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DM Lee-Anne (by JK) 
Tuesday September 18th, 2001 3:58:26 PM

"Hey! I's can walk!" Pip beats his small fists on Ashira's back and wriggles in an effort to free himself.

The Salty Dog, fast left behind, is the only tavern along the route to the temple of Lemtrovex. The night has grown quite late, the streets, deserted.

Thus, it is surprising to find Gastu hunched over the steps of his temple, apparently scrubbing something. The wide doors stand partly open, and light spills out to illuminate the giant magistrate and the dark stains on the steps. Several small children cowering inside the entrance.

Gastu looks up as you approach, his expression hard to read beneath the tatoos. He raises a loosely bandaged hand in greeting.

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 9:25:15 PM

Val frowns when no more tavers appear along the way. "I'm an elf. One bottle of wine won't do anything except help me to relax a little. Looks like I'll be forced to wai though."

Tuesday September 18th, 2001 9:58:26 PM

Appolo being in the lead arrives first.He waves at Gatsu."How has your night been going ours has been rather interesting?"As he stepps up to the porch.

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 2:32:06 AM

Ari gets a feeling of foreboding as he sees that Gastu is apparently injured.

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 3:27:44 PM

Old memories that Ashira thought she had buried once more surface when Val shows her frustration. Once again, the half-elf envisions the jeering remarks and taunting faces from her childhood. Returning to her fowl mood, Ashira snaps back at Val "Yes, I am fully aware that you are an elf!" Stalking away, the half-elf approaches the temple steps and finds solace in examining the stain that Gastu is busy scrubbing. "What happened here?"

Gastu (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday September 19th, 2001 4:10:12 PM

To Ashira's experienced eye, the steps look to be stained with blood.

"It seems I've drawn more attention than I expected. They attacked the temple tonight -- quite a few rough-looking humans." The giant priest drops his stiff-bristled brush into a soapy bucket and heaves himself up to his full height. "I drove them off, but the children are frightened. I thought perhaps if I cleansed this --"

He sighs and looks at the group more closely. "I see you've met trouble of your own. Come in and rest. I'll settle the little ones, and then we can talk."

Gastu ushers you inside and is soon surrounded by small, clinging forms. He leads his herd away to the dormitory, and returns shortly to start distributing soothing cups of tea. "Tell me, how goes the investigation, and who is your guest?"

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 6:27:35 PM

Appolo follows the others inside and greatfully accepts the offered tea saying"Thank you."He then slides back,drops his gear takes his cloak off and sits down in the nearest pew and closes his eyes.Visibly relaxing.

Wednesday September 19th, 2001 11:12:03 PM

On the way to the temple, Riggings brain is working on many things. He describes what he see and how the attack unfolded to Redux. He asks him to keep Talon on station and watch to see if anyone else enters or leaves the fountain. He says to Redux, "I think Talon might have found the entrance to a secret lair.
We need a nights rest and some spell recharge before entering it.
Rigging is glad to see Ashira talking to the elf maiden. He knows she is upset about something but not quite sure what. He hopes they can work it out.
When Rigging sees that the temple itself was attacked, he deduces that this isn't the work of slavers. Slavers wouldn't have a reason to attack but priest of Ga'al would want to eliminate the competition. It being a coordinated attack says a lot as well.
After they are settled down and drinking tea, Rigging will explain to Gastu about the nights events, and their prisoner. He will ask if Gastu has a way of questioning the prisoner and gaining the truth from him. He also tells about the 4 hidden bodies. Can the spirits be questioned?
When given a chance, Rigging will pull Gastu aside for a private conversation. He explains about Talon and what he has found.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 6:45:48 AM

A look of consternation cross Ari's face for just a second.

Looking at where Gastu was working, Ari tries to figure out if there is more stains. If there's more cleaning to be done, Ari pipes up, " I'll finish that up, while you get told our story".

If there's nothing more to clean up, Ari will accept the tea and sit down in one of the pews, while he takes a look around the temple.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 11:29:31 AM

Appolo quietly rests nodding off to sleep.Folding his cloak up and using at as pillow.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 2:13:55 PM

Redux nods at Rigging's suspicions. Whispering, Redux says "Of course, I'll have Talon watch the fountain, but you realize that he will need some rest too. It's been a long day for him as well. He can probably make it through the night, but I doubt he will be very useful tomorrow."

Entering the temple with the others, Redux listens as Rigging gives his report. Looking up at Gastu, Redux pushes his spectacles closer to his eyes, his look serious and intent. "It looks like this could be a little more serious than you first thought, Gastu. The group that we ran into was highly organized, and well disciplined." Deep in thought, Redux smooths his spotless black robes unconciously. Reaching into a pouch on his belt, Redux withdraws the scroll that was sent to him earlier that afternoon and hands it to Gastu. "Since we're here anyway, perhaps we should retire and discuss the subject of this summons tonight?"

Thursday September 20th, 2001 2:18:47 PM

Still fuming, the half-elf enters the temple in complete silence, keeping a large distance between herself and the others. Once inside, Ashira occupies herself by examining the temple furnishings, trying to restore her self control.

Thursday September 20th, 2001 4:46:08 PM

I wonder what lies under the fontain, only deep waters or am air filled cave? In the first case we certainly need some magic, but before we investigate it we need a good rest en besides for prayers and studies some of us are still wounded. Before we go in all our wounds must be healed.

I Didn't Do It (DM Lee-Anne) 
Thursday September 20th, 2001 5:54:59 PM

Gastu thanks Ari for the offer and surrenders his great scrubbrush. It doesn't take Ari long to remove the last of the stains.

Inside, Pip curls up beside Appolo and is soon fast asleep before the others have finished their tea.

Gastu listens with care to the explanations, and accepts the scroll from Redux. "I meant this summons as an excuse to receive your full report without arousing suspicion, so we can skip that discussion. What concerns me most at this point, is that the scroll I sent was a summons only." Gravely, the giant magistrate unrolls the scroll and scans it. "There was no post-scriptum when I sealed this message. Who delivered it to you?"

Gastu returns the scroll to Redux' keeping and leans heavily against the table. "I can question only one corpse each day, and I have yet to question Tekol. I think it best that I do so in the morning, so that the port can re-open. However, I will arrange to have these bodies retrieved tonight.

"Did this shapechanging woman bear any symbols or other devices. Anything else unusual about her? How do you intend to go about your investigation tomorrow?"

Thursday September 20th, 2001 10:21:51 PM

Rigging is lost in thought as he listens to the others talk. Their are too many unknowns here. He is concerned about the strange effects he felt when the evil cleric tried to kiss him. He assumes it was some kind of spell. He asks Gastu, "Gastu, Is there anyway to do a detect magic spell tonight. I am concerned that the sailors we defeated tonight might have been pawns. When the bitch kissed me, I felt very strange and had to fight off some kind of magic." Turning to Appolo with a concerned look, Rigging adds, "Appolo, your were kissed as well. Did you notice anything strange other than a mortal enemy trying to kiss you?"

Ari (Grima? I don't know no stinking Grima! ;) ) 
Friday September 21st, 2001 2:29:54 AM

Feeling sorta disenchanted, Ari looks about the temple once he finishes the scrubbing. Ari hopes that the temple needs some kind of cleaning or deck swabbing. If he can find the materials, he'll start cleaning while the rest of the group confer with Gastu.

Friday September 21st, 2001 2:40:07 AM

When Pip climbs up next to him,Appolo is slightly starlted,then slips quietly back to sleep.He seems quite comfortable and relaxed
dispite the hardnes of the pew and what has recently happened.Anyone looking at him can see the sings of a recent battle,his hair is matted
,his clothes and armour rippied and torn,covered with blood,sweat and dirt.His equipment is piled haphazzardly by the wall.
He does not hear Riggings question.

Sunday September 23rd, 2001 11:16:20 PM

Rigging wanders over to Appolo, gives him a shake and repeats his question.

Monday September 24th, 2001 7:45:11 AM

Maintaining her self composure, Ashira returns to the area where Rigging and some others are speaking with Gastu. She is surprised that they are being so candid with the prisoner still in their midst. Approaching Gastu, Ashira says "I don't mean to be rude, but is there a secure area where we can put the prisoner while we talk about business?" After the prisoner is moved to a different location, Ashira gazes up at Gastu. "The woman really had no other identifying features that I could tell, other than she was a sea elf. Appolo took her stuff from her before we were jumped, maybe they will yeild a clue, although I doubt it. Magistrate, what can you tell me about the sea elves in this region? I am very disturbed to see that one of my people is involved in this evil work. What is the business relationship that has been tendered between Waha and the elves?"

Monday September 24th, 2001 7:57:49 AM

Not surprised at all by Gastu's proclaimation that the post script was added on after the fact, Redux says "One of your town guards handed it to me." Redux describes the man to Gastu. Seeing the prisoner being taken off jogs the mage's memory. "Yes, Magistrate, do you have some means of questioning the prisoner for us so that we can be sure his answers are true? I'm afraid that's out of my sphere." Redux pauses, and looks around at the battered and tired party. "It would appear that our enemy already knows that we are working for you, so would you mind if we stayed here tonight?" Redux listens patiently as Ashira questions Gastu about the sea elves. Piping up he says "Ashira, don't I remember you telling me that one of the elves said that Fletcher Long was carrying a "special cargo"? Maybe we should have someone examine his vessel."

Monday September 24th, 2001 12:26:37 PM

After being woke up by Rigging,Appolo is in a bad mood."What oh!!Ya,ya!! Tingling,ddin't pay much attention though.Just figured she was up to know good."After that he gently moves pip aside
and asks Gatsu"Is there a place where I can clean up a little?"

Gastu Remembers (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday September 24th, 2001 3:02:00 PM

Ari finds the temple itself to be neat as a pin, but the living areas -- particularly a large playroom below the dormitories -- provide plenty of child-tracked grime to occupy him.

"A magical kiss? Where have I heard that before?" The tatooed giant drums his fingers on the table, briefly lost in thought. "Eh? Oh, I've yet to master Lem's gift of recognizing falsehoods, but I can detect magic easily enough. What would you have me check -- your prisoner?"

"The Council's relationship with the sea people is excellent. Our fishermen and trade lanes respect their hunting banks and ancestral waters; they help to keep our freeport secure; trade between us is free and mutually beneficial. The elves are a private people, but they are friendly with Waha. I'm sure we would have heard if they --"

Gastu snaps his fingers and climbs to his feet to lead the way to a cramped study. At least, it's cramped for a giant. He pulls a largish, snakeskin wrapped bundle down from one of the shelves. "Sallerian, one of their bards, gifted these to the temple: a collection of folk stories, to read to the children. There's something in one of them about an evil kiss -- I didn't think that tale was appropriate for my kids, so I skipped it."

The magistrate hands over the bundle of scrolls. "I'm going to see about those bodies, and the guard. You're welcome to stay the night, though some of you may find the cots in the dormitory a bit short. A word of warning: the children wake early." With that, the priest leaves you to your own devices.

Monday September 24th, 2001 5:14:58 PM

Rigging takes the scrolls and hands half to Redux. "Research time" Rigging turns to Ashira and says, "We will need to set up a watch schedule. We shouldn't include Blue, Redux, Ari or myself in it. We have to get a full night to get spells back. How about Lem takes the first watch, Ashira and Appolo the second, and Bart and Val the last?" After the shedule is figured out, Rigging will wrap himself in his cloak, pull over some candles and quickly scan through his scrolls looking for the evil kiss story. If he finds it, he will ear-mark it for tomorrow, shut his eyes and drift off to sleep.

Monday September 24th, 2001 6:44:59 PM

I willtake the last watch then. But before I go to sleep, i will see if I can repair my chain.

Blue (OOC: sorry for the absence) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2001 12:48:33 AM

Exhausted with the recent spell castings, the young cleric finds a quiet place to sleep.

Tuesday September 25th, 2001 7:50:27 AM

Rigging awakens, washes his face and stretches. He then reaches for his spell books to refreshen his spells. When he is done studing, he will sit and pray quietly to the Dragon God for aid in keeping his new and old family safe. After that he will inquire to Redux if he has found anything in his half of the reading. He then turns and finds Apollo and asks, "Let's see what you took from our nasty aquaintance last night?" Rigging then turns to Pip, and tossles his hair. "How is your head? Good thing you are so hardheaded."

Tuesday September 25th, 2001 12:12:27 PM

Val lays on the hard floor and slips into reverie. If you didn't know better, some would say that she's dead. When woken for her watch, Val cleans and sharpens her blade while keeping an eye out.

The Seducer's Kiss (DM Lee-Anne) 
Tuesday September 25th, 2001 4:50:07 PM

With the prisoner locked in the larder, and Gastu gone to bed, quiet settles over the temple. The researchers in the study quickly locate the tale, which proves to be short:

There came a time, dim in memory, when the Elves grew complacent in their ocean kingdom. Their hunting grounds flowed thick with game; their hair, with pearls; their coral fastness, with strong young warriors. They believed themselves foremost among the peoples of the gods.

Then did the king take a new lover, who came to him with beautiful lies. With her fair face did she blind him to Ammiel's light; with her sweet voice did she drown out the words of his people; with the first brush of her lips did she turn his heart to the Seducer. He forsook his people for the sake of her kiss.

The king's will was lost. He opened his borders. He sealed fast the temples. He ordered his warriors' stand down from the shoals.

And when came the dark tide, it carried with it the devils of the sea to rend the flesh, and the waters of the Seducer to steal the soul. They laid waste the game, stole the pearls, killed the warriors, and withdrew with the retreating tide.

Innocence was lost to the people. Their lands barren, their hair torn, their coral halls empty, the survivors left that place, ever after on guard for the kiss of the Dark Seducer.

Morning comes early with a score of young children in the house. Gastu gets them organized, then invites whomever wishes to his meditation chamber to attend the questioning of Tekol's corpse. Lem declines and crawls back into bed, where he huddles under the covers, shivering and occasionally coughing.

(Characters examining yesterday's booty, make appropriate Appraise/Search/Spot checks.)

Appolo  d20+4=21 d20+3=17
Tuesday September 25th, 2001 9:33:35 PM

Appolo gets his assignment then goes and gets cleaned up as best he can, washing his face and hair. He also removes his arnour and cleans it. He then tries to get some rest bfore his watch, then takes his watch whith Ashira.

In the morning when the others finally wake up
Rigging asks to see what he took from the Woman. So Appolo picks his pack up and walks over dumping the contents out on the floor and starts going through it.

OOC Spot 21, Search 17

Tuesday September 25th, 2001 9:36:56 PM

After looking over the loot, Appolo gets up and goes looking for something to eat.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 12:20:17 AM

Val sits next to Appolo for breakfast. "Appolo I was a little hotheaded last night. I was going to go off by myself because I was still mad. You probably saved my life." When Appolo turns to look at her Val gives him a big kiss.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 11:26:42 AM

Waking up refreshed after some much needed rest, Ashira stretches and heads over to where Val and Appolo are. She waits until the two love birds are finished, and then asks Val if she can have a private word with her. Once she pulls the elf aside, Ashira runs her fingers through her hair. Looking slightly embarassed, Ashira speaks in Elven. "I'm sorry about last night, little one. It's just..." Ashira takes in a deep breath, letting it out as a big sigh. "Well, sometimes it's hard for me. I don't know if you can understand." Pointing over at the others, Ashira continues "I've always known that I wasn't one of them...I mean, just look at me...I could never fit in completely with the humans. I've always been proud of my Elven heritage, but I know I'm not completely like them...or you either." Ashira stops and turns away, frustration on her face. Hitting one of the nearby pews, she begins to walk away. "Look, I'm just sorry." she says over her shoulder as she heads out into the early Waha air.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 11:55:06 AM

Joining Rigging in the examination of the tale, Redux yawns. "Interesting story, but I'm afraid we're not much better off than we were before." Finding a reasonably comfortable cot, Redux is almost asleep when he is awakened by the sound of a child giggling. Redux puts his glasses on and finds one of the youngsters going through his pouches. Kindly smiling, the mage removes the belongings from the child, and asks him if he would like to see a trick. Picking up one of the nearby toys, Redux casts Light on the toy, and gives it to the child, who stares at the mage with delight. After sending the child off to amaze his friends with his new toy, Redux crawls back into his cot and falls quickly into a deep slumber.

Waking before the others, Redux finds a secluded spot, and does his spell research for the morning. He waits for Rigging to awaken, and then goes to him. "Good morning, I trust you slept well? Good... Rigging, Talon is getting very tired, and is starting to complain bitterly. If you don't mind, I think I'll call him to me so that he can rest." Awaiting Rigging's approval, Redux grins broadly at Gastu's invitation. "Yes, Magistrate, I would be thrilled to watch." The look on Redux's face is remarkably similar to the look of joy on the childs face last night.

Question Carefully (DM Lee-Anne) 
Wednesday September 26th, 2001 3:34:23 PM

When Appolo examines the mysterious woman's jewelry, finds the items to be rather plain affairs, the ruby, flawed. However, something else catches his attention in the morning light -- among the various Waha coins is a strange silver one, depicting a man with flowing hair on one face, and a cresting wave on the reverse.

In Gastu's meditation chamber, Tekol's cloth-draped body is laid out on a narrow bench. The giant priest prepares his ritual gear, explaining, "Once I have cast the spell, I will have only a few minutes in which to ask three questions. You may choose the first two -- word them carefully."

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 4:07:36 PM

Rigging listens to Redux and shock appears in his eyes. "Redux, I am so sorry. I should have had you bring Talon home last night. Please bring your brave, sharp-eyed, friend home." Rigging starts in on his spell book. He will gladly go watch the questioning of the corpse and asks what happened to the other prisoner. As they sit around eating breakfast, he will ask his companions, "Any suggestions on what to ask with our two questions?

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 4:12:27 PM

When Valanth sits down next to him, Appolo is about to say good morning when she appologizes to him and thanks him saying he probly saved her
life.Then she kisses him before he can say any thing.This turn of events catches him completely off guard and leaves him frozen and completely speechless,Appolo just stares at her completely amzed not knowing what to do,after a few seconds
he replys in kind kissing her back.It's the only thing he can think of.He then quickly turns and goes back to eating his breakfast,still slightly stunned and embarressed,bur happy.He continues to eat in silence,Wathing Valanth out of the corner of his eyes.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 6:15:05 PM

The young cleric awakens with a start to the smell of food. after a quick wash of the face and pits he follows his nose to the table and joins those gathered there.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 6:29:58 PM

OOC:This takes place before breakfast.Soorry
didn't read the DM's post in time.
While going through the womans things Appolo comes across a strange silver cion and pionts it
out to Rigging."Have you ever seen a cion like this.maybe Gatsu has?"He hands the cion to Rigging.

Wednesday September 26th, 2001 10:02:29 PM

Val smiles at Appolo's reaction. Then her mood changes by Ashira's words. She follows the half-elf outside. "I don't know how you feel. I only know how I feel. I am eccepted by elves, but I wasn't around them much of my life. I've been an outcast most of my life. It's not easy. You walk into a town and nobody even looks at you. I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way. No race is totally pure and good. There are rotten apples in every bushel."

Thursday September 27th, 2001 3:11:02 AM

Ari does what he can around the temple. When the time comes, Ari studies his spells. Then he heads off to bed. Ari decides to attend the questioning. When Gastu tells of the spell, Ari notes what he says, and lets the others decide what to ask.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 8:34:56 AM

A slight smile parts Ashira's lips as she listens to Val. She responds in Elven, lest she be overheard by prying ears. "Yeah, I guess you're right. This assignment has been very difficult for me. I still haven't heard about Taker yet, and now, to find out that one of my own..." Ashira stops, shakes her head, and looks up at Val. "But enough about me...looks like things are really coming along between Appolo and you. I'm very happy for you two. I think you make a good couple." Taking in a deep breath of the early morning air, Ashira says "Well, let's get back inside and get the day planned out. I have a feeling it's going to be busy!" Once inside, Ashira heads to the breakfast table, and loads up her plate. She makes finds a spot close to Rigging. In between swallows of food, Ashira says "Rigging, I'm not sure what you had in mind, but I'd like to have a talk with my people this morning. I'm still unsettled about last night, and I'd like to ask Shursora a few things. Got anything you'd like me to ask him?"

Thursday September 27th, 2001 8:52:33 AM

Joining the others at the breakfast table, Redux joins in the conversation. "We should probably ask Tekol who killed him. Maybe we should ask him who he sold his slaves to." Reaching across the table for a slice of bacon, Redux looks up just in time to see Talon flying through an open window. The lack of sleep is evident when Talon swoops a little too low for his landing, and knocks Redux's plate onto his spotless black robes. Talon readjusts his course, and alights on the startled mages shoulder, digging in his claws ever so slightly. As Redux occupies himself with picking up his spilled food, Talon looks at his master distastefully, and then hops over to gently light on Blue's shoulder, where he falls fast asleep. Redux shrugs, gets a fresh plate, and resumes eating breakfast, his robes as spotless as ever.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 9:50:53 AM

Rigging finishes wolfing down his breakfast when the beautiful half-elf sits next to him and asks her question about the sea elves. "Hmmmm" Rigging says with a glint in his eye, "You could ask them how well a quarter sea elf will be able to breath under water. I wouldn't want to send our children into a dangerous situation without such vital information." Rigging pauses a moment and adds, "But with such a beautiful and talented mother, I am sure they would be well protected and fine." A more serious expression crosses his face and he hands Ashira the passage they found last night and the coin Apollo handed this morning. "This might be total coincidence, but don't this sort of look like they connect? You might want to ask them about this legend. Elves have longer memories than humans." He then asks for any suggestions from Ashira on the questioning of the dead sailor. "I think we are going to discover that he was just hired help but you never know."

Thursday September 27th, 2001 6:03:34 PM

What about the fountain? I think we have to investigate that thing, maybe it leads to a hidden place.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 6:08:49 PM

Appolo watches as Valanthe and Asira walk outside
together and return a few minutes later,he can tell by looking at Valanthe that something is bothering her.He also watches Talon's return and can't help but laugh.Looking at Rigging"I need a bath a change of clothes,and some new armour.Mine is pretty trashed.I am heading back to the Aviary to get some clothes and myext suit of armour.Would anyone like to join me?"Whi that he stands up thanks Gatsu for his hospitality and prepares to leave."I'll be back in an huor or two."

DM Lee-Anne 
Thursday September 27th, 2001 6:41:46 PM

After eating, Blue asks Redux to take Talon so that he can tend to the prisoner in the larder. The sullen sailor is conscious, but weak. Blue then checks on Lem and, finding him feverish, helps him to his feet. "Hold up, Applo! We'll go with you. Lem will be spending the day in bed if he knows what's good for him."

Gastu waits impatiently for the party to agree on a pair of questions for the carpet seller's corpse.

Thursday September 27th, 2001 11:39:07 PM

Val stands up and moves toward the door. "I shall come along as well. New clothes will be nice, along with getting my enemies blood off of me."

Friday September 28th, 2001 10:58:43 AM

I will go too, I tried to repair my chain, most of it it's done, but an Armorer can do it better. My skill with it need some polishing. And new clothes are also welcome. But do we have enoug money to buy new clothes?

Friday September 28th, 2001 4:59:36 PM

Rigging is disturbed that no one is giving any discussions on what to ask the dead prisoner. He says to Gastu, "Why did he and his group attack us? Which God did he worship?

Sunday September 30th, 2001 1:22:25 PM

Looking at Riggings Ari blinks. "Tekol didn't attack us." Looking at Gastu, " Could our questions be "tell us in detail all of your contacts for the slavery ring and how and when they last got in contact with. If you are knowingly not involved in slavery, do not answer". Would that be an okay phrasing? Would that also waste a question if he did not answer?"

Monday October 1st, 2001 8:34:56 AM

Rigging looks at Ari and thinks to himself, "I doubt we will get detailed information from this guy." He looks at Gastu waiting for an answer to Ari's question.

Monday October 1st, 2001 1:32:42 PM

Smiling at Rigging's advances, Ashira says "Yes, no doubt perhaps one day I will be a good mother. But who should I choose for a father?..." She lets the question linger, then moves onto more serious matters. Holding up the coin from the mysterious woman, Ashira asks Gastu "Magistrate, have you ever seen a coin like this before? Can you tell us where it might have come from?" If Gastu is unable to advise as to the origins of the coin, then Ashira suggests that they should ask Tekol where the coin came from. Giving Rigging a quick peck on the cheek, Ashira shrugs and says "That's the best question I could come up with. Now, I think I'll head over to the docks to speak with Shursora. I want to be able to catch him before the Magistrate opens the docks again."

Monday October 1st, 2001 2:08:23 PM

Appolo looks around and walks over to Bart.He quitelyy says"Why don't you help Blue with Lem,
I would like some time alone with Valanthe.Ya know."He says this just loud enough for Bart to hear him.Then turns and heads for the door"Come on,let's go."He brushes by Valanthe as he does so.Hoping she will quickly follow.

Redux  d20+2=9
Monday October 1st, 2001 2:12:24 PM

Finishing up his breakfast, Redux looks at the coin with interest when Ashira questions Gastu about it. Scratching his head, he tries to think if he has ever seen anything like it before. Wait...didn't Wynfrea try to offer the group a similar coin when the party first arrived in town?! The young mage looks up at Rigging, points at the coin, and says "Didn't Wynfrea offer us a coin like this when we first got into town?"

OOC (D20+2=9 for intellegence check to remember coin).

Possibly one of the questions should relate to the passageway at the fountain, method of entry and traps or guards along the way, even where the passage leads. Even small players know something. If he's so small that he doesn't know anything, then he should be able to tell who his contact is or meeting place.

Redux accepts Talon, reminding him of their bond and apoligize for the oversight. He sees to any needs for easy meat from the table and finds a dark corner in the rafters for the bird before heading into the chamber with the dead Tekol.

Some Answers (DM Lee-Anne) 
Monday October 1st, 2001 2:25:22 PM

Gastu smiles and shakes his head sadly. "No, I don't recognize the coin. The spell requires a question, young Ari, and less complex, for the dead are simple and direct. These all sound like good questions for your living prisoner. Leave the questioning of the carpet seller to me, then," he says, shutting himself and Redux away with Tekol's corpse.

While Appolo and Valanthe slip out alone, Bart and Blue tuck the feverish Lem into bed at the Aviary and get themselves cleaned up. They arrive back at the temple of Lemtrovex just as Gastu emerges from his ritual, wearing a puzzled frown. "Tekol was killed by a heavily cloaked person with a clawed hand, because he refused to procure any more children for him. He had sold only one child to this dark-cloaked person, almost two months ago."

The giant priest sighs. "None of the ships in the harbour have been here that long, so I have to assume that they are not linked to the murder. If you'll all excuse me, I have to open the port and confer with the other Council members."

Gastu leaves, and Rigging retreaves the injured prisoner from the larder.

At the harbour, Ashira finds Shusora and a number of other harried-looking elves waiting for word that the port is open.

Monday October 1st, 2001 10:48:46 PM

Vala takes Appolo's hand and follows him. "Let's go somewhere where we won't be disturbed."

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 11:01:01 AM

Hearing Gastu's words, Ari nods, and indicates his thanks as Gastu leaves. Looking at Riggings Ari asks, " What next?"

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 1:07:02 PM

A bit surprised when Valanthe takes his hand,but he quickly closes his around hers."Ok,if we hurry we can make it to the Aviary before the
others I still need a change o clothes and a bath."Whith that he launches himself forward rapidly pulling her with him,gaining speed as he heads out the door.I n the direction of the Aviary.

OOC:I thought we stayed the night at the Temple
and were still there for Breakfast.

OOC (DM Lee) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 3:50:57 PM

Most of the characters, and their prisoner, are at the temple.

Lem is all alone at the Aviary.

Ashira is at the docks.

Appolo and Valanthe are "someplace private".

Rigging (DM Lee) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 3:58:11 PM

"What's next?" Rigging gestures at the bound and wounded pirate. "We question the prisoner, and then go to the fountain."

Turning to the prisoner, he says. "As you've seen, we're well aquainted with the Magistrate. If you help us, we may be able to help you. Now, why did you and your group attack us?"

Stubborn Silence (DM Lee) 
Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 4:03:25 PM

Appolo and Valanthe reach the Aviary, where they get cleaned up. They find only Lem there, in bed and well supplied with juice and warm soup.

At the temple, the prisoner sweats and looks sullen. "I's not talking. This' all wrong."

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 5:24:19 PM

Rigging smiles at the prisoner, and murmers something quickly forgotten under his breath. (occ Rigging cast a charm spell on the prisoner. Sorry posting this from a public library so I don't know the saves for it.)
"Come now friend. Don't be that way. Why don't you tell us your name. Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat and drink?" Rigging looks at Redux and askes him to retrieve some food. "We just want to get to the bottom of why you and your friends attacked our group. I am sure it wasn't your idea. If you give us the information we need, we will talk to the magistrate in your behalf. You could be free this very afternoon. So tell me who was behind the attack." Rigging talks in soothing tones and smiles a great deal.

Tuesday October 2nd, 2001 10:20:53 PM

In Apollos room, Val takes off all her clothes to try and clean them up. She doesn't have the modesty that humans do. She also hopes that Apollo will react favorably.

Rigging  d20+3=8
Wednesday October 3rd, 2001 2:21:52 PM

Rigging watches the prisoner closely looking for signs of his charm spell working. He watches to see if he is sweating or appers nervous. (spot check was bad)

Someone's Having a Bad Day (DM Lee)  d100=08 d20-1=15 d20+1=11
Wednesday October 3rd, 2001 4:07:41 PM

As Rigging begins casting his spell, the man's eyes widen, and he whispers, "No, please, not ag --"

Then he give the mage a wavery smile and his eyes fill with tears. "Rarex, 'm Rarex. Please, I'm sorry. I din't mean ta 'tack yas. I mean, I did, then, cause She said, but now I don't, an I jus wanta git back to my ship."

(Characters may roll Sense Motive or an unskilled Wisdom check to judge the man's sincerity.)

Blue (by Lee) 
Wednesday October 3rd, 2001 4:19:31 PM

The young cleric smiles gently and puts one hand on the man's bound arm. "Who is She, Rarex? Who did this to you? Where can we find her?"

Thursday October 4th, 2001 2:57:59 PM

When they reach his room Appolo close the door then turns around and watches as Valanthe strips in front of him,before he can say any thing.
He is agian cuaght off gaurd and completely shocked.This is hte first time this has ever happened to him.He doesn't know what to do.He
also finds her incredibly beautiful and is even more attracted to her.Her casual immodesty amazes him as well.After about a minute he
recovers enough to speak.Stuttering he says
" ah need to ahum Hurry"Whith that he steps toward the chest and pulls out his extra armour and clothes.He then q turns his back and quickly strips,wshes up,and puts on the new clothes armour and cloak.He then combs his hair and cleans his teeth."I think I need a barber."
"Do you need some clothes,should ahum I go get you some?ah Here's my cloak."He is still slightly stunned by her nakedness.As he offers her his cloak.He is clearly blushing."We need to rejion the others as soon as possible." trying not to stare at her.

Rigging  d20=20
Thursday October 4th, 2001 4:59:58 PM

Rigging senses the man is telling the truth and was a puppet of the slaver. He feels something was done to dominate the man. He wonders briefly if the strange science of pcionics was involved. He has done some reading on the subject but has never encountered the ability before. "What was your ship?" Rigging stops his questioning and yells for Gastu. When the big man arrives, he will explain what he thinks and tell him the questioning of the dead sailor will mostly likely be fruitless.
Rigging straightens up and asks Gastu, "Could you keep Rarex here for a few hours. I am sure he is exhausted by his ordeal." To Rarex, Rigging says, "Talk to Gastu and my friend Redux. Tell them everything you can remember about the assasin. We are going to bring her to justice and avenge your slain friends." To Redux, "Stay here, I am going to go round up the others. I will bring them back here and we can go check out the fountain."

Thursday October 4th, 2001 7:59:31 PM

Vala took Appolo's spare shirt. She kisses him and puts it on. The shirt looks huge on the elf maiden. She has to put on her own pants since there's no way Appolos would fit. As she's putting on her armor again she says, "Okay, maybe we will have some time to fool around later." After her armor is on she fastens the cloak around her shoulders.

Thursday October 4th, 2001 9:24:13 PM

Listening to the proceedings, Ari speculates to himself about this 'seducer' person that the've come across. He wonders if somehow this seducer might have done something strange with a Gaal priest.

Thursday October 4th, 2001 10:08:29 PM

When Valanthe puts on his shirt and cloak he can't help but laugh a little."You know we do have a little time,I could fetch you some properly fitting attire."He says with a broad smile on his face."As far as fooling around goes
we have a little extra time."Stepping forward and flipping the over long cloak over her head.
Putting his arms around her.

Time to Go (DM Lee-Anne) 
Friday October 5th, 2001 1:56:08 AM

The giant priest agrees to take care of Rarex for the time being. While the prisoner talks, Gastu quietly administers healing spells to those characters who are still injured, putting everybody at full health.

"Served on the Sea Moth. She's a deep water trawler." Rarex seems to recover his equilibrium and to calm somewhat. "I don't know bout no 'sassin. I knows about Her, though. B'loved of Agla. She's a cold one, but perty enough to steal a man's heart. She'd be at the temple now, fer the sacrifice. All them children." The sailor shakes his head sadly. "It's to the Well with them, or ta Agla."

Redux leans forward attentively. "Where is the temple?" he asks.

The sailor shrugs in response. "Unnerground. Doan know the way, exactly. Always took me in the dark. Yas hasta say words at the door: Praise Agla the Seducer, Lord a'the Sea."

Pip listens to this story with fearful eyes, gnawing at his lower lip. He puts on a brave smile when anyone looks his way.

* * *

On his way to the Aviary, Rigging meets Ashira returning from the port. They collect Appolo and a strangely garbed Valanthe, and rejoin the rest of the party at Lem's temple.

Friday October 5th, 2001 12:37:56 PM

Off course an underground temple, Is it an big temple? Are there a lot of priest and templeguards? In which part of waha do you think the temple is located?

(whispering to rigging, the fountain must lead to it, but there must also be an dry entrance, we need Valanthe to investigate, I will help her if i can have some underwaterbreathing spell on me.)

Sunday October 7th, 2001 10:29:39 PM

Rigging collects his companions and he herds them out to the temple. He will explain what they are doing to everyone else who didn't hear what the sailor said. "Keep a sharp look out. We have been ambushed once and we can't afford to be again. Sounds like these kids are going to be slaughtered in the name of some dark deity. Let's go put a dagger in "The Beloved of Agla's" heart."

Monday October 8th, 2001 11:02:24 AM

Rejoining the party, Ashira approaches Rigging. "Well, the elves weren't able to elaborate on the tale much further, so I guess we're on our own. So, what have you been able to gather so far?" Ashira listens carefully as Rigging recounts the information gathered from the prisoner. She tries to remember whether she might have heard of an evil god called Agla before in some of the stories her father told her growing up. Lowering her voice to a whisper, she smiles at Rigging as she says "It seems logical to me that some of the fighting might occur underwater. I won't have any problem breathing down there, but the rest of you might. We only have a few potions, maybe we should purchase some more before we enter the temple."

Monday October 8th, 2001 11:25:29 AM

Smoothing ot his robes before rising, Redux smiles at Rigging's zeal. Turning to Blue he whispers "So, is he always so gung ho?" Heading to the fountain with the others, Redux muses out loud. "Well, it sounds like the sacrifices are performed at night time, so maybe we'll have a bit of the element of surprise by going during the day. Although, we will be fighting on their turf, which is never much fun. We know they have at least one spellcaster...I wonder what other type of re-enforcements they have." Although looking a bit nervous, Redux is privately excited at the prospect of finishing the assignment and getting back in contact with his mistress.

Blue (Ken) 
Monday October 8th, 2001 11:42:19 AM

Smiling at Redux, Blue lets out a chuckle at the question. Then the young lad adopts a more serious manner as he says "No, he's not. He does have a soft spot for children in his heart, and I think he's just as anxious to get to the bottom of this as the rest of us." As Rigging begins to lead out of the temple, the stocky lad shouts out "Hey, Rigging, hold up a minute." Jogging back into the temple, Blue takes a few minutes to check on Lem before they leave. Satisfied, the lad hurries back to the group, huffing and out of breath. "Alright (huff, huff) let's go."

Monday October 8th, 2001 11:51:47 AM

Rigging takes the few minutes of Blue's check up to ask Redux. "Do you have any water breathing potions in that bag of tricks of yours. Ashira is right. We might need more than we have."

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