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Seeing Red

The Year Rolls On 
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 2:31:11 PM

Once Valanthe calms down some, she remembers that Sasha the Lasher is one of the pirates in the chain of command on the Lady Freeborn.

Six months have passed.

During this time, Sword ordered Valanthe and Appolo to take a month's shore leave and get their heads screwed on straight. Sasha took Bart's suggestion to heart and set the party to make the Suzie over as the Long Haul. Redux and Ari have never completely recovered from their run-in with the Sacrifice Sweep. They are in constant pain, and they find it takes more and more of their special herbs to keep their heartseeds dormant. Word eventually comes from Redux' mistress and others that all research toward a cure has been a disastrous failure.

Ailthmar has been taken over by the Cult Gods. Their temples line God Row north to the south throughout the town. Since all are allied with Ga'al, it has become much harder to operate in Ailthmar, however, still easier than in Aisildur proper.

There is talk of a Pantheon of Gods which has sway outside of Aisildur called The Gods of Wold. Alryck's strange god, Waard, is one of these. Evidently, Ga'al and his new allies, The Cult Gods, killed one of those gods, a monkish fellow named Domi. This gave them and Ga'al the power to oppose these other gods directly.

Several of the strange kingdoms that lie outside Aisildur have been pushed into anarchy because of the Cult Gods' actions. So the pirates have been seeking new allies amongst them to help them appose Ga'al. However, this has met with deaf ears for the most part, as the potential allies were more concerned with their internal problems and regaining stability within their kingdoms than with taking the fight to the enemy in some clandestine manner.

The party has been largely used as messengers to meet representatives of such places in secret locations, usually at sea, using the Long Haul. Messages are delivered and responses received, without really knowing much of what has been going on or getting to know any outsiders.

A local leader in Ailthmar approaches the party through the usual secret channels and gives them their next assignment.

They are to contact a group of kids who have travelled north from Amen City to escape heartseeding and join the pirates. The contact point is a public bath called The Heartstone Pools.

They will know the kids by their leader, a female named Asuni who has bright red hair, an unheard of thing for Aisildurians. The time of the meeting is dawn, but the day that the children will arrive is not known. The pirates must be at the bathhouse daily until they arrive.

Redux (George) 
Tuesday January 8th, 2002 9:08:46 PM

Redux is worried. He is in constant pain from the heartseed. The cure turned out to be a failure. His definitely wonders about the wisdom of joining this group of youngsters. His luck turned for the worse since he joined up. Now they have to endanger themselves again for the sake of a few more kids. Well at least life isn't boring.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 11:08:46 PM

Val is happy. She spent time back with other elves and Appolo. She really enjoyed the time away. Appolo was coming along on his elvish and picking up Dwarven pretty well. Her smile grew and she sighed. Those memories will be some of her favorites. They were having so much fun that they were late reporting back. They said that bandits and other little troubles slowed them up. Actually they couldn't quite get to the road each morning. Going home did bring up one question. Val wondered on the way that her people chose to live their lives. Val's expierenced more out of life in the short time she's been with Appolo and the others, than the last 10 years before them. The way that humans rushed to get the most out of each day made her think. Was a 600 year life lived safe any better thana life of 70 years lived to the fullest? Val was so sure that she knew how to live her life. Now she wasn't so sure.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 11:37:05 PM

Rigging enjoys his six months of non-leadership.
He was intialally upset that he missed his father but is relieved to know that father is OK. It is also nice to know that his father knows that he is well and can tell the family.
Rigging spends more time on his thieving skills, sharpening his elvish with Ashira. He makes an effort to woo Ashira more during the six months. Taking her out for meals, picking flowers, sparring, having deep conversations etc.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 11:57:53 PM

Rigging goes up to Apollo and Val and gives them a hug after they come back from vacation.
"OK guys, we have another mission. I want 2 people in the bathhouse at the designated times. One male and one female. I want back up around the bathhouse in case things get sticky. I figure the team that should make contact are Val and Bart. Apollo this isn't a punishment. I want your street smarts and street eyes on the street looking for trouble. Same for me. I don't like the development of Ari and Redux's heartseeds acting up and don't want them alone. We need to be able to back them up if we have a repeat of what happened six months ago. Besides they have spells that might be able to slow down pursuit if needed.
Apollo you and I are going to conduct a recon of the area today. Get whatever gear you think you will need. Val, I am exposing you on this mission. I need a woman in the bathhouse and my only choices are you and Ashira. At least you don't have blue hair. Can you wear your hair to cover your ears." Rigging turns to ALryck. "ALryck You are good at disguises. Can you give Val any pointers?" Rigging looks around at the group. "Any questions or comments?"

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 12:21:46 AM

With the return of pain from his heart (belly?) seed, Ari's concerns come to the surface again. He begins trying to test and see if there is someway that someone might be tracking the party as they flit about. Ari becomes even moodier than before. With his concern over his heartseed, Ari is worried about jepordizing any mission that he comes along with.

But hearing of the children, Ari remembers the 'family's' plight sometime back. Ari coments to Riggings," What about using Redux or I as disguised spies. We could possibly move about, and maybe use our heartseeds to our advantage.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 10:33:41 AM

"I can cover my ears, but I don't know how much good it will do. I assume that you want me to look and act like a patron?" Not that Val minded hot relaxing baths.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 12:50:52 PM

Upon arriving on the ship am healing all of new-found companoins, ALrycks soon discover a new world, " the life on a boat style" is something he had never tried before in his life, so ALryck'S accepted every chore he was given trying to learn as much as possible on the life on a ship. Every night ALrycke walked on the main bridge and prayed Waard. When ALryck go his new assignement, he go t ready by packing his belogning.

Looking at Rigging, -" Im pretty good for disguise yes...so I could do that, Im use to hide my ears, my self..."

Looking witha smile at Val -"yeah ok but ill need a little time to gather things for her disguise..."

Jorin is happy to be considered has a part of the team, he appreciate lifes for a few second. he ask himself, could this be hapinness, for a moment or two he ask himslef.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 1:05:13 PM

That you get after being a wise guy... painting and remodelling the ship..

Ahh endly a job where i can relax myself. Do Val and I go to the bathouse every day? Or dow we roulete the teams, maybe it's a bit suspecios to go there every day, but it's your dicission Rigging

Just Our Luck (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday January 9th, 2002 4:56:26 PM

With time to prepare, Alryck manages to disguise Valanthe's race adequately. She and Bart quickly become fixtures at the bathouse, as they arrive daily before dawn, and stay for several hours each morning. The rest of the party finds vantage points for themselves, with Alryck and Redux on the roof of the bakery across the street, Ari and Ashira stationed in the mouth of the alley beside the bathouse, Appolo prowling the alleyways nearby and monitoring the rear of the bathouse, and Rigging doing the same across the street.

Two weeks of this pass without any sign of the children. A few times, couples are forcibly ejected from the bathouse for displays of public lewdness, or "sunshining", as it has come to be known in the local slang. Other than that, early mornings in Ailthmar are eerily quiet under the hands of Ga'al and the Cult Gods.

One early morning in the pre-dawn gloom, when the yeasty smell of the day's first bread oozes from the seams of the bakery, the watchers outside see two dark-haired boys come running around the corner down the block. One of them points out the sign of the bathouse to the other and shouts, "There it is, Coram!" They are followed by a small knot of five children. The last two around the corner -- an older, red-headed girl helping the littlest child along -- are overrun down by about twenty Aisildurian soldiers who follow them onto the street. Before the party can react, two priests in the midst of the pack stop to cast spells. One is the fellow whom Valanthe and Rigging downed six months before. The two lead boys come to a dead halt in the middle of the street. The soldiers quickly catch and subdue the remaining fugitives.

It is all over very quickly. The Ga'alians are already carrying their prisoners away as curious people peek out their doors and windows to investigate the commotion. From their position on rooftop, Alryck and Redux can see two more priests, each accompanied by a quad, moving to join the main group of soldiers.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 5:06:57 PM

Rigging sighs as he watches the capture. "How did they know?" he wonders. He gathers the rest of the group together and says, "Their is no way we can take that kind of fire power on. 2 quads, several priests and 20 soldiers is way beyond us. Lets get back to the ship." Rigging walks next to Ashira and murmurs, "I think we might have a spy amongst the crew. The priests of Ga'al know way to much about our activities lately.

Redux (George) 
Wednesday January 9th, 2002 5:08:35 PM

Redux touches his heartseed as he watches the capture of the kids. He briefly wonders if he is betraying the group without his knowledge. He heads back to the ship dejected.

Wednesday January 9th, 2002 6:46:27 PM

Valanthe isn't very happy. Who knows what will happen to those kids. The one thing they do know is that it won't be good. "Rigging what just happened? This wasn't right at all. As much as I would like to, I don't think we can help them. They knew that all of us would be here. We can't handle with all those priests and that many soldiers."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 1:01:23 AM

After waiting so long, for the arrival Ashira is clearly ticked of to see the children get picked up, just before the group gets a chance to make contact."Damm,what do we do now?"
She exclaims in soft voice.

Thursday January 10th, 2002 1:08:59 AM

Appolo apears silently at Rigging's side. "Well boss, looks like we better get out town quick. They knew the children were coming and just waited for them. But apparently they don't know about us so far, that can change in a hurry though. They are going to start looking for the children's contact and they are going to work those kids over I'm afraid."

He then turns to the rest of the group, "Get ready to move -- we need to leave."

OOC: Sorry about the absence. My browser stopped working had to install a new one. Thank You ALL for your patience.

Thursday January 10th, 2002 1:26:58 AM

Seeing the capture of the kids, Ari cannot stop from letting a tear slide down his face in rememberance of his fallen friends. Not knowing what to do Ari mumbles, "Lemtrovex guide them and us, so that we may still help them somehow, or give them aid."

As the priests step off with their prisoners, Ari works his way over to Riggings. "Should we have anyone follow?"

As the party works their way back to the ship. A visible gloom comes over Ari. "I wish we had more of that tree that was struck by lightning. Then I could be sure that this thing (pointing in the direction of the seed), would be inactive."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 3:25:41 AM

Canīt we make a plan to free those children?

Thursday January 10th, 2002 4:03:06 AM

Hearing Barts question Appolo steps up next to him"I am afriad we can't, the Priests are probably already looking for us. We just aren't strong enough at the moment. We'll have to wait." He then takes and leads the party to the boat.

Ashira{Chris}  d20+1=15 d20+1=16
Thursday January 10th, 2002 4:10:56 AM

Ashira follows attacking as arear guard. Watching to make sure that they aren't being followed.

OOC: I rolled 15 and 16 for the periodic spot checks made by Ashira.

Thursday January 10th, 2002 9:08:27 AM

ALrycck shakes his head, a sad look on his face. and while owering his head every one can hear the prayer.

- "Waard may you protect those children and may they be enough lucky to escape."

Looking at the others, -" I dont think this is a good to be standing around, we might pick up to much the attention, lets go, Rig, Will find a way dont worry. Bart, There more than one way to win a fight. now aint a good one."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 11:41:03 AM

You are right Rigging, but I feel we have to try if there is any change, but I agree first back to the boat and we can make plans there

Thursday January 10th, 2002 4:30:11 PM

Rigging leads his downfallen group back to the ship. "I want everyone spread out a little but keep in sight of each other. I don't want to look like such a group." Rigging turns to Bart and says eyes downcast for a moment. "I really doubt we can those 2 quads on now. I am afraid that they won't be rough on the kids or torture them. All they have to do is heartseed them and they will get all the information they need." Rigging strides on away from Bart and heads back to the ship.

Redux (George) 
Thursday January 10th, 2002 4:33:59 PM

Redux strokes Talon's feathers for a few moments and says, "Find out where those kids are heading, but be careful. Stay high and out of harms way." Redux then launches his friend into the air. He loops his arm through Val's and murmurs, "Keep me from stumbling. I will be concentrating on what Talon sees and might miss a pothole."

Thursday January 10th, 2002 6:50:36 PM

Val takes his arm and guides him along. "Be carefull Redux. If they know about us they could very well know about Talon. If Talon gets too close he could be in danger."

Appolo  d20+5=20 d20+5=17
Thursday January 10th, 2002 7:58:46 PM

Appolo follows Riggings order and sprints ahead silently. He is on the lookout for an ambush or anyone who might be watching a little closely.

OOC: Rolls are for Appolo's spot checks to see if he sees anything or detects an ambush.

Red, Again (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=16
Friday January 11th, 2002 12:31:50 AM

The group quickly retreats to the wharf and the Long Haul. Although he sees nothing, Appolo hears footsteps following them along the dock. As if realizing she's been caught, his follower appears out of thin air in the lee of the ship.

She is a skinny girl of perhaps sixteen, with flaming red hair, and she is visibly upset. Alryck recognizes her as someone he has seen much in the company of Atreeve, an older priest of Lemtrovex who serves as a contact in the local resistance.

"How could you?" she hisses, keeping her voice hidden amidst the sounds of the busy wharf. "You were supposed to meet them, weren't you? And you let them get taken right in front of you. The vaunted Pirates of Jack!" The girl spits on worn boards between herself and the group. Fat tears roll down her cheeks, and she really doesn't have the complexion to cry prettily. "Well, I'm going to save my sister and the kids she tried to help. If you're not complete cowards, you'll do the same!"

Having delivered her challenge, the redhead crosses her arms and stares belligerantly at each person in turn.

Meanwhile, Talon trails the mass of people to Ailthmar's main temple of Ga'al. He sees a small group of ten or so take the children into the building, while the remainder disperse into the city.

Friday January 11th, 2002 4:03:04 AM

Appolo quickly steps forward grabs the girl throws her over his shoulder and hauls on to the ship, without a word. Once on board he tells her to shut up or he'll make her.

Friday January 11th, 2002 10:10:51 AM

Aboard the shipm ALryck looks at the girl,

- "Lass, There more way than fighting a sure lost battle, I dont want them to suffer, We will find a way this I garanty, I dont want your sister to be offer in sacrifce. Ill do whatever I can To help. but we have to organise the action so it can be a good action."

ALryck takes out a handkerchief and swipe out the tears of he girl face. and mutters some word to her

- " I know you are angry, sad, But are you ready to go against an army by your own, and persih for it...I dont think so, concentrate your enrgy with us and we will have a better chance. This I garanty."

Friday January 11th, 2002 1:11:59 PM

Ashira id the last to board, She then walks over to Rigging" I think we should get out of here before they think to close the port. They might start searching the ships and the harbour
master knows when we arrived and that the Long Haul is relatively new around here." She then heads over starts undoing the mooring lines and preparing to leave.

Friday January 11th, 2002 1:14:02 PM

After turning the girl over to ALryck Appolo
Helps make ready to set Sail.

Friday January 11th, 2002 3:34:15 PM

Rigging makes orders to cast off. "I agree we need to cast off, but look for a promising cove to beach her. I am not ready to abandon those kids yet without looking the situation over."
Rigging heads over to the redhead. "We are going to look at the situation and see if we can't rescue those kids. I am not promising anything. Do you want to come with us or head out on your own. Sorry but you need to make a quick decison." Rigging turns to Redux, "What else is Talon seeing. Have him make another pass and then have him head back to us. I want him rested for tonight."

Redux (George) 
Friday January 11th, 2002 3:35:31 PM

Redux hears Rigging's orders and relays them to Talon. He is still in communication and trying to see through his eyes.

Friday January 11th, 2002 4:05:49 PM

Appolo happens to be passing by when he hears Riggings ask the girl if she wants to stay,
he stops." Look Boss,I think it's better if she stays. I fshe goes ashore she'll most likely get picked up." He quickly whispers in Riggings
ear. Then heads for the mast and starts working with the sails.

Friday January 11th, 2002 7:41:23 PM

Val says nothing. She wants to help the children but thats not her call. She follows the others lead and begins the pre sail preparations.

Saturday January 12th, 2002 3:42:02 AM

Barr agrees with leaving the harbor he helps to set sail, he says Rigging just a half day walk south of here is a little creek where we can hide her for a while.

Saturday January 12th, 2002 1:22:44 PM

ALryck trys to gives recomfort to the red ehad, and is all right with the fact of moving to the creek.

Monday January 14th, 2002 4:04:09 AM

Ari follows the group onboard the ship. Ari notes the exchange with the young girl. Ari moves about the Long Haul, preparing to get underway.

Let's Talk Tactics (DM Lee)  d10=4
Monday January 14th, 2002 1:37:52 PM

Working with the efficiency of long practice, the young pirates leave port with minimal fuss. The creek stream is smaller than Bart remembers it (used preroll #4 for Knowledge check), but there's enough depth to anchor just inside the mouth and out of sight of the coast. Once everyone has finished securing the little sloop, the redhead presents the beginnings of a plan.

"Stop calling me 'girl'; my name is Amoonia, and those kids you lost today are all from my hometown. Most of them have reached the age of heartseeding, so the priests are sure to keep them in the temple until they perform the ceremony. My ring allows me to hide myself from sight. I'll sneak into the temple to where my sister and her friends are being held, reveal myself to the guards, and lead them on a chase. That will give someone time to sneak in and free the children. That is, if there are any among you brave enough to do so."

From his early days, Appolo recalls a back way into the temple; a window into one of the priest's offices can be reached from the top of the back wall, an easy climb for an agile boy.

Talon, meanwhile, watches the temple for some time, but notices no further unusual activity. People come and go from the building in small numbers throughout the day.

After discussing plans, the group makes their way on foot back to the city, to enter just before dusk. They come within sight of Ga'al main temple under the cover of night. Amoonia awaits last-minute directions before activating her ring.

(OOC: Last chance to discuss plans, folks. We move in tomorrow's post.)

Monday January 14th, 2002 4:17:26 PM

Appolo listens to the girl, then says" You know this could be a trap, but I do know a back way in. Through a window. I think it would be best for myself and one other person to enter through the window." He then awaits a reply.

Monday January 14th, 2002 7:14:01 PM

ALryck listen to Amoonia, nodding from time to time, looking a avery one.

- "Girl (with a smile), I think It could a good way to do it, Ill help you like I promise, I cannot take any decision for my companions, but Ill try to find the kids, We could talk to Slaag an freind of mine, He knows his way around the temple. But we have to find him." otherwise, your plan is quite all right.

Monday January 14th, 2002 10:42:21 PM

Riggng says, "OK, this is a snatch job. We are not here to fight and kill priests. We don't want loot or magic items." Rigging turns to Amoonia and says, "You are not sacrificing yourself for your friends. I want to borrow your ring for some recon." Rigging turns to Apollo, raises his eyebrow and asks, "You want to do the recon or do you want me to. An invisibilty ring will give you an edge. If you don't want to, I can do it. I am not as good a thief as you but can carry my own and have some other abilities to back me up. What do you think? Rigging turns to Redux and Ari. "Guys I don't want you in the temple. You two get together and figure a way to cover our retreat. I trust you both with my life, but we don't know the priest's control over your heartseeds. I am also putting you two in charge of the escape route. Make sure it is open and we can escape with a bunch of frightened kids."
Rigging asks the group in general. "OK anybody have any assets that might help. Potions of healing to be distributed, strength potions or spells. Redhead, how can you help? Any suggestions. I want maximum striking power, and speed. We can't afford a long drawn out fight.

Tuesday January 15th, 2002 1:57:09 AM

Appolo replies" No problem. I'll do it. Like I said I no a back way in and out. When do you want me to do iy and What do you want to know?"
He waits for Riggings reply and then gathers his toolsand rope together with grappling hook.

Tuesday January 15th, 2002 7:11:14 AM

We can go in through the window, but do we also leave through it? Otherwise I will go in from the front as the guards and priests hopefully follow the bait, by the way that must be the fastes runner.

Tuesday January 15th, 2002 10:35:07 AM

ALryck nods, having his eyes close,

-" We should have 2 escape route in case things goes wrong. We also should not get back to the shi...we should spread out and wait tto regain your ship. I aint no specialist in strategy, but it will be certain that those people will go after us..."

ALryck looks a riggin awaiting for his opinion

Tuesday January 15th, 2002 12:10:12 PM

"Rigging I can be stealthy when the situation calls for it. I can go inside with the others, or I could wait outside and cover the escape route with my bow. I'm sure there is a good spot to sit in along the escape route somewhere."

A Red Glitch in the Works (DM Lee) 
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 1:44:01 PM

Amoonia resists the idea of giving up her ring, and disappears during the ensueing discussion. Looks like the pirates are on their own again.

A quick scouting of the temple reveals six guards up in the main temple area. The back route through the priests' office area is clear, though, and Appolo, following the sounds of screams, leads the group down a short hallway to a balcony overlooking a large chamber. An open staircase follows the wall down 30 feet to the floor below. There is an archway at floor level opposite the balcony.

The ceremony is already underway when they arrive. The room far below has a set of ledges surrounding a rectangular floor area where the children are strapped to the ground by chains. On the ledges are live beating hearts. This is something new! The hearts seem to be still alive. They are of various sizes and age; some are turning black and ooze puss and clotted blood. They seem to be draining some of the life force of the children.

At one end of the room, near the base of the stairs, are a series of jars with growing heartseeds in them. They pulse to the beat of the hearts around the room, which is building in intensity. A statue of Ga'al is at the other side of the room, covered in blood, and attended by a priest. The captive children are crying and screaming -- all but the redhead, who is being brave for her friends.

As the young pirates arrive, the question of what happened to Amoonia is answered. She appears to the sound of glass smashing, having dashed one of the heartseed jars to the ground. "Down with Ga'al and all his works! May Lemtrovex lead our people to freedom!" she shouts, and takes off running for the door opposite the balcony. The priest at the statue climbs to his feet to chase her, pulling the scarf from around his neck. Three soldiers and another priest arrive from beneath the balcony to give chase.

The other sister screams, "Mooni!" She yanks on her chains and, with tremendous strength, frees herself and rushes to her sister, throwing the plan into havoc.

The older sister stops and puts her ring on the younger, and yells, "Run, Asuni!" The younger redhead disappears.

The party has initiative.

Rigging, Ari, (and Valanthe if she chose to stay outside) may continue to arrange their escape plans.

Appolo  d20+7=11
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 2:51:48 PM

Appolo cures"Damm,stupid girl. Dam,Damm!"He quickly getshis rope out and ties it off. He then trows it over the wall." Ashira , Bart, Val. get down there and free those kids. I'll cover you. Arlyck what kind of offensive magic do youhave, Use it on the priest.'' Appolo then takes his bow and makes ready. Concentrating his fire on the priest first. Missing badly.

Tuesday January 15th, 2002 2:55:36 PM

Ashira shares Appolo's sentiment. She quickly helps Appolo secure the rope. As soon as the rope is thrown over the side Ashira rapells down as fast as she can. She lets go and drops the remaining five feet, rolls and comes up with both swords drawn. Ashira then heads for the priest.

Valanthe  d20+7=22 2d4(4+1)+2=7
Tuesday January 15th, 2002 8:47:39 PM

Val slides down the rope, scythe already in hand. As she moves to engage a soldier she wonders how they can keep one of them alive. Val really wants to kill the hearts, but theat could affect the children. Spining the scythe quickly infront of her, Val grabbs it with both hands and slashes a soldier.

OCC: 22 to hit, and 7 points of dmg

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 4:27:56 PM

Occ Rigging went in with the others. Redux and Ari are staying outside to clear the path.

Rigging hears the young thief's orders and disagrees with them. His priorities are wrong but he also realizes that he won't be able to change the events now. He murmers a few words softly and 2 darts of light launch from his hands and strike one of the 3 guards. Whichever one is closer to the children. Rigging is trying to clear a path. He decides to use his bow after the spell and pulls it out. Rigging stays on top of the balcony where he can watch everything.

Redux George 
Wednesday January 16th, 2002 4:29:56 PM

Redux is feeling guilty about not going in to the temple. He understands the logic of it but it still rankles. He must find a cure! He glances around trying to find the best way to block the street with a web spell to help the escape.

Wednesday January 16th, 2002 7:44:03 PM

Appolo glances and sees Rigging "OH sorry Boss -- thought you stayed outside. You are sneaky after all."

Thursday January 17th, 2002 4:47:35 AM

ack. no time to think about this. The closest thing that Ari can do with the escape route, is to try to work with Redux to have complimentary spells. Hopefully Talon will be able to help out with what is going on inside the temple. Maybe?!

Bart  d20=19 d20+9=16 d10+6=9
Thursday January 17th, 2002 5:55:07 AM

Bart rushes downward to the children and keeps an eye on the priest en the guards (dc 19 +mod).
If a priest or guard comes to close he hacks with his sword (hit ac 16 for 9)
Reaching the children he tries to break the chains (forcing the locks with the hilt of his dagger, using his strenght to pull at the chains)

ALryck  d20=5 d20+7=21
Thursday January 17th, 2002 9:23:46 AM

ALryck nods toward Appolo and will cast hold person on the preist, (init: 5), (and he will restrain him self form going and kick the ass of the preist save vs will:21) You see ALryck turning red with a bad smile on his face, his muscle is contracted to the upmost possibility.

Seeing Red, Round #1 - Party (DM Lee)  d20+7=13
Thursday January 17th, 2002 11:33:13 AM

Appolo gets his rope out and tied off, allowing Ashira, Valanthe, and Bart to drop to the ground floor beside the cluster priests and soldiers. (Appolo can't take a shot. One move-equivalent action plus one standard per round.) They can now see that there is another door here, beneath the balcony, with more soldiers come running.

Ashira closes with Priest #1 and Amoonia. Valanthe chops Guard #1, definitely getting his attention.

Bart skirts the pack of soldiers and priests to reach the nearest of the bound children. He judges that opening the locks will be a simple matter of prying the steel pins out of the brackets. (2 pins per child, one character can free up to one child per round)

From above, Rigging's bolts slam into Guard #2. Priest #1 rocks to a halt just steps from Amoonia. Sweat begins to pour down his face as he tries to fight Alryck's spell. . .

Seeing Red, Round #1 - Everyone Else (DM Lee)  d20+3=21 d3=1 d3=2 d20+6=26 d20+6=17 d10+3=6 d20+8=12 d20+7=15 d20+5=24 d20+5=11 d8+2=6 d20+5=19 d8+2=8
Thursday January 17th, 2002 12:52:46 PM

The heartseed on the floor convulses and flails its tentacle-branches about to drag itself toward the trapped children.

Priest #1 stands fast, but his scarf seems to have developed a mind of its own. It stretches for Amoonia, but anchored by the priest's stiff grasp on one end, can't quite reach the girl. The scarf instead coils sinuously around to strike out at Ashira. The young half-elf feels a draining sensation where it has latched on to her forearm. (1 hp damage. Will Save vs DC 15 or take 1 point of Constitution damage.)

Priest #2 casts a spell, and a hard green substance sprouts from his heartseed thorn to quickly encase his skin. He closes with Bart, drawing a morningstar along the way.

Priest #3 looks up, searching for the spellcaster who attacked her superior. She casts Hold Person at Rigging, then ducks back beneath the balcony, out of sight of the archers. (Will Save vs. DC 14 or be held)

Guard #1 retaliates, hitting Valanthe with a two-handed blow that does 5hp damage. He maneuvers around her, putting her between himself and his friends.

Guard #2 flanks Bart with Priest #2, and attacks; his blow glances off the big fighter's new mail.

Guard #3 flanks Valanthe with #1 and strikes at her back.

Guards #4 and #5 rush to the aid of the frozen priest. #4 attacks Ashira, hitting with his sword for 6hp damage. #5 cuts Amoonia, who falls to the floor, still concious, but too busy trying to hold her gut together to be of much help.

Guards #6 and #7 head for the base of the stairs and climb, carefully keeping their heads down as they approach the archers.

Valanthe may make ONE attack of opportunity against ONE of Guards #4, 5, 6, or 7 as they hurry past her position. Over the shoulder of Guard #3, she sees two more soldiers turn and head back around a corner out of her sight.

Out of the corner of his eye, Bart sees one of the pins holding the chains of the child closest to Ashira and Priest #1 pop out of its setting, partially freeing the child.

The party has initiative. The boys on the balcony can see everybody EXCEPT Priest #3 and Guard #3 (who are under the balcony), and Guards #6 and #7, who are on their way up the stairs.

The Watchers Outside (DM Lee) 
Thursday January 17th, 2002 3:03:43 PM

Redux judges that his web spell will be effective in blocking any of the streets radiating from the temple.

Where do Redux and Ari wait? The party all entered by the back way.

Thursday January 17th, 2002 3:47:57 PM

(OOC Im kind of mixed up now...Is my charecter also on the balcony, or is he downstairs...)

ALryck will cast a Obscuring myst toward the preist that is not holded. to help every one escape.

Appolo  d20+7=20 d20+7=22 d8=8 d8=4
Thursday January 17th, 2002 7:22:14 PM

Appolo fires acuople of arrows at the held priest."ALryck watch our back we're about to have company." { Hit ac 20 for 8, Hit ac 22 for 4.}"Well boss I think it's time to get ceative any ideas?" to Rigging.

Rigging  d20+2=17 d20+2=22 d20+2=21 d6=1
Thursday January 17th, 2002 9:43:00 PM

Rigging feels something invade his mind. It is telling him to be still. Rigging yells "No!" and launches an arrow at the priest he attacked before. (OCC Don't know if you can get a critical hit with an arrow. On he road and away from my books. First roll is for will save. Second is for shortbow shot, third is for critical if it applies and the die 6 is my really bad damage roll.)

Redux (George) 
Thursday January 17th, 2002 9:44:27 PM

Redux tells Ari, " I am keeping Talon circling high so if the party escapes from a different entrance we can move to help."

Valanthe  d20+7=21 d20+7=27 d20+7=16 2d20(18+17)+2=37 2d4(3+4)+2=9 8d4(3+2+3+1+4+4+1+3)+2=23 2d4(4+4)+2=10
Friday January 18th, 2002 11:44:27 AM

(ignore the 2d20 roll, it was accidental)

As the guards run past her, Val lashes out striking guard #5 in the side.
(OCC: 21 to hit for attack of opportunity, for 9 points of dmg.)

Val feels her anger rising but tries to hold it off. In this situation she needs to be in control. Seeing how Guard #1 is injured, She spins her scythe and buries the point in his chest.
(OCC: 27 to hit, critical. 16 on second roll to confirm critical hit. If it is a critical hit then 23 dmg, If it is a normal hit then 10)

Ashira{Chris}  d20+4=9 d20+8=14 d20+8=13 d10+3=9 d8+3=11
Friday January 18th, 2002 6:59:07 PM

Ashira winces as the scarf wraps around her arm
and lays into to the priest with both swords. She suddenly fel light headed for a moment.

Missed her will 9. Attack rolls of 14 and 13 agianst held priest, For 9 and 11 points of damage.

Bart  d20+5=13 d20+7=22 d10+6=14
Saturday January 19th, 2002 3:39:18 AM

Bart attacks the guard in front of him, he misses with his dagger but the first slash with his new sword hits the guard (ac 22 for 14)

he hopes the partially freed child can free herself if he sees she cant he will move in her way to help her next round

Seeing Red, Round #2 - Party Actions (DM Lee)  2d6(3+5)=8
Saturday January 19th, 2002 12:25:51 PM

Up on the balcony, Alryck remembers he can only cast Obscuring Mist around himself.

Appolo hits the held priest with ONE arrow. (Appolo can only make ONE ranged attack per round. 2nd Ed. rates of fire no longer apply.)

Between them, Rigging fires at Guard #2 with amazing accuracy, lodging his arrow in the man's neck for 1+3+5=9 hp damage. (Arrows have a X3 crit, therefore roll 3 dice of damage -- rolled additional two dice for you.)

Down below them, the blade of Valanthe's scythe is caught by the Ga'al's leering face on the breastplate of Guard #1's armour, protecting him from what otherwise would have been a fatal blow. (Guards are AC 18)

Bart finishes off Guard #2 as across the room, Ashira slices up the helpless priest.

Seeing Red, Round #2 - Everyone Else (DM Lee)  d3=1 d20+4=17 d20+8=11 d20+8=9 d20+7=16 d20+2=18 d20+5=22 d8+2=10 d3=1 d20+5=22 d20+5=12 d8+2=4 d20=1 d8=8 d20=2
Saturday January 19th, 2002 1:05:41 PM

The scarf continues to drain Ashira. (1 hp damage, and Will DC 15 or lose another point of Con.)

Priest #2 attacks Bart, and again the new armour proves its worth, absorbing the blow.

Priest #3 moves into Valanthe's reach and tries to cast a spell on Guard #1, but she gets so distracted dodging the barbarian's scythe that her spell fails.

Guard #1 and #3 strike at Valanthe almost simultaneously, and their swords strike sparks off of each other as the elf nimbly moves out of their way.

Guard #4 backs off a bit and throws himself at Priest #1, pulling the priest to the ground just inside the doorway, out of Ashira's reach, and breaking the scarf's hold on the half-elf. This move provokes an AoO from Ashira against #4. Guard #5 sneaks a blow past Ashira's guard for 10hp damage.

Guard #6 and #7 reach the top of the stairs and both attack the nearest archer, Appolo. #6 nicks the thief for 4 hp damage. Because of the narrow stairs, #7 had to move through a threatened area to get at Appolo, provoking an AoO from the thief. (Remember, Appolo only has bow and arrow in hand at this point.) Lined up on the balcony are now #6, Appolo, Rigging, and Alryck, with #7 behind Appolo and within Rigging's reach.

The heartseed on the floor gives a massive convulsion and lies still.

Amoonia, meanwhile, climbs to her hands and knees, bleeding surprisingly less than one might expect. She scampers over to the chained children and knocks out a pin. Another two pins pop free, apparently on their own, and one of the boys, now free, gets to work on more of the bonds. Most of the still chained children begin babbling at their rescuers, crying out to be freed. The pulsing of the hearts in the alcoves strengthens and increases in pace, driving toward some kind of climax.

Saturday January 19th, 2002 1:19:57 PM

After finishing the priest off, Ashira moves to support Valanth or engage the nearest enemy if she can't reach Valanthe.

Ashira{CHRIS}  d20+4=13 d20+8=19 d20+8=15 d10+3=5 d8+3=10
Saturday January 19th, 2002 1:30:57 PM

As she moves Ashira struggles to cut the scarf
off of her arm. She agian feels faint and slight pain. {Will 13} She then takes a vicious hit and screams in pain. She then plants both her swords in guard #4 as he moves past. After this Ashira will fall back and fight defensively. {Attack rolls 19 for 5, 15 for 10.}

Appolo  d20+7=24 d20+11=14
Saturday January 19th, 2002 1:43:10 PM

When appolo takes a hit hrcrys" Dam Alryck,thought you where watching the stairs.}
He then wheels as fast as he can firing his bow at #7 point blank range. He does all of this in one motion, completing the circle.

OOC:NOT sure how much damage a shot at point blank range does. First roll 24 is his atack roll, second roll is his roll to maintain his balance 14.

Valanthe  d20+7=26 2d4(4+4)+2=10
Saturday January 19th, 2002 5:47:59 PM

With her scythe lodged in guard #1, Val twists the scythe's staff changing the angle of the blade. A savage battle cry echoes off the walls. Val rips the scythe free, tearing part of the guard's chest as well.

Rigging  d4+1=3 d4+1=5
Saturday January 19th, 2002 8:26:43 PM

Rigging drops his bow and thrust forth his hands launching two more glowing darts into guard #7. He then pulls out his weapons and prepares to attack.

Saturday January 19th, 2002 8:28:25 PM

Redux hears the fighting going on inside and indecision grips him. He wants to go to the aid of the others but is afraid that he could be used as a weapon against them. He concentrates on Talon and directs him into the temple to let them know what is going on.

Saturday January 19th, 2002 9:44:51 PM

Hearing Appolo react to being injured made Val wonder. How bad was he hurt? How many guards or priests showed up? Val knew that the kids needed to be saved, but she would be damned if she would let Ga'al get her Appolo. In basic Dwarven (yes Dwarven), Val shouts up to Appolo, "Are you alright?" Dwarven is totally different from elven, but still a widely spoken language outside of Aisildur. She was teaching Appolo on their trip. Hopefully he remembered the lessons. They didn't exactly happen at the best time. There were lots of distractions, but great rewards for correct words.

Bart  d20+5=23 d20+7=25 d4+1=5 d10+6=15
Sunday January 20th, 2002 4:26:07 AM

Seeing that children are freeing themselves Bart attack the priest in front of him. FEEL THE WRATH OF DOMI YOU FOOL, he yells at the priest, as he hits with his dagger and sword (AC23/25 for total 20 wounds)

Appolo  d20+7=23 d8=7
Sunday January 20th, 2002 7:30:08 PM

When Appolo completes his spin hequickly knocks another arrow and fires at guard # 1.
{ATTACK ROLL 23, Damage 7} He then replies to
Valanthe" I'm alright. How about you??!!" in elven.

Ashira{Chris}  d20+8=25 d20+8=24 d10+3=9 d8+3=5
Sunday January 20th, 2002 7:48:09 PM

After slicing through gaurd #4 Ashira quickly turns her attention to guard #5. Slicing into him with both swords.}AT rolls 25,24, damage 9,5}

Sunday January 20th, 2002 11:05:40 PM

In Elven Val responds, "Doing pretty good. I'm down to one guard and one priest. For something like this I expected more guards."

Seeing Red, Round 3 Party (DM Lee)  d4+2=4 d20+5=20 d8+2=8 d20+5=9
Monday January 21st, 2002 10:21:52 AM

Ashira's single attack of opportunity against #4 is successful, but doesn't stop him from getting Priest #1 out of range. The half-elf turns her attention to Guard #5, killing him almost instantly. (Chris, when Ashira attacks with 2 weapons, her attack rolls are at +6 for longsword, +4 for short. Her magical longsword does additional +2 damage. Longsword damage dice is d8, short is d6.)

Valanthe makes a mess of Guard #1, dropping him out of the picture.

Bart gets in a couple of good hits on his opponent, but the priest's hardened skin protects him somewhat.

Since attacks of opportunity must be melee attacks. I'm going to assume that Appolo doesn't want to risk breaking his bow, so he jabbed at #7 with an arrow. d20=17 +5 melee attack bonus -4 non-proficiency penalty = 18 attack roll. He just manages to stab #7 with the arrow for d4= +2 Str = 4 damage. Continuing his spin, he draws another arrow and, with Guard #1 down, Appolo fires instead at Bart's opponent, Priest #2, who falls. (Chris, I see shortbow listed on your character sheet. Shouldn't your arrows be doing d6, not d8 damage? Also, remember to take a -4 penalty to shoot into a melee.) Firing the bow provokes an Attack of Opportunity from Guard #6, who thankfully misses the nimble thief.

Rigging begins to cast a spell at Guard #7, provoking an AoO from the guard, who lashes out at the wizard, hitting for 8 damage and disrupting the spell. Rigging is now armed, however.

Alryck just stands there.

Redux and Ari hear shouts from inside the main temple chamber, but no sounds of the battle raging deeper inside the building. When Talon flies inside he sees 2 guards at each of 2 interior archways drawing weapons and heading down the corridors behind them.

Seeing Red, Round 3 - Everyone Else (DM Lee)  d8+3=6 d20+5=9 d20+5=6 d20+5=15 d8+2=4
Monday January 21st, 2002 11:14:59 AM

Priest #2 decides to get out of the way of the dangeous infidels. She crosses the room to the archway opposite the balcony, and crouches to cast a spell on Priest #1. Guard #4 stands over the two priests, ready to defend them with his life.

Guard #3, faced with what Valanthe did to his partner, looks ready to run, but a pack of 8 more soldiers arriving from the corridor behind him bolsters his confidence. Perhaps too much so, as he misses the barbarian with his clumsy swing.

On the balcony overhead, the two guards shift 5 feet over, so that they now stand between the pirates and the hallway to the priests' offices. Guard #6 attacks Appolo again, but jams his sword agains the balcony railing. Guard #7, faced with a choice between the armed Rigging and unarmed Alryck, strikes at Rigging, nicking his wrist for 4hp damage.

In the middle of the room, the children have all freed each other. Asuni appears and puts the ring on the finger of the tear-streaked littlest girl, who promptly disappears. Bart soon feels small invisible hands clutching at his leg, accompanied by a frightened whimper.

Guards 6 and 7 block the upper doorway. Two priests and Guard #4 block the entrance near Ashira. Reinforcements are about to arrive through the doorway under the balcony. The children are free, but with all entrances to the chamber blocked, the young Pirates of Jack are trapped. Whatever will they do?

ALryck  d20+4=11 d6+1=2
Monday January 21st, 2002 2:43:57 PM

ALryck will swing on of the two guards that are on the balcony with him. tring to make hime fall one the stairs (11 to hit) (2 point of dammage).

Rigging  d20+1=18 d20+1=14 d6=4 d4=2
Monday January 21st, 2002 3:43:56 PM

Rigging is pissed that his spell was interrupted. (OCC Could have Rigging made a concentration check to see if the spell still could have gone off?)He lashes out at the soldier slicing him twice on the arm.

Appolo  d20+3=6
Monday January 21st, 2002 7:17:15 PM

Figuring he's done about all he with his bow, Appolo spins around and hurls it at guard #7 then draws his sword and dagger and steps up to flank him, being careful to stay out of sixes range. But just before he does so he yells"Bart support Val, Ashira we're about to have some guests arrive. Hey RED!! Get those kids out of the way and have them start climbing the rope." He then turns on #7.

{Attack roll for throwing Bow. 6]

Monday January 21st, 2002 7:21:41 PM

Assertaining the nasty situation that the party has once again managed to get themselves into, Ashira decides to take matters into her own hands. Maintaining a defensive posture, the half-elf fishes into her pouch to withdraw two vials. Upon locating them, Ashira quickly unstops and downs the Barskin potion.

OOC (Chris, thanks so much for taking care of Ashira while I was on vacation! I went ahead and took the liberty of changing today's post. Hope that's ok with you.)

Valanthe  d20+7=24 2d4(4+1)+2=7
Monday January 21st, 2002 11:40:02 PM

Valanthe ducks the guards clumsy swing and spins her Scythe like a staff. While in mid spin she turns the blade and rips it up in an arc tearing into Guard #3.

(OCC: 24 to hit, 7 dmg)

In Elven she says, "I'll hold them off. Get the kids out of here."

Redux  d20=19 d6=3
Monday January 21st, 2002 11:54:42 PM

(OCC-thanks George)
Redux calls Talon to him. He prepares to cast Chill Touch, once they are in contact, and designate Talon as the toucher. He will instruct the bird to look for the first guard on his way inside then to give an indication as to what is going on to look for his next target (total 4 separate attacks). (first attack rolled)

Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 2:55:52 AM

ACK. My fault

"We should continue to wait here. But using Talon, you might be able to keep an eye out for what is going on. Maybe use him to see if he can find some alternate ways out." "Looking at Redux sideways Ari asks, " Do we know of any other ways that we can provide a distraction, once this group leaves the temple?"

Rearguard Action (DM Lee-Anne)  d10=10 d2=1
Tuesday January 22nd, 2002 10:59:23 AM

(Revisionist history: Quite right, George. DM forgot Concentration check. Next time, just go ahead and roll. Used your tenth preroll for d20+7=19, JUST making DC 10+8damage+1spell level. So Rigging did burn Guard #7 last round. Therefore Guard #7 fell to the ground, and passed out from his last feeble effort trying and failing to retaliate. [ie. didn't nick Rigging's wrist])

Up on the balcony, Alryck misses his swing, and Appolo's bow clatters uselessly against the wall. Rigging wounds Guard #6 once.

Below, Valanthe wounds Guard #3, Ashira retrieves and downs her potion, and Bart contemplates the situation. Amoonia and her sister hear Appolo's directions, but seeing that the rope hangs beside Valanthe, right in the path of the oncoming reinforcements, the redheads instead herd the children up the stairs to the balcony. The instant the last child's foot leaves the floor of the chamber, all the hearts on the ledges skip a beat, and then stutter to a halt. The two concious priests of Ga'al let out screams of intense pain, and the soldiers stumble and sway in place.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Appolo, Rigging, and Alryck between them take out the remaining soldier and lead the kids to the window entrance, with Valanthe, Ashira, and Bart fighting a dangerous rearguard action all the way, with Talon's help. Outside, Redux and Ari suddenly find they are not alone in the dark streets.

The flight through Ailthmar is nightmarish, but aided by what must surely be resistance operatives playing decoy. The fugitives are led to a secret egress through the city wall, leaving pursuit behind them as they flee southward to their hidden vessel. . .

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