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In Search of the Feybelle

To the Palace (DM Stephen)  d100=41 d6=2
Wednesday August 14th, 2002 1:32:57 AM

To answer Redux's question, Father Farkus walks over to him. He places his hand on his shoulder, or tries too. His hand is incorporeal, along with the rest of his body, and so Farkus merely holds it in place as if he were touching Redux. "I am not sure how long the water will continue to flow. Maybe a couple of days, maybe as long as a week, but that may be too hopeful. Oh and don't worry about the misunderstanding. I took it as a compliment. Now you all must be on your way. I will pray for you all."

Father Farkus waves as the party leaves. The doors close behind them and Farkus starts to pray. His attention is suddenly interrupted by the sound of a little squeak. "Oh dear," sighs Father Farkus.
You are all outside and you can see the ruined city spread out before you. The temple stands so tall with its steeples and flying buttressing. Its height and size are truly awe-inspiring.

In the Northwestern direction you can all see the hills in the distance. They seem to be 5 to 10 miles away with a lot of urban decay in your way. It is hard to make out a palace with the naked eye amongst the rubble.

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 4:55:50 AM

Before leaving the temple

"Father Farkus, the power of the blessed water is nearly overwhelming," Akerin says. "Is not our god great? His winds blew me this direction. Yet these people did not need my touch. The waters of Alemi provided full healing and restoration. Now, Father, I see the benefit of the artifact. If these will have me, I shall accompany them on their pursuit. My boat - full of fresh fish - is beached nearby. I've no desire to see this bounty of the sea go to waste. Know you where there may be people to benefit from such a catch? I know, I know, this is a small matter. I shall pray for wisdom in this matter. Alemi grant us success, I hope again to see you. This temple, should he, and you, permit, I would explore, and herein worship. I ask your blessing, good Father, and any word of counsel you may have. They did not bid me come with them, but still I sense I should go. One last thing. Though its full virtue may not last long outside the temple, outside of the wondrous bottle, if I might, I would fill my waterskin, and this flask, with some of the blessed water. And, I believe, as an act of worship, I might at the least take a sip from this fount of life."

If Father Farkus does not object, and he senses no checks in his own spirit to filling the two vessels with the water, he does so. Otherwise, he forgoes that plan. But he does take a drink from the fountain, and, as he does so, envisions the waters of Alemi cleansing his inmost being, raising his hands high in adoration.

After leaving the temple

On stepping back into the bright light, the healer speaks, projecting so all can hear. "Good people. Would you have me accompany you? Or shall we now part ways? My boat, full of the bounty of the sea, lies beached nearby. If you would, perhaps we'll enjoy a meal and then, full of stomach as well as zeal of spirit, we might with greater energy climb to yonder palace. Or if haste is in your feet, I shall alone attend to my boat, to ensure its welfare, then catch up with you as soon as I might. Again, should you not object to my company."

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 10:00:16 AM

Outside the temple doors, Ashira waits rather impatiently for Rigging and the others. When the priest asks whether he should join them, the half-elf makes her way over to the man. "If Alemi took all the trouble to bring you to us, then I don't think either you or we should go against his will." Ashira extends her hand to Akerin. "As for the meal... I am very zealous to begin our quest, but I suppose it is foolishness not to properly prepare ourselves first. A meal would probably be a good idea."

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 10:46:59 AM

Redux, as if coming in late to the conversation exclaims "FOOD!" He realizes suddenly that he is quite hungry; Talon too, chirps in his approval. He looks up to the sun and estimates the time. To Rigging he muses, "Do you think that that replay of past events will overtake us? I remember that it was very traumatic. We may want to seek shelter inside for the appointed hour. Let us eat and then proceed. We may yet make it to the temple before we need to make a camp."

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 11:03:13 AM

"Yes, Akerin, you have my whole hearted approval," says Redux. "Let us share a meal and get acquainted better before we must share our next battle." (Aside, to Akerin, "'Cause, let's face it, that's why we all left the farm.")

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 11:50:10 AM

"Be welcome Akerin. A nicer meal would be great, and I also want to check if our ship is still there," Bart tells him. "Did you see it when you went ashore? And by the way, if our boat is gone, your catch will be probably spoiled, because there are no people living in this deserted city. Maybe we could dry the fish but that will cost us some time! Time we don't have - we must locate the palace as soon if we can. Maybe Rigging can find it with his magic locating an a throne or something."

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 1:25:01 PM

Appolo stands on the steps outside securing his gear and shaking his head, thinking, not even back a full day and already looking for trouble.

When Akerin asks to join the group, Appolo says, "Sure, glad to have ya, although if you were smart you'd get back in your boat and take your chances on the open sea. That being said, welcome to Team Trouble." Appolo extends his hand in friendship.

"Rigging use that Telescope of yours and find this Palace for us, as well as the most direct route."

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 4:05:23 PM

Rigging extends his hand to the young cleric. "Yes you are welcome. Be advised thought that we are not free agents but members of the Pirates of Jack. We are subject to the orders of our superiors. As of now I am in charge of this group. Will you be willing to place yourself under my orders and possibly join the Pirates?

Rigging pulls out the telescope. "Hey we need a name for this. Any ideas anyone?" He puts it to his eye and starts looking for the palace. He isn't trying to activate its powers yet.

Wednesday August 14th, 2002 6:46:13 PM

Walking with the group out through the doors Ari listens to Akerin's little spiel. "We all seem to be here by Alemi's grace. Maybe his grace can extend a couple more minutes as we get this artifact that the father mentioned and get some of the water. I don't think your fish or your boat will go anywhere right now."

Akerin's boat 
Thursday August 15th, 2002 2:25:24 AM

Akerin receives the invitations and welcomes with good cheer. He makes sure he gets each person's name. "I hope you'll enjoy it, Ashira."

"Redux, I like your hawk. Falcon? Hello there, Talon!" he says, tilting his head to the side as he notices the bird doing.

"No - Bart, right? I did not notice your boat - but, the wind driving me to shore, I felt compelled to come to what turned out to be the Temple, so did not take a thorough look about."

He shakes Appolo's hand. "That is what you deem yourselves? 'Team Trouble'? Hmmm," he responds.

"Oh, being out at sea, I have no lack of acquaintance with the Pirates," he answers Rigging. "-- and there's many a good seaman among them. For the moment, let us travel together on this present mission. For I do not know for certain whether Alemi's winds will bid me remain, or go. For the present, let me not burden you with expectations - other than this - I shall help you seek the bottle."

To Ari, he mentions, "Well, I too doubt it will go anywhere - for there it stands," he says, pointing it out.

On the beach, leaning to port, stands a single-masted sailboat, with a mainsail dropped, and what look like lines for two smaller sails in the front - these are neatly furled in the bow.

Twenty-two feet in length, some may wonder how he was able to beach it by himself.

It has a cabin from just aft of midships that extends to the bow. Aft is a little boom, angling up 45 degrees above the stern. Lines attach to it, and, as he leaps up, then drops down a ladder, it is evident a net is affixed to the line. Within the net are many fish - mainly many salmon, and a few tuna, plus some seatrout mixed in.

"This could feed the monastery for a week or two," he comments. "And longer, if it were smoked. Well, let us start a fire there - looks like driftwood should not be a problem to gather, eh?"

From below Akerin brings up a large fry pan, a flask of fine olive oil, and a large pot. He hands a few casks down. "Some potatoes, onions. Garlic in this sack. Carrots in water in the jar. Someone go ahead and slice them, put some water in the pot, and get it heating. We can fry the fish next to it." He brings out a few limes. "The juice is good on the fish," he comments. And breaks off a couple small chunks of salt. If no one has water, he points to a couple of barrels below. "Pretty fresh, this one is. Just turn the spigot toward the bottom. The space below is tight, but neat.

Expertly, he fillets the fish, handing the strips off to others to cook.

Just as the first fish finish frying, he looks skyward and says, "We thank thee, Alemi, for thy bounty." Then he smiles and says, "Enjoy!"

Before leaving for the palace, he cleans up quickly. He asks whether others think he should throw the remaining fish back to the sea, "To feed other fish out there," or to scatter them on the ground, or bury them slightly, "For more fertile soil." Whichever seems the best to others, he does. He locks the cabin, stows the ladder, has someone rinse the net and stow it, and says, "Thank you, Team Trouble, for sharing a meal with me. Now, let us seek the bottle!"

Thursday August 15th, 2002 9:02:41 AM

Val enjoys the meal as she gazes out at the open sea. She watches the sun sparkle off the waters surface. Her thoughts drift to the fountain and the special water. What would Alemi be trying to tell them by making the water so hard to use? Surely he knew of Ga'al's evil and what must be done. What purpose does taunting us with salvation serve? Still as great as the water is, Val must rely on her own strengths. If she is ever implanted with a heartseed the power of her mind may be her only hope. Lost in thought, Val heads to the front of the boat, sits on the deck, and begins to meditate.

Fish Fry (DM Stephen)  d100=62 d6=3
Thursday August 15th, 2002 9:34:25 AM

As soon as Akerin mentions preparing a small feast of fresh fish and as they turn their gaze back toward the harbor, everyone notices the Hammerhead was back and anchored just off the shore. The pirates were busy helping themselves to Akerin's bounty. Smoke from small fires already begin to rise as they begin their preparations to feed.

Large pots of boiling water are readied for Fish Head Stew. Frying pans of oil sizzle with fillets. Some fish are grilled over an open fire while others are being prepared for drying. Sea gulls begin to accumulate around the area where a team of pirates are cleaning fish.

The pirates appear to be a rag tag bunch but they operate with great efficiency.

Rigging looks through his telescope and eventually spots a rather large palace on a distant hill top. It was hard to spot at first because of closer buildings getting in the way.

The captain greets the party. "Ha haa ... glad to see all fared well. We too are fortunate," the captain boasts with a big smile!!

(ooc: After this post, I have a hankeren for fish for some strange reason. I guess I already know what Im having for lunch today!!)

Thursday August 15th, 2002 11:45:55 AM

"Hey it looks like we have a new cook in our team!" Bart exclaims. "I used to give a hand in the ship's alley but I see you are doing better than me Akerin!"

"Rigging -- what do you think of 'Wayfinder' for our device?"

Thursday August 15th, 2002 6:04:33 PM

Rigging greets the Captain and tells them of the adventures that they have shared so far. He explains about the healing fountain and asks if any of the crew are injured or heartseeded.

He then goes on to explain about the Faybelle bottle and how it might be able to preserve Alemi's holy water.

"Captain, we with the services of Akerin were going to go in search of the bottle to help in the war against Ga'al. What are your plans? You said you were fortunate. How so?"

Rigging then goes on to say, "It might be a good idea to have the crew start clearing away some of the rubble. This seems like a good place to make a base or homeport for the pirates."

Thursday August 15th, 2002 7:18:56 PM

Appolo eats and greets the crew. He then notices Valanthe wander off by herself. He quietly follows her and sits down close by to watch over her. All he wants to do is take her away from all of this, but here we are getting ready to bang heads with Ga'al and his minions agian, as if we didn't learn anything. He really feels like this is an exercise in futility and wants to let someone else oppose Ga'al. But where she goes he will follow. What really bothers him is he feels that she is slipping away from him. He thinks as he watches her meditate. He just sits quietly not moving or making a sound.

Thursday August 15th, 2002 11:14:52 PM

Glad to see that the others of the Hammerhead have survived the ordeal. Ari is glad to see that the meals are already in progress. Not wanting to take to long with eating, Ari makes a sandwich out of the fish that is available.

As Rigging talks about the healing powers of the fountain, Ari shows his belly button to show that he is free of the seed.

When Rigging mentions about clearing up the rubble Ari pipes up, "Umm. Are we sure we want to call this the home port of the pirates? I would think that we're starting a new nation. Either the 'true Aisildurian nation' or some other such name. We probably need some kind of government here, to which we can either get the children to flee to. Or to bring people here that would like to have their seeds removed, if we can still do that further down the line."

Friday August 16th, 2002 12:18:22 AM

Akerin greets the captain. "I too, am a captain - though my crew is fewer in number, and my boat, though beloved and reliable, is nowhere near as grand as this ship! I have seen swimming near the surface only twice the sharks for which your vessel is named. How swift they swam!

"Captain, sir, I have agreed to help find the bottle. I do not know how long Alemi will have us travel together. But may his blessings be upon you, your crew, and this ship."

Following the mentions by others of the healing power of the holy water, Akerin ventures to say, "Sir, if there are those among your crew who were seeded, yet have found ways around Ga'al's control despite that - let them go to the Temple. As his priest, I must ask that those who do show respect for such a holy place, and treat both his temple and the overflowing fountain with reverence. If one would enter whose heart is impure, I do not doubt but that Alemi could make him most uncomfortable. When we return with the bottle, then let those come with us who would be cleansed."

Friday August 16th, 2002 12:44:15 AM

Redux chooses one of the raw fish to feed to Talon and has some cooked for himself. Life is very grand. When next he sees his mistress, won't she be excited as well? Overhearing the suggestion of a name, he adds, "'Wayfinder' is better than 'that thingy.'" He then finds a place to sit and eat. As he sits quietly, he thinks of the wisdom of allowing Ga'al to remain, especially in control of the heartseeds. Certainly there is the subject of balance. And, he wonders, what his job would be if it were not for this quest--to free as many as possible from the influence of the cursed seeds. Speaking of Ga'al, he takes out the wand recovered from the priest. Examining it and giving it a shake or too, he finds himself at a loss as to its purpose. He certainly knows it has magic stored but of what sort. Well, he wonders, it came from a priest, to a priest it shall go. He finds Akerin. Smiling at the crew from the Hammerhead, "Well, we told you we were with a group of pirates. They'll never let a free meal go to waste. A while back, my friends and I came across a priest. This wand was liberated from his dead body before we burned it." He continues to smile at the thought of their victory. "It must have some sort of priestly magic about it. Healing would be nice, but those guys liked death magic so much, you might want to be cautious the first time you activate it. It belongs to the party, for the good of the party. It just can do no good unless tickled by the right sort. Think of it as a welcome gift."

After the feast (DM Stephen)  d100=86 d6=1
Friday August 16th, 2002 12:47:35 PM

Your bellies become swollen with fresh fish meat. You sit there in the morning sun, with your belts loosened, basking in the sensations of gorging oneself with the fruits of what nature has to offer. Sweet fish oils drip from your lips and run down your chin. You lick the oils from your fingers as if kissing your lover.
The captain after hearing Rigging's report starts to make preparations after breakfast to clear away rubble and make a camp.

By the time breakfast ends, the morning sun has made more progress rising into the midday's sky. (tick tock)

(ooc: Party's initiative. I don't know where the first paragraph came from!! lol.)

Friday August 16th, 2002 2:17:40 PM

"Ok, Talon, let's earn our keep. Rigging, if you don't mind, may I use your scope and direct Talon in the correct direction? Thank you. Talon, that is the direction we are headed." He points. To Talon alone, once in flight, 'We are on our way to that palace. Big structure, columns and looks a bit like that castle back home, only much bigger and grander. Tell me about some of the roads, any blocked roads, any sign of life besides the trees and plants.' To the party, "Well, it's off to see the wi..., um...let's head out and continue our quest. Appolo, mind scouting ahead a bit in front of the group?"

Friday August 16th, 2002 5:53:11 PM

As Rigging lends his telescope to Redux, he says, "The thingy is now called Wayfinder."

To the rest of the group, "OK! Enough lounging around. We have a wold to save. Let's get to it."

Rigging hoists his pack and heads out towards the palace.

Friday August 16th, 2002 7:05:47 PM

Appolo is snapped out of his thoughts when Redux says something to him. "Oh yeah take point. Oh by the way has anyone seen my sword? It seems to have disappeared." He says as he gets up. When Rigging mentions saving the wold Appolo pipes in. "Did we just do that? I think it's someone else's turn, isn't it?"

Friday August 16th, 2002 10:53:14 PM

Much refreshed after her meal, Ashira is more than ready to head out. When Appolo asks about his sword, Ashira says, "Ummm... I thought you knew... it changed into a scimitar and floated over to Ari. Father Farkus seemed to think that it belonged to him now." Ashira straightens her gear and reluctantly allows Appolo to take the lead.

Saturday August 17th, 2002 5:17:23 AM

Val rises and stretches in the sun. It feels so much better to move without armor on. She grabs her gear, strapping her quiver to her thigh, slinging the bow across her back, and carrying her scythe. Perhaps it will be a nice day. Some sunshine, a nice breeze, and some orcs or goblins to fight.

Saturday August 17th, 2002 11:52:10 AM

"We better find you another sword then, Appolo. We won't have you unarmed." Bart goes to one of the pirates and asks him to hand over his sword and to get another from the ship's arsenal. "Sorry mate we just need it now, you will get it back after our return." When Bart has his sword he walks to Apollo. "Here you have a new blade. Give it back to me when we return to the ship - I just lent it."

Saturday August 17th, 2002 5:42:50 PM

Appolo is none to happy when hears about his sword. His mood is gradually getting worse. When Bart gives him a sword he says, "Thanks, I might just need this." He then sprints off in the direction of the Palace sheathing his sword as he does so. He looks back. "Come on let's get this over with." He is clearly not happy and just wants to get the Bottle and be done with it.

Sunday August 18th, 2002 12:21:30 PM

When Bart sees Apollo away, he says, "It's always the same with Apollo, Act and then Think. I will follow him and get him out of trouble!"

Sunday August 18th, 2002 12:57:26 PM

His boat put in order, the tall healer in monk's clothes gives a crisp bow to captain and crew, then turns and joins in with the group as they begin to climb the hill.

Sunday August 18th, 2002 10:15:10 PM

Talking towards Appolo, "You didn't say anything when I looked at you when the sword came to me. So I guessed that it was okay."

As the party moves out to find the bottle Ari shrugs his shoulders as he gets ignored again.

Monday August 19th, 2002 3:05:05 AM

Appolo says to Ari, "It's not your fault. It's just another irritating development, that's all. Use it well my friend. I'll get along without it."

Monday August 19th, 2002 11:01:35 PM

Rigging is heading towards the palace keeping a sharp lookout for anything.

He scampers up to Ashira and says, "So what do you think our chances of finding this bottle are? It would be really helpful to inspire people and give them hope but it is just a bandage. Ga'al can infect people much more quickly than we can cure them."

City Crawl (DM Stephen)  d100=71 d6=2
Tuesday August 20th, 2002 12:33:07 AM

The day's travel is uneventful. However it is taking way too long to get to the palace. The city is a vast system of streets and alleys. Collapsed walls block some streets and you have to find a way around. It is easy to get lost in the maze of ruins.

Night falls sooner than you expect. The aggravation of having to retrace your footsteps and find your way around obstacles saps away at everyone's patience.

Talon flying above the party helps with directions, but he would have been more helpful if he knew his left from right!!

You all find a good place to settle for the night. You have plenty of leftover fish. You've about a mile left in your journey. The palace can be easily seen as soon as you poke your head above the city's skyline. You are certain you will make it to the palace tomorrow.

The area is, in fact, teeming with life. During the day, everyone did see birds, snakes, insects and various rats and mice. Talon made sure to point out the latter.

Before you retire for the night, you make your preparations.

(Party's initiative. Everyone roll 3 spot and listen checks during the night. The DC is a mystery!!)

Rigging  d20+7=27 d20+7=17 d20+7=25 d20+4=14 d20+4=7 d20+4=15
Tuesday August 20th, 2002 9:05:54 AM

Rigging settles in around the camp fire and says, "OK, We need to organize some watches.
First watch will be Appollo and Ari, I will take the next watch with Akerin, Redux and Bart get the third. Ladies don't think I am slighting you. If we have to cast spells tommorrow, the spellcasters will need a full night and you might have to pull double duty tommorrow night.
Rigging grabs a long stick and starts poking at the fire, looking around and listening to a mosquito buzz his ear. He muses to himself, "I should get a bat familiar. Keep the darn bugs off." After a quick and successful slap, he will turn to Akerin and ask, "Good priest, while we have a quiet moment, why don't you tell us about your history. Have you been in the struggle against Ga'al for long?"
OOC first 3 are spot checks, second 3 are listen checks. Much better at looking than listening :-)

Ashira  d20+8=27 d20+8=20 d20+8=18 d20+5=17 d20+5=12 d20+5=25
Tuesday August 20th, 2002 10:32:19 AM

The half-elf is tempted to continue their travels through the night, but complies with Rigging's order to make camp. She is also not happy at all about the watch shift assignments, and let's Rigging know about it. His reasoning about the spellcasters needing rest made sense, but every since they came back from whatever they did at the temple, Ashira can't help but sense a change in herself. It was like she felt like she had to protect this family. She had felt that before, but not as urgently as she feels it now. Hesitently, the warrior rolls out her sleeping mat, takes off her armor, and tries to settle in for the night, but sleep will not come. She heads over to where Rigging and Akerin talk, and begins to rub Rigging's shoulders. Waiting for a lull in the conversation, Ashira whispers to Rigging "I wonder who we should heal first with Feybelle. I can't believe I didn't ask before, but what about your parents...are they heartseeded? Might be a good blow if we freed them." As she peers out into the night, Ashira's heightened senses seem to pick up on something (Spot=27,20,18; Listen=17,12,25).

Appolo  d20+6=23 d20+6=12 d20+6=11 d20+3=20 d20+3=19 d20+3=5
Tuesday August 20th, 2002 11:24:24 AM

After the group settles, Appolo quietly eats, then makes sure Valanthe is taken care of. After that is done, he quietly makes his rounds making sure everyone is ok and gets something to eat and drink. He then walks over to Ashira. "If you want you can take my watch, neither one of us are magic users so it shouldn't make much difference either way."

He then sits down by the fire and calmly stares off into the distance, attempting to figure out what he should next, as he awaits a reply. Valanthe is slowly breaking his heart. It's taking a lot of effort not to fall to pieces. He has sad forlorn look on his face.

Spot 23,12,11 Listen 20,19,5

Bart  d20+3=13 d20+3=20 d20+3=14 d20=14 d20=14 d20=15
Tuesday August 20th, 2002 11:51:11 AM

Bart sits down and prepares a meal for the party. He listens to the stories Akerin tells. And he cleans his sword and chain. (spot 13 20 14 listen 14 14 15)

Ari  d20+1=12 d20+1=4 d20+1=10 d20+1=9 d20+1=4 d20+1=21
Tuesday August 20th, 2002 8:50:46 PM

(Spot 12, 4, 10) (listen 9, 4, 21 (crit))

Ari barely hears the assignments in the evening for watches. He's so excited that the easily stays up during the night during his watch. THough it does take a little bit for him to go to sleep afterwards.

(no change in master memorized spell list)

Redux  d20+4=14 d20+4=17 d20+4=8 d20+4=17 d20+4=23 d20+4=9 d20+6=26 d20+6=8 d20+6=10 d20+14=27 d20+14=21 d20+14=27
Wednesday August 21st, 2002 12:31:27 AM

(Redux Spot=14, 17 & 8; Listen=17, 23 & 9)
(Talon Spot=26, 8 & 10; Listen=27, 21 & 27)

Redux completes his nightly routine with some concentration excercises he's learned. They seem easier with more outdoor type sounds rather than city ones. He allows Talon to feed as needed but not over fill and be too full to help listen and keep watch. He is more than happy to take his appointed watch, more so than the party is used to

Dreams (DM Stephen)  d100=24 d6=4 d6=6 d100=50 d6=6 d20=15 d6=2 d100=83 d6=6 d10=8 d10=6 d10=7 d10=1 d10=5 d10=4 d100=26 d6=2
Wednesday August 21st, 2002 12:57:39 AM

"Dreams grow holy put in action; work grows fair through starry dreaming,
But where each flows on unmingling, both are fruitless and in vain."

Everyone is a bit unnerved by the sounds of the night. Scurrying sounds, russling of leaves. Haunting winds blowing through the trees. Light from the fire dance against the crumbled walls. Dreadful shadows are cast upon ancient sculptures, making them appear even more ominous.

During the first watch, those not on watch go to sleep. Once asleep, you begin to hear the rhythmic sounds of several drums beating slowly in time. The visions you see are quick and fleeting. Images of humanoids but blurred to the point of not being able to make out any detail. They sway and and kick with the beat of the drums, like some strange dance. The strange images shift to that of a pair of humanoid eyes in a cold hard gaze. You then hear grunts and sharp controlled shouts along with the strange dancing figures. Images fade in and out in a random sequence. You begin to hear countless echoing voices chanting the same unintelligble words. Slowly their words are drowned out by progressively louder drum beats, and then it is over!!

Appolo and Ari stay up during the first watch. Both can hear the sounds of the night: chirping, squacking, hissing, buzzing, flickering, fluttering, huffing, snoring, weezing, crackling, snapping, thumping, crunching and blinking .... Blinking!! Appolo sees dozens of little floating sparks of light blinking on and off just 20-ft away. They flutter around and whirl about in circular formations. The sounds are quite "critical" to Ari's ears (lol). He finds it hard to concentrate with all the noise!!

(parties initative)

Akerin and the frog  d20+5=14 d20+5=19 d20+5=15 d20+4=19 d20+4=23 d20+4=21
Wednesday August 21st, 2002 2:35:02 AM

[Listen: 14, 19, 15. Spot: 19, 23, 21]

Akerin tells the beginning of his story - of how he was taken to the monastery by his mother when he was four years old.

"My mother made a set of clothes for me, and delivered me to the monastery when I turned four. They taught me many things. How to keep clean my body, my teeth. How to sweep, wash dishes, pluck weeds, tend a garden.

"Each year until this child was twelve," he continues, changing to the third person, as though he spoke of someone else, "his mother brought a new set of clothes. For the first year he missed her. He cried for her. When she came on his fifth birthday, he held on to her, and did not wish for her to go. When six, he was happy to see her, but did not cling. Over time, he felt an affection for her. She remembered to bring his clothes.

"'Are you obedient to the masters, son?' she would ask.

"'I am obedient,' he would reply. 'Except for last week, when I did not return the frog to the pond, as Master Ralen told me.'

"'What then happened, son?' she asked the boy.

"'I took it to my bed, and protected it under my covers. In the morning it lay still,' he answered.

"His mother looked at him, and stroked his close cropped hair. 'What then happened, son?'

"'The frog would not awaken, mother. He would not sing. I took him to the pond, and set him in. Perhaps then he would awaken. Perhaps then he would join his brothers in song.' A sad look rested on the young boy's face. 'I was mistaken, mother. The frog no longer sang with his brothers. He did not swim the swim of his long green legs.'

"His mother looked at him. 'He will never sing, then?' she asked.

"'No, mother. It is my fault. I did not listen to Master Ralen. The frog will never sing.'

"She looked into his eyes for a long time, then hugged him to herself. The boy smelled the lavender on her clothes, which grew outside the home that the boy had almost forgotten. The smell brought back the memory of his home, and the field that started on the other side of the well.

"That is some of my story," Akerin concludes. "It is enough for now. Yes, I have struggled against the god who would dominate. I will sleep, then awaken as Rigging commands for the watch."

He takes a bedroll out of his backpack. He lies down, and falls quickly asleep.

Wednesday August 21st, 2002 10:20:25 AM

Slipping into Reverie, Val was pleased to find herself back at the beginning of her third decade of life. She had made her home in a secluded forest glade. Plenty of water, fruit, and game to hunt. She met a halfling druid that made sure the animals were nice. It was a pleasant time in what was a hectic couple of decades. Then the memories start to differ from the actual events. Strange and dark things haunt her mind. The effect has a much greater effect on the young elven maiden, since she has never had a dream before, or a nightmare.

Appolo  d20+10=26 d20+6=15 d20+3=13
Wednesday August 21st, 2002 11:21:06 AM

Appolo listens politely to Akerin's story, then settles into his watch. Sitting quietly he positions himself so he can see everyone and watch them as they sleep.

He sits in the dark and quietly listens and watches. He sits alone with his thoughts and is deeply saddened and depressed about the recent turn of events. He then sees the strnge dancing lights and quietly moves over to Ari and whispers, "Hey check those lights out. What are they? Should we investigate?" Appolo points the lights out.

Then he notices something is disturbing Valanthe's rest. She doesn't seem to resting quite as peacefully as she was. "Keep an eye on those lights. I'm going to check on Val." He moves quickly and silently to Valanthe's side, and sits down next to her.

Move silently: 26 Spot: 15 Listen: 13

Wednesday August 21st, 2002 11:55:50 AM

After listening to Akerin's story Bart goes to bed and dreams about the ghosts and drums. He turns around a lot in his sleep.

Wednesday August 21st, 2002 3:07:53 PM

Ashira continues to work at Rigging's shoulders as Akerin tells his story of the frog. Finally managing to get the last knot out as Akerin wraps up his story, Ashira says "Well thank you friend, that was a ummm...interesting story." Yawning, she cuddles into her bed roll only to have yet another night filled with strange dreams and nightmares.

Wednesday August 21st, 2002 8:12:56 PM

Hearing Appolo comment about watching the lights, Ari stands up and says 'ok'. He continues to watch and listen to the lights to see if there's any ryme or reason to what they are doing.

If he gets a chance he'll close his eyes and see if any of his other senses tell him anything.

Wednesday August 21st, 2002 10:26:38 PM

The nightmares awaken something hidden deep within. Almost like he can feel them; like he is them, or they are he. He looks back at the eyes with a face, streaked black with charcoal. His blood chills and he can't help but struggle with the images. Those deep, deep feelings want the beating of the drum to continue so that it may join them. As the dream climaxes those on watch can see his body pulsating to the beat as if about to spasm, yet without release. A connection is reached with his primitive nature; he senses his ancestors seeking the gods through the beating and the dancing. But, with that final thought, its over. Over? But it was just starting? Or has it always been? The images shift and change as dreams do. He tosses once more and then relaxes again as the deeper stages of sleep begin.

Wednesday August 21st, 2002 10:37:56 PM

Rigging sleeps fitfully his dreams haunted by the drums. He awakens with a start and looks around to see Appollo and Ari on watch. He settles back to sleep only to awaken again and again with the same dreams. When his turn for watch comes, he will awaken the young priest. "I was having the strangest dreams. Drums beating and beating. It was very unsettling."

The Howling (DM Stephen)  d100=89 d6=4 d100=70 d6=4 d100=23 d6=1 d100=25 d6=3 (lucky)
Thursday August 22nd, 2002 12:53:57 AM

Having a keen sense of nature, Ari realizes that the little blinking flashes of light are Fireflies ... lightning bugs. Simple, harmless creatures ... however, pleasant to watch.

Rigging and Akerin take up the second watch and Ari and Appolo get some rest. They too have the same dream that the others have.

The night continues. The same sounds dominate the area as before. Though this time, Rigging and Akerin hear the howl of wolves in the distance. Not loud enough to wake anyone, but the wildlife around you instantly hushes. For a short period of time, the sound of the wolves is all you can hear. The cries in the distance slowly die down. After a short while, the symphony of nature returns to normal.

Thursday August 22nd, 2002 2:19:46 AM

Akerin asks Ari and Appolo how things went to learn if anything happened on their watch he and Rigging ought know about, then bids them sleep as well as they might.

"So I too, dreamed," the tall young man answers Rigging. "It is this city. The spirits of the dead of this city do not rest. Some fearful thing happened here, and we dream the echoes of that thing."

He examines the area, looking for places where footing might be sure, and places where rubble or obstacles may be, as well as half walls, high and low places. For his first fifteen to twenty minutes on watch, he gains what tactical information as may help should unexpected guests arrive. He chooses the opposite side of the camp Rigging is on to guard, then changes places with him every half hour to forty five minutes, in order to remain alert.

Thursday August 22nd, 2002 4:31:16 AM

When Rigging and Akerin awake Appolo gives a report ."Nothing much happened just the usaul creatures of the night. I did notice that you and some others aren't sleeping to well. Is there anything wrong?" Appolo doesn't go to sleep he's got to muuch on his mind. He just sits by the fire staring into the flames thinking, with a forlorn, sad and distant look on his face.

Thursday August 22nd, 2002 9:01:12 AM

The current set of nightmares over, Ashira's dreams head into more familiar territory. A very young Ashira watches with detached interest as her mother mends the fishing nets. The dream changes. Swimming through beautiful green waters, the half-elf scans the area for signs of her "prey's" passage. Spotting a partially bent strand of sea weed, Ashira swims in that direction. As she continues to track, the half-elf notices some movement in a large clump of kelp. The corners of her mouth break out into a wide grin as she flanks the area and then charges it. A grey streak flashes out from the bed, followed by high pitched squealing noises. Taker loops back around and nuzzles Ashira's face with his snout as the half-elf hugs the dolphin. Again, scenes change as the half-elf dreams. This time, Ashira finds herself in the cave in Plateau City after the storm. Once again, she and Rigging are soaking wet, but this time, the outcome is much different.

Thursday August 22nd, 2002 10:23:14 PM

Redux continues to lay there sleeping. In his mind he is laid out on a table. An evil plant stands over him. It's pregnant. Turning his head, Redux can see many other people also laid out on the table; people to the sides, top and bottom. His perspective changes and he sees himself laying down there with the plant stepping around each of the other people. He can see them laid out in rows and columns; he has no sense of how many. It is no longer a table, but a field. It is like spring, when the farmers go to their fields to plant their season of crops. He is just a passive observer at this time. The pregnant plant pulls the seedlings off of it's body and 'plants' them into the awaiting body. An evil, satisfied smile forms after each successive planting. Redux again sees himself as one of the forms below. He wants to struggle against this evil....

Morning (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d6=5 (very good)
Friday August 23rd, 2002 12:39:43 AM

The third watch is uneventful. With the rise of the morning sun, a cool northern blows in. You wake to blustery breezes and a slight chill. The dreams you had that night were unusual, but you recall the dream with the drums as non-threatening. Though it was still a little creepy.

You all prepare for a full day of adventure. The group is just a short distance from the foot of the hills that the palace sits on. The outer walls of the Emperor's palace are in full sight.

(Everyone make a Listen check DC 15)

Ashira  d20+5=20
Friday August 23rd, 2002 8:58:21 AM

Somewhat rested, Ashira stretches as she rises. Ashira walks over to Rigging and awakens him. "Good morning! Ready to go and rescue another lost artifiact?" After getting a light breakfast of left over fish, Ashira dons her armor once again, and waits impatiently for the others to get ready to head out.

OOC-What happened yesterday? Did I scare everyone off with my post?!

Bart  d20=16
Friday August 23rd, 2002 11:03:43 AM

Bart is ready to go to the palace he waits until the others are ready to go. In the meanwhile he sents his prayers to Domi.

Akerin  d20+5=22
Friday August 23rd, 2002 2:42:57 PM

[Listen 22]

While on nightwatch Akerin took occasional note of the sorrow on Appolo's visage, and the teenager's wistful glances toward the elf, Valanthe.

In the morning, he offers himself in prayer to Alemi. "Today, my body is thine, given unto thy service, ready to carry out whatever be thy will. Grant me wisdom and discretion, discernment and understanding, that I may step in the paths thou dost lay before me. Guard these, my present companions, and let naught that I do cause them lasting harm. Rather, may I serve as an instrument of healing, of justice, of compassion, of love. Should any oppose us, direct me in the way thou wouldst have me respond. I thank thee again for thy bounty. Set thy watch over us in our endeavors this day."

After his prayers, he joins his new companions, in search of the bottle. "Appolo, Ari, Ashira, Bart, Redux, Rigging, Valanthe, may it go well with each of you today."

Friday August 23rd, 2002 3:49:41 PM

Appolo fell asleep very late and didn't sleep well or much. He went to sleep on the ground still wearing his armour and all his weapons. When he wakes up in the morning he is still very tired and looks it. Appolo eats quietly, washes his face, and stands ready to leave. He has bloodshot eyes and looks like he didn't sleep at all. He is also in a bad mood.

Ari  d20+1=11
Friday August 23rd, 2002 4:22:06 PM

Having slept the night away, Ari awakes relatively rested. Remembering the drums through the night Ari wonders what they portend. (listen=11)

Appolo  d20+3=12
Friday August 23rd, 2002 6:50:07 PM

Forgot to roll Listen 12.

Rigging  d20+4=12
Friday August 23rd, 2002 9:20:13 PM

When Ashira leans over to awaken him, Rigging will grab her and pull her to him for a kiss. "Good morning beautiful. You can hold this artifact. I am getting overloaded with them," he answers with a smile.

He leaps to his feet and and takes a few pulls on his waterskin, combs his hair out of his eyes, and yawns. "Those split up nights are killers," he says to nobody in particular.

He will pull out his Wayfinder and direct it towards the palace. "Redux, watch my back please. I am going to try to get a closer look with our friend here. See if I can see what lies ahead."

Rigging then sits and brings the telescope to his eye. "Don't let me stay under more than 5 minutes. I want to be able to walk."

Rigging then concentrates and murmurs, "Show me the palace. Bring me to the palace."

Friday August 23rd, 2002 10:38:49 PM

Not quite understanding what it is Rigging does with the wayfinder, Akerin is about to ask him - yet perceives he wants to -- to do whatever it is he does with it, undisturbed.

Redux is assigned to oversee - so he approaches Ashira. "May I ask the purpose for the wayfinder, and understand how it is used, Ashira?"

Saturday August 24th, 2002 2:56:12 AM

Val awakens from her reverie looking worn out. The dreams disturbed her reverie and she found no rest after they came. Trying to stir the sleep from her, Val stretches and slips on a robe. The robe was a gift from the owner of the RWI. The robe is black with red trim and feels like silk. It's tastefull yet hugs her figure nicely. Slowly she walks over and sits next to Appolo. "You look how I feel." Val says with a bit of sarcasm. "Last night my reverie was..." Val paused trying to find the right words. "Well it wasn't right. It suddenly changed into something random. Things that never happened. It was very strange and disturbing."

Saturday August 24th, 2002 4:03:49 AM

Appolo still manages to smile when Valanthe sits next to him. "Good morning Sunshine. Believe me I feel worse didn't sleep at all last night. Had some strange dreams and nightmares myself. I think we all did. Here, have something to eat." He hands her some left-over fish and some warm bread with a water flask. He also moves closer to her.

Saturday August 24th, 2002 8:14:28 AM

OOC Hey Val, You are walking around without that robe yet. I checked with Stephen and he said that the wedding hasn't taken place in our game time yet.

[Also a note on the robe for Valanthe from Kim: The robe is made up of variegated pastels - light-shaded colors - plus red and black lines weaving throughout it. Here is the description of the robe from the RWI:
(Excerpt from RWI on August 12, 2002) The dark-haired man shakes the bundle, and a fine, lightweight robe he holds in his hands. Made perhaps of silk, or of something resembling silk, it features whorls of pastels, with wandering narrow bands of red and black, as if some elaborate string were laid upon the fabric, and melted into it. "Please, we should be honored if you saw fit to wear this," he says graciously.

Should Valanthe try it on, she finds it is a wrap-around garment, with a silken belt, and quite comfortable on the skin. It falls to just above her knees, and fits her well. Quite appealing, and reasonably revealing - just less gauche than foundation garments alone.
Just think of yellow, pink, pale green, light orange, and sky blue whorls of color, with the wending black and red lines winding around it.]

Redux  d20+4=7 d20+14=27
Saturday August 24th, 2002 10:03:49 AM

Redux prepares his morning in his usual way, memorizing what spells he can and eating breakfast. He remembers something about farm work he once did in a break between his brief education. Now why did I remember that? He wonders.

Given the assignment by Rigging, he complies; yet not really willing to break the bond remembering what happened to Oreson.

ooc: Listen-Redux=7, Talon=27

Sunday August 25th, 2002 4:14:32 PM

The half-elf shrugs at Akerin's question. "Wayfinder is a powerful artifact which can locate and show you just about any place or person in the Wold. It is used just as a regular telescope, but it is VERY draining on the user." Ashira watches as Rigging activates Wayfinder, clearly anxious about how much the artifact will harm her betrothed this time.

Bart  d20+3=22
Monday August 26th, 2002 12:38:24 PM

While Rigging is looking through wayfinder Bart scout the perimeter and keeps an eye on the group. (spot 22)

Monday August 26th, 2002 7:21:38 PM

The healer monk nods at Ashira's explanation. He divides his attention for the next few minutes between Rigging and the local environs, staying nearby the artifact user, his staff ready to fend off any surprise visitors who might arrive unannounced. He covers the ground that Redux is farther from.

Ding Dong (DM Stephen)  d100=48 d6=1 d100=41 d6=1
Tuesday August 27th, 2002 12:40:00 AM

"Ding .... Ding .... Ding," a few of you hear the faint sound of a bell in the wind. It comes from a walled structure just outside the outer edge of the palace grounds. Parts of the walls are collapsed for easy access to some courtyard!?

Rigging tries to use the special powers of the "Wayfinder." However it doesn't work this time. The magical magnification still works as you look through the eye piece, but you can't scry with it now. In your mind, you feel that certain conditions are not being met!!

In the morning, it is clear that the entire hill on which the emperor's palace sits atop is the palace grounds. The area looks to cover more than a thousand acres. Travel on the palace grounds should be easier now that you would be out of the city's streets. The party can easily make it to the palace by lunch time.

The closer you all get to the main gate that leads into palace, the sound of the bell gets louder.

(Party's initiative)

Bart  d20+3=19 d20=17
Tuesday August 27th, 2002 11:43:40 AM

Bart tries to locate the sound of the bell. Very strange - a bell can't loud on it self and the wind isn't that strong. He scouts around and stops now and then to listen and look around (spot 19 listen 17).

Tuesday August 27th, 2002 3:31:17 PM

The young man wonders whether there is sufficient wind to ring the bell - or is someone there doing so? His eyes collect new images as they ascend the hill, and come upon the imperial grounds. He recalls the ephemeral priest's story of what took place here in a previous age.

Appolo  d20+3=13 d20+6=23
Tuesday August 27th, 2002 5:40:15 PM

As the rest of the group heads out Appolo stands, looks around, and says, "Guess it's time to go." He then sprints out ahead of the group, taking point.

As he heads for the palace he keeps an ear and eye out for trouble or anything unusual. Appolo begins to hears a bell ringing in the breeze. He quickly signals for the group to stop, then heads back to Rigging. "Do you hear that? Sounds like someone or something is ringing a bell. Do you want me to check it out?"

Listen 13, Spot 23

Tuesday August 27th, 2002 10:10:15 PM

Rigging puts Wayfinder away for now. "I really have to take some time and figure out how to use this thing properly," he says to no one in particular.

When he sees Appolo go ahead, he will signal the others to follow. "Let's go and see what is up there." Rigging loosens his weapons and follows along. "Let's all go together, Appolo. I don't want anyone facing undead or something similar alone."

Ashira  d20+8=13 d20+5=15
Tuesday August 27th, 2002 11:22:15 PM

Looking very relieved that Rigging is ok, Ashira readies her weapons and heads out with Rigging. The half-elf keeps her eyes (Spot=13) and ears (Listen=15) open for any signs of trouble.

Redux  d20+14=17 d20+6=19
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 12:49:57 AM

Redux is very happy that he doesn't have to "Pull Rigging out of it". He muses mostly to himself "I wonder if you have to be on a ship to use Wayfinder....". Gathering all his gear together, Redux sends Talon up into the air to scout out the area where he thinks the bell ringing came from. Looking over at Rigging, Redux smiles mischievously. "Well, we didn't get all dressed up for nothing. Might as well get down there and check it out."

OOC 17=Talon Listen, 19=Talon Spot

To the Palace (DM Stephen)  d100=19 d6=2 (oops ... bad)
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 1:33:35 AM

On the way to the palace, the group comes across the walled structure (just outside the gates of the imperial grounds) where the sound of a bell can be heard. Bart is the first to peer into a break in the wall. He sees a large courtyard. A large section of the center of the courtyard is covered in sand that looks to have been brought here from the beach. However over time, overgrowth of plants and weeds obscure most of the place. A fallen bell tower had crumbled to the ground. A large bell rests on the ground. The breeze blows a thin tree branch into the bell, producing a faint ringing noise. Bart can tell this courtyard had a special purpose by its design. (Int or Wis check DC 15. Anyone else taking a look can make the same check. However, if Akerin takes a look his DC is only a 10.)

The party stands in the gateway of the imperial grounds (just 30-ft from the walled structure with the bell). Everyone now has a full view of the palace, which is a half mile up the hill. You can tell that the grounds were at one time beautifully kept gardens. Exotic trees and flowers and other plants still grow but everything is wild and unkept. Statues and other sculptures line the roadway leading to the palace. This place was once a very grand and wonderful place.

Appolo, Ashira and Talon hear movement from the trees and brush from the hillside just 30-ft away, inside the walls of the palace grounds. Multiple sources!!

(Party's initiative)

Akerin  d20+4=20 d20+5=20
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 4:25:58 AM

[Wisdom check 20 on purpose of sand in courtyard.]

"Training area, perhaps," he says. "And..." - but his further ponderings are interrupted by the nearby rustling [Listen 20].

"Welcoming committee," he speculates. He walks a few steps to the right, quarterstaff in hand. Coincident with his movement, he begins to twirl the staff at a moderate speed before him. "Hello, there, people, or squirrels, or others," his voice projects. He keeps his eyes out for missiles, should any arrive in his vicinity.

Rigging  d20+10=22 d20+11=29
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 9:17:51 AM

Rigging sees Akerin's actions and flattens himself against the wall and seems to melt into it. "Appolo you go left and I will go right. Let's see what we are up against." Rigging glides silently away looking for a vantage point to see what is disturbing the young cleric.

Wednesday August 28th, 2002 9:33:23 AM

Rolling his eyes as everyone responds to the noise, Ari thinks to himself Why does it always have to be hostile?
[DM Stephen - Loads of non-hostile encounters: Tucri, Oreson Ironheels, dragon turtle, Lady Mab, Divine Nipper, Father Farkus, Alemi, Akerin, rats, squirrels, misc. creatures of the night, fireflies and etc.]

Valanthe  d20+3=6
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 9:33:54 AM

When possible trouble is mentioned, Val feels her instincts take over. Her eyes glance around for a target to slash and smash [spot check 6]. It takes all her willpower to calm down. Just because somebody could be out there doesn't mean anything. Friend? Foe? Who knows, maybe neither. Scythe in hand, Val waits to see how things unfold.

Bart  d20+1=17
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 12:35:35 PM

Bart looks at the branch that rings the bell. another look at the yard and Bart best gues is that it is used for training the royal troups, or...

Bart looks around where the others are and goes to them. When he sees and hears Rigging giving orders he thinks Trouble? .. not from humanoids it can only be from animal source...

Appolo  d20+3=7 d20+6=11 d20+10=21 d20+11=14
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 5:57:09 PM

After figuring out what is ringing the bell, Appolo hears movement in some bushes, and is amazed when Akerin walks straight at the bushes challenging wharever is in there. When Rigging gives him instructions he nods and says, "Bart back Akerin up." He then sprints left silently and quickly trying to stick to the shadows as he does so.

Listen 7, Spot 11, Move Silently 21, hide 14

Ashira  d20+8=10(Spot) d20+5=20(Listen)
Wednesday August 28th, 2002 10:27:10 PM

As the others prepare for potential trouble, the half-elf activates her invisibilty ring and takes up a rear guard position. She watches and listens for any further signs of danger.

Redux  d20+6=7 d20+2=4 d20+4=15
Thursday August 29th, 2002 12:48:44 AM

Redux' smile fades slightly as he considers how beautiful these gardens might once have been. It would be such a shame to burn them because of some wayward trouble. On the other hand, if the rustling turned out to be some sort of tasty game, the crew back at the ship would be very appreciative. Staying back he has Talon fly around to the side for a closer look (spot=7, or a natural one ::sigh::); alas, but the ole right hand/left hand issue presents itself once again as Talon goes the complete wrong direction. Sensing the temporary, minor horror from Redux, Talon promises to do better the next time but will have to fly around for another look. Redux searches the area as well. He sees more (spot=15) than Talon does but hasn't a clue as to what the grounds might have been used for (wisdom=4; volleyball maybe, is there a place for a net).

Better to bite you with... (DM Stephen)  d100=51 d6=4 d20+5=17 d20+5=11 d20+5=25 d20+5=22 d6+3=5 d6+3=7 d20+7=9
Thursday August 29th, 2002 2:17:44 AM

Grrowwling errupts from the bushes the closer the party comes. Suddenly three wolves charge out at Akerin. Four more also emerge but stay back, growling, snarling and snapping.

One of the three wolves that attack Akerin clamp on with a critical bite. The others miss. (Akerin takes 12 points of damage. Make an opposed Str or Dex check, which ever is higher. If you can't beat a DC 9, you will fall to the ground.) The wolf doesn't let go and continues to yank and pull on Akerin's leg snarling and slobbering.

A sudden alarm of countless barks and howls can be heard in all directions. However, they sound to be at a greater distance.

(Party's initiative)

Bart  d20+11=19 d10+7=16
Thursday August 29th, 2002 12:02:11 PM

Bart draws his sword and rushes in to the wolves around Akerin, he attacks one of the wolves (ac 19 for 16 dam)

Ashira  d20+2=19 (Strength check)
Thursday August 29th, 2002 3:27:58 PM

Ashira analyzes the situation, trying to determine the best course of action. She tries to see if she can cast Entangle so that the edge of the spell encompasses the four wolves that have stayed back. She does not wish to ensnare the members of her own party, so if it is not possible to aim the spell well, she will grab ahold of Akerin and try to pull him from the wolf's jaws.

Rigging  d20+7=18 d20+5=15 d6=4 d4+1=4
Thursday August 29th, 2002 4:40:25 PM

Rigging decides to forgo his magic against such a mundane creature and dances forward jabbing and stabbing with rapier and dagger. He attacks one of the wolves who attacked Akerin but not the one that is hanging onto his leg. He calls out when he hears the others in the distance. "Form a circle! Wolves like to attack in packs!"

Appolo  d20+7=27
Thursday August 29th, 2002 6:51:43 PM

Appolo abandons all attempts at stealth and sprints straight at the four wolves that haven't attacked yet, hurling a dagger straight one of the wolve's head, going for the kill while drawing his sword with the other hand.

Attack roll 27 critical hit. Damage 4 points.
Called shot to the head.

Friday August 30th, 2002 12:36:22 AM

Redux wants the protection of the fighters but wants to stay away from the front line of combat. He looks for a tree that might be of some protection. Not in any immediate danger, he casts Ghost Sound and strives for the meanest Dire Cat growling/roaring as he approaches from a short distance away.

Akerin (AC 19)  d20+3=12 d20+3=16 d20+5=18
Friday August 30th, 2002 3:12:51 AM

[Note: I wrote: "He walks a few steps to the right." Not straight ahead. I pictured him staying close to the wall, so as to make it tough for those squirrels or whatever to flank him, though I see my verbiage was not explicit enough.]

Against one wolf, his spinning quarterstaff may have served to defend. But Akerin's prowess is not yet to the point he can always successfully fend off multiple opponents.

For the moment, one wolf has his attention. Though the lupus would bring him to the ground so as to make it easier for his fellows to contribute their bites to a larger portion of his anatomy, Akerin keeps his balance (opposed Dex check, 12. Ignore second roll - accidental extra click). He slides the butt of his masterwork quarterstaff under the torso of the wolf, and reaches for it, so that his right hand holds the staff against the canine's left flank, and his left hand grasps the staff against the right flank (AC 18 for slide through & grasp maneuver). His six and a half foot frame leans back then up, lifting the rear legs off the ground, so as to weaken the wolf's base. "Don't want to hurt you more than I need to, good fellow," he says to the wolf, though wincing with pain. Mindful, though, of the others nipping at his heels, he pivots, for the dual purpose of keeping the others from flanking him, as well as making the biter dance on his (or her) forepaws.

Staring down fangs (DM Stephen)  d100=37 d6=4 d20+5=23 d20+5=23 d20+5=7 d6+3=7 d6+3=5 d20+9=14 d6=1 d20+2=12 d100=59 d4=3 d20+7=20 d4=3 d4=4
Friday August 30th, 2002 9:57:21 AM

Bart slices into the wolf that has Akerin by the leg. The wolf yelps and slumps to the ground motionless. Three other wolves jump at Bart as he approached.
(Hit Ac 23 both times, I think that hits. I dont have you AC in front of me. Damage: 12 points. Make a Str. or Dex check to beat DC 14 or fall to the ground)

Ashira drags Akerin away from the dead wolf. Akerin can tell Bart gave the wolf a deathblow and pulls back his staff.

Appolo's dagger is sent flying straight and true at a wolf. (It is only a "critical threat" on a roll of 27. You must roll another hit to get critical damage. There are no "called shots" in 3rd edition rules. I will roll for you in this matter. You first rolled a 27, critical threat. I rolled again and get a 20, that makes it a critical hit! A dagger does 2x damage on a critical hit. So you roll damage twice including your strength bonus on each, if you have any. I dont have your character sheet in front of me. Total damage: 7 points [not including str], but you needed 15 points to kill. Sorry!!) The wolf yelps and starts licking his wound.

Rigging pokes at a wolf with his rapier. (If you walked more than a 5-foot step you only get a single attack, but this time I'll give it to you.) The wolf also yelps but he runs off!!

Ari's druid instincts tells him that these wolves have never seen man before. They know not to fear them. He is fully aware that the group may be invading the wolves territory and they may have young nearby. He also understands once the alarm is sounded, whole pack is heading toward their current location.

Redux creates a loud lion-type roar and growl in the nearby bushes. The wolves barking and snaping instantly stops as they suddenly begin to cower close to the ground. Two run off the rest quickly follow. Appolo watches as one of the wolves limps off with his dagger still sticking in him!!!
(Hero point for Redux!!)

However, barking and howling can still be heard in the distance. And it's getting closer. The Palace is but a half mile ahead. The remains of a stone road still leads to it.

(Party Initiative)

Friday August 30th, 2002 11:18:24 AM

The half-elf pats Redux on the back. "Quick thinking! Good job!" Turning to Rigging, she says, "Looks like we need to double time it over to the palace... I don't fancy being someone else's breakfast!" A thought crosses Ashira's mind, and she checks the downed wolf to see if it is dead. If it is not, Ashira will bind its wounds and carry the unconcious animal with her as she flees.

Ashira makes for the palace hastily.

The dying Wolf (DM Stephen) 
Friday August 30th, 2002 11:43:54 AM

Ashira checks the wolf and he has a faint pulse. (You can make a heal check of DC 15 to stablize the wolf. Although curing the wolf a single hitpoint will do the same job.)

Friday August 30th, 2002 12:20:11 PM

"Okay everybody run for the palace. I'm clearly faster than anybody else here. I'll keep the wolves busy until I'm positive that you will make it." Valanthe holds her scythe in both hands and watches the bushes. There is a good chance that she will have to do something to keep the wolves' attention focused on her.

Friday August 30th, 2002 12:53:03 PM

Lifting her eyes to the sky Ashira prays. "Alemi, please heal this creature of yours." Ashira lays her hands on the wolf and stabilizes it. She picks the wolf up, puts it across her shoulders, and sprints for the palace.

Friday August 30th, 2002 2:27:53 PM

Bart frowns when Ashira heals the wolf. He says, "Why heal a creature that attacked us? You can better help Akerin. Didn't know you liked wolves that much!"

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20 St.+2 
Friday August 30th, 2002 5:20:21 PM

When he sees the wolves retreat Appolo relaxes and joins the others. "Bart leave leave her alone. The answer is because she can. Now head for the Palace, but don't run. Ashira you need to leave it behind, we can't take it with us.

"Akerin, as soon as you attend to your own needs, see what you can do for the wolf. Remember people don't run -- move quickly, but don't run. These things love a good chase."

Appolo then turns to Valanthe. "You better get a move on as well. I'll cover us. You're fast, Sunshine, but not as fast as me." His voice is harsh, cold and uncompromising.

Friday August 30th, 2002 6:38:27 PM

Redux begins a faster pace towards the castle. He holds off enough to speak to Appolo. "Ya know, it may be nothing to you, but where I come from, if you injure an animal, you find it and finish it off. I guess you never heard that." With that he heads out, very satisfied at their turn of luck. Wondering whether he's been too hard on the young Appolo, again, he uses the time to think of something else he could say to him.

Friday August 30th, 2002 7:33:37 PM

Appolo replies to Redux"Remember don't run."

Friday August 30th, 2002 7:39:04 PM

Rigging looks to the others and says, "We go as a group and stay together. Wolves are used to hunting in packs and their tactics are to cut off a single herd member, surround it and pull it down. If we make a unified front they will leave us alone. We will double time it to the castle but we move together. Let's go!" Rigging leads the others off.

Akerin  d8+5=10
Saturday August 31st, 2002 12:45:52 AM

Akerin touches his thigh, and performs a light cure (10 hp back). He looks with sorrow at the downed wolf, but nods his thanks to Bart, then moves to help Ashira bear the injured wolf to the location the party heads toward, moving doubletime.

Saturday August 31st, 2002 5:51:42 PM

Valanthe smiles. "Appolo I am faster than you. Besides my new abilities enable me to go even faster. You're needed elsewhere anyway. What if the palace door is locked, let alone trapped?"

Bart  d20=20
Sunday September 1st, 2002 10:58:31 AM

Bart walks towards the castle, his sword still drawn, ready to react on an new attack of the wolves (forgot to make a strength check with my last post).

Monday September 2nd, 2002 12:09:17 PM

Redux talks to Appolo as they make their way to the castle. It is a much slower pace than he'd really like, however he's confidant in the party's ability to defend themselves; the talking helps, too. "My father was much more the outdoors type. He enjoyed his business and the opportunity to carry goods from one area to another. With success, he didn't do so much but he always tried to instill his principles into me. I'm not my father but much of him is inside of me. I don't mean to get on you. Especially now. Life is very different for me; you have no idea. Evil creatures or beings deserve to leave wounded, if they have the opportunity. He always thought the natural creatures deserved better. He hung around rangers a lot, it was good for business. The way I really feel is bad for you to have lost both your sword and dagger in just a few days."

Monday September 2nd, 2002 12:30:25 PM

"Redux I feel the same, an creature that attack you doesn't earned to be healed. You can better save that spell for one of the party members that might need it later on. For example I can use a healing on my leg right now, but I will survive for a while."

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20 
Monday September 2nd, 2002 4:14:23 PM

Appolo looks at Valanthe and says, "Let's go together." He walks forward. After a few steps Redux steps up next to him and starts talking. "Your father sounds like a good man. I think you're more like him than you think, otherwise you wouldn't be here now. The only reason I didn't finish the wolf I wounded off is because it ran away, you don't pursue a wounded wolf retreating to its lair when the rest of the pack is on its way back. Don't worry about the sword or the dagger. I have another sword and more daggers. I think I have lost something infinitely more valuable and quite irreplaceable." He turns his head slightly looking back at Valanthe. He then turns back and says to Bart, "Saving the life of that wolf is important and proper. These animals aren't evil and deserve to live. After all they were only defending their home. If we looked around I bet we would find some cubs around here." He then quickly moves forward to the front of the group taking point about 50 yards ahead of anyone else.

Monday September 2nd, 2002 6:05:44 PM

As she travels hastily toward the palace, Ashira comments back over her shoulder. "Bart, if someone broke into your house, wouldn't you try to defend it? That's all these wolves are doing. While I don't value their lives as highly as members of the family, I'm not just going to let it die when I can do something about it. Besides, I have an idea, and if it works, it just may save us a lot of hassle in the future."

Monday September 2nd, 2002 11:18:09 PM

Rigging thinks to himself. 'I can't believe that we are debating about the lives of a wolf. People wear wolves. Here we are going into the palace looking for an artifact that could help in the salvation of our people, and we are debating about a wolf.' Rigging wipes away the sweat forming on his brow.

"Look alive people! I am glad you all are so confident in our abilities, but let's pay more attention to our surroundings."

Tuesday September 3rd, 2002 7:29:22 AM

Val waits back trying to buy time for the others. When they are close to the palace, Val starts sprinting toward the palace. Feeling the energy buzzing in her head, Val concentrates and uses the energy to make herself faster.

OOC: Val uses her 3 daily free manifestations to use Burst. For 3 rounds her base movement is 50ft.

Tuesday September 3rd, 2002 11:38:44 AM

"Ashira you might be right," Bart agrees. "This could be their home. And I would react the same."

Akerin  d8+5=8
Tuesday September 3rd, 2002 1:50:44 PM

Akerin thinks both Valenthe and Appolo foolish for not sticking together, as Rigging wisely instructed. He notes the lack of discipline among some members of the group. Then smiles as he recognizes his own disobedience to Rigging's instruction to leave behind the injured wolf. But the cleric has a higher authority, who has instructed him to heal whom, and what, he may. He sets in his mind the decision to speak with Rigging about this at a calmer time. He values leadership, and understands the benefits of command, but also knows that blind obedience, though sometimes efficient, will not always produce the best results, in accord with righteous principles. He does note Valenthe's speed - her sprint as fast as some of the more advanced monks of his order, though not quite as fast as the most skilled.

Once the party reaches the palace (or earlier, should the opportunity present itself), Akerin asks Bart if he can address the wound on his leg. If Bart agrees, the healer restores eight (8) hp. "Well, I see that helps some, but the healing is not yet full."

Aside from the moment spent for Bart's sake, Akerin's focus is to help bear the wolf, and looking ahead toward the palace, looking for clues as to what might be in store for the party.

Tuesday September 3rd, 2002 4:39:29 PM

"Do you think Alemi does not try to get along with the other creatures of the world? I don't see him attacking things outright?!"

Ari continues to move towards the palace with the rest of the group.

Rigging  d20+7=9 d20+5=19
Tuesday September 3rd, 2002 9:57:14 PM

Rigging just sighs when Val speeds ahead. "She is a big girl." he murmers to himself. He looks around and tries to listen for danger. Wind blows some grit in his eyes but he is listening very well

Leaders of the Pack (DM Stephen)  d100=68 d6=2 d20+12=16 d20+12=23 d20+12=27 d20+12=25 d20+12=26 d20+12=21 d20+3=11 d20+3=4 d20+3=19
Wednesday September 4th, 2002 12:21:01 AM

The party has traveled most of the way to the palace before a swarm of barking and howling wolves converge on the spot where the battle had taken place. They sniff and comb the area where the blood had been spilled. Some blood had an unfamiliar odor. They sniff the air and look in your direction. (Forget the Track checks: 16, 23, 27, 25, 26, 21; they easily pick up your scent. The scene is still very fresh.) Then a few wolves spot you and dash off after the party. The rest follow.

Valanthe sees that 3 to 4 dozen wolves are suddenly hot on their trail. She manifests her inner powers and like a wildcat chasing after a prey, she races towards the palace at a break-neck speed. Those who look back are amazed that her legs are just a blur as she speeds her way closer. She catches up in no time at all.

Appolo, who went up a little further ahead, sees the front doors of the palace atop a great stairs. The size and scope of the palace is as great as it is grand in design. The closer you get, one can see the ravages of time become self-evident. One of the great doors are slightly ajar.

(The party is 1000-ft from the palace doors. At your current speed, it will take several minutes to get to the palace. You quickly estimate the wolves will catch up with you before you get to the palace if you don't start running.)

Wednesday September 4th, 2002 4:05:24 AM

"Let's move, Ashira!" Akerin urges, and breaks into a run, still carrying the injured wolf.

Wednesday September 4th, 2002 8:41:09 AM

Rigging yells, "To the steps. Run!" Rigging starts running towards the steps as fast as his legs will carry him.

A thought flashes across his mind and he yells to Ari, "Ari, Can you communicate with them and tell them we mean no harm!"

Wednesday September 4th, 2002 10:02:41 AM

Needing no further encouragement from either Akerin or Rigging, Ashira breaks into a full out run. If the wolf she caries seems to be slowing her down enough to endanger her or Akerin's life, Ashira will suggest that they leave the wolf behind.

OOC (Ashira can carry the wolf alone if Akerin would like to be unencumbered.)

Wednesday September 4th, 2002 11:07:12 AM

Redux quickly casts Dancing Lights to create 4 moving torches. These are to move with the party and stay 100-150 feet Redux. They should move about within their 10 ft circle. After this he will head towards the castle as fast as possible. He plans on webbing the front entrance once the party is inside.

Wednesday September 4th, 2002 11:47:30 AM

"Thanks, Akerin, for the healing. The wolves are coming now go to the palace doors. I will try to give you some time." Bart retreats back to the palace also with his sword and dagger drawn ready to counter attack a wolf.

Wednesday September 4th, 2002 4:54:01 PM

Considering that a few dozen wolves are assembling, Val is surprised that the others weren't running right away. She might have to stop and fight. She can feel her psionically enhanced speed start to become a drain. She cuts off the flow of psionic energy before she is exhausted. Val glances at the wolves and at the others.

OOC: Will they make it to the palace before the wolves are upon them?

If not:
Val stops, draws, and spins her weapon making sure the flashing sunlight gets the wolves attention.

Appolo Hp 28 Ac 20 
Wednesday September 4th, 2002 4:56:48 PM

Appolo turns around as Valanthe sprints past. He sees the wolves. Reaching into his pack, he produces a flask that contains oil and begins pouring it on the ground while walking back and forth left to right. He then produces a torch, pours the remaining oil on it, and proceeds to light the torch on fire with his flint and steel. "Come on move, hurry!! I'll cover us!! Ashira, Akerin put that wolf down -- we can't take it into the dungeon with us!!"

As soon as the last of the party has moved past him he will light the over grass and vegetation on fire with the torch then join the rest of the group.

Wednesday September 4th, 2002 5:01:09 PM

Responding to Rigging's comment, "I'm not currently able to communicate with the wolves. But we could consider letting them run into their injured, but still alive pack mate. But I'm not 100% sure about how they'll react to that. It might give us the extra time to get to the palace, I don't know."

Fangs on the run (DM Stephen)  d100=21 d6=4 d100=95 d4=3
Wednesday September 4th, 2002 11:19:29 PM

The party makes it to the steps. Redux after casting his spell is the last of the runners to reach the steps. Bart, Valanthe and Appolo who bring up the rear guard come right after Redux.

All who look back will see that the wolves are upon you. They simply ran around the fire that Appolo made, but it did buy a few more seconds. You all know that they will be on you in another round. The stairs are an 80-ft climb to the door.

The closer the wolves get the multitude of barks and yelps is deafening and they echo through all the hollowed structures in the area.

(Party's initiative)

Ashira (casting Entangle) 
Thursday September 5th, 2002 8:41:36 AM

Panting from the run, Ashira is relieved that the party makes it to the stairs. She hands the injured wolf to Akerin. "Here, hold her for a minute...I need to cast a spell." Ashira whispers a few words, and casts ENTANGLE immediately in front of the stairs, hoping to further slow down the pack. As she does so, she speaks to Redux. "I hate to further injure the pack, but it is a matter of life or death. There is a bag of caltrops in my pack. Get them out and spread them on the stairs as you run up." After casting her spell, Ashira sprints up the stairs.

Thursday September 5th, 2002 10:40:13 AM

"Well they may defend their home but I will defend my family!" Bart still guards the back, ready to react on any attacks of the wolves.

Thursday September 5th, 2002 2:25:40 PM

Akerin takes the wolf from Ashira, and runs up the stairs, two and three at a time. (Running, he covers 90' in one round with medium encumbrance. If wolf weighs more than 117 lbs., then he moves 60', considering the other things Akerin carries.)

Thursday September 5th, 2002 4:06:58 PM

With her weapon drawn, Val bounds up the steps. She glances over the palace for anything that might help. Perhaps she could spot a low level balcony everybody could climb to.

Thursday September 5th, 2002 5:27:11 PM

Rigging notices the entangle spell and watches its effectiveness before casting his own spell. He will murmer a few words and cast his sleep spell on the largest group of wolves not entangled.

Apppolo  d20+2=9
Thursday September 5th, 2002 5:36:43 PM

After lighting the fire Appolo takes off in full sprint and bounds up the stairs two at a time."The doors open, hurry let's get inside."
Heads for the door and tries to push it open.
"Bart wanna help me with this door?"

Stength check 9

Friday September 6th, 2002 12:48:45 AM

Redux grabs for the caltrops and dashes up the stairs while Talon swoops upwards to find a safe place to perch. On his way up he quickly judges whether the caltrops or a web spell would be most effective given what he sees at the entrance to the door. His goal is to sufficiently slow the pack to give them time to secure the door. Once in position, given that everyone is past, he will spill the caltrops or string his web.

Friday September 6th, 2002 4:43:40 AM

Ari will do his best to move towards the open doors and to help the family. thinking a quick prayer ... 'Alemi, show the wolves another meal so that we will not harm them this day'.

Gripping Conclusion (DM Stephen)  d100=66 d6=1 d10=8 d20+2=15 d20+2=19 d20+2=10 d20+2=8 d20+2=10 d20+2=16 d20+2=6 d20+2=3 d20+2=6 d20+2=9 d20+2=5 d20+2=22 d20+2=7 d20+2=19 d20+2=7 d20+2=13 d20+2=17 d20+2=9 d20+2=7 d20+2=7 d20+2=11 d20+2=7 d20+2=21 d20+2=12 d20+2=13 d20+2=5 d20+2=8 d20+2=14 d20+2=6 d20+2=9 d20+2=16 d20+2=17 d20+2=14 d20+2=10 d20+2=19 d20+2=18 d20+2=16
Friday September 6th, 2002 10:29:46 AM

"GRRRRRR BARK BARK YELP YELP YELP IEEEE IEEEE IEEEEE!!" Scream the wolves as they hit Ashira's entangled spell area. Not out of pain, but by surprise and fear. The plants themselves have never reached and grabbed them before. Even a low lying tree branch reaches over and picks a wolf up off the ground!!

Over the initial shock, the wolves snarl and bite at the grass, twigs, brush and all other foliage. The wolves in the back stop their chase and begin to pace back and forth, not knowing what to do. One wolf in the spells area effect is slowed and he tugs and pulls his way through slowly. (Ashira 200 experience)

The party has enough time to get inside the palace safely as the wolves struggle from the plants and confusion.

(Way to go!! Parties initiative)

Ashira  d20+8=23 d20+5=17
Friday September 6th, 2002 2:49:04 PM

The half-elf smiles slightly, taking in the success of her spell. As the lone wolf struggles to break free, Ashira begins to run up the steps again. "Alright, everyone, lets get inside. I don't know if they'll continue to chase us once they break free, and the spell will only last a couple of minutes." Once inside the palace, Ashira scans the area for any signs of danger (Spot=23 , Listen=17) Motioning Appolo to the front of the party, she whispers "You might want to scout ahead for traps." If there are no immediate signs of danger, Ashira will take a few moments and try to cast Animal Friendship on the wounded wolf. (Wolf needs Will save vs DC 12)

Saturday September 7th, 2002 10:36:25 AM

Rigging sees how well the entangle spell works and decides his sleep spell isn't needed. Pride swells in his heart over Ashira's quick thinking. Rigging heads up the stairs two at a time and enters the palace.

Redux  d20+1=17 d20+4=11
Saturday September 7th, 2002 11:04:05 PM

As Redux gains the top of the stairs, he sees what must be done (if anything) to open the doors (strength check=17). He then calls to Talon to get inside with him. Once inside (and everyone else) he sees what might be available to block the door (spot=11).

Sunday September 8th, 2002 4:34:54 AM

Well done Ashira! Bart goes inside and looks around

Appolo  d20+6=19 d20+3=19 d20+3=17
Sunday September 8th, 2002 5:11:36 PM

Appolo nods at Ashira's suggestion and moves deper into the Palace carefully having a look around. He is exhuasted and is not in a very good mood. Considering he didn't sleep very well the previous night.

Spot 19, Listen 19, Search 17

Monday September 9th, 2002 7:38:08 AM

Ari enters the palace happily knowing that the wolves will not come to harm. He hopes that the party will be able to find a way to keep the wolves from entering the palace with them.

Monday September 9th, 2002 12:01:03 PM

As Val looks around, she wonders what danger they just walked in to. Anything important is always guarded. She didn't believe that the defenses were deactivated before the world ended.

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