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Close Encounters

Time to Go (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday December 25th, 2001 12:16:13 AM

Several days pass during which most of you are confined to the safehouse. With his altered appearance, Alryck is able to come and go in relative safety to meet with his contacts. Word is out on the street about the fuss at Bando's, but no one seems to be looking for the troublemakers. The wait seems all the longer for perhaps being unnecessary.

Finally, the dark clad man descends into the hidey-hole to announce, "Sasha will meet you at The Inn of the Purple Rat this afternoon. Alryck," he says, waving the redhead close. After a few private words, he slips back out and away.

Tuesday December 25th, 2001 2:28:52 PM

The days pass as weeks or months, to Val anyway. Tension and feelings are still high from the incident a few days passed. She really wishes that she had more wine. The one thing she could do without disturbing anybody was drink. Without anything to do to releave boredom, Val spends most of the waiting in reverie. When the stranger tells of their leaving, Val is relieved and happy.

Tuesday December 25th, 2001 8:54:16 PM

When Valanthe returns from her walk, she finds Appolo still standing there in the shadows waiting for her. He is completely relieved to see her return.

The next day after getting a few hours rest, Appolo apoligizes to the group as a whole for his outburst. Then to Ashira personally. "I am sorry, you did not deserve to be disrespected like that. When I said that it was out of anger and fury. Please believe me, when I say thanks for showing more restraint than I. For I would've hated myself if we had come to blows. I do care about you, it's you I respect not your rank. I am sorry for losing control like that.." He is very contrite and she can tell from his tone of voice and his demeanor that he means it.

Appolo then apologizes to Rigging, "I have no problem with your leadership or you. The problem lies inside of me. I just have trouble controlling my emotions. Please forgive me??"

He then spends the next couple of days coming and going quietly gathering information and bringing back the supplies that the group needs. He also spends his time quietly attending to Valanthe.

Finally when the man says it is time to leave, he says to Valanthe, "Ashira does care about you and so does the rest of the group. We're a family. You need to go and apologize to her for calling her a halfbreed -- that was not nice and she does deserve our respect. Always remember what I said -- we can leave any time you want, but leaving in anger with hatred in your heart for one who is not your enemy, is not wise. So for your own peace of mind."

Tuesday December 25th, 2001 9:42:29 PM

Val nods her head. A silent acknowledgement to Appolo's words, nothing more. This wasn't the time or place to think about or deal with such things. Only a monk would enjoy spending so much time in a dark cramped space. Not that it was that bad for her. Val relived her days with her mother and father. As well as hunting boar in the deep elven woods. Those memories put her in a good mood. She doesn't want to spoil it so fast. Val checks her gear while waiting. Cleaning her scythe, making sure her bow was good, and that the arrowtips weren't loose.

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 12:35:13 AM

Rigging leaves Ashira and heads down to the others. When both Val and Appolo apologize to Ashira and himself, Rigging breathes a sigh of relief. When Alryck leaves for a few minutes to talk privately, Rigging will ask the group, "Well we have had a few days to evaluate our young red-headed priest. What do you think? Should we invite him to join us? We need a cleric. I think we should give him a chance." When Alryck comes back in, Rigging will ask, "Anything important we need to know about?"

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 12:58:05 AM

OOC: Um Valanthe never apologized. She acknowledged Appolo letting him know that she heard him. Valanthe keeps quiet unless she's asked a question.

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 9:46:21 AM

ooc. My internet connection has been down due to excite@home collapsing, and being one of two towns left with no connection. With that and holidays, I am just getting back online now. Am posting something appropriate, but can be deleted if I cannot condense time a little bit.

While the family spends a couple of days in isolation, Ari relates a story to everyone. "I would like to remind everyone new and old, of one of the things that happened to us when we first started our journey. On the day that we were supposed to leave town, we were all supposed to meet up at a rendevious point. On the way there, some of us happened to pass by Skippy's house. She was going to join us as we left town. Seems the priests had some kind of suspicion about what was going on. As we watched in front of our eyes, Skippy was killed. Skippy knew what was happening, and when she spotted those of us that could come to our aid, she told us NO. Many of us were devestated by that. Until later, when by the power of Lemtorvex, she was able to come to us, and help assuage our grief. (for those listening, you hear grief holding at the edge of Ari's voice). Val, I share in your pain about the slavery situation. But the lesson we were taught that day, I think, was that we must choose our battles wisely. We are only going to get one chance in life, to try to make a difference for our country. So we must be overly cautious about which battles we chose to fight. See Chpt 2 in Archives for specific info

Everyone must understand that the Pirates are the only way we have a chance of fighting back. So we choose to put ourselves within the rules of the Pirates, in order to get our chance to fight back against Gaal. Just like Lemtorvex is sure to punish us if we do misdeeds. So must we face punishment from the Pirates, should we screw up somehow.

I will also pray for Lemtrovex to come into everyone's heart this day. Our little group here started out as a small family, in which we can only rely on ourselves. We must all realize that we will have those times where we might get a little hot headed. My hope, would be that people not utter any words that they might, or should regret. (looking at where he can guess Val is). In this country that is rule by such evil, we only have ourselves. If we cannot keep our words civil to each other, then any mission we go on, is doomed to fail."

With his little speech done, Ari lets the silence sink in. Though he is unable to keep a small sniffle or two from sounding in the silence of thier hidey hole.

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 9:52:02 AM

When Valanthe barely acknowledges him, Appolo gets slightly depressed again saying, "I guess you don't need me or want me any more so I be leaving now." His voice saddened. He picks up his gear and heads out quickly. He wanders around slowly working his way to the wharf -- where he just sits, staring out to sea and thinking.

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 10:54:35 AM

Val manages to hold her tounge as Appolo's leaving. She's not sure that Appolo understands. Just because she doesn't want to talk right now doesn't mean he should just leave. To Ari she says with sadness in her voice. "Whats happening here is wrong. These people don't have much hope. But this is not my counrty. These aren't my people." All the good memories from reverie got her thinking. Whats happening to her Aunt, Uncle, and cousins that were alive. Her words may have sounded a bit cold, but for the first time in a decade or two Val is homesick.

At the Wharf (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday December 26th, 2001 12:54:54 PM

Appolo easily makes his way alone through streets that he still knows like the back of his hand. He occasionally sees a familiar face, including one young man, whom he remembers as quite a little rabble-rouser and bully, now placidly mending nets in one of the plazas.

The wharf is busy at this hour, but he finds a quiet seat on an unused jetty, where he is bothered by nobody but the seagulls. (Appolo, please roll Spot check.) . . .

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 12:59:08 PM

Once again, slightly in the past
Ashira looks over at where Rigging stands and then slowly walks over to where he is and takes the glass of wine from him. Still burning with fury, she listens to the young man. When he is finished, she looks at him with a cold glint in her eye, although she speaks calmly and softly. "No Rigging, you don't understand, and you never will. Val is right...I am a half-breed. Caught between two worlds, I can never be a part of either." Ashira takes a deep breath, and drinks the wine in one gulp. "I appreciate your offer of friendship. Although I never doubted it. But right now I don't need friends, I need fellow freedom fighters commited to the cause of destroying Ga'al. Seeing Val and Appolo in the auction reminded me that love and friendship only manage to distract you. Right now, I need to stay focused on the big picture." Ashira kisses Rigging lightly on the cheek and whispers "I'm sorry." in his ear. Once again all business, Ashira heads off into the darkness in the opposite direction as Val." And now, if you'll excuse me, I need some time to think."

At the Purple Rat (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday December 26th, 2001 1:16:16 PM

The time soon arrives for the meeting, and Bart and Alryck lead the group along side streets to the inn. The Purple Rat is a rough-looking two-story inn and tavern that draws business from locals and the nearby docks. The common room bustles with folks dallying over their nooning or conducting business over a pint.

A young woman who keeps her eyes averted in humility leads the group to a large table near the back of the common room. "Be welcome to The Purple Rat, as to Ga'al's blessed embrace," she says, in a monotone. "One is called Addelle. May it bring beverages or other refreshment?"

There is no sign yet of Sasha. (Everyone roll Spot checks, please.)

Wednesday December 26th, 2001 1:16:43 PM

And now in the more recent past
Keeping to herself during the days of solitude, Ashira seems to sink into a mild funk. Occasionally late at night, the half-elf reaches under her tunic and withdraws the pink shell necklace from underneath. Gently caressing it, she cries a few silent tears. During the day hours, when people are watching, Ashira busies herself with sharpening her swords.

Her mood picks up slightly when word arrives that they will be rejoining the Freedborn. When approached by Appolo, Ashira listens to the young man's appology. When he is finished, the half-elf give him a half smile and says "It takes a brave man to admit when he's wrong. I repect that. People do strange things in the heat of battle. We need to keep our wits about us, though, or we'll never free our homeland. Besides, you need to keep your wits about you, or that elf will have you confronting Ga'al himself before you know it!" Ashira slaps the young man on the back and returns to inspecting her armor.

Appolo  d20+5=13
Wednesday December 26th, 2001 3:04:44 PM

Appolo sits at the jetty lost in his own thoughts. {Yeah, I should've left, emotions--who needs them? Ashira's right, they just get in the way.} When he sees his old enemy Agnosto, he begins to pay more attention to his surroundings.

Spot= 13

Rigging  d20+4=7
Wednesday December 26th, 2001 3:20:06 PM

Rigging is lost in thought over what Ashira told him and is just following along for now. When they get to the bar he will order some wine and sit back. His thoughts keep going back to the rejection that Ashira sent his way earlier. Part of him knows that this isn't the time for romance, but his glands have taken over and he can't stop taking peeks at her. He decides that he isn't going to give up so easily. Time to turn on that famous Van Palin charm. What kind of jewerly do elves like. He will ask Val later.

Valanthe  d20+3=14
Wednesday December 26th, 2001 3:50:32 PM

OOC: 14 for spot check

Val walks the streets without concealing her identity behind the hood of her cloak. She regards their reactions with curiosity. She wondered what people were thinking when they looked upon her. Still Appolo was not back. She was wondering if he was going to. She pushed those thoughts away. Appolo told her on many of nights that he wouldn't leave. To the serving girl she says, "I'll take some wine." Seeing how openly the girl welcomed Ga'al. How were they supposed to make any progress. The enemy seems to grow constantly, especailly with Domi's death. They could barely stay alive. Let alone battle a god and all his followers.

Ashira  d20+3=21
Wednesday December 26th, 2001 9:42:36 PM

Still well concealed within her cloak, Ashira examines her surroundings with keen interest (Spot=21), a little anxious that Sasha isn't there already. She thinks to herself "Something isn't right...Sasha is nothing if not punctual." Leaning over Ashira whispers in Rigging's ear "I don't like the looks of this. Something's not right. And I don't like being seperated. Why don't you send Bart out to bring Appolo back. I'm sure he'll know where to find him. Oh, and we should probably keep a close eye on our new cleric."

Bart  d20=20
Thursday December 27th, 2001 4:30:54 AM

I'm called Alwin and these are my friens says Bart to the serving girl. He then looks for a good spot to sit so he can oversee the inn and the door.

Spotcheck 20+mod=? (i'm sorry dont have my char sheet with me, I'm posting from my mothers home)

Redux  d20+2=15
Thursday December 27th, 2001 9:15:16 AM

Redux may have been the least worried about spending so much time in the safe house. He has plenty to do, keeping his spells current, practicing the arcane language, and just reading. At times he was heard speaking what could have been nonsense rhymes (and maybe a flash of light or sound bursts for an instant). Redux has always been a diligent student. His recent visit with his mistress allowed him one last lesson. He will miss her being available for teaching and practice. Actually, she effectively ended their teacher-student relationship, cutting him loose to learn on his own and seek direction from other sources. Maybe, she's right. He has grown in his art faster in this short time than he ever has. He will continue to be vigilant in seeking his art, be it from scrolls, books, or chance meetings with those who understand the deeper knowledge. Besides, this adventuring is just plane fun; thus the term 'adventuring.'

Redux collects his belongings, wearing a new piece of jewelry, Talon on his shoulder, with a smile that says that all is right with the world. He follows closely to the party to their new meeting point in anticipation of events to come. This is more of what he is used to, glad to be on the mainland, doing his old job. Spot=15

Familiar Faces (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday December 27th, 2001 6:49:56 PM

From his vantage on the warf, Appolo recognizes the Lazy Suzie docked two jetties over. She looks to be in much better shape than when he last saw her, after the trip to Theo's island. Two of the Freedborn's crew work at loading supplies on board.

At the Purple Rat, a robed man and woman weave their way through the crowd to approach the table. Bart recognizes the man's clothes and mannerisms as belonging to one of the hooded figures at Bando's auction (OOC: NOT the priest of Ga'al). Both clerics wear the symbol of a bow and arrow. They stop beside the table, and the man brandishes a tightly rolled scroll. "I am Derius, Hand of Love," he declares, sternly. "I have here a warrant for the arrest of the elf, Sunshine, for crimes of unlove committed by her this past three-day and witnessed by me." He points a finger at Valanthe. "You will come with us quietly, that we may show you the true, loving way of Caeroldra's power."

Ashira, while whispering to Rigging, notices a bearded man at a nearby booth whose features and carriage seem eerily familiar. He stares at Rigging in open shock, much to the apparent irritation of his lunch companions.

Just then, Sasha the Lasher ducks in the front door and quickly spots her long-lost crew.

Thursday December 27th, 2001 7:17:55 PM

After spotting the Lazy Susie, Appolo thinks, 'Well our ride's here.' He jumps relaxed and somewhat happier. He then sprints back toward the Purple Rat to let the Family know that the Lazy Susie has docked.

Thursday December 27th, 2001 9:19:49 PM

To say that Val ins't pleased would be an understatement. "Opposing slavery is unlove? Are you mad? Some chairs cracked and the only person hurt was one of our people. I paid for the damages as it is and then some. You can take your warrant and shove it. Take another step and I'll make you bleed. That will be some unlove for you. The only way I'm going anywhere is if Rigging says so."

Thursday December 27th, 2001 9:59:36 PM

Rigging wonders why Val keeps getting into trouble. It seems to just seek her out, but it isn't her fault. He stands and says, "I am in charge of this fine woman. Please let me see your warrant. What gives you authority over her in the first place?" In elven to Ashira, "Dear heart, please get Sasha over her pronto. I don't want trouble but they are not taking Val out of here." Turning to the priests, Rigging holds out his hand for the parchment and adds, "What was her alleged crime? In layman's terms please."

Thursday December 27th, 2001 10:29:40 PM

Val keeps her outward face of anger, because partially she still is angry. Those few moments of silence before Rigging answered was filled with dread. She knows that he hasn't been happy. He could have told her to go with them to avoid trouble for the rest of the group. Val believed this was all some legal technicality to put her into slavery. It was obvious that some men would pay a king's ransom for an elven slave like herself. The thought of spending several centuries in chains was scary enough to take the edge off her anger. Val vowed to herself that she would end her own life before allowing that to happen.

Friday December 28th, 2001 4:50:18 AM

"Unlove? If you are really priest of love you know that some actions are driven by a deep passion, a deep love to do things good, to make the world a better place. So how can the actions of Sunshine be an action of unlove?"

Friday December 28th, 2001 9:15:57 AM

Nodding, Ashira whispers to Rigging in Elven "You might want to have Redux slip Sunshine that Invisibility potion just in case this turns bad. That way she can get back to the docks, and we can deal with this lot. Maybe they'll cool down if she disappears."

Ashira rises from the table and tries to make her way past the priests to Sasha.

Friday December 28th, 2001 9:42:10 AM

OOC: Don't worry HURRICANE APPOLO is about to arrive. HE HE!!

Friday December 28th, 2001 12:36:20 PM

(OOC) Sorry - was away for Xmas, but I'm here... unfortunately, I leave Saturday until January third...

(IC) ALryck looks around and silently observes the people that are near him. ALryck gives a quick prayer, partly in elven and partly in common.

He takes his flask and takes a sip from it.

Friday December 28th, 2001 5:16:40 PM

Redux can't help but roll his eyes at the request of the new priests. Honestly, where do these people get off? Then again, this party seems to be a magnet for this sort of thing. Ah, well, how does that web spell go? Not for everyone, mind you, just for blocking the escape that will soon be required. Hmm... potions, potions. Invisibility works well when someone wants to get their hands on you. Let's just get that box out nice and slow. To the priests of love he asks "How exactly do you 'show you the true, loving way of Caeroldra's power?'" Redux will get the potion out and prepare to give it to Val, and will tell her to drink but don't blink.

Everyone's Coming to the Party (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday January 1st, 2002 4:07:02 PM

Appolo is brought up short outside the tavern by the looming figure of Analek, the miller. The older man shows no surprise at seeing young Speed. "Alpo!" he says. "I am wanting help, and in Ga'al's generosity, see here is provide." He unloads an oversized flour sack into Appolo's arms. A small puff of white flour billows up, but it feels like there's something more solid shifting around inside the sack.

"You're taking here this inside, hey? To give to BART-ender. Miller has save for him most special flour, you're telling him. And look, praise Ga'al, here is come priests to choosing luckiest of new sacrifices, hey?" With a wink, the miller indicates a cadré of priests of Ga'al and Aisildurian soldiers just rounding the nearest corner, and the street suddenly clears of people. Appolo recognize the familiar signs of a Sacrifice Sweep. "Make deliver fast, lad, while Analek is talking to excellent Father Aloliathmar!"

Inside the tavern, Derius hands over his warrant to Rigging and answers, "There! As you hear, this elf's words are empty of love, even as they were not three days ago, when she spat horrible vitriol at a local businessman. But Caeroldra is generous; we will save her by teaching her loving speech and action!"

Rigging finds that the warrant, couched in official legallese, is issued by the church of Caeroldra, over Derius' seal and signature. The wording is rather vague on the point of "Sunshine's" crimes.

He gets no more than a quick glance, however, before he's interrupted by a familiar voice. "Arrack?" The bearded man Ashira had noticed leaves his seat to approach Rigging cautiously, and the younger man recognizes his father, Duke von Palin.

Sasha meets Ashira's gaze briefly and shakes her head before her eyes move on in apparent disinterest. She takes a seat at the bar and orders a pint of ale, watching the preaching Derius along with most of the tavern's patrons.

Tuesday January 1st, 2002 7:53:37 PM

As soon as Appolo is out of sight, he ditches the flour and his pack. He then makes a beeline for the Purple Rat moving at full speed. Thinking, 'Stupid old man. I have to warn the family. Son of a witch, a sacrifice sweep.' He will take the back way and go through the back door.

Tuesday January 1st, 2002 9:55:19 PM

Rigging mouth drops open in surprise. "Dad..." he murmurs to himself. "Father!" Rigging cries in joy. He crosses the room and grabs his father by both arms. "Father what are you doing here? Is the rest of the family with you?"

Rigging quickly looks around and whispers, "Father I have to leave now. I am responsible for these people. Quickly tell me where you are staying and I will get in contact with you. Trust me." After Rigging hears his father's reply, he will break away and stride over to the priest with a haughty expression on his face. "I am the third mate on the merchant vessal Vorn. I have been ordered by my captain, Captain Aorin, to bring his crew aboard as quickly as possible. You will have to bring your warrant to him personally and he can work out what should be done." Rigging turns to the others, "OK We are going to the ship right now. Gather your things and pay the tab. Move it people!" Rigging will lead the group out at a quick pace.

Wednesday January 2nd, 2002 10:06:12 AM

When Appolo drops the flour sack, he hears something like a moan and decides to to open the sack. He quickly opens the sack and finds a 12 year old child inside. He is completely surprised. "Damm a kid." He says quietly. He then tells the kid to be quiet and he hides the kid in the alley behind the Purple Rat and sprints inside the back. Thinking, 'Great -- now I gotta warn the Family and then smuggle the kid to the ship.'

He heads through the kitchen at full speed avoiding contact with anyone else.

Wednesday January 2nd, 2002 5:47:13 PM

(OOC) Hey people Im back for good now so Im Ready to get back into game...

Wednesday January 2nd, 2002 7:48:20 PM

Val (Sunshine)calmly grabs her gear and moves toward the door. This was one time she was glad to follow an order. She didn't want to know what would happen is she left with them. Val hoists the backpack onto her shoulder. Maybe sometime soon she would have a place to store her gear on a more permament basis. Val turns away as Rigging greats his father. It was clear that the rest of her friends had family in these parts. She couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't really belong.

Wednesday January 2nd, 2002 10:15:49 PM

Rigging gently grabs Val's upper arm and murmers, "Don't worry Val...I won't let them take you. Blood will be spilt before that happens." Rigging walks steadily but quickly towards the door.

Wednesday January 2nd, 2002 10:39:31 PM

Val looks down. All her anger gone. Quietly in Elvish she speaks. "Thank you Rigging, this means alot. To me and Appolo. I wasn't sure what would happen. This could bring in alot of trouble for you and the others. Trouble that could easily be avoided. I know I messed up. I didn't think that humans needed it brought up. Do yourself a favor. Don't get us exiled from the city. Spend some time with your father. You never know when you would get another chance." Val pauses for a moment. "I'll go if thats what must be done."

Thursday January 3rd, 2002 12:16:28 AM

ALryck over listen the conversation of val and Rigging, nodding at val's elvish word..smilling a little, He remember his mom's word, a tear form at his eye corner and drible down.

- "Val, sorry If I overheard you taking, but every one makes mistake, every one may messed up once while. But what is important, is that we learn of our mistake. dont worry your luck is good every thing will get back on feet. all we have to do is to wait."

ALryck smiles looking a val.

Thursday January 3rd, 2002 4:14:14 PM

Bart is ready to go ...

It Just Gets Better 
Thursday January 3rd, 2002 4:27:25 PM

The duke appears puzzled, but whispers a reply to his son. "I'll be aboard the Sea Sparrow tonight." He remains standing where Rigging left him, still looking a little shocked.

In the alley next door, Appolo finds that what he mistook for a child is actually a rather floury suit of chainmai wrapped around a sword. He leaves the gear in the alley and ducks across the kitchen yard and through the busy kitchen, ignoring the haranging of two startled cooks. He emerges into the common room through a door beside the bar, and finds himself face-to-face with Sasha. Sasha raises her brows and mutters, "Trouble?"

Thursday January 3rd, 2002 4:46:46 PM

Upon running into Sasha, Appolo replies, "Hello, glad to see you. Yes there's trouble with a capital T, a sacrifice sweep is headed this way. We need get to the Lazy Suzy as soon as possible." He then looks around the room for the rest of the group, worry clearly evident on his face.

Friday January 4th, 2002 12:43:30 AM

Rigging sees the worried look on Apollo's face and says, "Apollo...we were just leaving. Captain Aorin has recalled us. Let's go." Rigging keeps heading for the door with Val in tow.

Bart  d20=18
Friday January 4th, 2002 9:55:37 AM

Bart goes outside and sees a bag of flour laying on the street, .. dammn... my uncle was here... why?...

On closer view he sees the sword and the chain sticking out of the sack. He throes the chain around his shoulders and holds the sword in his hands. He waits for the others to come out of the inn.

Friday January 4th, 2002 12:55:24 PM

ALryck gets out on the streets looking at bart with a grinn...

ALryck find this scene quite amusing...a sword covered with flour, a chain mail covered with flour and a Bart with flour..

- "Sir bar, may i suggest that you clean the armor and the sword...other way it ill be aesay to track you...leaving flour print every-were..."

ALryck chucckle a little.

Friday January 4th, 2002 5:26:46 PM

Appolo sees that the group is leaving and watches as Bart and Alryk go outside. He then steps up to Rigging"Sacrifice sweep headed this
way. If they see Ashira or Valanth we're in real trouble. Oh by the who are those priests." He the stay close and is clearly worried.

Friday January 4th, 2002 11:38:02 PM

Rigging looks visibly worried, "I don't know if they sweep is after us or the clerics we are leaving behind, but we need to get out of the net. Apollo, You know the area well. Lead us to safety." Rigging turns to the others and says quickly and harshly, "We have a sweep coming that we need to avoid. Ari...Redux prepare spells to slow them down and block exits or streets. Web,entangle or sleep. Everyone else I want missile weapons ready or caltrops, flaming oil and so on. We are going to cut and run. No pitch battles! No losing our heads..Yes Val that means you! Ok Apollo lead on."

Saturday January 5th, 2002 12:52:08 AM

Val switches her Scythe for bow. One things that she doesn't like is when she has to switch the equipment around. She's been using the scythe for many decades, but perhaps it's time for a change. After removing the bow from her back, Val secures the scythe to the straps on the back of her armor. She notches an arrow and backs out the rear entrance.

Saturday January 5th, 2002 10:27:22 AM

ALryck sight's a little, but takes out two pices of clothing, and unwrapp two vial of oil and puts the cloth so they are half-way out, and gets ready.

- "I..I only have 2 of those afterward...I have nothing wich concern ranged stuff."

ALryck Gets ready.

Reason to Run (DM Lee-Anne) 
Saturday January 5th, 2002 6:51:47 PM

((OOC, Marc-André, I don't have the disk on hand right now. Will email your sheet tomorrow.))

On her way out the back door, Sasha tells Appolo, "The Suzie, at the warf. Beat the Sweep there, or lose your ride."

The characters emerge onto the street in pairs and trios, to find a loud confrontation ongoing between Bart's stepfather and the priests, about 20 feet away. The soldiers stand in formation behind them, looking uncomfortable. One of the priests of Ga'al, however, seems to have his attention focussed on the glittering scepter in his hands.

As Ari and Redux cross the threshold, each collapses to the ground as a clawing, burning pain expands through his abdomen and chest. (Fort save vs. DC 15 or fall unconscious. If you save, you will need to make Concentration checks vs. DC 15 to take any action other than moving.)

The street is clear in the direction of the harbour.

Valanthe  d20+9=24 d8=4
Sunday January 6th, 2002 2:20:12 PM

OCC: I was hesitant to post this action, but here goes...

Valanthe watches Ari and Redux on the ground. her gaze shifts back to the priest with the sceptor. There was something about him that Val didn't like. She pulled the arrow back on her bow and let it fly.

OCC:Val got a 24 to hit the priest with the sceptor for 4 points of dmg

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Sunday January 6th, 2002 7:28:12 PM

Rigging sees Val's action and sighs, "In for a penny." He then murmers a few words and two magic darts leap from his fingers and strike the same cleric holding the scepter. (9 points of damage)

Appolo  d20+6=11 d20+6=25 d4+2=6
Sunday January 6th, 2002 10:58:47 PM

Appolo after Ari and Redux go down, Appolo barely has time to react before Valanthe and
Rigging open fire. He follows suit quickly hurling two dagers at the same priest."Great!!
Ashira, Bart help Ari And Redux!! Let's move!!"
He then slides his bow off hishoulder and begins to head for the warf. His first dagger
misses badly, but his second dagger strikes home for{6 points damage}

OOC:Is 25 a critcal hit?

Getting out of Dodge (DM Lee-Anne)  d10=3 d10=10 d6=5 d6=2 20d20(17+7+1+6+1+5+8+16+18+15+13+12+20+14+18+15+6+8+12+10)=222 d8=7 d8=4 d8=3 d8=8 d20=12 d8=4 d8=7 d8=1
Monday January 7th, 2002 11:42:44 AM

Ari and Redux fall mercifully unconcious (used pre-roll #10 for Fort saves, 7 and 12).

The priest with the scepter goes down under the combined efforts from Valanthe and Rigging. (Appolo's second hit would have been a THREAT -- ie roll again to determine if it's a crit -- but Appolo only has one attack per round.)

A second priest cries, "Who dares disrupt the sanctity of Ga'al's Blessed? Destroy them!" He retrieves the scepter from his fallen brother. At his order, the two remaining priests begin to cast spells, but Analek somehow becomes entangled with them while trying to get out of the way.

Twenty of the soldiers raise loaded crossbows and fill the air with pointy wood. One hits Alryck for 7hp. Three strike Ashira for 15hp. One hits Bart for 4hp. Two hit Rigging for 8hp. Appolo and Valanthe miraculously escape the first volley unscathed.

While the soldiers are organizing themselves to close, even Valanthe realizes that running is really the best choice. The young pirates collect their unconscious friends and follow Appolo toward the warfs. The chase is close at first, and everyone conscious suffers further wounds from missiles and spells. You reach the Lazy Suzie about two turns ahead of the Sweep, and the crew casts off immediately.

Once the little ship is safely out to harbour, Sasha rounds on the group. "Oh, nicely done!" she shouts, her voice dripping sarcasm. Her angry gaze spears one person after the next. "We'll never be able to dock the Suzie here again. We're just lucky there aren't any imperial navy ships standing out to harbour! What in the name of Lem's golden hide were you thinking?" Sasha toes Redux over onto his back, then gets right up in Alryck's face. "And who the twice-benighted heartseed have you brought aboard my command?"

ALryck  2d8(2+1)+4=7 d8+4=5 d8+4=8 d8+4=11
Monday January 7th, 2002 5:06:36 PM

ALryck look forward Sasha and with a dry tone of voice...

- "Madam, Im here on Behalf of Waard, I was bring in you "resistance" by Slaag...and by seeing you guys, I think that my powers should be helpfulland might getting your self a little luckier."

ALrick turns toward Ashira adn put a hand near her wound and mutters a quick prayer (cure modarate wound) [7 hp], then turn toward rigging doing the same (cure light wound) [5] and finally doing it at bart (cure light wound [8].

After he has done all those heals are made, ALryck walks a little to be alone and gives a longer prayer to Waard, and gives him self a cure light wound for him self.[11]

Monday January 7th, 2002 7:48:53 PM

Rigging endures Sasha's withering looks and comments and says, "Sasha we are sorry for having the port closed to you. We were only reacting to a perceived attack upon our comrades. At least we killed a priest of Ga'al in the process." Rigging will then introduce Alryck to the rest of the crew. "He has been helpful to us for the short time we have known him. He seems to want to help strike down Ga'al and Ga'al's minions. Haven't had the leisure to ask him about his god but he is generous with his healing spells. Only thing that is tough getting used to is his strange accent."

Redux (George) 
Monday January 7th, 2002 7:51:55 PM

Redux gets onboard and endures Sasha's comments and glares without comment. He is disturbed how harshly the foreign spell affected him and as soon as he is able will head below decks and stow his gear. He climbs into his bunk and starts trying analyze what kind of spell took him out.

Monday January 7th, 2002 11:20:47 PM

Valanthe doesn't take kindly to Sasha's words. She doesn't even know the woman and already she doesn't like her. She wants to say something but Rigging would just get mad again. Besides this was her ship and Val didn't want to swim. When Sasha looked her way Val met her gaze and only turned away to sit at the bow of the ship.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 10:37:55 AM

Assuming he gains consciousness as the ship leaves port

As Sasha comments about recent happenings, Ari sarcastically comments, "We seem to be too reactionary, and too short sighted. " Ari does not meet Sasha's gaze, nor anyone else's as he makes his comment.

Tuesday January 8th, 2002 10:58:37 AM

"Hmppf... just give her another name, some paint here and there and you are in business again!"

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