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Can't Buy Me Love

One Month to the Mainland (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday November 27th, 2001 6:09:54 PM

That afternoon, Gastu contacts Redux with a message from his master. "The delay and chaos have prompted change of plans, young Alreduxar," the magistrate explains. "The research effort will be split. You're to go to Ailthmar. The Pirates of Jack will provide you with an escort. Ask for Bando at the Emporium Exotica. Sell half the spores there as skintmoss, and deliver the rest to your master."

You are kept busy over the next week, as the boardwalks of Waha seem suddenly to teem with the walking dead. The week closes with a meeting in the back room of The House of the Green Fish with three rough-looking sailors. The elder, a narrow-shouldered man with a knotted rope of scar tissue creasing one side of his skull, introduces himself as Roch, and speaks closely with Redux for several minutes before kicking him out of the room.

Without a word, Roch opens his shirt to show the design tattooed on his chest -- that of two black and five red hearts arranged in a circle, identifying him as a high-ranking officer in the Pirates of Jack. He insists on seeing everyone's sword tattoo before speaking another word. "Bad times all 'roun, and I've orders fer ya from yer Jack. Ashira, yer ta take yer crew and hie over ta th'mainlan'. These be yer first priority." He gesture to the two aces accompanying him, and they each remove a smallish, well made oilskin haversack, obviously waterproof, and place them on the table. "See these and yon delivery boy," a flick of his hand indicating the door through which Redux recently left, "ta their destination. The Lady Freeborn'll take yas back aboard at Ailthmar.

"Now, listen close." Roch leans forward, and his face grows, if possible, even more grim. "Word is, the Queen a Cups gone and converted ta one a these Cult Gods. Dathil or summat -- he's a black one." The sailor pauses to spit. "He said it would help us 'gainst Ga'al. As if Lem weren't good enou fer 'im. The Cups is a mess, an none of our islands is safe. Summat's off wit the Jills as well, what with the raid on the Capital gone sour. So have a care who ya be talkin' ta. Don't get dead." Roch and his men leave the two haversacks of mushroom spores with Redux in exchange for a small pouch.

It takes several days to find passage to Aisildur. Lem decides to stay in Waha for the time being, working to quell the undead trouble. After almost three weeks aboard a busy merchanter vessel, you find yourselves landing in the cosmopolitan city of Ailthmar.

Some have never seen the city before. For some, it has been over two years; for Redux, a matter of months, and Ailthmar seems unaffected by the recent troubles. Yet, as you make your way through the streets to the Emporium Exotica, there is an uneasy feeling in the air. People hurry a little too quickly to their destinations, and greet each other loudly in voices that ring with false cheer. Just before reaching your destination, you cross a wide boulevard that Redux and others remember being lined with the various temple of the original gods of Ilthmar. It is now lined with blasted rubble. Two large, new temples squat amidst the destruction, one bearing the half-mask of The One, the other, the image of a jet-feathered bird.

You enter the Emporium Exotica to the cheerful jangling of the bell above the door. The small shop is a bastion of rich odours -- a mixture of perfumes, spices, floral scents, and tobaccos. The shelves are lined with a wide assortment of small jars and bundled packets, and a cone of incense smolders on the counter, filling the shop with a mild, slightly sweet smoke.

The simply dressed young man behind the counter smiles widely. "Greetings, gentle ones. One is called Avveril. In what way may it serve?"

Wednesday November 28th, 2001 11:36:27 AM

After Rigging hears about Redux's new mission, he laughs and says, "See Redux, the gods want you to be part of our family. You might as well get used to the idea." Before getting on board, Rigging will say good-bye to both Lem and Gastu. He searches out Pip and gives him 10 gps and asks him to keep an eye out on Lem. "Keep my friend out of trouble and yourself also. Stay near the temple, with all these nasty undead walking around."
After the boat ride and upon entering the shop, Rigging will step forward and say, "Good day to you Avveril. We were recommended to ask for Bando. Is he in?"

Wednesday November 28th, 2001 12:23:10 PM

Uncomfortable with the thought of entering the enemy's capital city, Ashira makes sure that she buys a hooded cloak (with which to conceal herself) before she leaves Waha.

Entering the Exotica, the heavily cloaked Ashira takes up a position near Rigging, nervously examining the shop and its keeper. Her hands never leave the hilts of her weapons as she waits.

Wednesday November 28th, 2001 12:46:41 PM

Impressed by the warmth of Rigging's acceptance, Redux smiles and says "Perhalps...only time will tell." Although he has actually grown to appreciate this "family", Redux is anxious to rejoin his mistress and resume his studies. After Rigging asks for Bando, Redux pulls Rigging aside and whispers "You'd better leave the exchange to me."

Sleeping peacefully on his master's shoulder, Talon wakes and begins to cough when the incense wafts toward them. Looking rather indignant, the small white owl takes to the air inside the shop and alights on a bookshelf far away from the incense.

Appolo  d20+5=13 d20+10=23 d20+10=12 d20+4=13 d20+6=24
Wednesday November 28th, 2001 8:58:23 PM

After a while with Valanthe help Appolo returns to normal his oppion of the gods hasn't changed
but he no longer vocalizes it any more.Although he did locate Thayle and appologize for his outburst.He seems to crawl back into his shell
moving silently, doing his job with out fanfare.

When they a told they are going back home he is not happy,a sadden look passes over his face.

Finally after three weeks, they land at Ailthmar.He spits in disgust when they pass the Temples of the new gods, and quickly walks past.

He follows the others to the store, keeping a sharp eye out for anyone who might be following or watching the group a little to closely.{Spot13}

When they enter the shop Appolo drops back to hide in the shadows and move silently.Guarding the partys back.{Hide 23,Move silently 12}

He is also listening and watching for any one else doing the same.{Listen 13, Spot 24}

He is extremely on edge now that they are in the
enemies heartland.He is truly fearful about what
might happen to Valanthe and Ashira.Elves aren't the most popular gruop of people around here.

Wednesday November 28th, 2001 10:19:48 PM

Valanthe noticed that the family's mood changed when we learned we had to go to Ailthmar. It was hard to be in good spirits with everybody down around her. During the trip her thoughts were filled with this city. She's never been in a large city before. She remembers the elven citadel from her early childhood. When they finally reached Ailthmar, Val was awestruck. She couldn't compare the city of Ailthmar to the elven citadel. They were different things. The fact that people could build cities of such size was amazing. As they walk through the city Val looks at everything around them.

And Behind Curtain #1....(ADM Janell) 
Wednesday November 28th, 2001 10:42:14 PM

Despite Apollo's and Ashira's misgivings, the party does not seem to attract any special attention.

Currently, there is only one other person occupying the shop besides Avveril. The middle aged man is sharply dressed in a dark blue vest that currently exposes his well developed chest, and very tight black felt pants. The man's slightly curly blond hair hangs freely, and comes to a rest about halfway down his back. He wanders around the store idley examining the merchandise. Upon sighting Valanthe, the man's smile widens, and he makes his way across the room to the beautiful elven warrior. Bowing dramatically, the man says "I hope you don't mind me saying so, but Caeroldra herself must have crafted such a beauty as yourself, for surely your's is a heavenly body!"

Meanwhile, at the counter, Avveril's ever present smile beams at Rigging. "Ah... yes, ones must be here for the special showing. Kindly follow it." Avveril slowly walks toward a curtain in the back. When the blond man sees the party headed toward the curtain, he winks at Valanthe and says, "We'll talk more soon."

Avveril ushers the party through the curtain, and down a staircase to a small, but nicely furnished room. A small table rests against the far wall, and a metal door is seen past the desk to your right. A large, burly woman is seated at the desk, and although you're not even sure what it means, or why, the word STEROIDS enters your mind when you see her. A extremely large warhammer is propped against the wall behind the desk. Avveril walks Rigging to the desk and says, "These gentleones are here for the showing." Bowing politely, Avveril excuses himself and returns up the stairs. The woman rises from her chair. "One is called Acherem. Are the gentleones wishing to buy or sell today? If one's are selling, would one's please provide a brief description of the wares?"

Please Note: Ailthmar is not the capital of Aisildur, Capitol City is. Ailthmar is the one place in the country that isn't completely under Ga'al's control. There are foreigners here, including odd races. So, just because Ashira and Valanthe are elven is not particularly reason for concern. Sorry for the mix up...my bad.--Janell

Ashira  d20+3=21 d20+3=18
Thursday November 29th, 2001 2:36:29 PM

Suddenly coming to the realization that they are not in the capital city, but in a more "accepting" Aisildurian city, Ashira relaxes slightly. However, the thought that priests of Ga'al may be all around still makes her edgy, and she sticks very close to Rigging as they head down stairs. Ashira watches (Spot=21) and listens (18) for any sign of trouble, silently praying that this mission will end quickly, and that she can return to the Pirates soon.

Thursday November 29th, 2001 2:44:25 PM

After heading downstairs, Redux works his way to the desk. "Good day lovely Acherem! We will be selling today. And might I say, you're in luck! We have a beautiful shipment of skintmoss available." Redux motions for Bart to bring forward one of the bags, has him place it on the desk, and opens it so that Acherem can get a quick look at the spores.

Thursday November 29th, 2001 3:21:45 PM

Ari finds his emotions at odds with themselves as the groups works their way through the streets, and through the shop. On the one hand, it feels good to be back in the country he knows, where there is only Ga'al and Lemtrovex (as far as he knows). On the other hand, is the loathing, knowing they are back in the land of where people either stand for Ga'al or for Lemtrovex.

Thursday November 29th, 2001 7:33:06 PM

Rigging whispers, "OK Redux, You take the lead."
Rigging watches the exchange between Val and the strange man with trepidation. He gets ready to intercede on any outburst from Appolo.
Rigging looks around the shop at the wares with interest. This is a well stocked shop.

Thursday November 29th, 2001 10:21:25 PM

After making sur everything is ok and no one followed the group.Appolo follows the group up to the counter,Where Rigging and Redux talk to a man behind th counter.That's when a strange middle aged man approaches Valanthe and flirts with her at least it seems that way to Appolo.
This really bothers him and when the man says
we'll talk agian soon.Appolo replies "Sure no problem,see ya later!"Clearly indicating his
jealousy.He then moves on.he waits by the door as the others go in to the other room watching the man before entering last.Following them downstairs watching the groups rear as he goes.
He remains silent let's Rigging and Redux conduct business. He is not overly impressed by the shop or the large woman.He is more concerned with what that stranger might have planned for Valanthe.He does not trust anyone outside the family,especially in a universe where good gods die and evil ones flourish.

Thursday November 29th, 2001 10:22:57 PM

Val smiles politely at the mans compliments. Appolo was the only person to tell her that she was pretty. She says nothing. Anything more might cause Appolo to speed up his timetable. She believed that he would probably stab the man in his sleep.

Weights and Measures (ADM Janell) 
Friday November 30th, 2001 12:52:12 AM

Acherem nods approvingly, and then asks Redux to place the spores on a scale so that they can be weighed. Removing a ledger from a drawer in the desk, Acherem jots down a few things, and then says "The gentleone will be lot number 42. Please leave one's wares here."

Acherem rises and asks the party to follow her through the metal door. The parlor on the other side is quite lavish, and has several rows of chairs in the middle. Gesturing to a sideboard, Acherem says "Gentleones may partake of refreshments, if desired. The showing will take place shortly. Ones must excuse one, but one has other duties to attend to." Acherem leaves you in the parlor and departs through the metal door.

A few other people occupy the parlor with you. A rough-looking man in desperate need of dental work is grazing at the refreshment stand, while a well dressed woman, an animated brunette woman, and a heavily cloaked person are seated in the chairs. Other, shall we say "less cultured" people stand around the walls, including a group of four armed humans (three men and a woman), a dwarf, and two unarmed men. Rigging, ever the clever one, deduces that this appears to be an auction. He also notices that it appears to be the custom that the participants sit in the chairs, while the "muscle" stand around the wall.

Friday November 30th, 2001 2:43:44 AM

Finally back in his homrtown. Sure it's changed the last two years. Lateron he will check the mill and his stephfather.He is a little bi afraid to be recogbized so he wears a hooded cloak.

Before Acherem leaves he asks her do you know Bando?

Friday November 30th, 2001 8:12:45 PM

Rigging signals for Bart, Val, and Appolo to take up spots along the wall. He heads for a seat.

Friday November 30th, 2001 8:17:18 PM

Appolo follows the others into the parlor.He wonders up next to Bart and whispers"Nice to
to be home. EH Buddy.Wonder if Agnosto is still around. We need to run a real low profile.Can't risk anyone who knows us seeing us." He then pulls his hood over his head and sits down next to Valanthe moving his chair right next to hers.

Monday December 3rd, 2001 1:57:33 PM

Hmm Appollo I wonder what is going on hereand I mean not only in this room, in the city too!It seems the priest of ga'al has lost a lot off influence, new temples are built. I wonder if all youngters are still hartseeded.

Monday December 3rd, 2001 4:50:22 PM

"Looks like the gods are at war, and the we're the ones who have to clean up the mess."Appolo
peplies to Bart"Remember low profile,we didn't exactly leave on the best of terms,remember"
He then puts his arm around Valanthe and whisprs to her."What did that man upstairs want?"

Ashira (by Lee) 
Monday December 3rd, 2001 11:33:05 PM

Ashira takes a seat near Rigging and continues to watch their surroundings for trouble.

Redux (by Lee) 
Monday December 3rd, 2001 11:46:31 PM

Redux chooses a mug of tea from the sideboard and rejoins the others. He remains standing, nervous about leaving the spores with Acherem.

We Can Work It Out (DM Lee)  d20=2
Tuesday December 4th, 2001 1:18:17 AM

Acherem nods to Bart and replies, "Of course, one knows its employer. Bando directs the showing today."

The heavily cloaked figure clears its throat pointedly when Bart, Appolo and Valanthe sit nearby. The person huffs, stands, and moves to the chair furthest removed from the three. The watchful Ashira catches a brief glimpse of the robes beneath the person's cloak -- the trim reminds her uncomfortably of that worn by Ga'al's priests.

The cheery young brunette woman snickers a bit in response to this blatant snubbing. She turns a dimpled smile on the trio. "My, somebody takes their shopping too seriously! I'm sorry about that. My name is Briss," she gushes, holding out a dainty, soft-skinned hand to Appolo and Valanthe. "And aren't you two just the cutest couple? Are you buying or selling today? I've brought the most divine little tea set!"

The metal door opens, and Acherem ushers in a steady succession of people. The first to enter is Valanthe's blonde admirer from upstairs. A golden pendant hanging prominently around his neck depicts a bow and arrow. He takes in Appolo's possessive embrace, and gives the pair a small shrug and a smile, as if to say, can you blame me for trying? His eyes lighting on the refreshments, he begins to fill a small plate with finger foods.

He is followed by a bearded, redheaded man, who studies each person in the parlour as he enters.

Next is the familiar handsome figure of Captain Fletcher Long. Although he has replaced his exotic silks with rather nondescript garments, still every eye in the room is briefly drawn his way. He takes a seat toward the middle of the room, giving no sign of recognizing anybody. Two sailors station themselves along the wall nearby.

Acherem leads one last person into the parlour, a second heavily cloaked individual, who takes a seat in the very back row.

Acherem closes the metal door behind her and carries her hammer and heavy ledger to the low table at the front of the parlour. What at first appears to be a small child emerges from behind the heavy curtain draped across the front of the room. A second glance shows him to be a very small man -- what some call a halfling. He peruses the ledger and speaks briefly with Acherem, who finally points out Redux among those seated.

The dark-haired halfling approaches Redux and bows with his hand over his heart, thumb tucked under in one of the signs of recognition among the resistance. "I am Bando. Be welcome to my showing. May I have a word with you, sir? I have a quick question about your lot." He draws Redux into the outer room and closes the door behind them.

His pleasant expression is immediately replaced by worry, and he wastes no more time on niceties. "Well, this is a pretty pickle. You weren't supposed to come at auction time, but to deliver the spores directly to me. Now as moderator, I can't buy them myself. If you or your entourage bid on your own lot, you'll be accused of driving up the price. You'll have to let someone else purchase it, then try and retrieve it afterward. Try and find someone amenable among the other patrons. I'll leave it to last -- maybe no one will be interested."

With that, Bando leads the mage back into the parlour and begins greeting the other auction-goers.

Tuesday December 4th, 2001 10:45:52 AM

After takin mental image of the people who are in the room, The red-headed man go sit in a corner, He is about 5'7" medieum built, his redddish hair falls to his shoulder he has a leather headband that hold his hair form falling in his face, a redbearb attach with a leather starp his hidding hid his face. Green almond eyes are quite clear looking all around. you are not sure but his ears sems a litle pointy. but then again it could be your imagination.

You see that the red-headed man is wearing a studded-leather, and has a club hanging to his left side. the men has some black soft leather boots that goes up to his knees and a green tunic cume ut under the armor. A sheild hsi haging on his back.

When his sits you remark a siver four leaf clover that hanf on his neck form a chain, the pendant shine and glitter with no apparent mark of dirt. the red-headded smile and with a bow his his as a salute to all and bows with his hand over his heart, thumb tucked under in.

He does say a word but he looks around.

Tuesday December 4th, 2001 4:55:21 PM

Appolo takes his seat and watches as the cloaked figure gets up with a huff. Appolo thinks good.
Then a cheery ,pretty young woman introduces herself. Appolo replies politely from underneath his hood" Hello my name is Arn, her name is Sunshine and friends name is Allen" nodding toward Bart. We're selling my lady taking her hand in his and kissing it. Then settling back
into his chair." Thinking be cool.

When more people star to arrive he positions himself so he can watch them.

When the man who flirted with Valanthe comes in
followed by Fletcher Long Captian Smooth and a strnge redheaded man, Appolo becomes more then
a little apprehensive. Counting at least five potential enemies and thier escorts in the room.

He checks the spring release on his wrists to make sure that his daggers are ready. He leans
close to Valanthe"Be ready Sunshine, this could get ugly real fast." he whispers in her ear.
He the then gives a nod to Bart.

Tuesday December 4th, 2001 5:46:51 PM

Rigging leans over and whispers to Ashira. "Is the redhead half-elven? Interesting medallion. Feel like flirting? or would you rather me go feel him out?"

Wednesday December 5th, 2001 12:12:20 AM

Val smiles at being called Sunshine. "That man was flirting before. I assume he wanted to sample the pleasures of an elven woman." She takes Appolo's hand in hers. "I'll be ready. I kinda hope that this gets ugly. It would give me a reason to punch the guy thats too good to sit with us common folk."

Wednesday December 5th, 2001 12:22:39 PM

An auction, and our stuff is suposed to be an item ... mm that wasn't our meaning ... wonder what Redux and that halfling talking about

Even as Bart supects there is no danger he nods at Appollo knowing he suspects some danger maybe Appollo noticed something he didn't see.

Wednesday December 5th, 2001 7:13:02 PM

Appolo takes Valanthe's hand in his and says, "We need to get a room and relax after this is over." He seems to calm down and relax a little.

"Wonder what Redux is up to?"

Ashira  d20+3=7 d20+3=12
Wednesday December 5th, 2001 10:05:51 PM

Noting the trim on the cloaked figure's robe, Ashira's hand instinctively reaches into her own cloak for her longsword. She draws it an inch out of its scabard before she is able to regain her self-control, and lets it slide back in place. Her eyes never leaving the suspected priest, Ashira says in a whispered Elven "Rigging, that figure that just left is a priest of Ga'al. If things go bad, we could be in serious trouble!" When Rigging queries her about the bearded man, Ashira looks up briefly enough to take in the man, and then returns her gaze to the priest. "I'm not sure if he's Elven or not. Look, Rigging, if you really want me too, I'll check him out, but I'd rather keep an eye on that priest. Besides, it'd probably be best if I kept a low profile, since I have some rather distinctive features, and could be easily recognized by the enemy."

Wednesday December 5th, 2001 11:05:22 PM

Redux is surprised by Bando's words. Sometimes he just doesn't have the whole picture. With a nod to Bando he goes back to the party. On his way over, he makes sure that Ashira, Rigging and Bart are present. Quickly relaying the new information he asks for options for a plan. Has anyone seen someone they might be able to trust to buy the spores for them if anyone does bid? Anything good to say about Val's new suitor? Trying to look calm he looks around the room; seeing the good captain, knows he's off the list (and makes a mental note about things getting ugly). Other newcomers look promising. Ashira, who were you going to check out? Rigging, let's pool our money to give to the unlucky mark to buy our goods? If the other bidders suspect us, it could be rough.

Thursday December 6th, 2001 9:52:11 AM

The redhead guy is trying to hear what the small group is saying, and keeps an eye on the hooded figure, with a dark look. You notice that he frequently adjusts his club to his belt, he takes off his shield and puts it on the table near his right arm, he seems quite nervous... and anxious. He takes a small flask, drinks a few sips from it, and puts it back.

Thursday December 6th, 2001 3:05:00 PM

Can't we withdraw it from auction?

Thursday December 6th, 2001 3:25:05 PM

Appolo is busily laying with Valanth when Redux returns. He really doesn't care one way or the other, but what he does care about is whether all the whispering is beginning to draw undo attention to the group. He leans over and says, "Quiet please. Look we'll sell, then with a little assistance I'll steal it back later. Just pay attention to who buys it. If it's that important." He then notices that the redheaded man is nervous about something. "What's with him?" he asks, nodding toward him. "You see -- we are making other people nervous."

Thursday December 6th, 2001 9:50:42 PM

Rigging is ashamed of himself. He might have put Ashira in needless danger. After hearing Redux's story he says, "OK. Everyone give me some money. Redux how much is this stuff worth? I have a gut feeling about this guy who just came in and I am going to approach him. Why do all of our beautiful lasses have elven blood?" Rigging give a quick look at Ashira and says, "I happen to find elven blood very attractive but it is inconvenient right now." After Redux gives Rigging a price and he quietly collects some money, Rigging will stand up and saunter over to the redhead with a club.

"Hi, My name is Arrack. How are you doing today? This is my first auction. Have you ever been here before? Mind if I sit down?" Rigging points at the chair open next to the redhead. The redhead notices that Arrack is a good looking young man. He walks with grace and is armed with a rapier and a basket-hilted dagger.

Laugh and the Wold Laughs with you (ADM Janell) 
Thursday December 6th, 2001 10:14:10 PM

As the party settles on a strategy, the atmosphere in the auction hall is light (contrary to Appolo's fears, no-one seems to notice all the whispering), as the various patrons mix and mingle with one another. Arn and Sunshine find Briss to be quite the conversationalist. In amongst the almost non-stop chatter from the young woman, Arn learns that the talk of the town is that the old gods of Lankhmar have been killed, and that new temples are being built for the gods who are taking their place. One of the more interesting is Caeroldra, the goddess of love. Briss goes on to point out that recently there has been some tension among the followers of Caeroldra, which seems rather silly to her, considering that she is the goddess of love, not quarreling. Laughing at her own little joke, Briss smiles at Arn and says, "Oh, but listen to me.... going on about gods and such. I just know I would remember if I'd seen such a cute couple like you around. You must be new. Oh, please tell me where you're from, and what's going on there. So many interesting things going on in the Wold now, you know?"

The suspected priest of Ga'al stays seated, and makes no moves, threatening, or otherwise, much to Ashira's relief. Captain Fletcher Long makes his way over to where Briss has cornered Arn and Sunshine, and bowing low, introduces himself to the young lady, and strikes up a conversation. He still shows no signs of recognizing anyone in the party.

Sorry about the serious delay in posting, all. Ken and I were in the hospital Sunday through Tuesday with food poisoning. We're doing fine now, and I'm trying to catch up. Thanks for keeping the story going amongst yourselves.-----Janell

Friday December 7th, 2001 9:55:26 AM

The redheaded man looks at Rigging, then toward the priest, then back toward Rigging.

In tone that is a little higher than a whisper, with a warm smile, he says, "Please do take a place... I'm also assisting to an auction for the first time, In feeling good thank you."

Giving a quick look toward the priest of Wardd, Jorin looks back at Rigging and with a smile, asks, "What brings you here if you nerver attended to a auction? You guys could get in trouble," he says, pointing to the elven lady at their table.

Alrick gives a quick glance to the priest.

(smiling) "But don't worry, I like elven people, I won't cause you trouble I hear for personal matters...", he adds, without finishing his phrase, pointing toward the priest.

Friday December 7th, 2001 11:01:08 PM

Val was all business. She was intent on watching the others and keeping a sharp eye out -- until Appolo started getting touchy/feely. After that Val wasn't concentrating on business. She was all smiles while kissing him. When Rigging asks for money, Val hands him her pouch (which has just about all her gold in it) without looking.

Saturday December 8th, 2001 5:16:55 AM

With Valanth all over him he hardly hears Briss' question. Appolo replies, "We're selling and are from New Elena. Just arrived today." He doesn't even hear Rigging. "Sunshine now why did you give him that?" he asks when Valanthe hands Rigging her pouch. "Now let's try to act like we're civilized, Honey." He is finding her to be very distracting. He quickly outmaneuvers her. Using his hand speed and longer reach, Appolo pulls her out of her chair, flips from left to right, setting her on his lap on the right side before kissing her. He throws his cloak around them like Dracula would. Then after a few moments he releases her and sits up, holding her tight.

Saturday December 8th, 2001 5:19:22 AM

Appolo is also relieved when Captain Smooth comes over and starts up a conversation with Briss.

OOC: Sorry about the second post. Just forgot to include that part.

Saturday December 8th, 2001 12:26:32 PM

Bart takes another look around the room. What kind of people are they? Have they visable weapons? He is just waiting for the auction and ignores Val and Appolo.

Saturday December 8th, 2001 5:16:26 PM

Rigging smiles at the nervous redhead. He sits down next to him and says in a whisper, "It seems that you are no friend of the priests of Ga'al. How would you like to put a spoke in their plans? We have something in the auction that they want but we don't want them to have. I would like you to bid on it for us. We are not allowed to bid ourselves since it is our item. It will be the last item up for sale. We will cover the cost of the item and give you a finders fee as well. What do you say?" Rigging looks around the room and sees the antics of Val and Appolo. A quick frown forms on his face. He will have to speak sharply about this to them.

Sunday December 9th, 2001 11:47:57 PM

Redux explains to Bart about the rules. "We have no other option, now that the goods are on the block, than to continue with the sale. It's not all bad, though, we could always pick a fight; plenty of muscle around the room." He gives a mischievous smile.

Redux, thinking to himself, is happy that Rigging took the ball and ran with it, very sharp, that one. Now he must hope that Rigging's sense of people matches his quick thinking (and sharp blade). Stroking his cheek and looking at Apollo & Val's display, he wonders where he might find some saltpeter for an herbalist special.

Redux takes a moment to speak to Talon, who is still upstairs. He queries his friend about the goings on in the shop and any current patrons. He also gives some direction about what kinds of characters or happenings might lead to an alarm being given.

Sunday December 9th, 2001 11:59:24 PM

Continuing to nervously watch the priest of Ga'al, Ashira moves over to where Val and Apollo are busy making out. Elbowing the figures under the cape rather hard, Ashira whispers hoarsely in Elven. "Get your mind focused on the mission, and stop screwing around under there! There are enemies among us, and unless you want to get yourself and the rest of us dead, you'll start paying attention to something other than Apollo's lips!"

May I Have Your Attention Please! (ADM Janell) 
Monday December 10th, 2001 12:29:12 AM

Several of the patrons begin to stare at Arn and Sunshine's blatant public display of affection. Val's blond admirer from upstairs seems particularly pleased with the couples antics, and widens his smile as he beams down at the two. The man with the poor dental hygiene snorts his displeasure and seats himself nearby the suspected priest of Ga'al. Captain Long allows a brief pause in his conversation with Briss while he casts a glance in Arn and Sunshine's direction. Acherem makes her way across the room, and nudges the couple with her hammer. "This is a place of business, not a brothel. One's will kindly act in a manner properly suited to one's station, or one's will need to find an Inn." Acherem waits impatiently, tensing and gripping the handle of her war hammer reflexively.

The awkward moment is finally broken when Bando bustles toward the front of the room. The animated halfling waves his hands in excited motions, and shouts out in a loud voice. "MAY I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION PLEASE!" The house quiets down, and Bando continues speaking in a high pitched voice. "It certainly is a pleasure to have such a wonderful gathering today. So many familiar faces, and quite a few new customers. As always, we have several unusual lots for today's showing. Please remember that all transactions are final, and full payment in gold is expected at the conclusion of the showing. Now, if all the bidders will please take their seats, the showing will begin momentarily."

After examining the occupants of the rooms, Bart notes that while some of the "muscle" carry their weapons exposed, at first glance, others appear to be unarmed.

Monday December 10th, 2001 2:53:53 AM

Appolo quits playing around and sits up straight as soon as Bando calls for order. Ashira is now sitting where Valanthe used to be. He replies, "That was me you elbowed and I am quite aware of the situation." He is sitting quietly with Valanthe still on his lap. He looks at her and says, "Play time is over Sunshine, I told you we needed to behave ourselves." With that he turns his attention to Bando.

Monday December 10th, 2001 9:33:53 AM

ALryck looks carefully at Rigging while stroking his beard.

(in a whisper) - "As a matter or of fact... yes it is true that I dislike the Ga'al's people. But why--if you do not want to sell the thing--did you put it in the auction on the first time?? I find this quite strange but then again, it is a nice way to try up your luck."

ALryck give a look toward the priest and the others that are in the room.

(in a whisper) - "Please explain quickly the rules, and how much may I spend, I don't have a lot of coins--hurry if you want me to help you..."

ALryck gives a look at the items that will be part of the auction with a serious look.

Monday December 10th, 2001 12:04:17 PM

Rigging whispers, "Thanks for your help." He hefts the coins in a heavy bag. "I have around 300 gps here. You may bid up to that amount. Remember it will be the last item to bid on and it will be something that looks like fungus or spores. Look over to me and I will nod or shake my head if you are not sure of the item or price. I will owe you a meal, drink, and explanation after the auction. Thanks again." Rigging leaves the sack at the redhead's feet and rejoins his family. He scowls and shakes his head at both Val and Appolo. "We are going to speak about your two antics more later!" he whispers harshly. He quickly explains what he did to Ashira and Redux and tells them to watch the redhead.

Monday December 10th, 2001 6:51:03 PM

"Hey relax, we're just having a little fun," Appolo replies to Rigging.

Monday December 10th, 2001 9:40:36 PM

The young wizard gives Rigging a faint smile when he reports back on his encounter with the bearded stranger. Locking his hands together, Redux stretches his arms above his head, trying to work out some of the knots in his shoulders. The light pounding of a tension headache begins to make it way to the front of Redux's skull, as he ponders his fate should they not be able to recover the spores once they are sold. The mental image of his furious mistress throwing books at him for failing to aid the resistance nags at him for a few minutes, before he is able to expel the thought. Leaning over, Redux whispers to Rigging, "Hope this works."

Monday December 10th, 2001 9:56:32 PM

Her scowling face hidden in the shadows of her cloak, Ashira continues to watch the priest, casting a few glances at the bearded man. Whispering harshly, Ashira takes her frustration at the situation out on Appolo. "Glad to know that you're aware of what's going on. Perhaps you haven't noticed that you've managed to attract a LOT of attention our way. I would have thought that you would be smart enough to know that that type of attention just might get us all killed! Or, are you somehow unaware that we are in the middle of enemy territory?!"

Tuesday December 11th, 2001 1:04:56 AM

With the apparent rising displeasure of everyone around them Val moves off Appolo and sits in an empty chair. Now that she's calmed down, Val notices that everybody was looking. Blushing a bit in embarressment, Val clasps her hands in her lap and looks at the floor. She knew that it was wrong and tried to resist. Except Appolo was persistant and turned her to his thinking. She found humans so impulsive and rash. Getting caught up in that impulsiveness was very intoxicating. Elves were anything but impulsive and normally led patient and planned lives. Normally Val isn't an impulsive person. Every now and then she gets lost in the moment. This was one of those times. Val knows that Rigging and probably Ashira will have many detailed words on how improper it was. Val couldn't disagree with him either.

Tuesday December 11th, 2001 10:09:30 AM

He looks up at Ashira. "Enemy territory, I count at least five potential enemies in this room right now. I grew up in this and was raised by the priests of Ga'al. So yes this is enemy territory," he whispers back at her. His voice is cold, his normally blue eyes are cold battleship grey.

When Valanthe slides off his lap he looks at her and says, "Don't worry about it, it's ok." His voice changes to soft and warm and he manages to smile as he leans back quite relaxed and content. He doesn't really care that everyone was looking at them.

And They're Off! (ADM Janell)  d100=60 d100=24
Tuesday December 11th, 2001 1:59:45 PM

Bando confers briefly with Acherem, and the large warrior leaves through the steel door. Acherem re-enters the room in a few minutes pushing a cart on which sits a beautiful china tea set, a flagon of blue liquid, and a very familiar oilskin bag. Sensing that the auction is moments from beginning, a pout settles on Briss' face. She looks around frantically, spots Redux, and moves over to the black robed mage. She begins to speak rapidly. "Oh sir, can you please help me? The auction is about to begin, and I need someone to help me bid." Briss bats her eyelashes and looks innocently up at Redux. "I just don't have the nature for such complex things, and I just know that a smart man such as yourself would find just the right thing for my father's shop." Briss takes Redux's hand in hers, and squeezes it gently. "Please, please, oh do hurry!"

Bando stands before the cart, and motions toward the tea set. "Our first item is this lovely tea set. The only one of its kind in all of Ailthmar, it's sure to be the center of attention at all of your parties. Coming all the way from Capital City, by way of the lovely Briss, we'll start the bidding out with 5 gold pieces." Several hands go up, and the bidding proceeds at warp speed. A brief scuffle between two elderly women takes place in the back row of chairs. One of the woman smacks the other with her cane when she makes a higher bid, but the former victim is able to land a nice back hand before Acherem makes her way over and escorts the two out of the hall. The bidding resumes when Acherem returns. It would seem that the tea set is quite rare indeed, for the final bid is placed at 60 gold pieces. There is a brief pause in the action while Acherem notes the final price and the buyer in her log. Bando smiles, claps his hands, and says "Well done, well done. Once again, Miss Briss has outdone herself with the quality of her merchandise!" Bando stoops over and lowers his high pitched voice slightly to an almost conspiratorial tone. "As always, we make an effort to bring you only the most rare of merchandise, and we've outdone ourselves this time." Bando rises up, and as he does so, his voice rises both in volume and pitch. "An anonymous seller brings us this extremely rare flask of Blue Wine. As some of you may know, Blue Wine comes from Centaur Isle, so we'll start the bidding off at 240 gold."

Tuesday December 11th, 2001 7:17:01 PM

Appolo sits quietly watching the proceedings. When Briss sallies over to Redux, Appolo thinks, 'Threat, now there's a threat.' he then cracks a slight smile. He leans toward Valanthe and whispers, "I think our friend is in trouble," nodding toward Redux and Briss.

Rigging  d20+4=19
Tuesday December 11th, 2001 8:47:38 PM

Rigging watches the proceedings closely. He also keeps a weather eye out on Redux and his woman admirer. (spot check for any funny business)

Tuesday December 11th, 2001 11:00:28 PM

Redux stares at the cart in wonder-only 3 items up for bidding! If his is the last (the oilskin bag), this will be a very short auction. He blinks and smiles at Briss. Keeping a smooth tone he responds to her "the first item was yours, and a fine one at that. I would have suggested it for your bid. We are left with a bottle of expensive wine and a rather plain looking oilskin bag. Quickly tell me what kind of shop your father has and what he may be looking for. If we are lucky, there will be another lot, not yet presented that will suit you needs perfectly." He attempts to gently take her hand, a slight flutter gives the clue to the acid now forming in his stomach; he pats her hand once or twice to hide the fact.

Wednesday December 12th, 2001 9:44:43 AM

ALryck patiently waits, looking at the item, he looks around and often toward the priest of Ga'al. When it is the last item to bid, ALryck looks at it with a special interest... he wonders what exactly is the thing and what is his purpose.

ALrick gives a quick silent prayer to Wardd, asking him to help him win this thing he will be bidding on.

He then looks toward Rigging and gives him a warm smile...

Wednesday December 12th, 2001 1:22:19 PM

Hmpfff, blue wine 240 gold??? For that amount of money you can buy a lof of beer!

Wednesday December 12th, 2001 1:38:36 PM

Ashira whispers to Apollo in an icy cold tone "Fine. You just keep your mind on business, and your hands to yourself, and we'll talk more about this later."

Ashira relaxes a little, comforted by the fact that the priest of Ga'al hasn't made any moves yet. She watches the bearded man with interest. It would appear that he is no fan of Ga'al either, with the way he's keeping track of the priest. The half-elf pauses briefly to wonder whether they might have just found themselves an ally.

Things that make you go Ewww (ADM Janell) 
Wednesday December 12th, 2001 1:40:06 PM

Briss quiet literally beams at Redux. "Oh thank you, thank you! Oh, I just knew that you would help me! You're just the kindest man I've ever met. Father always says that I talk to too many strangers, but I've always believed in the kindness of humanity. Not that other races can't be kind, of course. But, bother, you wanted to know what type of store father has. Well, let's see, he's a silversmith, but he's always interested in new things. That's why I come here, to find him interesting things. Hmm...he'd probably be interested in that pretty blue wine. That bag looks all icky, so I don't think he'd like it, do you? Maybe you're right though...maybe they'll have something else for sale. Oh...I don't know. You're so smart...won't you pick for me? I just know you could find the perfect little thing. I've only got a thousand gold today, though." Briss kisses Redux lightly on the cheek. "Oh, you'd better hurry up if we're going to buy that wine. It's already up to three hundred gold!"

Briss is correct, in the minute or two that she chattered at Redux, several bids have been placed for the Blue Wine, with the last bid for 300 going to Fletcher Long. There is a pause in the bidding, while, apparently a few of the bidders evaluate their personal finances. Then Valanthe's blonde suiter beams an encouraging smile at Val and Apollo, and places a bid for 310 gold. Not to be outdone, Fletcher raises the bid to 315 gold. Looking slightly annoyed at Fletcher's persistence, Val's suiter quickly recovers his perpetual smile. Raising his hand, the man calls out 350 gold with a note of finality in his voice. There is a long pause, and Fletcher shrugs his shoulders. Bando looks around the room, and then booms out "350 for the exotic Blue Wine. Going once."

Wednesday December 12th, 2001 5:41:22 PM

Rigging keeps his hands down low and smiles back at the redhead. A stray fantasy flashes through his head. "He and Ashira enjoying a nice picnic lunch sipping the delicate, expensive blue wine that is being bidding on now. She feels hot and flushed and starts removing her shirt..." Rigging starts back to attention. He thinks, "Damn Val and Appolo! That lucky bastard! How come he is so easy with women? I feel all tongue-tied whenever I get close. How do you make the first move? What if she laughs?" Rigging shakes his head and pays closer attention to the auction.

Wednesday December 12th, 2001 6:05:08 PM

Redux thinks to himself quickly, this is going very fast (both the acquaintance and the auction). Without a word he raises her hand with his and says "360." Then to Briss "This is definitely unusual. I've never seen anything quite like it. You said how much you have but you really shouldn't bid it all at once. The good captain seems very interested but you could stay just ahead of him."

Taking a moment to swallow, Redux can feel the eyes of the room on him. He remembers to breath deeply and keep his wits about him. He switches which hand of his is holding hers and quickly wipes away any sweat then switches back. He's looking for the cue from her about continuing (bidding or otherwise) and listens for the next increase in the bid.

Wednesday December 12th, 2001 7:38:11 PM

Appolo damn near laughs out loud as he watches Briss lay siege to Redux. He just nods to Ashira. When Redux bids 360 for the wine Appolo justs shakes his head and reaches for his purse. Thinking, 'Redux doesn't know it, but he just entered the auction. I hope he has enough gold.' Appolo continues to watch the show finding Briss and Redux quite amusing.

Wednesday December 12th, 2001 10:43:58 PM

Val sits quietly and watches the bidding. After how mad Ashira and Rigging got, she doesn't want to do anything else. The thought that both Ashira and Rigging protested a little too much, did cross her mind. She looks at Rigging and then at Ashira. Val thinks that they both could benefit from some 'quiet' time together.

Thursday December 13th, 2001 10:05:04 AM

ALryck senses the nerve build up... his muscles are contracting like a beast who gets ready to attack.

ALryck does not like this feeling, the stress gaining over his... emotion.

ALryck starts to doubt... what will happen if I loose... what if the priest wins the auction.. what if he does not have enough money...
what is the object exactly??

All of those questions are running in his head. He does not stop moving on his chair trying to find a comfortable position.

ALryck is obviously a little anxious.

Thursday December 13th, 2001 10:57:58 AM

Appolo looks at Valanthe and can sense that she's upset. "Don't worry about them. It's ok, my love. You did nothing wrong. I'll take full responsibility." He clears his throat. "Remember I love you, after all you're my Sunshine." He smiles at her and winks. He is more concerned with her well being than anything else, as well as the rest of the FAMILY.

Thursday December 13th, 2001 12:20:14 PM

Ashira notes the bearded stranger's anxiety with slight interest. She thinks to herself, "I wonder what he's really up to." Then she briefly turns her attention to Redux and Briss. Listening in, she can't believe that someone could be so air headed. Wondering whether this might be some kind of trick, the half-elf thinks about pulling Redux aside and talking to him. Reconsidering, Ashira reminds herself that Redux is a big boy, and can take care of himself. If things get out of hand, she'll step in, but for now, she'll just keep her ears open. Training her eyes back to the priest, Ashira carefully notes his location, and the location of others around him. Maybe if things go bad, she'll get the chance to dispatch him.

Who Dat Is? (ADM Janell) 
Thursday December 13th, 2001 12:23:33 PM

The blond man looks longingly at the Blue Wine for a few moments, but does not raise his hand. Finally, Bando says "360 gold. Going once...going twice...sold!" Briss giggles and claps her hands enthusiastically. "You did it! You did it! Oh, I just knew you would pick out something nice! Oh, and we still have quite a bit of money left. I do wonder what will be for sell next. I hope it's not that yucky looking sack of stuff! Maybe we can buy something else with the rest of our money." Acherem makes her way over to Redux, ledger in hand. Briss smiles up at the large woman and says "Oh, yes, this dear man was actually bidding for me. Oh, I can't wait until father sees this wine. He will just die!" Briss kisses Redux full on the lips.

Acherem makes her notations in the ledger, and then leaves the hall once again. She returns guiding a heavily cloaked figure in front of her. She leads the figure to the front of the hall by Bando, removes the cloak and stands nearby. An amazing sight stands before your disbelieving eyes. The figure is a young girl, apparently still in her adolescent years, with coffee-dark skin , full lips, and large slightly slanted dark liquid eyes which take in the hall with an air of defiance. Beautiful black wavy curls fall down the girl's shoulder remind you of water cascading down a waterfall. The girls struggles weakly against the ropes binding her hands together, managing nothing but a few mummers through her gagged mouth.

Bando beams down at the crowd. "Our next item comes to us all the way from the fiery lands to the West. As you can see, this girl is in excellent condition, and is sure to add some warmth to those cold winter nights! The bidding will begin at 500 gold."

Briss looks excitedly over at Redux "Oh, she's so beautiful! I'm sure that father would love to have a beautiful thing like her around the house."

Thursday December 13th, 2001 1:13:02 PM

Rigging mouth drops open in shock! "Slavery" He hisses. "Damn Damn Damn," he says softly. He looks to Ashira, "How much money do you have?"

Rigging tries to calm down and remember the mission. He knows he can't stop slavery but it just sickens him. Why would anyone want to own someone else? He looks up at the pretty girl and remembers back to a day when he was on one of his father's ships. They stopped a freighter for inspection and it was a slave ship. He remembers some of the prettier girls running around naked being abused by some of the other ship's sailors. It sickened him then and still does now. He decides to watch the bidding and think about what to do.

Thursday December 13th, 2001 4:52:52 PM

OCC: I couldn't remember how much gold Val received from her split of the treasure. Rigging has all of that and the pearl is in there as well. One of the reasons she turned it over was because I couldn't remember.

Since her escape, Valanthe has yet to deal with slavery. The memories of her capture, imprisonment, and torment come rushing back to her all at once. Val rose out of her seat, clutching the scythe. Her grip was so tight that her knuckles were white and the wood creaked under the stress. Val wasn't about to let somebody get sold into slavery while there was breath in her. Throwing chairs aside she walks up to the podium.

Thursday December 13th, 2001 8:53:06 PM

Redux' face turns serious, quickly forgetting the kiss. The unexpected arrival of a slave for auction changes his tone, and his mind for helping Briss with this bid. He releases his grip on her hand. Turning to her he responds, "You are far fairer than this one. Her beauty would fade quickly held away from her homeland."

He then sees Val get up. To no one in particular he comment, "Family business," and gets up. He moves to get an angle on Val and casts Flare to burst in front of her current path. His next action will be to look around the room to see who else may get involved, wanting to intercept them.

Friday December 14th, 2001 2:37:48 AM

When the beautiful slave girl is revealed, Appolo's anger is rekindled. Then Valanthe gets up and moves quickly forward. ppolo is up out of his seat like lighting, a dagger quickly appearing in one hand and his short sword in the other. He moving like the wind and is two steps past Valanthe when Redux fires his flare. If anyone moves to cut him off he will engage that person, and if not he heads straight for the bound and gagged girl. He will then cut her free and hand her a dagger saying, "Hope you can use this!!"

Friday December 14th, 2001 9:27:36 AM

ALryck gets up looking around, waiting to what will happen. He approaches as slowly as possible his arm in his shield and his other arm with his club.

He ain't no more smiling, he seems to be a little mad, with a glance of pity towards the slave, he chooses to help the people who will try to help the slave.

(More to himself than for the others) - "Let's hope I'm lucky enough to follow them."

Bart  d20=3
Friday December 14th, 2001 10:17:27 AM

This isn't good, this isn't good at all. When did the start slavery in Ailthmar?

Bart stands up and yells: "VAL!! SIT DOWN!!!" directly following with a loud voice so anyone can hear him: "I protest to auction of this poor girl, the one who wants to sell her has to withdraw her from auction and give her her freedom at once!" (charisma roll)

Friday December 14th, 2001 3:28:13 PM

Rigging also stands, and says sharply, "Val, Appolo return to your seats at once! That is an order. This isn't why we are here! If you want, bid on the girl." To the auctioneer, "I apologize for my companions antics this day. Please proceed!"

Friday December 14th, 2001 5:25:49 PM

Val tosses another chair aside and turns to face Rigging. The anger in her eyes threatens to boil over into something more uncontrollable. "I will not. I won't stand for this as long as there is life in my body. If you can stand this perhaps you aren't the type of man I thought you were. If I hadn't escaped, perhaps you would have purchased me up there?"

Friday December 14th, 2001 10:25:46 PM

Rigging crosses his arms and looks sternly at Val. "What are you going to do? Attack every slaver you see? You soon will be dead or made a slave yourself. I agree with your heart, but not your methods. Buy her and free her. To set her free by force will feel good now, but you will only harm her and us by making us fugitives. I am sorry. We have larger concerns then just one slave. I am trying to free millions. Now sit your ass down now!!"

Saturday December 15th, 2001 12:37:56 AM

OCC: Please forgive me if I'm slightly off on the amount of money Val posseses

Still very angry Val walks back to Rigging and reclaims her money pouch. "If I must challenge every slaver I see then it is what I will do. I will die before I get locked in a slaver's chains. For such noble words they lack conviction." Val turns and takes a couple steps toward the stage. She tosses the large money pouch onto the stage. "700 plus the pearl that's inside." Val looks about the room almost daring somebody to bid.

OCC: Val bid everything she had except for 50 gold for living expenses.

Saturday December 15th, 2001 12:57:27 PM

Appolo ignores everything else and heads straight for the girl, cutting her free. Handing her the dagger, he adds, "I guess you're coming with us." He then spins, grabs the bag of icky stuff, and says, "We refuse to have anyhting to do with Slavery or people who practice it. We are taking our item off the auction block. Have a nice day. We'll be leaving now." He tosses the bag to Redux, grabs the girl's arm and heads toward Valanthe. "Let's go," he says in a voice cold and harsh. Shortsword in hand he heads toward the door. He thinks to himself, 'Bando should have known better than hold a slave auction in our presence.' He give the little halfling a look of pure disgust.

The look on on his face and his general demeanor clearly indicate that anyone who gets in his way had better be prepared to go all the way.

Saturday December 15th, 2001 1:48:34 PM

'Just what I thought slavery isn't good...'

Bart stands up and follows Appolo to the door -- there are no more options left.

Ashira  d20+6=26
Sunday December 16th, 2001 10:45:34 PM

Watching Valanthe with horror, Ashira can't believe what is happening. When she finally comes to her senses, the half-elf decides that she needs to do something before Val ends up killing someone or gets herself killed. Making her way through the path Val just cleared, Ashira leaps at her back in an attempt to pin the wayward elf to the ground. Her heavy cloak flapping behind her, the half-elf grabs hold of Valanthe. Speaking into the warrior's ear, she says in Elven "What do you think you're doing?! Drop your weapon and move away now. You're damned impulsive for an elf! Can't you see that there are less obvious ways of rescuing her?!"

OOC (Ashira has just initiated a grapple with Val. She has managed to grab Val. To break the hold next round, Val must beat Ashira's grapple check. Roll base attack + Strength+ size modifier.)

I'm Goin' to Pick a Fight (ADM Janell)  d20+9=29 d20+9=17 d8+3=5 3d8(1+8+5)+9=23
Sunday December 16th, 2001 11:37:54 PM

Ok folks,one of the things that's great about Game 5 is the amount of interaction the players have with one another. Which is why I don't really have a problem with multiple posts. However, it isn't right to post multiple action posts. Therefore, I am going to disregard the last action posts of Val (throwing the money), Apollo (cutting the girl loose), and Bart (leaving with Apollo). I've given this a lot of consideration, and think it is the fair thing to do.------Janell

Valanthe begins working her way toward the front of the hall when a burst of light directly in front of her eyes causes her to pause. (Roll vs. your Fortitude or be blinded for 1 minute). Apollo, moving slightly quicker than the Amazon Warrior, avoids the flare and manages to almost make his way to the young girl. He draws his daggers in preparation to free the slave girl.

Acherem steps forward to intercept Valanthe's approach, but turns to intercept Apollo when she sees that Ashira has momentarily subdued the elf. Raising her war hammer in a wide arc, the burly woman smashes it into Apollo's back (hit threat=29, crit roll=17...if Apollo's AC is higher than 17, then she does 5 points of damage, otherwise Acherem connects for 23 points). Bando, surprised at the quickness and severity of the couples attack, takes several steps to position himself behind the large Acherem. The slave girl's eyes bulge when Val and Apollo rush toward her, and she hobbles away from the violent couple.

Several of the bidders stare in disbelief at the actions of Valanthe and Apollo, including Briss. Others decide to take action. A well dressed woman in one of the middle seats motions to the two unarmed men in the back, and they make a bee-line toward Val and Apollo. Before Val is halfway to the stage, Fletcher Long draws his longsword and motions to two of the men in the back. The good Captain heads for the slave girl, while his crewmen intercept the two unarmed men. Val's blonde admirer appears to be taken aback by the couple's attack, but remains seated. The heavily cloaked suspected priest of Ga'al remains seated at first, but Rigging's mention of "freeing millions" captures her attention, and she snaps her fingers. Three armed men and an armed woman quickly make their way to her side.

Valanthe  d20+6=13
Sunday December 16th, 2001 11:58:01 PM

OCC: Sorry for the multiple posts, but I was just trying to keep things moving along.

Ashira's grapple caught Val completely off guard. From the floor she growled in anger. In elven she replies, "Any impulsiveness is the result of being around humans too long. You should know that." Then Val watches Appolo get crushed by the warhammer and loses it. She growls like a beast as anger flows through her. She would struggle to get free until she was or her arms were broken.

OCC: Val rages. Ashira's grapple roll is too good to beat. All Val can do is hope to tie. But she won't give up as long as she is raged.

Appolo  d20=16 d8=5
Monday December 17th, 2001 3:04:06 AM

Appolo takes a hit in the back and screams a bloodcurdling scream of pain, rage, and hatred. He then uses the force of the blow to propel himself forward as he then stops on a dime and spins viciously slashing backwards on the spin as he turns to face his attacker, shortsword in one hand, dagger in another. Seeing who it is, he says, "You want some come get some!! All right my Family it's time to dance!! Let's dance!!"

He falls back and prepares to fight defensively until his opponent makes a mistake.

Seeing Ashira grappling with Valanthe. "Let her go now!!" The look on his face is one of rage, and hatred. He means business no more fun and games. Appolo is in a killing mood.

OOC: Appolo's ac 18. I rolled without his attack bonus for his backward slash with his short sword. 16 for 5 points damage.

ALryck  d20=8
Monday December 17th, 2001 11:12:55 AM

ALryck, looks to see what will happen, he is ready to move, He has putten a hand on his club, and the other on his cheild. giving a quick prayer to Waard.

Upon seeing the woman atacking Apollo, and going roward her. ALryck will try to unbalance her so she falls on the ground.

(attack = 11 (d20 =8 +4 bonus))

(OOC Sorry if my attack are incorrect, I am not very familiar with combat rules in 3e)

Monday December 17th, 2001 12:36:54 PM

Redux moves as quickly as he can to get 25-30 feet from the stage area and the worst of the violence. He then, with a sigh, and a hope that they will understand, casts Web on the area of fighting, hoping to keep the suspected priest of Ga'al within the spell's area of effect. He doesn't think this is a fight worth taking on and wants to try to keep anyone from getting hurt. This may give people time to think about putting their swords down.

Monday December 17th, 2001 7:26:32 PM

Bart draws his sword and will take defensive actions (if necessary). He is not overwhelmed by the idea to fight here and now, but if he sees the fighting continues he will attack one of the opponents of his friends. In the meantime his goal is the bag with the spores--he goes for it, even before helping one of his family.

Valanthe  d20+4=5
Monday December 17th, 2001 9:02:06 PM

OCC: forgot the fortitude save. Since I rolled as bad as possible, Val is blinded as well as grappled.

Ashira  d20+6=24 d3=2
Tuesday December 18th, 2001 10:52:09 PM

Ashira has little trouble pushing Valanthe (grapple=24) to the ground once she is blinded (doing 2 points damage in the process). Hoping that the pain will help bring the warrior to her senses, Ashira once again tries to reason with her. "Look, slavery is wrong, I agree. But look around you. We are VERY outnumbered. We can find another way to free her, but you have to keep your cool."

OOC (Actually Val, in a grapple you make opposed checks. Ashira's first roll was to see if she could hold you. Then she had to roll to see if she could get you to the floor. So, you could have shaken Ashira off if she had rolled less than a 13).

Tuesday December 18th, 2001 11:54:58 PM

Rigging is shocked on how quickly the dragon dung hit the waterspout. He shouts in elven, "Ashira, I think we have a quad coming. Cut Val out. We are going need her mobile to escape and fight!" Rigging turns to Bart and Ari, "Help Appolo. We are getting out of here." To Redux more quietly, Watch the priest with her henchmen. They are the biggest threat. Act against them first if you must." Rigging prepares a spell but watches the action for a few seconds to see who attacks who.

Come Into My Parlor (ADM Janell) 
Wednesday December 19th, 2001 12:32:21 AM

A thick mass of gray webs shout from the palm of Redux's hand toward the front of the hall, enveloping everyone except himself, a couple of women at the refreshment table, and the man in need of the dental work.

Val is instantaneously glued to the floor by the web. Ashira, too is placed in a sticky situation as she pins the elf to the ground.

Apollo's slash connects with Acherem's arm as she raises her weapon once again. The large woman smirks at the young man and says "Is that the best that one can do?" She aims once again, and is about to swing, when the webs suddenly envelop her and everything around her. She looks at Apollo in amazement, thinking that he is the source of her impediment, until she notices that he too is stuck in the strands.

Alryck, attempting to come to Apollo's aid, finds himself entangled a few feet from Acherem.

Bart manages to reach the spores, but freezes when he too is caught in Redux's web.

Captain Fletcher doesn't make it to the slave girl, and quite unlike his normal calm self, begins to swear in frustration as he thrashes wildly at the strands surrounding him. The priestess of Ga'al strangely enough, does not appear to be surprised at the recent turn of events, and sits calmly in her seat, which she now thoroughly stuck to. The slave girl, unable to handle all the excitement, passes out and falls face first into the gray goo. Bando blinks at the webs for a minute, and then begins to curse loudly, occasionally throwing in a few comments about "Stupid spell casters messing up his business." and "How dare people come into a peaceable place of business and start a brawl.".

Smiling broadly at his success, Redux makes his way toward the web and speaks up "Now that I have your attention, I have an announcement to make. I hope you are all comfortable, because you're going to be in your present positions for quite some time...unless you want to burn yourselves out! I'm sorry, but this I'm doing this for your own good. I suggest that you use this time to calm down and compose yourselves."

It takes a little less than an hour before the web dissipates on its own, which is plenty of time for everyone to calm down, including Val and Apollo. As the strands begin to disappear, Bando says "Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for today's insanity. Unfortunately, I am forced to cancel today's showing and reschedule it at a latter time. In an effort to make up for any inconveniences you experienced on behalf of these hooligans, I will wave the normal house fee on your next transaction." One by one, the patrons file out of the parlor, several of them shooting Redux very dirty looks. The priestess of Ga'al lingers behind, but finally leaves with her guards. After all of the other patrons leave, Bando turns an unnatural bright purple as he begins shouting at Redux "Just what in the hell do you think you were doing?! First, these two try to attack me, then you go cast spells whilly nilly. Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused?! I'm not even sure I'll ever be able to regain my good reputation. And now Amlern suspects that I'm affiliated with the resistance." Bando shoves the bag containing the spores at Redux. "Take your stuff and get out of here!"

Sorry about that Rigging...I didn't see your post until after I had made mine. I'm too tired to re-write it. Tell you what, why don't we let Ashira by Rigging a drink and call it even?----Janell

Wednesday December 19th, 2001 9:41:21 AM

With a look of guilt, lower his head and with a muffled voice

- " sir brando im quite sorry, for the trouble ive cause ya sir."

Looking toward the Rigging,

- " I think this belong to you, sorry that it turned in bad way."

ALrtck gives te pouch.

He wonder what to do now since his plan are screwed up. Does he go returns were he lives or is he ready to folloew does people....

All of these question run in his head..they are form the resistance and dont seem to have a preist with them...but then again qill they want to have a new ally...I dont know their implication in the resistance...

ALryck take out a coin and flip it...

then await for the party to move on to follow them.

Wednesday December 19th, 2001 10:16:58 AM

When the woman asks is that is the best he can do Appolo replies, "Why don't you come and find out WITCH!!" Just then Redux's webbing covers them both and traps them. During the next hour Appolo just stares unblinkingly at the woman.

Later after things are calmed down Appolo is calmer but still angry especially with Redux and Ashira. He gives them a couple of icey stares.

When Bando pops of about his reputation being ruined. Appolo says, "Good!! Slavery is evil and so are those who profit by it, or in any way shape or form participate in it or condone it!!"

Besides his words his tone and demeanor more than convey how he feels about Bando. He waits a few seconds then adds, "Where's the girl?? We want her freed immediately!!"

"Oh yeah the resistance, I'm going to personally make sure everyone in town knows that you are. If you do not release the girl to us. Yeah next time I run into a priest of Ga'al I'll fill 'em in on you. So you better be nice and release the girl and do what you said you were going to do for us."

Appolo then pulls his hood over his head and steps back.

Redux  d20+4=19
Wednesday December 19th, 2001 11:11:14 AM


Redux too has time to think during the duration of the Web spell. Things started to get so out of control he wasn't sure what else to do. He heard the groans and the frustrated words of all who were trapped. He evaluates his place with this group and his place with the resistance. Because of the turmoil their cause has probably been given quite a setback.

He prepares his words for Bando, knowing he will need to apologize to the owner/ally/?friend?. His anger will burn against Val and Appolo for their outburst that could destroy what so many have fought and died for.

He takes the looks from the patrons in stride. He chuckles to himself at the thought of the story he could tell his children about the time he webbed their mother when they first met...Wait, where did that thought come from. He turns red; to those leaving it might appear as blushing from the unwanted attention he's getting. When Bando turns on him, he attempts to do his best to sooth the situation. He apologizes for the outburst of his friends, he apologizes for his method of dealing with them. He points out that it was better than fireball (as he smiles warmly). He offers Bando the backs of the group for any errands or deliveries that might help reduce the burden on his store. As for Amlern, would it help if they were to give him Val as an sacrifice offering, he shoots Val an especially dirty look. In every way he knows he offers praise for Bando's support for the cause and the desire of a continued relationship. Lastly, he apologizes for the mix-up that caused the spores to be offered for the auction, the message had been passed inaccurately. He listens to Bando's reply with interest while being responsive to Bando's needs and frustrations. When he is done he goes to the party for a private discussion.

He opens with scathing words for Val and Appolo's behavior. "I know that you Appolo have risked your life many times to defeat Ga'al. Here on the mainland, situations call for more thought and lest haste to draw your sword and fight. If he were the leader of the local resistance, he'd kick them all out of the city for causing so much trouble. We'll be lucky if an assassin doesn't find us sleeping and kill us tonight, and right now that could be from the resistance or our common enemy. I'm not your enemy and Bando isn't. Val, you have a big problem with slavery. Good. But keep yourself under control. You did that girl no good causing such a problem. As for you, Appolo, don't ever try to free a slave with so many witnesses. It is not good sense and will likely get us all killed. Didn't you see the kind of muscle in that room? Did you recognize the priest of Ga'al? Did you see the four people she had with her, does that number mean anything to you? (Hoping he'll get the Quad significance.) They would have killed us all. It is incredible that discipline is so lax in your group. Rigging, Ashira, thank you for your support back there but why did you allow these two to cause trouble. The make-out scene was more than enough. Bart, thank you for protecting our interest in the spores. You know I'd fight for you anytime." Redux will wait for their response. He will keep his firm tone with them all, looking for some sort of apology .

Ashira  d20+6=19
Wednesday December 19th, 2001 4:47:37 PM

Uncharacteristically, Ashira's rage does not calm with the passing of time. Once freed from the web, Ashira returns Apollo's icy stares with her own wintery looks. Once the room has cleared, Ashira storms over to Apollo and Val. Her normal calm demeanor, is now replaced with full out fury. "Give me your weapons now! And I mean all of them Apollo! Don't try that stupid trick of keeping a few hidden back. No matter what you like to call this little group, all of you are Pirates of Jack. I don't care if you don't like Rigging's or my orders. The fact is that we both outrank all of you, and you will respect that!" Ashira places her hand on the hilt of her longsword to reinforce her last statement. When Apollo mouths off to Bando, Ashira backhands him (AC=19), leaving a large red whelp on his cheek. "If you value your life, you won't say another word until I tell you to." She turns to Bando, composing herself slightly. "Please, disregard him. I will deal with these two latter. I'm sorry for all the trouble we caused you today. If there is anything we can do to help rectify the damage we've done here, I'll be glad to arrange it." Ashira leaves her apology simple, hoping that Redux will be able to smooth things out with the merchant.

When Redux calls his private meeting, Ashira paces while she listens to the mage ramble. She takes his comments about her leadership skills in stride, and waits until he is finished. "You are angry, and you have a right to be. What happened today should never have occurred, and it never will again." Ashira turns to Rigging and says "Well, now that everyone in the city knows that we're affiliated with the resistance, we have no choice but to put ourselves up in one of the safe houses until we can get back to the Freedborn. I'm going to go make arrangements. You stay here and watch these two until I get back." The half-elf adjusts her cloak, and makes for the metal door.

Wednesday December 19th, 2001 5:57:19 PM

"You are all damn right slavery isn't good, but there were a lot of muscle in the room as Redux said before, and we were on a mission, a very important mission freeing at least Ailthmar from the hordes of Gaal. Freedom has to start here in my hometown. Next time if you want to make in impulsive action that your priority is the mission, There are other ways to free that slave. And for Bando his role in this was at least as worse as ours. Apart from sellin slaves, he could simply allow us to withdraw the spores from auction, none did know they were in it. I hope we have learned from this and we can still be a big family. What reminds me that I have to thank the man in the back for his offer to help, did you some explaining to him Rigging? I think we owe him one, after we sense his motives."

Wednesday December 19th, 2001 11:29:14 PM

Rigging mind is reeling with all of the events. "Ashira! Wait! You are not going anywhere alone. Bart you escort her and keep each other safe." Rigging then turns to Appolo and says, "Follow me" in a stern voice. Rigging turns his back and heads over to where Val is gulping wine. To both of them he says, "You two need to make a decision right now. You must decide on whether you wish to remain with our company. If you do, know that you will have to accept company punishment. You will listen to your superiors' orders and obey them immediately, no matter how distasteful. No exceptions!" He stares sternly at both of them. "If you can't agree to this, then I must for the safety of the others ask you leave our group and the pirates. I won't have your foolishness hurt, cripple or kill any of the others. I will give you 10 minutes to decide. Talk it out amoungst yourselves." Rigging turns and leaves the pair.

Thursday December 20th, 2001 12:22:56 AM

As Rigging walks away Val says to him, "Oh I see, but superior officers can attack and potentially cripple lower officers? If Appolo's head was turned another inch or two she would have shattered his jaw. There's no telling what complications that would have caused. I'll stay and follow orders Sir. If anything, to attain a higher rank so I can smack Ashira like she did to Appolo. I'll have no problems following orders now Sir. I didn't know that I was supposed to follow the wrong ones as well. Savages don't have chains of command or the knowledge of how they work. However in no way does that mean any respect will be given based on rank. I won't disobey another order regardless of the consequences." Val was still pissed off but meant every word she said. She would follow orders even though she had no respect for the people that were her superior officers.

Thursday December 20th, 2001 12:26:32 AM

When Ashira backhands him and demands his weapons Appolo takes a step back. "You want my weapons come and get them. Remember the cost will be high in blood -- yours or mine, probably both. Because you'll have to kill to get them!! Oh yeah leave Val alone!!" He walks over and pulls Val's scythe out of the and follows her out.

When Rigging comes over and berates them. "Company punishment. We've done nothing wrong!!' "Well if you don't want us anymore then good bye and good luck. I'm leaving. What ever made you think I ever cared about the Pirates of Jack or this Holy Crusade you're on. I joined you not them! Well like I said good bye and good luck."

He turns and walks away after handing Valanthe her scythe. He looks back one more time. "Are you coming Valanthe!" He then just walks slowly away. Tears filling his eyes. He knows he'll probably be dead in the morning. He then decides to wait for Valanthe. Thinking he will head for his old hiding place near the wharf and stay there. Think about what to do next.

Thursday December 20th, 2001 12:45:19 AM

Val runs after Appolo and grabs his arm before he can get too far. "Don't leave just yet. Even I know that we are in hostile territory. Do they like me, no. Do they understand me, no. Do I respect them, not a chance in hell. Do we need them to live, yes. We need them to survive. If anything stay along until we get to a safe land. It might be a while, but it's better than death. They want to be all buisness, then let them. They want professional soldiers, fine thats what they will get. Instead of Rigging and Ashira, it's yes sir and yes ma'am." Val smiles and kisses Appolo. "Let's go tell Rigging that you will follow orders. Then we can find a place to finish this bottle of wine."

Thursday December 20th, 2001 11:06:42 AM

Upon hearing the term "half-Breed", ALryck's face turns as red as a tomato and with a look of anger toward Val.

ALryck looks at VAL. "Listen you... you... it is not because were are half-human, half-elven that you are to insult us, This was rude and unacceptable... you you... goblin breed."

ALryck has a very mad look and his face, he crosses his arms, and seems to be waiting for some excuses.

Thursday December 20th, 2001 11:08:13 AM

Appolo just looks down at her, lets her lead him back. He says, "I'll do this for you. But as far as orders go that remains to be seen." He then remains silent and says nothing to Rigging, his hood on and scarf over his face. He walks past without a word. He is also still wincing in pain from the blow to his shoulder blade.

ALryck  d8=8
Thursday December 20th, 2001 11:13:55 AM

(OOC) sorry forgot to post this also...

ALryck approaches Appolo and gives a quick prayer to Wardd, and touches Appolo's shoulder with out saying a word....

(cure light wound 8hp)

Thursday December 20th, 2001 11:14:31 AM

OOC: Haven't heard from Ari in a while. What happened to him?

Thursday December 20th, 2001 1:25:28 PM

When ALryck heals him Appolo says, "Thank you, that feels much better."

Thursday December 20th, 2001 4:07:56 PM

Slightly in the past
The half-elf briefly considers killing the elf and her lover for their failure to yet again obey her orders, but decides against it. Reminding herself to stay focused on the bigger picture, Ashira turns to Rigging when both of them refuse to turn over their weapons. "You're the leader of this group, so I'm leaving it up to you to sort this out. I have given them a simple order to turn over their weapons, and they disobeyed. If you're willing to accept that kind of behavior, then fine by me. Even though I ought to teach both of them a lesson, I'm not going to this time, I doubt even my blade would make an impression on their thick skulls. Besides, I've got much more important things to take care of right now. But, let me tell you this. When I come back, if these two still have their weapons in their possession, they can find their own place to hole up. I'll not have their stupidity endangering my life again."

Ashira easily dodges Val's scythe, and looks coldly at Val when she speaks to her in Elven, although a flicker of disappointment flashes in her eyes when she is called a half-breed. Responding in kind she says, "I'll remember your advice about drawing my weapon in the future. I will put up with your petty little insults out of the respect that I once had for you in the name of kinship. I used to think of you as a sister, but now I see that you are too impulsive and stupid to hold that honor. You want it to be all business... fine, but remember that it was your decision. And you keep a tight leash on that little boy toy of yours, or next time, I'll take him up on the spilling of blood." Ashira turns to look at ALryck when he becomes indignant toward Val because of the half breed comment. Frustrated at herself that she didn't notice him in the room before, Ashira shrugs and thinks to herself, "Why not, everyone else in this town knows that we're associated with the resistance, why not a total stranger." As she walks past the man toward the door, she says, "Thanks for the back up, but I'm not worried about what she thinks about me anymore."

Reaching the door, Ashira turns to Bart and shouts "Come on, Bart, let's get going. We've got to get set up before that priestess rallies her troops." Still angry, the half-elf marches through the door, slamming it when she leaves.

Thursday December 20th, 2001 5:01:10 PM

I thought we where one family and we trust and forgive each other I really don't see any reason to hand over their weapons we are amongst family. Although I can imagine their reaction about the slavery, I don't think they handled it well, and that's the last thing I said about it!

You lead Ashira do you kbow the way around here? Tell me where we go and i will lead us though some quiet back alleys and streets, I agree we have to go low profile.

Something to Think About (ADM Janell) 
Thursday December 20th, 2001 10:00:37 PM

Bando calms noticeably after talking with Redux. After the family's conference, and Ashira and Bart's departure, Bando calls Redux over to him. "Look, I've had time to think it over, and I've changed my mind. I've heard about your mistresses great work for the resistance, and I do this out of courtesy for her reputation. I'll buy your spores from you on one condition. You get those two out of my business, and none of you ever show yourselves any where near my business again!" Redux agrees, and Bando hands him a large sack full of gems.

Appolo thinks over Rigging's terms and after talking it over with Val, decides to delay taking leadership. He hands over his 250 gold to Rigging, and Rigging hands Val's money pouch back to her minus her 250 gold. Together, the couple approach Bando and offer their brief, obviously not heartfelt apologizes. The halfling face flushes red with anger. "You two have a lot to learn about life. You think I'm some kind of despicable low life living off the slave trade. Well, I'll let you leave with this parting thought. That slave girl was taken from the Westlands by a slaver. I was placed in contact with a man who was sent to reclaim the girl and return her to her home. He would have bought her today, and she would have been returned safely home. Thanks to your actions today, that young woman may never see her homeland again. So you'd better think twice before you judge someone without any evidence!"

Thanks to Bart's guidance, Ashira safely finds the contact point for the Pirates, and arranges for the party to be taken to one of the safe houses. The two return, and after Ashira makes sure that Val and Appolo have been stripped of their weapons, the party leaves the Emporium Exotica sobered. They make their way down to a very run down section of town, where they are joined by a darkly clad stranger who, identifies himself to Ashira. The man winds through several dark alleys into the heart of the "bad part" of town. The figure finally stops at a dead end, and pushes aside a heavy crate in one of the corners. The figure motions for the party to descend a rope ladder into the inky darkness below. The figure enters last, and although even Val and Ashira have a hard time making out anything , expertly makes his way to a table in the far corner, and lights the lantern there. After your eyes adjust to the darkness, the party finds themselves in a small, cold, but neatly ordered room. The stranger informs Ashira that the party can only stay at there present location for a couple of days before they will need to be relocated. Slapping the half-elf on the back and wishing her the best of luck, the stranger climbs the ladder and you hear the scraping of the crate overhead. After a couple of hours pass, Rigging is able to calm Ashira down slightly, and she allows him to return Appolo and Val's weapons.

Late that night, the party is awakened to the sound of the crate scraping overhead. The dark clad stranger makes his way down the ladder, and the party lower their weapons once they recognize his familiar form. Pointing at Redux, he says "You've got a visitor. Follow me, and bring the spores." The wizard is gone for a little over a half an hour, and is smiling broadly when he returns. Instead of the oilskin bag, the wizard carries a small box.

Thursday December 20th, 2001 10:19:21 PM

"I'll pay bando and apologise, but I won't mean it." Val then holds out her Scythe with one hand and her shortbow/quiver in the other. "Sir, a superior officer ordered me to hand over my weapons. If there is nothing further I shall pay bando and appologise before retiring for the evening." Val pushed her emotions aside and wore a mask or normalcy. She appears calm and collect. As if what just happened wasn't a problem.

Thursday December 20th, 2001 11:01:32 PM

Val is shocked when Bando reveals the truth about the girl. She takes those emotions and quickly shoves them in with the rest of her emotional turmoil. This was just something else to show how wrong she was. Inside val knew that she really screwed up. She tried to do what was right and ended up doing harm. Val thought about what she had done all night. She never said a word. Only speaking when aked a question. With Sir or Ma'am to address Rigging and Ashira. That night while the others slept, the reverie would not come to Val. Instead she just sat there and finished her bottle of wine. She downed the last gulp and put the bottle away just before the dark clad stranger took Redux away.

Friday December 21st, 2001 5:42:22 AM

Appolo gives Rigging the gold and his weapons, which include shortsword, 6 daggers, bow and 20 arrows. He offers no apology to Bando thinking it wiser to stay away from the little creep. He doesn't believe a word Bando says and just silently fumes.

He feels betrayed by those he thought to be Family, and he is angry, real angry. He is as angry with himself as anybody else, because he continues to lose control of his emotions, especially his anger. His anger over the last few months has become stronger, and is always close to the surface, like it is now and he fears what he might become if he continues to lose control.

As they make their way to their destination, Appolo lags behind watching to see if they are followed, guarding the rear and brooding. He knows where they are and about where they are going. He moves silently and relatively slowly, thinking about the last few months and the future. What is really frighting to him is the fact that he would have killed Ashira back there if given half a chance and not even felt the slightest regret for having done so. Part of him was beginning to like the fighting and killing. That fact scared him and made him even angrier.

The only reason he came back was for Valanthe's sake, because he couldn't leave her. He wishes she would've just come with him.

All these thoughts are going through his mind and more, as Appolo makes his way to the hide out and climbs swiftly down the ladder.

He then makes his way over to Valanthe, drops his gear, sits down next to her, puts his arm and cloak around her, pulls her to him. "It's going to be cold down here tonight Sunshine. Don't worry about it, everyone said and did stupid things tonight. I have some serious apologies to make tomorrow. For now just relax and sleep or do that thing that elves do. Remember we can leave anytime you want." He then relaxes a little and slips into a fitful sleep full of nightmares waking up more than once.

When they come for Redux he awakes with a start and watches Redux very carefully as he leaves. He then drifts back to his nightmares.

When Redux returns he watches him again and notices that he has a small box. He is still angry at the mage and at the moment isn't all that interested in the box.

Friday December 21st, 2001 8:59:21 AM

ALryck stops the group and quickly talks.

"Sorry but I did not introduce myself. I'm ALryck, and am also a part of the cause you are defending. And I think you might need my services. I doubt (looking at every one) that you have a cleric. And you know the saying, 'a cleric every day is like a winter with snow... we couldn't live without it.'"

ALrick makes the resistance call sign with his hand.

"And if you do not have any objection, I'll follow you looking over my shoulder to check if no one is following."

ADM Janell 
Friday December 21st, 2001 10:34:45 AM

Sorry ALryck....forgot to add mention of you in the post. When the figure meets up with the party, he recognizes ALryck, and figures the he belongs with the group. ALryck is lead into the safe house with the others.

Friday December 21st, 2001 11:00:59 AM

Rigging sits down next to ALrick and introduces himself. He tells him a little about his background and asks questions in return. "I apologize on what you has to see back there. This group needs a real break. We have been fighting, running, scheming, and losing friends for way to long. I am sorry to have to ask this, but I will need you to strip to make sure you are not heartseeded. Don't feel bad. When that question was asked of me, they had a dagger at my throat. She was a beautiful girl. Her name was Wynd... She is dead now." Rigging sighs, leans against the wall and closes his eyes for a minute.

Friday December 21st, 2001 5:18:15 PM

Bart introduces himself also to Alryck, and looks with interest to the heartseed inspection performed by Rigging.
"Appolo I see you are still angruy, please set aside those feelings. We are all making mistakes including Ashira in this matter she had no right to ask for your weapons."
Bart watches Redux coming back and he is eager to know what's in the box. "What did you do, what is in the box?"

Saturday December 22nd, 2001 12:32:18 AM

"Bart you are mistaken. She had every right. Her rank puts her in a commanding role. A command descision was made. No big deal." Val didn't sound angry at all, just tired.

Saturday December 22nd, 2001 12:40:20 AM

We are among family, a word must be enough. And this is really the last thing is said about it.

Saturday December 22nd, 2001 4:43:20 AM

"You know if she had tried to take my weapons or drawn her sword either Ashira or I would be dead right now. I would have killed if given half a chance. Another thing she was wrong, not us. If she hadn't assualted you and jumped on your back, I would not have gone over the edge. The very thought of anyone hurting, throwing you to the ground is enough to make want to kill. When I saw her on top of you, all I wanted to do was kill them all including her. I would have cut my way through that sheman body guard of Bando's to get to you and kill her. Man that frightens me, I'm still angry. I probably should of left." Appolo whispers in her ear.

When Bart comes over and tries to console him Appolo says, "It's ok buddy, great to be home isn't it. We sure did put on a show didn't we? Perhaps we'll go see your uncle today. I mean they already know we're here." He then leans back and closes his eyes. Falling asleep - this time there are no nightmares for a couple of hours.

Saturday December 22nd, 2001 5:26:10 PM

Alryck's eyes goes toward Rigging, and with a dry tone of voice...

- "I ain't no heart-thing of those filthy bastards. I'm a follower of the way of Waard. Ga'al ain't a part of my beliefs."

In a swift way ALryck takes off his tunic, his armor, his shirt. On his chest, he has a blue bird tatooed, but no sign of heart seed.

- "Now are you happy??"

ALryck smiles at Rigging and gets dress Back.
While he is waiting, ALryck starts to take off his beard and hair -- you see it is a clever arrangement for a disguise. He wraps them carefully, and put it in his backpack.

ALryck still has red hair but much much shorter.

Sunday December 23rd, 2001 7:39:09 PM

OOC: Merry Christmas, Happy Hollodays, and best wishes to all.

From Chris

Sunday December 23rd, 2001 10:30:27 PM

Finding a place in the small room to hunker down, Ashira sits down in a quiet corner and closes her eyes. She makes sure that she isolates herself from the rest of the party as much as the small room will allow. Sleep will not come, so she allows herself to sort through her own thoughts. "Yeah, this is some family...I try to keep those two from getting themselves killed, and potentially taking out innocent people in the process, and what do I get?! Thanks Ashira? No, it's just like it's always been with the stupid humans. Oh, something went wrong, let's blame the half-breed. Oh, they say nice things when you're saving their butts on the battle field, but when it really comes down to it, they stick up for their own. I should have known better. I will never trust one of them again. And as for the elf, who cares? Just like all the others...self righteous, stubborn, and bigoted. Why haven't I learned yet?! The only person I can rely on is myself. Screw the others! When it counts, I'll make sure that I'm taken care of first, and they can find a way to take care of themselves."

Not intending to, Ashira overhears Bart and Val's conversation. The anger begins to burn through her once again when Bart comments that she shouldn't have taken their weapons, confirming her previous thoughts. She continues the silent, one-sided conversation in her head. "Yes, it's true. This is their family...I have no place in it. They don't accept me now, and they never will." Unable to stand it any longer, Ashira gets to her feet, throws her cloak over her, and makes for the rope ladder. Not speaking to anyone, she climbs up it, pushes the crate aside, and heads out into the darkness outside. If questioned by anyone, she says that she is going out for fresh air, and refuses to be accompanied by anyone else.

Sunday December 23rd, 2001 11:15:45 PM

Redux is very pleased with this unexpected visit with his mistress.. It is always a joy to have time with his teacher and mentor. It was a surprise, though. He had to confess about how he had misunderstood the instructions and the mess that was created at the auction. Actually, she wasn't that disappointed in his behavior or decisions. He chuckled at the thought of her fire-balling the place. Ohhhhh. ;) That is one he will have to learn; she hasn't done more than hint at its components, still much for him to learn. The experience of adventuring is invaluable. Beaming he tells anyone listening in the room about his meeting and the transfer of the spores. She's passed along a few potions that may be very helpful as we go along. "Oh, by the way, she will be speaking to the new ship wizard of Captain Jack and suggests that we deal with this little argument, yourselves so he won't have to. She said that she's seen it before when a group gets into a fight with themselves, how it either takes a battle or a superior to get everyone back on the same team. But don't take her word for it, you'll see." Little does he suspect that most everyone in the room could care less (or worse) about fighting for each other. Redux has been in the city longer than in an adventuring party and hasn't quite got the subtleties of small group dynamics down.

Monday December 24th, 2001 12:07:49 AM

Rigging waits a few minutes and grabs a bottle of wine and a few glasses and tucks them about his person. He follows Ashira up the ladder and sits down next to her. Without speaking, he pours 2 glasses of wine and hands one to her.
"I know you feel like the world and everyone hates you. I want you to know that one human loves you very much. So much that I can't think when I am around you. I get all tongued and don't know what to say. I just want you to know that I am here for as a friend or more if you want it.

Monday December 24th, 2001 12:30:10 AM

It was times like these that Val greatly missed her own kind. She made a mistake. Sure she was angry and that clouded her judgement. Val didn't want to admit it, but the girl wasn't the reason she flipped out. Oh she was rather pissed about the slave auction. Really Val was angry at herself. That slave girl reminded Val how weak she was. How she was caught and chained. No matter how hard she struggled or fought, it wasn't enough. Her slavers laughing and smiling at the amount of money they would be making by selling her in Aisildur. Among her own people things would be better. They would always remind her of the mistake and hold it against her at times. But feelings wouldn't get in the way. They would still operate as one cohesive unit. Things weren't looking too good right now. Leaving her weapons and armor behind, Val secures her cloak. She hopes that the top of the ladder is empty. She takes a deep breath and sneaks out as quietly as she can.

OCC: I have no idea where Ashira and Rigging are. Val doesn't mean to intrude but they could see her slip out and go for a walk if they are right there. If the time jumps ahead, val walks for a couple of hours and heads back.

Appolo  d20+10=25
Monday December 24th, 2001 5:19:08 AM

When Valanthe gets up it disturbs him, Appolo awakes and watches her head up the ladder. He then stands silently, leaving his gear and bow and arrow behind. He moves quickly and silently to follow her, he still has his sword and daggers with him.

If and when they get outside he will move silently up besides her and whisper, "You're not leaving are you? Not without me I hope?"

OOC: Move silently roll. =25

Monday December 24th, 2001 2:58:30 PM

Val smiles at Appolo from beneath the hood of her cloak. "No, I just came out to find a place to think. My thoughts are too full for the reverie to come this night. Go back to sleep. I won't be gone long."

Monday December 24th, 2001 4:14:51 PM

Appolo looks at her and says, "I wouldn't be able to knowing you out here alone. So I'm coming with you. You can't talk me out of it, I'll only follow you anyway. Besides I was raised here." He stands silently waiting.

Monday December 24th, 2001 6:01:09 PM

Valanthe's smile brightens when Appolo shows his overprotective side. "Please just go back and sleep. You will need it come morning. I shall be fine. I just need an hour alone. Besides you're not the only sneaky one around here. I might just lose you if you try to follow."

Monday December 24th, 2001 6:51:46 PM

"Like I said I wouldn't sleep and I was born and raised here. If we were in a forrest you probably could, but here in this decidedly human city you would be lost and I wouldn't. Which gives me a decided advantage. Another thing -- if I let you go and something happened to you, I wouldn't be able to deal with that right now. So one way or the other I'm going with you," Appolo replies.

Monday December 24th, 2001 6:57:20 PM

"Please, just this once? I can't make you stay here. I'm asking for an hour, nothing more."

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