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The Board Reopens

Monday July 22nd, 2002 9:24:10 AM


Welcome back heros of the Wold!!!!!!!!

DM Stephen 
Monday July 22nd, 2002 10:04:37 AM

Yes, welcome back. Lets spend this week talking about the new Wold and our place in it.

Lets also discuss what YOU want to do next. The sky is the limit.

Tell me what happened in your chat endgame. I would like to know how you all did.

Todd (ari) 
Monday July 22nd, 2002 11:06:42 AM

I wasn't able to participate with anything. So I'll need a recap on our new world view. I see that Ga'al is still around. Do we still know about our last module and our original home or is that gone now?

Bart (William) 
Monday July 22nd, 2002 1:08:51 PM

Well last year there wasn't much time for interactions between the characters. I would like to do an adventure with time for interactions without a dm telleing us the results (no 1 post limit for non combat situations). Of course bashing 1 or 2 orcs during the adventure can fun too. Goal? Finding some treasure so we could equip our characters with some (magical) items

Monday July 22nd, 2002 1:40:34 PM

Yes, I must admit that I agree with William. Would be nice to have a simple kill the baddies and take their treasure module.

Town Crier (MDM Jan) 
Monday July 22nd, 2002 1:46:30 PM

Drifting in on the mists of the New Wold up ahead, the urgent bell of the Town Crier is heard pealing in the streets.
Lundy the Boomer brings news.

"Hear ye, hear ye!

A frantic search has begun for the Floating City - which is currently nowhere to be found!
Did the City and its inhabitants drown beneath the lake? Was it destroyed in the cataclysm? Did the mysterious Teucri rescue their creation and take it with them? No one knows!
So far, there have been no survivors from the lake, and dives are taking place in an attempt to establish if the Big Float should now be renamed the Big Sink!

Reports from far and wide indicate widespread destruction and damage to buildings and structures all over the Wold!
Miraculously - most people appear to have been left unharmed, and are beginning the enormous task of rebuilding what was damaged or lost!

Clerics all over the Wold are proclaiming the existance of new Gods! These Gods have been named the Gods of Testing! They are-
Marteaus, the God of Disease
Ga'al, the God of Domination
Caeroldra, the Goddess of Lust and Passion
Jancassis, the God of Revenge
Warrd, the God of Luck, and Chance
Gargul, the God of Life, Death, and Souls!

Temples and other places of worship are changing hands, being rebuilt, or being created to worship these new deities! It appears that two major pantheons how exist - the Gods of Testing, alongside that of Alemi, Domi, Flower, Pantheon, and Ffloy - the already established Gods of the Wold. Some say the God Gargul either belongs to both, or that he transcends them all!
Everything appears to be in a state of flux! There have been reports of new Sects being formed, and of strange abilities manifesting amongst the populace!
Are these abilities a gift from the Gods? An appeasement for the Godwar, as some say? Or are they a curse, and something to be feared?

In Plateau City, some members of the high council have allegedly gone into hiding! Those who remain have released a statement, proclaiming they were misled, charmed into actions against their own natural will, and remember little of past events. They say they are drawing up an amnesty proposal for certain groups and organisations who are currently banned from the City as outlaws and renegades!
Sturtavent will be reinstated, and the council is at a loss as to explain why he was originally removed from office in the first place! A persistant rumour - that he merely had the wrong haircut, is just that - a rumour. In truth no one seems to know!

Elsewhere, news has arrived of a new eastern pass through the treacherous Scab, created by the upheavals and earthquakes of the Godwar! Adventurers are said to be already flocking toward the area, in search of new lands, new riches, enlightenment and knowledge!

Hear ye, gentlefolk! Take note of the bell - for there will be more!

Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Monday July 22nd, 2002 8:16:06 PM

I agree more PC intraction would be nice, but
are we still Pirates of Jack? We also have wedding to plan I suppose.As for adventures
why don't we go back to ISILDUR and reclaim our supposed HOMELAND.

ON another note I am glad to hear that most of you enjoyed the Endgame, agian I deeply regret not being able to participate. Perhaps next year.

George (Rigging) 
Monday July 22nd, 2002 11:07:38 PM

OK Stephen could you give us a run down on what the new prestige classes are? Tough to make informed decisions on this when I am not informed. :-)

I would also like to see some adventures where the fate of the world is not at stake. I enjoyed the previous modules but it often seemed like our characters were overmatched and
we were lucky to pull of some of our victories.

A little hack and slash with some nice treasure at the end would be welcome here.

I wonder if Rigging has a death wish now that he is engaged? It would be one way to get out of the committment. Just kidding Ashira!!!

We need some more information for the future. Ga'al is still alive but is he dominating everyone through the heartseeds again? Curses on Jericko for bringing him back.

Rigging can be seen pounding his head on a tree

Redux (Ken) 
Tuesday July 23rd, 2002 10:15:50 AM

Ya know Rigging, ya should've married her while at the temple, 'till death parts you.' then you'd be free. :)

I agree, it'd be nice not to have to be conscious of the Woldian ramifications to our missions. Something, perhaps, just for the Pirates of Jack. Maybe see the king while we were at it; he could be the one to tell us about the current state of our little piece of the Wold.

A word about the endgame: Redux loved casting 'circle of death' at those monsters at the house. i actually think that caught Jerry off guard. it was very successful. There was the imp; stupid imp, if he'd a died it would have been his own fault. Actually i'd of had to blame Jerry, for he was the one running the imp past 3 bad guys; everyone knows that you take care of the bad guys first and then you pass thru. It did add a moment of drama just before we got the news that 2 of the 3 monsters were dead (failed their fort saves). I guess this brings up Redux in the future. He really likes this spell. It just might be worth the headache to try to cast this 9th level spell now. However, the penalty for a mis-cast could be quite costly (like it opens up centered on Redux)!

Tuesday July 23rd, 2002 2:34:48 PM

I agree your majesty (civ2 joke)

By the way I wonder where Oreson is, i would like to see him again, I suggest to Rigging and Ashira to plan the wedding in plateau city (only if the city is free of the Gaal priest)

DM Stephen 
Tuesday July 23rd, 2002 4:18:11 PM

Oreson is back on the Hammerhead!!

Right now the only city that may be free of Ga'al priests is this ruined city of Isildur!!

I too welcome an adventure that you all do what you wish. Once we start our game next week, you may begin to start looking into doing some treasure hunting. You all need to discuss where you want to start.

Rigging and Ashira's wedding will be taking place on the Red Wurm Inn board and is already in the works. It will be a Wold-wide event. So iron your best shirt and shine your boots.

Todd (ari) 
Tuesday July 23rd, 2002 11:03:45 PM

Would we be about the only ones working from Isildur?

Depending upon what has to be done, our first adventure could be just clearing out the town. We'd have a base of operations for the Hammerhead to work from. After we cleared out the local area of monsters, then we could report back to Jack and see what he wants to do.

Of course, we're not sure where in the world we are, I think. So it might take us some time to get back with the real world (no pun intended).

Valanthe (Walter) 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 12:45:05 AM

I too would like a treasure heavy module. I've been sitting on 2,400 gp for some time now. Also a quest to reclaim Isildur sounds interesting. It would be a great place to call home and it would be free of Ga'al's control.

Ashira (Janell) 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 9:21:34 AM

Wow, Walter, Val's rich...all I have is 900gp. Guess I'll have to hit her up for a loan! I thought Isildur was devoid of anything but the ghostly former inhabitants.

DM Stephen 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 9:56:18 AM


What place is most dear to your character?

Ashira (Janell) 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 12:40:17 PM

Well, I hate to be a party pooper, but for Ashira, there really isn't any place that she holds dear. Maybe the Lady Freedborn. Definately not the Aquan city where she went to after her mother died. Might be fun though to go on a mission to help Redux's mistress...we might finally get a chance to meet her. ;)

Valanthe (Walter) 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 2:06:26 PM

To Val that would be the Elven lands. Especially the fortresses with the beautifull gardens.

DM Stephen: State of the Player Address 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 3:01:51 PM

Player Memory:
You will have all memories of everything that lead up to your Endgame battle but you wont remember the time you spent in the lands of the dead. All you know is something favorable happened and you have an overwhelming sense of pride for success and in fighting a well fought battle. You will not remember the true identities of dragons who posed as humans. However, you will remember Lady Maab. She makes no secret of her dragon status. You are aware that the Wold has changed, but you have no idea how much.

I will keep you posted if I hear anything else. Check in the Loot N Booty for updates (if any) from the Master DM's and the CDM, Jerry.


Thank you

Todd (ari) 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 3:57:34 PM

I think that Ari's most favored place was the instant that he stepped foot on Isildur. (until he gets attacked by Ga'al.) ;)

Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 6:20:41 PM

Appolo's favorite place is where ever Valanthe happens to be standing.

I like going back to Isildur, for couple of reasons. One noother gods besides Alemi are there. Two there is a huge pile of treasure already there. in both gold and knowledge.
Three it is a large ready made port and city
that would serve perfectly as a base of operations for us.

Another piont we also need a Cleric. A real bible thumping holier then though cleric.

Ashira (Janell) 
Wednesday July 24th, 2002 9:37:04 PM

Alright, I feel like I need to make this point. I think it would be great if Val and Appolo get married, but you're gonna have to plan your own wedding. No double shotgun for this bride!

Thursday July 25th, 2002 2:01:04 AM

My favorite place?? well I donno The watermill at Ailthmar I think

Thursday July 25th, 2002 8:21:57 AM

Rigging really has two favorite places. The first will be his ancestral home. He hasn't been there since he was 14! The second is the Hammerhead.

I agree with the cleric point. I would like to see another character or two added to this group.

Bart/William  d10=9
Thursday July 25th, 2002 1:25:00 PM

Well I gained a lvl during the yoa. Seeing the prestige classes I was thinking about becoming a Domi Protector. Barts fits in. A protector gains spell levels. But in order to cast spells he must be a spellcaster (priest,mage,..). So I thought first a domi priest then. Well Bart has an wisdom of 10 so he is only able to cast 0 lvl spells. End of plan, back to basiscs. So Bart stays a fighter (with some great feats). Having a cleric in our group is most welcomed by him and me!
BTW the Hammerhead is becomming Bart's second home too, but he also likes to ride a horse again, it was a long time ago.

Roll for HD

Thursday July 25th, 2002 1:33:56 PM

I am thinking of running a cleric here. A scroll-slapping cleric.

Ashira (Janell) 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 1:48:28 PM

Well, Ashira has also leveled up, and is going to start her journey to Paladinhood, so that should help some. Kim, a cleric would be great! You gonna start next week with the rest of us?

Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 2:34:54 PM

Kim thats great. Make it a female we need another woman and give her a realy big ruler

Thursday July 25th, 2002 2:36:34 PM

You already "have" Val Appolo ;-)

William (Bart) Bart (William) 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 2:52:24 PM

Seeing recent history at the RWI I will withdraw my last statement.

(I hope the two of you will work it out together)

DM Stephen 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 3:04:41 PM

I am asking Jerry about allowing Kim to enter our game. The DM house rules state that I do not have the authority to add or reject players from the game. It will have to be up to the Jericko.

So Kim or I shall be hearing from Jerry soon.

Thursday July 25th, 2002 4:54:12 PM

Stephen - Jerry has already told me several times that he'd like me to rejoin game 5, and that a cleric would be welcomed. I would not have brought it up here if he had not done so.

Janell - If I can get the character together by then :-)

Thursday July 25th, 2002 8:13:39 PM

Yeah, Stephen, Kim was going to join us a while back, but he acquired some RL problems.

Kim, glad to see you'll be joining us again. Can't wait. I think you'll enjoy the changes that have take place in Ashira's character.

Thursday July 25th, 2002 9:07:58 PM

Cool...a cleric. That would be great. Welcome Kim

OK someone explain this prestige class thing to me will ya. Is it new rules that were put out or a Wold invention.

Ashira...a paladin? How do you do that?

Ashira (Janell) 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 10:01:29 PM

Rigging, Ashira is multiclassing to become a paladin. She will be a 5th level ranger and 1st level paladin. Of course, if she ever reverts to her bad girl ways, she'll get kicked out of paladin school. ;) It's just like your rogue/wizard multiclassing.

Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 10:22:24 PM

I didn't know that you could multi class as a Paladin. I always thought if you were a paladin
that was all you could be.
I was checking out the Prestige classes, Kim why not a Paragon.Could be interesting.

Ashira (Janell) 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 11:25:11 PM

Chris, you're right. Once you are a paladin, you must dedicate yourself. However, in Ashira's case, she was a ranger before she became a paladin. Ashira cannot multiclass after she becomes a paladin.

DM Stephen 
Thursday July 25th, 2002 11:57:44 PM

Janell, is correct. Once you become a Paladin and you leave the paladinhood, you can never go back. Just like a Monk. However, a new woldian rule is that a woldian paladin or monk can multiclass into prestige classes and still have the ability to go back to their previous class (that being paladin or monk). Everyone check the new rules about prestige classes,it is illuminating.

Also Janell, when using paladin special abilities that are based on level, you can only count the paladin levels. So you can use Lay on Hands ability as a 1st level Paladin, not a 6th level character. Sorry :(

Ashira (Janell) 
Friday July 26th, 2002 12:19:15 AM

Stephen, no worries. I had mostly figured that one out on my own. Hope you guys don't want any healing from Ashira anytime soon, since she can only provide 1 hp per day!

So, Mr. DM....are we going to be taking down any dragons anytime soon?

Valanthe (Walter) 
Friday July 26th, 2002 1:42:43 AM

It might be better than you think. The paladin heals it's cha bonus times level. Maybe Ashira could heal 2 points. Actually Ashira as a Paladin isn't that strange. Valanthe is multi-classing as a psychic warrior.

Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Friday July 26th, 2002 2:18:12 AM

If Ashira becomes a Paladin, then I guess she's going to have some interesting problems with Appolo considering he's a thief and I plan on him being more so in the future.
I plan on using his thieving shills alot more
such as picking pockets, locks and all round skullduggery and mischief.

DM Stephen 
Friday July 26th, 2002 9:47:46 AM

Janell, well that one hit point can save someones life. It will instantly stabilize a dying player (who is below 0 hitpoints). Once you go up in level, you can add a ability point to your Chr. and the modifier will go up to +2. And you can always get a magical item that increases your Chr.

Of course, since Kim is joining as a cleric of Alemi, then any healing that you can do will exceedingly pale in comparison to a cleric, especially a Healer!!

That Detect Evil at will is a pretty effective ability. You soon will be immune to all diseases. This will be very important in the new Wold. Marteaus is now the god of disease!!

My next problem is how to put Kim's character into the game. Your way out in the middle of nowhere. I will think of something. I have your new module written and it involves treasure and all that wonderful stuff.

There is a slight problem however. The area on the Woldian map were I "thought" the ancient country of Isildur was is incorrect. I found out last night that you are, in fact, in a dramatically different place. First off, you were never on a island. Second, the area is not surrounded by mountains. You are in a flat grassland area with many rivers. I will show your place on the map soon.

Friday July 26th, 2002 9:57:59 AM

Appolo you think you are going to have problems! I am a thief and I am going to be married to Ashira! She is always going to be nagging. "Honey don't rob anyone. Honey backstabbing is wrong. Honey spying is for bad people." Sigh...what am I letting myself in for.

Where are these prestige class rules to be found? hmmmmm

Aahh Stephen oh wonderful and glorious DM. Where is the Hammerhead now if we are in a mountain range. Tough to be a pirate without an ocean. Maybe I will change my name from Rigging to Icepick

Ashira (Janell) 
Friday July 26th, 2002 10:57:10 AM

::sniff, sniff:: Nobody likes my idea of being a paladin. Seriously, if you don't think it will work, let me know...I can always go the PrC route.

George, here's the link the Black Cathedral. To see the prestige classes, just click on a god, and the PrCs are listed below his name.


DM Stephen 
Friday July 26th, 2002 11:51:48 AM

You misunderstand me. when we first got to Isildur, I described the city as surrounded by high mountainous peaks. In fact, the temple was cut directly out of a cliff face.

This is no longer so. You are still on the coast. the hammerhead is in the harbor and the land is flat grasslands with many rivers that flow into the sea.

Janell, I have no trouble with you being a paladin!! :) Be what you want!

Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Friday July 26th, 2002 12:37:41 PM

I have no problem with Ashira being a Paladin.
It will just make life a little more interesting. Thieves and Paladins generally don't mix well. It just means Appolo will be doing alot things behind Ashira's back, if she asks no questions he will tell her no lies.
Like when Appolo starts showing up with extra gold and silver, that she can't account for or
valuable and pricey gifts for Valanthe.

William aka Bart 
Friday July 26th, 2002 1:21:30 PM

Stephen just place Kim in the same room where we where in his transfer from the land of the deads didnt worked out or something like that. Let us remember Kim as a person who helped us there (I agree it is a bit artifical) So seeing him in Isuldur wont make us suspicious.

Friday July 26th, 2002 1:36:30 PM

Hey, Walter, now that you say that about being a psychic warrior, i have a slight concern. Maybe more should. Does anyone think it a good idea to have a raging psionist. ;) i can just see some dangerous things hapening all around her. At least with a sword you can see it and possibly stay away. :) (actually i do understand something of how the two abilities will co-exist, but just thought it funny.)

Ashira (Janell) 
Friday July 26th, 2002 4:13:35 PM

Well Rigging, we're not married yet, so if you're gonna back out, better do it soon! ;)

Rigging (George) 
Friday July 26th, 2002 5:49:08 PM

I had a friend who got married and divorced in a 6 month period. Several years later he got remarried and all of his close buddies post dated his wedding checks for six months as a gag.

Don't know why but that just popped into my head. My buddy's wife couldn't chop him into mince meat like Ashira can Rigging. Could be some interesting roleplaying coming up.

Saturday July 27th, 2002 2:54:38 AM

Well Psychic Warriors don't get the immediate power that psionicists do. Though she does have a psionic attack. Psychic Warriors are mainly fighters with access to minor psionic abilities. Their main strength is in psionic feats.

Bart IM me anytime. Your message popped up just as I closed the program.

DM Stephen 
Saturday July 27th, 2002 3:08:53 AM

OK ... Here we go!


I need you all to send in your latest updated character sheets.

I have three so far. (Bart, Ashira, and Val)

I need to send these character sheets to Kent so he can give permission to start play Monday.

Saturday July 27th, 2002 3:15:30 AM

Valanthe has been a psychic warrior before we reached Isildur. As her PW levels increase you will see a change in character.

Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Saturday July 27th, 2002 3:32:55 PM

Stephen,I tried to send you my sheet but it didn't go through. I think I have the wrong address. What is it. Thank You.

DM Stephen 
Saturday July 27th, 2002 5:25:21 PM


Appolo OOC{Chris} 
Saturday July 27th, 2002 7:51:41 PM

Stephen I resent the sheet. Did you recieve it?

Saturday July 27th, 2002 10:32:53 PM

Howdy again, all. What a week! In class, sitting toward the back, despite being a sick puppy (DayQuil helped tamp down the symptoms, but I felt like my head was filled with cotton candy), I worked on absorbing lots of new info, then worked in the evenings. Will again be in class Monday and Tuesday, and tied up in the evenings... Hope I'm feeling better by then.

It should be fun to join you all. I'm working on the CS for my character who aspires to be a Paragon. He is still some time away from that status, however.

Go for paladinhood for Ashira, Janell. Hear, hear!

DM Stephen 
Sunday July 28th, 2002 5:14:42 PM

Well, I was just informed that, in fact, my module was NOT approved. I thought it was, so Im am going to take care of that today. So our game MAY NOT start on time. As I understand it, most wont be!!

So if it doesnt start tomorrow, it will start as soon as possible.
I have Val, Appolo, Ashira, Bart, Ari and Redux.

I need Kim's new character and Rigging.

George, your latest character sheet I have still has you listed as a Wizard3/Rogue2, but your exp amount is 15,100 which is 6th level.

DM Stephen 
Monday July 29th, 2002 10:24:54 AM

Apparently there isnt a single game today that is ready to start play. So dont feel like we are the only ones.

I did send in everybodies characters sheets and a updated module. So it is entirely their ball right now.

DM Stephen 
Monday July 29th, 2002 12:47:14 PM

Ok, I just found out that I cant start the game until ALL character sheets are in and approved. So Kim, you are the only one left.

I WAS going to start the game without Kim, and allow him more time to get his character sheet to me (since he is a new character). Then I would introduce him into the game. Well that is changed.

Kim is now considered a player and needs to get his character sheet in ASAP. We cant start until then. Sorry, not my rule!!

Monday July 29th, 2002 4:15:14 PM

Tonight. It's 3/4 done, but at home. My current illness messed up my schedule.

::Puff-puff-cough-puff:: (Sound of me running all over the place up here.)

Tuesday July 30th, 2002 8:30:11 AM

So....Kim, Stephen, how's it going?

DM Stephen 
Tuesday July 30th, 2002 9:20:28 AM

Im going to talk to Jerry about starting the game before Kim is ready. However I would preferr to introduce Kim's character sooner than later.

Bart / William 
Tuesday July 30th, 2002 12:08:57 PM

Please keep in mind david that at least my character would suspicious about "finding " a living creature in Isuldur. I'm looking forward about the roleplay between Kims character and the rest off us.

DM Stephen 
Tuesday July 30th, 2002 4:06:21 PM

I talked with Jerry, and I have the go ahead to start play (WE are probably the first game to get started). Kim, I still NEED your character sheet ASAP. I can only think of so many windows to get your character into the party. And they are all at the beginning at the module.

Wednesday July 31st, 2002 3:44:44 AM

Stephen - didn't you get the CS I sent you last night? I had told you I would send it by then, and did so. Monday night (actually the wee hours of Tuesday, about 2:00 am), I sent it to your email address.

Tell you what, I'll go ahead and send it again.

DM Stephen 
Wednesday July 31st, 2002 9:24:10 AM

No Kim, I didnt see it. I'll check for your second email.
OK, I got your second email!! I may have a few questions about it tonight. I have yet to examine it closely. I just gave it a glance right now.

Wednesday July 31st, 2002 12:21:26 PM

When do we start?

Ashira (Janell) 
Wednesday July 31st, 2002 5:24:42 PM

Bored now.

Wednesday July 31st, 2002 6:39:49 PM

Ho humm

Wednesday July 31st, 2002 9:11:11 PM

Stephen, what news of the North.

When we gonna start?

DM Stephen 
Wednesday July 31st, 2002 11:55:30 PM

How about we start tomorrow, Thursday 8/1. I wont have a chance to post everything until the evening. I was wanting to tonight, but I didnt get in until really late and Im just too tired.

Im glad to see everybody is enthusiastic to get everything started. :)

Kim (mystery character) 
Thursday August 1st, 2002 2:44:41 PM

Ashira and Rigging, bored? With all that's going on in the RWI?

Actually, I'm looking forward to going, too. Last night, though, I got home, talked with my wife for fifteen minutes and my daughter for five, then fell asleep. As I lay on the bed, I thought about posting something before nodding off - but then I nodded off. :-)

And now, after 9-1/2 hours of sleep - I feeeeeeel GOOD!

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