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The Lights of Waha

The Stone Tower (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday October 29th, 2001 5:36:53 PM

Gastu and Blue between them heal everybody's wounds before you make your way back to the Aviary.

The bloody moons set one after the other, but the sun fails to rise. The gloom of the long, long night pervades the city, seeping indoors to dim lanterns and chill spirits. Even the large fire in the hearth at the Aviary seem weak and half-hearted, providing little warmth and too many shadows. Two grim sailors sharing a table and a large flagon seem to be in a hurry to get drunk. One proclaims loudly, "I tell you, it was The One herself. Walkin the boarwalk pretty as you please, and folks gatherin to 'Er like they was sharks and She were droppin bloody chum in the water. Never such a chill as went through me when I saw't."

A bruise-eyed messenger arrives at the inn looking for "them folks as saved all those children". She explains that the Waha Council would like to call on you to help deal with the rising panic, and leads you toward the harbour.

Along the way, you pass a small contingent of wizards working to douse a blaze among a small block of stilt houses. Frantic people mill in the streets around you, and there seems to be a concerted movement in the direction of the Market. "Marteus, it's Marteus." The name flies from from person to person, faster than rumour.

At the docks, a steely-bearded man in a nightshirt and sleeping cap turns from instructing several ships' captains to greet you. "I'm Harbourmaster Kerris. The magistrate tells me you're a handy bunch, and I am in a world of trouble. This night being darker than dark, the lighthouses are critical, and some damn yahoos have vandalized the south tower." Kerris spits in disgust. "We've had two ships run aground on the reefs already. I need you people to protect the two remaining --" The harbourmaster trails off, staring northwest beyond the city, where the distant beacon of another lighthouse has become a pillar of flame. "Lem's teeth! Only one left. Keep it lit, or we'll lose dozens of ships and their crew. Shusora! Get these people to the Stone House!"

In a flurry of oars, blindfolds, and biting insects, a handful of Aquan pilots deliver you in the Lady Freeborn's longboat to a tall, round stone tower at the east edge of the swamp. The elves leave you with well-wishes, and swim toward a dim set of running lights that show the outline of what might be a clipper standing out to sea.

The Stone House rises abruptly out of the dark water, giving the impression that it continues beneath the surface, as if it had sunk somewhat. To add to this image, the tiny floating wooden quay is anchored to the wall near a small doorway that looks more like a modified window casement. The heavy wooden door has no lock. Four floors above you, the lighthouse's normally bright beacon revolves sluggishly, as if forcing its way through the heavy darkness.

(Since it is effectively a new day. I need new prepared spell lists from all spellcasters, please.)

Monday October 29th, 2001 11:33:38 PM

Rigging says, "OK People, Lets get organized. I think we can expect an attack soon. Ashira, I know you are upset but I need you to pull yourself together and help me. What can you tell me about Sahugin. Prefered methods of attack? Weakness? Fire perhaps. Redux and Ari what kind of spells are you carrying now? Apollo, I want you to look at all possible entrances to this oversized mouse trap and come up with some way to slow an attacker down. Caltrops, tripwires, flaming oil, falling timbers, falling comets from the sky. Anything.
Bart, you and Val take a quick look around lighthouse. Make sure no one else is here. If there is get a lay of the land from them. Any body have any great suggestions, Sing out." Rigging then takes a quick walk around the perimeter of the lighthouse. "Damn Blue! What a time to live us. Another battle and we have no cleric. What if someone gets hurt." Rigging pushes these negative thoughts down. He yells to anyone in hearing, "Who knows first aid among you guys?!"

Tuesday October 30th, 2001 11:58:40 AM

Responding to what Rigging has asked, "Currently I have Alarm, Magic Missle, and shield ready to go. Along with my Drudic abilities."

Concern floods Ari's face as he looks around the area for any immediate threat. Worried that this is the only light for the harbor, Ari glances nervously about.

Tuesday October 30th, 2001 12:54:36 PM

We can look around Rigging but I don't think there is alot of land around the tower. Anyway burt makes a short survey around the tower.

After that he says: We must make a defance point at the entrance a shoot out for some bowmen. Also a lookout and other bowman on top Maybe there is some oil we can heat to throw boiling oil on their heads. And we must find a way to block the door.

Appolo  d20+4=11 d20+4=22
Tuesday October 30th, 2001 3:26:07 PM

Appolo enters the building and begins to inspect the walls and search for any enterances or exits.He also looks for anything he can use to mke weapons and traps with.Wood Rope Barrells
Oil.He isn't very pleased about the current situation and has become moody and withdrawn.

OOC:The rolls are for spot and search checks
to see if he pots anybody lurking around or finds what he needs. 11 spot,22 search.

Lights Out (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday October 30th, 2001 5:54:29 PM

Ari sees the faint glow of Waha, far in the distance and deep in the swamp. There are a few large clumps of vegetation about 30 feet out from the tower, at the limits of your lantern-light. One has a sorry-looking palm tree in it's midst. There is no way of telling from here if they're anchored or floating free, like most of the swamp.

Bart finds that the ocean waves lap directly against the walls of the Stone House. From where you stand on the little dock outside the door, you can see two dark windows on the second floor, and two on the third that are obviously open, spilling feeble light into the night.

Inside, Appolo find that the first floor is open and empty. The inside of the door is fitted for barring, and the bar itself leans nearby. Tidal marks on the walls, both inside and out, suggest that this level is regularly flooded. In the center of the room, and open metal grillwork staircase spirals up to the lighted third floor.

When he reaches the second floor, Appolo finds another open room that is clearly used for storage. There is a third window on the opposite side of the doorway below. Shelves against the wall look to be a larder. Eight large barrels are grouped together near the stairs with several empty pails nearby. There is no rope in sight.

As Appolo inside moves to investigate the barrels, those outside see the beacon at the top of the tower go suddenly dark.

Tuesday October 30th, 2001 9:31:12 PM

Appolo investigates the barrels then wanders over to the open window."Hey!!Are you guys coming in or what?!!"

Tuesday October 30th, 2001 10:47:49 PM

Rigging climbs to the top of the light house. He looks around as he goes up for any equipment. Especially interested in block and tackle, rope, barrels and such. Thinking about some nasty surprises for any intruders.

Tuesday October 30th, 2001 11:03:30 PM

Relieved to have a new assignment, Ashira is able to snap almost completely out of her reverie. Taking a few minutes to consider Rigging's questions, she responds "Well, if it gives you any idea about their temperment, Sahugin are known by my people as sea devils. Nasty creatures they are. Proficient with weapons, they're also able to defend themselves unarmed. They are very suseptable to fire attacks. Other than that, the standard rules apply, hit them with a sharp pointy object multiple times until they fall down." Ashira smiles playfully at Rigging. About to make another sarcastic remark, Ashira's smile fades when the light goes out. "Well, so much for planning time." Ashira unsheathes her swords, and heads inside, racing after Rigging.

Redux  d20+6=10
Tuesday October 30th, 2001 11:30:13 PM

About to answer Rigging's question about his spells, Redux is shocked to see the light go out. Redux sends Talon up to the third floor to scout out the area and see if he can determine why the light went out (Spot=10). Before bounding up the stairs after Rigging and Ashira, Redux takes a few moments to cast Mage Armor on himself.

Appolo  d8+2=5
Wednesday October 31st, 2001 12:08:10 AM

Appolo is now a 4th level Thief.

Appolo follows Rigging to the top."Well what do
ya think?"He says as they hit the top floor,not
realizing the Light went out.

Wednesday October 31st, 2001 1:56:19 PM

"Checking the perimiter might not be all that helpfull. We can't scout under the water very well. We know that this lighthouse will be targeted. Maybe we could block all entrances except for one. I know it's risky, but that way we won't be suprised or overrun from multiple sides."

The Sound of Violence (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+2=15
Wednesday October 31st, 2001 5:59:49 PM

Appolo finds that three of the barrels in the second floor store room are empty. Another two are open and partially filled -- one with water, one with lamp oil. The comparing the markings on the barrels, he guesses that two of the three sealed containers also hold oil.

Rigging, Ashira and Appolo find that the third floor is set up as a neatly-kept living area. It is poorly lit by a central lantern hanging from the ceiling. A cot sits against the outer wall, a small hearth almost opposite. A narrow shelf above the bed holds knick-knacks, and the table holds one plate with a partly-eaten meal. To one side, a narrow ladder and an open trap-door provide access to the light deck above. There is no sign of rope on this level, either, though it contains plenty of household items.

As you take all this in, two loud, sharp blows of metal striking stone, ring from the darkened entry to the light deck.

Talon, from outside the fourth floor light deck, sees a small round room with open sides beneath a conical roof. A large, shiny contraption takes up the center of the room, and someone appears to be beating on it. The shadowy figure pauses its movements.

Wednesday October 31st, 2001 10:19:29 PM

Rigging hears the banging and heads on up the ladder. He has his magic missile spell ready in his mind for a quick cast, but he is being careful. He is wondering were the normal light house attendant is and doesn't want to kill an innocent. "He whispers to whoever is following him up the ladder, "Be alert, but hold off. We don't want to kill the lighthouse worker in error."

Thursday November 1st, 2001 5:33:27 AM

(ooc Our DM pointed out some discrpancies that I had on my part. (I am not at home, doing character from memory. Apologize for errors. Will double check thurs night) Spells are as follows. Wiz 0 (Ray of Frost, Detect poison, Detect Magic, Resistance), 1 (Alarm, Magic Missle, Shield x 2) Druid 0 (Light, Flare, Resistance) 1 (CLW x 2) ) (sorry for late post)

Ari does his best to follow the group up.

Ashira  d20+3=19 d20+3=5
Thursday November 1st, 2001 11:25:44 AM

Following Rigging up to the top of the lighthouse, Ashira gently pats Rigging's buttocks and whispers "Be careful up there, I don't like the looks of this." Ashira remains vigilant for any sights (Spot=19) or sounds (Listen=5) of trouble.

Thursday November 1st, 2001 1:53:00 PM

Bart is working at blocking the entrancedoor and doesn't notice the "rumor" upstairs.

Redux  d20+6=17
Thursday November 1st, 2001 9:41:22 PM

Redux instructs Talon to keep a watch (Spot=17) on the figure in the tower, and to watch for any signs of motion from the water. Hustling up the stairs, Redux tries to reach Rigging and Ashira before they enter the 4th floor. If he is successfull, Redux whispers the report he recieved from Talon to Ashira.

Voices in the Dark (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+4=20
Friday November 2nd, 2001 11:08:47 AM

When Rigging peaks up into the light deck, it takes a few moments for his eyes to adjust to darkness, since his own body blocks most of what light shines up from below. During that time, everyone near the ladder hears the sound of low-voiced spellcasting. "Come no closer!" calls a man's voice in the Waha accent. "I must destroy the evil light, to protect our fair city."

Gradually, Rigging is able to make out shapes in the shadows. The 10 foot diameter room is centered by a looming structure that glitters faintly. The voice seems to be coming from the other side of this. Low storage cupboards line the base of the outer wall. Above these, the deck seems to be open to the darkness outside. On the stone floor several feet from the trap door, Rigging can just make out booted feet lying on the floor, tied together with something too flat to be rope.

Ari and Redux arrive upstairs at this point, and the mage whispers his message to Ashira. Talon, circling the light deck, can now tell that the figure standing on the opposite side of the room from Rigging holds a heavy weapon in his hands.

Down below, Bart, with the help of Valanthe, lifts the heavy bar into place on the inside of the door. There are no other openings to the outside on this floor.

Appolo  d20+2=5
Friday November 2nd, 2001 3:04:53 PM

Appolo heads down to the second floor passing
Ari and Redux on the way.He looks down stairs
ans says"good job,now we don't wnt to make it
to hard for them to get in.Could you to please come up her and help me move some barrels of
oil around?"He then walks over to the barrels and begins to push them toward the stairs.
Strength Check=5 The barrels are heavier then he thought.He has no luck.Stops and waits for assistance.

Friday November 2nd, 2001 3:38:50 PM

Rigging says to Ashira and Redux, "He is either a fanatic or under mind control in some way. I want ot capture him alive. Flat of the blades only Ashira. Redux watch our backs for more than one." Rigging then heads up the ladder and draws his weapons

Friday November 2nd, 2001 7:27:24 PM

Thanks for your help Val, let's go upstairs and look what else can be done. We also have to make a guardroster.

Sunday November 4th, 2001 11:14:01 PM

"Rigging, no, don't!" Ashira grabs Rigging's leg as he heads up the ladder, not wanting to trip him, but trying to prevent him from going further. In Elven, Ashira says "We need to do something more subtle. He's using magic. Perhaps you can charm him with some of your magic?"

Sunday November 4th, 2001 11:17:39 PM

If Ashira is successful in holding Rigging from going any further, Redux will cast web into the area above. He’ll then pull out his tinder box and motion like he would strike it to burn the web out.

It's a Brave, Mad Wold (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+2=7 d20+11=15 d20+6=24 d10+2=5 d10+2=5
Monday November 5th, 2001 2:08:05 PM

Appolo and Bart meet on the second floor. While Ashira tries to restrain Rigging, Redux has reason to reconsider his spell, which would likely expand down through the trap door to fill much of the third floor with sticky webbing. (Floors are 10 ft high, and Web has a 20 ft spread.)

The shadowy figure resumes beating on the beacon apparatus. Harsh clangs ring out through the night. "Fear not, my children," his voice calls out. "I will protect you from the corruption of the Wold! The killers of Domi will not reach you here. In the darkness, you will be hidden, you will be safe."

On the floor of the light deck, the bound person wriggles a few inches closer to the trapdoor.

Rigging  d20=2
Monday November 5th, 2001 2:33:54 PM

Rigging slows up at Ashira's tugging. "I am out of charm spells. I went more combative this time around. We need to act fast before he destroys the lighthouse." Rigging risks a peek and if able will grab the bound form and pull him closer. (rolled a strength roll. Guess the leverage is bad)

Monday November 5th, 2001 8:44:35 PM

Continuing in Elven, Ashira says "Well, I guess we have to do it the hard way. If we don't look threatening, then he probably won't attack us. Don't draw your weapons. We'll go up the stairs and try to stall him until Redux gets up there and casts something. You get on his left, I'll manuver to his right, and maybe we can tackle him once Redux casts his spell."

Ashira turns to Redux and whispers "We're going up to try and stall him. Follow us and neutralize him if you can."

Monday November 5th, 2001 10:05:28 PM

As quickly as he can, Redux thinks of a different action to match the actions of Ashira & Rigging. He will follow behind them as they attempt to talk to the figure. He will prepare Daze for when the opportunity presents itself or when the figure attempts an action against his friends or the lamp.

Rigging  d20+1=17
Tuesday November 6th, 2001 7:31:50 AM

Rigging heads up the stairs and as he passes will slashs the bonds of the tied up person. He cuts through them easily and then circles around to the flank of his opponent.

Tuesday November 6th, 2001 8:48:36 AM

With limited room, and limited resources, Ari helps out where he can, or moves to follow up, as directed.

Tuesday November 6th, 2001 11:39:05 AM

Val paces nervously. They are enclosed in what appears to be a secure room. Val can't help but wonder if the enemy is assembeling right outside. She takes a few steps, looks at the door, then turns around and walks back the way she came.

Tuesday November 6th, 2001 10:18:47 PM

Appolo is trying to move the barrells of oil around when Bart arrives."Hey,buddy wanna give me a hand.We canuse these barrels of oil and pour it down the stairs .Ya know fry the
Bastards.Hey were's Val?"he then steps down the stairs.Looking around he spots Valanthe."Hey,why don't you come up here and help us set acouple of traps.No use wearring yourself out pacing like that.The enemy will arrive soom enough.
Besides, I feel better when I know were you are and can see you.For some strange reason I worry about you.Now for my sake will you plaese come up here."He then turns and heads back up feeling alittle embarrassed after his little speech.

Tuesday November 6th, 2001 10:33:42 PM

Val looks back at the door one last time before heading up to help set traps. She smiles and gives Appolo a little kiss. "Sure what can I do to help?"

Wednesday November 7th, 2001 1:55:57 PM

Wat is happening upstairs? Anything alright woth you Bart yells
Appollo it is no need to move these barrels down , we have to bring them as high as possible and throw the oil from the top of the tower. Besides we need oil to burn the light!

We better have someone on the watch to guard the perimeter of the tower, Val can you do that?

We also have to t

Brother Reothene (DM Lee-Anne)  d10=8 d20+11=17 d20+6=17 d10+2=11 d10+2=4
Wednesday November 7th, 2001 7:07:29 PM

When Rigging cuts the belt and sash tying the prisoner's ankles and wrists, she scrambles backwards on hands and knees to the trapdoor and works her mouth free of a cloth gag. The middle-aged woman has short, dark hair and strong, well-weathered features. She wears the garb of a sailor. "It's Brother Reothene," she whispers harshly. "He's gone mad. Wit the beacon out, we'll have ships tearin' their keels out on the shallows."

As Rigging and Ashira cautiously approach the shadowed figure, and Redus clears the trapdoor allowing more light up from below, the three can see that the room is actually enclosed by tall, clear glass windows. The central apparatus consists of child-sized lenses arranged around a central lamp with a deep oil well.

Rigging and Ashira get their first clear look at the shadowy figure. He is a large man with broad shoulders, carrying a paunch under his robes. He appears quite old, his skin age-spotted and wrinkled, his head completely bald. His finely pointed ears and delicate features reveal some elven blood in his heritage. From a heavy chain around his neck hangs a symbol with which you've become quite familiar in the course of this never-ending night: the crossed swords of Domi. In slightly shaky hands, he holds the well-worn hilt of a bastard sword.

Behind him, a closed glass door gives access to the balcony that completely encircles the light deck.

The old cleric looks up as Ashira comes into sight, and he glares at her. The expression seems out of place, as if the deep lines on his face are more accustomed to framing smiles. "I bade you come no closer. Hold your place. You cannot keep me from my duty. I must protect Domi's children from foreigners and their filthy cults!"

Through the distorting effects of the intervening lenses, Redux sees the shadowy figure raise his heavy weapon for a blow -- at what, is not clear -- and begins to cast his readied spell. He feels a strong reluctance to cast any spell at his target, but forces himself to complete the incantation. (Rolled d10=8 to use your 8th pre-roll for Will save of 20+6=26.)

Brother Reothene, however, seems to take no notice of the Daze spell. He completes his swing, smashing the heavy sword against the brass fittings holding the nearest lens in place. Sparks fly, and the lens cants at an angle as the clamp gives way.

(Will save vs. DC 17 to attack him, as per the Sanctuary spell.)

Thursday November 8th, 2001 1:55:37 AM

What's that noise!????!!!!!

Bart rushes upstairs believing something is going wrong there

Thursday November 8th, 2001 3:55:11 AM

When Val kisses him, he turns a funny shade of red and says, "Now why'd ya go an' do that for?" with a sheepish grin. They reach the top. He replies to Bart. "We're going to move the barrels toward the edge close enough so they can be knocked down the stairs easily, after we light them on fire. We also need to figure out how to rig those stairs to collapse. That way the enemy can't reach us that way." He then looks at the two of them and asks, "What do ya think about my plan?"

Thursday November 8th, 2001 11:59:22 AM

Redux calls Talon to roost on the handrail outside the glass, asking him to sit in profile to the priest (able to see the light well and the priest). Redux will slowly move towards the lamp in the middle without getting between the priest and the lamp if possible. He then reaches to touch it while casting the Light spell. (and closes his eyes momentarily as he touches it and has Talon do the same; but not too long in case the priest attempts anything)

Thursday November 8th, 2001 12:15:35 PM

Uncomfortable with having to confront one of her cousins, Ashira sighs heavily as she draws her longsword. Moving slowly, and hopefully non-threatingly Ashira tries to position herself in between Brother Reothene and the lamp. Speaking in low tones, the half-elf tries to calm the frenzied priest. "Friend, I mean you no harm, but I can't allow you to destroy this lighthouse. There are men on ships out there that will drown if you are successful. Would Domi want that? Surely he would not want innocents to suffer?!" Ashira goes fully defensive as she tries to prevent the priest from further damaging the apparatus.

Ashira  d20+1=18
Thursday November 8th, 2001 12:20:29 PM

OOC Here's Ashira's Diplomacy check.

Rigging  d20+3=15
Thursday November 8th, 2001 1:31:34 PM

Rigging is also reluctant to try to attack this confused old man. He is also cautious. He wonders how his spells are working if his god has died. Maybe he isn't really dead but somehow just vanquished. "Redux Can you use your web spell to stop him without entangling all of us?" Rigging whispers to Redux.

Let There Be Light (DM Lee-Anne)  d20-1=9
Thursday November 8th, 2001 7:07:29 PM

Bart joins Ari on the third floor, as Appolo and Valanthe -- er -- discuss tactics.

On the top floor, Redux finds it a simple matter to reach between lenses to Light the lamp. Bright shafts of light suddenly beam out through the large lenses, spearing the darkness. The beam from the damaged lense points toward the base of the cabinets beside Rigging. (Everyone at this level, Reflex vs. DC 12 or be blinded for 1 round. Redux gets +2 bonus, because of his position.)

Brother Reothene cries, "No!" and throws up one arm too late to protect his eyes, giving Ashira the chance to press herself up against the apparatus in front of him. Quarters are very tight. The old half-elf shakes his head, trying to clear his vision, and his scowl relaxes into lines of deep sorrow. "No, you don't understand. Domi is dead, and these deaths of filthy cultist are necessary. We have to keep them out!" With that, the blinded cleric casts a spell, and inky Darkness descends over the flight deck. Ari and Bart, from below can still see the top of the trapdoor in the lamplight from the third floor.

Thursday November 8th, 2001 11:01:14 PM

When Bart goes upstairs, Appolo looks up and says, "Hey were ya going? Damn!!" He then turns to Valanthe."looks like it's just you and me kid. What do you think?." He smiles at her. "Screw this, no one else is interested in preparing a defense." He walks over to the window and looks out. "Ya know tonight actually is rather nice." He then takes his cloak off and places it on the floor, sits down his back to the placing his gear against the wall. "Why don't you join me down here??" Patting the ground next to him.

Friday November 9th, 2001 11:00:24 AM

Valanthe smiles and walks over to Appolo with a little extra sway in her hips. She sits beside Appolo with her legs tucked back to the side. With a smile she says,"So now that I'm here, what did you have in mind?"

Friday November 9th, 2001 1:55:12 PM

Appolo puts his arm around her"I don't know you tell me?"He says with a smile.Pulling her in clsoer.Thinking this is nice,the night is cool
and she's so warm.

Rigging  d20=10
Friday November 9th, 2001 3:07:47 PM

Rigging throws his hands up to cover his eyes but isn't in time. He crys out in pain and only sees a big white spot in front of his face.

Friday November 9th, 2001 9:38:53 PM

Val is about to kiss Appolo when Riggings cry turns her attention upstairs. "Appolo you better go see whats going on. I'll watch down here."

OCC: I'm going out of town for Saturday and Sunday. I'll be able to post on monday or tuesday at the latest.

Sunday November 11th, 2001 3:03:48 PM

Somethong is going on Ari, I'm going up!

Sunday November 11th, 2001 8:11:39 PM

Appolo looks at her. "Na--there's already too many people up there. They can handle it. I'm staying right here. They'll let us know if they need any help." He then kisses her. Pulling her close.

Ashira  d20+3=19
Sunday November 11th, 2001 10:33:46 PM

Able to shield her eyes from the blinding light in time (Ref=19), Ashira sees that the priest is blinded, and rejoices, thinking for a brief moment that they have been able to accomplish their mission without harming the man. Then the darkness washes over her, and Ashira's senses scream out at not being able to see her surroundings. Her Blindfighting training kicks in, and Ashira slows her breathing, and listens to the noises around her, trying to make out whether the old man will advance and attack.

She shouts out to no-one in particular. "It would be nice if some-one would cast Dispel Magic up here!"

Then she returns her voice to it's former calming tones, once again trying to reason with the priest. "True, friend, the cultists are out there, but there are also innocent men on ships. We have felt Domi's love...he rescued us from a cult god before he died. I know that he would not want innocents to die along with the cultists. Think of his last words...Have courage. My friend, we must find another way to destroy the evil cultists without harming the innocents! Please, have the courage to help me find another way to rid Waha of this evil without hurting anyone else!"

Redux  d20+4=15
Sunday November 11th, 2001 10:47:34 PM

Opening his eyes after casting the spell, Redux is able to keep them shielded long enough to pat himself on the back for restoring the lighthouse to working condition. Then, suddenly things go horribly wrong. Redux is surrounded by what can only be a magically enhanced darkness. Losing his bearings, the young mage reaches out with his hands, feeling about and trying to steady himself.

Outside, Talon, shocked by the sudden appearence of the darkness, takes to flight. He sends Redux a report of the sudden darkness, making sure to inform his master as to how far out the darkness extends.

Bright Burning (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+7=24
Monday November 12th, 2001 3:20:02 AM

When Ashira mentions courage a second time, Brother Reothene gives a low moan and dismisses his magical darkness, allowing Redux' light to flare anew. The old priest collapses to his knees, his eyes streaming tears, and drops his sword. He wraps his arms around Ashira's legs, sobbing brokenly into her shirt.

After a respectful pause, the released prisoner says quietly, "Well, that's done the trick, then. Who's you lot? I be Ajja, and I's mighty glad you come. It done me a turn, the old Stone goin' down on my watch." Peering cautiously past Rigging, she studies the heartbreaking scene. "Yous thinks you can move him? I'll be wantin' to repair what's broke."

Reothene eventually cries himself into an exhausted sleep, and with help Ajja gets the beacon fully operational again. In gratitude, she presents you with a delicate scrimshaw carving of a clipper in full sail.

Despite your vigilance, or perhaps because of it, the long night continues uneventfully, until both moons are once again high overhead, when a contingent of guards arrive to relieve you. Sea elves guide you safely back to the harbour, where a thick pall of smoke hangs heavy in the air.

Still looking harried, and tired to boot, Harbourmaster Kerris limps out onto the small pier as you're tying off. "Well, what's your report? I saw the beacon go out for a few minutes early on. And who's that?" He peers curiously and the old priest huddled still asleep in the longboat.

Monday November 12th, 2001 9:24:16 AM

Ari does his best to keep watch on the towner, until such time as the guards come to relieve the group. When the harbormaster asks for a report, Ari fills in any details that Rigging's forgets to give, assuming Riggings will be giving the report.

Monday November 12th, 2001 12:34:46 PM

Rigging fills in the harbor master on what happened. He then introduces the old cleric and says, "Our friend was confused but I think he is OK now. He might bear some watching for a while. I am not sure he was responsible for the other lighthouses or not. Question him gently." Rigging turns to Ashira and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Quick thinking" he compliments. "I am glad we all didn't panic. I sure am looking forward to getting back to the ship. Then you can boss me around again. Are you sure you don't want to take command of our little group of adventurers? You do outrank me."

Monday November 12th, 2001 4:41:48 PM

"I also think the old chap did lost his control due to extreme emotional stress. Any reports of sunken ships?

"Do you now an good place where they sell bows and arrows?"

Harbourmaster Kerris (DM Lee) 
Monday November 12th, 2001 6:26:05 PM

Kerris nods and grips each of your hands. "Well done. You my thanks for your help, and your handling of the situation." He presses a square of folded cloth into Rigging's palm. "I'll see Brother Reothene well taken care of. Have a care in the city; the dead walk the streets, and more madmen roam the darkness."

Helping the old priest to his feet, the harbourmaster answers Bart, "Normally, you can find many such places in the bazaar. With this trouble -- I can't guess." He Reothene to a nearby pier, where clerics are treating a row of injured people.

The trip back through the streets to The Aviary is a surreal nightmare of one gruesome scene after another. Sights of looting, fights, and once a ghostly priest of Domi loom at you out of the darkness, but you make it safely back to the inn and fall exhausted into your beds.

The cloth packet from Kerris unrolls to reveal ten perfect pearls.

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