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No Rest for the Wicked

Time Passes (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 11:23:12 AM

After successfully delivering the children to the pirate island, the young pirates are immediately sent out on their own again. Affairs among the pirates have reached a fever pitch of activity. Soon:

The group stumbles back aboard the Lady Freeborn somewhere off the coast of Fargunia. They are exhausted from their latest mission, a secret meeting to which the the foreign messengers never showed, and from shepherding the Long Haul through a squall. While the crew raises anchor and sets sail, Captain Payton hears Ashira's report, then orders the party to their berths to rest. Below decks, rumours abound that the foreigners are apparently cutting off all negotiations because they've heard that the Aisildurian rebels belong to the Cult of the Dragon. It seems dragons have fallen out of favour in the wider Wold, and cults of any kind are viewed with suspicion by those loyal to the Gods of Wold.

Ari and Redux sleep fitfully, the ever-present pain in their vitals allowing them little rest. (Each roll d20, please. I'll explain later -- sneaky DM Lee.) Their companions dream of a mighty gold dragon with kind, honest eyes, familiar to all except Alryck. Lemtrovex hangs in the still air at the eye of a massive, circling storm, facing something too dangerously perverted to look upon directly. The great dragon cries out in pain as a great, rotting arrow pierces his back. The bow that shot it spins recklessly through the sky, coming to resemble a serpant as it tumbles . . .

All wake with a horrible, sinking feeling of betrayal.

That night, they stand watch with Jezru at the helm. He is unusually stand-offish tonight, grumbling to himself, and glaring at anyone who comes near. He leaves it to Ashira and Rigging to organize their crew, and manage the occasional flurry of activity as they tack southwest into a quarter wind.

The only other person on deck at this hour is Swab, one of the two slaag's aboard ship. Swab is a simple, happy young woman who spends her nights obsessively scrubbing the ship. She does this meticulously, starting at one end of a board or rail and cleaning steadily until she reaches the other end. She can become upset if she is interrupted before completing a line, but is otherwise very sweet-tempered.

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 12:56:06 PM

After they clear the balcony Appolo quickly picks up his Bow and then leads the group out and through the streets.

As soon as they get back they are sent on another mission. Which ends in failure, when the people they are supposed to meet don't show. Finally they get back aboard the Lady Freeborn when Appolo has a dream involving a dragon. Which is shot in the back with an arrow frightening, but hardly anything new for him. So when he awakes, he ignores it and heads topside to stand watch.

While on watch he walks over to Rigging and says, "I'm worried about Redux and Ari. If we don't get those heartseeds out soon we're going to lose them. They are getting worse." He waits for a reply and then continues with his duties.

After about thirty minutes Appolo looks around for Valanthe. He walks over to her and whispers in dwarven as best he can, "Me meet up top, in the crows nest." He then heads down stairs and grabs a blanket and a wine skin. Appolo then climbs quickly to the crows nest and waits.

Chris OOC 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 1:35:33 PM

No problem. Hope you don't mind the way I played Ashira.

Ari  d20=20
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 4:10:32 PM

As the events unfold and the days pass. Ari gathers plenty of time to contemplate the new changes to his seed, and to the events in the world. When he gets a private moment with Redux, Ari comments, " I fear there is some kind of big change going on. I cannot tell for sure what is going on. But I have a feeling that somehow G'aal has gotten stronger. That would be the reason why these accursed seeds have begun to bother us again. Some how he is able to overcome our current defenses. I fear we're going to have to find something new, in order to stay on top of things."

Rigging  d20+4=12
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 8:47:34 PM

Rigging listens to Appolo and nods an agreement. He says, "If I knew how to cure them, then I could cure everyone from the curse of Ga'al. I await any ideas you might have on the issue." Rigging watches Appolo whisper in dwarven and climb the rigging to the crows nest. He sits on a barrel and calls over to Ari, "Ari come here for a minute. While waiting for Ari to comply Rigging will look around (spot check) and then ask Ari, "Ari, tell me more about that piece of wood that we had that could neutralize the heartseed?"

Valanthe  d20+7=25 d20+7=26
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 10:35:13 PM

Val finds the image of the gold dragon comforting and secure. She knows that he will always be there for her. In a hundred years when she's still young and everyone she knows is dead, he will be there. Val screams in horror when the arrow pierces the dragon. Pain fills her and she wakes up with a scream. Even after waking, searing pain fills her head. It's so bad that she starts to cry. The pain goes away as the morning passes. What little is left, Val hides when Appolo shows up. She smiles and kisses him and respinds in Dwarven. "I'll be there as soon as I can sneak up."
When things look clear, Val sneaks up to the crows nest. She climbs over the top and falls on Appolo. "So why did you want to meet, or do I even have to guess?" She smiles mischievously.

(OCC: Move silently 25, hide 26)

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 3:11:49 AM

When Val arrives and falls on top of him he giggles quietly trying to control himself. "Shh you're going to get us in trouble. I heard you cry out earlier and you made yourself pretty scarce afterward. Is there anything wrong?" He then takes her and wraps his arms around her, smiling, completely content with her in his arms. "It's been a while since we had a chance to be alone like this," he whispers softly in elven.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 10:31:23 AM

Bart 's dream was strange Lem was in it, it almost did feel as he was present, could this be a forecast of the faith of Lem? As he awakes he goes to Alryck and talks with him about his dream "I head a strange dream last night, maybe you can tell me the meaning of it"

Redux  d20=7
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 12:35:02 PM

Redux' former enthusiasm for the adventuring life has diminished. He keeps up with his chores during the day but never gets the rest he needs. Inwardly he is scared of the coming showdown with Ga'al. He continues to run through his drills, in order to keep his concentration up. He doesn't want to fail anyone when things get sticky. Every once in a while, especially in the morning, his thoughts about his heartseed become black. It is true that it's presence occasionally benefited his previous pursuits. Now it is a stumbling block that might endanger everyone. What if he were to steal away, hide out for a year then stop treating the heartseed. Would his current allies remain safe or would he give them up? The things that keep him going are the missions. Work, that is what he needs. Maybe the ships mage will have some suggestions, even be a mentor to him. He will check.

Talon, sharing his masters thoughts though not understanding, circles in flight above the boat. Where are the mice?

(occ: requested role = 7; be merciful)

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 1:15:00 PM

Returning from their most recent mission, Ashira beds down for some much needed sleep, but finds it hard to come by. Nightmares fill her sleep. Once again she relives the murder of her mother. Then, the dreams turn strange. In one, she finds herself facing orcs covered in metal, and then strange metal spiders. The half-elf distinctly feels cold water lapping around her as she struggles to keep something very heavy above the water level. Then the scenery changes, and she finds herself oncemore aboard the Freedborn, except everything is different. Glaring at the party, she shouts out "Kill them!". She finds herself engaged in vicious combat with Rigging. The struggle ends quickly as she plunges her longsword into his chest. Ashira awakens drenched in sweat, and manages to get herself back to sleep, only to be confronted by the dream of the golden dragon. Unable to convince herself to return to sleep, Ashira quickly dresses, splashes her face with water, and heads up top. Too early for her watch shift, the Aquan elf peers into the ocean deep, hoping against hope to find some signs of Taker.

When the rest of the party arrives, Ashira makes her way over to Rigging. The bags under her eyes make it readily apparent that the half-elf is still in need of rest. Leaning close to Rigging, Ashira whispers "What in the name of Lem's shiny scales is going on?! I just had the strangest dream, and I can't shake the feeling that once again, things have changed for the worse." Ashira relates her dream of the dragon to Rigging, and shudders in the cold night air.

A Change in the Air (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 3:30:37 PM

(OOC: Scroll up to read Ari's Tuesday post.)

Up in the crow's nest, Appolo and Valanthe enjoy a starlit trist.

Ari has a nagging, uncomfortable feeling of being watched, but it disappears as a shift in the wind has everybody scrambling up and down through the rigging to put on full sail.

(Listen checks from all. Spot checks for everybody except Appolo and Valanthe. Ari has +4 on the roll.)

Appolo  d20+3=16
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 4:02:24 PM

Appolo is sitting quietly with Valanthe listening to the wind. When the wind changes he says, "Stay, they can handle it."

Listen 16

Valanthe  d20+6=9
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 7:46:07 PM

Valanthe smiles as she redresses. "I'm fine. I was shocked by a dream. I meant to tell you earlier, but you looked at me that way. I couldn't keep a thought and well you know what happened next." She lays back down next to Appolo and smiles. "Okay."

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 8:11:55 PM

"What dream, I had a dream myself, well a nightmare really, but I've learned to deal with them. Tell me about yours and I'll tell you about mine. I don't want you ever to be frightened, it upsets me." He reaches and starts playing with her hair. "You are so beautiful and I love you so much," he says in elven.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 8:51:52 PM

Val blushes and kisses him again. "It wasn't much. Just a golden dragon getting hit in the back by a rotting sword of darkness. It has to mean something since Elves don't dream."

Rigging  d20+4=14
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 9:25:02 PM

Rigging is amazed that Ashira shared his dream and tells her so. "I wonder if someone is trying to tell us something or the enemy is trying to attack our minds. I guess if the cult gods could affect us with dreams, they could do a lot worse. I wonder what it all means." Rigging moves around behind Ashira and starts massaging her shoulders. "Geez you're tight. No offense love, but you are looking a little peaked. Stress getting to you to?" Rigging keeps massaging Ashira's neck and shoulders while looking out to the sea. (Spot check above.)

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 9:44:55 PM

"Interesting, I had a similiar dream only the dragon was shot in the back by a rotting arrow. Then the bow turned into a serpent. It was frightening but I've had worse," Appolo says while idly playing with her hair.

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 11:28:01 PM

Valanthe frowns. "Maybe it was an arrow. I don't know. That was the first dream I've ever had. It's hard to remember the details." Val puts a hand to her forehead. "My head hurts too much to concentrate on much of anything."

Bart  d20=8 d20=10
Thursday January 24th, 2002 4:22:11 AM

Bart is working in the alley making some bread on soup for the crew

Ashira  d20+3=12 d20+3=21
Thursday January 24th, 2002 9:09:16 AM

The exotic half-elf relaxes for a few moments when Rigging rubs her shoulders, wishing that things could be different, and that she could fulfill both of their longings. Almost inaudibly she whispers "Hmmm...stress...yes, I guess you could say it was that." She returns to her thoughts. But there was already so much to do to free Aisildur, and it didn't look like it's getting better. No, now was not the time to lose track of one's goals and feelings.

Ashira puts her hands on Rigging's and slowly turns around to face him. With a steely look on her face, Ashira looks Rigging in the eyes as she whispers to him. "Rigging, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't understand what's going on lately, and that frightens me. I'm not sure what's happening with Ari and Redux, and I'm not even sure if we should trust them anymore." A slight look of terror lights momentarily in the half-elf's eyes, but is quickly extinguished. "I need you to promise me something. If anything should ever happen to me, I want you to kill me before I fall under Ga'als control. It would be betraying everything I've lived my life for if I was heartseeded." Ashira takes Rigging's hand and places it over her heart. When she speaks, her request sounds like a plea. "Promise me."

OOC (Listen=12, Spot=21)

Thursday January 24th, 2002 10:39:43 AM

Appolo says, "Just lean back agianst me and close your eyes and breathe deep. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Deep, relax. There is only happiness, warmth and love, our love. Just relax and rest." He starts massaging her shoulders and continues to whisper sweet nothings and how much he loves her while massaging her shoulders.

Meanwhile in the back of his mind he is thinking. The only way to win this thing is to kill Ga'al and his allies. How does one go about killing a god? Well if Domi can be killed then any God can be killed. Just a matter of how. Then and only then will Aisildur be free and Valanthe safe. He quietly makes up his mind to learn as much as he can about the gods
and their weaknesses.

He thinks about this while continuing to massage and comfort Valanthe.

Redux  d20+2=15 d20+2=4 d20+7=25 d20+7=21
Thursday January 24th, 2002 5:07:49 PM

Redux is keeping himself busy with his morning routine. (Spot=15 & listen=4)

Talon (spot=25, listen=21)To Redux: What is that?!

Ari (better late than never)  d20+1=21 d20+5=18
Friday January 25th, 2002 5:02:47 AM

(Crit Listen)(spot=18). Feeling a little forlorn, and a little outcast. Ari spends time standing on the deck and looking over the ocean. His contemplation is only broken by the sounds of the ship........ or is it???

Friday January 25th, 2002 5:06:03 PM

Rigging is close to tears as he listens to Ashira's pleas. "I will give my life to save you from such a fate, but if it came down to it. I will take yours before I would allow you to be heartseeded. It would cost me my sanity but I promise you I would do this." Rigging then wraps his arms around the beautiful half-elf and hugs her close.

A Whisper in the Night (DM Lee) 
Monday January 28th, 2002 3:08:48 PM

From where he stands at the starboard rail, Ari hears something out of place, carried to him along the wind. Was that the low murmur of an unfamiliar voice, coming from the darness of the stern? Or was it just nerves?

Winging by the stern of the ship, Talon sees movement in the shadows near the forward hatch.

(Roll Spot and Listen checks again, all.)

APPOLO  d20+3=11 d20+6=9
Monday January 28th, 2002 4:25:02 PM

Appolo sees and hears nothing except Val.
Listen 11, Spot 9

Bart  d20=10 d20=6
Monday January 28th, 2002 6:52:01 PM

Bart is busy working in the alley and doesn't have a clue what's going on outside the ship, they have to call him before he will shows up on deck.

Rigging  d20+4=20 d20=11
Monday January 28th, 2002 9:15:30 PM

(occ spot check first and then listen check)
Rigging hugs Ashira closer to him and breathes in her sweet scent. "What is that over there?" Rigging disengages with Ashira and heads over towards what he sees.

Ari  d20+1=9 d20+1=21
Monday January 28th, 2002 11:43:33 PM

(spot and then listen). Concern crossing his face, Ari stops all his movements and listens to the wind. Hearing something, Ari makes motions to get anyone's notice, on deck. Miming shh to any who notice, Ari Mimes that he hears something. He then proceeds to pull out his rapier, and does his best to set track the noise. (and maybe set an ambush)

Valanthe  d20+6=26
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 12:41:04 AM

Valanthe lays happily with Appolo.

(OCC: Listen only, no spot. She can't exactly see anything from her position)

Ashira  d20+3=17 d20+3=8
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 9:11:19 AM

Comforted greatly by Rigging's assurance, Ashira enjoys the warmth of the young man's body next to hers. She raises her head to kiss Rigging just as he walks away to check out the stern. Suddenly coming to her senses, the half-elf draws her swords and follows Rigging even though she doesn't see (Spot=17) or hear anything (Listen=8).

Redux  d20+4=9 d20+4=6 d20+6=15 d20+14=34
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 12:44:34 PM

Redux calls to Talon to go to the area with the noise. With the assistance of Talon, Redux makes his way to the area of movement. He readies his magic missile spell. He remembers the ring that the small girl used to follow them through the town and thinks that the web might help on an unseen problem.
(Redux Spot=9; Listen=6)
(Talon Spot=15; Listen=34)

What You Can't See (DM Lee)  d2=2 d20+2=4 d20+6=25 d20+6=17 d6+2=4 d6+2=8 d6=5 d6=2
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 6:42:57 PM

Rigging's attention is caught by the door to the captain's cabin, swinging open apparently on its own. Ari and Talon hear a quiet voice chanting from that direction, and Talon's hunter's senses tell him that there are at least three people moving in that area. As everyone on deck moves that way, the spellcaster completes her incantation and appears in the partial cover of the doorway. Rigging, Redux, Ari, and Talon feel suddenly sleepy. (Will save vs DC 16 or Sleep)

Just above and aft, there is a quiet thump from the helm. Jezru can be seen slumped over the wheel as a dark-clothed figure stands over him.

Up in the crow's nest, Valanthe's keen elven ears pick up the out-of-place cadences of spellcasting far below. Bart, in the galley, is still unaware of the problem.

The party has initiative.

Rigging  d20+1=12 d20+1=18
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 9:13:59 PM

Rigging experiences a sudden feeling of tiredness and realizes it is magically induced. (Failed first saved but used a hero point.) He shakes it off and shouts, "Sound the alarm! Repel boarders!" To Ashira, "See to the Captain." Rigging draws his weapons, and still shouting, "Battlestations! All hands on deck!" moves forward to engage the enemy, watching for any surprise back stabs from assassins coming out of the shadows.

Valanthe  d20+9=26 d8=4
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 9:42:39 PM

Valanthe looks down from the crows nest at the deck below. "Shit. Appolo we have a big problem." Val reaches down and grabs her bow. Nocking an arrow, she takes aim at the dark clothed figure, and lets the arrow fly.

OCC: 26 to hit, 4 dmg

Tuesday January 29th, 2002 10:00:37 PM

OCC: Where is the door to the captains cabin compaired to the crows nest? Would Val have a shot at the woman?

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 1:37:34 AM

"Ow you stepped on me!! What's going on?" Appolo says when Valanthe suddenly jumps up and looks down. He scrambles around, puts his shirt and armour back on, gathers his weapons. "Problem? We don't have a problem. Whoever or whatever disturbed us has a problem." Soon he is standing next to her. "Why us? Even in the middle of the ocean." He then quickly begins to climb down, using the ropes and yardarms to make his way over toward Jezru. Looking back he asks, "Well are you coming?"

Bart  d20=3
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 2:31:58 AM

Bart is just busy making some tea for the crew. (Listen check: 3.)

Ari  d20=18 d4+1=3
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 7:46:46 AM

Ari shrugs off the attempted spell, and quickly casts Magic Missle at the figure in the doorway (3 points dam). "Everyone up. Spell casting in the captains quarters"

Ashira (Charge!)  d20+8=22 d8+4=5
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 8:39:29 AM

Seeing her Captain in peril, Ashira does not need Rigging's command to stir her into action. Running full blast, she charges toward the open hatch hoping to plant her longsword (AC=22, dam=whopping 5) into whomever is opening it.

OOC (Without a combat map, this is the best I can do. Hopefully I won't mess up any spellcaster's plans. On the attack, I assume that the +2 from charge and the -2 from two handed fighting cancel each other out. Even though Ashira is not attacking with both of her weapons, she does have them drawn, and that's got to make her single attack with the longsword a little ackward.)

Redux  d20+6=26 d4+1=3 d4+1=2 d4+1=3 d20+6=16 d20+6=24 d20+14=21 d20+6=17 d4-2=2
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 9:30:05 AM

Redux fights off the effects of the spell and is compelled to action. The pain of his heartseed disappears for the moment. He casts magic missiles at the figure for 8 points of dmg. To everyone: "Talon senses at least three here!" To Talon: "Where are the others?! Attack!"

Talon hesitates for a moment but is able to negate the spell effect and searches for a target (spot=24, listen=21). If he hears something or someone, he will fly in with claws ready (AC 17 for 2 pts dmg) and inform Redux of the whereabouts.

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 12:04:26 PM

(OCC His attack is on the figure in the doorway.)

Rigging  d20+1=13 d20+1=4 d6=6
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 10:19:16 PM

Rigging will head towards the Captain's at a quick pace and engage any opponent who shows up.

What You See . . . (DM Lee-Anne)  d100=97 d4+1=2 d4+1=5 d20+5=19 d8+2=10 d20+4=18 d6+1=5 d20+7=12 d20+4=18 d20+4=22 d4+2=6 d4+1=3
Thursday January 31st, 2002 12:50:47 AM

Up in the crows nest, Appolo dresses while Valanthe shoots #2, the figure by the helm. Between lamplight and starlight, the elf can see quite clearly that her arrow strikes the slim woman dressed all in black. The mast with the crow's nest is about 15 feet forward of the captain's cabin door, but because of the steep angle, Val can barely see #1, the spellcaster (9/10's cover). (To climb down carefully, 2 rounds, DC10/round. Or climb all the way in a hurry, making 2 Climb checks at DC 15.)

In the galley, Bart clearly hears the shouts about intruders. He can be out the door and in the midst of the trouble next round with one action to spare, if he moves quickly.

On the main deck, Ari and Redux' missiles blast into #1, the spellcaster in the doorway.

Talon and Rigging hold near the doorway, waiting for an opponent to reveal itself.

Ashira charges toward the doorway, leaping coiled hawsers and dodging lines along the way. She guesses correctly (rolled 97 > 50% miss chance) and connects blade-first with an invisible somebody in the doorway. He responds with a low grunt of pain. (OOC, don't use 2-weapon penalties on single attacks.)

Spellcaster #1 moves, speaking a few words to send twins of Redux' missiles right back at him (7hp damage). Above her head and about 10 feet back, Thug #2 grabs Jezru and drags him forward until she is standing just above the door to the captain's cabin. She holds a dagger to the unconscious helmsman's throat. "You have three breaths to tell us who is in command here, or this one dies." Her voice carries the familiar accent of Aisildur.

Meanwhile, Ashira's opponent, Thug #3, appears and lashes out at her with rapier and short blade, doing 10+5 hp damage. As soon as he appears, Rigging and Talon make their held attacks, only the owl connecting. Thug #3 takes the opportunity to swing at Talon as he flies within reach, but misses.

From inside the cabin come the sounds of a scuffle -- apparently Captain Payton is putting up a fight. Feet can be heard running below decks -- help is on the way.

Valanthe  d20+9=27 d8=6
Thursday January 31st, 2002 6:56:29 AM

Valanthe nocks an arrow and takes aim on the same woman (thug #2). The captain was fighting back and Val doubted he would surrender. Still, as Val took aim, she hoped the woman didn't flinch.

(OCC: Val is aiming for the woman's arm that's holding the knife. 27 to hit and 6 damage.)

Ashira  d20+6=7 d20+5=25 d20+5=12 d6+2=7 2d6(5+2)+4=11
Thursday January 31st, 2002 10:14:57 AM

Grining wickedly at Thug #2 Ashira shouts "Piss off! You think we're foolish enough to tell you anything. Besides, you're all going to be dead soon enough!" The half-elf manuevers to get herself below to the captains quarters. If the hatch is open, and she is able to, Ashira jumps below deck. If someone is blocking her way, Ashira lashes out at them with a full attack (even if it happens to be Thug #2...in which case, Ashira tries to land her blows on the enemy, instead of Jezru).

OOC (Rolled Full Attack and damage...Lee, please modify if Ashira needs to have any called shots. Long AC=7, Short AC=25, Crit=12...dam=7 (no crit) or 11 (crit)).

Thursday January 31st, 2002 11:23:19 AM

Considering his options Ari pauses for a half a second, to give his superiors that half a second for to call him off. If there is no call off from action, then Ari proceeds to cast Summon Nature's Ally I (hawk). As soon as the creature appears, Ari says, "attack the one holding him up." and he points to thug#2.

Bart  d20+9=15
Thursday January 31st, 2002 11:43:38 AM

Bart hears the alarm, grabs his sword und runs to deck just in time to stab an stranger in front of him

Bart  d10+7=12
Thursday January 31st, 2002 11:44:35 AM

ooc dammage roll

Appolo  d20+5=21 d20+5=25
Thursday January 31st, 2002 1:12:06 PM

Appolo continues to climb down in a hurry. He moves down and toward thug #2 with amazing agility and speed. "I'm in charge!! I'll be right with you!! Little girls shouldn't play with sharp odjects. They might get themselves hurt!!" he says as he lands on the deck right next to the helm. He draws his sword and dagger. "You wish to discuss something?!"

Climb Rolls 21, 25.

Rigging  d20+1=17 d20+1=13 d6=6
Thursday January 31st, 2002 1:45:00 PM

Rigging lances thug #3 with his rapier and follows up with his dagger but misses.

Redux  d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=4 d20+6=17 d4-2=1
Friday February 1st, 2002 9:21:41 AM

Redux smiles slightly as his new jewelry absorbs the bolts of energy sent his way. This is a good fight to be in. Speaking the same words again, he sends 3 more flashes, this time at thug #2 (14 pts dmg). He instructs Talon to watch the spellcaster and to disrupt any spell he might cast (attack ac=17, dmg=1)

. . . Is What You Get (DM Lee)  d20=18 d4+2=4 d6=1 d20+7=27 d20+7=14 d8+2=3 d20-2=16 d20+8=9 d20+5=18 d20+4=12 d8+2=4 d20+12=17 d20+12=31 d20+7=20 d4+2=5
Friday February 1st, 2002 11:04:05 AM

Valanthe's arrow plunges into Thug #2. In response, the woman finishes her readied action, cutting Jezru's throat and dropping him to the deck of the helm/roof of the captain's cabin.

With Thug #3 blocking the doorway to the cabin, Ashira attacks him again, hitting once. Rigging, who flanks #3 with her, also lands a blow as Bart arrives beside them to join in. Barts attack misses.

Talon ducks past them all and in a remarkably supple move, for a owl, manages to slip his wingspan sideways through the hatchway and into the cabin (Used preroll #1, Dex check=19). Thug #3 takes the opportunity to swing at him as he passes overhead. His long blade opens the owl's gut in what is very nearly a fatal blow (critical threat, 3hp damage). As Talon approaches Spellcaster #1, ready to attack her, she also makes an attack of opportunity against him, though her fist, thankfully, misses. He can now see Captain Payton, defending himself barehanded against Thug #4.

Ari begins his spell (SNA has FULL ROUND casting time -- hawk appears at beginning of Ari's next turn -- make attack rolls then.) Redux sends his next set of missiles into Thug #2 just as Appolo reaches the deck nearby. (Draw weapons next round.)

Frantic pounding sounds from the nearby aft hatch, as well as from the forward hatch. It seems the rest of the crew are trapped belowdecks.


Inside the cabin, Spellcaster #1 begins a new spell, and Talon makes his readied attack. His scratch distracts her sufficiently to interrupt the spell (Natural 1 on her Concentration check). She pulls a scroll out of her belt.

Just a few feet away, Thug #4 slices into the already wounded captain.

Outside the cabin, Thug #2 tumbles gracefully from the edge of the roof above to land beside #3 just as he steps smoothly out of the way. #2 keeps tumbling past him into the cabin, where she rolls past Captain Peyton and comes to her feet flanking him with #4. She sinks her short blade into the captain's side.

Thug #3 backs into the doorway and fights defensively. He now completely blocks the entrance to the cabin, and only one person outside can attack him full on -- the doorframe gives him half cover from two more melee attackers.

The four attackers fight in eerie coordination, each seeming to know exactly where the others are. The two women, #1 and #2, have identical features, as do the two men.

Valanthe  d20+8=23 d20+8=25
Friday February 1st, 2002 12:03:49 PM

Val spews many curses in elven. Even as she throws her bow to the side (in the crows nest) and quickly climbs down, she's cursing the whole time. Val hoped that an arrow to the arm would have caused the woman to drop the knife. Once on the deck she runs over and tries to save Jezru's life.

OCC: Is there any other way to get below deck without using the door? Any way at all?

Friday February 1st, 2002 2:13:02 PM

Redux really doesn't like that all of the intruders are now in one place; nor that they are in the Captain's quarters; nor that his feathered friend is injured; nor that the rest of the crew is trapped below; nor that Jezru is down. He'd love to be able to convert one of these squads to work for them. He looks over the picture of the doorway and decides if he will be able to get a web spell inside the room, if so he will cast it. He instructs Talon to get defensive, drop near the floor or get a perch up high, whichever is fastest.

Rigging  d4+1=3 d4+1=2
Friday February 1st, 2002 9:32:16 PM

"Keep him busy beautiful." Rigging keeps his weapons readied as he takes a couple of steps back allowing Ashira full access. He sticks his sword into the deck and sheaths his main-gauche. He then reaches his right hand forward and whispers a few words. 2 gleaming darts launch from his hand and hit thug 3.

Bart  d20+9=21 d10+7=10 d20+3=19
Saturday February 2nd, 2002 3:24:17 AM

OOC since Bart is comming from below i suppose my route to the captian isn't blocked by #3, he takes a few steps jusr enough to attack thug 4 (ac 21 for 10). he also throws his dagger towards the captain aiming just besides him while he is shouting CATCH (dex check 19)

Ashira  d20+6=26 d20+6=12 d20+5=9 d8+4=6
Saturday February 2nd, 2002 12:57:26 PM

"No problem, dear." Ashira lashes out with her longsword (AC=26, dam=6) striking near where she speared Thug #3 in the gut. However, she is unable to connect with her shortsword (AC=9). Smiling at her opponent, she says "Ok, I'm going to be forced to go all out next time unless you and your friends surrender."

Saturday February 2nd, 2002 4:26:05 PM

When Appolo reaches the deck the intruder leaves? "How rude. I climb all the down to talk to her and she runs away." He looks around and finds some rope about 20 feet worth, and ties it to the rail in the center, so he is directly over the door to the captain's room. "Val go open the forward hatch and let the crew free." He lowers the rope and climbs down. "Look out below here I come. Tally HOE!!!" At the same time pushing out with his legs and swinging over the ledge through the entry way and into the Captain's room or right into #3's chest with both feet.

OOC: Not sure if I need to roll anything for this maneuver. If needed please make appropriate rolls. This is supposed be just like Errol Flynn. Real swashbuckler type move.

We're Stuck with It (DM Lee)  d20+6=23 d20+10=11 d20+7=21 d20+7=14 d20+5=6 d20+5=20 d100=39 d10=2 d10=7 d20+3=23 d2=2 d20+3=20 d20+8=27 d20+6=18
Monday February 4th, 2002 12:38:48 AM

At Redux' behest, the cabin fills with webbing, and Thug #3 has to move quick to avoid strands straying out through the doorway. Thug #2 and Captain Payton become stuck fast.

Outside the cabin, Rigging, Bart, and Ashira do some serious harm to Thug #3. Bart's dagger becomes caught in the webbing near the captain. Just then, Appolo swings down from above (no rope required), planting his feet firmly in the chest of #3, but the fellow stands firm. Appolo falls back into Bart and Ashira. (Used your preroll #2 for Tumble=21, then preroll #7 for "bullrush" attack roll of 20, he beat it with a 23.)

While the captain struggles to free himself, Spellcaster #1 unrolls her scroll and reads from it in quick, clipped tones. Thug #3 glares at the people clustered outside the door and growls out, "Enjoy your reprieve, rebel scum! The time of Ga'al's ascen--"

The four intruders disappear before he can finish.

Before anyone can move to help free the captain or undog the hatches, an eery keening sounds from across the deck. Swab, the simple-minded slaag, drops her scrub brush and grabs her head in her hands. "It comes!" she screams. "The end is nigh! Woe to the peoples of the Wold!"


Eventually, the crew breaks through the magical locks on the hatches. Captain Payton is freed from the webs, and an extensive search reassures everyone that there are no intruders remaining on the ship. Swab calms down and returns to her placid cleaning.

Sword calls everyone involved into the captain's quarters to discuss what happened.

Monday February 4th, 2002 1:42:42 PM

Rigging checks his unit to see if anyone is badly injured. When everyone is summoned to the cabin, Rigging steps forward and says, "Excuse me. I know I am junior here but I have something I want to say. For the last several months, the priests and followers of Ga'al have been a couple of steps ahead of us. They seem to know our plans before we do. This points to either scrying devices or spies in our ranks. How did they know where the ship was docked tonight? They were obvously well prepared to attack us. If that attack group wasn't a quad, I don't know what was. They are also employing some very powerful magic against us. I have never seen a teleport spell enacted before.

"On our last mission, they also knew we were coming. Only when my hunter group decided to attack the temple independently did we have some success. During our attack on the temple we saw some horrifying things. The enemy is now feeding its victims to Ga'al, not just enslaving them. I believe we need to find a way to inspect our ranks for spies and find better protection magic to hide our ships.

"I am also concerned with the new cult gods springing up everywhere. Are they in league with Ga'al? What are the high officers of the Jacks telling us?"

Rigging glances around and realizes that he has been lecturing. "Excuse me for my long speech, Captain. I am just so frustrated on how things have been going lately." Rigging sits down to listen to everyone elses' opinions.

Monday February 4th, 2002 6:26:37 PM

Appolo gets up and dusts himself off. After they are gone he says, "Too bad they had to leave so soon. The party was just getting started."

When Swab starts warning them about the end and the gods being at war, Appolo says, "Tell me something I don't know."

When Rigging asks if anyone is hurt, Appolo answers, "I'm fine. But I think Ashira might be hurt."

Appolo then follows the others when summoned, he slides silently back into the corner. Leaning against the wall he just listens, thinking, 'Yeah. I think we've actually become more than a minor annoyance. Sending a quad out here.' Appolo is deliberately trying not to attract any attention, preferring to let the others do the talking.

Monday February 4th, 2002 9:05:51 PM

Livid when the Quad disappears, Ashira spits on the deck where Thug #3 was a few seconds before. Ignoring Swab and the strange noise, Ashira begins ripping through the webbing to get to her Captain. She is relieved when the rest of the crew is freed, and the webbing dissipates.

The half-elf smiles when Apollo comments that she is hurt. Looking down at her bloodied armor, she makes sure that she cleans herself up before presenting herself to the Captain, assuring Rigging that her wounds are not serious.

Once inside the Captain's quarters, Ashira listens quietly as Rigging debriefs the Captain. She nods, affirming Rigging's thoughts, then adds a few of her own. "Sir, what deuce Rigging has stated is accurate. It would appear that at the very least, bad luck seems to be following us." Ashira stops for a few minutes, and then asks Ari and Redux to leave. Once they are up top once more, Ashira continues. "Captain, Ari and Redux have proved their loyalty to our party time and again, but I am concerned that they may be at the root of our problems. I have no idea how, but it seems like they have been having problems with their heart seeds since our encounter with the priests on the mainland."

Monday February 4th, 2002 10:39:29 PM

Redux is furious that the quad was able to escape. These quads are going to burn. He makes a mental note to redouble his efforts to learn how to create a magical ball of fire. He is in anguish not being able to reach his feathered friend for so long. He feels the pain and hears the cries as no one else on the ship; worse than being wounded himself. Where is that priest?!? He works towards getting the hatches open. Once the quarters are semi-clear he goes in to retrieve Talon. He searches for the Alryck to request healing. Only after that is done does he remember to approach the captain and apologize for creating such a sticky mess within his cabin (mixed with pride for making the quad flee without completing whatever it was). "Really, Captain, they were after you." Having been asked out of the meeting, Redux again contemplates his heartseed. He wanders the deck, climbing up to a secluded place. As Talon is aloft, he pulls out his dagger and turns it slowly in his hand. Such a fine tool; so sharp; so strong. As he stares at it he contemplates cutting out the heartseed himself. He wonders how a quad could get onto the ship; they are at sea aren't they? Someone has scryed their whereabouts and he probably helped. He flips the blade in his hand, over and over. Talon alights on his shoulder, suddenly. The bird sends such warm feelings associated with the new cleric, it distracts Redux.

Monday February 4th, 2002 10:59:00 PM

Alryck is disappointed at being below deck when the quad shows up, not a lucky thing. He was of no use to them. He is relieved to help in some way and gladly heals whomever is in need. Curious, he's not healed too many birds, eaten a few, but not healed. After the meeting, he'll see about getting a dice game going below deck.

Tuesday February 5th, 2002 12:09:43 AM

Val was tending Jezru when their attackers left. She was angry but not surprised. They worked too well together and had a specific plan of action. Thug #2's actions told Val that they were firm in their beliefs and hardcore as well. She didn't hesitate to slit Jezru's throat. The thought of Ga'al being reborn, ressurected,whatever, just made her head hurt. The more that she thought about Ga'al the more her head pounded. Val filed into the meeting room and took a seat in the back. A seat relative to her rank and station. A meeting of this type wasn't about what she thought of things. She was at the bottom of the totem pole. This time she was glad for that. The constant talk of Ga'al and their recent situation just caused her head to hurt. Val sat in the back quietly trying to pay attention, but finding it very hard to concentrate.

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