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Secret Dragons

DM Jan 
Monday January 7th, 2002 8:55:54 PM

Six months have passed, and life on the Fence Level of the Floating City continues.
However, change is in the air it seems.
From notices posted in the higher levels, it appears that political connections have perhaps been strained and even fractured between the City, and Plateau City at the shoreline.
The prices of some foods are driven up, as the uncertainty continues, as trade routes and practices have to be changed. The black market for certain goods flourishes.
Talk of the Gods centers around the continued instability of the two factions of Caeroldra - particularly the Hands of Love, who appear to be approaching their form of worship in a rather brutal manner (although the group already know this to be true after their last encounter).
There is layer upon layer of gossip, filtering down from the upper levels continually. Most of it does not affect those living below. Life has to go on after all.
However, one piece of news appears to trouble Flaust more than any other.
According to one of the turtle sailors, there is man currently in Plateau City, an important man, who is denouncing all the city rulers as dragons in disguise, out to enslave everyone.
The man's name is A'tath, and he is due to visit the Floating City in the next day or so and make similar claims. The sailor says the 'everyone' in Plateau City are going crazy, and that people are starting to panic. Anyone with any remote dragon connection whatsoever is being victimized .

The truth of all these rumours is debatable, but someone from one of the underground thieves guilds says that A'tath is real enough, and has accused Ackard the thieves Guildmaster in Plateau City of being a dragon, along with a lot more 'higher-ups'. Apparently this A'tath man had some kind of device, which could point out anyone with dragon ancestry within 100 paces and 'smite them down'. He didn't know about people going crazy over there though, but he reckoned that dragon people ought to watch out all the same. No way he was going to be a slave to anyone.

Flaust calls a secret meeting of the elder orphans.
One of the younger children - Thyst - has dragon blood, and Flaust is worried about his safety. The boy is small, dark haired and unassuming (to the point that you all knew him, but never really paid him much attention), he looks completely human, but he wears a strange circlet around his neck. Without it, Flaust know that his appearance would change dramatically.
She has arranged for someone to take him away to somewhere safe, until everything has settled down.
She wants the group to sneak the child down to the docks and hand him over to a man named Darko.
"We have to do this quickly," she pleads, "before word gets around. Do you have any questions?"

Miranna and Weasel 
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 1:06:51 AM

"Just one, Flaust," Miranna says. "How can we be sure of Darko's identity? Will Thyst really be safe with him?"

If nobody else has questions, Miranna will arm herself as usual and leave with the group. She lets her Weasel run about 200 ft ahead, to warn them of any potential trouble. Naturally, the Weasel will try to remain unseen.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 2:30:02 AM

Tiree accepts that they have to send one of the children away, but she is hesitant about it.

"How will recognize this Darko? And where are we supposed to meet him?"

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 4:21:28 AM

Syr nods as the others ask their questions. After hearing the answers, he moves to find Thyst.

Finding him playing outside with Becky, he pulls him aside and carefully explains that he will be going on a special 'vacation' for a short time. Seeing the boy smile, he stands, tossles his hair, and holds out a hand for the boy to take.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 7:25:27 AM

Jezebella listens to Flaust's short tale of the boy, and when she prompts for questions...

"Is he expecting us shortly? How long will he wait? Are you expecting any sort of other trouble.. sending us all along? Does Thyst need some travelling money....? We have some saved he can have, if so..."

Jez blushes.. her storm of questions known to Flaust. She waits for the 'Slow down, girl!' that usually cuts her off.

She will gather up her things, including of course her daggers, and make ready to escort the boy.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 11:11:13 AM

After escaping with Becky and making sure she is safe Drew runs down to the edge of the city and tosses the two masks into the depths of the lake.


Drew has no questions and prepares to escort his small brother to the Docks.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 5:14:34 PM

Eljer listens intently and nods.

"I have but one question, Madam Flaust-do you desire that I go, or that I stay?"

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 5:53:14 PM

Plink, rather understanding that a minority faces, is happy to help lead Thyst to safety. Plink, being a half-elf, has faced such mockery in his life, but not nearly the brutal treatment those with dragon blood face. He acknowledges the problem for what it is, and sheathes his rapier, and with a quick nod to the rest of the group, plops on his floppy, brimless hat and gathers his flute in hand, ready to leave.

DM Jan 
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 7:07:07 PM

"Ah yes," says Flaust. "Darko. You won't be able to miss him. He always wears a large gold earring in his left ear, and has a single, plaited braid of black hair that runs below his waist. He'll be waiting at the docks. His boat's sails are red. There is also a password. When you reach him you must tell him - 'It is time to fly'. His reply should be - 'My boat shall be your wings.' "

Syr finds the little boy outside, who seems quite excited to be going on some kind of adventure, gripping his hand quite strongly.

Flaust smiles at Jez's enthusiasm.
"I'm hoping you won't meet any trouble, but please. I want you all to be careful. The docks aren't the safest of places at the best of times, and is getting late. If you do have anything to spare the boy, then by all means. Maybe spare clothing would be better than money. Money is so easily stolen. Eljer, would you accompany them, please? They might need you."

It is late afternoon, and daylight is beginning to dim through it's usual portals from the outside.

((Marching order please, folks))

Miranna and Weasel 
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 9:22:54 PM

[We need a marching order? I thought we just walk in a tangled mass as always. :P If we need a marching order, we need a leader. Miranna doesn't care who leads, as long as it's not her. Whatever the marching order, she'll let her Weasel run about 200 ft ahead (unseen) of the group.]

If no leader steps forward, Miranna will keep roughly in the centre of the group, alert for any communication from her Weasel.

Jezebella  d20+7=13 d20+5=13 d20+5=15
Wednesday January 9th, 2002 7:10:32 AM

Jez, as always, keeps to one side of the group as they travel... keeping on the shaded side of the street. She sometimes moves slightly ahead of the group (not more then 100 feet) to watch for trouble. When she does that, she always stops, feigning interest in a shop window, or merchants stall, or architectural wonder... to let the group catch back up. She always keeps her eyes open, and her ears sharp. (13 hide, 13 spot, 15 listen)

[I nominate the weasel as the leader! Grubs and broadswords for everyone! *chirrup!*]

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 9:06:22 AM

Drew sits in a marching order in the spot where the most weakness is, or the most protection is needed. This time it would be next to the small boy they are escorting.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 9:51:08 PM

Polaris grins as she goes to the back of the line where she holds up best. Although she is small, she has a watchful eye for anything that might be following beside or even behind the pack. She skips in her usual step with a slyish grin on her face. Adventures have always been great fun.

(((I agree! The weasel will be a great lead for us!)))

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 10:03:01 PM

Tiree memorizes the code words and description of Darko. Moving forward, she takes a in the front of the group. Keeping her own eye out for trouble and an eye on Jez to see if she has trouble, she leave Thyst to the others to watch. She does her best to set a quick pace without seeming to be in a hurry.

Eljer  d20+5=20 d20+3=13
Thursday January 10th, 2002 11:17:04 AM

Keeping a keen eye and ear out, Eljer follows along with the group beside Drew and Thyst

Listen Roll 20
Spot Roll 13

OOC: Ok, maybe the ear's not so keen.,

Thursday January 10th, 2002 11:53:38 AM

The elf moves into line behind Tiree. Syr seems almost too casual as if out on a stroll on a carefree day.

DM Jan 
Thursday January 10th, 2002 5:52:50 PM

The group sets off, with Miranna's weasel skittering on ahead. Young Thyst keeps asking - "Where are we going? Are we there yet?"

The streets are beginning to darken as the sun sets beyond the City, and folks seem to be in a hurry to get home. At the corner of one street, two robed men are pasting a poster to a wall.
The poster reads -


As they scout, Tiree and Jez see nothing too unusual, as the rest of the group stays around their young charge.

A few streets later, the buildings cluster together, making every alley a dark one, and distant bells and shouts can be heard, telling the group that the docks are quite near.

Suddenly - Miranna's weasel comes running back like the hounds of hell are after it.

((Listen check, everyone please))

Plink  d20+6=13
Thursday January 10th, 2002 6:42:54 PM

Plink, seeing the weasel running like the dickens, heads forward to step close to Tiree. He might have elven blood in him, but sometimes his human half shows forth; he doesn't always notice things as a full elf would. Stepping forward, he almost wonders if he hears something, but isn't sure.

(Listen 13)

Eljer  d20+5=20
Thursday January 10th, 2002 7:14:42 PM

At the sight of the weasel, Eljer furrows his brow in concern and listens as close as he can to the sounds of the city night.

Listen Roll 20

OOC: Little keener that time:)

Tiree  d20+3=22 d20+3=18
Thursday January 10th, 2002 7:23:56 PM

Tiree stops the group when she sees the weasel running toward them. She strains her ears to see if she can figure out what is chasing the poor thing, if anything is (Listen 22). She also strains her eyes to see if she can make anything out (Spot 18).

Miranna and Weasel  d20=9
Thursday January 10th, 2002 8:34:27 PM

Miranna stoops to let her Weasel run up her left arm, then straightens while patting it soothingly. What is the matter, Weasel? What have you seen? She asks silently through the mental link with her familiar, somewhat disturbed by the fact that her Weasel had not given her any warning before running back.

At the same time, her ears strain for any sounds coming from ahead. (Listen 9+7=16, with +2 for familiar within arm's reach.)

Jezebella  d20+5=17 d20+5=13 d20+7=8
Thursday January 10th, 2002 10:49:23 PM

Jezebella palms her daggers from the shadows, watching the little animal run to her Mistress.

(listen 17, spot 13, hide 8)

Drew  d20+4=6
Friday January 11th, 2002 10:21:11 AM

Drew keeps walking along protecting the boy hearing nothing.

Syr  d20+3=20
Friday January 11th, 2002 12:47:22 PM

Syr comes to a stop and centers himself in the street when he sees Tiree hold the group up. With one hand on his axe, he drops to a knee and listens (20). He quickly uses his elven eyesight to scan the rooftops and nearby alleys for any signs of movement.

DM Jan 
Friday January 11th, 2002 10:59:05 PM

Alerted by the rapid return of the weasel, Eljer, Tiree, Miranna, Jez and Syr hear some slight clattering coming from the rooftop to the right. Even Plink's 'spidey' sense is tingling.

Miranna just has time to discern from her weasel the following - 'people' - before a tiny, but nasty looking arrow shoots down, brushing past Polaris's hair, who was at the rear of the party, before clattering to the paving stones.

Thyst grabs hold of Drew's leg in fear.

Sunday January 13th, 2002 7:38:00 PM

The gypsy girl scans the rooftops, in the direction she heard that clatter from. If she spots the sniper, she will run to find an entrance to that building.

Plink  d20+7=25
Sunday January 13th, 2002 7:55:59 PM

Plink's head turns, almost in synchronization with Jez's, his keen eyes scanning to see where the shot came from. He crouches down, trying to provide himself some cover from any more range attacks that could be coming. His right hand strays and pulls forth his rapier, his left reaching into his pack and extracting his flute in anticipation of what might happen.
(Spot 25)

Monday January 14th, 2002 1:21:48 AM

Syr ducks out of reflex as the arrow hits the ground nearby. Without sparing a glance upward, he pulls forth his axe and rushes to meet the threat in front of the party. "I'm not waiting around to get feathers sprouting from my back."

Monday January 14th, 2002 9:54:19 AM

Drew looks around and protects the boy from any attack.

Miranna  d20+7=15
Monday January 14th, 2002 10:14:38 AM

Miranna looks up at the rooftop (Spot 15). If she can see the attackers, she casts a Grease spell on the roof under them (covering 10 ft square, Reflex save vs DC 14). If not, she casts Obscuring Mist (spreading 30 ft outwards, 20 ft high).

Eljer  d20+3=13 d20+5=25
Monday January 14th, 2002 4:58:43 PM

Eljer crouches to make himself even less of a target and aims his crossbow up toward the roof, looking for a target. If he finds one, he lets a bolt fly.

Spot Roll 13
Attack Roll 25

OOC: Guessing I don't see anything. Damn shame too 'cause I'll wager that is a palpable hit!

Tiree  d20+3=16
Monday January 14th, 2002 5:03:14 PM

Tiree lets the others move toward the attacker. She motions to Drew, Thyst, and the others and moves to cover. She looks for someplace that cannot readily be seen from the rooftops but can be well defended if someone comes at them from the ground. (Spot 16)

DM Jan 
Monday January 14th, 2002 5:48:20 PM

The arrow draws everyone's attention in one way or another, and those looking up can see a hulking shape on the roof top on the right.

Eljer's bolt flies, and a sharp "Owww!" is heard, then - as Miranna's grease spell takes effect - the shape slides and falls, landing on the street behind the group. Whoever it was - doesn't move.

Jez finds a door to the building, but it's firmly locked.
Tiree frantically looks for a safer spot as Plink draws his sword, and Drew stands guard over the boy Thyst.
Not much in the way of over from rooftops, though. The party is in a narrow alley which curves to the left ahead of them.

Having run up to the front, axe in hand - Syr is the first to see them, coming toward the group from around the corner ahead.

"Hold it right there!" yells a voice. "Give us the kid, and no one gets hurt! He's coming with us to Plateau City!"

There're six of them - all human, teenagers, five male, one female. They look like the typical rogues to be found anywhere on this level, possibly guild apprentices.

Monday January 14th, 2002 6:59:48 PM

Polaris pulls out her bow and arms herself. She knows that if she needs to her running and far aim skills are the best for the situation.

Monday January 14th, 2002 7:25:19 PM

Tiree moves back toward Thyst while drawing her rapier.

"He's not yours! He is going nowhere with you!"

Plink  2d4(2+3)=5
Monday January 14th, 2002 8:12:37 PM

Plink, before negotiations can be made, attempts to eliminate as many of the threat as possible-at least, temporarily. With a quick tongue and a musical humming that fringes upon the amazing, arcane words string themselves together in a form of lullaby.

(Sleep spell centered in the center of them, affecting 5 hit dice worth of people, lowest hit die first)

Miranna  d6=1 2d4(1+1)=2 d4=4
Monday January 14th, 2002 10:15:31 PM

Miranna frowns at the six humans, then as Plink starts his incantantations, she decides to add a spell of her own. Throwing a handful of colored sand into the air, she utters, "Coriius inri maesta!" A vivid cone of clashing colors extends from her hand to the six.

(Color Spray in 30' cone, affects 1 only!! Up to 2 HD: unconscious for 2d4=2 rnds, then blinded for d4=4 rnds, then stunned for 1 rnd. 3-4 HD: blinded for 4 rnds then stunned.)

Miranna (Addendum) 
Monday January 14th, 2002 10:17:46 PM

(Forgot to mention: Will save vs DC 16 to negate effects.)

Monday January 14th, 2002 10:22:42 PM

Jezebella attempts to clear her mind, watching the approaching thugs... she summons forth the arcane knowledge Miranna has been teaching her... soft elvish rolls from her tongue, as she murmurs the incantation. A shimmer surrounds her, a brief outline of armor seen for a moment, as she moves toward her friends to stand with them.

Jezebella (addendum) 
Monday January 14th, 2002 10:25:52 PM

(mage armor on self.)

Syr  d20+6=11
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 2:54:35 AM

Syr sees the teenager's and immediately decides that there is only one thing they will listen to. He makes a feeble swipe with his axe (attack 11) in an effort to keep the youths at bay.

Drew  d20+7=25 d20+7=24 d12+5=15
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 10:48:49 AM

Drew grits his teeth and growls. Then speaks to the boy.

"Brother Thyst no matter what happens you stick right by me, let me know where you are at all times. I am your brother and as long as I live no harm will come to you, understand? If the need comes climb up on my back and we will run." Then he draws his axe and bellows to thoes that can hear him. "This boy is my brother and if any of you even think about touching him, know this I will die to save him but on the way I will take many of you with me. I am Death's warrior and will send you to him, this I swear."

Drew is holding his attack until someone approaches and then he will attack.

(Intimidate 25)
(held attack hits AC 24 for 15 damage)

OOC: I think I'm missing some experience, what level is everyone else?

Scott OOC:still 2nd level 
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 11:09:46 AM

and I do a bit of adventuring in RWI :)

Miranna (OOC) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 8:08:38 PM

(Miranna is level 2 as well. I'm trying to get her to 3 by adventuring in the RWI.)

DM Jan  d20+3=14 d6+1=7 d20+3=4 d20+3=9 d20+3=19 d6+2=8
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 9:38:50 PM

Chaos happens.

As Tiree, Polaris, Jezebella, and Eljer get ready for battle, Plink drops one of the rogues, and Miranna's spray causes one to stagger back, blinded.

Syr swings with his axe at what looks like the leader of the group, who sucks in his stomach and misses getting sliced.

"Get 'em!!" he yells, clearly none too pleased.

Drew's threats and promises appeared to have the desired effect for the moment, as the remaining four attack the group - avoiding the enraged half-orc like the plague.
Better to go for the seemingly easier target.

The leader's short sword, slashes viciously toward Syr. ((Hits DC 14 for 7))

Rogues 1, 2 and 3 go for Tiree, Plink and Miranna respectively. 1 and 2 swing wildly, but the third seems to have more idea as he lunges at Miranna. ((DC19 for 8))

the one at the back, who fell off the roof, is beginning to get to his feet.

Miranna and Weasel  d20+5=16
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 11:10:50 PM

Miranna has no time even to gasp with pain before she falls, blood spurting furiously from the open wound on her chest (HP=0/8). She is vaguely aware of the battle raging around her as she struggles on the brink of consciousness.

The Weasel deftly jumps from her arm just before she hits the ground. Enraged by the fall of its mistress, it launches herself at Rogue #3. (Hits AC 16 for 1 dmg, attach if successful)

Syr (AC 18)  d20+6=22 d12+4=12
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 3:00:01 AM

Syr dodges quickly to the side as the leader's short sword goes sweeping past. As he steps to the side he brings his axe up high and slams it into the leader's shoulder. The blade bites deeply (hit ac 22 for 12 points) as he grunts from the force of the blow.

Seeing Miranna fall, he pushes his assault, trying to go for a quick kill. Over his shoulder he shouts, "Eljer! Can you check on Miranna now???"

Jezebella  d20+2=19 d20+2=10 d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 7:51:35 AM

Jezebella roars in rage and fear as Miranna falls, spinning toward the thug that brought her down. (hitting AC 19 for a whopping 2, ac 10 for 5)

Plink  d20+3=20 d20+2=10 d6+2=5 d6+2=7
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 8:31:47 AM

Plink, rapier in hand and realizing that this encounter just got considerably more deadly, attempts a riposte at his current foe. With a firm grip on the hilt of his sword and a snap of his wrist, he sends the sword straight at the gut of his aggressor.

(Hopeful hit AC 20)
(whoops on the second d20 roll, was supposed to be a d6!)
(5 damage)

Drew  d20+3=16 d20+7=23 d12+5=10 d20+7=27
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 10:48:55 AM

Drew continues to guard the young Thyst, growling and threatening. He begins to see the pattern. (Spot 16) "Polaris--arrows at Syr's combatant. Let him see death proper. Tiree, Plink cover Miranna--the man standing over her doesn't leave this alley alive."

Holding attack until anyone comes near...
(Hit AC 23, Dam 10)
(Intimidate 27 Critical Success)

Thursday January 17th, 2002 4:11:06 AM

Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voiceless image of fear and rage pushes through the fog of pain that threatens to drown her consciousness. Weasel. The fallen elf clings desperately onto the link with her familiar, drawing strength from it...

With a great effort, Miranna rouses herself enough to feel feebly in her belt pouch for a potion.

[OOC: HP=0 should allow a partial action, which Miranna hasn't taken this round. I thought it'd be more dramatic to have somebody else bend over her worriedly, but everyone seems occupied. :(]

Polaris  d20+6=17 d6=6
Thursday January 17th, 2002 10:08:57 AM

Polaris aims her bow and shoots for Syr's attacker. (Hit AC 17 for 6 damage)

DM Jan  d20+3=19 d20+3=20 d6+1=4 d6+1=2
Thursday January 17th, 2002 11:19:59 AM

As Miranna falls to the ground bleeding, the enraged weasel leaps on her attacker, sinking its teeth in.

Syr responds quickly, slamming his axe into the leader who yelps in pain and staggers back. He then goes down as an arrow from Polaris strikes him. That leaves Syr free.

Plink's rapier digs sharply into Rogue 2.

Jezebella runs to Miranna's aid and connects with her blade on Rogue 3.

Rogue 1, seeing his leader fall, and somewhat intimidated by the half orc command center that is Drew, turns and runs. So does the rogue who fell off the roof.

This leaves just two rogues, presumably brave enough to think they can carry this off, or too stupid to realise they can't.

Rogue 2 slices into Plink for 4 dam with his short sword, and weasel-clad Rogue 3 turns on the attacking Jezebella, slicing for 2 dam.

Miranna manages to get a potion out of her pouch but then falls unconscious as her bleeding continues. (Now at -1)

( Tiree and Eljer? I held off overnight so you could get your knocks in. Can't wait forever though.)

Plink  d20+3=23 d20+3=5 d6+2=6
Thursday January 17th, 2002 4:32:07 PM

Plink grimaces in pain as the short sword bites into his flesh, and spits out a foul taunt, "To each his own, scoundrel." With that, he thrusts his blade straight toward the opponents thigh, hoping to pierce it enough to eliminate this foe.

(Critical threat but no crit, for 6 damage)

Weasel (Attached) 
Thursday January 17th, 2002 7:56:13 PM

The Weasel heard her mistress's feeble call and then - nothing. It cannot sense its mistress any more. With a viciousness it didn't know it possessed, it sinks its teeth deeper into the bad man-thing that had hurt the mistress. (Attached, automatic hit for 1 dmg.)

Polaris  d20+6=16 d6=5
Thursday January 17th, 2002 8:13:50 PM

Polaris, seeing Jezebella in trouble turns her bow in that direction, launching it towards her attacker (AC 16 for 5 damage) She aims lower on his body as to not hit the Weasel. After, she runs to Miranna's aid.

Eljer  d8+2=3
Thursday January 17th, 2002 8:38:06 PM

Eljer quickly runs over to Miranna and hastely begins to pray, letting the power of Ffloy flow through his body to heal her wounds.

Cast cure light wounds. Three points recovered.

OOC: Sorry all, Aleyna and I were out of town from Monday night until late Wednesday night and forgot to leave word.

Jezebella  d20+2=13 d20+2=7 d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Thursday January 17th, 2002 8:59:33 PM

Jezebella's dervishlike onslaught continues against the monster that brought down her beloved sister... the flashing knives almost shine as brightly as her savage eyes. She ignores her wound, although it seems to knock her dance slightly off-balance. (hit ac 13 for 2, ac 7 for 5)

Tiree  d20+4=5
Thursday January 17th, 2002 9:14:26 PM

Tiree moves toward Miranna and the attacker currently facing Jez. She moves to the backside of him (flank) and strikes quickly with her rapier (att BOTCH!!).

Thursday January 17th, 2002 9:48:38 PM

OOC: Eljer we reroll ones in the Wold on healing spells. Just another added bonus for keeping all your gaming needs here in the wold.

Eljer  d8+2=8
Friday January 18th, 2002 12:06:20 AM

OOC: Oh, OK....cool!

That's a little better. Miranna springs back up. BOINNNGGG!!!!!

Drew  d20+7=23
Friday January 18th, 2002 10:46:57 AM

Drew picks up the young boy, his brother and yells at the last two thugs still there, using all his volume and voice.

"This is my brother and I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND BEFORE YOU EVER LAY ONE FINGER ON HIM!!!" Then quiet with total commitment in his voice, he adds, "Choose now, this is your last chance. Run or die."

(Intimidate 23)

DM Jan 
Friday January 18th, 2002 11:13:48 AM

The rogue who laid Miranna low starts to regret his actions, harried by the weasel, punctured by Polaris' arrow, and sliced with Jez's dagger.
He falls, Tiree's deadly sword swishing past his head.

Plink bravely presses on against his own foe, his rapier painted red with rogue blood.
It's just too much.
After another bellow from Drew, the rogue turns and runs.

Eljer crouches beside the stricken Miranna and prays. Divine power flows, and in no time at all, Miranna is feeling much better.

Thyst is still clinging to Drew like a limpet. So far he's said nothing, simply stared in shock. But now he starts to sob quietly, asking -
"Why did they do that? Why?"

It is nearing full dark, some of the group have nasty wounds and there are bodies everywhere. Surrounding doors in the alley are firmly shut.
No one wants trouble here.

The docks are only a couple of streets away, and the quayside is fairly quiet - goods stowed away, sailors in the local taverns. A few guards peer curiously at a rag tag bunch of orphans and a half orc, but they don't seem a threat, and so aren't challenged.

Along the quay, between two turtle drawn cargo boats, is what looks like a small yacht. Its red sail is partially unfurled and flapping slightly. There appears to be one person aboard.

Friday January 18th, 2002 2:24:42 PM

Drew holds the little boy and lets him sob and then pulls him away so that they can look into each other's eyes. "You deserve better than what I am about to say, your courage and bravery have earned you more than the truth but it is all I have. Your blood makes you a monster to some, as does me and mine. Some eyes will only ever be able to look at you with hate and malice. When they do though I want you to remember this, my eyes, I want you to remember what I say. You are my brother and I love you so much that I would have laid down my life today to save yours. These others would have done the same. Miranna almost did, but do not weep because she did. Look at her eyes and face. See she smiles. She smiles because she loves you that much that her life is our family. Remember, Thyst, remember and forever be happy and have a heart full of joy. You are loved beyond price." The Half Orc then puts the boy up on his shoulders for all to see and walks to the docks, with nothing but pride in his steps.

Eljer  d20+3=7 d20+5=12
Friday January 18th, 2002 5:35:38 PM

Eljer falls in step behind Drew, moved by his impassioned speech. He continues to keep his eyes and ears peeled for any further trouble, crossbow at the ready.

Spot 7

Listen 12

However, he apparantly is walking a little too close behind Drew for that is all he seems to see.

Miranna and Weasel 
Friday January 18th, 2002 8:20:38 PM

With a soft moan, Miranna opens her eyes, and sees a few worried faces above her. Putting a hand on the bloody patch on her chest, she sits up gingerly. The overjoyed Weasel immediately leaps up on her shoulder and chatters in her ear. The elf blushes a little at having caused so much worry. "Thank you, Eljer, I think I am all right now."

Miranna stands and surveys the battlefield. More dead foes. More blood on their hands. She sighs. Thyst is asking, "Why did they do that? Why?" She wishes she knew.

Her mood lifts somewhat at Drew's speech. With a sad smile, she follows Drew down to the docks. The boat that Flaust described is there.

Once they have verified the identity of the person on board, Miranna gives Thyst a light kiss on the forehead and says goodbye. "Be strong, Thyst. Remember Drew's words."

Friday January 18th, 2002 10:42:33 PM

Jezebella smiles with worried relief when Miranna arises... she puts her hand on Eljer's... another warm smile for him who saved her.

After she is helped to her feet, Jezebella follows her gaze to the battlefield. Perhaps her heart is hardened over the last few months since the god of courage died, or perhaps holding her friends' funds have put her in a more financial state of mind. She begins searching the bodies for anything valuable, quickly and efficiently. Her face is an unreadable mask, and she wipes her hands off on the ripped tunic of one of the thugs when she is through.


On their journey to the docks, her mask breaks when listening to Drew's words to Thyst. She hugs the boy, reinforcing the love Drew has expressed... and then hugs Drew after the boy is hoisted up onto his shoulders. She whispers to him, "It's good to have YOU as a brother too, Drew."

After a few minutes, Jez looks up at Thyst, with worried look on her face... she then whispers to Drew again. "I think he's enjoyed his ride, but people are obviously looking for him. I think it's best if he walk."

Tiree  d20+6=19 d20+3=12
Saturday January 19th, 2002 4:23:55 AM

Tiree helps Jez look through the belongings on the rogues so they can get to the docks quickly (Search 19). On the way there, she puts up her rapier and pulls out her hand xbow. While walking, she loads a bolt and keeps her eyes peeled (Spot 12).

At the docks, Tiree sees the boat.

"Looks like we might have found our man." She begins to lead the little group toward the boat.

Saturday January 19th, 2002 12:25:38 PM

Still in battle-mode, Polaris is quiet, but joins the group towards the boat to speak with the man.

Plink  d20+5=22
Saturday January 19th, 2002 6:31:26 PM

After the adrenaline of battle passes away, Plink shakes his head and looks down at his rapier, crimson with the blood of his enemy. It becomes too much for him to bear. He may be quite a bit older than many of the group, but he's still a child, and he still has a child's mindset. Death still isn't one of the things he's come to grasps with, and he stays behind the group, a good 15 feet, as he moves, his head down, but his ears keen.

(Listen 22)

DM Jan 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 4:19:07 PM

Jez and Tiree's search of the bodies has resulted in acquisition of the following -
98 GP
120 SP
10 CP
A leather pouch containing 3 pearls (100 GP each)
+1 shortsword
4 non-magic shortswords
2 daggers

Darko is identified as passwords are exchanged, and he takes young Thyst aboard. The boy seems strengthened by Drew's speech, but is still tearful and reluctant to leave the group, who he considers as his only family.
The braid-haired sailor shakes his head sorrowfully.
"This is bad business," he says quietly. "When I left Plateau City, I heard they'd arrested Sturtavent and the head priest of the Alemi temple. It doesn't look good for them, unless someone over there tries to stop this madness.
"Now don't you worry about the boy. He'll be safe with me."

He hands over a sack.
"I found these floating around out there," he says. "You might as well have them."
The sack contains two Caeroldra masks that look rather familiar.

As he ruffles Thyst's hair, the group notices that Darko appears to be wearing a circlet around his neck, fashioned in a similar design as the the one Thyst wears.

"I'm sorry you were set upon by thugs," he continues. "Flaust had to take some risks - talk to people who weren't altogether trustworthy. I guess word got out about the lad, and well - thank the stars you're all still standing."

He unties the boat.
"They say even the Gods are at war these days. So you be careful now you hear?"

It isn't the happiest of partings. As the boat disappears out into the lake, the young dragon boy's sobs can be heard drifting back to shore.

Tonight seems to have taken it's toll on everyone. The fight was a nasty one - Miranna almost died, and the group had to be ruthless in protecting themselves. Plink seems particularly shaken.

Darko had said to be careful. Perhaps his advice should be well heeded, after all, the night isn't over yet....

((Sorry I had to wrap this one up quick, folks, but we have a timetable to keep up with. Excellent roleplaying, btw. really really really good.))

((Just for the next scene, you have a new DM - if it's who I think it is - you certainly won't be disappointed.))

Plink  d20+7=22 d20+3=9 d20+3=13
Sunday January 20th, 2002 4:56:43 PM

(If unobstructed)
Plink, his mind an array of discord, feels there's only one thing that can cheer him up: his music. He looks to the rest of the group, and says to them, "I'll be back. I'm going to go see if I can't make a little bit of money and soothe my sorrows."

If noone prevents his leaving, he heads to a fairly active part of the city, and pulls his flute out. Shortly thereafter, melodies are heard floating through the air, lightening the mood greatly.

After he's played for a while, Plink asks around, trying to gather general information about what's going on in the city, and particularly anything he can about Darko.

(Perform check 22)
(Gather Information check 9)
(Bardic Knowledge Check regarding Darko 13)

Sunday January 20th, 2002 8:20:41 PM

Jezebella gives the boy another hug, blinking back tears. She stands, wearing a smile to demonstrate strength.

After he leaves, she allows the wearyness to show on her face. She takes the masks before Drew can lob them back out into the ocean, with a slight smile. She murmers in a flute like language, very fluid... some might recognise it as a woodelven dialect. She reasures him. "These masks arent magical, Drew.. we should be ok to keep them.. or sell them. Perhaps Caeroldra is rewarding us for clensing the corruption from her temple. But... this sword IS magical... who wants it?" She looks in awe for a moment at her lightly glowing bracers.

Miranna and Weasel 
Sunday January 20th, 2002 10:59:12 PM

Miranna smiles at Jezebella. "You have learnt well, little sister. Some day it will be my turn to learn from you." [Read: Miranna will want to copy some spells from Jez. :^) Btw, Miranna casts her spells in Draconic.]

Noticing Jezebella's gaze at her own bracers, Miranna says, "Jezebella, are your bracers magical? I saw you cast a spell of armor before the fight. To my knowledge, the magic from bracers and spell do not add. The stronger magic would suppress the other."

"Let us go back now. I will need to slip in by the back to change out of these bloody clothes."

Monday January 21st, 2002 3:44:39 AM

Looking around at the carnage, Syr cleans his axe on the leader with a sad look on his face.
Looking down at his axe, he fingers the nicks and scrapes carefully. Standing up, he rubs his temples softly and grimaces in pain.

Shaking his headache aside, the elf gathers up the swords and daggers saying, "I need to go see a smith today. How about I see what I can get for these?" Syr proceeds to tuck the non-magical swords and daggers into his belt and boots.

After giving the magical sword a few practice swings, he mutters to himself, "... good balance and heft..." He looks around and hands it to Polaris, "This seems to be your size."

Syr stands on the pier until the boat fades from sight. With a final wave to Thyst, he turns and heads back to the city.

Tiree  d20+3=22 d20+3=6
Monday January 21st, 2002 9:15:16 AM

Tiree gives Thyst a hug before he goes and tells him how proud of him she is for being so brave. She turns quickly away not wanting to see the boat leave. Not trusting that those rogues who jumped them earlier, or some other group, might try again, Tiree keeps her eyes (Spot 22) and her ears (Listen 6) open on the way back to the orphanage.

"Sell the short swords, Syr, but let's keep the daggers. Those always come in handy. Jez and I can always use a few extras."

DM Carl: Priorities 
Monday January 21st, 2002 9:28:17 AM

Just as Plink is about to take his leave of the others, the group are stopped in their tracks by half heard words carried to them on the gentle sea breeze.

"...an' woe betide this stinkin' city if Alemi don't give in ta Marteaus' demands. What we have 'ere will give 'em all a BIG surprise! They's all gonna PAY!"

Brutish, malicious laughter is heard, and the source becomes apparent; four men, further down the quay are disembarking from what seems to be a Turtle-pulled boat. Between them they are manhandling two large wooden boxes. Then, failing to notice watching eyes, they head across the quay and vanish into the darkened fish market.

Before you can investigate further, however, TiTri arrives, a tiny elven lass often used by Flaust for running messages.

"There you are!", she cries, grabbing at Syr's hand and tugging. "Flaust has been lookin' everywhere for you lot! You're to come to the orphanage right now! Flaust said so!" She doesn't look like she's prepared to brook any refusal.

Indeed, something does seem to be going on; looking up at the city there seems an inordinate amount of activity given the lateness of the hour. Shouts and activity can be heard, and there is an indefinable buzz in the air...

You return to the orphanage as quickly as you are able, concerned that something is amiss. You find Flaust more excited than concerned however. She is rummaging in a chest, digging out an assortment of masks.

"Where have you been? Can't you feel it?" She babbles, eyes bright. "Here, you take this one, you can have that one..." And indeed, now she mentions it you can feel it, a curious tugging sensation way down inside... a need for a mask, a need to be heading for... the Floating City Arena?

Flaust hands out the following masks:

Drew: A mantis
Miranna: A goat
Eljer: A chequered black and white mask
Tiree: A monkey
Polaris: An umber hulk
Plink: A sad mask with tears and a big droopy mouth
Jez: A shark
Syr: A goblin

And within a couple of hours the whole orphanage is masked and heading out into the city, joining the growing throng that wends its way towards the ever beckoning arena...


DM Carl: The Beginning of the End? 
Monday January 21st, 2002 10:44:04 AM

It seems as though the entire population of city has turned out, all headed, half dazed, towards the arena. The sea of multicoloured masks is a beautiful, if rather surreal sight in the bright morning sunshine.

Rumours spread and multiply, borne on wings of excitement and anticipation.

"Have you heard? They say the Gods themselves will be there!"
"I heard Alemi was going to destroy Marteaus in front of everyone!"
"No, it's the other way around you fool!"
"Well my brother's a priest over at the Temple of Alemi, and he told me that Marteaus offered a truce, and Alemi accepted! He said that each one is allowed to bring one other God with them!"
"Oh, that's rubbish, I heard they'd caught a bunch of Dragons and were going to execute them!"

Soon Flaust's children find themselves squeezed into the arena, crammed in tight, whilst many more can only crowd outside. The hubbub is charged with tension when suddenly, as if by some secret signal, the entire arena falls suddenly silent.

There, at the centre of the arena, stand three figures. Strangely, although they are made tiny by distance, each and every person in the arena feels as if they are standing right next to them; you hear each word, see each nuance of expression, as though you stood mere feet from them.

You know them at once. There stands Marteaus, the dark Lord, and facing him, calm and serene, great Alemi, ruler of the Gods. Beside him stands Caeroldra, raven-haired Goddess of Love. You can barely breath with excitement.

Marteaus (smiling): "You came then."
Alemi: "I came. As we agreed, I brought one other with me. Could you find none to stand beside you?"
Marteaus (smiling more broadly still): "Oh, but I brought someone, old one. Did I not, Caeroldra?"

Without a word, simply a smile playing on her lips, the Woldian Goddess of Love steps from Alemi's side, crosses the intervening space and turns to stand beside Marteaus. She pulls her holy symbol, the Bow and Arrow of Love, from around her neck and lets it drop, with a thud that echoes around the Wold, to the dust of the arena floor. She places her hands together, and with but a simple movement fashions a new symbol, a twin headed serpent engaged in a passionate embrace, from the very air itself.

Caeroldra: "You did. I stand with you, Dark Lord."

The crowd explode. This is inconceivable! Boos ring out, and fists are waved... but it is evident that not everyone is outraged. There are many in the crowd who stand in silence, arms folded, who appear to be anything but dismayed. Alemi bows his head in sadness.

Marteaus: "Well, Alemi? Are you ready to admit that I am your equal? Are you willing to grant me equal status? Surely you must admit it is only fair. For every brave and good heart in the Wold there is one of evil, of corruption. Do they not deserve fair representation?
Alemi: "I shall never grant you this thing, Marteaus. You know that."
Marteaus (Suddenly furious): "Then you shall die! You shall die like Domi before you! Did you learn nothing from his death? Fool! With Caeroldra beside me you cannot hope to stand before me! This is your end!"
Alemi: "If that is what must be, let it be. I shall not grant you what you ask."

Marteaus draws back, ready to strike, when suddenly you are aware of a fourth presence in the arena. Your heart sinks as you realise it is The One, Cult Goddess and ally of the dark Lord. She stands beside Caeroldra, her mother. With a laugh that would tarnish gold Marteaus turns once more to Alemi.

Marteaus: "You see? You are truly doomed. It is three to one. How can you hope to prevail?"
Alemi: "Dark One, by your own treachery you have undone yourself. By the terms of our truce you were only allowed to invite one. You have said yourself that you brought Caeroldra. In bringing The One you have made this meeting non-binding and void."
Marteaus (laughing): "But I did not invite her, she has come of her own accord. Your fate is sealed!"

Then The One steps forward.
The One: "Indeed I did come of my own volition, Dark Lord, but it was not to stand by your side. I stand with Alemi."

She crosses to the old, bearded figure, who smiles a smile that brings tears of joy to your eyes, as he whispers "Welcome, stepdaughter." Then he stoops, picks up Caeroldra's discarded Bow and Arrow and offers it to The One. She in turn removes her own symbol, the Half Mask, and takes up her Mother's discarded Bow.

Marteaus (Furious once more): "Think not that you have escaped your doom, old one. Hiding behind the skirts of this slut cannot save you! You cannot stop me! All the secrets of the Gods of the Wold are now mine in Caeroldra, and you shall all be undone! If not this day then the next! Your time is near!"
Alemi: "Marteaus, this is a sad day for the Wold. There is still time, it is not too late to turn from this path, to forsake your dreadful scheme and repent! Without repentance, Marteaus, judgement will come upon you soon."

Marteaus recoils as if struck, then spits full in great Alemi's face. The black spittle fizzes and spits as it rolls down Alemi's cheek, though the Ruler of the Gods does not react.

Marteaus (screaming): "Who will judge me? You? And how will you do that when I have scattered your ancient ashes to the four winds?" (Suddenly calm and focused) "This is the beginning of the end for the Gods of the Wold! Let it begin."

And, just like that, it is over. The Gods are gone, and like dazed cattle the people of The Floating City find themselves wandering home, knowing that from this day forth nothing will ever be the same again.

Monday January 21st, 2002 6:51:41 PM

Plink, ultimately moved by the display shown this evening, walks slowly but with a smile on his face. He thinks that perhaps he's found a meaning to his prior meaningless life.

It's known to everyone that deities become more powerful with each worshipper they have, and even more so with each devout priest they have in their clergy.

Plink asks the rest of the group, "Everyone, I've a very important decision to make, and I'd much appreciate it if you'd help me make it. I would like to become one devoted to the One."

Plink, though his wisdom is but half that most priests are blessed with, finds his path leading to any possible church devoted to the Cult Goddes, the One. In many ways, Plink and the One are similar: accepted by those whom have no reason to accept them, separated from their parents.

Once (and if) he arrives at a church, he will enter and attempt to find out as much information he can about the One's priesthood.

Miranna and Weasel 
Monday January 21st, 2002 7:34:13 PM

Miranna is quiet and thoughtful as she walks, although the goat mask hides her expression from the others. She has never concerned herself much with religion or the Gods, but now... When Gods war, mortals suffer...

The Weasel, sensing its mistress's mood, climbs up her arm onto her shoulder and rubs its furry body against her cheek. Weasel, stop it, it tickles. I will stop brooding. With a giggle, Miranna gently plucks her Weasel from her shoulder and puts it back into its leather pouch.

Plink's announcement surprises her. "Plink, it is not for me to judge your decision on your path in life, but are you sure you want to devote yourself to a God at this time? We do not yet know the truth of the Gods' war."

Before Plink goes off by himself to look for a church, Miranna hands him two scrolls. "The streets are not safe for a lone orphan, my brother. These are scrolls of Mage Armor. May they help you in time of need." [Scribed at Wizard caster level 2. I'm not sure how that translates to bard level.]

Monday January 21st, 2002 8:56:49 PM

Jezebella feels herself pulled from her shocked daze by Plink and Miranna's conversation.

She murmers something in the elven dialect, sharply.. an admonishment, or a curse, but the object of her spite is unclear.

"I agree with Miranna, Plink. While we love you and will support you no matter what you decide, this is not something to decide lightly, ever. And especially not now. Think about this, a moment, all of you. Unless I am unclear about the Pantheon.. The goddess of love and loyalty just ABANDONED the father of the gods.. for a god representing hate. Doesn't that strike anyone else as a bit... off?"

She thinks to herself for a few more moments... the shark mask hiding her features, seeming ready to lunge.

"I will accompany you if you wouldn't mind, Plink. On your search for 'The One' ... I have questions of my own."

Monday January 21st, 2002 9:07:06 PM

Drew watches without comment or reaction. He seems strangely withdrawn and removed from what is happing before him, finnaly when it is over he looks at his family and says two things. "The God who sent me to you all is was not here today, another four are removed from my quest. As far as the masks go, I do not wish to return masks to an evil God and I do not think we should keep them or sell them to someone who could link them back to us. Perhaps melt them?"

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 4:21:30 AM

Syr watches in amazement as the Gods switch sides and then switch again. "It is not for me to decipher the intentions of Gods."

Turning to Plink, "As long as you decide with a clear mind, I will support any decision you make." Behind the goblin mask, he smiles fondly at the bard.

He adjusts the mask for better vision, "Melting would be good. I do have one concern though." With a quizzical furrow in his forehead he turns to Miranna, "Will melting these masks release any dangerous magic?"

DM Carl: A City in Turmoil 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 8:04:20 AM

It doesn't take long for the fallout to begin. As Plink and Jezebella make their way towards the temple to find answers to their questions it becomes increasingly apparent that Miranna's warning was an astute one.

The defection of Caeroldra and the instatement of The One as the new Goddess of Love creates a terrible schism amongst both sets of worshippers.

Followers of Caeroldra are already taking sides, some swearing allegiance to the Dark Lord and rejecting Alemi and the Old Gods, whilst others repent and flock to The One. She, it seems, is recieving these converts with open arms.

As the teenagers get closer to the Temples on the Open Air Level it becomes apparent that passions are starting to boil over, and that the situation is now completely out of hand. Running battles break out between the worshippers of each faction, and the temples and shrines of each Goddess are transformed into battlegrounds. In the distance Jez spots smoke rising from the site of Caeroldra's Diamond Temple. Civil war has broken out in the House of Love.

The streets are no longer safe, and there are none to whom Plink and Jez can address their questions. Safer by far to head back to the orphanage and let the dust settle.

The others, along with Flaust, have their hands full guiding the other orphans safely back home. The streets are packed, and tensions are running high. This Divine crisis takes place against the backdrop of a city already in a state of some uncertainty over the recent break with their traditional power base in Plateau City. The populous, understandably, are nervous.

As ever, with fear comes violence. There is the sulpherous whiff of the mob about the crowd, and with a crash of glass a group of burly youths smash in a shop window. Soon a number of youths are involved, and several shops are looted before the Constabulary arrive on the scene. You see a couple of men, a large box held above their heads, running down the street away from the law, laughing as they go, before they vanish into the crowd.

You succeed in keeping the little ones safe, and you arrive home with no further incident, but something nags at you, something about those men with the box...

And, suddenly, the memory returns. Four sailors, carrying two boxes into the fish market, down at the quayside last night... what was it they said?

"woe betide this stinkin' city if Alemi don't give in ta Marteaus' demands. What we have 'ere will give 'em all a BIG surprise! They's all gonna PAY!"

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 9:25:50 AM

Remembering the men and the box calls the others together and asks what any of them remember. If no one remembers anything he sugests that they start at the fishmarket where they heard them the fist time.

Miranna  d20+3=7
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 11:01:00 AM

Miranna answers Syr's question about the golden masks with a giggle. "No, Syr, Jezebella has already ascertained that the masks are not magical. Even if there is some hidden danger in them, I know of a place we can safely sell them - the Catacombs. The staff of a magic shop can surely deal with two golden masks."

[If Drew is happy with this solution, Miranna will volunteer to sell the two masks. She needs to visit the Catacombs anyway.]

Later at the meeting Drew calls, Miranna tries but cannot remember much beyond that there were a few people carrying boxes (Int check 7). She looks apologetically at Drew. Learning magic is one thing, remembering faces (or directions) is another.

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 4:07:56 PM

Polaris looks at Drew thoughtfully and answers his question. "I think I remember something of that night. Their laughter is ringing in my ears. It was almost evil. Their mode of transportation was a turtle-pulled boat. That's all I remember, but the laughter is the part that sticks with me most. It was really errie. Can anyone else think of anything more?" She looks at the others with hopeful eyes. She hopes her memory isn't by itself.

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 4:52:08 PM

Having arrived to the meeting that's been called, Plink puts in, "I'm afraid I don't remember anything special about the men either. I'm afraid we weren't able to find any information out at the One's temple. Mayhem everywhere. However, logic would lead me to believe that the place that the most harm would be caused would be at Alemi's temple itself. Just a thought."

Eljer (played by Jared) 
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 8:04:06 PM

Eljer steps forward, trying to get his relatively short self into a position so he can hear properly, but not impede on anyone else. After everyone's put in their comments, he adds, "I, neither, remember much more than their cacophonous laughter. I've also already forgotten which direction they were carrying that box, but that would be a good way to head, would it not? I'll go whereever the group decides."

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 9:18:59 PM

The gypsy girl, having followed Plink back, puts in her two cents after thinking a bit. "I see a few possible places to look for these men... the temple of Alemi, yes, maybe. If the crates contain something dangerous. Secondly, the warehouse where they were accepting converts, and housing all thier stolen goods.. remember, we had to rescue our foodstuffs. Thirdly, we could return to the docks, and the fishmarket they entered, and try to... subtly... retrace thier steps."

Tiree  d20+1=19
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 4:42:02 AM

Tiree fiddles a dagger and looks at the gypsy, "I'm tryin'to remember..." her face screws up as she concentrates (int 19). "I think somethin' is in those boxes that will harm the entire city. Other than a fire, what'll do damage?"

Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 4:47:45 AM

Syr unslings his axe, "Methinks the temple would be the place to start. However, we must be careful moving around town."

{OOC: Does anyone else find this statement a bit bizarre? "Civil war has broken out in the House of Love."

DM Carl: To the Docks! 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 5:52:58 AM

The orphans wrack their brains, trying to remember what the men said and did. There is some debate as to where to look for them , and what they might have been up to. Slowly they piece together the events of the previous night. As Polaris points out, they arrived by boat, and then, as Drew reminds them, they headed around the back of the fishmarket.

Tiree, after much thought, is of the opinion that whatever the men were doing, they were probably doing it at the fishmarket since those boxes looked pretty heavy, and surely they couldn't have carried all the way across town without being stopped.

The party decide to examine the docks, and then if that trail proves fruitless, to try Plink's Temple suggestion, or Jez's idea about the warehouse.

The quayside is a very different place from the last time you visited it. In daytime it is bustling with activity, tradesmen shouting their wares, customers jostling for bargains, sailors and tour guides pestering one and all for custom.

Doomsayers, soothsayers, self-proclaimed prophets and all manner of assorted lunatics line the quayside, a not uncommon sight, but today there are many more than usual. And for once they all seem to have a common theme.

"The End of the Wold is Nigh!"
"The Death of Days is upon us! Repent! Repent while you still have time!"
"Dragons and Cult Gods are coming to eat your Children! Flee! Flee in terror!"
(Well, almost all have a common theme.)

As you work your way through the crowd towards the spot where you saw the sailors disembark you notice two things.

Firstly, their boat is still moored by the quayside.

Secondly, two men, neatly (if spartanly) dressed in short blue tunics and well made leather armour, are questioning members of the public. They seem anxious, even desperate. You overhear snippets as you approach;

"Please, can you help me sir? I'm looking for the owners of that boat!" (pointing at the boat you saw the four men arrive on last night) "It's desperately urgent!" "Madam, do you know who that boat belongs to?" "Sir, do you know where I can find the men who came ashore on that vessel? The very fate of the Floating City may hang in the balance!"

True to form, the citizens of the Fence Level are being no help whatsoever. If the two men get any response at all it's "Out of the way!", "Push off, weirdo" or "Go find someone who gives a damn".

(OOC: Everyone please make a Spot check)

One of the men spots you watching them, and approaches, the urgency of his question writ large on his face. Indeed, he looks absolutely frantic.

"Excuse me, please, we're looking for the men who own that boat. They may have come ashore carrying crates; have you seen anything?"

(OOC: Kari, I urgently need Polaris' character sheet. Please mail it to me at carl.white@oldenglishinns.co.uk and carlw@clara.net. If I don't get it I won't be able to include you when, ahem if combat starts. Thanks!)

Jezebella  d20+5=12
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 8:07:18 AM

Jezebella pretends she didnt quite hear the man amidst the clammor of the quayside.. "Who? What do you need him for? Friends of yours?"

She keeps herself aware of whats going on around her... (12 spot)

Plink  d20+7=26 d20+1=6
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 8:26:34 AM

Plink, as the man approaches, examines him and tries to discern his actions. As the man begins his questioning, Plink tries to determine if the man is lying or not (Sense Motive result 6). As far as Plink can tell, the man is sincere, and he says, "Men from the boat? I think I saw someone carrying what appeared to be a ship's cargo. Why do you ask? Who are these men, and what is the cargo you search for?"

Plink (apologies) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 8:27:10 AM

(Plink also had a 26 result on spot check)

Eljer  d100=18 d20+3=23
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 8:29:57 AM

Eljer, too, is wary of the man's speech, much like Plink. He mentally praises his deity, and tries to use one of his granted powers to tell if the man is lying, and tries to see if this man is one of the members on the crew. (He had a 30 percent chance, if I read correctly, and rolled an 18, should be a success. If they were lying, it would be on the "We're looking for the men who were on this boat" comment. If they were members of the crew, they wouldn't be looking for them, and thus he could detect the lie) If he indeed notices the man lying, he instantly alerts the group. If not, he stands quietly, his eyes wary.
(Critical success on Spot, for result of 23)

Drew  d20+4=18
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 10:16:19 AM

Drew steps foreward removes his axe and places it blade down in front of him hands resting on the shaft. He stands right in front of one of the men and speaks. "As has been made clear by now we may no something of what you are looking for, we may be in fact looking for the same thing. However we may not and with all of the strife racing through the wold and with Gods turning their backs on each other it would speed things if you would tell us the whole truth, omit nothing and do not lie. Why are you looking for the men? Who are you? What was in the crates they were carrying."

Spot 18

Polaris  d20+5=9 d20+8=18
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 7:40:59 PM

Polaris, seeing Drew's aggressive side threatening the men, tries to convince the men that they are not there to hurt them, that they are looking for the same information that they are. (Diplomacy 18) "We are looking for the same information that you are, and we both appear clueless. If you know something would you please tell us." (Spot Check 9)

Tiree  d20+3=15
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 9:42:04 PM

OOC:Thanks for posting for me whoever it was!

Tiree lets the others question the men. She scans the area to see if anyone is paying attention to either them, the boat, or the men asking questions (Spot 15).

Miranna and Weasel  d20+7=25
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 9:57:16 PM

With a whisper to her Weasel to stay hidden and alert, Miranna looks around warily while the others talk with the man.

(Spot 25, including +2 for familiar within arm's reach.)

Eljer (as played by Steve once again) 
Wednesday January 23rd, 2002 10:11:20 PM

OOC: My deepest thanks to Jared for covering for me!

Eljer waits to see if he can tell if the men are lying

Syr (still played by Scott unfortunately)  d20+5=12
Thursday January 24th, 2002 3:43:44 AM

The elf looks intently as the group is approached by the man (Spot 12).

Syr perks up at Drew's question about the contents of the crates.

DM Carl: The name's Rand; Kyle Rand 
Thursday January 24th, 2002 6:28:11 AM

As Plink confirms you know of the crate-carrying sailors a wave of relief crosses the face of the questioning man, though his sense of urgency remains. Although all of the party initially holds reservations about him, his words ring true, particularly to Eljer, who is convinced there is no duplicity in the man's words or body language. And as he continues, breathlessly responding to Drew's stern challenge, that sense of honesty grows.

"I beg your pardon, of course you are wary... My name is Kyle Rand, and this is my partner Jay McKintley. We are Special Investigators from Plateau City" (He displays his signet ring, which bears the Plateau City crest) "and we have been on the trail of the men who arrived in that boat ever since they broke into the Sages' Guild in Plateau City. What they brought here could spell the end of Floating City, and cause untold misery and starvation! We are running out of time!"

As the investigator tries to explain (in truth, he's so anxious that he's starting to babble a little), Plink, Eljer and Miranna keep a wary eye out around them, whilst examining Kyle and Jay. They are pretty certain these are not the same men they saw last night. These men are neat, well groomed, clearly professionals, whilst the men from last night were rough sailors, bearded, scruffy, a bit like those four over there... no, wait, exactly like those four over there! Heading towards their boat, approaching from behind the investigators, the four sailors are walking almost straight towards you!

Your surprise must show, because Kyle and Jay follow your gazes... and find themselves staring straight into the eyes of their quarry!

"It's the law, lads! To th'boat!" Yells one of the sailors, as all four draw cudgels and sprint for their vessel, knocking astonished citizens aside as they go.

"Blood and Death!" curses Kyle, as he and Jay both draw blades of their own. He turns back to you, and the look in his eyes convinces you once and for all that he is telling you the truth. The man is desperate.

"Please, I know you have no reason to trust me, but I'm begging you; if you saw where they took those crates, you have to find them NOW! It may already be too late! No time to explain!"

And then he is off, charging in to combat alongside his companion, yelling back over his shoulder as he goes "Look for freshly dug earth! Freshly dug earth!"

(OOC: I'll need Search and Spot checks if you want to look for the crates and dug earth. Thanks!)

Plink  2d4(1+1)=2
Thursday January 24th, 2002 8:11:26 AM

Plink, having had his doubts reassured and calmed is suddenly thrown back into a frenzy like state. He begins to runs off in the direction that the four men just came from, prepared to search and attempt to locate the lost crate. However, he doesn't go very far at all, maybe 25 feet, before he wheels, turns, and begins a melodious incantantation towards the four sailors, once again a lullaby-esque tune ringing from his mouth.

(Sleep spell centered in the best possible position to affect the 4 thugs, but DEFINITELY neither of the 2 Plateau City folk. Affects a whole 2 hit dice worth of people, lowest hit die first)

Tiree  d20+6=21 d20+3=11
Thursday January 24th, 2002 9:08:59 AM

The men's urgency taking hold of her, Tiree quickly takes off in the direction the men came from. The thought of what might happen to the City if they failed washes through her mind. She keeps her eyes open for any sign that might lead them where they need to go (Search 21, Spot 11).

Drew  d20+7=21 d12+5=12
Thursday January 24th, 2002 12:07:08 PM

Drew the smell of battle filling his soul again feels the heat of it and begins barking at everyone. "Thoes with sharp eyes to the alley, look for the dug earth, shout out if you get in trouble. Polaris, arrows on the thugs, Syr to the alley protect them, Ill help hold them here so your back will be safe." With that Drew steps foreward and attacks the nearest thug.

Hit AC: 21, Dam: 12

Miranna and Weasel  d20+4=18
Thursday January 24th, 2002 8:14:53 PM

Weasel, go... Miranna mentally directs her Weasel to the spot she saw the men emerge from. Get scent. Find freshly dug earth. She images a mound of disturbed earth to her familiar. [Weasel has Scent ability. Spot 18, no Search.]

Once the Weasel goes on its hunt, Miranna takes a bit of spider web from her spell component pouch and throws it towards the boat while chanting. "Matius colle eta!" A mass of sticky webs extends from the boat to the quayside, anchoring the vessel firmly in place.

[Web 20' radius, should be enough to cover whole boat plus part of quay. Miranna will try not to get any bystanders or allies caught in it, but will not extend the same consideration to the 4 sailors. If any are caught, Reflex save vs DC 15 or be entangled. An entangled creature suffers -2 to attack, -4 to effective Dex, cannot move, and must make a Concentration check (DC 15) to cast a spell or lose it. Can break free by using 1 round to make a Str check (DC 20) or Escape Artist check (DC 25). If caught but not entangled, can move each round through 5 ft of web for every 5 pts by which a new check exceeds 10. The web provides 1/4 cover for each 5 ft of it between you and an opponent.]

Jezebella  d20+5=9 d20+5=21
Thursday January 24th, 2002 9:02:52 PM

Jez races widely around the men, in the direction they came from, looking for the crates they were carrying before...

(Spot 9 search 21? Forgive me, don't have my char sheet on me at work... unsure if my search bonus is remembered correctly.)

jez, ooc 
Thursday January 24th, 2002 10:14:48 PM

Search modifier is 7... final result 23 :)

Polaris  d20+5=21 d20+7=25 d20+6=14
Thursday January 24th, 2002 10:53:16 PM

Polaris follows Drew's instructions and sends arrows towards the thugs (Hit AC 25) She looks at the others encouraging them to join the battle, the more people the better.

(Spot 21 Search 14)

Syr  d20+3=23 d20+5=7
Friday January 25th, 2002 3:40:26 AM

Without hesitation, Syr jogs towards the alley while keeping a wary eye out for anything suspicious.

Arriving at the alley, the elf elects to take in his surroundings before acting impulsively. (Not sure what to do with this roll so I'll let the DM decide... Search =23, Spot 7)

DM Carl: Bigger Fish to Fry 
Friday January 25th, 2002 5:52:11 AM

With a sickening crack Drew's axe head bites through the sailor's collarbone and deep into his chest. He sinks to his knees under the force of the blow, the knowledge of his own death clear in his face as Drew places a boot against his chest and rips his axe free. The sailor falls lifeless to the cobbles.

Kyle turns in surprise; he had not expected Drew to follow him. "A mighty blow my young friend, but we --whoop!-" (he ducks under a wicked cudgel blow) "want these creeps alive!" He emphasises his point by parrying a second cudgel blow with his sword, then planting a firm left fist into his attacker's stomach. The man staggers, but fights on. "We can handle this rabble, believe me; if your friends find those crates they'll have far more need of your axe than we! Go, help them! Quickly! We will join you as soon as we can!"

At that moment, with a "Phwooomp!" a huge tangle of glutinous webbing explodes in the middle of the sailors' escape vessel, gluing it firmly to the quayside, though failing to entangle any of the sailors. This development generates a string of colourful expletives from the hairy mariners, and grins of amusement from Rand and McIntley. "Good work, lass!" calls Kyle over his shoulder, and Miranna is suddenly aware of just how... well, for want of a better word, 'hunky' he actually is.

Plink heads off into the crowd, then turns and looks back. He readies his Sleep spell, but is unable to cast safely. Rand and McIntly have joined battle, and any spell targeted at the sailors is likely to effect them, not to mention Drew. Plus, with the multitude of shoppers, gawkers, hawkers and assorted riff raff milling about, it is difficult to get a clear shot... (The business of the quayside also renders safe missile fire impossible for Polaris)

Out of options he turns and heads off after the others, his Sleep spell still readied.

He arrives in the alleyway to find the others peering about. This alleyway is clearly a dumping ground for old stock, empty packaging and assorted market refuse, the canvas back wall of the fish market to your left, the high rear wall of buildings to your right. As a result it stinks of rotting fish. Weasel's scent ability is completely confounded.

Fortunately it is not required. As you proceed down the alley Polaris cries out "Hey, aren't those the boxes?" They certainly look like them. The two open boxes are about 30 feet ahead of you, discarded on top of a pile of fish crates, and are quite empty. Peering ahead into the shadowy alley, the sharp eyes of Tiree, Jez and Syr make out 2 mounds of earth. They point; "Look! There!"

Before you can take another step a canvas flap opens up in the back of the fish market halfway between you and the mounds of earth, and a big, bald, moustachioed fishmonger steps out, clutching a large trout. It looks like it's seen better days. "Hoy! Clear off ya wee bampots!" He yells, brandishing his trout and glowering menacingly. "Go scavenge somewheer else, 'afore ah tan yer wee backsides!"

Remembering the urgency in Kyle's voice you realise you have to get past this fat fool, and fast.

(OOC: Kyle and Jay look like they know what they're doing. They are both landing blows on their opponents, and have yet to be hit.

If Drew and Miranna wish to join their companions they will need to spend a full round fighting their way through the crowd that has now gathered to cheer the combatants on and place wagers.

Those in the alley: The alleyway is about 12 feet wide. The fishmonger is about 15 feet ahead of you, the mounds of earth 15 feet beyond him. Attempting to run past him will provoke a Trout Attack of Opportunity, but he won't be able to stop you all.)

Plink  2d4(1+1)=2
Friday January 25th, 2002 8:12:58 AM

Plink, the sleep spell still on his tongue, and knowing the urgency of the situation, sees what he must do. Thinking it won't do the man any harm, centers the spell on the fishmonger and lets fly the arcane lullaby that is becoming oh-so-familiar.

(Affects yet ANOTHER 2 hit die worth of creatures)

Friday January 25th, 2002 9:06:17 AM

Not waiting to see if Plink's spell works, Tiree makes a mad dash past the man with the fish in an attempt to get to where whatever was in the crates was buried.

Jezebella  d20+3=16 d20+5=9 d20+7=11
Friday January 25th, 2002 9:16:24 AM

Jezebella shoots Plink a quick smile in thanks (assuming his lulliby has the desire effect..) and races by the fishmonger... unwilling to let the trout face such a hideous demise of being trod upon in this back alley, she snatches it from the slack fingers of the 'monger. (Dex 16 to grab the fish!)

She passes the falling man, armed with trout and daggers.. she approaches the mounds of earth carefully, gaugeing thier size, and looking for anything dangerous or unusual about them. (spot 9, search 11)

Drew  d20+5=22
Friday January 25th, 2002 12:07:48 PM

Drew hearing the mans words is barely able to pull his self out of the fight and the blood lust, but the mens words fall upon his ears and he hears the worry and the danger to his family. Looking up before he tears off he asks. "What is under the mounds?" Then he takes off shoving and pushing his way through the crowd. Moving at full speed. (Str. check of 22, and 80' of movement.) As soon as he gets near enough to the alley to see the fish monger he pushes past grumbling, "I am clearly not a begger, and if you want to die from what ever the evil men planted in theis alley then feel free to stick around. Then he cries out to his family. "Careful with the mounds, the two gentlemen seemed to think they were dangerous. Fighters to the front, magic back them up, arrows trained." and he moves to the mounds.

Miranna and Weasel 
Friday January 25th, 2002 6:19:55 PM

Mistress. MISTRESS! With a jolt, Miranna realizes she has been staring at the 'hunky' Kyle, replaying the sound of his voice in her mind... [OOC: Enough reaction for you? :P] With a blush - fortunately unnoticed in the chaos - she brings her mind back to the business at hand.

MISTRESS! Fish man block way. The communication of her Weasel makes no sense, but she knows her tiny companion well enough to understand that she is needed where the Weasel is. Drew is already pushing his way through the crowd. She follows him closely, knowing that on her own, she will have a harder time getting past.

The Weasel, sensing that its mistress is coming, waits where it judges is safest.

Sunday January 27th, 2002 4:41:46 AM

Syr waits impatiently behind Plink as he finishes up his spell. As Plink finishes, he charges around him and jumps over the fishmonger (assuming he was either pushed down or fell asleep). Once in the alley, he moves to the closest mound and slows to a more cautious approach.

DM Carl: Beetle Mania  d20=4
Monday January 28th, 2002 9:50:27 AM

Drew sets off at speed, and shoppers go flying as he cuts a swathe through the crowd. Miranna follows, as quickly as she is able, in his wake. They arrive in the alleyway just in time to see Plink waving his hands and chanting, as the portly fishmonger advances upon him.

"Ah'll batter yuir buttocks, ah'll... ah'll... aaahhhh....."

Going suddenly cross-eyed a look of utter peace settles on the fishmonger's face. As if somebody cut his strings he collapses into the muck of the alleyway floor. As he falls, Jez nimbly grabs the trout from his failing grip, and hops over him.

The others all race forward. Tiree and Syrdeth lead the group, with Jez a foot or so behind. Drew elbows his way past the others to stand by her.

The mounds of earth do indeed appear to be freshly dug. And hastily too, by the look of things. There seems to be something sticking out of one of them. Leaning in close to examine it you realise that it is moving, ever so slightly... it seems to be a blue, insectoid antenna of some sort. It is waving gently back and forth in front of Tiree's nose.

Suddenly, alerted perhaps by the proximity of his gentle breathing, it stops dead. In the instant that follows several things happen. A burst of muffled chittering starts up from within the mound, answered almost instantaneously by the other mound. Tiree has the presence of mind to back up quickly, raise her weapon and shout a quick warning before the mounds explode in a shower of earth and irritated clicking sounds. Two huge blue beetles burst from the ground, their mouth pincers clacking menacingly.

Clods of earth clatter off the market tent wall, as the beetles, each well over two feet in length, peer angrily about and decide who to bite first.

(OOC: You have the initiative. This round only the front two, Tiree and Syr, can attack. The alleyway is too narrow for anyone else to get an attack in unless they have a reach weapon to hand (which I don't think anyone does). House Rule penalties for missile fire into melee apply, to wit;

Firing into melee may be done with a -4 penalty plus an additional -1 for each friendly and non-friendly figure between the attacker and his chosen target. The player may choose to disregard these penalties. However, if the ranged attack misses, the DM will randomly select a target from those figures between the attacker and his target and roll to see if the ranged attack hits that figure instead.

Bear in mind that anyone trying to pass the beetles will be subject to (at least one) AoO.

Jez, please note you are carrying a large rainbow trout* in your left hand. And a fairly ripe one at that. ;-)

Finally, everyone please make a Spot check.)

* [Historical Note: Bill Troublefinder was the first Woldian character successfully to wield a rainbow trout. - HKM]

Drew  d20+9=25
Monday January 28th, 2002 2:20:32 PM

Drew screams "DUCK" as he plants himself and flips through and over his friends to get behind the bugs and be able to wield his axe, as well as flanking the bugs.

(Tumble 25: tumble through and past enemies W/O provoking attacks of opportunity.)

Monday January 28th, 2002 4:45:00 PM

Plink, seeing that he is unable to get close enough to attack the giant beasts, feels that he'll try and help his party in another manner. He thinks up an old tune, one expressing the glorious honors of the god Domi, and lets it flow from his lips, granting his allies courage.

(+1 attack/+1 damage [if I remember correctly, Player's Handbook isn't around])

Miranna and Weasel  d20+7=25
Monday January 28th, 2002 4:54:01 PM

As the mounds of earth explode, the Weasel flees to its mistress and climbs up onto her left arm. Miranna strokes its soft fur as she studies the blue beetles in the narrow alley. (Spot 25) Calm, Weasel. Into your pouch.

As the Weasel dives into the open leather pouch swinging from her shoulder, Miranna takes a bit of fleece and starts incanting. "Imari ecousi maesta!" Two red beetles, each twice the size of the blue beetles but otherwise identical in every aspect, appear in the air directly above each beetle. They make chittering sounds like the blue beetles while clacking their pincers menacingly downwards as they hover. "Everybody disregard my red beetles!" Miranna shouts as she turns her whole concentration on her illusory beetles.

[Minor Image, Will save vs DC 17 to disbelieve if interacted with. Duration: concentration +2 rounds. If the images are attacked, Miranna will make them react sensibly. Otherwise, the illusory beetles will merely try to draw the attention of the blue beetles away from the fighters.]

Tiree  d20+3=18 d20+2=8
Monday January 28th, 2002 5:20:32 PM

Tiree takes a quick look around (Spot 18) before stepping forward to take a poke at the beatle directly in front of her (Att 8 yuck). Tiree can feel the point of her dagger slide off the hard carapice of the beatle. A very foul expletive, that would have caused Faust to wash her mouth out with soap if she had heard, crosses Tiree's lips.

(OOC: Carl...Tiree True is a girl! ;P )

DM Carl: Of course she is, as any fool can plainly see (I can plainly see that!). Sorry! DM post ammended!

Eljer  d4+1=3
Monday January 28th, 2002 6:08:47 PM

Eljer furrows his brow and wrinkles up his nose in disgust at the two large beetles and reaches out and touches Drew as he passes, casting Bull's Strength. Drew's strength should raise 3 points.

OOC: Once again, Aleyna and I will be out of town until late Wednesday evening so if someone call play our characters again in our absence, we'd appreciate it!:)

Jezebella  d20+5=9
Monday January 28th, 2002 9:29:07 PM

The gypsy girl stands, watching the erupting earth and beetles with a calm detached eye... the thing that seems to surprise her is the trout in her hand. She looks at it, as if confused how it got there... this evidently distracts her of the wold around her. (spot 9)

She shakes her head as if to clear it, and reaches into her component pouch hanging on her belt -- with the non-troutbearing hand, so as not to soil her clothing. She thumbs a wooden disk... closer examination would reveal rings carved in it, reminiscent of a target. She murmurs in her musical trilling dialect...

(casting true strike.. + 20 to next attack)

Polaris  d20+5=23 d20+13=26
Monday January 28th, 2002 9:56:48 PM

Polaris, her size definitely going to be against her in this fight, backs up anxiously and waits for someone to come to her rescue. She hides out of fear of the giant beetles. (Hide 26, Spot 23)

Syr  d20+6=7 d20+5=10
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 3:30:17 AM

Syr drops to one knee as Drew vaults over the top. Standing up and slightly unbalanced, his attack on the beetle's thorax ends up hitting the wall of the alley.

"Anyone see an open area nearby away from people that we can herd these guys to? I really want some room to manuever." (Spot 10)

(OOC: Unless someone else prefers, I'll take over Tiree for a few days again. Plus, due to work, I'm usually the last to post so if she comes back early...)

DM Carl: Acid Rain  d4=4 d20+2=11 d4=4 d4+2=4 d20+5=13 d20+5=14
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 7:04:12 AM

Faced with these scarabaeidae horrors, the group spring into action. Syr is correct, the alleyway is an awkward place to fight, but they are too far away from either end to manoeuvre the beetles out safely.

Plink's stirring tribute to Domi fills you all with a sudden rush of resolve (+1 morale bonus to attack and damage for everyone next round, and subsequent rounds. The effects will last for 5 rounds after Plink stops singing).

As Drew rushes past, Eljer's spell takes hold, and the wild half orc feels a savage new burst of strength course through him as he sails up and over the snapping beetles.

Simultaneously Miranna's spell takes effect, and two huge red beetles appear directly above the blue ones. As she casts she and Polaris notice something slightly unusual about these creatures; their pale blue bellies seem abnormally bloated, swaying and almost touching the ground as they scutter about. Gross! Polaris, revolted, shrinks back into the shadows behind some packing crates, well out of sight.

Neither Tiree nor Syr have much luck with their attacks, but they are sufficient to provoke a response from the two angry beetles. Ignoring the floating reds above them they attack. The first beetle clacks its razor sharp jaws closed on nothing but empty air as Syr easily avoids its lunge, but the second one has another, nastier trick in store. With a "Ffwwoosh!" a huge cloud of stinging vapour explodes from its maw, engulfing those closest. (Tiree, Syr and Jez: make a Fort save vs DC 13 or take 4 HP acid damage. Jez, if you fail the roll, Concentration check vs DC 15 or lose your True Strike).

(OOC: Neither of the beetles have turned around to face Drew. Flanking bonuses apply.

A couple of other things: thanks to your prompt mailing of character sheets I was able to mail them off to MDM Kent, who has awarded each Game 8 character 50GP. Hooray! Add it to your sheets!

Re playing Tiree, many thanks Scott, much obliged. Jared, are you OK to cover for Eljer again?

Finally, if ever you find yourselves away from your rulebooks, this site: http://www.opengamingfoundation.org/srd.html is invaluable, effectively the core rulebooks online. Add it to your favourites now!)

Drew  d20+9=21 d12+7=11
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 10:45:55 AM

Choosing the beetle that did not spray acid yet, the half orc raises the axe over his head and crashes down onto the back of the beetle.

AC: 21, Dam 11

Eljer (played by Jared)  d20-1=0 d8=7
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 6:15:44 PM

Eljer steps forth, behind two members of his party, and lets a bolt from his light crossbow fire. He tries to account for his companions in the way, and suffers great difficulty in trying to get off a successful shot because of this. Nonetheless, the brave gnome takes aim, and lets fire.

(Botched the roll, natural one, 7 damage whatever the effect)

Plink  d20+7=13
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 6:19:50 PM

Plink lets the ballad bellow forth, repeating verses and choruses to continue enchanting his allies with his own song. Not having any method for attacking the creature, and not wishing to fight his way between his allies to get close enough to attack with his rapier, he feels his song is his best method for serving the group.

(Two posts ago, a Spot check was called for. I neglected to make it. If this is still applicable, I received a 13 on this check)

Jezebella  d20+3=6 d20+4=16 d20+17=19 d4+1=3
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 9:06:38 PM

Jezebella chokes and gags on the cloud of noxious acid..(failed fort check) but manages to keep the concentration to complete her spell. (concentration 16)

She looks from the fish in her hand to the beetles and back again.. then reconsiders, and aims at the beetle who did not release the gas. Her gaze telescopes, thanks to her spell, and she releases her dagger... it sails between her freinds, on a deadshot to the beetle... (heh. roll of 2, with all modifiers bumped to a 19 for 3... oops. forgot inspiration. bumped to a 20 for 4 points of damage)

Tuesday January 29th, 2002 9:46:24 PM

Frowning at the beetles' disregard for her illusion, Miranna directs the red beetles to dive down, pincers clacking menacingly as if to attack. (Will save vs DC 17 to disbelieve.) She'll take care not to let the illusory beetles actually connect with the blue beetles, just getting them close enough for a convincing attack but backing off once the beetles' attention is drawn.

Perhaps it will pay to prepare some offensive spells in future...

Drew (Again)  d20+8=28 d20+8=21 d12+6=10
Tuesday January 29th, 2002 10:54:44 PM

Choosing the beetle that did not spry acid yet the half orc raises the axe over his head and crashes down onto the back of the beetle.

(Got home and saw I had added wrong Added 2 instead of 1, and rolled again and wound up better. Will accept which ever post you feel is fair DM sir!!!)

Crit and AC:21 Dam x3: 30

But then remembered that the bard is singing so the first one was correct after all... grrrrrr, try and be honest and you wind up looking stupid!!!!

Tiree (will the real Tiree, please stand up?)  d20+1=20 d20+2=11
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 3:37:06 AM

As the beetle expels it's gas, Tiree quickly holds her breath for the time it takes the fumes to dissapate.

As she begins breathing normally again, her rapier moves in for an attack only to clatter harmlessly against it's hard shell. (att 12, I forgot the bard's bonus).

Syr  d20+4=17 d20+7=21 d12+5=7
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 3:44:26 AM

Syr coughs once as the fumes enter his nose and then shakes off the effects to resume the fight.

Eyes wide from the additional beetles, "Oh great now we have 2 more! Miranna! Why am I leaving these alone???"

Without waiting for a reply he slashes at one of the blue beetles. Leaving a slash across its abdomen, he moves to the side. (att 21 damage 7)

DM Carl: Ten Thousand Tiny Terrors  d4=3 d20-2=10 d20-2=15 d20-2=0 d4+2=4 d20=19
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 5:56:30 AM

Drew slams his axe into the back of one of the beetles and it screeches in pain as shards of chitin go flying. White ichor seeps from the ugly wound, but it's still going. Eljer's bolt whistles past Drew's head, but thankfully doesn't hit him, whilst Tiree also fails to inflict any damage.

Jez, her aim magically enhanced, lets fly with a dagger at the badly wounded beetle. The hurled blade catches it right between the eyes, and with a final ungodly shriek the monstrosity collapses to the ground.

Syr's slash to the second beetle's abdomen causes a similar vocal protest, but has a rather more unexpected result. From the gaping wound in it's belly... three miniature versions of the beetle spill out!. They are only about six inches long, but they lack none of their parent's viciousness. They scuttle with alarming speed towards the nearest target, Syr, and attack, nipping away furiously. None manage to inflict any damage, but it doesn't seem to deter them. And considerably more worrying, it looks like there are an awful lot more where those three came from, as the creature's belly begins to bulge and writhe alarmingly with a life of its own.

The mother, infuriated at the blow inflicted, and adamantly ignoring Miranna's illusions (Will save 19!), lets rip with a cloud of acid of her own (Tiree, Syr and Jez: please make another Fort save vs DC 13 or take 4 HP acid damage).

(OOC: Anthony, I went with your first post. Just one pedantic point though; the hypothetical crit damage in your second post would be 3d12+18, not (1d12+6)X3.

Jezebella - inspired  d20+3=16 d2=2 d20=17 d3=2
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 8:13:53 AM

Having learned from experience, this time the gypsy girl holds her breath, and refuses to take a lungful of the noxiuos beetlegas. She looks at the writhing pouch of the beetle with alarm... and then races off. She enters the fishmongers store, fish still in hand. If there is anyone tending the shop besides the sleeping man outside, she cries out.. "Oil! I need oil! Lamp oil, or lantern oil.. . I'll pay! The fate of your shop is at stake!"

Regardless if anyone is there to hear her plea, she takes a handful of coins from her beltpouch.. (2 gold, 17 silver, 2 copper) and slams it on the counter, along with the fish. If noone is about, she take a lamp from the wall... (if they have one?)

If no oil is present, or once she recieves the oil, she races back out to her friends.

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 9:13:20 AM

Miranna stares at the miniature beetles and the still bulging belly in horror. Jezebella's cries for oil rouses her to action. "EVERYONE BACK 20 FEET! NOW!"

Stepping back herself, she takes something from her pouch and begins incanting. As soon as everyone has stepped back out of range, she throws her hand out and utters the final word to the spell. A mass of sticky webs drops over the beetles.

[Web 20 ft' radius centred on mother beetle, Reflex save vs DC 15 or be entangled. An entangled creature suffers -2 to attack, -4 to effective Dex, cannot move, and must make a Concentration check (DC 15) to cast a spell or lose it. Can break free by using 1 round to make a Str check (DC 20) or Escape Artist check (DC 25). If caught but not entangled, can move each round through 5 ft of web for every 5 pts by which a new check exceeds 10. The web provides 1/4 cover for each 5 ft of it between you and an opponent.]

Polaris  d20+7=16 d6=4
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 9:16:55 AM

Polaris quickly pops from behind the crates and launches one of her arrows towards the minature beetles, then quickly reloads for the next shots.

Hit AC: 16 for 4 Damage

Miranna (Addendum) 
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 9:20:13 AM

[OOC: Miranna's concentration on her illusion is broken. The red beetles will last for another 2 rounds, not that it matters since the beetle has saved.

Now somebody set fire to the web!]

Drew  d20+9=20
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 9:49:07 AM

Drew smacks the beetle on the side with his axe attempting to flip it over on its back before stepping back the 20 feet.

Hit AC 20

Eljer (played by Jared)  d20+5=23
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 5:54:44 PM

Eljer, hearing his beckons to light the web on fire, pulls a flask of alchemist's fire from his right belt pouch, and chucks it directly at the beetle in such a manner that the flask will burst, and both harm the creature and light the web. Fortunately, his friends have backed up and are out of combat now, so he finds the attack much easier.

(Eljer, I used one of your expensive items here. I'll pay for it out of Plink's pocket if you wish.

Ranged touch attack with the alchemist's fire, hitting AC 24 ((I forgot to add the +1 morale bonus)), and it ignites. Damage will start next round, presumably rolled by the DM)

Wednesday January 30th, 2002 5:56:17 PM

Plink keeps the singing up, but still doesn't see an opportunity to enter the fighting in a more beneficial way. Seeing that things are covered in front of him, he backs up the twenty feet as asked. Also, he turns around, and keeps an eye behind the party, as well as keeping his ears open.

Tiree (the real Tiree stands up)  d20+1=15
Wednesday January 30th, 2002 7:09:43 PM

Tiree, seeing the web, begins to back up and rumage in her backpack for a pint of oil, when she sees something go flying toward the web. She quickly steps back as far as she can, just knowing that someone has already taken the initiative.

Turning her head, Tiree yells back at Jezebella, "Get a torch or a lamp, quick! I've got plenty of oil!"

She continues to rumage in her backpack to pull out her 2 pints of oil.

Syr  d20+4=21 d20+4=18
Thursday January 31st, 2002 4:16:16 AM

Once again, the elf takes a gulp of air as he wades into the green cloud (Fort 21). Syr cries out as the beetles begin dropping from the wound he inflicted. Shuffling his feet almost dancelike to prevent the smaller beetles from attacking he backs out of the area and away from the beettles.

Upon hearing Miranna muttering in another language he frowns, "What MORE bugs?" As the web strands begin to fly he nods at the other elf with a satisfied smile. He stands in front of the others, waiting for a beetle to move toward him.

DM Carl: Burn Baby Burn  d20+2=6 d20+2=3 d20+2=19 d20=6 2d4(2+3)=5
Thursday January 31st, 2002 5:39:01 AM

Jez pushes open the flap in the canvas rear wall of the fish market, looking for oil, but turns back at Tiree's words. As she turns however she notices a major commotion taking place on the quayside. It looks like an assortment of Love clerics have squared off, and are tossing divine magics at one another. The crowd are variously fleeing in terror, cheering the special effects-laden spell battle, or carrying on selling and buying their fish. Then she hears Miranna's yelled warning, and sprints back down the alley towards safety.

Drew, standing behind the beetle, flips the creature on to its back, hops over it and joins the rest of the party as they retreat down the alley.

However the snoring fishmonger is within the web's range. Any two of you may attempt to drag him to safety before the webs engulf him, but must make a combined Str check of DC 25 to drag him free in time. If you fail, you are in the web and must make the saves Miranna outlined above.

Miranna's web fills the narrow alleyway as the orphans scramble back. It anchors itself firmly, to brick on one side, and to the canvas of the market wall on the other.

The mother beetle is glued firmly in place, as are all but one of the tiny critters, which is not entangled, but certainly slowed down.

It cannot get out in time. Eljer's flask of alchemist's fire erupts in the center of the web, and flames spread out with alarming speed. You see the beetles, mother and babies, burst into flames, popping as they go, and the smell is revolting.

Anyone caught in the webs suffers 5 HP damage.

The flames spread out over the web, and begin to take hold on the canvas market cover! Within a matter of moments the whole rear wall is a sheet of flame.

You back up and out of the alley, wandering how you can possibly explain this... stall holders have begun to notice the fire.

At that moment the cleric battle on the quayside hots up; a huge blast of magical wind springs up, sending several clerics flying into the air. It has the added benefit of tearing the market canopy off and high into the sky, and remainder of the fire burns itself out unnoticed in the choas that unsues. Spells continue to fly back and forth between followers of Caeroldra and the One as you look on in awe; there is some major magical talent on display here, though for now it seems that only the clerics themselves are at risk of harm.

Tiree  d20+3=14
Thursday January 31st, 2002 8:47:56 PM

Tiree rushes in and attempts to pull the fishmonger out of the way of the webs (Str 17).

(If the DC met with help) Tiree watches as the fire spreads and begins to back up. "I think we need to get out of here, fast."

(If DC not met) Tiree feels the webs wrapping themselves about her knowing that there is no way for her to move ( Esc Art 14) she waits for the fire to reach her.

(OOC: I lost my connection and my first roll. It was my strength check at 17)

Jezebella  d20+1=17
Thursday January 31st, 2002 10:08:19 PM

jez helps Tiree drag the man.. (Dc 17)

"Aye... best make a hasty retreat.. theres not much we can do, or should do against that lot." She gestures to the Love Clerics.

Thursday January 31st, 2002 10:38:43 PM

Miranna's eyes widen at the magical display, then with a worried expression, she scans the quayside for a familiar figure...

As her family retreats, she follows them reluctantly, looking back every few steps.

Friday February 1st, 2002 3:48:15 AM

Syr spares a glance as he races past the two females dragging our fish carrying friend. Seeing that everyone is safely outside of the web, he turns and catches a few glimpses of the divine fireworks show. Almost entranced, he slowly drifts toward the battle.

DM Carl: Who's That Girl? 
Friday February 1st, 2002 10:48:30 AM

The group watch as the battle heats up. For clerics of Love there certainly seems to be a lot of hatred in the air. Then, as the battle reaches a climax, a new cleric arrives on the quayside. A priest by vestment certainly, but you have never seen one so young;. This girl cannot be more than ten years old.

And you are not the only ones staring at her. The whole crowd of onlookers, indeed the clerics themselves seem to be gazing at her in astonishment. And it is not hard to see why. The girl is almost supernaturally beautiful, radiating benevolence and purity. You see her tug on the sleeve of one of her four minders and whisper something. The big woman nods, says something to the others, and within moments the battling clerics have been frozen in their tracks, still as statues.

And with that she is gone, along with her burly minders. You can scarcely believe she was even real, but the memory of that sweet innocent face lingers a long time. You have never seen a child (indeed, anyone) who looks quite so breathtakingly perfect.

Then the two Special Investigators are at your side. Discovering that the beetles were burned to a crisp before any could escape they seem incredibly relieved. “Though no-one will ever realize it, you saved your city here today. Those beetles were magical creations, an experiment that should never have been. They were created to reproduce with incredible speed, and without the need for a mate! Each one was capable of giving birth to over a hundred young every 5 days! In no time at all those two beetles would have been countless thousands, eating everything in the city and surrounding lands. Disaster and starvation would surely have followed.”

Rand and McIntley, their three prisoners out cold and trussed up, prepare to take their leave, explaining that it will probably be best if they don’t approach the city authorities about the matter. Relations are distinctly frosty between Plateau City and Floating City right now, what with the ousting of the Lord High Mayor over in Plateau City and Floating City’s own official declaration of independence. The last thing they want is to stir up any more bad blood, and this attempted attack could well be exploited to do just that. Better that they get these men back to Plateau City and interrogate them to find out who hired them to carry out this heinous deed.

Sunday February 3rd, 2002 6:18:54 PM

Drew feeling like he missed something, like the past few days or something. Sits about waiting for what will happen next.

Monday February 4th, 2002 12:01:13 AM

Tiree watches as the young cleric and her companions quiet the crowd and leave. Still amazed at how quickly it happened, she gives little notice to what the investigators tell them about the beetles. She just nods her head and gives yesses and nos where needed, her mind with the little girl instead.

Eljer  d100+10=44
Monday February 4th, 2002 12:38:01 AM

Concentrating on the Rand and McIntley while focusing his inner self to Ffloy, he attempts to determine if the two men are telling the truth, as well as the full truth....

Roll to detect lie 44%

Monday February 4th, 2002 1:19:43 AM

Before he makes it to the battle itself, the young girl appears. As she ends the contest, he shakes his bed amused, "And a child shall lead them?" With a groan at his own comments he turns back to the Investigators and hears them out.

With a small nod, he watches the prisoners squirming as they are taken off. Turning to the others, "Well, saved the world (or at least this corner of it. What do we do next?"

Monday February 4th, 2002 7:41:09 AM

"We go home, Syr," Miranna answers with a soft sigh. She stares after the Special Investigators until they are out of sight.

Monday February 4th, 2002 8:00:26 AM

Jezebella appears dazed from the occurances.. the beetles.. the holy war... the girl. It's all so much to handle, for ones so young as she and her friends. She murmurs under her breath as the girl vanishes, "do you s'pose that was Caeroldra or the One..?"

To her friends discussions, she nods. "Home sounds like a very good idea right now."

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