle begins to fade, the wind blows the majority of the dust to the outer edges of the room. Then the wind also begins to subside. What is left is a rather large, muscular humanoid figure draped in heavy chainmail. A glowing, six-foot long great sword is straped to his back. The hulking figure stands there somewhat disoriented!!

(Party's Initiative. I hope this is enough!)

Valanthe  d20+7=23
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 4:21:30 AM

OCC: fort save 23. I assume that uncanny dodge doesn't help in this situation.

Valanthe grabs her scythe off her back and removes the leather blade cover. She's been anxious to try her weapon out ever since it was forged. The scythe is now made entirely of a clear and light blue crystal. Val speaks the command word and the scythe glows with blue energy.
Her instincts scream at her to cut the big man down before he can draw his weapon. Still there is a chacne that he is not an enemy. Val backs up out of the great swords range. Since the weapon was not drawn she would have ample time to prepare herself if the man was an enemy. She says to the man, "We do not want to fight. Perhaps we can talk instead of jumping to conclusions. Perhaps you wonder what year it is and how long you've been away or perhaps asleep?"

Rigging  d20+5=22 d4=3
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 8:20:12 AM

Rigging starts to cough as the dust fills his nose and mouth. Rigging pulls his weapons as the figure appears. Rigging sees the big man and something seems familiar about him. He sort of reminds him of his old buddy bulldog. He wonders how Bulldog is doing now. He circles to the left and prepares to help out Val if she needs it.

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20  d20+7=12
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 10:54:15 AM

As Appolo hops back he yells"It's a trap,get out!!Argh cough,cough"as he is quickly over come by the dust and wind falling to the ground wretching and trying to cover his face.

Fortitude save Failed 12

Ashira  d20+10=28 d4=1
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 1:46:57 PM

Ashira deftly sidesteps most of the dust cloud, and draws her swords as she enters the throne room. Hacking, she tries to take a flanking position on the large humanoid, just in case things go bad.

Appolo  d4=4 d4=3
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 8:10:58 PM

OOC: Forgot to roll this. Stunned 4 rnds,Blind 3

Akerin  d20=17
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 9:53:05 PM

Akerin's eyes become wide, indeed, as he finds the Book of Hours. He opens it slowly, with care and reverence.

"Blessed art Thou, our beloved Lord of Peace!" he exclaims as he begins to scan through the little tome. So engrossed he becomes that it is not until he hears multiple shouts coming from a ways away that he interrupts his perusal. Tenderly he closes the book, reclasps it, then places it in his haversack.

Then he quickly moves to the place from which comes the sound. Hearing coughing inside, he takes a good breath of fresh air, narrows his eyes to slits, and, breath held, enters the room, staff at hand.

[Made Fortitude save]

Redux  d20+3=5 d20+3=16 d20+3=6 d4=3 d4=2 d4=1 d4=1
Wednesday September 18th, 2002 10:30:58 PM

(ooc fort-Redux=16 (used 1 hero point to re-role, 1 to make save), fort-Talon=6; Redux stunned but up = 3 rounds,Talon stunned and choking for 2, then stunned an additional 1 round.)

Redux hears the wind and some reaction within him causes him to throw up his robe to keep from being choked. Talon is not so lucky; he is in flight and finds himself sucked into the wind and dust. Redux makes his way to where his friend has been grounded, picks him up and gently carries him out of the area to fresher air. Talon continues to flap around once placed in an open spot. Redux, knowing his friend is out of harms way, turns to face whatever the whirlwind has brought their way.

The stranger returneth 
Thursday September 19th, 2002 12:42:30 AM

Staggering to catch his balance, the big man stumbles into the room. Holding a hand high, in an attempt to block his eyes from the intense bright lights. He sees some figures about him. His instincts leap to their duties and with his other hand he draws free the mighty sword and sweeps it to clear his path. Assuming a fighting stance, he peers about trying to see whom is about him. "Well, come on and have it." he bellows out. Awaiting an attack he stands fast.

Confrontation (DM Stephen)  d100=9 d6=1
Thursday September 19th, 2002 1:37:21 AM

Those who aren't blinded look upon the hulking figure. With all the light shining down on the visitor, his large hands cast hard shadows on his face as he tries to shield his eyes from the light. His voice ... something about it!!

(Everyone, except Akerin and whoever is blinded and gasping for air, make a Spot check DC20, Listen DC15 and for each one you succeed make a Int. check DC 12. If you pass the Int. check, something seems familiar about this situation!!)

Akerin enters the Throne room through the double doors that Bart opened. He sees the large warrior with the massive weapon in a battle ready pose. Appolo is just a few feet away choking for air on the floor. The others have weapons drawn and are starting to surround the brute.

Now the only sound is the wolf growling furiously.

(Rigging make a second Spot check DC 20. Party's Initiative)

Bart  d20+4=19
Thursday September 19th, 2002 1:38:00 AM

Bart waits until the dust in the room is down to the ground again. With his hand on the hilt of his sword (ready to drawn) he walks towards the stranger, he keeps a safe distance and says, "Stranger we aren't here to fight, put you weapon away. We won't harm you."

Ashira  d20+8=11 d20+5=12
Thursday September 19th, 2002 8:37:18 AM

Ashira's coughing subsides. The half-elf finds nothing familiar about this situation, except for finding herself against one more foe. Maintaining her flanking position, she says calmly to the figure "You are surrounded, and outnumbered. Lower your weapon, and we will not harm you...I swear this by Alemi's sweet hands. Continue waving your sword around, and we will be forced to attack."

Valanthe  d20+3=14 d20+6=16 d20+1=11
Thursday September 19th, 2002 10:14:11 AM

OCC: listen check 16, Int check 11

Slowly Val's feet move forward. Her gaze is fixed upon the armored stranger. Val's teeth clench tight and her hands even tighter. Her eyes narrow and a low growl slips through her clenched teeth. Val really wanted to cut the big man down. But the cloud was still thick and hindered her breathing. She would be at a disadvantage in a long fight.

Thursday September 19th, 2002 12:31:35 PM

"PEACE to ALL in this room, in the name of ALEMI, in the name of LEMTROVEX," says the priest in stentorian tones. "Stranger - do as Ashira asks, and lower your weapon. Valanthe - back away from him. I am Akerin, a healer. Who are you? Do you defend this ancient place?"

Rigging  d20+7=17 d20+7=21 d20+4=17 d20+4=19 d20+4=11
Thursday September 19th, 2002 7:16:00 PM

Rigging knows something is wrong with this situation. Something is familiar about this big warrior in front of him. Rigging orders in a loud voice, "Everyone stand down! cough cough ack cough. Do you hear me!? Lower your weapons! Back away."

The Stranger 
Thursday September 19th, 2002 8:52:18 PM

The Big man lowers the great blade upon hearing the names of Alemi and Lemtrovex. Then speaking evenly "Lemtrovex !... I know that name well. ......... He is a friend of mine. ....... Who speaks for him here. Name yourself !." squinting to make out the one who spoke of the god. Hearing a voice barking orders to stand down, the fighter mutters to himself as he scans about. 'I've heard that voice and tone before. ....... hmmmm ...' and he awaits for a reply.

Thursday September 19th, 2002 10:00:22 PM

"As I said, I am Akerin, who speaks of Lemtrovex. And that is Rigging, who leads this group. Do you have a name?"

Appolo  d20+9=22
Thursday September 19th, 2002 11:02:12 PM

Appolo rolls blindly away from the voice to his front as he continues to hack and cough. Once clear he fishes around for his waterskin and pours some water on his face and washes the dust and grime from his eyes, hoping to restore his vision. With all the yelling going on he thinks great another fight and he hasn't seen the opponent yet.

Tumble 22

Friday September 20th, 2002 1:07:27 AM

Redux prepares to move defensively and brings Daze to mind, should the visitor move against anyone.

The Dust Clears (DM Stephen)  d100=51 d6=4 d100=79 d6=5 d4=3
Friday September 20th, 2002 1:22:34 AM

The lights intensity begins to lower to tolerable levels. The surrounding cobwebs and dust clouds begins to settle.

Appolo's efforts of washing the dirt from his eyes is working. (you will be able to see next round)

Something appears to be familiar about this bullish fighter. Anguished expressions begin to change to that of recognition. The dog continues to bark.

(Everyone, except Akerin and Val, make Int. checks DC 10. Rigging make an additional Wis. check DC 20. Party's Initiative)

Friday September 20th, 2002 11:33:14 PM

Val keeps her guard up. "Stranger you are outnumbered here. Perhaps everyone would feel better here if you told us who you are."

Rigging  d20+4=18 d20=16
Saturday September 21st, 2002 2:02:33 AM

Rigging looks at the big fighter and then hears a dog barking. "Bulldog is that you? Is that Asbury with you?" A slow and hesitant smile starts to cross Rigging's face.

Saturday September 21st, 2002 9:32:10 PM

Redux is very wary of the newcomer. Using his best imitation of his father, he sternly states, "You know some of our names, allow us to know yours. Then state your intentions. My family trusts the diplomacy of their swords more than mere words, so choose yours well."

Ashira  d20+1=11
Saturday September 21st, 2002 9:55:03 PM

Lowering her weapons slightly at Rigging's command, she keeps a wary eye on the stranger. "Still... there is something very familiar about they way he speaks," she thinks. Then Rigging asks whether it is Bulldog, and the recognition is almost spontaneous. Staggering forward a little for a closer look, she stammers, "No... it can't be Bulldog... he was claimed by the deep."

Bart  d20=9
Sunday September 22nd, 2002 6:02:06 AM

"No it can't be you."

Sunday September 22nd, 2002 6:40:35 AM

Ari works at wiping the dust off of himself as the others speak to the stranger. Listening to the stranger while the others talk, Ari gets a strange chill of recognition down his back. Looking more closely at the stranger, Ari feels in his bones that he MUST know this stranger. As Rigging puts a name to the stranger Ari's face lights up in a smile.

"Why yes it is Bulldog. Bulldog, it's Arislan and Rigging. Well met, it's good to see you again." Offering his hand out and waiting for Bulldog's recognition to kick in. If Bulldog begins to realize who is around him and takes Ari hands, Ari will pull him into a bearhug.

"Praise Alemi for sure, for we thought you were to be dead to us. There's lots of news to catch up on old friend."

As the greetings commence, a quick look of concern comes over Ari's face. Remembering what a doppleganger can do, Ari wonders whether he should worry about anything.

Sunday September 22nd, 2002 9:23:04 PM

With sudden clarity Bulldog recognizes many of those about him. "Ari! is that really you?" and without much thought, he drops his weapon and returns the great big bear hug to his long lost friend. "I didn't think I would see anyone from home again." ... "Is that you Ashira, .... Rigging .... Appollo ...." He is unable to finish calling out the names of those that he knows, as his voice cracks and his eyes well with tears.

Appolo  d20+1=17
Sunday September 22nd, 2002 9:42:22 PM

Appolo continues to wash the dirt and grime from his face, when he is done he looks up through bloodshot eyes. "Well I'll be, Bulldog, you're dead, what the??" Quietly he draws his blades, not believing what he sees and hears.

Akerin  d20+4=17
Monday September 23rd, 2002 2:17:16 PM

"So, we have a reunion here, I take it?" Akerin comments with a smile. He notes Appolo drawing his weapons [Spot 17], and his smile diminishes.

Once those who have known the newcomer have had the opportunity to exchange greetings and embraces, the healer steps forward, placing himself so as to be able to keep Appolo in his peripheral vision as he introduces himself to Bulldog. "As I said when the light was bright and the dust was settling, my name is Akerin. I serve Alemi - Lemtrovex as a healer. It is an honor to make your acquaintance, sir," he says as he offers his hand. "It is a relief that no blows were exchanged between old friends. Oh, you'll excuse me, I trust." He steps so as to stand next to Bulldog.

"I was a bit delayed in joining you, comrades, by this." As he talks, he reaches into his haversack, and withdraws a silver and golden box in the shape of a book. "It is a Book of Hours - prayers and psalms to Alemi! Amidst the worm-eated volumes on the shelves, this I found!" He clasps it to his chest as he raises his right hand in the air. "Blessed Alemi, thanks unto thee for this boon. Now, I beseech thee, on behalf of those who need freedom from Ga'al's cursed spiders, to guide us as we seek the bottle. And we thank thee for this blessed reunion with a friend to my companions who once was lost. Thy power is great, indeed! And were he dead, to Gargul, also, thanks, for this release from thy realm."

Looking to Rigging after his short prayer, Akerin asks, "Now is there anything else I missed while engrossed in my reading?"

Monday September 23rd, 2002 3:11:49 PM

Val doesn't know what to think about this newcomer. It could be their lost friend but maybe it's not. Val decides to keep her scythe in hand. No telling what other dangers might pop up. Now that the dust is settling, Val searches the chamber.

Monday September 23rd, 2002 9:57:09 PM

Rigging tries to throw his arm around the big fighter. He can't seem to get it around the big mans shoulder, so he contents himself with pounding him on the back. He introduces him to the others who Bulldog doesn't know. Suddenly he remembers where they are and says, "My friend, you have arrived at a great time. We think we have found a way to cure some of our friends and family from the heart seed."
Rigging goes on to explain about the holy fountain and it's effects on heartseeds. He then explains about the search for the Faybelle Bottle and how it can help. "We need to find the vault where the emperor kept his treasure. Feel like a treasure hunt?"

Family Reunion (DM Stephen)  d100=73 d6=3 d20+15=24
Tuesday September 24th, 2002 1:08:20 AM

The tension in the throne room begins to settle with the dust. Everyone is shaking off the effects from the blast and becoming reunited with an old friend.

The words of Akerin were said well and diffused a possible deadly situation. (100 exp.)

Valanthe notices that one of the statues are in perfect near-mint shape. Unlike the others! (Wisdom check DC 20, Spot check DC 24)

The layout is the same as before. A dark corridor behind the throne heads north. The east double doors that Ashira had opened shows off a banquet hall. There are double doors on the west wall. On the south wall is the open hallway to the circular room. On one side of the south hallway is the open doors that Bart opened from the bar. On the other side of the south hallway is a set of closed doors that look like the doors to the bar.

(party's initiative)

Ashira  d20+10=14
Tuesday September 24th, 2002 11:07:31 AM

The half-elf still looks a little hesitant, but she slaps Bulldog on the back. "Good to have you back!" She looks over to the corner where her wolf friend stands growling still. She smiles at him, and once again tries to show through non-verbal communication that Bulldog is a friend and not a threat. "Look, I hate to cut this short, but we need to hurry up our search. Lives are at stake, and who knows how much longer that fountain will flow." Ashira joins Val and lays a hand on her shoulder. "It's ok...he's an old friend. Don't know how he got here, but it's good to have some more help, eh?" She follows Val's glance to the statue and says hey...that's weird that one's almost in pristine condition. Let's go check it out." The half-elf begins to search the statue for anything out of the ordinary (with a measely 14!).

Tuesday September 24th, 2002 4:00:59 PM

Somehow Rigging feels more comfortable with Bulldog back. Life is looking up. The young mage will continue the search and say, "We need to find a way downstairs. I am assuming the vault is in the lower levels."

Tuesday September 24th, 2002 4:59:35 PM

Yes it is you Bulldog, how are you and how did you get here?

Valanthe  d20+1=13 d20+3=20
Tuesday September 24th, 2002 6:27:25 PM

"I think his timing is a little too good. Nobody knows that we are here so why does he appear now?" Val looks at the statue. "I'm positive that this statue is important but I can't figure out why. Everything in this room shows the wears of time except for this statue. Maybe I should break it open to see whats inside." [wis 13, spot 20]

Tuesday September 24th, 2002 8:12:26 PM

The figter turns to Bart "Bart I really don't remember stepping through any portals, but it's been a very rough ride since we parted. Some things so foggy I couldn't be sure if they are true or not. I'm hoping things will come back to me." Bulldog then reaches down and retrieves his great sword. "We have work to do for Lemtrovex." The massive fighter then looks about, taking in the room to understand his new surroundings. 'A common occurrence it seems' he thinks to himself.

Appolo  d20+3=10 d20+6=15
Tuesday September 24th, 2002 8:17:24 PM

Appolo circles warily around Bulldog still not trusting what he sees, he then sheathes his weapons and proceeds to check out the throne. "Rigging you want to help me with the throne? Could be a secret door or something."

Search 10, Spot 15

Redux  d20+2=7 d20+6=24 d20+2=21 d20+4=15
Wednesday September 25th, 2002 12:12:55 AM

(ooc Talon Wis=7, Spot=24; Redux Wis=21, Spot=15)

Redux remains on guard. Announcing to everyone in the room: "Will everyone take this a little more serious, please. I don't know who this person is, some of you do--and no one is worried that he just appears from nowhere?! If he can get here and find us, doesn't anyone else think that anyone or anything else might also? Then there's the problem that some thought him dead, taken by the sea or something. Would someone who knows him at least ask him a question that only the real Bulldog could answer? Was he heart-seeded before, why doesn't he get checked? Someone unfriendly could be behind this. Better yet, the healing water of Alemi would help clear this unheard of occurrence."

Haiii Chooo!!! (DM Stephen)  d100=92 d6=5 d20+4=9 d20+5=13 d100=68 d6=2
Wednesday September 25th, 2002 12:36:40 AM

Appolo notices strange tracks or rubbings in the floor behind the throne that lead down the north corridor. Once the tracks enter the thone room they disappear. The winds blew up the dust and removed any other trace of them.

The statue stares back at Valanthe like a ... statue.

The wolf stops barking and growling. For a brief moment, the wolf catches a wiff in the air. His ears perk up and his tail starts to wag. Before he can smell the air again, he is forced to bow down and sneeze... repeatedly, from a snout full of dirt!! (Spot 9, Wilderness Lore Scent check 13, fail.) Powerful sneezes too. He blows up little puffs of dust from the floor.

Redux and Talon both notice something odd!! Redux is not sure but he thinks the marble statue that Valanthe is looking at, isnt in the same position it was before the blast. Talon tells Redux, "The stone man is a metal man too!!"

(Party's Initiative)

Ashira  d20+8=18 d20+5=15 d20+10=13
Wednesday September 25th, 2002 11:45:39 AM

The half-elf continues her inspection of the pristine statue, sure that it must somehow be at the root of finding Feybelle.

OOC (Spot=18, Listen=15, Search=13)

Wednesday September 25th, 2002 12:03:40 PM

"Get the statue, get the statue!!" he says excitedly, temporarily forgetting that he agrees with Apollo on anything (not fully trusting Bulldog). "It's moved!"

Wednesday September 25th, 2002 1:52:38 PM

What's wrtong with the statue? It moved? What you want to do with it push it over until it falls?

Rigging  d20+7=14 d20+6=11 d20+4=15
Wednesday September 25th, 2002 9:37:35 PM

Rigging examines the area around the statue and looks for a track that the statue might roll on. He will pull out his dagger and will the pommel knock gently on the statue. He is trying to see if its hollow.

(spot, search and listen rolls)

Wednesday September 25th, 2002 11:12:35 PM

"What kind of 'getting' do you mean, Redux?" Akerin asks him. "May I suggest we not hack it to pieces - at least unless it gives us cause?" He senses the tension in the air coming off of some of his new companions. He nods to the one called Bulldog, then approaches the statue which reportedly moves. He checks to see if there is anything familiar about the face, and whether he can place the style of attire the statue represents. "Hello," he greets the statue, as though it were alive.

"I AM IRON MAN..." (DM Stephen)  d100=40 d6=6 d20+18=27 d20+7=26 d20+2=11
Thursday September 26th, 2002 12:58:16 AM

As soon as everyone starts to move over to the statue, the statue undergoes a swift and radical transformation (dismissing Alter Self). Its stone facade melts away and a fierce-looking humanoid, made of metal, stands before you. In a split second, large metal wings spring out from its back. The wings unfolding sounds like dozens of swords being drawn from their scabbards. The statues on either end of the "statue" are sliced in two by the wings and fall to the floor.

The iron man charges out at Valanthe who is directly in front of him. (Hits AC 27. Strength check 24, Val's opposed str. check 11. I rolled for you, you needed a nat. 20 to beat this. No damage dealt). The iron man pushes Valanthe 21-ft backwards. (Val, Reflex save DC 12 to keep from falling down. Everyone this round who are closed with ironman are flat-footed, except Val and Appolo with uncanny dodge.)

The iron man takes to the air and hovers 40-ft above, in the center of the room. He looks to be more than just metal armor. He looks like his body is made of metal. However, he is unpolished and covered in a thick greenish patina. Some of his parts look to have been replaced with wooden ones. Everything about him looks mechanical. A living machine.

It begins to yell down at the party with a strange sythesized voice.

"Ad-falbh an drasta!! Crein nothaist beir mo eudail ... ce aicheadh cia est mo!! CE AICHEADH CIA EST MOOOooo!! " The language is very strange and is only known by a chosen few!! One of you know it well!

(Party's initiative)

Thursday September 26th, 2002 5:14:11 PM

"Val are you oke? What is he saying?" Bart asks.

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20  d20+7=25 d4+2=5
Thursday September 26th, 2002 5:27:31 PM

Appolo is busily investigating the throne, when he hear's Redux yell something about a statue. He looks up and sees the thing come alive and throw Val across the room, then take flight. This greatly angers him and he immediately hurls a dagger at the thing. "Knock that thing down and don't let it complete the spell it's tryin to cast!!" he yells while rushing to Valanthe's side, concern clearly etched across his face. "Valanthe are you all right!? I'm going to tear that piece of tin apart!!" he growls angrily.

Attack 25, Damage 5

Thursday September 26th, 2002 5:38:52 PM

"Ummm....ok....And just how are we going to knock it down?!" Ashira draws her swords again and stares at the creature in amazement and terror.

Thursday September 26th, 2002 7:55:39 PM

Rigging yells "Hold it! No more attacks! We don't know if it is an enemy and we might just been able to negotiate with it. Everyone calm down but be alert."

Rigging spreads his hands and says, "We are here in peace. We mean no harm. Does anyone understand its language?" Rigging looks peaceful but is ready to dive away if needed.

Thursday September 26th, 2002 8:24:30 PM

Backing up, so as not to look directly up at the metal machine, the fighter postion himself defensively. "I can't reach him from here .....
....... anyone know what he is saying" Bulldog awaits an attack from the metal beast.

Rage against the Machine (DM Stephen)  d100=37 d6=2 d100=72 d6=5 d20+20=40 d20+20=24 d20+15=22 d20+10=14 d4+9=10 d4+9=11 d4+9=11
Thursday September 26th, 2002 11:53:07 PM

Appolo's dagger lands into the metal man with a loud CLANG!! The construct looks down at his wound and sees the dent. He begins to wail and shrill as he spins and hovers in place. He shakes his fists and head as if it struggling against himself.

Then suddenly three wood stakes in the shape of daggers are flung at Appolo with lightning speed. (Hit AC 40 crit threat, 24 critical, 22, 14 miss. Damage 10, 11,11 = 32 points) Appolo slumps to the floor. The wooden stake that missed penetrates the stone in the floor, sticking straight up. It didn't shatter or splinter. It sounded like metal.

The metal man then flies down and lands, straddling over Appolo's body. He stoops down to get a closer look at him. His round disk-shaped "eyes" expand and retract like little telescopes. His wings fold back. Anyone nearby can hear cogs and gears turning and cranking within him. A low buzz can also be heard. Sounds like it may be muttering to himself.

(Party's Initiative. Appolo private post your hitpoint total so I can confirm it with my total.)

Friday September 27th, 2002 1:18:46 AM

Appolo goes down in a silent scream as the spears penetrate his back, blood trickling up through his mouth. He mouths the words I LOVE You as falls to the ground in front of Valanthe.

Valanthe  d20+10=28 2d4(2+3)+5=10 d6=6
Friday September 27th, 2002 3:20:59 AM

The anger rises and shatters any willpower Val had remaining [Raged- +4str, +4 con, -2ac]. Her vision turns red and any strategic thought is gone. The only thought she has is smash metal thing. Val speaks the magical word and her crystal scythe becomes bathed in blue energy. She runs forward and swings her scythe at one of the creature's wings.

[hit ac 28 for 16 dmg]

Akerin  d20+5=23
Friday September 27th, 2002 5:40:06 AM

Akerin casts his battlenet over the ferocious adversary. [Ranged touch attack AC 23.] "Have you a soul, man of metal?" He steps back, and pulls out a bag.

Ashira  2d8(8+1)+3=12
Friday September 27th, 2002 11:31:10 AM

"Appolo...NOOOO!!!" Ashira screams as the young man slumps to the floor. Dropping her shortsword, the half-elf pulls a potion out of the pack on her belt, and rushes over to Appolo. Kneeling down, she lets go of her longsword, and maneuvers herself in between the creature and Appolo. Ashira gently opens Appolo's mouth, and tries to pour the potion down his throat (12 hp restored if succesful).

Friday September 27th, 2002 12:20:24 PM

Realizing that nearly no one else recognized what the metal man has said Ari calls out to Val, "HOLD." Moving over to catch the metal man's eyes, Ari shouts in druidic, "we have recently been received by alemi himself here to the temple • the high priest that was last assigned here has asked us to find an item that we could really use • what have we taken that is yours •"

Friday September 27th, 2002 2:43:51 PM

Bart wants to draw his sword but after Ari yells he only takes it half out of his scabbard. He hopes Ari can talk to the man hoping no fight is necessary it is a strong creature cutting statues in half throwing people like branches

Friday September 27th, 2002 9:35:06 PM

As the machine comes to ground, the big fighter seizes his chance to strike the tin man. Lifting his great blade, he rushes to strike this new foe down, but upon hearing his old trusted friend cry out to 'HOLD'. He holds his swing, listening as Ari speaks, awaiting a reply from this metal gearhead.

Machine against the Rage (DM Stephen)  d20+4=24 d20+1=5 d20+16=24 d20+8=28 d20+16=18 d6+9=15 d20+11=31 d20+11=16 d6+9=15 d6+9=14 d20+6=23 d4+9=11 d20+8=21
Friday September 27th, 2002 11:49:33 PM

Valanthe brings the wrath and fury of her most primal nature with the strike of a sizzling blue crystaline scythe raking across the back of the machine. It hits with a clash of sparks and ectoplasmic steam. It rips and tears into the metal with ear-piercing squeaking and moaning. (16 points). The machine turns his head completely around to inspect the damage and then on Val. The green glow in his eyes focus into a sharp beam of light.

Akerin's net is flung over the machine. (Entangled, -2 attack, -4 dex. Are you holding the lead rope? ). The machine spins his head back to the front position. On the machines left forearm is a large wooden spiked shield that looks to have been carved from a hollow log. With his eyes stills focused on Akerin, the machine swings back and pummels Valanthe with a bashing shield attack.

(Machine: -2 net, -2 off-hand. Improved Trip attack, touch attack, hit AC: 24, strength check: 28, nat.20 instant success. Val. AC -2 from rage, Hit AC: 18, 31 crit threat, 16 no crit [lucky]. Damage: 15, 14 =29 points of damage to Valanthe.)

Valanthe is knocked to the floor but she remains conscious after a devestating bludgeoning attack. And the wooden shield felt as hard as metal!

The machine's eyes extend to their maximum length as it looks at Akerin. It takes his last ironwood dagger and sends it flying at the bag in Akerin's hand.

(Machine attacking object. Bag AC: 10+ akerin's dex bonus +3, in hand +4, size mod. tiny +2 =19. Hit AC 23, Damage 11 points of damage. Enough to burst the bag!)

The ironwood dagger plows into the bag and its contents spill out. (The machine thinks it holds something bad! Whatever is in it, make the appropriate saves... be honest. :) I know it's not your laundry!!)

Ashira unselfishly dives down at the feet of the machine, where Appolo lies. She feeds Appolo the potion and he heals (12points). Appolo's eyes open once again. (hero point)

The machine stoops down once again and stares Ashira in the face. He then looks at Appolo, then back to Ashira. It continues to mumble and buzz.

Hearing the words of Ari, the machine's head quickly spins around to face him. He then begins to try and walk toward Ari. If Akerin is holding the lead rope, he will begins to strain against the pull of the machine. (Str. check 21. Akerin make an Opposed Strength check DC 21. If you fail, Akerin gets pulled along unless you let go.)

Facing Ari the machine excitedly yells in druidic, "you understand... understand ... alemi sent you to steal from calendrus what he stole from alemi and you steal from me • calendrus steals from me •" "Aaaagghhhh!!" the machine screams with a tortured shriek. (back to druidic) "calendrus keeps me from my love • makes me kill • you make me kill • death is my work and pain is my wage • atone me ... ATONE ME • i can not stop •"

(Party's initiative)

Akerin  d20+3=23 d20+2=11
Saturday September 28th, 2002 3:08:09 AM

The tanglefoot bag bursts in Akerin's hand as the ironwood dagger finds its mark, splashing its quick-hardening goo up and down along his whole left side.

Due to the nature of the machine man's attack upon the four-pound bag, Akerin is not held fast to the floor (Reflex save 23 (nat 20)), but finds that the tough and resilient substance hinders his range of movement (-2 penalty to attack rolls and a -4 penalty to effective dexterity).

The construct is too strong for Akerin to control by means of the net (opposed strength check 11), so he elects to let go the rope. Hearing Alemi's name twice, and the word 'calendrus' thrice, the cleric decides that communication is important. He invokes the divine ability to speak and understand languages (comprehend languages), and asks in druidic, "Why do you rage so? Do you not trust in Alemi?" Then in common he adds, "Ari, what has he said?"
[OOC: 'Be honest'? Okay, orginally it was his laundry.]

Saturday September 28th, 2002 11:11:05 PM

Talon is scared by the construct and dives into Redux' robes. Redux is shocked by the display of force by the golem. Sure, Appolo was impetuous, but not enough to be staked to the floor (webbed, maybe, but not staked). He re-thinks his statement about 'getting' the statue, it is more than capable of defense, but doesn't seem to be offensive; that's good. The initial words from the golem were so demanding; he wonder's what their meaning is and hopes that Ari can give them some clues. He's well aware that he'd never survive a counter attack by that thing.

Saturday September 28th, 2002 11:29:24 PM

Rigging sees Val coming and tries to get in her way. He will only parry if she attacks, and he will say to her, "Val calm down! Ari can talk to it. Help Apollo. Apollo needs you Val." With a quick look to Ari, the young mage adds, "Ari this is your show. Reason with it. We don't want to fight it."

Appolo HP:8  d20+2=9
Sunday September 29th, 2002 6:09:44 PM

Appolo comes to and looks up seeing Ashira says, "Thank you. How are we doing?" He then sits up and looks around. He sees the Machine still standing and Valanthe down. He finds this utterly infuriating -- and to make things worse, Ari and Akerin are trying to talk to it. "What are you guys doing?? Curse ARGH Foul!!" Appolo is furious as he staggers to his feet and walks over to check on Valanthe. He kneels down next to her. "Are you all right?" He then picks her up, or tries to, yet finds that in his present condition, he can't. All the time he keeps an eye on the piece of flying scrap metal, planning its demise. Not being able to pick her up he will drag her out of the way.

Sunday September 29th, 2002 10:49:17 PM

The half-elf smiles as Appolo makes it to his feet. Moving out of his way, Ashira says. "I'm not sure Appolo...I don't trust that thing, but it looks like it doesn't want to hurt us. The only time it has attacked is when we attacked first. We can't hope to win against it. If Ari and Akerin can find a peaceful way to resolve this, we should let them, because, I, for one don't want to die at that thing's hands."

Redux  d20+4=5 d20+4=22
Sunday September 29th, 2002 11:34:22 PM

Redux sends Talon to a safe, high corner of the room and casts invisibility on himself. He then continues to search for some other way out of the room (preferably down). (ooc search=5, hero point, search=22)

Valanthe  d20+10=29 d20+4=21 2d4(2+4)+5=11 d6=2
Monday September 30th, 2002 12:02:31 AM

The pain from the blow gets masked from the massive amounts of anger. Val pushes past those in front of her and attacks the creature again. [str check 21] She brings her glowing scythe in an upward slash [hit ac 29 for 13 dmg].

OCC: 1 away from a crit, darn

(DM Stephen - wouldn't have mattered, constructs are immune to critical hits.) :)

Monday September 30th, 2002 11:30:46 AM

Glancing at Akerin Ari says in druidic so that the machine can follow, "It seems the old Emperor has made this machine man kill against his will * He may be protecting the treasure hoard of the Emperor * He asks that he be atoned and he wants to be with his love."

Responding to the machine Ari states in druidic, "Calendrus has been dead for many years * and his palace has been abandoned for the same amount of years * Father Farkus, a spirit now, has tasked us with finding the Fayette bottle * I mean you no harm and ask in Alemi's name how we can help you escape this torture that you endure."

When Val continues her attack Ari apologetically says to the machine man, "My companion has lost all sense of reason. Can you just hold her while we talk? I don't wish either of you to be harmed."

Monday September 30th, 2002 1:43:56 PM

Bart doesn't know what to do. Shall he attack the construct, or must he wait to see if Ari and Akerin can bring the thing to its senses? Anyway, he has his sword ready to attack.

Monday September 30th, 2002 2:16:40 PM

After Valanthe pushes him to the ground and shoves her way past Rigging atacking the machine. Appolo regroups but is unable to rise, as he listens to Ari and watches the others. He then decides to direct traffic from the floor. In a harsh, cold and loud voice he says, "Ari, tell that thing to fly away, if does so we will help it!! Cough agh Redux -- web Valanthe, it's for her own good. Akerin -- as soon as she is webbed and has calmed somewhat, heal her, she'll need it. cough cough. If the web doesn't work, Bart -- you and Rigging, perhaps Ashira -- tackle her and restrain her!!" It is obvious that he is still quite injured and is exerting himself greatly.

Monday September 30th, 2002 9:58:28 PM

As Val pushes past him he is amazed at the young elf's strength. He thinks to himself, "Wow this girl has been eating right." On hearing Appolo's suggestions on the web, he concurs and adds his voice, "Redux, Web Val. We need to slow her down!"

Akerin  2d8(6+4)+5=15
Tuesday October 1st, 2002 12:36:59 AM

In common he says to all, though he looks directly at Valanthe, "FOREBEAR, ALL! He asks for help. Our attacks compel his response." Then, switching to druidic, he asks, "What is the need for, and what are the means to your atonement? If this one lays off her attack," and he nods toward Valanthe, "I give her a potion of healing."

If Valanthe backs off from attacking the construct, Akerin offers her a vial [cure moderate wounds, 2d8+5, 15 hp healing]. "This will address some of your wounds, Valanthe."

Deny your Maker (DM Stephen)  d100=51 d6=2 d20+16=31 d20+11=24 d6+9=11 d6+9=15 d20+6=20 d20+20=38 d100=85 d6=1
Tuesday October 1st, 2002 1:38:28 AM

"CLANNNGG ...SCREEEECHH!!" rings in everyone's ears from Valanthe's scythe as it slices into the machine. Sparks of psionic energies fly all about (damage 13 points). A repeating squeaking noise can be heard now from the machine.

Suddenly the machine's attention is drawn away from Ari and Akerin. His head once again turns completely around to face the barbarian. While the machine's body is still facing the other way, the torso swings around and slams the spiked shield once again into the raged warrior. After the first follow through, it swings back the other way for another.
(Machine: net -2, off-hand -2. Hit AC: 31, 24, both hit. Damage: 11, 15 = 26.)

Valanthe stumbles from the bludgeoning attack. She can feel that she is dying. The only reason she is still up is because of pure adrenaline. (if you calm down from rage, you will collapse unconscious.)

Suddenly the machine's left extends several feet from the arm and reaches out to grab the barbarian. (Grapple touch attack: hit AC 20, grapple check 38. Val needs to make an Opposed Grapple check DC 38. Val roll d20+8, that is your grapple check. You need a natural 20 to break the hold.)

The machine lifts Valanthe up off the ground and holds her strangling in the air. From its right forearm, "SHRREECKKK!!" extends a wickedly curved serrated blade, much like a scimitar. The machine then holds the blade up to her throat.

In druidic yells the machine, "you make me kill • you kill my treasure .... for a bottle • AUUUUGHHH!!!!!" For all who look on in horror, you can see that the machine strains against the death blow. The arm rattles and shakes as the blade gets ever closer to Valanthe's throat.

Redux can see no other exits other than the ones he has already seen.

The wolf that remained quiet suddenly barks with a wagging tail. The machine head spins around to face the wolf who is across the room. Strange sounds come from the machine and the wolf responds favorably and prances over with tail in wag. The wolf grunts and wimpers and then the machine turns his eyes on Ashira and back again to the wolf.

The machine then hears the words of Akerin. Turning its head back around, calmer and more in control it says, "i want atonement for existing • for being a walking abomination • i am a curse • a deep scar • i was denied my death and reincarnation • i want to die, but you can't kill me • i can't let you•" Suddenly the machine's grip loosens and Valanthe drops to the floor.

(Party's Initiative)

Akerin  2d8(7+8)+5=20
Tuesday October 1st, 2002 4:56:37 AM

"He wants atonement for existing, considers himself a cursed abomination, was denied death and reincarnation, wants to die, yet must resist us should we try to kill him," Akerin says simply to the rest of the party. As he talks he walks to Valanthe, taking no offensive action against the machine, and pours his potion of cure moderate wounds (15 hp, see previous post) down Valanthe's throat. If she will not stand still for him to do this, he instead splashes it on her open wounds. "I told them what you ask," he tells the machine. "Thank you for your mercy. What is your name?" he asks, then prepares next to cast cure moderate wounds (20 hp) on Valanthe. He expects Ari to fill the rest of the party in with the rest of the details. And wonders if Ashira understands the exchange between the wolf and the metal man. He is too busy.

Valanthe  d20+8=14
Tuesday October 1st, 2002 1:58:01 PM

As strong as she is, the machine is that much stronger. She pulls on the hand to no effect. The adrenaline coursing through her system begins to fade. Val can feel the darkness approaching. Suddenly she falls to the floor. Unable to rise she rolls onto her back and closes her eyes. Just when she thought it was all over, a liquid forced its way down her throat. Strength flowed, pushing the darkness away. Her eyes open as Akerin casts his spell. "Thank you." she mutters. She pushes herself into a sitting position. "What just happened?" As she sits there her head begins to clear. Her hand touches her tender cheek and she winces in pain. "Now I remember, wooden shield that feels like steel, bouncing off the side of my head. If the machine wants to die I might have a way to do it. It's clear that he was mortal once and his mind was put into the machine. I might be able to overload his neural pathways rendering him immobile for a moment or two. I think I have enough strength to do that twice. It's risky because we don't know if the machine will continue to act. The only other thing I can think of is to drop part of the ceiling on this thing."

Tuesday October 1st, 2002 6:35:30 PM

"Akerin -- can't you undo his curse?" Bart asks. "By the way, if you need healing potions, I still have some."

Tuesday October 1st, 2002 8:17:10 PM

Appolo watches the thing nearly kill Valanthe and then drop her. He staggers quickly to his feet then rushes to her side as Akerin heals her. When she opens her eyes and speaks, Appolo is greatly relieved and drops to his knees. He then starts hugging her. "I'm so glad you're alive. Don't worry about that thing, I have plans for it."

Tuesday October 1st, 2002 8:40:02 PM

Stepping back from the Tin Man as an explanation of its purpose is translated by the druids, Bulldog sheathes his great weapon. Feeling a bit out of place, he watches those about him comfort each other.

Bulldog speaks up after some continue to look for forceful ways to deal with the abomination. "Fighting isn't the answer to the tin man. That's his strength. I think the druids should find out more of this curse, so we could find a loop hole in or a way to end it. He is more than able to fight, but he wants much more to solve the puzzle of his freedom."

Tuesday October 1st, 2002 8:44:50 PM

Rigging takes everything in and says to Appolo, "Appolo help Val to the wall and see to her." In a stern voice he will say, "No one will attack again. We can not afford to provoke our metal friend again."

Rigging notices the action of the wolf and says to Ashira, "What is that about?" He calls out to Ari, "Ask your new friend about his relationship with the wolf, who was also protecting the palace and maybe the wolf's master. Do they know each other?"

Redux (Invisible) 
Tuesday October 1st, 2002 11:33:13 PM

Redux calls out to the group to ask the machine if it will allow them to search without being attacked. He then goes over to the throne and sits down. Using his empathetic link with Talon, he asks his friend to try to communicate with the golem, just to try to figure out how much communication they are able to have with this created thing, "Do you understand any of what this metal man has said, especially to the wolf?"

Tuesday October 1st, 2002 11:44:27 PM

Ashira watches on with horror as the machine almost murders Val. Feeling helpless, the warrior sighs with relief as Val regains consciousness, but is filled with dread and anger. Thoughts flood her mind. Perhaps we are destined to fail on our quest. That abomination is more than just a worthy opponent, it's nigh on undefeatable. Perhaps if we all attacked it at once, we might have a chance of destroying it, but at very high cost. The half-elf watches the exchange between the Tin man and the wolf with curiosity. Then, it is almost as if a light goes off in her head. "Oh shades! That thing has the soul of a wolf. Ari, ask him if he and the wolf are pack mates. And ask him who his love is." Ashira stoops over and retrieves her long and short swords, wanting to be useful in case they do decide to dispatch the creature.

Andruid4.0 (DM Stephen)  d100=21 d20+13=23 d20+22=27 d6+11=14
Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 1:16:48 AM

Hearing the words of Akerin, the machine answers in druidic. "i am called andruid 4 • but i was once called • dain the tracker of clan eales." Just like before when in the form of a statue, his shape begins to change. Now standing before you is the visage of a man in druid robes. He looks upon you all with such painful sorrow frozen in his face. "i was once a druid of the land. i was to plead with the emperor to stop claiming so much land for his personal use • calandrus carved and molded the land for his own need • caring little for the wildlife and people who lived there • he had me slain with a dagger that stole my soul • he then placed me in.....AAAUGGHHHHHH!!"

(Fits of Rage: rolled 21%, threat, Will save DC 20. Rolled 23 [lucky] no rage)

The machine grabs at his head and whails in tortured agony. He quickly reverts back to the machine. He begins to rip and tear at the net with his sword and his might. (damage 14 points) The net gets torn to shreds. "AAAUUGGGHH...• HE ... HE PUT ME IN THIS METAL SHELL •... HE IMPRISIONED MEE ... HE STOLE MY LIFE • HE DENIED ME MY DEATH AND REBIRTH • I AM FOREVER SEVERED FROM MY LOVE ... MY TREASURE •"

Only with pure force of will power can he put a strangle hold on his madness and rage. "his cruelty had no limits • with dark magics, he forced upon me to do his bidding • i became his enforcer to patrol the land i so desperately tried to save • i hunted poachers and drove my own people from our homes • (sobbing) i could do nothing to stop myself •"

The wolf sits down next to the andruid. While the wolf affectionate leans against the construct, he reaches down and gently pets the wolf. The andruid mutters, "my treasure •"

Akerin heals Valanthe for 35 points. (Val now has 32 hit points)

When Redux sits down on the throne, he grabs the attention of the Andruid. Even though Redux is invisible, the Andruid says (in druidic) "are you the new emperor •"

(party's initiative)

Talon (dm stephen) 
Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 2:02:20 AM

Talon wings it over to a statue near the andruid. He lands on the head. Talon studies the machine with caution. His head bobbs up and down and side to side. The andruid turns his head toward the familiar and says in the native language of the owl. (In owl) "hello little one • what is your name • are you their friend •"

Talon's eyes widen with surprise. He doesn't remember the last time someone other than owls speaking owl!!!! Talon says, "um ... my name is Talon. Yes, these are my friends!!" Looking left and right, he tries to figure out what else to say ... "There are lots of tasty mice around here, isn't there!!"

(Ken, you may post for Talon if you wish. You may ask questions now. 50 exp.)

Akerin, serving as interpreter  d20=13 d8+3=10
Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 2:10:36 AM

As Andruid 4/Dain tells of his nomenclature, and gives his name, Akerin tells him, 'I shall interpret for my friends. I am Akerin.' He then says, in the common tongue, "He says he is called Andruid four, but once was Dain the tracker of Clan Eales." As Andruid changes his form, he moves to simultaneous interpretation. "I was once a druid of the land. I was to plead with the emperor to stop claiming so much land for his personal use. Calandrus carved and molded the land for his own need, caring little for the wildlife and people who lived there. He had me slain with a dagger that stole my soul. He then placed me in..."

Akerin signals his friends with his hands, perhaps unnecessarily, to step back as the machine man shouts in agony of soul. He fits his interpretation in the pauses the druid takes. "He... put me in this metal shell, imprisoned me, stole my life. He denied me my death and rebirth. I am forever severed me from my love. My treasure."

As the machine pauses, Akerin catches up fully. "Bart - give her one of your potions." As he says 'potions,' Andruid resumes.

"Uh, no limits - cruelty had no limits. With dark magics, he forced upon me to do his bidding. I became his enforcer to patrol the land I so desperately tried to save. I hunted poachers and drove my own people from our homes... I could do nothing to stop myself."

As Dain sits down, and pets the wolf, Akerin looks around at his new companions, gauging their responses. 'Healing,' he says in druidic, then tosses a potion of cure light wounds to Appolo. "Drink it." [Cures 10 hp.]

"'My treasure,' he says again." Then the healer looks in the direction of Dain's glance, and repeats the question in common. "Are you the new emperor?"

Seeing no one on the throne, he looks around, puzzled. [Spot, DC 16]

Inwardly he prays, 'Alemi, grant your healing and release to the soul of this man, Dain, and grant us your grace to serve as instruments of your will.'

Then, as he speaks to the owl, Akerin smiles. "He asks after the owl. Talon likes mice."

He waits a moment for the owlish conversation to conclude, then asks, 'Andruid, or Dain -- these other statues. Can you tell us of them?'

Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 9:18:45 AM

Pulling out the dagger that Ari had been studying earlier, Ari asks, "Was it you that dropped this dagger amongst our group? Does this dagger mean anything specifically?"

ooc sorry for missing post. I thought I had posted yesterday.

Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 2:49:38 PM

Seeing Appolo's dagger in Ari's hands, and recalling the words of Dain, Akerin adds, 'The wolves are your treasure. The birds and the beasts are your treasure. The plants and trees are your treasure. And Calendrus' curse has separated you from your treasure. Is this not so?' Akerin asks.

Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 6:03:17 PM

Bart keeps an eye on the druid but also looks around in the room. He checks Apollo and Val to see if they are all right. "Do you need an healing potion?" he asks the both of them.

Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 10:25:39 PM

Rigging relaxes a little as the big metal man seems to relax. "Akerin, please translate for me." Rigging faces the metal monster ands says, "Dain...for that is your true name, not a title an evil emperor long dead gave you. We wish to help you. You have been standing guard over a deserted city for thousands of years. The Gods punished the emperor for his arrogance and evil long ago. We have only recently rediscovered the city. We are still battling the evil your emperor promoted. He is a cult god named Ga'al who enslaves his worshippers and has no respect for life or free will.

"We are on a mission to find the Faybelle Bottle which is reputed to be locked in the old emperor's treasure vault. This bottle will allow us to carry the blessing of Alemi to the people. It can destroy the heartseed. The heartseeds are implanted into all teenagers when they reach adolescence. It takes away their free will and makes them slaves to Ga'al."

Rigging opens his arms wide and asks, "Dain can you help us? Do you know where the vault is? The dagger that enslaved you might be there as well, and we can free you from your unjust imprisonment. I grieve for you this injustice. I understand it. Ga'al imprisons all of our people in the same way."

Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 11:44:48 PM

Redux ponders a moment on his new ability to speak with this, this...tortured soul. It's easy to feel pity towards him. The former emperor was, indeed, a cruel and evil man. Answering for himself and prompting Talon to relay the message (ooc unless Andruid understands directly, then so much the better), he begins, "I am Alreduxar of Aisildur. Yes, I am the emperor, newly reborn in this land by the healing waters of Alemi from a fountain on the far side of the city. Gone are the days of Calendrus; undoubtedly you witnessed his destruction. My General, Rigging, has called down the fighters; you will not be attacked again. He has told you what we seek and why. Will you stand down, also? Will you aid in our search?"

Wednesday October 2nd, 2002 11:50:56 PM

The half-elf's jaw drops as Dain tells his story. "Calendrus, you spawn of Ga'al!" she mutters to herself. Feeling out of her element, Ashira backs up to where Val and Appolo are....making sure they are well, asking if they need further healing, and most importantly, making sure that they are able to fight the machine if it becomes necessary.

Akerin interprets more 
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 12:37:54 AM

Akerin interprets faithfully for Rigging. But on the phrase, "and we can free you from your unjust imprisonment," he tells Rigging, "Don't promise what you are not sure of delivering. I shall tell him we will work to free him." He interprets that as, 'and if the means are available to us, we will do what we can this day to effect your freedom from the curse, should the gods allow.'

And rather than "the same way," Akerin renders that 'a similar way'.

Akerin translates Redux' first sentence. But when he calls himself emperor, Akerin tells him, "I shall not translate ... what you claim. If Ari wishes to, that is his decision." Akerin tells Dain, 'I have a problem with some of the interpretation. Give me a moment for clarification, Dain.' Because he indeed has problems with interpreting such.

Thursday October 3rd, 2002 12:47:44 AM

Appolo guides Valanthe back toward the other room - the one with the bar. He gratefully accepts the potions from Bart and Akerin as he heads out of the throne room, drinking one potion and handing the other to Valanthe. "Come into the other room with me and let's get some rest. Then we shall prepare to destroy that thing. We'll need oil, alcohol, and bottles."

When Ashira come over to check on them he says, "I think we'll be okay, but we'll need your help. I have a plan. Why don't you join us?" He then walks into the bar.

Talon (dm stephen)  d20+2=19
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 12:50:35 AM

Talon's eyes widen when Redux mentions being emperor. (Wisdom check 19) Talon then tells Redux, "Nuh uah!! YOU tell him you're emperor." Talons then takes to the air and flies up to a second floor balcony. Talon explains to the Andruid, "i think i smell a rat!!" Talon then steps behind a pillar and peeks out to watch whatever happens.

Tick Tock strikes the Clock (DM Stephen)  d100=2 d6=4 (not good!!)
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 2:08:35 AM

The andruid changes back to a human form, the form he had in life. The man Dain stares back at Ari and answers. "yes, it was I who threw down the dagger • it is one of your friend's daggers • i retrieved it from the side of an injured wolf • my message was meant to be a warning ... it was the first two lines of a poem i wrote:

I watch the land • hastening ills for my prey •
where treasures accumulate and men decay •
emperors may flourish or may fade •
a breath can make them • as a breath has made •
but a bold peasantry • their country's pride •
where once destroyed • can never revive •"

Listening to Akerin's revelations, Dain confirms what the priest says. "yes ... my love is the land • the plants and animals • the living energies of the wold itself • you have no way of knowing how it feels to watch the seasons pass as an outsider • to walk on the soft grass below your feet • to feel the cold, wet rain from a oncoming storm • to taste the fruit that ripens on the vine • to smell the blossums of spring • to pet the silky fur of a newborn wolf pup •" Dain's head bows in sadness. A tear would certainly fall from his eyes if he had tears to shed.

Dain listens to Akerin's "revised" translation of Rigging's speech. Dain puts his hand to his chest, above where his heart should be, and gives a bow. "i more than understand your plight • i will help anyway I can • my function is to look after the surrounding lands, not the palace • i am not warded from this place • so there are no conditions that can prevent me."

Dain listens to the others speak a language that he has long forgotten, even the invisible man's. But he doesn't try to respond. Dain nods to Akerin as he thinks about translating other comments.

"Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick," suddenly begins to echo through the halls. Dain's expression goes from sorrow to very serious!! "ATTENTION ... i am not the only one like me in the area • the palace also has its own guardians • AUTOMATONS • they are mindless ones used for construction and war • they are not strong but they are many • they must have heard us fight • PREPARE FOR BATTLE • THEY ARE UPON US AND WISH TO HARM MY TREASURE!!

The ticking gets louder and louder ... from the east and west. Hundreds of metal feet can be heard clicking against the stone floors.

Dain's expression becomes most fierce. A dazzling transformation begins to take place. The metal of his body looks to become almost liquid in consistency. Dain grows larger and larger. He forms claws, long sharp teeth and fangs and a tail. He now stands up to 8 to 9-ft tall and 15-ft long. A metalic dire tiger now stands before you. The andruid faces the west doorway and crouches down ... ready to pounce!!!

(Party's Initiative)

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 8:26:13 AM

Rigging calls to his family, "Everyone to me! Form a circle. Akerin in the middle. If anyone gets hurt, you can pull them inside and help them. Bart and Bulldog come here." Rigging will chant a few words and flex some muscles. Bart feels himself getting stronger. (cast bullstrength spell +5 on Barts strength for 3 hours) If Rigging has time, he will cast another on Bulldog (+4 strength for 3 hours)

Thursday October 3rd, 2002 8:57:24 AM

Hearing Rigging's order, Ashira sprints back to the others. She takes her place at the right side of Rigging, drawing her swords. "You know, it might be a good idea to have Redux in the center too. As much as I like the guy, he isn't gonna be that useful with that puny little dagger he has. Besides, that way he could cast his spells in safety." Ashira calls to the wolf, hoping that it will choose the safety of her companions, rather than risk death by the constructs.

Appolo 18 HP 
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 11:02:52 AM

Upon hearing what sounds like dozens of creatures coming down the hallway, Appolo quickly closes and bars all the doors except the one leading back to the throne room. He looks in the throne room and sees what everyone is doing and yells, "Close and block the doors. Don't let them in, this ain't going to the family's last stand. And have our new friend there help move those statues around." He then heads for the bar gathering bottles of wine and liquor. Begins emptying them so they're about half full. He then yells, "I need some oil and cloth." He looks around, finds a tapestry and begins cutting it up into strips.

Bart, bullstrength, ac 20  d20+6=17
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 2:18:57 PM

Bart stands near Rigging, he feels himself as strong as a giant. He hands 2 other potions of cure moderate to Akerin, saying, "Use them well my friend." If there is time Bart will help Appolo with blocking some doors (strength check 17).

Thursday October 3rd, 2002 2:55:11 PM

Ari considers Dain's words about the local area and wonders whether Dain will ever be able to go back to doing what he wants to do. I wonder if I should consider helping him out, or taking over for him.

Ari considers Redux's words about being the emperor. It is a good idea about pretending to be the emperor in order to get Dain's help. But considering that this temple is for Alemi, and not Ga'al, there cannot be any deception about what the group is trying to do. Ari decides to not translate anything other than what Akerin has already translated.

When Dain tells the group of the impending danger Ari comes up with some quick questions. Would these automatans be coming to fight, or to investigate? If we were to hide can you send them away? Are there any other passageways that we as a group might be able to use in order to get closer to other friends that might be able to help, or maybe a better place that we could defend ourselves from?

Looking at Akerin, Ari asks, "Should we not make him whole from our own attacks against him?"

Then to his friends Ari states, "I'm asking some quick questions to see if we have any other alternatives."

If there is time Ari will cast shield on himself and then prepare his weapons. If he can get a second spell off prior to anyone entering, Ari wants to use flare on the first body through the door in order to block the doorway with the first enemy, if the group doesn't do anything else.

Valanthe 32hp 
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 4:36:17 PM

If a battle was to come, at least she was able to rest after the first one. Grabbing her scythe she turns to Appolo, "Be careful." Looking down at the crystal weapon and mutters the command word. The psionic energy appears in the center and courses outward coating the scythe. Her strong fingers spin the scythe briefly before snapping it still. She walks back over to the group and up to the front line. If there was going to be a battle, she wanted to be in the front.

Akerin  d8+5=7 d8+5=6 d8+5=6 d8+5=13
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 6:55:27 PM

Akerin, after translating Dain's urgent warnings, does as Rigging commands, coming into the center of the gathering. He twice casts cure light wounds on Valanthe, for 7+13=20 hp healing. He reaches for the two potions from Bart, cocking his head to the side when Bart calls him friend. He smiles and nods acceptance. He answers Ari in druidic, 'My sphere of healing covers flesh, not metal, Ari. Perhaps his changing of shape will effect a measure of self-healing, nevertheless.' He next casts sanctuary on himself - hoping that will allow him some freedom of movement to aid his companions in the midst of combat.

Thursday October 3rd, 2002 7:33:57 PM

The big fighter moves to Rigging, drawing forth his greatsword. "I'll take the point postion," he says as he turns to face the coming army. Drawing the weapon into readiness. "How many did he say where coming?" not asking anyone. Bulldog's adrenaline surges as he waits for battle to begin.

Redux (invisible) 
Thursday October 3rd, 2002 10:51:35 PM

Redux readies himself for the coming onslaught by casting Mage Armor on himself. Next he will cast Mage Hand to ready Chill Touch to be delivered to whatever foe presents itself. "Talon, stay safe. Ashira, don't get separated from the group, I don't want to burn you to burn them."

A Little Scrap!! (DM Stephen)  d20+21=29 2d6(3+6)+9=18 d20+13=21 d20+13=23 d20+13=30 d20+13=24 2d4(2+2)+9=13 2d4(4+3)+9=16 2d4(4+4)+9=17 2d4(4+3)+9=16 d20=6 d20=10 d20=11 d20=4 d20=3 d20=17 d20+13=33 d20+13=26 d20+10=13 d20+10=18 d20+10=23 d20+10=30 2d8(7+4)+10=21 2d8(8+6)+10=24 d8=7 d8=4 d20=7 d20=11 d8=1 d6=6 d6=5 d20=6 d20=8 d20=4 d20=19 d20=10 d20=20 d20=3 d100=36 d20=12
Friday October 4th, 2002 1:42:15 AM

As the party gathers for the oncoming horde of Automatons, the huge metal cat growls a low deep growl in anticipation. Everyone can hear them getting closer. The vibrations of their feet can be felt by all. There is no time to make fire bombs or bar the doors, they are already upon you.

On the west wall ... the double doors ... BAAAMMM CRASH SMASH!!! .. are reduced to splinters. Before you can be seen a dozen or so constructs, two different types. One type of construct (Hammerer) is somewhat egg-shaped and stand about 5-ft tall. It has a large hammer for a right arm and a crab-like claw on the left arm. Its clumsily walks on two legs and is very slow. However, one Hammerer is over 8-ft tall.

The other type of Automaton is a short and squat construct (Pulverizer) that looks much like a lobster. It crawls on 6 legs and has two spiked cone-shaped wedges where claws would normally be. There is a hole were the head should be and it funnels into the body (looks like a cannon from the front).They stand no more than 4-ft tall and move rather fast. Infact, they scurry around the slower and larger Hammerers. All the constructs are covered in glowing runes.

As soon as the constructs break through the doors, the huge metal cat leaps into action. The andruid pounces upon the larger Hammerer and latches on with a vicious bite that rips the tears into the egg-shaped construct (Hit AC 29, 18 dmg). All four claws start to rake and cleave into the constuct (Hit AC 21, 23, 30, 24. Damage: 13, 16, 17, 16 = 62 dmg). The larger Hammerer is shredded to pieces. Parts of it is slung all about in the carnage.

Six Pulverizers charge past the wreckage and turns to fire on the Andruid. Suddenly four of the six halt and the runes stop glowing. The other two continue to attack and they blast the Andruid with a sonic attack. The air ripples with waves of distortion as the blasts, streaming from the pulverizers head, pound into the metal cat. The Andruid recoils from the attack. The stone work on the floor and wall around the blast area becomes riddled with cracks.

Four regular-sized Hammrers slam into the Andruid with their massive hammers. Two hit leaving huge dents in the cat's hide. More automatons can be seen making their way behind the front line. Andruid begins to change back into his "natural contruct" form. Odd ... this time his spiked shield is replaced with a thick quarterstaff accented with sharp thorns covering both ends. He twirls it like a master.

BAMMM!! ... two more pulverizers jump down from the second floor balcony right next to the party. One stops running and goes quiet, but the other continues to attack. Everyone is hit with a cone of sound. Your teeth chatter with vibrations.

(Everyone takes 1 point of damage, lucky!! Everyone make a Fort. save DC 12 or become stunned for 1 round. Being Stunned: you can take no action other than half movement with no Dex to AC. Appolo may still be in the Bar, so he remains unharmed.)

A clumsy Hammerer from the second floor falls through the balcony and lands on the floor 15-ft away. It appears damaged. It too stops functioning!!

From the east doorway (the banquet hall) comes four more Pulverizers and three Hammerers bringing up the rear. (The closest one is 60-ft away.) Three pulverizers and one hammerer stop in their tracks!?

In the bar, a section of the ceiling begins to crumble into little pieces. Then suddenly a pulverizer falls through and lands 10-ft away from Appolo. It continues to advance. It steps on a few paintings in the process.

(Party's Initiative. Put your AC and HP, plus any spell effect that is active in your name line. Will try and have a map by tomorrow night. I hope the combat for this round is clear enough. :)

Appolo 18 HP Ac 20 
Friday October 4th, 2002 11:54:18 AM

Appolo curses, thinking I'm in no condition to be doing this. He then hurls everything he has at the construct including his torch lighting it on fire. Then he makes a break for it, sprinting to join the others. "I think we need an exit,rather quickly!!" He moves and fights defensively, doing his best to stay away from the monsters.

Bart HP 45 AC 20, bull's strenght  d20+4=18 d20+14=26 d20+8=19 d12+12=18 d12+12=24 d10+12=13 d10+12=19
Friday October 4th, 2002 2:55:30 PM

Bart attacks the pulverizer in front of him, he use his sword in both hands and slashes it onto the construct (ac 26/19 for 13+19 dam)
OOC ignore d12 rolls

Valanthe  d20+7=24 d20+8=9
Friday October 4th, 2002 6:44:40 PM

Valanthe takes a step back as the two pulverisers land. The sound washes over her but she expected more from the weak attack [fort save 24]. She slashes at the thing with her scythe but comes up short.

Bulldog - AC 14 - htpts 54  d20=7 d20=6 2d6(4+2)+10=16
Friday October 4th, 2002 8:59:17 PM

Seeing Appolo retreat from the machine, Bulldog moves over and with a mighty swing slices into the metal bug. The fighter growls with satisfaction at the blow. "Next!"

(order of rolls, save +7, to hit +10, dam)

(DM Stephen - Actually your damage bonus to your weapon is +9, not +10. You get +6 for your Strength bonus and holding the weapon with two hands, +1 weapon enhancement, and +2 for Weapon Specialization = +9. So your total damage is 15.)

DM Stephen 
Saturday October 5th, 2002 1:49:30 PM

(Where is everyones posts? )

Here is a map for everything that has happened so far this round.
Click here to view the map.

Here is a picture of the constructs:
Click here to see the Constructs.

Rigging  d4+1=2 d4+1=4
Saturday October 5th, 2002 1:59:24 PM

Rigging decides that his rapier and dagger aren't the best weapons against metal men that chew up rock. He decides to stay with magic for now and launches 2 magic missiles at the Pulvarizer that is 25' due west from him.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=24)  d20+3=4 d20+3=20 5d6(2+4+3+3+5)=17 d20+6=16
Saturday October 5th, 2002 4:01:53 PM

(ooc Redux uses a hero point to re-roll the fort and saves with a 20. ) Redux steps up the dais and sends his (newly learned) fireball above Andruid to the west door before it detonates for 17 pts of damage (should be far enough away from Andruid and still affect those near him plus whatever is down the hall). He then takes a moment to observe the runes (spellcraft check=16) to try to tell what they mean. Pointing out his observation to everyone he adds "... there's more of the slow ones than the fast ones with the sonic attack. Let's spread out a little more so that we all don't take damage from one sonic attack."

Ashira (AC=18, HP=69)  d20+10=12 d20+10=13 d8+4=12
Saturday October 5th, 2002 4:19:39 PM

Ashira is undazed by the sonic attack (Fort=12). Seeing the logic in Redux's idea, Ashira moves forward to engage the pulveriser that Rigging tagged with his magic missiles (Hitting AC 13 for 12 points).

Rigging  d20+4=22
Saturday October 5th, 2002 11:30:47 PM

OCC sorry forgot to make fort check. Made no problem

Ari (-1 hp)  d20+7=21 d4+1=2
Monday October 7th, 2002 3:54:57 AM

Finding the sound more annoying than any real problem, Ari stares in fascination at all the automatons. Ari begins to wonder what it is that animates these creations.

Coming out of his reverie, Ari realizes these are a threat to the family. Thinking quickly, Ari releases a magic missile towards the nearest automaton to the family. (2 points)

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 43)  2d8(2+1)+5=8 d8=2
Monday October 7th, 2002 6:30:00 AM

Akerin unstoppers one of the potions of cure moderate wounds given him by Bart, and steps over to Appolo. "Drink this." Should he do so, he regains 9 hp. [worst rolls possible :-(]

He looks about, alert to opportunities to aid his comrades on this quest.

[OOC: Cool artwork, Stephen!]

(DM Stephen - the map is mine, the art is not :( I scanned it from the MM2)

DM Stephen 
Monday October 7th, 2002 7:48:57 AM

(ooc: I was unable to do Friday's post this weekend. Will have a new post by this evening. happy slayings :)

Akerin's Fort save (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 42)  d20+9=24
Monday October 7th, 2002 1:35:51 PM

Akerin manages to avoid being stunned by the sonic vibrations [Fort save 24].

Appolo 27 hp AC 20 
Monday October 7th, 2002 8:05:53 PM

Appolo accepts the potion from Akerin. "Thanks, I needed that." He then looks around. "Behind the throne there's a doorway leading out. Hurry let's go. Everyone move in that direction."

The Play-By-Play (DM Stephen)  d20+1=3 d20+1=10 d20+1=8 d20=16 d20=8 d20=11 d20=3 d20=17 d20=8 d20=4 d20=2 d20=12 d20=17 d20=9 d20=1 d20=2 d20=8 d20=11 d6=6 d6=1 d6=4 d6=1 d6=6 d6=3 4d20(10+1+18+16)=45 d20=11 6d20(14+7+9+18+3+6)=57 3d20(5+8+9)=22 d20+21=23 d10+14=17 d100=69 d6=5 d20+7=11 d20+7=14 d8=3 d8=5 d20+7=10 d20+7=26 d6+5=8 d20=11 d20=18 d20+10=22 d20+10=14 2d8(2+1)+10=13
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 2:31:28 AM

(Pardon the short post. A combat of this size takes time, and I'm getting tired and want to go to bed!!)

Click here to see the new Map!!

Appolo runs from the Pulverizer that falls through the ceiling. It ceases to function like the others. No chase.

Bart slices into the Pulverizer next to him, chopping it in two. It is destroyed!!

Valanthe misses with her attack, but Bulldog answers with a solid blow and the Pulverizer slumps to the ground (destroyed).

Rigging sends off two magic missiles. They hit straight and true. Sparks fly and smoke begins to flow from its chassis. It is still up but it has stopped functioning like the others (prone). Ashira charges over and gets an automatic hit and finishes it off (destroyed).

Everyone hears the hummm of arcane words in draconic from Redux. Then suddenly .... BOOM!!!! A fireball erupts against the west wall. Three Pulverizers instantly burst into thousands of pieces. Four Hammerers are heavily damaged. One is not active, one stands its ground and the other two limp from the blast area. Outside the doors, three more Pulverizers also explode!! (Well done)

Andruid, now back to his true construct form, casts a spell and his quarterstaff starts to glow with a strange erie green glow. He then strikes the damaged Hammerer and finishes him off.

Ari sends a magic missile at the closest automaton (J4). Does little to damage him. The fall from the second floor, last round, did more to him.

Akerin casts a spell and gives Appolo a potion.

Automatons' turn...

Two damaged Hammerers surround Andruid and attack. One hits Andruid and knocks him back a step with moderate damage.

Two Pulverizers close on Ashira and they attack with four spinning spiked wedges. One wedge connects for 8 points of damage.

On the east side, some automatons cease to function, while others come back to life and advance on the party. Two Pulverizers close and hit the party with two sonic attacks. (Everyone takes 8 points, except Ashira and Appolo. Everyone in the sonic attack must make a Fort. Save DC 12 twice or be stunned for one round for each failure.)

A Hammerer hustles over to Bart. It raises its massive hammer preparing to attack (It was a double move to get him there, can't attack. Next round, guess what happens!!). More Hammerers enter from the East room.

(Damaged automatons are located in squares: C8, E6, E8 and J4. Party's Initiative)

Valanthe; AC 19; 41hp  d20+7=14
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 9:18:45 AM

[fort save 14]

Valanthe looks around and notices that things are too crowded. Either there aren't any automatons or there are too many. She runs over and flanks a pulverizer that's focused on Ashira [H9].

OCC: Valanthe's and Ashira's invisibility rings are linked. Could Val activate hers and affect Ashira's as well? I know it wouldn't last but maybe it will help for a moment.

(DM Stephen - If you don't activate the ring, you can still attack after your movement!! If you flank, you receive a +2 to hit.)

Ashira (AC=18, HP=60)  d20+8=18 d20+3=7 d20+7=17 d8+4=9 d8+3=11
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 10:28:34 AM

Looking up at the dais, Ashira nods her thanks to Redux. She smiles as Valanthe moves into flanking position. Ashira winks at Valanthe. "Ready to have some fun?" Whirling her swords, Ashira aims three blows at the Pulverizer in H8.

OOC (AC=18 for 9, AC=17 for 11. Val's ring will not be able to activate Ashira's. Only two rings can be activated at any one point in time.... So if Val and Ashira were invisible, and then Appolo activated his, then either Val or Ashira would become visible)

Bart HP 37 AC 20, bull's strength  d20+4=23 d20+4=19 d20+14=30 d20+8=19 d10+12=21 d10+12=19
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 1:55:35 PM

Bart ignores the pulverizer (save 23/19) and slashes into the hammerer in front of him (hit ac 30/19 for 21+19 dam).

Ari (-9 hps, 12 AC)  d20+7=17 d20+7=18 d20+5=6
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 3:13:17 PM

Letting the sound wash over him Ari decides it's time to fight back with the autamatons. Ari moves (to 8N) and then attacks with the Holy Scimitar. (are these considered evil?) Having never swung with this sword before, Ari is unused to its lightness and misses badly.

(DM Stephen - Not evil, sorry.)

Appolo 27 ac 20  d20+7=17 d20+7=14 d8=7
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 4:31:41 PM

Appolo sprints up the dais the throne is sitting on using the throne as a shield, he fires his bow at the nearest Hammerer {J4} and ducks behind the throne. "People we need to be going!! Their numbers are just going to continue to grow!!"

17 to hit 8 to damage. Please ignore extra d20 roll.

Rigging  d20+6=26 d20+6=20 d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 4:52:11 PM

Rigging winces at the sound but shrugs it off. He launches two more missiles at one of the pulverizers surrounding Ashira. He will try to engage the one she isn't to slow it down.

After his attack, "Everyone spread out! Appolo we might as well fight these now. They will chase us around later if we don't and I don't want to leave our new "friend alone. Not sociable to abandon your friends and I don't want him angry with us."

OOC first two rolls for fortitude check and second was damage of missile spell.

Bulldog (hp 54 ac 14)  d20+10=25 2d6(3+1)+10=14
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 7:54:10 PM

Grinning from his last strike, the big fighter strikes s hard blow upon the nearest metal bug 'squish' (25 to hit, 14 dam). "like squashing bugs in the fields of home." spinning to face the another opponent "next"

Tuesday October 8th, 2002 8:19:52 PM

Appolo is infuriated by the whole situation and the withering look he gives Rigging shows. He begins to mutter and curse. "I thought we came here looking for a stupid bottle -- not to fight walking trash cans!!"

Round Three (DM Stephen)  d20=17 d20=18 d20=8 d20=18 d20=12 d20=13 d20=4 d20=15 d20=20 d20=18 d20=13 d20=3 d20=16 d20=3 d20=19 d20=20 d20=18 d20=20 d20=6 d20=4 d20=3 d20=4 d20=7 d100=63 d20=18 d20=4 d20=15 d20=1 d20=11 d20=7 d20=1 d20=2 d20+19=22 d20+19=29 d20+14=27 d20+9=11 d10+10=18 d10+10=13 d10+10=19 d10+10=19 d20+10=29 2d8(2+8)+10=20 d20+7=9 d20+7=20 d6+5=11 d20+7=21 d20+7=20 d6+5=6 d6+5=11
Tuesday October 8th, 2002 11:11:47 PM

The andruid, with his green glowing quarterstaff, opens a can on the three surrounding Hammerers. One terrifying blow after another, the quarterstaff slams into the constructs. After his attack is over, three Hammerers fall over onto the floor adding to the already large pile of scrap metal. "calendrus ..... calendrus • did you feel that • DID YOU FEEL THAT!! •" His tone is almost gleeful mixed with rage.

The pulverizer in front of Ashira goes still. What luck! (real lucky) She slices into it with two mighty blows, destroying it. As Ashira carves up the construct, Valanthe moves into a flanking position. Then she starts messing with her rings.

Bart also lucks out. The Hammerer that has its hammer up and ready to bludgeon Bart's head in suddenly stops too. His runes stop glowing. Bart makes the best of the situation by slicing this one in two as well (destroyed).

Ari moves it to strike at the fallen construct. Bart must have used up Ari's luck too, because he missed the pile of junk that lay still on the floor. (natural 1... unforgivable) Ari can sense the holy scimitar sighing in embarrassment!! But then the scimitar lovingly begins to send feelings of encouragement (like a pep talk).

Rigging sends two more magic missiles at a pulverizer near Ashira for moderate damage. However, Ashira's luck continues, this construct also stops working but remains standing.

Appolo speeds back behind the throne for a better tactical positon. He sends an arrow into the prone Hammerer doing damage.

Bulldog chuckles with satisfaction from his last kill. He promptly kicks the wreckage over and stomps over to a pulverizer nearby. He smashes into it, almost running it through. However, with sparks flying and smoke spitting out of its wounds it continues to stand and fight. Barely!!

Redux (who I repositioned behind the throne. I forgot to do it in my last post) contemplates his next move. So does Akerin. His Sanctuary spell seems to be working. (BTW, what is the save throw DC for that spell. Just want to make sure I'm correct.)
Constructs turn...

A damaged Hammerer limps over to Andruid and slams him with a powerful attack. Andruid is also beginning to show heavy damage. His metal skin is beginning to whine and grind with every movement.

Several contrusts stop while others stay non-functioning. However, some instantly come back to life.

The pulverizer that was chasing Appolo and stopped, now starts back up again and moves in to attack Valanthe from behind. Two spinning spiked wedges swing into action. (Two slam attacks, hit AC: 9 and 20. One hit for 11 points of damage.)

A Hammerer moves in and closes with Ari. He very menacingly raises his massive hammer ready to strike. (double moved, can't attack this round. Lucky)

The heavily damaged pulverizer that Bulldog attacked fights back with two spiked wedges. (two slam attacks. Hit AC: 21, 20. Both are hits for 16 points of damage.)

Several other contructs become/ remain prone this round: F9, J4, G8, Q9, T7, U9, W9, and X8.

Four more Hammerers enter the fray from the west doorway. They still sizzle from Redux's fireball and remain heavily damaged.

Three Hammerers and two pulverizers enter from the east doorway. However, their movement is hampered by immobile contructs that stand in the doorway.

(Party's Initiative.)

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 34)  d20+9=25 d20+9=19
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 12:57:50 AM

[Post made as DM post in progress.] As Appolo dashes up to far side of the throne, Akerin keeps apace and joins him. He casts endure elements (sonic energy) on him, protecting him for the next 24 hours against sonic energy (5 hp protection per round). [Made both Fort saves - 25 and 19.]

And he asks him, "And what purpose, Appolo, does your anger serve?" He turns to see who else may need his assistance.

DM Stephen with a new map. 
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 1:24:48 AM

Click here to see the Map.

(Kim, consider your turn as counted. You may post again for your next turn. :)

Ashira (AC=18, HP=60)  d20+10=15 d8+4=11
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 10:32:00 AM

Ashira glances over her shoulder at Rigging and winks at him. "Thanks honey, but I think you should concentrate on the things to the east. Val and I will take care of these." Although she doesn't understand why the machines keep turning on and off, Ashira decides to take advantage of their good luck. She brings her sword crashing down on the pulverizer in G8 (AC=15, 11 dam). She then moves over to assist Val. Making sure that she does not provoke an attack of opportunity, she goes around the pulverizer, and moves into a flanking position in H11.

(DM Stephen - After making a full attack action, you can only move a 5-ft step.)

Stephen, this isn't a full attack (a full attack would be three blows). Ashira made only one melee attack, and therefore (as I understand it) is entitled to her full movement.---Janell

(DM Stephen - My bad, I was thinking of your last turn. So many players, so many enemies. I get confused. So you are correct, you get your movement. :)

Valanthe; AC 19; 30hp  d20+8=21 2d4(2+2)+3=7 d6=4
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 10:39:15 AM

Val wonders if the constructs will ever stop. More seem to appear or reactivate at any moment. Growling in frustration Val spins around and slashes the construct in H10 [hit ac 21 for 11 dmg].

Redux-Mage Armor (AC=19, HP=16)  d20+3=7 d20+3=20 3d4(2+2+4)+3=11
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 11:13:51 AM

Redux is stunned for one round and really felt that sonic attack. He shakes it off and sends Magic Missiles to the hammerer at A8 for 11 pts dmg. To Appolo, "Let's slow the ones coming in the door, that will delay the others from getting to us."

Bart HP 37 AC 20, bull's strength  d20+14=18 d20+8=22 d10+12=21 d10+12=18
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 11:33:00 AM

Bart takes a step (5-ft) to the pulverizer in front of him (Q9) and attacks with his sword into the construct (hit ac 18/22 for 21/18 dam) (also a +1 dodge bonus for this opponent).

Ari (-9 hp 12 AC)  d20+5=25 d20+5=6 d6+3=5 d20+1=9
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 12:09:47 PM

Seeing as how a Hammer has volunteered to allow Ari to save face, Ari attacks with his scimitar and dagger combo (crit threat, no extra damage).

Ari grins as the scimitar connects solidly with his target, but quickly loses it as he misses with the dagger.

(DM Stephen - Constructs aren't subject to critical hits. They have no vital organs. :)

no power source? :)

DM Stephen on Constructs 
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 2:33:33 PM

(Constructs, by their creature type description, all share similar traits. One of those traits is having critical hit immunity. Just like Undead and Plants. Constructs also have a whole host of immunities that I will not mention. hee hee!! However they do have weaknesses too. One being destroyed at 0 hitpoints. They are not allowed negative hitpoints. :)

Bulldog hp 38, ac 14  d20+10=11 2d6(3+2)+10=15
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 7:28:44 PM

Totally annoyed that the of bag bolts didn't fall from the first swing. The big man swings again, Missing (assuming an 11 misses, rolled dam just in case 15). Bulldogs screams in frustration. "die, you bag of bolts, die"

Appolo 27 ac 20  d20+7=9
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 8:29:25 PM

Appolo replies to Akerin, "I don't know, but we'll have to discuss it later. You got any offensive spells? If you do take out that trash can at the bottom of the stairs."

He then opens up on it again. Missing. "Redux --
cover Ashira and Valanthe."

Attack 9

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 34)  d8+5=8
Wednesday October 9th, 2002 10:55:50 PM

Akerin touches Redux, performing a cure light wounds on him. "Sorry, Appolo. I'm healing, others will have to attack for the moment."

He steps around Appolo, heading toward the Andruid.

It just hit the fan!! (DM Stephen)  d100=54 d20=5 d20=16 d20=18 d20=14 d20=5 d20=14 d20=1 d20=6 d20=11 d20=13 d20=9 d20=19 d20=2 d20=19 d20=12 d20=19 d20=16 d20=20 d20=15 d20=17 d20=12 d20=10 d20=4 d20=17 d20=16 d20=7 d20+19=27 d20+19=35 d20+14=19 d20+14=19 d10+10=11 d10+10=12 d10+10=14 d10+10=13 d20+10=20 d20+7=15 d20+7=13 d20+10=20 2d8(1+2)+10=13 d20+7=9 d20+7=13 d20+10=25 d20+10=15 2d8(1+1)+10=12 2d8(3+8)+10=21 d20+7=16 d20+7=16 d20+7=20 d20+7=26 d6+5=6 d6+5=9
Thursday October 10th, 2002 1:45:35 AM

Andruid steps forward 5-ft and lets loose another helping of destruction. A pulverizer gets pummeled first then the damaged Hammerers are taken out.

Ashira's defenseless opponent is easily hit and destroyed. She then makes her way around to flank the pulverizer that Valanthe is engaged with. Valanthe strikes back with a vengeance. Bright blue sparks fly as she slices into the pulverizer. It takes all the damage but does not fall. It struggles to stay up.

Redux sees and targets one of the Hammerers that enter the room. The construct was already heavily damaged and his magic missile finishes it off. (destroyed)

Bart steps up and slices another pulverizer in two. (destroyed)

Ari is surprised to see that the Hammerer that charged to attack him just went motionless. Ari slices into the Hammerer with the holy scimitar but still misses with the dagger (another natural 1, gee whiz!!) The Hammerer takes some damage. It doesn't flinch!!

Bulldog swings and misses the heavily damaged pulverizer. He yells in frustration.

Appolo fires another arrow at the fallen Hammerer, who has yet to move since the combat started. Sitting there helpless, the arrow bounces off its metal armor harmlessly. Appolo missed!!!!!

(FYI: If a construct is not active, it is considered Helpless. You get a +4 competence bonus to your MELEE attack, not ranged attack. The helpless foe has their Dex score reduced to 0 and they suffer a -5 to AC. Too bad Constructs are immune to a Coupe de grace too.)

After healing Redux, Akerin starts to make his way to the Andruid.

Constructs' turn ....
All heck just broke loose. The pirates' luck just ran out. Most of the constructs that were inactive, just became very active!! (Dice rolls were in their favor this time).

The lone surviving Hammerer near Andruid steps up and attacks. (Hit AC: 20, miss) The blow from his massive hammer came close but was deflected.

The heavily damaged pulverizer strikes out at Valanthe again with two spinning wedges. (Hit AC: 15, 13. Miss and miss!) Val dodges both attacks.

To Appolo's surprise, the runes on the Hammerer starts to glow and it steps up off the floor. It spins around and swings its hammer. (Hit AC: 20. Hit for 13 points of damage. Could have been a lot worse). Appolo is hit just barely and it nearly knocks his head off. A little bit of hammer goes a long way!!

The pulverizer that is barely hanging together attacks Bulldog with two wedges. (Hit AC: 9, 13. Both miss.) Bulldog defends himself well from its attack, but then it gets really bad, really quick!!! Three Hammerers advance on Bulldog. Two get in their attacks while one succeeds in only getting there. (R6 hits AC 25, hit for 12 points. R5 hit AC 15, hit for 21 points. Total: 33 points of damage.) Bulldog takes both bludgeoning attacks. He doesn't understand why he's still standing!! (Q7 doesnt get an attack this round.)

A Pulverizer scrambles over to Bart and attacks with its spinning wedges. (Hit AC: 16, 16. Both miss.)

Another Pulverizer speeds over to Ari. It can still get off its attacks. (Hit AC: 20, 26. 2 hits for 6 and 9 = 15 points of damage.) Ari reels in pain from the spiked wedges grinding against his body. Thankfully the Hammerer that he attacked is still motionless.

Two Hammerers and a Pulverizer hustle west toward Valanthe and Ashira. (M11, O10, and P10.)

Constructs V10, W9, C7, N9 remain inactive.

One Hammerer enters from the west doorway. A Pulverizer and the last two Hammerers enter from the east. At least I hope they are last!!!

(Party's Initiative)

DM Stephen 
Thursday October 10th, 2002 3:13:24 AM

Here is another Map! This one is scary!!!

Click here.

Bart HP 37 AC 20, bull's strength  d20+14=20 d20+8=10 d10+12=22
Thursday October 10th, 2002 3:37:04 AM

Here we go! they keep going. Bart attacks the pulverizer in front of him, his second attack misses but he does a lot of dammage with his first blow (hit ac 20 for 22) (+1dodge bonus on this construct)

Ashira (AC=18, HP=60)  d20+10=18 d20+5=15 d20+9=29 d8+4=10 d6+2=4
Thursday October 10th, 2002 8:53:21 AM

Ashira sees movement out of the corner of her eye, and spots the incoming creature. "Val, we're about to have company." Ashira unleashes a full attack on the pulverizer, hoping to finish it off. Making good use of her flanking position, Ashira hacks into the machine. (AC 18, Dam=10; AC 15 no hit; AC 29, Dam=4). She watches to see if her blows down the construct. "Val, finish the thing off if I didn't, then move over here. We need to fight back to back so they have a harder time of flanking us."

Rigging hps 43 ac 14  d20+7=23 d20+4=21 d6=1 d4+1=3
Thursday October 10th, 2002 3:02:07 PM

Rigging does a quick inventory of his spells and realizes that they won't work to well here. He pulls out his weapons and scans the room. He decides that Bulldog looks to be the most in need of help and attacks one of the hammerers. Though he scores hits he doesn't feel that a rapier is the best weapon in this situation. "Get away from my friend you big piece of scrap iron!" He winces waiting for the hammer to fall.

OCC Sorry for missing yesterdays post, was in an area so desolate they didn't have any local access numbers for aol. Like you guys but not going to pay $1 a minute to play :-)

(DM Stephen - You need to tell me where you are going and who you are attacking. That is why we have a map. Also, if you move more than 5-ft, you only get one attack. So lets say you moved 20-ft to P6 and attack the Hammerer Q7 and hit for 1 point of damage.)

Ari (hp -24) AC 12  d20=7 d20+1=12
Thursday October 10th, 2002 3:45:03 PM

Visibly staggered by the attack, Ari is unsure how much longer he can stay on his feet.

"I wonder if the magic is finicky about staying on. I wonder whether dispel magic would have any effect."

Not waiting to see how anyone reacts, Ari tries his best to Hammer the hammerer. (hitting AC 12 in both cases (was trying to change to +5 and hit the roll button instead).

Appolo 14 ac 20 
Thursday October 10th, 2002 5:57:37 PM

Appolo cries out in pain as his left arm is broken by the attack and retreats to the other side of the throne. His bow now useles is dropped and he produces his sword."Redux take that thing out before it makes it up the steps." He makes sure he is out of the Hammerer's range. He then takes a look around.
He sees that his family is a bout to be split into and cut of from retreat."Everyone retreat your all about to be encircled, Ashira, Valanthe head toward Akerin,AnDruid get out of there fall back toward Akerin he'll heal you.
Bulldog, Rigging, Ari, Bart fallack toward the throne and form up on each others flanks."
He yells saying a silent prayer that for once they'll listen. He is exhaisted and will fight defensively from now on and retreat if possible.

Bulldog (hp 5 left, ac 14) 
Thursday October 10th, 2002 10:18:50 PM

Staggered from the massive damage, the big fellow steps back. "com'on Riggins...fall back" Very upset and frustrated by the way the battle is going, Bulldog falls into defense mode. He moves to the throne to stand amongst the party.

(DM Stephen - Where on the throne?)

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=24)  3d4(1+4+4)+3=12
Friday October 11th, 2002 12:01:57 AM

Redux feeling stronger after Akerin's healing focuses on a new target. He takes a step to the other side of the throne (better defensively). Uttering some of his more familiar magic, yet again, he sends 3 green glowing Magic Missiles, this time at the construct that just pounded Appolo. He then chides Appolo for backing out of the fight "Get your sword out and help with these things. Your arm isn't hurt that badly. There won't be any safe bottle finding until they're stopped."

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 34)  d8+5=7
Friday October 11th, 2002 1:25:15 AM

'Alemi grant that his healing virtue affect you, Dain,' Akerin says as he moves to touch the Andruid. He realizes that the construct may inadvertently damage him as he combats the robots, but he feels he must at least make the effort. He winces as he hears Appolo behind him cry out in pain, but reaches to touch the metal warrior. [Cure light wounds, 7 hp to Andruid - if it works.]

They're not using Duracell!! (DM Stephen)  d100=1 d100=3 d100=43 d20=1 d20=20 d20=9 d20=12 d20=17 d20=5 d20=10 d20=8 d20=7 d20=13 d20=19 d20=3 d20=10 d20=10 d20=8 d20=8 d20=7 d20+7=18 d6+2=7 d4+2=5 d20+10=23 d20+20=26 d10+10=11 d20+7=25 d6+2=4 d20+10=26 2d8(2+2)+10=14 d20+10=18 2d8(3+3)+10=15
Friday October 11th, 2002 3:11:07 AM

(As I was typing my post, something happened and I lost it all. Except the rolls. Its almost 2:00am and Im very tired so I am going to give you the Cliff Notes version of my post. No dramatics just facts. GRRRR!!)

Click here for the Map!

Bart kills Pulverizer Q8.
Redux kill Hammerer J4.
Ashira kills Pulveriser H10.
Val does nothing.
Ari hits Hammerer twice.
Bulldog retreats to throne.
Rigging moves and hits Hammerer Q7.
Appolo retreats to other side of throne.
Akerin cast cure spell on Andruid. Nothing happens.
Andruid throws Fire Seed acorn. Kills M11, M9, N9, and O10.
Constructs turn.
Hammerer grabs Andruid with claw. Hammer ready to hit.
Pulverizer chases Bulldog. Runs thru Riggings area, attack of opportunity. Rigging kills Pulverizer Q5.
Hammerer Q7 hits Rigging for 14 points.
Hammerer O9 hits Ari for 15 points. Ari falls to the floor bleeding.
The rest of the constructs are inactive.

(Party's Initiative.)

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 34)  2d8(4+2)+5=11
Friday October 11th, 2002 3:25:31 AM

"I'll take that as a 'not this time,'" Akerin says, and scoots off to see how the non-metallic members of the group are doing. Noting Ari's fall, Akerin moves over to him, pulling him back (to M7). He pours one of the potions of cure moderate wounds Bart gave him down Ari's throat, healing 11 points of damage.

Bart HP 37 AC 20, bull's strength  d20+14=31 d20+8=19 d10+12=15 d10+12=14
Friday October 11th, 2002 6:11:43 AM

Bart hears Ari moan, so turns and attacks the Hammerer (O9) before it can do more damage to Ari (hit ac31/19 for 15+19).

Rigging HP 29 AC 14  d20+7=27 d20+4=21 d20+7=15 d6=6 d4+1=2
Friday October 11th, 2002 9:47:40 AM

Rigging yells, "Is that all you got!?" and slashes at the hammerer with rapier and dagger. He stabs the creature right in the glowing ruins and follows up with a weaker dagger strike.

OOC: Not sure if these creatures are vulnerable to critical strikes but rolled the 3rd 20 just in case.

Ashira (AC=18, HP=60)  d20+10=27 d8+4=10
Friday October 11th, 2002 10:59:58 AM

Seeing Ari go down and Akerin come to his aid, Ashira decides to go in for the assist. Barely able to make it to N8, Ashira steps forward and hacks at the hammerer, ripping a big gash in the monster (AC 27 for 10 dam).

Appolo 14 ac 20 
Friday October 11th, 2002 11:03:59 AM

Appolo ignores Redux comment and, "How much magic do you have left?" He looks bad. The effects of the day are really beginning to show. He then steps up next to Bulldog. "Hi Buddy, it's been a long time. Are you ok? Tough day. Well, glad to have you back." He stands with his sword drawn awaiting the enemy. He watches as Ari goes down and Akerin races to his aid. Quickly sheathing his sword, he sprints to help Akerin with Ari, carefully avioding the constructs. He suggests that they carry Ari up to the throne. He will grab both Ari's legs with his free arm and hold them to his body in order to carry them.

Friday October 11th, 2002 6:56:37 PM

With only 3 constructs on the left side of the room, Val runs across the room to intercept the small group of constructs that still stands. [moves to P11]

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=24)  3d4(3+1+4)+3=11
Saturday October 12th, 2002 11:43:58 PM

With a smile to answer Appolo's question he uses his last Magic Missile attack. He targets the Hammerer facing Rigging (Q7). If Rigging's attack finished it off, he will target the Hammerer that took down Ari (O9). Hit for 11pts damage.

Ari (hp -28) AC 12 
Sunday October 13th, 2002 4:47:18 AM

Worried for his family Ari cries out, "Alemi protect our family!" Ari then proceeds to fall in a heap at the monsters feet.

When Ari is giving the healing drought he struggles to consciousness to look up as his friends. Looking a little closer the party notes that Ari is still severely hurt.

[OOC: Todd - could you indicate your current hp total? I see you're down 28, but don't know how many hp you have left. -Kim for Akerin]

DM Stephen 
Sunday October 13th, 2002 10:54:38 PM

(Ari's hitpoint total: -7

Ari's max hitpoints: 32
Damage Oct 4: 1 point
Damage Oct 8: 8 points
Damage Oct 10: 15 points
Damage Oct 11: 15 points
Total damage = 39 points (-7hps)

Akerin heals 11 points with a potion.
Ari now has 4 hitpoints, and he is awake and able to act.)

Lowering the BOOM!! (DM Stephen)  d100=44 d20=14 d20=3 d20=9 d20=15 d20=20 d20=17 d20=5 d20=5 d20=15 d20=13 d20=7 d20=9 d20+15=27 d20+10=18 d20+21=36 d10+16=26 d10+10=14 d10+10=18 2d8(1+1)+10=12 d20+10=16 d20+10=29 2d8(1+2)+10=13 2d8(6+7)+10=23
Monday October 14th, 2002 1:58:19 AM

Click here to see the Map!

Akerin rushes over to give Ari a cure potion. (35-ft, Im assuming your movement is greater than 30-ft. Your movement is not mentioned on your character sheet, but you do have Fast Movement. You need to include your movement on your character sheet. Otherwise with a movement of 30, you can get to Ari but not give him a potion.) Appolo helps drag him away from the Hammerer. After taking the potion, Ari's eyes open after staring death in the face.

Bart slices into the Hammerer that took down Ari. Ashira moves in to assist. They both hack and slash the poor Hammerer to pieces. (destroyed)

Rigging hits a Hammerer (Q7) for moderate damage. With every stab, Rigging can feel the constructs inner-workings grind against his blade.

Valanthe moves across the room to greet any other constructs that wish to play.

Redux sends another volley of magic missiles at the Hammerer attacking Rigging. Sparks fly as they hit. The hammerer looks that it can only take one more hit.

Andruid struggles against the massive claw of the hammerer. With his giant-like strength, Andruid prys open the claw and frees himself. Then with one devestating blow from his glowing quarterstaff, the hammerers head is smashed off its shoulders and is sent flying across the room. It slumps to the floor.
Constructs turn....

Some remain inactive but most of the constructs become and remain active and continue to attack.

Hammerer (D8) closes with Andruid. Its attack misses.

Hammerer (O3) steps around the rubble and closes with Bulldog. Its massive hammer connects with Bulldog. (Hit AC: 18. Damage: 12 points. That is minimum damage it can do. Very luck. Could have been much more!!) Bulldog falls onto the steps and rolls down to the base of the throne. He lies there, motionless and bleeding.

Two Hammerers attack Rigging. (Q6, Q7) The massive hammers pound into Rigging. (Hit AC: 16. Damage 13 points. Hit AC 29. Damage 23 points. Total 36 damage.) Rigging is knocked to the ground. He doesnt get up. He too is motionless and bleeding.

A Hammerer advances on Valanthe and raises his hammer to strike. (It attacks next round.)

The last Hammerer moves in but doesnt close with anyone.

Two pulverizers still remain inactive on the east side of the room. One Hammerer is inactive near the west. But I dont hold too much hope for it this next round.

(Party's Initiative)

Ashira (AC=18, HP=60)  d20+10=26 d8+4=9
Monday October 14th, 2002 10:09:45 AM

The half-elf watches in horror as Rigging is pounded into the ground by the Hammerer. She gently drops her backpack to the ground. Panic edges into her voice as she screams "Appolo, drag Rigging clear and give him a potion. There are some potions in my pack if you need any. Don't worry, I'll cover you once you get him clear. Akerin, take care of Bulldog. Redux, get over here and get the potions out of my backpack. Looks like we're gonna need them." Ashira waits until Appolo drags Rigging out of the way, and then moves into P6 and slices at the bag of bolts with gusto (Hits AC 26, dam=9).

Appolo 14 ac 20 
Monday October 14th, 2002 12:53:41 PM

Appolo watches as Rigging and Bulldog fall."Valanthe get over and help Bulldog."He nods at Ashira heading for her pack her a couple of potionsthen sprints over to Rigging,stuffing the potions in his vest as he does so. He then grabs Rigging buy the coller with his good hand and pulls him back toward the throne. He then proceeds to pour a potion down Riggings throat."Ashira,can we leave now!!
We're in pretty bad shape! I'm hurt Ari's hurt Rigging and Bulldog are barely alive and we're
running out of potions and magic!!"

Bart Hp 37 Ac 20 +1  d20+14=26 d20+8=19 d10+12=22 d10+12=18
Monday October 14th, 2002 2:04:16 PM

Bart attacks the construct in front of him Q7 with his first attack (ac 26 for 19) Bart steps forward, attacks the next construct (r8) with his second attack (ac19 for 18).

(OOC I asume Q7 is dead after the first blow he had already dammage from Rigging)
OOC thanks to his dodge feat bart has an +1 on Ac from attacks from R8

Rigging  d8+3=11
Monday October 14th, 2002 3:44:58 PM

Rigging's world is filled with pain and bruises and he struggles to hold onto conciousness. He feels his body grasped and he tries to help by shuffling his feet, so his supporter won't be dragging dead weight. When he focuses on to Appolo he will say, "Thanks" in a weak voice. He will take the potion of healing and continue. "I am OK. Go help the others. Help Ashira and Val" Rigging will then drink the potion.

OOC Think a regular potion of healing does 1 die 8+3 so Rigging gets another 11 hps giving him 18 total.

(DM Stephen - You had 29 hitpoints before the attack. You took 36 points of damage reducing you to -7 hitpoints. Being cured 11 points puts you at 4 hitpoints. You almost died. You're very lucky!!)

Bulldog hp -7 
Monday October 14th, 2002 9:52:29 PM

Retreating from the blow, Bulldog tries to ward off the attack, but fails. Staggered from the mr metals strike, he falls with a heavy crash. No words escape his lips as darkness comes.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=24)  d20+5=6
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 12:38:40 AM

(ooc Bulldog, say ouch)
Redux attempts to do his best to stop Bulldogs bleeding, almost making it worse. A frustrated scowl crosses the mage's face as says, "Really, I used to be much better. It's like I was dreaming of being dead in the land of the dead or something." Yelling to Akerin, "Hey, try that wand I gave you over here. It's gotta be better than what I just did."

Chop Shop (DM Stephen)  d20=9 d20=15 d20=5 d20=7 d20=20 d20=9 d20=12 d20=2 d20=4 d20+19=30 d20+19=39 d20+14=24 d20+9=22 d10+14=17 d10+14=19 d10+14=22 d10+14=22 d20+10=11 d20+10=17 d20+10=14 d20+10=16 d20+10=23 2d8(6+3)+10=19
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 2:06:35 AM

(Just a note: I can't keep waiting for posts after 11pm and Midnight, central time. It's too hard on me the next day at work. Try and get them in as early as possible.)

Click to view the Map!
Ashira holding back her panic of watching Rigging fall, leaps at the Hammerer and unleashes a holy vengence. The Hammerer takes moderate damage.

Appolo drags Rigging away from the Hammerer before Ashira let loose her fury. The potion Appolo gives Rigging heals 11 points. (Raising Rigging to 4 hit points. Rigging was -7!!)

Redux makes it to Bulldog. Redux fails at attempts to stabilize. Bulldog fights for this life. (Bulldog make a self-stablization check. Roll 1d100, you have a 10% chance to stablize. Go ahead and add your Con modifier to the 10% and roll under that. Con should have a factor in stabilization, in my opinion. In fact, roll it twice. One for the last round.)

Bart continues to kick metalic butt. He strikes the hammerer (Q7) and destroys it. He then kicks a fallen pulverizer out of the way, steps forward and attacks another Hammerer (R8). He hits it for moderate damage.

Andruid easily finishes off the last two damaged Hammerers. With four furious blows from his glowing quarter staff, he reduces the hammerers to piles of busted and broken metal. He then turns to see the others. His wings extend as he prepares for flight.

All others appear frozen in horror from the battle!!
Constructs' turn.

Most constructs stay active this round. Luckily the Hammerer that took down Bulldog powers down. (I'm not being nice, this was the luck of a dice roll!!) The two pulverizers, on the far east wall, still remain motionless. They have been that way the whole battle.

The Hammerer (Q6) swings its hammer at Ashira and misses.

Another Hammerer (R8) tries to strike Bart, but he too misses.

The Hammerer that is attacking Valanthe strikes a bludgeoning blow on her left side. (Hit AC 23, for 19 points of damage. Val is down to 11 hit points.)

(Party's Initiative)

Valanthe: AC 19: HP 11  d20+8=22 2d4(4+1)+3=8 d6=6
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 2:51:54 AM

[OOC: I was unable to post because of work. I'm sure that I would have taken a beating anyway but this make it look a little worse. Oh well $&*# happens.]

Val hurts. More than she has in a long time. She felt something snap in that last blow. Her breath is labored and uneasy. Still the part of Valanthe that is in control puts all that aside. The part of her that has kept her alive in her first and maybe only century of life. The situation was bad and could get worse. Though maybe she could get one or two before...

Her scythe, gripped as tightly as she could, cut through the air and into the construct. [hit AC 22 for 14 dmg]

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 34)  d8+5=12
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 3:31:12 AM

After making sure a moment ago that Ari was brought back to consciousness, the healer next goes to cast a healing spell on the massive fighter, Bulldog. He steps left past Appolo, past the throne and Redux, then comes around to touch the battered body. "Alemi, in thy name." He channels healing warmth from his hands on to the bloodied young man's chest and forehead. [CLW, 12 hp.]

Ashira (AC=18, HP=60)  d20+8=20 d20+3=12 d20+7=20 d8+4=9 d6+2=4
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 10:14:57 AM

Ashira snarls at the Hammerer in front of her. "Look, you stupid bag of bolts, I've got more important things to do. I have lives to save, and a wedding to attend. You almost killed the groom, and I don't like the way you look anyway, so why don't you just do me a favor and DIE!" Waging a full attack, Ashira manages to connect with her first longsword strike and her shortsword, inflicting 13 hp of damage. She shouts over her shoulder to Appolo, "Appolo, we're in no condition to retreat. We'd probably just end up backing ourselves into a corner anyway. Get back in the fight and finish off the machines that aren't moving. We need you out here. Akerin will heal the wounded. Come on Appolo, I need you out here."

Bart HP 37 AC 20, bull's strength  d20+14=24 d20+8=18 d10+12=16 d10+12=17
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 2:19:07 PM

"Retreat? Never! Not now! We are beaten up but we can still sting!" With his first blow Bart hopes he kills the construct in front of him (Ac 24 for 16). He then makes a few steps and hopes to finish of the Hammerer in front of Ashira (Ac 18 for 17). APPOLO GET THE HAMMERER THAT ATTACKED BULLDOG! finish it off!

(OOC: Bart has the mobility feat -- it gives him a +4 on AC from an attack of opportunity from R8 in case it is not dead.)

Bulldog the Bleeding  d100=31 d100=42
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 3:53:56 PM

The mighty fighter fails to stabilize. The bleeding continues.

[OOC: Well, Peer, I think the bleeding stops once Akerin has healed him for 12 points :-) -Kim]

Ari (HP 10 AC 12)  d8+1=6
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 4:19:43 PM

Looking around quickly Ari sees that Andruid has no current target. Seeing the party/family spread out as much as they are, Ari calls out, "No retreat, but the numbers are starting to support us. We should fall back and make a defensible line to defend Bulldog as the others heal him. Should anyone else fall, I can step in while they get healed. They seem to be coming to us, so let's make it tougher for them." When he finishes speaking, Ari then casts CLW on himself.

(ooc stephen if it wasn't clear, I was just trying to reclaim my missed post by saying I did the extra heal. :) )

Noting that Andruid looks severely beat upon, Ari asks (druidic) "Is there any way we can help you healing wise?"

Rigging 4 hps  d20+11=29 d3=1
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 5:53:54 PM

Rigging doesn't know what to do. He looks around and picks up a rock. He heaves it at one of the the alive but immobile ones. It crashes against one but does minimal damage. The young mage has never felt so weak and helpless in his life before.

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=24)  d20+3=19 d3=2
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 6:52:58 PM

Redux is beginning to worry about how long the fight has lasted; everyone is weakening and there's only so much magic left. Not to worry, let's see what this does. He casts Ray of Frost at the Construct at O4. He thinks that it might even freeze up some of the workings of that metal hammer-thingy (ooc: he's thinking on his feet and can't seem to name these things) ( ic: or any other part thereof, ice the floor, etc) or get lucky in some other way. (hit ac=19 for 2pts dmg)

Appolo 14 ac 20  d20+5=22 d8+2=9
Tuesday October 15th, 2002 7:29:56 PM

Appolo sees Valanthe take a hit and immediately puts his remaining healing potion in his pocket, draws his sword and charges the construct she is fighting, running at full speed. He intends to drive his sword into the thing and then using all strength and momentum run it over. After his sword makes contact he slams his good shoulder into its legs with everything he has not even slowing down. {RUN FEAT}

Attack 22 Damage 9 + charge{?}

test  d100=24 d20=1 d12=5 d10=7 d8=2 d6=4 d4=4 d3=3 d2=1 d20=10
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 12:10:21 AM


Rigging and Goliath (DM Stephen)  d20=15 d20=19 d20=1 d20=4 d20=12 d20=10 11d6(2+2+2+2+4+3+1+1+2+2+3)=24 d20+1=11 3d6(4+6+4)=14 d20+10=18 d8=3 d6=3
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 12:32:21 AM

(Thanks everyone for being so prompt.)
Click here to see the Map!

Andruid takes to the air and hovers at 40-ft to survey the battlefield. In his madness and rage, the machine took over and he forgets who he is and everyone else. Then the words of Ari bring him back. The man returns to the helm and he sees an urgent scene. A hammerer (O4) is beginning to advance on some injured party members. Andruid starts to speak the magical words of druidism. The words echo low and deep. Hot white light glows from his metal hands. Suddenly the air around the hammerer starts to shimmer and distort with heat waves. Then BLAM... a column of searing hot holy flame materalizes and engulfs the construct. As soon as the flames disappear, a staggering hammerer remains. The tips of his armor are red hot and glowing. (Flamestrike. 24 points of damage. Reflex save DC 20. Rolled a 11. Failed) It stays up, but barely!!

Redux sends a Ray of Frost at the same Hammerer. Steam billows off the construct as the hot metal suddenly becomes cold and brittle. Pieces of the construct's body begin to fall off, but still it continues to advance toward Rigging.

Rigging panics as the Hammerer slowly limps his direction. It raises its hammer slowly and laboriously to strike. Rigging frantically picks up a rock and throws it. It hits!!! The hammerer stops. It becomes motionless and then falls over. It hits the floor and breaks into dozens of pieces. The head rolls over to Rigging's feet!! (This was by the dice. Andruid did 24, Redux did 2 and Rigging did 1= total 27 hitpoints. Exactly what you needed!!! LOL)

Valanthe hacks into the Hammerer with her scythe. She does moderate damage. Then she hears a familiar yell from one named Appolo. He comes charging across the room after jumping over some fallen wreckage (Appolo's speed is only x3 his normal movement because his path is obstructed). His sword hits and then he follows through with a futile atempt at ramming the construct. Appolo then bounces off the solid ton of very hard metal and rolls across the floor. In extreme PAIN and shock, he curls up in a semi-conscious state on the floor next to a fallen pillar. (Appolo hits the metal construct at x3 his speed, therefore takes 3d6 points of damage. Rolled 14 points of damage. You are at 0 hitpoints. You are considered disabled. You are barely conscious. If you take any action, you lose a hitpoint.) Appolo's body didn't do any damage to the construct, but his sword did. The construct looks heavily damaged now. (Appolo's body blow is considered an unarmed strike, subdual damage only without Improved Unarmed Strike. Constructs are immune to subdual damage!! Noble attempt ... and in character too. 50 exp. Not to mention funny!!!)

Akerin moves over to Bulldog and heals him for 12 points.

Ashira slices into the hammerer in front of her. Doing good damage but not enough to put it down.

Bart finishes off the first Hammerer (R8) and moves into help Ashira. His final strike puts down the second hammerer. (Both destroyed)
Constructs' turn ....

The Hammerer in front of Valanthe swings to strike. (Hit AC 18. Misses) Appolo's body blow does nothing to faze it.

One of the Pulverizers come to life (finally), and lets loose a sonic attack. (Ashira, Bart and Valanthe are in the area of effect. 3 points of damage. Make a Fort. save DC 13 or be stunned for the next round.)

The last Pulverizer remains nonactive.

(Party's Initiative)

Akerin  d20=17 d8+5=11
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 1:40:56 AM

Akerin performs one more CLW on Bulldog, for 11 hp. [Bulldog should be at +15 or 16 now.] [d20 was for saving throw vs sonic attack - which I didn't need to make!]

Akerin moves up onto the dais, to get a better look around, and to see whom else he might assist. [He stands at the intersection of 4&5 and K&L, on the corner of the dais nearest the right arm of the throne.]

He shouts, "Friends - over there!" and points in the direction of Valanthe and the fallen Appolo.

Bart HP 34 AC 20, bull's strength  d20+4=15 d20+8=27 d10+18=23
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 1:49:58 AM

Bart advances to the pulverizer at U8 and attacks it with his mighty bastard sword. All his strength goes in his blow (power attack, hit ac 27 for 23).

Bart HP 34 AC 20, bull's strength 
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 1:54:25 AM

He yells, "FINISH THIS ONE OFF!" as he forwards further to V10 as he keeps an eye on the construct he just attacked (mobility and dodge gives an +5 AC on attack of opportunity from U8).

Valanthe  d20+6=7
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 3:52:03 AM

Val moves to finish off the damaged construct when the sonic attack catches her off guard. [reflex save 7]

(DM Stephen - Sorry...my bad, I meant Fort. Save DC 13, not Reflex!! Go ahead and apply your roll to your Fort save.)

Valanthe  d20+7=26 d20+8=13
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 2:10:12 PM

[Fort Save 26]
Valanthe attacks but the sonic blast startles her and the scythe comes up short.

Wednesday October 16th, 2002 3:20:03 PM

Watching the Andruid, Ari notes the change in expression on his face. He translates for Andruid, "He asks that someone finish off that construct." Ari points at the construct that Bart is leaving.

Rigging  d20+7=17 d3=3
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 4:29:06 PM

Rigging is elated with the effect that his rock had. He sighs when he sees Appolo bounce off the construct. "The boy sure is passionate," he murmurs to himself. He grabs another rock and heaves it at the pulverizer that is active. He nods in satisfaction as the rock smashes into it (AC 17, 3 hp).

Ashira (AC=18, HP=57)  d20+10=12
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 5:49:17 PM

The sonic energy washes over Ashira like a flood, and she stands stock still, stunned.

Bulldog hp 15 ac 14 
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 6:32:39 PM

As Bulldog opens his eyes, he sees Akerin kneeling beside him, the soothing power of a healing spell surging through his body. "Thank you Akerin, just what I needed, Thanks." He then rises, picking up the greatsword in the process.

Appolo  d20+3=15 d20+5=21 d8+2=10
Wednesday October 16th, 2002 8:43:59 PM

Appolo rolls to a stop with groan of pain, reaching gingerly inside his pocket he takes the healing potion and pops the top then drinks it. He lays there for a few seconds regrouping while he lets the potion do its work.

He then sits up and looks around and watches as Valanthe misses the construct she faces. He then staggers to his feet and quickly advances on the the trash can from behind.

Move silently 15, Attack 22, Damage 10 {If sneak att applies x2} Potion of healing Cure Moderate Wounds. Not sure how many hit points that is.

Ashira had two Cure Moderates at 1d8+3 each.---Janell

[OOC: A potion of cure light wounds would do 1d8+3. A potion of cure moderate wounds would generally do 2d8+5. --Kim]

Wednesday October 16th, 2002 10:47:05 PM

"That was cool!" Redux says with a smile. Actually, freezing cold," more matter-of-factly, then adding, "That was it for the magic. Time to fight like the rest of you." He grabs the hilt of his dagger and hustles over to join Appolo & Val against construct at Q11. He'll attack next round.

Last Construct Standing (DM Stephen) 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 2:05:13 AM

(My computer crashed during my post. So I will give a brief summary and give a more detailed post tomorrow night..)
Bart takes out Pulverizer in front of him (U8).
Andruid finishes off the heavily damaged Hammerer in front of Valanthe.

Only one construct is left and it remains still ... motionless, near entrance at the east wall (V10). It hasnt moved since it entered the room. The dust is beginning to clear and it shows no signs of moving.

Party's Initiative.)

Akerin (Sanctuary; AC 19; HP 34) 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 2:53:52 AM

Akerin says in druidic, 'Thank you, Dain. Do you expect any more to come?'

In the common tongue, he suggests, "If someone can remove the runes from that last one, perhaps one among us can examine a less damaged metal warrior. Or not, as you will."

Looking around at his companions, he looks to see how they all fare, and whether all still stand. He will use his healing skills and knowledge of human anatomy in order to effect additional, minor non-magical healing of wounds on each person.

Thursday October 17th, 2002 9:17:53 AM

Rigging slumps back to the ground into a sitting position. "No. Finish off the deactivated one. I don't want any surprises coming to life." Rigging pulls himself to his feet and bows towards Andruid, "Thank you for your help." He slumps back to the ground and asks Ari to translate.

Ari (HP19)  d8+1=3 d8+1=6
Thursday October 17th, 2002 2:24:54 PM

Taking time to heal himself up as best he can Ari quickly casts his remaing cure light wounds.

As people in the group need translation, Ari will help out. He will also assist Akerin as best he can to help out the group.

If there is nothing else, or as Ari gets time, he'll spend some time studying and writing notes about the constructs.

Ashira (AC=18, HP=57) 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 2:37:44 PM

The half-elf comes to her senses. "Bart, take out the last pulverizer." She goes over and retrieves her backpack. "I have a few more potions, but I'd rather not use them unless we absolutely have too. All right, I know we took quite a beating, but we've got to refocus and find that bottle. Time is of the essence. Ari, ask Dain if he knows where Calendrus' treasure room is."

OOC (So then, since Rigging rolled d8+3, should I consider that he took a Cure Light instead of a Cure Moderate? Appolo, I had one other Cure Light, and two Cure Moderates. Which did you use?)

Appolo 14 hp AC 20  d8=1 d8=8
Thursday October 17th, 2002 3:13:08 PM

Appolo staggers over Valanthe to make sue she is ok"Val, how are you?" Clearly concerned about her.Once he confirms thet she is in relatively good condition, he heads over to Rigging.

When Ashira suggests continuing he stares at her dumbfounded"What!! Beating! I personally was at deaths door twice today. Going forward today or tonnorrow is out of the question!!
We used everything we had just to survive this,
there's got to be more traps constructs and assorted creatures guarding this place, this is just opener's!! let's leave while we still can and come back in a couple of days, I'm exhausted." With that being said he collapse in a crumpled heap on the throne. Passing out with exhaustion while coughing up a little blood.

OOC: Appolo used Cure Moderate Wounds. Thank You. CMW 1+8+5=14

Bart HP 34 AC 20, bull's strength  d20+14=30 d20+8=15 d10+12=18 d10+12=20
Thursday October 17th, 2002 4:05:54 PM

Bart smashes his sword into the last construct (hit ac 30/15 for 18+20). "Rheww that was close. I think the most of us needs a rest but I'm still feeling great thanks of the bull strength spell of Rigging. I will take watch as you rest for a while. After that we have to find the bottle. Speaking of the bottle -- Akerin do you think we could heal Andruid with it too?"

Ashira (AC=18, HP=57) 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 4:26:58 PM

Ashira looks at Appolo as he slumps on the ground. "Yes, Appolo, I know you almost died. Almost is the key word though. By the grace of Alemi, we're all still here, and that fountain could dry up at any moment. You can use my remaining potions if you need to. Now let's get moving." Ashira moves to the doors behind the throne and kicks them open.

Kim to Appolo  d8=8
Thursday October 17th, 2002 4:38:15 PM

[OOC: If you roll a 1 on a d8 for a cure spell or potion, you reroll. I just did so for you (subject to Stephen's approval). 8+8+5=21 hp regained (which makes up for the double 2's for the earlier healing). -Kim]

(DM Stephen - Yes, you may reroll 1's when rolling up healing amounts.)

Valanthe; 8hp 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 5:37:54 PM

Valanthe sighs and says to Appolo, "I'm fine just a little pissed off." She walks over and sits down near the others. "That was rough but that had to have been everything they have. I'll keep looking for the bottle if others want to rest."

Rigging hps 4 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 6:29:20 PM

Rigging pushes himself back to his feet. Ashira's words echo in his ears. "fountain drying up." Rigging pulls out his waterskin which he filled at the fountain and drinks some. He is hoping that it will heal him. If it does he will slap himself in the forehead and tell the others to drink.

Appolo hp21 Ac 20 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 7:30:31 PM

Appolo doesn't hear Ashira's retort, having passed out cold.

[OOC: Didn't know I could reroll a 1. Thanks!!]

Redux-Mage Armor(AC=19, HP=24) 
Thursday October 17th, 2002 11:28:12 PM

Redux is inwardly very pleased that they have been so successful. Looking around at the debris that litters the area he takes a moment to wonder at the high level of accomplishment necessary to create such things; so misplaced. Smiling up at Andruid he points to Appolo, "Behold, the new emperor." To the rest of the group, "Will someone be sure to translate for me?" He adjusts his robe slightly and calls for Talon to come to him. "Rigging, Ashira is right. Let's not lose another day. Allow his majesty to sleep. He can take all the watches tonight... wait, maybe I don't want that either. Whatever... Akerin, point that wand I gave you at me. It'll either cure me or it won't and we need to know since we are running low on potions."

Aftermath (DM Stephen)  d100=40 d6=1 d20=11 d8+11=16 d8+11=14
Friday October 18th, 2002 1:55:38 AM

Bart walks over to the last pulverizer. Its runes begins to glow again, but quickly dim as Bart hacks the thing to pieces.

One look at the throne room makes everyone exhausted. The room looks like a salvage yard. Metal debris lays scattered all about. There isn't a place you can walk where you dont have to step around a large chunk of scrap metal.

Andruid waits for the party to gather back together. Everyone can't help but feel uncomfortable as Andruid approaches the group. He transforms into his human likeness, except he still has a metalic look. He begins to speak more words in druidic. It is obvious that he is casting a spell. A white veil of light begins to surround the group. The smell of a coming rain storm fills your nostrils, then changes to the sweet smell of evergreen pines. The air warms and feels fresh and pure. Everyone's hair stands on end with a charge of energy passing through their bodies. Wounds and cuts begin to heal. Pain lessens and you all feel refreshed. (Healing Circle. Twice! Everyone heals 32 points of damage.)

Andruid turns to Akerin, "i don't expect any more constructs • i think that is all of them • i've been wanting to destroy them for centuries • but calendrus' magic has kept me from doing it • how I could this time i don't know • maybe because you brought my treasure into harm's way • but i sense something is different • barriers that held me back no longer block my way • i can take you to his treasure vault now •" If andruid could form any expression, it was one of bewilderment!

Akerin does notice that with each shapechange, Andruid seems to "repair" himself a little bit.

Rigging takes a drink of the holy water from his waterskin. It tastes good but doesn't do anything else.
(The water is still holy, but the special effect was cancelled when you passed through the temple's doors.)

(Party's Initiative)

Friday October 18th, 2002 2:30:29 AM

Akerin interprets what people want to say to Dain, as well as telling his companions what the Andruid says to them. [I'll not take the space to laborously write out every interpretation. Unless I state otherwise, Akerin steps into the role of translator, along with Ari.]

'We thank you for your succor, good Dain. Yes, we accompany you in humility and honor - for both share a dwelling place with those of good heart.'

He says to Redux, "I would try the wand - for which I have neglected to give you thanks - but Dain has forestalled the need. Remind me to examine it more closely when time provides."

Rigging hps 36 
Friday October 18th, 2002 10:11:53 AM

The young noble pulls himself to his feet, brushes the dirt and grime from his body, trying not to think about how much of the grime came from him. He looks up with a grin to his friends and says, "Well I think it is time to go find this bottle." With a sly grin he adds, "Appolo you can stay here if you like but who knows what will happen to all the treasure without you there to help protect it."

Rigging turns to Dain and bows again, "Someone please translate. Thank you for your help in this fight. We surely wouldn't have survived without your aid. Also my thanks for restoring myself and my family to health. I know you are willing to lead us to the vault. Do you know of any other protections or guardians we need to prepare for? Though our bodies are healed, thanks to you and Akerin, our spells are seriously depleted. Do we need to rest and restore them to defeat any other guardians? Or should we push on and trust to our swordplay?"

Friday October 18th, 2002 10:54:08 AM

"Akerin -- do you think we can remove the curse of Dain with the holy water from the temple?" Bart asks.

"Rigging that spell you have done on me works great!"

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20 
Friday October 18th, 2002 11:15:26 AM

When Appolo is healed he wakes up feels good and refreshed. He thanks Dain for healing him.

Bulldog hp 47 ac 14 
Saturday October 19th, 2002 12:16:10 AM

The fighter feels the close sense of vulnerability leave as his life strengthens from Andruid's circle spell. "That was a tough battle." Sheathing the great sword once again, he adds, "A treasure room to visit. Now that sounds interesting."

Saturday October 19th, 2002 10:03:38 AM

Redux loves the smells and can almost picture being in an open meadow with ... He clears his throat and a shy look crosses his face with a blush. "Well, that feels much better. Thank you, Andruid. I guess it is off to see the treasure; the wonderful treasure of Isildur. Sorry, I never claimed to be a bard."

Saturday October 19th, 2002 10:04:25 AM

Part of her wants to believe that the violence is over. Deep down she knows they aren't out of the woods yet. Something like the bottle would be well guarded. Her hands tighten their grip little by little.

Saturday October 19th, 2002 12:35:01 PM

Appolo listens to the group, then starts gathering up his gear and quietly cleans himself up as he does so. Appolo then heads out and gathers his rope and grappling hook. He is very frustrated and angry. "Let's go and get this over with," he says in a rather harsh voice.

Saturday October 19th, 2002 5:37:39 PM

Akerin answers Bart, "I do not know for certain. Yet what we were told, once it leaves the temple, unless contained within the wondrous Faybelle Bottle we seek, it loses its exceptional virtue, although still should be good as holy water is. If you would like I will ask Dain if we might try it -- though I think something else holds the key for his salvation." If Bart asks him to do so, he will relate Bart's suggestion to Dain.

He translates for Redux, and any others, as requested, although if Ari wants to share some of the load in this regard, he is happy to take turns.

At Appolo's words, Akerin turns to him and says, "May your anger give way to peace, young brother. You expect no obstacles in life? They embitter you? There is toxin in you that no potion or spell will ever drive out. Only a change in heart will avail. I shall pray peace for your soul."

Sunday October 20th, 2002 11:06:54 PM

Redux looks at Appolo with surprise. One minute he's injured and desiring retreat. He then rushes off to serve the only thing that means anything in this life to him. He wakes up grumpy and wants to sleep. He wakes up refreshed. Now he's angry at the world. He wonders inwardly if anyone will ever know why (or even how) he switches moods so quickly; even Dr. AlFreud back home would wonder.

Sunday October 20th, 2002 11:14:09 PM

Ashira pays little attention to anything other than accomplishing their mission. When Akerin interprets Dain, Ashira gets up and stands by the construct. "Yes, take us there as soon as possible." She waits impatiently to continue.

Monday October 21st, 2002 3:28:43 PM

"Lead us Dain, lead us to the treasure room. And we will try to help you to remove your curse."

Monday October 21st, 2002 7:06:30 PM

Akerin interprets for Ashira and Bart.

Monday October 21st, 2002 7:22:30 PM

Ari helps out with the translating as necessary so that between Akerin and himself they'll keep the party informed of what Andruid says and what the party says to him.

The pantheon has changed lately brother, maybe that is what is helping now.

(ooc meaning to say that the gods have changed, in case the sense of what I said is wrong)

Seek the Treasure (DM Stephen)  d100=64 d6=5
Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 1:11:27 AM

Andruid gives everyone a look before entering the north hallway. As he walks along the darkened hall, cobwebs collect and tangle around him. It doesn't seem to bother him. With each kind word that is translated, he says (to everyone's shock), "Thank you," in the common tongue. He then returns to druidic, "in the day of my lifes • i spoke the common language along with others • but from centuries of not speaking them • the words no longer come • listening to you all reminds me of a few of those words •"

They turn around corners and step over holes in the floor. Whenever a barrier crosses your path, Andruid makes little work of it. He simply rolls and pushes huge stones aside.

Hearing Bart's suggestion translated to him about removing the curse, that is his existence, almost makes him stop. His head turns around, "drinking this water • that you speak of • would be a good idea if i had the ability to drink • i'm afraid the only way to defeat this curse is to defeat me • i honestly don't see you all being able to do that • and i beg you not to try for i would have to kill you • yes • that urge is still strong in me • i would refrain from language that speaks of ending my existence • it may create a lethal response • i don't wish that to happen•" As he utters his grim warning, his voice and body language does not change from its normal flat tone. Those not knowing the language would have never picked up the severity of his message by the way he delivered it.

You all go down several circular stone stairways. You come to a room that had a huge steel door that "had" been sealed from the inside. Andruid apparently unsealed it several centuries before. As some in the party discuss Appolo's bipolarism, Andruid pulls the doors open on hinges that have rusted together. The loud sckreeeech gets everybody's attention.

Once inside you see the vault doors. They remain unopen. The seals are unbroken. Everburning torches still burn an eerie blue flame all around the walls. Dozen of bodies litter the floor. Old dry bones still encased in fine heavily tarnished full plate armor. The devoted guardsman remained at their post, to the very end. Some lie on the floor while others still lean up against the wall. They still to this very day retain their nobility. "it is sad that such men served such a tyrant • i set them free centuries ago • i could not touch the vault itself •"

After hearing Ari's statement about the year of ascension, Andruid replies with a surprising statement. "yes, i alone remember the wold becoming nothing and becoming something new all over again • none of my treasures could recall it • but i can • (BTW, none of you remember watching the wold nonexist and be remade again either!!) i welcomed the nothingness • i watched it approach and swallow me up • the next thing i remember is being back • pity •• so don't speak of gods' will and purpose • i do this as a favor • not out of service to any deity •"

The vault door remains closed before you all. Andruid waits your word to open it.

(Party's Initiative)

Bart bull's strength  d20+6=15
Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 1:57:29 AM

Bart goes to the door and tries to open it. Nothing happens. "Dain -- could you open this door please?"

Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 4:06:09 AM

The cleric looks at the bones of those who died so long ago, and the once fine armors they wore. 'Service to an unrighteous tyrant can be cause for sorrow, indeed.'

As he serves as interpreter, he pauses a brief moment to pray. "Alemi, I invoke thy name to forbide evil spirits here to remain in this chamber, should some, or any, have taken up residence. Spirits of evil, in the name and power of Alemi, begone!" Then, continuing with his interpreting, but otherwise silent, he begins to move the remains, one at a time, with care, to lie them next to, or to lean them against the walls to the left and the right, silently commending their souls to remain where Gargul ordained, and rest, and be not awakened by this reverent arrangement of their bones.

But when Andruid mentions the Wold's remaking, Akerin looks up. 'When did this ending and new beginning occur, good Dain?' If this question is answered, the monk listens. If not, or after the answer, he resumes the work he has set for himself.

Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 4:36:25 PM

Rigging asks Dain, "Do you know of any other protectors inside the vault or any traps? If we can get the Faybelle Bottle and bring some of the water back to you, Alemi's blessing might cure you. I can not say for sure and don't want to make false promises but this might work. It is something to hope for anyway."

Rigging waits for an answer, and if given a negative one to the traps or protectors, then he will ask Dain to open the vault.

Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 5:08:23 PM

"No, Rigging. He already addressed the issue of curing him - which means his death. And I would prefer not to bring it up to him again, lest he kill us all," Akerin tells the group's leader. "Perhaps I did not translate well enough what he said. But I will interpret your first question." 'Rigging asks, "Do you know of any other protectors inside the vault or any traps? If not, will you open it for us?"'

Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 5:59:35 PM

"Maybe Dain could come back with us to the temple," Bart mentions.

Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 6:57:14 PM

For the first time, Val wished she was more adept in her enw abilities. The druids metal body might be formidable but his mind might not. She could attack him mentally but doubts that her assault would finish him off. Maybe someday when she was stronger, Val would return and end the druids curse. To be on the safe side, Val activates her ring of invisibility, also causing Ashira to vanish as well.

Appolo  d20+6=11 d20+3=23 d20+3=22 d20+6=16 d20+8=27 d20+7=16 d20+4=8 d20+7=15 d20+7=8 d20+7=12
Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 7:33:39 PM

"Bart be careful -- that thing is probably loaded with traps. Let me have a look," Appolo says. Then he gets his thieves tools out and walks forward to examine the door. He looks at it, feels and listens to it, concentrating on his inspection. He also gets out some locksmith tools. He then begins to work on the lock and any traps.

Spot 11 used hero point 16, Search 23, listen 22, Disable device 27, Pick Lock 16 Locksmith 8

[OOC: Please ignore extra d20 - screwed up - sorry.]

Redux  d20+4=20
Tuesday October 22nd, 2002 10:50:32 PM

Redux goes over to inspect the remains of the dead guards. He looks for anything of particular interest to show the group. As he does so he says off-handedly, "Andruid, it is not ending your existence that we speak of, but changing it for the better." He then continues his search (=20).

Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 12:29:06 AM

Akerin does not translate Redux' remark. He just grits his teeth, and continues his work.

Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 1:38:27 AM

"You are right Appolo, try it your way," Bart encourages him.

The growing angst of Akerin!! (DM Stephen)  d100=22 d100=97 d6=1
Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 2:31:48 AM

Appolo checks the vault door for traps while Andruid ponders all the questions. After Appolo finds no traps, Andruid says, "i know nothing about what kind of wards calendrus may have in the vaults • i assume the constructs we fought and these dead souls here were his last defense • who knows what he could do • he was quite diabolical • it was said he spent many hours down in his vaults counting his money • "

Bart waits for andruid to help try and force open the vault's door. But he just stands their examinating the structure. Redux also examines the skeletons. Their boney hands are still gripping their weapons. Some of the dead guards have holy symbols still hanging around their necks. One is of Alemi, three others are Domi while others wear nothing at all.

Answering Akerin's question, "the moment when there was nothing I dont remember • all i remember is that i welcomed it • pieces of wold just broke away and disolved into the blackness • then i was back an ... and i rraged f foorr du daays ••••"

Andruid's body becomes very still. The same buzzing sound begins to vibrate from him. The sound he made when you all first met. The sound he made when he fought Valanthe and Appolo. Suddenly the buzzing dies as quickly as it came. Andruid begins to cast another spell. Andruid hands begins to glow and he touches different parts of the door. The places he touched begins to instantly rust and corrode away. The rusted holes expose the inner workings of the door. Andruid then begins to touch certain pieces of a complex mechanism. They too rust away and turn into a gritty dust. He then reaches in further and starts to forcefully tug on a steel bolt. Ripping it from the door, Andruid tosses the dead bolt aside. The bolt melts away like ice in the Summer sun. He rusts a few other parts and BANG the door falls over into the vault. Everyone looks on with slack-jawed astonishment. He handled the massive steel vault door as if he were a surgeon.

"over the centuries ive studied calendrus's extensive research of constructs and all kinds of mechanisms • i know his work very well •"

Layed out before you all is a long hallway that disappears into the darkness. Smaller vault doors run along the full length of the hall on either side. There are metal tracks on the floor that flat-bed cars rolled on at one time. One vault door is already open and a blue light glows from inside.

(Party's Initiative)

Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 2:44:11 AM

Amazed, he simply looks toward Bart and Appolo, and smiles with an 'I'm-glad-he's-helping-us' grin on his face.

[OOC: Ever see Mel Gibson mugging pleased astonishment?]

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20  d20+6=19 d20+3=4
Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 3:29:42 AM

After not finding any traps and informing the group, Appolo gathers his things and packs them quietly away as he watches Andruid go to work on the door. Once the dust clears, he quietly and quickly enters the Vault, heading for the blue light. He does so without a sound or any hint of amazement. As he moves forward he keeps his ears and eyes open for trouble, expecting the worst.

Spot 19 Listen 4

Rigging hps 36 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 8:34:13 AM

Rigging looks on with shocked astonishment. He quickly shakes his head and closes his mouth and says, "Appolo. Slow down. I know we need to hurry but I don't want you falling into a trap with haste." Rigging follows the young thief towards the blue light. He calls over his shoulder, "Akerin keep a watch behind us. I am a little nervous about those skeletons coming back to life."

Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 1:03:29 PM

"We should just take our time and see what Andruid can offer in the way of information and service. As we can see he seems to be fighting some compulsions or otherwise. It might be just a matter of giving him time."

Turning to Andruid Ari says, "I would take it that you are finding more things that you are able to do as we go deeper into this area. Would you be willing to indicate when you can do no more, after having tried?! Also, does our," indicating Akerin, "talking with you help in some way? Meaning that we should continue to talk in some manner to you in order to help you stay focused?"

Akerin watches 
Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 5:14:13 PM

The young man does as Rigging asks. He places his back against the now opened door of the vault, next to the opening, and watches.

Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 6:06:18 PM

Bart takes one of the everburning torches from the wand and enters the vault. He stands still inside and looks into the room where the blue light is coming from.

Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 7:04:04 PM

"Rigging, if you're worried about the skeletons, then let's smash them now before they animate. I'd like to avoid fighting in the near future. But I think that treasure from this vault would help finance our war. Better equipment could do all of us a world of good."

Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 9:17:47 PM

As the others crowd into the new hallway, Bulldog stops next to Akerin. "I'll keep watch with you. I wouldn't be much help looking for any traps or the sorts anyway." He takes up a position as to watch down the hall way. The big fighter glances down towards the skeletons, wondering why anyone would worry about them... then pays them no more notice.

Redux  d20+4=8 d20+2=5
Wednesday October 23rd, 2002 10:24:18 PM

Redux follows after Ari. He mentions, "I've always liked the color blue. I wonder what is waiting for us in that room?" (spot=8, listen=5)

All that glitters (DM Stephen)  d100=98 d6=5
Thursday October 24th, 2002 1:44:16 AM

Andruid looks at Akerin and Ari. "thank you for your concern • i know not what awaits us and i will not know what i will be capable of doing until the need arises • im surprised ive made it this far • i have to say it troubles me to be so close to a place where calendrus spent so much of his time and energy •"

As everyone creeps closer to the open inner vault, Redux can hear the flickering lick of lit torches. Bulldog continues to look down the hall, but sees nothing. As some of you peer around the open door, you see ....... GOLD and lots of it. Piled on the floor and in bags. The light comes from more everburning torches. The blue light is from the blue flame they produce. Glows onto the gold and the sparkes dance in your eyes. However Appolo spots a single normal-size skeleton laying on the back side of the golden pile. It is dressed in elaborately ornate robes and jewels and gold pins and medals. A crown rests upon its boney head. As soon as everyone sees the skeleton, the boney skull turns to face the party and it speaks, "Good, you finally came ... Ive been waiting for a long time." Its voice is faint and raspy. It slowly ... very slowly tries to pick itself up off the pile. Other than being an animated skeleton, its movements are non-threatening.

(Party's Initiative)

Thursday October 24th, 2002 6:44:06 AM

Val wants to help the skeleton but she's invisible and doesn't want to blow her cover. She's hoping that the others are thinking like she is. While a couple deal with the skeleton the rest of them should be loading up bags while we can.

Thursday October 24th, 2002 1:11:29 PM

Bart asks directly, "What do you want, former king of Isuldur?"

Thursday October 24th, 2002 2:30:25 PM

"Let us hope that the next words you are going to say is that you seek forgiveness both for what you have done to our nation, and what you have done to this being here" indicating Andruid, "and that you wish to be absolved by those of us who represent Alemi"

Knowing that the scimitar is an instrument of Alemi, Ari tries to see if it has any reaction to the skeleton.

Thursday October 24th, 2002 5:11:15 PM

Rigging also rests his hand on his holy dagger. "Ahhh Akerin. Could you come here for a minute!" Rigging says in a loud voice. In a softer, "Val please watch our backs."

Rigging steps forward and addresses the skeleton, "I am assuming your are the Emperor Calendrus or what is left of him. I am Arrack Von Palin, son of the Duke Von Palin. An officer of the Pirates of Jack who strive to free the land from Ga'al's enslavement. We are here in search of the Faybelle Bottle. We will use it to help spread Alemi's blessing through out the land and help cure the people from the heartseed of Ga'al."

"Can you help us find the bottle, or will you hinder us and must we fight you? It isn't too late for repentance. We are also looking for a cure for Dain. A druid who was cursed and forced into this machine shape. Can and will you help us?"

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20  d20+10=29 d20+11=13 d20+6=25 d20+3=20 d20+3=16
Thursday October 24th, 2002 6:37:48 PM

When Ari and Rigging give up the ghost so to speak, by spouting off about Alemi and such, Appolo just silently slides into the back and away from the fallen emperor. Hoping Akerin got something up his sleeve. While he does so he takes a quiet look around for the Fayebelle Bottle.

Move Silently 29, Hide 13, Spot 25, Search 20, Listen 16

Thursday October 24th, 2002 7:56:17 PM

Hearing Rigging beckon him, the cleric steps, pivots and joins those in the room of gold. He notes the robed skeleton as Rigging speaks to him. He glances in Dain's direction to gauge his comportment, should he be in the room as well. "Repentance - to change one's mind for the better - can be the mark of wisdom acquired," he says. "Or begun," he adds, and waits, ready for further conversation, or for action, if need be.

Friday October 25th, 2002 12:10:07 AM

Redux is proud that his companions are using more than their swords. He also looks around the room wondering how much webbing would spill out the door should things get 'sticky.'

DM Stephen - Change of Plan. 
Friday October 25th, 2002 2:21:39 AM

Sorry, that I didnt post Friday. I havent been feeling well. After getting home, I went straight to bed.

New News: Jerry has allowed me to stay on as DM for one more week (other DM's will also ... we arent the only ones) to finish this module right. I was planning of finish this in one long post but that keeps you from roll play so we have 5 more posts. Lets make them really good!!! :)

Monday October 28th, 2002 10:14:58 AM

OOC Hey guys! Did you hear that the catacombs is under new management. Might be a good time to go get some healing magic for the group. A staff of curing or the like. What does everyone think?

Monday October 28th, 2002 12:53:01 PM

ooc: i keep trying to tell you all, we have a staff of healing. just can't get it used. right now i don't remember how many charges it has but our beloved Stephen might let that slip (again)

(DM Stephen - Wand of Cure Light Wounds ... 16 charges, I think!!)

Monday October 28th, 2002 2:23:24 PM

Let it identify at the catacombs, Rigging new Managemnent don't mean new prices. I'm a staffer there!

Monday October 28th, 2002 3:41:25 PM

OOC Actually, William, according to the email sent out, you can get 10% off a group purchase.

A Royal Pain (DM Stephen)  d100=19 d6=4
Tuesday October 29th, 2002 12:26:10 AM

The skeleton begins to speak but is interupted by Ari. Ari's statement makes the skeleton bow his head. "You just summed up what Ive been waiting to say for many centuries. I only wish I was the one to say them." He shakes his head, "you, sir, have stolen my thunder. The very message Ive been rehearsing countless times, you have taken them away from me. I guess I deserve that and much much more."

Andruid stand completely silent and motionless. He doesnt utter a word. He is like a statue.

Appolo silently sneaks around the vault and spots a beautiful lead crystal bottle. Flawless and perfect in every way.

Upon hearing the introduction of Rigging, the skeleton lifts his head. "You sir are royalty?! And you are a decendant of this land .... oh how fortunate ... my child!!" The skeleton stumbles over to Rigging. He drops to his boney knees and kneels down at Riggings feet. Bowing like a commoner, humbling himself before you, the skeleton reaches out to kiss your hand.

"You must take me to the temple, I must atone for what I did. Free my people from this place. And you sir, you must take my crown from me. Only one of royal blood can unseat an emperor. You must do so in the sight of the gods and everyone to see."

Emperor Calendrus turns back to the pile of gold coin. He scoops up all his thin brittle fingers can grasp. "You may have my gold, please take all you can. Although the other vaults are full to their brims with gold, they are not so easily taken. In my years of life, I trusted no one. I had all my gold coin coated with a poisonous oil. Light contact with the oil and the poison would be absorbed into the skin and make you sick and eventually kill you. Over the centuries, the oil has hardened into a thick black resin and holds the coin together creating huge poisonous blocks of gold. However, this vault which hadnt been filled yet has not been treated with the poison. It is safe to touch. You must gather what you will and we can finally be leaving."

There are a pile of empty sacks and some of the gold is still in bags. There appears more than enough to haul the gold. And there is A LOT of it!!!!

(Party's Initiative)

Tuesday October 29th, 2002 12:54:29 AM

Rigging is taken aback by the prostrate skeleton. A feeling of disgust sweeps his body as the bones brush his hand. He pulls his hands away and says, "Arise Emperor Calendrus. I will be glad to help free you from your curse and free the cursed spirits who abide in this city. Tell me what I must do. Is the Faybelle bottle here? It is more important than all your gold." He turns to the others and takes a quick but hard look at the Andruid and says, "Let's find the Faybelle before we do anything else. Once we find it, we can grab the gold already in sacks and head back to the temple. Maybe we can free the spirits and help our friend Dain."

Tuesday October 29th, 2002 2:50:13 AM

Val is very suprised by the events that transpire. She expected more difficulty but glad that things were simple. She has a bad feeling that the King is lying, but chooses to believe things are simple just this one time.

Bart  d20+3=11
Tuesday October 29th, 2002 2:19:16 PM

Bart looks around for the bottle in the meanwhile he grabs an empty sack and starts filling it.

Tuesday October 29th, 2002 3:09:27 PM

Looking at Akerin Ari says, "Please translate for our friend."

Looking back at the skeleton, "Just because I've said the words, does not relieve you of the necessity for the words to come out of your mouth. Our friend here needs to hear directly from your own mouth, your own feelings about everything that has transpired between you two. Especially since this relevation of yours did not happen last night. So why have you not contacted our friend, or any of his type in order to give your apologies. Why have you not been able to get out of here?"

While he is saying this to the skeleton Ari moves over to Andruid and looks him in the eyes as he finishes saying his speil. Suspecting that our friend is being manipulated (or his magic has stopped working), Ari takes his silence as a malfunction of some sort, and not that he is speechless. Should Andruid come around and respond accordingly, then Ari will let the conversation continue. Ari is very doubtful of the skeletons true motives at this point. Ari is not interested in any of the gold lying about, not at this point.

Ashira  d20+8=18
Tuesday October 29th, 2002 4:34:11 PM

The half-elf watches the exchange between the skeleton and Rigging with suspicion, her hands edging toward her swords. Ashira spots (18) Appolo nabbing the bottle, and says "Quick, get the bottle to Val. Val, run back to the temple. We don't have any time left to lose! Who knows when the fountain will stop flowing!"

Appolo  d20+6=26 d20+3=7
Tuesday October 29th, 2002 6:26:01 PM

Appolo grabs the bottle and walks over handing it to Rigging. "Here you go boss." He still appears to be quite irritated about some thing though. After handing the bottle to Rigging, he comments, "Sorry Ashira - can't see her - she went invisible on us." He methodically empties his back pack and starts filling it with treasure. Appolo will also keep his eye out for a new sword as well as any other useful weapons. He is just ignoring the fallen Emperor, figuring that whatever he says is a lie, but the gold looks real enough and they need it.

Tuesday October 29th, 2002 10:18:18 PM

Valanthe appears and holds out her hand. "I may be a little banged up but I'm still fleet of foot. I can make it back before anybody else."

Redux  d20+4=15
Wednesday October 30th, 2002 12:43:34 AM

Redux gives a nod at Rigging as he takes the bottle. First observing as to the effects, if any, of the gold on Appolo (that is a really creepy story about the poison, makes him want to fireball the gold to burn off the toxin, if possible) and then undoing his gift from Oreson (bag of holding-don't seem to have the size on hand) he starts looking for a place to start loading in the gold. He does a quick search (dc=15) for anything not gold coin, to load in first then starts with the bagged gold. He's confident that the others in the party have the situation under control. He begins to think of ways to use their find--helping to further the cause, sharing with the crew (lest they cut his throat in the night), and other thoughts which straddle the selfish-unselfish line).

Questions and Answers (DM Stephen)  d100=71 d6=4
Wednesday October 30th, 2002 12:56:36 AM

"The bottle!? You care more about a bottle than my gold. I guess fine glass is far more valuable in this time. Amazing how times have changed."

The emperor turns back to Rigging. "You must take me back to the temple. There I will do what I was supposed to have done in life and repent to the gods in front of all to see. After I have fulfilled my role as emperor, you, Arrack Von Palin, must remove the crown from my head and retire my emperorship. Can you do this? Maybe you know of someone more worthy than I to claim it. If there is still a nation to rule."

Andruid remains silent and still.

Then hearing Ari's question, the skeleton looks around the vault's doorway to see the construct. His head slumps down in shame once again. "You are right sir. My words do need to be said for all to hear. Get me to the temple and I will. As for poor ... um Dain, is it? Yes yes ... Dain. One of countless regrets. I willingly throw my soul into whatever bottomless pit I deserve for all eternity for what I've done to him alone. Oh what awesome wage I have earned. If I have tears to shed an ocean I would fill." Calendrus drops to his knees again into a posture of someone weeping.

"All this time I have been unable to leave this vault. My own greed became my prison. I locked myself in my vault when the catacylism hit. It does not open from the inside. It was the extreme act of a doomed man. I retreated to the one thing I loved the most ... this worthless, cold golden metal. Truly the most lustrous of mistresses. She alone has the power to control the Wold itself, for the flesh is weak and is easily tempted. Without flesh, as you can see, it no longer has control over me. Maybe that is why I was so fascinated by constructs." The skeleton looks back at andruid. "He, I'm afraid, I can no longer help. The magics in place have a life of their own. The magic is binded to and symbiotically exists with his life force ... his soul. To release him from the body, you must touch his soul and sever this bond. Or separate his soul from the body ... meaning that he needs to be destroyed. However that would be no easy task. I made him too well. Back in the day he was incredibly powerful, over the years his power grows. I can see has learned to modify and repair his body. He must be quite a formidable being. There is one thing I can do for him." The skeleton lifts his hand to show a ring. "With this ring destroyed, he will have free will ... no longer be a slave and patrol the surrounding land. He will no longer be obligated to attack and kill those who trespass on my ancient lands. I don't recommend that you break this ring now. He may destroy me and everyone in this room in a fit of rage. I must be allowed my final task. The souls of tens of thousands depend on it."

Valanthe prepares to run with the bottle.

Others begin to scoop up hand fulls after hand fulls of gold. The pile quickly gets smaller.

Redux looks around at the gold. He quickly realizes it's all in coin. Close observation shows the gold not to be oily or blackened with resin. (Bag of Holding is a Type 1 bag. Can hold 250 lbs. or 30 cu. ft of materal. And weights only 15 pounds when full.)

(Party's Initiative. Three more posts until conclusion.)

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 1:09:27 AM

Val!!! wait!! Here drink this and you will be at the temple as fast as Talon, it will make you fly!

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 9:08:11 AM

Rigging hears the emperor's words and wonders if this is truly a repentant soul, or an evil spirit trying to trick him and regain his freedom. He thinks upon the trapped souls doomed to haunt this place -- and decides he must take the risk. He looks at the emperor and decides they must take the risk. "OK. We will bring you to the temple. First I require you to give up the ring controlling Dain. Quickly explain how it works and then give it to Redux's safe keeping." Rigging points out Redux. "I want to bring Dain with us to the temple and see if the holy waters of Alemi will help free his soul. Also having him with us should discourage the wolves from attacking our group on the way back. There we can see if you are able to redress the great wrong committed years ago." If Calendrus agrees and complies, Rigging will start leaving the vault.

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 1:56:41 PM

As before, Akerin interprets for Dain.

"No, Rigging. Let Emperor Calendrus retain the ring until he has done as he asked. In the transfer of the ring the control may be lost. If the souls of the people depend upon this renunciation - and perhaps the final destiny of the soul of the Emperor himself - then let us accompany him, and let it be done as he has said. As he has stated, there is no flesh left upon his frame, and I believe him."

The healer turns to the emperor, and tells him, "If your repentance be true, then may Alemi, Gargul and the gods grant a measure of mercy - an undeserved reprieve from the consequence of the evils you now acknowledge to have committed. If it be false, and this a ruse, then I call upon the gods to lay upon you the burden of all the evils you have committed a thousandfold trebled. If I did not believe you now, I should strike the ring from your boney finger and let Dain do with you what he will. I believe you, and you do as you say, then may your soul enjoy its reprieve, and you bear fruits of repentance in the afterlife."

Akerin fills a sack or two with gold, and places what he may within his haversack. "May we use this wisely, my companions, and for the healing of many."

He tells Dain, 'Come. You shall soon no longer be slave to the compulsions laid upon you.' The healer walks out the vault, returning to the throne room.

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 2:28:33 PM

Having noted that Dain is still not seeming to respond to what is going on, Ari asks gently, "Have you heard everything that has transpired, do you have any comments or questions at this time"

Looking around at the chamber that the party has entered Ari quietly comments, "We came seeking the bottle because that is what will help our people. I hope our own greed does not trap us down here like the emperor, for gold will not help our people remove the curse. We have all the time in the world to come back for anything else, and to explore the rest of the area if we so choose." (post edited by player to avoid holy wrath! ;) )

Under his breath Ari mutters, "May Alemi and the spirits of our family protect us."

Ari's druid senses tingling (DM Stephen)  d6=4
Wednesday October 30th, 2002 3:17:23 PM

Ari feels the overwhelming sense that something he has said is incorrect. Nature, herself, the mother of all creatures, great and small, along with her children SCREAM into your psyche. Ari's ears ring with the voices of all life in the Wold, from the past, present and future, proclaiming for the last time that, "YOU'RE NOT ON AN ISLAND!!!!!" Ari's head starts to ache badly!

(Countless times I have told the group, in game and email, that Isildur is not an island. I even swore if anyone called it an island one more time I would drop them a level. But sigh, I'm not mean enough to do that... So I give Ari a headache instead! A bad one. You temporarly lose -4 to Con for the next 24 hours. :)

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 3:34:32 PM

(ooc sorry, the player for some reason keeps coming back to that for some reason. I will now go write the word area on the wall and beat my head until I have absorbed the idea! :) )

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 6:01:07 PM

Once his backpack is full Appolo silently heads back to the temple stepping quickly past everyone without a word. Appolo also grabbed any interesting weapons.

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 6:07:01 PM

"Ari, gold can help our people, and maybe there are some weapons in this room, too." Bart takes, just as Apollo, interesting pieces of armor and weapons with him.

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 10:03:52 PM

Redux too finishes packing his seemingly endless sack with the gold present in the room. On his way out he stops at one of the constructs to take a memento of their battle (preferably one with a burned rune or two on it). He will also collect a few of the bottles of unopened alcohol they encountered on the way in (if none of them are broken after the battle).

Wednesday October 30th, 2002 11:36:06 PM

Not wishing to look a gift horse in the mouth, Ashira loads her back pack with as much gold as it will hold, and picks up a couple of bags to carry with her. She keeps a wary eye on the skeleton, still not trusting his motivation. A sudden thought enters her head, and Ashira tries to detect whether the emperor is evil.

The trip back. (DM Stephen)  d4=4 d100=15 d6=2
Thursday October 31st, 2002 1:07:48 AM

Ashira is confused. She senses the presence of negative energy. A product of the undead. There is the taint of evil that lingers but it has no hold on Calendrus. It feels watered down, is the best way the aquatic half-elf can say. There is a presence of the same taint in andruid as well, but you see more of a turbulant swirl of darkness that could be considered evil. Yes, very confusing. Not completely there but not there either. Calendrus's shades of gray seem at peace, while Andruid's are anything but peaceful. Both are "evil touched." With Calendrus it seems to dissipate and disolve away, while with Andruid, you sense it lingering pulsing away and back again. You haven't enough experience with this ability to truly understand what you see.

However there is a very strong presense of evil and it appears to be strapped to Calendrus's belt. Quick inspection reveils an evil dagger with a crystaline handle and a blackened blade.

Calendrus bows his head. "You may carry the foul blade if you wish. I would prefer if you didn't touch it out of fear of it trying to tempt you. The blade is pure evil. A powerful weapon. It is the Soul Stealer. It carries the soul of the last person I killed in life. I wish to destroy it at the temple and therefore releasing the person trapped inside. The person I killed so long ago. Please allow me to carry it. It is a wicked one."

Andruid doesn't move or say a word. Not until Calendrus passes by and walks out the door. Andruid waits for everyone to leave then he comes to life once again and follows from behind. He still remains speechless.

Redux finds four bottles that appear unopened and air tight.

Valanthe takes off with the bottle and Bart's potion. Valanthe soon realizes that it would be easier to fly over the packs of wolves instead of running through them. So she goes airborne. She flies above the ancient ruins and make it back to the temple in no time at all.

Appolo and Bart find no other weapons or armor other than what is rusting on the dead guards. They crumble if you try. You find carrying gold will encumber you enough.

With Andruid at your back, the wolves step away and part, allowing everyone to pass freely.

Thursday October 31st, 2002 11:55:24 AM

Rigging follows along keeping an eye out on the undead emperor. He really is unhappy with the soul stealer. Something about this whole thing just doesn't ring true. When they get back to the temple, Rigging will call out, "Father Father! Are you here? We have the bottle!"

Thursday October 31st, 2002 6:19:25 PM

Back at the temple Val fills the magical bottle. The young elf looks around and makes sure that she is alone. Valanthe leans down and drinks from the pool. Better safe than sorry.

Appolo  d20+11=27 d20+10=15
Thursday October 31st, 2002 6:45:05 PM

Appolo trudges along silently and miserably carrying his fifty pounds of gold. He appears to be oblivious to everything lost in his own thoughts.

When he reaches the temple he goes inside drops of his pack and gets a drink, then walks of alone and hides quietly. Drifting off into an fitful exhuasted sleep.

Thursday October 31st, 2002 6:48:25 PM

Rolls are for move silently 27, Hide 15

Thursday October 31st, 2002 9:27:40 PM

The half-elf ponders about the information that she gathered about Dain and Calendrus as she makes the trip back to the temple with the others. She also prays to Alemi that the fountain will still be flowing when Val gets there. As they walk along, she thinks about grabbing Rigging's hand, but decides that she should keep her mind on business and her hands near her weapons.

Thursday October 31st, 2002 11:16:56 PM

Redux spends the time walking back to the temple thinking about the next port they might call upon. They need someplace with a bank to convert their gold. An auction would be best for the wine; he wonders if Bando will have anything to do with them. He interrupts his thoughts to talk to Rigging as they walk back. "What do you think we should use our treasure for? Do you want to have something made for this little band that identifies us as being together? Maybe commission a painting of the group to put on the ship. Our favorite charity, Black, might want a donation as well. Or, maybe there's a different charity we might want to fund? All of that is after we take care of our own needs, of course; healing, special use potions and especially make sure everyone's got good equipment and armor."

Kim to DM Stephen & fellow players - OOC re: Location 
Friday November 1st, 2002 12:56:26 AM

[Uh, don't we go to the Throne Room first, to witness and ratify the emperor's confession and renunciation, and transfer of authority to Rigging (aka Arrack von Palin), make sure the evil dagger is destroyed and the ring is smashed, freeing Dain from his subjugation, and THEN to the temple? Except for Valanthe. If not, then I'm sore confused. -Kim]

(DM Stephen - No, the whole affair will take place at the temple.)

--Ah, yes. I was confuzzled. -Kim

Friday November 1st, 2002 1:02:50 AM

The healer of Alemi accompanies the entourage down hill from the palace, through the city, and to the temple, there to witness the fulfillment of Emperor Calendrus' promise in the throne room.

Friday November 1st, 2002 1:54:11 AM

Bart walks back to the temple carrying as much gold as he can (bullstrenght str 23)
Painting? and rings for everyone to show the people who belong together? giving it to Black? what is the use of that to our fight against Ga'al? no we can better buy some magical stuff weapons and armor or something that can cast bull strenght. I still like that you put that spell on me Rigging one of your better moves I think. We also have to identify that rod of yours Akerin, to see how it works and maybe we can buy another or stronger version

Forgiveness and the Blood. (DM Stephen)  d100=61 d100=84 d100=47 d100=33 d6=4 d6=2 d6=2 d6=2
Friday November 1st, 2002 2:09:36 AM

They party makes their way out of the palace. Akerin waits for a short moment in the throne room expecting something to happen. After realizing he must have been mistaken about the location, he catches up with the others.

Valanthe lands at the temple doors and makes a mad dash for the fountain. The water still flows and a happy Father Farcus greets her. Taking a sip of the water, Valanthe feels all pains and wounds completely healed. She quickly fills the bottle to its top and puts in the crystaline stopper. The bottle glows with power.

As everyone slowly makes their way through the city, everyone starts to notice eyes watching them from the shadows. The spirits of the Isildur's citizens begins to poke out and watch the parade of adventurers with their long dead emperor.

Akerin and Ashira feel the presence of Alemi around them. His love fills your heart. You notice the clouds moving across the sky to block the sun. Both Akerin and Ashira have a strong feeling that it was done with Alemi's hand. The undead come out of the shadows with the sunlight being held back. They begin to walk with you to the temple.

Slowly hundreds start to walk with you. Then thousands. When you turn around to look, you see countless forsaken marching with you in complete silence. The importance and holiness of the situation hits you hard and weighs heavy on your soul.

Andruid doesnt take the time to notice. He continues to walk with the group in silence. The wolf becomes frightened and when Ashira gets to the temple, he runs over to the side and hides among the temple's statues.

When you all reach the temple and step through the doors, you are met with a bright flash of light. It blinds you for a few moments and then your sight comes back to you.

Before you all is a dazzling sight. Emperor Calendrus appears the way he did in life. Fully fleshed out. So do all the people of Isildur (no longer all white, now full of color). They stand in the temple in front of you. Dressed in fine robes and they look back on you, waiting patiently. There is beautiful music and voices lifted in song. In front of you is a center walkway, left clear for you all to walk to the front. There Father Farcus and Valanthe stand and wait. Father Farcus is also in a "living form." Valanthe finds herself all glamoured out. Beautiful long flowing white robes. Washed, styled hair with flowers and sweet smelling perfume ... the works!! She looks absolutely stunning. She holds the bottle in her hands. You all look upon yourselves. You are glamoured up too. Everyone begins the long walk to the front.

Once up at the front, Emperor Calendrus begins to address everyone. He confesses his wickedness, his life dedicated to evil and greed. He tells them how he failed them as a leader and confessed to all the lives he took in trying to heighten his power and riches. Some eyes look on in shock and horror. Others with anger and hatred. While most just cry tears they've been unable to shed for all this time.

Calendrus takes the dagger from its scabbard and casts it into the pool of holy water. It bubbles, sizzles and whines in the holy waters. The blade disolves into nothing and suddenly a cone of light shoots up from the water. A human figure materializes. Father Farcus shocked and his eyes widen with joy as he moves over to the released spirit. "Oh Father ... Father Morgan ... it's YOU!!" Farcus bends down to kiss his hand, but Morgan motions him up from his knee and they give each other a warm embrace.

With tears streaming down his face, Calendrus turns to face the massive golden statue of Alemi. He kneels down and begins to pray. His lips speak silent words to the gods of Wold. Tears drip to the floor with every syllable.

Calendrus stands up. His tears continue to streak across his face. He tries his best to wipe his eyes clear. He struggles to regain the slightest bit of composure. Calendrus turns to Rigging, "It's time, he calls us ... he he .. they they CALLING US ... all of them .. we can finally rest!!! Our Families ... our Friends ... your Famlies ... the ones who went before ... all waiting for us."

With that being said the font begins to stop pouring water and begins to flow with blood instead. It rolls and swirls like mercury. It fills the pool around the statue of Alemi's feet. (Everyone except Bulldog and Akerin, get an intelligence check of DC 8. If you make it you remember the vision of the old man standing in the river of blood right after YOA.)

Emperor Calendrus then turns to Rigging and kneels down again to one knee.

(Party's Initiative)

Friday November 1st, 2002 8:37:26 AM

Val looks at the others and then herself, stunned. She has never been concerned so much as to go through all this trouble. Maybe from now on she would.

Val watches the confession with a captivating interest. Nobody is perfect and sometimes power makes things worse. The important thing is the emporer admitted he was wrong and knows he was wrong. The doesn't change the evil of his deeds, but it's something.

Rigging would make a good king and Ashira a queen. With Ashira by his side they would keep each other in check. Things would never get out of hand. Everyone would be there to help and if the magical water holds up, this could become a haven for the good people in the Wold. It may take years of hard work but Val could see it, would see it down the road. If it comes to pass then she would watch over things after her friends were gone. The thought brings a tear to her eye. A time when she will be alone again. She was happy now but nothing lasts forever. She wipes her eyes with a slender figure. Considering the events that they are watching perhaps nobody will think anything odd about her tears.

Friday November 1st, 2002 9:21:04 AM

Rigging steps forward and with two hands, takes hold of the emperor's crown. He will say in a loud voice. "Emperor Calendrus. I release you from your duties as emperor. I vow to find another, with wisdom and vision, to lead your people back to freedom and greatness." As Rigging lifts the crown away, he will continue, "May you find peace and forgiveness in Alemi's embrace." He scans the rest of the multitudes and adds, "May we all find peace."

Rigging  d20+4=8
Friday November 1st, 2002 9:24:37 AM

Sorry forgot to make intelligence check. Rigging is to caught up in the moment to remember.

(DM Stephen - but you successfully made the check!! The DC was 8!)

Ari  d20+2=3
Friday November 1st, 2002 1:07:28 PM

Caught up in the horror, then the mystery, and the reverence of the situation, Ari has no time to consider what he remembers. He takes in the whole panarama and wonders in why he was chosen to witness this world changing event.

Appolo  d20+1=18
Friday November 1st, 2002 5:13:16 PM

Appolo drops off his gold and enters the Temple with the others paying no heed to what is happening around him until after he enters.

When he recovers from his momentary blindness which he initially thought was an attack of some sort, he looks around and sees Valanthe and is amazed, exclaiming, "Man she's beautiful." Then he notices himself and the others are all spiffed up and that he is feeling better -- not nearly as tired. The sight of Valanthe brings tears to his eyes as he walks forward.

As the fallen Emperor does his thing and says his spiel Appolo could care less whether or nor he repents. As far as he is concerned it is way too late.

As he watches the fount change from water to blood, he clearly remembers the river of blood and the old man.

He then shifts his gaze back to Valanthe as Rigging takes the crown from Calendrus. "Rigging you're the Emperor now. I can think of no one better..." He then steps forward taking the crown and placing it on Rigging's head.

"Long live Arrak von Palin the 1st Emperor of Isildur." He then steps back and drifts off, staring idly at Valanthe.

Ashira  d20+1=4
Saturday November 2nd, 2002 8:04:52 PM

The half-elf watches in amazement at the proceedings. She smiles as Rigging proceeds with the ceremony. He's so humble. He should be the emperor. He'd do a much better job than that fool in Aisildur. It's only a matter of time and he'll rule. It is in his destiny. And I'm going to make sure he stays safe until that happens. She eyes the fine looking pirate's hind quarters as he bends to remove the crown. Oh my...I can't wait until we're married!

Redux  d20+2=8
Saturday November 2nd, 2002 9:53:36 PM

"Appolo, no! This is an empty land. An emperor must rule not only the land but people. Rigging, do not accept the curse of being a ruler without considering the cost."

ooc-just manages to remember the fountain/blood scene. A chill goes down his spine at the dream and he tries to remember it's meaning.

Sunday November 3rd, 2002 4:30:45 AM

He witnesses the re-incarnation of the emperor, priest, and citizens, as well as the words and actions of repentance. He wonders and marvels at Arrack von Palin's vow. He wonders at how an emperor might be found for those so long dead - and have they any descendents here today in need of an emperor? He marvels at the generosity of spirit of such a pledge, however, and the noble impulse which lies behind it.

He does not, however, fully trust this Appolo fellow, and keeps his eye on him. As the careless rogue approaches von Palin, the monk hastens to his side, and places his arm out to block the placement of the crown. "It is not for you, Appolo, to name an emperor. Stand down." If the young rogue does so, so will Akerin. Otherwise, he looks to Rigging for anything he might bid him do. Less than a day has he known these people ... perhaps it is not for a healer of Alemi to interfere. No! This is Alemi's temple, and this chaotic, unthinking person cannot be allowed to make a mockery of... Akerin is indignant, indignant at this thoughtless lack of regard for dignity. He takes a deep breath, ready for action, or ready for peace - the peace that Rigging proclaimed.

Sunday November 3rd, 2002 7:53:48 PM

When Redux and Akerin try to stop he side steps and continues quickly placing the crown on Rigging's head. Then he turns on them. "Why not, I can think of no one better. Who I am I? I'm a man and I am his friend. The old emperor willingly gave him, his crown and considering that Rigging is of noble blood he has the right to wear it and should -- besides we haven't heard from him yet!!" He was almost calm again but now is angry as anyone can tell considering the way he roared back.

The Call Home! (DM Stephen)  d100=6 d6=6
Sunday November 3rd, 2002 11:32:07 PM

Akerin steps in Appolo's way and the argument ensues. Rigging continues to hold the crown. However everyone pays little mind to the "minor squabbles" of the living.

Ex-emperor Calendrus turns toward the blood and steps into it. He vanishes!! Then 50 by 50, the spirits of the Isildur follow their old emperor into the blood. The party steps to the side to allow unobstructed passage. They pass by, smiling and whispering blessings to the party. When they step into the blood, they too disappear in its fluid bubbly currents. A few spirits are still unrepentant and spit upon the proceedings They force themselves back out of the temple and into the ruined city.

After a bit of time, the orderly rows of spirits are finally gone. The place seems so empty. With the last of the spirits in transit to the lands of rest, including Father Farcus and Morgan, the blood stops pouring out of the fountain and it all drains away. Not a drop is left!

In the hand of Andruid magically appears a ring (the ring from Calendrus). The motionless and silent construct looks down at his hand. He quickly squeezes the ring in his mighty fist and crushes it. A sharp POP sounds off with its destruction.

"FINALLY ... i have my freedom of his control • at long last i can have my revenge •" Andruid wildly looks around. He is quite animated now!! Very excited and .... raged! In druidic, "where is the fiend ... i shall slay him for all eternity • WWHERE ISSS CAALENDRUSSSS • AAAUUUUGHHHHH!!!! YOU LET HIM GO .... YOU FOOOLLSSSS• FOR THAT YOU ALL SHALL DIE IN HIS PLACE • AAAUUUGHHHH!!!!!•"

Suddenly two massive swords spring out from his forearms. They begin to glow and burst with flame. His wings spread out with every razor-sharp "feather" shinning in the warm glow of the temple. With amazing speed and agility he charges at the party screaming a deafening shrill.

The eyes of Alemi's statue begin to glow as Andruid gets closer and closer with his attack. Before the blade can connect with Riggings neck, Andruid disappears. His screams still echo throughout the great temple. The wind of his charge still hits you and your hair is blown backwards. Then all is quiet.

(The module is officially over. You all played well. Welcome your new DM Donna, if you havent already. You each recieve 2500 exp. When you get back to the Hammerhead in the harbor, you will have time to count your treasure. After the Captain takes his cut, 10,000gp, each of your eyes are bugged out to realize the party has 65,000gp [total] to spend. Rigging and Ashira are now married. Everyone needs to start to nominate others for hero points and you need to get started updating your character sheets. DM Donna may have special instructions for you in that department. It was a pleasure to be your DM, even though it was only for a short time. Good luck everyone. I now go to Game 4. And if you thought you had it bad here :) wait till you see what I have in store for them!!! :)

DM Donna 
Monday November 4th, 2002 10:42:43 AM

Hello, Players! Before I begin posting for the game itself, I want to remind you all to please read over your character sheets and be absolutely certain that you have ALL the information that you are supposed to have on it--the pertinent personal info, the stats, the equip, skills, feats, special abilities, traits and any spells and/or magic items that your character possesses. This is all VERY important information--DOUBLE CHECK that you DO have ALL of it on the CS...and in the official format that CDM Jerry has asked for.


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