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Family Secrets (ADM Janell) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2002 12:51:32 AM

The Captain listens patiently as Ashira and Rigging voice their opinions and concerns. When Ashira asks Ari and Redux to leave, and then questions whether they might be involved in the party's recent troubles, the Captain motions for silence. After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Captain Jack makes his way to stand in front of Ashira. "In the name of Lem's golden hide, I hope you're wrong." He turns his back to the remaining party members as he continues. "Now, you've all seen the crew, and you know that they can't take much more of this strain. We're setting sail for Fargunia. All crew members will have a week of shore leave. I'm going to look into these occurrences." The Captain turns once again and stands in front of both Rigging and Ashira. "I want you two to watch after misters Ari and Redux. You are to report any suspicious activity immediately. If things get out of hand, do what you have to do. You are dismissed."
That night, the crew is visibly relieved when Captain Jack announces that the Freedborn will be dropping anchor in Fargunia to give the crew some R&R.

The voyage passes mostly uneventful, except for a strange happening the night before arrival. While on watch, Ari is approached by Swab as she makes her way down the vessel scrubbing the railing. As she nears, the young woman mentions begins to babble on and on about the end of the Wold. She seems restless most of the watch, and alternates between babbling and sobbing.

Upon arrival in Fargunia, the party is struck by the oddity of this quiet land. Privacy appears to be of the utmost importance, and no one questions the arrival of the Freedborn in port, nor the sudden surge of sailors into the quiet town of Wedding City. It is hard to believe that any town could be smaller than Waha, but somehow Wedding City is. The party quickly discovers that there are only two Inns in town, the Sullen Rat and the Well Kept Secret . Opting for a nice quiet meal, the party makes their way over to the slightly less crowded Secret. The Inn is a two story brick building decorated in a Spartan manner, with a single picture of three women gathered around the stove sharing some juicy gossip.

Our heros find a nice, mostly quiet booth in the corner, and begin discussing what they are going to order when a tall, slender elven man approaches the table. Pointing at the longsword strapped to Ashira's back, the man speaks in a thick accent that you can't identify. "Pardon me, but I couldn't help but notice that you are fighters." As the man turns to face the group, your eyes are immediately drawn to three ragged purple scars which begin in the middle of his forehead, and end slightly below his left eye (which, miraculously is intact). "The gods did not gift me with diplomacy, so I'll be blunt. As I'm sure you've heard, there is a war brewing in the east. The detestable dragons have formed an army." The man unconsciously runs his hand across his scared forehead, feeling the grooves. "I am making my way to the east, and wish to gather as many as possible to help join me in removing the vermin from the face of the Wold. I have arranged for passage to the east, and with any luck, we can form the army which is building now..." The man's invitation is cut short by the arrival of the Inn keep. Before the party has a chance to query the man or respond to his invitation, he is whisked off, and warned never to return to the inn. The keep returns to your table to offer his apologies for the stranger's intrusion into the party's privacy, and sets a flagon of ale on the table as a peace offering.

Meals are ordered, and the food, while not exotic, is quite tasty. About half way through the meal, the party is joined by a familiar face. None other than the infamous Smiley Jim. Pulling up a chair and scooting between Rigging and Ashira, Jim's trademark garish smile is missing today. After participating in a few minutes of chit chat with Ashira, Jim motions the group into a secluded room on the second floor. His face grows even more serious as he speaks. "Now I want you to know that I am risking my neck to pass on this information. I have some very bad news." Jim crosses the room and puts a very heavy hand on Bart's shoulder. "Young man, your step father has been identified by the priests of Ga'al as a family member of the Pirates. The priests have taken him into custody and moved him to Emporer City. He is being submitted to public humiliation and beatings in order to provoke you. The Pirates, as is customary in such situations, have dispatched a group of Grim Assassins in order to kill your step father, so that you will not be exposed or captured by the Aisildurian forces." Jim sighs deeply, and then continues. "You're a nice enough mate, and I hate to see this happen, so I'm willing to help you out as much as I can. You should have enough time to make it to Emporer City before the Assassins are dispatched if you act now. It would raise too much attention if I went with you, but I think I can lend you a craft and find a couple of mates that would be willing to help you out." Jim lets his last statement hang in the air as the party discusses their options.

Sorry about the length of the post...the others should be shorter----Janell

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 3:53:54 AM

Appolo looks around the room. "I'm sorry Bart, your stepfather is a good man, but it's too risky. Emperor City is too deep inside Aisildur. I think it is better to let the assassins give him a quick and merciful death. They know who he is and who we are. It is clearly a trap. It would seem, based on recent events, that we are truly beginning to get their attention. Besides with Ari's and Redux's present condition, I don't think it wise to get too close to that many priests of Ga'al at the moment. As well as that fact that Emperor City is garrisoned by the Imperial Guard. If I'm ever captured by them, I hope the Pirates send assassins to kill me as well." As Appolo says this he has a very serious and somber demeanor.

Appolo is truly upset by this, not only is Bart his friend, but so is Bart's stepfather. Any one who looks at him can tell he is clearly upset.

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 5:58:19 AM

During the voyage in, Ari will experiment a little with Swab. Walking from various distances from the deck, Ari will see whether Schaw somehow unconsciously detects Ari, without seeing him (assuming this isn't some kind of natural ability).

As time passes, Ari's mood turns a little sullen as he contemplates what he can do for his family. Worrying about the strength of G'aal and what has happened recently, Ari continues going through his mind, to see if there's anything they can do to combat the power of G'aal in these heartseeds.

When Smiley Jim appears with his news, Ari looks at Bart to see his reaction.

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 12:19:34 PM

"It could be a trap to catch me and those of you who will go with me. At the other hand the assassins will suffer the same problem if they go for the kill. I think I will take the chance. My stepfather was always good to me, and risked his life to give me my new chain and sword. I also believe that somehow he can suppress the influence of the heartseed, and that can be useful in our fight. Freeing him while doing a decoy action -- for example burning a temple of Ga'al -- can be a turnpoint in our battle agains evil.

"But we have to prepare well for the mission maybe some invisibility potions or something like that. We also must keep the mission as secret as possible. Are you in with me?"

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 3:11:04 PM

Rigging is truly dismayed at this latest news. He is torn in several directions because of it. He knows how he would feel if his father was being taken. He would be running to the rescue. As the leader of his new little family, he also realizes that this is exactly what the priests of Ga'al want. They are using public humilation to goad us into reacting, hoping to kill or capture us.

Rigging clasps his arm on Jim's shoulder and says, "I want to thank-you for this information. We realize what a risk you are taking to provide it to us. Could you give us some privacy to discuss it? Where are you staying so we can take you up on your kind offer of assistance if we go that direction?

After Jim leaves, Rigging says, "Appolo do a quick recon and make sure we are truly alone please." When this is done, Arrack says, "Bart, you have my sympathies on this. We need to give this some hard thought. The reason the Pirates send the Grim Assasins is to avoid this kind of situation. By trying a rescue attempt, we would be going against Pirate of Jack's policy and would get into trouble. Not only that we would be exposing ourselves to an obvious trap." Rigging looks to Ashira and asks, "Knowing that there is a leak somewhere in the Jack's, how well do you trust Grinning Jim? Could he be setting us up?

Rigging leans back into his chair and runs his hands through his hair. "If we do this, we do it alone as a family. No outside help which could betray us. We all pool some money and get our hands on some magic that could help us to strike fast and move quickly. I think we need to try or we are no better than the accursed priests of Ga'al ourselves. What do the rest of you think?"

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 4:08:27 PM

The half-elf's dislike of the current situation is plain on her face. When Rigging asks her about Jim, Ashira responds immediately. "I've know Jim for years, he is practically my big brother. I would stake my life and yours on his word. He can be trusted." She pauses before she continues. "Rigging, I don't like this at all. I smell a set up. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Apollo. We should let the Grim Assassins do their job. But, if you and Bart are in, then I'll go too." The half-elf smiles weakly. "Someone's got to look after you two. But concerning the magical items...I don't think we have the time to go shopping. Let's take an inventory and pool our resources. I've got several curing potions and four barkskin potions. Redux, I think I recall you having a couple of potions. And don't I remember Gastu giving you some potions Rigging?"

ALryck (Ken) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2002 4:27:32 PM

Alryck loves the idea of going in for a strike in the middle of the enemy territory. His cleric nature shows for a moment and a small sermon is given reminding all who listen that his god, Wardd, is the god of Luck. He ends by assuring everyone that the god of Luck will be on their side during their journey bringing them good fortune and success. His eyes actually twinkle as he quotes Wardd "Live a lucky life and press your luck often." "That is if you trust me to go? But, really, I think you could use some good luck going along."

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 4:49:31 PM

Some notice Redux keeping mostly to himself and his bird. He is often seen with the animal, doing various retrieval and training moves. One might think that if he could fly, Redux would be up there instead. The bird is his connection to life right now. Because of the feathered friend's recent injury and healing by Alryck, Redux starts warming to the cleric (because the cleric rates high on Talon's list); consulting about what the resistance was doing with the heartseeds, especially the treatment.

During the meeting, finding out about Bart's father, it is with Talon's encouragement that Redux throws in his support for a rescue mission. He gets out the potions he's had, levitation and invisibility. "Name your brew and we might find a quick source for it; definitely some more invisibility potion would be good."

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 7:05:29 PM

Appolo can't believe what he's hearing. He instinctively moves closer to Valanthe. "I hate to belabor this point, but we have two handicaps. One is Ari's and Redux's heartseeds, and elves and half elves aren't exactly welcome in Emperor City. Just thought I'd point out the fact that the assassins are well trained for this sort of thing and we're not. Another thing is what if he's dead by the time we get there?" He then goes silent.

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 7:05:32 PM

Rigging adds, "See if we can come up with some giant strength potions for our fighters. Take down the enemy quickly and helpful for busting down doors and breaking chains."

Mamma's in the graveyard, Papa's in the pen (ADM Janell) 
Tuesday February 5th, 2002 11:14:44 PM

Jim leaves while the group considers the wisdom of making a raid into enemy territory. He returns to the room in two hours. Once it is decided who is going to stay, and who will go, Jim passes on the little information that he has gathered. He tells the party that Bart's step father is being held at night in the dungeon, which is under the city hall. During the day, the poor soul is put in stocks in front of city hall, and is under constant watch by at least four guards. The barracks for the Aisildurian soldiers are nearby, so if the group is going to pull the rescue off, they're going to have to work fast. Jim informs you that the city hall is located almost exactly in the center of town. The dungeon is two levels below the ground level floor of city hall.

Jim smiles at the party's bravery and agrees to meet with them later that night to send them on their way to Emporer City. Everyone returns to the Freedborn to gather their gear, and then heads out to the rendezvous site that night. Jim meets you at the pier. Wishing you the best of luck, Jim unties the small vessel and watches from the pier for a few minutes before heading back into town.

The gods are with you on your voyage to Emporer City, and you are able to make the voyage in record time with nothing notable occurring, except that Alyrck gets sea sick. You dock your vessel just after sunset, and are able to gather some reconnaissance before it gets too dark. During this time, Rigging is able to find a secure hiding place close to the city hall. While holed up in the back alley, the party is able to stay mostly warm and dry during rain storm which blows in after midnight. The hiding place also has a nice view of the main courtyard of the city hall.

You should have a copy of the Emporer City map in your inboxes.---Janell

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 11:39:06 PM

As the days pass Val's headache stays constant. Never dulling and never increasing in intensity. She tries to deal with it, but it's hard. Val was looking forward to the shore leave. She's hoping that some peace and quiet will help whatever's wrong with her. She listens to all that goes on as she eats her meal. When there is a quiet moment she says, "Bart I'm sorry for what has happened. Surely your step father has a heart seed already. Before we rush off to Emporer city lets think about things. Recently Ga'al has known everything we will do. This looks like an obvious trap. I think that they are expecting the assasins as well. If Emporer city is as fortified as you say it is then I doubt they will succeed in their mission. I want to offer a suggestion thats just as dangerous as going to Emporer City. I say we go east. We find that elf and join up for now. The chance we will perish will be just the same. However there are a couple possible benefits. Lets say that the gathering forces of good are successfull and drive back the army. We can use their treasure, gold and whatever magical items they posses, to fight Ga'al. I have another idea which might help us greatly. I know alot depends on cicumstances, but I think that this could work. Instead of stopping the army, I want to direct them at Ga'al. I'm sure we could frame Ga'al for the opposition against them. We can't fight an empire, but an army can."

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 12:42:51 AM

OCC: I did not recieve a map. WanXian01@aol.com Just to let everybody know Janell got her post in just before mine. Thats why my previous post doesn't fit in where it was placed.

Val sits quietly in the room, almost too quietly. She remembers clearly how her idea was pushed aside in favor of coming here. Val still thinks that Emporer City is a certain death. Ga'al's forces have been two steps ahead of them and here they were. In the heart of Ga'al's forces. When somebody glances her way she smiles brightly. Something that she never does.

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 1:21:56 AM

Appolo hovers close to Valanthe during the trip
and sits next to her in the ally. He puts his arm around her and says" Don't worry I'll get us out in one peice." Appolo is already thimking about retreat. He is also thinking about killing Bart's stepfather.

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 5:59:49 AM

"If we assume that somehow they can sense us (meaning Ari and Redux). Is there somehow that we can lead the raiding team in a different direction, and possibly away from Bart's father? Let's consider taking two days, if we can. The first day we look and make sure that it is Bart's father. Then during the night, Redux and I start makinga path that takes us everywhere around the city. During this time, the rest of you affect the rescue. I'm not sure how wise this is, about seperating us. But I'm really concerned as to how R and I can help."

Ari sighs as he finishes his little speech.

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 12:53:06 PM

Appolo says, "I think we need to find a couple of ways out of the city besides the main gates. The easiest part of this operation will be the rescue, the hardest part will be getting out of the city once the alarm is sounded. We're not splitting up either we're going to need everyone together on this one. Redux do you have a fog spell? I'll also need some sort of invisibility, because I'm the one who's going to have remove the locks. Redux and Ari will also have to use their magic to cover the retreat. We should also look around and find some oil and some material to make some smoke bombs. This is going to be about speed, timing, and confusion."

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 1:24:54 PM

"I agree with you Ari we have to make sure if it's my Stephfather. If it's we must make the rescue attempt.

"That leaves us the question when? Best time I think is just before they bring them in or just before they changed the guards.

"I was thinking about a distraction--for example setting the temple of Ga'al in fire, or casting a major illusion."

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 10:18:09 PM

Rigging says, "I believe we need to make the grab while he is being brought out for the day. Disadvantage is the guards are going to be more alert, but we will be able to make the snatch more quickly." Rigging turns to Appolo and says, "You and I are going to make a circuit of the courtyard. I want to make sure there are no other watchers who are waiting in ambush." Rigging turns to Redux. "When we make the snatch, I want you to web the guard's door shut." To the others, "Alryck and Bart will make the grab. Bart you must be ready to leave or kill your father if Ga'al takes over his body." Rigging grabs Bart by the arm and looks squarely in his eyes and repeats, "Can you do that Bart? If not you can't go on the snatch." Appolo and I will be mingled into the crowd to backstab and create confusion. Val Ari and Ashira are our reserves. If someone gets in trouble you come to their aid and cover our escape route. Don't worry Ari you will be fine. Bart try to separate your father quickly from the others. I am going to try to cast sleep spells on pursuers so try to get out of range. Any suggestions?"

ALryck (Ken) 
Wednesday February 6th, 2002 11:07:18 PM

Alryck spends his time staying out of the other's way. He is disguised and is able to move about freely, though guarding the knowledge of the location of the rest of the party. If someone needs food or drink, he is available to go to the market for it. At the appointed time he tends to his prayer needs and seeks the kind of spells that will give the party more luck in their mission

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 11:07:55 PM

Redux has never been to this town, though he has heard much about it. Some things are familiar, others are very new. The people act normal, but he knows that any one of them could betray the party in an instant. He's taken off his robe to enter the town and has on a simple, non-descript black outfit. Once under cover in the hideout that was found, Redux reviews his spell book for the best mix in the coming battle.

(OCC I'm looking for some invisibility, spider climb, and bull strength potions in the Catacombs. These should have been picked up on our way out of Wedding City. The plan might be to give one each of the first two and bull strength to Bart & Ashira. With a little more cash I could get some Jump potions if anyone thinks that would help in our escape. The spider climb will help us get over the wall afterwards (an extra for Bart's father). Any questions?)

Wednesday February 6th, 2002 11:27:58 PM

Uncomfortable at being in enemy controlled territory once again, Ashira anxiously awaits the coming day from the safety of their hide out. She listens as Rigging formulates his plan, but shakes her head. "I don't like splitting up like that... they've got the numbers advantage. Why don't we have Redux make us all invisible, and then make the snatch mostly together. If we do it in the morning, then we'll already know the location of the guards. Bart and Alyrck could position themselves, and then the rest of us could tie up the guards before they know what's happening. Of course, we wouldn't be invisible after we made our first strike. But Bart, Alyrck and step daddy could make a run for it while we finish up the guards. We could even split up and draw them to different parts of town. With the potions of spider climb, we could all climb over the wall at different places. I don't know if they would be of any use, but I've also got 3 smokesticks, and a few vials of alchemist fire."

I spy with my little eye (ADM Janell) 
Wednesday February 6th, 2002 11:53:41 PM

The party spends the rest of the night alternating between trying to get a little rest and beginning to formulate an escape plan. The rain lets up just before the break of dawn leaving the city cloaked in a deceitful air of peace. As the sun peeks over the city walls, the party is treated to a breathtaking sunrise. You have little time to enjoy it however, before the city hall doors are opened, and a large man is dragged by two guards and placed in the stocks. After securing their prisoner, the guards take up position on either side of the stock. The other two guards position themselves in between the stocks and the city hall doors. Gradually throughout the day, people make their way to the courtyard to throw their rotting produce at the man in the stocks. Rarely a citizen is brave enough to make their way close enough to the prisoner to spit on his face before being shooed away by the guards. While Rigging and Appolo make their round about the courtyard, they discover that Wardd must be watching over them. No guards other than the four are detected, and the stocks are only held in place with wooden pins instead of locks. As they check out the area, they are able to take a good look at the prisoner and are able to confirm that he is indeed Bart's step father. Recently pelted with a rather large piece of rotten cabbage, the man does not notice the two as they pass by. The daring duo also manage to read the post that is propped up in front of the stocks "Traitor to Aisildur".

Go ahead and take the next post to plan out the attack. If needed, we can take Friday too, but we gotta roll after that.---Janell

Rigging  d20=4
Thursday February 7th, 2002 12:03:36 AM

(OOC: Rigging has another l000 gps for potions as needed. I also have 7 cure light wound potions to give out as needed. Sorry for the double post but trying to get the planning out of the way. Sorry roll was a mistake.)

Rigging says to Ashira's objections, "No I would rather keep the potions and spells of invisibility as a means to escape. If we can knock down the guards quickly then we can make the snatch and run. Redux could you loan me your spell books? I could memorize invisibility as well and we would have several more spells. I also can create a wall of fog."

Thursday February 7th, 2002 12:48:52 AM

As they wait Val stands off to the side. Dressed all in black with the hood of the cloak pulled over her head, Val is an imposing figure. She holds her scythe with one hand, adding to the look. When Rigging finishes his walk, Val waits until nobody is around before approaching him. "Rigging I think we should abort. This doesn't feel right. There aren't very many guards and they aren't even using locks." Val turns her head and scans their surroundings. "See that. That's a lot of open space. A huge temple right next to us. Let's go over the worst case scenario. You and Appolo free Bart's stepfather. The courtyard fills with two or three dozen troops that surround us. Invisibility and Spider climb spells won't help much. Not with priests around. We can't fight an army."

Thursday February 7th, 2002 3:28:03 PM

Appolo, standing right behind them, says, "I agree, but if we're going to do this we need more distractions. We can use Ashira's smoke sticks, we could also use some fog. I still think it's a trap, we're being set up. We will also need oil, cloth, wood, straw and coal if these things can be found or purchased. Arrows--don't forget arrows. Arlyck and I can go about collecting supplies. We will also need more smoke sticks. We don't want anyone to see what's happening. With fog and smoke we can create confusion. We also need to set as many buildings on fire as possible, give them something else to worry about besides us. Another thing too is the assassins are on their way and they are not going to be happy if they find out we're here." He then goes silent, and waits for Rigging's reply.

Thursday February 7th, 2002 3:28:06 PM

(ooc do Aisildurians get drunk? I do not know. It changes the nature of my post if they do not). To Bart " Your father is seeded right? IF he is seeded, how can he be branded a traitor? What do you know of your father? I know he helped you out one time. But what else can you remember?"

"What about trying to socialize with one of the guards in the local bar? We might be able to get more information from him, if we can find out which bar to take him to. Or which one he might frequent."

Thursday February 7th, 2002 4:47:26 PM

"I have 17 arrows left. With some oil soaked rags, a lit torch, and the right spot, I could hit several buildings. Still it would be better if the soldiers weren't in the city to begin with. What about the harbor. If we light some of their official ships on fire they wouldn't be here when we made our move. The problem is that we risk lighting our own ship on fire. If we could create havok elsewhere it would be hard for them to get the word of our attack and effectively respond."

Thursday February 7th, 2002 5:51:58 PM

"My stepfather was once a great fighter. And He was never very open about his past. But I know that he wasn't heartseeded voluntary. I always thought that he was less dumb than other heartseeded persons. I think he can surpress the effects somehow, onetime better than the other. I agree with you Val that everythink stinks like a trap. If we do it, and I hope we do, we must make sure we have a lot of distractions causing some panic in the city just before we free Analek. If I can use a potion and make myself invisible I will make the attempt when all of you are covering our retreat."

Thursday February 7th, 2002 10:17:29 PM

Rigging listens to Val and Appolo's concerns. He stalks back and forth thinking and then whirls and says, "I agree. I think this is a trap as well. Unfortunately we are not in a safe vocation. Try to imagine if it was someone you cared for. Appolo... what if it was Val locked up there under the same circumstances? We would do everything in our power to save her. Bart is one of us and by extension so is his father. We need to try. Who knows... we might succeed and then think about it. We will have struck a blow right in the heartland. They will never feel safe again."

Thursday February 7th, 2002 10:22:33 PM

"Well, Rigging, ya see, well..I don't have the invisibility spell in my book; mostly necro type stuff, you've seen most of 'em. That's one of the things that by being in this group I was hoping to improve. I've got lots of room in my spell book. What I was able to do, on our way out of Wedding City was to pick up some scrolls of invisibility. Might still work, using them to cover an escape, just you or I have to read them. I do have one potion that anyone can have. Let's see here, I have exactly 7 scrolls, one potion, invisibility; 2 bull strength potions; 9 spider climb potions; and one levitation. I was going for speed and had to go with the scrolls. Maybe if one isn't used, I could try to copy it instead, huh? Anyways, let's plan on climbing over the walls in our escape, at a few different points. Maybe you could scout for those. Speaking of scouting, I might agree that there is a lot of open space out there. Is there any chance that somewhere there's a trapdoor where bad guys could come up? And, I could use hold portal on the temple or guard shack instead of webbing it. Ari, we should share our medicine with Bart to give to his father, in case he is heart seeded; give it too him right away, as a preventative. Hmm.. What have I forgotten?"

Thursday February 7th, 2002 10:24:53 PM

Ashira listens thoughtfully as Rigging and the others plan out the raid. "You're welcome to any of my stuff, although I must insist on keeping one of my barkskin potions. Rigging, if you're not willing to try and sneak up on the guards, then I think a distraction would be a good idea. I like Val's and Bart's idea of setting a fire. If you and Appolo are going to scout out the city, then why not see if there are any buildings in the city which look particularly susceptible to fire. If Redux is able to magically lock the doors to the temple and the barracks, then we won't have to worry about reinforcements for a while. Although, I think I saw two more guards at the city gates, so if we do it in the day time, we might have to worry about them too." Ashira contemplates for a moment. "Ok, how about if Appolo and Ari create some kind of distraction to get the guards' attention? Then Redux locks the doors while you cast fog on the courtyard. Bart and Alyrck go in for the snatch while Val and I take care of any remaining guards and fight the rear guard. Then, hopefully, Redux can cast invisibility on us, we take the spider climb potions, and climb over the walls and meet at the docks."

OOC (I was not trying to overhear Rigging and Val's private discussion. I assume that at some point in time her ideas about making a distraction are up for public discussion.)

ALryck (Ken) 
Thursday February 7th, 2002 10:49:06 PM

Alryck beams at the thought, "Val, I like your idea of shooting flaming arrows. That's a great way of improving our luck. I think 5 hits in 5 directions at 5 different types of buildings would be a start at getting Wardd to improve his favor on our raid. He will surely grant us favor and Bless us before we start (but I must have a moment to cast it). And, please allow me to obscure with mist one direction to the courtyard, preferably the direction of the meanest guards/priests as we're not likely to go that direction ourselves.

The heat is on (ADM Janell) 
Thursday February 7th, 2002 11:30:50 PM

The day gradually passes as the party formulates its plan. The clouds from the previous night burn off in the early morning, and the temperature rises steadily. By noon, the puddles from the previous night's rain have almost entirely evaporated. The combination of the two leads to a miserably muggy day, and those wearing their armor are tempted to strip down to something more comfortable. It would appear that the guards too are having a difficult time with the weather. Tugging uncomfortably at his armor, the guard to the right of the prisoner takes off his helmet and pours water over his head to cool himself.

The changing of the guard takes place shortly after noon, much to the first shift's relief. Four fresh guards take up the same positions, and are joined by a priest of Ga'al. The priest pulls out a staff and begins to beat Bart's step father's back with it. The man's groans of pain are heard all the way over to your hiding place. The beating goes on for an hour or so, and then the priest of Ga'al returns to the temple.

Later that afternoon, Rigging and Apollo (well disguised) take to the city once again to find weak spots in the city walls and locate areas that are promising for terrorist activity. They locate three or four relatively unused alleys which could easily be used for escape. Most of the buildings in Emporer City are constructed of stone, but the pair discover that the stable (large rectangular building to the left of hiding place) and the granary (circular building behind Temple of Ga'al) look like promising targets.

Thursday February 7th, 2002 11:52:50 PM

Val waits in the back of the courtyard for one of two signals. Either to shoot flaming arrows or to engage in hand to hand combat. Covered in her black cloak, Val is sweating profusely. She desperately wants to take it off but she can't. The sight of an elf in the city would give away all of their plans.

Friday February 8th, 2002 1:23:17 PM

Rigging says to Val, "Let's concentrate our efforts on the granary. It is close enough to the temple to be a threat and grain catches fire very easily. I would rather not roast horses if possible, but if you need to light the stables go ahead." Rigging turns to the others. "OK let's get this over with today. The guards are hot, tired, and not very alert looking. Everyone get in your positions. Alryck, here are 3 healing potions for Bart's Dad. They can't be interrupted and you can drink and run if you need to. The signal is the granary fire. Remember that I am going to try to put some guards to sleep as soon as I see the fire so don't get too close to them right away." Rigging then goes over the two best escape routes for the party and where they are going to meet up if they split up. Before the group splits up, Rigging will tell everyone to cast whatever defensive spells they have and get some of the invisibility scrolls from Redux.

Friday February 8th, 2002 5:40:27 PM

Ok sounds fine Alryck do you free my dad? while I back you up?

Friday February 8th, 2002 9:29:39 PM

"Okay just let me know when to shoot the arrow. After that I'll move to engage in Melee. That should slow any active guards down." Val moves to a section of the courtyard where she has a shot at the silo and can still intercept any rushing guards.

Friday February 8th, 2002 10:27:30 PM

"All right, Rigging, I want to make sure I understand, plus I've got a couple of suggestions to make. Before anyone goes anywhere, let Alryck Bless us first. Val is planning to shoot flaming arrows into the granary to catch it on fire. How about if Redux makes her invisible, and then takes one of the vials of alchemist's fire and throws it into the granary? She'd have to get closer, but then they wouldn't be able to trace the arrow back to Val. Val could run back to the hiding place. While Val is making her trip down and back, Redux can cast invisibility on Alryck and Bart. They go in for the snatch, and slip the invisibility potion to Bart's dad. While they're trying to free him, you're going to try to put any remaining guards to sleep. Then, as I see it, you should cast obscuring mist on the courtyard. Ari, Appolo, Val, Redux and I will be close by, but won't engage unless needed. Then, hopefully Bart and Alyrck free daddy dearest, and we run like the wind. Sound like a plan to you?" While waiting for Rigging's answer, Ashira asks Redux for a spider climb potion and a bull's strength potion.

Friday February 8th, 2002 11:13:03 PM

Val thought about Ashira's plan. "Ashira I want them to trace the arrow back to me. If they come after me then their attention won't be on Bart's father. I can handle myself well enough. If there happens to be a lot of guards I will run and lead them away from the courtyard. With the guards divided between me and the grainary, there won't be any left."

ALryck (Ken) 
Saturday February 9th, 2002 12:07:08 AM

Alryck wants to make sure he knows where everyone is going to be at and the first spells and actions to take place, after all, luck takes planning. Using the ground he draws out the main features of the city the group know about (OOC thank you Janell). An invisible Val is going to take up a position back by the granary to light it. An invisible Redux is going to lock the City Hall, hustle back to the guard shack and lock it. He'll then web the front of the temple. At that the granary goes up (Val). An invisible Alryck and Bart will be making there way to within 20 feet of the father. When the granary goes up Alryck will mist the area between the front gate and the stocks. Meanwhile Rigging will attempt to sleep the back two guards, only because it wouldn't be good for the sleep spell to affect the father. In the best possible situation, that leaves the two guards immediately near the stocks. Probably the remaining crew should be invisible, waiting for the effects to go off and attack those two as Bart & Alryck are breaking out the father. This should leave Val, Redux, Alryck, Bart and the father invisible and helping each other over the nearest wall. Those engaging the guards will be visible and need to make a guarded retreat to the nearest wall to get out. If Rigging should save his 3 invisibility scrolls, you'd have to get somewhere in order to have the time to read them; it would still leave one person going over the wall visible; so one or four, probably the element of surprise at the beginning would be best. Maybe it would be best to torch the stables at first also, eh, Ari or Appolo could do that then get over to the stocks.

Before everyone leaves, Alryck blesses them, casts bull strength on himself.

Saturday February 9th, 2002 12:08:06 AM

Redux listens and passes out his scrolls and potions: bull strength potion to Ashira & Ari; spider climb to everyone (and remember to take your shoes off first, he says with a smile); invisibility potion to Bart; and 3 invisibility scrolls to Rigging. Redux will cast invisibility on Val, Alryck, Bart and himself, if this is agreed. Redux also casts mage armor on himself. Since he'll be first, he'll go out and start by locking the City Hall and follow as much of the plan as stated by Alryck or suggestions made by the group.

Saturday February 9th, 2002 7:51:49 PM

While waiting for orders Appolo quietly fills four waterskins with oil and prepares his arrows by wrapping cloth around them and dipping them in oil. He also readies several torches and lights a small oil lamp. The muggy conditions don't seem to bother them. He then looks up. "Don't come back here--make for the ship." He then takes out his map. "We'll meet here in this alley and go over the wall here or here. Use these three alleys or these streets to get there," he says after he is sure the whole group is paying attention. "Remember this is not a battle it's a snatch and grab. Once we got Anelek we move and fast. As I retreat I'm going to set as many fires as I can. Val you should also set the stables on fire and if possible stampede the horses and cattle. I think Ashira should go with you. I'm going to go mingle with the crowd and get into position to cover the retreat. I'm also going to set the Barracks on fire after Bart and Alryck make the grab. I'll need a potion of invisibility." He then straps the waterskins holding the oil to his body. He then makes sure everyone knows the route of the retreat and where to meet.

Monday February 11th, 2002 1:54:38 AM

Ari frets over the strongarm tactics of the group. Knowing that full well, they're going to probably get into a whole lot of trouble. When the time comes, Ari will cast shield on himself. From there, he stands by in what ever fashion he can. (Given a chance, he will cast Nature's Ally I at combat start. Type will depend upon what's going on).

Seeing Double  d20=15 d20=13 d4=2 2d4=4 d100=76 d20+7=10 d4+1=3 d4+1=3
Monday February 11th, 2002 9:24:18 AM

The party finishes formulating their plan, and heads off to their prospective assignments. After a few tries, Val is able to set the granary successfully ablaze. She scurries off before the structure is engulfed in flame, and hears the sounds of shouting and people running toward the granary once she reaches the meeting place. An invisible Ashira manages to spook all of the horses out of the stables. Two miserable looking young boys rush out of the stable in hot pursuit of the horses, leaving the stables unguarded long enough for Ashira to take advantage of the confusion and throw a couple of flaming torches into the hay.

Hearing the shouts of the towns people, the two guards standing closest to city hall head toward the barracks area to investigate, and Redux takes his cue. His invisible form makes its way toward the city hall doors and feels the immensely satisfying sensations of magic flowing from his hands. Instantaneously knowing that he has successfully barred the doors, he moves on to his next target. He also meets with success in locking the barrack doors, and is finishing up webbing the temple doors when Val comes racing past.

Meanwhile, the guards closest to Analek, after being abandoned by their backup, become much more watchful. Hearing the strange sounds of chanting, one of them turns in the direction of where Redux is casting. However, he and his comrade fall face forward into the plush grass of the courtyard.

Rigging smiles at the success of his sleep spell as the invisible Bart makes his way over to the stocks, and is able to work one of the wooden pins loose. The still conscious Analek blinks in disbelief as a wall of fog appears between the city gate and the courtyard (thanks to Alyrck).

A few panicked villagers bolt quickly past the courtyard toward the now blazing granary, but do not even notice the wooden pins from the stocks falling out on their own accord. The two guards at the city gates, however, seeing the smoke from the granary fire and the strange fog rise up, begin to bar the gates shut as they shout an alarm.

Making his way to the other pin, Bart whispers to his father that he is being rescued, and to remain calm until they are able to free him. Thinking to himself that Waard himself must be in their midst, Bart begins to say a silent prayer of thanks to Alyrck's god when he feels a blade glance off his armor. Looking up, Bart locates his newly found enemy. The half-elf is dressed in dark gray armor and carries a rapier and a shortsword. With horror, Bart suddenly remembers the figure as one of the members of the Quad which attacked the Freedborn. The three other members also appear once Thug #3 attacks Bart, and Rigging has to take a double take. An identical twin to Thug #3 (Thug #2) makes his way toward him, weapons raised menacingly. The other two remaining members of the Quad, also identical twins, split up. Spellcaster #1 begins chanting, and two bolts of energy explode into Rigging's chest doing 6 hp damage. Thug #1 smiles charmingly as she draws her dagger, moving toward Analek's back. "Surely you foolish rebels couldn't have thought it would be that easy! Now, surrender or the old man will be dead before you can blink!"

Ok folks, you should have a copy of the combat map in your inboxes. Please make sure you type in any spell affecting your character in the post name field. The following characters are invisible: Ashira, Redux, Alyrck, Bart.

There is only one invisibility potion, which Bart is carrying to give to his father. Appolo either had Redux cast invisibilty on him before the combat was initiated, or he is currently visible. Also, Appolo should think twice about setting the barracks on fire, since it is a brick structure.

It will take Ashira one round to reach the courtyard. Best of luck to you all.---Janell

Monday February 11th, 2002 9:53:21 AM

Rigging has no illusions on being able to take a swordman quad member on by himself. He knows which way Ashira is and will simply run away from the quad members towards her. (occ Rigging will only do this if the quad member won't get an attack of opportunity. Not sure how close he is. If I can't head towards Ashira, I will head towards Appolo. He likes to backstab) Rigging shouts, "Incoming!" as he makes use of his feet.

Valanthe  d20+6=22
Monday February 11th, 2002 10:30:21 AM

Val sees the same four attackers and smiles. She really wanted another shot at these guys. Now she had it. With all the things happening, Val moves up behind Thug #2.

(OCC: Move Silently check: 22)

Behind thug #2, Val takes a swing and brings the edge of her scythe around at the front of Thug #2's neck. She stops the blade an inch from her mark. "Hello again. I don't think I need to tell you to drop the knife or you'll lose your head."

Valanthe  d20+6=23
Monday February 11th, 2002 10:35:13 AM

OCC: If a hide check is needed to sneak up on thug #2, Val gets a 23

Ari (Shield +7 AC (intercept Magic Missile), +3 reflex) 
Monday February 11th, 2002 12:06:17 PM

Groaning to himself as he realizes that they're fighting a quad again, Ari does what he can to aid Bart. He eyes the area to see if there is any usable plant life. If there is, Ari casts entangle. First worry is T1 on Bart's dad. If there is no plant life for the entangle, then Ari casts flare at T1.

Appolo  d20+3=15
Monday February 11th, 2002 12:28:57 PM

Appolo sees the quad appear and yells, "Bart run, get out of there!!!" He then opens and slices one of his oilskins and throws it on the platform trying to hit thug #1 and splatter oil all over him. Upon seeing Val rush the platform and then instead of killing she stops short. Appolo then yells, "Kill her Valanthe now, we need to leave!!" He then readies an oily rag covered arroww lighting it on fire. He will fire it next round.

Roll to hit thug one with oil 15.

Monday February 11th, 2002 4:27:40 PM


HEy people Im back! my jobs problem finally settled....so if you guys need a cleri, ill be glad to play again...if not, ill understand....

so just ring me a belll

ICQ: 73640293, or my new email ferly@oricom.ca

Bart invisible  d20+10=29 d20+10=26 d10+7=8 d10+7=16
Monday February 11th, 2002 5:52:37 PM

"Alryck help him," says Bart as he does a attack to thug 1 (crit for total 24 dammage).

Ashira (Invisible, Barkskin) 
Monday February 11th, 2002 10:28:30 PM

On her way back from the stables, Ashira sees and hears that the party is in trouble. Running to join her friends, Ashira gulps down the Bull's strength potion that she previously readied.

ALryck (Bull Strength +4, Bless, Invisible)  d4+1=4 d20+9=12
Monday February 11th, 2002 11:32:52 PM

(OOC hey everyone, don't forget to add your bless bonus, +1 to all attack and save roles)

Satisfied by the mist, Alryck will hustle back towards the stocks to his primary mission of freeing Analek. Upon hearing the request for help, he moves as fast as possible towards the stocks. As soon as he is free of the mist he will orient on the call for help. He readies his club to knock out the offender; but swings too early and misses.

Redux (Bless, Invisible, Mage Armor) 
Monday February 11th, 2002 11:51:34 PM

Redux, satisfied they have a few moments in time, hustles back to the main courtyard. Upon seeing the quad, and remembering them and their tricks, calls to Talon to disrupt whatever the spell caster is doing. Seeing the partially freed Analek in trouble, he casts Mage Hand in order to remove the remaining pin, after dropping the pin, he tries to use the hand to move the stocks enough for Analek to get out.

Am I my brother's keeper? (ADM Janell)  d6+3=6 d8=1 d20+7=22 d8+2=5 d20+6=26 d20+6=19 d4-2=2 d4-2=1 d20+7=20 d20+7=14 d4=1 d20+7=27 d20+7=19 d8+2=9 2d8(6+2)+4=12 d20+7=25 d8+2=6 d20+3=9
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 4:39:38 PM

Suddenly faced with the formidable member of a Quad, Rigging decides it would be better to make his way over to where Appolo stands. Thankfully, the grinning would be assailant is unable to close with Rigging before he retreats, and therefore is unable to launch an attack of opportunity.

With vengenace clearly on her mind, Val makes her way past Spellcaster #1 and advances on Thug #1 (who is drawing the dagger, not Thug #2). Effectively sneaking up on the woman, Valanthe comes close to taking her head off, but settles for successfully throwing the woman off guard.

Seeing the plush grass of the courtyard give Ari an idea. Afraid to entangle Analek, and thus foil the rescue, he casts entangle on the fringe of the courtyard. Thick strands of plush green grass begin to wrap themselves around Thug #1's legs. (Note: the courtyard is the only area which has any significant amount of plant life. The areas in white on the make represent cobblestone areas.)

Appolo's throw barely misses Thug #1, and plops on the grass six foot behind her. A few drops of oil soak the bottom of her pants, but most of it soaks into the grass.

While moving over to attack Thug #1, Bart exposes himself to attack of opportunity from Thug #3. The man lashes out with his rapier, trying to make a lasting impression on the big fighter (AC=22, dam=5). Bart's sword smashes into Thug #1, and cuts a large gash in the womans leather armor. The large fighter becomes visible as he lands his blow.

Ashira reaches the party this round, and takes in the situation with horror and concern.

Alyrck heads out of the mist prepared to smash in the head of the nearest enemy. Sighting Thug #2, Alyrck advances and is about to bring his mace down on top of his head when he makes a horrific discovery. The foe he now faces is his older brother Amat. Rocked by the sudden revelation, Alyrck's swing goes wide, and he misses his brother by a mile.

Talon takes wing seemingly out of thin air, and heads toward Spellcaster #1. Swooping in from behind, Talon makes a critical strike, clawing at the womans face and doing 3 hp of damage. Meanwhile, Redux finds that the wooden pin is just outside the range of his reach, and he will have to move closer to Spellcaster #1 if he wishes to remove the pin.

Ashira, Ari and Appolo notice that the two guards at the gate, having finished closing the city gates, are now placing the wooden beam in place to hold them barred. Thug #1, being caught quite off guard by Val's threats and Bart's attack yanks her feet free from the entangling grass, and steps out of the courtyard, onto the cobblestone. Slashing at the elf viciously with her dagger (AC=14, dam=1) as she snarls "I don't loose my head that easily!"

Meanwhile, Thug #3 moves to once again engage with Bart. Making another attempt with his rapier, the twin manages to connect with Bart (threat=27, crit?=19, dam= 9 (no crit) or 12 (crit)). Grinning, the half-elf says "Doesn't look like it's your day traitor."

Thug #2, smiles at Alyrck. "Not right now little brother, I've got more important things to do." The fighter moves away from his brother and takes up a position by Thug #3. Deciding that his twin might be onto something, he also makes a strike with his rapier. Connecting with Bart (AC=25, dam=6), he mimics his twin brother grin, making it almost impossible to tell the two apart.

Spellcaster #1takes a barefisted swipe at Talon, trying to clear her line of sight. Missing the bird with her wild swing, the woman howls with rage.
Sorry it took so long to post ---Janell

Appolo  d20+7=20 d20+7=19 d6=2
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 5:48:48 PM

Appolo fires his lit oily arrow at the spellcaster while she's dealing with Talon. {hitting AC 20 for 2 points of damage plus whatever damage the fire does.} Noticing the city gates being barred, Appolo says, "We need to finish this and get out of here. In a few minutes the whole city will be converging on us." He then moves left and readies another oily arrow.

OOC: Sorry about the extra roll. Please disregard. Thank you.

Valanthe  d20+7=22 2d4(1+1)+2=4
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 5:56:38 PM

(OCC: Val's ac is 18)
Valanthe follows thug #1. "I gave you a chance to live." Val spins her scythe and delivers an upward slash to the woman barely grazing her.

(OCC: hit ac 22 for 4 dmg)

Ashira (Blessed, Invisible, Barkskin, Bull's Strength +2)  d4+1=2 d20+11=18 d8+6=14
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 10:22:54 PM

Seeing Val and Bart in need of help, the half-elf rushes to the rescue. As her invisible form passes Rigging, she says "Either run away or do something." She makes her way over to Thug #1 and takes a swing at her with her longsword (AC=18, dam=14). The half-elf smiles in mock sincerity at Thug #1 as she becomes visible once more. "Well hello there beautiful. Did you miss me?"

Am I my brother's keeper? (ADM Janell) II 
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 10:56:27 PM

Sorry, one more thing. Intelligence checks from everyone, please.

Ashira (Blessed, Invisible, Barkskin, Bull's Strength +2)  d20+2=10
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 10:57:28 PM

(OOC Int roll=10)

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 11:01:30 PM

Rigging looks over his shoulder and sees that he is safe. He spins to a stop and throws up his hands. He lifts his hands and two darts leap forth and launch into Thug #3(9 points of damage. He then says, "How was that beautiful."

ALryck (Bull Strength +4, Bless)  d20+9=22 d20+1=11
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 11:17:09 PM

Shock and dismay would not begin to describe the feelings that begin to go through Alryck. "Brother!?" can be seen across his lips, though no sound goes forth. Running towards T2, he attempts to grapple his elder brother (AC=22) and push him to the ground; adrenaline pumps through his body. Thoughts of hugging him and squeezing him and calling him George, um... Amat, go through his mind. Memories of when his brothers joined the 'imperial army church of Ga'al' along with the time the priest of Ga'al killed his father flood his mind. Once again he hears the screams of his mother as the priest raped her and left her for dead, and captured Alryck to be a sacrifice. How lucky he was to have Wardd smile on him and free him. If he could squeeze understanding into his brother, he would.

(OOC Int roll=11)

Redux (Bless, Invisible, Mage Armor)  d20+2=15 d20+7=15 d2+1=2 d20+4=19 d20-2=8
Tuesday February 12th, 2002 11:49:13 PM

(OOC Int roll=15 for Redux, 8 for Talon-he's just a bird, after all)
Redux moves as quietly as he is able, keeping the building to his back, to get within range for his Mage Hand to work the pin free. If he sees that the spellcaster has noticed him he'll become totally defensive towards her and move away from her quickly. (Move Silently=19) He'll then remove the pin and help move the stock so that Analek can get out.

Rigging  d20+4=24
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 9:11:52 AM

OCC Now that is an intelligence roll)
Icc A dancing light spell goes off in Rigging's head. "How could I have missed that!"

[Note: "OOC" means 'Out Of Character'.
"OCC" can signify 'Office of the Comptroller of the Currency' or 'Orange Coast College', for starters.

"IC" means 'In Character'.
"ICC" can mean 'International Chemical Company'; 'Illinois Commerce Commission'; and 'Itawamba Community College', among other things.

Use "OOC". -Kim, on acronyms]

Ari  d20+2=17
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 9:57:08 AM


Ari keeps going with the entangle spell, as he sees another thug enter the area of affect.

Appolo  d20+1=16
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 10:00:14 AM

OOC INT check 16

Bart Bless wounded 23/36 ac 18  d20+1=14 d20+5=24 d20+5=22 d10+12=20 d10+12=18
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 6:31:40 PM

Bart is heavily wounded but manages to plant his sword with all his strength and losing some accuracy in thug #3 (power attack threat ac 25 crit ac 23 for 20+18 dammage). It seems that Wardd and Domi are with him. At the end of this slashing attack he steps away from his (now dead?) opponent {I don't mean to provoke an attack of opportunity from either thug 1 or 3} to grab his potion of cure serious wounds.

[OOC: Because I work at the waterboard and since we have a flooding in the river Maas this means a lot of work for me. I don't know if I can post on time tomorrow. Bart's actions in the next round will be that he will drink his potion of cure serious if there are no opponents close to him to provoke an attack of opportunity.]

Valanthe  d20+1=14
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 9:38:31 PM

OCC: Int check 14. Alryck nice looney tunes referance.

Brotherly love (ADM Janell)  d6=4 d20+7=21 d8+2=3 d20+1=16 d20+6=16 d4-2=1 d20+3=5 d20+5=20 d20+4=13 d8+2=5 d20+5=15 d20+4=16 d20+4=16 d4+1=3 d4+1=4 d6=6
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 11:12:59 PM

Appolo takes aim at Spellcaster #1 and looses his flaming arrow. Unfortunately, the arrow misses its mark, and lodges itself into Thug #3. The flames lick at his arms, and do an additional 6 hp damage. For future reference, Appolo has two options while shooting arrows into a melee. He can take a -4 penalty or he may use his normal bonuses and take the chance of hitting one of the allies in his line of sight. --Janell

The lovely Valanthe and Ashira have similar ideas, and both decide to take pot shots at Thug #1. Both warriors connect, and the mysterious woman once again takes more damage, but shows no signs of slowing down.

Rigging's magic missiles strike Thug #3 close to where Appolo's arrow struck, and a look of annoyance passes briefly over the half-elf's face.

Seeing a chance at a family reunion, Alryck grabs hold of his big brother to give him a big hug. Looking highly annoyed, Amat flicks his rapier at his brother's arm (AC=21, dam=3) and removes Alryck's hold on him. "I said I was busy little brother, now buzz off!"

Talon's distraction is too much for Spellcaster #1, and she doesn't even hear the invisible Redux passing right by her. The young mage moves himself to within range, and easily removes the wooden pin holding the stock in place. However, he finds that the stock is too heavy to move remotely. Redux's spirits lift as Analek manages to rise from the kneeling position and push the stock off enough to free his head and hands.

Redux's partner Talon, happy with his last attack swoops in once more, and once again connects with Spellcaster #1 doing 1 hp of damage.

Ari realizes that none of the enemy are currently in an area where entangle will affect them, and decides to cast Daze on Thug #1 instead. Sorry, that was my bad. Only the areas where the circle and the dark green overlap have vegetation that can entangle.--Janell

Bart makes another devastating attack, this time on Thug #3, but his opponent refuses to drop.

Appolo, Ari, and Redux notice something very curious about the Quad. When one of the enemy is hit, each of the members flinch ever so slightly. Thinking back to when Bart dealt a crushing blow to Thug #1, Rigging comes to an amazing insight on the battle. Somehow the Quad members are sharing one another's damage!

Meanwhile, as the battle rages, the guards finish barring the city gates and begin loading heavy crossbows.

Thug #1 reaches down to draw another dagger, but stops halfway through the action and stands in place, looking very confused.

Thug's #2 and #3 continue to focus on Bart as they both launch full attacks. Thug #2 manages to connect with his rapier for 5 points of damage, but Thug #3 only manages to scuff Bart's new armor.

Spellcaster #1, thoroughly annoyed with Talon's constant interruptions, begins to cast a spell while acting defensively. Two magic missiles dart forth from her hand. One explodes into Talon for 3hp damage, and the other smashes into Valanthe's back causing 4 hp damage.

Apparently, the fires at the stables and granary are still going strong. A few frantic looking villagers rush past the courtyard, but don't even take notice of the battle raging only a few feet away.

Rigging  d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Wednesday February 13th, 2002 11:45:21 PM

Rigging shouts, "Everyone gang up on just one of the quad! They are supporting each other. Attack the one with the least protection!" Rigging then launches two more missiles at thug #3 doing 7 points of damage.

Appolo  d20+3=10
Thursday February 14th, 2002 12:00:59 AM

Appolo, not able to get a clean shot, misses with his next attempt to hit thug #1. He drops his bow and undoes the straps to the oilskins dropping them to the ground. He then draws his sword and dagger and charges toward the melee. He will engage Thug 1 going for the back stab when he gets there. Before he heads off he asks, "Ari--can you do something about the guards coming from the gate? They have heavy crossbows."

Valanthe (Rage) 
Thursday February 14th, 2002 12:30:55 AM

Val grips her scythe tightly. She lets the feel of battle build withing her. She grasps her anger and sets it loose. Her eyes lock onto thug #1 filled with fury.

Thursday February 14th, 2002 2:47:32 AM

"The guards have to get around the mist first, we have a little more time."

Seeing Analek working on being free, Ari moves to try to help him. If there is time, Ari is going to cast magic missile on the spell caster. "They appear to be sharing the damage somehow."

ALryck (Bull Strength +4, Bless) HP 34-3  d20+9=12 d20+9=29 d20+9=23 d6+3=9 d6+3=7
Thursday February 14th, 2002 10:26:46 AM

Alryck regains the grip on his club and is quite put off that his brother is ignoring his attention. Feeling like he might have missed out on a brotherly fight in his youth (he'd heard about how brothers frequently wrestle, and the 'fun' they had together) a hurt look comes across his face. "Well, you asked for it, don't turn your back to me," he says as he takes a mighty swing (used one hero point to hit) (crit threat=29, hit ac=23 dmg=7 + 5(crit)). Remembering the need for discretion, Alryck will not strike next turn, and instead move to help Analek move out of the area of battle and towards an exit.

Redux (Bless, Invisible, Mage Armor) 
Thursday February 14th, 2002 10:58:20 AM

Redux moves over to Analek (taking care to stay away from any combatants) and speaks quietly into his ear that he's here to help. Redux will support the man's weight, if needed, and start to make his way towards where Rigging and the others are at and will continue away from the battle.

Ashira (Blessed, Barkskin, Bull's Strength +2)  d20+8=19 d20+7=12 d8+5=11
Thursday February 14th, 2002 2:03:52 PM

Taking full advantage of her opponent's pause for thought, Ashira unleashes a full attack on Thug #1. Managing to connect with her longsword, Ashira slashes ferociously at the woman's back, doing 11 points of damage. Thinking that she's seen elephants fall after taking less damage, she wonders when the devils will finally drop.

Bart, bless wounded  d20+6=26 d20+6=18 d10+11=14 d10+11=14
Thursday February 14th, 2002 6:45:03 PM

Bart makes another attack at thug three (threat 26 crit 18 for 14 + 14 damage). If his opponent is dead he takes a few steps away from the fight and takes his potion.

Rigging (machine gun)  d4+1=4 d4+1=3
Thursday February 14th, 2002 11:29:43 PM

Unless something else grabs his attention, Rigging will cast his 3rd and final magic missile spell at Thug #3 for 7 points of damage

Appolo OOC 
Friday February 15th, 2002 6:19:14 PM

[What Appolo wouldn't give for an UZI right now.]

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (ADM Janell)  d20+6=10 d20+6=7
Sunday February 17th, 2002 10:06:42 PM

Making good use of his new found knowledge, Rigging tags Thug #3 with a couple of magic missiles, while Appolo makes a great attempt at making a pin cushion out of Thug #1, but strangely is unable to connect with his confused enemy.

Meanwhile, Val, who apparently failed to attend Anger Management 101, begins to whip herself into a rage, anxiously awaiting the moment when she can "discuss" her feelings with Thug #1.

Ari moves in and helps Analek to a standing position. Though the large man has apparently taken several severe beatings recently, Ari finds that he doesn't have to support Analek nearly as much as he thought he would. The two begin to make their way back to Rigging.

Not wanting to let Bart have all the fun, Alyrck steps forward and, unlike Casey at bat, knocks one out of the park. As little brother's club connects with Amat's skull, a look of disbelief flits across the fighter's face before his eyes glaze over and he slumps unconscious to the ground.

Redux moves to help Analek, but soon discovers that no further assistance is needed, so the mage keeps a watchful eye on the battle as he prepares to flee.

Ashira and Bart prepare to unleash devastating blows upon their victims/enemies. However, before they are able to connect, their intended targets drop lifelessly to the ground. Shocked, our two heroes look around in consternation at the courtyard, only to discover that all four members of the Quad now lie unconscious on the ground. They are brought back to reality quickly as two crossbow bolts whiz past Ashira's shoulder to shatter against the rough stone of the city hall wall.

Arrg...sorry about being so late. I went out of town this weekend. Just so you know, I'll be wrapping up tomorrow.--Janell

Sunday February 17th, 2002 10:23:18 PM

Rigging yells, "Val, Bart, Ashira! I want the heads or the hearts of those quad members. I refuse to fight them again. Grab the heartseeds also if possible! Redux, Appolo, and Ari take care of those 2 guards. Alryck help Bart's father." Rigging pulls his weapons and heads over to help with the guards. "Hurry up everyone! We don't have a lot of time."

Valanthe (Rage) 
Sunday February 17th, 2002 11:00:07 PM

Val was ready to unload on Thug #1 when she dropped. That only made her angrier. Seing that the coast was clear for the moment, Val grabs Thug #1 and tosses her over her shoulder. With all the adrenaline flowing through her system, the weight of Thug #1 doesn't bather Val in the slightest. With a red haze over her vision and the urge to break things, Val doesn't say a word. What she does say is more of a growl than anything. She breaks off into a run toward escape route #1, moving very fast.

OCC:Val is running all out( Run x4). With her base move of 40ft, Val covers 160ft toward the wall.

Valanthe OCC 
Sunday February 17th, 2002 11:02:13 PM

Val is taking Thug #1 for questioning. Perhaps we can find out how the forces of Ga'al know what we are going to do before we do it. Also since she is raged, following orders is hard to do.

Valanthe OCC 
Sunday February 17th, 2002 11:04:56 PM

Sorry about the double post but I forgot something. Even if Val was calm and in her normal frame of mind she wouldn't kill the Quad. In the heat of battle is one thing, but killing them in cold blood is something else. Valanthe is Neutral Good. She would have to be evil to kill in cold blood. Or at least Chaotic Neutral. I don't think that anybody in the group is evil.

ALryck (Bull Strength +4, Bless) 
Monday February 18th, 2002 9:02:20 AM

A funny look of disbelief develops on Alrycks face as Thug 2 drops to the ground. He is stunned. He looks over at Rigging not understanding at first what he said. As the thought sinks deeper he screams/shouts "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" as he drops to the ground and covers his brothers head with his body. He sits up and half smiles, strokes the hair out of his brothers face and announces "These are my brothers. This one is Amat. They left home while I was still a child to join fight for the church of ga'al. They did not understand what my father understood. They did not see the evil, when priests came to take me away for sacrifice. They don't know how my father died and my mother was crippled. By all that is right, save them." Seeing Val pick up Thug #1, he smiles again. "Bart, take Amun. I will take Amat. Did you say they share damage? If you take the heads of those sisters, you will kill my brothers. Bind them and bring them. Ari, Ashira, Redux, who has the potion of Bull Strenth? Val has taken one of the sisters; they mean nothing to me except that they are tied to my brothers somehow, in a way I do not know. Ari, Redux, I will be responsible for these, but you must help me with you medicines to make their heart seeds inactive." With that, Alryck gets up, picks up his brother and begins to move at his fastest rate in the direction he saw Val take.

OOC (Ken asked me to modify his post so that it made more sense.----Janell)

Rigging  d20+6=25
Monday February 18th, 2002 9:26:08 AM

Rigging can't believe what he is seeing. Pity and understanding rear up in him which him promptly pushes down. It is his job as the leader to keep his family and the rest of the crew safe. He will have to take matters in his own hands. These thoughts rush through his mind and he sprints over to the spellcaster. He will quickly cast the cantrip detect magic and scan the quad member. He will then lift her chin and slash her throat. Rigging will grab anything magic he sees and bound for escape route 2.

Monday February 18th, 2002 10:16:39 AM

Just as Valanthe starts to run away with thug #1, Appolo steps forward, grabs thug #1 by her hair, pulls her head back with his left hand, then he cuts her head with the sword in his right. With a single stroke blood squirts everywhere.

"I will not risk our lives by trying to bring these S.O.B.'s back with us." He then proceeds to quickly finish the rest of the quad off, showing a degree of merciless ruthlessness as yet unseen by the others. There is no anger in his voice. He is swift, sure, merciless, and ice cold. He kills them just as casually as if he were walking through a door.

After that is over he sprints back the way they came, picking up his bow and an oil skin as he does so. He then follows Val who is sprinting down the alley with a headless body over her shoulder. He stops about half way to wait for the others and spray oil everywhere along the walls of the buildings. As soon as he is sure everyone got out of the court yard, he will light the oil on fire.

Bart  d8=6 d8=4 d8=7
Monday February 18th, 2002 12:33:57 PM

Bart is stunned with what happened with his opponent, but he is also relieved because this fight was this close to the edge. Thank Domi for his survival, he thinks as he drinks the cure serious potion (3d8+6??). Bart hears Rigging's orders. He is close to cut the head of thug #3 as he hears Alryck's request. He shouts, "SURE this your brother?" As he waits for an answer he searches the body for potions amulets and rings and takes what he finds. He also puts the sword of the thug under his belt.

Ari  d4+1=2
Monday February 18th, 2002 9:24:19 PM

Responding to Rigging's call, Ari turns and lets loose with a magic missile for 2 points of damage. Once it sinks in that the Quad is down, Ari comments, "We have no time for the guards, let's leave." As he turns to the nearest escape route, he realizes what Rigging has asked for, and Apollo has done. A cold feeling sinks into his bowels, as he continues to try to leave (assuming the guards have not closed).

Monday February 18th, 2002 10:46:31 PM

OCC: Thug #1 was a woman. Not that it matters anymore.

Val stops in disbelief. She looks at the now headless body she is carrying. Val watches in horror as the Quad is killed in cold blood. As her anger builds, Val turns and leaves before she does something rash. She drinks the spider climb potion and heads over the wall with the body of thug #1.

Monday February 18th, 2002 11:13:15 PM

"Yes, Bart, these are my brothers," Alryck says sadly. "I had no idea they were involved. Will you forgive my family for the wrong to yours?"

Redux (Bless, Invisible, Mage Armor) 
Monday February 18th, 2002 11:16:50 PM

It occurs as funny to Redux that people are talking to him and he's invisible. The quad seems so quiet and peaceful, lying there as they are. He looks from Alryck to Amat and sees the resemblance. Sadness and grief strike him as Appolo begins his action. He is struck by the fact that the sisters may be gone. He may be able to provide aid to the twin brothers, but not until they are safer. He reaches into his belt for some of the medicine for the heart seeds. He'll speak to Alryck and hand him a small package, telling him to administer it as soon as possible.

Redux calls to Talon asking him what the situation is around them. Specifically, he directs the bird towards the area around the first escape route over the wall and what might be around or behind the wall, if anything has changed.

Ashira (Barkskin, Bull's Strength +2) 
Monday February 18th, 2002 11:44:37 PM

Note that a coupe de grace is a full round action. Appolo was only able to assassinate one of the Quad members this round.---Janell

The half-elf looks thoughtful for a few seconds, and then snaps into action. Shocked by Appolo's icy cold actions, Ashira sprints over to Thug #3. Quickly binding his wounds, Ashira takes advantage of her magically enhanced strength and lifts the fighter over her shoulder. Turning toward Rigging, she shouts, "Sorry Rigging, but I can't pass up this opportunity. If we can capture a Quad member intact, who knows what kind of information we can get out of him. I'm willing to take the risk, but I'll understand if you don't want me to join the rest of the party. I'll find my own way out." Ashira balances her load and looks over at Alryck's retreating form as she yells, "If you want to keep your brothers alive, you better come with me." She begins to run slower than usual toward escape route #2, keeping a wary eye out to make sure she is not being followed by Appolo.

Parting Ways (ADM Janell) 
Tuesday February 19th, 2002 12:12:38 AM

As Rigging and Appolo dispatch the two sisters, the other's size up the situation and plan their escape. Val and her headless corpse reach the wall at escape route #1 first. Throwing her new trophy over the wall, and then scaling over herself, Val is able to make it to the boat, and prepare it for departure. Meanwhile, Ari follows suit and arrives shortly after Val. Bart's hesitation is broken when Ashira scoops up Thug #3 and heads away with him. He joins Rigging and Redux as they follow Ari's retreating form. Appolo gives Guard #1 reason to pause as he literally sets the town on fire. Rigging's group is successful in scaling the wall, and boards their small vessel.

Meanwhile, Ashira and Alyrck struggle with their loads as the make for escape route #2. Guard #2 has no problem keeping track of the duo as they clamber over the wall. Firing a couple of parting shots at Ashira's back, the man stares in disbelief as the bolts bounce off her magically enhanced skin. Taking significantly longer than Rigging's group, Ashira and Alyrck finally make it out of Emporer City and head over to the docks. Seeing Rigging's party, Ashira searches the pier for another suitable vessel to set sail with.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 12:22:05 AM

Still greatly angered by the rest of the 'family's' actions, Val searches through the gear of thug #1. After taking anything useful, she runs after Ashira. When she gets close she says, "Wait a moment. I know that we've had our differences, but I think we agree on this. I can't be a part of what just happened. I would like to go with you."

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 12:25:00 AM

Rigging calls out to Ashira, "No. Everyone is sticking together. I will take the risk with the brothers, but be prepared to dispatch them quickly if we need to." With a shamefaced look at Alryck, Rigging boards the boat. Rigging thinks to himself, "Leadership can be lonely. I applaud their valor... but I pray they don't pay too high of a price for it.

(OOC: Did Rigging see any magic on anyone with his detect magic spell?)

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 12:33:36 AM

Val turns and glares at Rigging. She says nothing but her gaze is cold and angry. Val doesn't need to say anything. Everything is clear in her eyes. Go to Hell.

Bart (little back in time) 
Tuesday February 19th, 2002 11:22:34 AM

When Bart hears thug #3 is Alryck's brother the scale is falling to the side he won't kill the bastard. Bart is just finished (or partly) with his search as Ashira rushes in and binds the wounds. When Ashira throws the thug over her shoulder Bart puts away the belongings of the thug and helps Ashira and goes with her over the wall. As Ashira allows it he will carry the body from the wall to the docks. (OOC to DM: Sorry I think this is more in character than you said bart has done in your post.)

At the docks:
"Ashira, Val I understand your reactions but there is also some sense in Rigging's order how harsh it may be, they are our enemy. But I also understand your feelings about it I'm also not happy with it. Either way I think we have to stay together, if we go separate ways we will lose strength. I will join the rest of the group. Decide what to do but if you don't come with us I wish you luck and I hope to see you again in Fargunia or on the Freeborn." He drops the body, goes to the boat and rejoins with his stepfather.
No problem, I was just trying to get things moving along.----Janell

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 11:27:22 AM

The half-elf smiles when Valanthe boards their boat. A touch of humor is evident in her voice as she whispers, "Are you sure you're willing to travel with a whole boat of half breeds?" Slapping Valanthe on the back, she welcomes her into the boat and prepares to cast off. Rigging boards just before she is able to get the boat on its way. Catching Val's dirty look at Rigging, she gingerly turns Rigging back to the pier. "I don't think now is a good time to argue about this. I don't like splitting up, but it's what we have to do. I can't let you take this risk with the others, and I'm not sure if I trust Appolo right now. The others need you. We'll be ok. I'll contact you when we get to Fargunia." Ashira gently escorts Rigging off the ship and casts off.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 5:02:31 PM

Appolo is the last to arrive at the docks the others are mostly aboard the ships. Noticing the party splitting in two he quickly and quietly boards the ship Valanthe is on and makes ready to set sail. He does so without a word. He is busy when Rigging comes aboard and has discussion with Ashira. He does pay attention and goes about his business. He then looks up and says, "Well, let's get going. Are we leaving or what? I see we have a prisoner. Too bad." He is covered head to toe in blood, oil, dirt and ash.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 5:59:48 PM

Ashira smiles calmly as Appolo boards her vessel, although the sight of his grisly form un-nerves her slightly. Looking him straight in the eyes, the half-elf says "Appolo, I'm sorry, but you're not invited on this mission. I am taking a great personal risk, and I will not let you take that risk too. Besides, I need you to help Rigging look after the others while I take care of the prisoners. Valanthe has chosen to come with me, and I'll need her help, but it is best if we minimize the risk to the family. Go back with Rigging. I promise you on my life that Valanthe will be safe."

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 7:26:56 PM

Appolo is visibly shocked. "Nonsense -- you need at least three people to pilot this ship and guard the prisoner. What's wrong?" He looks from Ashira to Valanthe.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 7:28:54 PM

To Bart:
Val listens to Bart's words and stares out at the sea. He makes sense, but Val still has her beliefs. She may have lost a lot in this world, but she still has her own sense of what's right and wrong. Val looks at Bart, eyes filled with all kinds of emotions. "Bart, I understand the dangers of the world. I've been dealing with them alone for nearly a hundred years. What was done today was unnecessary. Murder in the name of justice is still murder. That was cold blooded murder. When do our actions stop being just? When do cross the line and become just as bad, if not worse than the enemy we fight? Ga'al enslaves people and takes away their ability to make choices, but they are still alive. Rigging made the choice to take everything away from those people. They weren't responsible for their actions. People will die in battle. Don't confuse that with what just happened."

Ashira's comment does cause Val to smile a bit. "I'm sorry about that. When I get mad I start saying everything that's on my mind. Realistically, to other elves I'm as much of an outsider as you are. Not too many accept my lifestyle."

Her face turns angry and hurt when she sees Appolo. Her eyes tear up a bit and she turns her back to him. Val can't bring herself to look at Appolo.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 9:12:08 PM

When Valanthe turns her back on him, Appolo is staggered, clearly stunned. He then steps up and places his hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong? Please tell me," he says as he swings around in front of her, clearly confused and hurt by her action here. "We don't have time for this. All right, I'll leave." He jumps off the ship, and heads over to the other one. He moves without purpose, and slowly - tears in his eyes. He climbs aboard Rigging's ship; heads down into the hold and collapses, exhausted and emotionally spent.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 9:14:04 PM

Rigging is confused by Val's reaction. "She is a berserker by Lem." Rigging knows it will pass but he plans on having a long conversation with Val. He heads back to the boat knowing that Ashira will be able to keep people safe.

ALryck (Ken) 
Tuesday February 19th, 2002 11:26:35 PM

If there was just one word to describe Alryck's reaction to the days events it would be WOW. He goes over it and over it in his mind, interspersed with prayers of thanksgiving/supplication/puzzlement to Wardd. He remembers, a long time ago, praying to meet his brothers again; to get a second chance with them. He just didn't ever dream it would happen like this. Additionally, he is both worried about their physical well being and at the same time worried about his own once they wake up. They were a tough bunch to handle; he prays it was due to the heart seed; he prays the medicines were effective in blocking its ability to influence them (and others' ability to track all of them). He prays again that they will listen to his pleas and his story. He prays they are given a fair trial for their actions, should they choose not to cooperate; it would be cruel luck to give him his brothers back, only to find them executed as dangerous to freedom. He knows that he could not stop that from happening; he's heard of how those loyal to Ga'al will escape, only to hunt and kill those they escaped from. Oh Wardd, Wardd, Wardd, what am I to do? He checks the bindings on each of his brothers' hands and feet; he checks the gag and replaces the covering over their heads. He then gets up and stirs about, looking for how he might help their voyage.

Tuesday February 19th, 2002 11:31:19 PM

On the ship, and with danger passed, Val removes her cloak and throws it to the deck. Then her hands start working on the straps to her armor. Piece by piece lands on her cloak. Finally free of all that leather, Val lays on the deck. The murder of half the quad and attempted murder of the other half was still fresh in her mind. Staring at the blue sky, Val tries to lose herself in the clouds and the shapes they appear to be. She doesn't want to think about the fact that her friends are cold blooded murderers.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 12:02:00 AM

The spell wears off of Redux and he returns to visibility. He calls to Talon, keeping the bird aware of their whereabouts, and asks if they were followed. He then brings the bird in for some praise and attention. For the time being, he steers clear of Appolo. Besides being dirty (yuck) he's sure the boy needs counseling. He obviously has enough death in his head to fill a small world with undead wraiths. Not that death is a big deal, it shows promise in the search for a cure to the heart seeds. Note to self, do not become the target of Appolo unless you want to ride a horse with the headless horsemen.

Redux enjoys getting back to sea. It was uncomfortable hiding out for so long, especially right under the noses of their enemy. He stands at the front of the ship, looking at the sea, enjoying the cool breeze. For the moment, all appears well. Their last mission was a success, if for only getting out alive and relatively unhurt. He ponders the dynamics of the group. It seems like all one must do to lead this group is to do and say the opposite of whatever you want them to do. It must be lonely for a leader like Rigging, he thinks. Always under the gun to keep people safe and continually having that ability tried and tested. This family has all of the dysfunctions of a royal household, except without the notoriety. He's sure that is about to change. Any group lucky enough to get away from a quad is held in high esteem. But this one is bringing back the heads of half the quad and the other as prisoners. What name would such a group be given? Hm... He walks around the ship, not really knowing what to touch without sinking the boat. If Rigging seems to be alone, he might strike up a conversation.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 1:57:57 AM

Appolo sleeps in an exhausted crumpled mess below deck in the hold. His sleep is a fitful one at first, then he quiets down into a deep slumber.

Sailing, Sailing (ADM Janell) 
Wednesday February 20th, 2002 9:16:23 AM

As the two parties go their separate ways, there is plenty of room for contemplation on the voyage back to Fargunia. For Rigging's party, all in all, the voyage is mostly uneventful, except for a brief scare when the party spots an Imperial navy ship in the distance. The vessel goes its own way, and apparently doesn't take note of the smaller craft. Bart takes the travel time to reconnect with his step father. Administering the heart seed medicine shortly after they board the vessel, Bart is surprised when Analek vomits it up a half an hour latter. Concerned, he seeks out Redux's advice. After examining Analek, the young mage recalls his former studies about heartseeds and the medicine used to control them. Grinning happily at Bart, Redux happily informs him that it would appear that Analek has a failed heartseed.

Analek recovers from his wounds incurred in Emporer City extremely rapidly, and in a matter of days is busy helping the party with the boat. Extremely thankful to the party for risking their lives to save his, Analek vows to find a way to repay the party's courage one day. However, he does take the opportunity to quickly chide Bart for putting himself and others at risk just to rescue an "old man."

The voyage nears its end, and panic sets in as you realize that you will arrive in Wedding City two days late. The beautiful sunset that highlights the docks in golds and maroon is unable to lift your spirits as you wonder whether you just might have missed your ride.

Alryck, Valanthe and Ashira's voyage is much less pleasant, as they find Appolo's advice to be very true. It is all they can manage just to keep Amat and Amun subdued and the small boat headed in the right direction. They arrive in Ham City exhausted, and it takes all of their strength to make the overland passage to Fun City with the prisoners intact. Traveling by night to avoid suspicion, the small group arrives shortly after midnight to a very quiet Fun City. They are admitted into the town without question, and are able to find suitable lodgings relatively quickly. The next morning, Ashira meets up with a Pirate contact, and arranges to have the prisoners delivered that night.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 10:51:53 AM

To make matters worse, Val's headaches continue to plague the young elf. With the prisoners acting up all the time, Val has started carrying a club around. When at all possible, Val keeps the prisoners bound at their wrists, ankles, and gagged. If they get too bad, she hits them with the club.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 12:47:21 PM

The voyage back may have been relatively pleasant for the others, but not for Appolo. He spends the entire voyage worried sick about Valanthe. He doesn't eat much or sleep well, and spends a lot of time staring out at sea or pacing around the ship. He also nervously plays with his daggers and in general can't concentrate on anything. Work gets sloppy and shoddy.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 9:32:20 PM

When Ari is not spending time helping out with the ship, he spends his time in quiet contemplation. The general murder of the two Quad members does not sit well with him. Ari frets about the family, as he thinks about what they had originally set out to do. How can one decide who to save, and who not to save? If everyone's actions are being controlled by a God, does that condemn them to death, because the God is not in conjunction with your own beliefs? As Ari stares off into the sea, he wonders what it might be like to have an animal companion. Ari wonders if an animal companion might be a better friend. Like some of the dogs he use to see around his village. Or around the castle, from their training days. It was such a peaceful time. Being able to wander off into the woods sometimes.

ALryck (Ken) 
Wednesday February 20th, 2002 9:58:18 PM

Alryck flinches each and every time one of his brothers gets knocked out. He can't argue with her logic, just he knows that it must hurt. The realist in him knows that there's luck and then there's being stupid. He remembers the motto: live a lucky life and press your luck often. They've pressed their luck this time. Wardd really came through for them. He can't help but be proud that they struck at a stronghold of the enemy and came out with much more than their hides. On a more personal level, he's come back with more of his own family. How he wishes they'd come around. He talks to them of mother and how she's been since the attack that took their father's life and her ability to walk. Someday, he'd like to take them for a visit; he thinks that would make a difference to them. He checks their bonds often, keeping luck on their side. As they get into town, he begins to wonder what the fair Ashira has in store for them; she seems to know a lot about what's going on, like she's done this before. This is a different life, now, that Wardd is showing him. He inquires where the pirate contact will transfer his brothers to; he'll choose to stay near them, tend to their well being and advocate for them if he is able. The twins think so much alike; they are stronger, the two of them. He decides to work on them one at a time, he'll even preach to them--Wardd has much to offer a person, not power like Ga'al, but true happiness.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 10:08:55 PM

Redux speaks to Analek about his experiences with his heart seed. As a part of his examination, he looks for physical differences that might account for its inoperability. It is a curious thing to him. Redux asks about Analek's ceremony when he received the implant, comparing it to his own. Most of all, he wonders if there is any way to duplicate the results. The man is, as far as he knows, a member of a very small group of people. The resistance and his mistress V___ could benefit greatly from this chance meeting. Speaking of chance, he wonders how Alryck and the others are doing. It is amazing how when you need luck the most, out comes a guy who knows the god of Luck more fully. Maybe this god will give him the fortune to find a way around these heartseeds; something more permanent.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 10:49:02 PM

Rigging walks over to Appolo and hands him the armor. "I think you should hold onto this for now. We will have to discuss it with everyone else when we join up with them but it makes sense for you to wear it now." Rigging gives one of the rings to Ari and keeps the other for himself repeating the same speech. Rigging then hands the potions and gems to Redux to hold on to. Rigging then claps Appolo on the shoulder and says, "You acted with courage today. If Val gives you any problems, you tell her to take it up with me. You were acting under orders and did the right thing." He then lightly cuffs Appolo across the back of the head and says more sternly. "Now straighten out those ropes, trim up the jibe, and start acting more shipshape or you will be sanding these decks for a month!"

[OOC: I think I gave everyone in my party some of the treasure to hold. Not quite sure who is with who.]

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 11:05:35 PM

The exhausted half-elf stumbles into the room and collapses on the bed. Noticing that the room seems oddly quiet, she pulls herself into a sitting position, and instinctually checks on Amat and Amun. Observing a couple of fresh bruises on the side of their heads and their current unconscious state, Ashira deduces that the twins must have put up another struggle while she was gone. She looks back over the nightmare of the past few days, taking advantage of the blissful silence to lapse into the phase just before sleep. She smiles as she remembers the first time that Val clubbed one of the twins. At first she had protested, wanting to keep the Quad members as intact as possible. But as the fatigue of the long trip continued to wear at her, she became less and less bothered at the beatings. Now, as the trip neared its end, Ashira actually looked forward to when the twins acted up enough to provoke Valanthe. The brief moments when they were unconscious gave her time to focus on planning the logistics of the exchange. Those two certainly were a handful! The half-elf's mind wandered back to the overland trip to Fun City. Somehow, during the night trip, one of the twins had managed to slip out of the ropes tying his hands, and had actually managed to dismount before Alyrck noticed what was going on. That was a close one! Ashira wonders briefly if she made the right decision... looking back on the trip, it was amazing that they had made it this far. Maybe there was something to Alyrck's god....

Beginning to doze off, Ashira thinks to herself, "Good thing we didn't have to deal with all four of them! I don't think we could have got even this far." She remembers back to the battle with the Quad, and smiles as she remembers their victory. Then, she remembers Rigging's order and the way that Appolo had killed one of the women. Remembering the calm look on Appolo's face, Ashira wakes with a start. She'd seen that look before... when others had gone over the edge. It's like other people's lives didn't mean anything anymore. Praying that she's wrong, Ashira makes a mental note to talk to Rigging about Appolo when she gets back.

Ashamed that she dozed off while the others were watching the prisoners, Ashira gets up and walks over to Val. The trip seemed to take a worse toll on the young elf than anyone else Ashira suddenly realizes. Feeling the need to discuss the past events, Ashira speaks to the elf in whispers, hoping Alyrck doesn't hear her. "Val, I know you didn't approve of Rigging's order, but maybe now you can understand why he gave it. It seems like the only way to permanently get rid of one of these Quads is to finish them off once and for all. It's brutal, but it beats being killed yourself. More than once I've seen heartseeded warrior be defeated in combat only to rise back up and fight again. It seems like the only way to make sure that they're not going to come back and kill you is to kill them first." The half-elf looks Valanthe in the eyes, hoping to convince her, and maybe herself while she's at it.

Wednesday February 20th, 2002 11:25:32 PM

Val listens to Ashira's words. She appreciates the effort but doesn't believe what Ashira is trying to say. "These two have been a little trouble but we were able to handle it. If we never split up from the others, all of us would have been able to deal with it. We could have kept them all unconcious. I was hoping you understood why it was wrong but you don't see it either." For the first time since the incident, Val's voice carries some excitement and her face is a bit more animated. "We are supposed to be fighting for good. Nobody said our road is any easier. No matter how hard things get we have to above that. Otherwise we are no better than the people we face. If we are going to lower ourselves to their level why bother fight at all?" Val rises to her feet and starts pacing. "Murder is the easy way out. I've walked the land alone for nearly eight decades. I've never known the easy way to be the best way. But if all that doesn't make sense there is one that that will. The bottom line is that good people don't commit murder! There is always another way. Down the road if somebody I let live kills me, then that's okay. I won't like the fact that I'm dead, but I will be happy knowing that I'll die with a clean soul."

Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow (ADM Janell) 
Thursday February 21st, 2002 10:17:14 AM

Rigging's crew successfully docks their vessel in Wedding City's harbor. Making their way back to the Well Kept Secret, the party hopes to find a familiar face in the small Inn. Wondering what you will do if the Freedborn has left you behind, you open the front door with a measure of anticipation.

Meanwhile, life isn't very fun in Fun City for Ashira et al. Ashira and Val's conversation is cut short as Amat (or is it Amun... they're so hard to tell apart!) awakes and begins to thrash violently against his bonds. If you didn't know better, it would seem like they knew that they were about to be handed over to the enemy. The rest of the day is spent trying to subdue one or both of the twins, and even Alyrck looks relieved when the time comes to hand off the prisoners. Taking the seediest back alleys she can find, Ashira winds her way through Fun City in the fading light, and finally arrives at the Good Life. The tiny building looks more like a homeless shelter than the bar that it purports itself to be, and you feel yourself reaching to make sure that your weapons are readily accessible.

Ashira raps the secret knock on the front door, and the eye slit opens briefly, then the clatter of several locks being undone is heard. The group is ushered roughly into the room and searched while the man at the door locks it behind them. Satisfied that it isn't a setup, a short, greasy man approaches Ashira from behind the bar, and slaps the half-elf on the back. Looking over the prisoners in disbelief, he says, "By the dragon's teeth... you really did it! I know I don't have to tell you what this means. Finally, a chance to find out how a Quad operates. Too bad you couldn't bring them all back. Still..." The man motions for a couple of heavily muscled men to come forward, and they secure Amat and Amun in chains. Looking at the exhaustion that is clear on Ashira, Valanthe and Alyrck's faces, the man pushes up a few chairs and sets a large pitcher of ale in front of them. After you have had a chance to rest for a few moments, the greasy man smiles at Ashira. "I know it's been a long voyage for all of you, so why don't you go back to your rooms and rest. I'll send someone over in the morning to arrange for you to get back to your crew." Smiling at each other, Ashira and Val get up from the table, but Alyrck remains seated. The half-elf smiles at the two warriors. "Thank you both for helping me with my brothers. I know it was very dangerous for you. I think I should stay with my brothers and make sure they are well taking care of. Maybe Wardd will cross our paths again. Until then, may Wardd be with you both." Alyrck hugs the two maidens, and waves at them as they head out the door.

Thursday February 21st, 2002 12:09:03 PM

Finally handing the twins over eased much of Val's tension. It's too bad the twins worked for Ga'al. They are a tough pair to deal with. The thickness of their skulls surpasses most dwarves. Val went through two clubs just to get them here. At first Val is glad to get back to the others, but then she remembers what will have to be done. She just hopes that she can control herself and not assault a superior officer. Val reaches into a pouch and pulls out the rings the twins were wearing. "Well for now it's just you and me. Maybe these things will come in handy." She puts one on and tosses the other to Ashira. "Things could be worse. If we run into problems on the way back, at least we have some extra gold."

Back at the inn, Val slowly removes her armor and sets it on the floor near the bed. Val collapses on the bed and rubs her temples. "On top of everything the throbbing pain in my head has been a big distraction these last few days. I think it's getting worse instead of better."

Thursday February 21st, 2002 4:22:17 PM

"Redux, are you sure the heartseed isn't working in some way?"

Back in the inn Bart thanks his stepfather for what he has done. "Thanks for bringing the sword and chain to me. But it was also dangerous. I think you showed yourself to the priest of Ga'al in this way. What do you wan to do now--come along with us to the pirates or stay here and start some small business? I have some money left to give you an start. It isn't much but better than nothing."

Thursday February 21st, 2002 4:55:52 PM

Ashira catches the ring and examines it carefully. Nothing particularly spectacular about the silver ring, though she can't shake the feeling that it probably has magical properties. Following Val's example, Ashira loosens and removes her armor and weapons, and lounges comfortably on the other bed. "Hmm... that's strange... elves don't usually get headaches. You sure there isn't something going on? You've been through a lot lately... maybe it's the stress." The half-elf adopts a wry smile as she puts the ring on. "What do you say we try these babies out? Oh yeah, what else did you find on the twins?"

Thursday February 21st, 2002 5:02:41 PM

"I don't know if it is stress. I've been getting headaches ever since I had that dream about Ga'al and Lem. Right after we freed those kids in the temple. As for what else the twins had..." Val leans over the side of the bed and opens a pouch. "Just a couple of potions and a couple of gems. What do the rings do and how do we get them to work?"

OCC: I would have been more descriptive on the items but I forgot which thugs we had.

Thursday February 21st, 2002 6:13:39 PM

Redux assures Bart that to the best of his knowledge, Analek's seed is a rare anomaly. But, there might be a chance they have still have some method of keeping track of him. "What do you think, Analek? You must have known there was something different going on? What are your thoughts? I'm ready to trust it, I mean, if they come right to our door and ask for him, then we'd know for sure."

Redux spends some time studying one of the scrolls of invisibility. It's a good thing to have. As he studies it he remembers his lessons on scribing new spells into his spell book. After some time, he will try. As he thinks about it he remembers the quad being invisible. Redux goes to Rigging to talk about it. "Rigging, that quad seemed to spend a lot of time invisible. Now, its possible for their spell caster to do that but it wouldn't last as long as they must have been invisible. She would also need to cast it on each one individually, I can't believe that they could share a low level spell like that. What I'm getting at is those rings. Those rings must give them that ability. But it is probably more than that. Remember what happened on the ship and in the courtyard; somehow they are connected. Maybe you and Appolo should experiment some with that, see if these two are connected or if it's all four."

Thursday February 21st, 2002 7:47:33 PM

Appolo accepts the armour gratefully. When Rigging mentions Val, Appolo says, "I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about her and whether or not she still wants me. I love her so much it hurts. She's all I can think about." He then goes back to work, but not with any enthusiasim.

When they reach Wedding City Appolo immediately asks around about Valanthe and Ashira. When he finds out they're not there, he becomes even more agitated.

Thursday February 21st, 2002 8:54:24 PM

Rigging pats Apollo on the shoulder. "If she loves you, she will forgive you this. I like Val very much but I will have to rub those paladin like qualities off of her a little." Rigging looks over Redux's shoulder as he is trying to copy the spell and says, "You need a little more curve in that symbol over there. I always use a wider quill personally. When you are done, I would like a shot at it for my spell books as well." Rigging sits in the corner and starts studying his ring. "Hey Ari, I think we need to try these things." Rigging puts his on and says, "Go ahead and put yours on."

Friday February 22nd, 2002 4:54:00 AM

OOC since I was examining thug #3 I think I have his belongings (ring gem and potion of Endurance).

Bart hands over the ring and potion for experimentation and testing.
Ok... I see where I went wrong. I assumed that when you said you put Thug #3 stuff away that you had returned it to his person. Sorry, don't know how I got that confused. Let's go ahead and pretend that Val and Ashira have the twins stuff, since they already started playing with it. Again, sorry about that.---Janell

Friday February 22nd, 2002 6:56:52 AM

Ari accepts the ring that Rigging gives him. Mumbling some kind of thanks, Ari sits down to study the ring. When Rigging calls for Ari to put on the ring, Ari watches first as Rigging puts on his ring. Then if nothing untoward happens, Ari will then try on his ring.

Friday February 22nd, 2002 8:57:08 PM

When Rigging mentions saying something to Val, Appolo says, "No don't say anything to her. Please, let me talk to her first." He then wanders off with his new set of armour.

Saturday February 23rd, 2002 2:44:49 AM

When Bart sees an opportunity he will talk to Rigging alone.

"Rigging I did understand your order of killing the quad, but I also can understand the reaction of Val and Ashira, they find it is murder in this way. But in the heat of the battle or shortly after that and you have the opportunity you have to be sure that powerful enemys are either dead or taken prisoner. If it wasn't Alryck's brother I would have make sure that the thug I was close to was dead. Surely after I saw that Val had taken a prisoner. That comes to Appolo's deed of killing Val's prisoner that wasn't good. I hope Appolo, Val and Ashira can work it out together. Just as you can do with the two of them. I'm sure if it were normal guards you wouldn't have give the order, at least I hadn't got it in my mind to follow your order.

"If you want I can search for Val Ashira and Alryck and tell them my view of the situation."

[OOC: I am out of town for a week for a short skiing holiday, please take over Bart as you see fit.]

Saturday February 23rd, 2002 5:03:26 PM

Rigging looks at the earnest young fighter in gratitude. "I hate the quads and that might have influenced my judgment a little. A quad killed Wynd. She was my first love. Yes it was an adolescent love, but it was still very strong and I miss her every day." Rigging shifts to a more comfortable sitting position. "Let me ask you a question. Let's say we were given orders to kill the high priest of Ga'al. None of us would have a twang of conscience over this. Say we sneak into the temple and find him sleeping. Do you wake him up first or just slice his throat?" Rigging thinks some more and then asks, "Or even worse to accomplish our mission we need to get past a guard quietly. We can kill him quickly to get on with our mission. Is this murder or war?"

Monday February 25th, 2002 4:32:23 PM

Rigging looks around the empty room and wonders where everybody is.

Monday February 25th, 2002 5:25:44 PM

Bart replies to Rigging, "Yeah, I see your point. War is an ugly dirty business isn't it. I guess in war murder comes with the territory and killing is killing. Anyway you slice it, it's bad."

Redux  d20+6=24
Monday February 25th, 2002 10:27:21 PM

Redux busily studies the scroll of invisibility for a day. It's taking him a while, this sort of thing can't be rushed (actually it takes 3 days for him to finish copying this spell). With all diligence he stays at his work. He always was a good student, scholastically. He easily understands the writing (spellcraft=24), and he is sure it will be successful.

Time for Thought (ADM Janell) 
Tuesday February 26th, 2002 11:19:03 PM

Rigging's group becomes distinctly worried when they are unable to locate any of the crew of the Freedborn. A search is mounted, but little information is gathered, other than the fact that the Freedborn is no longer in port. In addition, their attempts to discover any information on the whereabouts of Ashira and Valanthe also prove fruitless as the group soon discovers how valuable privacy really is in Fargunia. Rigging makes a command decision to stick around the Secret for a few more days in hopes that they will soon be joined by their Elven counterparts. During this time, Redux, ever the scholar, finds it a very simple task to copy the invisibility spell from one of the scrolls to his spellbook. Thinking it a wise idea to pool resources, Rigging contemplates copying the spell from Redux's book into his own. If you wish to copy this spell, you must make a successful Spellcraft check vs DC 17

After resting a while in Fun City, Ashira and Valanthe embark on the overland trip to Wedding City. Anxious to meet up with the rest of the family, the two warrior maidens push their mounts in an effort to shave a few hours off the trip. Not surprisingly, even with the effort to shorten their trip, the trip is still far more enjoyable than the voyage into Fun City. There is plenty of time for small talk as Ashira and Valanthe race past the country side of Fargunia.

Enjoying a pleasant warm breakfast at the Well Kept Secret, Rigging is thrilled to hear Ashira's familiar voice as she swaggers through the front door of the Inn. "Well hello gentlemen. Anything left for two hungry maidens, or is shall we look elsewhere?"

Rigging  d20+9=28
Tuesday February 26th, 2002 11:49:07 PM

Rigging amuses himself copying the new spell into his spell book. "Look here Redux. This is how you make the flourishes for the light rune. You have to do it with some flourish. Yeah yeah...I know your spell works but it is a question of style."

When the others come in, Rigging will stand up and give Ashira a long hug, "You are one of the most capable people I know, but I was getting worried." Rigging looks around and suddenly gets pale. "Where is Alryck? He made it away didn't he?"

Tuesday February 26th, 2002 11:59:10 PM

Valanthe was smiling and laughing when she entered the Secret. That look changed to calmness with a bit of anger when she sees Rigging. "Alryck decided to stay with his family. You know the ones that weren't slaughtered like cattle." Val walks past rigging and sits at an empty table. She looks around the room with an obvious look of unhappiness.

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 7:16:33 PM

Appolo is sitting at the table half eating half toying with his breakfast when Ashira and Valanthe arrive.

As soon as he sees them he is out of his seat. A broad handsome smile spreads quickly across his face, he is completely overjoyed to see them. "I'm so happy to see you made it. Sure have a seat. He completely ignores the remark Valanthe made to Rigging and heads striaght for her. He gets down on his knees and hugs her while she's seated. He is so relieved that she is unharmed and has returned that he is crying tears of joy, "I am so happy that you came back. Please forgive me," he says as he stands up pulling her from the chair.

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 7:44:22 PM

Rigging looks like he has been slapped. Then a look of anger crosses his face. "Val, I think you have a problem with me. I am sorry you don't like my orders or leadership. Frankly I don't give a shit. The people I order executed, were our enemies. They are the swords of Ga'al and are some of his greatest tools of terror and domination. I have seen quads kill other members of my family. I don't give a crap if they were helpless. They attacked us and mercy wasn't in order. Would they have given it to you? No... They would have taken one look at your race and butchered you without another thought. I know if is difficult for you to understand now but we are the good guys. I wish I could free everyone who has been heartseeded without bloodshed, but I don't know how. Until I become much more versed in magic and sword, I can't strike at Ga'al directly. I can only weaken him by striking at his minions. If I give someone hope by showing defiance, so much the better. If I weaken his hold of terror, I am winning the war. I will not grieve for those who would butcher me, you and the rest of my family. I know you are young for your race. It's time to grow up."
Rigging looks around to the rest of the group. "We have some bigger problems. We seem to have been left behind. I am not even sure if we are still members of the Pirates. We did go against policy and orders to save Bart's Dad. Anybody have some suggestions on where we should go from here."

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 10:12:38 PM

Val tries to stay mad at Appolo but fails. She gets up and starts to smile when Rigging sets her off. She pulls her hands free from Appolo and walks over to Rigging. Already she is on the verge of losing control. "You arrogant bastard! I may be young for an elf but I'm five times older than you are. Your belief that there is no option but yours just shows how foolish you truly are. I've seen the horrors of the world and fought them before you were born. How can you possibly claim to be the good guy when you are just as bad as Ga'al is? Ga'al steal peoples lives, you end them. Your are right on one thing. They wouldn't have given me mercy. The fact that I would imprison them instead of murdering them makes me a better person. You know Rigging, in my century of life I have taken one thing to heart. Good is better, but that doesn't mean it's easy. Staying a good person is very hard to do. Evil is so much easier when you don't have to worry about whats right and wrong. I'll tell you what I told Ashira, if I show Mercy and let somebody live and they come back and kill me later, then thats fine. I will be able to stand proud before the gods. I try to live my life in a way that Domi would be proud of. As for our bigger problems, did you ever think that the assasins sent to kill Bart's dad saw what you did and reported your actions. Did you ever consider that your superiors don't want a cold blooded killer associating with them?" Val just stands there starring at Rigging. "Let's get one thing straight. We are not family! You are a superior officer, nothing more."

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 10:51:39 PM

Expecting this confrontation to happen sooner or later, Ashira sighs, and then gets in between Rigging and Valanthe. Raising her voice to be heard by both, she shouts in Elven. "That's enough! Both of you! Now we're going to head up to a room and settle this once and for all. I'm not going to go into combat with two people who hate each other." The serious look on Ashira's face indicates that she won't take no for an answer, but she does not show any signs of using physical force.

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 11:31:28 PM

Occ Figured I would doublepost to try to role play this faster.) Rigging spins away and then spins back his face calm. "OK with me. We don't need to air company dirt in public." Rigging will head up to the room. When the rest of the group files in, Rigging will turn and say, "First off Ashira, I don't hate Val. I love her and would give my life for her." With a quick glance at Appolo he quickly adds, "No Appolo not the way you love her. I feel like a brother to her. Sorry Val that you don't feel the same but it won't stop my loving you." Rigging starts pacing the room. "He turns and looks at Val, "Val, I understand your concern and appreciate your horror. I don't like the necessity of killing helpless opponents either. If it helps, think of it as justice. They came aboard our ship not to free anyone but to assasinate our Captain and our crew. They cut down our men on watch while invisible.
It was justice we carried out when we executed them." Rigging looks around to the entire group and adds, "I am no priest. I wish Alryck or even better Blue was here. What is more evil. To strike down evil or to let evil live to strike again. It is easy for you to say that if you let an evil person live and they came and killed you, you could stand proudly before your god. Would you stand as proudly, if you knew that evil person killed me or Appolo or even worse fed a child to those living heartseeds. No....I won't let that happen. You have to understand something. I will make the same decision again. I would rather lose my soul, then let anymore innocents have their souls ripped away from them. At least I have a choice." Rigging slumps onto a bed, his hands covering his eyes. A couple of seconds later, he pulls his hands away. His composure regained.

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 11:37:25 PM

In elven, Val says, "Fine, but it will be a waste of time. I know the difference between killing a foe in battle and murdering in cold blood." She turns and heads upstairs. As she passes Appolo, Val hands him her scythe and hopes he remembered some of the dwarven she tuaght him on their vacation. "Hold this. I don't want it near me if Rigging pushes me too far." Val says in dwarven. Upstairs Val walks into the first empty room and waits.

Wednesday February 27th, 2002 11:53:14 PM

OCC:Rigging got his post out a little before I did so I'm glad that my post still works.

Valanthe has her arms folded across her chest. "Bullshit! Thats what you call justice? You say that you wanted the quad murdered so they won't commit evil acts anymore. Well you can't see the future. It's easy to say that you wanted them murdered to save others. You don't know what could have happened. All of us could have kept the quad bound and under control until we turned them over. We don't know the future. In a year a cure for the heartseed could be discovered. The Quad could be cured and free from the evil influence. Then they could have joined the fight against Ga'al and saved many more lives. Lives that will no loger get saved. It's easy to say what could happen to support your argument. I can only live my life the best I can and deal with whatever circumstances develop. Before you make such a bold statement about ordering the death of helpless people think about this. People change over times. I've seen how the years affect people. What you decide as justice now, might not be in 10 years. If you go around and make murder a regular practice in the name of justice, how will you be in 15 years. How will you explain to an innocent child why you killed helpless people? Surely legends will spring up about the man who led the rebellion against Ga'al. Look at the entire picture before you commit yourself to such an act."

Thursday February 28th, 2002 3:26:42 AM

With the invite to move up to the room, Ari moves with the others of the group to upstairs.

In a very quiet voice Ari adds, "If that is how you feel Rigging, than you lived too long in the wild before we met you!" Looking at Rigging directly, "When MY family of friends left to join the pirates." Ari pauses for a second, to let it sink in. "We left with the idea that we wanted to free our people from Ga'al's influence, not destroy everything that Ga'al has touched. For someone that was going to be asked to run a kingdom, you seem to have a warped sense of justice. Seems like a kangaroo court to me. Maybe you lived in the mud too long, I don't know.

Do these heart seeded people have the ability to make these decisions on their own? Would they choose differently if they didn't have these abominations (pointing to his stomach) in their hearts, or in their necks, or in their belly buttons, or wherever else these cursed things can be put. Some of us here have taken training from people that are heartseeded. Does this make our training suspect? Because if we've been taught things by 'evil' people, doesn't our actions become suspect? How do you classify those of us that are taking the medicine to stop the heart seed? Should you kill us outright, just to save you the hassle of seeing us do evil sometime in the future? What you are saying is that we're guaranteed to do 'evil' sometime in the future, as far as I can see."

As Ari continues, you can sense that his thoughts are starting to tumble in on themselves. They start coming out quickly, beginning to interfere with each other.

"The way you talk, you're saying everyone that is heartseeded and not taking this medicine is evil. What does that make Bart's father? He's not taking the medicine. Ga'al could force him to move against us. So we should go ahead and kill him now, to save us the heartache. With out having taken the time to find out that his heartseed had failed. So in your world, what was the point of saving Bart's father? He's EVIL!!!!! Do you remember our first raid? It was on my village. When things were finished, I would bet the entire village had moved against us. If the destruction of the temple hadn't happened, and we had somehow subdued everyone. Your saying that we would have murdered everyone because Ga'al forced them to attack us?

Your also saying that my parents, who I cherish dearly, are also evil. What about the Slaags? From what I hear you saying, we should be practicing genocide, because there is no hope for anyone that is seeded. I WILL NOT CONDONE GENOCIDE NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO MY FAMILY."

During the course of the conversation, Ari's voice has been gradually getting louder. Until the last line, in which he is practically screaming red faced at Rigging. Stopping suddenly, Ari realizes where his voice has carried. Giving things a second or two to settle down, but not giving anyone a chance to step in, Ari does his best to regain his composure. "Every person is deserving of the chance to make their own decisions once we have freed them from unfair influence of Ga'al. Depriving them of that ability because you didn't want to take the hard road, is not for me. You have command and that is what you have been given. I give you fair warning. Given the same set of circumstance in the future, I will now side with Val and Ashira. If that means we all die, so be it.

If your opinion represents the ideas of the pirates, then I want out!" As Ari finishes his tirade, he pulls his rapier off from his side, and throws it across the room. As he sits down, he does his best to rub off the tatoo (that he knows he cannot remove). Mumbling to himself, "By Lemtrovex, I could use Skippy's & Wynd's help right now." When the tatoo doesn't come off, Ari hugs himself. He feels utterly alone. Hoping beyond hopes that others from the original group have somehow survived.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 8:44:36 AM

After listening to both Val and Ari, Rigging look at the others faces. His shoulders slump. He suddenly stands up. "OK. I obviously am not the one to lead anymore. You don't trust my judgement and who wants a leader you can't trust? I think Ashira should take over command. She has the rank and the experience, but I am not sure if we are even parts of the pirates right now. You can vote on whoever you think should command and I will follow them. Who ever it is though, they have my pity." Rigging strides across the room and heads down the stairs to the common room.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 9:33:52 AM

Redux looks up from his books in disbelief as the confrontation starts in the common room. A funny thought of accepting bets on the outcome enters his mind; it is quickly put down when the group goes upstairs. Redux follows, more because this is the group he's with than that he has anything to say. He's not a member of the pirates; these people are his allies. He sits quietly at the back of the room, listening to the argument progress. He's glad everyone leaves the weapons out of this, he'd hate to get caught in the web with them. Considering all that they've been through, this was bound to happen, he knows. This is a turning point; when Rigging steps down as the 'leader,' he's sure of it. Not feeling like it is his time to be intruding, he wants to be quiet. At the same time, he knows that he might have the coolest head right now and quickly tries to form some words.

"Friends. Friends," as he raises his hand in a comforting gesture. "Rigging, stop. You shouldn't be leaving at a time like this. You wouldn't walk out on them in battle, you can't miss what your family has to say about you. If you're afraid of what they have to say, then you would have never been their 'leader.' Ashira does have a place in all this; it was her friend that put us onto that mission. Perhaps Smily gave the captain news about us and paved the way for your return. Val, you helped to ease that return by taking some of the best prisoners the resistance could have ever have. Rigging, you did a brave thing, taking your group in to rescue the father of one of the members, going against 'policy.' Bart, without your sword, we all would have been in trouble." With a wink he says to Appolo, "You just might need counseling, the way you dispatched that woman." To the rest, "We all live or die because we depend on each other; good decisions and bad. You always back one another up, even if it means going someplace you feel like you don't belong." He grows quiet, waiting for their decision.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 10:53:20 AM

Appolo, greatly saddened by Rigging's and Valanthe's words, takes Val's scythe and follows upstairs. He enters the room and listens with great sadness to their words. After feeling such utter and complete elation with Ashira's and Valanthe's return, Appolo is now unhappy and begining to get angry.

When Rigging starts to leave Appolo moves quickly to block his way. "You're not leaving yet, Brother, as Brother Redux says your place is here. You haven't heard what I have to say yet." Appolo's voice is cold and deep, his demeanor the same as when he goes into battle. Cold, calculating, ruthless. It is clear that in order to leave, Rigging will have to go through him.

Thursday February 28th, 2002 5:21:24 PM

Rigging looks at the belligerent young thief and says, "How would fighting each other help anything?" Rigging turns around and heads back to a chair. "Ari, You shame me. No, not everyone who is heartseeded is evil or you wouldn't be here. Neither would Redux," Rigging says with a nod towards the mage. "By the same token, some people who are heartseeded are evil. I doubt that Ga'al is actually controlling the quads. Their movements are too smooth and coordinated to be under domination from an outside influence. No, I believe that the quad members could be controlled by the heartseeds like anyone else, are naturally vicious, evil killers who enjoy the work. This doesn't matter. I believe I was justified in my action in protecting us and others. I am not saying I would kill every heartseeded person we come across. I want to free the people, not commit genocide."

Rigging looks at Ari. "I am sorry if you don't feel that we are all part of the family. I know the bonds that you enjoyed with the original escapees can never be recreated. Unfortunately, if you count noses, you are the only one of the original members left. The others have been slain or have left. We are the family now."

Rigging rubs his temples and continues, "OK, all of this is water under the bridge. I was made the leader because of rank. Basically I am a corporal. I was given this rank because of my seamanship skills and navigation abilities. I never said I was qualified to lead us on commando raids or rescue missions. I am willing to keep trying my best if you want me too. If you would prefer someone else, that is fine. It would take a burden off my shoulders. I don't know where we need to go from here. We are basically stranded in enemy territory. The door could be kicked down in any minute. We can't afford internal dissention right now. I will gladly give up the leadership if it will make as a solid group again." Rigging pauses in thought for a second. "Whoever is leader though, we all have to decide if we want to stay associated with the Pirates of Jack? They obviously employ tactics that go against the morals of some of you. They were sending assassins to kill Bart's father. I also think they have been penetrated lately. The followers of Ga'al have been to well informed of our plans lately and have been waiting for us. We have enjoyed our best results as a group by going outside the chains of command. Maybe we should continue to do so. One last point and then I will shut up and listen to your deliberations on all of these matters. We are now marked. We defeated and captured a quad. We, as a group, have proven we are dangerous to Ga'al's followers and I believe we will be targeted for assassination just like some of the other higher ranking officers of the Pirates of Jack. Think about that as you are deciding what to do."

Thursday February 28th, 2002 10:06:45 PM

Appolo is relieved when Rigging takes a seat. He then walks over and picks up Ari's rapier and takes it back to him. "Here, you're going to need this."

Appolo then says, "Rigging, you're still the leader. Val, we are a family and you're part of it. We are all outcasts here, the only thing we have is each other. I am an orphan and so is Bart. None of us have a home or anyone that cares about us outside of this group. This does not mean we have to agree with each others' actions or like each other all the time, but we have to be united. If we don't hang together we will surely hang separately.

"Ari, none here is advocating genocide. Rigging is right about quads. They are the chosen of Ga'al. They are the Elite and they enjoy what they do. They are wholehearted believers and fanatics. Ga'al doesn't have to force them to do anything. Their heartseeds are a source of strength and pride, not symbols of tyranny for them. Every organization and religion has its elite group of fanatics, and that is what the quads are. It is true I killed that woman without mercy, but I was following my orders. Rigging only gave the order because he felt it was necessary for the safety of the rest of us. You never leave a quad alive behind you after defeating them in battle."

He then takes a few steps and continues. "I care about each and every one of you, and would murder the entire world in order to protect the rest of you. I would sacrifice my life willingly for any of you. Same goes for Rigging. He is also right that the enemy is becoming more and more aware of our presence. The attack on the ship is a clear indication of that.

"I do not kill lightly and it bothers me to have to do so. I have nightmares about it. In those nightmares I see the people that I have killed and it is quiet unnerving, but I am also growing used to it. So please forgive me for my sins. I would hate to think that you do not trust me, because of what I have done."

He next walks over to Ashira and says, "I am genuinely happy that you returned unharmed, not just because you came back with Val, but because I care about your well being as well." He then quickly hugs her. "I never want you to feel unwanted."

Thursday February 28th, 2002 10:36:51 PM

(occ Yeah I know I am doing many multiple posts but I am trying to get this difficult roleplay out of the way in a hurry)
Rigging stands up and gives Appolo a hug and disengages quickly. "Thank you for your support." Rigging says emotionally. After clearing his throat he goes on. "I don't want Appolo to push any of you in a direction you don't want to go. I would like a vote on the leadership of this family. Ashira what do you say since you are truely the "ranking" officer amongst us all."

Friday March 1st, 2002 12:21:51 AM

Val listens to what has evolved from her objection. Val never intended for any of this to happen. She was mad and wanted to voice her frustrations. "My intention wasn't to remove you from comand. I have a problem with a decision you made and wanted to bring it to your attention. I also wanted to make it clear that you will never get me to murder somebody in cold blood. I believe that everybody here knows that trying to push me into anything is a bad idea. I suggest that we go downstairs and finish the evening meal. We could spend a tenday talking about who and what's right. After the tenday we wouldn't be any different than we are right now. Except we would be angry and frustrated. After the meal perhaps we should ask around the docks to see if anything big happened while we were away."

Friday March 1st, 2002 3:21:01 AM

Ari takes back the rapier when it is given back to him. Running his hand through his hair, he voices, "ummm... Refresh my mind here. I count maybe three times that we've been in close contact with a quad. I've never had enough time to study the motivations of the person versus what Ga'al wants him to do. Plus, it is my understanding that this was the first time a quad member has ever been captured. Where does your belief about this 'evil' come from? That's the part that has me confused the most. Appolo, what other religions are you talking about? I'm only aware of Lemtrovex and Ga'al. Also, you point out that you should never leave a quad behind, after defeating them. When have you done this? This is the first quad that I'm aware of that we've actually beaten." When Appolo mentions murdering everone else but the family Ari comments, "You have a dark world Appolo. I would kill for the family. But I do not condone murdering for the family. Or at least not for me."

Friday March 1st, 2002 10:52:30 AM

The half-elf stands calmly next to the door as the upstairs "discussion" takes place. She keeps to herself as the others air their thoughts and feelings. As she listens, she thinks, "Poor Rigging. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but it's never fun to go through. Still, he seems to be handling it fairly well. And, after today, I don't think they'll question him again."

As the conversation cools down and starts to taper off, Ashira moves to the center of the room. "All right, you've all had a chance to voice your concerns. Rigging was our leader at the time the decision was made. Maybe he made a bad decision. Maybe he made a good one. But as a leader, he did what leaders must do. He made a decision. If any of you want to be the leader of this group, then go right ahead. But realize that it's not all fun and games. Leaders make decisions, and sometimes they're hard ones to make. And leaders deal with the consequences of those decisions. One day our leader may have to decide to sacrifice one of us to save the others." Ashira's steely eyes take in the group, looking from one face to another. "Do you think you're ready to make those decisions? If not, then I suggest that you give Rigging some space. If you disagree with one of his decisions, then do what you have to do to have a good conscience. But realize that Rigging is trying to think of the safety of the WHOLE group." Ashira takes a deep breath and then continues, "In the Pirates of Jack, I outrank every person in this room. You all know this. And yes, I could take the reins, and maybe do a decent job. But is that what you want? You've seen my leadership style, and you know it is very different than Rigging's. Rigging is right. You need to trust the leader that you follow. So, before we leave this room, everyone is going to take a vote. In the past, you haven't had a chance to choose your leader. You have that chance now. But realize the seriousness of this vote... you are choosing the person you want to trust with your life. And once you've made that decision, stand behind it. There is nothing worse than leading a bunch of bickering people who question your every decision." Ashira moves from her place in the middle of the room to stand beside Rigging. Putting her hand on his shoulder, Ashira says, "I for one vote for Rigging."

Friday March 1st, 2002 12:20:43 PM

"Considering that I have a problem with people in authority, I don't care who's leader. In the future there will a time when I will disobey an order to do what I think is right. That has nothing to do with who's in charge. My past outbursts had nothing to do with Rigging. I think the vote is unneccesary. Ashira is the only other person here who is qualified, and she doesn't want to do it. Rigging if I didn't want you to be leader, I would let you know. Probably by smashing a chair across your back." Val pauses and smiles. "But if I had to vote I would have to vote for Rigging. So far he's had to deal with me and he hasn't run away or gone mad. That has to say something."

Friday March 1st, 2002 4:26:14 PM

Rigging whispers to Ashira, "Thanks for the vote of confidence but you probably could do a better job." With an evil grin he adds, "And if you were the boss no one could accuse me of sexual harrassment. You could harrass me and I would never lodge a complaint."

Friday March 1st, 2002 7:15:04 PM

"I vote for Rigging." Appolo then makes his way over toward the door. "Now let's go finish breakfast--I'm hungry." His appetite has returned.

Friday March 1st, 2002 7:18:35 PM

Bart speaks up after listening to everyone. "I never really had a problem with Rigging's orders in the first place. Arlyck and Ashira prevented me from carrying them otherwise I would have followed them and killed the twins as well. I vote for Rigging," he says as he follows Appolo toward the door.

Friday March 1st, 2002 10:50:26 PM

Redux smiles as the group weighs in its decision. This is a good group, plenty of life. Speaking up from the corner, where he is seated, he says "Mind a vote from the mainland? I appreciate the opportunity to stick around. I didn't expect to stay long, when we first met. I thought that you all had what I needed and I was going to be one of those short term contacts you folks make so often. I've had a lot of excitement in my life recently; learned more in 6 months than 6 years of study. Don't mind taking orders, as long as I have a choice in the matter. Rigging, I hope you don't mind me disobeying the next time you give the type of order you did back there; I don't fancy all that gore. While I'm at it, your 'flourish,' as you call it, only adds space to the page, not effect to the spell; I'll stick with the wisdom I've learned from my Lady V___. That being said, you've been fair and have heard all sides when you make a decision, and you've made good ones as near as I can tell. If the group must declare a 'leader,' you might as well be it. It seems to suit you."

Ari (Todd -limited access for next week) 
Saturday March 2nd, 2002 2:22:49 PM

Pausing for a bit, before he speaks, Ari ponders over the effects that any changes might have for the group and their goals. Bringing his hand up to in front of his face, he examines his palm, and then turns over his hand and looks at his nails. 'At this point, it matters not to me who is at the helm. Like others have said, just be prepared for me to say something once we're safe. If I put myself or the group at risk outside of your command, then leave me. I will not expect any help from the group in those circumstance."

Saturday March 2nd, 2002 3:27:28 PM

Hearing Ari, Appolo stops short and says, "What's wrong? I thought we settled this. Ari of course we'll help you and protect you. You're a member of the group and our friend. You saved my life. Put us at risk? We're always at risk. Our enemies are strong and more aware of our presence then ever. We need you. So cheer up, this is over. Another thing: I do live in a dark world. The gods are at war, chaos reigns and evil grows stronger by the day. It's the same world you live in as well. The price of freedom is blood, in order to remain free and to free our people and to protect the things we love, we have to kill. Killing is killing whether or not the person is defenseless makes no difference, it is wrong, a sin and I don't like it--never have, but like everyone else I can get used to it. Now cheer up and let's go downstairs and enjoy ourselves. Like the old soldier said, 'eat, drink, be merry today for tomorrow we may die.'" He gives Ari his hand and offers to help him to his feet.

Saturday March 2nd, 2002 8:56:49 PM

Seeing that the matter was solved, Val grabbed her scythe and went downstairs. She still didn't feel the greatest and this episode made things worse. Once downstairs, Val orders breakfast and some wine. She rubs her shoulder and moves her arm, trying to ease the sore muscle. The last few days were exceptionally hard. Much harder than she's willingly to admit. The twins pushed her to the limit and then some. Their ride this morning was rough and her head won't stop throbbing. The wine arrives and Val sighs in satisfaction. Grabbing the bottle, Val removes the corck, and takes a big gulp. There is always one fast way to ease sore muscles.

Saturday March 2nd, 2002 10:35:21 PM

After helping Ari to his feet, Appolo notices Valanthe is gone. He immediately sprints out the door and down the stairs. He glides up to her table. "Hello beuatiful. Mind if I join you?" He smiles as he sits down. "Headaches again. Do you want to talk? We could go back and visit your people again. You know until I met you, I didn't care about anything or anyone, but myself. You know what you need is a deep massage. I am pretty good with my hands you know."

Saturday March 2nd, 2002 10:59:54 PM

Valanthe is still a little upset with Appolo for his act of murder. "I'm all right. The last few days have been busy. I don't think that going home would be the best thing to do right now. We don't know why we were left here. That should be our first priority. We have to know where we stand before we can do anything else. I know you're good with your hands--but they tend to wander." Val smiles and looks at the ring on her finger. "Figuring out how these rings work would help out a lot."

Sunday March 3rd, 2002 2:50:48 AM

"Case closed," says Bart. "That leaves only the problem of our absence at the Lady Freeborn. I feel a lot towards the idear of acting as a group of renegades, hit and run tactics as you know what I mean. But I don't think it is good to lose all contact with the lady and the other pirates."

Sunday March 3rd, 2002 5:35:12 PM

"Are you sure about that?" He stands up and moves around behind her and begins to rub her shoulders. "You sure are tense. Sure you wouldn't like a nice hot bath and rub down? We can let Ashira and Rigging worry about the Lady Freeborn. I for one am not overly concerned about it. I know you're having those headaches again. I just want to make you feel better." Appolo continues to rub her shoulders and neck.

Sunday March 3rd, 2002 9:54:07 PM

Val takes Appolo's hands and gently pulls them away. "I'm fine. I've been a lot worse. We all need to concentrate on the Freeborn and why she left. For all we know a Ga'al strike team is headed our way, and they caught wind of it and had to leave."

Sunday March 3rd, 2002 10:53:17 PM

Rigging watches the others troop out of the room and grabs Ashira's hand. "Hold up a minute will you. I would like to talk to you." Rigging waits for the others to leave and then says, "I want you to give some thought to starting our own ship. I think we have the heart of a good crew in our family. You have the strongest ties to the pirates among all of us. I think the followers of Ga'al have penetrated the Pirates in some way. We might be able to still work with the pirates but be more independent. Give it some thought and get back to me." Rigging turns to walk away and stops. He turns and gently grabs Ashira's chin, "Thanks again for your support. I am going to be leaning heavily on you in the future." Rigging then leans in and gives the pretty half-elf a lingering kiss before joining the others downstairs.

Sunday March 3rd, 2002 11:16:33 PM

The warrior waits patiently for the party to leave, and then listens intently to Rigging's musings. Before Rigging turns to go, she looks thoughtful as she mutters "Yes, I'll think about it." Deep in thought, Ashira barely hears Rigging's last few words. Caught totally by surprise, the half-elf doesn't have time to react to Rigging's kiss, and looks thoughtfully and perhaps longingly at the retreating form of the newly elected leader.

There's a Storm a Brewin (ADM Janell) 
Sunday March 3rd, 2002 11:40:26 PM

Proving once again that democracy works, our heroes go downstairs to finish their nice, slightly cold breakfast. The Secret is mostly empty this morning, so Ashira and Valanthe are able to get their orders quickly. Enjoying a nice quiet meal for once, more than one of you are just beginning to consider a midday nap when the sight of a familiar figure breaks all further musings. Entering the main door, Sasha the Lasher eyes the room and quickly locates the group. Four, large, muscular, and obviously sea-faring men follow behind her as she paces over to the table. Looking more impatient than you've seen her in the past, Sasha nervously fingers her whip. "Well, just show up when you can! You'd think you were a bunch of half-orcs the way the lot of you tell time! No time for chit chat. Get your things and let's go." Sasha waits impatiently for the party to gather their gear and pay their bills. Once everyone is gathered in the lobby, Sasha motions for you to follow her as she leads the way to the pier. Once inside the vessel formerly known as the Lazy Suzie, Sasha approaches Rigging as two of the men cast off the ship. "Deuce Rigging, you and your companions have been accused of mutiny for your actions involving the Aisildurian citizen Analek. You will hand over your weapons and accompany us to be tried before the high counsel." Sasha snaps her fingers, and one of the sailors begins tying Analek's hands behind his back and places a blind fold over his eyes. Pointing at Bart's step father, Sasha adds, "The citizen will be interrogated to determine if he is useful before his fate is decided."

Valanthe  d20+6=26
Monday March 4th, 2002 12:18:24 AM

Valanthe is not a very happy elf. Just when her day was looking better this happens. She should wait for Rigging to say something, but that's not Val. She reacts and goes with what her instincts tell her. "Now that is funny. You want my weapons, come and get them." With one hand, Val spins the scythe around her body,and a look of anger on her face. Val feels the rage boiling and is ready to embrace it. The scythe stops spinning when Val drives the butt end into the deck with a thud. She angles the blade down to allow the light to shine off its edge.

OOC: Monkey grip feat to spin the scythe with one hand. Val gets a 26 on her Intimidation check against her enemies.

Monday March 4th, 2002 1:31:25 AM

Appolo says, "I don't think so. I suggest you leave before someone dies. Come back when you're more reasonable," his voice an icey cold, a cold darkness moves over him. His face becomes expessionless as his sword and dagger almost effortlessly appear in his hand as he moves quickly forward at the diangle to flank Sasha. He is not out of control, his movements are graceful and filled with deadly intent. He
has the same look on him as when he cut the head off of the female quad member. It looks like he is going to do it again.

Monday March 4th, 2002 9:49:23 AM

Rigging watches Val's and Appolo's reactions and is impressed with the weapon skill. He then sees Appolo's eyes and fear enters his. Rigging shouts, "Stand down!" He strides up Val and whispers, "We knew there would be consequences for our actions. We will not fight, threaten, or try to imtimidate our friends." He looks into her eyes sadly and adds, "I will protect everyone in my family as best I can." Rigging then turns and marches over to Sasha, "I submit to your authority. I wanted it known that I am the leader of my group and the decision for the rescue was mine. The rest were following my orders so any punishment that the council decides to give should go to me alone." Rigging with a stern look to Appolo and a shake of his head unbuckles his weapons belt and lets it fall to the deck.

Monday March 4th, 2002 5:26:39 PM

Appolo stops upon hearing Rigging. "I will only stand down if they release Analek. He has committed no crime, and I will not allow him to be treated like this. He is not going with us. We'll give him what we can and allow him to go his own way." He stands ready, weapons still in hand. After taking a breath. "They're accusing us of mutiny. We were on our own time and no one gave us orders not to. Awol maybe but not mutiny." Appolo then steps back a few steps, but does not turn his weapons over.

Monday March 4th, 2002 9:29:18 PM

Redux looks between the figures facing off in the ship. To Appolo and Val, "You both think with your swords. You just got through confirming your belief that Rigging was your leader. Now you go and start a fight without even knowing what's going on. Anybody can lead, just as long as you do your own thing, is that it? You both are pathetic. Star crossed, mindless bullies that don't know how to think your way out of a sod house. Stand down and wait for the whole picture. I bet neither of you will live long with the attitude you have right now, always ready to raise a fight before you plan. You waist our time and any favor we might have by your actions. I've been too long with this cause to let you be so stupid." Redux thinks of his Daze spell, ready to cast it on Val if she begins an attack on anyone; he is very wary of the hothead. He is standing noticeably taller, back straighter, jaw firmer, than most in the party have seen him since his debut with the group at the meeting with Gastu.

(OOC monkey grip feet? agile toes;) )

Valanthe  d20+2=17 d20+6=19 d3+2=5
Monday March 4th, 2002 10:04:09 PM

Val's head slowly turns to gaze upon the young mage. Her qualms with sasha forgotten. "You spineless, gutless, coward! You are but a child, but even children have some sense. There is a big difference between starting a fight and refusing to surrender a weapon. I've been alive longer than you could ever hope to. The cause, you just began the cause. Why don't you think about what's obvious? One we are accused of mutiny by a friend who is now very angry. We have been asked to hand over all weapons and that includes spellbooks. That means either we will be imprisoned or executed. How do you expect to stop Ga'al if you're dead or locked up? Did you ever consider that this was a set up from the beginning by the Ga'al infiltrators?" Val throws her scythe down, effectively handing it over, and walks toward Redux with anger in her eyes. She attempts to punch him in the face.

(OOC: Will save 17. If that is good enough she gets a 19 to hit for 5 points of subdual dmg. The Monkey grip feat allows Val to wield her two handed scythe with one hand at a -2 penalty. It's useful every now and then for emergencies and showing off.)

(OOC: If Val makes her saving throw then:)
Pointing a finger at Redux she says angrily, "If you speak to me like that again I will beat you to an inch of your life."

(OCC: If Val fails her save:)
Val's attempt to punch the mage fails as a magical fog clouds her already turbulant mind.

Monday March 4th, 2002 10:15:28 PM

Rigging turns to Val and Appolo with his hands raised in supplication. "Both of you calm down. Of course they have to take Bart's father into custody. We have been blindfolded in the past ourselves. Taking us and him into custody isn't a death sentence. Appolo we will get a chance to defend ourselves at the trial. We might even be able to help find who the real traitors are. NOW STAND DOWN! YOU VOTED ME LEADER! LET ME LEAD!" Rigging is yelling at the end.

Monday March 4th, 2002 10:45:08 PM

Regardless of how her punch turns out, Val drops her arrows and bow next to her scythe. She was about to stand down when Redux had to piss her off. Stupid Mage Val thinks as she holds her hands out towards one of the sailors. If they are acused of mutiny, she expects to be restrained during their journey. She hopes that she made the right decision in sticking with Rigging. Being executed would sure ruin a good decade.

Monday March 4th, 2002 11:37:48 PM

Appolo sheaths his weapons. "If you say so, boss," his voice calm. He then moves forward and interjects himself between Redux and Val, before she can strike the mage. "Now now, dear. No need to hurt anyone." He grabs her arms and gently holds her. He still hasn't surrendered his weapons. "Sorry about this we've had a rough time of it the last couple of weeks. Being falsely accused of mutiny and treason doesn't help matters. Now let Analek go. They have no right to question him or detain him. He's not going with us unless he wants to. How bout it Analek, do you want to come along or stay here? I will defend your right to make your own decision as a free man." He is making every attempt to keep Val off Redux without hurting her at the same time as making his little speech.

Valanthe OCC 
Monday March 4th, 2002 11:52:15 PM

OCC: Oh goody we get a trial :-). Can anybody else picture what's going to happen when Valanthe gets questioned on the stand? Well one thing is for sure, it will be entertaining.

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