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Gather, the Vultures

Good Morning Sunshine 
Monday November 12th, 2001 6:34:39 PM

After two days of bloody darkness, you wake to find the sun rising at long last over a subdued city. In The Aviary, staff and patrons speak in hushed murmurs, huddled in the thin pools of daylight shining through the windows. Downstairs in the common room, there is a new addition to the decor; a bronze mask hangs above the hearth.

A messenger arrives bearing a pouch, and a note that reads, "For caring for grieving man of the cloth, our thanks. - Caeroldra's Church." The pouch contains seven vials of a pinkish liquid.

As you sit down to breakfast, the owner, Max, ushers in a lovely woman wearing a half-mask and pale green silk robes. He leads her to a table of merchants. The woman chats them up for a while, and they give her their rapt attention. Soon, all three merchants appear to be agreed to join her later, and Max ushers the woman over to you.

"This is Thayl, priestess for The One's new temple," Max introduces the woman. Thayl is a sloe-eyed, olive-skinned beauty with generous curves and a long braid of glossy black hair. "Lady, these are the people I mentioned to you. The Harbourmaster himself called on their aid." He introduces each of you by name.

Thayl graces each of you with a warm, inviting smile. "Good morning. Have you all known the beauty of The One? She is a welcoming goddess, and very --" She pauses to meet Bart's gaze, and licks her full lips. "-- generous to her followers. We're holding an open service shortly," she continues in a honeyed voice, trailing one hand lightly across Redux's shoulders to stop beside Ashira. "Will you -- come? I would be so pleased to see you all there. I promise a rewarding experience."

Tuesday November 13th, 2001 12:13:55 AM

After a quick early morning dip in the busy Waha waters, Ashira bathes herself and joins the others for breakfast. Taking her seat next to Rigging, Ashira smiles at the young leader. "Rigging, I've been thinking about what you said last night... I'm not going to let you off the hook that easily, you've still got too much to learn about leadership yet! Don't worry, I'll let you know when you screw up. And who says that we have to get back to the ship for me to boss you around?!"

Ashira smiles peacefully when the potions arrive. It is perhaps the only time in the half-elf's life that she is thankful that no blood was shed on her last mission.

Ashira watches Thayl warily as she makes her way to each individual. When the priestess stops next to her, Ashira shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "Yes, well I'm sure it would be quite interesting for the men here, but I really don't think she sounds very appealing, personally."

Wednesday November 14th, 2001 2:20:53 PM

Off course I will go to the service mylady! But I must see I'm a follower of Domi, he who did give me courage! I hope you don't mind. I don't know a lot about the gods, but I'm always interested to listen about them, especially when the words are spoken by such a lovely lady as you. Maybe I can follow her path but Domi will always be in my hearth. Can you tell me where this temple is and when this service is held?

Wednesday November 14th, 2001 3:59:47 PM

Rigging hands a pearl to each of his companions keeping the remainder in reserve for some group need. He will also hand out the potions of healing, one to each group member. Before the priestess comes by he will ask, "Does anyone know anything about gems. Wonder what these are worth?" To Ashira he says, "Thanks for your vote of confidence... I think. I think you are just waiting for me to fall on my face so you can rush in and save the day."

When the priestess invites the group, Rigging will ask, "Priestess Thayl, what is the One? How do you worship your goddess? What are the One's commandments? How does she reward her followers? I am sorry to ask so many questions but until recently I only had heard of Ga'al. I am amazed at how many gods and goddesses are around." Rigging pauses for a moment and adds. "I think we should all attend this service. Any power that can help overthrow Ga'al is of interest to us all."

When Rigging gets a chance he will pull Ari aside and ask, "Where does your druidic god fit in to all of this?"

Thayl Paints a Word Picture (DM Lee) 
Thursday November 15th, 2001 12:01:28 AM

Max gives Ashira a sour look, but Thayl smiles tolerantly at the half-elf. "Ah, but my dear, The One has something for everyone. She shows us Beauty in all its forms, and asks us to celebrate it." The priestess continues to make her way around the table, dancing her fingers over Valanthe's hair as she passes. "To enhance it. To create it."

Thayl sets her hands lightly on Ari's shoulders and leans down to place her cheek next to his, filling his senses with a subtle, musky perfume. "The One invites us to acknowledge our deepest desires," she husks, and switches to his other side. "To act upon them." Undulating her way over to Appolo, she meets Valanthe's gaze and very deliberately strokes the back of her hand along the thief's jaw. "And She give us the means to aquire what we want."

Thayl comes to a stop beside Bart, and traces designs on the back of his hand with her fingertips. "I'm saddened by the loss of your Domi. You can find comfort in the arms of my mistress. Our Temple is one street over, toward the Market Square. Look for the sign of her mask. The service begins in one hour, and we will be glad to -- have you there."

Thursday November 15th, 2001 1:41:38 AM

Coming down to breakfast in the morning, Ari is glad for a peaceful morning to eat with his family and friends.

As the priestess approaches the group, Ari feels the hackles rise on the back of his neck. Listening to the priestess, Ari gets distracted when Rigging asks his question. Commenting, "My druidic power doesn't come from a god, like a cleric's does. But you might say that my druidic powers support Lemtrovex. Because he seems to work within the natural order of things."

As the priestess touches Ari's back, his body shivers in remembrance of the contact he had with the Lady of the Castle where the family trained, seemingly long ago. "As long as The One allows people to choose her as their god, then there is no problem. Any God that does not demand things from their people, in a fashion like Ga'al is better than Ga'al..... I suppose. Though this Domi, and Lemtrovex are the only ones to ever show themselves to me."

Thursday November 15th, 2001 5:22:05 AM

Appolo comes down to breakfast. He is tired, stiff and cranky. He has not been getting much sleep the last couple of days, between the nightmares and his own nerves and all. He is just glad to see the sun. He takes a seat and quietly eats, saying very little. He is also fully armed -- daggers, sword and armour underneath his cloak.

About halfway into breakfast a beautiful woman wearing a mask comes in and starts to introduce herself to some merchants and then is introduced by the Inn keeper to the group...

Appolo looks up and says, "Good morning," and then continues to eat. When she makes her way around the table talking to and tuoching people as she goes, Appolo gets jumpy when Thayl touches Valanthe, and slips his left hand down, producing a dagger. She then works her way over to him.

Touching his jaw, he says, "Do you know what I want? I want the gods, who ever they, where ever they are. To leave us alone. They have caused us nothing but pain and misery. You can tell your god, that whatever she's selling I'm not buying. Gods as far as I'm concerned they're all bullies pushing around those weaker and less fortunate than they are. Allowing their followers to die by the millions in their name and doing nothing about it."

He takes a breath and stands up to his full height. "What have the gods done for Waha? Nearly destroy it, that's all. Hell, Domi and his Priests allowed the enemy to build a Temple right under their own and kidnap the very people they were supposed to protect. If it wasn't for us, Agala would stil be going strong here in this city.

"Where was was Agala while we were killing his followers? No where. No! NO thank you!! I think I'll put my faith in my friends here at this table. For at least they suffer as I do and bleed when I bleed." He is angry, tired and generally in a bad mood. He is gesturing with the dagger in his hand as he continues with his tirade. He finally sits back down and starts eating again.

After a few minutes he excuses himself and heads swiftly to the bathroom and toilet.

Thursday November 15th, 2001 10:43:24 AM

Nudging Bart with his elbow, Redux whispers to the young fighter "Be careful...snakes are often quite beautiful, but very dangerous too!" Smiling up at Thayl, Redux says "Hmm...well then, we shall have to examine this "One" more closely." Talon turns to give Redux a "I can't believe you're falling for a chick" look, and then busies himself with cleaning his feathers.

Thursday November 15th, 2001 10:49:48 AM

Elbowing Rigging rather hard in the ribs, Ashira whispers "Are you sure this is strictly a professional interest?!" Then turning to Thayl Ashira says "No offense, but I've heard a lot of priestess say that about their god. But, if the men want to go, I guess I'll tag along to make sure they don't get into too much trouble."

Thursday November 15th, 2001 11:47:59 AM

Val was happily eating her breakfast while remembering last nights activities. Appolo finally had a chance to take her to bed. She couldn't wait for the next time. Then Thayl approached the table. Val didn't like her from the beginning. She was beautifull and had all those curves that some human women get. No elven woman can ever look like that. Elven men didn't care much, but human men did. When Thayl started getting touchy-feely, Val liked her even less. As Thayl ran her fingers over Val's hair, Val wanted to break them. A smile crept onto her lips when Appolo blew up on the woman. She had no problem on hearing about the One. The death of Domi left a hole inher heart that she didn't know how to fill.

Thursday November 15th, 2001 4:33:11 PM

Rigging rubs at the spot where Ahsira elbowed him. He smiles at her and says, "I can't figure out the one woman in my life. I am not even sure if I have a woman in my life. No I only want to go check out this temple to make sure that more evil isn't being visited on Waha." He returns to his breakfast and after a few more bites says. "We have accomplished our mission that the Captain assigned us. How do we get back to the ship?" Fighting against Ga'al was trying enough. We don't even know who these new gods and goddesses are. It would be good to get some information on what we are dealing with." Turning to Ari, "Where does Lemtrovex fit in to all of this. Is he a major player in the pantheon? Rigging finally turns to Val, "What is going on between you and Appolo? I thought you were getting along fine. Why is he so touchy. Did you have a fight?"

Thursday November 15th, 2001 5:44:37 PM

Thanks Redux I still think I will go. Do you think they use some charm spell on me? If so can you dispell that?

Before Apollo leaves Bart says to him don't speak about Domi like that, he is still in my hearth and gives me courage and denying the gods is denying our existince. It is true there are evil gods, but there are good ones to like Domi and Lemtrovex. Maybe there help isn't always obvious for us, but they help and make a difference and wil be there when our situation is hopeless.

Thursday November 15th, 2001 8:19:56 PM

When Bart stops him on the way to the bathroom, he replies, "Domi -- when did you ever worship him? G'aal is the only God you and I ever knew and he's the reason we left our home, remember? Domi died, and I'm sorry about that, but the fact remains he left a hell of a mess behind and we're the ones who are going to have to clean it up.

"Now I need to go. My friend, I'll see you in a few." He heads to the bathroom and returns. Seemingly no longer angry, just a little stiff. He returns to his seat and sits down, leans back and stretches.

Thursday November 15th, 2001 9:46:20 PM

While Appolo is gone, Val says to Rigging, "We are getting along fine. I think something that Thayl said pushed the wrong button." When Appolo sits down Val slides close and hooks her arm in his. She leans close and whispers into his ear, "Will you bed me again this night oh mighty conqueror?"

Thursday November 15th, 2001 11:40:56 PM

Appolo leans close to Valanthe"If your a god girl maybe.Just maybe.But we're not going to some new Gods temple."Hhe reaches around her annd slides closer.Losing his balance and slipping out of his chair,pulling her down on top of him in a hilarious and tangled pile of elf human and chair.

Friday November 16th, 2001 12:40:43 AM

Val smiles. "I'll be good." She starts kissing Appolo, not apparently getting up anytime soon.

Conditional Love (DM Lee-Anne) 
Friday November 16th, 2001 2:16:50 AM

Thayl blinks calmly at Appolo, and says smoothly, "The One has answers for all these questions of yours. Come to the service. I'm sure we can satisfy you." She smiles around the table, making eye contact with each of you. "I have other visits to make. I hope to see you soon."

With that, Max escorts the priestess out of the inn, bowing over her hand at the door. The innkeeper soon reappears to stand glowering over the pair tussling on the floor. He stares down at them and clears his throat. "I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave, young sir. Your kind isn't wanted here at The Aviary."

A chambermaid arrives just then and dumps Appolo's backpack on the floor at his feet. "Take your belongings and clear out now," Max continues. He glares around the table, finally speaking directly to Ashira. "That goes for any of you who won't at least give My Lady a chance. I want you out my inn before you can poison the patrons with your filthy talk of Ga'al and Lemtrovex."

Friday November 16th, 2001 2:54:20 PM

Appolo is busily trying to extricate himself from his current predicament, by kicking the chair away and attempting to roll over on top of Valanthe, as she is pinning him down while kissing him. When the Inn Keeper walks over and tells him to leave, he wrestles free and jumps up.

"Our kind!! What kind is that?! The kind that saved this town from a horrible demise!! That kept you and yours safe during two days of drakness and chaos!!" After a few seconds he calms down slightly. Appolo then steps toward the Inn Keeper. "Besides, my friend, Thayle seemd to handle my stupidity better than you are. She seemed willing to give us a chance despite my momentary lapse of judgment. So my friend, kicking us out would not make her happy now would it? After all we are potential converts. And as far as Ga'al and any other god goes, in case you're paying too much attention, I don't like any of them, especially G'aal." Appolo then reaches into his pocket and produces the pearl Rigging gave him. "Here, you can have this if we can stay. It's worth a couple of hundred." He hands the pearl to the man. "I'm sorry for any offence my friend."

As he says this he presses the pearl into the man's hand hard. Clearly indicating Appolo won't take no for an answer.

Appolo then picks his gear back up and heads upstairs. "Now that things are settled, I'm going to go back upstairs and get some rest. I'll see ya around lunch."

Friday November 16th, 2001 3:21:09 PM

Bart is stunned by the words of the innkeeper. "Why are you so aggressive? Can't we talk about gods here? I never heard about My Lady -- the only gods I know are Lemtrovex, Ga'al and Domi. The latter is supposed to be dead and the second my enemy. And the power of the first did help my in my fights against Ga'al and his followers. I will see what Lady has to say. I hope there is at least tolerance from her to some other gods in the pantheon."

Friday November 16th, 2001 7:19:14 PM

A stern look comes over Rigging's face at Appolo's many outbursts. "Appolo" he calls in a strong voice. "A moment of your time." Rigging grabs Appolo by his elbow and leads him away to a corner for some privacy. "Get that look off your face. You have been acting very strange lately. Here are my orders.....yes orders. We are all going to go to this service. I am not sure what is going to go on there and I want all of us there in case there is trouble. I don't know anything about this goddess. I will not let her control these fine people anymore than I will let Ga'al, Domi, Lem or any other god. We are here to protect and help. That is what we all signed on for. To fight for freedom...religous freedom. Keep yourself undercontrol and look sharp." Rigging stalks away back to the group. "Everyone mount up. We are all going to get some religion. Let's go!" Rigging heads for the door.

Friday November 16th, 2001 10:04:00 PM

Val grabs her scythe and turns her angry gaze on the inkeepr. "You ungrateful son of a bitch. You wouldn't have an inn to run if it wasn't for us. You would have gladly donated it the moment you fell under their control. You were all nice when we were acting in your benefit." Val is downright pissed and keeps walking toward the innkeeper.

Friday November 16th, 2001 10:41:55 PM

OCC: She has not raised her weapon to attack. The weapon is held with one hand off to the side.

Saturday November 17th, 2001 10:02:01 AM

Rigging pulls Appolo aside and dresses him down.
"I'm sorry about all that -- I just needed to blow off some steam. Thayl was the catalyst. When she touched us--especially Val--it just set me off. I will go with you to this temple if only to apologize. I think she'll understand. And as far as trouble is concerned, of course there's going to be trouble, Boss. After all we are Team Trouble with a capital T. Speaking of trouble...

He sees Valanthe. "Ah Val why don't you come with me. Leave the gentleman alone we have resolved our differences. Haven't we, now?" He then turns to Rigging. "I just need to relax. The nightmares have been real rough the last couple of days. I'll go upstairs, lay down and pull myself together. Then around noon go and make my apologies. I was wrong and I know it."

With that he heads upstairs, looking over his shoulder. "Honey are you coming or not?" No longer caring whether or not people knew how he felt about Valanthe.

Saturday November 17th, 2001 1:06:57 PM

Valanthe wants to pound the inkeeper to jelly, but restrains herself. She glares at him one last time before walking past and up after Appolo.

Saturday November 17th, 2001 11:05:38 PM

See the shopkeeper's reaction to the group's latest comments, Ari tries to think quickly. "So you would break your contract with him? To provide lodging for as long as we can afford the service? I don't think that would bode well for anyone, regardless of what their beliefs are. Besides, you did not tell us of any requirements when we decided to freqent your place."

When Rigging responds to the other outbursts, Ari wonders whether he should have reacted or not.

Sunday November 18th, 2001 8:29:07 PM

Surprised by Max's response, Ashira calmly replies "Look, I'm glad that you're happy with your new goddess, but no one has the right to tell me who to worship. I didn't insult your goddess, and if you want me out of your Inn, that's fine, but who I chose to worship is up to me. Understand?" Ashira goes upstairs to her room, packs her gear, and waits outside for the party.

Sunday November 18th, 2001 8:58:22 PM

Redux has been quietly watching from his chair. This is a big world off the mainland. Scenes like this would never have taken place there. Actually, when it came to a choice of which god to worship it was pointless to resist (or be killed or worse). Its strange seeing people with the freedom to choose suddenly turn as the innkeeper has against other’s right to choose. He thinks maybe that is a sign, and says so to Rigging in a discreet fashion. He’s unsure whether to pack his things. Everything important is safe, so if his sack is on the porch when he gets back he’ll deal with it; after all, they do know Blue. With a shake of his head in wonder he gathers Talon for the stroll to the temple they’ve been directed to attend. To no one in particular he says, “What is there to do for an hour before the show, I mean service.”

Evicted (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+8=11 d20+8=28
Monday November 19th, 2001 1:28:01 AM

Max crosses his arms, allowing the pearl to drop to the floor. He glares hautily from one person to the next. "Waha is an open society -- you are free to worship what gods you like. In the same vein, I have every right to decide certain people are unwelcome in my inn. And that includes those hostile toward my goddess," here he glances at Appolo's retreating back, then jerks his chin toward Valanthe, "and those who threaten me in my own home. Those two go. Now. The rest of you, as I said, have options."

The innkeeper and his staff evict Appolo and Valanthe from The Aviary. Max is quite inflexible about this, unwilling to negotiate even after apologies. He looks relieved to see Ashira bring her bags down, as well. By the time all this is sorted out, it is time to head for the temple. You all find yourselves on the street, some with packs, some without.

As you emerge from the inn, the scene that greets you is truly bleak. The light of day reveals how this formerly prosperous neighbourhood weathered the Days of Darkness. The house across the street and the one next to it have been partly burnt out. A millinery shop a few doors down has clearly been looted -- the door hangs askew and hats, fabric, and dried flowers are strewn about before it.

Bodies litter the boardwalk street, and float on the waters of the swamp, some with visible burns or other wounds, others completely unmarred. Many appear to have been partially eaten. A dog hangs by a noose from the branch of a mangrove, a child's doll suspended beside it. A hand-drawn cart waits a short way down the street, its bed piled with corpses. As you pass it, two rag-men sling a woman's burnt body onto the pile.

(Two Spot checks from all characters, please.)

Appolo  d20+5=21
Monday November 19th, 2001 3:55:54 AM

Appolo is highly pissed off, but leaves with hardly a word. On the way out he stops and picks his pearl up. He looks at the Inn Keeper. "Max, I'll be seeing you again," he says with a dangerous malevolent tone. He then takes a look around at what remains of the city. He walks quickly down the street furious, moving like a blur toward the Temple, for no apparent reason.

Rigging  d20=19
Monday November 19th, 2001 12:06:38 PM

Rigging walks down the street looking at all of the destruction. "It isn't easy when a god dies is it?" he says to no one in particular. Rigging has brought his weapons and relearned his normal spells before leaving. To the entire gang Rigging says, "I want everyone to keep their eyes and ears open and their mouths shut. I don't want any trouble during this service. I don't care if you don't or do agree with what the priestess is saying. This is a fact finding mission only." (19 for spot check)

Monday November 19th, 2001 1:50:40 PM

Appolo doesn't hear Rigging, he has already blitzed ahead of the pack.

OOC: Rolled Spot check of 21 in the previous post. Forgot to print it.

Bart  d20=2 d20=16
Monday November 19th, 2001 3:11:44 PM

"I don't know Rigging if this Domi really died, after all it's a god. I think you are an God if enough people believe you are an God. If all people stop believing in Ga'al all his powers will be lost. So if enough people still believe in Domi he will rise again.

"Appolo, I think we all have to leave the inn, if it isn't today it certainly will be tomorrow. After this service we will look for another shelter."

Ari  d20+1=21 d20+1=18
Tuesday November 20th, 2001 8:14:54 AM

Ari decides that he's going to move out and join where ever the group feels is their new place to sleep. If the opportunity arises, Ari will point out the hypocrisy of the innkeeper.

(made spot checks, critical, and 18) Ari looks around at all the destruction that has happened in the town. Thinking to himself, 'Looks like it's another town that is leveled because of a god. I'm beginning to really hate this.'

The Dead Walk  d10=3 d10=2 d2=1
Tuesday November 20th, 2001 9:34:12 AM

(Rolled d10 to use your 3rd and 2nd pre-rolls for missed spot checks: Ap 2+5=7; Ri 11+4=15; As 16+2=18, 12+2=14; Re 8+2=10, 19+2=21; no pre-rolls available for Valanthe.)

As Appolo blasts past the dead-cart, he sees movement inside. He is about 30' further down the street before his brain processes that the heap of corpses heaved up, as if something buried within it were struggling free.

Most of the rest of you see this as well. Bart and Redux miss it, perhaps distracted by the sight of two hideous creatures crawling onto the boardwalk out of the swamp. For all that they are dripping wet, they look like a pair of dessicated corpses: greyish, dead skin stretched over bones and tendons, hands curled and twisted into claws, sunken eyes glowing red, needle teeth bared.

Just as the group passes the cart, these two ghoulish creatures launch themselves at the two rag-men, while the partially-eaten body of a young man pulls itself free of the pile in the dead-cart.

The party has initiative.

Valanthe  d20+6=14 2d4(1+3)+2=6
Tuesday November 20th, 2001 12:01:30 PM

Val felt a little better after splitting max's sign with her scythe and smiled when the ghouls jumped out. She really needed to kill something. She attacks the nearest ghoul with a downward diagonal slash with her scythe.

(OCC: 14 to hit, if hit then 6 dmg)

Ashira  d20+6=24 d20+4=12 d8+4=6 d6+1=5
Tuesday November 20th, 2001 1:59:38 PM

Ashira wrinkles her nose in disgust when she gets a wiff of one of the gouls, smelling it before she sees it. Thinking to herself that there is no rest for the weary, she unsheathes her swords and heads over to engage the nearest goul. She shouts out "Bart, Redux, looks like we've got work to do before the show." Then the half-elf delivers her blows. (long hitting AC=24 for 6 dam, short hitting AC=12 for 5 dam)

Bart  d20+8=25 d10+5=11
Tuesday November 20th, 2001 2:52:25 PM

Looks like those seadevils to me Redux!!!
Bart draws his sword and attacks the nearest sea devil, After he jabs the devil in his side he grabs his dagger

Appolo  d20+4=6
Tuesday November 20th, 2001 4:04:09 PM

When Appolo's attention is caught by movement in the cart,his concentration is broke and he stops suddenly realizing he has left the rest of the
party behind.He turns and looks back down the street and sees the others engage the unddead.
He stops frozen the sight of a dead body crawlingout the cart,is momenterily terrifying
to him.After regianing his senses.He draws his weapons and walks swiftly back to the group
engaing the one coming out of the cart.Saying"Great undead.Look we need to get out
of here,you can't kill whats already dead!!"
He then proceeds to chop up the undead boy crawling out of the cart.

Missing badly.
OOC:Rolled a 6.

Rigging  d20+1=16 d20+1=13 d6=1 d4=4
Tuesday November 20th, 2001 8:08:11 PM

Rigging thinks, "Sword or spell. hmmm lets keep the arsenal complete for now." He pulls his weapons and attacks the nearest ghoul. Rigging wonders as he stikes is weapon's home, "We really need a priest with our group. I don't like all of this fighing without a priest to help us...especially against undead."

Redux  d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Wednesday November 21st, 2001 12:25:25 AM

Staying well out of the range of the creatures and the boy, Redux laughs at Bart's comment. "I don't know much, but I do know that those aren't sea devils. They look more like undead to me. Oh well, I guess we should send them back to where they came from." Redux speaks a few arcane words, and releases two bolts of green from his hand (Magic Missiles). One missile streaks from his palm to the undead boy doing 3 points damage, the other to the nearest ghoul doing 4 points of damage.

(DM Lee-Anne)  d20=9 d2=2 d20=10 d20=3 d20+1=14 d20=9 d3=2 d20+4=24 d20+4=10 d8+1=8 d2=1 d20+1=18 d20+1=2 d4=3
Wednesday November 21st, 2001 6:09:35 PM

Valanthe, Ashira, and Bart gang up on one of the decaying creatures. Ghast #1 ducks Valanthe's swing, but takes a solid blow from each of the other two. Valanthe and Ashira now have the creature flanked. The two elven women feel a powerful rage boiling up from within them; they feel the urge to give in to battle madness once again (Will DC 12 or go berserk). (The Ghasts are AC 16. Note, Ashira can't take a full attack action after moving & drawing swords.)

Rigging faces the second ghast alone, and his blade does it little damage. (Note Rigging can only make a single attack in a round where he draws weapons.)

As Appolo swings at the corpse in the cart, Redux' first bolt smashes the dead youth in the chest. The second missile burns into Rigging's opponent, Ghast #2. With the release of his spell's magic, Redux feels the restraints on his self-control slipping. (Will DC 12 or go berserk.)

The younger of the two ragmen sprints past Appolo down the street, trailing a scream behind him as his bare feet pound the boardwalk. His companion scowls and attacks the dead ghoul in the cart with a shapeless stick. "Hey, you's dead! I's cain't claim ma bounty if you's walks off!" Ghoul #1 responds by leaping onto the man, pulling him to the ground. This provokes an attack of opportunity from Appolo.

Ghast #1 leaps at Ashira, tearing at her throat with it's teeth for 8hp damage. A strange heaviness immediately suffuses the half-elf's limbs. (Fort save vs DC 15 or be paralyzed.)

Ghast #2 lashes out a Rigging, and one twisted claw opens a bloody gash on his arm (3hp damage, Fort save vs. DC 15 or be paralyzed.)

Swampwater sluices off of the two dripping ghasts, and their stench of decay begins to permeate the air, affecting everybody nearby. (All make Fort save vs DC 15 or take -2 penalty to attack, saves, and skill checks.)

Appolo  d20+5=21 d8+2=10 d20+8=10
Wednesday November 21st, 2001 7:47:41 PM

Appolo quickly stepps past the man and the undead boy to attack Riggings opponent,Flanking it.Hitting it badly for 10 pionts of damage.
"Well boss what did I tell ya,trouble,can't even go to church!!"After making a successfull attack
the ghasts stench over comes him and Appolo pukes up his breakfast.Cuaghing and hacking he falls back"Yep trouble,Damm these things stink.
Appolo now goes on the defensive completely.

Rigging  d20+3=23 d20+3=16 d20+1=15 d20+1=20 d6=6 d4=4
Wednesday November 21st, 2001 10:15:01 PM

Rigging feels a slight numbness from the the wound and knows of the paralazation effects of ghouls. "No!" He shout and fights off the effects. Then the smell hits him and it is terrible but he has smelled worse and shakes that off as well. He then attacks with both sword and dagger, thrusting both home into the evil undead. "Leave us alone!" Rigging shouts.

Ari  d20+6=12 d20+4=11
Thursday November 22nd, 2001 10:35:11 AM

Feeling the stench of from the Ghast, Ari doesn't feel very well. He attempts to join in the fray, coming to Rigging's aid. Ari's attack goes wide (AC 11).

Bart  d20+4=5 d20+5=18 d20+6=23 d4+1=3 d10+5=7
Thursday November 22nd, 2001 2:01:04 PM

Barts find the smell disgusting and have to cough...
his movements aren't so fast as normally but he still hits the ghast in front off him
(for 10 dam)

Valanthe  d20+4=17 d20+6=11
Friday November 23rd, 2001 11:10:59 AM

(OCC: fort save 17)

Val cringes at the stench of decay. All she could do was hold her breath and hope a breeze carries the stench away. With watery eyes slashes a ghast with her scythe but misses again. (OCC: hit roll is 11)

Ashira  d20+3=11 d20+3=22 d20+8=16 d20+8=21 d20+6=7 d20+4=18 d6+1=7
Saturday November 24th, 2001 6:40:34 PM

Tears streaming from her eyes, Ashira manages to shirk off the strange feeling of rage coming over her (Will=11, Hero pt. Will=22). Alarmed at the tingling in her limbs, Ashira is relieved when it wears off (Fort=16). Although the stench in gut wrenching, Ashira manages to fight off its effects (Fort=21), launching a full attack. The blow from her longsword (AC=7) misses the ghastly creature by a mile, clattering loudly against the boardwalk. Her swing with the shortsword meets with better results(AC=18, dam=7), slicing into the creature and leaving a large section of grey flesh dangling off of its arm.

OOC (Sorry about the Full attack last round, don't know what I was thinking)

Redux  d20+6=13 d20+3=11 d20+3=16 d4+1=5 d4+1=5
Saturday November 24th, 2001 6:59:29 PM

Tempted to once again give in to the seducing rage, Redux is barely able to regain his self-control (Will=13). A shift in the wind brings the lovely collaboration of swamp water and rotting flesh to his nostrils, and Redux gags, but is able to keep the contents of his stomach in their rightful place (Fort=11, Hero pt. Fort=16). Satisfied with his previous results, Redux once again looses two green bolts of energy toward the undead. His first bolt hammers once again into the young man's chest doing 5 points damage. The second bolt winds its way toward Ghast #2, slamming into its back (5 points damage).

Apparition (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=14
Sunday November 25th, 2001 2:54:14 PM

Appolo and Rigging between them bring down Ghast #2, while Bart and Ashira chop it's ghoulish twin into hunks of decaying meat. The two hideous creatures come apart, their skin and remaining flesh splitting open and crumbling to rotted dust, their bones clattering loose to the wooden surface of the street.

Bereft of his second target, Redux directs both of his bolts toward the undead young man, and the ragman shoves the now still and blackened body off of himself and climbs to his feet. "Thanks," he says, thwapping the corpse solidly a few more times with his stick. "And you's *thud* stay *thwap* dead!" The old fellow wrestles his twice-dead prize back into the cart, seemingly oblivious to a sight that catches all of your attention.

Just a few feet from the ragman's cart, morning sunlight begins to coallesce into the luminous figure of a tall woman whom most of you recognize as Wynd. She is dressed in scaled golden mail, and carries a scale-shaped shield embossed with a golden dragon, rampant. The transluscent apparition glides from Valanthe to Redux. Though it's hard to tell in the light, she seems to wink at Ashira. "Sister, Brother," she says, in a layered voice that carries the echo of Skippy to Ari's ear. "Welcome to the Family."

Wynd regards each of you with a loving gaze. "The times have quickened, and Lemtrovex calls you to be His hand. Your intent is good, but enter not the house of The One this day. Ga'al is ever your true enemy. His influence spreads quickly through the Wold. Return to our homeland -- cut the seed of his evil works from the hearts of our people."

The luminous figure spins into glittering motes which disperse into the freshening air. Just as the last winks out, Appolo hears a whisper in his ear. "The Wold is dark, indeed, when caution is not balanced by faith. Search for your balance, Appolo, and tell the others: trust not the servant of the mother of The One."

The old ragman goes about his business, poking the next sprawled corpse as if to test its responses.

Sunday November 25th, 2001 10:01:36 PM

Rigging drops to his knees at the arrival of Wynd. He holds out his hand and whispers, "Wynd" in an awed voice. His heart immediately lightens as he realizes that she is happier in the arms of Lemtrovex. He rises back to his feet and says, "Well enough of this side mission. Back to the struggle of freeing our enslaved people from Ga'al. He walks over to Redux and throws his arms around the young mage. "Welcome to the family. Thanks for your help with the nasty as well." He then walks over to Val and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Welcome to the family." He looks at Appolo's darkening look and says, "Hey, I only kissed her on the cheek buddy. Besides...Isn't it sort of weird to date your sister?"

Monday November 26th, 2001 1:55:06 PM

Wynd, my beloved Sister thank yo for saving us at the temple... I'm sorry we couldn't save you... thes words are racing through Barts mind as he sees the Image of Wynd before him.

Brothers and Sisters Wynd helped us before this was for sure a message to warn us. I don't go to the temple of the beloved and i advise we all don't go!!!

Rigging do you think the boat is seeworthy enough to sail to the coast of Ailthmar?

Monday November 26th, 2001 11:24:22 PM

Rigging looks at Bart and says, "I am not sure. I think we can trust in Lemtrovex to get us through." He walks over to Ashira and grabs her hand. "What do you say my sweet. Feel like a moonlight cruise with me?"

Tuesday November 27th, 2001 4:42:58 AM

Letting a tear form on his eye Ari comments, "Sister, it is good to see you. You do not need to ask me twice, I was very unsettled by the request." After Wynd disappears, Ari approaches Val and Redux. "What you have seen, is what inspires us at all times. We have lost friends and family to Ga'al and his priests. Yet through Lemtrovex, we are still able to be with them. With Wynd's welcome, I in turn welcome you to the family with no reservation, I can do no less." With that, Ari beams a smile that is very rare in deed, for him.

Tuesday November 27th, 2001 6:38:29 AM

Appolo is completely speechless when Wynd appears and reflexively reaches for her.He is completely overcome with emotion and doesn't even notice Rigging kiss Valanthe or the fact that he is crying.Tears are raining down his face,after a few seconds he recovers slightly
and turns away from the others,pulling the hood of his cloak over his head and sprints off
aimlessly.Even while carrying a full pack he moves with speed and quickness,deftly avioding any obstacles.After few hundred feet he stops and sits down next to a wall of a burned out building.His head in in his arms.

Tuesday November 27th, 2001 12:56:25 PM

Satisfied with hacking down her opponent, Ashira begins to clean her weapons when the apparition appears. Recognizing the figure from the night at the temple, Ashira looks watches warily as Wynd gives her warning about The One. And then, just as quickly as she came, the figure is gone. Ashira mutters somthing under her breath about "So, what the Captain said really is true...". Ashira turns, and sees Apollo run off. Walking over to Valanthe, she says "It would appear that your man needs comforting...go to him." When Ashira hears Bart and Rigging talking about taking their small craft to the mainland, she laughs. "Boy...you two have been on land too long! There's no way that tub could get us anywhere near the mainland. We should wait here until we hear back from the Freedborn."

Tuesday November 27th, 2001 1:09:31 PM

Grining broadly at the devistating effects of his attack, Redux winks at the rag man "Any time." When the woman appears, Redux's jaw drops open, and he can barely manage to whisper "Fascinating!". Once the woman disappears, Redux regains his composure, although he is obviously excited. Squirming free from Rigging's embrace, Redux methodically smoothes out his pristen robes. A flush working its way to his cheeks, Redux says "Well, um...I'm not sure what you mean about joining the "family"...I'm here on a different mission...but thanks, I guess." Listening carefully to Ari's explanation of Wynd, Redux begins to gleefully chat with the young man, inquiring about the other times when Wynd has appeared to them.

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