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Tuesday March 5th, 2002 3:32:38 AM

"Is my word not enough? That I wonīt attack? Appolo is right! No, I won't hand over my weapon--I will only give my word, swearing to Domi or Lem to not use it against any true member of the Pirates. If thatīs not enough bind and blind me just as you did my stepfather for what reason that maybe. Treating fellow pirates and innocent bystanders us as prisoners says more about you than about us. So maybe you are the traitor around here. And so you have to hand over your weapons! So I only will stow away my weapons in a chest as you will do too!"

Tuesday March 5th, 2002 7:04:44 AM

"Bart, Rigging has decided that we will surrender and stand trial. To do that we will have to give up our weapons. I hate it as much as you do, but it's been decided. Just drop your weapons in the pile. They will only remove them after they bind your hands and feet anyway. To them we are traitors, our word means nothing." Val says calmly hoping that Bart will listen.

Tuesday March 5th, 2002 7:21:47 AM

"Under protest and let that be noted!"

Tuesday March 5th, 2002 10:33:31 PM

Expecting something along the lines of this to happen sooner or later, the half-elf prays that Valanthe and Appolo don't do anything that they will regret later. She breathes a sigh of relief when neither of them follow up on their original threats. Moving slowly and delibrately, she removes her weapons, and lays them on the deck next to Rigging's. "Our actions may not have been procedural, but we have done nothing that deserves the title of mutiny. Of course we will appear before the counsel."

Wait... Maybe it's Just a Warm Pressure System (ADM Janell) 
Tuesday March 5th, 2002 11:29:30 PM

One of the sailors looks uncertainly towards Sasha, obviously very intimidated by Valanthe's show of force. Sasha, however, does not even wince at Valanthe's and Appolo's actions, and holds her ground. Looking very unimpressed as she crosses her arms, the senior Pirate waits patiently until all of the party (including Appolo... work with me here Chris) deposit their weapons on deck. "Really, all this melodrama is quite unnecessary. As I said before, you are to be taken to present your case before the high counsel." Sasha shoots a withering look at Valanthe as she continues, "There will be no need for blindfolds and bondage, unless you force me to. I had your weapons removed as a standard precaution. They will be returned to you if you are found innocent by the counsel. The citizen Analek, however, is another matter. He must be secured for the passage for his safety, as well as all of ours. His freedom is not negotiable. The counsel was very clear that he was to be brought along for questioning."

Almost as an afterthought, Sasha turns and faces Appolo. "Oh, and if I was unreasonable, you would have been dead before you even recognized my face. I'm sure you're good, but don't overestimate your talents, young man."

Sorry, I ran out of juice last night. Val's swing connects very solidly with Redux's jaw, making a slight popping noise.---Janell

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 2:09:54 PM

Valanthe walks away from the others and sits at the bow of the ship. She doesn't think that surrendering is the best thing to do. The way things have gone, there has to be a traitor in the pirates. Probably somebody high up. She never wanted to go and free Analek, but that wasn't because Val thought they would be traitors. She felt it was too risky, but she was wrong. They achieved one of their biggest victories in a long time. How is that betraying the pirates? Val didn't understand. They now have two members of a quad in custody. Val shakes her head and stares out at the water. Lately everything was complicated and didn't make any sense. Now she would be tried for freeing Analek and whatever else the pirates come up with. Val sighed and tried to make sense of the mess that was her life. She didn't want to deal with any of the political red tape that was the pirates. They shouldn't be going to trial. They should be on the road pressing the advantage that victory brings. Their recent victory has shown Val that they can beat Ga'al. If they can walk into a trap and walk out with a solid victory, there isn't much they couldn't overcome. Now that will never happen. All because somebody got all pissed off because we didn't ask for permission.

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 3:19:45 PM

If Redux had glasses he would have known better and taken them off. As he drops to the floor he squeezes his eyes shut and reminds himself silently, 'Barbarian, remember, BAR-BAR-I-AN.' He quietly picks himself off the deck and goes off to be by himself.

Talon, on the other hand, shrieks in the sky. He alights on the weapon he just saw that mad woman throw down and neatly places his droppings on the handle.

Campaign DM Jerry 
Wednesday March 6th, 2002 4:28:45 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, on Wednesday, Feb. 14th, there were several posts that are unacceptable due to coarse language.

Please keep you language clean.

I will be editing these posts soon.

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 7:12:08 PM

Appolo reluctantly turns over his weapons. Not all of them though. He puts daggers and his sword and bow with arrows on the table. Looking at Sasha, he says, "Don't overestimate yours either. I do this under protest and only because Rigging wants me to. Not because of your threats. If you hadn't been so belligerent, confrontational, rude and unfriendly there wouldn't have been a problem." His voice is still and harsh. He kept one well hidden dagger, a couple small folding blades, and a couple of skeleton keys. He then drifts over by Valanthe.

Once onboard the ship he stays close to her. "Don't worry, it'll be ok. I'll take care of you," he tells her. He seems to be relaxed, calm and confident.

Wednesday March 6th, 2002 11:04:22 PM

Riggng heads to his belongings and pulls out a scrap of paper and quill. He starts drafting notes and speeches for the party's defense.

Thursday March 7th, 2002 7:49:24 AM

Bart heads down to the alley and takes some bread and a pint of beer. He goes to Analak, and says, "I'm sorry they treat you like this. We are also prisoners but not bound like you. I'm sure that when matters are cleared we all are released. I have some beer and bread for you. If there is something else you want just ask me, I will check on you frequent. Here take a nap of this beer!" (setting the nap against Analek's lips).

Thursday March 7th, 2002 11:18:39 PM

Rigging calls Ashira over. When she comes, he will ask, "Any advice on dealing with the council? I think we should go in proud but contrite. We are heros. We defeated the quad. We have struck and freed the orphans in the temple of Ga'al itself. We are becoming a force." Rigging leans back and asks, "Feel like having a romantic dinner...could be his last dinner with a hot commando's force leader?
Hope they don't send us to jail. Would hate to have my first sexual experience with a prisoner named Bubba."

Thursday March 7th, 2002 11:20:25 PM

ooc Hey where is our DM? We have only had three DM posts in the last 3 weeks.

Sorry folks, I admit I've dropped the ball recently. I've been trying to make an easy transition for Jerry and Stephen. I've had some RL problems, so I've had to let the game slide. Sorry again.---Janell

The Council (ADM Janell) 
Thursday March 7th, 2002 11:51:18 PM

Bart accompanies his step-father below quarters, and sees that his living arrangements are as comfortable as possible. Analek gratefully accepts the meal of bread and beer that Bart offers. Sighing as he finishes the last of the beer, Analek lifts his head in the direction where Bart's voice is coming from. "It is not such a problem. I am treated better here than before you rescued me." Lowering his voice to a whisper, the older man smiles. "Do not worry about this old man too much. Your friends will change their attitude when they find out what I have to offer. Now, let an old man rest." Analek makes himself as comfortable as possible, and lays down for a nice nap.

Satisfied with the group's compliance, Sasha orders the vessel under way. The several day voyage is uneventful, and Rigging has ample time to prepare his defense speech. One overcast morning, you are awoken by Sasha. When everyone gathers on the deck, Sash informs you that you will taken before the council this coming night. For security reasons, you will be blindfolded as you are lead into the council's chambers.

The night is clear and a full moon makes for smooth sailing as the group anxiously awaits their trial. As you scan the horizon, you suddenly become aware of a large fog bank to the north. Oddly, the vessel is steered straight towards it. Just before the small craft enters the fog bank, one of the sailors comes forward with several blindfolds and secures them on each of you. Shortly after, you hear the sounds of a large vessel headed your way. The small vessel docks nearby, and from the sounds of it, a small dingy is lowered onto her deck. Strong arms guide you safely onto the dingy, and steady you as the craft is hauled up. After what seems like an eternity, the dingy stops with a small bump. You are lifted out carefully, and lead across what feels like a wooden deck and then down several sets of stairs. Finally, you are lead to a very bright room, and the blindfolds are removed. You find yourselves in a large sparsely decorated cabin. A large nautical map of Aisildur decorates one wall, while what appears to be large, framed tarot and playing cards decorate the wall opposite it. Directly in front of you are a line of four plush silver cushioned chairs, with a larger gold chair positioned in between each of the two silver chairs. While the gold chair is currently unoccupied, each of the silver chairs is taken. You recognize one of the figures as none other than Captain Jack of the Freeborn. All four men rise, and in solemn unison repeat the Pirates' motto.

"Jack for freedom
Jill for truth
Stand we all
Opposed to Ga'al
Bring our people
Back to light
Holy Lem will their priests vex
And for liberty we fight!"

The man seated to the right of the golden chair rises. His deep voice booms across the room as he speaks. "Let the council be convened." Glancing at Sasha, the man rumbles on. "Which one of these is Deuce Rigging? Ahh... yes. Deuce, you and your companions stand accused of mutiny for your actions involving the rescue of the Aisildurian citizen Analek. What say ye to these charges?"

Friday March 8th, 2002 8:46:32 AM

Rigging swallows, steps forward, and bows to the council. With a confident look he begins, "Gentlemen, We deny the charge of mutiny against the Jacks. We received information that one of our family members was being tortured by the accursed priests of Ga'al.

"After consulting my team, I decided that a rescue attempt was possible though risky. We understood that it was most likely a trap. We felt strongly that the Pirates of Jack stand for ending oppression. We declare this every time we quote our motto. We made the rescue attempt and sprung the trap. In doing this, we defeated a quad -- one of the Aisildurian's most visible symbols of oppression.

"We were able to kill two and capture two more, who turned out to be more family members." Rigging pauses and gives a quick side glance to Val. Rigging returns his attention back to the council and goes on. "I admit we acted independently of the pirates, but we never committed mutiny. Often as the leader of this commando band, I have to make snap decisions without the guidance of higher authority. We were never ordered not to make the rescue attempt. I took it under my authority to attempt the rescue. If I have overstepped my authority, then the blame lies with me and me alone. The rest of my team followed my orders even after some objected to them. If anyone is to blame it is me." Rigging pauses and then quickly adds, "I want to add, if you listen to the motto we just began this council with, I believe this team is living up to what the Jack's preach. This team has struck at Ga'al in his own church. We without orders stormed the church of Ga'al to free some captured children. Now we have slapped him in the face again by springing his trap and turning it on him. No we are not guilty of mutiny. The only charge you can accuse us of is over-enthusiasm." Rigging steps back and bows again.

Friday March 8th, 2002 10:23:20 AM

Appolo follows the others and stands quietly as Rigging is interrogated. He thinks this whole thing is complete nonsense and a waste of time. He also agrees with everything Rigging says. He also thinks the whole thing is some sort of trap, and is qietly planning an escape if neccesary.

Friday March 8th, 2002 9:35:03 PM

Val sits in her seat, arms crossed, and in a worse mood than usual. Which isn't good. Pissed off, Val tries to keep quiet. She meets Rigging's gaze and wonders why he's giving in to them. Hopefully he had a plan. When Rigging finished his speech Val spoke under her breath. She said, "This is so stupid."

Friday March 8th, 2002 10:58:29 PM

Sitting next to Valanthe, Appolo heres her say something and guesses at her meaning. He quickly leans in close."Couldn't agree with you more, but most of life is. My sweet Sunshine" he whispers to her. then just asquickly retreats.

Saturday March 9th, 2002 4:39:31 AM

Bart stands quietly before the ministers and doesn't say a thing until asked for.

Pop! [DM Jerry] 
Saturday March 9th, 2002 2:40:52 PM

The Jack to the right of the golden chair turns very red in the face and yells at Rigging.

"What you did was totally foolhardy and dangerous. Let me explain something to you boy! You were...."


Outside the room is heard a loud popping sound.

The Jacks all go for their swords. A couple of soldiers move to investigate when...

...the doors burst open and a thin tall wiry man with balding hair enters the room. His bearing is regal. His face weathered and intelligent taking in the nuances of those around him.

One step behind him is a slightly plump woman looking a bit flustered.

His long cloak whirls and spins as he quickly strides across the room to stand behind the Golden Chair. He then spreads his hands bidding the woman to sit in the golden chair in front of him, which she does, hesitantly.

The Jacks all stand and bow.

The man removes his cloak revealing the tattoo and clothing of...

The King of Spades.

Saturday March 9th, 2002 3:52:43 PM

Appolo silently fumes when the Jack berates Rigging. He ready at any moment to rip the Jack apart.{How dare he. Foolhardy maybe,but extremely successful and brave.} he thinks to himself. He just glares at the man ignoring the man and woman who just walked in.He doesn't take his eyes off the Jack. He studys the man intensely. Thinking some day I going to have a run in with him. No one disrespects my friend like that. Yes someday.

Valanthe's Rant 
Saturday March 9th, 2002 6:04:14 PM

OCC: Okay here we go

Val turns and waqtches the King enter but doesn't stand. Considering they were already is as much trouble as they could be, Val decided to speak her mind. From her seated position she speaks loud enough to be heard. She doesn't want to start yelling right away. "The only reason your upset is because you didn't think of it first. If there was some way you could take credit for our success you would be all smiles. What we did wasn't foolhardy. It was a tactical guerilla strike. You sing the motto of the pirates, but do you believe it? Are you fighting to win or not to lose? We beat them down so badly I almost felt sorry for them. We even captured two Quad members for your benefit. We showed Ga'al that they aren't as strong as they think they are. I was hoping for a thanks, or perhaps nicve work. Mutiny wasn't even in the equation. To tell you the truth, I was a little suprised we were so successfull. Lately every time we followed orders from command, Ga'al knew exactly what we were doing before we did it. I don't think that it's out of the realm of possibility that we are scapegoats for whoever sold out to Ga'al."

Saturday March 9th, 2002 7:22:47 PM

Appolo smiles when Valanthe goes off.Thinking
{It's about time we go the show on the road.}
"I agree completely" he says laud enough to be heard. His han nervously plays with spring on his wrist. Pulled just right it will launch a dagger quickly into hi hand, if neccessary. he's glad held out kept the dagger at least he might be able to get one good shot in before he goes down. He sits there rather calmly with a blank look on his face. He is waiting to see what the new arrivals have to say. The King looks like a good guy, but who knows.

Saturday March 9th, 2002 10:17:24 PM

Smiling as Rigging presents his case, Ashira pats the young man on the back as he finishes. The strange half-elf turns beat red as the Jack yells at Rigging, but keeps her cool as well as her tongue. She keeps a wary eye on Val and Appolo, hoping that she won't have to step in and restrain one or both of them. At the arrival of the king, Ashira falls to her knees and bows to the floor, stricken with sheer honor at being in the same room as the leader of the Pirates.

Saturday March 9th, 2002 10:34:10 PM

Rigging turns and whispers harshly to Appolo and Val, "I doubt the king is part of the espionage ring. We will plead our case but pissing him off isn't going to help. Now follow Ashira's lead." Rigging turns and follows Ashira's actions, but all can see he is respectful but not awed.

Sunday March 10th, 2002 6:38:20 AM

OOC: for clarifacation, Val was directing her comments to the silver chair Jack. The one that was yelling at Rigging.

Sunday March 10th, 2002 2:59:54 PM

Bart goes on one knee and make a deep bow when the old man aka the king of Spades shows his rank. He then stands up again and watches this show of these leaders who can't stand that something has worked that they haven't planned and thought of

Sunday March 10th, 2002 6:18:41 PM

Appolo notices the King come in, but is too angry to bother kneeling before anyone - Man, King or God. He stands there, a silent statue quietly fuming, and waiting - as he always does - to let someone else make the first move. He has always let someone else decide whether it be peace or war.

Sunday March 10th, 2002 10:02:22 PM

Redux smiles and nods as the proceedings start. "Hmm ... interesting," can be heard a couple of times from his direction as he looks all around and sees the faces of those seated in front. As the group is raked over the coals he gets quite flustered. True, it was to be expected but he was quite taken by all the grandeur of the situation. When the King and Queen walk in he is awed and bows in respect. In the back of his mind he can hear Val & Appolo making fools of themselves. Really, those two should just grow up and learn to live in the real world. These are the people that matter. This is an experience to write home about, only home happens to be controlled by enemy forces; maybe the Lady V___ will appreciate where he's been, what he's done, and who he's seen. After seeing the King and Queen, Redux begins to smile again. The 'trial' just took a turn for the better and it's sure to be in their favor. Their adventures have gained high notoriety and may even be rewarded. It looks like the Jacks had something in mind, upset that they took matters into their own hands but not too upset because it worked. He begins to think of what he might say in the event he is questioned directly by the King or Queen, praying his mind doesn't go blank (his palms begin to sweat, a drink might be nice, oh, oh, where's the bathroom...).

Monday March 11th, 2002 4:30:14 AM

Ari has been quiet the last couple of days as he has contemplated the group's actions. Ari reminds Rigging to remind the council that without the rescue attempt, we would have not found what appears to be a defective heart seed.

Ari stays quiet as the group is presented to the council. When the King of Spades is shown, Ari shows the proper mount of deference and respect.

Pure Blood and Hot Blood (DM Jerry) 
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 2:29:44 AM

The King of Spades whips his head around from his staring at the accusing Jack to focus on Valenthe and Apollo. His eyes bore into your heads and you feel his presence in your minds. He speaks, but his lips do not move. The sound is heard directly in the head rather than with the ears.

"Valanthe, Apollo. Only you can hear me. Please be quiet. I am trying to save your lives from these hotheads. If you continue to take their bait, your life may be forfeit as well as mine."

The Jack to the right of the golden chair says, "Silence accused ones! No one has asked you to...."


Mouths drop all around.

"You can't talk to me like that!" cuts the Green Jack of Spades.

The King walks to where he is standing directly behind the Green Jack's chair and pauses. Then he replies. "Your blood is pure, making you a true descendant of the Original Jack who founded our order. Your mind is angry. If you do not sit in silence for the rest of this meeting, starting this very moment, I'll put you in stocks on the deck and demote you to a 10."

The Green Jack sits fuming, but speaks no more.

The King turns to the group. "Friend Rigging, as I understand the tale, your group heard of relatives that were being tortured so as to cause you to try to rescue them. You take this bait, attack, actually survive, kill two members of a quad and return with the other two quad members. Is this correct?"

He follows this with another question. "Do you understand the purpose of Pirate Assassination Squads?"

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 8:02:43 AM

Rigging again bows to the king. "Yes your majesty. What you are saying is true. We were successful with our raid. My team is really a team. Everyone gives me input, some of it very useful, and then I base my decisions on my own and their advice. Good planning, superior execution of those plans, courage, and a moral heart will defeat the forces of Ga'al." Rigging purses his lips for a second in a fury of thought. "I intellectually understand the purpose and reason behind the assassination squads your majesty. I don't agree with them. For a purely recuiting standpoint it is wrong. No one will join our cause if they know that the priests of Ga'al are going to seize and torture their families, and our response is to kill the families off. Also it puts us at the same moral level as Ga'al's priests. Not a place I or my companions wish to be." Rigging indicates his companions with a sweep of his hand.

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 9:45:44 AM

Appolo calms a bit after the King backs the Green Jack down, still slightly irked, but he visibly relaxes. Looks like he was right - the
King is a good guy.

When the King addresses Rigging, Appolo just about breaks out laughing at Rigging's reply. 'Execution, planning - my behind! We got lucky, but then again, I'd rather be lucky than good,' he thinks to himself, and remains quiet.

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 11:51:39 AM

Val sat in her chair, as quiet as everybody else. The king had surprised her. She didn't expect anybody to be on their side. Perhaps the King will earn her respect. One thing's for sure, after this whole mess is over with, Val wants out of the pirates. Hopefully Rigging will think the same thing. They can do more good on their own.

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 11:59:11 AM

Not being spoken to, Redux begins to daydream.

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 12:09:21 PM

Thinking, 'Well spoken Rigging - just the same I would say,' Bart stands still and waits to see if the king will ask him about his stepfather. If he isn't questioned, he will say something about Analek before the matter of the mutiny is closed.

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 3:53:52 PM

Seeing and hearing the actions of the council, and the King, Ari wonders to himself what is going on. Considering the group has never been in front of the council, Ari wonders about the mutterings, and comments from his group. He decides to keep his own council, and also that, whatever happens here, it must be a matter of waiting.

Having spent that year in training at the castle, Ari wonders if some of these might have survived that training, with such pert replies. Not knowing anything better, Ari keeps his mouth shut, and decides that diplomacy is definitely going to be the better thing here.

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 5:52:55 PM

Still awe striken, the half-elf rises from the floor, but keeps her eyes averted from the King. Never in her wildest imagination did she ever think that she would meet the ruler of the Pirates. Thinking that her life would be complete even if the King sentences them to death, Ashira listens to the conversation between the King and Rigging with interest.

"It begins..." [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 7:21:35 PM

Suddenly--our heroes seem to find their minds gripped with an echoey voice...one that sounds familiar--the kind of voice one might hear in a dream:

"He who has ears, let him hear the words of Valdor, formerly known as the Dragonslayer, now known as the Dragonstone.

"My brothers and sisters of the Wold, it has been given to me to contact all of you, and I have thought long and hard before sending you all this message. My companions, the Gold Dragons of Plateau City, and I have witnessed a great many things recently that led us to send this message. These words I speak, I speak with knowledge and understanding. I am sure that you all have seen and heard many unbelievable things over the last few weeks and months. I know of no other way to say this, so listen carefully. My known and unknown friends, war is coming! A terrible war against the most powerful of opponents. The one known as Marteaus gathers his armies now and is preparing to strike at all of our lands and homes. No where on this Wold is safe or beyond his reach. There is no hole deep enough nor a cave dark enough to hide from him. He has assembled an army of hideous creatures to attempt to wipe us all out at once.

"It is time to fight. We must fight for our lives, our families, our lands and our Gods. This evil will not go away if we turn a blind eye to it. We have witnessed the horrible things Marteaus has done and the abominations he creates. He must be stopped and his army must be destroyed. We will be outnumbered and many will lose their lives in the coming war. But if we do not start now and fight, we will all die, and everything we know will be ground under his heel into dust. So it is time to stand for what we know is right and good, and strike. We must strike at his temples and Caeroldra's and Ga'al's as well, since they are the ones behind all of this. Whether you use stealth or strength of arm, these temples must be destroyed.

"Do not fear angering a god, as they have begun something they should not have. When the war starts, each of you will have to kill at least 50 of the evil army to have a chance. For myself, well, I've been around a bit longer than most, so I'll aim for 100. Each of you must look to strengthen the defenses in your own town and country. You must have your people ready to fight to the death, if necessary. We must strike the temples now! If we can scatter their followers or at least disorganize them, it will delay their plans and make them alter their plan of action against us. I am no assassin, but I am charged with bringing together an army to defeat what I have seen. Do not be afraid, for we have 15 ancient dragons on our side and all of the Dragon groups of good as well. We must find alliances with all who would protect against the evil Marteaus has brought upon us. Seek the Dwarves, the elves, the halflings, the minotaurs and liontaurs. We must have an army to fight back and you are all the best in the land.

"We are the only hope in this dark time, but as long as one single candle is lit, the darkness will flee from it. When we face the Dark Lord, I will ask him how he thought he could possibly win with orcs and goblins fighting his battles for him. Stand up now for all of the Wold, for the love of our fellow good beings and all that is right and just. There will be great rewards for all who fight and survive this war! I will know of your deeds and will honor you in front of all who live. Some of you may earn the title of Dragon, others may earn valuable weapons and armor, but all will earn honor.

"When the time comes we must gather for the final battle, so be prepared. We know not when nor where, but be ready. We will win this fight, by all the good Gods, I know we will. I am Valdor the Dragonstone, and I will not accept any other end. Stand tall and proud and fight to win. It begins..."

Valdor's last words are barely a whisper, but all can feel his anger, but with no hate. And his pride is evident, but not necessarily in himself as much as with everyone he's relaying the message to. His words ring complete truth to any who can feel such things, and there was no hesitancy at all. It is spoken with complete authority, but also as a plea. Again you hear his last words, "It begins...."

Bedlam! [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday March 12th, 2002 7:38:30 PM

The Green Jack stands sword in his hand looking for an invisible enemy. "Who is this Valdor? How did he invade my mind? Is this your doing KING Spade? Is this more of your treachery? It is time to act my Jacks! Time to throw this outsider lover to the sharks and let someone else in who will rule the Jacks with power and tradition! Who is with me?"

The other Jacks look at each other as if gaging the other's responses to all this.

One says, "I cannot."

Another says, "I will not."

The final one says, "No! You're the traitor. Tens of Spades, get him and take him below and lock him in chains!"

The Green Jack, draws his sword, but in that instant, an Assassin dressed in black appears, formerly invisible and puts a dagger against the neck of the Green Jack.

"Don't. Drop it friend."

The Green Jack is led past the golden chair where the guards make him bow before the queen and the king. The queen snarls and, rising, rips the jack insignia from his formal clothing. "Remove the tattoo in the standard fashion. Make him a Five until he is judged by his former peers at a time of their choosing!" Her voice is deep and rich.

It is only now that you see that the King is bowed over with pain. He slowly rises. "My apologies friends. I am very sensitive to such sendings. Everyone sit. Relax. Have food brought. Chairs for our guests. I hereby absolve these young folk of any wrongdoing. We'll still need to talk some things out though.

"I also hereby invoke the Pirate Circle of Equals. Everyone may speak equally and free from incrimination... for now."

He sits as a chairs are brought in for all. Wine, meat, and cheese flow.

He touches a button on his clothing and his clothing magically changes to the common wear of the pirates, complete with earrings on the ear and eyebrow. He lets his hair loose and it falls over his shoulders, uncombed but clean.

"Bring me some headache powder please," says the King. "Yeah I'll be okay in a bit," he intones to all the worried looks. He mixes the powder into his wine and drinks it in one gulp.

Tuesday March 12th, 2002 10:18:45 PM

Val is stunned by what just happened. Her thoughts drift back to Domi's death and his killer. A pain still fills her heart, but that turns to anger. Ga'al was just a flunkie for Marteaus. That was just great. They could barely deal with Ga'al and now somebody badder was going to bring darkness across the land. Being isolated in Aisildur, Val sometimes forgets that the rest of the world is still going on. Val stands up. "Perhaps we can move past this mutiny nonsense. As bad as things were, they just got a whole lot worse. It's clear that Ga'al is beatable. But do we go after them now or try to find allies that will help us fight?"

Wednesday March 13th, 2002 4:02:56 AM

Ari is caught by surprise by the Valdor announcement. When the Jack speaks up about Valdor, Ari realizes he doesn't need to pinch himself about what just happened.

Ari watches even more stunned as the events around the Jack unfold. Sitting silently, Ari watches as the Jack is dragged out of the council. Noting that the Jack seemed to be expecting that he could have moved somewhere. He wonders what is going on with politics inside the council. Obviously the King is not in on some things that seem to have been going on in the council. As things settle down in the council chamber after the Jack leaves, Ari puts on an air of speculation.

Thinking upon the words that this 'Valdor' has put into his head. Ari realizes that the world must be a much bigger place than what many suspect. He vows to himself that he wants to explore as much of this world as he can. Given the current circumstances.

Wednesday March 13th, 2002 1:41:16 PM

Hmmm... Valdor? never heard about him.. but he did speak some true words... so fighting against Ga'al will help against Marteaus... and that will help to get Domi out of Torpor... if that can be true...

After these thaughts and the words of the King Bart says: "If we can speak freely I want to say this. After the mishap at our last missions we believed that there was a traitor amongst our ranks. Can it be that this green five is the one? Or are there other candidates?

"An other thing I want to say is that we might have an secret weapon against the forces of Ga'al! You know we freed my stephfather Analek out of the hands of the priests of Ga'al. I always did know that my stephfather wasn't influenced by the heartseed as others. After we freed him, Redux here did a small test on him. At appears that the heartseed doesn't have any influence on my stephfather, even better the thing is dead!! During our trip I talked with Analek and he did say that he has something to offer to the Jacks, something that throws on completely diiferent light on our situation. He wouldn't say to me what it was, but I believe it has something to do with the heartseed. If we can use his knowledge to kill or otherwise diminish the influence of the heartseed we will make a big step in our battle against Ga'al! So get him out of his cell immediately and let him speak in this council so we can all hear what he has to say!"

Wednesday March 13th, 2002 3:31:13 PM

The half-elf stands in amazement, trying to take in all of what has just happened. All of her life, Ashira has dedicated to the extermination of Ga'al and his followers. Before now, she had never heard of outsiders being interested in an alliance. Whoever this Valdor was, it would certainly be worthwhile to find him. With the help of outsiders, maybe they there was a chance for victory. But what about this Marteus that was mentioned....A god stronger than Ga'al. Ashira's head reels and she rubs her throbbing temples. Even though the King decreeded that they speak as equals, Ashira looks at the floor boards as she addresses the King. "Highness, if what this Valdor says is true, it would be best to strike Ga'al soon. If the gods are preparing for war, then perhaps if we strike now, we can throw them off balance."

Wednesday March 13th, 2002 7:48:49 PM

Appolo is slightly stunned when Valdor's message comes, but not amazed, what with all that's been going on the last couple of years. Besides, he agrees with it, and thinks finally some one else is getting a clue. Yeah tell me something I don't know - like how to kill a god.

When the Green Jack is exposed and dragged out of the room he smiles and says, "Good riddence!!" After following the others to the table, he sits down. "Did everyone get that message from Valdor? The Dragonstone. I supposed so by the reaction of Green Jack. Looks like our little war is now a world war, taking place everywhere even in the heavens. Like Bart said, we should bring in Analek and find out what he has." He then relaxes with a smile on his face and appears to be visibly relieved. He slides a little closer to Valanthe, puts his hand on her leg and pats it. "Told you it would be all right, one way or another," he whispers to her.

Thursday March 14th, 2002 12:00:11 AM

Rigging's mind is a whirlwind. He thinks to himself, "We aren't isolated! We need to strike at Ga'al's temple. Who is Valdor anyway? Man Ashira is cute. I need an detect invisibility spell. Invisible assasins everywhere." Rigging shakes off these stray thoughts and gets to the matter at hand. "Your Majesty, I believe Bart is correct and we should hear what his stepfather has to say." Rigging slips to one knee and adds, "Before we hear from Analek, I want to reaffirm mine and my companions loyalty to you and your queen. We stand ready to do your bidding." Rigging completes his bow.

Black [DM Jerry] 
Thursday March 14th, 2002 12:06:07 AM

"Simply call me 'Black' while we are in a circle of equals. King involves honorifics and I want plain pirate talk here."

He pauses for a second considering where to start, and hums an old swab the deck song.

"Appolo, I'm guessing that is your name, you said it exactly mate! How can you stop, not to even mention killing a god? Valdor seems to think that there is a way, by taking out all the priests and other leaders devoted to the god. At least that's how I heard him.

"I've met Valdor, by the way, although he wouldn't remember me. I was spending time training with the Underground in Emperor City. Holy timbers, but what stuck up serious swabs they be! Then these Gold Dragons, his group of comrades, come to Aisildur to reopen the New Elennian Embassy there. I thought they were one step shy of a plank I did! The Emperor set them up in the exact same maneuver his priests tried upon you. He captured some known underground agents, and tortured them until the Gold Dragons came for them and had them arrested and stripped of all their gear. Yet, they broke their chains, when on the way to be beheaded, and escaped, killing a princess of the Emperor himself! Talk about diving off the Crows nest! A valiant man. I think I could even say that he is the most valiant man I've ever met praise Rum!

"I do know that for some strange reason, Ga'al has joined up with a group of other infidel gods and the leader of this new god group is a scoundrel named Marteaus. This Marteaus was not a god until recently. He was an immortal punisher of a group of gods called the Gods of Wold. Wardd is one of these gods of Wold. They are mostly noble. The Cult gods are mostly evil mates.

"For some reason, Valdor feels that this Marteaus is a major threat to all. I do know that this Marteaus recently killed Domi the Woldian God of War and Courage in an arena. This was done in front of 60,000 landlubbers east of here at a huge city called the Plateau City. When he did this, he not only took half of the power of this Domi, whom he killed, but untold lifeforce from the audience as well in a secret scheme.

"I also know that this Marteaus, whose tower and base of operations is only three days east of Adorus, has two huge armies. And he just let them loose. One is already decimating cities east of here. One has headed west to Lankhmar, the sister city to Ailthmar and north of there.

Black pauses to think. "Bart, is this your Stepfather a Vagrant then, or something unique and different than that? If he's a vagrant, they normally do not receive or send anything through their heartseed... at least that we know of. However, your thinking is exactly the kind of thinking that we must have if we are to act effectively. He may be helpful if he is lucid."

"I feel this call. There's something other than just a call to arms here mates. And what Valdor and his mates must have gone through to broadcast into every mind of the living is simply walk the plank amazing! He has dragons at his command? Astounding!

"Valanthe, I will have Green Five interrogated. I have thought him a part of an inner pirate conspiracy for some time. He objected my appointment to this position by the former Black King. He thought he deserved the position by right of lineage."

He pauses and looks closely at the other jacks who are being very quiet. "Jacks, I want all three of you to interrogate Green Jack now. I want the names of all conspirators. Queen, take them and observe this interrogaton."

They look at each other turning red as they are given such a menial task. The queen turns a bit, perhaps white out of fear. She says nothing. The Jacks leave quietly as well.

Black continues, "Evidently some of these Jacks are either part of the conspiracy or know of it. I trust the Queen. She will watch them and see what comes out of them having to interrogate a formal equal and possible fellow conspirator. If they were in it with Green Jack, they were wimps. There will be more than one demotion this night, I fear."

He motions into a corner and you hear invisible footsteps also leave the room. "You are obvious in your loyalties. I trust you as a team to... Holy Lemtrovex, this is strange! Imagine the time that the King of Blacks plans pirate activity and future plans with deuces. Grow me a beard and make me drink water! This will never do!

"I do not want to go overboard here, but I think I cannot continue to talk with deuces about such top secret plans and circumstances. You understand I'm sure.

"Stand please and take a knee." He dons his cloak and draws his sword which gleams dark and bright.

"I hereby promote each of you to Fives. Rigging, I promote you as the leader to six."

He dubs you each four times and Rigging five times with the sword. You feel a bit of electricity each time the sword touches your shoulder. It's almost as if the sword is registering the promotion!

"Now, let us continue our discussions as equals. The Council of Deuces! Yo HO! What a legend this will be!"

Thursday March 14th, 2002 6:50:08 AM

Val isn't sure what to make of the whole thing. It looks like they will be staying on with the pirates. People don't get promoted and leave. Oh well things could be worse. Val checks her tattoo as she sits back into her chair. She's wondering what they will do, but the King will get to that in due time.

Thursday March 14th, 2002 4:37:40 PM

Bart don't know what to say, he always hoped to gain a rank but promotion to a five1 he never believed that for possible.
Hurray for the king! and let the power and courage of Domi stream through our veins!

Thursday March 14th, 2002 6:39:21 PM

Appolo gratefully accepts his promotion, giving the king a sincere thank you. He now genuinely likes and respects the King. He returns to his seat.

After a few moments Appolo says, "I think that we should go to Plateau City and try to find this Valdor and these Gold Dragons. To let them know that we stand with them and would be very grateful of any assistance that they could lend us."

Out of the corner of his eye he is watching Valanthe. He can't wait to get her alone -- they still have a few things to discuss.

Thursday March 14th, 2002 6:47:15 PM

When asked by the King, Ashira humbly bows, as he touches her shoulder once with the sword. When she rises, an astute observer might notice the tear that leaves her eye, before she runs her fingers through her hair and wipes it away. Taking a seat next to Rigging, Ashira remains thoughtful for a few moments. Although it is obvious that it causes her extreme discomfort, Ashira address the King informally as he requested. "Black. This Valdor mentioned that we should attack Ga'al's temples. The last time we did a raid on an enemy temple, it turned out disastrous. We are stronger now, but I wonder if we are strong enough. Perhaps if we can find a way to bring them out of their temples, we could slaughter them."

Thursday March 14th, 2002 7:43:48 PM

"No offence Ashira, but you are mistaken. The last time we raided a Temple we were successful. We got the the children out, and did a fair degree of damage in the process. Also I would like to point out that all of this group's missions have met with varying degrees of success. None have been complete disasters. So they haven't been perfect, but we wouldn't be here today if we weren't successful." He then goes silent and waits for a reply.

Thursday March 14th, 2002 8:00:17 PM

Rigging listens to the banter between his group and is glad that the tension is finally gone. Rigging is shocked at the quick promotion and thinks to himself, "I am a six and the rest are fives. I guess I am not going to get out of being leader anytime soon. I know times ahead are going to be perilous and I hope I don't get everyone killed." When an opening in the conversation occurs, Rigging will interject, "This voice in our heads has asked us to strike at Ga'al's temples and I think we should. I would rather keep our group and plans to ourselves. There is definitely a conspiracy going on and we don't know how widespread it is. Saying this I would like to request a cleric of Lem join us on our next mission. We are good but we are a little short handed right now. Another trustworthy fighter would be appreciated as well. Black, could you give us two more skilled people to round out our family?"

Thursday March 14th, 2002 10:46:37 PM

Redux is surprised at all of the fast moving talk. He's had no time to plan or prepare. He's never even been officially made a member of the Jacks; he's always been a Jill, doing a job where one is needed. He thinks, "Would the Lady V__ approve of this change?" He knows he's never really thought of himself as a Jack, this group has just been his team.

To Black "Thank you for the recognition as a member of the Jacks. I had never been given rank in your group; I suppose I never asked for it. Things are done differently where I'm from. This group always has been a bit on the independent side. We've been away with the Captain's boat for a while now. I'm sure we should replace it but I don't think we have that kind of gold. And too, we used up several hard to find items in this last raid. Do you think you could help us in those areas as well. I'm sure we could come up with a list if we had some time."

Thursday March 14th, 2002 11:51:01 PM

Not expecting the promotion, Ari moves to his knees as asked and accepts. Afterwards Ari thinks of a couple of points. "I'm not sure you may want to do another sweep for seeds. The last temple we entered had a ceremony that looked distinctly different then what was done in the past. Between that and seeing seeds be put almost anywhere in the body. (looking at his in his belly. Then pointing to the neck, then the chest) We don't know if they haven't developed something new. Now that I think about it, I wonder if one of these other two somehow gave Ga'al an idea, or helping him to 'equip' his people differently."

Patch To Eye! [DM Jerry] 
Friday March 15th, 2002 12:19:01 AM

"Appolo, aye, your thoughts are the same as mine. A strong option is to send this very group of mates to Plateau City to try to meet with this Valdor and talk with him pateh to eye. But more of what comes next later."

He turns to Ashira.

"Ashira, we have been pressed to the mast to find groups for missions in the past few turns. We've had to put groups on the plank quickly to see which would float and which would get swallowed by the sea. This we needed to know so we'd have mates to handle those voyages that were even more dangerous. A never ending problem I think. And the next voyage I have in mind, will be the most dangerous one you've been on yet. But again, we'll talk of my thoughts of that in a minute...

"...and Appolo, I, as well as the rest of the Black Spade Pirates, have been very pleased with your voyages. True, we've pushed you on on the plank, but you've come through again and again."

He turns to Rigging.

"Six, we do not have such resources. If only we did. However, we do have Spade Pirate treasure, oy? I think we can spare some cash and perhaps some potions for your next venture if warranted.

"And Redux, I was not aware of your unofficial status. You may choose to join us or leave us. You need to decide this day."

Black has the look again of the Black King as he says this.

"As far as the ship is concerned, consider permanently assigned to you as your flagship. There is not a shortage of ships, just crews. We will risk much and recruit heavily this year. We must.

"And pirates, I appreciate your independence. That is one reason I decided to approach you in this way today. I need to know personally right now patch to eye whether groups are loyal or not to the Pirate life and quest. I believe you do.


He pauses.

"...I believe that there are unresolved issues between you. Before we speak of the future, you must deal with the past. I am going below to see about how things are progressing there. I will return in 30 minutes."

He puts his robe on again.

"Have your disputes solved by then if possible. And remember the pirate saying: 'Leave it on the ship.'"

As he leaves he pauses in the door, having to duck to go through it. He has a look of concern in his eye as he glances back once more and then he is gone. You are alone.

[OOC: I'm giving you a few days here to talk things out.]

Friday March 15th, 2002 9:36:30 AM

Rigging listens and watches as the black king leaves. He glances around the group, pausing to look at everyone carefully. Rigging raises his hands up in the air and says, "Before we all start talking at once, I would like all of your attention for a minute." When he has everyone's attention, he continues, "We need to decide a few things here. Our mission, our goals both group and individual, and if we want to stay associated with the pirates. More rank is nice, but I haven't heard about a pay raise yet." He offers everyone a quick grin. "You all reaffirmed me as the leader. I am willing to take this responsibility on, but not like in the past. You must all agree to follow my orders, especially in combat, without arguement. If you want to take me to the mast after we are safe, fine. Otherwise I will renounce my 6, become a 5 and let one of you lead."
Rigging gets up and clasps his hands behind his back and starts pacing. "Redux, You have been a valuable ally. Are you going to stay with us. I think we need your answer before we can discuss much more."

The Enemy Within [Dm Jerry] 
Friday March 15th, 2002 11:35:19 PM

The evening continues on. It's hard to believe that life has gone as it has. It's been a wild crazy trip.

Read on lurker and see if our pirate heroes can conquer their demons within and focus yet again on the enemy without.

Saturday March 16th, 2002 2:31:49 AM

Appolo sits quietly and lisetens to the king and is happy to see at least one person agrees with him. After the King leaves, Appolo waits for it ot begin.

"I have no problem with that, but I think we need to become a little more independent, Still be part of the Jacks but operating on our own. At least until the traitors are exposed." he replies to Rigging

Then moves a bit closer to Va;anthe," What do the reat off you think. If anybody has any problems with anyone let's hear them now. Otherwise we go on as a FAMILY, who's leader is Rigging followed by Ashira." he then starts gently stroking Val's leg.

Saturday March 16th, 2002 3:57:41 AM

Val thinks some time alone with Appolo will do her some good, but she gives him a glance reminding him that this is neither the time nor the place. "As I've said before Rigging, the only thing I have a problem with is being ordered to commit murder. That I won't do. Now if somebody happens to die while defending themselves, I don't have a problem with that."

Saturday March 16th, 2002 4:35:15 AM

You have my word Rigging, you are the leader. Beforte we had this trail I was thinking that we must be more independent from the Jack's. But now we have spoken with the king I'm starting to think different. As we now stay with the Jacks, we will be more independent than before because I think he King will use us as some kind of quad.

But something else whatever we choice to do I think we must look through our resources, things that help on our quest. We have the rings of the quad and I have a potion of them that still need to be indentified. We also need a priest in our group, they are not only good healers the most of them can be good fighters too, so I don't think we need another fighter. If we can't find a priest we ust by ourselves some healing potions, I have a gem that we can trade.

Saturday March 16th, 2002 8:59:21 PM

"I haven't had a family in many decades. Perhaps Ashira can help describe this beter than I. I don't think my definition of family is the same as yours. Elven families don't behave like human ones. Any group of people that spend lots of time together will have problems. It's the way life is. There will be good times and bad. I don't think that we can do much worse than what we already did. As bad as that was we are all still here. With the exception of murder, I'll follow any order. I'm sure that there will be orders that I won't like. I'll follow them and surely voice my disagrement later in some fashion. Sometimes I might yell, others perhaps I'll break something. I'm sure you will be able to tell. Before we decide to leave the pirates or not, I think we should hear from the king. If he gives us the freedom to make our own plans, then I don't think we need to leave. On the other side if we get put on a short leash, we need to leave. Personally I would like to hit a Ga'al supply base. That way we could use some of the resources for ourselves and give the rest to others that oppose Ga'al."

Sunday March 17th, 2002 6:24:49 PM

I agree with that Valanthe

Sunday March 17th, 2002 7:01:57 PM

Rigging listens to his friends plan their next moves. He pipes in, "This Valdor said we have to strike at the temples. I think we should do just that. I too am concerned about the security of the Pirates. I think Black is dealing with it now but we still need to be careful. Overall the Pirates are our only allies in this area for fighting against Ga'al. We need to think hard before we cast them off. I would like Pirates to stage an attack on seperate targets around the city. While this is happening we can slip in and try to kill some priests and detroy that plant creation which is stealing the life of our people. It will be dangerous but if successful strike a real blow. What say you? Are you in?

Sunday March 17th, 2002 8:09:01 PM

"Rigging it's not important if we are in or not. What matters is that is what you want to do. You lead, we follow."

Sunday March 17th, 2002 9:57:27 PM

Redux thinks long and hard about what the king did and said. The second time he hears Rigging's question he decides it is time to get it out. "Rigging, yes, I will be in, but you must know a few things first. Since my joining the group I have always felt like an honorary Pirate of Jack. Even within this group, I still feel like I am. I don't know if those feelings will ever change. I have been with the mainland resistance for quite some time. My Mentor, who led me to this point and who taught me so much is currently detained on a secret mission. I do not often speak of her, nor use her name for fear that what the priest's of Ga'al did with Bart's father might happen to her or worse. She has one spell that opens up the fires of hell onto your enemy. I know that if she were ever in a position to be captured she would call it upon herself and any who were around her. Such has been my life up to meeting you. If my heart seed were ever out of control, I would need you to cut it out of me. I've heard talk of high clerics who could raise the dead. I've wondered if that is a way to rid one of the curse of the seed. (implies killing the person, cutting out the heart seed and resurrecting them) We on the mainland would risk much to get rid of the cursed things. My life is thus forfeit and I will die for the cause. You have my word on that. Because you have all taken me in without question has slowly been changing my mind towards pirates and the beliefs about them that go back to my childhood when I was being taught the lies of Ga'al. I have wondered what I would say to the chance to rejoin my Mentor and fight by her side once again. I cannot say at this time what I would do at that time. But for now, if you will have me, I will join your fight and be the best pirate possible. I'm not to make any conditions, but I don't think I'll ever get the hang of the ropes or sailing thing. If you can live with that I will be your ship's mage.

Sunday March 17th, 2002 10:16:13 PM

The half-elf mostly listens as her comrades discuss their future plans, trying to gauge the mood of the party. She thinks briefly about her life as she has known it, and wonders whether she is willing to leave the Pirates or not. She has pledged her life to the cause of the destruction of Ga'al, but most of her lifetime has been spent within the shelter of the Pirates. Returning her attention to the discussion, Ashira shrugs when Valanthe mentions her explaining family life, as if to say "What would I know about family?" When Rigging mentions leaving the Pirates again, Ashira speaks up after Redux has finished. "As Rigging and Val said, I think it's a good idea to wait and see what the King has to say. Then we can decide whether we want to stay or not. I like Val's idea of the supply raid." As Ashira continues, her face breaks into a murderous grin. "Then again, there's nothing quite as fun as slaughtering evil priests in their own temple!"

Monday March 18th, 2002 2:23:28 AM

Ari listens as the others join into the conversation. He longs for the days when he had no cares, and the big bad evil world did not come to bother him. Of the day when the Slaag stumbled into the secret lair that he shared with his friends. Of the continual loss of his friends over time. The gaining of new companions.

"Like everyone else has said, my only real problem is with outright murder. We want justice and freedom for our people. But if we don't do our best to instill those qualities in ourselves. While we take on this fight. Then are we no better than those that we are taking out? That's all I was trying to point out. We've enjoyed many months of working basically on our own. I think we should hear out what the King has to say. I'd like to see us strike out on our own. Only answerable to the King, or someone else of high enough nature. But we don't know enough about the organization to know if that would make us too special within the Pirates. I'd prefer to not have these conspirators thinking that they need to infiltrate us, or to try to take us out."

Monday March 18th, 2002 6:37:33 PM

Rigging sits back and listens some more to the discussions, "Hey Ari, Let me ask you a question. If you were adventuring and stumbled on a sleeping red dragon who is using heaps of gold and gems for a mattress. You know this red dragon's reputation as bad. He had a nice village for lunch last week. Our friend the dragon is sleeping on his back and you see a patch of bare chest that has a sign on it saying "Strike here for direct route to the heart." Would you strike or would you wake the dragon up to give him a fair chance?" Rigging sits back enjoying the look of consternation on Ari's face. He speaks up in a louder voice, "Hey gang! I think we need a magic check. We are going into a sticky situation and we are going to need to know our assets to help in the planning stages. I have my wits, charm, good looks, 7 potions of healing, one sort of ring of invisibility, some bracers which act as armor, and a cloak which helps me avoid spells and such. I also still have this rag which is great at cleaning things. Watch!" Rigging goes over to Appolo and says "Don't move. Rigging then cleans up that gravy stain that has been bothering him for a week. "See good as new."

Monday March 18th, 2002 8:21:13 PM

Appolo is clearly embarrassed by Riggings action. He may not be MR.CLean, but he's not a slob either."You know your lucky,I like you."
He says with a sheepish grin.

Monday March 18th, 2002 9:23:31 PM

She sighs at Riggings analogy. "Rigging all you do is twist things around to your benefit. There is a difference between killing and murder. If we stumble across a dragon thats been destroying villages, kill the beast. We can't imprison something like that. Now if we are sneaking into a secured area and stumble across a barely awake guard. Do we kill him or just knock him out? In that situation all we need to do is knock him out. Killing him would be murder. As for magic, I only have the ring from the Quad member. I'm saving some gold in hopes to buy something soon. Except for some reason we always miss the big pay day."

Monday March 18th, 2002 9:42:39 PM

Rigging looks at Val with a smile on his face. "Hey Val, for starters I was having a mage type discussion with Ari. You know we dusty types sit around and ask the hard questions. For instance...since your interested,answer this one. If a orc falls out of a tree and lands with a splat, but no one was around to hear the splat, did he really make the splat noise?" Rigging then adds in elven, "Val, lighten up. I wasn't trying to push your buttons. You have to admit that the gravy spot on Appolo's tunic was driving you crazy too. Rigging lets a slow grin creep onto his face.

Monday March 18th, 2002 11:14:59 PM

"Of coarse he goes splat. Appolo probably pushed him. I didn't even notice the gravy stain. I'm too distracted by other things. Like the pounding migrain that won't go away. The room is hot, stuffy, and I really want to break something. All in all I'm not having a good day. The only positive is that we aren't going to be executed like I thought we were." Val might normally smile, but she's not in a happy mood right now.

Black [DM Jerry] 
Tuesday March 19th, 2002 12:30:50 AM

There is a soft knock on the door. A few seconds later, Black enters the room with the Queen and The Red Jack of Spades.

The King has a wound in his side. The Queen has a slight limp and several bruises to her face.

"They ambushed us. Luckily I had my personal guard here. They have been dispatched. The Green Jack of Spades continues to be interrogated. It was not a infiltration by Ga'al's forces, but an in house squabble about who should lead.

"We're sending out messages now as names are discovered. Each will be tried fairly.

"So looking at your faces, you seem like you've had a chance to talk for a bit. Please speak your hearts to me spade to spade. I need to leave soon. We have 4 new groups ready for their first missions and I must go put a bit of fear into them so that perhaps they will live as you have."

He sits back and pours himself some wine prepared to listen. Then leaning forward in his chair, he motions for you to begin.

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 2:43:50 AM

"OK you two, stop sniping at each other. Another thing - that stain wasn't that big, but I do think I need some new clothes, these are getting old. Also I think we all need some time off, before we do anything." Appolo says right before throwing his arm around Valanthe. "Give me a chance and I'll make those headaches go away Sunshine," he whispers into her ear.

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 1:53:52 PM

Well. My friends were wondering what type of work you needed done. Some were even afraid you wanted us to be assassins, preferring something with a little more drama and a little less murder. If y'all heard the voice I did, there's going to be a lot of bloodletting needed to finish off our foes. The fighters in the group will bear the majority of that load, I'm sure. If you give the missions, and we report to you, I'm sure that we'll all feel better. Our Captain Jack has been more than fair to us, I'd be surprised if he had anything to do with the internal issues you were speaking of. All the same, we don't like feeling like someone else is confounding our plans and trying to get us killed, so I thought it best for us to limit the chain of command. Speaking of command, you sought to make us equals, save Rigging, might I ask for the increase in swords? 'Tis a small thing; give me something to write home about," he says with a sheepish smile. As for vacation, maybe a stay over on one of the pirate islands would give us a rest and allow us to make sure our supplies were in order."

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 2:18:47 PM

Noting the wounds in the King Ari motions to come forward. "May I?" At the motion Ari will come forward and help with healing (heal skill and cure light wounds). Taking his time, he looks at both the King and Queen. Measuring up their wounds, he determines which ones require some extra healing, and uses what spells that he can.

"The chain of command seems to be about the only thing that can cause us troubles. We don't know the other pirate groups, so that's not a problem. But we've probably been given more leeway than most. I've become rather used to operating on our own, as best we can."

Tuesday March 19th, 2002 7:13:45 PM

OOC: Sorry about the previous post - for some reason I missed the DM's post. That post was in response to Rigging and Valanthe's words and actions.

IC: Appolo straightens up and flies right when the King and Queen enter slightly worse for wear. He listens to Redux, agreeing with him about needing some RR, then watches as Ari tends to the wounds of the King and Queen.

After that he pipes in, "I really do think we need to link up with this Valdor and find out if he is for real and if he can help us in any way. Becuase let's face it if we're ever going to truly win this thing we're going to need an army and we do not really have one. How long have the Jacks been fighting G'aal and his minions and the reality is they haven't made much of a difference except to give the priests and quads something to do. We could raid Aisildur for an Elf's lifetime and not make much of a difference. The only way to win a war is to take and hold territory, and in order to do that you must kill not in the hundreds but in the tens of thousands. Every time we destroy a temple and leave, they just rebuild and go on. WE must start taking and holding cities and so forth. At least in the history books I read in school that's what generally happened. Two different groups would form armies and fight over territory the winner was the one able to take and hold on to the most territory."

He takes a breath then continues. "First things first though, we need a vacation," he says, referring to the group.

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 12:02:52 AM

Rigging adds, "Black, We are yours to command. You mentioned earlier that you had a dangerous mission in mind for us. We can discuss that if you wish. We can strike at the temple to cause fear and confusion to our enemies as Valdor suggested. Or we can go looking for this Valdor and try to get some answers out of him. I like this plan least of all. I doubt we would be able to find him. He sounds powerful and I bet he moves around quite a bit." Rigging pauses and takes a quick sip of wine. He looks at Appolo and then continues, "My friend here is right. We are battle and soul weary. We need a few days of real relaxation. Our vacations always seem to get cut short. It would also give us a chance to reprovision and make other preperations. I believe I can speak for my friend Redux here and myself. Our chances of surviving and accomplishing our mission would be enhanced by adding some spells to our spellbooks. Know that whatever gold and magic you decide to assist us with will be used for the cause."

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 10:32:33 AM

The half-elf chuckles softly at the exchange between Rigging, Appolo and Valanthe. Sometimes they really did act their age. Ashira sighs at the thought of all the horrors that these young people have already gone through. And it certainly won't get any better. Shades, the gods certainly could be cruel! These youngsters should be enjoying their youth, not planning the destruction of an evil empire. Ashira sighs again, this time a little heavier, suddenly feeling all 32 years of her age. She listens as the party tosses up their next course of action, nodding when the subject of a vacation comes up. "Black, I know that we have much work to do, but the others are right. If we are to be effective in destroying Ga'al, then we need rest and resupply. Then, if we could plan a coordinated strike, then perhaps we can strike some fear into the Aisildurians."

Black [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday March 20th, 2002 11:19:03 AM

"Very well. The pirates life is not an easy one. We forfeit our lives in the hope that we can return our people to a normal and free way of living.

I hereby declare you on shore leave for 2 weeks!

We're nearly to the island. There you may shop, rest, and have some fun.

I want your minds at ease, so we'll discuss your next mission then. Things are going to be different under my leadership. There is a reason for the pirate mentality, yaknow. That carefree blaze the seas striking fear into all and recklessly rushing into danger. It keeps our hearts intact.

It's the game we play to keep from going insane or getting permanently depressed with our near impossible task.

So get drunk and sing some songs. Buy a parrot. Wear an eyepatch. Get some new clothes. Party hard and forget your troubles.

For now go up to the deck and enjoy this new ship I'm assigning to you on a permanent basis. A new design if it lasts, worth the cost. The captain will outrank you, but you will control where the ship goes for you will hold my card: The Black Spade."

He tosses a card from his pocket. The King of Spades.

Now go above!

The Hammerhead [DM Jerry] 
Wednesday March 20th, 2002 11:44:12 AM

As you leave the stateroom and go above, you see an amazing ship! For a second you feel like you're riding on the back of a Hammerhead Shark as the shape and configuration of the ship makes it look like I giant version of that sea monster! [Email coming soon with picture and floorplan.]

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 11:54:27 AM

Glad to have that overwith, Val heads up. Standing on the deck she watches the water and it's endless blue. This time off is much needed. Every day it gets harder and harder to push aside the constant pain in her head and deal with the day. At least for a few days she can drink and not worry about anything except getting sunburn. Val smiles, two weeks off is unbelievable. All she want right now is to get a bottle of wine, strip off her clothes, and lay on the shore letting the waves roll over her.

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 2:29:51 PM

Before Bart goes above he says "A few days off with nothing else to do than cleaning my weapons is welcome, for me 3 or 4 days is good enough but for some others that needs studying two weeks will be great. We need some supplies too, healing potions is the first priority I think.

"But with all this talking we forget something. My stephfather has maybe an answer how we can deal with the heartseed. Before we leave ship we must know if this will work or not. Knowing this can be a big difference in our tactics, Until know we could deastroy a temple and kill all the Ga'al priest, but the people where still influenced by their heartseed. So we couldn't really free a part of Aisuldur. If we can defeat the heartseed we can start freeing our country.

"I agree with Rigging that contacting Valdor can be difficult, it will be the same as searching a needle in haystack. So I suggest the following, providing we can destroy the heartseeds somehow.

"We will have to use small hit teams that attacks the temple grounds and kill or imprison the priest and the temple guards. The hit teams must be shortly followed up by a team that destroy the heartseed of the inhabatants of the village or town. Using a big army will alarm the priest and they can setup their defences and even use villagers to attack us, just remeber what happened when we did loose Wynd, the villagers turned against us. That's the dilemma of the Jacks and of course ours too. We can't defeat Ga'al unless we have a way to destroy the influence of the heartseed. So talking with my stephfather has to be done now my King."

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 2:31:35 PM

I won't leave the ship befor you have talked with him and I hope you will set him free after you talked with him.

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 6:58:47 PM

After the meeting breaks up Appolo finds his quarters and takes of his armour and shirt. He then stows his gear and heads topside, in sandals and shirtless. After few seconds he locates Valanthe and quickly heads over to her. "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you, I'm sorry if I disappointed you or upset you, but I am quite merciless and ruthless in a fight and I don't always think before I act. Please forgive me for my imperfections," he says while standing close to her. "Let's go where we can be alone for awhile."

Wednesday March 20th, 2002 8:36:23 PM

Rigging strides over to Bart and places his hand on his shoulder and addresses Black, "I want to thank you for your trust and the shore leave. The ship is incredible and I am looking forward to putting it through its paces. I must agree with my friend here though. We must know what your plans for Analek are. He is family. This information he possesses sounds intriguing. It could be very important to our future plans if it will help us strike at Ga'al.
I request that you allow my stout friend here stay behind and help with Analek's debriefing. I would also suggest, if Bart's father is found worthy and willing he be allowed to join the crew of our ship. I understand he is a sturdy fighter and I have a feeling that we are going to need that skill in the near future." Rigging makes a short bow and heads over to Ashira. A slow red blush enters his cheeks. "So how do you feel about a nice romantic picnic when we find an appropriate field or beach?" Rigging looks up and it is obvious that his heart is in his throat as he waits for an answer.

Thursday March 21st, 2002 9:13:51 AM

Ashira heads up top as directed by the King, and her jaw drops in disbelieve. She is truly awestruck by the ship and its design. She walks the length of the deck, running her hands over the railing, almost to the point of tears with joy. When joined by Rigging, Ashira smiles and says "A beach would be nice...maybe we can take along one of those underwater breathing potions, and I can show you the beauties of the underseas. " Ashira is the closest to "giddy" as Rigging has ever seen her. "Although, it will be a sore temptation to just stay aboard and take in the beauty of this ship. Rigging, can you believe it's ours?! I mean, just look at the shear power of it. Never in my wild imagination did I ever dream that I'd serve on one of these, let alone be in charge of one!" Quite impulsively, Ashira grabs Rigging and kisses him full on the lips. The moment is gone almost as soon as it came, and Ashira returns to her exploration of their new vessel.

Black [DM Jerry] 
Thursday March 21st, 2002 10:49:35 AM


Black stokes his chin.

"You may bring him to tell his story to me now. I must leave soon. Afterward, if all is well, you may make him your concern and see that he gets set up on the island."

[OOC: make one post for Analek to tell his story.]

[OOC: If you need or want to do anything during this two weeks off (game time), email me about it. Hopefully, we will be moving on tomorrow with plans for the next adventure.]

Thursday March 21st, 2002 9:46:15 PM

Rigging is stunned by the acceptance and the kiss. As Ashira turns to leave, Rigging sighs in regret. His own excitement takes over and he quickly explores the exciting new ship.

OCC Jerry We don't know Analek's story ourselves to tell it to you. He is going to have to tell his own story.

Thursday March 21st, 2002 10:47:23 PM

Redux countenance brightens as he proceeds topside to the deck of the ship. This craft is a wonder. He spends time exploring the ship. It appears, even to his untrained sea eye that the mast isn't the only power to this craft. He looks closely around at what the ship has on it and finds someone to ask about how the ships power and how many crew are currently available. He looks over the armament, taking note how much it differs from his previous ship. Looking over the side he wonders how useful the side fins when opposing ships are side by side. He's heard of many a battle at see. It appears that the ship is nothing like the classic stories, but well able to defend itself. Of particular interest about the crew would be finding anyone else who specializes in magic, possibly maintaining the ships power.

Talon enjoys the time to fly above the ship and also notes the odd shape of the craft. He thinks it resembles a large fish he's seen but that this one doesn't live in the same way.

Friday March 22nd, 2002 12:50:19 AM

Ari brightens at the prospect of some time off.

Ari quickly moves topside when he is invited to do so. Struck with wonder at what he sees. Ari marvels at the Hammerhead and takes his time to oversee everything that he can of the ship. He immediately begins familiarizing himself with every aspect of the ship.

Analek (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Friday March 22nd, 2002 2:29:49 PM

Shortly after the King grants Analek an audience, he is brought forward by Sasha. Although he is still bound and blindfolded, Analek seems to have been well treated on the journey. A dark robed individual steps forward and examines Analek from head to toe, occasionally waving his hands and muttering a few incantations. After a few moments, the figure turns to Black. "He's clean." Analek's blindfold is removed, and Black steps forward. Indicating Bart and Rigging, Black says, "These young men seem to think that you might have some information that would aid in the freedom of Aisildur. Please, tell us now, and I will see that you are protected, and that your knowledge is put to good use."

Analek bows before Black, judging by his garb that he ranks high in the Pirates. His voice is respectful, but proud as he addresses Black. "Talking to man of great importance great honor it is to me. Quick I will tell, since man very busy you must be." Analek points to the heartseed in his chest. "Cursed spider not one with Ga'al, worked not since joining of day. But know you already that. Long waited I this day for to tell information gather I in year many of living in Ailthmar. Details many I can give of temple floor plan, numbers priest and troop, and through area number and direction of moving troops." Analek pauses for a few moments before continuing. He looks at Black as if to judge if he is worthy before he continues. "Captured, just before, overheard I plan of temple new to build in place Plateau City called. Convert infidels to Ga'al's loving embrace finally gathered enough strength Brother Ansill was saying."

Friday March 22nd, 2002 4:43:34 PM

Appolo waits calmly for Valanthe to reply or acknowledge his presence. He decides to put his arms around her, and just stand there.

Friday March 22nd, 2002 9:23:15 PM

"I don't know Appolo. I don't like murder. I think that it leads to the path of darkness. But I don't want to think about that right now. I'll have two weeks to drink my headaches away. At least I'll get some relief that way. All I'm thinking about is me and you on a secluded beach alone for 2 weeks."

Friday March 22nd, 2002 11:14:50 PM

Rigging listens to Analek, and plans immediately pop into his head. When he is done speaking, Rigging will say to Bart, "Get your father settled and we will get more details from him later." Rigging notices Val and Appolo hugging and heads over to them. In a stern voice, he says, "Appolo I am going to give you my first order as a six. During this week, I want you to find priest. I want him to cast a cure disease spell on Val. I don't like these headaches. I have coin to help pay for it." He turns to Val, "We do notice your pain. Sorry we haven't been more comforting. Enjoy your shoreleave." Rigging then goes to find the Captain of the Hammerhead and make his manners.

Black [DM Jerry} 
Saturday March 23rd, 2002 2:21:56 PM

"Ok, I'll consider what Analek has said and perhaps talk with him further in private. For now, we're gonna put this boat in motion and approach the island so you can begin your rest.

"Please tell Black Seven to engage the harness."

A gnome comes onto the main deck and nods at you. He then without a word goes up to the Forward Bridge and begins to cast an intricate spell.

Soon several large sharks approach the ship.

The gnome says "Release harness."

The crew races to attach a huge triple-harness to the hooks on either side of the Hammerhead part of the ship.

The gnome then gets something off the wall of the bridge: a set of Shark Jaws. He holds the jaws in front of his face. Casting again, the sharks all turn to the boat and wait expectantly.

Casting a third time, three of the sharks begins to grow becoming a good 30' in length.

The gnome speaks through the jaws: "Enter Harness."

The three sharks enter the harness.


The ship begins to move. Quickly.

Within an hour the ship is near the island and approaching the cliff. It shoots right through the illusionary wall and into the channel beyond which is below the surface of the island. Soon they dock in an inner bay. You have arrived. Climbing the circular steps to the keep above pirates from far and wide welcome you back to the island.

You are home... well, as much as any pirate is ever home.

The Black Fives of Spades spend their two weeks of rest in various ways. Some shop. Others fine tune their melee abilities. Others do magical preparation and study. Some just drink themselves silly.

In two weeks you are called to Black's personal quarters to talk about the future.

[OOC: describe your activities for the 2 weeks. Email me if there is anything to resolve. We pick up on Monday after the two weeks is concluded.]

Valanthe- 2 weeks 
Monday March 25th, 2002 12:34:38 AM

Val spends her two weeks submerged in bliss. No fighting, weapons, armor, or clothes most of the time. Wine, Appolo, a secluded beach, and an occasional meal is all she needs.

Monday March 25th, 2002 1:21:36 AM

Ari spends most of his time just being out in any little forested area. He's found that he prefers the time he can get by himself, Occasionally picking up something to drink. He toasts those of his comrades who have fallen in the battle against Ga'al.

Monday March 25th, 2002 3:59:31 AM

Appolo spends his 2 weeks with wine, Valanthe and song. He also follows orders and makes sure Valanthe sees a High level cleric about her headaches, making sure she explains when they first started happenning and so forth. he is willing to spend everything he has to find a cure for them.

OOC:Appolo has approximately 2000 gold.

Monday March 25th, 2002 8:57:18 AM

Bart trains his melee techniques during his vacation. He talks with his stepfather and asks him about the floorplans of the temple in Ailthmar and what he knows more about the plan for the new temple in Plateau City. He doesn't talk with him about the heartseed - he leaves that to more qualified people, priest and mages for example. Besides talking with his dad and his daily training he shops for one or more healing potions.

Monday March 25th, 2002 9:04:51 AM

Rigging spends his time split between pleasure and work. He goes shopping trying to locate some spells to add to his spell book and then writing them in. He also explores the ship and investigates the magic that makes it work. He will also enjoy the picnic and whatever else Ashira offers.

Monday March 25th, 2002 10:19:18 AM

For the first time in her life, the half-elf thoroughly enjoys her shore leave. She splits her time between practicing her melee skills with Bart, exploring the ship, and spending time with Rigging. After their romantic picnic on the beach, Ashira draws closer to the leader of the group. Although the relationship is strictly platonic, Ashira begins to open up to the young man. She spends many days showing him the beauties of the undersea regions.

Monday March 25th, 2002 10:47:40 AM

Redux spends a very studious and productive 2 weeks collecting a supply of his most required spell components and working with Talon. He asks a few pointers of Ashira, knowing she is able to work with animals quite well. He wants Talon to be able to distinguish bad guy uniforms from common peasants for better recon work. He also works with Talon to be able to deliver messages over short distances (such as back to the ship or between party members at different locations).

APPOLO  d6+2=6
Monday March 25th, 2002 7:18:38 PM

OOC Appolo has gone to 5th level. Rolled hit points. Got 6.

A Loaded Deck (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 12:18:01 AM

The blustery sea breeze rolls over the waves and crashes onto the beach. The ships gently rock in the salty waters wake. Sounds of gulls fill the air as they chase the fishing boats for a free meal. By looking out into the horizon of this bright and colorful sunrise, no one would ever know that a war rages on.

The crew of the Hammerhead start to make haste with their morning chores. Some swab the deck, others pull on hoists to load valuable supplies and provisions. A halfling rides one of the loads up with the nets to better direct its destination. He steals a nip or two from one of the bottles of wine stashed in the crates. Making sure no one saw!!

As the adventurers arrive at the docks, they are met with Black. He and a couple of shipmasters inspect and survey the Hammerhead.

"Aye, my fine and dandy pirates have returned. I be glad that 2 weeks of shore leave haven't made land lubbers of ye all," bellows Black. "Join me aboard, with the Jack's permission of course, and let's continue our discussion in the officers' saloon." His tone quickly turns serious, "Let's talk about ye plans for the future, shall we!"

Tuesday March 26th, 2002 1:45:48 AM

The two weeks off did Valanthe a world of good. She's rested, relaxed, and feeling good. The only problem is that her migraines haven't gone away. They aren't as bad but they are still there. Val is wondering how long she can hold out before the migraines affect her performance in the field.

When Val walks on board, part of her is glad to be back at sea. Wondering what mission they had to go on next, Val heads into the saloon.

Tuesday March 26th, 2002 7:24:24 PM

Appolo follows the others aboard, stows his gear, and heads for the saloon. He seems to be quite happy and relaxed. He did manage to do some shopping and picked up some new clothes, boots, and sandals. He managed to find a longsword and scabbard. He intends to start practicing with the weapon in his spare time.

[OOC: I indicated in an earlier post that I took Valanthe to a cleric to see about her headaches. As ordered by Rigging.]

Tuesday March 26th, 2002 10:03:28 PM

Smiling as she boards the Hammerhead with Rigging, Ashira laughs at Black's comment about becoming a land lubber. "You have my permission to keel haul me if that should ever happen! I'd rather have my body thrown overboard to feed those monstrous sharks than give up the seas!" Ashira's smile fades as Black becomes more serious. "Of course, sir. If it's all right though, I'd like to stow some things in my quarters first." Given the King's permission, Ashira heads down to her quarters and places a small cage in the corner of her room. Smiling, she opens the door and gently strokes the feathers of the small brightly colored bird inside. Sighing deeply, Ashira dons her weapons and armor once again, and heads up top to join the others in the officer's salon.

Tuesday March 26th, 2002 10:36:56 PM

Redux has a smile on his face as he boards the ship. He carries with him several bags only a mage would find useful. He also has a small cage; Talon eyes the cage and makes a chirp that Redux knows must be a reference to Ashira's cage as well. Stowing his gear and taking the needed safeguards, Redux goes to see the captain. Redux explains, quite logically, that while the ship may be out for extended periods of time, he would like to breed these small rodents for his feathered friend. He further explains that Talon is very keen and will search out any that might escape. As he joins the others in the officer's salon, it is obvious to everyone that he is anxious for the meeting to end quickly. The young mage would like to search out the ships mage to see if the kindly gnome will discuss spells and the means by which this ship moves. Redux is eager to learn and wants to make a good impression on him.

Tuesday March 26th, 2002 10:46:42 PM

Rigging heads onto the ship feeling relaxed and rested. He is happy about some of the new spells he has added to his books. He is looking forward to testing them in battle. He is even more confused with his relationship with Ashira. He really enjoyed his time with the pretty half-elf, but wants to take the relationship further. He doesn't know how to do this. Maybe he will talk to Appolo about it. He seems to have a great relationship with Val. With these thoughts he follows the others and heads down to the saloon.

A Loaded Deck, part 2 (DM Stephen) 
Tuesday March 26th, 2002 11:04:17 PM

Black searches the bar for strong spirits. He pulls out a bottle ands snarls at its label. "Aye... this be the finest a ship as grand as this has to offer? A year old bottle of Lick of a Salty Dog!!" Black continued to mutter to himself as he fished out a glass in which to pour. "Before ye cast off, I'll send a crate of me best stuff. No self-respecting pirate aboard the Hammerhead should do without!" Black throws back a few to pass the time while he waits for everyone to enter.

"I'm glad ye all enjoyed your leave, but now we need to get to business." Black pauses as he paces back and forth. "I be thinkin' long and hard what must be done next." Black pauses once again to collect his thoughts. Black hesitantly continues, "Ye all have proven yourselves to me, and I trust ye more than most of these other sluggards. That's why I need ye to go to Plateau City. I need ye to find this Valdor ... either he or his comrades. I also need ye to investigate the new temple of Ga'al. Try and find out why he is acceptin' worship from people other than Aisildurians. See how much he has infected them. Do what you can; destroy the temple or at least kill the priests. But most important, be smart. I want ye all back in the same amount of pieces. If ye can, bring back someone to question, that would be most excellent."

Black begins to make his way back behind the bar and pours another shot. He throws it back and wipes his lips. "I wouldn't send ye on this mission if I thought ye didn't have the mettle." He slams the glass down on the bar with a clanging thud.

Black welcomes any response.

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 4:33:52 AM

"Plateau City it is then. Is there some more information about this Valdor, what he looks like, his whereabouts?" Bart asks. "And something else -- has someone found a way to destroy the heartseeds?"

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 9:33:38 AM

The half-elf listens with rapt interest as the captain describes their newest mission. Her eyes light with passion when Black mentions killing priests of Ga'al. After Black asks for input, Ashira joins in the conversation. "Sir, is there any way that you can provide us with potions or other magical items that might be of use in our impending battle?"

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 9:38:30 AM

Rigging believes this is the wrong choice, but is willing to go along with it. At least they will be attacking a temple. Rigging pipes up, "We are ready Black. We will strike hard and fast. We will try to find Valdor for you but I have a feeling he is going to be difficult to track down." Rigging stops and ponders for a minute, "I am assuming that we have the charts needed for the trip. How long do you want us to spend looking for Valdor if we have problems finding him? What has the greater priority -- finding Valdor, or raiding the temple? I am making the assumption that after we attack the temple we are going to have to get out of the area quickly. Might not be able to keep looking for him, especially if we get prisoners."

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 7:56:50 PM

Appolo sits silently and just listens, agreeing whole heartedly with the mission. Thinking, 'Well the King seems to agree with me. Now if the rest of the group would just listen.' He gratefully accepts the drink offered by the King.

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 10:39:30 PM

Following up with Rigging's comments, "And we'll need to know how to contact you or when you'll contact us; possibly set up something for which port we'll meet in next. As for potions and the like, bull strength, invisibility and spider climb have worked for us in the past; and we're bound to need healing potions, but a cleric/healer would be better. Is there anyone on this island who could accompany us for a mission or two until a regular volunteer can join our group?" Redux remembers his manners and stops asking questions, wanting to listen to the King's wishes. A smile creeps onto his face, more because of the funny accent the king has slipped back into than joy over the assignment, but they don't really know that. In truth, Redux is excited about getting back to work and using what he's learned.

Wednesday March 27th, 2002 11:42:04 PM

"Sir if this mission is a dangerous one, I'm not sure that we have everything we need. I don't know what resources are here, but we might have to acquire some on the way to find Valdor."

Loaded Deck, part 3 (DM Stephen) 
Thursday March 28th, 2002 2:21:38 AM

Black takes another shot. So many questions he thinks! Black spies the look in Rigging's eyes. "I understand yor concerns Rigging, but this mission is most important. Up until now, Ga'al and his infernal heartseeds have been the sole property of Aisildur. It was our curse alone to deal with, but not any more. Ga'al looks to infect the Wold entirely. If he be doin' that, then we will fall for sure. We need to find this Valdor and his mates and give our support. An alliance with these hardy fellows would be most lucky, and our best chance of putting an end to Ga'al himself." Black takes another drink. "If ye don't find this Valdor, then eliminate the priests and the temple if ye can. I would focus on the priests, they be softer than stone and mortar! Try and see what effect there presents has made."

"Don't ye be worryin' about losing your way. The captain has all the maps and charts he be needin to navigate. I would not send ye out blind!"

"Ashira ... Redux, I understand yor problem. There is a cleric assigned to the Hammerhead. He be ready to heal and give comfort. In yor quarters, I have left each of ye a Cure Moderate Potion. From me own personal collection. Money is tight and supplies are low. I have a fleet to build. I be sorry I can't give ye more. Once ye hit land, I arranged additional support. Need not worry, they will find yew!"

Black turns to Bart, "Yes, this Valdor is the biggest half-elf I have ever seen! I be sure that he be well known by all in Plateau City. As far as progress with removing heartseeds ... death still be the best way!"

Black takes a ring from his pocket and places it on his left hand. He then touches a button on his coat. His clothing changes to a more regal appearance. Black holds up his hand, showing the ring. "I so hate wearing this ring. It gives me such a headache. But to be a king, one must not only look the part, he must speak the part as well." Black retrieves a glass for each of the pirates and pours them a drink. "Would you all give a king the honor of having a final drink before you leave," as he holds his glass in the air.

(ooc: The Hammerhead will set sail tomorrow. Make all the preparations you need that you can. Yo ho ho!!)

Thursday March 28th, 2002 2:40:30 AM

Ari listens and ponders as the group fathoms what they are to do. "We should also see what if any quads they are using". Thinking further about things, Ari wonders about what else there will be to see at they set to sea. (;) )

Thursday March 28th, 2002 6:37:50 AM

Valanthe looks down at the ring onher hand and remembers that she doesn't know how it works. "Sire one last question. The Quad's invisibility rings, how do they work?" She takes a glass and raises it up.

Thursday March 28th, 2002 2:44:26 PM

Rigging will hold up his glass and say, "Defeat to Ga'al! May we make you proud Sir."

Thursday March 28th, 2002 6:03:00 PM

The half-elf raises her glass. "Hopefully it won't be our last drink. Here's to victory!"

Thursday March 28th, 2002 7:32:40 PM

"To Victory and the spoils of war." Appolo

Off the deep end (DM Stephen) 
Friday March 29th, 2002 2:11:48 AM

"And may Ga'al himself walk the plank into the bottomless waters of the abyss, where he'll howl, hiss and boil in endless torture," toasts Black!! With those not to subtle words, he slams back his final Lick of the Salty Dog.

After hearing Valanthe's question, Black gets a little irritated. "Please, please ... I am not a library, I don't have the answers to everything. And I shouldn't need to tell you where you need to go or who to talk to. You are pirates! You want to have the freedom to handle your own missions. You want to keep the treasure you find. Then I expect a high level of grit and self-reliance. Black's head begins to pound in pain. "This blasted ring," bellows Black as he pulls it off and slams it down on the bar. "I swear me noggin is about tu burst! Like I be sayin, Ye are capable pirates! Identify your own treasure. Buy your own potions. Take care of ye-selves. Dinna ask me again for things you can supply. If ye have no money, then find a way to get some. I've given you all the tools you need. I give ye a ship, a hardy crew and my blessing." After a short pause, Black shakes his head. "I can't help but bite a little. Me temper and me senses be strained as taut as it ever be. I feel like I've been keelhauled. To be perfectly honest, I wish I be goin' with ye."

At this time Jack enters the room with a written message and hands it to Black. The color instantly fades from his flushed expression. "Now I be a wart on the arse of a sea hag. I wouldn't believe this if the source wasn't so reliable. This must be true. Ailthmar is gone. Thousands of witnesses saw the city rise up off the ground and fly away!!! It was seen flying toward Lankhmar. Though my source didn't witness this, he claim that Lankhmar flew away with it too. Nothing is left. And that be not all, mates. This Marteaus has come ah callin'. This colossal being fell upon the island of Waha. The fishermen who be lucky to get away wit their lives said it was like he sucked the life from the island and it fell into the sea. All are dead and the island is no more."

After an uneasy silence, Black grabs his ring and stomps for the door. He stops only to say, "Ladies and gents, I trust our mission be clear. It be a whole new dance now. Ye all leave for Plateau City tonight. Prepare for launch and good luck to ye." Black pauses only for a moment to pass along a few words to the Jack, before leaving the ship. And just like that Black was gone.

The day grows old as the Hammerhead leaves the safety of the harbor on its way out to sea. The sky becomes overcast as night falls. The full moon can still be seen through the clouds and a cool gentle night air blows in a light fog.

(ooc: Anyone who decides to enjoy the night air up on the main deck should make a Spot check of DC15.)

Bart  d20+3=20
Friday March 29th, 2002 3:18:05 AM

Bart goes to deck and thinks aboat the words of Black. Making money. Hmmm... I know I'm short of it, maybe we can attack a merchant ship and make some money. I will ask the rest about that, I don't think Ashira and Val agree with it.

Hey what that over there??!! (spot 20)

Rigging  d20+5=15
Friday March 29th, 2002 11:28:30 AM

The shocked expression on Rigging's face is very evident. Cities up and flying away. Waha destroyed. He knew people in Waha. Are they OK. Rigging's thoughts turn to his family. He wonders if his father was in the city. Rigging strolls up on deck and moves towards the bow. He scans the horizen occassionally but it is clear his thoughts are going inward.

Friday March 29th, 2002 7:52:17 PM

Appolo follows Rigging out on deck. "Hey, Rigging," he says as he walks toward him. "Looks like this mission is even more important. Now that Marteaus is smashing whole cities and Ga'al is expanding his power base, we have a real opportunity here. Yes we do," he says with a confident smile on his face.

Saturday March 30th, 2002 10:18:32 AM

Val doesn't know what ti think. Ga'al just changed the rules of the game. Now it's no longer us against them. What can they do when Ga'al is stealing whole citites? Right now Val is glad that she doesn't have to make command descisions.

Dead in the Water! (DM Stephen) 
Saturday March 30th, 2002 6:02:53 PM

Once Bart shouts out that he sees something, Rigging spots it as well. Nipper, a halfling from one of the upper decks pulls out a telescope and takes a look.

"SHIP OFF STARBOARD BOW, SHIP OFF STARBOARD BOW," yelled the halfling. The crew on deck make it over to see. Jack emerges from below and takes the telescope from Nipper. Jack takes a little time to find it, "Yes, there be a ship!" Then as suddenly as it appeared, the ship disappears in the fog.

For the next hour, all attempts are made to spot the other ship, but to no avail.

The next day goes by without incident. As night falls the sky is clear and lit up with a full moon and countless stars. However a low-lying fog hangs over the water. The fog hauntingly wafts about in various degrees of thickness. As the Hammerhead makes its way, the ship leaves a trail in the fog as it moves across the water. It's a little eerie but beautiful at the same time. The superstitions of the crew become alive as their nervous eyes begin to see things not there!

Suddenly a whistle sounds and the captain shouts ALL STOP!! Directly in front of the Hammerhead is a ship which seems to be set adrift. The crew scatter to get a look. Soon the lower decks empty as everyone comes to see.

The ship floating ahead is a large vessel but looks very old and appears to be a total wreck!! Covered in barnacles from bow to stern, no one can be seen aboard. Holes and cracks are all through the hull. The rigging and sails are completely gone. A name on the port bow can barely be read, "The Dandy." The only other distinguishing marks is a tattered pirates flag that still hangs from one of the leaning masts.

Mutterings all around can be heard of bad omens and curses. Jack addresses the party. "I'm open to suggestions ... any ideas?"

(ooc: If anyone can, make a Knowledge [history] check DC 15. The Hammerhead is 100 feet ahead and your slowly drifting closer.)

Sunday March 31st, 2002 5:46:52 AM

After our priest and magicans have cast their detectionspells I will board the ship and look what is going on overthere.

Sunday March 31st, 2002 1:20:52 PM

When Jack aks for suggestions.Appolo says"Sink it.We don't need to board it. It's not worth liife of one of us."He says this in a matter of fact way. Then heads down below to collect his gear, becuase of course his advice will be ignored again.

Sunday March 31st, 2002 2:39:52 PM

Valanthe finishes strapping on her armor and secures her scythe. Her head doesn't hurt as bad as it normally does. So far it's been a good day. However things change. She knows that somebody will want to go aboard and take a look at the ship. "Well I'm sure that everybody is curious about the ship. We might as well go aboard and take a look. Perhaps we will get lucky and find a treasure chest or two."

Ashira  d20+1=6
Sunday March 31st, 2002 10:08:13 PM

The half-elf arrives up top with several of the other crew members. After examing the vessel for a few moments, Ashira tries to place where she's heard of The Dandy. Try as she might though, she just can't remember where she's heard that name from. Turning toward Jack, Ashira shrugs "I don't like the looks of this, but I suppose someone should check it out. Either that, or try to sail around her."

Redux  d20+2=19
Sunday March 31st, 2002 10:54:47 PM

Once up on deck, Redux sees the ship and thinks a moment. (knowledge =19) "Umm... Captain, Sir. This might be strange coming from a land lover like me, but I think I've heard of a ship with that name. Something some wizened story teller said one time." Redux goes on to give the few lines of the story he remembers. "Detect magic seems like such a waste, if we had a paladin aboard, he'd probably be blinded by the sight. Might I suggest a flaming ballista before we charge aboard a ship that might sink by the weight of a living soul." Redux calls for Talon to fly up to see what might be seen from a different vantage point. Meanwhile, Redux reaches in to pull out a dagger, not often seen in the mages hand, but handled like it is not out of place, either.

Monday April 1st, 2002 4:21:58 AM

Ari enjoys getting back into the routine of things over the inital voyage.

As the word goes out about the ship, Ari comes topside to take a look

"Nothing really comes to mind that hasn't already been said.

Monday April 1st, 2002 6:16:08 AM

Rigging looks at the ship with dread. "I think it needs checking out but I want to be ready for combat with the undead. Do we have any holy water on board? Captain Jack, my team will go over and check it out. May I suggest that you have the heavy armaments manned and archers brought on deck as a precaution. We might need some covering fire if we need to retreat fast." When all the preparations are made, we will lower a longboat and head over. Rigging will make sure to take a rope and grappelling hook to help climb up the side.

Monday April 1st, 2002 10:01:53 AM

Appolo appears on deck with his gear, armour and weapons. He is carrying 25 ft of rope, a grappling hook and his thieves tools. He arrives just in time to hear Rigging volunteer the Family. "You know we should just sink it. Why do we have to go aboard?" he says.

Monday April 1st, 2002 1:18:11 PM

"We have ever heard of treasure chests?"

A Deep Story (DM Stephen)  d20-5=15 d20-5=14 d20-5=15 d20-5=15 d20-5=11 d20-5=11 d20-5=14 d20-5=12 d20-5=-2 d20-5=-2 d20=11 d20=20 d20=16 d20=11 d20=4 d20=17 d20=1 d20=19 d20=1 d20=5 d20=8 d20=17 d20=4 d20=17 d20=20 d20=13 d20=9 d20=18 d20=2 d20=13
Monday April 1st, 2002 11:00:05 PM

Redux remembers the story of The Dandy ...

"Many hundreds of years ago, there was a mighty pirate by the name of Patros Gaff. He was the captain of one of the original Draco Corsair class pirate ships, called The Dandy. He was highly successful until near the end of his life when he claimed to tell stories that the stars talked to him.

He was relieved as captain by the king for all thought he had gone mad. After relieved from his command, Patros became enraged and struck the king. The king had him arrested and thrown into the brig.

The crew, still loyal to Patros, freed him from the his prison, took back the Dandy and raced out to sea. The king's fastest ships made chase, but had to turn back for fear of falling victim to an approaching storm. Patros, his crew and the Dandy entered the storm and was never seen of again."

"Aye...I too remember a story like that, now that you mention it. It be a pleasure and a curse to look upon an actual Draco Corsair," grumbled the captain.

The captain motions to the Master of Arms and he and two crewman retrieve a chest from below deck. Once opened the crew is handed out clubs and short swords. The captain also orders crewman to train all starboard ballistas onto the Dandy.

The captain turns back to the coxswain, "If there be any trouble, you get the Hammerhead out of here. Now lets ease in closer for a better look."

The Hammerhead gets to about 20-ft away from the Dandy's port broadside. The ship is even more rotten then was thought. Seems like the only thing holding it together, barely, was the barnacles. The teenage cleric can be heard muttering prayers in the background.

The captain bellows, "There is no way any of ye are steppin foot on that deck! Ye would fall clear through to the keel." The captain takes a bottle he was drinking from and sends it fly across. It lands onto the deck and makes a severe dent. Then following a groove in the floor and rolls into a hole. Falling down into the lower decks, the sound it makes is not a splash, or a thud against rotting wood, but a crackle against something brittle!!!

Suddenly and surprisingly, everyone hears the loud hacking noises, like a thousand stabbing knives against the Hammerheads hull. Boney humanoid skulls peek up over the sides of the Hammerhead from out of the water. All have old corroded blades in their teeth (20 to be exact. 5 fail and fall back into the water. All on the port side of the Hammerhead).

On the starboard side, countless skeletons come screaming out from the lower decks of the Dandy. A dozen or so start to swing grappling hooks into the air and begin throwing them onto the Hammerhead. Three make contact and become stuck into the Hammerheads deck. Hordes of skeletons start to heave and pull at the ropes. Two grappling hooks break and fall apart on impact. All others miss. (ooc: yes, I rolled 3 perfect 20's)

The skeletons are starting to pull the two ships together. It's much easier since the rotten Dandy is only a mere shadow of its former glory. The two ships are 15 feet apart.

The loud cackles of the skeletons are ringing in everyones ears. Ones not pulling on the ropes swing their swords in the air. Some blades break, and the skeletons resort to tearing parts of the ship off to make a weapon.

A skeleton, from the upper deck, is wearing rings of gold and holding a pristine glowing sword. In its other hand, it holds the bottle that the captain threw. It laughs as it holds the bottle in the air as if to toast the other ship. It "drinks" the remaining contents. It spills down its spine and rib cage.

Some crew panic and make ready to run below deck.

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