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The Ruins of Isildur

Entering Isildur (DM Stephen)  2d6(4+6)=10 d20+11=21
Friday June 14th, 2002 10:20:38 AM

The Hammerhead slowly navigates around all the submerged debris from the surrounding walls. Once through the massively sculpted gates of the harbor, the ruins of a great city is laid before all to see.

The city is nestled in a valley surrounded by high mountainous peaks. Still close to three quarters of a mile away from the shore, all kinds of buildings can be seen in various stages of decay: castles, coliseums, cathedrals, towers, and smaller structures. It is easy to tell that in this cities day, it was as grand and rich as any place you have ever seen. It would even rival Plateau City. In a way, even in its current condition, it still does. A magestic waterfall pours into the valley from the high mountains.

Oreson takes Riggings telescope and takes a look. "Wow, this is a powerful scope!! I can see so many details. There is so much to see, it is hard to take it all in. WAIT!! I see something that glints like GOLD!!!!" Oreson's mouth drops and he starts to drool.

"By the gods, I have never seen such a sight!" Oreson pauses to look at the telescope. "What a remarkable telescope. It is soo powerful." Oreson places it to his eye again. "I bet I can see my home from here with this thing," Oreson pauses, "I wish I could see my family again. It has been soo .... erk... uhhh!!!" The telescope suddenly begins to glow and Oreson shudders and stops in mid sentence. He appears frozen in position. His expression is of shock and his hair starts to stand on end. He continues to mumble incoherently. His body starts to shake slightly as if under great stress. He falls backwards. Even after he hits the deck, Oreson stays frozen in his standing position. He still holds the telescope to his eye.
Ashira puts on the second ring and she feels a tingle, but nothing happens!

Party's init.

Friday June 14th, 2002 10:36:49 AM

Rigging rushes over to Oreson and pulls the telescope from his eye. He tucks it away and kneels by the dwarf. "Oreson, Are you OK?" Rigging will gently shake the dwarf to try to bring him around. "Ari! Get over here!" he bellows.

Oreson Ironheels 
Friday June 14th, 2002 11:12:14 AM

After Rigging pulls away the telescope, normal movement returns to Oreson. He looks very pale and weak.

"Ohhh ..... too far, too fast ... much too fast," mutters Oreson!! Tears start to stream down his cheeks. "I saw my beloved Tarella ... the kids too!! They collect coal for the morning fire," Oreson puts his hand over his face, "by the gods, I was there ... I saw them!!"

Friday June 14th, 2002 3:40:23 PM

Appolo walks over. "Where do we begin? We could spend our entire lives here and still not find what we're looking for. This place is huge."

He then bends down to help Oreson to his feet. "You ok? Sensory overload, ehh."

Friday June 14th, 2002 9:25:50 PM

Ashira watches the events with Oreson with interest. "That's it Rigging, that's it! I'll bet we can use the telescope to find Marteaus! That's one step closer to being able to kill him. You've got to be able to locate your prey first. Give it a try Rigging... wish that you could see Marteaus... wait... maybe you should wish to see Valdor, then we could get in touch with him."

Calming slightly after the sudden revelation, Ashira frowns at not being able to discover the ability of the high priest's ring. "Let's see here," she muses, "the potion made him invisible, so maybe this ring let him levitate." Ashira concentrates on trying to float into the air.

Friday June 14th, 2002 9:59:56 PM

Redux goes to Val and offers her one of the rings of protection. This one is a little better (+3) than this older one I've been wearing (+2); you've been kind of silent in the treasure department. This trip has been better in that we've all found items that suit our desires, like Apollo's new dagger, and that shield of Bart's is pretty cool, don't you think? Anyways, I just thought you could get some use out of one of these. I can't use two of them."

"That's a great idea about finding Valdor. Apollo, why didn't you think of that, you have so many answers. I guess we just have to ask them, huh? But since we're here, and probably not where Valdor is at the immediate time, let's look around to see if there is any other living thing, e.g. dragons, game animals, reclusive mages, gods, you know the type. Some we wouldn't mind finding and others you'd stay away from if you knew they were there."

Saturday June 15th, 2002 2:13:09 AM

Now we getting somewhere good thinking Ashira lets do it let us find Valdor with the telescope. I think it's better we don't look for Marteaus now, you never know if he will notice.

Saturday June 15th, 2002 4:12:54 AM

Val is suprised by Redux's offer. They have had problems and never had much in common. "I'll take the weaker ring. I've done pretty well without one so far. Keep the stronger one. They are your rings after all." Val slips the ring on her finger. "Thanks Redux, you may have just saved my life." Val turned and started to walk away. Lately things have gotten better. Ga'al is dead, they discovered an ancient city, and her head stopped hurting. As soon as the thought crossed her mind, the pain returned. It was so intense that Val thought a thousand rusty needles were pushing into her brain. Her mouth opened to scream but her words were silenced by the growing pain. A faint blue glow surrounded her body. In a flash the blue was so bright it sought to rival to sea. Unable to bear the pain any longer, Val collapsed. It looked like her head would strike the railing. Half a foot from the railing, the blue glow appeared around the railing. That was as close as Val came. Slowly the pain subsided. As it receeded it left something. Val could feel an energy within herself. It was small and barely noticable, but it was there.

Saturday June 15th, 2002 10:21:15 AM

Redux rushes over to Val. "I promise, its not the ring!" is all he can say while trying to give aid. He says it over and over.

Approaching the shore (DM Stephen) 
Saturday June 15th, 2002 11:40:15 AM

Stone steps lead straight down into the water. Apparently the water has risen since this city as built. The acient docks are completely submerged. The captain anchors the Hammerhead just a 100-ft from the shore. The ruins of the city are laid out before you. Plants have grown over most of the smaller buildings. The hint of gold that Oreson mentioned before his trip can be seen with the telescope, up against the mountain side. This particular building looks to have been carved directly into the rock face. The gold surrounds its entrance.

Near the shore is a pillar, surrounded by a choir of statues. They appear perfect and unravaged by time. The stone is pristine and unblemished. A flawless white that almost seems to glow.

Oreson tries get to his feet, but he is too weak to stand. "I'm sorry, everyone," begs Oreson. "After I said those words, I found myself high above the ground. Then I shot like a star through the sky. The land flew by soo so fast. And there I was ... my home, just as I wished!! Then, suddenly, I forcefully whipped back to my body. I feel like Ive fallen from a high cliff! The pain ... I hurt all over... auuugh!"

The captain inspects the scene. After Oreson and Val hit the deck, he bellows, "Wha ... why is everybody falling down. Are we under attack?!"

Saturday June 15th, 2002 2:05:05 PM

As Appolo watches the exchange between Redux and Valanthe, jealousy and anger rear their ugly heads, despite himself. Then redux makes his comment about Appolo having all the answers. That makes it worse.

The next thing he knows Valanthe is in incredible pain and is falling forward. Appolo is by her side before Redux can even finish his sentence. "What did you do to her!!" appolo roars with anger and malevolence in his voice. At the same time he pulls the ring off her finger. "Val, Sunshine, are you ok?!" Appolo picks her up and carries her below, giving Redux a cold dangerous stare that says Valanthe better be OK or there's going to be trouble.

At this point in time Appolo doesn't care about anything but Valanthe's well being.

Saturday June 15th, 2002 2:53:10 PM

The half-elf turns to the Captain. "I don't know what's going on, but I don't think we're under attack." Ashira works herself over to Valanthe's side, making sure to position herself between Redux and Appolo. "Sister, are you ok? Talk to me." Her face clearly showing concern, she turns to Appolo. "Calm down, Appolo, Redux was only trying to help her...he's not trying to make any moves. Besides, I don't think it was the ring that hurt her. Redux has been wearing it for a while, and nothing like this has happened to him. Besides, it's almost as if the energy came from Val's body. Ari, get over here! Let's get her downstairs and let her rest for a while. Appolo, give me the ring. I'll hold onto it until we find out what happened."

OOC (Ummm...did Ashira's attempt to levitate succeed?)

Saturday June 15th, 2002 3:29:01 PM

Rigging thinks over the suggestions on trying to find Valdor. He listens more to Oreson's discriptions and wonders if he travelled on the astral somehow. "Redux, Come here please." When the mage pulls himself away from Val, Rigging will explain, "I am going to try to use both the telescope and the sextant together. I think they are supposed to be combined to increase the power. If you see what happened to Oreson happen to me, let it happen for a while. I think he was travelling on the Astral plane and I might need some time to figure things out. You will have to use your judgement, which I trust implicitly of course. If I start convulsing or something pull me out of it. Give me 10 minutes and take it away either way."

Rigging will head over to a hatch cover and lay down across it. He will pull both the Naulcolous and the telescope out of the pouch and start concentrating on Valdor. "Show me Valdor," he orders and puts the telescope to his eye.

Saturday June 15th, 2002 4:47:32 PM

Appolo doesn't listen to Ashira, he just walks past carrying Valanthe below. Deep down he knows Redux did nothing to harm Valanthe, but Appolo's emotions ruled the day. He is still fuming as he carries her below.

Sunday June 16th, 2002 3:10:21 AM

Bart is wondering what happened with Val, but he sees she is in good hands, so he goes to Rigging and he stays with him to see how the experiment goes.

Sunday June 16th, 2002 7:15:10 PM

Doing his best to respond to the calls, Ari ends up going over to Val and doing what he can to help her.

"I cannot tell what is wrong with her, at this time."

Sunday June 16th, 2002 9:45:24 PM

Redux joins Rigging, shaking his head one last time at the thought of Appolo's reaction. "I'm here with you. I'll keep you safe. Let me know what you see. Keep talking if you can." Redux continues to muse, "'Ya know, Appolo has way too short of fuse. He's going to get himself hurt by friendly fire if we ever meet up with this Valdor. I don't think an outsider would put up with all that. Do you think you could talk to him for me? You've known him a lot longer than I have. We are all understanding new things together and he acts like he knew all along. I don't ever remember being so rebellious when I was his age. It's like he's got the weight of the world on his shoulders and the rest of us are just baggage. At least that's the impression he's given me. I can't believe he reacted that way with the ring. He doesn't have any trust. I thought that if anything we had trust between us in this group; we depend on each other so much. Just let me know what you see."

Monday June 17th, 2002 12:00:46 AM

Val's tear filled eyes slowly opened. "The pain came back. It felt like my mind was on fire. It grew and grew until I couldn't take it anymore." Slowly Val sat up. "It doesn't hurt much anymore. I just need time and some air. Maybe we will get lucky and the island will be deserted."

Monday June 17th, 2002 3:13:05 PM

Appolo is holding Valanthe comes around. "Boy, am I glad to see that you're OK. You had me real worried for a second." He takes her to a bunk.

"Just lay here and relax for a minute. It's the headaches again? I'll get you some water." He fusses over her like a mother hen over her chicks. He is also visibly relieved that the pain has subsided.

Monday June 17th, 2002 10:30:19 PM

Rigging puts the telescope to his eye and suddenly lets out a scream of horror! As Bart and Redux jump to his aid, he will put down the telescope with a grin in his eyes and say, "Never saw a seagull's behind so closely before." He will then get serious and start thinking of what he knows about Valdor and try to see him again.

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 12:46:45 AM

Hahha Rigging stop that look for Valdor now

Through the spy glass!! (DM Stephen)  d100=40 d6=6
Wednesday June 19th, 2002 1:23:28 AM

Rigging places the telescope to his eye and wishes to see Valdor. First nothing happens but then something amazing ....

Rigging finds himself floating high in the air. The Hammerhead is far below in the water. He can see the furtherest reaches of Isildur. ....amazing view!!

Suddenly, Rigging shoots across the sky, flying away from the sun. He screams in terror for having never moved sooo fast. Land and sea speed by under his feet, all is a blur. To look down only makes him sick so he focuses on the horizon ahead.

[Back on the ship, Rigging shakes and mumbles incoherently. ]

Suddenly Rigging slows and sees an approaching silver dragon of massive porportions. It carries with it an orb. Your movement follows the dragon along. The dragon pauses as if she senses you, smiles and then continues on her way toward the Isildur.

Rigging then leaves the dragon and continues to speed toward the western horizon. The sudden jolt in speed is gut-wrenching. What looks to be the plateaus in the distance is quickly approaching. He is heading straight for Plateau City. Looks like he is about to slam into the heart of the city. Rigging closes his eyes and screams. Rigging, after a short pause, opens his eyes to find himself motionless and hovering above the ground in some back alley. There is another orb, and two people are talking into it.

[Rigging continues to shake and mumble.]

Again, Rigging is sent skyward. He quickly finds himself at, what seems to be, a floating city. In a alley way can be seen another orb.

Across the great forests of Culverwood, he see an orb. Atop massive mountain peaks, another orb. Over the water again, Rigging comes to a island of Taurs. He is shown more orbs.

Rigging rockets toward the southern skies. He comes to another orb. Two adventurers and a dog are talking to this one. Rigging is horrorified to see that they are undead. Why would Valdor associate with such creatures?

[Rigging is beginning to look rather fatigued. Sweat is pouring down is face. His skin is starting to look pale. Anyone who attempts to take the telescope from Rigging's hand is shouted at by Oreson. "Noo, don't! That's what hurt me. When it was taken from my hand ... oh my gods!!"]

After traveling over what he feels is the entire known Wold, he notices more dragons in flight in the distance. Rigging's speed begins to slow as he approaches the dragons. Down on the ground below looks to be the remains of a once great city. However, this city seems to have been crushed and buried for many centuries. Only recently being unearthed. Suddenly waves of light begin to bend and warp. A great fortress appears out of thin air and sits on the ground where the city once stood. The dragons enter the fortress, but Rigging instead hits an invisible barrier. He can go no further. Rigging begins to realize that even the power of the artifact can't penetrate the defenses of this dragon fortress.

[Back on the Hammerhead, Rigging is beginning to shake more violently. He spits up drool that runs down his chin.

The captain bellows at the others, "If your not going to do something, I will ... it's killing him!!" The captain makes a move toward Rigging. Oreson shouts, "NO ... DON'T!!"]

(Rigging make a Fort Save! Ashira, you dont levitate when you attempt to activate the ring!)

Rigging  d20+4=23
Wednesday June 19th, 2002 9:10:15 AM

Rigging is astounded by what he sees. Dragons, ancient cities, and undead.

He is intrigued with the orbs. They look to be like some type of cyrstal ball that the forces of good use to communicate with each other. He will keep his eye out for one. Hopefully the silver dragon is friendly and bring an orb to his friends.

Rigging's spirits are lifted when he sees the city of dragons. The forces of good have been taking some hits but still have strong allies. He realizes his mistake when he can't enter the city. If Valdor is fighting a god, he must be well hidden from scrying magic.

It is time to go home. "Back to the Hammerhead. Back to the Hammerhead. Back to Ashira." Rigging thinks.

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 10:58:59 AM

The half-elf takes the chance to talk to Val while Appolo gets her some water. "Sister, are you ok? What happened out there? Appolo is convinced that Redux's ring hurt you. It was all I could do to keep them apart." Ashira lowers her voice to a whisper. "You know, he's very possesive of you. You need to have a talk with him. I think he hurt Redux's feelings, and we all need to work as a team, especially now. I know he's just trying to protect you, but he's got to trust the rest of us as well." Ashira looks into Val's eyes and smiles. "But enough about that. How are you feeling? Can I get you anything else?"

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 12:56:12 PM

Bart pinches Rigging in his shouldermuscle trying to get him back., RIgging come back, come back he says with an loud voice

Wednesday June 19th, 2002 1:13:02 PM

Appolo comes back with some water for Valanthe, hands her the water and the ring. "I need to go apologize to Redux. I was wrong." He looks very ashamed of himself, that he let his jealously falsely accuse a friend of something he didn't do.

With that he heads out to find Redux. When he finds him, Appolo sincerely apologizes and asks him for his forgiveness, saying, "I apologize, I know you would never do anything to hurt one of us. Please forgive me for my shortcomings. Sometimes I just can't control my emotions and they get the better of me. Especially where Valanthe is concerned."

Redux  d20+1=6
Wednesday June 19th, 2002 11:39:08 PM

Redux feels all weird inside when Appolo apologizes. It gives him the same feeling he'd feel trying to express himself to someone else that he loved them. His palms are sweaty. "Um, thanks, I mean it's OK. I know we haven't know each other but less than a year and I really wanted just to help her out. I mean we are all on the same team. I have no idea what the cause is; did you see that light against the railing? Kind of like magic energy, I didn't know she knew any. Could it be some latent gift?" Turning his head, "WAIT, NO! Captain! I think Oreson speaks true about removing the lens." With that, Redux tries to get between the Captain and Rigging. (occ strength check=6)

All ashore, who's goin' ashore! (DM Stephen)  d20+5=15 d20+14=26 d20+14=22 d6=2
Thursday June 20th, 2002 12:50:43 AM

"GET OUT OF MY WAY," demands the captain, as he man handles Redux. After the captain throws Redux to the deck, Oreson grabs the captain's ankle. "Nooo, captain!! You'll kill him!!" Kicking away Oreson's grip, the captain reaches down to grab the telescope. Before he could take hold, Rigging's eyes pop wide open. Gasping for air, he struggles to catch his breath.
(Rigging suffers -2 to Strength, Dex, and Con temporarily. Will recover fully after two days [gaining back 1 point per ability per day]. Could have been worse!!)

After the captain stomps off spitting and cursing, the scene calms down and everyone gets together to discuss what to do next. Topics of discussion: Riggings experience with the telescope, the glowing monument at the shore with the choir of statues, the glittery gold that Oreson spotted, and does Valanthe feel well enough to continue?

Oreson, unable to stand, is taken below. He feels disgusted that he can't participate. Laying in his bed, he too spits and curses himself to sleep.

The captain stomps back with the strong odor of liquor on his breath. "I am preparing a small party to go ashore. If you want to go along, I suggest you all get your things and prepare to leave. Otherwise, you can stay behind and PLAY with your TOYS!!! I, for one, will not .....!" Hot from his rage, the captain stops in mid-sentence with his finger in the air .... forgetting what he was going to say next!! "BAGHH," bellows the captain as he stomps off again in a fury of frustration.

Everyone can't help but wonder why the captain was soo ticked off!!

Thursday June 20th, 2002 1:47:00 AM

Val gathers everything except her armor. That she leaves behind on the ship. She takes a deep breath and looks a little better. "I'm doing all right, Ashira. I think that was the end result of all those headaches I was having. The ring had nothing to do with it." Val smiles and continues with excitement in her voice. "I feel something. It's a small ball of energy, but it makes my body tingle. I'm not sure what's happening, but I think it's a good thing."

Thursday June 20th, 2002 4:35:49 AM

When Riggings comes back to the Hammerhead, Ari does his best to tend to him using his healing skills. If anything, he makes sure that Riggings is comfortable.

Looking at Riggings Ari asks, " So what's next?"

Thursday June 20th, 2002 12:54:16 PM

Appolo is glad Redux accepted his appology"Yeah.I know, don't mention it." he says with a smile.

Then when the commotion over Rigging dies down and he sees how weekened Rigging is and everyone getting ready to leave. He says"I don't think we should go ashore until Rigging has recovered his strength. When everyone is ready and at full strength that's when we should go ashore. Rigging doesn't look too good."

He then walks over Valanthe"Are you sure your alright, where's your armour?" he is still concered about her.

Captain Jack 
Thursday June 20th, 2002 1:24:56 PM

"No more rest ... you just had two days!! Rigging looks fine, we need to go ... NOW," shouts the captain!

(Rigging is beginning to look normal. He is only a little weaker and not as light on his feet. He is 5 hitpoints down from the Con loss. Rigging is a LOT better off than Oreson!!)

(Reminder: Woldcon is FOUR (4) weeks away. We need to catch up.)

Thursday June 20th, 2002 5:43:06 PM

Off we go then I wonder if the city is as lifeless as it seems.

Thursday June 20th, 2002 8:23:36 PM

Looking slightly cross at the Captain's rudeness, Ashira gathers the group. "Alright, you heard the Captain. We need to head out. But I want Rigging and Val in the back as our reserves. Everybody gather your stuff and lets head out." Ashira looks through her pack and pulls out a potion. Handing it to Rigging she kisses him on the cheek. "In case things go bad take this...it will help make you stronger."

Thursday June 20th, 2002 8:36:57 PM

Rigging gets to his feet feeling a little shakey. He heads over to the waterbucket and takes a long pull. He then dumps some over his head.

Rigging walks over to the Captain and calls his family to attend as well. "Captain, I agree we need to get exploring. We want to be out of here before that Sea turtle recovers to much. Let me tell you of my experiences."

Rigging relates what he saw and how he thinks that a silver dragon carrying an orb is heading in there direction. "Captain, I know a dragon appearing can be a scary event but I believe that the dragon is on his way to help us in some way. Maybe to deliver an orb or aid us in other ways. I did see other orbs in my journey and I believe that they are being used as communication devices for the forces of good."

Rigging sits back and pulls some hair out of his eyes. "I wish you all could see them. It was awe inspiring. Dragons soaring through the sky." Rigging gives a rueful grin. "I guess it was just dumb and foolish to try to scry for
Valdor. Generals, high priests...who knows maybe gods are looking for him. He must be well protected or he would be dead already."

Rigging explains how he ran up against the barrier he couldn't penetrate. "OK Let's load up and start exploring. For some reason I don't believe time is on our side. Everyone into the longboat."

Rigging pulls the Captain aside. "Sir are you alright? I know a lot has happened, but I am sure I can navigate our way home. Remember the good guys are on ourside. Tell the crew no potshots at friendly dragons." Rigging pauses for a minute to see if the Captain wants to say anything and then heads for the boat.

Thursday June 20th, 2002 9:13:29 PM

Ashira boards the longboat with Rigging. Upon arriving on the island, Ashira suggests that they break up into four groups and have each group take a compass direction and search until they reach the end of the land mass.

Thursday June 20th, 2002 11:24:21 PM

Val kisses Appolo and smiles. "Stop worrying about me and concentrate on what lies ahead. I'm sure that you will be on point." Turning her attention back to the task at hand Val listens to the proposed plans. "Is splitting up this soon wise? Before we search all ends of the island I think we should venture inland until we find a good base of operations. Then everybody knows where to go back to when we split up."

Friday June 21st, 2002 12:03:38 AM

Redux gathers his adventuring gear and joins the party to go ashore. "I like the idea of splitting up and covering more ground. Talon can relay between us as needed. Waive to him if you need him, follow him if he makes a point to get your attention. Let's be sure to look over those statues that Oreson saw, probably more than gold there. May I look thru the scope to see about any unfriendlies lurking about in this place? How big does it seem anyways? Do you think we're on an island?

As an aside to Rigging, "Have you thought of letting the captain look thru your scope. It might aleviate some of his tension--or make it worse, depending on what he chooses to look for."

Friday June 21st, 2002 1:58:18 AM

Appolo gives Valanthe a big hug "I wish you would go put your armour on, it would make me feel better." He thenraces down and comes back with his gear. He is dressed in mottled, dull urban camo colors. He throws his gear in the boat, including two flaskes of oil and some extra arrows 40 to be exact.

When splitting up is mentioned he says"I think we should stay together. The city is to big and we could easily get lost. Staying together for awhile is probably our best bet. Ari would you like to acompany me on point. You think you can keep up?"

Ashira  d20+10=12
Friday June 21st, 2002 10:04:33 AM

"Yes, Val, you're right....let's make it somewhere into the center of the island and use it as our base. And yes, we need to split up...we don't have any time to lose. Good idea Redux, Talon as always can help us keep in touch." Ashira heads in with the others and begins searching the area, looking for any weapons or anything unusual.

OOC (LOL...rolled 12 for search!)

Entering the City (DM Stephen) 
Friday June 21st, 2002 10:28:36 AM

Everyone gathers their things and prepares for the trip ashore. Things go off without a hitch and thankfully uneventful. The captain, 20 crew members, and Thadius join the your group on your way to shore. There is an overwelming sense of excitement and fear among all the crew. Both on the long boat and the Hammerhead.

Getting to shore was quite easy. (maybe too easy!! :) The boat is tied off and the group is divided into two groups. Crewman are sent out to secure the parameter.

Ancient streets are littered with overturned stones and toppled stone columns and other debris. Buildings that are left standing, barely do so. Some are more structurely sound than others, but all are more or less dangerous to enter. The only building that appears safe to enter (thats in sight) is a temple like structure that is cut directly into the side of a cliff face. It is the same place where Oreson noticed the glint of gold. One look through the telescope will confirm that. You are all sure that there must be other places of interest in this massive city, but those places are not known to you yet.

The monument that appears to be made of flawless marble and looks like to be glowing is nearby. The statues are stylized images of all the gods. There names are etched into their bases. Marteaus, Lemtrovex and Ga'al are not present and their doesnt appear to be any statues missing!

The column seems to be dripping with magic. There is writing on the column. None of you recognize the script but, oddly enough, everyone is able to read it (even Valanthe)!!!

It reads:
"You have entered the land of Isildur. A once great country that had the favor of the gods of Wold. For their growing wickedness, deceit and lack of repentance .. the more fortunate of people in Isildur were driven from their homes being cursed to never return again. Nothing good can be found here. We the gods of Wold, advise you to leave while you still can and never return. If not, prepare to share in their fate."

The words are as cold as the stone.

The the temple that is carved into the side of the cliff face is a half mile away, and will take little effort to get to. The captain refuses to split up the group because the force is too small and to divide the group will only weaken it. Maybe after more ships and men can be brought, but now they are on a mission and dont have the time.

Suddenly a silver dragon can be seen hovering high above the cliff face hundreds of feet above the ground. Directly above the temple. It vanishes as soon as you see it.

(Rigging make a spot check DC 15, if use telescope, DC 10. Ashira make spot check DC 15. Everyone make Spot checks DC 18)

DM Stephen 
Friday June 21st, 2002 10:30:57 AM

(BTW, the maps you have looked at show this place is not an island. You are all still on the main land that connects to the plateaus and the rest of the pennsula.)

Ashira  d20+3=12
Friday June 21st, 2002 1:06:15 PM

"Alright, I'm going up to take a look at the temple. Anyone else can join me if they wish."

Valanthe  d20+3=7
Friday June 21st, 2002 3:05:46 PM

"I think that most of us should go to the temple. That's if the dragon lets us. Maybe the warning refers to the dragon. Is there any way to safely contact the dragon and find out it's intentions?"

Rigging  d20+4=24
Friday June 21st, 2002 6:40:04 PM

Rigging sees the dragon and says, "I think that is the dragon I saw in the telescope! Let's go find it." Rigging stops and reconsiders. He turns to the Captain. "Sir it is your choice. I am going to head to that temple. My crew can follow me if they want. I would find it a comfort if they do, but with that magical warning, I won't order anyone. It looks like the only building still safe enough to enter. Do you and the rest of the crew wish to follow or do you want to stay here and protect our backs for a quick retreat?" Rigging will give the Captain a quick minute and then start heading to the temple.
OOC spot check of 24. Didn't use the telescope.

Appolo  d20+4=20
Friday June 21st, 2002 7:36:01 PM

Appolo and looks over the Temple"The Temple it is, besides if there is anything of value left around here, my bet is that it's in the Temple.
Ashira slow down I'm point man around here." with that he grabs his gear a jogs quickly towards the temple.

Redux  d20+4=22 d20+6=11 d20+2=18 d20+6=20
Saturday June 22nd, 2002 12:36:15 AM

(ooc Redux spot=22 Talon spot=11)
Talon alights on Redux' shoulders and does some minor preening, not presently occupied with recon work. The warning is very curious to Redux, who appreciates the magic of the writing upon learning that everyone reads it but each doesn't recognize the writing. Curious, this place and he tries to remember any story the old-timers used to tell about far away places (knowledge=18). He agrees that the best place to start is the temple cut into the rock and so begins to walk in that direction. Noticing Talon's inattentiveness to their surroundings, Redux gives the bird a pet and then an encouragement to take flight and report back more about their surroundings (spot=20).

Bart  d20=5
Saturday June 22nd, 2002 1:19:44 AM

(spot 5) To the temple then. But im not so happy with Appolo's suggestion to take all the valuables from it.

Judgement Day (DM Stephen)  d20+3=20 d100=49 d6=4 d100=34 d100=97 d6=4
Saturday June 22nd, 2002 2:13:39 PM

Rigging is certain that is the dragon he saw. The sun shines and glimmers off the silvery dragon scales. (Imagine a disco mirror ball with limbs, wings, head and a tail!) Some of you had to cover your eyes from little beams of reflected light.

As the group carefully navigates the ancient city streets, Rigging and Redux see some shadows move. Looking at the area produces no conclusion to why or how. Could have merely been a cloud or a bird. But then they realize that they have yet to see any life other than the plants and the two dragons (silver dragon and dragon turtle).

Everyone doesnt understand why, but you all feel you are being watched. You can't explain it and you don't fully trust it either. Being in a strange place seems to bring out paranoia in the group. The silence doesnt help the situation either. When deprived of one type of sensory, it makes all the others play tricks on you.

As you all arrive at the temple entrance, you can all see the GOLD that decorates the doors. Beautiful ornate carvings seem to occupy every inch. So impressive and detailed, everyone is awe struck. The huge double door entrance is surrounded with a beautiful, extremely detailed carving of a dragon. It is plated in sheets of solid gold. Over the years, the gold has tarnished with patches of green, but parts still glimmer. Down between the double doors stands a statue of an ancient man. He has a warm kind expression. As if he was welcoming worshipers. He has a long flowing beard and carries a staff. On his base is the name of ALEMI, in big bold letters.

Thadius looks on in wild wonder. "Is this a temple of Lemtrovex? SEE, the gold dragon! I feel his pressence. This ancient society worshiped Lemtrovex! This is the grandest temple to him I have ever seen! Who would put a statue of Alemi here?"

The doors are in place and look like they still function. They are made of bronze and inlayed with gold. As the group approaches the door, they suddenly open!! A human figure in priestly robes comes out, and quickly shuts the doors behind him. The holy symbol of Alemi hangs around his neck. However, his skin has no color, his eyes are solid white. After locking the doors, he turns to address the group. He appears to have a nervious expression. The priest starts to yell at the top of his lungs, as if trying to let everyone hear his voice. It is so odd, because everyone is close by and have no problem hearing his voice. "PEOPLE OF ISILDUR, YOU ARE TO BE JUDGED. YOU CAN NO LONGER ENTER THE SACRED TEMPLES OF ALEMI OR ANY OF THE TEMPLES OF THE GODS OF WOLD. YOU MUST REPENT!!!"

"WHY MUST WE," yells back another voice from behind the party. As you all quickly jerk around, your jaws drop and your eyes go wide as you all look upon a multitude of people amassed behind you. They all look the same as the priest: pale skin, white eyes; except they are wearing normal clothing. Tens of thousands mutter to themselves and one another. The one man in the crowd continues to speak. "Why must we repent, what have the gods done for us lately. Are they scared that we are becoming too much like them?" "YEAH," is yelled from a supporter. Then a roar of applauds and shouts as the majority of the crowd supports the heckler.

Not only is the sudden appearance of an entire populous shocking to the party, but the city looks not to be in ruin anymore either!!

The clouds begin to gather above them the the sunlight turns dim. As shadow crosses the land, the priest bows his head in dispair. "Please you must repent from you wicked ways." The man from the crowd, "Wha... now we are wicked!!! How dare you, we are ISILDURIANS. We are powerful, (YEAH!) we are rich ((YEAH!)), AND WE NO LONGER NEED GODS WHO DONT RECOGNIZE OUR STATUS (((YEEEAAH!!))). Alemi can kiss my," ((((BOOOMM.. crackle crackle)))),"...!" Suddenly the clouds boom with thunder and flash with lightning. Everyone hushes and looks to the sky.

(ooc: Parties iniative and your flat footed!)

Saturday June 22nd, 2002 5:00:28 PM

Appolo recovers from the shockof all this and yells"Inside quickly!!Move!!" He heads quickly inside reasoning that the one safe place might be inside the temple. he thinks to himself here we go agian as dashes inside.

Captain Jack 
Saturday June 22nd, 2002 5:23:53 PM

"For once I agree with you," yells the captain in response to Appolo!! "Everyone into the temple ..NOW!"

The captain and Appolo get to the door first, but it wont open. "IT'S LOCKED!!!"

(You are completely surrounded by these "people." They crowd the area all the way to the docks. There are now ships in the harbor and some people are beginning to load onto ships. Boats of every size also crowd the massive harbor.)

"In the name of Lem, what is happening?"

Saturday June 22nd, 2002 5:31:38 PM

Thadius rushes at the priest of Alemi. "Help us ...OPEN THE DOORS, PLEASE! This judgement is not meant for us!"

The priest of Alemi doesn't even acknowledge Thadius's existence. Completely ignoring him, the pale-skinned priest just begins to weep and pray to Alemi.

Bart  d20+3=19
Sunday June 23rd, 2002 12:36:05 AM

Bart stands before the door and tries to push them open (strcheck 19). Please Lem open your doors for true believers yor followers and servants.

(ooc leaving for a week to france so please take over Bart)

Sunday June 23rd, 2002 1:08:17 AM

Rigging says to the others, "We are seeing the past! This is what happened all those years ago! It is an illusion and a lesson in arrogance. These poor wretches didn't realize how lucky they had it. They never had to fight for their gods." Rigging raises his hands and shouts. "We are the pirates of Jack. We are the champions of Lemetrovex and Alemi. We have repented and work to bring your good works back to the wold. Instruct us! Help us! Show your mercy!"

Sunday June 23rd, 2002 5:03:01 PM

After finding the doors closed and locked, Appolo turns and looks back at the priest, the crowd and everything else. He then listens to Rigging. "Makes sense -- they do seem to be ignoring us, but we still need to get inside. Any ideas? Bart calm down. You're not going to budge these things -- they're encased in gold."

Valanthe (Uncanny Dodge) 
Sunday June 23rd, 2002 6:28:52 PM

Val grips her scythe and watches the crowd. This was all very strange. "Gold is a very soft metal. If it's just gold then we should be able to break them down. However I expect the doors to be magically sealed. How else do you plan on keeping thousands of people out. We need to find shelter elsewhere."

Sunday June 23rd, 2002 7:50:59 PM

"Don't worry my friends, I agree with Rigging: Those people, the priest -- they're not there. What we are seeing is a repeat of the past. Any idea about how to gain entrance to this Temple?" Appolo says.

DM Stephen 
Sunday June 23rd, 2002 9:34:07 PM

(Clarification: Please read my post again, the doors are made of thick BRONZE. They are merely "inlayed" with gold.)

Ashira  d20=15
Sunday June 23rd, 2002 9:59:43 PM

Ashira draws her swords as she watches the scene unfolding. "I hope you two are right about this just being a trick, because if not..."Ashira quickly scans the surrounding area for some place the party can take shelter in. Her mind flashes back to the inscription on the statues, and the warrior wonders whether her return to the land of the living might not have been pre-emptive.

OOC (Spot=15+3=18)

Redux  d20+2=8 d20+6=16
Sunday June 23rd, 2002 10:17:51 PM

The young mage takes in the scene with a mixture of concern and skepticism. He carefully examines the "villagers", trying to determine whether they are illusionary or not (Int=8). Thinking it best not to take any chances, Redux casts Mage Armor on himself. "I don't think we stand a chance of opening those doors by ourselves. We should find some other place to take shelter or return to the ship. Where is that dragon we saw before? Maybe he can lend a hand." Redux contacts Talon and asks him whether he sees the people (if it's an illusion, it may not work on birds) and then asks him if he can find a place where the group can take shelter from the impending wrath.

OOC (Spot for Talon=16)

Rigging  d20+6=24
Sunday June 23rd, 2002 11:53:14 PM

"Appolo, I am glad you agree with me but let's be cautious anyway. The warning at the beginning of the city did say we would share their fate. I want everyone to look alert."

Rigging then says to Ashira, "Watch my back for a minute." He then pulls out the telescope and scans it around looking for the dragon, and taking a quick look at the city people.

OOC Spot check, not sure if telecope gives anymore advantages.

Monday June 24th, 2002 11:56:50 AM

"The sign said that our people were cursed to never return to this land again." He pauses to gather his thoughts.

"Then we must watch and learn what our ancestors did, in order not to follow in their footsteps. For if we are their ancestors, then shouldn't the curse be lifted? We should not be able to return here, if the curse was still in place."

On further reflection, he adds, "If it took all of these gods..." sweeping his hands across the statues, "to keep the curse in place -- could the destruction of some of these gods then lift the curse?"

Appolo  d20+4=8 d20+6=25
Monday June 24th, 2002 3:04:08 PM

Appolo looks around then back at the door. "Ari you're right, but people or no people, dragon or no dragon, we still need to gain entry into this temple. What we're looking for most likely resides within. Any ideas?" He then begins to examine the door closely looking for a locking mechanism of some kind. A keyhole, etc.

Search check 8, Spot check 25

What is gone and what is past! (DM Stephen)  d20+2=18 d20+2=14 d20+2=3 d20+2=20 d20+2=5 d20+2=18 d20+2=9 d20+2=10 d20+2=3 d20+2=8 d20+2=19 d20+2=16 d20+2=18 d20+2=20 d20+2=4 d20+2=5 d20+2=16 d20+2=15 d20+2=11 d20+2=20 d20+5=22 d20+9=18
Tuesday June 25th, 2002 1:45:35 AM

Screaming and pleas of mercy come too late. The heavens open up and pour the destructive forces of elements upon the city. The words of Rigging and Appolo open the eyes of the party and the crew. Rigging confirms his suspicions as he looks through the telescope and sees the ruined city and the clear morning sky. These shadows of the past continue to act out their tortured afterlife. Three crewman refuse to disbelieve the phantoms. Their will is weak and they surrender to their fears. They scream while pelted by illusionary winds, hail, rain, and divine fire.

The deaths of tens of thousands of people was a gruesome scene to say the least. Men, women and children of all ages. People of all types, social and economical status met their end together. The prince and the pauper lay side-by-side. A very sobering scene that illustrates how fragile and precious life really is, and how so many take it for granted. The grim images of tragedy slowly dissolve away and things return to normal.

The three crew men lay on the ancient stone path. Their skin and hair turn a pale white. Then suddenly their eyes open and they stand up to face the others. Their eyes are also a solid white and they stand there staring at themselves and one another. "What happened to us?" one says in a monotone voice. "I think we died ... I feel nothing ... numb all over," says the other in the same slow manner! All three remain extremely calm!! They don't appear to be scared or distressed about their current condition.
Appolo, you easily find a big keyhole. It is filled with centuries of grime. (Make an Int. Check DC 8. Anyone helping Appolo gets the same Int. check.)
Ashira, the statue of the old man looks very familiar.
(Party's initiative)

Rigging  d20+4=16
Tuesday June 25th, 2002 5:11:52 PM

Rigging will say, "Captain, I think we should send some crew with these three back to the Hammerhead." Rigging will go over to the door and see what he can do to help Appolo. "Need any lock picks? I have a couple spares. I think we need to get in quicker than later."
(Rigging's intelligence check)

Tuesday June 25th, 2002 7:49:13 PM

"I would just hope that it is Lem's will that we re-enter this place for our people. I pray that we are not wrong to be here, that we are not opening ourselves up for more than we can handle."

Ashira  d20+3=14
Tuesday June 25th, 2002 11:35:25 PM

The half-elf thinks back, trying to remember where she might have seen the figure from the statue before (Int=14). She paces a bit, the inability to remember gnawing at the back of her mind, refusing to allow her to focus on the dead crewmembers. She begins to talk to herself. "I know I've seen that face before, but where? Where? Where?" Then suddenly Ashira's eyes widen in disbelief. "No, it can't be...." She thinks for a few more moments, and then breaks out into tears. "Oh shades...that's him, that's the one. He's the one who led me back." The half-elf begins to shake slightly as she continues to openly weep at the revelation.

Tuesday June 25th, 2002 11:49:05 PM

With a mild curiosity, Redux goes over to examine the undead crewmen. "Well now, you almost never get an opportunity to get this close to someone who's dead without having holy water handy, do you?" The mage chuckles at his own joke, while Talon rolls his eyes and turns away from the mage. Redux looks a little more serious. "But how did you become undead? And why are we able to interact with you when the other shades melted away?" Poking and prodding here and there, Redux speaks over his shoulder as he conducts his examination. "Hey Rigging, why don't you use that telescope of yours to find the dragon again?"

Wednesday June 26th, 2002 6:29:37 AM

While the others try to open the door, Val steps back and takes a look at the temple. Her gaze sweeps across the walls looking for an open window or balcony that she could climb to.

Divine Words (DM Stephen) 
Wednesday June 26th, 2002 9:57:37 AM

"Yes Ashira, It was I," says the statue of Alemi!!! In the same echoed voice the dragon sculpture speaks, "It was not your time to go." Then both statues talk at the same time with the same voice, "You have a destiny to fulfill... all of you do!! Within are the secrets of the ancients. Within my temple ... within yourselves ... is the way to defeat a god!"
Appolo and Rigging remember the cleric of Alemi had a key when he locked the doors. You all saw him die at the foot of the steps, during the horrific illusion!!
Valanthe sees that the facade of the temple is covered in sculpture and relief designs. No other openings can be seen.

(I will have a big post tonight. And Hero points!!)

Wednesday June 26th, 2002 2:40:23 PM

The warrior falls to her knees as the tears continue to fall. "Oh Lem, show us your ways!"

Rigging  d20+6=10
Wednesday June 26th, 2002 7:52:40 PM

Rigging snaps his fingers and says, "Of course! The key! The cleric had a key!" When the voice comes out of the statue of Alemi, Rigging feels wonder and awe at hearing the words of a god speaking directly to them. His heart is uplifted and his spirit renewed. "We can win!" he thinks to himself. He quickly starts giving orders to his family and the remaining sailors. "Check the steps and around the door. Find the body of the cleric we saw in the vision. He has a the key to the temple." Rigging starts moving rubble and brush around looking for a key. (Rolled a search roll)

Wednesday June 26th, 2002 11:29:24 PM

Redux looks up with a start at the booming voice. "What the..." he stamers. With awe in his voice, "We will find the way. What of these?" as he points to those who are living but dead.

APPOLO  d20+4=19
Thursday June 27th, 2002 12:28:37 AM

Appolo says, "Of course - the key!!" He then starts looking for it. Search roll 19.

[OOC: Had massive computer failure. Lost operating system. Can't even reboot. Posting from work. Will be sporadic until problem solved. Stephen please post when I miss a post.
Thank you all for your patience,

All hopelessness abandon, ye who enter (DM Stephen)  d20+2=11 d20+3=16 d20=5 d20+3=23 (d100=91 d6=5) lucky!!!
Thursday June 27th, 2002 5:15:55 PM

"All answers will be revealed within. Welcome home my children."

Both the statue of Alemi and the carving of Lemtrovex return to normal.

Rigging, Appolo and crewmen scramble around the steps kicking up dirt and removing debris. Even the undead, but the realize that the sun is blistering their skin. Sores and wounds begin to crack open. They run for shade. Apparently they are sensitive to sunlight.

After 10 minutes of frantic searching a crewman yells, "I have it!!" The proud crewman brushes and cleans the large key and takes it to Appolo. Even after the centuries exposed to the elements it still looks to be in pristine condition. Appolo takes a pick and brush from his kit and gets to work on the key hole. After cleaning the grime from the key hole, Appolo inserts the key and it fits perfectly. Appolo, however, is unable to turn it (Str roll 11, failed). Neither can Bart (Str. roll 16, fail)!! Rigging tries but he knew he wouldn't if Bart failed (Str. roll 5, failed). Ari realizes that ancient locks not only need strength but finesse (Str. roll 23, pass). As the key slowly turns everyone can hear the sounds of squeaky gears and levers. Then suddenly and loud a bang of metal against metal. The door that was once rigid and inpenetrable now feels loose. Everyone takes hold and starts to push. The door moans with age with every little turn on its hinges.

From just inside the doorway can be seen a long 30-ft wide hallway that leads to a much larger room 50-ft away. The ceiling in the hallway is 30-ft high.

Everburning torches burn with blue flames all the way down the hallway. The walls are completely covered with the most beautiful carvings. The craftsmanship is far beyond anything any of you have ever seen before. Absolutely breath taking. A warm yellow light glows ahead in the room at the end of the hallway.

Thursday June 27th, 2002 6:04:14 PM

Rising to her feet, Ashira enters the temple. She follows the yellow light, searching for the promised answers.

Thursday June 27th, 2002 6:50:05 PM

Valanthe follows Ashira into the temple. Her gaze sweeps all around the room in awe and wonder.

Appolo  d20+10=15 d20+4=24 d20+6=25 d20+3=22
Thursday June 27th, 2002 9:00:30 PM

Appolo sprints swiftly and silently ahead as soon as the doors open. [Move silently roll 15. Search 24, Spot 25, Listen 22.] Appolo is looking and listening for anything dangerous or anything that looks like it might help the party find what it is looking for. {Monsters, guardians, books, scrolls, traps.} His bow is drawn, arrow ready.

Thursday June 27th, 2002 10:06:25 PM

Rigging watches Appolo's antics with amusement. He calls out, "Appolo, I appreciate your diligence in trying to keep your family safe. We do have an invitation from Alemi. Show some faith." Rigging strides in trying to notice everything. He is amazed at the artwork. He hooks arms with Ashira for a minute and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Shall we go discover our destiny beloved?"

Friday June 28th, 2002 12:08:49 AM

Redux, almost never at a loss for words, simply follows the others thru to the interior of the temple. He looks around, noticing the artwork and what's on the ceiling.

Presence of Greatness (DM Stephen) 
Friday June 28th, 2002 1:22:38 AM

As you all enter the temple and as you clear the hallway, your eyes are dazzled and filled with wonderment.

Entering the aisles of this great temple, great fluted columns run the full length from floor to ceiling. Everything looks to have been cut out of solid rock. The ceiling appears to be hundreds of feet into the air. Above the arcade of shorter columns is the gallery filled with statues that gaze down upon you. Above the gallery level is the triforium and the barrel vaulting of the clerestory that curves into the ceiling. Beautiful masterfully painted images of the gods and dragons in a struggle over the Wold cover the ceiling. Magical lights glow behind stained glass images of Alemi that cast countless streams of colors across the floors. Inlayed gold maps out intricate designs throughout the walls. Scenes of forgotten lore are frozen in relief all along the lower walls of the aisles and continue further into the temple.

As the group makes its way through the 100 or so yards of the aisles, you come to the center point of the temple, the nave. Thadius, with tears dripping from his face, falls to his knees and starts praising Lemtrovex. For now you feel like mere ants in the presense of giants. Standing more than 200 feet tall below a great dome is a colossal statue that stops the party in their tracks. A statue of Alemi stares down on the party with a warm smile. He is plated almost completely in gold and accented with silver, ivory and precious stones. And equally impressive is a life-size ancient gold dragon that's coiled around his feet. The scene is just too much to take in at once. In the ceiling of the nave, a great dome rises even higher. It's filled with thousands of little coffers; each coffer containing a statue of a celestial creature singing praises to Alemi.

For the first time for as long as you have known the captain, he takes off his hat in respect. Crewman drop to their knees one by one before the statue.

The size and scope is far greater than you could have ever imagined. An entire city could have fit comfortably inside these walls.

Since everyone's eyes have been peering upward the whole time, people at last start to notice the elaborate designs of multicolor marble tiles on the floor. The floor shines like glass and you can see your reflections in it like a mirror.

"Well, it's about time you made it here. You've kept me waiting." The voice comes from a smiling elderly human woman wearing a silver gown. She stood so still, you would have thought her to be one of the countless statues. She looks at you all with kind gentle eyes. "So, he's impressive isn't he?"

(I tried my best to make this place sound grand. Believe me, it is much grander in my mind. Party's initiative.)

Friday June 28th, 2002 8:29:59 AM

Rigging gives a courtly bow and says, "My Lady, yes this is all very impressive. We apologize for our tardiness." Rigging has a sudden insight. "My lady, You haven't seen a beautiful silver dragon bearing an orb in the area have you?"

Friday June 28th, 2002 12:03:04 PM

Appolo looks around at the marvelous cathedral, it is awe inspiring. Then the strange lady arrives. "Impressive, yes the cathedral is a real testament to what people can do when they want to. Alemi I don't know about. I for one don't trust the gods. As for being late -- we're not, we're exactly where we should be and when we should be there." He stops speaking and becomes silent continuing to eye the lady suspiciously. After Rigging speaks, he comments, "Rigging, I think she is the dragon."

[OOC: Of course as usual he could be wrong.]

Friday June 28th, 2002 12:27:05 PM

As the group moves about in the temple, Ari finds himself in awe of his chosen god. Almost lost after Marteaus claimed Aisildur for his own and killing even more of Ari's home village. Ari is greatly heartened to hear that his people and the pirates may have a new home.

Lost in the feelings of grandness as Ari looks around. Ari is surprised out of his reverie by the voice of the human female.

Friday June 28th, 2002 1:53:29 PM

The half-elf smiles kindly at the woman. "Yes, he's magnificant." Ashira's smile fades as Appolo talks about Alemi. "Appolo, watch your tongue! What more proof do you need? Alemi brought me back from the dead. You may disbelieve if you want to, but I'll not tolerate that kind of talk here." Oddly enough, it looks like Ashira is willing to escort Appolo out of the temple if needed.

Friday June 28th, 2002 4:09:07 PM

"Ashira just calm down for a moment. If you want to lecture Appolo on religion, go ahead but this isn't the time or place. Well it's probably the place but definately not the time." Val looks at the old woman. "What do you mean we are late?"

Friday June 28th, 2002 8:00:01 PM

Bart falls to his knees when he sees the big statue of Lem. "Thank yo Lem for guiding us." When he hears the lady he looks up to her. "He sure is my lady. May I ask who you are?"

Friday June 28th, 2002 11:51:54 PM

Amazed at her kindness, grace and beauty, Redux finds himself drawn to this woman as a diligent student would be to a master teacher. "My Lady," he starts, the formal address evident in his voice. "We were once heard the calling of a great warrior named Valdor. Our search for him led us to the once great Plateau City. We found the place unwelcoming but met an ally nonetheless. After raiding a foul temple of ga'al and killing all of the priests we could find, a map and spyglass were found that led us to the discovery of this place. Without the help of a giant 'turtle dragon' we might not have made it this far. One could hope that he was sent to lead us here but we do not know how to thank him for this unexpected meeting. We are sorry that we have no offering to give in this temple but ourselves. What would you have of us, my Lady?"

Lady Mab (DM Stephen)  d100=65 d6=1 (d100=9 d6=6 bad luck)
Saturday June 29th, 2002 2:22:03 AM

Greetings Pirates of Jack, I am Lady Mab, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance," she says with a smile as she scans the party. However, her eyes turn cold and silvery when she looks upon Appolo. Her expression is filled with disdain and insult. She almost loses her composure but she slowly turns her attention back to the others. Her eyes pass over Valanthe and she ignors her question all together.

"Yes Rigging, that beautiful dragon was I, and thank you for your compliment," she says with a returned smile. "And yes, the orb is right here." She takes a side step and a glowing orb can be seen behind her hovering just a few feet off the ground.

"As I said before, my name is Lady Mab, and I'm an elder of the dragons. Some may even say I am Queen, but I find the title distasteful. It has been soo long since someone complimented me. Its been at least a few thousand years. This place, if you haven't already guessed, is THE Temple of Alemi, or as you say, Lemtrovex. It has existed ever since the last war between the gods. I am more like its curator. This is a very special place for me and I have spent much time here over the past couple of centuries. Be proud that you are the first to enter this most holy of places since the great destruction of Isildur."

"My dear Redux, I am so glad to see that some prophecies actually become truth." A warm smile lights up her face. "Worry not about any offering. Your presence here is more than enough. You need not ask of what I would have for you, but what would you have of me," she says with a smile and a slight bow of her head.

Turning her gaze back to Appolo, her eyes become icy again, Appolo can feel a great chill grip his body. "Yes, I am one of the few, including the gods, who witnessed their destruction. It is sad and unfortunate that a people who were so blessed and enlightened, as the Isildurians were, who were capable at creating a place like this, can fall so far from grace."

Lady Mab turns back to the others and her smile returns. She points to a very elaborate sculpture against the back wall of the nave, just to the side of the great statue. The sculpture is of another dragon standing up on its hinde legs and its back is up against the wall. Its wings are fully spread out into a large arched shape. Clutched in its teeth is a smaller orb, but it casts no light. "That, my friends, is the doorway to the innermost sanctum of the temple. The most holy of holiest places in the Wold. Only the purest of faiths may enter. There is where you will find the secrets of the ancients. This will be the your greatest hour, for the things you do this day will not only help bring salvation to the Wold, but redeem your people as well!"

Her expression turns to anger again and her eyes begin to glow and become flared with icy crystaline waves of cold air. "That is why it angers me so that the few among you still exhibit the self-defeating behaviors of your forefathers." She turns to face Appolo and she begins to shape back into a collosal silver dragon. She keeps getting larger and larger. Her ancient status becomes quite evident by her size. Her scales all glimmer like mirrors and her eyes look to consist of cold liquid mercury. The air in the temple becomes chilled and the strong scent of rain fills your nostils.

Appolo suddenly finds himself levitated into the air and he floats up to the head of Lady Mab. Her breath from her anger becomes heavy and Appolo can feel the sharp prickly sensation of ice all around him. "So arrogant, so blasphemous; your irreverent and foolish attitude that you have are the seeds that destroyed your people. And even now, NOW, you still question him. You are invited into one of the most holiest of places, are blessed to gaze upon what no one else will ever have a chance to see and you still stand defiant and call Alemi a liar!!"

Lady Mab snarls at Appolo as she gets closer. He can see that her mouth alone could easily pick up the Hammerhead and snap it in two. "Your negative presence on this party should not taint their chances in what they must do. SO .... be gone with you!!!"

Lady Mab extends her wings out wide and angles them back. Her powerful wings flap forward. A gust of wind hits Appolo and he goes flying backwards to the entrance. Lady Mab concentrates to steer him straight and true. As soon as he is back outside, the great doors slam shut. Everyone can hear the huge bolts lock the doors.

Lady Mab bows her head in sadness. "I'm sorry for that display, but it is necessary. There is too much at stake," she says with a shaken voice. "Appolo needs to understand the weight of his words and his attitude. When he does, he may return inside. However, if he is still like his ancestors, they looked disaster in the face and still wouldn't repent. Maybe time alone outside to stare at the result of what words and lack of faith can bring will change his spirit."
Appolo you find yourself back on the front steps and you gently are lowered to the ground. As the doors slam shut, you can hear them lock. The key still rests in the keyhole.

(parties inniative)

Saturday June 29th, 2002 4:15:21 AM

Appolo stands on the steps shaking with fear and rage. He starts pacing back and forth like a caged animal. He thinks to himself, 'Just great, Appolo. Well, why can't you just keep your mouth shut and why do the gods bother you so much? Just calm down now. Another thing -- you have to apologize to Maab, she didn't deserve that. You came looking for a fight and got one. Could've been worse. That's the problem -- you're always looking for a fight, have been all your life.'

He then stops pacing and looks around, then up at the sky and says, "Alemi if you really want to help me, please take the anger out of my heart and the sword out of my hand. They bring nothing but pain and death." He then walks over to the corner and throws his gear down. He lies down and uses his pack as a pillow.

As he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, he prays, "Alemi, watch over them since I can't. I may not believe in you, but apparently they do. They're what's important. This Cathedral is great and all but with our people it's just a mausoleum." With that, being completely fried emotionally, he drifts off to sleep and to wait.

Saturday June 29th, 2002 10:18:09 AM

Rigging heart rises into his throat as he watches the transformation and the removal of Appolo. As the doors click shut behind the young thief, Rigging will swallow and say, "My apologies Lady Mab. Appolo is basically good. He is just angry, hurt, and confused. He has watched all of his life, an evil god dominate and destroy all that he loves. His lack of faith is sad but understandable.

Rigging walks to the door leading to the inner chamber. "My Lady, I doubt I am worthy to enter either. I am not holy. I am not a priest.
I vowed an oath to free my people from Ga'al. Ga'al is no more, but an even more evil, powerful God has taken his place. If I can help in this struggle, the struggle to free my people and the rest of the wold, I will gladly give up my life, heart, and soul to Alemi.

Rigging then smiles a rakish smile and holds up his hand to Ashira, "My Love. I can't think of a more grand and beautiful place to ask this. Ashira, I love you. Have for years." Rigging sinks to one knee. "Would you give me the honor and privledge of becoming my wife? I offer you my heart, love, and undying devotion."

Saturday June 29th, 2002 4:39:04 PM

Only the purest of Faith? I have faith not only in Lem, but also in Domi he is my example since I saw him trying to save the poorgirl. Am I worthy to enter the inner sanctum. Maybe as worthy as Apollo who always hated Ga'al and is bittered because for him it looks like Lem didn't helped him on his path.

Lady Mab  d100=88 d6=5
Sunday June 30th, 2002 4:30:51 PM

Lady Mab quickly reverts back to her human form upon hearing the proposal. Clasping her hands together and holding them to her chest, her expression is filled with surprise and delight, "Ohhhh myy .... dear Rigging!!"

She turns to face Ashira to see her response. She holds her breath in anticipation.

Sunday June 30th, 2002 6:42:39 PM

After hearing Appolo's words, and seeing Mab's reaction, and watching Appolo fly out of the area. Ari secretly agrees with Mab. He's seen enough of Lem to know that he has (relatively) no doubt.

Hearing the words of the Lady Mab, Ari pipes up, "I have no idea what it takes to be holy. No one has ever taken the time to really show us. If it's a matter of faith, then someone must be able to enter. For that is all I have anymore, and I will at least try, because our countrymen need this. Let us hope that Lem finds us worthy....." With that, unless stopped, Ari proceeds into the sanctuary.

Sunday June 30th, 2002 11:41:03 PM

If Redux had ever wondered in amazement about anything, they have all been surpassed. He listens raptly and takes in every word of Lady Mab. Questions fill his mind, but he is quickly taken aback at her discipline of Apollo. The sight of the Dragon, while unnerving, was not frightening since no malice was directed at him.

At Riggings assertion of love and faithfulness towards Ashira, he thought things couldn't have been any more amazing...it must be this place. "Uh, Rigging," in a loud whisper, "are you sure." No longer in a whisper but with a smile, "May I have the honor of being your best man, be the one to hold your feet to the fire, so to speak. I know you may have chosen another, but, well, he's not allowed inside just yet." Turning to Ashira, "Well, you gonna accept or just stand there with a funny look on your face?"

Sunday June 30th, 2002 11:49:32 PM

Ashira stares at Rigging in disbelief for a few moments. Honestly, marriage had never entered her mind. She had dedicated her life to the destruction of Ga'al for so long that her own happiness really wasn't much of a factor. But then so much had changed recently... for one Ga'al was dead. Of course no one can ever be the same after entering the land of the dead. And then there was the knowledge that mother was happy now... for some reason that knowledge was extremely freeing. It was true that she loved Rigging... she couldn't deny that. But a life long commitment? And what of the team... how would it affect them? She had always said that emotions were a liability... that they distract your mind from what is really important.

But so much had changed recently... After her return, she couldn't stand the thought of being separated from Rigging again. During their respite at sea, she couldn't bear to have him out of her sight for more than an hour at a time. Thoughts of him filled her dreams, and often occupied her daytime thoughts as well. It always seemed that they could do more together than apart. Not to mention certain other desires.... It just seemed so natural for them to be together, even though she had fought it for so long. Could it be that this was what true love felt like?

Ashira takes Rigging's hand and places it on her heart. "I can think of no greater honor than to fight side by side with you all of my life. For as long as life remains in my body, this heart shall beat for you!" A single tear falls down the half-elf's face. Wiping it away with her free hand, Ashira smiles mischievously. "But I don't have a dress, and you don't have a ring! And we don't have a priest... oh, sorry Thadius... almost forgot you were here!"

Monday July 1st, 2002 11:59:37 AM

Val was as suprised as everybody else. Her eyes teared up and she wiped them away. The proposal in the temple, the pause by Ashira, it was all so very romantic. She didn't think they would ever get together. Everybody knew that they had something. The silent looks, the implied tones in their conversations. Val watched things build and build, but it looked like nothing would ever happen. Now their will be a wedding and a celebration.

Monday July 1st, 2002 3:03:36 PM

Rigging's face lights up like a newly risen full moon. He crushes Ashira in a hug and gives her a lingering kiss. "I wish we could have the ceremony right now, but my mother will kill me if I get married without her attendence. Besides I have never seen you in a dress. Don't get me wrong. You would be heartstopping beautiful in a potato sack, but in a dress. I might not be able to stand up."

Rigging steps away but holds on to Ashira's hand. "Well gang, back to business. We need to kill a god, free the wold, and live happily ever after. We are getting married!"

Rigging looks over to Lady Maab and says, "Lead on kind lady. I go forward with love in my breast to do Alemi's bidding." Rigging looks embarrassed for a quick moment. "Wow -- love brings out some really bad verse, doesn't it, sweetheart?" he murmurs to Ashira.

Monday July 1st, 2002 5:40:14 PM

Ashira Rigging I wish to both of you good luck

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 1:19:30 AM

Appolo continues to try a get hold of his emotions, as he rests. After awhile he wakes and gets up. he Takes a better look around and then decides to try the key, if that doesn't work he willknock on the door and wait for an answer.

The Inner Sanctum (DM Stephen)  d100=62 d6=1
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 2:23:11 AM

"OOhhhhhh .... I am soo happy for you two," says Lady Mab as she glides over to Rigging and Ashira. "After all this mess is over, we'll need to throw a big wedding."

She turns to the door to the inner sanctum. "Alas, our celebration must be cut short for now, there is a dire crisis at hand, and time runs short."

Lady Mab looks to the captain and his crew, "Captain Jack, you have done your job well in fulfilling your sacred charge of transporting the Chosen. You need to return to your ship and take it back out to sea as soon as possible. The phantoms you saw as you entered the city will reinact their tragic deaths again, this time tomorrow. Each viewing lessens the grasp you have to your soul. I can teleport you back to your ship." Captain Jack gives a slight bow, "Thank you, me lady. A captain's responsiblity is to his ship and crew. I will keep a safe distance from the shore."

With a wave of Lady Mab's hand, a column of light encircle the Captain, Thadius and his crew. In an instant, they are gone.

Lady Mab now addresses the party. "As I said before, beyond those doors is the Innermost Sanctum. A most holy of holies. You don't need to be a holy individual to enter. You must only believe and have faith. Of course, I always believed that if goodness is in your heart, then you are holy. But that is my interpretation."

As Lady Mab and the party walk over to the door the small orb in the mouth of the dragon sculpture starts to glow. It lifts out of the mouth and flies through the air. It buzzes by your heads and hovers for a few seconds and goes to the next. As it passes by each of your heads, it glows at different intensities. However, it glowed a little brighter as it passed by Ashira. Lady Mab smiles as if she knows why. The little orb returns to mouth of the sculpture and its light dies.

"Well, that was the first trial. If any of you were evil, you would have been vaporized!" The wings of the dragon sculpture fold inward and open door to the inner sanctum.

A sudden gust of warm moist air hits the party. Just inside the doorway, and mounted on the wall, is a relief engraving of Alemi's head. On the other side is a gold dragon. They both start to speak. "To enter my Woldian home, you must believe and have faith in me. Through me, you are delivered from harm. Abandon all doubt and recieve my blessings."

Lady Mab steps in front of the party. "I can tell you nothing of how to enter. You must figure this out on your own. It is different for everyone. Just be strong, brave and trust his words. Believe in him and have faith."

She turns back to the larger orb. "I would advise you take the orb with you. With it you can communicate with Valdor, the Dragonstone. Farewell my friends." And with those final words she disappears.

As the party passes through the doors, you all see a hallway like the one you saw when you entered the temple. It is well lit and you have no problem seeing where to go. After one of you collects the larger orb, the dragon doors close behind you. The orb shrinks to fit in your hands. It is light and easy to carry (its the size of a basketball).

You all walk 50-ft and come to an opening. A great cavern expands before you. Just inside the cavern the floor drops hundreds of feet straight down into pools of bubbling thick frothy liquid. Steam rises up making the cliff walls wet, smooth and slick. Above, the cavern ceiling can not be seen.

Straight across from the opening, 80-ft away, on the opposite wall of the cavern is another dragon door. Nothing but air is between you and the other doorway. The wind is blustery and warmer than it was before. Your own skin is becoming moist and sticky from the steam and perspiration. The other doorway is framed with a very detailed dragon carving, like the ones you have seen before. Images of Alemi are carved directly into the cliff rock on either side. Both doorways are well lit with continual flaming torches.

(parties inniative)

The Plight of Appolo (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 2:34:00 AM

Appolo is surprised by a thick fog that starts to surround him.

"Appolo .... Appolo," sings a female voice!! Appolo recognizes it as Valanthe. Suddenly through the fog, he sees Valanthe dressed in a beautiful white gown. Her long red hair is decorated with ribbon and flowers. She looks absolutely stunning!! She smiles at Appolo and gestures him to follow her into the fog. She laughs as she looks upon Appolo's shocked expression. "Appolo ... follow me," as she continues to giggle!!!

Appolo  d20=14
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 4:21:21 AM

When the fog begins to surround him he begins ti bang on the more forcefully."OK Iget. Come on let me in. Guyslet me in!!"

He then hears the voice and sees Valanthe step out of the fog bekoning him to follow. The thing is Appolo is pig headed and stubborn.
He steadfastly refuses "Go away, whatever you are you are not MY SUNSHINE LEAVE ME ALONE YOU
WITCH!!!" His voice steadly picking up volume
Until he is yalling with everything he has."Go AWAY!! GO AWAY I"LL KILL YOU!!" He is becoming very freaked out. His weapons appear sword and dagger as backs toward the door.

Will Roll 14

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 8:29:26 AM

Rigging will scoop up the orb and hand it over to Ari. "Your turn to carry an artifact Ari. Enjoy." Rigging stops in bewilderment for a second and looks to his friends. "Well it said to have faith and believe in him. Here goes." Rigging steps off into the air

"Poof" (DM Stephen)  d100=100
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 9:27:33 AM

After Rigging makes his faithful step, he instantly disappears into thin air!!

(parties continued inniative)

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 10:08:29 AM

Up until recently Val has never been a firm believer in the gods. But when they start waring with each other, how can you not believe? Ressurection, spontaneous love, and many other strange things are going on. Now she's met a dragon and walking through an ancient temple. Val eyes the distance and believes she could lodge an arrow with a rope. Except this isn't about what she could do, it's about belief. She eyes the chasm and then Ashira. Smiling warmly she says,"Congradulations, you have somebody to spend the rest of your life with. There is so much to do and to talk about." Taking a deep breath, she walks off after Rigging.

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 10:08:51 AM

Ari accepts the orb from Riggings without much ceremony. Looking across the chasm and thinking upon Lady Mab's words Ari mumbles, "May Lem guide us all" as he steps out into the nothingness.

Freaking out (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 10:28:42 AM

The mist begins to engulf Appolo. The sound of Valanthe's laughter can be heard from all around. Then two hands are placed on his shoulders from behind, and she whispers in your ear, "You need not fear me, Appolo." She gives him a kiss on the cheek.

The fog instantly lifts and Appolo finds himself in the lower cargo hold of the Hammerhead. Nipper is there drinking a secret bottle of wine. He looks up and smiles. "Did the captain chase you down here again!!" He chuckles at his own joke. "Here," he hands the bottle to Appolo, "have a drink with me! Hey, didnt you go ashore?!"

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 10:59:36 AM

Ashira smiles at Valanthe. "Yes, there is much to talk about. Much to plan, it would seem. But there is much to take care of now." Ashira watches in amazement as first Rigging, then Val disappear after taking their leap of faith. She takes a brief look down the cliff, and quickly backs away. Sweat streams down her face. She closes her eyes "Well, Alemi, I don't think you brought me back from the dead just to kill me in your temple. But, I guess if you do kill me, you can raise me again." Ashira trembles as she walks to the edge. "Here goes nothing." Her eyes still closed, she steps over the ledge.

Suspended in Air (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 11:18:55 AM

Ashira makes her step. However, she still hears the winds blow around her. You can still sense that Bart and Redux are still behind you in the hallway.

Bart and Redux look on in amazement when Ashira does not disapear. She is standing on the air.

If Ashira opens her eyes, she will not see the ones who went before her. If she looks back, she will see Bart and Redux. The floor she stands upon does not feel solid and you feel it giving a little.

(parties continued inniative)

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 11:56:33 AM

Appolo is just getting ready to whirl around
and slice whoever it is,when he suddenly finds himself on the Hammerhead, in the hold nolees, with nipper. Appolo is now murderously enraged.
He heads topside completely ignoring Nipper,
cursing{Never trust a god, trust a god get screwed.Explecitive !%%} under his breath, he begins to gather up his gear and heads for one of the life boats. He loads some extra rope and grappling hooks and some extra tools. He is unbeleavably angry, shaking whith fury as prepares to head back to the Temple.Talking to himself outloud"All you had to was open the door, messing whith me, seperating me from my family,using Valanthe's image to trick me
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! Don't worry I'm on my way back ,on my way back my family."

The Solution [CDM Jerry] 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 12:04:08 PM

Your minds cloud for a second and then clear a someone tries to communicate with you. In a moment, the message comes.

"He who has heart to fight against the evil that threatens, must hear my words. I am Valdor, the Dragonstone. Leader of the Dragon Consortium and the Gold Dragons. Friend to any who oppose the Usurper and brother to any who have taken up this fight.

Not so long ago, I told you all it had begun...and so it did. Many have found ways to triumph against the armies threatening and many have died trying. These days and weeks have been hard and has seen many good people slain for no reason but a lust for power.

My friends, it is time for us to strike back! Not at the armies, or Marteaus's clerics now, but at the very God himself. As most of you know by now, a God can be defeated and even killed by mortals. There is no easy way, but it can be done.

The Usurper has taken the fight to our God's lands and only in the Lands of the Dead, can a God be defeated by a mortal. The Dragon Consortium has concluded, with the evidence produced from many of you hearing my words, that there is only one way to enter the lands of the dead. This is by becoming that which we have all fought against or heard many horror stories about. We must become undead creatures if we wish to enter and fight the slug Marteaus.

There are two ways known at this time to accomplish this. The first is by eating a souleater. It is a slug rare and hard to find. We have arranged for it to be available at The Catacombs and therefore at all businesses in their network. Simply go to the nearest magic or general store and check if they have a Catacombs connection. [In gameplay we go to the Catacombs Board after entering a store in character.] There ask for the Dragon Consortium Discount when buying anything else. Do this while in a private shopping room to avoid being overheard. Eat what you buy. It is very painful. Be prepared.

The other method of becoming undead is to enter the lands that Marteaus has created called Koshe-Marr. Once there, you must enter through a gate and come back out. It is a new gate and part machine. That's all we know of it's description. Going through the gate will turn you undead. Return through the gate and escape Koshe-Marr.

Only by becoming undead can you enter the Lands of the Dead and retain your ability to strive and quest.

The next step is to enter the lands of the Dead. We know of only one means to do this at this point in time. Seek out a place called the Parting Tree in the northern part of the Badlands. It is South of Culverwood on the main Trade Route heading west from Edenmoor. It should be just a day or so west of Edenmoor and before you get to the Emerald Kingdom. In ten days hence, any who would dare to make a difference must come there to an Inn called the Hidden Viper. From there we will journey a short distance to the Gate through which we will enter the lands of the dead and take out this would be God who has caused us such grief.

It will soon be over and there will be many in need of help. We are all brothers and sisters who take up this fight and must support one another no matter the outcome. If you cannot do this vile thing, I surely understand and ask you to help the others we leave behind. I take no one who isn't sure of themself in this action. Bring your hearts and your courage. Be strong for the end is near. Have Courage!"

His voice slowly disappears on the wind and as you think it's gone you hear once more, but very faintly, " Have courage..."

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 12:39:44 PM

"Appolo calm down, it's been too long since you and I have talked. Come and share a drink with me." Nipper holds out the bottle and smiles. "Why did you stop talking to me, you used to talk to me all the time!! I've always been their for you."

Appolo notices there are no other crew on board. No captain. No priest. Just him and the halfling.

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 1:23:11 PM

Becomming undead? That's what i called faith says Bart as he steps forward following the rest of the family.

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 1:31:31 PM

Now shaking instead of trembling, it is blindingly clear to Bart and Redux that Ashira is terrified of the flames below her. Ashira opens her eyes and sees the flames below her. She quickly raises her head and sets her eyes on dragon carving. As she begins walking toward the doors she starts saying "I will trust him, no matter what it costs." With every step, her voice becomes louder, until eventually she is screaming "I will trust him, even if I burn!".

All alone (DM Stephen)  d100=79 d6=1
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 3:10:07 PM

Redux and Talon stand there all alone. Appolo is "who knows where" and the rest have vanished across the cavern. Bart disappeared as he took his first step. However, Ashira didn't disappear as quickly as the others. In fact, the others faded from sight almost immediately, but he watched Ashira walk the entire distance. He heard her say that same line over and over the entire way too!! She then joined them in nothingness upon reaching the other side!!

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 8:12:55 PM

When Appolo hears Valdors words, he redoubles his efforts."Great just great. Well they're not doing that with out me!!" He is charginfg around.

That's when Nipper finally catches up with him.
He standing looking out over the watwer getting ready to leave. He turns to Nipper"You are right my friend I'm sorry. I'm very angry right now to put it mildly. Hey where is the rest of the crew and the Captian?? Alemi has really pissed me off, kicking me out of his Temple, then tricking me and sending back to the ship. Seperating me. No one even comes out looking for me. Fine if that's the way they want to playit. Well I got to get going, you want to help lower this boat in to the water."

It is quite clear that Appolo intends to row the boat back to the dock and re-enter the Temple by any means necessesary.

Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 11:21:40 PM

Redux speculates for a moment at all of what he has just seen. Ideas briefly cross his mind about what could have happened to his new family members. He looks Talon in the face and begins to talk to his friend, but it turns into a prayer. "Talon, my friend, where have all the others gone? What of your senses? Do they see and feel what I do, the steam, the boiling below, the lack of support ahead and the friends that have disappeared before us? The height does not bother you and so neither would falling. You are more at ease than the situation seems to call for. Yet again, Alemi, you have made your presence known. You have given your faith to the least of these, now also give it to me." And with that, he steps off towards the door to the other side, almost wanting to close his eyes, but not wanting to miss anything. He does not know exactly what may have happened to the others before him, but he is sure that he was going to where they have gone.

(DM Stephen) 
Tuesday July 2nd, 2002 11:46:46 PM

(Emailed posts by players will soon go here.)

Entering the Sanctum (DM Stephen)  d100=82 d6=4
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 12:33:55 AM

Future post will go here

Nipper (DM Stephen)  d100=5 d6=2
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 12:43:08 AM

"If it's the shore you want so bad, then the shore you shall have." With a smile, he tucks his bottle under his arm and claps his hands.

Appolo and Nipper find themselves instantly on the shore in front of the temple once again after a quick flash of light. Appolo is shocked to look down at his sleeping body.

"Are you ready for that drink now," say Nipper as he hands him the bottle again?!!

Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 1:27:44 AM

When Appolo finds himself in front of the Temple with Nipper looking down at himself he gets even more freaked out. Backing away"I don't think so!! Who are you!!?? Stay away!!
This has got to be a bad dream, come on wake up!!" he gives himself aswift kick "Wake up, you idiot!!"

ari  d20+1=9
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 7:21:58 AM


Rigging  d20+4=12
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 8:50:51 AM

listen check

Ashira  d20+3=23
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 9:48:57 AM

Listening...oh yeah!

Bart  d20=2
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 3:30:41 PM


Valanthe  d20+6=13
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 4:29:53 PM


Redux  d20+4=16 d20+6=23
Wednesday July 3rd, 2002 11:00:15 PM

listen for Redux & Talon

Glory Glory (DM Stephen)  d100=58 d6=4
Thursday July 4th, 2002 12:41:06 PM

(Future post will go here.)

Dreaming of Nipper?! (DM Stephen)  d100=53 d6=2
Thursday July 4th, 2002 1:46:00 PM

"No, your not ready to wake up yet." Nipper sits down next you Appolo's sleeping body and takes the cork out of the bottle and starts to drink.

"Appolo, you need calm down. Don't you know that I have always been there for you. Even before you met me." Nipper takes a drink. "You have so much anger and its miss directed. You know what ... the people you need to be angry with are the ones that lived here in this city. Look around you, see what blessing these people had. Their prosperity ultimately corrupted them. They invited Ga'al into their lives ... they begged for Ga'al's power and were willing to accept the consequences!!" Nipper takes a longer drink.

Nipper morphs into the image of an elderly human man. "I need you Appolo, I need you to believe, your family needs you to believe."

The elderly gentleman reaches down and takes the short sword from Appolo gear. "I need you fight for me, not against me. Your family needs you by their side. The coming battle will be dire. First, I need you to believe in me and have faith. To help, your sword is enchanted with my divine energy. As your faith grows, so to does its power." Your sword begins to glow with a white light.

The elderly man holds the sword out to Appolo. "So Appolo, would you allow the Wold to be destroyed over a misdirected grudge and disbelief or will you fight a most righteous battle along side your family?"

As the mist that surrounds the two fades, Appolo can see people beginning to step forward. His family: Rigging, Ashira, Val, Ari, Bart and Redux, appear behind the elderly man. Thousands of other warriors also appear. A large half-elf warrior with a "V" emblazened on his glowing armor can be seen. Warriors and wizards of all types and races stand around and look upon Appolo. A multitude of dragons fly down from the sky and land behind everyone. Both Chromatic and Metalic dragons standing side-by-side!! Taurs of every size and shape also start to add their strength to group. The elderly man turns around with a smile as everyone arrives. "So Appolo, what is your answer? Will you fight with us?" He extends his arms out to full length with Appolo's glowing sword. "Will you take your sword?"

Bart  d20+1=11 d20+13=21
Thursday July 4th, 2002 3:40:30 PM

Bart starts to sing,never know he could sing like this and slowly steps forward to the other room

Ashira  d20+10=18
Thursday July 4th, 2002 8:03:54 PM

The half-elf doesn't even fight the compulsion to sing, lifting her head high, she begins to praise the virtues of Lem in Elven. Although no one has ever heard Ashira sing before, they can tell that even without the enhancement, she has a beautiful soprano voice. Taking Rigging's hand, Ashira looks up into his eyes "They may not be angels, but you are!" Feeling more alive than ever before in her life, Ashira enters the next room side by side with Rigging.

Thursday July 4th, 2002 10:27:52 PM

Appolo reaches out and takes the sword"Of course I'l go. Did really think I'd let my family go anywhere without me. I appologize for
my foolishness,after all you did bring Ashira back. I owe at least some faith for that. Yeah I think I am beginning to believe. You obviously have faith in me. I'm with you, but why do you need us, your a god, I would think you could take care of Matreous yourself? I am sorry for my lack of faith, but I always had faith in my family. Now may I join them please." Appolo has calmed down significantly
and even manages to smile slightly."OH and thank you for believing in me, even when I didn't believe in you. My friend."

Redux  d20+2=6 d20+10=11 d20+10=25
Thursday July 4th, 2002 11:12:15 PM

Redux has no will to fight the singing (dc=6). It is good that there is such a large group, as it would be more obvious that he hasn't much practice (dc=11)(rotflol). Talon on the other hand appears to have a much better grasp of rhythm (dc=25), adding a bobbing of his head or a whistle to punctuate the chorus. With Talon in his mind, and the surrounding beauty of both music and place, Redux doesn't even notice how he might be off. He looses himself in the singing, his feet haven't stopped moving, like they have a will of their own to take him towards the light and to something better. He feels the presence of a god, not just any god, but Alemi.

Rigging  d20+5=15
Thursday July 4th, 2002 11:21:47 PM

Rigging joins in on the singing and is glad to grasp Ashira's hand as he enters the next room.
He is revelling in his family's happiness. He rarely gets to see them this way. He puts the unpleasantness he knows is ahead of him away and just lives in this moment.

Friday July 5th, 2002 9:17:34 AM

Ari looks on with a large smile on his face. Ari keeps his face centered on the old man, trying his best to memorize the features of his god.

With the others surrounding him, Ari looks around at the others that are standing in the group. Noting faces and shapes, and dragons. Knowing that these cannot possibly be all contained in Aisildur. Ari strengthens his belief that there is more of the world to explore than what he was ever taught.

OH MY GOLD!!! (DM Stephen)  d100=81 d6=1
Friday July 5th, 2002 9:30:52 PM

As you all enter the final chamber with song in your hearts, you all witness the most stunning scene you have ever seen. You have to cover your eyes from the brilliance of light reflecting off all the GOLD!!!

The room is immense in size. The ceiling is several 100-ft in the air. Massive columns with wurms coiled around them all the way up. Along the walls are gargantuan statues of all the gods. Alemi's, of course, is larger than all the rest. Gold covers EVERYTHING!!!

There is a huge portal against the north wall. On the east side is a very massive library, with shelves that climb as high as 80-ft. There are places to read and a scriptorum, built for human-size users. A gallery of paintings and smaller sculptures are to the west. At first glance, you see a painting of two young boys. Strangely, just by looking at it you know that it is Alemi and Domi as children!!!!

In the center of the room is a jaw-dropping pile of gold coins, jewels, and assorted treasures. Tens of thousands of TONS of it. The most you have ever seen. There is an impression that is dragon-sized on the top of the pile!!! As if a colosal dragon was laying on it.

Next to the pile is a large golden throne-like chair. A ancient looking man in priest robes sits slightly slumped over with his head resting on the side of the head rest. He is covered in a thick layer of dust. A massive book is clasped in his hands. The priest doesnt appear to be alive.

Appolo takes the sword. In a flash of bright light, he finds himself waking up on the ground. You look and see your short sword floating in the air, slowly rotating and shineing with a bright glow. You hear the locks of the massive doors retract and the doors slowly swing open.

Then in your mind you hear a haunting voice, "Remember to keep your faithhh!!"

Friday July 5th, 2002 11:31:25 PM

Rigging mouth drops at the sight of all the wealth. "Nobody touch anything!" he orders. "The ancients thought that gold would appease the gods. Obviously they were wrong." Rigging heads over to the priest and the book. "Uhhh Hello?" he asks. If he doesn't get a response then he will gently try to pry the book out of the priests hands. "Any secrets on how to defeat a god in here?"

Saturday July 6th, 2002 3:02:22 AM

WOW!!! Al that gold and jewels I wish it was ours so we could buy anything we want in the catacombs. I know what i want to buy for itBut I think it's not ours to take, only when it's given to us. Bart walks to Rigging and sees if the old man is alive It must be It dont looks like a statue, and if he was dead he must be an skelleton,...or not?

Saturday July 6th, 2002 3:33:26 AM

Appolo grabs his sword and heads inside at a ful sprint. He stops at the statue" Well which way. Tell me where to go and what to do and I'll do it. I have faith, I you'll carry me through.Please which way?" he asks. He then sprints wholheartedly and full speed in the direction indicated. He can feel Alemi presence and his power building inside for the first time. He is also happy.

Saturday July 6th, 2002 3:04:34 PM

The warrior looks around the inner sanctum with wonder. Briefly glancing at the pile of gold, Ashira makes her way over to the library, scanning the volumes.

Saturday July 6th, 2002 7:34:59 PM

Excitement fills the mage. "Hey, Rigging, do you think that that position atop the gold is where Lady Mab sits or is Alemi himself watching us now? What's the title on that book the priest has there? Ashira, what kinds of books are there?" Redux goes over to where the books are and takes a quick view of the shelves, stopping at titles of interest. He thinks to himself, what a magnificent place to study!

Sunday July 7th, 2002 9:00:26 AM

Val slowly looks at everything. She was seeing things that would outclass anything else she would see in her remainign centuries of life. The paintings, gold, jewels, and the throne are all spectacular. But the portal draws Val's attention. That was the next step in their journey, or so she thought. Curious she reached out to touch it.

OCC: you mentioned portal. I'm thinking glowing circle of some colored energy.

Introductions (DM Stephen)  d100=94 d6=5
Tuesday July 9th, 2002 2:00:09 AM

"Alemi.... Alemi is that you, my lord?!" The ancient man comes to life as if sleeping. The dust that covers his skin gently begins to sprinkle off. It is apparent he has remained motionless for many centuries. His eyes are completely white and doesnt appear to have the ability to see. After hearing Rigging's question, he sits back into his chair. "Your not Alemi ... wha.. is this the Year, the Year of Ascension?" His eyes wildly scan the room as memories begin to flood back to him. "Ri .. Sir Rigger ... Airy, Ashley, Valant, Redo and Claw, Beort and Speedy Polo. No wait, that's not right!" He scratches at his head and more dust billows forth.

At the same time, Valanthe inspects the massive portal. At first, it looks like an huge, elaborate-carved empty picture frame covered with runes and images of holy symbols of various gods. When Val reaches out to touch it, her body begins to glow with the same eerie glow as it did back on the ship. Suddenly the glow leaves her body and is drawn into the portal. Val feels a bit of her essence being ripped from her body. (Reflex Save DC 12, Val only) The runes begin to glow and the empty portal completely fills with a milky fluid surface. It looks like a vertical reflecting pool of white churning water. It ripples in a chaotic matter. The faint sounds of moans can be heard through the portal. Impressions of saddened humanoid faces materialize in the waves and ripples, but quickly disappear as soon as they're noticed.

"Oh Valant, the GateCrasher; you open the portal already! Yes yes ... this IS the Year of Ascension!!" The ancient priest stands from his chair. With the weight of the book that is chained to his body, he falls back down onto the chair. "Oh my, my strength has left me!"

Ashira notices that a large volume of books are listed with unknown names of dates. If she takes one from the shelf, she will notice that they are handwritten journals with a beautiful calligraphic script. She doesnt recognize the letters or words but she can read it without any problem. Just like the monument on the shore.

As soon as Appolo makes his way into the temple, the dragon doors in the nave open up to greet him as he enters. When you look in, you see a 80-ft long hallway like the one at the entrance. At the far end to the hallway you see a set of double doors that is guarded by two statues of Alemi on either side. A relief of a dragon carving looms over the door.

Lining the walls of the hallway are huge suits of armor. Each facing the opposite wall; all the way down. They look like suits of Full plate armor. All are beautiful and ornate in design. When you appoach the entrance of the hallway, each suit of armor draws their huge swords and hold them up in the air above you walkway. You have more than enough room to walk underneath!!

Before you enter, a little orb floats out from a dragon sculptures mouth and buzzes around you head. It slightly glows and returns from which it came. In your head you hear a familiar voice say, "Have faith and enter at will." Appolo somehow knows he must travel through the Phalanx to be reunited with his family.

(4 posts left. getting excited?!)

Tuesday July 9th, 2002 2:17:12 AM

When the doors open Appolo turns and sprints forward into the nave. Seeing the double doors ahead he picks up a stepp is running with everything he has, Appolo basicly ignores the suits of armour and the swords, as well as the orb, he is already past the first suit by the time the last suit is finished drawing it's sword."Yes I have faith. Please let rejoin my family. I need to see Valanthe. Please??!!" he says as he sprints down the hallway.

Valanthe  d20+6=21
Tuesday July 9th, 2002 3:00:38 AM

[Ref save 21]

Val jerks her hand back as if she reached into a roaring fire. She rubs her hand and takes a few steps back. Turning to the old man she says, "Sir, what is going on?"

Tuesday July 9th, 2002 5:39:34 PM

The name is Bart Sir, you must have been here for ages, here have a drink syas bart as he holds up a waterskin before the old priest, What's the year of Ascension? and do you know how to kill a god

Tuesday July 9th, 2002 6:27:33 PM

Shocked when the old man awakens, Ashira heads back to where he is. Seeing the old man struggle against the heavy book, she offers to hold it for him. "Sir, Alemi has brought us here to help in the fight against Marteaus. There is little time, and much we must learn if we are to succeed. Please, sir any help or knowledge you can impart will be of the utmost significance. Please, help us."

Tuesday July 9th, 2002 9:30:16 PM

Rigging looks to the old man and tries to support him. "Sir, You are close to our names. I am Rigging" He points to the others, "This is Ashira, Bart, and Ari." He points to the others, "The elf maid is Val. Over there is Redux with his friend Talon. Our friend Appolo was found wanting and not allowed to enter." Rigging pauses and says, "Sir are you a seer or prophet? You seemed to know we were coming when we didn't know we were coming. You look to have been asleep for many centuries. Right now the wold is locked in a struggle between Alemi and Marteaus. Most of the other gods have fallen in the struggle. We have been sent here to try and help in the struggle. We have been guided to you it seems. We need the knowledge on how to kill a god. We have been told we will have to become undead to do this. Can you help us?"

Father Farkus (DM Stephen)  d100=25 d6=2 5d6(5+6+6+3+6)=26 d4=2
Wednesday July 10th, 2002 1:21:37 AM

"Ah... my name is Father Farkus and this is the Year of Ascension. It is now. You are here, young ones!" He turns his head to Rigging's voice, "Riigging... yes, that's it. No I am no prophet, your coming here is history to me. It is written!" The old priest holds up the massive tome as best as he can. The dust that covers him billows even more, covering all in a thin silky layer.

After hearing Ashira's voice, he turns to her. More dust puffs about. "Yes Ashira, I will tell everything I know." Turning to Bart, "Thank you Bart, but I require no water, I never thurst."

"Yes, you all must enter the lands of the dead to fight Ole Marty. And to do this you must be undead. As gruesome as that may sound, it is necessary. Alemi, in the form of a gold dragon, once did it during the last war between the gods. He went through that very portal that Valanthe, the Gate Crasher, as already opened.

Alemi, with the help of the dragons, found this portal to the Lands of the Dead. Along with the Domi and his other companions. They became undead with this magic dust. A magical dust made from Mummy rot. Once it coats the skin, it slowly starts to dry you out and draw away your lifeforce. I have a bag of it right here." The ancient priest feels around his seat looking for the bag. "In fact, it is the same dust I used to stay here all these countless centuries. Where did that bag go?" Everyone starts to take special notice to the dust that is wafting and drifting though the air.

Father Farkus stops searching for the bag and continues his history lesson. "Once Alemi and his friends, who are now the Gods of Wold defeated the pantheon of elder gods they returned to the Wold. Alemi was struck down on his return. The people of Isildur cared for the fallen Gold Dragon. They considered his presence a blessing. They did not know he was Alemi. Alemi was struck with madness and couldn't remember who or what he was. He called himself Lemtrovex, and he believed he was a gold dragon. As the priest cared for his wounds, they would listen to is rantings as he slept. They recorded every word he ever said. Many volumes of tomes were written as you can see." Farkus gestures toward the library.

"Lemtrovex slowly over the years gathered his wits together and remembered who he really was. Once the priests found out, they worshiped him and had this great temple constructed around Lemtrovex's den and his treasure horde that he gathered. A complusion that all dragons seem to have. However, a lot of the gold you see are offerings brought to Alemi after he left."

"Unlike normal dead in the Lands of the Dead, undead have ambition and purpose and choose not to enter their eternal sleep. However, I have been resting in my chair for many centuries. After you have read every book in this library several times, there just isnt much else to do."

Everyone begins to notice their skin is becoming shriveled and wrinkled.

"Where did I put that bag of dust. I know I put some on myself, but I couldnt have used it all! I'm sure its around here somewhere.
Appolo dashes past the constructs with swords, and yes, his faith keeps him safe from their might, but.... <<BLAM>> !!! However, Appolo runs directly into a massive bronze door at full speed. The 80-ft long hallway of constructs was just an illusion. The hallway was only 30-ft long and ends with the huge double doors that he saw in the distance.
(Appolo takes 28 points of damage. Except I'm making it subdual damage. I treated it as a 50-ft fall since you were running and had thought the hallway was 50-ft longer than it really was. If you drop below 0 hit points you are merely knocked out.)

In your mind, you hear the a familar voice, "Patience is also a virtue."
Everyone can hear a loud thump on the inner sanctum's door!! Father Farkus stops in mid sentence, "What was that sound?"

Wednesday July 10th, 2002 8:09:40 AM

Rigging's brain is screaming, "Run! Get away from the dust." Then another part says, "Have faith. If a god can raise the dead, surely he can bring back the undead."

He leans over and grabs Ashira's hand. "We should have let Lady Mabb marry us before this. Now I think it is to late." Rigging lets his hand drop and is feeling strangely numb inside.

When he hears the bump against the door he knows he should be more jumpy. "What was that?" he asks softly. "Ari could you check the door and see what that was?"

Wednesday July 10th, 2002 11:17:35 AM

Addressing Father Farkus, "Sir, I am Redux. There are so many questions and it would seem that our time is short. What is this script that is used? I have never seen it's form but can read it like my native language. The dust you speak of appears to be in the air even now. I assume it's effects are permanent unless Alemi chooses to return us to the living? After we go through the portal, will we be changed? How will we return? Are you able to give us any tools that will help us to complete our task? I can feel the dust working. Seeing you, a priest of Alemi, having been changed, well, what is it like?"

Wednesday July 10th, 2002 1:09:23 PM

Appolo slams into the door at full speed and now lies in a crumpled mess, unconcious at the foot of the door.

Appolo OOC 
Wednesday July 10th, 2002 8:16:05 PM

Hello,I am sorry to report if you haven't already heard, I won't be participating in the endgame this weekend. Couldn't get out of work.
I appologize for this, I would've perfered to

Wednesday July 10th, 2002 11:52:00 PM

The half-elf recoils with horror as she sees the effects of the dust. "I don't know if I can go through this again." she thinks. "But at least this time I will be with Rigging and my family...and Alemi says we must." Gathering her courage, Ashira frowns when Rigging drops her hand. "No Rigging, this is not the end. Alemi will see us through, we will destroy Marteaus, and we will be married one day!" The warrior fights the growing numbness from the dust that settles all around her and leans forward to kiss Rigging.

Thursday July 11th, 2002 1:04:12 AM

What's happening... my skin... ahhh. have faith..
What's that sound looks like someone wants to get in... can it be Apollo.
Bart walks away towards the door

You could use some moisturizer! (DM Stephen)  d100=52 d6=3
Thursday July 11th, 2002 1:58:37 AM

Bart walks over to the doors and opens them to see Appolo laying at his feet with a big lump on his head.

Suddenly everyone begins to feel the most uncomfortable feeling as all the water in their bodies becomes purged. Fluid begins to drip from every pore. You struggle to breathe as a cloud of misting vapor is expelled with every LAST breath! Muscle and skin tightens across your increasingly gaunt bodies. You all can't help but fall to the floors in agony as you feel you life being squelched.

The ancient priest cant see what is happening but his keen ears pick up the clues. "Ah... I see you found my magical dust! Don't worry all, it will be over soon!"

The transformation goes on for another hour. During that time the priest continues that it is almost over. You realize it is his way of trying to help you endure this moment.

As you all begin to slowly pick yourselves off the floor. You look at the world around you with different eyes. Your pale white skin is tight and hard. Your white hair and dark gray nails appear to be longer. Your clothing and armor hangs loosely off your body and is in need of adjustment.

"Ahh, the transformation is complete. I told you it wouldn't take long. Don't worry about the positive energy of this holy sanctum. You are still good decent folk. It will not harm you if you don't embrace it. Though it is still a distraction." (You all have a -2 to attacks and damage, skill and ability checks as long as you are undead and remain in the holy sanctum. This penalty goes away when you leave.)
When Bart opens the doors to inspect the thud he heard, a flood of positive energy engulfs the fallen Appolo and heals him of all his damage. He slowly wakes up and looks up to see a shriveled Bart staring at him with ghoulish eyes!

(Will finish up explaining everything tonight. See you then.)

Thursday July 11th, 2002 3:43:53 PM

Ashira's screams finally stop as the transformation is completed. As she rises to her feet, Ashira's armor clanks eerily against her mummified body. Caught off guard by the sound , she glances down at her hands. "Noooo..." she moans "Oh Alemi, how can this be the way?" Her voice is uncharacteristically hollow, and obviously does not convey the horror that the half-elf should be feeling. Tightening her armor, Ashira keeps her back turned to Rigging. Ashira looks solemnly up at Father Farkus. "Please, quickly, tell us what we must do. Let's get this over with."

Thursday July 11th, 2002 4:48:21 PM

Appolo staggers to his feet and looks at Bart,
then the others."Well hello everyone miss me,
I see you couldn't wait for me. You didn't think I was going to miss this did you? What do I have to do?" He walks over to the old Priest in the chair and the takes another look around the room. Then he turns back to the Priest."Well, make me like them."

The Last Day! (DM Stephen)  d100=62 d6=1
Friday July 12th, 2002 3:12:05 AM

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy, iv, 7
"So this must be Speedy Polo, the Ejected," the ancient priest giggles. "Come in close, my boy, let me see you." He holds out his hand and reaches for the bump on Appolo's head. He senses Appolo's apprehension and draws back his touch. "No worries, my boy. Your not the first priest of run into those doors." Farkus continues his laughter.

"Im sorry, I am rambling. You will soon be like your friends. Patience is a virtue!"

Appolo realizes he too is now cover in the billowing dust, but it now comes from six other sources.

Everyone watches on as Appolo makes his transformation. For some strange reason, you all find it not hard to watch. Even as Appolo rives in agony, the sight doesnt seem to phase or promote any sense of disgust. Everyone merely looks on with a mild expression of distaste.

After an hour of screaming, Appolo rises slowly from the floor. "Ah ... See, I told you it wouldn't take too long," says the priest.

"Splendid, just as Alemi, you all will enter the portal and fulfill your destiny. Before you go you need to know a few things. "

His expression becomes very serious. "You're the children of Isildur. I'm sure you have learned of your people's fate. Your forefathers turned there backs on the gods. In their prosperity, they foolishly believed they were as powerful as the gods. They thought themselves their equal. And when the gods, turned their loving gaze away, your people would not repent. They were approached by a deity named Ga'al. He promised them power and endless riches, but for a price. They accepted and their fall from grace spiraled even greater into the abyss."

"The gods were furious and damanded that you all should be wiped from the face of the Wold. Alemi held them back as long as he could, waiting patiently for a reason not to unleash the fury of the gods. Marteaus, the punisher of the gods, was employed to exact his vengence. He detested the noble races. He thought they were weak, soft and undeserving of life. He relished the opportunity to slaughter the people who thought themselves to be above the gods."

"Alemi never forgot the kindness and love he once recieved during his short stay with the Isildurians. Those memories of his time as Lemtrovex kept him from allowing the total distruction of your people. Many of you were allowed to flee. Marteaus never forgave Alemi for holding him back. And ever since then, Marteaus's resentment and hatred grew into what you see today."

The ancient priest struggles to stand. With a little determination, he successful makes it to his feet. A great smile forms across on his face. "Now in turn, the children of Isildur come in defense of Alemi from Marteaus. The circle is finally complete. Let what gods survive see that nobility still exists in the people of Isildur." If he was not undead, tears would flow from his eyes.

"Alas, the time has come. Your destiny awaits. The things you do this day will be remembered in song and legend. Show the gods that faith still remains in the hearts of Isildur."

"When victory is won, return back through the portal. You will know where to go. I will show you how to become alive again. We will have a wedding to plan." He looks at Rigging and Ashira with a warm smile.

Suddenly Farkus becomes distracted. "Wait ... something is missing!!" He scans the room with his blind eyes. "Ashira, you are to have Alemi's bow. It's the mighty masterwork composite bow that Alemi had in his youth. The one he had when he was a mortal man. You are meant to use it for some unknown reason. I have yet to figure out why. It is not magical!" He waves his hands and a composite bow comes flying over to Ashira. "Here is a quiver of 30 arrows. Arrows that Alemi had made himself. They are too, nonmagical. This part has always perplexed me, but Im sure there is a good reason. It is simply written that you used them." A quiver of arrows float over to Ashira as well.

"Now is the time to go. An army of noble undead, like yourselves, await on the other side. You may know of the one that leads them, Valcor, the Dragon Bone ... I think ... Im horrible with names!"

"Remember, never lose your faith. Your faith is what separates victory from defeat. Fight for Alemi, fight for heritage, fight for the Wold. The final day of the Year of Ascension awaits. Farewell!"

Father Farkus neals to the floor and begins to pray.

(Parties innitative. You may post one last time before entering the portal. Say what words you wish to say and enter the portal. This board is now closed until Monday, July 22, 2002. Good luck, you are now in the Jericko's hands ... literially!")

Friday July 12th, 2002 6:09:29 AM

Rigging looks at Ashira and says, "Nice bow." He walks over to Appolo and lightly punches him in the arm. "About time you got here.

He looks at the others and says, "Well it is time. The years of struggle, fighting, pain, and hope have finally led us to this point. We can make a difference. We can help defeat the evil that has plagued our land for eons. We can finally be free. Good luck and Alemi's blessings to you all." Rigging then squares his shoulders and steps through the portal.

Friday July 12th, 2002 12:15:30 PM

For Domi and Lem I have faith, says Bart when he enters through the portal

Friday July 12th, 2002 12:16:19 PM

Appolo gets up, looking to all the wold like a wraith, skin grey, hair stark white,emancipated and even thinner.His eyes a coal black. He checks his gear,covers his face
with a black scarf, pulls the hood of his cloak up and follows Rigging through the protal without a word. He is in combat mode, there is no difference in his demeanor,or expression when he is fighting and now. He also is eerily comfortable in his undead form,
it really doesn't bother him all that much.

Friday July 12th, 2002 1:12:20 PM

Ashira takes the bow and quiver and although she should be thrilled, barely manages a smile. As Father Farkus prays, Ashira follows his example and goes down on her knees. "Alemi, let me use these weapons well. Help us in our struggle, and watch over my family." Ashira rises and watches as Rigging, Bart and Appolo enter the portal. Readying her equipment, she looks back at Ari, Redux, and Val. "Let's go. We've got a god to kill." Ashira strides through the portal without a second look back.

Friday July 12th, 2002 9:27:11 PM

Strangely glad that the transformation process is over for he and his companions Redux bows his head at the priests prayer, saying one of his own. When he's done, he shakes some of the dust off of his robes and into a pouch he finds handy for future 'study'. "Well Talon, it is our time to fulfill our destiny." And with that he steps into the portal.

Saturday July 13th, 2002 1:21:16 PM

Val walks into the portal behind everybody else.

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