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Unholy Procession
Battle for the Children or Rage if you Want to.

The God of Your Heart (DM Jerry) 
Monday October 15th, 2001 7:17:24 PM

As the curtain parts and the door is knocked down you see that both lead into the sanctuary proper. It is full of black incense and horrible black plants that reek making you gag. As you recover the dozen or so priests and acolytes in the room spin to see who the intruders are!

Some draw wicked blades while others begin to moan in their spellcasting.

You respond in kind! Heroes to the last.

Then the unexpected happens. The idol of Agla, which does looks extremely similar to Ga’al in a fishy sort of way, comes to life, rises and exults!

“We’re winning! There’s nothing to stop us now! The time for sacrifices and heartseeding is past my followers. This is the time for celebration! No longer will you have to hide under temples of the Gods of Wold. Now you will worship me in the open! Take to the streets my loyal ones! Proclaim my name among the masses! I will be with you!”

Now that you think about it, there was a dome on the building over the stairway. Was it a Temple of another god? Had these cultists had the “gaal” to build their temple right under another temple of the enemy?

However, there is no time to think more of this. It, instead is the time for action! You rush in to surprise the cult priests and their acolytes. However, for the second time you see something extraordinary which halts you in your steps. The statue stands and moving like a blur, blocks your progress. “No! I will not let you ruin our greatest moment! Agla wills you to be dead!”

He reaches out one stony hand and you are in agony. Falling to the floor and clutching your hearts, you cry out in pain as you each feel an invisible hand on your heart….squeezing.

You can’t see what is around you--couldn’t care less about your surroundings. Only concentrate on the pain. Willing it to stop. Begging it to stop……

Agony! Hopelessness! Fear! Despair!

Shortly, you are fading into blackness….

no hope….

No….. Hope…..

Then from within your tortured hearts, and perhaps from somewhere outside of you, you hear the words that save your lives:

“H A V E C O U R A G E”

The pain doesn’t matter anymore. This strange voice is calm. Soothing. Loving. Like Lemtrovex, but different. Could there be another good God out there?

It repeats stronger. Sweeter.

“H A V E C O U R A G E!”

Suddenly the hand on your heart is removed. You are healed. You feel strong. Young like a child again! With the confidence that that brings!

Then there is an explosion. Incredible!

Opening your eyes, you see that the moving statue of Agla has collapses on the ground. The cultists have opened their front door some 20’ away and are on the street shouting Agla’s name!

Then it hits you! That soft wonderful voice. It’s gone. Instinctively you know that this is a god that you have known in your heart of hearts all of your life, but alas too late, because you also realize that he has just been slain and with him a part of you has died too!

His name was Domi. You know that.

…Was Domi.


Everything goes dark! All lights are extinguished.


Once again you feel many emotions at once:

Pain. Regret. Confusion. Anger.

Through the front entrance of Agla’s Temple, you see above the exulting cultists that the two moons are turning blood red.

The roof begins to collapse.

Rocks falling. Another statue falls through the roof to land where Agla’s used to stand. A statue of a Monk with pleasant laugh lines. Buff. Wise. Brave. Full of courage.

The name of Domi is on the statue.

Thoughts fill your head simultaneously.

--Who was Domi?

--We have to get out of here now!

--They took the cage with the children on parade!


[Dexterity or Tumbling check of 11 to avoid falling rocks. Those hit take 3d6 damage and fall to the ground. Remember to use your hero points if you have them and wish to do so.]

The falling rocks propels you into action--the red moons lighting the way out!

(Let me know if you didn't get my email)

Appolo  d20+6=25
Monday October 15th, 2001 8:17:55 PM

After being dropped to one in pain then being healed agian, Appolo stands up and begins to dodge falling stones. "Let's get out of here!! Come on -- they got the kids!!" He heads out on to the street, quickly following the enemy, weapons in hand.

OOC:Tumbling Check 25

Ari {Chris}  d20=20
Monday October 15th, 2001 8:24:01 PM

Ari recovers from the attack and follows Appolo out, neatly dodging debris. He is rather pleased with himself on that account not being the fastest person around. "Yes, after the kids!!" he exclaims.

Dex Check:20

Valanthe  d100=76 3d6(6+4+6)=16
Monday October 15th, 2001 10:31:46 PM

Before Vala realizes whats going on, the roof is collapsing all around them. She cursed herself for trying to rationalize instead of acting on instinct. Unfortunately she can't avoid the collapsing roof.

(OCC: no tumbling skill so she can't make the roll. the dmg from the rocks is 16)

OOC (DM Lee) 
Monday October 15th, 2001 10:37:48 PM

Please roll a Dexterity check if you don't have Tumble.

Rigging  d20+4=19
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 12:27:23 AM

Rigging dives to the side and glances as rocks pound the area where he was crouching. He notices Val stagger as some rocks bounce off her. He grabs her arm and starts to guide her to the exit. "No going berserk yet!" Rigging says intensely. To the rest of the group, "Well you heard him in your hearts! Have courage and strike down those child killing scum. I would rather die than bow down to Ga'al or Agla. Lets go skin some priests!

Bart  d20+3=13
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 2:26:05 AM

Bart get's up with pain in his heart. He just manage to avoid the falling rocks. Het retrieves his sword and goes to the entrance, full of revenge

Blue (Ken)  d20=11
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 10:12:51 AM

Blue is at the opening of the curtain when his world is thrown upside down. The god he knows and follows, Lemtrovex, has never spoken to him in this way. The pain, as he is on his knees is unbearable. His young mind struggles with the situation. Then with a start the pain is gone. A new god, but one familiar just the same, speaks to him. He’s heard this voice before. Strength and courage well up in the cleric as he stands to face the enemy. The physical world then begins to shake, literally. Blue is very confused. Virtuous things that were so clear in his mind compete with thoughts of self preservation. Training and discipline draw him to the children and his family. He quickly scans the area looking for where he should be. As the roof collapses he knows that it is impossible. He has no choice but to scramble up the staircase behind him. He is just able to miss being hit and makes it to the outside. He begins to cry. Emotions are easier to control when the purpose is clear; he prays to Lemtrovex for an answer to the troubles.

Rigging  d4+1=4 d4+1=5
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 10:18:43 AM

Rigging looks for the priestess of Agla/Ga'al.
When he locates her, he will decide if it is possible to sneak up and back stab. If he doesn't like the odds he will cast a magic missile spell at her. If she isn't available, then he will lose it at the blonde mage. If she isn't in sight, then he will attack any spell user he sees. He then checks on his family. "Let's go! For the glory of Lemtrovix!"

Redux  d20=20
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 10:50:03 AM

Redux closes his eyes to the pain. He hears Talon screech in his mind, knowing the pain too. As the pain is taken and the healing renews his mind and body he re-finds the purpose, strength and courage with which he began this path so many years ago. The gods fight, this was nothing new to him. Having a god die was rare, but the good always overcame… He deftly sprints up the stairs, knowing its his best way out. He has time to collect himself and his bird-friend as Blue stumbles up to join him. Seeing the other way out, and the stream of people, Redux gives the boys shoulder a squeeze and points the way they need to go. In the back of his mind he wonders why evil has such a hold on the Wold. He makes a mental note to check in at the next temple of Alemi when the opportunity presents itself. He also wants to contact his mentor. That comes later. The battle has changed but continues. A ghoul hand floats nearby. He will find the rest of the group if they appear, otherwise he will follow after the enemy and attack with Ghoul touch.

Ashira  d20+2=11
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 10:59:24 AM

Enraged with feelings of helplessness while in the god's grasp, another wave of rage overcomes her when she sees the priests of the cult god leaving with the children. Then the voice and healing come, and Ashira is dodging the debris (Dex =11), dashing out into the open air in hot persuit. Not liking the feeling of being some cosmic being's play toy, Ashira rushes after the priests, ready to hack down the infidel Aquatic elves involved in this evil. She pushes aside any internal questions of Domi and focuses on pursuing and killing the first Aquan she comes upon.

The Word is Out (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 6:59:35 PM

The party spills out together onto a street filled frightened people running about in panic. Ahead, the cultists force their way through the crowds ahead, laughing and dancing, the blonde sorceress visible among them. In the midst of their impromptu procession, ten cultists bear a large wooden cage on their shoulders. A half dozen scared children are trapped inside, and another is shackled spread-eagled to the outside of the cage.

A handful of priests lead the parade, a sahuagin and an aquan elf among their number. At their head, the Beloved of Agla, the mysterious aquan stands on the shoulders of a hulking sahuagin, her ceremonial robes proclaiming her high priestess. She preaches loudly to the crowd as her servant carries her down the street. "Exult with us, people of Waha! Domi is no more, and the gods of Wold will soon follow. The Cult Gods will triumph, and our Lord Agla will come to rule! Join us! Give yourselves to Him, and become the favoured people of the new Wold!"

The cultists have yet to notice the party, and the tail end of the procession is 30 feet away.

Valanthe  d20+4=9 d100=78
Tuesday October 16th, 2001 9:30:58 PM

OCC: Love the new look and I can't catch a break. Even my dex check failed.

Vala is still dazed and bruised from the rocks falling on her. She manages to weakly hold onto her weapon. If it wasn't for Appolo's help she wouldn't be walking right now.

Wednesday October 17th, 2001 2:07:30 AM

Once outside Appolo slows down to wait for the restof the group.A few seconds later Ari appears next to him.Then the others start to arrive and
finally Valanth staggers up to him and nearly collapses.He quickly sheathes his weapons and
wraps his arm around her pulling her close.
When he sees Rigging he yells"Valanthe is hurt,
looks like she took one to the head."He then sits her down and begins to lok her over.He aks
"Are ou all right.Here have some water>"He hands her his waterskin.He make sure she drinks some.
He has forgot all about the children or anything
else.He put his eqipment down and continues to fuss over her,completely concerned with her well being.When he spots Blue Appolo yells"Blue over here!!"

Blue (Ken)  d8=4
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 10:26:20 AM

Blue is quick to respond to the call for help. This need clears away the despair for the moment; he would do anything for his family. He goes to Val and casts cure light wounds and tends to any head wound he might find. Blue knows there is more to this than just Val and reminds Appolo that she will be alright and his sword is needed in the fight for right. Domi has commanded courage, so has Lemtrovix. He will look around to see if there are any more that need healing. He would like to stop the parade by using his tanglefoot bag on it and looks for a way position the throw.

(OCC the die role should have been 1d8+4=8 for cure light wounds.)

Redux  d20+4=7
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 10:28:11 AM

Redux casts Ghoul Touch and sends the Spectral Hand towards the parade, guiding the hand to strike at the aquan high priestess. He moves slowly, in order to maintain guiding it and not wanting to get too far away from them.

Ashira (Barkskin)  d20+5=19 d8+2=10
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 2:00:56 PM

Burning with yet unresolved fury at the sight of the evil Aquans and her favored enemy, Ashira decides to break up their little party. Ashira moves as close as she can without being noticed, trying to manuver herself to withing 30 foot of the mysterious woman's position. Removing her longbow, Ashira nocks an arrow and sends it flying toward the sahuagin carrying the mysterious woman. Ashira watches as the arrow sails through the air, hoping that it finds it's mark deep in the sahuagin's body.

OOC (Shot hits AC 19 for 10 points if within 30 feet. 8 points if out of that range.)

Wednesday October 17th, 2001 4:21:54 PM

Ari stands ready,he hecast magic missle at the blond magic user,then draws his rapier and moves forward.

Appolo  d20+6=25 d20+2=14 d8+2=8
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 4:28:17 PM

After Blue arrives and Appolo is assured that she will be alright,Appolo readies his bow and moves in to take Aim at the nearestfollower of Agla.He moves quickly forwardAnd fires.

OOC:PLease ignore the second die 20 roll.
Attack roll 25 for 8 pionts of damage.

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 5:37:21 PM

Rigging sees Ari's magical bolts score hits on the blonde mage and decides to follow suit. He hopes this will take her out of the action and free up some of his comrades from possible harm.
(9 points of damage from the spell). "Blue look after Val. Apollo we need your help in the battle! Flank them and do some damage from the shadows! Val you and Blue are my reserve. Help anyone who draws to much attention." Rigging then draws his weapons and heads towards the battle.

Wednesday October 17th, 2001 6:09:02 PM

Bart takes his dagger and makes a smal cut in his arm saying "For Domi ... " He rushes forward with his sword and dagger ready to attack

Scramble in the Street - Party (DM Lee)  d4+1=5
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 9:06:29 PM

Appolo and Blue hang back to care for Valanthe, falling further behind the procession.

Redux is able to keep pace through the thickening crowds. His first swipe with the ghostly hand manages only to attract the Beloved's attention to the thing. (Redux, roll 1d4 to determine your hit points lost to the Spectral Hand.)

Ashira catches up with the middle of the procession. Her arrow just slips past the shoulder of a frantic, crying woman to sink into the sahuagin's shoulder. The sea devil staggers a bit, but the Beloved of Agla keeps her footing on his shoulders.

Magical bolts fly from Ari (3 hp) and Rigging, and the sorceress' blonde head disappears as she falls. Ari and Rigging arrive within reach of the surrounding cultists, while Bart makes his way all the way to the head of the parade to confront the priests.

(Redux, Ashira, Ari, and Rigging roll Will save vs. DC 13, or go berserk as you feel the absence of the god of courage and honourable combat. Appolo, Blue, Bart, and Valanthe will have to make this roll when they enter combat.) . . .

Scramble in the Street, Cont'd (DM Lee)  d20+7=22 d20+1=8 d20+5=11 4d20(8+2+15+2)=27 d20=3 d20+1=17 d6+1=7
Wednesday October 17th, 2001 9:34:32 PM

The Beloved of Agla jumps to the ground and continues her preaching, while keeping a wary eye on the spectral hand. "Give yourselves to Agla! He will smother your fears, and fill your hearts with His consuming presence. Open yourselves completely to Him, as this young girl has done!" She gestures toward the child strapped to the outside of the cage, who continues to convulse and froth at the mouth. "All these children will soon be welcome in Agla's arms!"

The Beloved's sahuagin servant looks around wildly for the source of the arrow that struck him. Spying Ashira and her bow, he charges her with his trident, rushing right past Bart (Bart may make an Attack of Opportunity). The sea devil misses the ranger, and the tines of his weapon lodge in the side of the man beside her.

At the back of the procession, several cultists look around for the spellcaster who dropped their sorceress. One, a rough-looking sailor from last night's attack, recognizes Rigging and draws his sword, moving to confront the mage. He hits, doing 7hp damage. This cultist has a look of madness in his eye.

The remaining cultists walk blithely on, some even trampling the blonde. The people on the street rush about, and a terrible wailing can be heard from the collapsed ruin of the temple of Domi. Near the head of the procession, quite a few people in the crowd have turned to listen to the Beloved of Agla. Not far from Blue, Valanthe and Appolo, a small boy stands alone, wailing loudly as people rush past him.

Wednesday October 17th, 2001 10:02:50 PM

For the first time in her life, Val freezes. Blue's magic helped greatly. Instead of the intense pain wracking her head and shoulder, it was now a dull throb. Now everything made sense. When she was a prisoner on the slave ship, she almost gave up. Just when she was about to break, something warmed her spirit. It was Domi telling her to be strong. Val held on because of Domi. She survived the trip to shore because of Domi. If her god couldn't survive, how could she?

Ashira (Barkskin, Berserk)  d20+3=8 d20+4=7 d20+2=8 d8+5=10 d6=6
Thursday October 18th, 2001 9:22:53 AM

It finally clicks in Ashira's mind that a god has died. That, combined with the knowledge her evil kin and the presence of her racial enemy pushes Ashira into a beserking rage (Will=8). Throwing her bow to the ground, Ashira draws her swords and lashes out at the nearest moving thing/s.

OOC (Not that I expect any of these to hit anything...long AC=7 dam=10, short AC=8 dam=6)

Blue (Ken  d20=9 d20=5 d20+2=3
Thursday October 18th, 2001 10:31:10 AM

Blue scans the area tracking where his friends have gone and looking for injured among the fallen. He leans upon his early training and teaching. Even if some of it was rhetoric he finds comfort. He starts thinking out loud, to Val if she’s listening; any passerby would recognize it as a sermon, some might even hear and receive assurance regarding the chaos going on around. He speaks about the good of his god, the great Lemetrovex. He thinks about the cult gods and all the bad they’ve ever stood for. He knows in his heart of hearts that if a cult god overcame Domi, it had to have been by trickery and deception. How could anyone give themselves to a god they couldn’t trust; to one who only used people for bad and evil; who killed the innocent… He almost is lost in this sermon before he realizes he’s doing it (good thing no one looked, he thinks slightly embaresed) and remembers what the job at hand is, resuming his search for fallen. He also looks for enemy that might come in their direction.

Redux  d20+5=12 d20+6=22 d20=2 d20+6=7
Thursday October 18th, 2001 10:53:23 AM

(OCC Thursday October 11th, 2001 Redux rolled d4=3 for the hand)

NaJust missing the will check, Redux goes berserk and strikes at the first thing available, solid hit Ghoul Touch. A very small part in his mind tries to maintain control but can’t. He reels with the thought of god being killed. His fists curl (also the spectral hand) and swings at the air wildly.

(OCC d20=2 was for Talon will check, not sure of the pluses but certainly missed.) A screech is heard from above as Talon loses his perch and flaps wildly toward the ground, mostly falling. The loss of his masters mind turns apprehension into fear as things unnatural come to the mind of the bird. (OCC d20+6 is claw attack for anything below where he falls. Please determine if he takes any damage in the fall.)

Appolo  d20+1=16
Thursday October 18th, 2001 8:07:33 PM

Appolo atacks with his bow.
As previously stated.Nearest cultist target.

OOC:25 to hit,8 points to damage.Will roll 16

Rigging  d20=16 d20+1=18 d20+1=2 d6=2
Thursday October 18th, 2001 8:39:39 PM

Rigging feels a madness well up in his heart. His years of training take over and he is able to fight off the urge to madness. Unfortunately he was distracted and was by this unlettered piece of dung. Rigging spears his opponent with his rapier but badly misses his follow up with his dagger.

Valanthe  d20+7=22 d100=56 d6+2=4
Thursday October 18th, 2001 10:13:47 PM

Val finally snapped out of it. There was a battle going on and people were going to die if she didn't do something. Pulling her bow from her back, Val notched an arrow and fired.

(OCC: 22 to hit. If hit then 4 dmg)

Ari{CHRIS}  d20+2=14
Friday October 19th, 2001 1:55:00 AM

Ari moves upnext to Appolo and hurls another magic missle this time at Riggings opponent.
He does this while concentrating whith all his might on casting the spell.Thereis no doubt in his mind as to the rightousness of thier cause.


What's that Smell? Party (DM Lee)  6d20(6+18+18+10+12+17) 6d20(12+20+20+7+1+7) d20+6=18 d6+2=6 d2=2 d20+2=18 d4+1=4
Friday October 19th, 2001 6:37:03 AM

Ashira's wild swing at the sahuagin in front of her misses as it bites only air.

Blue helps two partially trampled people to their feet. He catches up with Redux just as the mage throws a punch at the woman scrambling past him. His fist connects with her jaw (Redux, please roll damage for unarmed strike).

The spectral hand, no longer under conscious control, maintains a fixed distance from Redux. As the cultists parade past it, the Hand mimics the wizard's punch, hitting one of the caged children. The procession grinds to a halt as the stench exuding from the paralyzed child sets many of the cage-bearers to retching. Some of the closest cultists and panicked bystanders are also affected. Ashira, near the back corner of the cage, Fort save vs DC 14 or be affected by the sickening odour coming from the cage. (-2 to attack, weapon damage, save, skill, and ability rolls)

Appolo's arrow drops one of the cultists at the rear of the procession. (Appolo, take 2 rounds of actions this round, please. Sorry!)

Rigging's berserk opponent is slammed by Ari's missile just after Rigging slices him. The sailor hardly seems to notice his wounds.

Valanthe's arrow lodges in the arm of one of the armored cultists at the rear. (Valanthe, roll Will vs DC 13 or go berserk)

Bart is alone in the crowd up near the priests. . .

What's that Smell? - Cultists (DM Lee)  d20+2=18 d20+2=9 d20+2=5 d2+2=4 d20+2=5 d20=1 d4=4 d20+2=12 d20=4 d20+3=14 d20+1=3 d20=17 d4=2 d20+1=6 d20+2=11 d20+1=8 d20+2=7 d20+1=2
Friday October 19th, 2001 7:21:57 AM

The Beloved of Agla takes the halt in stride and continues to extole the crowd. She has begun to gather quite an audience. "Come to Agla! Join us in our rise to glory! Accept his dark kiss, and share in his power!" There is a decidedly seductive tone to the priestess' speech, and it is having quite an effect on the crowd.

A young man standing near Bart suddenly shouts, "Yes! Domi is dead. Agla can protect us!" He runs over to the Beloved and prostrates himself at her feet.

The other three priests -- a human, and aquan, and a sahuagin, begin singling out individual people for one-on-one preaching.

Non-berserking characters make a Spot roll vs. DC 15 to notice Wynfrea sneaking up behind Bart, raised dagger in hand. Blue and Valanthe, being furthest away, have a -2 penalty to this check.

The berserk sahuagin (Sahuagin #1), having lost his trident, swipes at Ashira with both claws. One slices bloody lines down her sword arm, while his sharp teeth snap the air near her face.

Rigging's crazed sailor (Sailor #1) tries another unsuccessful swing.

Sailor #2, struck by Valanthe's arrow, lets loose a bloodcurdling scream and launches himself at a bypasser, grabbing her by the throat and attempting to choke her.

Four of the other cultists, one a sahuagin, in the bunch at the rear of the procession have begun to notice the arrows in their midst. Spying Appolo and Valanthe, bows in hand, these cultists draw swords and advance on the two archers.

Sahuagin #2 heads straight for Valanthe, attacking her with his trident. The tines gouge her armour. The merchant (Cultist #1) with him swings a belt dagger at Valanthe, hitting the elf for 2hp damage. Both of these opponents then seem to go mad, their eyes wildly rolling, their movements jerky.

Sailors #3 and #4 attacks Appolo with wild swings of their swords. They both begin frothing at the mouth.

A handful of people break into a nearby shop and begin looting. Escalating screams and some sort of explosion sound from the direction of the market. The whole of Waha seems to be going mad around you as the situation on this street escalates.

Ashira (Barkskin)  d20+7=22 d20+4=13 d20+2=10 d8+3=9 d6+1=6 d20+2=9
Friday October 19th, 2001 8:57:39 AM

Although not particularly thrilled at the stench coming from the child (Fort=22), Ashira is able to keep her lunch down. The stench helps to refocus her, as does the swipe from the sahuagin. A snarl on her face, Ashira squares up with the sea devil, lashing out with her longsword (AC 13, dam 9) and shortsword (AC 9, dam 6). Focusing all her attention on her opponent, Ashira is unaware of Bart's plight (Spot=9).

OOC (Is there any damage from the sahuagin swipe, or did the barkskin help out? Shouldn't the sahuagin be affected by the stench also? How 'bout a combat map?)

Bart  d100=88 d20+1=16 d20+5=13 d20+6=21 d10+5=6
Friday October 19th, 2001 11:29:18 AM

Although the pain in his heart is greater with the small cut in his arm he will remember Domi, may he revive. Bart sees the seadevil charging with his trident with a swing he places his dagger... miss, but his sword makes a big cut in the leg of the devil as he is passing by doing 6 dammage.
(d100, will save, dagger att, sword att, dam)

His initial target still in mind he is aware that the devil probally will confront him now instead of whom he was attacking. He steps aside and keeps the devil and the priestess in his eye ready to attack her or confront the devil first.

Bart  d100=16 d20=14 d20+5=14 d20+6=25 d20+6=15 d4+1=5 d10+5=15 d10+5=11
Friday October 19th, 2001 11:47:52 AM

OOC sorry for delayed post dm ignore attack of opp if you wishhes)))
Seeing the seadevil is attacking valanthe Bart attacks (not aware of wynfrea behind him) the priestess of Agla with his dagger (ac14, 5 dam) and his sword (ac 25 15d threat ac15, 11d)

Rigging  d20+4=5 d20+1=13 d20+1=18 d6=5 d4=1
Friday October 19th, 2001 11:53:47 AM

Rigging is to focused on his opponent in front of him to notice Barts trouble. He stabs the sailor again scoring twice with rapier and dagger. Rigging yells, "Bowmen and spells all on the high priestess. We have to break her lock on the crowd!"

Redux  d3=2 d20+5=25 d20+2=21 d20+2=19 d6=3 d20+5=23 d20+6=24 d2=2 d20+7=14
Friday October 19th, 2001 7:06:00 PM

(occ Unarmed strike=2pts dmg)

Redux is startled at his strike against the woman. The action is like a slap in his face (dc=25) and quickly apologizes to her. He’s satisfied at stopping the parade, wishing his ghoul hand might have hit a fighter or priest. Emotions turning to the battle at hand. He sees the sneak attack on Bart (dc=21) and calls out to him; also making a mental call to Talon. He will cast Chill Touch and attack the high priestess (ac 19 for 3hp dmg and possibly reducing her strength by 1).

Talon finds his wings (dc 23) and swoops over to Bart, attacking Wynfrea (ac 24 for 2hp dmg) to keep her from a successful attack. He will then fly up and circle the area, waiting, looking for others about to attack his friends (spot dc=14).

Blue (Ken)  d20+1=9 d20+7=11
Friday October 19th, 2001 7:16:29 PM

Relieved he doesn’t have to try to restrain Redux, Blue helps continue to help the woman to the side and away from being trampled. He doesn’t see Wynfrea (dc=9). His will begins to fail him (dc=11) as he thinks to help out Appolo or Val. His knees go weak and he throws his hands up in the air screaming at the gods who let Domi die.

Valanthe (Berserk and then some) 
Friday October 19th, 2001 9:25:25 PM

Val felt the artificial anger filling her being. She knew it wasn't real by the way it filed her. Her anger was sporadic and sudden. Instead of resisting Valanthe summoned her own anger, mixing it with the magic. Val threw the bow aside and drew her Scythe. She looked upon her adversaries with eyes that seemed to spit fire. Her teeth were clenched, spittle flying forth from a deep primal growl.

(OCC: going into a rage while giving into the berserk)

Ari{Chris}  d20=18
Saturday October 20th, 2001 9:08:33 PM

Ari spots Wynefre sneeking up bahind Bart and
yells "BART BEHIND YOU!! LOOKOUT!!"He then hurls
entangle at the two Cultists closing with Appolo,and then moves up to support him,drawing his weapons.


Appolo  d20+4=15 d20+6=23 d8=5 d8=5
Sunday October 21st, 2001 1:07:09 AM

After hearing Ari,Appolo kooks around and spots
Bart,he thewn yells"GET DOWN NOW!!DUCK!!"He then fires an arrow at Wynefree hitting the charging
He then drops his bow and arrows and draws his sword and dagger.Falling back preparing to play defense.

OOC:Spot 15,Attack 23,Damage 8.Please ignore second die 8

Sunday October 21st, 2001 2:28:53 AM

Bart turns around (in time?) and changes target from the priestess to the Wynfrea, the witch

Sanity is Fleeting - Party (DM Lee)  d20+2=6 d8=1 d20+2=15 d20+2=15
Monday October 22nd, 2001 1:52:06 AM

Although she wasn't able to touch him, Ashira's sahuagin opponent keels over as the effects of Bart's previous opportunistic hit finally catch up with him. The half-elf attacks the next person to catch her attention. (Next target: roll 1d8. 1-2 bystander, 3-4 retching bystander, 5 cage-bearer, 6-8 retching cage-bearer)

Bart, meanwhile, rushes the Beloved of Agla. Another of the priests, the human man, makes an attack of opportunity as the warrior passes him, but his swing misses. Bart slices the high priestess' arm open, and finds that her skin is tougher than it looks. (AC 16, not a crit)

Sailor #1 gurgles his last on the point of Rigging's blade.

Redux, in a frenzy of bloodlust, is unable to cast spells. He lands another solid punch in the midsection of the hapless woman, and she collapses, unconcious, in Blue's arms. Redux' next most obvious target is Blue. Inside the children's cage, the ghostly hand puches empty air. Talon scratches up a nearby bystander.

Valanthe works herself up into quite a state. (Stat adjustments as per Barbarian rage, but frenzy not under conscious control)

When Ari casts his spell, the small weeds growing in the street do their valiant best to grab at the cultists and crowd. The effect is hardly noticeable amidst all the other mayhem. At the side of the road beyond the procession, however, some shrubbery grabs hold of several fleeing citizens. Held fast in place, they turn their attention to the oratory and spectacle of the Beloved of Agla.

Appolo makes an excellent shot (remember to take -4 to attack roll for firing into melee) and Wynfrea falters a bit before recovering. Sailors 3 and 4 both take the opportunity to attack him while his attention is elsewhere, but they both miss.

(Ashira, Redux, Valanthe, and Talon remain berserk until otherwise notified. Blue doesn't have to roll until he gets hit or actually attacks somebody [Will DC 13]. All other PC's are no longer at risk of berserking.)

Sanity is Fleeting - Cultists (DM Lee)  d20+5=19 d20+5=25 d20+5=16 d4+1=5 2d6(5+5)=10 d20+1=18 d20+8=27 2d8(5+2)+3=10 d20=16 d20=8 d4=1 d20+2=13 d20+2=5 d20+2=17 d20=9 d6+1=4 d20+1=3 d20+1=19 d20+4=16 d8+3=4 d20=16 d4=1 d20-6=4 d20-6=2 d20-6=0 d20-6=2 d20-6=7 d20-1=13
Monday October 22nd, 2001 3:17:34 AM

"Infidel! Your struggle is futile," the Beloved yells this right in Bart's face. She reaches into a pouch at her belt and draws out a stoppered vial. "The time of the Cult Gods is at hand, and Agla will prevail!" Wynfrea times her attack with this triumphant shout, flanking Bart and driving her dagger into his neck. (threat and sneak attack, 15 hp damage altogether)

"Look you people -- even the sun hides from His might." The aquan high priestess raises the vial high toward the blood red moons, drawing the young supplicant to his feet with her other hand. "Drink of the Waters of Agla, and be accepted into His encompassing embrace!"

The young man accepts the vial and drinks down its contents. He throws his head back and screams, "Agla has found me worthy! Give yourselves to him or fall before him -- there is no other option!"

More people from amongst the crowd throw themselves at the feet of the Beloved, and the other priests busy themselves handing out more vials. Casting defensively, the Beloved of Agla takes the time to cast a discrete healing spell on herself. (Bart, Reflex vs. DC 14, or stumble over the converts, taking a -1 penalty to attack rolls for 1 round. You may make one SINGLE attack of opportunity against the young man or another convert.)

In the middle of the procession, one of the cage-bearers godes her retching brethren into some semblance of order. They will be on the move again next turn. The children in the cage look to be in very bad shape, and the Spectral Hand flails among them.

At the rear of the procession, all of the cultists, including a handful of children, have become aware of the active threat to their religious parade. Another handful of people from the crowd join in with this group, shouting, "Agla! Agla will save us!"

Sailor 2 is lost from sight as he follows his choking victim to the ground.

The berserking ailors 3 and 4 press Appolo with their swords, but their frenzied attacks are too sloppy to breach his defenses.

Sailor 5 and Cultist 2 move in to keep Rigging busy. The sailor lands a hit (4hp) and gets a glazed, maddened look in his eye.

Cultists 3 and 4 attack Ari with belt knives, one jabbing him for 1 hp damage.

Valanthe's maddened sahuagin and cultist #1 lay into her with their weapons, and both connect for a total of 5 hp damage.

The cultist children pick stones up off the street and lob them at the party members. Two of them begin screaming in rage.

Riggin  d20+1=17 d20+1=16 d6=4 d4=2
Monday October 22nd, 2001 2:11:55 PM

Rigging feels the rage at the end of his awareness. His training screams against losing control. He calmly fights on slashing his sailor opponenent with both sword and dagger.
He marvels at the effect a God's death can arouse. Especially one he had never even heard of before. He wants to get through his opponents so he can help his family

Bart  d100=7 d20+5=12 d20+6=24 d4+1=4 d10+5=14 d10+5=6
Monday October 22nd, 2001 5:16:08 PM

Sever wounded bart sees the man drinking the potion and with his words the anger controls him he makes an attack (of op) on him, trying to stop his blasphemy (ac 12 for 4 ac 24 for 14)

Bart, Ac 17 hp 14 power attack  d100=35 d20+1=21 d20+1=21 d4+5=6 d4+5=6 d20+2=20 d10+9=10
Monday October 22nd, 2001 5:31:31 PM

Bart is so angry at the witch Wynfrea he uses all his force in his attacks (ooc using power attack feat). He stabs the witch in a critical area doing her 12 damage, his swords follows and doing her 10 damage.... for Domi

Monday October 22nd, 2001 6:34:45 PM

Blue is startled by the ferocity of Redux' rage. He stumbles backwards, using his hands as much as his feet. He can see that the woman is out and that Redux will knock him out next. He moves defensively, staying out of arms reach and looking for something or someone to put in between himself and the mad mage.

Redux  d20+2=18 d8=4 d6=4 d20+6=9 d8=4 d2=2
Monday October 22nd, 2001 6:46:49 PM

Redux' emotions are completely out of whack with his normal reality. He finds that the attack on the unarmed woman left him very unsatisfied. Finding a way to satisfy the urge is the only thing that seems to matter. In a rage he looks around for someone to attack, maybe this time it will quench the fire that now burns within his mind. (d20+2=18 to hit, d8=4 direction, d6=4 damage)

Talon flies erratically into the crowd picking at the hair of some unsuspecting person in the street. (d20+6=9 to hit, d8=4 direction,d2=2 damage)

Ashira (Barkskin, Berserk)  d8=7 d20+4=10 d20+2=17 d8+3=9 d6=5
Monday October 22nd, 2001 7:03:50 PM

Pent up rage and fury from years gone by are finally unleashed as the half-elf snaps from the stress of recent events. Launching herself at the poor soul loosing his lunch at her feet, Ashira lashes out with her swords (long hits AC=10 for 9 dam, short hits AC=17 for 5 dam). Lost in a time long past, Ashira begins shouting out "No, you won't take her! I won't let you take her!"

Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 2:41:28 AM

Appolo continues to fight defensively.He is able tododge and parry his attackers quit easily becuase thier attacks though powerful are illtimed and badly coordinated.He also surveys the situation and doesn't like what he sees
most of the people have gone mad,including half of his family.He looks around and yells for
Rigging"we need to get out of here,we're in
serious trouble!!Watch Out for Ashira,shes lost it!!"He then turns toward Blue"Get up and take care of Redux knock him out if you have to!!"And Watch Out for that crazy bird of his!!"
He then adds Watch out for Valanthe too!!"
Appolo the resumes playing defense,trying to force the crazied enemy to attack and hit each other.

Ari{Chris}  d20+5=22 d8+5=6
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 2:54:38 AM

Ari draws his weapons Rapier in one hand,Dagger
in the other.He attacks the cultist in front of doing a fair amount of damage.He surveys the scene an doesn't like it much either his last spell didn't exactly have the desired effect and now he is forced into close order combat.Besides he has used up all of his offensive spells.
He looks at Appolo and says"I aggre with you,
this is bad not only do we have to contend with the cult,we have to contend with the maddness of the crowd.As well it seems that half of our family is also stricken whith maddnees."As he continues to fight.

Tilt - Party (DM Lee-Anne)  d20-1=5 d20+1=14 d3+1=2
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 10:12:30 AM

Rigging wounds Sailor 5, though the crazed man hardly seems to notice.

Bart clips the Beloved's new convert with his dagger (only a single attack allowed in AoO), and the young man collapses to his knees, but still manages to choke out his message. Bart has more success with Wynfrea, cutting her down.

As Blue goes on the defensive, he ducks behind one of the people in the crowd, and Redux obligingly clocks the fellow. The unknown man becomes enraged and punches right back at the maddened wizard (2 point subdual damage).

Ashira slices into one of the cage-bearers, and turns her frenzied gaze on her next victim before the first hits the ground. The cage tilts her way, and several of the trapped children scream.

With Appolo fighting defensively, Ari eliminates one of the cultists facing him.

Valanthe goes completely wild, tearing visciously into the crowd . . .

Tilt - Opponents (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+8=12 2d8(1+7)+3=11 d20+3=20 d20=3 d20+2=18 d20=11 d6+1=3 d20=5 d20+2=21 d20+2=5 d20+2=5 d6+1=2 d20+3=13 d20=10 d20-1=1 d20-1=4 d20-1=14 d4=1 d20+8=13 d20+3=21 d10+2=7 d10+2=5
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 11:14:26 AM

A cultist from the rear of the procession takes the place of Ashira's recent victim, promptly losing her breakfast from the stench of the paralyzed prisoner. (Ashira may make an AoO.) Despite this, the cage lurches into motion and the procession is once more underway.

The Beloved of Agla casts a spell and screams, "Agla will smite down the unbeliever!" She strikes Bart an open-handed blow that delivers more damage than expected. (Inflict Moderate Wounds, 11hp. Bart may make an AoO, potentially disrupting the casting. Will save vs. DC 15 to take only half damage.)

The surrounding priests continue to administer potions to supplicants from the crowd. The newest converts to Agla fall in with the procession.

While Cultist 2 harries Rigging, the berserk Sailor 5 slips another strike past his guard (3hp).

Ari's remaining opponent flails uselessly at him.

Despite his defensive stance, one of the frenzied sailors manages to hit Appolo with his sword (2hp).

Valanthe's sahuagin and his cultist companion continue to attack the barbarian, though neither lands a successful blow.

Several of the cultist children continue to lob rocks at the party. One stone skims harmlessly past Rigging's cheek. Two more of these children, berserk now, turn on the newest converts to join the rear of the parade.

A rumbling crash temporarily drowns out all other sound as the temple of Domi collapses completely into the hidden temple below. A moons-reddened cloud of choking dust billows out and rolls down the street and across the parade.

With a peculiarly hopeless scream, "DOMI!" an armoured priest rushes out of a side-street to crash into the cage-bearers opposite Ashira. He lays about him with a heavy bastard sword, cutting down one of the cultists and severely wounding another. The whole cage tilts in his direction as the carriers stagger under the shifting load.

Bart  d100=9 d20+4=23 d20+4=7 d10+9=10 d20+1=20 d20+1=8 d20+2=19 d10+9=19
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 11:55:03 AM

Bart sees the beloved coming to him she trys to touch him but befores she does hae manages to plant his sword in her arm (ac23 for 10 damage (power attack)
beware of the power of DOMI you bitch,...
(made a will save of DC 20 Just in case)

In his furios state he attacks her once more with his dagger and sword, his dagger misses but his blade is doing her subtantial damage Hit ac 19 power attack, 19 dam)
he who gives me courage...
I have faith in you Domi

Valanthe (Rage, Berserk)  d20+7=25 2d4(1+2)+3=6 d100=11
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 11:59:05 AM

Val growled at the cultist and Sahaugin like a feral beast. She is beyond the primitive reasoning that her rage allows. She has one instinct and that is to cut down whoever stands before her. She raises her scythe and attacks the Sahaugin with a diagonal downward slash.

(OCC: 25 to hit, 6 dmg)

Appolo  d20+4=19 d8+2=10
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 1:32:31 PM

Appolo strikes back"Take that you Bastard!!"He then falls back and continues on the defensive.
He is trying to decide what to do and figure a way out.But in general is to busy to think.

OOC:Attack 19,Damage 10

Ari{Chris}  d20+6=19 d8+3=5
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 1:36:20 PM

Ari engages his remaining opponent.Swinging with his Rapier.

OOC:Attack 19,Damage 5

Rigging  d20+1=15 d20+1=9 d8=5
Tuesday October 23rd, 2001 8:34:58 PM

Rigging is concerned. How can he break this spell if he can't use his magic to attack the high priestess. He has to finish these pests in front of him. Rigging thinks, "Damn this sailor!" I have struck him several times and he won't go down." As Rigging strikes home one more time, he hopes it will finish the man off.

Blue (Ken)  d20+4=15
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 10:19:56 AM

Blue doesn't like the idea of trying to get in between two grown men in a fist fight but he also doesn't want his friend or any innocents being hurt. He quickly pulls out his tanglefoot bag and attempts to take the fight out of their fight. (ac 15).

Redux  d20+2=19
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 10:37:27 AM

A growl is heard from within Redux as the man lands his punch. With an animalistic cry his arms reach over his head like a bear about to attack. He rushes the man and attempts to grapple and push him to the ground (ac=19), landing on top of the man with a thud.

Ashira (Barkskin, Berserk)  d20+4=23 d20+4=14 d20+2=5 2d8(1+7)+6=14 d8+3=10
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 11:43:16 AM

No longer in touch with reality, Ashira re-lives her past once again. Once again, the priests of Ga'al flood into her happy home. Timing their raid so that father has just left to help out with the fishing, the priests easily overpower mother. Knocking her to the floor, the chief priest shouts out "Ga'al be praised, and death to the infidels. No longer will this abomenation of a union be tolerated!" Two of the priests begin to tie mother's hands behind her back. But this time, things are different. No longer must she watch as events unfold. Ashira presses forward into the priests (toward the center of the procession), striking out with her swords (long AC=23 (crit threat), AC=14 crit?, dam=14 if crit, 10 if not; short AC=5). "Don't worry mother, they won't hurt you this time."

OOC (I leave it to Lee-Anne's imagination as to whom Ashira is exacting her vengence upon.)

Crash - Party (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+1=11 d3+1=3
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 12:46:34 PM

Up at the head of the procession, Bart wreaks havock on the high priestess, disrupting both her spell, and her speech as she presses her hands to the nasty wound in her gut.

Down at the other end, Valanthe bloodies her berserk sahuagin, while Appolo, Ari, and Rigging each drop an opponent. (This makes the second sailor that Rigging has defeated.)

Blue hits Redux sqarely with the tanglefoot bag, which bursts, leaving the frenzied Wizard covered in sticky goop. (-2 attack, -4 effective Dex, Reflex vs DC 15 or stuck to street) When Redux lunges at the bystander who struck him, the man takes the opportunity to land another punch (3 points subdual) just as the wizard grabs him, bringing the lunge up short.

The cage wobbles, briefly looming over Ashira again as she cuts another of the cultists beneath it almost in half. . .

Crash - Cultists (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+6=8 d20=18 d20=10 d20+2=10 d20+2=14 d20+1=4 d20+1=18 d20+2=13 d20+1=13 d3=2 d3+1=4 d20+3=7 6d20(3+2+7+14+20+12)=58 d20+8=10 d20+3=19 d10+2=5 d10+2=6 d2=1 d20+2=14 d20=5 d20+2=19 d20=15 d4=4 d20=1 d20=9 d20=7 d20=11 d20=1 d2
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 1:54:55 PM

The Beloved of Agla hisses in pain, baring a mouthful of sharp, pointy teeth unlike those of any elf. She backs away from Bart, screaming, "Stop him, children of Agla! Tear him to pieces for the Lord of Dark Waters!" She undoubtedly has more to say, but her retching as she backs too close to the stench coming from the ghoul-paralized child cuts her off.

She said enough, though, as the other aquan priest turns to Bart and Commands him to, "Freeze!" (Will save vs DC 13 or do your best to freeze for one round.) This priest promptly enters a frenzy as the remaining priests minister to the line of waiting converts.

Six of the newest converts gang up on Bart, two distracting the warrior while the other four attempt to grab him. (Bart, if not frozen, may make an AoO against one of them. If not frozen, make two grapple checks vs 13 or be grappled by two people, taking 2 + 4 points subdual damage.) Three of these people seem to go mad, screaming with bloodlust.

Back by the cage, the berserk priest of Domi cuts down two more cage-carriers. The whole cage tips in that direction, its southwest corner hitting the street, hard. The children inside scream as they are tossed about. Their cage wobbles for a moment, then crashes down on top of the priest of Domi, trapping him and quite a few bystanders. The lively shrubs by the roadside entangle one corner of the bars. The Spectral Hand is left hanging alone in the air, flailing at nothing.

Relieved of their burden, the four cage-cultists on Ashira's side draw weapons and mob her. Sailors 6 and 7 attack her directly with short swords, while cultist 6 and 7 circle to flank her (provoking an AoO from Ashira, berserk though she is) with daggers. Only one of the weapons penetrates the ranger's magically thick skin, doing 4hp damage. Three of Ashira's attackers fall victim to the strange battle madness.

The two remaining cage-bearers rush to the aid of their puking high priestess, though one of them is no better off than she.

Rigging's remaining opponent, cultist 2, gets his dagger tangled in his own loose sleeve.

With the accuracy of madness, Sailor 3 sneaks a strike past Appolo's guard, doing 2 hp damage.

Sahuagin 2 spears Valanthe brutally with his trident (10hp), while the berserk Cultist 1 flails uselessly at her.

Redux's opponent tries to retaliate in kind, but can't seem to lay a hand on the sticky mage.

The cultist kids throw a last harmless round of rocks, then run toward the head of the procession, away from their berserk fellows.

More fights break out in the crowd as fears and tempers flare.

Bart AC 19, wounded  d20+1=21 d20+3=16 d20+4=19 d10+9=11 d20-3=10 d20-2=18 d10+9=16
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 3:13:02 PM

Bart sees him surrounded by a lot of people he cant reach the bitch at least she feels the power of Domi....

The words of the other priest don't affect him, that's a sign of weakness of this cultistgod is this all he can do?

He counterattacks one of the the grapplers (the one who is apperantly not frenzying) cutting him open with his sword (ac 19 for 11 dam).

Because he is surrounded with people his moves are more defensive making him more difficult to hit (ac +2) His attack is to another opponent believing the wounded one has enough his dagger misses (ac10) but his sword cleaves his opponent (ac18) in the belly doing 16 damage.

He takes a few steps (5ft step not provoking an AoO) backwards giving him an better position to attack and defence.

Rigging  d20+1=20 d20+1=10 d8=3 d4=4
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 4:20:29 PM

The young mage/thief takes his opponents clumsy stroke as an opportunity to try to finish him off quickly. He lunges with his rapier driving it deep into the cultist's body. (not sure if it is a critical hit). He follows up with a quick stroke of the dagger slashing the cultist's neck. If the cultist falls, Rigging will step back and prepare a spell for the next round.

Appolo  d20+4=20 d8+2=9 d20+4=20 d4+2=6
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 5:21:14 PM

Having fimished onr opponent Appolo take a hit form the other one and strikes back viciously,
with his short sword.

OOC:Attack 20,Damage 9 Not sure if that is a
critical hit or not.If it is he slashes agian
this time at his opponents throat.For ^ pionts damage with his dagger.

Ari{Chris}  d20+6=18 d8+3=11
Wednesday October 24th, 2001 5:30:52 PM

Ari flanks Appolos opponent and strikes.He slashes a vicious wound in in the cultists side.
"Blue help Valanthe,we're going to supporrt Ashira!!"AS soon as this opponent is finished
he rushes to Ashiras aid."We're coming Ashira!!""Come on Appolo!!"
OOC:Attack 18,damage 11

Blue (Ken)  2d8(7+7)+4=18
Thursday October 25th, 2001 11:55:17 AM

Blue glances in Ari's direction then over to Val. He sees the wounded Val and the rage/bezerk state she's in. Definitely more of a life threat, but to him as well. He will leave his sticky friend and cast Cure Moderate Wounds on her. He acts very defensively (ac+4), and moves toward her from the rear (keeping out of her line of sight) (he also wants to keep from any AoO from anyone).

Thursday October 25th, 2001 11:57:29 AM

(occ CMW=18 hp)

Redux  d20+2=18 d20=3
Thursday October 25th, 2001 12:38:47 PM

The primitive part of Redux' mind that is in control can't understand exactly why things are the way they are. He struggles to grapple the man in front of him, not stuck to the street (dc=18) but slowed and uncoordinated he misses badly (ac=3). A bystander could observe the effect of the sticky substance on the mage as sliding off his robes and onto the ground but sticking to his hands and feet; because of his movements, some of the goo managed to find it's way under his robe. If Redux were in his right mind he'd laugh at the effect. Since he's not, he only wonders how he might cast a spell but even the well known Magic Missiles eludes him.

Ashira (Barkskin, Berserk)  d20+4=11 d20+2=9 d8+3=6 d6=5
Thursday October 25th, 2001 1:05:52 PM

Ashira continues her struggle against the priests of Ga'al, trying to work her way to her mother's side. As the two priests flank her, Ashira strikes out erratically (long AC=11 dam=6, short AC=9 dam=5) as terror wells up inside her. She knows too well what will happen if the priests are able to subdue her.

Meanwhile, the chief priest draws a wicked looking dagger as he continues his sermon on the evils of mixing human blood with any of the lesser races. Disbelief mixed with terror wash over mother's face as she struggles desperately against her bonds.

Heave - Party (DM Lee-Anne)  d4+1=5 d20-1=7 d20=14 d4=3 d4=4
Thursday October 25th, 2001 2:52:12 PM

Bart downs one of the converts before they gang up on him. He wrestles free of both grapples, and takes out two more of them, killing one outright as he steps back out of their midst. (Converts from the crowd are AC 10, so the dagger hit, rolled 5 hp damage. Note: Bart should be making his grapple checks at +7.)

Cultist 2 collapses at Rigging's feet, badly maimed and bleeding heavily. (Crit successful - civilian cultists are AC10)

Appolo's opponent, Sailor 3, also drops to the street. He is badly wounded, but still conscious, and still clinging madly to his sword. (Sword threatens a crit only on natural 19 or 20. Dagger blow disallowed -- see my email, Chris.)

Ari hurries to Ashira's aid and takes Cultist 6 out from behind before the poor fellow even knows he's there. Adding in a booming voice to the struggle. "Everyone who is and OF the FREEBORN, here me. We must remember who and what we are. We are those that have overcome terrible odds, and left our families behind, in order to find a better life. As we have done in the past, we must do so again now. I REFUSE to let children to be sacrificed, in order to follow the dictates of someone else's whim. I do not need to align myself with any god, to know that what goes on here is an abomination. I choose to put my life on the line, so that all children may grow up to make thier own minds, about how and who they will become. We must push this abomination back from whence it came, back into the ABYSS. It is the only common sense thing to do.'

Some of the people in the crowd turn their attention to Ari. (Diplomacy check vs. DC 16, pleae)

Blue tries to cast his healing spell on Valanthe without putting himself at too much risk, but he can't seem to get close enough to the frenzied elf. (Rolled Concentration for you to cast defensively: 7, failed. Spell lost.)

The bystander takes an opportunistic and useless swing at Redux when the mage tries to grab him.

Frenzied and delusional, Ashira plants her sword in Cultist 7 as she flails about. The cultist wavers, but keeps her feet.

Valanthe and Talon continue to tear randomly at the crowd. . .

Heave - Cultists (DM Lee-Anne)  d8+3=5 d20+3=7 d20=7 d20=9 d20+2=4 d20+2=20 d6+1=2 d20=7 d20+4=20 d8+3=4 d20=10
Thursday October 25th, 2001 3:44:58 PM

The horrid stench drifting from the tumbled cage disperses quickly, and suddenly the Beloved of Agla and quite a few other people among the cultists and crowd look dramatically healthier. The Beloved takes a moment to heal the worst of her wounds.

The near side of the cage heaves up as the trapped priest of Domi tries unsuccessfully to free himself, setting all the caged children into panicked screaming. Noticing the movement, the high priestess cries, "Children of Agla! We must secure the sacrifices for our lord." All the sane priests and cultists abandon their berserk comrads to the mercies of the party and rush over to the cage. Pointing to the trapped priest, the Beloved continues, "See this pathetic servant of a dead god! He will die the ignoble death of his weak master, as all the gods of Wold will fall before Agla and the Cult Gods!"

Without question, and without pause, two cultists plant their swords in the trapped and helpless priest, one piercing his heart; the other, his eye. The sane cultists and a few of the spectators cry out in triumph as the priest of Domi is executed. Their fellows free the cage from its entangling plants and heave it to their shoulders, some people rushing from the crowd to help.

Bart's two remaining opponents throw themselves at him, unsuccessfully trying to bring him down in their uncontrolled frenzy. (provoking one AoO from Bart.)

The two berserk sailors left facing Ashira lash out at her. Sailor 7 bloods the maddened half-aquan for 2 hp.

Redux's persistent bystander screams in fury and launches himself at the sticky mage (provoking and AoO), trying, unsucessfully to grapple him in turn.

Sahuagin 2 spears Valanthe again with his trident (4hp), interfering with the attack of Cultist 1.

Bart AC17 wounded, power attack  d20+4=18 d10+10=15 d20+1=8 d20+2=21 d20+2=5 d10+9=15
Thursday October 25th, 2001 6:54:19 PM

You are following the wrong being mortal...It was your choice...to die ... (AoO Ac 18 for 15),
one to go..

His dagger misses again, but his blade finishes the other opponent (ac21 for 15).

With no more threatening people around him, he takes a few steps towards the cage, to confront the bitch once again..or to aid his friends depending on the situation he has both options open.

Rigging  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Thursday October 25th, 2001 9:24:32 PM

Rigging notices the high priest in their spell casting and decides to try to disrupt it. He murmers his own quickly forgotten words and 2 missiles launch from him stiking the high priest. When Rigging hears Ari's speech, a warm feeling blossoms in his heart. His boon companion is the best and bravest of friends. After casting his spell, Rigging will branish his weapons and yell, "All free minded and free born! Rally! Rally! Rally to me. We will drive them back! Rally to me!"

Appolo  d20+4=16 d20+6=21 d8+2=6 d4+2=6
Thursday October 25th, 2001 9:48:59 PM

After his opponent falls critically wounded to the ground,Appolo hears Ari's words and promtly finishes his opponent off.He then proceeds to hurl his dagger at the nearest cage bearing

OOC"Shortsword attack 16,damage6,Dagger 21,6

Valanthe (Rage, Berserk)  d20+7=14 2d4(2+1)+3=6
Thursday October 25th, 2001 10:58:15 PM

Valanthe heard none of the inspiring words on both sides. All she could hear was the call of battle and the sound of rending flesh. She felt no pain or the river of blood that was flowing from her wounded body. With determination that only rage provides, Vala brings her scythe down on the Sahuagin.

(OCC: 14 to hit, if hit then 6 dmg. Thanks for the attempted save Blue. I'm sorry that it didn't work)

Ari  d20+6=19 d20+6=20 d8+3=5 d8+3=6 d20+2=7 d20+2=14
Friday October 26th, 2001 9:16:32 AM

"Rally people, one and all. Rally to the call of freedom. See how this warped sister calls for the sacrifice of the children. See how this wicked women calls for the downfall of all gods but hers. This Agla " Ari pauses, and then spits, " is an abomination. I call to all who favor freedom, to pull down these people that would call themselves servants of Agla. Free the children, one and all." As Ari delivers his next speech, he closes with Sailor 7 (I think. Closest adversay according to Map). Puncuating his words, Ari delivers a deadly blow to his opponent. (ooc did this from work, so I'm not 100% sure that I did this right. Crit threat (19), crit hit (20) for 6+7=13 +3 for str? =16 dam). (Diplomacy roll of 7, used hero point to re-roll, got a 14. Cross fingers? ;) )

Ashira (Barkskin, Berserk)  d20+4=12 d20+2=18 d8+3=7 d6=4
Sunday October 28th, 2001 12:04:19 AM

Beginning to despare at the overwhelming odds, Ashira is almost ready to give up when father (Ari) bursts through the door. Dispatching one of the priests trying to subdue her, and then attacking the other. Looking at Ari, Ashira says "Father, we've got to save mother!" Renewing her efforts to make her way past the priests to her mother, Ashira deals out another two blows (long AC=12 dam=7, short AC=18 dam=4).

The chief priest, stunned by father's inconvient return, falters in his speech, hesitating, dagger still in hand. Quickly coming to his senses, he shouts out to the other priests, "Subdue those two...I'll deal with this one."

Blue  2d8(4+4)+4=12
Sunday October 28th, 2001 12:13:01 AM

Blue is frustrated at his lack of concentration and the lose of the healing spell. He hears Ari's call and redoubles his efforts to heal the injured Val, now unconcerned with becoming a target. He doesn't want his comrad faltering due to the injuies inflicted by the mislead followers of a false god. (CMW=12) He will then pull out his staff and begin the fight at her side.

Redux  d20=12 d6=5 d20-4=7
Sunday October 28th, 2001 12:31:29 AM

Redux sees the opening in the man's defenses and takes the attack (ac 12 for 5hp). The insanity of it all; first his robes allow the stick to stick (and underneath, eewww) and then this upstart tries to rub his nose in it. Why, I'll show him, I'll make him stick to me. Redux' delusional state confuses his realities and expectations. In reality, he would rather die than stick and he would surely not want anyone stuck to him. Redux finds his hand harder to get back than it was to send out and forgets to try another attack with it. The obvious choice is to bring his off hand around for an attack as well and uncoordinatedly sticks his hand to the man's shirt (ac 7, if I got the modifier right).

Who's Mob? (DM Lee-Anne)  d2=1
Sunday October 28th, 2001 2:11:01 PM

Perhaps swayed by the strong words of Ari and the party, perhaps by the screams of the imprisoned children or the murder of Domi's priest: whatever the cause, the mood of the crowd shifts from rapt audience to angry mob. Even as you struggle with the last of your opponents, dozens of people rush past you screaming, "Save the children!", "Murders! Down with Agla!"

The mob crashes into the small cadré of cultists and sweeps them past nearby buildings and into the next street, leaving the battered cage and a few bloody, severed limbs in their wake.

It takes you some time to restrain and calm your frenzied companions, but eventually you get everyone together, and the children freed from their cage. You herd them through dark and chaotic streets to the safety of Lem's temple and the orphanage, where Gastu welcomes them and hears your report.

"It is indeed a sad day for the Wold, for it is true: Marteus has killed Domi, god of Courage and War. These cultists of Agla, if any survive, had best hide themselves well, for the people of Waha will not look kindly on them. The Council wishes to thank you for uncovering their temple, and for saving these stolen children and countless others by stopping the procession. I hope that this small reward will be of some use to you in the dangerous times ahead." With that the giant magistrate retrieves a small coffer from his study for you. "Go with Lemtrovex' light in your hearts, and be strong in the days to come."

Sunday October 28th, 2001 3:50:09 PM

When Val snaps out of her frenzy the first thing she feels is pain. It takes all of her strength to make it back to the temple. Once she's within the temples safety, Val drops to the floor and just bleeds. Her breathing is labored and flesh is pale. As a sign of how bad things are, Val drifts off to sleep. Something elves rarely do.

Sunday October 28th, 2001 11:18:33 PM

Rigging is stunned by the turn of events and the mob's swift justice. Though scratched, bruised and tired, he feels good about the outcome. He thanks Gastu for the reward and askes if he could help Val out with some healing. She seems to be the worst of the group. He then turns to Redux and says, "Redux, Now that we have completed our mission, what are your plans? I would invite you to join our little group of commandos. I can offer you long periods of boredom, backed up by incredibly tense moments of terror. The offer also comes with a strong sense of family and a group of individuals who will lay their lives down for you. You have proven your worth to me. You are an asset in the intellect department and under the stress of battle. You also give me someone who loves magic as much as I do to talk with." Rigging turns away and inquires on the well being of Lem.

Monday October 29th, 2001 10:59:12 AM

Blue is troubled deep within. He tends to the needs of others and then slips away for some quiet meditation. While in prayer he does not feel the normal presence of his god. His prayers are not fully answered and he does not feel the power and healing come upon him. Most notable, he recognizes that the spells he requests are not given. This is in fact the most striking thing about his meditation, the strong healing spells he depends upon are absent. He feels himself drawn to something that he cannot put his finger on; not right away. He goes through his feelings for his family. He remembers the fights they’ve been in, the uncertainty faced, the bond they share. But the answer is not there. As he recalls the most recent fight, the fight for the children, now that was one that pleased the god. He remembers the children’s faces when he first saw them in the cage. He remembers their faces when they were released; how the fear was washed away. This makes him feel good and he feels the presence of his god. There are more children in the orphanage now. There is work to be done at this place. He feels himself being drawn towards the children, a bond has already developed having fought for them. He would do anything for these children. Momentary confusion as he realizes that this is how he feels about his adventuresome family, and then understanding.

It is with mixed emotions that he joins the others at breakfast in the morning. He must stay for a time with these children and learn from Gastu. It is his path. He explains as much as he thinks they can understand from his meditation time and his prayers with his god. He asks for their understanding as he takes this time away from the group. He feels that it is only temporary. He has no use for the reward from Gastu. He has spoken with the priest and all of his needs will be met. Indeed, there is much that he will be providing to the orphanage. He will also look after Lem as he recovers from his illness. He waits for their good-byes and gives them each Lem’s blessing. He reminds them of Domi’s final words to have courage, even when things don’t make sense.

Monday October 29th, 2001 11:15:59 AM

Confused and distressed, Ashira's mind slowly adjusts to reality. Unable to cope with the competing depression from her delusions and shame from letting it effect her in battle, Ashira retreats to her room in the Aviary immediately after the situation is disolved. The half-elf stays in her room, missing breakfast as she wrestles with demons from her past.

Monday October 29th, 2001 11:37:40 AM

Redux has a headache. He remembers some things and others he would like to forget. He recovers Talon and he calms the remaining fears the companion has. …and the mess, there’s the mess to clean up. His skin crawls and a shiver remains up his spine until all of the goo is off. He spends a good long time checking and rechecking the placement of his robes. It just gives him the creeps that anything would get underneath his clean robes. Some would call him obsessive, others fastidious, but finally every hair and every feather is in its proper place.

As he hears the recounting of the battle he is pleased to have had some measure of success in stopping the parade. He is impressed with the recounting of the skill with which the fighters dispatched their foes while all around them was in chaos. He relates to the group that his current mission is not yet fulfilled until the spores are recovered and sent to his mentor. Even after that time has passed he is interested in traveling with this group. Their adventures are just what is needed for his further study and may yet yield an elusive spell or two. (Speaking to Rigging, there is one in particular that he would like the opportunity to attempt to copy.)

Monday October 29th, 2001 12:21:46 PM

As the crowd finally comes to its senses, Ari moves to help the children as best he can. Feeling sorry for the priest of Domi, Ari ensures that he gets a fitting burial.

As the group recounts what has happened. As Blue tells the group of his departure, Ari wishes him luck in his pursuit. "We all have our little adventures that we wish to pursue. With Lem's help, we will see each other again."

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