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Troubled Times (Module 5-4)
Ship Battle

Sailing, Sailing (DM Dave) 
Monday May 21st, 2001 7:47:45 AM

With added precautions, the group manages to navigate the Lazy Suzie back to port, and meet up with other Pirates. Introductions are made with the young Amazon Elf, and praise is given for the quick retrieval of the combustible liquid. However, upon hearing of Theo's disappearance, the worried Captain immediately dispatches a second group to go back to the island and retrieve the items in Theo's safe.

With that addressed, Jack turns to Valanthe, "So, how did you like your little taste of the sea, my young friend? Is it to be your life, or should we drop you off at the next freeport we call?"

Turning to the rest of the group, Jack continues, "In fact, we are heading west now to the port of Waha. I've heard some disturbing reports that bear checking on. Let's get this ship underway!"

Monday May 21st, 2001 11:38:18 AM

Val looks at the pirates and her new surroundings (OCC perhaps a little description). "I have no problem with the sea, just being adrfit with no supplies. I don't know if it's to be my life, but I'll give it a chance."

Monday May 21st, 2001 12:00:21 PM

"Her story puts her in a similar boat as we. With the loss of Bulldog, she would at least replace him."

Ari will make sure that his Father's sword, and whatever remains of Bulldog's possesions, will be cleaned out of TLS.

Monday May 21st, 2001 10:52:22 PM

Rigging heads over to the Lady Freeborn with his gear. He goes up to Val and says, "OK Tell me your name in elvish? What's mine? I warn you, I am gonna be a pain in the rump for the next few weeks. Let me show you where to stow your gear. How do you say gear in elvish? I will introduce to the first mate. How do you say mate?" As Rigging rambles on, he is relieved not to be in charge. He seems to lose friends whenever he leads. He looks over to Ashira, points to the sun and says, "Ashira, I told you we would arrive at 6:17 pm!" He turns away grinning.

Monday May 21st, 2001 11:56:40 PM

Overhearing Rigging's banter with Valanthe, Ashira interjects "It's Elven, not elvish!" with a smile on her face. Then she chuckles after hearing Rigging's comment about their arrival time. "Rigging, when you're good, you're good!"

After making sure that Valanthe is properly oriented to the ship, Ashira makes her way to Ari. "Ari, if you don't mind, I'd like to take Bulldog's things to Illanta. Since she is his next of kin, I think it only right that she have his personal effects."

Ashira collects the items, then heads down to the kennel area to break the bad news to the young girl. "Illanta, you know that the life we have here with the Pirates is dangerous, right? Well, while we were on the last mission, your brother Bulldog died. He was a brave warrior, and he died with honor. These are his things." Ashira hands the girl the bag containing Bulldog's effects, and then turns to leave as Illanta begins to cry.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 1:37:13 AM

Val tranlates the words that Rigging wants. "I don't mind being pushed, but I ask you to please know when to stop. Sometimes when I am pushed too much I lose control of myself. I wouldn't want to do something I would regret later."

(OCC: Barbarians (amazon) can only take so much before snapping.)

Ship Encounter (DM Dave) 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 7:45:39 AM

A devastated Illanta numbly receives Bulldog's effects as Ashira heads back to the docks. That evening, the Lady Freedborn heads out from the pirate island, after waiting for it to be dark enough for the lighthouse beacon to show the clear path through the coral reef.

Jack opts to hold off on inducting Val as a pirate, stating she will have to make a definite commitment once they reach Waha, saying, "Once you take on the mark of the Pirates of Jack, there is no turning back." He points to several of the magical tattoos on various crew members, with additional markings denoting higher rank among the crew. Jack leaves it to Ashira and Rigging to oversee Val and make sure no mischief occurs.

A few days pass while Rigging spends time learning the High tongue, and Val works equally hard at getting down sailing basics. After a week, the ship lays anchor at Melchim's Point, where a finger of rock emerges from the ocean. After a day, the Silver Spirit (another pirating vessel) pulls alongside, and the combustibles retrieved from Theo's place are transferred out of the Freedborn's hull, to be used in a raid on the Aisildurian capital.

From the meeting point, the Lady Freedborn heads due west, making for the freeport of Waha, which lies a week away on yet another island.

Two days into the journey to Waha, two ships are seen on the horizon, flying the Aisildurian colors! Both are closing in fast, and rather than try to outrun them, Captain Jack gives the order to engage, "Something's not right, Aisildur doesn't usually patrol this far out."

All hands scramble as the Lady Freedborn swings around and heads to the left of the two ships, hoping to keep one of the enemy ships between the other, leaving only one ship to confront at a time. One of the mages, Buffo, calls forth a blustery wind to give an added boost, and soon the ship closes with the Sea Acorn, keeping the Sea Antivium occluded.

As the ships approach missile range, the air begins to sizzle with magic.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 9:19:09 AM

To Ashira, "Thank you for reminding me, I had forgotten about his sister. I choose to keep the sword, since that was my Father's sword, that I had chosen to give him. I wish to ensure that the sword be used, and be used by a good person."

When the ships approach, and the word is given to engage, Ari prepares by grabbing his gear.

Knowing that shield only works for a minute, Ari tries to time his casting of the spell, with when the ships will come together. If Ari needs, he will find something to hide behind, in order to protect himself from incoming missiles, until he can cast the spell.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 9:34:29 AM

Rigging will go to his assigned battle station. He calls to Val, "Stay here with me. Can you shoot a bow? Protect my back while I cast some spells! Then it will be on to hand to hand." Rigging hands Val his shortbow if she says she can use it. He looks for obvious targets, i.e., spellcaster, officers, archers, and heavy weapons crew (ballista and catapults) as targets for his magic missile spells. As the ships get closer he will use his sleep spell on crew members and archers in the rigging. (Cruel but effective.)

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 10:12:07 AM

Upon sighting the ships, Ashira breaks into a wicked-looking smile. Scurrying over to where Rigging and Val are located, she turns to the young elf and says "Ah...now this is the life of a pirate! This ought to give you a good idea of what life will be like if you join us. Stay here with Rigging, and do what you can to help with the battle. I'm going to go get the dogs and some supplies. I'll be back soon...wouldn't want to let you two have all the fun!"

Ashira quickly heads down to the kennel area and gathers her studded leather armor and other weapons. Then she retrieves Zeke, Hermes and Ripper. Before leaving, she tells Illanta to lock herself in the kennel area, and not to open the door until she hears Ashira's voice. As she heads up top again, she passes by the ship's stores and gathers a sledge hammer or pick (whichever is available), a dagger, 40 foot of rope, and a twenty foot section of rope. Then it's up top once again, and back to Rigging and Val. Looking at Zeke, she points at Rigging, and says in Elven "Guard Friend". Then she looks at Hermes and Ripper, points to Val, and issues the same command in Elven. She whispers to Rigging "I've got an idea...but unfortunately, it requires me to leave you two alone. The dogs should be some help, once it gets down to one-on-one combat." Concern in her eyes, she adds "Watch after Val". The half-elf then heads away from the battle, and quickly strips down to the essentials. She secures her armor and weapons in an area where they should not be kicked over the edge in the heat of battle. Then she ties the 40 foot rope to one of the rails, drops it over the side and waits patiently.

Once the two ships have engaged one another, she dives off the side of the Lady Freedborn, and using the shell around her neck, calls to Taker. While waiting for her companion to join her, she begins swimming toward the Sea Acorn, dragging the bag containing the extra rope, hammer or pick, and dagger.

OOC...I know nothing about ships...is 40 foot enough rope to hang from the ship's railing to the ocean, if not, please adjust appropriately.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 4:41:56 PM

Bart looks from his post to the sailing manoeuvers of the ships. He makes sure there is enough fresh water in the galley to tend the wounded.

After that is settled he goes with a burning hooded lamp and an unlit torch to the ballista on the upper deck.

He asks, "What are the orders? Do we shoot burning arrows or not?"

(ooc presuming there is a ballista, otherwise Bart sets fire in his own arrows -- if allowed of course.)

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 5:33:40 PM

Val doesn't expect life on a ship to be as hard as it is. The first few days are very hard for Val, who never had to do this much work before. Apparent that Val isn't happy, she works hard anyway. When Jack pointed out the tattoos, Val couldn't help but frown. She was proud of her beautiful body and didn't want to mar it with tattoos of any type. After the meeting point, Val didn't feel so bad anymore. She finally got used to the rocking of the ship. The work could only help to give her body more definition and the sun made her coppery skin more luxurious. When the two vessels appeared, Val was actually glad. It's been a while since she got to work out some tension. When Rigging asks if she can use a bow, she laughs a little. "Elves never get down this far, do they? All elves can use a bow. Keep yours -- I have one of my own." Val retrieves her bow and quiver along with her scythe and armor. The bow has a deep red color to it. Val looks at the bow and Rigging could tell that it means a lot to her. "This was my father's bow. One of the few things I could salvage. This bow was made 500 years ago and still holds strong. It's not magical, just special to me." Val gets an arrow ready and looks for a target.

(OCC: Val will start shooting when her targets get 240 ft away.)

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 7:15:26 PM

When Blue hears that there are ships in the area, he joins the crew on deck. After a quick evaluation of the circumstances he goes to the galley quickly and gets two handled pots, then moves forward to the raised forecastle and positions himself next to the gunwale on the highest perch he can find.

The young cleric waits with the others as the ships close on each other. The tension among his fighting mates grows and occasionally one of the pirates calls out a battle cry. In the distance he can hear the call returned.

The archers nearby, prepare themselves and when the arrows start to fly Blue casts Entropic Shield.

As he waits until the ships get under 120 feet of each other, he prepares his next spell and then starts to bang the pots together.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 7:15:47 PM

Watching as the ships close, Lem looks around at his new mates and then pulls out his sling and makes sure that his bullets are at the ready, knowing full well that he will be one of the last to get in a shot. (range 50 ft)

Clash of Decks (DM Dave)  d6=6 d8=8
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 9:55:07 PM

[All character actions were accurate and successful]

Ballista and arrow fire fill the skies as bolts of energy, fire, and ice play back and forth. All is chaos as smoke and confusion play on everyone's senses, and the heroes (except for Ashira, who is underwater preparing to hole the enemy vessel) are exposed to various random attacks over the course of a minute while the two vessels (Lady Freedborn and the Sea Acorn) pull alongside each other. [Everyone roll vs. Reflex twice, the first for missile fire (Blue and Ari's spells add protection bonuses) to avoid 6 points of damage, and the second to take half damage from the various energy bolts (8 points of damage).]

Not a few missiles from the heroes land amongst the enemy, but time does not stand still for them to contemplate well-placed shots. Because of the opposite-moving directions of the two ships, the crews only have a round or three for boarding actions. [Both sides lowered sails in an attempt to slow, but are moving too fast.]

Meanwhile, the Sea Antivium has trimmed her sails and swung hard to port in an attempt to come along Lady's otherside, but will be several minutes in reaching her. She is already gearing her ballista, preparing to pepper the decks.

Valanthe  d20+5=17 d20+5=15 d20+7=9
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 10:06:36 PM

(OCC: reflex save 17 for arrows, 15 for bolts of energy)

Val attempts one last shot at the ballista operatives (OOC: 9 to hit). Watching the approaching ship Val slings her bow over her shoulder and readies her scythe. To Rigging she says, "Shit, why does my first sea battle have to be against two ships?"

Blue  d20=1 d20=1
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 2:54:08 AM

As the ship nears, Blue is banging the pots over his head. When he sees heads from the attacking ship turn his way, he casts Enthral, and immediately shouts out, "MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, WE ARE GATHERED HERE TODAY TO CELEBRATE THE JOYS OF LEMTROVEX THE GOOD. I WILL START THE SERMON WITH A SELECTION FROM THE FIRST PLATITUDES OF THE DRAGON'S BANE. IN THE BEGINNING...BLAH BLAH BLAH. The young cleric continues with his narrative which he is capable of sustaining for about a half an hour. He hopes long enough for his mates to do considerable damage on the first pass.

Ashira  d20=19 d20=7
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 10:31:02 AM

Upon reaching the Sea Acorn, Ashira heads for the rudder, and ties herself to it. Then she readies her tool of choice (hammer or pick), starts up an Aquan working song, and begins to hack at the enemy's hull.

OOC (I am assuming that at this time the ships are side by side and engaged, which would mean that the rudder is essentially not moving. If this is not correct, Ashira will forget about tying herself off until it is possible, and attack the ship this round.)

OOC (d20=19 for Use rope to tie off, d20=7 for Attack)

Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 11:36:00 AM

Appolo is down below taking a nap when he hears
the call to arms. He then gets up and quickly dons his leather armour, several daggers, his short sword and quiver and bow. Once dressed he heads quickly and carefully topside. Staying low, he moves silently up alongside Rigging. "What's going on?" Just as the two ships engage each other. Quickly figuring it out he takes cover and opens fire with his bow. He positions himself to cover Rigging's and Val's backs.

OOC: Appolo will only use the short sword if absolutely necessary. He will also attempt to stay silent and unseen, backstabbing whenever possible, targets of opportunity.

He has 6 daggers and 20 arrows.

Bart 20/26  d20+4=11 d20+4=24
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 3:38:33 PM

Bart is realoding the ballista as he is hit by an arrow (missed save I think). After binding his wound he starts helping with the ballista again.

(DM - I'm back on short holiday till Sunday please feel free to take control of Bart.)

Ari  d20+3=6
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 4:06:07 PM

Ari's Shield deflects the missile fire, but a few close calls with jets of flame still manage to toast him a little around the edges (for 8 hps of damage). If given the chance, he casts Cure light wounds before the grappling starts.

Otherwise, Ari binds his wounds, and then helps out in whatever way he can while waiting for the boarding party.

Rigging  d20+2=19 d20+2=21
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 4:42:04 PM

Rigging dodges the various arrows coming his way and shrugs off the bolts of energy flying around. (Do we take 8 points if we made the save or only 4?) He will shoot his short bow until the Sea Antivium is close enough. Rigging will then set aside his bow, and he will quickly wave his arms and whisper some quickly forgotten words concentrating his spell on the crew working or near the tiller of the Sea Antuvium. His hopes are to put them out of commission so the Sea Antuvium will lose its chance to grapple and we will only have to be boarded by one ship at a time.

Appolo  d20+3=12 d20+3=11 d20=12
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 7:32:45 PM

As the two ships close with each other, missiles and magic begin to fly. Appolo takes cover and returns fire. Appolo dodges various missiles.

OOC: ATTACKS 12,11 Save:12
I am guessing that Appolo has enough time to get at least two shots off, before the ships grapple with each other.

Lem  d20+7=25 d20+6=15 d4+2=5
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 11:44:59 PM

(reflex roll 25 - monk evasion no damage from even half damage attacks)

Having dodged several various types of missiles Lem takes a quick aim and lets fly with a sling bullet.( Ac 15 for 5 points if it hits)

Rubbed the Wrong Way (DM Dave)  d20=5 d20=1 d20=20 d20=12 d6=5 d6=1 d20=8 d20=13
Thursday May 24th, 2001 10:23:15 AM

The squeal of wood fills the air as the Freedborn and Acorn push past each other, with the Antivium still trying to complete her turn to come along Freedborn's starboard side. Canice, who is at the wheel, turns the rudder so the Freedborn will move hard right, hoping to swing around Acorn's aft. The pilot of the Acorn has also anticipated this, and is swinging her to starboard, trying to cut off the Freedborn.

Meanwhile, the crews of the Freedborn and Acorn begin boarding actions. The priest's attempt to enthrall the enemy miraculously works for a moment, allowing the pirate attack to be more effective the first round before the the Aisildurians snap out of it. With a cry from Jack, the pirates all drop prone while a spar goes whistling overhead, sweeping a few of the enemy from the decks and into the ocean. Rage in their eyes, the Aisildurians redouble their efforts to board the Freedborn. With a throaty yell, the hand-to-hand commences.

The amazon warrior's first series of swings are parried effectively by her opponent, a young man in the typical Aisildurian white deck uniform, who meets her assault with a scimitar. His return swing fails to connect.

Below the waves, the sea elf, humming a ditty, gets to work with her pick, and it is only Taker's last minute warning that draws her attention to three rapidly approaching sharks, which are making a line straight for Ashira with a strange gleam of purpose in their usually flat, dark eyes.

In the clangor of battle, Appolo's attempts at stealth are largely moot, but he is able to use his attacks of opportunity to advantage, bringing down one young woman who strays too close to Val's back. However, another enemy sailor whacks Appolo in the lower back (critical hit - 6 hps total), sending spikes of pain down his legs.

Because of the crowd before them, Bart and the ballista crew swing around to face the incoming Antivium, just as a bolt from that ship slams into Canice (the helmsman), pinning his body to the deck.

Ari manages to get his Curing spell successfully cast before boarding manuevers, and is far enough back during the initial round of combat to avoid any intruders.

Rigging (who took 4 points of damage last round) focuses on casting a spell at the Antivium crew, leaving Appolo and Val to defend him. The few enemy boarders that reach Rigging are thrown back.

The monk deftly dodges the melee and missiles as the Aisildurians charge, throwing one to the deck that managed to reach him this round. To the fore of the ship, Lem notices that at least one Quad has managed to board, and is fighting a fierce battle with Captain Jack and his First Mate.

Rigging  d4+1=4
Thursday May 24th, 2001 2:13:03 PM

Rigging sees his thief friend in danger and pain, points a hand at his assailant and whispers more magic words. A round bolt of energy leaps from his hand and strikes Appollo's opponent in the chest. Rigging then pulls out sword and dagger and goes to Appollo's aid.

Blue  d3=3
Thursday May 24th, 2001 2:35:29 PM

The young Cleric decides it is time to give up his sermon and try a more direct attack. From his vantage point on the gunwale, Blue picks a small clearing between the attackers on the deck of the Acorn and with a quick chant, "By Lem's power over creatures, Qua..Faa," he casts Summon Monster II (1d3=3)and three Celestial Dogs appear in the clearing. The lad gestures toward those attackers that are attempting boarding and the snarling hounds turn to attack. (Hounds will remain 3 rounds.)

Zeke, Hermes and Ripper (NPC ADM Janell)  d20=1 d20=15 d20=13 d20=20 d20=20 d20=12 d20=11 d4+2=5 d20+2=8 d4+2=3
Thursday May 24th, 2001 5:29:52 PM

As the barrage of enemy fire comes raining down, the dogs scurry in an attempt to allude the various missiles. Zeke is pinned to the deck by an enemy arrow, and begins a pitiful moan. Hermes and Ripper manage to evade the missiles, but are hit by a ray of ice. Still standing, although not looking very healthy, they begin to attack the Aisildurian sailor who has attacked Val.

OOC Zeke (d20=1+5 for missile, d20=15+5 for magic)
OOC Hermes (d20=13+5 for missile, d20=20+5 for magic, d20=11+2 for attack, d4+2=5 for damage)
OOC Ripper (d20=20+5 for missile, d20=12+5 for magic, d20+2=8 for attack, d4+2=3 for damage)
OOC Took bonuses and statistics from PHB 2000 Survival Kit pg. 9 under heading of Dog.
Final OOC Hey spell casters, if you're not too busy, the dogs could use some healing. Course, I would take care of yourselves first!

Ashira  d20=8 d6=2
Thursday May 24th, 2001 5:43:21 PM

Turning to spot the dreaded sharks after Taker's warning, Ashira thinks to herself, "Great -- sharks, why is it always sharks? Why can't the evil spell casters cast summon guppies for once?" As the sharks advance Ashira prepares to take a swing at the nearest with the pick.

OOC (D20=8 for attack, d6=2 for damage)

Lem  d20=7 d20+4=9
Thursday May 24th, 2001 8:18:34 PM

Seeing Capt Jack and his First Mate facing a Quad, Lem somehow manages to not lose control. He charges in to the fray from the side, attacking the nearest member of the Quad with an unarmed attack (and misses badly AC9).

Appolo  d20+7=26 d20+7=24
Thursday May 24th, 2001 9:29:11 PM

Appolo goes down to one knee, cursing in pain. He then wheels and savagely attacks the person who attacked him. He sees a magic missile slam into his assailant's chest driving him back. Appolo then uses this opportunity to hurl both daggers at the person's chest.

OOC: Attacks 26, 24. If they hit d4 each.

Valanthe  d20+6=24 2d4(3+4)+2=9
Thursday May 24th, 2001 9:55:09 PM

Even though combat has just begun, Val let thought go and instinct take over. She never thought in combat, just reacted. Already Val could feel the anger building within her and hoped the fight would end quickly. She didn't want to risk hurting her crewmates. Val spun the scythe in her hands, bringing the blade up, and bringing down in a diagonal slash at the Aisildurian sailor.

(OCC: attack = 24, dmg = 9)

Editor Kim [delete this OOC Missile Missive in a few days] 
Friday May 25th, 2001 2:50:27 AM

[OOC: "M-I-S-S-I-L-E" - not "M-I-S-S-L-E". "Missile" has two i's. Since there are lots of missiles - magic and mundane - flying about, let's make sure they are not cyclopean. Most everyone is making the same spelling error. I've corrected the sixteen examples found over the past week. And you think you're beleaguered! Sorry to break the combat cadence, here. Back into hiding ;-) (missile missile missile).]

Battle on the High Seas (DM Dave)  d20=1 d20=16 d6=3 d20=19 d20=20 d20=1 d20=4 d6+1=3 d6+1=7 d20=16 2d4(4+4)=8 d6=4 d20=12 d20=2 2d6(1+1)+10=12
Friday May 25th, 2001 9:19:47 AM

The Freedborn and Acorn continue grinding past each other, with the Freedborn crosswise and directly behind the Acorn at this point. The Antivium is bearing down, with a barrage of missiles coming from that quarter. Apparently, they aren't too concerned about accidentally hitting their comrades, as a few arrows find the wrong targets. <Everyone on deck make a Reflex check to avoid 4 hps dmg.>

Bart and the ballista crew send a response, managing to skewer two of the enemy.

Meanwhile, the melee rages: The young sailor facing Val trips over Ripper, and is quickly finished off with the swing of the scythe.

Rigging's and Appolos' combined attacks drop another assailant. Two more of the enemy join in, with a single attack each. The one swinging at Rigging locks his blade into the railing, but the one attacking Appolo connects with flesh (3 hps dmg).

Up at the front end of the Freedborn, Lem joins in the titantic struggle occurring between experienced warriors. The First Mate uses her metallic whip to great effect, lashing here and there and drawing blood from two of the Quad. However, they shake off her stunning attacks. Captain Jack wields a rapier, moving about nimbly and easily finding momentary openings to deal critical damage to one of the Quad members. However, this enemy is well-seasoned, unlike the group faced in the temple in Adorus. Acting as one, they erect a swirling barrier of steel with their greatswords. Jack manages to back-flip out of the way of a quick charge, but the First Mate goes down when one of the blades trips her, and three slashes draw blood from all parts of her body. Amazingly, of the few blows aimed his way, only one connects with Lem (12 hps dmg), barely brushing him.

Below the Acorn, Ashira notices the protusions of heartseeds as the sharks attack. Her swing goes wide as one shark latches onto her left arm and another onto her right leg (total 10 hps dmg). Taker slams into the one on the sea-elf's arm, knocking it loose (8 hps dmg).

Due to the angle of the ships, Blue is unable to see the effects of his summoning at the moment.

Ari  d8+1=4 d8+1=7
Friday May 25th, 2001 9:32:18 AM

After casting the cure light, Ari takes a look around. Ari quickly notes that there is a Quad onboard. But with equal concern, he notices that Canice has been pinned to the ship. (Assuming he's still alive) Ari heads to help free Canice. As soon as Canice can be freed, Ari casts cure light on Canice (7 points). Once freed, Ari will assess the situation onboard the ship.

(ooc I think I'll just call it a magic projectile! ;) )

Valanthe  d20+5=8 d20+6=11
Friday May 25th, 2001 10:26:34 AM

(Reflex save = 8, I'm assuming a quad is a group of 4 enemy soldiers)

Val decides to deal with the enemies at hand rather than rushing headlong into them. Val moves over to help Captain Jack and Lem. Gripping the scythe tightly in both hands, Val attempts to bury the point in the back of a quad member. (OCC: attack = 11)

Battle on the High Seas Addendum (DM Dave) 
Friday May 25th, 2001 12:12:26 PM

<Added to include Ari's actions>

Ari makes his way to the helmsman, and discovers an unconscious Canice, whose pinned body is keeping the wheel locked in a constant right turn. Ari pulls the ballista bolt from his body and uses magic to staunch the flow of blood, but Canice remains unconscious.

Rigging  d20+2=16 d20=17 d20=19 d6=4 d4=1
Friday May 25th, 2001 2:31:52 PM

Rigging ducks as he sees arrows come his way. He then takes advantage of his opponent's stuck weapon and attacks him twice, stabbing him in the chest with his rapier and slashing the back of his wrist with his dagger. He yells to Ari, "Take the tiller! Straighten us out and keep us away from that other ship!" He then spins to help Appolo.

Friday May 25th, 2001 4:14:15 PM

Blue curses under his breath as the ships shift and he loses his vantage point. Unable to see the result of his spell, he scans the decks to observe the plight of the family. Assessing quickly, the cleric decides that Appolo should be first order of business, this may also improve his ability to see and guide the hounds.

The stocky youth jumps down from the gunwale and navigates towards Appolo. He keeps his quarter staff at ready, but tries to avoid confrontation to get to Appolo's side.

Friday May 25th, 2001 4:16:14 PM

Appolo takes more damage, "OUCH!!" and drops a dagger into each hand, backing up, going into a purely defensive crouch, as he watches Rigging finish his opponent. He remains silent and falls back, hoping to draw the sailor forward and give Rigging a clean shot at its back.

OOC: Appolo will play defense and only attack if his opponent makes a serious mistake.

Lem  d20+7=24 d20+4=14 d20+4=9 d20+4=19 d6+2=6 d6+2=8 d20+2=3 d20+2=9
Saturday May 26th, 2001 2:03:36 PM

Even with most of his attention focused on the triad in front of him, Lem manages to dodge, avoid and or knock down any missiles heading his way. (evasion)

As three of the quad attack the first mate and the captain, Lem ignores his pain and his opponent to use three attacks of opportunity presented by the other foes on Capt Jack's, Mate's 1, Mate's 2 opponents. (Combat reflexes) (Ac 14, Ac 9, Ac 19 Possible 6 points to Capt's opponent, and probable 8 points to Mate's 2nd opponent). After moving through the group he turns and strikes with a flurry of two blows on his foe missing with both strikes.

Ashira  d20=4
Sunday May 27th, 2001 10:03:54 PM

Bleeding profusely from the wounds acquired by the shark bites, Ashira feels she has bit off more than she can chew. She takes another swing at the shark that has latched itself onto her leg, attemting to bury the pick into its eye, but missing. Reciting an old Aquan prayer about being brave before death in combat, Ashira mentally prepares herself for death, while diligently attempting to take as many sharks as possible with her.

OOC: Does Ashira get an attack of opportunity against the shark that Taker knocked off?

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20+5=14 d20+5=18 d20+2=16 d20+2=15 d4+2=3 d4+2=4
Sunday May 27th, 2001 10:46:36 PM

The large woolly dogs manage to evade the next round of missiles, and diligently follow Val, attacking the nearest enemy who attacks her. Screams fill the air as the animals latch onto their victim.

OOC Hermes (d20+5=14 for Reflex, d20+2=16 for Attack, d4+2=3 for Damage)
OOC Ripper (d20+5=18 for Reflex, d20+2=15 for Attack, d4+2=4 for Damage)
OOC Does a 14 mean Hermes failed his Reflex? If so, then he is unconcious, and this post needs to be rewritten in the singular.

Ari  d20+3=17
Monday May 28th, 2001 3:34:16 PM

Ari manages to evade the next round of MISSILE fire.

Meanwhile, Ari chews on what he should do for the ship. For the time being he takes over steering the ship. If there is a way to tie off the wheel, he'll do that, in the hopes that the Navigator will become conscious. Once the wheel is tied off, he'll get ready to join in with the closest fight to him.

Round and Round We Go (DM Dave)  d20=14 2d4(3+4)=7 d6+1=6 d20=20 d20=2 2d4(2+3)=5 d20=12 d20=4 d20=18 d10=6 d20=12 d20=8 d20=3 d20=8 d20=17 2d6(2+1)+10=13 d20=3
Monday May 28th, 2001 6:04:42 PM

Cut off by the left-turning Acorn, the Freedborn finds itself turning to the left as well, with the Antivium working to come up on her exposed left side (should probably be ready for boarding actions next round).

Down in the depths, the half-elf manages to impale the shark knocked off her arm by Taker. A baleful green light emanates from the wound, and the now-dead shark circles for another attack (will be next round before it gets in position). The shark latched onto her leg snaps its head back and forth vigorously (for 6 hps of damage), while the third shark moves in for the kill. Taker intercepts with a dead-on hit (5 hps), diverting it.

Aboard the Lady Freedborn, things are looking grim in some spots, while better in others. Most of the 'regulars' that the pirates are fighting have been driven off the ship at this point, but the main contention is between the stalwart Quad and the officers of the Freedborn. Lem's attacks, which would have impacted a lesser opponent are shrugged off by these seasoned women. The impression of their coordinated movements is that of a steel-whirlwind, cutting through all opposition. The First Mate, who fell seconds ago, never has the chance to rise again. Captain Jack screams "REVERSE COURSE!" before vaulting into the midst of the Quad. Several other officers, sweat dripping from the strain, leap to intercept this awesome threat, but are pounded backward. Of the two blows aimed at Lem, one lands (13 hps of damage - why am I rolling so poorly? Grrrr.)

In frustation, Hefs, the ship's mage, flings some iron filings at the interlopers, and immediately the Quad, along with Capt'n Jack, hurtle up into the air past the mast. All five manage to snag various spars, clinging on for dear life with legs pointed to the heavens.

Renewed fighting is occurring as more of Acorn's crew attempt to board the Freedborn. For the moment, all heroes aboard deck are free of combat.

(As a note to all: Don't forget about hero points, if you have 'em.)

Ashira  d20=2 d20=13
Monday May 28th, 2001 8:06:13 PM

Fading in and out of conciousness, Ashira's one thought is to flee. She focuses all her energies on the shark attached to her leg, swinging with all her might.

OOC Used hero point to re-roll Attack.

Monday May 28th, 2001 11:12:55 PM

Rigging yells to Appolo, "Follow me!" Rigging races to the tiller and takes control of the ship. Rigging slashes the rope Ari tied (if he managed to tie one) and turns the ship away from the second ship and into the Acorn. He yells, "All archers shoot at the Antivium's wheelmen! Bart! Shoot at the wheelmen! We have to keep them from boarding the second ship!"

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday May 28th, 2001 11:17:20 PM

The two large dogs continue to follow Valanthe, snarling and snapping at any who dare to confront the young Amazon. Although they look quite haggard, the two beasts appear to have plenty of fight left in them.

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 3:21:06 AM

"Rigging go help Ari! Keep us way from the other ship!! I'm going up!!" After that Appolo heads up into to the ship's rigging. With a dagger in his teeth he climbs up to the Mizzen yard and prepares to attack the remaining members of the Quad hanging from the ropes. He moves like a monkey through the ropes and will cut the ropes of the nearest enemy, hoping to make them fall to their deaths.

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 7:37:51 AM

Rigging grunts as the Lady Freeborn starts to swing away from the second ship and grinds into the Acorn shouldering past her. He yells again, "Shoot at the wheel! Bart shoot at the wheel!"

(ooc Most likely won't be able to post tomorrow. Anybody can feel free to pinch hit. Thanks)

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 8:47:31 AM

Having not found any action that Ari could immediately join in, Ari jumps on the wheel when the Captain calls for the ship to reverse course. Ari continues the left turn, and takes the wheel as sharp as he can make it. Hoping that the Antivium has not cut her sails back yet, Ari prays that they can get their turn executed faster. As Riggings prepares to come back to the tiller Ari yells, " I have the wheel, see to our borders"

Bart  d20+6=22 3d6(5+5+1)=11
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 12:32:30 PM

Bart shoot at the helmsman of the Antivium, he yells to the other "ballistagunners" to aim at the helmsman of the Antivium too (hit Ac22 for 11 damage)

(OOC found out that the ballista has an crew of 1 dmg p249)

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 7:49:17 PM

Shocked at the adeptness of his opponents, Lem readies himself to serve his god in another form. As the Quad goes flying upward, Lem falls to the deck, holding his wounds.

What Goes Up (DM Dave)  d8+2=4 d20=11 d20=7 d20=19 d20=18 d6+1=5 2d4(4+3)=7 d20=2
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 8:58:59 PM

As Blue charges across the deck, attempting to reach Appolo, Appolo heads for the rigging. Hefs the mage only has a second to shout, "No, you fool!" before the wind is rushing past Appolo's ears as he is flung upward <Need to make Reflex roll (d20+7) and meet or beat a 20 to catch a spar/sail/line).

Blue, seeing his companion out of reach, turns his healing powers on the monk (4 hps).

Ari, hearing the Captain's cry, turns hard to starboard, bearing down on the Antivium as it attempts to slow and turn to port. The Acorn is curving parallel to the Freedborn. The deck lurches underneath (everyone onboard make Reflex save (15 or higher) to remain standing) as the Freedborn rams the Antivium's right side.

The two ballista (one at the front and one at the back of the Freedborn), manned by two people to facilitate faster loading, swing around and focus fire on the Antivium. Neither bolt manages to hit the helmsman.

Hefs turns and manages to ward off a huge rolling ball of flame sent over by one of the mages on the Acorn.

Captain Jack slashes at one of the lines holding one of the sails, setting the cloth free and flapping against one of the Quad members, who is knocked off her spar and sent flying upward.

The other three Quad members begin moving hand over hand along their poles, headed for the mast.

Down below, Ashira manages to spike the shark throttling her leg, knocking it loose. The 'dead' shark takes a bite at the half-elf, but Taker manages to get in between, taking the attack. A cloud of blood and bits temporarily obscures the half-elf's vision.

Valanthe  d20+5=15
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 9:23:43 PM

As Val rushes to help her new captain, the lurching deck causes Val to stumble but not fall.

Occ: Somewhere along the way I don't think I got all the damage Val has recieved. Could you please enlighten me on how much damage she has taken?

Ari  d20+3=8
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 10:51:42 PM

(any assist for holding onto the wheel somehow?)

Ari falls to the deck, after the deck violently shifts. Recovering as quick as possible, Ari gets back on the wheel, and continues to do what he can to steer. If there is time, he'll cast flare (druid lvl 0) at one of the quad members, hoping to blind him, and delay him, or spook him into letting go, or missing his next handhold.

Bart  d20+4=15 d20+6=20 3d6(2+4+6)=12
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 2:04:36 AM

Bart manages to stay on his feet and shoot another burning bolt to the Antivium (hit ac 20 for 12 damage)

Lem  d20+7=12 d20+3=22
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 7:29:14 AM

Luckily Lem was already sitting when the ship lurches, for it sends his already bloodied body, sideways onto the deck, As he rights himself he takes the time to bind his wounds and heal himself as best as possible (Heal skill unlearned +3 wis)

Ashira  d20+4=24
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 8:44:53 AM

Sensing that this may be her only chance to escape the sharks, Ashira swims as fast as she can toward the Lady Freedborn. As she swims for her life, Ashira fires off a quick prayer to the Aquan god to watch over brave Taker's life.

OOC (d20+4=24 for Swim...now WHY can't I get those kind of rolls when I'm attacking?!)

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20+5=15 d20+5=11 d20+2=9
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 8:57:21 AM

Trotting along after the young Amazon, the two large dogs are caught by surprise as the ship lurches underneath their paws. Hermes is able to keep his ground, and pounces, but misses, at an Aisildurian sailor who comes flying toward Valanthe. Ripper is not as lucky, and goes rolling over to the side of the ship.

OOC Hermes (d20+5=15 for Reflex, d20+2=9 for Attack)
OOC Ripper (d20+5=11 for Reflex)

Valanthe  d20+6=21 2d4(1+1)+2=4
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 10:48:06 AM

Val feels her anger swell in annoyance. Gripping tightly, she swings her scythe at the incoming Aisildurian sailor.

(OCC: attack = 21, dmg = 4)

Appolo  d20+7=12
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 11:01:31 AM

Just as Appolo starts climbing, he hears Blue yell something that he can't quite make out. He is then hurled up by a sudden gust of wind and slammed upward as he misses grabbing any ropes.

OOC: D20+7=12 missed check.

Blue (ADM Janell)  d20+1=11
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 11:23:47 PM

Looking over Lem with concern, Blue decides that the young monk could use more tending to. However, just as he is about to cast his spell, the ship lurches undeneath him, and he is sent sprawling on all fours. Lifting himself up, he finds himself face to face with the pinned Zeke, who is whining pitifully. Taking compassion on the miserable animal, Blue removes the arrow that pinning it to the deck, and binds its wounds.

...the Clear Blue (DM Dave) 
Thursday May 31st, 2001 8:22:29 AM

The Antivium, rammed by the Freedborn, proceeds to ram the Acorn, which was following the same track as the Freedborn, sending crew on both of those ships sprawling. Both the Antivium and the Freedborn are now at a dead stop, while the Acorn is moving slowly northward (away from the combat).

Hefs the mage grins fiercely as a bolt of white shoots from his outstretched arms, hitting the Acorn below waterline. Down below, Ashira sees a huge hole open up in the belly of the ship, drawing the sharks and Taker in. She manages to escape the pull intact, reaching the surface within seconds.

Ari manages to get a flare off, but it goes wide of the mark. He sees Appolo tumbling upward, missing the rigging as he flies past, and shooting up into the sky.

Still conscious, the thief finds himself standing on an invisible surface with his feet to the sky and his head to the sea, which lies roughly 70 feet below him. Next to him is one of the Quad members (the one knocked off by Captain Jack last round), who draws her dagger (sword was lost during the trip up) and prepares to attack Appolo.

Blue's ministrations on Zeke are successful, and Val discovers that she has avoided more damage than she first realized (total of 8 hps damage received so far).

Up in the mast, Captain Jack finishes tying himself off to a spar with the line recently freed, and begins swinging back and forth (upside down) trying to reach his opponents with his scimitar. The three remaining Quad members this round are working to wrap their legs in sail cloth to hold themselves in place.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:36:47 AM

Appolo finds his predicament rather interesting, but doesn't have time to really think about it, as he draws his remaining daggers, falling quickly back. Again playing defense, for every step forward she takes, he will fall back two.

OOC: Appolo will play defense as long as possible.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:40:07 AM

Apollo is concentrating strictly on his opponent for the most part, trying not to look up or down.

Ashira  d20+4=20 d20=11
Thursday May 31st, 2001 5:23:39 PM

Swimming as if her life depended on it, Ashira makes her way toward the Lady Freedborn. Making record time, she quickly locates the rope she tied to the railing, and begins to climb aboard the vessel. However, in her weakened state, she finds it difficult to gather the strength to make the climb.

OOC (d20+4=20 for Swim, d20=11 for climb.) However, if there are not extenuating circumstances, (such as enemy archers taking aim, etc.) Ashira will take 20 in order to climb the rope.

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20+2=22 d4+2=3 d20+2=8
Thursday May 31st, 2001 5:37:00 PM

Spinning around after his last attack, Hermes makes a spectacular leap, and latches onto the back of the sailor whom Valanthe just attacked. A tearing noise can be heard as the beast rips through the sailor's shoulder muscles.

Meanwhile, Ripper regains his footing and begins making his way back to the Amazon.

OOC (d20+2=22 for Attack, d4+2=3 for Damage, and d20+2=8 is roll for Critical, since I forgot before.)

Blue (ADM Janell) 
Thursday May 31st, 2001 5:40:33 PM

After tending to the wounded animal, Blue gets up and makes his way over to Lem, remaining strictly defensive. Once he is able to reach the fallen monk, Blue will cast a healing spell to help regenerate his wounded comrade.

OOC (Help me out here Dave... how many spells, and which ones does Blue have left? E-mail would be great.)

Bart  d20+6=25 3d6(2+2+4)=8
Thursday May 31st, 2001 7:02:43 PM

A burning volley from the ballista goes to the Acorn (ac 25 for 8 damage). With no good angle to the Antivium left and the Acorn floating away, Bart draws his sword and goes forward to engage the remaining enemy in close combat.

OOC Did I hit something last round?

Rigging  d20+2=20
Thursday May 31st, 2001 8:14:27 PM

Rigging manages to avoid even stumbling during the ships' ramming of each other. He grins to himself and says, "Landlubbers." With Ari at the prow, Rigging decides the best course of action is his shortbow. He scans the area and notices Appolo's situation. He yells to Bart, "Bart! Can you use the ballista to help out Ari!?" He looks to Hef and shouts the question, "Will missile attacks work in your spell's area of effect?" If any bad guys come towards Ari or Rigging, Rigging will start plucking with his bow.

Friday June 1st, 2001 8:24:42 AM

Ari keeps his hands on the wheel, waiting for when the ship might catch air again. Watching the continuing struggles of his shipmates, "I do not see anything else to do except to be ready to steer the ship."

All Decked Out (DM Dave)  2d3(1+2)=3 4d6(4+2+1+3)=10 d20=20
Friday June 1st, 2001 9:05:16 AM

<Apologies for not listing ballista results last round - both shots were wide of their targets.>

Up in the sky, Appolo retreats... and finds himself plunging toward the ocean, with the Quad member diving after him. {Appolo, make a Tumbling check (d20+5) and meet or beat a '20' to successfully dive into the water. Failing that, Appolo incurs 13 hps dmg (3 of that being subdual dmg) as he smacks into the water.} The Quad member executes a flawless dive, with a triple backflip, that would win an Olympic medal, if such events were held...

Blue manages to heal Lem (4 hps) and seal some of the wounds. As he is finishing up, he spots Ashira crawling up over the edge of the railing, with all sorts of serrated rips in her flesh.

Looking around, Bart realizes that the deck is currently clear of any enemy, but that is about to change as, up at the front of the Freedborn, crew from the Antivium begin to spill over the foredeck (not too many this round, since the two ships are basically in a 'T' shape to one another).

Hefs shouts back to Rigging, "No, arrows will work just fine... just don't shoot the Captain!" His warning is well taken, as the three remaining Quad members are in close quarters with Jack at the moment. The clanging of steel is heard, and Jack's safety line is cut, sending him hurtling skyward.

The Acorn, 150' off, is starting to list badly to starboard.

Lem  d20+6=15 d4+2=3
Friday June 1st, 2001 10:21:38 AM

Making his way forward, Lem finds some cover near the foredeck and lets fly with his sling at the first opponent he sees. (AC 15 for 3 points)

Rigging  d20+2=22 d20+2=20 d6=5 d6=2 d6=3
Friday June 1st, 2001 10:36:26 AM

Rigging sees the Captain's plight and snaps off two shots at a quad member. He whispers, "Lem guide my arrows." Looks like Lem listened with the shots as both strike home. (Is the first a critical hit?)

[DM Addendum: Note that the first roll indicates a threat for a critical, with a successful hit on a second roll indicating an actual critical. You'd roll 3d6 plus modifiers to indicate damage. I've gone ahead and rolled the third d6: Total of 9 hps damage. You can only fire a second arrow if your character has Rapid Fire as a feat, or if you are of a higher level (which allows multiple attacks).]

Apollo  d20+5=14 d20=6
Friday June 1st, 2001 11:14:34 AM

Appolo backs up and promptly falls awkwardly, into the ocean, splashing down hard. He is severely wounded, if not dead. He will most likely drown, not having the strength left to swim for very long. On the way down he yells "Help!!!"

OOC: I have Appolo taking 18 points of damage during this engagement. That should be about 3/4 of his total. He will use all of his hero points to stay alive. Not sure how many he has.

[DM Addendum: I show that Appolo received 9 points of dmg from two rounds of sword fighting, plus another 4 hps of damage from arrow fire (added save roll to this post to see if arrows dodged several rounds back) - total of 13 hps damage. I show Appolo's normal maximum hps at 14 hps, with no hero points available.]

Friday June 1st, 2001 6:19:42 PM

Appolo hits the water, breaks his back and quietly drowns.

OOC: I thought he had more hit points than that. Appolo has died facing the enemy. Can I create another character and rejoin the game later?
E-mail address.Anitaliegh@earthlink.net

Friday June 1st, 2001 9:25:12 PM

Things aren't looking that great. Appolo has died, and Valanthe herself appears to be in the best shape. She might be new to sailing, but she's been in combat longer than these people have been alive. Val points herself towards the rush of Aisildurian sailors, lets out a blood-curdling roar, and lets her rage loose.

(OOC: She has raged. This is a pre-emptive apology if any other players get caught in her path.)

Bart  d20+7=10
Saturday June 2nd, 2001 9:32:59 PM

Bart doesn't see how he can assist Ari with the ballista, so goes forward to confront the enemy. In the first set of slashes he doesn't hit his opponent.

Ari  d20=18 d20=6 d20=11 d20=3
Sunday June 3rd, 2001 11:23:09 PM

Seeing his friend Appolo falling, and seeing the Quad members with their feet tied up in the rigging, Ari comes up with a quick plan. Muttering to himself, "We will not lose anymore," Ari rushes over to where the sails are tied off (if he can get there without going through the spell effect). Quickly, he gets a running start towards Appolo. As he passes where the tie-off point is, he uses he rapier to cut the rope. The sail begins to fall, pulling him up on an intercept path. Praying for the best luck he can find, Ari drops his rapier to the deck, and does his best to catch Appolo with his free hand (DC=18). Once he grabs onto Appolo, it takes all his strength and concentration, in order to land successfully in the rigging (I don't know appropriate term) (strength DC=6 here point expended DC=11) (Don't think I can use concentration here, so am using straight roll to land in rigging). (DC=3 to land in rigging. I don't think I have any more hero points. Let me know. Also, adjust any rolls, or use hero point to catch Appolo, if 18 wasn't enough, or if the DC=6 was enough for strength.)

Monday June 4th, 2001 3:44:16 AM

Thankful to be alive for the moment, Ashira crouches into a defensive position, and makes her way over to where her gear is stored. Rifling through the contents, she pulls out a vial containing a light-blue liquid, and drinks the entire contents. As the magic begins to course through her body, various wounds begin to seal themselves, although the two shark bites still bleed freely. Ashira binds them as well as she can, and then proceeds to don her armor and weapons.

OOC (Using up my healing potion... Dave, please advise as to HP received. Also, not attempting to "bind wounds" in the traditional D&D meaning, just don't want armor to get all bloody. Must sleep now.)

Monday June 4th, 2001 4:02:47 AM

Can you please post for Blue? Sorry, didn't have time.

A Lot of Action (DM Dave)  d20=7 d20=3 d20=9 d20=8 d20=19 4d6(2+3+4+4)=13 2d6(4+4)=8 8d6(6+2+1+6+2+5+3+3)=28 2d6(1+1)+5=7 d20=9 d20=11 d20=18 7d6(1+6+4+3+6+1+4)=25 7d8(7+3+3+4+3+4+2)=26 d20=13 d20=3 d20=6 2d8(1+5)+2=8
Monday June 4th, 2001 8:30:17 AM

The Acorn, a third over on its side, continues to move slowly northward as its crew drops longboats. A fresh battle brews between the two remaining ships:

Val leaps into the small crowd of invaders at the front of the Freedborn, scythe swinging to and fro, and bits of people flying everywhere. The other pirates fall back.

Meanwhile, grapple hooks are thrown between the Antivium and Freedborn, to draw them side-by-side. Abandoning any attempt to get the Freedborn underway, the remaining crew rush to starboard to confront the enemy.

On the port side, Ari makes a heroic leap on a line, managing to snag Appolo as he plummets to the ocean. Unfortunately, the momentum is so great that both men are yanked into the deep blue. [Ari's interception alters the damage received from the fall. Ari receives 13 points of standard damage, and 8 points of subdual (knockout damage) - leaving him unconscious. Ari is now at 4 hps (and temporarily at -3 hps due to subdual). Appolo, cushioned by Ari, receives 9 points of damage and 4 points of subdual damage. Appolo is now at -6 hit points (and temporarily at -10 hps due to subdual) and unconscious.]

Up in the air, Jack 'lands' 70 feet above the deck, and promptly springs off to the side taken by Appolo and the Quad member last round. With sword extended (held by both hands), Jack flashes downward, impaling the Quad member as she breaks the surface from her dive. [Don't try this at home, kids. Both the Captain and the Quad member took major damage]

The three remaining Quad members seeing an easy escape, free themselves of the sails (and the one Quad member yanks out Rigging's arrow pinning her to the mast) and fly skyward to pursue Jack. Down on the deck, Hefs shouts, "Gotcha'!" and with a wave of his hand and a word in a strange tongue, all three members tumble deckward. One manages to snag a spar on the way down, but the other two drop the full 70 feet. Badly injured, the two rise from the deck to face the pirates.

Seeing Ashira's critical condition, Blue rushes over to help her to her cabin (will try to apply additional healing next round). [Ashira's potion restores 8 hps]

[Rigging, Bart, and Lem can make Spot checks to determine if they see this:] A man clothed in a shiny green material so dark it is almost black appears suddenly behind Hefs, dagger in hand.

Rigging  d20=11
Monday June 4th, 2001 8:51:06 AM

Rigging sees Ari try desperately to save Appolo. He watches them both float to the surface. He quickly grabs a cork ring with a rope attached. Lashes it to the rail, pauses to yell, "Blue I am gonna need you!" and dives overboard. He swims to his friends (made roll) and keeps their heads above water. He whispers to himself, "I won't lose anymore!" With his legs locked around Ari back, and his arms cradling Appolo, he yells, "Blue pull us in!" He will keep the cork ring under him trying to keep everyones head above water!

OCC Sorry guys going out of town again. Will try to find a computer to post with. Feel free to pinch hit if you have to.

Lem  d20+3=9 d20+6=17 d4+4=8
Monday June 4th, 2001 9:10:34 AM

focussed on the approaching boarders, Lem is oblivious to the assassin (spot check 9) and fires off another sling bulletat one of the borders (AC 17 for 8 points)

Bart  d20=2 d20+7=15 d10+4=14
Monday June 4th, 2001 4:19:32 PM

Bart goes forwrd to confront one of the quad members he is so focussed on them that didn't see the assisin. Bart attacks with his swords in both hands and try to give his opponent the last blow (hit ac15)

Monday June 4th, 2001 9:32:46 PM

Although she no longer feels like she is going to pass out any minute, the half-elf has seen better days. About to take Blue up on his offer to escourt her to her quarters, she hears Rigging's shout for help. Looking overboard, she sees her fallen commrades are in desperate need of assistance. Pulling out her silver whistle, she calls her dogs to her.

While waiting for her canine companions to arrive, she turns to Blue and says "It looks like they could use your help more than me. Better get down there and see if you can help." Pointing to the bandages on her arm and leg, she says "But don't dally...today's not a good day for swiming." Shouting down at Rigging, she says "Hold on, I'm sending the dogs out to help you. Blue is on his way." Locating more rope, Ashira ties off a line to the railing, and throws it toward Rigging. "Tie them off when they're stable, and I'll try to pull them on board."

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday June 4th, 2001 9:38:51 PM

Making what attacks they can behind the raging Amazon, the two dogs jerk their heads up in unison. Without one look back, the beasts turn around and begin to run toward the side of the ship.

Blue (ADM Janell)  d20=1
Monday June 4th, 2001 9:51:44 PM

Hearing his name, Blue turns just in time to see Rigging dive into the ocean. Concern floods over the young man's face when he peers down and spots his friends floating in the water. After listening to Ashira, Blue says "Actually, I wouldn't be much use down there, I can't cast my spells in the water. I'll help you try to pull them up." Once Rigging has tied off one of the men, Blue begins to pull on the rope with all his might. His hands slip, and the line goes slack.

Boarding Battle (DM Dave)  d20=5 d100=22 d20=1 d20=1 d20=20 d20=19 2d6(3+4)+5=12 2d6(5+4)+5=14
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 8:05:07 AM

The railings of the Antivium and the Freedborn bumping up against each other, crews from both ships fill the air with their yells as the two groups clash.

To starboard, the pirates are led by Sasha the Lasher, cracking her great metallic whip this way and that to amazing effect - its dagger tips cutting down men everywhere. At the Freedborn's fore, Val continues in maniacal rage, and her crewmates pretty much leave her to it as she finishes off two hapless sailors. Lem's shot manages to find one of the invaders who was jumping back from Val's attack - the bullet sends him reeling overboard.

Adeck the Freedborn, with the precision of a surgeon, the man in the oily green outfit slips his blade into Hefs' side, dropping the powerful mage to the deck instantly. Then the man is gone in a flash.

Over to port, a badly injured Ashira and Blue struggle to help rescue their friends. The dogs manage to clear the battle and leap into the water, paddling out to help retrieve the unconscious bodies [Appolo fails to stabilize this round and takes another point of damage].

Seeing Rigging's actions, Captain Jack swims to the Freedborn and begins clamboring up the side.

In the battle with the Quad, the target of Bart's attack effortlessly leaps out of the path of both his weapons and chops back with her greatsword, cleaving the railing in two with one blow, and smashing into Bart with the second [Critical hit for a total of 26 points of damage] dropping the fighter in his tracks.

[I show that Bart still has one hero point - this can be used to avoid the critical effect, leaving him at a total of -6 hps (rather than -20).]

Ashira  d20+4=16
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 4:09:03 PM

Ashira is slightly relieved when the dogs arrive to help. However, the two men look to be in dire straights. She considers her next move briefly, and then turns to Blue and says "I think I'd be of better use down there." She once again removes her weapons and armor and dives into the ocean.

Swiming over to Rigging, she quickly assess the young men's conditions. Ripping her shirt, Ashira attempts to bind what wounds she can find on Appollo's body. She turns to face Rigging, her head shaking slightly as she says "Tie that rope around Ari, then climb aboard. The dogs and I can handle things down here, and Blue needs you to help pull the men aboard."

OOC (D20+4=16 for Swim)

Hermes and Ripper (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 4:15:21 PM

Upon hitting the ocean, the two woolly dogs snap into action. Hermes paddles over to Ari and grabs the man by his collar, paddling and keeping the man's head above water. Ripper follows suit with Appolo.

Rigging (from the mall)  d20+2=19
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 5:10:40 PM

Ignoring Ashira's advice, Rigging ties off Appolo first and then scampers up the side of the ship. (made climb check) He helps Blue haul Appolo up first. As Blue starts healing Appolo, he will throw the rope back for Ari.

Blue  d20+3=23 d20+7=15
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 11:36:24 PM

The stocky cleric braces his feet against the gunwale and puts his broad back to the task of the rope(1d20+3=23). Apollo rises out of the water with astonishing ease. As he comes over the side the boy cleric pulls him to safety and quickly examines his wounds. As Blue's spells are used up at this time he binds Apollo's wounds and uses his healing skill (1d20+7=15) to stabilize his friend.

Lem  d20+4=22 d20+2=18 d6+2=3 d6+2=5
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 11:07:30 AM

Leaping out from behind his cover Lem attacks the whip wielding foe ahead of him with a flurry of two blows getting inside of the whips effective range(AC22 and AC18 for 3 and 5 points of damage).

"Rescuers Down Under" or "Will the Real Lem Shady Please Stand Up?"(DM Dave)  d100=49 d100=25 d20=12
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 12:49:55 PM

The combat is in full swing between occupants of the Lady Freedborn and the Sea Antivium. While most of the battle wavers back and forth at the railings, the presence of the remaining Quad members is keeping the higher ranking officers of the Freedborn busy, as they wheel about the deck near the central mast. A little more blood seeps from Bart's still form [Failed to stabilize this round and receives another point of damage].

Off on the port side, away from the battle, Appolo's limp form is pulled to the deck, and healing administered [Appolo takes another 1 hp dmg before he is stabilized by Blue]. Ashira and the dogs are still in the water with Ari, and Rigging has just finished climbing up the side of the ship [Only six seconds have passed since the end of last round].

At the front of the ship, the Amazon finishes off her current targets, and in a blood-frenzy crosses to the enemy's vessel.

On the main battle front (on the starboard side), Sasha stumbles in amazement at the attack from behind, and Lem plows into her. Turning, she hisses, "Traitor!" and spins to attack the monk. She jerks her whip up and down in a quick motion, causing the bladed tip to leap upward inches away from Lem's face.

Weaving through the battle, Captain Jack makes his way to the back of the ship.

[Note to Blue: It has been more than 3 rounds since the Hounds were summoned... they are gone at this point. No way of knowing how effective they were unless you capture some sailors from the sinking Acorn and ask.]

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 12:56:56 PM

After the big slash of his opponent, Bart falls heavily wounded and unconscious on deck.

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 2:05:30 PM

Rigging will throw the rope so Ashira can tie Ari off. He will glance around to make sure of the surroundings, watching for possible attackers or anybody else in need of rescue. He will then haul Ari up.

Blue  d20+7=12
Thursday June 7th, 2001 2:39:33 PM

Blue moves Appolo's resting form to safe place out of harm's way. He scans the decks for other injured and then he turns back to Rigging and the rope and waits to receive Ari. When Ari is safely on board, Blue will assess and address his injuries with his healing skill (1d20+7=12) in an attempt to stabilize him.

The Winds of Change (DM Dave)  d20=3 d20=6 d100=64 d20=11 d20=3 d20=9 d20=19 d20=11 d20=4 d6+3=9
Thursday June 7th, 2001 4:06:10 PM

At this point, the Acorn is mostly abandoned, and longboats are making their way over to the battle between the Antivium and Freedborn.

At the railing where Sasha lead the pirates moments ago, the tide is swinging in favor of the Aisildurians as Sasha, distracted by Lem, fails to rally the pirates.

Lem, realizing his error, goes totally defensive as he tries to let Sasha know it was a mistake. Nobody has ever seen Sasha so angry before, despite previous engagements through the years. Her emotions seem to be impacting her performance, as two strikes from her whip both miss Lem, where usually they would have sliced an opponent to ribbons. She is nothing like the calm, collected person that met Rigging and the group as they came back from the Adorus massacre (as it is now referred to by the pirates).

The heroes involved in the rescue of Ari and Appolo manage to get both unconscious men up on deck and stabilized.

Scanning the deck, Rigging notices Bart's still form, sprawled out in the midst of the battle with the remaining three Quad members. Make that two Quad members, as the ship's Bosun manages to knock one unconscious with a belaying pin.

Bart's slips a little further [Failed to stabilize this round and receives another point of damage] as the battle continues. On board the Antivium, Val faces a group of five sailors. She manages to hit one, while only one of the five strike her successfully [9 points of damage] with his scimitar, drawing a wellspring of blood.

Captain Jack makes it back to the wheel of the deck and retrieves a horn hung there on a rope. Directing it toward the deck of the Antivium, he sends out a blast of sound.

Bart OOC 
Thursday June 7th, 2001 7:03:50 PM

[Dave did you get my private message? I didn't want to post too many OOC comments, questions.]

Rigging  d20+2=15 d4+1=5
Thursday June 7th, 2001 7:08:53 PM

Rigging grabs his bow and quiver and hands it to Ashira. "Do what you can with this. You are too wounded for hand to hand. I am going after Bart." Rigging makes some magical gestures and murmurs some soft words and a magical dart leaps from his fingers and hits one of the remaining quad members. He then draws his weapons and scurries towards Bart. (OCC Rolled 20 in error. Shame it was a nice roll. :-) Rigging does 5 points with his magic missile spell.)

DM Dave's Response to Bart 
Thursday June 7th, 2001 7:36:25 PM

OOC: William, I sent you an e-mail response Wednesday after lunch...I just resent it to you. Let me know if not received. I used the JoeTyphon address

Valanthe  d20+6=9
Thursday June 7th, 2001 10:24:37 PM

Blinded by rage, Val sees the five sailors as black shapes on a red background. Her head snaps to the one that hurt her. She swings her scythe in a wide arc attempting to keep the others away and slashes the man but misses badly. (occ: 9 to hit)

Ashira  d20=11
Thursday June 7th, 2001 11:13:53 PM

Taking the proffered bow, Ashira sets it aside while she once again dons her armor and weapons. Attempting to turn the tide once again in the favor of the Pirates, Ashira takes aim at one of the sailors attacking Sasha. In her caution not to hit the Pirate, Ashira misjudges her target, and the arrow goes flying off harmlessly.

Lem  d20+4=23 d6+2=3
Friday June 8th, 2001 10:15:54 AM

Realizing his mistake and extremely upset about it, Lem stands frozen in total shock at what he's done. The popping of the whip near his face snaps him out of it and catapults him in to action attacking the nearest border(AC 23 for 3 points).

Blue  d20+7=14 d20+1=5
Friday June 8th, 2001 3:19:36 PM

When Ashira comes back over the side and starts to don her armour, Blue quickly and gently takes stock of her wounds. As he lays his hands on her he uses healing skill (1d20=7=14) to energize and comfort.

The young cleric turns to the battled deck and watches Rigging make his way towards the prone Bart. He readies his quarter staff and follows his taller friend. He remains as defensive as possible avoiding attack as he makes his way towards Bart (1d20+1=5 dex roll).

Flip and Slip (DM Dave)  d20=1 d20=19 d100=23 d20=13 d20=14 d20=20 d20=6 d20=3 d20=3
Friday June 8th, 2001 7:24:15 PM

With a grunt, the Sea Acorn flips over, exposing its underside and letting out a burp of air through its holed hull.

Meanwhile, the Sea Antivium somehow manages to elevate itself several feet, giving its crew a combat advantage over its enemy. The tide continues to swing in Aisildur's favor, as a crazed Sasha pursues Lem. Fantastically, her whip manages to get tangled up on an overhanging spar, jerking itself out of her hand and further enraging the Lasher. With lightning reflexes, she uncoils another whip and smacks at Lem, attempting to stun him [Please make a Fortitude save (d20+7) and meet or beat a 21]. The enemy is deliberately avoiding Sasha as it attacks the other pirates around her. They also steer clear of Lem, remaining defensive, despite the success of his attack.

Back near the wheel, a blast of cold issues from the horn winded by Jack, coating the deck of the Antivium and freezing a few of the sailors in the process. Val is far enough up to avoid damage, but works to maintain her balance while four of her five opponents fall heavily, with two sliding off the edge of the ship [Need to make Reflex save (d20+4) and meet or beat an 18 to remain standing. If miss roll by 5 or more, make another Reflex to avoid sliding off ship due to the tossing motion.]. The remaining sailor slashes at Val, but misses badly, not daring to move his feet in the process.

Overcome by the exertion, the Captain leans heavily on the wheel, his lips blue and body trembling as the horn drops back down on its tether. Behind him, a familiar dark-green robed individual pops up [Let's see: The following two have chances to Spot the fellow - Ashira needs to roll a natural 20, and Blue needs to match a '20' on a d20+5.].

Rigging's spell and Blue's healing go off successfully, with no Aisildurian (or Lem?) near enough to take advantage of a special attack on either one. Both begin heading toward Bart, who slips further into a coma [Failed to stabilize this round and receives another point of damage].

About half of the senior staff facing the Quad lie scattered on the deck (literally in some cases), but the group manages to bring down another of the Quad members, leaving one standing. The deadly beauty of the sole survivor as she weaves about with her greatsword is an awe-inspiring sight. She must be connecting 5 times for every one against her.

Friday June 8th, 2001 9:57:17 PM

Rigging gets to Bart and drags him away from the combat to Blue. Once he is clear he will circle around the last remaining quad member and try for a back attack next round.

Valanthe  d20+4=5 d20+4=16
Friday June 8th, 2001 11:32:08 PM

(OCC: not that it matters, but I'm assuming there was a penalty to the roll since her reflex save is +5. The techno dice gods really don't like me.)

Val falls onto her back and zips off the deck like a bar of soap. Immersed in the cold water, Val is shaken out of her rage. Fatigued, Val is able to barely stay afloat. Her equipment is light, but that will eventaully have to be discarded is she doesn't find a way out of the water.

Blue  d20+5=9 d20+7=25
Saturday June 9th, 2001 1:17:24 PM

As Rigging drags the pale Bart to a clear spot on the deck away from the melee, Blue scans the deck quickly (1d20+5=9). Seeing nothing to distract him he immediately examines Bart's wounds and tends the gaping holes and staunches the flow of blood.

While he tends Bart, the young cleric uses his healing skill to aid his friend(1d20+7=25). As he lays his hands on Bart an enourmous burst of power seems to errupt in Blue's chest. With a startled utterance of "by the dragon's breath", the surge of healing energy runs down his arms and enters Barts body with a jolt.

Ashira  d20=13 d20+3=13 d20+1=3
Saturday June 9th, 2001 2:10:34 PM

Warm tingling energy flows from Blue's figertips and into Ashira's body. The two ragged wounds begin to close, and soon there is nothing left but two ugly looking red scars.

Rejuvinated, Ashira remembers the undersea battle with the sharks and Taker. Suddenly infuriated, she unsheaths her long and short swords. White hot rage courses through her as she launches herself at the sailors nearby Bart, oblivious to the imminent danger to her Captain.

OOC (d20=13 for Spot, d20+3=13 for Longsword, d20+1=3 for Shortsword)

Unfortunate Events (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 10th, 2001 7:54:06 PM

Unmolested, the longboats from the sinking Acorn make their way alongside the Freedborn's port. Only the barking of the dogs in the water alert Ashira of the danger as the Aisildurians prepare to clambor up the hull. Val, from her vantage point, notes several longboats still departing the Acorn and heading toward the Freedborn (cannot see those who have already reached the Freedborn).

Jack's frost attack has provided a reprieve, of sorts, on the starboard side, allowing the pirates to concentrate on the Aisildurians who have already boarded the Freedborn. At the center of the deck, the last Quad member is finally vanquished, leaving only three senior pirates still standing. Ashira, Blue, and Rigging manage to reach Bart and stabilize him.

A cry fills the air, and everyone turns to look as Captain Jack drops to the deck, with the green stranger standing over him. A wave of fear washes over the crew.

The crazed look clears from Sasha's eyes at the sight, and she falters in her attack on Lem.

[Blue, please state the amount of healing provided the last two rounds to Ashira and Bart.]

Monday June 11th, 2001 10:59:32 AM

Still breathing, for now.

OOC:What's Appolo's status?

Rigging  d20+2=21 d4=1
Monday June 11th, 2001 6:07:54 PM

Rigging feels a quick flash of fear which quickly turns to rage. He snarls, "Blue take care of Bart!" He charges towards the green assassin hurling a throwing dagger at him. Rigging keeps a careful eye on the sneak realizing that he hasn't seen him on board yet.

Ashira  d20+5=20
Monday June 11th, 2001 8:40:23 PM

Momentarily pushing aside the rage building within her, Ashira makes her way over to the side of the ship where the Aisildurians are climbing aboard. Sheathing her shortsword, she begins to cut as many ropes as she can before the boarding enemy engages her. As the sailors fall, she begins to scream, "Long live freedom, may Ga'al burn in the lowest level of hell!"

Blue  d20+3=17
Monday June 11th, 2001 10:51:41 PM

Blue can sense that Bart's still form has stabilized. The young cleric lifts his friend (1d20+3=17, str check) and carries him out of harm's way to where Apollo lies recovering.

Row Ho! (DM Dave)  d20=2 d20=13 d20=15 d20=19 d20=5 d20=8
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 8:22:43 AM

As Blue gets Bart laid out next to Appolo and Ari (all three unconscious and in negative hit point range), he has a moment to glance around and take in the scene from a removed perspective: Bodies lie strewn and heaped about, with many hanging on the ship's railings. It's going to take a lot of scrubbing to get the boards clean again, and not too many people are left to share the task. Easily half of the crew is disabled or worse. The mix of enemy bodies with those of the pirates makes it difficult to take in just how many of Blue's companions have been lost.

Ashira races over and begins cutting away grapple lines from the longboats, and is met by crossbow fire from below - but the cover from the deck protects her from harm.

Val, fatigued, mostly floats on her back to conserve energy. Unfortunately, there are a few enemy sailors swimming around down here...

Rigging's dagger flies true, hitting the assassin in the left arm. As Rigging races up the steps to reach the wheel, the green-garbed man disappears. Blood still oozes from Captain Jack, and his body is in convulsions.

Sasha rallies the remaining pirates, who have driven off the current horde of Aisildurians. Seeing Ashira's actions, she sends three men over to help on the port side, while leaving five more to fend the starboard. The remaining two women she dispatches to the block and tackles, trying to get some movement out of the Freedborn.

The three senior crewmen still standing from the battle with the Quad split up. Jerzu tries to tend to his fallen comrades, Lips heads to the wheel-deck, and Smub goes to man the foredeck ballista.

Rigging  d20=9
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 9:29:21 AM

Rigging rushes up to the Captain knowing they can not afford to lose him as well. He will try to stop any obvious bleeding but suspects poison. He yells, "Blue get up here! The Captain needs you!" Rigging will try to keep the Captain from hurting himself in his convulsions. No tongue swallowing or stabbing himself allowed. (OCC Is Blue the only healer we have on board besides Ari or does the ship have a doctor?) Rigging will keep glancing around for the assassin often checking his back as he tries to help the Captain. (Rolled Spot check but am not happy.)

Lem  d20+7=22 d20+6=22 d4+2=4
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 11:22:17 AM

Managing to avoid being stunned by Sasha and hearing the captain's cry, Lem whips around and lets fly with a sling bullet at where the green dressed man was, watching with satisfaction as the bullet flies directly towards its target. (AC22 for 4 points of damage.)

Blue  d20+7=10
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 7:55:49 PM

While doing a quick check on his downed comrades, Blue hears Rigging's call. With quarter-staff at the ready he hurriedly heads to the wheel deck. He dodges bodies and debris and avoids any conflicts that may hinder him. If he arrives uneventfully he turns his healing skill on the prone capt'n (1d20+7=10).

As he runs energy into Jack, the young cleric becomes puzzled. He can not feel any response to his efforts. He wonders if magic or poison are involved.

Ashira  d20+5=25
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 9:43:46 PM

Ducking and weaving to avoid being hit by the enemy missiles, Ashira continues slicing the lines. She thinks back to all she has lost at the hand of Ga'al... her mother, her chance to live a normal life, her only friend Taker. Anger burns on her face as she lets loose with, "Down with the Royalists, down with Ga'al!"

Struggle (DM Dave)  d20=9 d20=7
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 8:31:57 AM

The struggle continues as life and death are decided in a battle lasting mere minutes.

Lem's shot, delayed in the fracas, arrives at its destination seconds after the green-garbed man disappears.

Rigging and Blue struggle to keep the Captain alive, wishing that Dak Yates, the ship's surgeon, hadn't gone down during the initial combat with the Sea Acorn. The convulsions stop, and Jack seems to be at least breathing, but remains unconscious. Lips, on his way to the aft, stops briefly to check on Jack's status before hurrying on to the back ballista.

Smub, from his vantage at the fore of the ship, begins peppering late-arriving longboats.
Meanwhile midship, Jerzu moves on to a second downed pirate, binding wounds.

Sasha continues to rally those around her, holding off a renewed assault from the starboard, while on the port, Ashira, Sill, Tagle, and Hourts work to cut lines cast by the enemy longboats.

Down in the water, two sailors attack Val with daggers, but the first is bumped by the ship's hull, causing him to miss, and the other misjudges the distance, stabbing too soon.

The sails over the Freedborn start to flutter.

Ashira  d20+5=23
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 9:56:26 AM

With each slice of the rope, the job becomes easier. Ashira takes satisfaction in seeing the enemy longboats drift away from the Lady Freedborn. However, feeling the ship move slightly underneath her and hearing the barking of her dogs, Ashira wonders how she is going to retrieve them before the Lady Freedborn is fully underway. Then another thought rushes to the front of her mind... Valanthe! Ashira scans the deck, and unable to spot the young elf, she shouts over to Rigging "Where's Valanthe?!"

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 9:59:18 AM

Val takes a deep breath and dips below the surface of the water. Bringing her scythe around, she attempts to bury it in a sailor's midsection.

Rigging  d20=11
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 10:23:32 AM

Rigging decides that Blue can handle the Captain at this point. He is heading over to help at the rail when he hears Ashira's call. Rigging feels a lump at his throat and thinks, "I will not lose another one." He knows she crossed over to the other ship and he heads in that direction looking for her and the green man. (Rolled for spot check)

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 11:27:26 AM

Lem, frowning as he watches his target disappear moments before his missile strikes, turns back to the borders and flanking Sasha makes ready to rid their ship of the trash that climbed on board.

Blue  d20+7=14
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 12:02:59 PM

The young cleric deftly cleans Jack's wound and binds it. He scans for other injury then once again uses his healing skill to try to stabilize the capt'n's condition (1d20+7=14). And once again, nothing, no response.

Blue drops to his knees in supplication and drops his head to the deck. In a desperate prayer he calls out, "Lord Lemtrovex, hear my cry, one of your servants has fallen, guide me and strengthen me to your greater purpose." The lad sits up, clasping his hands together, and closes his eyes.

Anyone standing close can hear a soft hum from the boy in blue as he rocks back and forth, apparently in some deep meditation.

Miracle (DM Dave)  d100=1
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 12:22:15 PM

At Blue's supplication, a brilliant blue light bathes Captain Jack, erasing all apparent wounds. With a start, the Captain jumps to his feet and quickly shouts, "Move this ship, now!"

Jezru, Smub, and Lips each immediately race to the nearest mast and begin swinging lines about, shaping the sails to catch the breeze. With all lines to the longboats cut, Sill, Tagle, and Hourts also head to the nearest spar.

Sasha and the five men with her make a feint at boarding members of the Antivium, then immediately join in moving rigging to get the vessel underway.

Rigging fails to spot Val on the ice-encrusted deck of the Antivium. Down below, underwater, Val swings her scythe, and discovers that the drag on her weapon is too great to be used effectively in this environment.

[1% rolls do happen!]

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 5:18:50 PM

(OOC: I believe that bad rolls happen at the worst times. I'm sure we all have stories.)

Underwater, Val wonders how she's going to survive. She was facing several sailors that were in their element. Val has never been in water combat and it shows. Her weapon doesn't come close to working well. Struggling to stay afloat, Val barely manages to resurface. She's extremely tired and doesn't know how much longer she can fight. As the Freeborn starts to pull away, Val tries to shout but ends up swallowing some water the wrong way. Val floats there coughing up the water, hoping she doesn't die. Perhaps she should surrender.

(OOC: With all of the confusion that this fight has generated, it would be understandable if Val is forgotten about. I know, I'll use the force to remind the captain..... Ah crap wrong game.)

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 11:53:58 PM

Her assignment finished, Ashira focuses her attention on the lost elf. Sprinting over to Rigging, she too begins to scan the area for signs of the young maiden. Almost abandoning hope of discovering her newly acquired companion, Ashira suddenly spots the sputtering Amazon. Panic surges through her as she realizes that the maiden is about to be left behind. Making a snap decision, she locates some rope. Once again removing her armor, but keeping her longsword with her, she ties the rope to herself, grabs a cork, and dives overboard to rescue the forelorn maiden.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 8:57:56 AM

Rigging sees Ashira's actions, finally sees Val and shouts, "Man Overboard!" He grabs the rope from Ashira and loops it around her waist. He says, "I got this end. Go save her."

On to Waha

Race of the Freedborn (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:18:26 AM

Diving in, Ashira quickly reaches Val. The Freedborn’s sails billow proudly, and she pulls away from the Antivium at a clip.

With ice on her decks and most of her crew overboard or dead, the Sea Antivium is slow to get underway. Survivors from the Acorn clamber up her side as they prepare to pursue.

For a few minutes, the Freedborn continues to widen the distance. The hold is disgorged at Captain Jack’s direction to lighten the vessel, allowing her to race faster.

After an hour, it is obvious that the pirates have escaped from their enemy. Time is spent cleaning the decks and tending to the dead and wounded. A brief ceremony is held later that evening, and Captain Jack reveals his thoughts on the battle.

[Ari, Appolo, and Bart are all now conscious, although still at negative hit points and extremely weak, unable to move without assistance.]

Captain Jack (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:19:02 AM

"We should have never met those patrol ships this far out from the mainland. How they knew we were here, well, that troubles me. It means they're likely aware of our rendezvous to deliver the explosives, which puts our upcoming raid on the Capital in jeopardy." Absently, he scratches at a non-existent scab where a wound was healed on his neck.

"I'd hoped to capture one of those ships and find out how much they knew. That was before Hefs was struck down. Without him, we couldn't counter enough of their magic. You saw what happened to me, how I was attacked by the same person who killed Hefs." He looks around while everyone recalls that horrifying moment, when Jack's scream pierced the air.

"Well, that 'person' revealed himself to me, something of his nature and power as he planted that dagger in me." A strange look comes in Jack's eyes. "That was no ordinary person. When he struck me, I saw a flash, a vision, of how he viewed the battle. It was like looking at the Freeborn from the deck of the Antivium. I saw a ritual in which he was bound to the ship that he serves -- we could not have destroyed him unless we found and destroyed something on the Antivium. That person was a nature spirit of some type, removed from the forest and twisted by the magics of Ga'al." Jack shudders.

"I don't know how it was done, but we can not easily defeat such a thing, and definitely not without Hefs' magic."

Taking a decisive stance that the crew well recognizes, Jack continues, "We do not know how much those Aisildurians know of our mission. Were they trying to intercept the explosives, not knowing we had delivered them? Were they attempting to stop us from reaching Waha? Was it, in fact, just a coincidence, a chance meeting? Well, we're not taking any chances. We will continue on with our mission to Waha, and also head back to warn the others. When we near Waha, rather than debarking, an away team will be sent to meet with our contact there and render what aid is possible. The Freeborn will continue on, taking a southerly track to throw off pursuit, and head to Tripps' Island to warn the Movement of a possible ambush."

He looks around at the grief-etched faces, then adds, "Blue, would you address the crew?"

Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:35:21 AM

Once Ari is coscious, he will help out with tending to the crew and the dead. Where possible, he will help out with his healing skill. With two healers and possibly a surgeon, the ship should be in good hands. (HP recovery should be 2 a day, unless some kind of severe injury or what not). Once the Captain is done speaking, and Blue has addressed the crowd, Ari will address the Captain.

"With Hef gone, I'm not sure if we can double check on this. But I'm still very suspicious of whether this seed (pointing to his belly), either might have come active, or if it is a way for them to track us. I do not know if they know where I am, or if they can track me through the seed. If they are tracking me, it might be interesting to try to set up an ambush, by putting me off on a long boat, and having you guys just over the horizon, or something like that."

[Note from DM: See my post above - your character is disabled and can not move. After he gets back above negative hit points, he'll be able to render aid, but even trying to lift your arm from the deck to scratch an itch is near-impossible at this point.]

Thursday June 14th, 2001 10:48:15 AM

(OCC: a day of rest gives your level back in hp. Complete bed rest gives 1.5 times your level back)

Back on the deck, Val mutters a thank you to Ashira before passing out. Later during Captain Jack's address, Val tries to take care of her wounds as best as she can. There are many people worse off than she is right now.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 12:16:59 PM

Limping and bleeding as he walks up to Sasha, Lem looks her in the eye and quietly says. "I'm sorry for my mistake and stand ready for whatever punishment you deem appropriate and necessary."

Thursday June 14th, 2001 12:45:42 PM

The young cleric takes to the deck where Jack just finished his address. After clearing his throat quietly, he faces the haggard faces of the tired and wounded.

He starts his address with, "You are the freedom fighters of Aisildur, the Dragon is with you. We have all lost sisters and brothers this day, but it was not in vain. They have fought the fight and are now free of the oppression of Ga'al. As long as we draw breath the Dragon will guide us to victory over these slaves. Ga'al has witnessed the power of the Dragon."

The blue clad boy raises his arms to the sky and prays, "Lord Lemtrovex thank you for your power and will, to defeat Ga'al. Dragon, guide us and strengthen us to your purpose. Give comfort and healing to your servants that we may serve your cause."

Blue lowers his arms and finishes with, "Peace be with you sisters and brothers. Remember, the Dragon watches over us all." The lad leaves the upper deck and mingles with the crew, talking quietly to those who seem distressed and using his meager healing skill where he can to bring comfort.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 1:27:04 PM

ooc my point on healing was that with the heal skill, it doubles recoup.

Thursday June 14th, 2001 11:30:39 PM

Catching Valanthe as she passes out, Ashira props her up during the Captain's address and Blue's commencement speech. Afterward, Ashira picks up the young Amazon and carries her to Ashira's quarters. The half-elf pauses outside the door to tell Illanta that everything is all right and to unlock the door. Once inside, Ashira places Valanthe on her bed. "You fought bravely young one, now you deserve a good night's rest. Besides, the common quarters smell like rat piss! I've got some business to attend to anyway." Turning to Illanta, Ashira says, "Zeke is upstairs, find one of the men to bring him down, and tend to his wounds. Then, when you're done take care of Valanthe. I'll be by in the morning."

Ashira returns to top side, and scans the depths for any signs of her friend Taker. Once again, she prays that the Sea god will guide and protect him.

OOC (I don't want to hear any jokes about Ashira and Valanthe being "Special Friends"... she's not that kind of half-elf.)

Sasha (DM Dave) 
Friday June 15th, 2001 1:20:31 PM

Glancing down at the puddle of blood around Lem, Sasha replies, "Well, for starters you can clean the deck..."

She walks away with a grin.

Passage of Days (DM Dave) 
Friday June 15th, 2001 1:29:21 PM

The ship proceeds on its route, and with Blue's ministrations, everyone is back up to excellent health during the six-day transit.

Based upon Val's outstanding performance during the battle, she is granted her 'pirateship' ranking, and given a tattoo of a dagger on her left arm to mark her as one of the Pirates of Jack.

When Isle of Wanderers, where Waha lies, is finally spotted, Captain Jack directs a longboat to be placed in the water, then orders Rigging and company to seek out Gastu, a prominent member of the city council, to brief them. Captain Jack ends by saying, "I really don't know many details, other than it involves the disappearance of children."

Final preparations are made, and Rigging is informed that it may be up to a month before the Lady Freedborn is back this way. "Don't lollygag around if you solve this mystery before we get back. You will always be a part of this crew, regardless your location," adds Jack.

Friday June 15th, 2001 2:37:23 PM

Upon receiving their new assignment from the Captain, Ashira nods and prepares herself for the mission. The half-elf can only be described as sullen in the past few days. Since the night after the battle, she has made an effort to keep to herself, actively avoiding the other members of the party. After packing all of her gear onto the longboat, Ashira finds a spot next to the railing, and peers out absent-mindedly over the ocean.

Friday June 15th, 2001 4:51:11 PM

Young Blue has been busy seeing to others the best that he can. He has become aware that he has much responsibility and he feels somewhat worried that he may not be able to live up to expectations.

He notices that Ashira has been keeping to herslf more lately and he seeks her out. He finds her alone and addresses her, "Excuse me Ashira, I hope you don't mind, but if I can, I would like a word with you... we have had many losses lately, as a crew and as a family. With Wynd and Bulldog gone, much of the strength of our group was taken. I believe you to be very strong and resourcesful, and I have come to depend on your judgment and your actions. Some of us have had to grow up quick and I for one sometimes wonder if I can measure up. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to shirk from what I believe is my responsibility, but from time to time I could stand a bit of a shoulder to lean on. I know I am only a boy, but if you ever need a shoulder, please know that I am here for you in whatever way I can be."

Friday June 15th, 2001 5:06:11 PM

Rigging, after hearing their orders, askes the other members of the company to get their gear for an extended stay. He reminds them to bring money as they might have to purchase lodging and food. He sees Blue talking to Ashira and comes up on the other side of her and says, "Any signs of Taker?"

Friday June 15th, 2001 9:37:09 PM

Val understands that it is an honor to be accepted into the Pirates of Jack, so she reluctantly accepts the tattoo. During the voyage, Val wears small amounts of clothing in an attempt to darken her coppery skin. She tries her best to learn the ways of a ship. Where to tie and untie ropes to get different effects, etc. Val is cheerful and enjoys the work on the ship (for the burn her muscles feel afterward). Val wanted to start her reading lessons, but Ashira seemed distant and in need of space.

(OCC: Val isn't that way either. To her Ashira is like the sister she lost.)

Saturday June 16th, 2001 1:18:32 PM

"Thanks Blue for taken care for me. I'm back on my feet now. I missed the mass on the deck after the battle, but, could you guide me in my prayer to Lemtrovex? I would thank him for saving me and the others of our crew."

Saturday June 16th, 2001 9:00:18 PM

After six days of relative rest and relaxation, they reach port and the captain gives them another assignment. Appolo loads his gear, then walks over to where Blue is standing. "It'll be nice to be on dry land for a while -- and thanks for everything." He extends his hand, then walks away toward the long boat to help put it in the water.

When he sees Bart, he says, "Glad to see we made it. Damn lucky, aren't we?"

Sunday June 17th, 2001 3:30:00 PM

After 6 days of rest, Ari is happy to be able to move freely about, without too much pain. During his down time, Ari spends the time studying what he can, and contemplating what could have been done differently. When the Captain gives them their new orders, Ari packs up his gear, and prepares to depart.

Watery Greetings (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 17th, 2001 6:34:58 PM

OOC: Rigging discovers that the group's accumulated wealth totals 500 gps.

The away team quickly chats as final preparations are made, and then it is time for departure. Overhearing Appolo's comment about 'dry-land,' Sasha laughs, "Well, I wouldn't exactly call the Isle of Wanderers dry land -- it's all swamp."

Rigging and the group load up, and set off as the sails are hoisted and the Lady Freedborn heads south: A troublesome sight for some on the longboat, perhaps? After an hour of rowing, the group reaches the fringes of the island, which seems to be surrounded by clumps of mangroves. An elf sticks his head out of the water.

"Greetings. Normally, I'd ask what cargo you had to trade in Waha, but it's obvious your business lies in other areas... My name is Shursora. I'll be your guide through the swamp. However, you must consent to blindfolds as a protection for Waha, to prevent spying for a possible invasion. Do you so consent?"

The green-hued elf waits, treading water by the side of the craft. Some sort of marsh bird calls out in the trees beyond, and the mosquitos are starting to come out as the sun heads toward the horizon.

Sunday June 17th, 2001 11:35:18 PM

"I don't have a problem with the blindfolds provided you can offer some proof. Bandits use ploy's similar to this one to lure unsuspecting travelers into a trap."

Monday June 18th, 2001 8:13:50 AM

As long as Rigging consents for the group, Ari has no problem with the blindfold.

Monday June 18th, 2001 8:49:08 AM

Encouraged by the sight of one of her people, Ashira's mood improves slightly. Heading over to the railing next to the Aquatic elf, she says in Elven, "I am Ashira, daughter of Jabez of the Baraq family. These are my friends, and I can personally vouch for their integrity. However, if you deem blindfolds necessary for the security of your lands, then of course we will comply."

Turning to Valanthe, Ashira says in Common, "It is wise to be cautious, but these are my people. I will not allow their motives to be questioned."

Monday June 18th, 2001 9:41:04 AM

Rigging is pleased with Ashira's speech. He understands most of it. His elven lessons seem to be working. He announces, "We mean you no harm and we will take your blindfolds if this is your law. Trust is built by trusting others. We have been sent from the Lady Freedborn to aid your community. We were instructed to ask for Gastu."

Lem  d8=5
Monday June 18th, 2001 12:43:42 PM

Having cleaned and mended his way back into Sasha's better graces, Lem continues his sunrise and sunset workouts. As they head on to their next mission, he checks with the bosun to see if there are a small supply of healing potions that the party can take in the case of emergency.

Monday June 18th, 2001 6:42:45 PM

Blue gladly shares his belief with all who ask. He advises that Lemtrovex does not expect formality, that the Lord Lem seeks justice and freedom for all. The young cleric tells how it has been his experience that Lem responds to those who are dedicated to his cause, the freedom of Aisildur. He suggests simple prayers and meditation.

Blue helps with preparing for the new quest. He packs his simple gear and takes his turn at the oars.

When the elf appears, the lad listens and watches intently. He is truly fascinated with other cultures.

Welcome to Waha (DM Dave) 
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 8:27:21 AM

[Unfortunately, all available healing, including potions, was used up to save as many crew members as possible. Fully half the pirates were beyond help.]

Shursora responds to Val, "If this had been a trading vessel, we would have asked that you go down to the hold to protect your cargo, rather than donning blindfolds. I say 'we' because..." He slaps the water with this hand, and twenty heads pop up out of the water, "...it usually takes several to man a large vessel and navigate it through the swamp. If we had less than honorable intentions, your boat would have been capsized half an hour ago."

Addressing Rigging, Shursora states, "We know nothing about a request for aid, but Gastu is a well-respected leader. Please follow my instructions carefully to ensure everyone's safety."

After wringing out the water, Shursora passes out blindfolds made out of some sort of dark-green material. At the same time, one of the other sea elves produces some sort of melon-fruit and breaks it open, revealing a foul smelling orange middle. She quickly smears its contents around the rim of the boat, stating in elven, "This will ward off the flying pests."

This done, the boat heads into the unknown. For the next hour, the air is filled with the sounds of angry insects, the lapping of water, and the occasional smack of wood against wood, every so often punctuated with a comment in elven of "A little to the left," or "More to the right."

Suddenly, Shursora announces that everyone can remove his or her blindfolds.

You find yourselves in the middle Waha -- a collection of wooden building on struts rising out of the swampy waters. Your longboat sits in a huge bay, where three large trading ships are currently moored. Looking around, you have no idea how they managed to get those into this area. On the far side of the bay is the lone stretch of dry, clear ground visible. It stretches perhaps 1000 feet from left to right. On it are numerous stone buildings -- apparently the Market Square, along with various administrative buildings, and perhaps housing for the wealthy few who can afford a patch of dry ground. The sounds of street hawkers waft over the waters. Children's games intermingle with the shouts of wharf crews moving cargo.

The sun's rays are stretching long at this point, and several torches along the pier are being lit. In one of the numerous taverns, it sounds like someone has started hitting his cups in earnest, as a sea chant flows out into the gathering gloom.

Shursora jumps into the water and announces, "Gratuities are customary."

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 9:27:51 AM

Ashira reaches into a pouch on her belt and withdraws 100 gold pieces. Leaning over, she hands them to Shursora. The melodic tones of the High Language lilt through the air as the half elf speaks. "This is to aid in keeping your people free. Use it well, and may he who rules the tides and currents watch over you." Before the Aquatic elf leaves, Ashira whispers to her "In the name of kinship, I must ask a favor. I have a friend that has gone missing, and I hope that you can help me find him." Ashira quickly gives Shursora a description of Taker, as well as his last known location. "Please contact me as soon as possible if you find him or hear any news about him." As the elf turns to leave, feelings of guilt and fear once again wash over her.

Questions about Waha 
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 10:29:16 AM

OCC: are there wooden platforms connecting the buildings? Or do people have to travel on boat from one building to the other?

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 2:33:41 PM

"The place doesn't look that big. It shouldn't be too hard to find Gastu." Val looks around at the swampy city of Waha. "So this is home for the time being. I'd prefer more land, but things could be a lot worse. Should we check the local taverns or try the rich sections?"

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 4:01:49 PM

Appolo quietly and calmly accepts the blindfold. Of course he will try to sneak a peek every now and then.

Tuesday June 19th, 2001 7:43:31 PM

The young cleric was relishing the sounds of Waha when told to remove his blindfold. At first the new brightness hurts his eyes, but they slowly begin to adjust. He marvels at the stilt houses and the size of the ships that made it to this swamp port.

The lad's stomach rumbles and he comments, "Do I hear the sounds of a nearby Inn where one may partake of food and drink?" He looks from one comrade to the next hoping for a seconder.

Waha Marketplace (DM Dave) 
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 8:33:11 AM

[Most of the stilt houses are connected by walkways, although coracles are tied to many, allowing transit via water.]

Rigging turns sea-elf-green as he watches Ashira hand out a fifth of the group's funds to pay for passage through the swamp.

Sushara takes the offering, "You have given what most would have paid for a full-sized ship. We'll keep our ears to the ocean and let you know if any tidings arise about Taker."

Someone seconds Blue's sentiment, and the group docks at one of the smaller piers. Appolo, donning yet again the blindfold, has some trouble getting out of the rocking boat. His peeking helps immensely as he avoid tripping over a pile of netting.

Making your way off the dock, you are almost overwhelmed by the chaotic tumult surrounding you. The shipyard is a hive of activity. Fishermen, children, sailors, and merchants argue, interweave, call out bargains, and move about seemingly at random. Net menders vie for space with hawkers proclaiming their wares. The sounds and smells of various occupations from smiths to weavers fill the air. Sleekly trimmed ships, obviously pirate raiders built for speed, fill the harbor alongside merchant vessels and small fishing craft.

Moving away from the harbor leads to more noise and confusion as the party passes through the Free Market of Waha. Part open bazaar, the Free Market is a maze in itself with no apparent organization by craft or merchandise. It appears that almost any legal (and perhaps illegal) item can be found somewhere in the market.

Everyone you meet is armed - most carry scimitars, cutlasses, staves, or darts as well. Several tough-looking men and women lounge about, leaning against buildings or sitting on carpets.

Off to the side, you see a fight break out between two merchants. A few of the loungers drift over to break it up after a moment. They are apparently the town guard, though they look like pirates.

An old, small lady approaches crying, "Coin exchanges, change made. Honest value by weight."
Moving up to you, she hands Lem a silver coin, saying, "You see, strangers, you have but to examine my wares. Carefully weighed and not shaved." It is a round silver coin about the size and weight of a Aisildurian coin. Instead of the usual design, however, this shows a curiously shaped crested wave on one side and a man in flowing robes with wavelike hair on the other. The lady shoots a funny look at Appolo, who is still taking tentative steps after nearly colliding into a cart moments ago -- funny how well these blindfolds work.

Wednesday June 20th, 2001 5:42:04 PM

Bart says, "Hmm it looks like we have to change money here. Where do we start? I will asks those guards over there where we can find the city council."

Bart walks over to the guards and asks them if they could tell him the way to the city hall.

Wednesday June 20th, 2001 9:54:40 PM

Val was a bit surprised when Ashira gave out a bunch of gold, but didn't care much. She never found the need for much money. As she walked through the marketplace looking at the wares and shops, she couldn't help but think how this was a much different world. Val spent decades in the wilderness hunting when she needed food. She started to doubt Ashira's wisdom. "I too am a little famished. Perhaps a tavern would be the best place to stop first."

Wednesday June 20th, 2001 10:59:23 PM

Noting the look that Rigging gives her, she turns to him and says, "Don't worry, that was out of my own private funds. Freedom never comes cheap."

Ashira follows the others as they walk from storefront to storefront, obviously distracted. Finally, after watching Appolo stumble around, she marches over to him, and pulls off the blindfold, muttering something about "Looking ridiculous."

OOC Who's got the party's money, it's not Ashira.

Thursday June 21st, 2001 6:04:18 AM

Ari watches the activities as the group slowly moves through the town.

"Do we want to try to find a place to stay, or do we want to meet with our contact first?"

Thursday June 21st, 2001 7:51:05 AM

Looking at the coin that was handed to him, he looks to see if there is any recognition or name under the person's figure. If not he quickly asks the old lady who the figure is and what the rate of exchange is for their coinage?

Thursday June 21st, 2001 1:28:24 PM

The hungry young cleric fishes out 5 gold pieces from his pouch and holds them out for the money changer. He asks, "Please convert these to local tender my good woman, then if you please, point me to the safest place to get something yeasty to drink and a boiled joint to knaw on. A little cheese would be nice too, I would appreciate it muchly."

Conversation on the Streets (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 21st, 2001 4:12:57 PM

Bart's query is met with a grunt, followed by, "The council ain't in session. The current council magistrate is over at Lem's temple, up this street three blocks, then left one block."

As Lem examines the coin, he realizes he's never seen its like before. It is void of any script. His question to the old lady is met with, "Oh, how foolish of me. I seek to show you my finest in local currency and bring out a foreign one instead. That coin is from the burning lands to the far west, half a continent from here. Here, let me show you the correct coinage." She holds out her hand while rummaging through her satchel, finally producing a silver coin with palm trees on one side and waves on the other.

To the query on the exchange rate, the lady announces, "Those five gold coins run at a lower weight. Wait a moment." She pulls out some scales and drops Blue's coins on one plate. Three of her version of gold coins comes out to the same weight. "As you see, the local coins are a tad thicker. I charge a silver for every ten gold coins exchanged, or any part thereof. So, those five gold coins plus a silver, if you please. Oh, and I suggest the Salty Dog as a fine tavern, although some are partial to the House of the Blue Monkey."

Thursday June 21st, 2001 8:45:00 PM

Rigging shakes his head at the antics of the group. How quick they are to trust and how naive they can be. He realizes this is one of the things he loves about them all. He also feels a strong responsibility to protect them and their innocence. He strides up to the old woman and asks, "Why do we need to change our money? Will not the innkeepers or storeowners take our gold?" Rigging turns to the group and says, "I want to make first contact first. Let's find out our situation here before we make any long term plans or commitments." As he leads the party off, Rigging will put an arm around Ashira's shoulders and say in terribly accented elven, "Taker is a valued member of our family as well. He has fought at our sides bravely. It was family money that was spent to pay for our passage and to aid in finding Taker, OUR friend." As he removes his arm he says in common, "Never forget that I have sharp ears and my elven improves daily."

Thursday June 21st, 2001 9:22:41 PM

Appolo is embarrassed and slightly angry that no one bothered to imform him to take his blindfold off and is already moving away from the group. He has no wish to exchange his money with this person on the street and if necessary will do so at the city hall. After all he is leery of strangers. He also has his own money.

Thursday June 21st, 2001 10:14:19 PM

Val eyes the old woman. "How do we know that the coins you have aren't special ones used for this exact purpose? I'm sure you won't mind if we check with the Innkeeper first." Val turns to her firends and says, "Come, let us proceed to the Tavern. I'm sure that the gold is still good regardless of the engravings. Otherwise what would the old woman do with it? We will all think better on a full stomach."

Friday June 22nd, 2001 1:05:24 AM

The famished and embarrassed cleric lifts his 5 gold pieces from the scale and drops a copper in their place. "Thank you for the information." Clutching his meager pouch tightly, he scurries after his friends muttering something about, "Ill treatment of freedom fighters and smells bad too."

Ashira  d20=7
Friday June 22nd, 2001 8:21:48 AM

Pushing Rigging's arm away and inserting a playful jab to the midsection (which doesn't connect), Ashira comments, "And don't forget that I can take care of myself! No, I insist, those are my people, and I gave the money to help out their cause. But thank you for the offer. And thank you for your concern about Taker."

After her brief discussion with Rigging, Ashira's mood improves slightly. Strange... she finds herself actually drawn to this rag-tag group of humans. They truly do seem interested in her life. Through the years, after all she has seen of their race, it is hard to believe that they actually possess sensitivity and compassion. Yet, these little ones could probably even be considered civilized. Interesting... it deserves further consideration.

Addressing the group, Ashira says, "I believe Rigging is correct. I would love to down a few, but first things are first. We should meet with our contact and then go to the pub."

Before leaving the money changer, Ashira briefly considers the exchange. Strange, street vendors are usually more smooth than that... it's almost like she was trying to pass along some secret information. Turning to the old woman, she says, "I am a collector of rare things. I was wondering, how much do you want for the first coin you showed us?"

Meeting with the Magistrate (DM Dave) 
Friday June 22nd, 2001 9:34:26 AM

Overwhelmed by comments and questions from four of the party members, the old lady starts to say, "Hatred for anything Aisildurian runs deep-- oh well, you'll see soon enough." She sighs, putting away her scales and waving off Ashira's query about the silver coin, "No, that one is not for sale. 'Tis my lucky piece, and luck is in short supply these days."

The decision made to do business before pleasure, the group heads up the street and toward Lem's temple to meet with the council magistrate. In a few moments, you reach the entrance to an impressive old stone building with the symbol of a gold dragon etched over the lintel.

Soon, introductions are being made with the acting magistrate, Gastu! It's hard to miss him, as he stands close to 9' tall! Blue and gold tattoos adorn his face, which wrinkles in a friendly, tired smile. "--I am saddened to have missed Captain Jack, that one is a good man. But I am certain that with your help, we will solve this serious problem -- oh, Redux here was just telling me a little about your exploits, actually."

Gastu indicates a young man who stands nearby, dressed in dark robes, with an owl perched on his shoulder. Gastu continues, "Yes, I am being a bad host, let me introduce Redux. This mage recently arrived from the mainland, and is here on his master's behalf to help in the struggle against Ga'al. Actually, it looks like his master has discovered a more effective way to neutralize the heart-seeds, rather than having to constantly take medicine to keep them dormant."

Gastu pauses, then says, "Redux is actually here because of you. Word travels fast among some circles, and we are excited about your discoveries on Theo's island." He interrupts himself and says, "Don't worry, we have warding from detection here in the temple, so no one will overhear this conversation.

"As I was saying, we are excited about your discoveries, and especially your heroic help in saving Theo's people. It is a brave soul who would fly to the Moon and back! And those mushroom spores you brought back seem to be the missing ingredient needed to make the heart-seed cure effective."

Gastu rubs his hands together, "Please, I know this is rude to ask, but may I see the moonstones the Great Ta awarded you for saving his people?" Misreading the confused looks on your faces, Gastu quickly covers, "Oh, I am so sorry, I shouldn't have asked, it's just that no one has ever seen such gems before here on the Wold-- oh well, let's get back to business, shall we?

"The children of Waha have been disappearing. Eighteen are unaccounted for so far. It has been my custom since coming to Waha to take in abused children and house them here in the Temple. Many of them do chores or run errands for me, and up until a few weeks ago I had no real fear for them. Most of the people of Waha know my custom and also know that one of the few things I will fight for is to protect the children. Now, however, it seems that someone is willing to chance my wrath by harming these little ones.

"After investigating, I have developed two theories. I do not know if either of them is correct, but I cannot continue on my own. I need people like you to follow up on what I have discovered so far. Yes, you are outsiders, but you are still less noticeable than I am. You can go places and do things I cannot.

"My theory is that someone has instituted a slavery ring specializing in children. If that is so, the children are being captured and sold to the highest bidder. Since there are no slaves or slave market in Waha itself, the kidnappers must be somehow smuggling their victims off the island. From what I've been able to gather, I suspect that perhaps Tekol, a carpet-seller, may be involved in a slavery ring. He has a booth in the market but can often be found at the House of the Green Fish, a tavern near the bazaar. The Council has been watching him for some time but has been unable to prove that he is involved in slavery.

"My second theory is that the children have become the victims of a cult that is operating secretly in Waha. Whether they are taken to be used as sacrifices or indoctrinated with the beliefs of the cult, I don't know.

"Now, this is a dangerous business: I've occasionally seen heavily cloaked strangers passing through the market, and about a week ago I was hit by a dart while over in the bazaar buying supplies for the temple. It did little damage, but it was smeared with poison. I don't know if it was a warning or was meant to kill. No one could say where the dart was thrown from. Here it is." He pulls out the wicked, barbed missile, carved with baneful symbols crawling with stomach-twisting carvings.

Drumming his fingers on the wooden shelf from where he retrieved the dart, Gastu says, "Let's see, let's see, what other strange things have I seen? Oh, yes, Stela, a mason, has been importing large quantities of black tiles. When I approached him and asked to buy some of them to use in repairing the border around one of the temple's walls, he told me they had already been sold. This might mean nothing, but I suspect they were used to decorate a hidden temple somewhere in or near the city.

"Another good lead would be to seek out Heesi, a local masseuse, and ask for his best story about some of the earlier history of Waha.

"Although you're welcome to stay here at the temple, I believe you could accomplish more if you rented rooms at one of the inns near the market. I suggest the Aviary, which is clean and serves good food."

Opening a drawer beneath the shelf, Gastu produces a wooden box with 6 cells holding 5 potion bottles. "These two will provide any healing you may require, and these three will allow you to breathe water for a couple of hours." The last cell in the box holds an arrow, rather than a potion. "This arrow, if tossed, will land pointing in the direction of the desired object: stairs, sloping passage, exits, or caves. You can specify distance or direction, such as 'nearest, farthest, highest, lowest, north, south, etc.' Please keep these as a token of my gratitude for coming to help."

Friday June 22nd, 2001 11:23:30 AM

Val was surprised by the sheer size of Gatsu. She was part of the crew and a member of the pirates of Jack. Except at times like this she still felt like she didn't belong. She was now involved in something that went way over her head. She never heard of Elven deity's controlling the minds of mortals. Val stood in the back, lost in her own thoughts.

Valanthe- - Lost in thought 
Friday June 22nd, 2001 12:39:47 PM

Val wondered if she was doing the right thing. She missed the closeness and attachment that all elves feel with one another. Having Ashira around helped, but it wasn't the same. She would have died if not for these humans. They were some of the best humans she's met, and that counted for a lot. Val turned and looked out at the swamp. Instead of a swamp, Val saw a dense forest. A village in the trees, concealed to look like branches from below. Archers hidden at dozens of locations, standing guard. She sighed and knew that she would never be in an elven city again.

Friday June 22nd, 2001 3:48:55 PM

Appolo trails a few feet behind the others on the way to the temple, stopping from time to time to check out what's going on in the market and to see if anyone is following them or paying a little to much attention to the group. When they reach the temple heis listening, but appears to be only have interested. Just another death defying job to do, with unknown enemies, as far as he is concerned. He speaks up "Is there any reason to exchange money on this Island or will the shop keepers take anything as long as is gold or silver? Where's the best place to get somethig to eat? Your Honour!!"

Friday June 22nd, 2001 4:36:13 PM

Ari follows the group in relative silence as they travel towards the temple.

Once inside the temple, Ari stares at the size of the man in front of him. Just as the intial shock starts to wear off, Ari gets thrown back into a loop when he's asked about the gems. Though he warms quickly to the thought that there is another way to kill these seeds. Once Gatsu finishes his explanation, Ari wonders why it seems to come down to children.

Friday June 22nd, 2001 8:16:20 PM

When the group approaches and enters the temple, Blue becomes very intent on the building and it's surrondings. If given the opportunity, Blue will ask Gastu, "May I ask who is the master of this temple...and is it possible for me to have a short audience with them? As a Cleric of Lemtrovex, I would seek direction on the nature and use of the healing potions you have offered as well as a need to do my abolutions with a master priest."

Friday June 22nd, 2001 10:00:00 PM

Rigging strides forward and shakes Redux's hand when introduced. After hearing about their supposed exploits and Gastu's theories he holds up both hands palm forwards and says, "Sir I think you are confusing us with some others. We did travel to Theo's island but we found no children other than Val." Rigging points to the elf. "We were not rewarded with any gems or I would gladly show them to you. We are here to help and we want to find your lost children. Slavery is a terrible institution and must be stamped out. A secret temple of Ga'al so close is also something to fear." Rigging sighes and continues, "For now I think it is best if we find lodging and food. Would you like to join us in a meal and we can discuss strategy. Redux I would love to have a conversation with you as well. I don't get to talk shop very often. Let's head over to the Aviary and get some food and drink and think matters over. I also want to thank you for your fine gifts. We will use them in the struggle don't you doubt."

Athlemdar  d20=17
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 1:48:15 PM

Meeting Gastu, it is hard to to keep from staring but Lem somehow manages. At Redux's introduction, he narrows his eyes a bit and observes this newcomer carefully. when the chance arrives He sends a quick question Redux's way. " So Redux, Who is your master exactly? I mean what's his name, and where is he from? Also, no disrespect to you Gatsu, but Redux may we see the back of you neck and you abdomen please?

Redux  d20+4=24
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 8:29:16 PM

Redux has many feelings at once. He is impressed with the dedication of Blue and sees many genuine characteristics in the young man. The wait on this island has been good and Gastu has been a wonderful host. He now must face the knowledge that his quest seems temporarily in vain. It would seem that either this party is too incompetent or is too young to complete a rescue mission. Then again, there are a few quiet ones that just might be able to keep the whole group from being Mind Flayer snacks.

Due to being in the presence of the magistrate Redux summons all of his will to remain diplomatic and answer their questions. This is not the time to be putting people off just because they put their foot in their mouths, he just might have to stay with them a while.

"Rigging, I think that the better place to start would be the House of the Green Fish and combine some drinks with business."

Addressing Athlemdar, "For your sake and that of my master, I am not able to tell you his correct name. There are those who would torture you to get the name and use it to be able to scry his whereabouts and activities." Pointing to Ari, Redux continues “Regarding the presence of a heart-seed, I don't believe you want to insult your friend and companion by suggesting that a person is bad or untrustworthy for having one. The magistrate has accepted me, and by my advice has accepted you and your party. There are many better topics to be discussed."

Redux draws a long breath. "My question to you is why you were not the ones to save Theo's people and receive the mushroom spores. These are the missing ingredient and I would have rewarded you handsomely. Our scrying has told us that someone in the Pirates of Jack has these and because you were on the island, you were my first thought. I must accompany you to return to your ship and speak with Captain Jack myself."

Saturday June 23rd, 2001 10:23:26 PM

Val whipes a tear from her eye and brings her attention back to the escalating siutation. To Redux she says, "He might not want to, but I do! If you don't have anything to hide then there will be no problem. It's too coincidental that you want to travel with us, but refuse to answer any of our questions. We were informed to find Gatsu. There was nothing mentioned about you." The young elf maiden is truly showing her barbaric nature. Quick to anger and lack of ettiquette.

Gastu (DM Dave) 
Sunday June 24th, 2001 6:59:39 AM

When Appolo speaks, Gastu's smile fades a little as he says, "A reason to exchange your coin? It is always a good idea to obtain local currency, anytime you are in a foreign land! Less likely to get raked over the coals that way...for instance, if you try to use Aisildurian coins here, they're as likely as not to sic their dogs on you. At best, you'll be charged double."

To Blue's query, Gastu replies, "I am the head priest. We of the council take turns in the role of magistrate for the city: This month it is my function. We can meet privately after your companions have had their say, if you desire absolution. I can see that the hand of Lem is upon you."

Upon Redux' revelation, Gastu states, "Ah, so that explains the clouded response to my divinations...the moonstones offer strong protections, and must have diverted my inquiries." Turning to Redux, "I do not know how to advise you on this. It may be Lem's will that our paths tie with this group, rather than in the direction we originally thought."

"In any case, I cannot join you in a meal...it would not be wise for our enemy or enemies to spot us in public together, if you are to obtain any useful information about this missing children situation. I thank you for the offer."

Seeing tensions flaring, Gatsu intercedes, "Please forgive Redux - the stress of trying to loosen Ga'al's grip while being pursued by his minions has been tough on both Redux and his master. Rest assured that Redux's heartseed is controlled by medicines."

Gastu realizes how humiliating the mark of Ga'al is upon such a steadfast opponent, who moments ago thought that he had the final ingredients for a cure. He makes a decision, "Redux, it would perhaps be a good idea for you to introduce them to the town, and break a few bottles of wine...perhaps a smooth L'sil to calm the nerves?"

Sunday June 24th, 2001 3:42:50 PM

Bart says: Let me introduce myself, my name is Bart from Ailthmar an orphant raised by an miller.

Of course we want to help you to find those children. It will not be the fisrt time we rescued some. Redux, I don't know how many spores you want, but we where in Theo's cellar, maybe you can find some spores on our clothes. And Redux, speaking with captain Jack won't be possible for a while. He is away for another important duty. We where sent by him to help you.

Going to the Green Fish sounds fine. I'm eager to try your local brew. But before we go can we change some Aisuldurian money here?

Sunday June 24th, 2001 10:04:03 PM

Ashira listens with interest to the lively conversations. After Rigging nonchalantly tells Gastu that they are not the heroes he seeks, and Lem requests that Redux be checked for heartseeding, Ashira sighs mentally. She thinks to herself, "It's going to be a long day."

When Valanthe verbally attacks Redux, she steps forward, and puts a hand on the young elf's shoulder. She whispers to the Amazon in Elven, "Mind your temper young one, this is not the time to be rude to our host and his associate."

Looking to Gastu and Redux, she says, "You know Captain Jack to be a competent man. Needless to say, he would not have sent us to you if he did not believe us to be capable." She looks at Redux as she adds, "With all respect, it is not for you to question our abilities." She returns her gaze to the giant holy man. "Your Grace is probably correct in assuming that a cult is involved. We will find out soon enough. By your Grace's leave, after we have changed our money, we shall leave to arrange lodging and a meal before we launch our investigation." Striding over to Redux, she says, "Master Redux, would you kindly show us where we might find appropriate lodging?"

Sunday June 24th, 2001 11:09:17 PM

Rather than losing it, Val turns and heads outside the temple. She skips a couple of stones and cools down.

(OOC: just a reminder that Val is still considered a child by elven standards, and acts as such because of her lack of guidance. She won't reach adulthood for a couple of more years. Still Val is almost a century old.)

Monday June 25th, 2001 12:15:45 AM

Blue approaches Rigging and rests his hand on his friend and leader's forearm. When Rigging turns to the young cleric, Blue looks him squarely in the eye and says, "The group should rest and seek it's own council, if Redux would join us it would bring honour and grace to us all." The young cleric's eyes narrow slightly holding his friend's gaze as he finishes with, "I would take a moment with Master Gastu for absolution and priestly instruction with your permission".

Temple Time (DM Dave) 
Monday June 25th, 2001 7:07:55 AM

Conversations continue between the High Priest, the mage Redux, and the crew from the Lady Freeborn.

At the question about exchanging coinage, Gastu indicates that this is a temple, and perhaps a more appropriate place would be one of the local moneychangers, who usually hang out in the market square, "If you have quiet a bit of money, there is a strongplace where jewelry and such is usually handled. It's called Feldrig's, and is located a few blocks east of here."

Monday June 25th, 2001 10:45:15 AM

Rigging turns to Blue and says, "Enjoy your time with prayers. We will meet you at the Inn. Give me some of your money and I will get it exchanged for you." After taking the money, Rigging turns to Redux and Gastu, "Sirs we are willing and able to help you find your missing children. We might not be what you were hoping for, but know we are an experienced group of adventurers. We have conducted a raid on Ga'al's temple, fought off Asidurian warships, tangled with water elementals and defeated Quads. We have taken our loses also to our sorrow and we keep fighting. We are worthy of your trust." He looks pointedly at Redux and says, "I am sure you are a caplable mage. This group is more than a collection of warriors, cleris, thievies and monks. We are a family and love and watch out for each other. If you are going to join us, it won't take long to fit in, but you will also become cherished to us. All we ask is you treat us like family as well and we will get along.

Monday June 25th, 2001 11:09:09 AM

"Ga'al has taught us that he can be very treacherous, and very cunning with what he can do. Within the confines of my family, I have always been very open about what I carry, in order to convince others that I am of my own free will. But we have had other friends of the family, that have been subverted by Ga'al.

Along with meeting a shapechanger that was working with a now dead family member. Which raises various possibilites as to whether he was working with him or not. The shapechanger is still at large, at this time.

Personally, I have not had much time to devote towards my magical studies. At time that is convienent to us later, I would like to compare notes, if possible, though I doubt my little library will be of much use to you."

With the ending comment, Ari smiles at Redux.

Monday June 25th, 2001 1:42:26 PM

Bart Thinks Hmm strange if I had an problem and offered help by a bunch of adventurers, I would help thim with there money problem. at the other hand the healing potions will be very usefull

Bart says, "We will change money at a money changer, does Feldrigg also changes normal money or only jewelry?"

Monday June 25th, 2001 2:00:14 PM

Listening to Gastu and Redux, Lem Just shakes his head, "I understand all about trust and insults and my comments were not meant to show either, but you must understand, we are responsible to each other and depend upon each other for our safety as such we need to know what it is that we are confronting and or relying upon. I asked these questions here because I deemed it safer here than at some inn or out in the marketplace. Besides, there may be, as you say, other and better topics to be discussed, but such discussions should be had between people who trust each other and not through false fronts. As to whether Ari would be insulted by my asking you such questions, had he my suspicions, he would be asking them himself.

"Admittedly the magistrate has vouchsafed you to us, And as you say you vouchsafed us to him.
However, we have no knowledge of you, Nor by what information you vouchsafed us by, is your information or knowledge of us accurate. We are of the Pirates of Jack and as such are known and through our captain were introduced to Gastu, not so with you. Something rang not quite right with me about you. That led me to my suspicions. Hence my question about your seeding. Is it common or noble?"

Monday June 25th, 2001 5:42:44 PM

After listening to the conversation for awhile and having his own immediate questions answered. He slides quietly back and finds a place to sit down.

When Valanthe heads outside in a huff after being cautioned by Ashira,he shakes his head and gets,swiftly following after her. Thinking she's going toget herself in trouble, behaving like that. Least, I can do is follow her.

Monday June 25th, 2001 8:01:47 PM

After giving Rigging 5 gold pieces to exchange the young cleric continues to study the temple's architecture. He waits for the group to head off to the Inn as he is anxious to meet with Gastu.

Monday June 25th, 2001 8:36:54 PM

"My heart seeding is of noble birth, at an earlier time when I was younger and very foolish. My master saw value in my position and showed me the light, to use a figure of speech. I still have contacts with those who see our cause as a revolt; these are often useful when they share information about new temples and the like. Having the heart seed is also the only way to travel while on the mainland. It is dangerous work, as you know, and I must be careful of those I involve myself with. You are correct, merely being of the Pirates of Jack gives testimony of your abilities. If I may suggest, you may want to cover your tattoos to make your loyalty less obvious to those we meet from now on; you can't just walk up to a follower of Ga'al and expect a warm greeting. You have no idea how important those seeds I came to collect are, and you would know it if you had one on you. We hope to reverse the heart seeding permanently, giving life back to many people. For now, I will continue working with the potions I have been taught to make and be available to help those who most desire to be free. (I almost sound like a priest sometimes, having a soapbox to get up on.)"

Monday June 25th, 2001 10:23:04 PM

Ashira watches as Val heads out the door. Shaking her head slightly, she thinks of how much the young elf has to learn. In a way, Ashira is jealous of the young one's brashness, a luxury that she was never allowed. Memories of other brash young elves spring to mind. Times best forgotten work their way to her fore thoughts. Gently, a gorgeous young elven lad leans forward. His tender lips press onto Ashira's... Ashira redirects her thoughts to the situation at hand, it the least she can do for Taker. Why do these memories always come up at the most inopportune times?

Motioning toward the door, Ashira says "Whenever you're ready, Master Redux. Ashira is anxious to head over to the money changers and then arrange their lodging. More than anything, the half-elf wants to finish this assignment and return to the Lady Freedborn. She is desperate to determine the whereabouts of Taker.

Monday June 25th, 2001 11:24:58 PM

Val skipps a stone and walks over to Ashira. "Do you ever miss the underwater evlen cities?" Val smiles (one of those rare times) and looks down at a rock she's flipping over in her hands. It's one of those times where she looks like an innocent girl. A glimpse of what she could have been. "Whenever I see beautiful forests, I think of home. Well not home exactly. About half a ten-day's ride from our village was a hidden elven haven. My father took me there a few times before he died. It was the most beautifull place I've ever seen. Once I was old enough, I would have gone there to study and live. I would have been going this summer." Val's eye's tear up a bit as she looks out across the water. "There were houses in the trees, connected by walkways that appeared as branches. Sheer cliffs hundres of feet high with waterfalls flowing down into water bluer than the sky. I cherish the times that I return there in reverie, but I seldom do. There is so much bad that I don't like to rest at times." She wipe's her eyes and tosses the rock. It splashes into the water.

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 1:25:11 AM

"Covering up our tattoos is an good idea. Gastu do you still want us to have the potions and the arrow? Maybe you can give them to Blue, after your conversation."

"First change some money and then to the inn. I sure could eat half a horse."

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 6:50:08 AM

Rigging heads out the door. After making sure the whole group is together, he will head towards the market square and the Inn. He thoughts are on schemes of finding the missing children but he is very aware of his surroundings.

Heading Inn-ward (DM Dave) 
Tuesday June 26th, 2001 8:08:14 AM

Gastu says to Bart, "Yes, Feldrig's handles coin as well as jewelry... although I don't know if they'll be open at this late hour." (The sun has set at this point)

He slaps Bart on the back, staggering the young fighter, "Yes, I bet you could probably eat a whole horse at this point. No, go ahead and take the potions... your young priest already has enough of a burden."

With final farewells, the group heads out into the street, rounding up Val and the others in the process. Blue stays behind for a private audience with Gastu.

On the way to the House of the Green Fish, the old lady moneylender is spotted in the streets, apparently heading in the same direction. You catch up with her shortly. Upon seeing you, she says, "Oh, I'm headed to the Green Fish. You can join me if you care to... by the way, my name is Wynfrea."

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 9:06:02 AM

Nodding thanks to Redux, for his answer, Lem saunters over and with a slap on the shoulder says, So can I buy you the first drink?

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 1:59:18 PM

Ari follows the group, lost in thought.

What does the information that Redux brings mean to the struggle? Did what Gastu say reveal as to why The Freeborn was being chased us. Could they have been scrying and getting the same information, that somehow our little group was mistaken for carrying these gems?

Ari notes the womans comments, but keeps on toying with his thoughts.

Can we really save what remains of our village, if there is anything left, after that temple debaucle...............

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 2:31:23 PM

Appolo having followed Valanthe outside, was leaning agianst the wall next to the door when the others came out. He let the others file by noticing the mage Redux was with them. He then waits a few seconds and takes up the rear. Trailing behind the group, again watching for thieves or anyone else that might be following the group.

After a few minutes of walking they run into the old moneychanger and she introduces herself saying her name is Wynfrea.

He walks up to and introduces himself and says he walk like to do some business. He then produces his pouch holding it close to his body.

OOC>Appolo has 10 gold,5 silver,20 copper pieces.

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 8:12:35 PM

After the group leaves Blue bows to Master Gastu and says, "Master I am at your service in Lemtrovex's name. Guide me to the Dragon's will".

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 9:57:06 PM

Val follows the group quiet as normal. Except now she's a bit more down the normal.

(OCC: i don't know if i stated this, but i've thought about it. Val will cover her tattoo with a leather band.)

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 10:15:12 PM

Redux is more than willing to accept the drink and might delight the group with a round of some of the local finest (they call it 'sweet candy wine' -- it's blue and is sweet, though that's not its finest quality). He tells the group about some of the local joints, noting that each of them seem to go out of their way to have the finest specials available (don't order your old favorite and expect what you remember); this leads to some very fine eating and a large variety to choose from. --Wynfrea, you seem so familiar, do you have a coin I might trade with you?" With this he takes out a small coin purse with many curious symbols on it, some are obviously magical in nature. One, however, seems to be more prominent, it shows a curiously shaped crested wave, you would know if you ever saw it before.

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 10:36:29 PM

Smiling forlornly at Val, Ashira says "Oh, little one, I'm not sure I can relate. You see, I've never really had a home. After my mother was murdered by priests of Ga'al, my father and I returned to the undersea cities." A distance look falls over the half-elf's countenance. "My father's people were polite to me on account of him, but it was obvious that I would never be fully accepted. So, as soon as was opportune, I joined the Pirates. They're really the only family I've ever had."

Picking up her own rock, Ashira tosses it. As it skips across the surface, she says "Your homelands sound beautiful. Perhaps one day you can take me there. But as to memories, my best advice is to let the past stay in the past. It's less distracting that way."

When approached by the moneychanger, Ashira smiles and says "Sure Wynfrea, we'd love to have you join us."

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 11:53:53 PM

To Ashira she says, "Elves can't let the memories stay in the past. We don't sleep, unless were near death. Elves enter what is called the Reverie. The Reverie lets elves relive past memories as if they were there. We don't get to choose what we relive. Perhaps soemday I'll get to show you the place I would have liked to call home."

The 'Inn' Crowd (DM Dave) 
Wednesday June 27th, 2001 9:44:28 AM

Our highly-introspective heroes make their way to the Green Fish after Wynfrea [an NPC] provides exchange coinage for Appolo and Redux [both PCs] at the previously mentioned rate of charging a silver for every ten gold coins exchanged, or any part thereof.

Despite the crowd, Wynfrea manages to secure a some-what private table towards the right back wall of the establishment. "The pickled eel is particularly good here," she adds as the first round of drinks come out. "I see your visit to the temple changed your thinking on exchanging currency...a good thing, as I hate to see all that animosity the locals give to those of your country. You mustn't hold it against them, as there have been regularly incursions that have caused a lot of misery here in Waha."

After sipping some Rasel Ale, Wynfrea asks, "So, what brings you here? Perhaps you've heard of some of those wonderful spices coming in from the West?"

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 12:19:48 PM

After exchanging his coinage, Appolo feels cheated, but says nothing. He now has 2 siver pieces. He figures he's probably going to have to hustle up some more money somewhere, somehow. He followed the group in, sat down and ordered a meal: a rather large one for a boy of his six and weight, he also orders milk and water rather then ale or wine. Peferring to keep his wits about him. He notices that Valanth is is depressed, on the way over he overheard her conversation with Ashira. He looks at her and says, "Maybe you should try meditation, the priests in the orphanage where I was raised used to do it, it seemed to work for them. Also remember you have friends now and a place and purpose in the world, so cheer up, life's hard -no use worrying about the past." After that he starts eating, he will let the others deal with Wynfrea.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 4:08:57 PM

Val ordered some wine and a plate of meat and potatoes. She was picking at her food when Apollo says, "Maybe you should try meditation, the priests in the orphanage where I was raised used to do it, it seemed to work for them. Also remember you have friends now and a place and purpose in the world, so cheer up, life's hard -no use worrying about the past." Val gave Apollo a smile and started eating. She wasn't woried about the past, just forced to relive it. However this wasn't the time or place to discuss such things.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 6:44:55 PM

Maybe we have to change some more money. I only have some pocket money with me, no more then a few silver and a copper, maximum a gold or two. I don't think that covers my expenses.

Valanthe OCC 
Wednesday June 27th, 2001 7:51:37 PM

OCC: val's meal is small because she's an elf. Since Val doesn't have money because she hasn't needed it before, could somebody front her a couple of coins to cover the meal?

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 8:41:27 PM

When they sit down for the meal, Ari mood brightens a little bit. "I think we could all use a good solid meal to brighten up our day". Ari orders the basic meat and potatoes type meal, and adds in a fair helping of cooked vegetables. While waiting for his meal, Ari orders some wine. Turning to Wynfrea, Ari asks, "Is a spice shipment a rare and special event in these parts?"

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 10:34:00 PM

Redux wants to make sure the table is full, having just met the group and the moneychanger. He orders a jug of wine, a gallon of ale, bread & cheese and desires to try the pickled eel. To Wynfrea he responds that, yes, they are looking to do some trading. He admits that when he cooks it is usually for a potion of one sort or another and that sometimes the more exotic spices add things that customers desire (with a wink he implies a love potion). The traders in the market should be looked over the next day to see what wares they have.

Redux also seeks information for lodging for his group of new friends, a place big enough for them all to stay in one place without disruptions and so wants to get to the Aviary soon.

Redux wants to keep the evening jovial and get everyone out of the night early. There should be plenty of time to find leads the next day, especially with the help of Wynfrea, who seems to know quite a bit about money flowing around. He guesses that traders in one commodity may be covering for another, namely, slaves. He also wonders to himself how, on such a small space of land, a Ga'al temple could spring up without anyone noticing. The magistrate gave several names that should be investigated in the morning.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 11:19:10 PM

Rigging pulls a heavy sack out of his backpack.
He says to Wynfrea, "Can you handle 100 gps?" If she is able then Rigging will hand out 10 gps to everyone in the party as partial wages, keeping the rest to help with expenses and lodging. He then orders a meal with beef! Anything but salted fish and pork. Fresh vegatables and a glass of wine. "Redux, Where are you staying? Is it possible to aquire more rooms there. "To Ashira and Val in elven, "We need to find some privacy and do some hatching...no not hatching...hmmm planning that is the word planning."

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 11:32:43 PM

As the evening progressed, and the wine kept coming, Val loosened up. She smiled, laughed, and appeared to be enjoying herself. She even tells a tale about one of her first hunting trips. A disasterous trip at that. She was tracking what she thought was a large deer. She followed the tracks for miles. Finally the tracks stopped at a travelers camp. The traveler forgot that his boots were set to different tracks. For her trouble, the traveller gave her something to eat.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 2:42:50 AM

Appolo smiles back at Valanthe and winks then continues to eat,but he doesn't really relax,
he try's to remain vigilant.As he expects trouble at anytime.After awhile he get's up excuses himself and heads to the restroom
to releave himself.He moves swiftly and silently
avioding contact with other people.

Wynfrea (DM Dave)  d20=14
Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:17:38 AM

"Oh, it didn't occur to me that you'd be sick of sea-fare. Those steaks you ordered are going to be pricey, as the only thing raised around here are a few chickens and pigs."

Turning to Ari, she says, "Oh, the shipments are pretty far between, as the lands to the west are half a continent away. But really, this is a trading center, and you can find pretty much anything flowing through Waha."

She privately and quickly exchanges Rigging's gold, trying to keep the glint of coin from catching anyone's eye in the tavern.

Picking back up the conversation with Ari, she says, "I don't know how much the magistrate is going to know about such things as spice shipments, though. His interests really lies in other areas. Is there something I can help with?"

Wynfrea's order of pickled eels comes out, and she happily gets her fingers messy as she bites into one, screwing up her face slightly at the vinegar.

Inn Meal (DM Dave) 
Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:25:44 AM

Appolo successfully makes it to the latrine and back without being manhandled along the way.

Food and drink are in plenty, and a bard warms up his lute on the far side of the room. Good thing this place has plenty of windows to vent the heat - the crowd and the lanterns, along with steaming plates, bring a sweat to the brow.

The customers are a mix of sailors, merchants, and a few adventurous-looking types. One man in particular stands out: A very handsome fellow with well-used equipment, who is conversing with two acquaintances over at the bar. An aura of leadership springs from him.

On the streets, the sounds of whores call out in the darkness.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:44:02 AM

Having ordered a meal of assorted fresh vegetables, potatoes, and fruit, Lem sips on a glass of wine and peruses the inn's company. Seeing the man at the bar, gives him a moments pause and he takes a few moments to surrepticiously observe him for any sign of who he is or where he is from.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 11:01:34 AM

As the night wears on Rigging will ask Redux to another table where they can talk quietly without prying ears. "Redux, we really don't know each other yet and trust is rare in these situations. If you are going to mesh with our little family, you need to give me some information. Our goals are the same. I have vowed to free my people from the heartseed. You have a more personal stake in that but our courses are running in the same direction at the moment. For some reason these people look to me for leadership. It is a weight that I really don't want but take out of love and responsibility. What I need to know from you is two fold. First...What are you abilities as a mage. Second...What is your feelings on these missing children. You have been here longer and must have a better idea of what is going on."

Thursday June 28th, 2001 4:03:05 PM

Bart goes to the bar and orders a beer. In the meantime he is hoping to hear what the three man at the bar are talking about.

(do they look like fighters or more like nobles?)

Thursday June 28th, 2001 9:57:11 PM

Ari smiles as the plates are brought to the table, and the 'family' is served. Looking around the table Ari catches the eyes of everyone he's been traveling with lately. "Excuse me for a second, Wynfrea."

"I do not know about the rest of you, but I intend to give thanks to our Patron for his part, on our behalf. As usual, without his help, we would not be here now, to enjoy this fine meal."

With his little speech, Ari offers up his wine cup in a toast. Afterwhich, he bows his head for a minute of silent contemplation, in which he gives his thanks to Lemtrovax for his family's survival.

With that said and done, Ari rejoins the conversation with Wynfrea. "I am sorry I had to be so rude, and interupt our conversation. Now where were we? Oh yes. You were saying that anything could be had here in this trading city. What are some of the more exotic things that are available to the average, or not so average person?"

After Wynfrea's discourse is done, Ari has one more question for her. He nods his head discreetly at the handsome stranger, and asks her, "Is he one of the local traders around here, or a local business man?"

(BTW, I like the overflowing optimistic outlook of our intro page! ;) )

Friday June 29th, 2001 12:04:31 AM

Redux goes with Rigging, being discreet, and smiles to those around. Redux tells him that he is an herbalist by profession and is able to brew many potions, including the heart seed medicine and some with healing ability. "As a mage I have kept my skills improving and myself alive.

"Many times these trips outside off the mainland are to find supplies and be out of the closest watch of the priests of Ga'al. As for the children, I think the ones to look for are those who're slaves. The ones involved in the cult may not be as willing to be rescued or may be beyond help; better to cast our efforts into the most productive pursuit. Besides, the paths cross, I'm sure.

"Have you noticed those three at the bar?" Redux asks with a slight nod in their direction. "We should find out some about those before we turn in, they look like the sort we're looking for."

Friday June 29th, 2001 1:37:14 AM

Listening silently to the conversation around the table, the half-elf thinks through the mission presented to them. Just the right amount of subtlety will be required in order to be sucessful. Where to start... When the waitress comes by, Ashira orders the seafood special, and helps herself to a few glasses of the wine that Redux has ordered.

As the night progresses, Ashira notes with relief that Val is happier now.

Upon noticing the handsome looking young man, Ashira smiles. Attracting Rigging's attention, she nods over toward the young man and says, "Looks like that one could use some closer investigation. I'll be right back." Excusing herself, Ashira heads over to the bar. She catches the barkeep's attention and orders a couple of beers. Then she approaches the attractive young man, sets one of the beers in front of him, and says, "Pardon me, but I couldn't help notice your unusual longsword. Tell me, wherever did you find such a wonderful piece of workmanship?"

Bart  d20=19
Friday June 29th, 2001 7:11:57 AM

While Bart is waiting for his beer at the bar he still tries to hear something of the conversation of the three men. (listen check 19)

Friday June 29th, 2001 10:11:15 AM

Rigging keeps a sharp eye out for Ashira watching her back. While doing this he will keep his conversation up with Redux. "Potions, Hmmmm Can you brew healing potions? What kind of offensive spells do you keep memorized? I normally carry magic missile and sleep. I am not trying to be to personal here but our survival as a group often comes down to diversification. If you enjoy having those spells, if you know them, I can change mine."

Friday June 29th, 2001 11:39:39 AM

After a while Appolo relaxes a little and sits back. He carefully watches the three men at the bar.

When Ari states that he is going to give thanks to his diety, Appolo bows his head out of respect for his friend, then joins Ari in a toast nodding at him.

Then first Bart then Ashira approach the bar, Bart taking a seat a few feet from the handsome stranger and his companions. It is obvious to Appolo Bart is trying to eavesdrop. He hopes it isn't to those three gentlemen, because they look like they can take care of business.

Then he sees Ashira buy two beers then approach the tall handsome leader. He can't hear what
she says, but hopes for the best, while preparing for the worst. He slips his hands down below the table and quickly drops a dagger into each hand while quietly as possible sliding his chair back.

He looks over at Rigging and notices that he is watching too. 'Good,' he thinks, 'if this goes bad at least three of us will be ready.'

He sits quietly in his chair ready to move.

Inn Decantations (DM Dave)  d20=9 d20=5 d100=42
Friday June 29th, 2001 2:05:51 PM

Lem does not readily recognize the style of clothing that the handsome man is wearing at the bar -- it is made up of brightly swirled cloths that hang loosely about his frame. As Bart eases by to eavesdrop, the fighter realizes he's never heard the type of language being spoken before. It has an airy cadence to it, broken by intermittent spitting sounds. To Bart's eye, he guesses these three are all trained fighting men, with a hint of sea-air about them.

The bard across the hall strums up a popular tune, "Cat's in the Sea", and several patrons join in with throaty calls during the chorus.

Wynfrea, responding to Ari, says, "Oh, there are the standard 'love herbs' to be had, though I daresay you are not of wont in that department." She grins. "The big item selling lately are the intricate rugs coming from the western lands. People also seem to be snatching up paintings of the White Lady -- which one of the local artists produces. Something in the paint make it where the Lady seems to take on a life of her own, walking around in the framed landscape."

"But," she continues, "I get the impression that is not what you are really interested in. Why are you asking about that gentlemen over there? Are you bounty hunters?" she adds with a laugh in her eyes.

Ashira makes her way over to offer her admiration of the handsome man's sword, who responds with a chuckle, "My, now that's a personal question. But, since you want to know, I'll tell you -- this was my reward for delivering badly needed supplies to the blockaded city of Tintsel. Now, a question for you: Since when did underwater lasses start carrying cumbersome longblades such as that one?" He points to the blade strapped to Ashira's back.

The two men who were conversing with Mr. Handsome set empty mugs back on the bar, and with a nod, head out into the night.

Friday June 29th, 2001 2:33:44 PM

The young cleric meets quietly with Gastu. They share prayers and Blue receives absolution. He is reminded that he has been somewhat amiss in his morning prayers. The boy in blue thanks Gastu for his tuteledge and with directions to the inn he hurries off to join his friends.

(OOC my apoligies for missing posts, between network problems at home and an office move at work my computers have been down).

Friday June 29th, 2001 2:52:50 PM

Chuckling to Wynfrea's bounty hunter comment, "Oh my. No we're not bounty hunters. I was just concerned for my female friend there." nodding towards Ashira. "I was just trying to determine whether I had to keep an eye on her, or an eye on him." Ari chuckles at his look joke.

"You've already seen that we're outsiders to this town. You seem to know a fair amount of what is going on around here, so I thought it was only natural to ask you questions. I was just trying to get a feel for the lay of the land.

What do the people think of the magistrate?"

When she finishes, " what other news do you have of this artist and his paintings?"

Wynfrea (DM Dave) 
Friday June 29th, 2001 3:18:05 PM

"Oh, he is a well-respected man. A very even-handed, compassionate individual. He has done a great deal in the years that he has been here...do you have business with him?"

Upon hearing the question about the artist, Wynfrea waves it off with her hand, "Oh, up until a year ago, any you asked would have called him luny - he has been painting pictures of the same lady for years now. Only when they came to life did people sit up and take notice. Last I heard, he's moved into a furnished studio up a couple of streets from here. I can take you by on the morrow, if you wish."

Friday June 29th, 2001 6:38:17 PM

Appolo watches as two of the thre men leave, leaving Ashira with the handsome stranger.
Appolo relaxes, but remains vigilant, as he scoots back up to the table. Drinking some more water. He quitely listens and watches.

Friday June 29th, 2001 7:15:36 PM

After getting his beer Bart walks bacjk to the table where Rigging and Redux are sitting. He takes a nip from his beer and says to Rigging I think it's time to look for some accomodation for this night. What place can you recomend us Redux?

Cadria (NPC - ADM Janell) 
Friday June 29th, 2001 8:26:42 PM

The short, stocky waitress hustles back and forth between the kitchen and the table, attempting to keep up with the party's many orders. Despite her shortened stature, she's keeping up pretty well with the seemingly unending requests. She even finds some time for small talk between bringing food and cleaning off plates. "Quite a diverse crowd you're eating with tonight Wynfrea. And by the looks of some of their orders, you've been doing a good business with them. Hope they're good tippers!" The last comment is made with a wide grin that shows many crooked but clean teeth.

Noting Redux's empty wine glass, Cadria bustles over to fill it. However, in her haste, she manages to spill some of the jug's contents onto Redux's robes. "Oh sir, I'm so sorry, let me go get something to wipe that up with!" Cadria runs toward the kitchen as fast as her stubby legs will carry her.

Friday June 29th, 2001 8:39:45 PM

Running her fingers through her green hair, Ashira responds mildly, "I'm sure you've noticed that these are dangerous times. Besides, I spend most of my time now-a-days above the waves. And up top, a weapon like this can be immeasurable. But look at me, you'd think I was half-orc with the manners I've been showing." Ashira extends her hand to the handsome fighter. "My name's Ashira. I don't believe I caught your name."

OOC (Ashira's tattoos are conveniently covered by her armor)

Friday June 29th, 2001 9:57:03 PM

As the evening progressed to politics and intrigue, Val grew increasingly bored. These were things that she was no good at. For once she was glad of the elven resistance to wine. She enjoyed the wine, though she's glad better. Val watched Ashira try to charm the armed stranger and wondered how she did it.

Friday June 29th, 2001 10:59:22 PM

Watching as the waitress spills wine all over Redux, he can't help but smile, it all he can do to keep from laughing out loud. After the girl clumsily apologizes, thoroughly embarrassed, he watches her run toward the kitchen.

He then notices Valanthe's obvious boredom and rather impulsively says, "Come on, let's go for walk outside, it appears to be a nice evening out." He then gets up and offers her his hand. It's not easy for him and he is quite nervous not knowing if she will accept.

Friday June 29th, 2001 11:58:55 PM

(OCC: Since I joined the game late, could everybody send a brief character description? Val is tall for an elf, standing 5' 3". She has the normal elf frame with a lightly muscular and toned body. Her skin is coppery in color, eyes are brown, and her hair is long and coppery-red. She normaly keeps it in a pony tail. She wears studded leather armor made for a female elf.)

When Appolo offered his hand Val had no idea what to do. Val looked to Ashira for advice, but she was engaged in a conversation. Looking at Appolo she says, "Sure. I'm not sure where we could go, but it has to be better than here." She takes his hand and walks with him.

Mr. Handsome (DM Dave) 
Saturday June 30th, 2001 10:37:50 AM

With a smile, he replies to Ashira, "To catch a name is to catch a person, and this fish isn't ready to be dined on, yet. Most of my acquaintances know me as Fletcher, Fletcher Long." He then firmly takes her hand, and gives it a firm shake, rather than a nibble.

At this close range, the magnetic aura of Fletcher's personality is nigh overwhelming. Even some of the grumpier old sots sitting nearby have a grudging admiration shining from their eyes whenever they look his way.

"So, what is a one such as yourself doing up topside these days? It is said that these are arid lands, compared to the verdant beauty of under-ocean."

Saturday June 30th, 2001 12:00:20 PM

Watching and listening, Lem 's ears perk up at Wynfrea's comment about the paintings. "what do you mean come alive?"

Appolo  d6+2=6
Saturday June 30th, 2001 1:37:46 PM

Appolo is quite shocked when Valanthe accepts his invitation, but recovers quickly, "I don't know either, maybe the beach, we should always take enough time to enjoy life's little pleasures while we can. It should be rather nice out side, with a cool ocean breeze." With that he takes her arm in his and heads out. Stopping by Rigging's and Redux's table for a moment.

"Master Redux may I suggest you check your purse," he says, and then continues on with Valanthe.

Saturday June 30th, 2001 1:40:24 PM

OOC:In the last post I rolled Appolo's hit points. D6+2=6+14=20.
Appolo now has 20 Hps
Thank you

Appolo OOC 
Saturday June 30th, 2001 2:17:47 PM

Appolo Character Description For Valanthe

He has grown somewhat during the last couple of years with the pirates. He is now 15 years old, slightly over 6 feet tall, 120lbs. Long, but neatly trimmed brown hair, Blue Eyes. Physically he might be considered attractive, but he lacks self confidence, and is quite introverted.

He spends so much time trying not to be noticed, that he doesn't know how to get attention -- at least not in a positive way. He is also used to being ignored and most of the time, and likes it that way.

Anyone watching him will also notice how incredibly and unnaturally graceful he is, especially for a human male.

Valanthe  d20=7
Saturday June 30th, 2001 9:01:59 PM

(OCC: ignore d20 roll. I accidentaly clicked the button)

Walking with Appolo, Val is quiet for a few minutes. "Sometimes I feel so out of place. Now I can manage somewhat on a ship, but I'm still not that good. Situations like this I feel useless. I'm no good at trying to get information people or use charm. When I see people I wonder what they think of me. Do they think of me as wild and primitive? Sometimes it's just so hard."

Sunday July 1st, 2001 3:28:57 AM

Appolo answers, "Don't worry about it, you're not useless and I find you quite charming and attractive." He says as they walk along, "Just try to enjoy the evening, good food, good company and well, right now no one's trying to kill us... You know you're lucky, at least you knew your parents. I never had the chance. I was raised by the priests of Ga'al. Don't even know the names of my parents.

"So like some wise man once said, 'Life give you lemons -- make lemonade.' It is a nice night." He then stops talking feeling a little embarrassed about his outburst. This is more than he has said to one person in months. If not years.

Sunday July 1st, 2001 9:36:00 PM

"Well then, it certainly is a pleasure to meet you Fletcher Long. You seem to know quite a bit about the undersea regions for a human. Tell me, have you ever had a chance to visit them, or do you just know them by reputation? It's been too long since I've been there myself." Ashira adopts a crooked grin. "The pay is much better topside. Besides, it gives me an opportunity to meet interesting people like yourself. But since we're getting personal, tell me, what's a good looking man like yourself doing in a port like Waha?"

Sunday July 1st, 2001 9:52:50 PM

Redux knows that the bill might be higher than he'd planned but is willing to pitch in for the large group meal. He suggests to Bart that he catch up to Val & Appolo and tell them to meet at the Aviary, for a place to stay for the night when their finished with their walk; it's not too distant.

To Rigging's surprise, the wine spilled on him doesn't leave any signs of soaking or staining into his robes. Redux rises briefly to shake a little moisture off. When Cadria returns, he suggests to her that she was mistaken and that most of the spill hit the floor and was no trouble to him.

Redux agrees to show some of his potions, but in a less public display, he doesn't want to give too many reasons to be interesting to all of the eyes in this place. I'm already worried about portioning out the money.

Cadria (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Sunday July 1st, 2001 10:03:35 PM

When Cadria arrives shortly with towel in hand, she can't believe her eyes. Dismissing Redux's comment about missing his robes with the wine, she insists on removing the jug of wine from the bill. As she leaves, Redux hears her mumble something about magic users being un-natural. Throughout the rest of the night, the height challenged waitress makes great efforts to avoid the black robed mage.

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20=12
Sunday July 1st, 2001 10:22:06 PM

Noting the glint of gold from the previous exchange with Wynfrea, Frillip thinks he's spotted an easy target. After all, what person in their right mind would exchange so much coinage in such a public place?

The young, nondescript youth walks past Rigging, and "accidentally" bumps into him. While proclaiming his apologies, Frillip attempts to remove the money pouch from Rigging's belt. Unfortunately, he somehow manages to entangle his fingers in the string, and effectively ties himself to Rigging's pouch. Turning beat red, the young man struggles desperately to escape his sticky situation.

Monday July 2nd, 2001 12:44:35 AM

Val blushes a little at Appolo's compliments. Nobody has ever told her those things before. "I didn't know them much at all. Let me put this into perspective for you. What if you knew your parents until you were 2 years old? Would you remember them that well or know what they were like?"

Monday July 2nd, 2001 4:56:33 AM

Blue enters the Inn as Val and Appolo appear to be heading out. He scans the room and deceides to join Wynfrea and Ari. As he sits down he trys to catch the waitress's eye and orders a modest meal of bread and broth and whatever fresh fruit they have.

(OOC), a brief description for Val, Blue stands 5"4" and is of stocky build. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. He is always clad in blue colored clothing with a long cloak, blue of course. The young cleric is 12 years old and has apprenticed with a magic user named Quen. As well as a assortment of spells the lad can use his quarter staff skillfully. At first glance the boy appears chubby, but at closer examination there is no loose flesh on the barrel chested boy.

Fletcher Long (DM Dave) 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 9:17:48 AM

"Why, I'm on official state business, of course. The king wishes a special fillet of sea elf." Fletcher whispers conspiratorially. He adds, "I've been down-under a time or two." Turning to the bartender, he checks his tab, dropping some coinage on the counter.

Wynfrea (DM Dave) 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 9:28:44 AM

Turning at Lem's interjection, she says, "Well, they just come alive...I don't know how to explain it. The White Lady just walks around, doing all sorts of mundane things, within the confines of her frame. Sitting, eating, and the like."

Glancing up at the newcoming, a funny look crosses her face before it resolves itself into recognition, "Oh, the young priest. I wondered where you had gotten off to. Thought one of our tramps had perhaps waylaid the young master..." She adds with a mischievous grin.

"Tell me, how is it that one of the holy order has made his way across the seas to our humble Waha?"

Evening at the Green Fish (DM Dave) 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 9:33:41 AM

Dining slips back into a leisurely pace as the groups continue their discussions.

Music has stopped for a moment, as the bard is between sets, and the general volume of conversation in the room seems inordinately high, as no one seems to pay attention to the fact that it's easier to hear now.

Monday July 2nd, 2001 10:46:22 AM

"I see your point, but let's not talk about those things right now, let's just enjoy the night. Nighttime has always been my favorite time." He leads her down toward the beach.

Valanthe OCC 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:04:08 AM

I don't mean to put a damper on things, but I don't think Val and Appolo can get to the beach. We had to travel by boat through the swamp

[Note from DM: Too true, no beach for you!]

Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:05:49 AM

"Perhaps we shouldn't go too far. I don't like swamps and the terrain can make things dificult if we get into some trouble."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 12:32:17 PM

"Hello Blue. Please join us. You remember her don't you?" Pointing to Wynfrea. "Wynfrea here has just been telling us about some of the happenings going on around town. She's told us about a soon to be famous painter, and about some trading stuff that has happened recently. Wynfrea here, seems to have a knack for keeping an eye out for things, and is good company, to boot." As he winks at Wynfrea. "You can see that," he points around to those that are in sight, "everyone is off doing their things."

After Blue is seated, Ari returns to the conversation with Wynfrea. "Has there been any other odd things to report, other than the painting that comes alive? I think I might want to take you up on that offer to visit with the artist."

(For Val). Standing at 5'9 with black hair and black eyes, you see a youth of an age (yet to be determined) (reading other's posts, I may have my time frame off. My sheet has 20. Are we younger than that?). It is hard to see what kind of build he has underneath his leather armor. But under scrutiny, you can tell that he has some meat to him, and it doesn't just hang there. From the shadows of his eyes, you can pick just a hint of the bag of sleeplessness. Most of the time on ship, most people catch a look of seriousness about his face. Though he does relax at times (mostly with wine), and actually smiles.

[DM Note: All the characters (other than the most recent additions) range from 14 to 16 years of age]

Rigging  d20+8=19
Monday July 2nd, 2001 4:25:43 PM

Rigging feels the hand on his pouch and immediately knows what is happening. He grabs Frillip's hand with his left and with his right relieves Frillip of his own pouch. He says, "Excuse me! You are confusing your pouch for mine." Rigging holds up the Frillips pouch and tosses it to him letting go of his hand. "I suggest you buy me a drink or I might find myself offended." A noticable hard look comes into Rigging's eye as he waits for a response.

Athlemdar  d20+5=21
Monday July 2nd, 2001 5:59:08 PM

"Glad to see you could join us Blue, how was your meeting with his lordship? I would have stayed as well but the brothers and I were a bit more secular than you two. Did you learn anything that might be helpful?

Seeing the interaction 'tween Fillip and Rigging, Lem chuckles, "Looks like the boss has caught himself a little bit of chum for the bigger fish."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 10:48:02 PM

Lowering her own voice to a whisper, Ashira nods and says "Oh, well, I'm afraid that I can't help you with that assignment...wouldn't be right, killing one of my own..." She winks at Fletcher as she puts her hand on his shoulder. "Shame though...you having to leave so quickly on such an important mission. Since you're such an important person, I was hoping that you might help me find some work while I'm in town." Ashira inclines her head toward Redux. "Guarding mages can be fun some times, but they're a boring bunch, and they don't always pay that well. But, I'll understand if you don't want to keep the king waiting."

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20=12
Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:04:22 PM

Unsuccessfully attempting to wriggle free of Rigging's grasp, Frillip looks Rigging straight in the eyes. "Guess I's caught then...afraid you's got to take the money out of my's hide, since I ain't got none to my's name. (It's true, when Rigging handled his pouch, it did seem incredibly light) "I's was only trying to get some money so I's could buy something to eat." Upon closer inspection, the boy does seem quite thin...Frillip quickly adds "I's can work for it. You won't be disapointed. I find out all sorts of things and can do lots real well."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:46:52 PM

Overhearing Cadria's whispered comment, Redux sighs. Sighing, he looks over at Rigging. "It's sad, really, how ignorant the general populace is toward the Greater arts. Day in, day out, I have to put up with this type of behavior. Does it ever frustrate you to have to deal with the likes?"

Redux watches with growing amusement at the exchange between Rigging and the erring thief. Once the boy is captured by Rigging, Redux glares down at the youth through his spectacles in a most menacing manner. Summoning his spookiest voice, Redux says "Well Master Rigging, what shall I turn the boy into, a frog or a weasel?" The spellcaster begins to wave his arms, uttering strange words...

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:33:03 AM

Addressing Wynfrea, the boy in blue says, "The Lord Dragon's reach goes far, my good Lady." Blue tests the air carefully remembering his earlier encounter with the money changer. "Did I hear you say paintings that come alive?" he asks.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:34:44 AM

(OOC): I guess some time has passed so Blue is likely around 14 years old now.

Wynfrea (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 6:02:12 AM

Seemingly lost in thought for a moment, Wynfrea steeples her fingers, then replies, "You plan on retiring to the Aviary this evening, I believe. I shall swing by there on the morrow, and take you to view some of the handy work of the Artist." She rises from the table, bidding everyone adieu.

Fletcher Long (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 6:12:12 AM

"So, your assignment is up with those two over there?" Fletcher indicates the table with the mages and the caught pickpocket. "My ship, the Sea Spray, leaves tomorrow on the evening tide. You can check in with my first mate, if you care to pull a tour of duty heading out to the Western Isles. The pay is average, but I bonus special performances rendered by the crew. Those are strange waters that we sail, but the excitement should be to your liking. Now, really, I must excuse myself and attend to all those details that bureaucrats demand." He smiles, and prepares to leave.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 7:58:34 AM

Tired of staying at the table, Lem wanders around watching the bard and listening to the conversations around him, trying to hear anything that can be heard about missing kids.

(OOC this will be Athlemdar's last post until the 21, unless someone would care to post for me While I am in Greece.)

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:28:47 AM

As Wynfrea rises, so does Ari, to see her off. "Then I will see you in the morning."

After Wynfrea has left, Ari turns to Blue. Keeping his voice as low as possible, just for those at the table. "She seems a strange lot. I don't know that I would trust her just yet. Do you have anything to add? Do you see or hear anything on your way over here?"

As Blue answers, Ari finishes off his meal. Trying to watch and see where the others are in their plots and scheming, Ari watches for the cue that it is time to move on to the Aviary.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:55:53 AM

Rigging holds up a hand to Redux. "No, Don't turn him into a toad. Not yet anyway. I have been hungry myself on occasion and it can make you unwise. Instead cast your location spell on him. I want to be able to find him in the future if I need to." Looking to Cadria he calls, "Cadria, bring my friend here a bowl of fish stew, bread, and a flagon of wine." Rigging kicks out a chair and motions the thief to sit. "Let's start with your name friend." After Redux is finished with his mumbo-jumbo he says to him, "Why don't you take our friends to the Inn. I will find my way there later. I sure my new guide here will be able to take me there."

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:02:56 AM

"Well if we can't reach the beach, let's just stroll around a bit more. I am rather enjoying myself for the first time in along time," he says with a wide smile. It is remarkable because it is the first time you can recall ever seeing him smile, and secondly because it is a handsome smile.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 12:23:01 PM

Just as Bart wants to leave, Rigging catches the boy. Bart sees with amusement how Rigging handles this case, just the same way he would do. He says to Rigging, "Give the boy some food and teach him some manners and if he doesn't learn we always could bring him to the guards." "I will go now and look for Val and Appolo."

Bart walks to the other table and says, "I see you later at the Aviary, I will look for Val and Appolo and tell them where we are staying."

Bart goes outside and doesn't know where to go. Knowing Val he guesses they went to the harbor or the beach. The last one is the most likely, so Bart walks towards the beach hoping to find Val and Appolo.

Rigging occ discription 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:03:00 PM

Rigging stands around 5'10" tall and weighs around 160 pounds. He has filled out in the last year with good cooking and hard exercise. He is one of the older kid members being almost 17. He prefers to wear dark colored cloths of fine make. He wears a rapier and several daggers around his person. He walks with incredible grace and poise.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:20:27 PM

(ooc description: Athlemdar is quite nondescript, except for his wiry, yet muscular build. He is kind of handsome, but really unremarkable. His hair is blondish-brown, his features are plain. He is 5'10" and 165 lbs. He is 16 yrs old and has incredible reflexes. Off ship, he wears a hooded, grey-green robe and high-soft boots, when he isn't going bare foot.)

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:59:11 PM

OCC: I feel old. Val still has probably a good 20 years to reach adulthood. That still makes her a 100.

To Appolo she says, "I guess we should enjoy the peace while it lasts. We'll probably fighting for our lives soon enough."

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 8:53:57 PM

Appolo finds it amazing, Valanth actually appears to enjoy his company. After all he has never been alone with a girl before." You're right about that, this group sure has a knack for getting into trouble." They walk along for a couple of more minutes and he says, "You know they're probably looking for us right now. What do you say we play a little hide and seek, I don't really feel like being found right now." He starts to lead her toward the temple and away from the water.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:14:31 PM

Returning Fletcher's smile, Ashira says "Oh, sorry, didn't realize you were a sailor. I'm really looking for something on terra firma, or as close as you can come to it in these parts. But who knows... maybe one day our paths will cross again. Until then..." With amazing grace, Ashira bows to Fletcher, and watches his retreating form as he makes his way out of the Inn. She pays her bar tab, and then makes her way over to the table where Rigging, Redux, and some young man are sitting. Picking a spot next to Rigging, Ashira seats herself, and waits for a lull in the conversation. Then she leans over to Rigging and whispers in his ear, "We'd better be careful who we talk with, that one was an Aisildurian... As soon as possible, we need to get everyone together and create a cover story." Ashira watches as the young man seated at their table lifts the steaming bowl of stew to his mouth and, without bothering to let it cool, rapidly downs the contents. "Charming... Are we starting a mentoring program, or is there something I need to know about?"

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:18:00 PM

"I don't know if we should hide." Then as she watches Appolo walk torwards the temple she says, "Okay why not." She runs after Appolo.

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:32:32 PM

Relief floods over his dirty face as Rigging prevents the wizard from turning him into a lower life form. He sits patiently as the mage waves his hands over his small form, then he reaches for the food set in front of him.

You wouldn't have believed it humanly possible for one so small to consume such a large amount of food in such a short period of time, but Frillip seems to be able to suspend the laws of nature when it comes to food. After he has polished off the last of supper, Frillip wipes his mouth on the filthy sleeve of his ragged shirt. "I's named Frillip, but most call me Pip, 'cause I's so small." The young man says with his mouth full of bread. He greedily eyes the wine set before him. "I's never had wine before..." He grabs the cup, and downs it with a few successive gulps. "We's go to the Averary now, or you's want me's show you's someplace else?"

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:06:31 PM

Redux begins to cast a cantrip but stops it before he finishes, allowing just a slight fizzle to escape from his fingertips for the boy to see but not making a scene for other patrons to get interested in.

He expresses doubts about Wynfrea but would like the help getting around town. It’s important to start somewhere and she does know her way around. She’ll also know the whereabouts of many of the other people we’ve been told about. It will be good to be working on the mystery, keeping ourselves busy.

Looking at Ashira, Redux asks about the individual she was just talking with. He knows that in a town such as this one, there are many types from many places, you might even share a drink with an enemy here.

Redux has to make a point to get Cadria’s attention, desiring to settle the bill for the table and leave. When everyone is ready, he’ll lead the way to the Aviary.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:15:00 PM

Blue responds to Ari, "No I didn't see anything out of the ordinary or anything that would help our mission. Gastu did not add anything new to what was said either."

The serving girl brings the lad's food. After a short grace, he eats quickly and pockets the fruit. As it appears the others are getting ready to leave, Blue approaches Rigging for his changed money, then settles his bill.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:18:53 PM

(OOC) note to Athlemdar, I will post for you if you will post for me when you return as I leave on the 21st for two weeks. If this is agreeable and approved by DM Dave send me a character sheet with a flavour of your character.

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 9:57:50 AM

Rigging watches Pip wolf down his food. He is saddened that in this world of plenty, Pip would be hungry. He says in elven to Ashira, "This boy tried to rob me. He isn't a good thief. He might know some of the more seedy places of the town. I am thinking of hiring him as a guide." To Pip he askes, OK Pip, Now that you have eaten your last meal. I guess we have to go to the magistrate. Redux what is the penalty for theft? Still cutting off a hand or is it branding?"

Rounding Out the Evening (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 4th, 2001 10:40:34 AM

Bart heads down to the docks, looking for a stretch of beach, while Val and Appolo sneak off to the temple [Goin' to the chapel, and we're goin' to get...]. After about fifteen minutes, he realizes that there are no beaches, just miles of swampland streching off in all directions.

Lem listens around in the bar, but doesn't hear any mention of missing children amongst the chat.

[Local Law Note: Removal of the hand is the penalty for theft in Waha]

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 11:52:00 AM

Hmm no beaches and no sign of them ... where to go then... our logboat? yep maybe .. if not back to the inn .. and then to the Aviari

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 5:40:52 PM

Glancing back toward the doors that Fletcher passed through not that long ago, Ashira says to Redux "Well, I'd say he was the captain of a vessel, but we can talk about that more later."

Looking sternly at the boy, Ashira says to Rigging "I don't know why we have to bother with the magistrate..." The half-elf unsheaths her shortsword, and says "You hold his arm to the table, and I'll cut his hand off right here. We'll save the law enforcement some time and effort."

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 5:42:46 PM

"Appolo I think we should head back now. They could go to an inn and we wouldn't know which one."

Athlemdar (Daniel) 
Thursday July 5th, 2001 12:38:32 AM

Lem continues to work the room. As he makes his rounds he joins a group that are obviously enjoying there mugs. He offers a round and listens as they tell jokes and local stories.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 12:47:30 AM

The young cleric returns to Ari's table. "Did you learn anything of real value from the money changer?...I don't know what it is, but I want to trust her...I seem to get a good feeling from her...what do you think?"

Thursday July 5th, 2001 10:28:48 AM

"Don't worry, earlier today I heard either Redux or Gatsu say somthing about an Inn named the Aviary. I'm pretty sure that's where they'll go. In fact if you want to we could head there now and see about getting a room," he says as they stand outside the temple.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 12:07:20 PM

(ooc I'm confused now. Rigging and Redux moved to a separate table from the one Ari an Blue are sitting at. Which table to Ashira choose (I'm assuming Rigging's). I've not seen anything in the posts suggesting that Rigging and Redux have rejoined us as of yet. I'm assuming that I was pretty much the only one talking with Wynfrea since everyone moved away from the table. Hence the reason why I was talking to her, no one left at the table. ;) )

Speaking to Blue, "Not anything that I can determine as of yet. I do not have a feeling for her one way or another, other than she gathers information."

Thursday July 5th, 2001 6:53:54 PM

Redux smiles at the boy, given Ashira's request for swift justice. He tells her that he can always find the boy if we need him and can inform the authorities latter. The boy is bold and could be of some use to the party. What say you boy, do you want the chance for redemption or shall we send your hand to the magistrate with an explanation?

Thursday July 5th, 2001 8:04:59 PM

Rigging looks at the frightened boy and lays his hands on his shoulder. "I will do you one better. I will make you my guide and squire for as long as we are in town. You will be fed 3 meals a day and share our lodgings. I will even put a few silver pieces in your pouch when the job is over. You will be going into danger and could lose your life. It is your choice. Food, friends, and some coin, or take your chances with the magistrate."

Frillip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Thursday July 5th, 2001 8:38:29 PM

Terror washes over Frillip's face as Ashira removes her sword. Squirming as far away as possible from the crazed half-elf, Frillip would crawl up into Rigging's lap if he could find a way. When Rigging makes his counter offer, the frightened young man says "OK, OK, OK, yeh, yeh...whatever you's want...just keep them away from me."

OOC (It's hard to tell the age of the dirty youth, but he appears to be about 9 or 10.)

Thursday July 5th, 2001 10:46:06 PM

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm feeling tired and anxious to enter the reverie."

Thursday July 5th, 2001 11:28:09 PM

Rigging says, "OK on to the Inn. Cadria! How much do we owe?" Rigging will pick up the tab for the group (Out of party money of course) and give Cadria a 20% tip. Rigging will put his arm around Pip's shoulders. "I hope you aren't religous Pip. It has been my experience many people interested in religion aren't interested in bathing." He says this with a vicous grin in Blue's direction. "If you are gonna start hanging out with me, you are will take a bath tonight and clean those clothes. Frankly my dear boy. You stink!" Rigging smiles warmly at the young scoundrel to take the sting out of his words.

Friday July 6th, 2001 12:08:50 AM

"OK, I'm getting kind of tired as well." He starts heading back toward the restaurant. "Let's head back and get some directions, maybe we'll run into the others."

Friday July 6th, 2001 12:47:26 AM

Bart is walking through the streets of Waha, looking for Appolo and Valanthe. Back to the docks... better luck next time... the temple... and at last back to the inn they went to eat.

Friday July 6th, 2001 3:14:58 AM

As the others move towards the door, Blue follows.

Lem (Dan) 
Friday July 6th, 2001 3:19:42 AM

Lem says goodnight to his new aquaintences, stands and straightens his atire and carefully scans the room to see if anyone is taking notice of the departing group. He moves slowly towards the door and enters the night, acting as rear guard as his friends head to the Inn. He remains vigilant.

Goodnight... and Goodmorning (DM Dave) 
Friday July 6th, 2001 10:11:36 AM

Lem passes out of the bar while overhearing an old sailor passing on a bit of wisdom to some new hands: "If you're scudding, drop a drogue to avoid being pooped."

Everyone makes his/her way via various paths to the halls of the Aviary, and fortune is smiling upon the group, as rooms are still available at this late hour. The rooms are decent, and the morning meal in the common area is not half bad. Unfortunately, the price reflects these nice accommodations (10 gps total).

Ari easily locates Wynfrea after breakfast, and she acts as tour guide, giving a quick layout of the town, with a stop at the studios of Harfriz, the artist who creates paintings of the White Lady. A look at his work shows why they are in such demand: A beautiful lady is seen wandering around in each of the scenes, doing various and sundry items, with each painting setting various constraints on her activities. The starting price for the smallest of the paintings is 250 gps.

Friday July 6th, 2001 9:51:02 PM

That night Rigging will get Pip bathed and a place to sleep. He asks him about any family that might be missing him. He will also inquire if he knows anything about any missing kids.

Saturday July 7th, 2001 4:57:33 PM

While eating his breakfast Bart says, "I think we should survey the surrounding of this city looking for some clues. Anyone wants to join? Think we need cheaper accommodation too, maybe we can rent a place?"

Sunday July 8th, 2001 1:55:15 AM

"With all the bad places I've had to stay in, a barn would be just fine to me. I think that looking around is a good idea, but the swap will make things hard. Clues may be hard to come by."

Sunday July 8th, 2001 1:07:32 PM

Before bed the young cleric takes the opportunity for a bath. He scrubs out his dainties and leaves them to hang overnight. As he climbs in bed and after prayers he mutters to himself, "Ok, ok, so it wasn't the money changer that was smellin bad, I have been busy, I have other things on my mind"...with a last, "by the Dragon", under his breath, he settles down for a good night sleep.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Sunday July 8th, 2001 1:15:07 PM

Lem ponders the old sailor's sage advice, but is left puzzled. He makes a mental note to ask Rigging about it. In the morning he joins the others for breaking fast.

Ari  d20+4=17
Sunday July 8th, 2001 4:57:27 PM

After eating his breakfast in the morning. Ari meets Wynfrea to get a tour of the city. As the come upon places of interest Ari asks, "How long has that been there. Has it ever been anything else? What's the local gossip about the place? What has been going on recently?". As the tour continues, Ari does his best to get as much direct and indirect information as he can from Wynfrea. (Gather info roll, if nec, = 17.5). Once the tour is over, he thanks Wynfrea, and asks her to wait outside for just a second. Ducking inside, Ari asks for 10 gp from funds, that he promises to replace by the end of the day. Once he steps back outside, he asks Wynfrea to exchange the 10 gp, keeping what she needs for her time. (ooc I'm assuming that's what is appropriate. If it should be larger, Ari will ask for appropriate amount).

Monday July 9th, 2001 11:53:20 AM

After escorting Valanthe to the Inn and meeting the others there, he thanks Valanthe for a nice evening and heads to his room for a good night's rest. When he awakes, he heads over to the wash basin and washes his face and hair, cleans his teeth as best he can and heads down stairs for breakfast.

He sits quietly and listens to the others. He decides to add his two cents. "If children are disappearing around here, then we will need to split up. We need to talk to a few of the local thieves. If there is a slaver operating in this area, the thieves might have certain dealings with him or her. Operation like needs support of at least part of the local population, we also need to find which members of the local gaurd can be coerced, as well check out the civic leaders around here. There's a lot of shady characters running around here. May I also suggest that our enemies already know we're here. They seem to be at least one step ahead of us at all times. Besides everywhere this group goes there's trouble."

He then gets up and heads toward the baths. He will take a bath and change his clothes.

Question & Answer (DM Dave) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 4:22:47 PM

To Rigging: Pip states that he is an orphan, and doesn't know much about any rash of missing kids "Sure, kids disappear, shanghied or sumpen."

Ari's questions to Wynfrea are meet by questions in kind: "What are you doing here? How long are you staying? Did you like your accomadations last night? In fact, she seems just as skilled at information gathering, and you are left with the impression that she has figured out more than was told by the end of the tour session. As for the exchange rate: It costs one silver to have 10 gold coins exchanged to the local currency.

Some information gathered: Waha has been around for centuries, although at one time it was larger and more prosperous, before a hurricane struck the island during the time of Woe. Much now lies underwater, except for the few stone buildings on the highest ground. Apparently, trade arrives from all points east and west on the southern end of the continent.

Monday July 9th, 2001 5:10:10 PM

When Rigging sees that everyone has arrived for breakfast, he will say, " I agree with Appolo.
I think that we need to split our forces to cover the most ground and get the most work done. We need to spend the day gathering information. I think the best way is for Ahira, Val, and Appollo to check out the waterfront and seedy side of the town. Appolo's knowledge of the underworld combined with Ashira's knowledge of waterfront's should work out well. Val, you don't know this side of the world from my understanding but having a berserker along is always good backup when dealing with shady characters. I want Lem, Ari, Redux, and Blue to go into the markets and see what can be learned. I assume that you Redux already has some contacts which could be helpful. Bart, Pip, and I have housekeeping duties and will act a mobile reserve in case anyone gets into trouble. We meet here for dinner at six. Send word if you are going to be detained or we will come looking for you. Anybody have any questions or suggestions. If not lets get busy." As the group starts to head out, Rigging says to Pip, "Pip We need a place to stay while spending time here. Any abandoned houses or buildings we can appropriate? Something we can fix up maybe?"

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 9:59:48 PM

Smelling incredibly better after his bath last night, Pip hungrily eyes breakfast, and then inhales it. After two good meals, Rigging notices that there is the sharp gleam of intelligence in the boy's eyes.

As assignments are handed out, Pip smiles from ear to ear when he hears that he will not be forced to endure the company of Ashira and Redux. When asked about housing options Pip pipes up. "There's some places where's people could hide for a night or two, but nothing as nice as this. Street gangs float through them, and they's not that safe. I likes this place much better. Sometimes I's see people pay other peoples to stay with other peoples in houses. If you's like, I's can take you there."

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:01:57 PM

After coming back from bathing and changing clothes, Appolo listens as Rigging hands out the assignments. When Rigging asks if anyone has any questions Appolo speaks up. "You know gathering imformation is a lot easier when you can pay for it. Buying a couple of rounds at the local establishments might loosen some lips." He is also pleasantly surprised to be paired with Valanthe and Ashira, yet slightly confused by his own reaction to the news. He is also a lot more confident and chatty this morning than usual. Almost cheery, one might say.

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:06:55 PM

After partaking of breakfast, Ashira looks after her armor and weapons, patching and sharpening as needed. She keeps a sharp eye on Pip, making sure he doesn't revert to his wayward past while he is with the party. When Rigging gathers the party and hands out assignments, she eagerly dons her gear and says "Fine with me. However, before any of us head out, I think it would be a good idea to have a cover story. I mentioned to the captain the other night that I was a mercenary. Rigging, do you have any other ideas? I'm sure we were watched while we were at the Inn, so it's safe to assume that our enemy knows that we're together. We don't want to go around town spreading vastly different stories about what we're doing in Waha."

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:15:08 PM

Redux appreciates the opportunity to help but hadn't been anticipating the new role he is now in. He explains that he had been spending his few days as the magistrates guest and doesn't really have any useful information yet. He also notes that an entire day might be a long time to be out of contact and that getting together around lunch might be a good idea.

Monday July 9th, 2001 10:35:27 PM

Rigging snaps his fingers as a good idea pops into his head. "Val you had a good idea the other night. Remember you said you would be fine sleeping in a barn. Well my pretty elf maid. You might get your wish." Looking at Ashira, "The mercenary angle might work, but it is thin. Blue...Ari...you might want to let drop in the market that we would be willing to stand guard duty and so on to help spread the story that we are mercenaries." He pulls open his quickly getting lighter backpack and hands out another 25 gps to each group. "Expense money but I want receipts. Don't forget to get it changed over to local coin." Rigging growls.
"Redux you get your way. We meet at noon. If you are tied up, try to send a runner. Tell them to hold the brandy if you are in trouble. Otherwise we won't start looking until after dinner."

Monday July 9th, 2001 11:08:34 PM

Finishing his food, Blue leans over to Lem and says, "Well my good friend monk, why do you think a couple of fine theologians such as ourselves are hanging around with these rough and tumble mercenaries? Well, you definitely can pull off the tough guy look, I may look a little green."

Lem (Dan) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 11:27:13 PM

Lem looks at his short and stocky friend. "Well, you don't dress the part of a mercenary, that's for sure. Why don't you remain a cleric on a pilgrimage who is travelling with this band for safety? You can say you pay your way with letter writing and a little healing. The best lies are those that reflect the truth."

Lem stands and stretches the last of his night's sleep out of his back and shoulders and watches as the young cleric scratches his chin pondering his suggestion. The monk turns to leave and says over his shoulder, "Come on Blue, let's get to the market."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 2:31:20 AM

Housekeeping?.... more like homeshopping!
To Rigging: "The barn is a good idear maybe there is some place just out of town. Maybe an watermill or something like that. Shall we go with the three of us, or do we split?

"If we can't find anything out of town, maybe we can us one of the abonded houses, find the owner and rent it."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 3:16:50 AM

For awhile Appolo calmly waits for Ashira and
Valanthe.He takes the money"Sorry boss,the people I'll be dealing with don't make out reciepts.besides at the rate of exchange around
here this probably is'nt enough.I'll probably have to hustle somemore somehow."He then begins to head out.He moves at a liesurely pace.He seems calm,but is very nervous about Valanthe and his feeling toward her.He is all mixed up inside.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 8:59:46 AM

Rigging with Bart and Pip in tow will head over to the Temple of Lem to see the magistrate. If they are allowed an audience Rigging will say, "Your honor, I was wondering if you could direct us to a farmer who is down on his luck a little and who for a fee would be able to put our group up. We don't need luxury accomadations. Maybe a widow? We could help out one of your flock and save some coins. On another matter, Do you know Wynfrea the money changer? She has been very helpful to us so far. Almost to helpful and is picking up alot of information about us. Can she be trusted or do I need to eliminate her. Also I would like to introduce you to our guide Frillip. He is a street thief who has reformed his ways and decided to help us. After you leave, if he survives, I would appreciate your helping him find honest work. He doesn't have the makings of a thief but seems intelligent enough."

(OCC Sorry Bart to drag you through all this but I am going out of town for a couple of days. Don't know if I will find computers to post with. Could you take over our trio and find some more permanant lodgings?)

Daily Dealings (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:00:49 AM

Ashira, Val, and Appollo: This group heads out to the waterfront, trying to pickup on any tidbits regarding the missing children. Recalling Gastu's suggestion that the group locate Heesi the masseuse to get some local history, the two warriors and rogue look him up (and spend 5 gps in the process).

Lem, Ari, Redux, Blue, and Wynfrea: This gang whiles away the day in the marketplace, as well as sight-seeing some of the original stone buildings on the precious dry land. Following Gastu's earlier suspicions, they spend some time observing one of the marketeers, Tekol the carpetseller.

Bart, Pip, and Rigging: These guys make for the temple, and spend the rest of the morning viewing various stilt houses, as well as some of the shadier places in the 'Stone' District.

Heesi the masseuse (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:09:10 AM

"Long ago," says the thin, olive-skinned man, "Waha was not as you see it today. Ahh! The glory of those days, when trade thrived, and the old gods smiled upon us." Indicating the clumps of trees surrounding the stilt houses across the bay, he continues, "It was not so, in the past. Beautiful beaches were to be had, and the sky seemed light. It wasn't until after the Devastation that we now found ourselves in this swamp. The trees drift about, confounding our enemies and giving us some small comfort - that is why this is called the Isle of Wanderers.

"But some among us grew too bold, perhaps. It is said that they committed great evils, trading in the lives of men, and that the new gods, in their wrath, brought on the deluge, sending a wall of water to wipe away the evil in Waha.

"All praise to Lord Lem the mighty, whose justice is harsh, but true. Yes, innocent ones suffered, but sometimes you must cut the good to remove the bad."

Marketwatch (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:15:56 AM

At the far end of the bazaar, near one of the covered sections, lies Tekol's Carpets, composed of an erected tent made of some of his less fine carpets, with a smaller sitting rug at the entrance in which to sit do business. Dozens of colorful carpets and rugs are piled atop one another and several more lie rolled up nearby. Tekol himself takes his ease, smoking an unpleasant-smelling tobacco blend from a glass hookah set beside him and drinking cool fruit juice bought from a nearby vendor.

Greeting everyone with a respectful gesture from his pudgy hands to all who come near, he puts on his best smile, showing blackened teeth, to match his black greasy hair and dark eyes.

He repeatedly wheezes, "May you have a fine day. How may I help you?" and seems happy to talk of selling carpets and more than willing to gossip about his neighboring vendors (most of what he says seems to be exaggerations).

Spotting the group watching him, he invites you to sit on pillows strewn on his rug.

Gastu (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:25:40 AM

Rigging and company are greeted warmly by Gastu, "Yes, yes, good morning to you! I pray that you've rested well, and are enjoying our town? How are your companions? Following some of the leads I mentioned yesterday, I suppose?"

As Rigging's inquiries, Gastu responds, "Ah, housing here is in short supply. You might locate some small place to rent on the water, or I should say, one of the stilt houses, but I'm afraid the stone houses are all taken. Did you not find the Aviary to your satifaction?" Concern crosses his face.

At the mention of locating a farmer, he laughs, "Farmer, farmer? Where would we house such a person?" With a sweep of his hand, he indicates the island, "My young friends, this is not an agrarian society. You would be loath to find anything in the way of a barnyard animal here, much less any plot of ground to till. No, no barns are to be had here." He chuckles.

Upon the inquiry about Wynfrea, Gastu states, "Wynfrea, she is a prominent, or I should say, the prominent, money changer here in Waha. I do not know her well, having only a passing acquaintance with her. The orphans speak well enough of her, saying she has provided a morsel or two in times of need to them."

Looking at Pip, Gastu says, "I have seen this one a time or two wandering about, but he has never seen fit to accept my help in the past. Why the change of heart, Master Pip?"

Looking for Lodging (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:27:24 AM

The places Pip has indicated as possible areas for the group to stay are looking, well, very unfit. A few bordellos are pointed at, and a dirty alleyway or two is also pointed to, with a few crates thrown up in back to provide some privacy.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 12:11:10 PM

"Gastu the Aiviary is fine, but it isn't the cheapest accommodation. We have limited funds that's why we prefer a cheaper place.

"Don't you have farms over here? No piece of dry land to grew some grain? or put some pigs or cows on? Nothing?"

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 8:00:31 PM

Appolo prompts, "Tell us more, especially about Waha as it it is today. You know current events, gossip. For instance, we've heard a rumour that the children are disappearing. Do you know anything about that? I suspect that it's just a rumour and nothing more. You hear a lot of things in a tavern."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 8:33:12 PM

The half-elf seems a bit more relaxed now that the investigation has begun. As a matter of fact, her current assignment promises to have a little action associated with it, which serves to further better her mood.

Still, Ashira allows a little distance between herself and Val and Appolo. She senses a growing attraction between the two, and doesn't wish her bad mood to rub off on the Amazon. Happy to see someone in the party happy, she thinks "Best of luck to them, maybe they can make something lasting of this."

After arriving at the masseuse's parlor, Ashira listens with interest as Heesi relates the history of Waha. After he has finished his tale, Ashira waits for the well-built man to answer Appolo's question, and then says "Fascinating, though tell me, I imagine that the god's flood probably didn't wipe out all of the slave traders. Was there any further investigation by the leaders of Waha into the slave trade? Oh, and you wouldn't mind if we mixed business with pleasure would you? My shoulders have been killing me recently, and you look like just the man to solve my problem."

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 9:18:29 PM

Trying very hard to be effective in his new role as tour guide, Pip leads the way to the temple. He sits in one of the chairs as Gastu answers Rigging's questions, a bored look on his face. When the magistrate addresses him, Pip's face takes on an air of defiance. "I's don't take hand-out's...I's work for my food. Besides, what good it do, taking somein from you when the street gangs just take it from me's?" Pointing at Rigging and Bart, Pip adds "Them's make sure that I's get what I's work for."

After leaving the temple, Pip makes sure he shows the group every hiding place he knows of, regardless of cleanliness. It is evident that the young man is trying to make a good first impression at his new job.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:50:17 PM

Noting that the group has been spotted, Redux turns to the others and says "Oh well, we might as well get acquainted." Striding up to the dealer, Redux takes the proffered pillow, black robes flowing around his thin frame. "Good day, sir. I was just admiring your wares from afar, and I thought I'd take a closer look." Fingering some of the finer carpets, a slight look of distaste crosses the mage's face. "I've been to just about every shop in Waha, and everyone repeatedly tells me that you've got the finest carpets in town. I'm sure these are fine for everyday use, but I was looking for something of a finer quality. You see, I can't use just any old rug to create my enchanted wares, I have to have the best. Tell me, do you have a warehouse to store the rest of your better carpets?" While awaiting Tekol's answer, Redux unconsciously strokes the feathers of the white owl that is perched on his shoulder.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 10:51:45 PM

The next day, Val was back to her quiet and imposing self. She cleans her scythe, polishes her armor, and checks the string on her bow. This is all to hide the fact that Val doesn't know what to do. She had a nice time with Appolo, but feels bad. Appolo is young. Val knows that she is still a child as well, but she's an elven child. Val has already seen a hundred winters in her time.

Athlemdar (Daniel) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 11:07:56 PM

Lem follows the others as they respond to the carpet merchant's offered rest. He takes the pillow farthest from the seller. As he lowers himself to rest, he carefully scans the area and notes possible escape routes. The youthful monk tries to project disinterest, but listens to what is said intently and without drawing attention to himself continues to observe the shop.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 11:18:43 PM

Blue takes Redux's lead and joins him on the carpets and finds a comfortable pillow. He listen's to Redux's request and adds, "But Master Redux are your sure that you want quality rugs with all those bothersome children running around your dwelling? But, I forget my place, who am I to question your desires." The cleric lowers his head and with a small sweep of his hand gestures submission.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 11:51:28 PM

Not wanting to cause a stir, Ari joins everyone at Tekol's. When everyone is done speaking, Ari looks into his lap, and plays with his fingernails. From out of the side of his vision, he watches Wynfrea's reaction to the story telling, and to determine if she's going to add to the story, or even react to it. He's also going to watch for what kind of looks pass between Tekol and Wynfrea.

Hessi the masseuse (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2001 8:21:46 AM

Ashira, Val, and Appollo:

Speaking to Appolo, Heesi replies, "Well, sir, Heesi suggests you go speak with the temple priest, an honorable man who runs the local orphanage, and might know something about missing children."

Then Heesi begins rubbing Ashira, saying, "Yes madam. You have come to the best tender of aches and pains. Let Heesi rub all your cares away. What, slave traders left? Oh no, quiet impossible, for you see, all drawing breath were wiped from the island that day. Only those faithful to Lem, who had received warning, were spared as they fled the Wrath. Waha deals in many things, but slaves are not one them. We have learned our lesson, yes we have."

Tekol the carpetseller (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2001 8:32:26 AM

Lem, Ari, Redux, Blue, and Wynfrea:

"Ah, kind master, these are but my durable lessor wears, items for daily use. Of course I carry finer craft, but keep them out of harms way, for viewing only by discerning ones such as yourself."

Upon hearing the children comment, Tekol inserts, "Yes, carpets are just the thing to cut the noise of joyous children, kind sirs. So, master will be wishing for an item both durable and majestic? I have just the thing."

Tekol leaps up and pushes through the canvas hanging on the front of his tent, reappearing seconds later with two rolled carpets, which he promptly lays out for view, "These glories arrived a fortnight ago, master, the finest wares made only by craftsmen of the Burning Lands. You'll not find a better carpet in all the Wold!"

Indeed, the craft and detail, along with the deeply colored threads, are impressive.

No type of recognition seems to occur between Tekol and Wynfrea, who has remained silent and appears slightly bored.

City Wanderings (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 11th, 2001 8:39:28 AM

Bart, Pip, and Rigging:

Putting an arm around Bart, Gastu replies, "I gather that you are originally from a farming background, young man?" With a flourish of his hand, he continues, "Can the oxen of your country plow water, and raise grain in the Deep Blue? If so, bring such here and you will be a rich man, for we live on fish and trade in Waha."

After bidding good day, Gastu leaves the young men to continue their quest for affordable housing. Pip, ever the bright one, quickly notices that, while his companions are impressed with his knowledge, they don't seem very excited about the prospects.

Wednesday July 11th, 2001 2:10:28 PM

Appolo listens to the man's reply, and casually watches as Ashira gets a massage. Then his gaze shifts to Valanthe. Thinking about last night and how much he enjoyed her company, as well as the fact that he is more then happy that she is with him today. It is very confusing -- he has never had these feelings before and doesn't know what to do.

Wednesday July 11th, 2001 4:01:58 PM

Rigging suggests they start talking to some of the owners of the stilt homes. He tries to find the best one possible and will haggle price. He will promise to help renovate it if it helps get the price down. He will also engage as many of the owners in idle chit chat just to get the lay of the land. When lunch time comes he will have Pip lead the party back to the Aviary.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 1:26:42 AM

Bart follows Rigging and says to Rigging, "Next time we order food, order only seafood and no meat -- they have to import that so that will be expensive, fish lobster and crabs they catch that every day here."

(DM Note: See Wynfrea's post on Thursday June 28th, 2001 8:17:38 AM)

Thursday July 12th, 2001 1:44:53 PM

Redux looks with minor interest at the carpets recently proffered. He tells Tekol that his needs are very specific and that many fine carpets do better on his (Redux's) wall than for their intended use. Many times a rug will fray if not properly woven and bound. These do not seem to be heavy enough to fit the bill at the moment. He's sure that just the right carpet will turn up, but he'll just have to keep looking. My employer is a trader and only use to the finer things. He is willing to look far and wide for the right items, and making new business contacts in the process. You might know that not everything that is traded is not on display and must be taken discretely.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 1:45:25 PM

Ashira feels much better after the rub. She's disappointed by the story given by Hessi and thinks he may not have any more information. She does want to ask if he knows of a place a group of people might rent for a week or two. Nothing elaborate but dry and clean. After they leave the shop she suggests to the group that they check out what may be around for housing and head back to the lunch meeting.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 2:13:54 PM

"Sounds like a good idea. There should be some places on the way back. Who knows maybe we'll get lucky."

Thursday July 12th, 2001 4:20:11 PM

OOC Question to DM: Am i not allowed to post something that was already said earlier?
My character find it is the best time to remind Rigging how to save money

Midday Meal (DM Dave) 
Thursday July 12th, 2001 8:22:34 PM

[DM Note: I apologize for placing the reminder on Wynfrea's earlier post. It's been several weeks since some information has been posted, and I've fallen into the fear of thinkig information may have been forgotten.]

Lem, Ari, Redux, Blue, and Wynfrea:
Tekol replies, "Yes, Master, other carpets are to be had that are not so boldly displayed. Come back this evening, when the day is not so hot, and perhaps I will find such items to your liking? Even now, I must take you leave, to finish delivery of another purchase."

Tekol rises, preparing to see you off.

Meanwhile, the other two groups head back to meet for the mid-day meal. Rigging successfully locates a fisherman who has an old storage shack, smelling heavily of fish, on the water available for a rate of 2 gps per day.

Ashira and her group fail to locate any housing on the way back to the eatery.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 8:38:58 PM

Rigging goes to the owner of the Avairy and says, "I need to discuss rates with you for rooms and food for myself and my companions. We will eat your wonderful fish stews and pay for drinks seperately. Figure we will be here for 2 weeks. We might even stay longer if the rates are acceptable." After haggling with the owner for rooms, Rigging will sit down with his companions and hear about their day.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 9:17:43 PM

Appolo lost in thought as the two women prepare to leave. Only barely aware of what is being said, he replies, "Oh, yeah right," and follows them out.

Once outside he comes back to his senses and looks around. He is back to watching their backs and looking for anyone who might be following them.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 9:34:47 PM

The young cleric gets up as Tekol leaves. He turns and leaves with the others. When he is sure Tekol is out of ear shot he speaks quietly to Redux, "I hope my seed planting did not throw you off your game...he just seemed kinda slimy to me, I wanted to see if his ears would prick up at the mention of children. I didn't notice anything, did you?".

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Thursday July 12th, 2001 9:38:50 PM

Following Redux and Blue, Lem starts chuckling to himself, "Smooth Blue, real smooth...you sure can lie good for a cleric". The taller youth pats his shorter friend on the back then says, "My stomach says 'lunch time', lets find Rigging".

Thursday July 12th, 2001 11:31:41 PM

Lost in thought with confused feelings, Val unknowingly sits next to Appolo. When she sees that Appolo is next to her she smiles. "I think I'm going to have a bit of fish and stew. What about you?"

Find the Missing Children

Aviary Rates (DM Dave) 
Friday July 13th, 2001 7:36:22 AM

Max, the owner of the Aviary, offers to allow for a reduced group rate if renting rooms out (for the whole party) in 1 week increments - 40 gps total - payable in advance. If you're interested in a monthly rental, he is willing to reduce the amount even further - 130 gps.

Friday July 13th, 2001 9:35:23 AM

As the group leaves the carpet seller, Ari steers the group towards the temple. " I have to stop in for a second to retrieve some things"

Friday July 13th, 2001 2:14:33 PM

Rigging listens to the others on what little information has been gained. "I think we have several possiblities. One and I think the best is a temple of Ga'al is up and working in the area. They are kidnapping the children and heartseeded them for converts and soldiers. That sea captain and his bully boys that Ashira was talking to last night might be involved in some way. We might want to try to follow up on that angle. The second possiblity is just plan slavery. My problem with this is they are taking kids. They would be taking adults as well. Kids don't make the best slaves. They can't work as hard as an adult and you don't see the return on your investment as quickly." Rigging looks to Pip and asks, "Pip who runs the underworld around here? Does anyone organize the street gangs? Don't worry about telling us. We will protect you."

Saturday July 14th, 2001 3:36:03 PM

After arriving back at the Aviary, Appolo takes his seat at the table. A few seconds later Valanthe sits down next to him. He replies, "Yeah, sounds good." He then retreats back into silence. He appears to be slightly irritated and lost in his own thoughts. He looks up when Rigging starts talking and notices Pip. He thinks to himself, 'So Rigging's pet is still with us. I'll have to talk to him about that.'

"May I suggest that we find out what the local laws are concerning Drunk and Disorderly Conduct and perhaps get one or two of us thrown in jail for a couple of days? Maybe we'll make some friends, if you know what I mean."

He then goes back to quietly eating his lunch.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Saturday July 14th, 2001 3:52:06 PM

Looking up from his fish stew, Pip finishes his mouthfull before answering Rigging's question (a considerable improvement over previous conversations). "Well boss, I's don know who's runs the undaworld, but as far as the street gangs, they're mostly independent, each one's gots its own leader."

Saturday July 14th, 2001 10:20:22 PM

Was Appolo mad at her? Valanthe figures that she was assuming to much and scolds herself for being foolish.
"I can get thrown in jail easy enough. Wouldn't be the first time."

Sunday July 15th, 2001 6:10:36 PM

I propose to search the lands outside the city tommorow, looking for any building activities.
Pip can we walk every where or are ther some marslands as well. In that case we have to get ourselves a canoe

Monday July 16th, 2001 12:21:25 AM

Redux thanks Tekol and departs with the others. Upon nearing the Aviary, Redux says good day to Wynfrea. Once she is gone he tells the group that he has his doubts about her. It just seems too convenient. He's not sure if she's gathered too much information on the group and is dangerous.

Getting back to the Aviary, and hearing the suggestion to scout around Redux suggests using his owl to do some flying around to gather information about the layout of the land. He tells the group about his talk with Tekol and the offer to return in the evening and his suspicions of Wynfrea. He suggests they return in the evening together just in case backup is needed. Upon hearing about the prices and the groups funding, Redux would reluctantly accept the fish house; there are a few things you can do about fish smell.

Monday July 16th, 2001 12:24:45 AM

Upon returning to the Aviary for lunch Ashira notes Appolo's depressed mood. "I guess nothing lasts forever," she thinks to herself. As her small group is seated she leans over and whispers to Val, "I hope you don't mind me noticing, but it seems like you like Appolo. He seems to like you too. You're probably concerned about him being human and you being Elven. My philosophy toward love is -- make the best of it while you can. Life is short. You might as well enjoy it while you're here!" The half-elf listens as the party discusses their future plans. She waits for a lull and then says, "Rigging, what about the mason that Gastu mentioned... I think he said his name was Stela. I think we should check out that lead."

Monday July 16th, 2001 3:16:57 AM

Appolo is sitting eating quietly, when Ashira leans over and says something to Valanthe. Being seated next to Valanthe affords him the opportunity to overhear Ashira mention his name, which piques his interest. He looks up at Ashira from his soup. His cobalt blue eyes meet hers for a second, then he looks quickly around the table then back to his lunch. Thinking to himself that was a mistake gave away too much. Then deciding to see how things play out.

Monday July 16th, 2001 9:36:00 AM

Val whispers back to Ashira, "Life isn't short for elves, unless short is 6 or 7 centuries. I thought Appolo liked me but I was wrong. Not that I'm surprised. It's hard to attract a man when you look like I do."

Chat at Noon (DM Dave) 
Monday July 16th, 2001 7:28:25 PM

After a quick deter to the temple for Ari's stop, the last of the three groups returns to the Aviary for the meal in progress.

Based on the information gathered, it is unlikely that any buildings are constructed out in the marshlands, as those areas are really floating clumps of vegetation, nothing really firm enough to support much of a structure, and definitely not anything like the weight of the black marble that Gastu mentioned when discussing Stela yesterday.

The conversation continues...

Monday July 16th, 2001 8:29:56 PM

Appolo finishes his meal.

If he were to have overheard Valanthe's reply, he would have said, "But I do, and there is nothing wrong with your appearance."

He gets up and heads for the bathroom.

Monday July 16th, 2001 9:25:19 PM

Listening to the above board conversations going on around the table Ari adds, "If it is slavery, is it here on the island, or is to be shipped off to somewhere? Anyone taken a look at the types of ships, and what goods they are trading in? If it is a temple, then maybe we can use our heartwood (ooc we still have it, right?) can help us out somehow. But again, how are they getting the converts off the island, and would they try?

"I agree that Wynfrea is worth watching. But I'm not sure that she isn't a neutral observer, somehow. As a money changer, I guess everyone has to come to her eventually, so picking up information maybe second nature to her. Figuring out what she does with that information might be the bigger thing to figure out.

"We've got enough time, that I think we should all look into getting some kind of work. Even better to make it look like we're trying to become citizens of Wahu. BTW, with funds being so sparce, I picked up my own supply." He hands Rigging back the 25 gold he gave him for the morning.

[DM Note Regarding the Heartwood: The last of the heartwood was used during the temple raid in Adorus. In an attempt to obtain more of the holy wood, Legs and Bart discovered that the source had been turned into metal. Thursday February 1st, 2001 5:43:56 PM]

Monday July 16th, 2001 11:11:57 PM

Rigging listens to the conversations going on around him proud of his friends working so well together. He asks Ashira in elven, "Ashira do you know how to track lost crew members through the tatoos? I was thinking if one or two of the younger looking of us could manage to get kidnapped, it might lead us to the source rather quickly. If the others could follow quickly behind it might be workable. Dangerous but workable? What do you think?"

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 11:28:30 AM

Rigging looks around at his friends and as Appolo gets up to use the head he figures he would be the best one to get "kidnapped". He looks like he is the youngest and he is streetsmart. He gets up to follow him and ask him if he would be willing to volunteer for this hazardous duty.

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 12:59:31 PM

Well as the rumor of the temple is true it must be one of the stone buildings here

Lem (Dan) 
Tuesday July 17th, 2001 1:22:33 PM

While joining the others for lunch, Lem listens to the conversations and sorts through the information. When Bart mentions the Temple of Ga'al Lem speaks up, "I thinbk we send a party to find and search this temple...If evil is at foot and children are missing and there are Ga'al followers around, then they are likely in it up to their eyeballs!".

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 1:28:59 PM

The young cleric seems very focused on the food. When the meal is laid out he immediately starts to help himself. After a few bites he relaxs a bit and notices the interactions between Appolo, Ashira and Val. He first notices the changes in expression on Appolo's face then observes Val's somewhat dour expression. Blue starts to giggle and returns his attention to his lunch and mutters under his breath, "affairs of the heart, and we thought warfare was dangerous...may the Dragon save us".

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 3:19:10 PM

OCC: because of the Dm's mail, I'm going to assume that Appolo didn't overhear what Val said.

Using her fork, Val moved around the last little bit of stew in her bowl. When Blue giggles Val raises her eyes to look at him. After a few moments she looks back down at her bowl.

Meal Wrap-up (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 17th, 2001 5:08:55 PM

Tentative plans are discussed in trying to lure out would-be kidnappers, and spirits remain high, despite a definite place to sack out for the evening.

Will our heroes succeed in solving the mystery of the missing children? Will the second night be as pleasant as the first for our visitors in Waha? Will Blue be able to finish eating without catching the hiccups? And will Appolo survive the horrors of the washroom? Stay tuned!

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 10:27:01 PM

In between bites, the half-elf continues her conversation with Rigging. In Elven she says "That's definitely a risky plan, since we don't know what they're doing with the captives...maybe they're human sacrifices. Are you willing to take that kind of risk with the family? I've got another idea. When we were talking with Heesi, he mentioned that Gastu runs an orphanage. What if we send Pip in there, and he can get an idea of what's going on. Better yet, we can ask Redux if he can have his owl post sentry there...I've heard that mages can see through their familiar's eyes. It would be a discrete means of keeping tabs on our young friend."

When Rigging leaves the table, Ashira leans over to Val and whispers, with a grin on her face, "You obviously haven't been with our party long enough...yes, Elves can live centuries, but hanging around with us can seriously impact your chances of growing to maturity!"

Tuesday July 17th, 2001 11:02:39 PM

Still playing with her food Val whispers to Ashira, "I don't read people that well and made a mistake, thats all. Besides lets just say that something does happen. It will be my horrible luck that I will survive to old age. How I hate my life."

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 12:44:25 AM

The wistful mage quietly listens to the group as they discuss logistics. Things certainly haven't turned out the way that Redux had planned them. For a few moments, Redux is lost in his own private contemplations. "So close, I was so close to a cure, and know I'm stuck running around with this group of teenage misfits looking for a bunch of missing kids!" Rage briefly surges through Redux's body, before he runs through his self-meditation routine. "No, Mistress V*** would not want me to be distracted like this…who knows, maybe some good will come of this yet. Lem works in mysterious ways."

Returning his thoughts to the conversation around the table, Redux pipes in "Perhaps you're correct about Wynfrea, Ari…I just have my hesitations about her. " After Rigging returns from his trip, Redux says "It seems to me that Tekol is at the very least involved in something suspicious. It should be interesting what we will learn from this afternoon's meeting." Redux looks up as the white owl perched on his shoulder begins to preen its feathers. " Oh yes, and Rigging, have you given any thought to using Talon here?" Redux contemplates his owl, trying to determine if the creature is willing to scout around in the air in the afternoon. He softly coos at it, listening for a hunger response and petting it's tail feathers.

He suggests that someone return to the temple to ask the magistrate about any prominent individuals living in the stone buildings and directions to their homes.

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:40:37 AM

After quickley proposing his idea to Appolo, Rigging returns to the table and resumes eating his meal. He listens to Ashira's concerns and Redux's suggestions of using the owl. In elven, he says to Ashira, "Yes it would be risky, but I can't think of anything else to get close to the kidnappers quickly. That is why I was wondering about the tatoos. I know they can be used as a source of tracking and health. Don't know if we can use that. Will definitely bring it up with the Captain next time we see him. Especially if he keeps giving us these choice assignments. Redux's owl familiar might also be helpful on keeping track of our kidnap bait. I think we should keep the plan in reserve until we exhaust other possiblities." Rigging will wait until Appolo returns and announce. "I am going to pay the innkeeper for a weeks stay here. You have that long to finish this business up or it is the nose deadening fish house for you all. I, as your glorious leader and keeper of the purse strings, could never lower myself to that so lets get this thing done. I want you folks to think of some ideas and bring them to me tonight in our rooms where we have some more privacy."

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:50:57 AM

I will go for a walk through the city especially through the quarter where the stonebuildings are, maybe I will see or here some building activities. Who want's to go with me?

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:52:36 AM

Pitching his voice so that only Redux can hear,

"Redux. Do you know if there's a way to track the heart seeds in general, or an individual specific? I'm just wondering whether we can glean any information about other hearts seeds from a dead seed that we should have."

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 1:18:18 PM

Blue continues to listen while stuffing food. Around a mouthful of bread he responds to Bart's question, "I'll go with you, I'd like to see more of this town". When the young cleric swallows he feels a catch in his throat. Is that a hiccup?... No, our young man is just eating a little to fast.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2001 1:26:48 PM

While Redux fusses with his Owl, Lem realizes that this may be a very artful magician who has recently joined the group. The thought makes the young monk somewhat nervous. Small though the owl is, it is a serious predator and likely touched with magic.

Lem deceides not to take his eyes off the white bird while he is in close proximity and also feels that he needs to keep an eye on this magic user too.

His appetite wanes with all this thinking. Lem pushes back from the table and wishes that they would get on with the afternoons search.

Afternoon Stroll (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 18th, 2001 6:45:36 PM

Ashira relates to Rigging that, yes, there is a way to keep up with crew members who have tattoos, but it is a closely guarded secret known only by the captain and first mate of each vessel, to avoid having it turned against the Pirates of Jack by the enemy.

Ditto on the heartseeds: The Aisildurians have ways of monitoring all implanted people, but the Resistance has been unable to tap this resource.

The group prepares to split up, with some headed to scout out new construction, and others possibly checking up on the Stela lead. Some plan on meeting with Tekol again in the late afternoon, and at least one considers meeting Gastu in the temple to inquire about prominent citizens.

Rigging quickly squares away the deal with the Aviary, obtaining rooms for the group.

Owl seems happy and willing to assist Redux in searching and watching.

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 9:54:11 PM

Seeing some of the others head out for a stroll, Val decides to do the same. Too lost in thought to say anything, Val gets up and walks out. Perhaps the stroll will help clear her head.

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 11:38:13 PM

After meeting up with Rigging and listening to his proposal, Appolo says he'll think about it, but at the moment he has other things on his mind.

He then washes up a little, trying to think clearly, and then heads back -- arriving just in time to see the group break up and head out. Seeing Valanthe head out alone, he quickly follows her. When they are outside he yells, "Hey wait up. Want some company?" He seems relaxed and has smile on his face.

Thursday July 19th, 2001 10:55:52 AM

As Ari wanders out into the fresh air. He considers what the group has done so far. He's a little worried at the implication about being able to track seeded people. Though the seed is supposed to be dead, he's unsure how to check that.

While his thoughts are tied up, he wanders with the group headed towards Tekol's.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Thursday July 19th, 2001 12:51:03 PM

Lem follows Redux out and joins the party on the way to Tekol's. He walks by himself at the rear of the group keeping his eye on passerby and the sights of the town.

Thursday July 19th, 2001 12:54:50 PM

As the family breaks up and heads off on their decided directions, Blue joins Bart and they move towards the new construction.

Thursday July 19th, 2001 5:44:11 PM

Together with Blue and ...?? Bart walks through the city, looking for new construction sites. Maybe the hear a stonemason or carpenter at work and if they are lucky maybe see it. The way Gastu described it a big building must be tiled with new stones.
If they found such a site Bart will hang around and look if he can make up if it is an temple or something like that

Thursday July 19th, 2001 9:43:13 PM

Since Tekol mentioned that they should meet in the evening, Redux decides to go on a tour of the city with Bart and Blue while he waits. He walks through the streets, looking for a quiet spot where he can sit down and get a bird's eye view of the city. After walking around the older district, Redux spots a shady spot in the city square, and beckons to the rest of the small group. "I'm sorry, but I need to rest for a while. If the rest of you want to continue, that's fine with me, but I would certainly enjoy company." Pulling out his spellbook, Redux sends Talon into the air, and sits down, apparently lost in concentration.

Ashira  d20=8
Thursday July 19th, 2001 9:54:49 PM

Catching up to Val and Appolo, Ashira smiles at the two and says "Off for a private stroll? Can I interest you in a delightful tour of Stela the mason's shop?". Waiting a short while for a response from the couple, Ashira begins to head in the direction of the shop. When she approaches the shop, Ashira will attempt to stake out the area and watch any customers who might enter.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Thursday July 19th, 2001 9:56:37 PM

After Rigging has finished arranging the housing, Pip approaches him. "Ok boss, where you's wanna go next?"

Thursday July 19th, 2001 10:09:05 PM

Rigging smiles at Pip and says as he watches all of his friends disperse. "I don't have a clue. Maybe I will go shopping. I need some new clothes and things. I can always keep my eyes and ears open while taking care of some housekeeping chores. What would you normally be doing if you weren't here with us?" Rigging heads out conversing with Pip while keeping a sharp eye out for his surroundings. He heads over to the market. "Where can a fellow buy some decent clothes around here? I also need some new boots?"

Thursday July 19th, 2001 11:17:38 PM

Val was surprised to find Appolo following her out the door. When Appolo offered to keep her company she couldn't really refuse. "Sure, I'm just walking." Before she knew it Ashira was asking her to tour a masons shop. Part of her was glad that she was around and part of her isn't. "Sure let's go. Perhaps we can find a lead on those kids."

OCC: I didn't know that Dm's rotated games. I've had a good time so far and would like to thank David and wish him luck in his new game.

DM Note to All 
Friday July 20th, 2001 8:34:19 AM

[Just as a reminder, if you wish for a refresher on what has happened before in our game, go to the below link http://home.mindspring.com/~gordon_hill/index.html ]

Early Afternoon (DM Dave) 
Friday July 20th, 2001 3:51:54 PM

[Thanks for the note. I've been involved with Aisildur since the start, and part of me will miss out on the intensity. However, the DM coming in will more than fill my shoes. Check out the Southern Lights board to get a sample of her style, and you'll see what I mean. To Lee-Anne (the new DM): During this next week of transition, feel free to post on this board as you like.]

The pleasantness of Day 2 in Waha continues. The sights and sounds of this quaint village-town continue to be a delight, with interesting architecture at every turn. Bart and his group manage to walk the whole town within two hours, and find nary a hint of a temple or the use of black tile.

Redux gets a much-needed break from all the recent interaction with the group as the day wears on into evening. Meanwhile, Ashira and her group keep tabs on Stela the stonemason's shop. Nothing untoward seems to be happening with his establishment (which is located near the Free Market square), a well-built two-story stone house, with the upper floor apparently dedicated to living quarters.

Saturday July 21st, 2001 9:41:07 PM

Outside the mason's shop Val looks bored. She couldn't help but wonder if the missing children story was true or not. Something should have come up by now. Waha wasn't that big. People talk in small villages. "Hey guys, are we even sure that this missing children's story is true? Have any of the adults spoken of missing chilren? Perhaps we are being detained for another reason."

Lem (Dan) 
Sunday July 22nd, 2001 2:57:58 PM

When Redux finds the shade and a place to rest and reflect, Lem looks around and finds his own corner to plant himself. He too, needs alone time for meditation and reflection.

The monk clears some pebbles off the sandy ground and scoops a shallow hole to rest his backside. He leans up against a rock wall covered with plaster. Some of the plaster has fallen away leaving a slight indentation which fits his back rather nicely.

In this comfortable spot he takes a last scan of his immediate area and his friends then closes his eyes and begins a quiet tantra. A calm descends over the youth. While his mind explores the cosmos, one small part remains above, alert.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 3:11:01 PM

The young cleric's feet start nagging, so when Redux finds a place to relax, Blue's gives a small sigh of relief. The lad finds a piece of shade near redux and pulls off his boots to check for blisters.

Since he is recently bathed he is sure this will bring no discomfort to his travelling companions. Finding no blisters he sits back and enjoys the breeze on his exposed toes. He wiggles them and again lets out a slow deep sigh.

To his friends, Blue says, "We should hang around where children play since we aren't finding any clues. But, I don't recall seeing any children in the streets or playing in yards. Did anyone see any kids?"

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 3:22:57 PM

Rigging spends the afternoon trying on clothes and chatting with merchants. He will tell people he is new in town and ask lots of leading questions trying to get some good gossip. He will also purchase some new clothes if the price is right. He keeps growing out of his old ones.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 8:37:26 PM

"Hmmm no signs at all, no construction sites, nothing. Say Blue and Redux -- you are both magic users. Isn't there a spell to find a black tile or maybe better a holy symbol of Ga'al? If we know where the symbol is we know the place of the temple, if there is one off course."

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:09:07 PM

Frustration marks the half-elf's exotic features. Two days already, and not a single clue gathered. She muses, "It was probably too much to think that we would be able to gather any useful information in the daylight hours anyway. It's not like there's going to be a building with a sign reading 'Temple of Ga'al' ... otherwise the magistrate wouldn't need our help."

Ashira waits around watching the mason's shop until the appointed time for the group to meet at the inn. Turning to Val and Appolo, she says, "Let's head back." Ashira marches back to the Aviary, not really aware of whether or not Val and Appolo are following.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:15:03 PM

When questioned by Rigging as to his normal routine, Pip shrugs. "I's mostly just look around for food and a safe place to sleep. If you's like, I's could show you's some of the places where the udder kids meet." Pip follows Rigging around while he shops, eyeing the goods, and occasionally fingering items. Several times Rigging is forced to return items from Pip's pockets to the appropriate store shelf.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:15:44 PM

Val follows Ashira wondering what the hell was going on. As time passes the more she thinks that they are on a wild goose chase.

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:39:05 PM

Redux enjoys the time spent flying through the eyes of his owl. He usually lets the animal feed itself without looking on, but times like these he senses the animal's pleasure in being useful. Redux gets a better view of the city and its general layout. It's not very big and he can see people walking through the streets. It's not very hard to pick out the half elf Ashira and the location of what must be the mason's shop. He tries to get Talon to look at the balconies and upper floors of some of the stone buildings for any sign or symbol of Ga'al. After a time he calls to the bird to return. He lets the others in on what he was able to see and knows that the time will soon be upon them to return to the shop of the carpet seller, Tekol. Redux doesn't want to walk into the area without preparation and wants to return to his room to finish preparing spells. It is possible that there will only be a finer selection of carpets, then again, he knows they may also find themselves surprised and fighting. It is better for the group to know where and when others will be at nightfall for safety's sake. On the way back to the Aviary, Redux ponders the gift that Gastu gave the party. Healing potions are easily understood, but what of the other items? Why would the party need to be able to breathe underwater? Are there clues that can only be gained from that perspective? Will the pointer work repeatedly? He really wishes he'd spent more time in discussing these things with Gastu previously.

And then there was morning and evening (DM Dave)  d100=28
Monday July 23rd, 2001 5:22:12 AM

Redux, via his owl, notes little of interest, although it was fun watching the kids playing games in the streets - bringing back memories of a distant childhood. Noted was the delivery of the carpet that Tekol had mentioned earlier: Four laborers come and pick up a carpet, carrying it to the bay, and load it aboard a ship, the Sea Spray.

The afternoon passes into early evening as the group meets back up at the Aviary. Information is passed, and everyone is feeling frustrated. Time for the meeting with the carpetseller approaches, and Redux (along with those planning on going) heads over to the Bazaar. They stand around for a few minutes in front of Tekol's tent, but there is no sign of the merchant.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 4:00:25 PM

Appolo says, "Yeah, looks like nothing's going on. Let's head back." He follows the two women back, staying back and slightly behind them. Appolo watches the surrounding area,looking for anything interesting.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 5:43:35 PM

Rigging heads back to the Inn with his purchases well pleased with the day's shopping. He also bought Pip some clothes mainly because he was tired of smelling the old ones. "Pip, I would like to meet your friends. When would be a good time. Is tonight possible?"

Once Rigging gets back to the Inn and hears his friends' dejected stories, he will say, "I would have been surprised if we found some obvious clues. Here are some tasks for tomorrow and tonight. Blue, I would like you to head back to see Gastu at the temple. I would like some more information on who was kidnapped. Were they street kids or kids from families around town? I want descriptions, names, when and where they were abducted and so on. Make sure you get the ages as well. I will be interested to hear if they are all teenagers.

"Ashira, I want you to see if you can round up a boat that we could rent or buy. Might want to do some bar crawling tonight. Blue can come with you and watch your back. It to be seaworthy and able to hold us, plus supplies, and possibly some lost kids. We aren't having any luck in town, so I figure it will be time to look around town. If you can't get a local to take us, make sure you get charts of the local seas.

"Appolo, I want you Val and Ari to back me up tonight. I am going to met some of Pip's friends but don't want to scare them off with an army. I need you more sneaky types to follow and make sure I am not ambushed.

"Bart -- what are your feelings on the carpet seller? Maybe you, Lem and Redux should pay his quarters a visit tonight and do some snooping. Anybody else have any ideas or suggestions?

"Hey Ashira, what do you think of my new hat? What kind of feather is this anyway? I thought peacock but I bet it is a griffon feather."

Monday July 23rd, 2001 10:15:51 PM

Back at the Aviary, Blue listens to Rigging's orders. When Rigging finishes the cleric pipes up, "What's wrong with the boat we have? Is it too big?" The lad gets his staff and makes ready to accompany Ashira.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Monday July 23rd, 2001 10:22:39 PM

After his meditation, Lem returns with the others to the Aviary. "Hmmm" He responds thoughtfully to Rigging's instructions. "A little skull duggery, this should be interesting." Then he realizes who he will be travelling with. Nervously, he says, "Ahhh, shouldn't someone else come with us...just in case." The monk appears somewhat concerned as he stares at the owl.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:15:51 PM

Back at the Aviary, Ashira takes a couple of minutes to brief the company on the news that they haven't managed to gather, and then listens to the other's reports. When Redux mentions the carpet being loaded onto the Sea Spray, a look of shock floods over the ranger's face. In hushed tones she says "Wait a minute, are you sure that it was the Sea Spray? That's the vessel that Mr. Handsome is the Captain of..." Turning to Rigging she says "There's something fishy going on here, and it's not our alternative housing prospect! I don't trust that sleazy carpet dealer...and now Mr. Handsome, who just so happens to be an Aisildurian is doing business with him?! Looks like we might have gathered some useful information after all. I think we should hold off looking for a boat right now, and concentrate on the Sea Spray and the carpet dealer. I'll go down to the docks tonight, and keep a watch on the ship. Then, tomorrow, I think I'll have a chat with my Aquan relations. I doubt that very little goes on in the waters of Waha that they aren't aware of."

After finishing her meal, Ashira prepares to stake out the docks with whomever Rigging sends with her.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:30:11 PM

Pip enjoys his meal at a leasurely pace (a first for the young man) as he listens to the group as they problem solve. Once the party has split up into the appropriate small groups, Pip waits until Rigging and his companions are ready, and then heads out into the darkening streets. The young man begins to wind down several back streets, each one a little more seedy than the next. "I's don really have any friends, but I's take you to some of the kids that I's work with somtimes. But you's gotta hang back a bit...the kid's fraid of older people, think they's gonna take their food." Pip distances himself from Rigging's group, and continues to wind down several alleys filled with an assortment of drunks and whores. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Pip stops at an apparent dead end that smells strongly of urine, and emmits an odd high pitched whistle. Shortly later, a hidden door opens from the brick wall. A shrill voice whispers as Pip passes through the doorway "Ay, Pip, I's hant seen you's in a long time...I thought you's might be dead."

Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:53:44 PM

Redux is disappointed that such a small contingent is going with him this evening. "In case of trouble, my owl will find one of you and bring you to help. He doesn't want to be rolled up in a carpet and hauled off anywhere. If all goes well, he will have seen the very best the carpet dealer has to offer and might even make a deal. It remains to be seen if the dealer has interests other than legitimate."

Talon cleans its beak with its claw and makes a hacking noise. The animal coughs up a ball of fur, mixed with a few small bones, the remains of his last meal.

At the carpet dealer's, Redux posts Talon high above in order to use the animal's superior vision to see anyone that might be following them into the shop. He pokes around the outskirts of the tent, calling out for assistance. He then will sit down in front of the shop and concentrate on Talon, aware of the street around him. He will wait a short while for Tekol to arrive. If Tekol doesn't show, Redux will make his way to the dock, allowing Talon to fly above, even perching high up on one of the masts of the Sea Spray.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 12:30:09 AM

Val listened with interest. It seemed that they might be onto something. She took note that she was with Appolo again. Perhaps her fate was intertwined with his.

Nightwatch (DM Dave) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 8:27:16 AM

Redux and his companions watch the tent until darkness starts to settle (about 30 minutes), and still no sign of Tekol. The light from a glowing lantern from within spills through some of the slits in the tent walls.

Ashira and her group post watch on the docks, and it is with some admiration that they view the beauty of the Sea Spray - the finest vessel they have ever laid eyes on. The flag marketings are totally unfamiliar, as are several deck features - this ship seems to be well-travelled. The crew appears well-disciplined as it goes about preparing for departure. Ashira recalls that Fletcher Long (Mr. Handsome) mentioned that the ship was leaving out on today's evening tide (Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 5:12:12 AM posting).

Rigging and company meet up with some of Pip's young acquaintances - three young boys who might be 6 or 12 - it's hard to tell. Pip offers a few calming words before introducing the heroes, otherwise these boys would have obviously bolted. Inside their hideout, the filth from the streets seems to have found a comfortable home. No telling what disease might be caught if one wasn't too careful

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 12:40:19 PM

Rigging looks at the boy's home in disbelief. A wave a sorrow passes through him and his says,"Boys how would you like to earn a reward? My friends are looking for some people who have been kidnapping kids. I know you guys have been living on the street for a while and hear things. Any of you know anything about it? We treat our friends well. Ask Pip here and he will tell you."
Rigging looks to Ari and says, "Ari, do you remember that street vendor we passed a couple of blocks back? Why don't you and Val go get our new friends here a snack.
Buy enough to feed 6. These guys look hungry."
Rigging looks back at the scruffy youngsters and says, "Well what about it? Anybody know anything?"
(occ Do we have a longboat or were we just dropped off? Checked back in the archive and it isn't clear.)

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 4:30:12 PM

"Provided there's no problem with us getting back in."

Ari then waits to make sure he gets shown what to do to get back in, or is accompanied by one of the boys, whichever. If he can do it, he'll pick up some loaves of bread, and some stew. Plus any other non-perishables. (Without getting burdomsome, or anything that might bring notice). If it means taking time to get apples and other small items that can be pocketed without showing bulges, then we'll do it. Ari will then show Val what he is doing. "Hopefully less suspicion, and should they need to move, they can still take the stuff with them". (ooc let me know total)

Lem (Dan) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 5:18:55 PM

Lem follows Redux to Tekol's. The young monk picks his own place in the shadows to watch.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 5:20:07 PM

"Redux -- it is not my style, but what about a closer look at Tekol's place?"

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 5:23:34 PM

The stocky young cleric travels with Ashira to the docks and whistles softly when he sees the Sea Spray. He keep his eyes peeled on the docks while Ashira watches the ship, making sure her back is covered.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 10:29:20 PM

Redux is a patient man and the wait outside the shop gives him time to run through his spells (in case of any emergencies) and chance at some relaxation. With a long stretch, he agrees that a peek inside the tent would be appropriate. He checks with Talon to see if the streets are clear and mentally reminders the bird to give a hoot if anyone, especially Tekol (Redux focuses on the memory of the carpet seller to remind Talon of what he looks like) shows up. Redux enters the tent, carefully noting the condition of the entrance and where things are in the tent. He looks around, careful of where he steps and what he touches. Redux pays particular interest to any items he might find around the light. He knows the carpet he had previously requested was delivered and wants to identify it in case Tekol shows up and he must explain his intrusion into the tent.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 10:44:08 PM

Not particularly thrilled at the idea of sharing the protection of his new guardians with the others, Pip none the less attests to their generosity. "They's be more an fair with me's since I hep's them. Even got me's new clothes." Pip shows off his new outfit as if they were aristocratic robes (and, compared to the rags that the other children are wearing, they might as well be). Turning to an extremely pale and small youngster hovering toward the back of the room Pip says "Slider, don I remember you telln me somein bout some kids disappearing from the orphanage?"

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell)  d20=14
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 10:59:26 PM

Before Slider can speak, one of the boys steps forward from the back, and places himself between Rigging and Pip. Barely missing Pip with a backhand, Bruiser shouts to the young man, "What's the big idea bringen peoples here? This used to be a safe place, now we's gotta find a new place to sleep. You's shoulda came and talked to me's first, then I's could decide whether or not to trust the big ones." Looking defiantly at Rigging, Bruiser says, "I's not that easy to bribe with a little food. Poken around can get you's in trouble in Waha. What's in it for us?" A quick glance at the belligerent youngster shows that he is definitely better fed and dressed than any of the other young men in the room.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 11:18:04 PM

After several minutes of admiring the Sea Spray from afar, Ashira turns to the others in her party and says "Looks like we're too late for this shipment, but I have a feeling we'll see her again soon. Come on, let's get back to the Inn." Feeling increasingly frustrated, the half-elf turns to return to the Aviary.

Appolo  d20+9=14
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 11:53:40 PM

After getting back to the Aviary and getting something to eat, he heads back out with Rigging. He sticks close to Valanthe, and watches the surrounding area. When they arrive at the alley, Appolo disappears into the shadows. He does not go in with Rigging.

OOC: Hide 14

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 1:29:12 AM

Val resisted the urge to start beating on Bruiser. Val takes a couple of steps forward and looks at Bruiser with anger in her eyes. "Go ahead and try that again, I dare you. Perhaps you don't value food as much as the others because you're already getting regular meals. You want to know whats in it for you? How about doing a good deed? Or making sure you're not kidnapped next. Unless you already know what's going on and know you're not on the list. If that isn't enough -- it will save you from the beating I'll give you."

A Turn of Events (DM Dave) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 8:07:46 AM

[DM Note: The crew's longboat is tied up at one of the piers in the enclosed bay]

With one more backward glance, Ashira and Blue head to the Aviary, while the Sea Spray continues preparing to weigh anchor.

Several hundred yards away, Redux enters Tekol's tent, and quickly discovers the reason for the businessman's failure to appear: His form lies sprawled in the middle of the tent, with what appears to be a claw mark across his right cheek. From the purplish swelling around the cuts, it appears that poison did the merchant in. A scent of oranges fills the air. No sign is immediately seen of Redux's carpet - the whole interior is filled full of wonderful carpets that poor Tekol will now no longer be able to sell.

Many streets over, tensions rise as Val takes a street urchin to task. Meanwhile, Ari (unaccompianed) successfully gathers two day's worth of food.

Appolo  d20+9=10
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:09:55 AM

Appolo patiently waits in the shadows of the alley leading to the hideout. He watches as Ari comes out and leaves, coming back later with food. Thinking Rigging must be hiring some more help. 'If this keeps up I'm sure our enemies will find us,' he thinks to himself. Quietly he sits in the shadows.

OOC: Can I roll for my hide attenpt again? If I can then this is the roll. {10}

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 12:09:02 PM

"Easy Valanthe. Remember that fear drives them as well," Rigging murmurs in elven to Val.

To Bruiser Rigging says, "What is your name my friend? I am willing to pay more than food if the information is good. If you can give me names and locations I will pay you well and protect you after. I might even get you off the streets. Of course if you betray us, your death will be long, painful and horrible. My elven friend is nicer than I am. She will kill you quick and be done with it. I have a better imagination."

Rigging turns to Slider and pulls out a gold piece, "Slider tell me what you know and this is yours."

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 2:39:42 PM

Val starts pacing behind Rigging never taking her gaze from Bruiser. Scythe glinting menacingly as it's strapped to her back.

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:23:42 PM

On her way back to the Aviary, Ashira wonders how things are going with Redux's party. Looking over at Blue she says "Well Blue, what do you say we drop by Tekol's and see if Redux and the others are having any better luck than we are?"

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:27:10 PM

Redux calls to Lem & Bart. At the entrance to the tent he asks that one of them run to the Magistrate’s as quickly as possible. He explains what he’s seen and wants to report it, in case there are questions as to why they are at the tent after dark.

He calls to Talon to alight and fly high enough to see the dock area to see what ships are still docked. He may want to ask the Magistrate to detain the ship in order to investigate this murder. When the authorities come (hopefully the Magistrate will be among them) Redux will explain what he saw from his owl earlier, the carpet and the men loading the Sea Spray. Before they come, he'll look over the area and cast detect magic to see what might be in the area.

Slider (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:36:39 PM

Snatching the gold piece out of Rigging's hand with more dexterity than you would have imagined from his fraile body, Slider makes sure he is well out of Bruiser's striking range before he answers. "Well, it's not much...jus I's heard that three or four kids gone missen after they's been gone to the orphanage. Mister Gastu, he got's all mad, an even posted a reward for information, but nobody's heard nothin. They's jus vanished. They's was at dinner one night, then they's not there in the mornin. Now everybody's scared to go to the orphanage." The young boy's deep blue eyes look up at Rigging to see if the information pleases him.

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:41:14 PM

Not impressed by Val's tirade, Bruiser looks up at Rigging and says "I's called Bruiser. Lot's a people promise lots a things...I want payment up front.....sir."

Ship Shape (DM Dave) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 5:06:26 AM

After Redux sends off for the magistrate, he searches the area and notes the following: There is no magic in the area, and from Tekol's still-warm body and freshness of the marks, it appears that he has been dead less than an hour. The delivery to the Sea Spray occurred approximately four hours ago.

Five minutes later, the magistrate arrives, along with Ashira and Blue. Orders are given to the harbormaster to stop all traffic, much to the consternation of many vessel captains (incoming and outgoing).

From what Rigging gathers in the ramblings of the street urchins, the disappearances of the kids occur at different times and different places - usually after the person was last seen in the Marketplace area.

Ari (arrgg :) ) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:06:24 AM

Ari returns to where he was let out. With his pockets stuffed full.

Assuming he can get in, Ari walks in as Bruiser pipes up. "Well for starts, here's the food he sent me for. WAIT. Before anyone grabs this stuff, I want to prepare it real quick." With this Ari casts purify food and water, just to be safe. mumbling to himself, " and for good measure", Ari will also cast goodberry, and distribute them to the kids, to ensure health. :)

Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:48:24 AM

Appolo continues to wait,he is showing a good deal more patientence then usaul and he getting bored.

OOC:I wil be out of town on busines until sunday night.Until I return the DM can run Appolo.

Thank You,

Thursday July 26th, 2001 5:06:12 PM

After Bart reported the murder to the magistarte he runs back to Redux and waits outside of the tent.
When Blue and Ashira arrived he says Tekol is dead probaly murdered. He waits a few minutes and then he asks to the magistrate can I be of any assistance?

Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:18:18 PM

Rigging will look at Bruiser and smiles. "How can I pay you if I don't know how valuable the information is? No... I don't work that way. You can coorperate with me or not. It will be to your advantage to do so, but it is your choice. When living on the street, a young man like yourself needs alliances and friends. Choosing them correctly can mean prosperity. The wrong choices normally means horrible pain and a quick death" He starts to turn away to help Ari distribute the food fairly. He adds looking over his shoulder. "Oh by the way. Don't interfere or bully any of the others who choose to be our friends, if you unwisely choose not to be. If I hear about it, I've decided I won't kill you...but I will cut off both of your hands." Rigging says this with a chilling calmness to his voice.

Athlemdar (Dan) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:45:11 PM

Lem keeps an eye out as Bart runs for the magistrate. The monk continues to scan the area and listen intently. He remains alert, ready to respond to an attack.
(OOC: Kent are you back?)

Thursday July 26th, 2001 7:50:00 PM

When Blue and Ashira arrive at Tekol's Carpet tent, Blue enters the tent to see if Tekol is beyond healing. The cleric carefully bends over the body trying hard not to disturb any possible evidence. After realizing the carpet merchant has indeed gone to his god, he withdraws and waits for the magistrate.

Ashira  d20=1
Thursday July 26th, 2001 8:28:10 PM

Upon arriving at the shop, Ashira notes all the commotion, and heads inside. Seeing Blue lean over the prone form on the floor, she says "Well, what's the prognosis?", already intuitively knowing the answer. She examines the crime scene, trying to discover any clues, but cannot make out anything worthwhile.

She heads over to where Redux stands and whispers "What happened here?"

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 8:40:43 PM

Watching as the food is passed out, Bruiser adopts a more business-like manner. "Ok...we's can work together. You's seems to be trustworthy." A shocked look comes over the young man's face when Rigging mentions the penalty for abusing any of the others. "Ay, there's no need for threats...I's would never hurt the lil ones. They's my family. I's just try to keep um safe from the big ones." The young man pauses for a few minutes and adds "So, what else you wanna know, udder than what Slider told ya?"

Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:14:12 PM

After the magistrate has arrived, and been briefed on the situation, Redux sighs. "Poor Tekol...no one deserves to die like that." After all questions are answered, Redux suggests that the group head back to the Aviary for reflection and further planning.

OOC Was there any sign of a struggle?

Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:48:17 PM

Seeing the the situation is resolved, Val relaxes. She helps with the kids and tries to lighten their mood. It seems that even Val has a motherly side.

As the Wold Turns (DM Dave) 
Friday July 27th, 2001 8:41:00 AM

A review of the crime scene doesn't indicate any type of struggle, indicating that Tekol knew his assailant. There is nothing to show that Tekol successfully returned the attack. No items appear to be missing or displaced, and Tekol kept a pretty tidy shop for a carpet dealer. All his noticeable jewelry still seems to be intact and on his person, so if something was taken, it is not obvious.

Gastu receives word back from a runner that all port access has been suspended, as per his orders.

A fresh breeze springs up from the west, cooling the evening heat. A strange sense of change washes over you as you reflect on the knowledge that not all parts of the Wold are under the stain of Ga'al's overwhelming influence. Somehow, the Wold seems different. Glancing up at the stars, half expecting to discover strange constellations, you count out your favorite lights - nope, all are there, and all will be as it should be, when you finally rip the grasp of Ga'al from the heart of your homeland.

Friday July 27th, 2001 9:06:49 AM

Rigging smiles and hands Bruiser some stew. "What do you know? I want to know anything about the missing children. I am looking for information on who might benefit in stealing them or who is inclined to do so. Is their a gang of thieves who work in Waha or around it? Do you know who might be building a building using black stone? Or any other tidbit of information that you can think of that might interest us. Unusual things happening which normally don't."

Friday July 27th, 2001 10:17:11 AM

As Rigging explains the consequences of Bruiser's plan, Ari pipes in, "and should the hand not come off the first time, I can heal it back up, so that he can try again."

Once he's done handing out the food, and smiling at the rest of the children, Ari will back out of the way, so that Rigging can keep talking. Ari wants to keep an eye on the rest of the room, and watch and see if there's some unspoken plan being implemented.

Athlemdar (Kent, laid up, but alive, I think.)  d20+5=23 d20+10=25
Saturday July 28th, 2001 2:31:12 PM

(Knowledge Arcana roll DC 23.) Looking around inside and outside of the carpet sellers, Lem looks for any signs of magic or anything else that can be seen. Afterward he makes his way back out and finds a place from which safely to keep watch (Hide roll Dc 25).

Ashira  d20+7=25
Sunday July 29th, 2001 10:36:55 PM

Seconding the motion to return to the Aviary, Ashira takes a few moments to examine the area surrounding the carpet seller's tent. Starting at the entrance to the business, and fanning outward, Ashira searches a quarter mile radius around the building. She checks for any tracks (doubtful that she will collect any useful information) and any items that Tekol's assassin might have dropped in his escape.

OOC (d20+7=25 for Search)

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Sunday July 29th, 2001 10:52:41 PM

After enjoying his stew (unlike the other youths who practically inhaled the liquid contents). Bruiser looks at Rigging and shrugs. "Yeah, they's a couple of groups of thieves, but I's don know why they's want to take kids." Bruiser suddenly becomes contemplative and says "I's thinks I's saw someun wearin a think cloack in the market the udder day...it was weird, cause it summer and all."

Redux  d20=14
Sunday July 29th, 2001 11:11:10 PM

Redux will search the body, taking note of any other marks or tatoos (or heart seeding). He asks the locals if Tekol has any family and where Tekol lives. He asks if anyone has been to Tekol's home to inform them of his death. Redux may walk by his home on his way to the Aviary to talk to anyone there, introduce himself, and get invited back for the next day to see the inside.

Sunday July 29th, 2001 11:21:32 PM

The young cleric follows Ashira on her search. He stays behind the elf about 20 paces, watching. Blue is more concerned about attack than he is about finding evidence. He fingers his quarter staff nervously as he slowly turns... watching the shadows.

Monday July 30th, 2001 7:31:28 AM

Rigging listens to Bruiser's about the women in the market. Rigging replies, "Well that is sort of thin. Where do the 2 different thieves groups hang out? Are they friendly with each other? What kind of crimes do they commit? Smuggling?"

(DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday July 30th, 2001 4:04:51 PM

Redux and Lem find nothing else of interest inside Tekol's tent, and the Marketplace is too high-traffic an area to yield useful information to Ashira's tracking ability. A contingent of town guard, looking more like pirates than anything, arrives to back up the magistrate and secure the area, followed closely by Wynfrea and a handful of merchants.

While the magistrate asks Redux for an explanation of his own role in events, Wynfrea asks Bart and Blue what's been going on. The local merchants aren't sure about Tekol's family. Apparently, the numbers of his children and the health of his aging mother varied from day to day, depending on the richness of a potential customer's clothes. Nobody seems to know where he lived.

To Ari's eye, the children seem too focussed on devouring their meals to be planning any organized mayhem. Just as they are finishing up, another small child of indeterminate gender pushes aside a loose board from one of the windows and drops into the room. The child warily watches Rigging and the others while whispering, "Docks is locked down. I's hear tieves're murdrin peoples in 'ere beds!"

Monday July 30th, 2001 6:29:15 PM

Returning to the carpet seller's tent, Ashira is more frustrated than before. She waits impatiently for the rest of the party to finish being quized by Gastu, anxious to return to the Aviary and get drunk.

Pip (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 30th, 2001 6:33:29 PM

Pip heads over to the newcomer, and engages in a short, whispered conversation, and then returns to Rigging. "Boss, we's should go...I think you's friends are in trouble."

Bruiser (NPC, ADM Janell) 
Monday July 30th, 2001 6:37:01 PM

Hearing Pip's comment, a frantic look flits over Bruiser's face, gone in a flash. "Ay, don go...we's still got business to do. I's can show you where some thieves hang out..."

Monday July 30th, 2001 6:51:38 PM

A slightly confused look on his face, Redux once again briefs (See Thursday, July 26) the magistrate on what little he knows. "I really can't tell you anything more. We had an appointment to meet this evening, but when I got here, no one answered. I went inside to leave a note, and when I came in, I found him laying just the way he is now." Making sure that there are no further questions from the magistrate, Redux heads over to where Wynfrea is. "Word must travel fast, you got here rather quickly."

Monday July 30th, 2001 10:26:08 PM

Ari keeps an eye on things, as he waits to hear Rigging's comments. Ari continues to watch the children. Now just interested to see if anyone follows Bruiser's lead because of intimidation, or because he's the boss kid. Seems Pip is not under his influence. (;))

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 1:21:03 AM

Appolo is sitting in the shadows watching the entrance to the alley, when he begins to notice a lot of activity in the town and sounds of people heading for the market area. He decides that he needs to contact the others and walks silently to where he saw the others go in. He then knocks on the door and waits for an answer. Saying, "Rigging, it's me, Appolo. We better get going," he speaks just loud enough to be heard through the door.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 1:25:03 AM

Val was tense and stressed. She didn't like it one bit. She was used to her opponents being in front of her with swords or other weapons. She didn't know how to handle intruige and subterfuge.

Bart  d20=14
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 2:14:32 AM

Seeing that the area of Tekol's tent is too crowdy, Bart decides to walk to the harbor. He looks around if he can see Lem (DC14). He signals to Redux that he goes away.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:54:04 AM

Watching the guard from his hiding place, Lem observes them and anyone else in the area for any mysterious actions or people. After all, isn't it said that the guilty often return to the scene to gloat and watch. While watching he sees Blue come out and start looking around. Just as Blue passes, Lem steps out behind him and quietly says, " Just a bit crowded in there don't you think?

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 1:52:28 PM

The area around the tent starts filling up with people as the cleric leaves the tent. Blue backs away into the growing crowd. Lem appears beside Blue, seemingly out of nowhere. At first the stocky lad is startled, but seeing the taller monk's familar face he regains his composure. "Yes", he responds to Lem's question, "A bit too crowded".

The aged Wynfrea works her way through the crowd and approaches young Blue. She asks, "what's going on?". Blue leans close to the money lender and in a hushed voice he tells the tale of the apparently murdered carpet merchant. He finishes his telling with a question, "What do you make of the carpet delivery to the ship? What would this one be smuggling to Aisildur mercenaries?"

The young cleric continues to watch the crowd. A feeling of impending peril starts to well up and he becomes somewhat anxious. He wishes the family would come together. He would feel much safer. A quick look to the strong monk beside him steadies the boys jangled nerves.

Nothing to See, Please Move Along (DM Lee) 
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 3:40:31 PM

Most of the kids begin to look nervous again, waiting for the response to Bruiser's plea.

Gastu apologizes to Redux for the repetition, and when it becomes apparent that nobody else has information about Tekol's death, he arranges to have the body moved. He will gather the Council tomorrow to question the dead man. The crowd near the tent disperses.

Wynfrea nods at Redux. "Yes, in Waha, anything that affects shipping is fast news. But I hadn't heard there were Aisildurians in port, and such news would travel even faster. What makes you think the carpet seller was smuggling, young Blue?"

Bart doesn't see Lem, but at the docks he does see Mister Handsome arguing with Shursora, the sea elf who guided the party's longboat into the harbour.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 6:18:24 PM

Blue again faces Wynfrea and explains, "Much of my opinions on this are based on my observations and snippits that I have heard, so indeed no real facts.

"I have come to believe that the capt'n of the ship in question has in passing identified himself as Aisildurian in search of mercenaries, one can only wonder why.

"About the smuggling, I overheard an observer of the delivery of the carpet by Tekol to the ship, describe the carpet as 'bulky'. This suggests to me that perhaps something was disguised with the carpet. That and other rumours around have suggested this Tekol is a mysterious fellow.

"Mistress Wynfrea, I have been very candid with you. I can see that you are an observer of the human condition. What do you know of this Tekol?"

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 8:43:30 PM

Getting Blue alone for a moment, Lem whispers in his ear. "I think that we need to find a way to either delay or possibly board our Inn acquaintance's ship, just to see what kind of cargo he is carrying?"

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 9:12:13 PM

Appolo knocks again a bit more insistent this time. "Hurry up, there's an awful lot of activity out here." A bit louder than last time. He then checks the entrance to the alley.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 9:54:52 PM

"Knowing where the thieves hang out could be useful. Rigging, perhaps we should check in with the others."

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:23:09 PM

Redux doesn’t like Blue being so up front with Wynfrea and wants to warn him about speaking to strangers (all out of earshot of Wynfrea). He sees that getting back to the Aviary will take a while. Redux has thoughts of being present when Gastu questions the dead man, for professional reasons, of course. When the crowd is disbursed and the body removed Redux will again find a spot to sit while his owl flies around. He’s interested in activity in the street and around the harbor. He suspects that given the recent events, something else might be happening and he would like to know where.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:23:38 PM

Ashira doesn’t like Bart going off alone. She notices that everyone of the party seems to be checking in with Blue so she’ll do so as well. She tells him that she’ll meet up with everyone at the Aviary later in the evening for drinks. She then goes off in the direction that Bart went. Once she finds Bart she’ll strike up a conversation, commenting about how any ship captain caught by the port being locked down would be pretty upset. She notices that Mr. Handsome’s ship is still present and remembers that he was planning to be leaving on the Tide. Too bad, she thinks, for him that is, she just might be able to investigate his ship. She’ll look around for Shursora to ask if there’s been any word about Taker (and anything interesting else that might come up).

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 7:06:32 AM

Ari moves in the afirmative when Val speaks up. Ari begins to get a little nervous when Riggings doesn't immediately respond.

Bart  d20=2
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 10:45:15 AM

Ashira isn't that Mister handsome talking to ou pilot, maybe he is up to something let's go closer and try to hear what they are talkingf about! (listenroll dc=2)

Not having any sense of what they are talking about, Bart aproach them as there conversation take a slower pace and says Hello pilot not a good day for you is it?, I heard all the ships have to stay in port Any idear how long the port is closed?

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 2:50:39 PM

Rigging hears Appolo's voice and a bad feeling leaps into his stomach. To Bruiser, "My friend, We will met you tomorrow and you can lead me to the thieves hide out then. I will meet you here 2 hours before dusk." He flips him a gold piece. "Partial payment upfront." To the others, "OK lets go." Rigging heads out of the building. As he leaves he whispers to Apollo. "Watch our backs to see if we have collected any interested parties."

And All Was Calm (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 3:20:47 PM

Wynfrea frowns slightly in thought. "Tekol has been a fixture in the Market for some time. Even so, I know little about him. He kept to himself, being friendly only with customers." The moneychanger shrugs, and asks, "Why all this interest in a carpet seller?"

Bart and Ashira see Fletcher Long (Mr. Handsome) continue to argue with Shusora, his features dark with anger. Finally, he concedes with some modicum of grace, bowing slightly to the aquan and reboarding the Sea Spray.

When Ashira asks, Shusora calmly tells her that the local dolphins hadn't heard about Taker. They have passed word on to other pods in the area. She switches to Common to answer Bart. "The magistrate has suspended traffic until a murdered human can be questioned. I'm told, early in the morning, hopefully before we lose the next tide." The pilot dives cleanly off the dock into the waters of the bay.

From the air, Talon gets a good view of the crowds dispersing from the docks and market areas. He doesn't notice any other unusual activities.

Bruiser catches the coin cleanly and says, "I's be ready." As Rigging and the others hit the streets, things are calm once more. Full darkness settles over Waha.

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 4:29:02 PM

When Rigging and the others come out, Appolo
Imforms Rigging that there is no one else in the
ally,but that there is something going on in the market.In reply to Rigging"No problem,now let's get going."As Valanth passes"How are you doing,
looks like things are starting to get interesting after all."He then waits for the group to head down the ally,leaving the ally last,keeping alook out for any unfriendly charactors.

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 9:18:31 PM

"I'm doing alright. I don't like all this intruge and subterfuge. I don't understand it much at all. I understand direct."

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 12:17:59 AM

Ashira sticks here head under water hoping to catch Shusora and yells to her in Aquin. She' like to ask some more questions, and would like to find some time now or in the morning to get together.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 12:19:56 AM

Redux calls for Talon to feed & return to the Aviary where he's headed. Redux will go to the pub and await the others, taking a bite to eat and a drink of something light.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 4:19:14 AM

When Redux cautions the cleric, Blue responds to him, "I have been taking risks with her to see what I could get for information, frankly she has given little if any that is useful." Blue starts to bite his lip. "Perhaps she has been playing me. Is truely your feeling that she could jeopardize us? I will take your counsel on this.", He finishes looking downcast.

Redux concerns cause Blue to again become fearful. The lad is worried that perhaps his judgement with Wynfrea has been mis-lead. The young cleric's tension continues to build. Somewhat un-nerved with a slightly raised voice he says to Lem, "Sneak on the ship! What if they catch us, I am no spy... DRAGON FIRE! What are we going to do?".

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 8:12:16 AM

Ari follows Riggings out of the little cove. As Riggings whispers to Apollo, Ari adds, "There appears to be more than one entrance, so you might want to tail us a little bit, and watch and see if we pick up any tails. I don't think they'll come out the main door."

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 2:11:40 PM

Hmm I had some more questions for her. Ashira let's folow Mr Handsome. Maybe we can chitchat with him.

Quiet Words (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 4:34:35 PM

Shusora's head breaks the water a short distance from where Bart and Ashira stand at the Sea Spray's dock. "With the port closed, I have time this evening, cousin. What will you have of me?"

Although Rigging and the others see quite a few shady characters as they leave this more run-down area of town, none appear to be following. The groups reaches their destination unscathed.

Wynfrea waves cheerfully to Lem and Blue. "Well, I've my own supper to see to. You boys stick together -- the killer may still be about." The moneychanger leaves the Market area by one of the little sidestreets.

Redux finds the mood in the Aviary more somber tonight. Perhaps it is the absence of the bard. Perhaps the long faces on the two merchants at a nearby table. Perhaps simply because he and Talon are alone.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 9:04:37 PM

After all of the excitment, Redux finds a nice quiet, isolated table, and sits down. Opening up his spell book, he takes some time to study his spells as he waits for the others to return.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 9:26:29 PM

A concerned look on her face, Ashira says to Shusora in Elven "On my way down here tonight, I overheard you two arguing... what's going on. He looks like such an easy going man, I was surprised that he was so upset." Ashira grimices and adds "Some friends of mine suspect that he's not all above board. What's your opinion of Fletcher?"

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 10:18:26 PM

Rigging heads back to the Aviary leading the others with him. "So what do you think of our new friends. Sounds like the market is the area where the kids are being taken. I was surprised to here they were all orphans. I guess that rules out ransoms. I would love to know the ages. If they are young teens, I think they are being heartseeded." Once they return, Rigging will head to the common room to see the other team members. He sits down at Redux's table and asks what he has learned.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 10:32:13 PM

"So Rigging, whats the plan now?" During the walk Val tried not to but glanced Appollo's way a couple of times.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 11:02:59 PM

Ari joins everyone at the Aviary. He plots down and orders a glass of wine. When the wine comes, he sits back and listens to the conversations.

Thursday August 2nd, 2001 11:21:55 PM

I know Blue, and I do realize none of us are spies but we need to find something out. Anyway shall we join the others at the Aviary for some dinner and maybe together we can figure out what we should do.

Friday August 3rd, 2001 2:12:12 AM

Appolo trailed behind the group making sur know one was following to closely.He couldn't help but notice Valanthe look his way a couple of times.When they reach the Aviary Appolo takes a
seetnext to her.In reply to her eiler statement.
he says"Yes,I've noticed that.But it is nice to
know who the enemy is and where they are."He then orders something to drink and some bread.
To Redux "Redux do you know what happened at the merket tonight.You were down there,we thought you guys might have gootten into trouble."He then waits for a reply and continues to eat.

Friday August 3rd, 2001 2:05:52 PM

Val orders some wine and some bread and cheese. It doesn't take much to fill her up. "Appolo are we really any closer to finding out about the missing children? Something is really wrong in this town."

Friday August 3rd, 2001 2:29:41 PM

Leaning close to Valanthe"Nope,who ever is doing it is extremely good.Better then we are I'm afraid.They apparently aren't overly comcerned about us,otherwise they would've moved agianst
already."He quickly reaches over and steals
a piece of cheese,tossing it in his mouth.

Blue  d20+4=21
Friday August 3rd, 2001 5:17:16 PM

Blue realizes that his anxiety has to do with his frustration at not getting very far in the search of the children. He turns to Lem and says, " I am sorry I snapped at you...I feel very helpless as our search is going slow. Maybe Redux was right, maybe Wynfrea is a spy!"

The young cleric clutches his chin for a moment deep in thought. He then springs into action. He turns in the direction that Wynfrea just took and scurries off after her. Calling over his shoulder to Lem he says, "I am going to get to the bottom of this. I am going to follow her".

Blue keeps up his hurried pace until he sees Wynfrea's back. He then slows down and seeks shadows to travel in (Hiding skill 1d20+4=21). Cautiously he keeps a distance, but keeps the money changer in sight.

Friday August 3rd, 2001 5:18:50 PM

(OOC: This is my last post until August 20th, Kent will be posting for young Blue.)

Friday August 3rd, 2001 9:26:19 PM

Rigging talks to everyone in the group who comes in while eating dinner. "Anybody have any great ideas?" He will tell them all what he learned from the young street kids. "I still think we should have Blue go get some better details on who was kidnapped so far. I also think we should give some more thought on having one of us taken." Rigging enjoys the fish stew and bread and cheese. He sticks to water to keep his head clear.

Saturday August 4th, 2001 12:09:40 AM

Val smiles and slaps Appollo's hand. "Hey! I didn't have much as it was. I won't let this go unpunished you know."

Night 2 in Waha (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+5=6
Saturday August 4th, 2001 8:36:05 AM

Down by the bay, Shursora answers, also in Elven, "Captain Long is usually quite charming, for a human. I'm always pleased to see his colours tacking toward Waha. He is upset to be held up in port longer than expected." The sea elf studies Ashira and Bart for a moment, then glances over his shoulder at the moored Sea Spray. "The scuttlebutt is that he's anxious to make delivery to a very special customer."

Blue leaves Lem in the Market to tail Wynfrea. He follows the moneychanger the short distance to The Green Fish, where she supped with the party the night before. Light and laughter spill out when Wynfrea opens the door and enters the tavern.

Meanwhile, the rest of the party recovene at The Aviary to discuss the evening's events and perhaps plan the morrow's investigation.

Saturday August 4th, 2001 1:25:16 PM

As Ari listens to the detials about Tekol's death concern floods his face. When given a break in the discussion, Ari will interject, "I think we might want to consider having someone watch Gastu, or convincing him he should have a body guard, until tomorrow's spell casting. I don't know how accurate this talk to dead stuff is, but I would think that Gastu might be the next target.

Saturday August 4th, 2001 7:08:41 PM

What are you two talking about? Mr Handsome? And why he is upset? I hope so because that where the things i wanted to know

Saturday August 4th, 2001 8:06:14 PM

Appolo smiles"Didn't think you would.Becareful
with my hands though,they could be useful in the future."

Turning toward Rigging"I don't think we can set one of us up as bait.We're to old they seem to
be taking pretteens only and children know one
really misses.We're to well known now,if one of us turns up missing,whoevers doing this will
know the rest of will start looking immediatly."
He then gets up and heads up tohis room.Where he will collect his thieves tools.

Sunday August 5th, 2001 8:10:24 PM

I could probably pass for a child. I'm as tall as some of the children and are almost as thin. As long as I wear some covering rags and a hood I could pass for a child. I'm sure if I huddle in an alley that somebody would notice. Perhaps I can hide a dagger just in case.

Contemplation and Review (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday August 6th, 2001 4:16:34 PM

Shursora nods to Bart. "We were, and I've told what discretion permits. Now, if you'll both excuse me, I'd like to return to my family. The sea-green elf waits for last-minute comments from Bart and Ashira, then disappears beneath the black surface of the water.

As Blue waits outside the House of the Green Fish, he notices that he is all alone in a strange town, on a rickety wooden walkway-street populated with its fair share of nighttime skulkers. There's one now: a heavily cloaked form slipping from around a nearby stilt house and moving through the shadows back toward the Market.

At The Aviary, the quiet conversation continues. Pip manfully tries to cover a sleepy yawn as the night grows later.

Ari recalls that Gastu told them he may already have been a target:

"Now, this is a dangerous business: I've occasionally seen heavily cloaked strangers passing through the market, and about a week ago I was hit by a dart while over in the bazaar buying supplies for the temple. It did little damage, but it was smeared with poison. I don't know if it was a warning or was meant to kill. No one could say where the dart was thrown from. Here it is." He pulls out the wicked, barbed missile, carved with baneful symbols crawling with stomach-twisting carvings - (DM Dave, June 22)

Monday August 6th, 2001 8:04:42 PM

Entering the Aviary slightly after the others as Blue headed out after Wynfrea, Lem is puzzled and worried about his friend off all alone but steps inside to at least tell someone what was going on.

Lem looks around and spying his friends heads over. "Apollo, Rigging, I'm a bit worried about Blue. He headed off, alone, to follow Wynfrea. Now I don't think she's really involved in this but Blue's got a bug about it. Um, anyway I think I uhh, saw him headed toward the Green Fish, where we were last night. i think I need to go find him so he's not alone but I wanted to Umm check with someone first. I don't think we should be separated like this. Um, Well, what do you think.

Blue (kent)  d20+4=23 d20=19 d20+4=20
Monday August 6th, 2001 8:14:38 PM

The young cleric realizing that he is not really in his element steps back in to some shadows to hide while he watches.(hide roll 23) It is while he is whiding that he sees the hooded figure skulking in the shadows as well. Thinking that maybe his time would be better spent following this figure and tries to do so without making a sound (move silent 19) and stay hidden in shadow as much as possible(hide 20)

Monday August 6th, 2001 10:27:27 PM

Before Shursora leaves, Ashira thanks him for his time. After the departure of the sea elf, Ashira turns to Bart and says "Well, enough of a stroll for tonight, we should head back for some shut eye." She begins to walk casually back to the Inn, pretending that she hasn't gathered any usefull information. As Bart walks back with her, she whispers to him "Pretend we didn't see anything unusual...I don't want to attact any un -needed attention. Let's get back to Rigging."

Upon arriving at the Inn, Ashira takes her time getting to the table. Once there, she attracts Rigging's attention, and says in Elven "We need to talk." Ashira quickly briefs Rigging (again in simple Elven) about the confrontation at the dock, and the information that Shursora gave her. Finishing her briefing, she smiles briefly, and says "I think we're on to something...I think we should somehow find a way to get aboard Fletcher's ship and have a look around. Any ideas?"

Monday August 6th, 2001 10:37:50 PM

Lost in study, it takes Redux a little longer than usual to notice the arrival of his companions. "Sorry, I was just trying to get a better handle on this spell. What was that...oh, yes, we had a very interesting time over at Tekol's this evening..." Redux briefs the group about the murder of the carpet seller, and what little information was able to be gathered at the crime scene. Looking over at Pip, Redux shrugs when Rigging mentions abduction. "Perhaps our new friend here could help us out with that. I could have Talon keep tabs on him."

Monday August 6th, 2001 11:17:03 PM

Rigging is growing concerned over the absence of Blue. Though he is a fine friend and great companion, nobody ever called him streetwise. He looks to Redux and says, "Could you send Talon out looking for Blue? Is He/she? capable of that? It is either that or we send a strong group out to try to find him. If Talon can handle the mission, please have him take a wing around. Nobody will notice an owl, but if Blue is trying to be subtle, a stong group yelling Blue might disturb things."
Rigging gives the thought of bodyguarding Gastu some thought and says, "I believe Gastu can look out for himself. He does have many friends in town and we can't afford to split our forces. He is already alert and warned to danger. What else could we really do?"
After listening to Ashira speech, Rigging says, "This sounds promising. Sounds like he is into something. The sea elves do like him and that speaks well of him, but basic human nature is to be greedy. He might be trying to make a quick gold and is turning his head. We should check him out. Appolo.. Do you have any suggestions on investigating his ship? You are our local expert in these matters." Rigging says with a grin.
"Whatever happens I want to be back to meet Bruiser tomorrow evening. Even if the thieves of this fine hamlet aren't involved, I am sure they will have some information on who might be."

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 8:00:46 AM

Listening to the ongoing conversations Ari takes time to sit back and contemplate what has going been on lately. His thoughts take no discernable direction as he gently swirls the wine around in his glass. He's not anxious to get to the bottom of the glass, so he just gets lost in the motion of the wine, as it reminds him of the sea.

"Before we jump the gun and do anything that really gets us in trouble. I think we should consider letting the night pass, and wait until Gastu has had a chance to talk to Tekol. Worst case, I think we should sweep the area around Gastu's house, and see if anyone is watching his place."

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 5:08:46 PM

Talk to Tekol? Wasn't he dead??

About the ship, maybe some of us can go to there and ask if they have an job.

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 7:08:53 PM

Rigging checks on Pip quickly making sure that he is doing ok.

He is touched and proud of Val making the offer to be bait but isn't sure if she is worldly enough to take the mission on by herself. As always Rigging gets butterflies in his stomach when he thinks about sending one of his flock into harms way. He studies Val wondering if this elven child who is years older than him is mature enough to handle this dangerous mission.

Rigging then switches his attention to Redux and watches him stroking Talon. He wonders if he should get a familiar. His thoughts then switch to Seafoam. He misses his black stead and hopes he is well.

Rigging sits back and listens as the group debates possible courses of action, taking it all in. His memories flash to his father listening to his councilors advice and then making hard decisions. He never really thought he would be in that position himself. His respect for his father rises even more. He hopes to see him again and free him from the heartseed.

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 7:38:48 PM

Appolo comes back downstairs,he is carrying his
pack,on his person he has various tools.Every thing is nicely conceales and dull in color.he is wearing his cloak and armour.He walks ove and takes a seat.

He is then imformed that blue has decided to follow the moneychanger and is wondering the streets on his owwn.Then Ashira and Bart return
and make thier report.

Rigging asks him about investigating the ship
to which he replys"Let Ashira do it she could probably convince the captian to give her a
tour,while I sneak aboard,while she keeps him busy.But first I think we should find blue."

He then takes a drink of water and sits back.

OOC:Appolo has no idea that Valanthe has volounteered to become bait,as he was upstairs
at the time.Otherewise he would be adamantly opposed to the suggestion.

Alarm and Shadows (DM Lee-Anne)  d20+8=25 d20+8=19
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 9:22:40 AM

Pip's drooping eyelids snap open, and the lad slides quickly off his chair to put Rigging between himself and Redux. "Please, sir, I's be terr'ble bait! Too skinny an' -- an' --" The boy looks wildly around the common room, and his gaze settles on the sleeve of his new shirt. "Too clean! You's said I help good. Don' send me away!"

Somewhere out in the dark night, Blue trails his new quarry across solid land and back into the warren of stilt buildings past another tavern, The Salty Dog. Judging by the raucous voices and music spilling from inside, this establishment is even more lively than the last. The tall, cloaked figure pauses briefly near the tavern's stilts, then slips further along the dark boardwalk and disappears into the shadows. (Blue: Spot DC 19, -2 circumstance penalty for darkness)

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 9:57:37 AM

When Rigging asks for Talon's assistance in locating the lost cleric, Redux says "Well, that's really up to Talon, isn't it?" A vacant look comes over Redux's face for a minute, and then is gone. "Talon has taken quite a liking to Blue, and is more than willing to assist. If you'll excuse me..." Redux gets up and walks outside. Once the two are a few paces outside the Inn, Talon takes to the air. Redux stretches and then returns to the party's table. Rejoining the conversation, Redux adds his insights. "I agree with Appolo...I don't think any of us should be bait. I think we can assume that whomever is running this operation has been watching us, and knows that we have been in contact with the Magistrate. Sneaking on board the ship might be challenging...perhaps myself or Rigging might be able to provide some sort of diversion..."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 10:14:51 AM

Perking up at the mention of boarding Fletcher Long's vessel, Ashira says "Well, I've been thinking about something since I've returned from the docks. I thinks it's going to be very difficult to board Fletcher's ship if we aren't truly interested in joining his crew. So, what if a small party...say myself, Bart, and Appolo...join Fletcher's crew as mercenaries. That way, we'd have access to parts of the ship we wouldn't otherwise, and if Fletcher is involved in something suspicious, we'll have a better chance of detecting it."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:49:25 PM

OCC: Appolo never said nobody should be bait. He was out of the room at the time and never heard the idea.

"I can do this Rigging. So far we are getting knowhere fast. It's not like people wouldn't be close by to follow. The least we could to is capture somebody for answers."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 6:23:36 PM

OOC...actually, Appolo did say that, but it fairly far at the beginning of the conversation (see Saturday August 4th, 2001 7:06 PM). Sorry for the confusion.

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 8:10:23 PM

Rigging listens to the others closely and his heart is lightened when Talon goes winging his way into the night.
After Val's plea, he leans forward and grabs her hand, "Val, no one here doubts your bravery. I don't want to follow that dangerous course of action until we exhaust all of our options."
Rigging withdraws his hand smiling at Appolo's dark look and says to him and Ashira. "If Captain Handsome is truly smuggling something or someone, I doubt he would take on new crew members at this point. You might be able to act as a diversion while Appolo or myself try to slip on board though. Besides Ashira, if you get to close to this dashing figure, you might not be able to pull yourself from his charms." Rigging teases the half-elf.
Rigging looks over to Redux and asks, "Redux, Are you in contact with Talon now? Can you see what he is seeing or feeling? Once we collect Blue we can talk about investigating the ship."
When Pip starts from his sleep, Rigging reassures him that he is in no danger. "You will not be used as bait young one. Do you know any about Captain Long, Pip."

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 8:14:53 PM

Val pulls her hand free. She sits back and folds her arms across her chest obviously pissed about the decision.

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 9:58:42 PM

Continuing to mull over his wine, Ari decides to drink the rest of the glass in a gulp. He quickly orders another glass, and continues to listen to the discussion at the table. Skepticism shows quite plainly on his face.

DM Lee-Anne 
Thursday August 9th, 2001 8:23:14 AM

Talon eventually locates Blue near the Salty Dog, where the boy has lost track of his quarry.

Meanwhile, the young Pirates of Jack and their new friend continue to discuss their options.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:13:30 AM

Rigging notices Val's look of peak but decides to ignore it. He sits and watches the musing Pip waiting for an answer. When he notices Ari's look, he will ask, "Well Ari, you don't like our plans so far? Do you have any other suggestions to offer?"

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:58:33 AM

After a while Appolo gets bored. "Well Redux, has Talon found Blue yet? If he has, one or two of us should go fetch him. The rest might want to check out the Greenfish and see if any of Captain Handsome's crew are there, and if so, how many. Might be able to pick up some information about their cargo."

Thursday August 9th, 2001 3:59:32 PM

OCC: I hope somebody has an idea because I don't. It seems that we are in the same place we were two weeks ago. I'm not sure if we are supposed to figure things out.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 6:41:13 PM

Frustrated that he has lost his prey, Blue is thinking hard about whether he should continue to try and find his quarry or return and find his friends, when Talon appears nearby. Taking that as a sign, Blue heads back to join the others.

As he joins the rest of the family around the table he relates his forray in to espionage and describes the figure he was following as best he can.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 6:44:18 PM

Sitting and sipping a drink with his family, Lem notes that they really haven't found anything helpful out recently and starts to wonder if they are on a Wild Goose Chase. "The only thing that strikes me as odd is Captain Hansome and his sudden cargo of rugs and the death of our rug merchant. I don't like him and i think he is not only a smuggler but a kidnapper as well. I say we need to get on board somehow."

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:22:54 PM

Relieved to see that the young cleric is back, Ashira briefs him on the more important aspects of the conversation so far. Turning to Rigging she says, "Well, since Blue's back, I guess we should formulate a plan for getting onto Mr. Handsome's vessel. Of course I volunteer to assist. I like the idea of trying to sneak Appolo on board. I also like the idea of having a magical distraction. Mr. Handsome's crew looked pretty organized, so it will probably be pretty difficult for Appolo to get on board without help, especially since the crew will be anxious to leave. Whatever we decide on, I think we need to make our move tonight, since we have no idea when Fletcher's ship will be permitted to leave. How about if Lem and I pretend to be drunk..." A wolf grin comes over her face. "Maybe we could even get in a fight. Appolo, how much time would you need to get on board and gather information?"

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:36:05 PM

"Where would you like me? I can move undetected and hide fairly well. I could accompany Appolo or wait outside the ship."

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:46:32 PM

Once Talon finds Blue he informs Redux that all is well. Talon flies at the same pace as Blue back to the inn. As Blue nears the door, Talon alights on his shoulder in order to gain entrance, slightly startling the cleric. With a click and a chirp he jumps from Blue to Redux, careful not to dig in his claws as he does so.

At the mention of magical intervention, Redux pipes up. "Well, if Ashira and Lem can get Appolo onboard the ship, I can probably create a distraction to get him off. I have a couple of spells that might be of use. What kinds of sounds do you think the crew on the ship would be most distracted by? We could use land sounds or sea sound, depending on his expected departure point. I'd send Talon onto the ship but would probably lose him when he found out how many mice there are to catch." (To which Talon blinks understandingly toward Redux, then turns his head away in rebuff.)

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:28:55 PM

"Nothing that I haven't already voiced already. Do as you deem best. If we're going to do some stuff later tonight, I'm going to need some rest. Wake me when you have something figured out." Ari will finish up his glass and head upstairs for a quick nap.

Friday August 10th, 2001 3:58:41 PM

"I will go too, but I'm not that stealthy to slip on board. I can organize a diversion, and if things getting out of hand I can help you out."

Friday August 10th, 2001 7:12:58 PM

"Here is an alternative which might be safer for Appolo but has questionable morals. We could always waylay one of the crew and put them to the question. They will most likely have some idea of what is going on and we can also check for heartseeds. What do you think?"
Rigging looks at Apollo, "Are you sure you want to sneak aboard a possible hostile ship with no real back up? You would be sticking your neck out for sure and I know you are attached to it."

Saturday August 11th, 2001 1:36:10 PM

Appolo looks up. "Getting aboard shouldn't take much more than a couple of minutes or be that difficult. It's getting back off again that's going to be the trick. I think we need to go over to the Greenfish and see if and how many of the crew are staying in town tonight. If the captain keeps his entire crew aboard ship then I'd have to say that it is too dangerous to try. He'll have a full watch on and there will be a number of the crew milling around below decks. Too many to safely avoid." After saying his piece he moves a little bit closer to Valanthe.

Words Spoken, Words Penned (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday August 13th, 2001 2:31:27 PM

Apparently reassured by Rigging's words, Pip eases back into his seat. "I's doesn't know this Cap'n Long. But I knows port routine. Even if he keeps his whole crew aboard, he'll send some'un to take on water just before they weigh anchor."

The boy drowses as the companions continue to discuss their plans. His eyes are closed when one of the pirate-looking town guards arrives with a message for Redux. The man leaves without waiting for an answer. Once the seal of Waha is broken, the message reads:


Your presence is required at a meeting of the Council of Waha in the matter of the death of the merchant, Tekol, to be held on the morrow at one hour past dawn.

Gastu of Lemtrovex, Magistrate of Waha

p.s. I have already questioned Tekol. He was killed by a rival slaver in a territorial dispute. Though he did not know the woman's name, he said that he has often seen her at night near the Salty Dog. She is short and portly, dresses richly, and wears a ruby ring.

Monday August 13th, 2001 4:25:38 PM

Rigging watches the note deliviered to Redux, and asks, "What is that all about?" After he receives an answer, Rigging sighs, "Well it is a lead anyway. We will have to keep our eyes open for her? Did we know that Tekol was a slaver. This might explain the missing children. I still want to get Appolo aboard that ship. Appolo, At what hour do you want to attempt the infiltration?"

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 9:36:37 AM

Occ sorry guys for the back to back posts but I am going on the road and won't have time to post again today. What happened to everyone yesterday?

Rigging finishes off his wine and stands up, "Ok, Let's go do a recon on Captain Handsome. I just want to remind everyone that we have no evidence that these people are evil or working for Ga'al's clerics. We can't start killing people indiscriminately." Rigging looks at Appolo and says, "You are sticking your neck out. Are you sure you want to do this? I can sneak pretty well myself." Rigging turns back to the others. "OK As we head over to the docks, I want distraction ideas. Flaming oil, Loud spells, Illusions of naked ladies..." A quick look at Val and Ashira, followed with a quick grin, "Real naked ladies...Anything to get any watchers looking the wrong way. Maybe even a mob chasing a thief. Pip you ever been chased by a "friendly mob?"
Rigging leaves a generous tip on the table and starts heading for the door. "Remember we are the strangers here and the ones the locals will most likely string up if a lot of bodies start showing up floating in the bay."

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 9:49:40 AM

Redux is surprised and pleased by the invitation from the Magistrate. It would have been interesting to be present while the dead man was questioned. It is also good that at least some of their questioning and searching led to some of the truth. He was suspicious of Tekol but now Tekol is dead. That much would have worked out the same if this group had found him and the slaves together.

He comments to the group about the confirmation of Tekol’s other profession and the news of the rival slaving gang. “By chance, does anyone remember seeing anyone matching the description, Wynfrea perhaps. Now that would be a coincidence. But probably not. We need someone to stake out the Salty Dog in order to find out it’s clientele and this person specifically. Ashira, I believe you are the best to go inside. But now we all want to be in two places at once; then I need to be fresh in the morning for Gastu. If we check out the pubs we’ll know if the crew is off the ship and an attempt to board even possible so that’s my suggestion. Let’s split up and one group go to the Salty Dog and one to the Green Fish then meet near the dock in an hour. I think it best that if we do send someone aboard that all should be close by in the event of trouble.

Some Enchanted Evening

Up and At 'Em (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:28:00 PM

Pip rouses again as the group begins to stand. He appears to have missed the last question completely. He blinks owlishly and tags along.

Bart follows the others, shaking his head. "I don't recognize the description, and it doesn't sound anything like Wynfrea."

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:39:02 PM

Ashira watches with interest as Redux is handed the message, then listens in as the party is briefed, and plans are made. At Rigging's mention of naked ladies, Ashira presses up seductively against his body and whispers "I didn't know you were interested." in his ear. Then, before Rigging can react, she thrusts away from him, a mischevious grin on her face.

On their way up to the rooms, she listens to Redux's plan thoughtfully. "That's fine, I can hang out at the Salty Dog for a while and snoop around, but I want to make sure we check out Fletcher's ship before tomorrow. I guess an hour will be enough time..." Looking over at Rigging, she says "Whatever distraction you decide on is fine with me, but may I suggest a "cat fight" between Val and myself. Given the lustfull nature of most pirates, that would attract quite a bit of attention. We could pretend to be drunk and fighting over the affections of Captain Long. Maybe we'll even be able to cause enough rucuss to get the Captain up top so that Appolo can do more snooping." Ashira waits for a discission by Rigging and then heads over to her room and freshens up for the night.

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 4:25:44 PM

"There is no way that I'm showing my body to a bunch of lecherous pirates. I'm sure that I could fake a fight over Captain Long even though I don't think all that much of him." Val smiles and looks at Ashira, "Be warned, I'm known to play rough."

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 12:13:36 PM

After the docks our work at he docjks, I will go with Ashira to the Salty Dog. I stay outside and I will watch the street for that woman. Ashira can do the same inside, and in case she need some help I'm there in notime.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 12:25:19 PM

Appolo drifts in and out of the conversation,
nodding in agreement occasionally.Then when th party gets up to leave"Ok we check out the Green fish and the Salty Dog and meet at the docks in
1 hour.As far as distractions go keep it reasonable,we don't want the whole crew up on deck.We'll discuss further in one hour.Who goes where.Lem when we get to the docks,would you mind coming aboard with me?"He then calmly waits for a reply.

Splitting Up (DM Lee) 
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 1:42:22 PM

The group gets organized and splits up, some companions passing through the Market to The House of the Green Fish, near the edge of dry land. The rest accompany Ashira deeper into the maze of stilt buildings, to The Salty Dog. As you approach each establishment, loud sounds of music, conversation, and laughter dominate the night air.

((OOC Please state clearly in your next post which tavern you have chosen, how you approach, etc.))

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 7:33:36 PM

looking around Blue looks at Apollo and says, I will go to the docks with you I should be able to help during the escape and I can keep watch as well.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 7:35:22 PM

When Apollo asks him to accompany him on board, Lem smiles a little smile. "why I would be glad to my friend. I do have pretty good luck escaping from tight places.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:46:35 PM

Rigging decides he will go to the Salty Doy. He says, "Redux why don't you, Lem, and Bart, and Ari check out the Green Fish and the rest of us will check out the Salty Dog. Should about evenly split our strength if any group should get into trouble." Rigging will head off in the direction of the Salty Dog. "Ashira, I think a cat fight is a good idea. I will stand by in the shadows with a sleep spell ready as back up." He then lewdly looks her up and down and says with a grin, "By the way, I have always been interested."

Redux  d20=8
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:15:36 PM

Nodding approval of Rigging's decision, Redux says "Fine, then we'll meet near the docks in about an hour." Redux goes up stairs, and freshens up. Once downstairs, he meets up with Lem, Bart, and Ari and says "Well, let's go grab a drink or two."

As the party makes its way to the Green Fish, Talon takes to flight. Disappearing for a few minutes, he alights on Blue's shoulder, a dead mouse in his beak. Intelligent brown eyes peer into Blue's as the small bird of prey drops the mouse into the cleric's front pocket. Laughing, Redux turns to Blue and says "It's his way of showing affection. If I didn't know better, I'd think he likes you!" Chuckling all the way inside the Green Fish, Redux notices the regal look on Talon's face. Once inside the Tavern, Redux approaches the bar and orders a glass of the candy wine. The mage then proceeds to examine the crowd to see if he can spot any of Fletcher Long's crew (looking for their distinctive dress) (or maybe even Mr. Handsome himself) (Spot=8).

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:40:20 PM

(OCC Well, it was a fun idea, sorry Blue, I think you might of gone to the other pub, just be warned of what could be comming your way)

Ashira  d20+3=23
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:41:34 PM

Flipping a swatch of blue hair out of her face, Ashira smirks at Rigging and says "I guess it's always good to know where you stand… But for now, I'm afraid you'll have to control your hormones. I haven't decided whether I like you or not." Suddenly all business, Ashira leads the small group over to the Salty Dog. Once there, she enters the establishment, orders a pitcher of ale and several glasses, and finds a table for the party. Sitting down, she pours herself a glass and quaffs it while she searches the crowd to see if she can spot any person matching the description of Tekol's assailant.

(OOC d20+3=23 for Spot)

Oh Pirate, Where Art Thou? (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 3:22:27 PM

The Green Fish - Redux & ?

There are quite a few sailors at The Green Fish tonight, though none stand out, to Redux' eye, as belonging to Captain Long's crew. The same bard who played here last night is leading a pair of fiddlers in a foot-stomping chanty. Over near the back wall, the familiar figure of Wynfrea shares a table with a pair of merchants. She spots Redux and his companions, and waves them over.

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip & ?

Inside The Salty Dog, the patrons range from the well-to-do, right through to the crusty pirate look. None of the better-dressed customers match the description from the note. While the harried server plonks Ashira's order down on her table, eager patrons hurry to clear a space at the front of the room. A young man in loose-fitting clothes stands in the cleared area and shakes his tambourine. A roar goes up from the crowd, "Addin!"

The massed shout is so loud that Bart can hear it clearly from where he watches outside the tavern.

((OOC. If you haven't said so yet, be sure to post where your character is.))

Ari (The Green Fish) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 4:38:23 PM

Watching to see if Redux cares to join the lady, Ari nods in her direction. "She might be able to tell us more about what or who is here"

Blue (kent) green fish 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 7:53:46 PM

Startled as Talon lands on his shoulder without warning, Blue jumps a bit as he feels the razor-sharp claws dig in to his shoulder. Realizing it is Talon, he relaxes a bit, noting the mouse drooping from the owl's beak. As Talon drops his gift in to Blue's robe pocket, a look of alarm crosses his face and almost immediatly his hand darts to the pocket to remove the dead rodent. A slight look of distaste crosses his face as he grabs the bloodied rodent and holds it out away from his body. As Redux makes his commentary, Blue smiles a tight smile and nods a nod of thanks to Talon and palms the mouse as he supposedly puts it back inhis pocket but in reality drops it on the ground behind him.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 7:58:46 PM

Following along beside Blue, Lem all but jumps out of his robes as Talon makes his descent to Blue's shoulder, and he noticably moves further away from the owl's location. He chuckles a bit at the mousey situation and tries to think if he has seen anyone anywhere that matches the description read in the note.

Val (Salty Dog) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 9:23:11 PM

OCC: You guys move quick for those of us that don't internet at work.

Val follows along quietly and takes a seat at the table next to Ashira. She drinks the ale grudgingly. It tastes bad and she would need alot to get slightly drunk.

Rigging (Salty Dog) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 9:57:05 PM

Rigging sits down and pours himself a drink. He glances around the room and watches the floor show. He looks for any distinct uniforms.

Appolo{SALTY DOG} 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 11:24:42 PM

Appolo follows Rigging and the rest of his group to the Salty Dog.Once there he meanders up to the bar looking for any of Capt.Handsomes crew
and listening to the conversations going oaround him.When he reaches the bar he turns around with his back to the bar and surveys the room."Interesting goings on tonight,wonder what happened??"Hesays to the nearest person.Before ordering a drink.

Redux (Green Fish) 
Friday August 17th, 2001 12:11:02 PM

Smiling at Ari, Redux says "Why not, we might as well use any tools at our disposal." Redux walks over to Wynfrea's table. "Wynfrea, pleasure to see you again. Couldn't sleep, what with all the strange happenings tonight, so I decided to drop by for a drink." Redux looks around the bar. "Quite a big crowd tonight...guess that's because the port's closed. Funny though, I don't see any of Fletcher Long's crew here..."

Ashira (Salty Dog)  d20+3=10
Friday August 17th, 2001 12:23:56 PM

Pouring herself another round, Ashira scans the room once again for the mysterious lady mentioned in Redux's letter. Unable to spot anyone fitting the description, Ashira watches the proceedings at the front of the room with interest. Turning to Val she says in Elven "Well little one, in one short hour, you're going to be facing the toughest advesary in your life...me!" Chuckling a bit she adds "I'll try to take it easy on you, though I will worn you that nothing will get between Mr. Handsome and myself!" Ashira smiles at the young elven warrior, and lets her mind wander to other people and other places.

OOC (d20+3=10 for Spot)

Meeting People in Bars (DM Lee-Anne) 
Friday August 17th, 2001 2:46:39 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Ari, Blue, Lem

The morose, older merchant sitting beside Wynfrea snorts. "And not likely to. Fletcher runs a tight ship. He'll keep 'em aboard the Spray so's he can ship out with a sober crew."

Wynfrea nods. "Redux, this is Ohron. He operates one of the larger stone warehouses by the docks. And your loss of sleep is our gain in pleasant company. Will your friends join us? I thought you'd like to meet Janre, here. He was a friend of Tekol's." The moneychanger gestures to the other merchant, a mustached fellow obviously well into his cups.

Lem may roll an Int check to try to place the woman's description.

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip, Valanthe, Appolo

As Appolo moves through the crowd, he picks up the general gist of conversation, which seems to be devided equally between the port closure and the murder: complaints about the first, and wild speculation about the second. The young woman beside him at the bar interrupts his question with shushing motions. "Addin's dancing, so button it! We don't get to see this treat often."

Indeed, most of the attention in the room shifts to the young dancer as a reed pipe starts up a slow, eery tune. The youth begins to move, punctuating his supple and compelling steps with taps and shimmies on his tamboure. The crowd picks up the slow beat with stomps and claps, loudly cheering the dancer's more acrobatic twists. Pip sips innocently at a beer and watches the dancer.

The patrons wear a wide variety of clothing, showing Waha to be a society of individuals. The closest thing Rigging sees to people in uniform is a pair of young women at a nearby table. They wear long blue tunics with embroidered yellow smocking across the front -- they have more the feel of livery than uniforms.

Outside, Bart sees two sailors stumble out of the tavern and weave drunkenly off along the boardwalk. A short woman emerges from a narrow walkway and passes them, heading into the Salty Dog. Her dark gown and hair are elegantly designed, but she wears little jewelry on her portly form. She climbs the steps up to the tavern's entrance and moves inside. (Spot checks from the folks inside, please.)

Rigging  d20=20 d20+3=8
Friday August 17th, 2001 4:07:29 PM

(Spot check of 20) Rigging notices the woman come into the bar and gives a quick elbow to Ashira to point her out. "I think that she is our friendly neighborhood slaver. I want to try my new spell out. Cover my back if I need it." Rigging stands up and starts to amble in her direction trying to stay out of her line of sight. (Second roll is hide in shadows. Don't know if I get any pluses for the crowd) Rigging will try to get close enough and when he is he will murmer a few words under his breath and cast detect thought.

Lem (Green Fish)  d20=19
Friday August 17th, 2001 7:49:03 PM

(Int Check 19) Slowly strolling through the inn making his way back to Winfrea's table, Lem takes extra time to search faces as he makes his way to join Redux.

Valanthe  d20=9 d20=6
Friday August 17th, 2001 9:50:27 PM

"Well Ashira don't get too carried away or I'll snap. I won't be able to control myself and I would hate to hurt you badly." Val takes a drink of her ale and wonders why the gods put her with the pirates of Jack.

(OCC: ignore the second d20 roll. It was an accidental click of the button. Eitherway Val doesn't notice the woman)

Blue (Green Fish) 
Saturday August 18th, 2001 3:06:19 AM

(OOC: I am back from the open road, thanks for the cover Kent, Daniel)

Blue follows Redux to join Wynfrea and her companions. When introduced to Janre, Blue sits down beside him and says, "It is good to meet you sir". The young cleric offers his hand to the furry lipped man beside him. "Can I offer you another drink?"...Blue motions for the waitress and requests a modest round of drinks for the table. "I understand sir that you lost a friend today...tsk tsk, that is terrible...the troubles that can befall a hard working man such as Tekol. What do you make of it good sir?".

Appolo{SALTY DOG}  d20+4=14
Saturday August 18th, 2001 5:34:25 PM

When the woman speaks to him,Appolo just nods his head and turns to watch the show keeping his eyes and ears open.

OOC:Spot 14

Sunday August 19th, 2001 3:29:38 PM

That could be the lady we whee informed about I will have a quick look through the window and find out if she have any bussines inside, MMm i thin its better to follow her inside and give a sign to Ashira or Rigging

Ashira (Salty Dog)  d20+3=16
Monday August 20th, 2001 8:40:00 AM

Before Rigging leaves, Ashira focuses on the woman he points out and says "You've got it." She remains focused on the two, ready to lend assistance if necessary. As she watches Rigging go, she notices for the first time that she is slightly attracted to the human. She tries to convince herself that her feelings are more like big sister little brother, but she is unable to. Unwilling to dwell on the consequences of such a relationship, Ashira nudges Val and says "I think Rigging found our target. He going to check her out. Be ready in case anything happens."

OOC (d20+3=16 for Spot)

Redux (Blue Fish) 
Monday August 20th, 2001 8:54:04 AM

Smiling at Wynfrea, Redux says "No, no, the pleasure is all mine. Ohron, Janre, it's a pleasure to meet you. Of course we would love to join your company tonight." Redux signals to the rest of the party to join the table. Before sitting down, he draws Ari closer to him and whispers "Ari, go down to the Salty Dog and tell Rigging that all of the crew are going to be on board the Sea Spray, and they're going to be sober. Ask if he wants to modify the plan." Sitting down, Redux waits for Janre to answer Blue's inquiry, then says "Poor Tekol, poison is such a terrible way to die. It's hard to believe, but it would appear that he had enemies."

The Mysterious Woman (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=14
Monday August 20th, 2001 4:46:28 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Ari, Blue, Lem

Though Lem is sure he's seen women who would fit that general description, none of them were here in Waha.

At the table, sour-faced Ohron musters up a grimace of welcome that softens a bit when Blue's order arrives. Janre is more friendly, pumping Blue's hand, and slurring each companion's name as he is introduced. "Yes, yes, s'a terrible thing. Wasz prolly a jealous mershant did him in. Never a bezzer drinking companion than that Tekol. Always a word for a friend. Many's the night he helped me home, or I him."

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip, Valanthe, Appolo

All characters inside the tavern become aware of the woman, who stops just inside the door and scans the crowd. When her gaze comes to rest on the energetic dancer, the woman's face twists into a sneer of distaste. She makes her way to the front of the room, to where two other musicians rest beside the reed horn player.

Rigging and Ashira notice a heavy ruby flashing from the ring on her right hand. As Rigging's spell goes into effect, it takes him some concentration to sort through the mental babble in the room, trying to tune into the mind of the mysterious woman. [What is the Save DC for Rigging's spell?]

Monday August 20th, 2001 4:54:13 PM

Rigging is confused by the babble of thoughts entering his mind and tries to concentrate on his intended target. He moves discreetly closer trying to bring her thoughts in line.
OCC She makes a will saving throw to defeat the spell.

Monday August 20th, 2001 7:50:55 PM

As he listens in on the introductions and conversation at Redux's table, Lem chimes in after Janre's comments. "I heard it was a "black cloak" as killed Tekol. An I also heard there was more of them in the city." But then with all the kidnappings as are going on, what matters a few killings?"

Appolo{SALTY DOG} 
Monday August 20th, 2001 8:39:39 PM

Appolo watches thelarge woman in black come in and move across.He then sees Rigging get up and move closer to her.Thinkng things could get interesting,he moves his left hand back under his cloak,takes a drink with his hand,while letting a dagger slip into his left.he then turns toward the dancer and comments"Yes he is rather goo,isn't he."To the woman who originally
spoke to him.

Monday August 20th, 2001 11:19:04 PM

Ari makes his introductions to the group as needed. When prompted he'll order a glass of wine. For not he is content to let the others talk, as he lets his eyes and his thoughts wander.

(ooc Riggings has a DC for every level of his spells. Like Ari's 1st level spells have a DC of 12, unless noted otherwise. (I think) ;))

Blue (Yellow Fish) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 1:05:12 AM

Having a sip of his beverage when it arrives Blue listens to Janre's comments. He then replies, "Maybe a fellow merchant who was jealous of Tekol's smuggled trade. To bad he is gone, I know a buyer who would pay twice what Tekol was getting for his special goods".

Redux (Purple Spotted Fish) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 12:02:29 PM

Gently nudging Ari after he places his order, he once again whispers "We should make sure that Rigging knows about Long's crew. Would you please go tell him?"

After Blue makes his comments about trade, Redux adds "Yes, it's so difficult to find as good a businessman as Tekol. Especially when it comes to hard to find goods. I am at a loss now as to where we should go to look for our special order."

Ashira (Salty Dog) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 12:06:34 PM

Remembering the nasty way that Tekol died, Ashira decides not to let Rigging get too far out of reach. Looking over at Val she says "Let's move a little closer." Ashira gets up and works her way through the crowd to a spot closer to the action, keeping a close eye on Rigging and the assasin.

Valanthe (Salty Dog) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 12:14:06 PM

Gladly, Val leaves her mug on the table and she follows Ashira. "Okay, sounds good." With a crowded tavern, anybody could be working with the old woman. This could make the tavern a very deadly place. "I don't think the old woman would come here alone. We should keep an eye on the other patrons."

Bart  d20=9
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 2:40:30 PM

When Bart comes in he sees the lady crossing the room, he also spots Rigging so he knows she is spotted by him also. Bart decides to go back outside. There he waits again in the shadows (roll dc=9)

Attracting Attention (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=20 d20=20
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 4:22:21 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Ari, Blue, Lem

Ohron's gaze sharpens on Lem. "Murder is bad for trade. Just look at tonight's mess, with the port closed." The gloomy merchant jerks a thumb in the general direction of the docks. "The safer Waha is, the more useful it is as a freeport. But what's this about black cloaks and kidnappings? Who's been taken? When?" He raises his brows when Blue mentions smuggling, and Wynfrea watches all with great curiosity.

Janre, on the other hand, seems to miss most of the byplay. He wipes foam from his mustache and thumps his tankard on the table. "What's this? We'll not shpeak ill of the dead tonight. I drank wif ol'Tekol right here at this tavern near evry night for yearsh! Never a hint of shmuggling. But he went on and on about those special carpets of hish from the West. Hot Lands, or Fiery Playshes, or wherever. You," he leans over to whisper loudly in Redux' direction, "won't find anosher mershant with his contacts, nosir!"

The Salty Dog - Ashira, Bart, Rigging, Pip, Valanthe, Appolo

Appolo's young bar companion flashes him a more friendly grin as she joins the rest of the crowd in a roar of approval for one of Addin's trademark leaping twists. Then she lightly knocks Appolo's mug with her own and mutters soto voice, "To men who know how to move!" She gulps from her drink without taking her gaze from the dancer.

Try though he may to concentrate on the richly dressed woman's thoughts, Rigging finds that he mind slides away from the focus of his spell. Even as he tries, the woman speaks into the ear of the unoccupied harpist, who nods when she slips him a coin that glints golden. The mysterious woman stands, and her sweeping gaze halts on Val, alone with Pip at the table. The woman frowns slightly and searches the room until she spies Ashira moving her way. Without hesitation, the woman heads directly back to the front door.

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 6:48:19 PM

Rigging seeing his quarry get spooked will block off her exit route. He will quickley decide on draconian measures and mumble a few word casting a sleep spell on her. If it takes effect he will move to catch the swooning lady and carry her out of the bar.

Appolo{SALTY DOG} 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 8:31:31 PM

Appolo Smiles at the young woman and says"You
know I can move pretty good myselfe"As he watches the large woman in black say something to the harpist and give him a coin.Then turn and take a look around the room and apparently not likeing what she sees.As the woman prepares to make a quick exit,Appolo notices Rigging still closing whith her in looking like he he is going to cut her off,whith Ashira coming up behind him.He thinks 'Dam whatever he's planning
I wish Rigging would just let her go I can follow her.'He then turns his attention back to the dancer and the woman next to him.Taking a
sip from his mug.Hs left hand still gripping his dagger under his cloak.

Blue (plaid fish) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 10:59:19 PM

The young cleric frowns slightly at the poor return for his and Redux's coaxing. he thinks, "doesn't anybody know anything sinister in this town". He looks over at Wynfrea and notices her curious expression and he wonders, "Hmmm...does she know more then she is letting on?...she does seem to be gathering more information than she is sharing". The stocky lad decides that he will continue to keep an eye on her.

Valanthe (Salty Dog) 
Tuesday August 21st, 2001 11:12:36 PM

Seeing the old woman leave, Val pushes her way through the crowd torward the back door and the old woman.

Ari (pickled fish) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 12:48:04 AM

(ooc sorry. missed the earlier post Redux)

Having been distracted by all the talking around him, Ari realizes that Redux has been talking to him. Coming to his senses Ari whispers to Redux to repeat his message. Once it has been repeated Ari nods in his direction, excuses himself from any conversations, and heads on out the door towards the Salty Dog.

Ashira (Salty Dog) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:17:16 AM

Seeing her quarry fleeing, and then Val persuing, Ashira thinks "Well, I would have preferred a more subtile means of acquiring our information, but oh well." Ashira joins in the hunt, attempting to prevent the well dressed lady from leaving the Salty Dog.

Redux (The Amazing Technicolor Fish) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:32:03 AM

The black clad mage pats Janre on the shoulder consolingly. "Yes, you're right, Tekol was a fine man, and nothing more need to be said than that." Huddling closer to the table, Redux whispers conspiratorily to Ohron. "You mean you haven't heard yet? When we got into port, we started hearing rumors about people robbed in black cloacks that are kidnapping people. At first, we thought it was just stories meant to frighten the new arrivals, but now with Tekol's murder..." Redux looks around the Green Fish as if he expects someone to jump out of the shadows at any moment.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 4:31:38 PM

Appolo takes another drink and glances around the room.He notices the others closing with the well dressed woman.He thinks 'dam can't they stick with the plan.'He then says to the young woman"I don't think we've been properly introduced,my name is Speed."Putting his drink
down and extending his hand.As he watches the dancer.

Sleeping on the Job (DM Lee-Anne)  2d4(2+2)=4 4d20(17+2+17+6)=42 d20=9
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 4:37:28 PM

Le poisson vert - Redux, Blue, Lem, and Ari's heels

Ohron shifts his heavy chair closer to Redux, and drops his voice. "So? I've seen such strangers -- or the same one -- in the Market and moving through the docks from time to time in recent months. Am I in any danger, do you think? I've had dealings with Tekol before --"

Wynfrea looks puzzled, while Janre traces patterns on the table in the moisture condensed from his cup.

Exit Ari, stage left, into the cool Waha night.

The Salty Dog - everybody else

Appolo's companion turns back to give him an appraising look just as things inside the Salty Dog get strange. The player of the reed horn slumps over with a last wheezing gasp from her instrument. Addin stumbles to a halt and rushes to check on his accompanist. Their audience does not respond well to this interruption, shouting an assortment of boos, complaints, and demands. Unnoticed in their midst, a young man collapses onto his table, snoring gently.

Not one to be left behind, Pip trails Valanthe as she moves toward the elegant woman, who stops about 10 feet from the door to regard Rigging and Ashira with a cool gaze. "Can I help you with something?"

(Bart, please make a Spot check.)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:12:19 PM

When the music stops and the player slumps over.
Appolo says"Hey what's going.Looks like she fainted.Gues that's the end of tonights entertainment."He then puts a coin on the bar and heads for the doorswiftrly and smoothly
Stopping just be hind the lady."Come on, out of the way."Then stepping up besides her.

Ari (well heeled) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 12:18:03 PM

Distracted by his own thoughts, Ari doesn't do anything special other than head to the Salty Dog. Occasionally he looks back in the corner of his eye, to see if he's being followed. But he's not expecting anything, so his watchfulness is sort of lackadaisical.

Ashira (Mad Dog) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 12:59:06 PM

When questioned by the women, Ashira's face lights up with rage. "Yes, you hussy, you can help me. You can stay the hell away from my man! I saw the way he looked at you across the room, and now I find him chasing after you. Well, I won't have it! I'm warning you, stay away from him, or you'll live to regret it!" Ashira steps in between Rigging and the woman and shakes her fist at the stranger.

Redux (A Fish of a Different Color) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 1:05:39 PM

Still whispering, Redux looks at Ohron and says "I don't think so, though, who knows? From what I've heard, the attacks are random so far. And who would have thought that anyone would want to harm poor Tekol?" Glancing at Wynfrea, Redux notices the confused look on her face. "Wynfrea, you mean to tell me that you haven't heard about any suspicious happenings in Waha?"

That Was a Short Stay (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 4:44:40 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Blue, Lem

"Whatever our new friend believes," Ohron says, slanting a glance at the drunken merchant, "Tekol was a bit unsavoury. I had my suspicions about his -- business practices." He nods to Blue, who first mentioned smuggling. "So he might have had enemies. I wonder if these other attacks were as random as they seem. What do you know about them?"

Wynfrea grins at Redux, and winks. "I hear about most suspicious happenings in this town, but this business of cloaks and kidnappings is news to me. I thought you were interested in smuggling."

On the Road - Ari

The young man reaches the deserted market, and begins cutting through the silent rows of tents and stalls.

The Seasoned Canid - Elvis

The mysterious woman, though obviously aware of Appolo, chooses to ignore him. "Young -- lady -- I'm not interested in your boy," she husks. "If you want to keep him safe, tighten his leash." The woman pushes past Ashira and out the door.

A few heads at nearby tables turn to watch this local disturbance, while at the front of the room, the harpist and his companion drummer start a loud and rousing ballad to appease the angry crowd. Addin successfully wakes his accompanist, who blinks sleepily.

Blue (Poached Fish in a Shrimp Cream Sauce) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 6:06:42 PM

The young cleric's ears perk somewhat at Ohron's comments. He takes another long sip of his drink and focuses intently on the grumpy yet interesting Ohron. He also notices the play between Wynfrea and Redux. He thinks, "This Wynfrea is up to no good for sure".

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 7:03:48 PM

Rigging motions to his comrades to follow and spins on his heels and follows the woman out the door. Once they make it outside,
Rigging will say, "Excuse me Madam, but I would like a word with you. I have been asked by Magistrate Gastu to invite you to see him. I am only following orders but I must insist that you come with us." Rigging rests his hands on his weapons and comes up on his toes tensing for a fight.

Lem (the rainbow trout from The Windhorn game)  d20+2=20 d20+5=25
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 9:35:31 PM

Listening to the by play and watching the participants, Lem no longer takes place in the conversation, instead taking the time to observe each person not of the Jacks for signs of tension, nervousness, unease, and anxiety to try and tell if anyone is lying. Lem also looks at the patterns that Janre is tracing on the table. (spot skill 20, knowledge arcana 25)

Ashira (Just outside the Salty Dog) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 9:57:48 AM

Following Rigging, Ashira moves into position to help intercept the woman if she resists. "Well dearie, it seems that my man has some official business with you. Best do as he says, or I'll have to restrain you for your own good. It seems that women just can't keep their hands off of my man!" She too prepares to draw her weapons. Not taking her eyes off the woman, Ashira speaks to Rigging in Elven. "Sorry Rigging, I was trying to stall for time, and I wanted to get her away from any friends she might have in there."

Redux (el pez verde) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 10:19:03 AM

Redux shrugs, seemingly disturbed "Well, I must confess I don't know much... From what I heard, the black cloaks take their victims from the market place at varying times of day. I've even heard that some of the victims were children. I tell you, Waha is a very frightening place to be right now."

Friday August 24th, 2001 1:14:17 PM

Appolo staggers a little feigning drunkenness and allows the woman to move forward shoving past Rigging and Ashira, only to be cut off again just outside the Salty Dog on the porch.

While Rigging and Ashira confront her, Appolo quickly comes up behind her to her right, throwing his cloak over her left shoulder and bringing his dagger up to her rib cage. He whispers in her ear, "Move it or I'll shove eight inches of steel stright into your heart. No false moves and keep your hands where my friends can see them and your mouth shut!!" He says this with as much malevolence as he can summon, lowering his voice a couple of octaves.

He then uses his weight and leverage to get her to start moving, using his dagger to emphasise his point. The tip pokes through her dress just enought to scratch her slightly.

Valanthe (outside the salty dog) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 9:22:58 PM

The elegant woman defiantely didn't like her. Val's keen elven ears perked up when Ashira claimed Rigging as her man. Were the two closer that she thought or is it a ploy. Val would have to ask later. She casually walked outside to join the others. Instead of preparing to draw her weapon like the others, Val grabs the scythe off her back and spins it in one hand.

Bart (outside the salty dog)  d20=3
Monday August 27th, 2001 7:46:32 AM

Apparently Bart doesn't see the lady coming out of the bar, because his eye is attracted to a good looking girl walking a little bit further in the street. But when the others also leave the inn and trey to hold the woman Bart goes slowly to them blocking the only path left for the woman.

The Fine Art of Kidnapping (DM Lee-Anne)  d20=1 d2=1 d20=5
Monday August 27th, 2001 1:35:04 PM

The Green Fish - Redux, Blue, Lem

Scowling, Ohron responds, "I don't like the sound of that at all, not at all. The Council should have alerted us that we're in danger." The merchant frowns harder as a thought occurs. "Might not be safe to walk alone at night. What do you folks say to escorting a tired man safe to his home?"

The moneychanger shakes her head, looking amused. "Come now, Ohron. You believed yourself safe enough when you sat down to drink. I doubt the night has grown claws so quickly. But it seems a good time to go; old Janre here will need some help getting home." Janre doodles on, oblivious, in what seems to Lem to be random patterns. To the monk, it seems that Ohron is sincerely worried, and that Wynfrea has more interest in the proposed group jaunt than her scoffing would seem to suggest.

On the Road - Ari

Past the market, Ari enters the outskirts of the stilt-house maze. There are few people abroad at this hour as he moves along the boardwalks toward The Salty Dog.

Outside The Salty Dog - La Gang

The mysterious woman opens her mouth to reply, when Appolo makes his move. She wisely chooses silence, but the arrogant glares she directs at Rigging and Ashira speak volumes. She stands relaxed in Appolo's grip, apparently unresisting. (Spot checks from all, please.)

A pair of sailors stumble out of the tavern, pushing past Valanthe and mumbling drunken complaints about Addin's interrupted performance. They weave off down the boardwalk, oblivious to the conflict they've interrupted. Pip also moves past Valanthe to stand just behind the elbow of Rigging's off-hand.

Rigging  d20=13
Monday August 27th, 2001 5:24:06 PM

(Spot check roll 13)Rigging says to his friends, "Let's get out of the open." Rigging moves to a quieter and darker alley and says to Appolo, "Search her" To Bart and Ashira, "Watch her closely. Kill her if she tries anything. Remember that she is an assassin and will be sneaky" Turning to Pip, Rigging leads him away for a few steps, scanning all around looking for danger. "Pip, run to the Green Fish and tell the others to meet us at the magistrates now."

Lem (The moldy fish) 
Monday August 27th, 2001 7:45:26 PM

Pondering what he has observed Lem leans over and whispers in Redux's ear. "If we're to go 'twer best we go sooner than late."

Monday August 27th, 2001 8:35:33 PM

Appolo forces the woman into the alley. "OK -- up against the wall, hands above your head and spread your legs." He forces her against the wall, kicks her legs apart and begins to search her. "No funny business now, or else." He will take everything away from her -- jewelry, knives, daggers, her pouch. He performs a complete and through search -- sending his hands places he has never sent them before, at least not on a woman's body.

When he is done and satisfied, he says, "There's some rope in my pack. Could someone please get some out and cut a couple of pieces, so we can properly tie her up. I don't trust her."

He says this while keeping his dagger pointed in to her rib cage, never taking his eyes off her.

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 8:27:42 AM

Ari travels through the market place noting some of the obvious details (lack of people, it's a market ;) ). But his thoughts on centered on his concern for the course the group has chosen to travel.

Appolo  d20+4=19
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 10:38:36 AM

OOC:Forgot Appolo's spot check. Spot check 19.

Ashira (Outside Salty Dog)  d20+3=17 d20+5=17
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 11:31:38 AM

Watching Appolo at work, Ashira is ready in case things get out of control (Spot=17). She follows Apollo into the alley and removes the rope from his pack. Cutting off the appropriate size length, Ashira begins to tie the group's new captive's hands behind her back (Use Rope=17). As her hands skilfully weave the knots, she says to the woman "Normally, I'm not into bondage, but I'll make a special exception for you."

Redux (Green Fish) 
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 11:39:53 AM

Nodding toward Ohron and Wynfrea, Redux says "Yes, I believe it would be best to retire for the night. Don't want to be out too late... There's safety in numbers, so we should probably go together." Giving a quick glance at Lem, Redux pauses "Ah, but we must hurry, my friend here has pressing business to attend to tonight." Redux gets up from the table, pays the tab, and heads out into the cool Waha night.

Valanthe  d20+1=15
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 11:55:57 AM

Val watches the old woman get escorted into the alley. Since the old woman was under control, Val leans against the side of the building facing the street.

Bart  d20=8
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 12:01:25 PM

(spot dc=8) Bart wonders why Appolo treats this lady like he does. There is an other way to do it! He will speak to him aboat that later. In the meantime he remains in the background, ready to react when something unexpected occurs.

End First Movement (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 2:18:35 PM

Wynfrea jumps to follow Redux, and helps to guide the weaving Janre out of The Green Fish. "Where's home, friend?" she asks the mustached merchant. He gestures vaguely out toward the maze of stilt buildings.

"I'm closer -- not far from the temple. Save time if you're in a hurry, friend Lem." Ohron hesitates, scowling at Janre. "But I suppose we should see him safe first. Haven't lost a drinking companion yet. Won't start now."

Meanwhile, outside the Salty Dog, Pip pipes a happy, "Sure thing, boss!" and speeds off, leaving the others to molest their captive in peace. Well, in what peace can be found, with the loud racket of celebration pouring out the windows of the tavern. Addin, apparently, has resumed his interrupted performance.

Appolo easily divests the woman of her few belongings -- the ruby ring and a plain gold band, her very light pouch, and a pair of embossed silvery hair pins, long as his hand and quite sharp at the tips. The woman's dark curls tumble down to frame her angry features, but she makes no move to stop the tying of her hands.

Valanthe sees a young woman come along the street down which Pip disappeared. She stares at the elf's naked scythe as she climbs the stairs to the tavern.

Somewhere between the two groups, Ari's odyssey continues.

Blue (Green Fish) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 12:02:04 AM

The cleric stands and says, "Come Ohron lets you and Janre home safe". Blue follows the others out, keeping a close eye to Wynfrea.

Ashira (Alley outside Salty Dog)  d20+3=8
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:13:13 AM

Finished tying up her captive, Ashira resumes her watch (Spot=8), prepared to hack her down if she should attempt an escape. Looking over at Rigging she says "Darling, don't you think we ought to gag her also? Don't want to have any trouble taking her to the magistrate!"

Redux (Green Fish) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:24:04 AM

Heading off in the direction that Janre indicated, Redux keeps a wary eye on his surroundings. Sticking close to Ohron, Redux says "What do you mean you had suspicions about Tekol's business practises? Who did he do business with?"

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 10:46:10 AM

"We ned to hurry this up,can we go now!"Appolo
then adds"No,I don't think a gag is necessesary.
She knows what will happen if she doesn't keep her mouth shut.Don't you!!"While twirling a dagger in ech hand menacingly.

Bart Alley  d20=1
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 12:02:36 PM

Bart follows the at 15 meters distance If the streets becomes more crowdy he closses this gap. He looks around for anything unusual. (spotcheck =1)

Ari (this is not the Odyssey Channel) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 12:12:05 PM

Doing his best to move along, Ari continues to concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other. His thoughts are worried about his friends, and about the course of action that they've been thinking about. He wonders whether these decisions have been made too hastily. He remembers something about counting chickens, and continues walking on.

Safety in Numbers . . . (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 2:04:49 PM

Wynfrea takes the lead, supporting Janre and prompting him for directions at intervals. Musing, Ohron trails after. "Not so much who he did business with, as how. Leased him space in my warehouse a time or two. No trouble from him, until the time old Merith was sharing space in the same building. Called me in one night -- Tekol was upset because Merith's people were doing inventory. Why should her inventory interfere with his carpet storage? Very strange. Another time, he was in a panic because we were late delivering a large shipment of his from the warehouse to his customer. What difference could a day's delay make when I know the Gant's Folly wasn't to ship out for another two? We're talking about carpets, not perishable fruit. Was very unreasonable about it, he was."

(Spot and Listen checks from Ari, please.)

More coming up . . .

. . . If the Numbers are Enough (DM Lee)  d2=2 d20+2=5 d20+2=9 d20+2=5 d20-2=0 d20-2=1 d20-2=6 d4+1=5 d4+1=4 d20+4=15
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 2:37:09 PM

As the young kidnappers move out toward Gastu's temple, Appolo and Ashira each notice movement amongst the shadowed stilts of nearby buildings. Before they have a chance to give warning, shots fly toward the group, seemingly from all around. Arrows and quarrels fly harmlessly past the characters, but two blue bolts of energy fly unerringly toward Appolo, doing 9 hp of damage to the young monk.

The mysterious woman, not the least surprised by the attack, uses the opportunity to kiss Appolo full on the lips. (Appolo please roll a Will Save.)

Rigging, Valanthe and Bart are caught off-guard by all this. (No actions permitted.)

Ashira and Appolo now have initiative in the surprise round. They may each take one partial action.

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 6:06:39 PM

Rigging's mouth drops open in surprise as an arrow speeds by his head and thunks into the wall. His hands drop to his weapons but he doesn't draw them. He hopes Pip got ok.

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 7:55:44 PM

Blue walks along with other listen intently to the conversations. after Ohron speaks, Blue quickly asks, "Do you know who Tekol's customers were?"

Appolo  d20=18 d20+5=21 d20+5=7
Wednesday August 29th, 2001 8:22:15 PM

As they begin to move,he notices movement ahead of the party,but before he can do anything,arrows start ot fly and he is hit by
something.He he sreams in pain and then iskissed on the lips by the woman.While she is kssing him he takes the oppurtunity of her being so close toram both his daggers home right into
gut ripping upward.

Will roll 18,Attack 21
OOC.Appolo is a thief.I'm not sure wether he is
-1 or postive one on his will roll.
His attack should be automatic.Pleas ignore second attack roll mistake.

Ari (See Spot Hear something)  d20+1=16 d20+1=17
Thursday August 30th, 2001 3:26:44 AM

As Ari nears the end of his little journey, his senses give him warning..... (spot=16, Listen=17)

Thursday August 30th, 2001 12:03:23 PM


Ashira (Alley outside Salty Dog)  d20=2
Thursday August 30th, 2001 12:24:17 PM

Anger floods Ashira's face as the new events unfold before her eyes. "Told you we should have gagged her!" Arrows begin to whiz, and Ashira is determined not to let her captive get away so quickly. "Sorry dearie, but I believe my darling has this dance...I won't allow anyone to interfer!" Ashira takes a swipe at the captive, but misses terribly (hitting Apollo?).

OOC (I have no idea how to modify an unarmed strike, so I didn't add any bonuses...which really doesn't matter, because Ashira misses any way you look at it.)

Redux (Following drunk Janre home) 
Thursday August 30th, 2001 12:33:43 PM

Redux listens with rapt attention to Janre. "Yes, you're right, that is highly unusual behavior. Maybe we can uncover the mystery of Tekol's death by learning who was close to him. It seems like whoever killed him knew him...can you tell me who some of his close associates were?"

A Pleasant Stroll - Blue, Redux, Lem (DM Lee) 
Thursday August 30th, 2001 3:11:56 PM

Ohron shakes his head. "Didn't know the man well, outside of our business. Could check my records, get a list of deliveries we did for him, other customers he shared warehouse space with. That's it."

The night is quiet as the mismatched group makes its way between dark market stalls . . .

Pip Down! - Ari (DM Lee)  d2=1
Thursday August 30th, 2001 3:13:00 PM

Nearing the tavern, Ari begins to hear faint sounds of celebration drifting through the night. Overlying these, his keen ears pick out a faint cry from nearby, just as he crosses a narrow alley between two building. He glances that way in time to see Pip drop bonelessly to the boardwalk, a thin rivulet of bright blood trickling from his temple. The two sailors standing over the boy, about 10' down the alley, see Ari at about the same time. One holds a reversed short sword in his hand, the other a dagger and a small coil of rope.

Ari has initiative . . .

Blue (The Pleasant Strollers) 
Thursday August 30th, 2001 4:13:44 PM

Pleased with Ohron's enthusiasim for the search of information, Blue encourages him, "that sounds promising Ohron, maybe we can find out who and what is behind these dastardly deeds."

As Janre appears to be listing heavily, the stocky young cleric sidles up and props him somewhat, trying to dodge the man's lethal breath in the process.

Ambush! Round 1 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d4+2=3 d20+2=9 d20+2=6 d20+2=10 d20+2=9 d20+2=20 d20+2=10 d20+1=17 d20+1=10 d6=3 d6=1 d8=2 d4+1=2 d4+1=4
Thursday August 30th, 2001 4:15:15 PM

Although Appolo's dagger does draw blood, he gets that his blade just barely reached the mysterious woman's flesh. As she dodges Ashira's wild swing, the woman steps back out of reach of both of her attackers. She smiles widely at Ashira and taunts, "You were right about the gag, elf. Now FREEZE." (Ashira, Will Save vs DC 13 or do your best to freeze for one round.)

Two pirates emerge from amongst the pilings of the nearest building and hurry over to the erstwhile captive. Pirate #1 cuts her bonds while Pirate #2 tosses her a trident. They flank the mysterious woman with their swords drawn.

Another flurry of shots fills the street, most again missing or lodging in armor. However, Rigging (3hp) and Appolo (1hp) are both struck by arrows, and Valanthe takes a quarrel in her thigh (2hp). The visible archers drop their bows and four pirates emerge from the shadows, drawing blades and moving into easy reach of the characters in the street. #3 faces Valanthe and #4 faces Rigging beside him. #5 and #6 flank Bart. A couple more pirates hang back from the fight.

A blonde woman, partly hidden behind a thick pilon about 40' down the street, launches two more magic missiles. They strike Ashira square in the chest, doing 6hp damage.

The party has initiative.

Thursday August 30th, 2001 6:21:12 PM

walking along with the others escorting the drunk merchants, Lem worries about the others and walks up near Redux and whispers. "we are supposed to be meeting Apollo at the docks about now." We really ought to be heading to find them."

Ashira (Alley outside Salty Dog)  d20+3=10
Friday August 31st, 2001 10:50:58 AM

Struck by the awesome power of the former captive's word, Ashira remains stock still while her captive makes her escape good. A mere grunt escapes from her lips when the two energy bolts explode into her chest. Her green eyes burn with fury as she struggles to reach her weapons, but is unable to move a muscle. "This isn't over yet!" she screams at the lady.

Redux (Just out for a stroll) 
Friday August 31st, 2001 11:03:00 AM

Responding to Ohron, Redux says "Well, that's too bad, seems like Tekol was a bit of a loner when it came to business." When Lem comes over and whispers to him, Redux nods and then looks over at Ohron and Wynfrea "I'm terribly sorry, but my friend Lem here really must be heading back. And with all the frightening occurences recently, I think it would be best if Blue and I go with him. It looks like you two will be able to handle Janre alright, and we've seen you past some of the worst parts of town, so I doubt you'll encounter any trouble tonight. So, if you will excuse us, we really must be on our way. It's been a pleasure, maybe we can meet again tomorrow." Redux excuses himself with a bow, and gets ready to head back with the others. After they have gone a little way, Redux sends Talon off into the night air. "I've sent him off to the docks, so that hopefully the others won't worry about us."

Bart  d20+8=14 d10+5=7
Friday August 31st, 2001 12:07:14 PM

Bart draws his sword and attacks the pirate at his left, hitting ac 6+8=14 (7hp damage if hits). He is using his bastard sword single handed, and tries to draws his dagger after his attack.

Friday August 31st, 2001 2:43:15 PM

After his failed attack Appolo grunts with pain.
He sees that Ashira is in troulbe and cannot move,thinking "great" as magical energy blasts into Ashira.Appolo then moves quickly and grabs
Ashira pulling her down and out of the line of fire.He quickly pullls he over to the other side of the alley.He yells "Rigging,Bart, Val,retreat there's to many of them,we need to get out of here."He looks at the woman while he stands gaurd over Ashira.Appolo nods his admiration for the well laid and excuted ambush."Very good,my
Lady" he says to her.Holding a dagger in his left hand and a having drawn his shortsword in his right.He is also staying low trying to use any trash or junk in the alley as cover.

Rigging  d4+1=3 d4+1=4
Friday August 31st, 2001 5:26:41 PM

Rigging grunts in pain, as the arrow grazes him,
He sees the sailor come up, sword in hand and a sneer crosses his face. "One for you." he murmurs before he raises his arms and launches two darts of energy at the sailor sqaring up against him. Rigging will then draw his weapons, while backpedaling a few steps.

Friday August 31st, 2001 5:33:14 PM

Looking down at Ashira "Are you ok!!"He kneels down beside her.Crouching on the balls of his feet.

Friday August 31st, 2001 5:57:01 PM

The young cleric tentively steps away from Janre, waiting to see if the merchant will fall, perhaps dragging Wynfrea with him, however he maintains his uprightedness and they continue along the road.

Agreeing with Redux, Blue says, "Yes you should all be safe enough now, goodnight to you". The boy turns and follows Redux and Lem.

Valanthe  d20+6=15 2d4(2+4)+2=8
Friday August 31st, 2001 11:07:51 PM

Val welcomes the stining pain in her thigh. It lets her know that she's still alive. Considering the hell that is Waha, she wasn't so sure. Val grits her teeth and brings her scythe down savagely on the pirate before her.
(OCC: 15 to hit, if hit then 8 points of dmg)

Splitting Up -- Again (Redux, Lem, Blue) 
Monday September 3rd, 2001 12:16:50 PM

At mention of splitting up, Ohron's expression grows even more morose, but he voices no complaints. "I'll look into my records. Find me at my warehouse." He hurries to catch up with Wynfrea and her wobbling charge.

As Redux, Lem, and Blue reverse course back through the market, Talon wings off to the docks. There he sees plenty of late night activity, but no familiar faces. . .

Ambush! Round 1 - Party (DM Lee) 
Monday September 3rd, 2001 1:21:57 PM

Bart's sword strikes a spark off one of the studs on Pirate #5's armor.

Appolo successfully drags Ashira over the wooden planks to the edge of the boardwalk. They fetch up against the stilt of a nearby building, whose floor is raised at elbow-level to Appolo. An arm's length below the boardwalk, water laps gently at the support pilons and stilts. When he drops his dagger to draw the sword, Appolo notices that the shorter blade is indeed stained with the blood of the mysterious woman.

Rigging's spell drops Pirate #4 to the wooden planks, even as the mage backs away, weapons in hand.

Beside him, Pirate #3 reels from the force of Valanthe's blow . . .

Ambush! Round 2 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d20+3=18 d8+1=7 d20+4=18 d6+2=7 d20+6=22 d20+6=9 d6+2=4 d20+6=13 d20+6=21 d6+2=6 d20+8=14 d4+1=4 d4+1=4
Monday September 3rd, 2001 1:55:12 PM

The mysterious woman snarls and starts after the retreating pair, but stops instead to attack Rigging as he backpedals into her path. "Your keeper is right again, boy," she says, stabbing his gut with her trident (7hp damage). "It isn't over yet, but it will be, soon!"

Pirate #1 rushes past her to attack Appolo (7hp damage).

Pirate #2 steps forward to flank Valanthe with #3. They attack the elf simultaneously, and #2's blade slices the barbarian's arm (4hp).

A short distance away, Pirates #5 and #6 repeat the same maneuver on Bart, and Pirate #6 catches the boy with a well-timed strike (6hp damage). She wipes some of the blood from her blade and grins, showing Bart her bloody finger.

Another sailor (#7) emerges from beside the building that shelters Appolo and Ashira. He attacks the prone woman, but Ashira, now free of the mysterious woman's Command, is able to roll aside. The pirate's sword gouges the stilt beside her head.

From down the street, the blond spellcaster settles on Rigging as the biggest threat, and sends a new pair of magic missiles flying his way. (8hp)

The party has initiative. Combat Map

Rigging  d20=20 d20=10 d20+1=17 d6=3 d6=2 d4=1
Monday September 3rd, 2001 5:40:09 PM

OCC Forgot to put my modifiers in with the rolls, so add +1 to each die roll. First roll was rapier, second was main-gauage and 3rd was for critical hit) Rigging swoons in pain from the multiple attacks, but snaps himself together and slashes the assasin/cleric across the face with his rapier. It was a cunning blow aimed at her eyes and his attack was successful. He hopes this will slow her down so he can take out the mage. He follows up with a thrust of his main-gauche to her stomach.

Appolo  d20+2=18 d8+2=8
Monday September 3rd, 2001 7:27:09 PM

Appolo screams in pain and slashes out at his attacker with his shortsword for 8 points of damage, then side steps and assumes a purely defensive posture. (D20+2=18, D8+2=8)

Valanthe  d20+6=20 2d4(3+1)+2=6
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 12:22:35 AM

Val turns so her back is to the wall. She spins her scythe and attacks #3 with a hide and wide arc desgned to keep #2 back.

(OCC: 20 to hit #3, 6 for dmg)

Bart  d20+8=26 d10+5=12
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 5:35:47 AM

Bart atacks the female pirate he can't stand people who put there fingers up. She soon will found out!!!
#hit ac 26#
He slashes his bastardsword over her chest making an nice diagonal stripe over it!!
#12 dam#

Say again?? You filty slut!

Ari (better late than ever) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 7:48:52 AM

Seeing the fallen Pip, Ari does his best to move quickly. Checking the rest of the street out for other members of this gruesome twosome. Ari mutturs, "Lem protect us", and casts entangle at the two standing sailors. Once the spell is cast, Ari will draw his rapier, and try to help Pip.

Pip Down! Round 1 (DM Lee)  d20+2=17 d20+2=20 d20+4=14 d6+2=3 d20-2=12 d4+2=6
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 9:09:19 AM

Long water weeds respond to the call of Ari's spell, stretching upward from the bay below and extending between the planks of the boardwalk and over its edges. The slimy fronds and stems curl around Pip and the lower legs of his attackers. The sailors, however, manage to keep from being held fast, dancing and kicking their feet free.

Sailor #1 reverses his sword and kicks his way to the edge of the entangled area, where he attacks Ari, connecting for 3hp damage.

His partner looses his dagger, and the short blade slices Ari's arm open (6hp) before thunking to the boardwalk behind him. Sailor #2 jerks and pulls his way to his partner's side, drawing his own sword. The two now block the mouth of the narrow alley, and stand just inside the entangling area.

Ashira (Laying down on the job) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 11:46:13 AM

After Appolo drags her aside, Ashira manages to get out between gritted teeth. "Yeah, I'll be alright." Then the next wave of attacks is launched, and Ashira moves quickly to avoid becoming "Half-elf on a stick". She rolls a little further and quickly gets to her feet, drawing her longsword. Eyeing her new adversary, she says "You're going to wish you never did that!"

OOC (Is Ashira able to draw two weapons in one round, since she is treated as having the two-weapon feat? If so, then she will draw her long and shortswords.)

Redux (Out and about) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 12:00:51 PM

After recieving Talon's report that Rigging's group is not at the docks, he begins to worry. Gathering his party together, he whispers "They're not at the docks yet...I'm sending Talon over to the Salty Dog to see if they're still there. Let's get moving that way." Redux begins to set a fast pace toward the Salty Dog, thinking that in a town like Waha, lots of things could go wrong.

Blue (Out and about) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 2:25:46 PM

Blue hears a tone of concern in Redux's voice. He wonders what his friends could be up too?
The stocky cleric picks up his pace and stays with Lem and Redux.

Ambush! Round 2 - Party (DM Lee) 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 3:01:03 PM

As Appolo did before him, Rigging finds the mysterious woman to be tougher than she looks. His main-gauche doesn't penetrate the cloth of her dress. The rapier, though, opens a nasty gash on her forehead, that bleeds heavily.

Pirate #1 can't help but put a hand over the newly-opened wound in his side as Appolo steps (OOC. Which direction? W, NW or NE)

Valanthe's swing catches #3 unprepared. He grunts as the wind is knocked out of him, while his partner ducks the amazon's follow-through.

Pirate #6 loses her mocking grin when Bart cuts her down. A heartbeat later she is on the ground, her blood soaking the wooden boards.

Ashira's attacker doesn't look as confident now that he faces two blades and a mobile opponent. . .

Reverse Course! (DM Lee-Anne)  d2=1 d20+14=21
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 3:17:02 PM

Redux, Blue and Lem retrace their steps through the market and clatter out onto one of the wider wooden streets. A short distance ahead, Wynfrea peers at them over Janre's shoulder, throwing them a perplexed look. "Changed your minds, eh?" call Ohron.

From somewhere overhead, Talon spots Ari fighting with a few people. He gives Redux the impression that something weird is happening to the water in that viscinity, something that he is reluctant to approach. . .

Ambush! Round 3 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d100=24 d100=43 d100=79 d20+3=17 d8+1=2 d20+4=21 d6+2=8 d20+6=11 d20+6=16 d20+4=12 d20+4=23 d20+4=9 d6+2=4 d8+1=8 d20+5=19 d8+4=7 d4+1=3 d4+1=2 d8+1=3
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 4:01:29 PM

"So, the pretty boy has teeth." With blood obscuring her vision on one side, the mysterious woman has trouble finding Rigging with her weapon -- only one of the tines jabs his hip, doing 2hp damage. "Maybe I'll offer to buy him after all," she calls to Ashira. She wipes the blood from her face with a forearm and shuffles east, putting herself between her opponent and Pirate #2.

Pirate #1 keeps one hand on his gut as he continues to exchange blows with Appolo. One of his attacks gets through the young thief's guard, stabbing under his arm (8hp).

#2 and #3 press their tag-team attack on Valanthe, but neither is able to land a hit.

Pirate #5, clearly unnerved by Bart's swift and viscious revenge on his partner, takes a half-hearted swing and then steps back northward, looking nervously around.

#7 sneaks a stab between Ashira's flashing blades (4hp). He also backs up, stepping east away from the half-elf.

Three more pirates emerge from among the pilons of surrounding buildings. Pirate #8, a burly woman armed with a longsword and an unruly expression, calmly crouches by #4, pops the cap on a small vial, and pours its contents down the fallen sailor's throat. #4 chokes, coughs, and fumbles for his weapon.

A short distance away, a ninth pirate does the same with Bart's fallen opponent, while Pirate #10, a tall, grizzled fellow, moves right in and swings his longsword 2-handed at Bart. The blade dig's heavily into the youth's shoulder. (7hp damage)

The spell-slinging blond woman, generous with her wealth of glowing bolts, picks Bart as her next recipient. (5hp damage from magic missiles)

The party has initiative.

Combat Map

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 7:09:02 PM

As Redux passes on his message Lem swears. "OK you two find the others and get to the docks. I'm going after Ari." After getting a firm idea of where to find him, Lem takes off at a sprint (4x movement) slowing down as he gets with in 50 feet of the scuffle.

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 8:13:35 PM

As Appolo side steps to his left,he reaches up and cuts his cloak and pack free letting them
drop to the floor.He is trying toflank his opponent.When the pack hits the floor back kicks it and his cloak away.If can't flank his opponent then he play defence until the right opurtunity presents itself.He is also being careful not get get outflanked himself.Trying
to watch the others as well.

Ari (to fight, or to flee, that is the question)  d20-1=17 d6+3=7 d20+3=11
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 11:45:16 PM

Hoping to give the plants another try at the sailors, Ari uses his expertise to go into full defensive mode. (+4 AC (+2 Expertise, +2 defensive mode, -1 overall attack (-2 via expertise, -4 for defensive mode))) (AC now 16). Doing his best lunge that he can, he attacks the sailor in front of him. Assuming he hits (AC 17), he quickly flicks his opponents shoulder for 7 points of damage. (Concentration check for spell, if needed. =11)

Ashira  d20+4=12 d20+2=9 d8+3=7 d6=5
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 11:21:51 AM

Angry at letting herself walk into an ambush, Ashira unleashes a full attack on Pirate #7 (assuming he's only 5 ft. away, otherwise she goes after Pirate #1), but is so frustrated, that she doesn't live up to her full potential. Not taking her eyes off her adversary, she shouts to Rigging and Val in Elven "We need to take that spellcaster out of the fight somehow.".

OOC (Longsword=12, shortsword=9...I doubt either hit, but rolled damage anyway).

Redux (Out and About) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 11:25:56 AM

Increasing his speed a bit, Redux isn't really aware of Ohron's comment. He strides ahead, anxious to find out why Rigging's group is detered. With Lem going to help out Ari, Redux asks Talon to proceed to the Salty Dog and check for Rigging's group.

Bart  d20+6=7 d20+5=11 d4+1=3
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 11:58:01 AM

"If it's blood you want it will be your own," says Bart as he attacks number 10, due to the damage he has he misses with his bastard sword ac 7 and his dagger maybe he hits a arm if he is lucky hit ac 11 for 3 dam.

Pip Down! Round 2 (DM Lee)  d20+2=3 d20+2=17
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:09:34 PM

Ari's opponent cries out and drops into the writhing mass of water weeds. His partner is momentarily distracted by this, becomes entangled, himself. He uses a very rude word and struggles desperately, finally pulling free of the slimy vegetation to stand in the street beside Ari.

Rigging  d20+1=20 d20+1=12 d20+1=3 d6=5 d6=3
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:19:22 PM

A fury overcomes Rigging as he sees his friends injured. He knows he must take down his opponent quickly.He presses the battle to her. He attacks scoring another hit on the cleric.

On Course (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:35:03 PM

With Redux and Blue hustling behind him, Lem runs ahead, his steps pounding hollowly on the wooden boards. After a good sprint, the young monk arrives at an intersection with Ari's boardwalk. He can hear the sounds of cursing and fighting coming from nearby and north around the corner.

Meanwhile, Talon locates the rest of the party and reports the large altercation, not far from Ari's position. (Talon may join this combat in Round 4.)

Redux and Blue will pass Ari's position on the way to the others.

Ambush! Round 3 - Party (DM Lee)  d100=53
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 3:49:34 PM

Appolo and Ashira split up, with Appolo unable to flank this turn. Ashira steps east and engages in inconclusive weapons-drill with #7. Bart has similar trouble with Pirate #10.

The mysterious woman drops her smug expression when Rigging again gets past her guard.

Ambush! Round 4 - Pirates (DM Lee)  d20+3=12 d20+4=8 d20+4=9 d20+4=16 d6+2=5 d20+5=6 d20+5=16 d4+1=5 d4+1=2
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 4:32:55 PM

The mysterious woman checks over her shoulder and, spying Pirate #5, snarls, "Take her and go!" With her attention divided, her attacks against Rigging are unsuccessful. She continues to shift east. Climbing to his feet and obviously fit and ready for action, #4 stands shoulder to shoulder with the priestess.

Pirate #1 crab-walks sideways to keep Appolo between himself and the nearby building, and tests the youth's defenses with his blade.

Pirate #2 backs away from Valanthe on full defensive and moves north of Bart. (Valanthe may make an AoO against #2.) #3 tries to distract the barbarian, but can't seem to touch her.

Following orders, Pirate #5 loops around to join #9. Together, they pick up the unconscious female pirate and haul her away. (Bart may make an AoO against 5,6, or 9.)

#7 holds his position and scores another careful hit on Ashira (5hp). He grins widely at Pirate #8 as she joins him in line and presses his own attack against the half-elf.

The grizzled #10 misses his own attack on Bart.

Perhaps for fairness' sake, the skinny blond tags Valanthe this time around. (7hp damage from magic missiles)

The party has initiative. Combat Map

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 8:53:08 PM

Appolo continues fight trying to circle his opponent and stay out of harms way.Seeing Valanthe take a hit he attempts to move closer to her.His head on a swivel.Grunting and groaning as he moves bleeding from his own wounds.

Lem  d20+7=27 d20+7=27 d4+3=6 d4+3=6
Wednesday September 5th, 2001 10:15:29 PM

Taking a moment to catch his breath, Lem readies his sling and then peers around the corner looking for a target. If within range Lem lets fly with a bullet.(critical threat 20, critical hit 20. Damage 12 points)

Ari  d20-1=0
Thursday September 6th, 2001 12:38:32 AM

Continuing to rely on the plants, Ari continues on in full defensive mode. (AC 16) Trying to move in a direction that keeps the sailers back to the plants, Ari does his best to prod the sailor into the plants. But the plants don't know how to interpret what Ari is thinking. So when Ari trips on one of the plants, choas seems to be the new word of the day.

Bart  d20+6=25 d10+5=13 d10+5=14 d20+6=26 d10+5=10 d10+5=8 d20+5=12
Thursday September 6th, 2001 6:17:10 AM

Whwen they try to take there comrade away Bart tries to push his sword in the back of pirate #5 He succeeds wonderfully he drives his sword deep in his spine doing 27 points of dammage (crit)
He swirls around (AoO, cleave skill) and attacks number 10 hiting him in the chest for 18 points (crit) and his dagger follows his sword but he misses him with that.

Valanthe  d20+6=8
Thursday September 6th, 2001 10:30:06 AM

Val swings at the retreating pirate but misses. (AoO) Val looks at the skinny blond and then at the pirate before her. Anger seeps from her eyes as she lets loose her rage (OCC: val is using her rage for the day) intent on going through the pirate to get the skinny blond.

Ashira  d20+4=16 d20+2=14 d8+3=7
Thursday September 6th, 2001 11:45:00 AM

Concentrating on Pirate #7 for the moment, Ashira lashes out once again with her long (16) and shortswords (14).

Redux (Out and About) 
Thursday September 6th, 2001 12:01:32 PM

Redux recieves Talon's report with growing anxiety. "Blue, they're in trouble! Let's get over there now!" Before breaking into a full out run, Redux pauses a few moments and casts Mage Armor on himself. He then frees his mind, and asks Talon to scout out the battle, noting were each of the party members are, and how many adversaries they face, making sure to stress that Talon should not endanger himself to gather the information.

Valanthe- enraged  d20+7=9
Thursday September 6th, 2001 1:42:26 PM

Val turned her gave of hate and anger torward the 3rd pirate. Val didn't appear any stronger, but you could feel the strength radiating off of her. She clenching her scythe so hard her knuckles turned white. Val twirled the scythe infront of her and brought the point over her head down at the pirate and missed terribly.

Rigging (by Lee)  d20+1=15 d20+1=11
Thursday September 6th, 2001 1:51:55 PM

Rigging continues to harry the priestess. He is sure his blade touches her at one point, but it does no injury.

Pip Down! Round 3 (DM Lee-Anne)  d100=64 d100=63
Thursday September 6th, 2001 2:17:33 PM

While Ari stumbles for balance, he hears a sickening crunch. His opponent lands heavily beside the other sailor. The side of the poor man's head looks staved-in.

Lem's sling is still swinging when Redux and Blue come pelting by, running full-tilt toward The Salty Dog.

Talon reports 'more than two claws' of human opponents, and a general impression that they surround Redux' friends. One is closer along Redux' route, at the intersection of this street with that of the tavern.

(Redux, Blue, and anyone who joins them, may roll Spot check vs. DC 13 to see the skinny blond spellcaster in time to target her for one standard action next round.)

Ambush! Round 4 - Party (DM Lee)  d20+6=10 d20+6=26 d20+6=7
Thursday September 6th, 2001 2:51:04 PM

The cowardly Pirate #5 won't live to fight another day, as Bart's astonishing blow cuts him nearly in two (d20+6=26 threat, d20+6=26, crit). #9 is left dragging the unconscious female sailor by himself.

Bart's follow-through with the Cleave doesn't hit #10, however (rolled for you d20+6=10). When he continues to press his attack, he hits with the sword (rolled for you d20+6=26 threat, d20+6=7 no crit) for 10hp damage. Pirate #10 follows the pieces of #5 to the ground.

All the pirates seem to pause in horror, giving Ashira the opening she needs to drop #7 with her quick blow. Appolo shuffles northeast while his opponent is distracted. . .

Ambush! Round 6 - Scaredy-Pirates (DM Lee)  d20+4=22 d100=12
Thursday September 6th, 2001 3:12:18 PM

The mysterious woman screams, "Go! Go! Go!" and the pirates scatter in all directions, some pulling their injured comrades with them. While her minions run, the mysterious woman ducks inside Rigging's reach to buss him on the lips. "Another time, pretty boy," she sneers, before diving into the space between buildings just northeast of the party. At the midpoint of her arc, her features seem to shift. She appears to be an aquan elf when she cuts cleanly into the waters of the bay.

Rigging, please roll a Will save.

The followin AoO are available as the pirates run. Each character may do one AoO:
Bart - #2, #10
Appolo - #1
Valanthe - #3, mysterious woman
Rigging - mysterious woman, #4, #8
Ashira - #7, #8

(Redux et al: anyone who succeeded at that Spot check sees the blond slip between the stilts of the building on the corner and disappear below the level of the boardwalk.

Valanthe- enraged  d20+7=16 2d4(4+3)+3=10 d20+7=15 2d4(4+2)+3=9
Thursday September 6th, 2001 4:12:50 PM

Needing something to take her anger out on, Val locks on to two figures running past her. Val runs after them attempting to cut them down.

OCC: 16 to hit #3 and 10 points of dmg
OCC: 15 to hit MW and 9 points of dmg.

Regardless of the attack result, Val pursues demanding vengence.

Thursday September 6th, 2001 5:39:58 PM

Momentarily watching his bullet fly, Lem allows a brief smile of satisfaction cross his face as he watches if fly true. He then comes around the corner tucking his sling in his belt ready to attack anyone that needs dispatching.

Rigging  d20+2=17 d20+1=17 d20+1=13 d6=3 d4=3
Thursday September 6th, 2001 6:50:10 PM

Occ Sorry, I am on the road and don't know the pluses for an AoO. First roll is for saving throw save.) Rigging feels rage as the woman actually tries to kiss him. As she tries to slip away, he will slash her with sword and dagger again. "Enjoy the scars bitch!" Rigging yells in fury.

Appolo  d20+4=13 d20+4=14 d8+2=7 d4+2=6
Thursday September 6th, 2001 8:48:55 PM

Appolo sees his opponent become distracted then turn to leave,that's when Appolo sees his oppurtunity and attacks once with his shortsword once with his dagger.

13,14 to hit with shortsword and dagger
7,6 to damage if Appolo hit his target.

He then walks over to the wall and slumps down exhausted,moaning in pain,while he attempts to bind his wound on his leg.Seemingly oblivious to anything else.

Thursday September 6th, 2001 11:49:32 PM

Panic rises in the young cleric as he runs with Redux. He sees fleeing forms and bloodied comrades. His battered friends stand, stagger and chase, thrusting sword and fist toward the darting torn shadows. Hurtled threats and vows fall on the now emptying cobble.

Blue moves as if in slow motion, scanning the hurts and wounds. The shocked boy fumbles with his sacks and belt searching for potions and bandages, mumbling something about a dragon's mercy.

Friday September 7th, 2001 1:34:40 AM

A minute later Appolo sees Blue come around the corner.He calls to the young cleric"Over here!!"

Ari  d20+6=16 d8+1=8
Friday September 7th, 2001 2:30:12 AM

(ooc I'm assuming the other pirate is caught by the plants).

Scanning the plants for any movement from the one remaining pirate. If there's no immediate threat from the pirate, Ari moves over to Pip and turns his healing skills on him (Heal=16). Hoping that his actions stop the bleeding, or the loss of life. Ari then moves to secure the remaining pirate. Once the remaining pirate is bound, Ari will dismiss the spell, and give thanks to Lem for their response. With that settled, Ari will move back to Pip. If he's still alive, he will then cast CLW (8 points), to heal up Pip.

Ashira (Pissed)  d20+4=23 d20+2=3 d8+3=7 d20=18 d8=2
Friday September 7th, 2001 9:34:53 AM

Watching with disbelief as the ambushers attempt to make a clean escape, Ashira shouts out to no one in particular "I don't think so!". Her weapons arc, the longsword striking home slicing through her opponent (Pirate #8) like butter, while the shortsword misses terribly. A terrible rage fills the half-elf when she discovers that the mysterious woman is one of her own people. A curious look flashes across her face after she mows down her foe, and Ashira begins to strip in preparation to jump in the water after the traitor.

OOC (Need to explain rolls...d20+4=23 longsword, d20+2=3 shortsword, d8+3=7 damage for longsword...didn't realize it was crit. hit at first...d20=18, yep, it's a crit. hit...so add d8=2 dam to first roll)

Redux (Help is on the way)  d20+2=15 d4+1=2 d4+1=5
Friday September 7th, 2001 10:26:18 AM

As he turns the corner, Redux spots (15) the blonde fleeing. Since she is his closest opponent, Redux decides to focus on her. Redux traces an ornate pattern in the air while chanting. Two green bolts of energy pass from his hands tracing their way to the blonde and doing 7 points damage.

Bart  d20+6=14 d10+5=12 d20+5=10
Friday September 7th, 2001 12:03:24 PM

After his successful swirl attack, Bart attacks pirate 10 again. If he is lucky he will hit her in her back (12 dam).
(ooc Sorry I forgot the threat rule, I used the old 2nd ed crit rule!)

Like Cockroaches from the Light (DM Lee-Anne) 
Friday September 7th, 2001 3:48:04 PM

Lem and Ari find the two sailors unconscious and bleeding. When Ari first reaches Pip, the boy is pale, with a purpling lump forming on his temple. The healing spell takes care of that, and the boy settles into a more natural sleep, a healthy flush suffusing his cheeks.

Down the street and around the corner from them, Valanthe, Appolo, and Bart each manage to drop a retreating pirate. Rigging and Valanthe wound the mysterious woman before she splashes into the bay. Ashira's opponent, though badly wounded, still manages to drag #7 out of reach and off the boardwalk. The skinny blond screams in pain just as she disappears beneath the building.

Redux and Blue come around the corner to see their five friends, wounded, but more-or-less upright. The street around them is strewn with dropped weapons, spilled blood, two bodies, and the gory severed halves of a third.

Friday September 7th, 2001 5:36:01 PM

Lem helps Ari secure the two wounded and tangled pirates and then drags them as far away from any watery escape path and then ties them to a post or or pole. and then goes about collecting stray weapons.

Friday September 7th, 2001 10:33:42 PM

Seeing the elves dive into the water, Val takes her aggression out on the surrounding area. She punches several holes in the wall, kicks a barrel into pieces and throws another one into the water. Breathing heavily, her anger starts to subside.

Friday September 7th, 2001 11:44:51 PM

Blue hears Appolo's call and turns to see his brother slumped at the base of a wall. he hurrys to his side and drops to a knee and quickly starts to bind the wound on youth's leg. As he puts his hands on Appolo he runs energy and healing (lay on hands, chr bonus,2xlevel,4 = 8 restored ht pts.)

As the young cleric finishes binding the wound he waits to see his friend's recovery. Before he gives Appolo more healing, the lads turns to view the damages of his other family members.

Saturday September 8th, 2001 6:27:02 AM

After blue heals his leg Appolo says"Thank you
my friend.Now go see to the others,I'm just going to gather up my things and check the bodies."He then stands up shakely walks over and picks up his gear then starts to go over the fallen enemy,taking everything that might be valuable or useful in someway."

OOC:Appolo still has everything he took from the
MYsterious Woman in his pack.

Saturday September 8th, 2001 12:01:19 PM

Bart wipes the sweat from his head and kneels on the ground, and grabs his wounded shoulder and he tries to stop the bleeding.

Ari (Aftermath (But it's not the answer! ;) )) 
Sunday September 9th, 2001 11:22:44 PM

After securing the two pirates with Lem's help. Ari wanders around making sure everyone in the family is not going to bleed to death. As he touches base with everyone that was at The Salty Dog, Ari lets them know that he found Pip in the alley just up the street. After finding out what happened, Ari surmises that Pip stumbled on the Ambush some how.

Once things are stabilized with injured party members, Ari starts collecting things from the dead, and looking for any identifying marks or possesions.

Rigging  d4=1 d4=4
Sunday September 9th, 2001 11:51:40 PM

Rigging yells, "I want prisoners even if we have to use healing spells on them!" Rigging then rushes to the pier and looks for people in the water. If he doe see any he will cast a magic missile spell on the cleric first or any of the pirates second. (forgot to add the +1 to those rolls total damage is 7.)

Ashira  d20+3=13
Monday September 10th, 2001 8:32:29 AM

Further frustrated after her opponent manages to escape, the half-elf finishes striping down to her scivies, and grabs her longsword and scabbard. After lashing them to her back, she dives into the water after the mysterious woman. She begins to search (13) the waters for any trace of which way the evil elf has passed.

Redux  d20+4=6 d20+6=23
Monday September 10th, 2001 11:54:31 AM

Sensing that the situation is pretty well under control, Redux summons Talon to him. He follows after the blonde woman to see if he can find her.

OOC (d20+4=6 for Redux, d20+6=23 for Talon)

Monday September 10th, 2001 1:21:04 PM

After limping around and searching the bodies,stripping them of anything of value.Appolo hears Rigging say something about prisoners in reply"I think Ari and Lem may have captured one or two."He says as he walks toward
Rigging.He then looks around "Where's Ashira and Redux they haven't gone in pursuit have they?"He leans agianst the railing.

In Wet Pursuit (DM Lee-Anne)  d100=96 d100=60 d100=28 d100=81 d20+1=2 d20-1=3
Monday September 10th, 2001 1:21:46 PM

The racket of Valanthe's fit is covered by a loud roar of enthusiastic applause from the nearby tavern as the music inside comes to an end.

Secured to a nearby pilon, Ari and Lem's prisoners bleed heavily while Ari searches them. Appolo finds that the remaining pirates are indeed dead. (Search and Spot checks from Ari and Appolo, please.)

By the light of the second moon, Rigging and Redux see a small punt emerge from behind the corner building. The skinny blond and a wounded sailor are both rowing frantically deeper into the maze of stilt buildings. Rigging tags the blond just before the punt disappears under the bulk of a distant house. Talon is able to pursue them easily.

Beneath the inky mirror of the bay, Ashira finds the mysterious woman's waterlogged skirt suspended near a thick bed of shallow-water weeds. (Wilderness Lore DC 23 to track, Spot check if successful)

Appolo  d20+4=5
Monday September 10th, 2001 1:28:24 PM

Appolo Spot=5Whatever it is he missed it.

Monday September 10th, 2001 1:31:09 PM

As Appolo is better able to get around, Blue gathers his supplies and calls out to the family members, "Who needs immediate healing?" The young cleric starts over to where Bart is trying to staunch his shoulder wound. He listens as he goes for any requests for immediate aid.

Monday September 10th, 2001 6:53:10 PM

Rigging says to Apollo after his magic barrage, "They are both injured! Find a boat now and maybe we can catch them." Rigging calls out to Ashira, "Ashira!! They are in the boat! Catch them if you can!"

Monday September 10th, 2001 7:04:35 PM

"Dammit we've got injured as well,including me!!
And you want to pursue them.We've already got to
prisoners.Just let them go!!"He shakes his head walks
back over to were his pack reaches in and pulls out a water skin and drinks some before sitting
down and resting his ribs are sore and it hurts to breath.

Monday September 10th, 2001 8:48:29 PM

Looking down at his two prisoners after collecting the weapons, Lem sees what he can do to stop any major bleeding in order to keep them alive. Rigging let Talon track them we can find them later!

Ari (to search, or not to search. it's all in how ya throw the dice)  d20+2=11 d20+1=6 d20+6=26 d20+6=11
Monday September 10th, 2001 11:30:10 PM

Seeing the prioners conditions, and hearing Rigging's command. Ari works on staunching the flow of blood (heal 26, and 11) for the two prisoners. While he's healing the prisoners he looks around to see what else is going on. (Search=11 Spot=6)

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 10:23:44 AM

Cathing something about them being in a boat,Val walks over to Rigging. With blood dripping from seemingly unimportant wounds she says, "Where did they go?"

Ashira (Underwater)  d20+7=10
Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:47:40 AM

Bursting with frustration, Ashira is unable to focus enough to remember her father's instructions on how to track undersea prey. She tries to calm herself and look for signs of the mysterious woman's passing, but her mind burns with thoughts about her kin involved in slave trading and some sort of evil cult.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:59:33 AM

Instructing Talon to maintain vigilence at a safe distance, Redux approaches Rigging. "Talon is following the two that got away. If we can find a boat, we might be able to pursue and overtake them." Redux searches the area for any available watercraft.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 12:18:38 PM

Thank you for that Blue, I needed it. Let get those bodys of the middle of the street.

Searching (DM Lee-Anne)  d100=31 d2=1 d20=9
Tuesday September 11th, 2001 12:57:13 PM

The prisoner with the cracked skull breaths his last, but Ari manages to save one of the injured sailors. The pirates carry little of value; between them, Ari and Appolo find a few small purses (3gp, 11sp, 16cp) and a stoppered vial. The grizzled sailor wore a necklace of shark teeth and a tatoo of an anchor on one arm. Otherwise, no identifying marks are found.

Although this area of Waha is normally littered with small craft, there are none nearby. Redux has to go some distance to find a little rowboat secured to the boardwalk by a frayed line. By this time, Talon has tracked the two escapees to shore near the market. They abandon their punt and head inland. (Spot check for Talon, please)

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 5:49:40 PM

Rigging's battle rage drains away from him as he watches the boat slip away. As the adrenaline disapates, Rigging feels the pain of his many wounds. He will limp over to Blue while watching everyones efforts. "Blue, Do you have any healing left? I am not feeling so good." After hearing about Talon, Rigging says to no one in particular, "Let's get this dung tied up and over to the magistrate for questioning." pointing to the sailor. We need to bring any bodies as well. Gastu might be able to summon their spirits for questioning.
An idea pops into Riggings head and he opens up the dead sailors shirt checking for a heartseed.
"Redux, have you ever heard of an aquatic elven cleric of Ga'al?"

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 9:30:47 PM

Val is a little more than just angry at the way Rigging walked away and ignored her. (OCC: see earlier post) Val turned on her heels and grabbed her scythe leaning against the wall. After getting stabbed and slashed a few times, she really didn't need this. She storms off down the docks needing to be somewhere else.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 9:39:09 PM

Appolo watches the proceedings with apparent indifference.Things seem to be calming down,
when for some reason he sees Valanthe charge
off down the board walk.He quickly picks up his
gear and gives chase.Breathing heavily and wincing in pain as he does so.After a few paces
he yells"Hey Val hh Wait up!!"Panting heavily.

OOC:He uses his feat RUN tocatch up to her.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 10:29:12 PM

OCC: Val is just walking at a brisk pace. Normal running would be fast enough so Apollo would get there in no time.

Val stops and turns to look at Apollo. "You should be resting, your injured." Val's armor is coated with blood in a few places from her own wounds.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:32:35 PM

"Ya,so are you.I think we'll both live.Let's head back to the Aviary and get cleaned up
and some rest.By the way what's wrong?"Appolo seems to be generally and truely concered with her.

Tuesday September 11th, 2001 11:39:32 PM

Ari will continue to clean up the area. Keeping an eye to whether anyone is watching the group, or anything else unusal. Should Blue need any assistance with healing, Ari will help out.

Blue  d8+4=10 2d8(7+5)+4=16
Wednesday September 12th, 2001 12:31:06 AM

Blue quickly cast cure light wounds and sends healing energy into Bart (1d8+4=10pts). The youth then turns to Rigging and runs to his side. After a look at his leader's wounds, Blue casts cure moderate wounds (2d8+4=16pts). The lad watches as some relief washes over Riggings face.

The young cleric looks to his friends to see who next needs his services. He finds a large pool of blood which trails towards the waters edge. He walks to the edge and looks into the murky depths. Under his breath he prays, "By Lem's mercy bring Ashira back to us safely". Seeing no sign of the elf he turns back to his business.

The next large stain leads away from the fight. When he looks up he sees Appolo following the stain...to Valanthe. As quickly as his stout legs can carry him he heads in the couple's direction.

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 7:42:26 AM

Seeing the otherws all wandering around, Lem remains stationed near the prisoners, aware and cognizant of what is going on around him.

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 7:49:00 AM

Rigging sees Val stalk off and Apollo and then Blue give chase. He realizes in his shock and pain he ignored the young elven woman. He sighs and makes a mental note to apologize later. His thoughts go to beautiful Ashira. "I should have never told her to pursue them. She could be in trouble and I don't know how to help her." Rigging looks at Redux and says, "Talon have any sign of Ashira?"

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 11:52:16 AM

Bart lies the bodies asisde and waits for Redus to come back with an craft

Redux  d20+6=26
Wednesday September 12th, 2001 12:45:22 PM

Redux recieves Talon's report just after finding the boat. "It figures" the black robed mage says out loud. Redux returns to Rigging. "The enemy's boat has landed near the market place, and the two have disembarked. If you want to try to catch them, then we need to head that way now. When Rigging asks him about Ashira, a concerned look crosses his face. "No, Talon made no mention of Ashira. I hope our friend is alright." Almost forgetting Rigging's previous question about the sea-elves serving Ga'al, Redux shakes his head. "No, Rigging, I've never heard of the sea-elves serving anyone but their own god. I would think it would be strange for them to be in league with Ga'al, since he put up a barrier to prevent elves entering into his territory. Generally speaking, Ga'al followers think very little of any species other than humans, and elves despise Ga'al."

Meanwhile, Talon continues to wing his way through the night airs of Waha tracking (Spot =26) the two escapees. Talon has no problem following the two as they enter the market place.

Wednesday September 12th, 2001 9:11:48 PM

"I'm not hurt that badly. I can bandage my wounds later. Right now I'm going to look for them and finish what I started." val's wounds obviously aren't scratches no matter what she says. When Blue runs up she says, "It's good your here. Apollo seems to be injured from the battle."

Thursday September 13th, 2001 11:33:05 AM

Appolo hearing Valanth's takes blue aside and lets Valanthe continue a few steps.He then wispers in Blues ear "You got a sleep spell.
Looks like someone needs a nap."Nodding toward
Valanthe"If we don't do something she's going to get herself seriously hurt."He then waits for
Blues reply while urging Blue on as they follow

Trail's End? (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday September 13th, 2001 1:14:03 PM

There are no heart-seed thorns on the four dead pirates, either at heart, neck, or belly. The single living prisoner is similarly free of thorns. He is also unconscious and tied up. A small cluster of late-night patrons clatter down the steps of the nearby tavern, laughing and chatting happily.

Tracking underwater is tricky indeed, and Ashira finds no further sign of the mysterious woman's trail.

Talon has better luck from on high, as he follows the two escapees into a more run-down area of Waha. The owl loses them finally in a small courtyard, where they appear to climb directly into a fountain, and disappear from his view.

Thursday September 13th, 2001 6:46:12 PM

Ok Rigging, Apollo, what now? the ship? interview this guy? follow the others? Lem seems to happy to do whatever is asked.

Blue  d8+5=13 d8+5=11
Thursday September 13th, 2001 7:32:54 PM

The young cleric is puffing openly as he walks along with Val and Appolo. He says between breaths to Val, "You are right Apollo is hurt". He turns to Appolo as he pulls two vials from his belt. He holds one out to his friend and says in a somewhat stern voice, "Now set a good example and drink this healing potion"(1d8+5=13pts).

Blue then turns to Val and lets out a big sigh, and says, "Val I know how you feel about people interferring with your free will...and I wouldn't think of imposing on you to change your mind about your course of action, however I need your help.

You know one of my responsibilities is the health of the family. We need your strength and skill and we need you to be in top form. My sister, your wounds jeopardize us all, please drink this." The boy in blue holds out the last vial and implores her with his big brown eyes (healing potion, 1d8+5=11pts).

Thursday September 13th, 2001 9:12:33 PM

Saying things in Aquan that her mother wouldn't approve of if she were still living, Ashira grabs the woman's skirt and heads back to the surface. Bursting through the surface waters, Ashira continues her tirade in Aquan, the eerie tones punctuating the Waha night. Pulling herself up to the wooden deck, the half-elf throws the useless piece of cloth to the deck. Realizing that she is still swearing in Aquan when some of the party being to stare at her, Ashira becomes quiet. She heads over to where she left her gear, and fishes out a piece of cloth in her backpack with which she drys herself. Gazing down at the blood and gunk stained cloth, Ashira realizes for the first time that she has been wounded. Checking her body over, Ashira discovers several wounds, some of which blood flows freely from after her swim. Ripping shreds from the cloth, Ashira begins to bind her wounds. Once finished, Ashira gingerly begins to don her black studded armor. Still infuriated by the thought that a sea-elf is involved in evil, Ashira makes a mental note to talk to Shursora after she has rested.

Thursday September 13th, 2001 10:40:54 PM

OCC: good thing you didn't try the sleep spell since she's immune to them.

Val looked at the potion for a long moment. Normally she didn't like magical healing. They made her feal weak and unskilled. Except now it would enable her to continue hunting for the sea elves. The fact that they were cousins, caused her anger to boil. Val grabs the potion and drinks it down. All her wounds heal except for a couple scratches. "I guess a thank you is in order. Now I can continue my search."

Friday September 14th, 2001 8:43:50 PM

Rigging sees Val, Apollo, and Blue heading away and yells, "Val! Blue! Apollo! Where are you going?! Get back here now! We are not splitting up!" When Rigging sees Ashira splash out of the water, he murmurs, "Thank Lem." He decides it is time to organize the trooops and get the prisoner away. "Redux, just have Talon keep tracking the two that escaped." Rigging will go over to Ashira and give her a hug. He will say in elven, "I was worried about you beautiful." To the others, "Ok before anything else happens, lets grab the prisoner and Pip and get to the magistrate. Leave the dead where they are. I don't want to be burdened with them if we are attacked again. Ari and I will carry the prisoner. Redux, You carry Pip. Apollo, you are our advanced scout. Stay in sight. You other burly types protect the burdened ones and keep an eye out. Let's get out of here before a crowd develops and we have to answer a lot of questions."

Friday September 14th, 2001 11:10:29 PM

Val isn't happy about Riggings order. All they would do is sit on their asses instead of looking. The enemy was hit just as hard as they were. She almost says hell with it and walks off. But she heads on back anyway. She owed these people her life, but that doesn't mean that she has to enjoy it. If there was any trouble on their way back to the hotel she would use it to vent her frustrations. Once Val reaches the group, she just keeps on walking past them torward the hotel.

Small Fury (DM Lee-Anne) 
Saturday September 15th, 2001 12:11:08 PM

With the corpses hid and the prisoner secured, the young friends set off into the night.

Pip awakens when disturbed and jumps to his feet. He takes in the slightly battered appearance of many of the group and reaches a tentative hand to one temple, where drying blood is the only remaining sign of his own injury. "Oh, Master Rigging, I's sorry." The boy looks miserable and anxious. "Somebodies jumped me. Look like they jumps you, too. Where we goin? Do you --"

Suddenly recognizing the man carried by Rigging and Ari, the boy growls and lauches himself at the prisoner, clearly bent on revenge.

Sunday September 16th, 2001 4:46:05 PM

Hearing Rigging yelling"OK,OK!! Chill OUT Will Ya!! We Weren't going any where!!"Appolo Yells back as he walks beside Valanthe."What's wrong?"
He asks again"You should be little bit nicer to Blue here.After ll he does care about your well
being.."He adds after a few steps.
"Why don't you take piont whith me."As moves to take the lead.

Sunday September 16th, 2001 9:45:35 PM

Too distracted to follow through with Rigging's command, Redux remains standing where he was, confusion written clearly on his face. Realizing that the party is leaving, Redux begins to slowly travel in the same direction, although he remains obviously distracted. Letting his concentration slip, Redux voices the mental conversation he is having with Talon. "They did what! No, you've got to be mistaken...people don't just walk into fountains and disappear! Well, all right, you don't have to be so huffy about it! NO, NO, do NOT try to follow them, perch high above the fountain, and maintain watch." Suddenly aware that he has been talking out loud, Redux blushes. He heads toward Rigging to inform him of where the escapees headed when Pip begins his attack.

Ashira  d20+4=10
Sunday September 16th, 2001 10:22:50 PM

Noting that Redux is too distracted to follow Rigging's command, Ashira shrugs and picks up the unconscious boy. Hefting him over her shoulder, she follows Rigging. Caught up in her own thoughts, Ashira doesn't even notice when Pip wakes up. Suddenly jarred from her private thoughts, as the youngster wrestles free, Ashira attempts to grab (10) the young Pip, but fails. Watching the youth launch himself onto the captive, Ashira stammers "What the.....".

Rigging  d20+1=21
Monday September 17th, 2001 12:20:42 AM

Rigging is listening to Redux's conversation and excitement swells in his breast as he realizes that they might have found a secret entrance to their enemies lair. Rigging is distracted by the sounds of Pip's struggling and easily grabs the boy and holds him back from attacking the prisoner. "Pip! Calm down! We need him alive for questioning. What is the problem?"

Monday September 17th, 2001 1:10:43 AM

Seeing Pip head for the prisoner, and then caught by Riggings. Ari does his best to shift the prisoner into a fireman's carry, so that Riggings can deal with Pip. When Riggings asks the question, Ari answers, " he was one of the two men that jumped him. Though he's not thinking that we have him well in hand" as indicates by pointing and tugging on the man's bindings.

Blue  2d8(8+3)+4=15
Monday September 17th, 2001 2:08:09 AM

As Blue heads back towards the others he yells over his shoulder to Appolo, "Appolo, don't waste that potion, please drink it...we need you in top shape to ya know".

The young cleric nears Rigging and the others and is relieved to see Ashira. He hurries to her side and immediately looks her over, top to bottom. Blue casts cure moderate wounds (2d8+4=15pts) on his blue skinned friend and then notices the commotion with Pip.

Monday September 17th, 2001 10:50:05 AM

Being clearly more worried about Valanthe then himselfe.Appolo forgets to drink the potion in his hand until Blue mentions it.He then pops the top and slams it down."Thanks Blue!!"He says as he joggs by.

Moving Out (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday September 17th, 2001 1:56:00 PM

Pip relaxes, but continues to growl at Ari's burden. In language learned on the streets and best left to the imagination, the boy explains that the prisoner is the one who knocked him out.

(OOC: Your friendly DM, dressed in hotel livery complete with cute little pill cap, ushers you into the Waha elevator. "What floor, please?"

ie. Where is the group going? - DM Lee-Anne Confused O'Reilly)

Monday September 17th, 2001 5:58:21 PM

Rigging sees Val heading in the wrong direction and says, "Val, I am sorry if I wasn't clear. We are heading straight to Gastu's"

Monday September 17th, 2001 7:13:12 PM

Val curses to herself and changes her coarse, looking for any taverns along the way. "I need a drink." She says to nobody in particular. Reembering that Appolo asked her a question she responds with a bit on anger in her voice. "Whats wrong, plenty. Now's not the time for that though."

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 12:06:01 AM

Blue puts away his bandages and antiseptics. He gathers up the rest of his kit and follows the group to Gastu's.

Quietly, to himself he murmurs a quick prayer to the Dragon..."Thank you mighty Lemtrovex for keeping my family safe...grant them courage and serenity to do thy will".

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 11:50:54 AM

Smiling weakly at Blue, Ashira stands patiently through his examination, Pip dangling over her shoulder. After the cleric has cast his spell, Ashira's smile grows brighter. "Thank you, my friend."

When Rigging corrects Val's course, Ashira notices for the first time that something seems to be bothering the young elf. Striding forward to join her, Ashira arrives just in time to hear her stated need for refreshment. Nodding her approval, Ashira smiles and says "Yes, I could use something stiff also, but lets not make the same mistake twice. First we deliver our captive together, then we tend to our own needs."

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 11:57:14 AM

Waiting for the commotion to die down, Redux approaches Rigging when he has a free moment. "Rigging, Talon followed the escapees, and they seems to have disapeared into a fountain. He is still standing guard there. Once we deliver the captive, I think we should check out this new lead before it becomes too cold. Perhaps we can track them. By the way, what happened back there?"

Comparing Notes

DM Lee-Anne (by JK) 
Tuesday September 18th, 2001 3:58:26 PM

"Hey! I's can walk!" Pip beats his small fists on Ashira's back and wriggles in an effort to free himself.

The Salty Dog, fast left behind, is the only tavern along the route to the temple of Lemtrovex. The night has grown quite late, the streets, deserted.

Thus, it is surprising to find Gastu hunched over the steps of his temple, apparently scrubbing something. The wide doors stand partly open, and light spills out to illuminate the giant magistrate and the dark stains on the steps. Several small children cowering inside the entrance.

Gastu looks up as you approach, his expression hard to read beneath the tatoos. He raises a loosely bandaged hand in greeting.

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 9:25:15 PM

Val frowns when no more tavers appear along the way. "I'm an elf. One bottle of wine won't do anything except help me to relax a little. Looks like I'll be forced to wai though."

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 9:58:26 PM

Appolo being in the lead arrives first.He waves at Gatsu."How has your night been going ours has been rather interesting?"As he stepps up to the porch.

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 2:32:06 AM

Ari gets a feeling of foreboding as he sees that Gastu is apparently injured.

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 3:27:44 PM

Old memories that Ashira thought she had buried once more surface when Val shows her frustration. Once again, the half-elf envisions the jeering remarks and taunting faces from her childhood. Returning to her fowl mood, Ashira snaps back at Val "Yes, I am fully aware that you are an elf!" Stalking away, the half-elf approaches the temple steps and finds solace in examining the stain that Gastu is busy scrubbing. "What happened here?"

Gastu (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday September 19th, 2001 4:10:12 PM

To Ashira's experienced eye, the steps look to be stained with blood.

"It seems I've drawn more attention than I expected. They attacked the temple tonight -- quite a few rough-looking humans." The giant priest drops his stiff-bristled brush into a soapy bucket and heaves himself up to his full height. "I drove them off, but the children are frightened. I thought perhaps if I cleansed this --"

He sighs and looks at the group more closely. "I see you've met trouble of your own. Come in and rest. I'll settle the little ones, and then we can talk."

Gastu ushers you inside and is soon surrounded by small, clinging forms. He leads his herd away to the dormitory, and returns shortly to start distributing soothing cups of tea. "Tell me, how goes the investigation, and who is your guest?"

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 6:27:35 PM

Appolo follows the others inside and greatfully accepts the offered tea saying"Thank you."He then slides back,drops his gear takes his cloak off and sits down in the nearest pew and closes his eyes.Visibly relaxing.

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 11:12:03 PM

On the way to the temple, Riggings brain is working on many things. He describes what he see and how the attack unfolded to Redux. He asks him to keep Talon on station and watch to see if anyone else enters or leaves the fountain. He says to Redux, "I think Talon might have found the entrance to a secret lair.
We need a nights rest and some spell recharge before entering it.
Rigging is glad to see Ashira talking to the elf maiden. He knows she is upset about something but not quite sure what. He hopes they can work it out.
When Rigging sees that the temple itself was attacked, he deduces that this isn't the work of slavers. Slavers wouldn't have a reason to attack but priest of Ga'al would want to eliminate the competition. It being a coordinated attack says a lot as well.
After they are settled down and drinking tea, Rigging will explain to Gastu about the nights events, and their prisoner. He will ask if Gastu has a way of questioning the prisoner and gaining the truth from him. He also tells about the 4 hidden bodies. Can the spirits be questioned?
When given a chance, Rigging will pull Gastu aside for a private conversation. He explains about Talon and what he has found.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 6:45:48 AM

A look of consternation cross Ari's face for just a second.

Looking at where Gastu was working, Ari tries to figure out if there is more stains. If there's more cleaning to be done, Ari pipes up, " I'll finish that up, while you get told our story".

If there's nothing more to clean up, Ari will accept the tea and sit down in one of the pews, while he takes a look around the temple.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 11:29:31 AM

Appolo quietly rests nodding off to sleep.Folding his cloak up and using at as pillow.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 2:13:55 PM

Redux nods at Rigging's suspicions. Whispering, Redux says "Of course, I'll have Talon watch the fountain, but you realize that he will need some rest too. It's been a long day for him as well. He can probably make it through the night, but I doubt he will be very useful tomorrow."

Entering the temple with the others, Redux listens as Rigging gives his report. Looking up at Gastu, Redux pushes his spectacles closer to his eyes, his look serious and intent. "It looks like this could be a little more serious than you first thought, Gastu. The group that we ran into was highly organized, and well disciplined." Deep in thought, Redux smooths his spotless black robes unconciously. Reaching into a pouch on his belt, Redux withdraws the scroll that was sent to him earlier that afternoon and hands it to Gastu. "Since we're here anyway, perhaps we should retire and discuss the subject of this summons tonight?"

Thursday September 20th, 2001 2:18:47 PM

Still fuming, the half-elf enters the temple in complete silence, keeping a large distance between herself and the others. Once inside, Ashira occupies herself by examining the temple furnishings, trying to restore her self control.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 4:46:08 PM

I wonder what lies under the fontain, only deep waters or am air filled cave? In the first case we certainly need some magic, but before we investigate it we need a good rest en besides for prayers and studies some of us are still wounded. Before we go in all our wounds must be healed.

I Didn't Do It (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday September 20th, 2001 5:54:59 PM

Gastu thanks Ari for the offer and surrenders his great scrubbrush. It doesn't take Ari long to remove the last of the stains.

Inside, Pip curls up beside Appolo and is soon fast asleep before the others have finished their tea.

Gastu listens with care to the explanations, and accepts the scroll from Redux. "I meant this summons as an excuse to receive your full report without arousing suspicion, so we can skip that discussion. What concerns me most at this point, is that the scroll I sent was a summons only." Gravely, the giant magistrate unrolls the scroll and scans it. "There was no post-scriptum when I sealed this message. Who delivered it to you?"

Gastu returns the scroll to Redux' keeping and leans heavily against the table. "I can question only one corpse each day, and I have yet to question Tekol. I think it best that I do so in the morning, so that the port can re-open. However, I will arrange to have these bodies retrieved tonight.

"Did this shapechanging woman bear any symbols or other devices. Anything else unusual about her? How do you intend to go about your investigation tomorrow?"

Thursday September 20th, 2001 10:21:51 PM

Rigging is lost in thought as he listens to the others talk. Their are too many unknowns here. He is concerned about the strange effects he felt when the evil cleric tried to kiss him. He assumes it was some kind of spell. He asks Gastu, "Gastu, Is there anyway to do a detect magic spell tonight. I am concerned that the sailors we defeated tonight might have been pawns. When the bitch kissed me, I felt very strange and had to fight off some kind of magic." Turning to Appolo with a concerned look, Rigging adds, "Appolo, your were kissed as well. Did you notice anything strange other than a mortal enemy trying to kiss you?"

Ari (Grima? I don't know no stinking Grima! ;) ) 
Friday September 21st, 2001 2:29:54 AM

Feeling sorta disenchanted, Ari looks about the temple once he finishes the scrubbing. Ari hopes that the temple needs some kind of cleaning or deck swabbing. If he can find the materials, he'll start cleaning while the rest of the group confer with Gastu.

Friday September 21st, 2001 2:40:07 AM

When Pip climbs up next to him,Appolo is slightly starlted,then slips quietly back to sleep.He seems quite comfortable and relaxed
dispite the hardnes of the pew and what has recently happened.Anyone looking at him can see the sings of a recent battle,his hair is matted
,his clothes and armour rippied and torn,covered with blood,sweat and dirt.His equipment is piled haphazzardly by the wall.
He does not hear Riggings question.

Sunday September 23rd, 2001 11:16:20 PM

Rigging wanders over to Appolo, gives him a shake and repeats his question.

Monday September 24th, 2001 7:45:11 AM

Maintaining her self composure, Ashira returns to the area where Rigging and some others are speaking with Gastu. She is surprised that they are being so candid with the prisoner still in their midst. Approaching Gastu, Ashira says "I don't mean to be rude, but is there a secure area where we can put the prisoner while we talk about business?" After the prisoner is moved to a different location, Ashira gazes up at Gastu. "The woman really had no other identifying features that I could tell, other than she was a sea elf. Appolo took her stuff from her before we were jumped, maybe they will yeild a clue, although I doubt it. Magistrate, what can you tell me about the sea elves in this region? I am very disturbed to see that one of my people is involved in this evil work. What is the business relationship that has been tendered between Waha and the elves?"

Monday September 24th, 2001 7:57:49 AM

Not surprised at all by Gastu's proclaimation that the post script was added on after the fact, Redux says "One of your town guards handed it to me." Redux describes the man to Gastu. Seeing the prisoner being taken off jogs the mage's memory. "Yes, Magistrate, do you have some means of questioning the prisoner for us so that we can be sure his answers are true? I'm afraid that's out of my sphere." Redux pauses, and looks around at the battered and tired party. "It would appear that our enemy already knows that we are working for you, so would you mind if we stayed here tonight?" Redux listens patiently as Ashira questions Gastu about the sea elves. Piping up he says "Ashira, don't I remember you telling me that one of the elves said that Fletcher Long was carrying a "special cargo"? Maybe we should have someone examine his vessel."

Monday September 24th, 2001 12:26:37 PM

After being woke up by Rigging,Appolo is in a bad mood."What oh!!Ya,ya!! Tingling,ddin't pay much attention though.Just figured she was up to know good."After that he gently moves pip aside
and asks Gatsu"Is there a place where I can clean up a little?"

Gastu Remembers (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday September 24th, 2001 3:02:00 PM

Ari finds the temple itself to be neat as a pin, but the living areas -- particularly a large playroom below the dormitories -- provide plenty of child-tracked grime to occupy him.

"A magical kiss? Where have I heard that before?" The tatooed giant drums his fingers on the table, briefly lost in thought. "Eh? Oh, I've yet to master Lem's gift of recognizing falsehoods, but I can detect magic easily enough. What would you have me check -- your prisoner?"

"The Council's relationship with the sea people is excellent. Our fishermen and trade lanes respect their hunting banks and ancestral waters; they help to keep our freeport secure; trade between us is free and mutually beneficial. The elves are a private people, but they are friendly with Waha. I'm sure we would have heard if they --"

Gastu snaps his fingers and climbs to his feet to lead the way to a cramped study. At least, it's cramped for a giant. He pulls a largish, snakeskin wrapped bundle down from one of the shelves. "Sallerian, one of their bards, gifted these to the temple: a collection of folk stories, to read to the children. There's something in one of them about an evil kiss -- I didn't think that tale was appropriate for my kids, so I skipped it."

The magistrate hands over the bundle of scrolls. "I'm going to see about those bodies, and the guard. You're welcome to stay the night, though some of you may find the cots in the dormitory a bit short. A word of warning: the children wake early." With that, the priest leaves you to your own devices.

Monday September 24th, 2001 5:14:58 PM

Rigging takes the scrolls and hands half to Redux. "Research time" Rigging turns to Ashira and says, "We will need to set up a watch schedule. We shouldn't include Blue, Redux, Ari or myself in it. We have to get a full night to get spells back. How about Lem takes the first watch, Ashira and Appolo the second, and Bart and Val the last?" After the shedule is figured out, Rigging will wrap himself in his cloak, pull over some candles and quickly scan through his scrolls looking for the evil kiss story. If he finds it, he will ear-mark it for tomorrow, shut his eyes and drift off to sleep.

Monday September 24th, 2001 6:44:59 PM

I willtake the last watch then. But before I go to sleep, i will see if I can repair my chain.

Blue (OOC: sorry for the absence) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2001 12:48:33 AM

Exhausted with the recent spell castings, the young cleric finds a quiet place to sleep.

Tuesday September 25th, 2001 7:50:27 AM

Rigging awakens, washes his face and stretches. He then reaches for his spell books to refreshen his spells. When he is done studing, he will sit and pray quietly to the Dragon God for aid in keeping his new and old family safe. After that he will inquire to Redux if he has found anything in his half of the reading. He then turns and finds Apollo and asks, "Let's see what you took from our nasty aquaintance last night?" Rigging then turns to Pip, and tossles his hair. "How is your head? Good thing you are so hardheaded."

Tuesday September 25th, 2001 12:12:27 PM

Val lays on the hard floor and slips into reverie. If you didn't know better, some would say that she's dead. When woken for her watch, Val cleans and sharpens her blade while keeping an eye out.

The Seducer's Kiss (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2001 4:50:07 PM

With the prisoner locked in the larder, and Gastu gone to bed, quiet settles over the temple. The researchers in the study quickly locate the tale, which proves to be short:

There came a time, dim in memory, when the Elves grew complacent in their ocean kingdom. Their hunting grounds flowed thick with game; their hair, with pearls; their coral fastness, with strong young warriors. They believed themselves foremost among the peoples of the gods.

Then did the king take a new lover, who came to him with beautiful lies. With her fair face did she blind him to Ammiel's light; with her sweet voice did she drown out the words of his people; with the first brush of her lips did she turn his heart to the Seducer. He forsook his people for the sake of her kiss.

The king's will was lost. He opened his borders. He sealed fast the temples. He ordered his warriors' stand down from the shoals.

And when came the dark tide, it carried with it the devils of the sea to rend the flesh, and the waters of the Seducer to steal the soul. They laid waste the game, stole the pearls, killed the warriors, and withdrew with the retreating tide.

Innocence was lost to the people. Their lands barren, their hair torn, their coral halls empty, the survivors left that place, ever after on guard for the kiss of the Dark Seducer.

Morning comes early with a score of young children in the house. Gastu gets them organized, then invites whomever wishes to his meditation chamber to attend the questioning of Tekol's corpse. Lem declines and crawls back into bed, where he huddles under the covers, shivering and occasionally coughing.

(Characters examining yesterday's booty, make appropriate Appraise/Search/Spot checks.)

Appolo  d20+4=21 d20+3=17
Tuesday September 25th, 2001 9:33:35 PM

Appolo gets his assignment then goes and gets cleaned up as best he can, washing his face and hair. He also removes his arnour and cleans it. He then tries to get some rest bfore his watch, then takes his watch whith Ashira.

In the morning when the others finally wake up
Rigging asks to see what he took from the Woman. So Appolo picks his pack up and walks over dumping the contents out on the floor and starts going through it.

OOC Spot 21, Search 17

Tuesday September 25th, 2001 9:36:56 PM

After looking over the loot, Appolo gets up and goes looking for something to eat.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 12:20:17 AM

Val sits next to Appolo for breakfast. "Appolo I was a little hotheaded last night. I was going to go off by myself because I was still mad. You probably saved my life." When Appolo turns to look at her Val gives him a big kiss.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 11:26:42 AM

Waking up refreshed after some much needed rest, Ashira stretches and heads over to where Val and Appolo are. She waits until the two love birds are finished, and then asks Val if she can have a private word with her. Once she pulls the elf aside, Ashira runs her fingers through her hair. Looking slightly embarassed, Ashira speaks in Elven. "I'm sorry about last night, little one. It's just..." Ashira takes in a deep breath, letting it out as a big sigh. "Well, sometimes it's hard for me. I don't know if you can understand." Pointing over at the others, Ashira continues "I've always known that I wasn't one of them...I mean, just look at me...I could never fit in completely with the humans. I've always been proud of my Elven heritage, but I know I'm not completely like them...or you either." Ashira stops and turns away, frustration on her face. Hitting one of the nearby pews, she begins to walk away. "Look, I'm just sorry." she says over her shoulder as she heads out into the early Waha air.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 11:55:06 AM

Joining Rigging in the examination of the tale, Redux yawns. "Interesting story, but I'm afraid we're not much better off than we were before." Finding a reasonably comfortable cot, Redux is almost asleep when he is awakened by the sound of a child giggling. Redux puts his glasses on and finds one of the youngsters going through his pouches. Kindly smiling, the mage removes the belongings from the child, and asks him if he would like to see a trick. Picking up one of the nearby toys, Redux casts Light on the toy, and gives it to the child, who stares at the mage with delight. After sending the child off to amaze his friends with his new toy, Redux crawls back into his cot and falls quickly into a deep slumber.

Waking before the others, Redux finds a secluded spot, and does his spell research for the morning. He waits for Rigging to awaken, and then goes to him. "Good morning, I trust you slept well? Good... Rigging, Talon is getting very tired, and is starting to complain bitterly. If you don't mind, I think I'll call him to me so that he can rest." Awaiting Rigging's approval, Redux grins broadly at Gastu's invitation. "Yes, Magistrate, I would be thrilled to watch." The look on Redux's face is remarkably similar to the look of joy on the childs face last night.

Question Carefully (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday September 26th, 2001 3:34:23 PM

When Appolo examines the mysterious woman's jewelry, finds the items to be rather plain affairs, the ruby, flawed. However, something else catches his attention in the morning light -- among the various Waha coins is a strange silver one, depicting a man with flowing hair on one face, and a cresting wave on the reverse.

In Gastu's meditation chamber, Tekol's cloth-draped body is laid out on a narrow bench. The giant priest prepares his ritual gear, explaining, "Once I have cast the spell, I will have only a few minutes in which to ask three questions. You may choose the first two -- word them carefully."

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 4:07:36 PM

Rigging listens to Redux and shock appears in his eyes. "Redux, I am so sorry. I should have had you bring Talon home last night. Please bring your brave, sharp-eyed, friend home." Rigging starts in on his spell book. He will gladly go watch the questioning of the corpse and asks what happened to the other prisoner. As they sit around eating breakfast, he will ask his companions, "Any suggestions on what to ask with our two questions?

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 4:12:27 PM

When Valanth sits down next to him, Appolo is about to say good morning when she appologizes to him and thanks him saying he probly saved her
life.Then she kisses him before he can say any thing.This turn of events catches him completely off guard and leaves him frozen and completely speechless,Appolo just stares at her completely amzed not knowing what to do,after a few seconds
he replys in kind kissing her back.It's the only thing he can think of.He then quickly turns and goes back to eating his breakfast,still slightly stunned and embarressed,bur happy.He continues to eat in silence,Wathing Valanth out of the corner of his eyes.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 6:15:05 PM

The young cleric awakens with a start to the smell of food. after a quick wash of the face and pits he follows his nose to the table and joins those gathered there.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 6:29:58 PM

OOC:This takes place before breakfast.Soorry
didn't read the DM's post in time.
While going through the womans things Appolo comes across a strange silver cion and pionts it
out to Rigging."Have you ever seen a cion like this.maybe Gatsu has?"He hands the cion to Rigging.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 10:02:29 PM

Val smiles at Appolo's reaction. Then her mood changes by Ashira's words. She follows the half-elf outside. "I don't know how you feel. I only know how I feel. I am eccepted by elves, but I wasn't around them much of my life. I've been an outcast most of my life. It's not easy. You walk into a town and nobody even looks at you. I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way. No race is totally pure and good. There are rotten apples in every bushel."

Thursday September 27th, 2001 3:11:02 AM

Ari does what he can around the temple. When the time comes, Ari studies his spells. Then he heads off to bed. Ari decides to attend the questioning. When Gastu tells of the spell, Ari notes what he says, and lets the others decide what to ask.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 8:34:56 AM

A slight smile parts Ashira's lips as she listens to Val. She responds in Elven, lest she be overheard by prying ears. "Yeah, I guess you're right. This assignment has been very difficult for me. I still haven't heard about Taker yet, and now, to find out that one of my own..." Ashira stops, shakes her head, and looks up at Val. "But enough about me...looks like things are really coming along between Appolo and you. I'm very happy for you two. I think you make a good couple." Taking in a deep breath of the early morning air, Ashira says "Well, let's get back inside and get the day planned out. I have a feeling it's going to be busy!" Once inside, Ashira heads to the breakfast table, and loads up her plate. She makes finds a spot close to Rigging. In between swallows of food, Ashira says "Rigging, I'm not sure what you had in mind, but I'd like to have a talk with my people this morning. I'm still unsettled about last night, and I'd like to ask Shursora a few things. Got anything you'd like me to ask him?"

Thursday September 27th, 2001 8:52:33 AM

Joining the others at the breakfast table, Redux joins in the conversation. "We should probably ask Tekol who killed him. Maybe we should ask him who he sold his slaves to." Reaching across the table for a slice of bacon, Redux looks up just in time to see Talon flying through an open window. The lack of sleep is evident when Talon swoops a little too low for his landing, and knocks Redux's plate onto his spotless black robes. Talon readjusts his course, and alights on the startled mages shoulder, digging in his claws ever so slightly. As Redux occupies himself with picking up his spilled food, Talon looks at his master distastefully, and then hops over to gently light on Blue's shoulder, where he falls fast asleep. Redux shrugs, gets a fresh plate, and resumes eating breakfast, his robes as spotless as ever.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 9:50:53 AM

Rigging finishes wolfing down his breakfast when the beautiful half-elf sits next to him and asks her question about the sea elves. "Hmmmm" Rigging says with a glint in his eye, "You could ask them how well a quarter sea elf will be able to breath under water. I wouldn't want to send our children into a dangerous situation without such vital information." Rigging pauses a moment and adds, "But with such a beautiful and talented mother, I am sure they would be well protected and fine." A more serious expression crosses his face and he hands Ashira the passage they found last night and the coin Apollo handed this morning. "This might be total coincidence, but don't this sort of look like they connect? You might want to ask them about this legend. Elves have longer memories than humans." He then asks for any suggestions from Ashira on the questioning of the dead sailor. "I think we are going to discover that he was just hired help but you never know."

Thursday September 27th, 2001 6:03:34 PM

What about the fountain? I think we have to investigate that thing, maybe it leads to a hidden place.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 6:08:49 PM

Appolo watches as Valanthe and Asira walk outside
together and return a few minutes later,he can tell by looking at Valanthe that something is bothering her.He also watches Talon's return and can't help but laugh.Looking at Rigging"I need a bath a change of clothes,and some new armour.Mine is pretty trashed.I am heading back to the Aviary to get some clothes and myext suit of armour.Would anyone like to join me?"Whi that he stands up thanks Gatsu for his hospitality and prepares to leave."I'll be back in an huor or two."

DM Lee-Anne 
Thursday September 27th, 2001 6:41:46 PM

After eating, Blue asks Redux to take Talon so that he can tend to the prisoner in the larder. The sullen sailor is conscious, but weak. Blue then checks on Lem and, finding him feverish, helps him to his feet. "Hold up, Applo! We'll go with you. Lem will be spending the day in bed if he knows what's good for him."

Gastu waits impatiently for the party to agree on a pair of questions for the carpet seller's corpse.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 11:39:07 PM

Val stands up and moves toward the door. "I shall come along as well. New clothes will be nice, along with getting my enemies blood off of me."

Friday September 28th, 2001 10:58:43 AM

I will go too, I tried to repair my chain, most of it it's done, but an Armorer can do it better. My skill with it need some polishing. And new clothes are also welcome. But do we have enoug money to buy new clothes?

Friday September 28th, 2001 4:59:36 PM

Rigging is disturbed that no one is giving any discussions on what to ask the dead prisoner. He says to Gastu, "Why did he and his group attack us? Which God did he worship?

Sunday September 30th, 2001 1:22:25 PM

Looking at Riggings Ari blinks. "Tekol didn't attack us." Looking at Gastu, " Could our questions be "tell us in detail all of your contacts for the slavery ring and how and when they last got in contact with. If you are knowingly not involved in slavery, do not answer". Would that be an okay phrasing? Would that also waste a question if he did not answer?"

Monday October 1st, 2001 8:34:56 AM

Rigging looks at Ari and thinks to himself, "I doubt we will get detailed information from this guy." He looks at Gastu waiting for an answer to Ari's question.

Monday October 1st, 2001 1:32:42 PM

Smiling at Rigging's advances, Ashira says "Yes, no doubt perhaps one day I will be a good mother. But who should I choose for a father?..." She lets the question linger, then moves onto more serious matters. Holding up the coin from the mysterious woman, Ashira asks Gastu "Magistrate, have you ever seen a coin like this before? Can you tell us where it might have come from?" If Gastu is unable to advise as to the origins of the coin, then Ashira suggests that they should ask Tekol where the coin came from. Giving Rigging a quick peck on the cheek, Ashira shrugs and says "That's the best question I could come up with. Now, I think I'll head over to the docks to speak with Shursora. I want to be able to catch him before the Magistrate opens the docks again."

Monday October 1st, 2001 2:08:23 PM

Appolo looks around and walks over to Bart.He quitelyy says"Why don't you help Blue with Lem,
I would like some time alone with Valanthe.Ya know."He says this just loud enough for Bart to hear him.Then turns and heads for the door"Come on,let's go."He brushes by Valanthe as he does so.Hoping she will quickly follow.

Redux  d20+2=9
Monday October 1st, 2001 2:12:24 PM

Finishing up his breakfast, Redux looks at the coin with interest when Ashira questions Gastu about it. Scratching his head, he tries to think if he has ever seen anything like it before. Wait...didn't Wynfrea try to offer the group a similar coin when the party first arrived in town?! The young mage looks up at Rigging, points at the coin, and says "Didn't Wynfrea offer us a coin like this when we first got into town?"

OOC (D20+2=9 for intellegence check to remember coin).

Possibly one of the questions should relate to the passageway at the fountain, method of entry and traps or guards along the way, even where the passage leads. Even small players know something. If he's so small that he doesn't know anything, then he should be able to tell who his contact is or meeting place.

Redux accepts Talon, reminding him of their bond and apoligize for the oversight. He sees to any needs for easy meat from the table and finds a dark corner in the rafters for the bird before heading into the chamber with the dead Tekol.

Some Answers (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday October 1st, 2001 2:25:22 PM

Gastu smiles and shakes his head sadly. "No, I don't recognize the coin. The spell requires a question, young Ari, and less complex, for the dead are simple and direct. These all sound like good questions for your living prisoner. Leave the questioning of the carpet seller to me, then," he says, shutting himself and Redux away with Tekol's corpse.

While Appolo and Valanthe slip out alone, Bart and Blue tuck the feverish Lem into bed at the Aviary and get themselves cleaned up. They arrive back at the temple of Lemtrovex just as Gastu emerges from his ritual, wearing a puzzled frown. "Tekol was killed by a heavily cloaked person with a clawed hand, because he refused to procure any more children for him. He had sold only one child to this dark-cloaked person, almost two months ago."

The giant priest sighs. "None of the ships in the harbour have been here that long, so I have to assume that they are not linked to the murder. If you'll all excuse me, I have to open the port and confer with the other Council members."

Gastu leaves, and Rigging retreaves the injured prisoner from the larder.

At the harbour, Ashira finds Shusora and a number of other harried-looking elves waiting for word that the port is open.

Monday October 1st, 2001 10:48:46 PM

Vala takes Appolo's hand and follows him. "Let's go somewhere where we won't be disturbed."

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 11:01:01 AM

Hearing Gastu's words, Ari nods, and indicates his thanks as Gastu leaves. Looking at Riggings Ari asks, " What next?"

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 1:07:02 PM

A bit surprised when Valanthe takes his hand,but he quickly closes his around hers."Ok,if we hurry we can make it to the Aviary before the
others I still need a change o clothes and a bath."Whith that he launches himself forward rapidly pulling her with him,gaining speed as he heads out the door.I n the direction of the Aviary.

OOC:I thought we stayed the night at the Temple
and were still there for Breakfast.

OOC (DM Lee) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 3:50:57 PM

Most of the characters, and their prisoner, are at the temple.

Lem is all alone at the Aviary.

Ashira is at the docks.

Appolo and Valanthe are "someplace private".

Rigging (DM Lee) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 3:58:11 PM

"What's next?" Rigging gestures at the bound and wounded pirate. "We question the prisoner, and then go to the fountain."

Turning to the prisoner, he says. "As you've seen, we're well aquainted with the Magistrate. If you help us, we may be able to help you. Now, why did you and your group attack us?"

Stubborn Silence (DM Lee) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 4:03:25 PM

Appolo and Valanthe reach the Aviary, where they get cleaned up. They find only Lem there, in bed and well supplied with juice and warm soup.

At the temple, the prisoner sweats and looks sullen. "I's not talking. This' all wrong."

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 5:24:19 PM

Rigging smiles at the prisoner, and murmers something quickly forgotten under his breath. (occ Rigging cast a charm spell on the prisoner. Sorry posting this from a public library so I don't know the saves for it.)
"Come now friend. Don't be that way. Why don't you tell us your name. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat and drink?" Rigging looks at Redux and askes him to retrieve some food. "We just want to get to the bottom of why you and your friends attacked our group. I am sure it wasn't your idea. If you give us the information we need, we will talk to the magistrate in your behalf. You could be free this very afternoon. So tell me who was behind the attack." Rigging talks in soothing tones and smiles a great deal.

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 10:20:53 PM

In Apollos room, Val takes off all her clothes to try and clean them up. She doesn't have the modesty that humans do. She also hopes that Apollo will react favorably.

Rigging  d20+3=8
Wednesday October 3rd, 2001 2:21:52 PM

Rigging watches the prisoner closely looking for signs of his charm spell working. He watches to see if he is sweating or appers nervous. (spot check was bad)

Someone's Having a Bad Day (DM Lee)  d100=08 d20-1=15 d20+1=11
Wednesday October 3rd, 2001 4:07:41 PM

As Rigging begins casting his spell, the man's eyes widen, and he whispers, "No, please, not ag --"

Then he give the mage a wavery smile and his eyes fill with tears. "Rarex, 'm Rarex. Please, I'm sorry. I din't mean ta 'tack yas. I mean, I did, then, cause She said, but now I don't, an I jus wanta git back to my ship."

(Characters may roll Sense Motive or an unskilled Wisdom check to judge the man's sincerity.)

Blue (by Lee) 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2001 4:19:31 PM

The young cleric smiles gently and puts one hand on the man's bound arm. "Who is She, Rarex? Who did this to you? Where can we find her?"

Thursday October 4th, 2001 2:57:59 PM

When they reach his room Appolo close the door then turns around and watches as Valanthe strips in front of him,before he can say any thing.
He is agian cuaght off gaurd and completely shocked.This is hte first time this has ever happened to him.He doesn't know what to do.He
also finds her incredibly beautiful and is even more attracted to her.Her casual immodesty amazes him as well.After about a minute he
recovers enough to speak.Stuttering he says
" ah need to ahum Hurry"Whith that he steps toward the chest and pulls out his extra armour and clothes.He then q turns his back and quickly strips,wshes up,and puts on the new clothes armour and cloak.He then combs his hair and cleans his teeth."I think I need a barber."
"Do you need some clothes,should ahum I go get you some?ah Here's my cloak."He is still slightly stunned by her nakedness.As he offers her his cloak.He is clearly blushing."We need to rejion the others as soon as possible." trying not to stare at her.

Rigging  d20=20
Thursday October 4th, 2001 4:59:58 PM

Rigging senses the man is telling the truth and was a puppet of the slaver. He feels something was done to dominate the man. He wonders briefly if the strange science of pcionics was involved. He has done some reading on the subject but has never encountered the ability before. "What was your ship?" Rigging stops his questioning and yells for Gastu. When the big man arrives, he will explain what he thinks and tell him the questioning of the dead sailor will mostly likely be fruitless.
Rigging straightens up and asks Gastu, "Could you keep Rarex here for a few hours. I am sure he is exhausted by his ordeal." To Rarex, Rigging says, "Talk to Gastu and my friend Redux. Tell them everything you can remember about the assasin. We are going to bring her to justice and avenge your slain friends." To Redux, "Stay here, I am going to go round up the others. I will bring them back here and we can go check out the fountain."

Thursday October 4th, 2001 7:59:31 PM

Vala took Appolo's spare shirt. She kisses him and puts it on. The shirt looks huge on the elf maiden. She has to put on her own pants since there's no way Appolos would fit. As she's putting on her armor again she says, "Okay, maybe we will have some time to fool around later." After her armor is on she fastens the cloak around her shoulders.

Thursday October 4th, 2001 9:24:13 PM

Listening to the proceedings, Ari speculates to himself about this 'seducer' person that the've come across. He wonders if somehow this seducer might have done something strange with a Gaal priest.

Thursday October 4th, 2001 10:08:29 PM

When Valanthe puts on his shirt and cloak he can't help but laugh a little."You know we do have a little time,I could fetch you some properly fitting attire."He says with a broad smile on his face."As far as fooling around goes
we have a little extra time."Stepping forward and flipping the over long cloak over her head.
Putting his arms around her.

Time to Go (DM Lee-Anne) 
Friday October 5th, 2001 1:56:08 AM

The giant priest agrees to take care of Rarex for the time being. While the prisoner talks, Gastu quietly administers healing spells to those characters who are still injured, putting everybody at full health.

"Served on the Sea Moth. She's a deep water trawler." Rarex seems to recover his equilibrium and to calm somewhat. "I don't know bout no 'sassin. I knows about Her, though. B'loved of Agla. She's a cold one, but perty enough to steal a man's heart. She'd be at the temple now, fer the sacrifice. All them children." The sailor shakes his head sadly. "It's to the Well with them, or ta Agla."

Redux leans forward attentively. "Where is the temple?" he asks.

The sailor shrugs in response. "Unnerground. Doan know the way, exactly. Always took me in the dark. Yas hasta say words at the door: Praise Agla the Seducer, Lord a'the Sea."

Pip listens to this story with fearful eyes, gnawing at his lower lip. He puts on a brave smile when anyone looks his way.

* * *

On his way to the Aviary, Rigging meets Ashira returning from the port. They collect Appolo and a strangely garbed Valanthe, and rejoin the rest of the party at Lem's temple.

Friday October 5th, 2001 12:37:56 PM

Off course an underground temple, Is it an big temple? Are there a lot of priest and templeguards? In which part of waha do you think the temple is located?

(whispering to rigging, the fountain must lead to it, but there must also be an dry entrance, we need Valanthe to investigate, I will help her if i can have some underwaterbreathing spell on me.)

Sunday October 7th, 2001 10:29:39 PM

Rigging collects his companions and he herds them out to the temple. He will explain what they are doing to everyone else who didn't hear what the sailor said. "Keep a sharp look out. We have been ambushed once and we can't afford to be again. Sounds like these kids are going to be slaughtered in the name of some dark deity. Let's go put a dagger in "The Beloved of Agla's" heart."

Monday October 8th, 2001 11:02:24 AM

Rejoining the party, Ashira approaches Rigging. "Well, the elves weren't able to elaborate on the tale much further, so I guess we're on our own. So, what have you been able to gather so far?" Ashira listens carefully as Rigging recounts the information gathered from the prisoner. She tries to remember whether she might have heard of an evil god called Agla before in some of the stories her father told her growing up. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she smiles at Rigging as she says "It seems logical to me that some of the fighting might occur underwater. I won't have any problem breathing down there, but the rest of you might. We only have a few potions, maybe we should purchase some more before we enter the temple."

Monday October 8th, 2001 11:25:29 AM

Smoothing ot his robes before rising, Redux smiles at Rigging's zeal. Turning to Blue he whispers "So, is he always so gung ho?" Heading to the fountain with the others, Redux muses out loud. "Well, it sounds like the sacrifices are performed at night time, so maybe we'll have a bit of the element of surprise by going during the day. Although, we will be fighting on their turf, which is never much fun. We know they have at least one spellcaster...I wonder what other type of re-enforcements they have." Although looking a bit nervous, Redux is privately excited at the prospect of finishing the assignment and getting back in contact with his mistress.

Blue (Ken) 
Monday October 8th, 2001 11:42:19 AM

Smiling at Redux, Blue lets out a chuckle at the question. Then the young lad adopts a more serious manner as he says "No, he's not. He does have a soft spot for children in his heart, and I think he's just as anxious to get to the bottom of this as the rest of us." As Rigging begins to lead out of the temple, the stocky lad shouts out "Hey, Rigging, hold up a minute." Jogging back into the temple, Blue takes a few minutes to check on Lem before they leave. Satisfied, the lad hurries back to the group, huffing and out of breath. "Alright (huff, huff) let's go."

Monday October 8th, 2001 11:51:47 AM

Rigging takes the few minutes of Blue's check up to ask Redux. "Do you have any water breathing potions in that bag of tricks of yours. Ashira is right. We might need more than we have."

Descent to the Temple

The Fountain of the Maiden (DM Lee-Anne)  d20-2=18
Monday October 8th, 2001 12:47:49 PM

Ashira doesn't recognize the name of Agla, but now that her mind has turned to tales, she recalls that "devils of the sea" is another name for sahuagin.

Gastu wishes the group well, and lays a firm hand on Pip's shoulder when the young boy tries to follow them. "I'll keep this one here as well, I think." Pip glares, but stays behind.

The young Pirates of Jack set out from the temple of Lemtrovex, passing other, smaller temples in the area. They soon arrive at a cul-de-sac in a lonely, narrow alley near the warehouse district, with a fountain in its center. The Fountain of the Maiden is a large stone bowl from which rises the statue of a roaring manatee gushing water from her snout.

The sleepy Talon wings his way to the statue and presses his clawed foot to a medallion in the side of the manatee's neck. The cresting wave design on the medallion resembles that on the strange coin found on the dead cultists. As the owl depresses the symbol, a loud 'click' is heard, and the fountain shuts off. The water in the bowl drains away to expose a slimy trap-door in the bottom. Talon flashes Redux an image of the blond sorceress descending through this doorway.

(Spot checks from all characters, please. The first 4 people through the door make an extra Spot check.)

Ashira  d20+3=20 d20+3=18
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 10:58:06 AM

Ashira waits patiently in the courtyard as Talon disables the fountain. Moving close to Rigging, Ashira whispers to him. "Val and I should go first and scout ahead, since we have the better vision. Oh, and you probably realized it by now, but we won't be able to use Elven as our "secret" language anymore. The enemy speaks it too." Approaching the slime encrusted trap door, Ashira is keenly aware of her surroundings (Spot=20 and 18). Grasping the handle, Ashira waits for Rigging to give the go ahead before she opens the door.

Valanthe  d20+1=5 d20+1=20
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:08:56 AM

Val readys her scythe and descends down through the trap door. This was almost as bad as an ambush. We would be fighting the enemy on their turf. Hopefully everybody will be okay and this will be over soon.

(OCC: 1st check 5, 2nd check 20)

Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:10:03 AM

Looking slightly embarresed at Rigging's question, the young mage readjusts his spectacles "Um, actually, I don't brew that kind of potion, and I'm a little low on funds right now...so, I'm afraid I can't help you out. I believe there's a magic store in town, if you want to delay our mission for a while. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to make do wiyh what we have." Motioning with his hand to where Ashira waits at the trap door, Redux adds "It looks as though Ashira isn't wanting to delay."

Redux (Drat...forgot Spot roll earlier)  d20+2=22
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:25:45 AM

Watching the area carefully (Spot=22), Redux calls Talon to him waiting patiently for Rigging's decision. Before decending into the entrance, Redux casts Mage Armor on himself.

OOC (Sorry abou the double post, just forgot a few things in my earlier one)

Blue (Ken)  d20+3=17
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:43:15 AM

Preparing himself for the mission ahead of the family, Blue bows his head in prayer. "Mighty Lem, please watch over our family, and grant us success on this mission." Staying close to Rigging, Blue is watchful of his surroundings (Spot=17) as he prepares to follow the party into the secret entrance.

Sacrificial Refrains (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 1:45:53 PM

The heavy trap door opens to reveal a narrow stone staircase that descends 30 feet to a lamp-lit archway. The sound of many voices chanting drifts from below.

In the morning light from above, Valanthe can clearly see several sets of wet footprints on every step but the eighth one down, and she is able to pass warning back as she steps over it.

On her way past, Ashira notices a lever set into the wall of the stairway, just below the trap door.

At the bottom of the stairs, a short hallway is partially tiled in a pattern of black and aqua tiles, and crowded with stacks of tiles and masonry supplies. Two dark, heavy cloaks hang from pegs beside the stairs. There are 2 closed doors to either side of the hall, and a wide, curtained archway at the other end. The chanting sounds from the other side of this shimmering black curtain:

"Lord Agla, we pledge our devotion to you," a woman proclaims.

A mass of voices respond with, "Praise Agla, lord of the sea."

Woman: "This child rejects your bounteous gifts."

Voices: "Praise Agla, lord of dark waters."

Woman: "Accept our sacrifice to your might."

Voices: "Praise Agla, dark seducer."

Tuesday October 9th, 2001 1:47:09 PM

Appolo is slightly disappointed when Rigging shows up and intterrups his fun and games.When the group arrives at the fountian Appolo
looks the area over carefully.When Ashira suggests that Valanthe and her go firsthe quickly vollounteers to go next,just incase theres a trap or something that needs to be unlocked or disabled.He also suggests that this
evil godis actually Ga'al just rewitten.After all the letters are the same Agala-Ga'al.
Whithat he readies himself.Making sure his weapons and gear are nice and snug.

Appolo  d20+4=22 d20+4=12
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 2:33:19 PM

Forgot spot checks.First check 22,Second check

Tuesday October 9th, 2001 2:56:17 PM

Appolo quickly follows Ashira and Valanth down the stairs nimbly stepping over the eighth step.
He then steps to the right,checking the door on that side.

Bart  d20=19
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 5:52:12 PM

Bart goes in as last he isn't feeling very well, and when he enters and hearing the chant, hr remembers the temple of Gaal he went in with some others of this party. One of his friends died there. He prays to Lemtrovex to guide and protect them. (spot check 19)

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 9:56:30 AM

Hearing the mass of chanting voices, Redux worries if the party is in over their heads. Making his way to Rigging, he whispers "If we're going to pull this off, we're going to have to use some subtleties for a while. Sounds like quite a crowd in there...I don't think we're going to get far by just charging in. Why don't you and Appolo use these two robes to sneak in. If you try some slip knots on Val and Ari, you could pretend to be bringing more sacrifices in. Of course, it might look strange for them to have their weapons with them. Still, most people will be focusing on the sacrifice, so we might get away with it. If we do, it might buy us some time and maybe get some of us closer so that we can do more good. I'm not sure about how to get the rest of us in. Our mysterious woman has probably worked some sort of charm on a lot of the people. If we could somehow dispel her magic, or take her out of the picture, we might stand more of a chance. Still, it doesn't look promising." Taking in a deep breath, Redux looks up at Rigging and says "I hate to say it, but I won't do you much good out there. I think it would be best if I stayed back here so that I can watch our backs and cast from a safe distance. That way if you guys get into hot water out there, I can cover your retreat."

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 10:08:01 AM

Anger rising through her body like boiling water, it is all the half-elf can do to stop herself from charging in and hacking down these abomenations. Agla, lord of the seas! Such heresy can not be allowed to continue! Ashira reaches in her pack and withdraws a barkskin potion. Drinking it down, she moves over to where Rigging and Redux are confering. Dropping her voice to a whisper, she says "What are we waiting for?"

Blue (Ken) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2001 10:22:34 AM

After heading down the stairs, the young cleric gets a knot in his stomach when he hears the chanting voices. His mind races back to the battle at the temple of Ga'al and the loss of Wynd. Tears well up in the boys eyes as he silently prays for Lem's guidance and protection. A feeling of serenity overtakes the youth, and he can almost hear Wynd's voice urging him to have the courage and strength to continue the fight against evil. Wiping at his eyes which are now filled with resolve, Blue joins the group gathered around Rigging and listens as a plan is formulated.

A Moment of Hesitation . . . (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2001 1:55:07 PM

(Redux and Appolo also noticed the lever at the head of the stairs on their way past.)

The first door on the right proves to be locked.

While the companions decide how to proceed, the chanting halts. A long, high-pitched wail sounds from the other side of the curtained archway. It cuts off abruptly. A beat of silence, then the woman's voice calls out, "Bring forth the next child!" The chanting resumes with even greater fervor.

Appolo  d20+9=14
Wednesday October 10th, 2001 5:43:38 PM

Appolo seeing how geared up the group is, he says, "Hold on a minute, maybe I can pick this lock." He reaches in to his vest and pulls out his thieves tools. "Quiet, please." He begins to work on the lock.
OOC:Pick Lock roll 14

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 6:19:06 PM

Bart whispers What ever... we must go in no time for subtile movements they will be surprised anyway

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 9:52:55 PM

OCC: I may be wrong, but didn't everybody sleep at the temple and this is a new day?

Anger burned in the pit of her stomach. Slowly it grew and spread to every pore of her being. Her grip on the scythe was so tight, her knuckles were turing white. She could be sneaky when she wanted to be. This wasn't one of those times. Vala ran through the curtain ready to kill anybody within range. The killing of children was about as evil as you can get.

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 11:23:24 PM

Appolo is working on the lock when he hears Bart and is about to say something when Valanthe loses it and charges through the archway. "Damn!!" he exclaims, "She's even more impulsive then I am!!" He then draws his weapons, steps back and gives the door several strong swift kicks just above the handle, trying to kick the door open.

Redux  d4=3
Thursday October 11th, 2001 8:48:19 AM

Hearing the rustling of the curtain, it takes Redux a few seconds to realize what just happened. Eyes wide with disbelief, Redux turns back to Rigging and says "So much for surprise.. .you better get in there." The young mage begins casting Spectral Hand as he watches the others prepare to enter the temple.

OOC (d4=3 roll for HP for the hand).

Ashira (Barkskin) 
Thursday October 11th, 2001 8:55:06 AM

Hearing Appolo's profanity, Ashira turns just in time to see that Val has entered the temple. Thinking to herself that she needs to have a talk with the young elf about the deadliness of impulsiveness, Ashira shrugs, draws her weapons, and heads in after the young elf.

Blue (Ken) 
Thursday October 11th, 2001 9:07:23 AM

Seeing the anger building in Val, Blue manages to squeek out a harshly whispered "Val, No!" before the maiden charges through the curtain, but to no avail. Turning toward Rigging, panic evident in his eyes, Blue says "We've got to get in there and help her." Thinking that the family will need all the help that it can get, Blue busies himself summoning a Celestial Hound.

Ari {Chris} 
Thursday October 11th, 2001 12:48:24 PM

Ari, seeing Valanthe charge through the curtain, is caught off guard. He quickly recovers and prepares for combat, readying his weapons and spells. He also begins to help Appolo kick the door in, kicking it with all his might.

Thursday October 11th, 2001 1:20:09 PM

Bart draws his sword and goes in

Thursday October 11th, 2001 6:36:01 PM

Rigging eyes goggles at his family's impromtu charge. "Ga'al's wooden balls! Redux you take out the spell weavers as best you can!" Rigging follows his friends in to the temple preparing to cast his sleep spell on the largest group.

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