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Descent to the Temple

The Fountain of the Maiden (DM Lee-Anne)  d20-2=18
Monday October 8th, 2001 12:47:49 PM

Ashira doesn't recognize the name of Agla, but now that her mind has turned to tales, she recalls that "devils of the sea" is another name for sahuagin.

Gastu wishes the group well, and lays a firm hand on Pip's shoulder when the young boy tries to follow them. "I'll keep this one here as well, I think." Pip glares, but stays behind.

The young Pirates of Jack set out from the temple of Lemtrovex, passing other, smaller temples in the area. They soon arrive at a cul-de-sac in a lonely, narrow alley near the warehouse district, with a fountain in its center. The Fountain of the Maiden is a large stone bowl from which rises the statue of a roaring manatee gushing water from her snout.

The sleepy Talon wings his way to the statue and presses his clawed foot to a medallion in the side of the manatee's neck. The cresting wave design on the medallion resembles that on the strange coin found on the dead cultists. As the owl depresses the symbol, a loud 'click' is heard, and the fountain shuts off. The water in the bowl drains away to expose a slimy trap-door in the bottom. Talon flashes Redux an image of the blond sorceress descending through this doorway.

(Spot checks from all characters, please. The first 4 people through the door make an extra Spot check.)

Ashira  d20+3=20 d20+3=18
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 10:58:06 AM

Ashira waits patiently in the courtyard as Talon disables the fountain. Moving close to Rigging, Ashira whispers to him. "Val and I should go first and scout ahead, since we have the better vision. Oh, and you probably realized it by now, but we won't be able to use Elven as our "secret" language anymore. The enemy speaks it too." Approaching the slime encrusted trap door, Ashira is keenly aware of her surroundings (Spot=20 and 18). Grasping the handle, Ashira waits for Rigging to give the go ahead before she opens the door.

Valanthe  d20+1=5 d20+1=20
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:08:56 AM

Val readys her scythe and descends down through the trap door. This was almost as bad as an ambush. We would be fighting the enemy on their turf. Hopefully everybody will be okay and this will be over soon.

(OCC: 1st check 5, 2nd check 20)

Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:10:03 AM

Looking slightly embarresed at Rigging's question, the young mage readjusts his spectacles "Um, actually, I don't brew that kind of potion, and I'm a little low on funds right now...so, I'm afraid I can't help you out. I believe there's a magic store in town, if you want to delay our mission for a while. Otherwise, I guess we'll have to make do wiyh what we have." Motioning with his hand to where Ashira waits at the trap door, Redux adds "It looks as though Ashira isn't wanting to delay."

Redux (Drat...forgot Spot roll earlier)  d20+2=22
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:25:45 AM

Watching the area carefully (Spot=22), Redux calls Talon to him waiting patiently for Rigging's decision. Before decending into the entrance, Redux casts Mage Armor on himself.

OOC (Sorry abou the double post, just forgot a few things in my earlier one)

Blue (Ken)  d20+3=17
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 11:43:15 AM

Preparing himself for the mission ahead of the family, Blue bows his head in prayer. "Mighty Lem, please watch over our family, and grant us success on this mission." Staying close to Rigging, Blue is watchful of his surroundings (Spot=17) as he prepares to follow the party into the secret entrance.

Sacrificial Refrains (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 1:45:53 PM

The heavy trap door opens to reveal a narrow stone staircase that descends 30 feet to a lamp-lit archway. The sound of many voices chanting drifts from below.

In the morning light from above, Valanthe can clearly see several sets of wet footprints on every step but the eighth one down, and she is able to pass warning back as she steps over it.

On her way past, Ashira notices a lever set into the wall of the stairway, just below the trap door.

At the bottom of the stairs, a short hallway is partially tiled in a pattern of black and aqua tiles, and crowded with stacks of tiles and masonry supplies. Two dark, heavy cloaks hang from pegs beside the stairs. There are 2 closed doors to either side of the hall, and a wide, curtained archway at the other end. The chanting sounds from the other side of this shimmering black curtain:

"Lord Agla, we pledge our devotion to you," a woman proclaims.

A mass of voices respond with, "Praise Agla, lord of the sea."

Woman: "This child rejects your bounteous gifts."

Voices: "Praise Agla, lord of dark waters."

Woman: "Accept our sacrifice to your might."

Voices: "Praise Agla, dark seducer."

Tuesday October 9th, 2001 1:47:09 PM

Appolo is slightly disappointed when Rigging shows up and intterrups his fun and games.When the group arrives at the fountian Appolo
looks the area over carefully.When Ashira suggests that Valanthe and her go firsthe quickly vollounteers to go next,just incase theres a trap or something that needs to be unlocked or disabled.He also suggests that this
evil godis actually Ga'al just rewitten.After all the letters are the same Agala-Ga'al.
Whithat he readies himself.Making sure his weapons and gear are nice and snug.

Appolo  d20+4=22 d20+4=12
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 2:33:19 PM

Forgot spot checks.First check 22,Second check

Tuesday October 9th, 2001 2:56:17 PM

Appolo quickly follows Ashira and Valanth down the stairs nimbly stepping over the eighth step.
He then steps to the right,checking the door on that side.

Bart  d20=19
Tuesday October 9th, 2001 5:52:12 PM

Bart goes in as last he isn't feeling very well, and when he enters and hearing the chant, hr remembers the temple of Gaal he went in with some others of this party. One of his friends died there. He prays to Lemtrovex to guide and protect them. (spot check 19)

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 9:56:30 AM

Hearing the mass of chanting voices, Redux worries if the party is in over their heads. Making his way to Rigging, he whispers "If we're going to pull this off, we're going to have to use some subtleties for a while. Sounds like quite a crowd in there...I don't think we're going to get far by just charging in. Why don't you and Appolo use these two robes to sneak in. If you try some slip knots on Val and Ari, you could pretend to be bringing more sacrifices in. Of course, it might look strange for them to have their weapons with them. Still, most people will be focusing on the sacrifice, so we might get away with it. If we do, it might buy us some time and maybe get some of us closer so that we can do more good. I'm not sure about how to get the rest of us in. Our mysterious woman has probably worked some sort of charm on a lot of the people. If we could somehow dispel her magic, or take her out of the picture, we might stand more of a chance. Still, it doesn't look promising." Taking in a deep breath, Redux looks up at Rigging and says "I hate to say it, but I won't do you much good out there. I think it would be best if I stayed back here so that I can watch our backs and cast from a safe distance. That way if you guys get into hot water out there, I can cover your retreat."

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 10:08:01 AM

Anger rising through her body like boiling water, it is all the half-elf can do to stop herself from charging in and hacking down these abomenations. Agla, lord of the seas! Such heresy can not be allowed to continue! Ashira reaches in her pack and withdraws a barkskin potion. Drinking it down, she moves over to where Rigging and Redux are confering. Dropping her voice to a whisper, she says "What are we waiting for?"

Blue (Ken) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2001 10:22:34 AM

After heading down the stairs, the young cleric gets a knot in his stomach when he hears the chanting voices. His mind races back to the battle at the temple of Ga'al and the loss of Wynd. Tears well up in the boys eyes as he silently prays for Lem's guidance and protection. A feeling of serenity overtakes the youth, and he can almost hear Wynd's voice urging him to have the courage and strength to continue the fight against evil. Wiping at his eyes which are now filled with resolve, Blue joins the group gathered around Rigging and listens as a plan is formulated.

A Moment of Hesitation . . . (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday October 10th, 2001 1:55:07 PM

(Redux and Appolo also noticed the lever at the head of the stairs on their way past.)

The first door on the right proves to be locked.

While the companions decide how to proceed, the chanting halts. A long, high-pitched wail sounds from the other side of the curtained archway. It cuts off abruptly. A beat of silence, then the woman's voice calls out, "Bring forth the next child!" The chanting resumes with even greater fervor.

Appolo  d20+9=14
Wednesday October 10th, 2001 5:43:38 PM

Appolo seeing how geared up the group is, he says, "Hold on a minute, maybe I can pick this lock." He reaches in to his vest and pulls out his thieves tools. "Quiet, please." He begins to work on the lock.
OOC:Pick Lock roll 14

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 6:19:06 PM

Bart whispers What ever... we must go in no time for subtile movements they will be surprised anyway

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 9:52:55 PM

OCC: I may be wrong, but didn't everybody sleep at the temple and this is a new day?

Anger burned in the pit of her stomach. Slowly it grew and spread to every pore of her being. Her grip on the scythe was so tight, her knuckles were turing white. She could be sneaky when she wanted to be. This wasn't one of those times. Vala ran through the curtain ready to kill anybody within range. The killing of children was about as evil as you can get.

Wednesday October 10th, 2001 11:23:24 PM

Appolo is working on the lock when he hears Bart and is about to say something when Valanthe loses it and charges through the archway. "Damn!!" he exclaims, "She's even more impulsive then I am!!" He then draws his weapons, steps back and gives the door several strong swift kicks just above the handle, trying to kick the door open.

Redux  d4=3
Thursday October 11th, 2001 8:48:19 AM

Hearing the rustling of the curtain, it takes Redux a few seconds to realize what just happened. Eyes wide with disbelief, Redux turns back to Rigging and says "So much for surprise.. .you better get in there." The young mage begins casting Spectral Hand as he watches the others prepare to enter the temple.

OOC (d4=3 roll for HP for the hand).

Ashira (Barkskin) 
Thursday October 11th, 2001 8:55:06 AM

Hearing Appolo's profanity, Ashira turns just in time to see that Val has entered the temple. Thinking to herself that she needs to have a talk with the young elf about the deadliness of impulsiveness, Ashira shrugs, draws her weapons, and heads in after the young elf.

Blue (Ken) 
Thursday October 11th, 2001 9:07:23 AM

Seeing the anger building in Val, Blue manages to squeek out a harshly whispered "Val, No!" before the maiden charges through the curtain, but to no avail. Turning toward Rigging, panic evident in his eyes, Blue says "We've got to get in there and help her." Thinking that the family will need all the help that it can get, Blue busies himself summoning a Celestial Hound.

Ari {Chris} 
Thursday October 11th, 2001 12:48:24 PM

Ari, seeing Valanthe charge through the curtain, is caught off guard. He quickly recovers and prepares for combat, readying his weapons and spells. He also begins to help Appolo kick the door in, kicking it with all his might.

Thursday October 11th, 2001 1:20:09 PM

Bart draws his sword and goes in

Thursday October 11th, 2001 6:36:01 PM

Rigging eyes goggles at his family's impromtu charge. "Ga'al's wooden balls! Redux you take out the spell weavers as best you can!" Rigging follows his friends in to the temple preparing to cast his sleep spell on the largest group.

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