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The Cure and the Tale

Rebirth and Renewal [DM Stephen] 
Friday August 2nd, 2002 12:18:59 AM

The aftermath of the great battle leaves you dazed. Your memories become a blur. Your not sure where you are. The mist that surrounds you clears for a short moment. You all find yourselves on the shore of a great river ... a river that appears to flow with blood!! An ancient man stands at the rivers edge. He tests the "waters" with his bare foot. He then steps out onto the currents. He takes a few steps out and he doesn't sink. Instead he walks upon the waters surface. He looks back at you all. His expression is of extreme elation. He quickly begins to laugh and almost starts to dance with joy. Ashira instantly recognizes him as the man who lead her back from the dead. The old man senses her recognition and his laughter quiets to a smile. He looks upon the group with loving eyes and in a flash you find yourselves looking up at a golden giant.

After a few moments, you realize you're laying on the floor of the nave in the Grand Temple, staring up at the great statue of Alemi.

You are all ALIVE and well. As you get up, you hear the dripping sound of water. You gaze around trying to spot its origin. There, just in front of Alemi, is a short 4-ft pedestal with a wide bowl on top. It is a basin used by priests to hold holy water. However, the water overflows and runs down the sides. It collects on the floor into indentations that allows the water to flow into a large circular pool in which the statue of Alemi now stands. It is strange that none of you noticed this before.

(Everybody make Int. checks of DC 10. If you make the check, you realize this is a new addition to the temple. Kim, you can start posting when I introduce you.)

Appolo  d20+1=16
Friday August 2nd, 2002 1:35:25 AM

Appolo gets up, dusts himself and looks around. He is glad to see everyone made it. A wide handsome smile crosses his face. "Well we're back, wild ride. I'm glad everyone is here! You all look wonderful. Alemi be praised for that!! He then runs around and exuberantly hugs everyone, kissing Valanthe full on the lips. He then notices the fountain. "Well that wasn't here before -- and I'm thirsty." He walks over to get a drink.

Valanthe  d20+1=6
Friday August 2nd, 2002 2:39:46 AM

Val smiles and returns Appolo's kiss. She stretches slowly feeling the tension in each muscle slowly drain away. Rising to her feet, Val looks around. The familiar site of the fountain signifies that she is back in the world of the living. The blurring whirlwind of recent events clouds and causes confusion. She wasn't ready to try and figure out what exactly happened. Taking a deep breath she clears her mind. Feeling better, she looks around to see what's going on.

Rigging  d20+4=20
Friday August 2nd, 2002 7:26:35 AM

Rigging immediately notices that the statue is new. "So back to the true living. Praise Alemi!" Rigging looks around and grabs onto Ashira's hand. "Glad to see you made it love."

Rigging will release her hand and walk over to the new fountain. He will dip his hand into the water and give it a taste.

He turns to his family and says, "We now what do we do? I wonder if Ga'al is still out there or if the pirates are still functioning?"

(DM Stephen - The statue is not new. It is the same giant golden statue of Alemi you saw before but now it stands in a pool of water.)

Ashira  d20+1=3 d20+8=19 d20+5=17
Friday August 2nd, 2002 8:12:43 AM

After recognizing Alemi, Ashira runs to embrace him. "Wait, don't leave...don't leave!" She shakes her head as she realizes she is back in the temple on Isildur. "I must have been dreaming." Ashira walks around, trying to get her bearings (Int=3). "Hmm...wasn't here before, you say? That's odd. Although I highly doubt anything could trouble us here...better check it out." Ashira scouts around the area looking (Spot=19) and listening (Listen=17) for anything threatening.

Friday August 2nd, 2002 3:05:48 PM

Appolo looks up while getting a drink and washing his face. "Rigging hug her will ya, don't walk away. Glad to see you made it, that's all." He the goes back to sticking his head in the water.

Ashira  d20+8=10
Friday August 2nd, 2002 5:27:26 PM

Seeing Appolo desecrate the holy water, she heads straight for the young man and tries to grab his collar (but of course, misses with a 10). "Shades Appolo, show some class! This is holy water... do you want Alemi to come down and slap you across the head?! If you need to take a bath, do it elsewhere!"

Friday August 2nd, 2002 6:33:18 PM

Appolo looks at Ashira with a devilish grin. "Ok Ok!! I'm done now anyways, besides the water tastes and feels so good. Oh ya why would Alemi waste his time slapping upside the head, when he has you to do it for him." His overly long hair soaking wet and falling down in a tangled mess as he frees it from its braids and shakes his head like a shaggy dog. He smiles the whole time as he sprays water around.

Bart  d20+1=12
Friday August 2nd, 2002 6:44:47 PM

"Well we made it did we killed a god it seems we managed.

"Why can't we drink of the water Ashira? I'm thirsty. I don't think Alemni would mind after our trip to the otherside to aid him." Bart uses his hand to drink a little bit of water. Just before he drinks it he says in his mind, 'Alemni -- thank you for this water.'

Redux  d20+2=14
Friday August 2nd, 2002 11:49:58 PM

After coming to, Redux keeps his eyes closed, unsure of what has been or where he is. He takes mental note of Talon and then some of his surroundings, hearing the water and the exchanges of the others. He slowly begins to move his body around, almost unsure if it will function as he expects it to. Not finding any pain or discomfort, he opens his eyes. He is stunned all over again by the gold statue, and wonders at the beauty of the pool (int=14, recognizing it is new). "Yes, Appolo, you numbskull, of course it's sweet. You wouldn't expect the god of gods to have salt water for holy water. Ashira's right, Alemi might just show up to remove you from his presence, and without being as gentle as Lady Mab. I would prefer not to have to witness such an event. After desecrating it so, I wonder if the water would affect the undead as it should. I would hope so; I'd like to collect some. But I'd rather allow the priest collect it." After saying his peace, he accepts the fact that the fountain was good to drink and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for... Hmmmmm, wait, where have I heard a story like that one? Redux looks around the area for any other new features and especially any caretakers. The place looks too good just to be unattended.

Ari  d20+1=17
Saturday August 3rd, 2002 12:31:15 AM

Ari wonders about the antics of the old man, and his walking across the river of blood. As the dream transitions into the statue Ari marvels at the goings on of the gods. Realizing that the pool of water is something new Ari ponders out loud, "This is the newest holy water after our battle in the underworld. Do you think that maybe we can bless our selves or our weapons with this newly made water?

Saturday August 3rd, 2002 9:50:07 AM

"Appolo get out of the fountain! I am not sure but I think Alemi was willing to sacrifice his entire being to save the wold. Show some respect. He might turn you back into a mummy if you don't. I doubt Val would want to date a mummy."

Never thirst again (DM Stephen)  d100=46 d6=3
Saturday August 3rd, 2002 12:55:39 PM

As Appolo washes himself in the holy waters of Alemi, he can sense, somehow, an emotion coming from his short sword. A feeling of disgust. And as if under a force of its own will, the sword flies out of its scabbard and slides 30 feet away from Appolo. It makes a loud clang that startles everyone. It remains motionless on the floor.

Whoever does drink from the fountain realizes that the water is holy and tastes sweet. You feel good, in fact, you feel GREAT. Taking in the water gives you an extreme sense of warmth and contentment; as if embraced with Alemi's love.

Ashira gives the place the once over. Nothing looks out of the ordinary for this place. However she does notice that "real sunlight" is coming through the massive circular stained-glass windows that are high above you in the clerestory. The dust that Appolo beats off himself was instantly whafted away by a magical force! You cannot see it, but you are aware the air is charged with divine magic. However you sense only goodness.

Saturday August 3rd, 2002 4:59:44 PM

Appolo just laughs at the others' outbursts. "Relax, lighten up, no need to get nasty. As I said I'm done." Then his sword flies out of his scabbard. He laughs and turns to the statue. "All right, I get the point. You're right -- don't need that thing or these around here." He begins to strip, throwing all his weapons, armour and equipment in a pile with his sword. "How's that for faith? First time in my life, that I can remember, that I've been completely unarmed. Now what are we supposed to do? I say vacation, a long and hopefully permanent one." He then walks over to Valanthe. "How about up for a vacation? Just me and you in a cottage in the woods."

Sunday August 4th, 2002 9:13:18 AM

"That does sound nice, but we might have to settle for a nice spot in Isildur. I'm not really sure what happened but Ga'al is out there. Maybe we can use Isildur to really make a stand. Secretly smuggle free people here and build up a small army. I think we have a usefull tool in Isildur. We just have to figure out how to use it."

Sunday August 4th, 2002 3:42:59 PM

Still fuming at Appolo's behavior, Ashira briefly considers picking up Appolo's sword and pummeling him to death with it. She wonders which desecration would be worse...defiling the holy water or spilling blood in such a holy place. Deciding not to take the chance, Ashira busies herself with gathering waterskins from everyone in the party (except Appolo) and filling them with the holy water. As she goes about the work she thinks out loud "I wonder where the old priest went. Maybe Alemi called him home."

Sunday August 4th, 2002 4:05:42 PM

Ashira stop pestering Apollo. Here take a nip from the water too you feel refreshend and you feel the power of Alemni throughout your body. And yes in my opinion the water is holy.

Appolo  d20+5=18
Sunday August 4th, 2002 5:17:35 PM

"Yes I agree, my love, we should bring some people here, especially children, there are lot's of orphans out there. As for building an army I don't know about that. Who said we have to leave Isildur to find a cottage? I'm quite sure we can find a nice place somewhere around here." He picks her up in a bear hug and spins around happily. "You don't have to marry me, if you're unsure. I'll wait. Now let's have some fun and enjoy ourselves," he whispers in her ear. Appolo after a couple of minutes puts her down and spins over to Ashira. "Ashira I apologize. For your own sake don't be angry, take from one who knows, it's not a good thing.

"Besides you should be happy we won, everyone is here and Alemi is here too and is happy and proud of us. Have some faith and allow yourself to be happy," he says with broad, infectious, handsome smile. He then reaches out and tickles her behind the ear before dancing lightly away, clearly playing. He is not even thinking about the future, he is clearly living in the moment.

Sunday August 4th, 2002 9:19:05 PM

Taking some of the water from the fountain, Ari applies it to the thorn in his belly button.

Then trying to find a rag, Ari goes through the motions of trying to clean all his possessions withe the holy water. If he can, he takes extras special care when cleaning his father's sword. He's hoping that somehow he can make his father's sword into something that can oppose Ga'al.

Sunday August 4th, 2002 10:17:13 PM

The half-elf looks up from her task of filling the waterskins when Appolo comes to talk to her. Finishing up with the last of the vessels, Ashira turns to face Appolo. "Look Appolo, we're going to have to come to an agreement. I take Alemi seriously...I love him with all my heart, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for him. To me, this is a VERY holy place. Maybe your intentions were all right, but your methods most certainly were not. See...look at Ari, he treats this place with respect even though he's using the water. Either you need to respect Alemi and his temples, or we will never truely be able to be friends." As Ashira looks Appolo straight in the eyes, the young man can tell that Ashira is not angry per se, but is unwilling to bend on the issue. "Look, Appolo, I do this for your good too. There comes a time when you need to learn the there are some people that you owe respect simply because of who they are. Alemi is one of those people."

Monday August 5th, 2002 12:50:14 AM

Appolo stops moving. "I'm sorry if my actions were disrespectful and I apologized to everyone, they weren't meant to be taken that way. I am truly sorry if I offended anyone. I will try to be more respectful in the future. Please forgive me, as you all know I tend to be impulsive and often act without thinking. I am just happy and want to celebrate, come on why don't the rest of you take your armour and weapons off, like I said we don't need them here. I have faith the Alemi will protect us.'

He then gives Ashira a broad smile and skips off toward the library happily.

Monday August 5th, 2002 1:25:29 AM

"Is it wise to ffight Ga'al now?" Bart asks. "Won't the pantheon in Balance? If we somehow diminish Ga'al strength won't that be bad either? In my opinion opposing Ga'al depends on the fact if the priest continue heartseeding Aisildurians. I will look for the old man -- maybe he has some answers. Bart leaves the fountain room and starts searching for the old priest.

Monday August 5th, 2002 8:23:39 AM

When Appolo walks over to the library, Ashira follows him. Putting her hand on the young man's shoulder, the half-elf smiles at him. "Appolo, I'm sorry if I came down too hard on you. I've changed since I came back, mostly for the better I think. But maybe I have a tendancy to take offense too quickly." The warrior scans the library with Appolo, occasionally pulling down a few tomes and leafing through them.

Monday August 5th, 2002 6:55:03 PM

Appolo turns around. "Don't worry, I'm not angry. Of course you've changed, we all have -- and for the better, I'd say. Look don't take this the wrong way, I love you, for who you are, you're my bigger older sister. You always stand up for me even when you don't have to and you are always looking out for my best interest even when I'm not. Now if there's something you want to talk about, I'm listening. And try to remember something: I see, hear, and perceive a lot more than I ever let on..." He then gives her a big hug warm wet hug, his hair still dripping with water. "Now could you go tell Valanthe that I wish to talk to her, please."

Monday August 5th, 2002 11:20:27 PM

Redux shakes his head and minds his own business. He knows he has no way to reach a youth he has no relationship with and an unlikely chance of having one any time soon. Seeing the others reactions to the water and esp Ari's use of it, he begins to wonder about the power this holy water might have. He is unsure of what to expect from the water. With a prayer to Alemi, (and a slight feeling of embarrassment) he removes his cloak, scoops up some water pours a portion on his heartseed and quickly drinks the rest. He stares into the face of Alemi, wondering what the god's water will do.

Tuesday August 6th, 2002 4:05:42 AM

Val looks around the temple and sees Appolo. She knows that they have to talk. She's been putting it off for far to long now. She takes a deep breath and walks over. "Appolo we have to talk. I think that there are things we need to discuss."

DM Stephen 
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 9:21:09 AM

(My phones are down at home. So I was unable to post last night. I will try and post sometime this morning between projects. I will then post again before I go home. I dont know when my phones will be on again. They are working on it. :(

BTW, there is no library in the Nave of the temple. There are no books that you can see. You are not in the Inner Sanctum. Remember you are standing in front of the great golden 200-ft tall statue of Alemi in the main worship hall [the center of the temple].)

Tough Love (DM Stephen)  d100=86 d6=4 d6=6
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 11:00:07 AM

As soon as Ari and Redux take a sip of the water a strange thing begins to happen. Their heartseeds start to squirm and squeal. Both Ari and Redux find themselves gripped in extreme pain. They can't help but fall to the floor (unless you can make a Fort save DC40. If you actually save with a natural 20, you only remain standing and conscious. However, you still feel the pain and can do nothing else).

Screams of pain suddenly stop as they fall unconscious under its torment. Their bodies continue to shake and writhe along with the heartseeds. The infernal plants seem to atempting to leave the body.

(Party's initiative.)

A lonely fisher of man (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 11:12:56 AM

Young Akerin makes his way to shore. The strange winds and currents that brought him to this shore must have been the works of the gods. The bounty of fish he has caught along the way is more than he could have possibly imagined. These waters were teaming with fish of all kinds. Had to stop early to keep from cap-sizing the boat.

After making it to shore and looking around, you can't help but see this majestic temple. It appears to be the only building that escaped the passage of time and the elements. The closer you get, you're startled by the sounds of someone screaming in extreme pain!!

Redux  d20+3=6 d20+6=20 d2=1
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 1:10:26 PM

::writhing in pain, screaming incoherently::

Redux mercifully falls unconscious. Talon flaps about wildly and dive/attacks at the nearest person to Redux standing (hit ac=20 for 1 pt dmg). Attackee may want to try talking to Talon and only get a face full of feathers and wings (animal handling of some sort would be best; if successful, Talon will land next to Redux' head and act nervously as you try to help Redux).

Ashira  d20+1=5
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 2:50:38 PM

The half-elf has her swords half way out of their scabbards as she turns to see where the screaming is coming from. Seeing Ari and Redux down, Ashira heads to try and help her fallen commrads. Seeing the berserk Talon, Ashira decides that maybe she'd be most useful calming the animal down. Chanting a few brief words (Speak with animals), Ashira begins to speak to Talon in chirps, skretches, and other odd sounds. "Calm down Talon! Redux is hurt. We need to get to him to help him. Let us help him."

OOC (Diplomacy=5...oh well, it was worth a try.)

Talon  d20=20 d6=5
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 3:18:10 PM

Talon doesn't seem to care for what Ashira has to says. He scratches Ashira's hand as he bounces off her larger frame. Feathers fly everywhere in his struggle. Talon manages to catch himself before he hits the floor. He instantly scurries over to Redux. Nerviously and excitedly, Talon bobbs his head up and down while he guards Redux. His wings are still spread out wide as he tries to make himself look bigger than he really is.

Talon watches Ashira gently kneel down next to Redux. Being the wise owl that he is, he realizes that she is trying to help. (Sense motive, rolled 20)

"Help him take the pain away. He hurts ... Redux hurts. Something bit him, take his pain away," begs Talon!!!!!

Tuesday August 6th, 2002 5:51:34 PM

Looking with reverent appreciation at the great temple (that towers high above his head*), the fisherman approaches the statue of kind Alemi, at which time he hears a scream. Quickly touching the feet of the statue, he then brings his hand to his lips and kisses his fingertips.

"Oh, Great Alemi," hurriedly begins the young man, "I thank thee for bringing me to this place..." Another scream from within interrupts his prayer.

"So let thou me further thy works of healing. Amen," he concludes quickly. Stepping forward to one of the massive bronze gold-inlayed doors, he pushes, hoping it is not locked against him.

(*DM Stephen: Sorry, I made a small edit. Yes, the temple WAS cut directly into a cliff face, but that has changed. Later found out that my location for Isildur on the map was an error. There are no mountains with cliffs in this area. This area is mainly flat grasslands surrounded by low rolling hills with many large rivers that flow from far inland toward the sea.)

Appolo  d20+10=26 d20+11=23
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 8:05:12 PM

Appolo looks at Valanthe with love and happiness in his eyes, mixed with a hint of pain. He reaches out and lovingly pulls her into his embrace, "Yes we do do don't we?" Appolo replies.

That's when he hears the screaming begin. "What's that, man can't catch a break, can we my love. We'll have to talk later." He then releases her and in one quick step is at a full sprint back towards the others. As he sprints in to the room he sees Redux and Ari on the floor convulsing in pain."What happenned?"

He then notices the doors are beginning to open. He sprints over grabs his sword and assassin's dagger. He unsheathes both and heads for the door while the others help his fallen conrades. "The door's opening -- someone's coming in, you guys help them, I'll lay out the the red carpet for our new friend. He moves silently and quickly staying to the shadows and will quietly hide close to the door and await whoever comes through. Weapons ready. He says a silent prayer to Alemi asking for his help and guidance. He is truly hoping he wasn't wrong, that he will not need his weapons.

MOVE Silently 26, Hide 23

Tuesday August 6th, 2002 9:55:56 PM

Rigging rushes over and looks on helplessly as his friends scream in pain. "Get something between their teeth so they don't bite their tongues out!" he orders.

Another part of his mind wonders if this could be a cure for the heartseeds. It looks extremely painful but must be better then the domination of Ga'al.

Tuesday August 6th, 2002 10:28:11 PM

Valanthe runs over and cirles around to the other side of Redux. Between her and Ashira, one of them should be able to get to Redux. "Ashira do you want to distract the bird or shall I?"

Ari  d20=14
Tuesday August 6th, 2002 10:57:18 PM

Ari screams in pain as the torment of the seed begins anew. Falling to his knees he does his best to fight the pain. The scream dies on his lips as he falls over unconscious unable to bear the pain any more.

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 9:30:02 AM

"I think Talon will be ok...I'll just need to talk to him. But if it becomes a problem, I'll deal with him." Ashira does as Rigging says, sticking a small piece of wood in Redux's mouth to prevent him from injuring himself. She turns to Talon "Talon, please let us help your master. If you attack one of us, then it will only hurt Redux." Ashira gently pulls Redux's robes up, and carefully examines the heartseed. "Rigging, take care of Ari. Bart...be ready. I don't know if these things will still be alive once they leave their host." Ashira glances over at Rigging, pain and concern obvious. "If it looks like they're going to burst through the skin, we may need to make an incision to remove them gently. I'll need a dagger."

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 10:45:21 AM

Rigging snaps his fingers and pulls out his holy dagger. He hands it to Ashira saying, "Careful. It is the holy dagger and might give the heartseed a reaction. Might be good in getting the blasted thing out." Rigging tries to help Ari by getting a stick into his mouth.

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 12:56:22 PM

When Bart is hearing the screams he turns around and sees Ari falling on the ground. He runs towards him trying to help. When he sees Ari is totally unconscious, he lays him stretched out on the ground.

Hearing the doors open, he sees that Appolo has already taken position. Bart stands up, pulls his sword, and walks towards the door. He doesn't try to hide, in fact just the opposite so that all who enter must see him, and so he gives Appolo a better chance to sneak up behind everyone who enters this temple.

Akerin  d20+4=24
Wednesday August 7th, 2002 1:00:58 PM

He finds the door responds to his pressure and opens. He stands in the doorway a moment, not quite filling it, despite his 6'6" stature and wirey 200 pound weight. He allows his eyes to adjust to the interior light. His hair close-cropped, the young man wears tied robes similar to what Athlemdar of the abbey wore, and bears a quarterstaff in his left hand.

His ears perk up as yet another groan of pain comes from within. About to stride in, his eyes scan the entrance quickly. (Opposed spot check, DC 24 vs. Appolo's hide). He looks right into the shadows obscuring Appolo and speaks. "Who suffers in Alemi's sanctuary? I come with healing in my hands. So, will you escort me, or strike me, man? Are you the defender of those who suffer, or the cause of their suffering?"

He then looks up as another man approaches. "This is Alemi's temple. Do you defile it with your swords?" he asks Bart.

Broken Hearts (DM Stephen)  d100=44 d6=3
Wednesday August 7th, 2002 2:02:00 PM

Appolo reaches for his short sword. It continues to slide away from him. A second attempt produces the same results (it continues to slide away)!! With his assassin's dagger he stalks the visitor in the shadows.

Akerin adjusts his eyes just in time to see Appolo's shadowy outline, barely!

After pulling up Redux's and Ari's shirt, you see their squealing heartseeds pushing themselves out of their host's body. Ari's heartseed is out first and it plops out onto the floor. It wiggles and writhes and starts to scurry across the floor.

As Rigging places his holy dagger close to Redux's heartseed, it struggles to force itself out even faster. Then with one last tug, it too plops out onto the floor. However, this one remains motionless, as if exhausted or dead!

Bart sees the "stranger" outlined by bright sunshine that floods in from outside.

Akerin also sees Bart in the distance. The warrior approaches with his sword drawn.

(Party's initiative. Ari and Redux make Fort checks DC 15. If you save you wake up and are allowed a partial action this next round. You may choose to stand up as your partial action, but if you do, you will need to make a second Fort save DC 15 or remain stunned on the floor. Attempting to cast a spell will require a Concentration skill check of 15+the spell level for being in so much pain. And a second Concentration skill check of 10+spell level for being prone.)

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 3:44:05 PM

As the heartseeds pop out, Ashira back peddles away from the evil creatures. As Ari's heartseed slithers away, Ashira yells "Rigging, attack it with magic missiles! We can't let them live. They'll reveal this location." Rigging's holy dagger in hand, Ashira delivers a coup de grace to Redux's heartseed, not pausing long enough to see whether it's dead or just resting.

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=3
Wednesday August 7th, 2002 4:32:46 PM

Rigging murmurs a few words and 2 missiles launch forward from his hands striking the slithering heartseed. (8 points of damage). "Ashira -- use the dagger on both of them!"

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 5:34:12 PM

"I defile nothing stranger!" Bart answers. "This city and temple is deserted, for long time no man is living here. Everything entering this temple must be an abbreveration. Something where the temple and my family must be protected for. So temper down and state your name and tell me why you came her for and also how you did get here. Answer these questions or begone."

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 6:02:01 PM

Quietly stepping to the side, Valanthe sets her scythe down and draws her bow, nocking an arrow in the process.

Appolo  d20+6=26
Wednesday August 7th, 2002 6:49:10 PM

Appolo, his cover blown, steps out of the shadows and moves quickly forward sheathing his dagger as he does so. "Hold on Bart, looks like a priest." Appolo stands in front of the stranger looking him over. "I defend this place and all in it. This is my family. MY name is Appolo from Aisildur. You have entered the Temple of Alemi in Isildur. Now who are you and what business do you have here?"

Spot check 26
OOC: Appolo is looking for any clues as to the stranger's identity.

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 6:57:58 PM

"Very well. I come here borne on an Alemi-sent wind. He bids me do his will. So you protect the temple, and your family. Both are worthy actions, I surmise. I do not ken the meaning of 'abbreveration,' however. Come, man - there are those within who are pained. Will you not allow me to see to their needs? Especially if -- they are members of your family, no? So put down your blades against me. Ah, I see that you, at least, do so," he nods towards the one who stepped out of the shadows. "I lay down my staff." He drops his staff horizontally before him, catching it with the toes of his left foot, and thence letting it roll quietly to the floor ahead of him. "My name I'll give to whom I trust. Hmmm," he pauses. "Very well. You gave your name, and stowed your weapon. My name is Akerin." He briefly glances toward the ceiling as he moves his attention from Appolo to the swordsman.

He takes one step forward into the temple. As he does, Appolo, and perhaps Bart, may recognize that the clothes Akerin wears look similar to the attire of Athlemdar, a monk who traveled with the family, joining them at the end of the raid on the Ga'alian chapel in Adorus, then on to Fog Isle.

[OOC on pronunciation: 'Akerin' is, in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA): /a 'ke rIn/, pronounced "ah 'kay rin", with 'a' as in 'aha', 'ay' as in American 'cake'/'take'/'tray'/'train', and the 'r' with the tongue once touching the alveolar ridge behind the teeth, and the 'i' a short I, as in 'tin'/'pin'. The emphasis is on the second syllable. The 'r' might sound to some as a 'd'.]

Wednesday August 7th, 2002 9:05:31 PM

Appolo looks up at the tall stranger. "You say you wish to help. Well OK, go ahead. Remember Alemi is watching -- this is his house." He then bends down and picks up the staff, handing it back to the stranger as he stands aside. "It's OK Bart, Alemi will protect us. Let him pass."

He then races back to the others. Seeing that there is nothing that he can do, and the worst looks to be over, he heads over to Valanthe. "I think everything is OK now. We can go somewhere and talk if you want to." He reaches out to take her hand.

Redux  d20+3=5
Wednesday August 7th, 2002 10:30:45 PM

Still unconscious, Redux spasms as the heartseed leaves his body. A violent dream begins in his mind of the time when he first received the 'gift.' The scene quickly becomes ghastly and a scream begins to form on his lips as the horror of his receiving the gift sinks in as the plant winds its chords around his inner most being. The scream heard is one that started long ago when his freewill was first bound. It has never before been allowed to escape. His voice becomes cracked before it ends. Sweat pours from his body as the anguish subsides; leaving him pale like death but for the slow rising and falling of his chest to tell of his breath.

Thursday August 8th, 2002 12:47:21 AM

Valanthe takes Appolo's hand and walks away from the group. When they are as private as they can be Valanthe looks down and takes a deep breath. "I'm not sure where to begin. I can't give you the things you want or deserve. You expressed a desire for children. At this stage in my life, I'm not ready for children. I'm not sure if it's even possible. By elven standards I"m young. Some elves would still consider me a child at a hundred years. I won't lie, part of me wants to have childen now. But there is this energy inside of me and it's growing. It's going to take all of my focus to master this energy and keep myself from harm let alone others. Especially children." Val's eyes start to water and she appears to be on the verge of tears. "I don't want to hurt you Appolo but I can't give you the things you deserve. I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I kept you from those things."

Thursday August 8th, 2002 1:15:16 AM

"Well be welcome now Akerin. My name is Bart. See what you can do for Ari and Redux. But I think Alemni already helped them with their biggest problem. But maybe they stiil need some care."

Bart puts his sword in his scabbard but his hand is near his dagger, ready to be drawn. He follows the priest. "You won't mind if I stay in your neighbourhoud, do you Akerin?"

Thursday August 8th, 2002 1:26:58 AM

My, this one moves quickly, Akerin thinks as he observes Appolo run off, then take the elf woman by the hand, to pull her aside.

He looks at the one referred to as Bart. "So, I may pass? Thank you - Bart. Not at all, stay with me. How did Alemi help? Ari and - what's the other's name?" The tall fellow walks down to the heart of the Nave, where lie two men. He pauses to look up to the face of Alemi's towering statue.

If either heartseed yet shows life, Akerin makes sure with his staff that neither approaches the prone figures. He reaches down his right hand to touch the man who just screamed. His fingers probe the vacated hole in which the symbiote lived, so near the pulsing heart. He looks up at those around. "What caused them to leave? Why did the heartseeds leave? I would heal, but please grant me understanding, to guide my efforts. What did you, did they, do? What is the nature of Alemi's hand, as Bart mentioned?"

Thursday August 8th, 2002 7:03:53 AM

"Hello good priest" Rigging says with both hope and suspision in his voice. "The holy waters spilling from the fountain caused this reaction. My dagger, which is also holy, helped speed the reaction." Rigging points to the dagger in Ashira's hand.

Bart could you fill up some waterskins of the holy water. I don't know if it will have the same effect outside the temple but it could be very useful in our struggles against Ga'al if it does."

Rigging looks down with concern at the 2 young men at his feet. "Can you help them?" Rigging asks the priest.

Thursday August 8th, 2002 8:29:33 AM

OOC Ashira previously filled all of the party's waterskins with the holy water (except for Appolo's). :)

Ari  d20=3
Thursday August 8th, 2002 10:54:49 AM

Ari convulses as the seed leaves his body. He dreams of the time when he first received the seed. He imagines the whole affair over again.

Akerin  2d8(7+7)+5=19 2d8(1+2)+5=8 2d8(2+8)+5=15 d8=2
Thursday August 8th, 2002 1:30:57 PM

"Praise then to Alemi and his twice-blessed waters. Here, let us cleanse the cavity - this may sting a bit, but soon will sooth." He requests some holy water, and bathes first Redux's, then Ari's chest in the water, making sure the cavity is first filled, then, moving each patient in turn on his side, drains the liquid. He follows that with some liquid from a vial. "Those little pests lodge themselves just below the sternum, and send out tendrils between the lungs, affixing themselves to the spine and the lines of nerves bundled there," he comments. "Other tendrils locate themselves in various organs. Excuse me."

Now, his left hand on Redux's back, and right hand on the chest, he utters a quiet prayer in another language. Redux feels a tingling, and a wash of warmth climbing his spine and spreading throughout his upper torso. The cavity in his chest closes - extruding a moderate glob of blood and pus. This the healer wipes off with a cloth he removes from a bag at his side.

He repeats the procedure for the one called Ari. But the prayer he repeats twice for Ari, as the first time, the healing was not entire.

[Cure moderate wounds, 19 hp for Redux; 9 hp and 15 hp for Ari.]

He then stands to his full height, and looks around at those gathered. "Your friends should be fine. They may want to rest for a few hours, at least. Ga'al's spiders? Wash their carcasses with the blessed water, then slice them finely, then we will burn them outside. I dislike unnecessary killing. This is necessary. My name is Akerin."

Thursday August 8th, 2002 6:45:04 PM

He pulls her close and looks into her eyes with a soft smile warm smile. "Don't cry. I all want is for you to be happy, if you're not ready, you're not ready. This power is related to your headaches is it not? Do you still have those headaches or are they gone? Please tell me about it I want to help. You know somewhere in this Temple there resides the knowledge of an empire, perhaps we might find some answers there." He then pulls her head against his chest and holds her, comforting her as best he can. He then says, "Besides you're not the only young person around, I'm only 16-1/2 years old myself, I can wait." He then picks her up and carries her off looking for a room or study where they can have more privacy.

Thursday August 8th, 2002 11:05:41 PM

A calmness overtakes Redux as he becomes quiet; almost like a sleeping baby with nothing in the world to care about. 'Mommy & Daddy take care of me, my tummy is full. What could make this world any better? he dreams.' The color has returned to his skin and he feels warmer.

Talon begins takes to the air and begins to swoop and chirp about the head of the newcomer. Akerin can hear the joy in the chirps better than anyone else in the room. "Hooray, THANK YOU!" This is followed by a twirl of acrobatics that takes him around and all about the statue of Alemi. After the spectacle, Talon plunges down to land on Akerin. (A little more mass and he might have toppled you over, it was more of a tackle.)

The Cure (DM Stephen)  d100=95 d6=1
Thursday August 8th, 2002 11:41:57 PM

Rigging's magic missiles strike the squirming heartseed and knocks it up into the air. It lands back down on the floor and rolls to a stop just a few feet further away. The second heartseed lies prone and helpless. It is struck by the dagger instantly with little effort. It instantly shrivels and goes limp.

Akerin's treatment of Ari and Redux was masterful by any standard. However, when his hands touched the water from the holy font, he almost felt he would lose control from divine ecstasy. The water feels to have been blessed by a power source far greater than he has ever experienced.

When the water is poured over the open wounds it foams up and runs off the body. Once the foam clears away, the wounds disappear as if they were never there!!

Both Ari and Redux lay perfectly still. Then slowly they wake as if from a deep sleep.

"Well, I see you found your gift," says a voice from above. Everyone who looks up, you see a translucent humanoid figure floating in the air. His body lacks detail and has very little form -- you can occasionally make out arms and a torso, but it all mixes together. The only thing that you can see with any detail is a face. It floats around from one position to another with perfect fluid movements. "It's good be rid of Ga'al's taint."

Friday August 9th, 2002 5:31:17 AM

Bart falls on his knees thank you Alemni for helping my family and sending this priest to us. Please forgive me that I didn't trust Akerin when he did enter the temple. Only you could guide him to this town and temple.

Friday August 9th, 2002 9:29:50 AM

Falling on her hands and knees, Ashira is overcome with gratitude. "Oh Great Alemi. Your gift is too much! You have given myself, Redux and Ari new lives. You are truly the most awesome god!"

Friday August 9th, 2002 3:08:22 PM

"The headaches are gone." She puases for a moment and then continues. "Appolo I don't know if you can wait. I might not be ready for 5 or 10 years. There is a good chance that I won't be ready for 40 or 50 years. It pains me to say this, but I think you should seek another path."

Friday August 9th, 2002 4:21:06 PM

As if from a deep sleep. Ari looks up and hears the voice and its message. Ari smiles and says, "Thank you Lem..." pausing as if there's some confusion, "Ale," and again Ari pauses. "How should we address our prayers now?"

Friday August 9th, 2002 5:37:31 PM

The healer kneels on his left knee, and regards the floating countenance above. "Who art thou? Art the Gift Giver? I do not wish to be mistaken when I address thee. But art thou the one whom I serve? Or dost thou serve him as well?" He looks to the overflowing fountain. "Tis sweet, indeed, to be free of Ga'al. By this means are we granted power to set others free?"

Friday August 9th, 2002 9:52:27 PM

"I know that, but seeing as I have no other choice, I think I'll wait. You know how focused and determined I can be. Yes, having nothing better to do I'll wait and see what happens. I can actually be incredibly patient when I want to be, you know. I happen to think you're worth waiting for, 40, 60 years -- well, we'll find out." He then finds an old padded chair in one of the rooms and sits down in it with her in his lap, pulling her close as he does so. "Let's just enjoy each other's company for now."

Redux  d20=18
Sunday August 11th, 2002 10:21:39 PM

Talon takes another fly around, chirping and whistling at the apparition. He then swoops down to land on Redux' chest, softer this time but clearly wanting Redux awake.

Redux slowly awakens and smiles at the bird and gives him a pet and a coo. He then stretches, feeling better than he has in years. It doesn't sink in fully until, while stretching he scratches his chest and notices the seed missing. Shock and surprise register on the mage's face. He looks up at the figure floating in the air. Lifting his hands high in the air he begins to sing (actually much better than the party had heard him at any time past (dc=18)) praises to the god, "You are the god of gods. You have removed my affliction. You have given me a new life. My life will be yours. You may bind onto your servant a task to be completed and I will complete it with my last breath."

Sunday August 11th, 2002 11:45:44 PM

Rigging will bend to one knee and say, "Praise Alemi," in a soft voice. He is in awe of the floating figure. Is this a God? An angel?

Rigging hears the new priest's questions and seconds them in his mind. He is afraid to speak out loud. "Could this be the cure?"

What does he mean, 'It is good to be rid of Ga'al's taint'? Can a God be afflicted with a taint? he wonders to himself.

Rigging stands up and bows. "Good sir. Are you a representative of Alemi's? Are you the friendly priest who met us here before by chance?"

Ghost Stories (DM Stephen)  d100=31 d6=5
Monday August 12th, 2002 10:02:48 AM

"Hahahahaha haa ha ha ha," joyfully laughs the floating spirit!! "ME ... a GOD ... I never heard of sucha ...he hee heee hahahahaha." After a short pause the spirit regains his composure. "Ahhh, young ones, look at me closer ... you don't recognize me ... I'm Father Farkus. I was released from my mortal body." Father Farkus floats down to the floor and tries to create a more physical appearance of himself. "Have patience with me, this form is new to me! I never realized how confining my old body was. Oh and Rigging, when I said it is good to be rid of Ga'al's taint .. I was referring about your friends there, Ari and Redux. Ga'al has no influence over the likes of me or the other gods. However he is a god now, ordained by the Jericko. I don't agree with it, but there is wisdom at work here that is far outside my comprehension."

Turning his gaze in Appolo's direction, "Speaking of the holy water ... it's good such a gift wasn't taken back. I hope your BATH was refreshing," says the spirit toward Appolo with obvious sarcasm!

Turning back to the party, "This holy font won't remain active very long. The power that reverses the will of a god doesn't come without a great price. It loses its divine effects outside of these temple walls. The source of such power can not be shielded from Ga'al very long. So this water must stop flowing soon or it shall invite the wrath of Ga'al's minions to this land."

Father Farkus thinks for a moment. "There is something you can get that will allow you to leave this temple with a small amount of the water without it losing its power. It was a bottle ... a very special bottle. What was it called??"

Bart  d20=19
Monday August 12th, 2002 12:03:07 PM

A bottle Farkus? What kind of botlle a long on a short one small, big color?
Bart starts looking around (spot check 22)

(ooc backonline folks next 4 weeks from cyprus)

Monday August 12th, 2002 3:08:24 PM

"If we must quest for this bottle, then let us quest. Even if we can only cure a small amount of heartseeds at a time, it's more than we could do before. Now we have a chance to free people important to Ga'al."

Appolo OOC 
Monday August 12th, 2002 8:16:19 PM

Appolo and Valanthe aren't there. They left the group and have wondered off alone. Appolo had carried Valanthe into an abandoned part of the temple. Unless Valanthe left Appolo alone, neither have returned yet.

Monday August 12th, 2002 9:43:28 PM

"A flask?" asks Akerin.

Monday August 12th, 2002 10:05:48 PM

Rigging says to the ghost, "Father, you must try to remember. Give us some more details and we will go searching for this bottle. Do you remember if it is in the city or must we travel to get there. I have some magic that might help search for it." Rigging holds up the telescope to show the spirit.

Tuesday August 13th, 2002 12:02:28 AM

Realizing that it wasn't a god that was addressing them Ari says, "Sorry father. I was a little out of it from being knocked out by the seed."

Listening to the father talk away Ari comments, "it's too bad that we couldn't make it like a renewing vial or something. Where we had 5 or 10 doses a day. Wouldn't be anything quick for getting the seed out of our people. But at least we could get started." Ari smiles as he contemplates the idea.

The Tale of the Bottle (DM Stephen)  d100=85 d6=6
Tuesday August 13th, 2002 1:54:37 AM

Why Ari, the bottle would hold enough for as many as 10 doses. The Feybelle Bottle was a very powerful artif.... THAT'S IT ... It's called the Feybelle Bottle!" Father Farkus claps his hands with joy upon remembering its name.

"Yes yes, the Feybelle Bottle was a gift that was given to the Emperor around the time of the fall of Isildur. It was meant as a peace offering from the high priest of Alemi to the Emperor ... what was his name ... Emperor Calendrus ... yes that's it!"

"Knowing that the people would follow his lead, the high priest asked the emperor to pray to Alemi and ask for forgiveness. In exchange for his show of devotion, the high priest hoped this would show the people that the monarchy and the church's differences were settled. Instead, after taking the bottle, the emperor, that lying deceitful wretch, tried to break the bottle against the wall and floor in defiance. It would not break. In his fury, the emperor drew his rapier and killed the high priest. Right in front of his congregation!!"

"After spitting and cursing on the high priest's body, Emperor Calendrus then took the Feybelle Bottle back with him to his palace. There is a great vault there, where he keeps his vast treasures. It is a very good chance that the bottle is there."

"The palace is easy to find. It is a grand place built on the highest hill overlooking the city. On a clear day, you should be able to see it from here"
Appolo and Val continue to keep to themselves. However, you see no other doors or rooms that lead out of the great worship hall except for the great double doors that go outside. You also see the dragon doors that take you to the Inner Sanctum, but they won't open for you. However the room is so large that you can walk to one end and have some privacy. You can faintly hear the rest talking with the spirit in the nave. The dozens of columns that support the ceiling, 200-ft in the air, are 15-20 feet in diameter. They provide more than sufficient cover.
Appolo's short sword still lays on the floor where it had slid away. It begins to glow and then lifts up into the air. It slowly floats over to Ari. The short sword starts to glow a little more and it morphs into a very elegant scimitar. In Ari's mind, he hears, "I am now yours to wield."

"Well, it looks like Appolo's weapon has found a new owner," says Father Farkus with not much surprise.

(party initiative)

Tuesday August 13th, 2002 8:59:05 AM

Hearing the description given by Father Farkus, Ashira looks up at Rigging. "Well, should we head out then? Sounds like it should be pretty easy to find. The sooner we regain the bottle, the sooner we can begin freeing Aisildur!" The half-elf begins to head out of the temple.

Tuesday August 13th, 2002 7:11:14 PM

As Ari watches the transformation of the short sword and hears the voice, he looks over at Appolo. As if asking Apollo what is going on here.

Having not been in this situation Ari thinks towards the sword - Though you are a fine looking weapon, I thought that you belonged to Appolo?

Staying in with the current conversation, "We might be able to find maps and information in this 'treasure' room that the Father is talking about."

Looking up to the Father's Spirit, "What else can you tell us of the demise of Isildur?"

Tuesday August 13th, 2002 7:14:03 PM

"Well Appolo it looks like it's time to go. Maybe we will find some free time later." Valanthe smiles, grabs her gear, and follows Ashira out of the temple.

Tuesday August 13th, 2002 10:13:48 PM

Rigging shouts out to the ladies, "Ashira, Val...Wait a minute. I am coming with you." He turns to the spirit. "Will you be here when we get back?"

Tuesday August 13th, 2002 11:45:06 PM

Appolo gets up quickly as Valanthe pulls away. "Yeah, sure, later." He appears to be slightly upset and is mumbling to himself as he puts his armour back and gathers his equipment, tools and weapons. "Hey - where's my sword? Great. Now it's hiding from me." He starts looking around for it. He continues to mumble to himself as heads out the door. "I guess I'll do without it. Now what exactly are we looking for and where is it?" he is clearly not happy about going on this little treasure hunt.

Tuesday August 13th, 2002 11:48:02 PM

::Struck dumb at his major faux pas::

Redux closes his eyes tight and wishes silently that he never started the praise. Two seconds in a new body and you already mess up. Just goes to show you that some things can be changed and others just wind up with a foot in their mouths. Maybe, just maybe, he thinks reluctantly, I've been too hard on Appolo. Forgive my blunder and I will forgive his. We'll make this a fresh start.

"Thank you, Father Farkus. You may have no idea how much I was willing to pay or endure to be rid of that thing. I feel much younger; might even be able to keep up with this crowd better (nodding towards Appolo). Well, how much time do we have before this effect stops here at the fountain and is there a time limit on the water once in the bottle? Questions, questions, it seems there are always more of them than we can always answer and often not the right questions when we are looking for them. I hope to talk to you more at another time." He collects Talon and his things and hustles to keep up with the group.

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