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Friends and Enemies Abound

DM (Anthony)  d20+15=30
Thursday May 3rd, 2001 9:12:30 AM

All seems hopeless as incantations of magic are heard from within the mist and then as the mist disappeared. The four men are standing ready as it clears under a dispel magic. The mage "Spire" is recognizable as being the only one not holding a sword at this moment. Miranna finds Syr right as the mist clears. Snake sneers as his eyebrows bull down over his eyes. Glaring at Syr "I sssssssaid MASK boy, that cheep knock off necklacsssssss is not what I want." He turns his attention away from Syr and spots Toad waving the mask. He crouches defensively and screams to the other two men. "There russssssssh him!!" The men Pike and Gar rush toward the illusion only to stop as they crash trough it and it dissipates. Snake stands up and Roars. "Fooled again by mere babiesssssss, they will all die sssssssslowly on the point of my ssssssword." He turns and spots Polaris, approaching her with death in his eyes. Then he stops as a crystal clear voice cuts the air....

Ryson (NPC)  d20+15=24 d20+15=35 d20+15=25 d20+15=29 d20+15=27
Thursday May 3rd, 2001 9:31:56 AM

A man steps out of a small alley, he is dressed all in black, wears the sign on ward on his wrist in silver and the sign of Ffloy on a necklace of gold about his neck. He seems un-extrordaniary except for one small fact; he seems to be covered in throwing knives. They run in bandoleers across his chest, down his arms and legs. It's difficult to see but you are sure you see even more in the folds of his clothing. When he speaks his crystal clear voice cuts through the air with the power of authority. "Snake! You will leave these children be, you will dispel the cloud choking the poor people, and you will leave, NOW!" Bart is seen behind the man, having found someone to help VERY quickly. Snake seers again. "Ryson...good to see you, I think there must be a mistake here, a misunderstanding..." He smiles. Tiree and Polaris can see that he has been signaling to his men behind his back as he spoke. All the men have drawn secret daggers of their own, the two girls can see that they drip with poison. Before the girls can scream a warning, Snakes smile changes and he screams "NOW!" It's difficult to know what happened, it happens so fast, but suddenly the four men are lying on the ground clutching hands impaled by throwing knives. The mages hand seems almost split in two. The man Ryson seems not to have moved but there are four knives missing from the front bandoleer. Ryson speaks again. "Snake you WILL leave these children be! Now children I suggest you come with me quickly. You can bring your old friend too if you wish." With that the strange man turns and walks quickly back down the alley.

Thursday May 3rd, 2001 9:33:45 AM

Polaris turns and looks at Tiree, shrugs and with out a word runs off after Ryson. As she psses Bart she smiles and says "Come on slow poke!!"

Anarion (Thomas) 
Thursday May 3rd, 2001 10:26:12 AM

Follows Ryson, quickly.

Looking at his Brother "Come on Plink!!"

Toad (DEH) 
Thursday May 3rd, 2001 12:12:49 PM

When Snake stops and faces the knife man the old man decides to act. He skirts the perimeter of the market so that he is no longer in the alley where his friend escaped - no need to give the goons any leads to his friend whom he had helped escape.

Seeing the dark man's signs and disposition towards Snake, and that his friend is safe, he makes sure all the children make it into the alley and follows them. Hoping that by doing so he can gather more information about what is going on.

Thursday May 3rd, 2001 2:16:31 PM

Tiree returns Polaris' shrug and quickly follows behind. She puts her dagger up as she moves with her family. She also looks around to see if any family members are missing or hurt.

Thursday May 3rd, 2001 2:16:41 PM

With a look of a job well done, Bart scampers off behind Polaris.

Plink (Jared) 
Thursday May 3rd, 2001 6:06:55 PM

Utterly lost in the maze of things going on, Plink's eyes roll around as he sees many things happening at once. First, there's a cloud of mist in the air, then it's gone. Now, a man covered in enough weaponry that he'd give a Red Wyrm a tooth ache beckons him to follow, and he begins to wonder what to do. But, always being up for most things other than WAITING, Plink jumps up at his brother's beckon, and runs forth.

"Hey, I guess some introductions are in place. I'm Plink, brother to Anarion. I'm not entirely sure I know everyone here."

Plink then follows whereever he is led, trying to guage how many people are running around around him.

Thursday May 3rd, 2001 8:53:21 PM

Miranna gives Syr a quick smile, glad to see the only other elf in the orphanage safe. She runs lightly after the knife-covered man, her golden hair billowing out behind her. She knows she has been told not to follow a stranger, but - given the circumstances, staying here in this street is sure death.

Syr (Scott)  d20+5=14
Friday May 4th, 2001 2:59:13 AM

Slightly out of wind, Syr straightens up as Ryson dominates the scene. Observing the interaction carefully, he decides that the knife wielding man is someone to trust.

As he follows Ryson into the alley, he gives a reassuring wink to Miranna and lingers at the entrance hoping to talk to Toad. (Assuming success) After a moment, he sees the friendly merchant trailing the group and slides into place beside him. "What do you know of this Snake character?"

DM (Anthony) 
Friday May 4th, 2001 9:49:58 AM

The group of small people follows the man in black through the twisting and turning streets until he finally ducks through a small door in the back of a old building, as the small group of children and the old man duck into the door they find the room beyond dark and menacing, with the smell of mildew and mold. Once everyone is inside the small storage room the door closes and the room goes completely dark. Even those with magic eyesight can not see. Just before the panic sets in Ryson's voice is heard cutting through the panic. "When to door opens enter, listen, do not mention me, it could mean your life, lives you now owe me." Then after a moment a new door slides open and all can see again. As you all step through into the light you see a simple room lined with lanterns. The walls are wood and bare. A simple table sits in the center of the room. At the table sits an old, aged woman. It seems that time has beaten her down and built her back up a thousand times. Her eyes are white and sightless. She has no teeth as she smiles. Her skin hangs on her body as if any sudden movement would dislodge it and she would fall into a pile of tissue paper skin. The only remarkable thing about the room is an intricate circle of symbols and lines surrounding both woman and table. A door in the wall behind the aged woman opens and a young and very beautiful woman wearing next to nothing steps through. She smiles as she looks over each of you, her eyes glittering with joy, until she sees Miranna. She stops. She stares with what might be shock, fear, or maybe recognition? Finally she rips her eyes away from the elf and scans the rest of the group.

Belladonna (NPC) 
Friday May 4th, 2001 9:59:14 AM

The beautiful young woman smiles again and speaks. "Welcome children, I am glad that you accepted our invitation and that the map was adequate to find us, if I might now have it back, I will explain our offer." She waits as all the children stare at her dumbly. "The map please." She says as she points at Bart. Looking down the young dwarf sees a piece of paper sticking out of his pocket. Lifting it out all can see it is a map leading here from the orphanage, on the other side all can see, written in a red ink, this:

"The Coven of the Blight has need of you, should you wish to perform a small task for us we will pay enough to extricate poor Flaust from the will of the family. Come soon and we will discuss the details.

The Cabal Bleeds
The Pantheon Lives."

Friday May 4th, 2001 12:16:17 PM

Standing near the back Tiree has a good view of the room and most everyone in it. At the mention of a map, she looks at the woman like she is a bit crazy, but she keeps her mouth shut. It's not her place to tell her she's got the wrong kids. Then she sees Bart pull a map out of his pockets. Straining, she can just read what is written on the map. She looks around at the others in her family to see how they are reacting. Maybe one of them knew about the map. She didn't like feeling left out.

Anarion (Thomas) 
Friday May 4th, 2001 12:36:12 PM

Smiling broadly and trying to make the best of a confusing situation.

"Thank you for inviting us madame. Speaking on behalf of everyone I would like to thank you for your hospitality. Your knowledge and wisdom of the Flaust situation is very touching and much appreciated. We would indeed offer to extend our services, if the small task is managenable by our small and meager hands."

"I'm not sure if you know everyone, but this is Bart, Syr, Miranna, Plink, Tiree, Polaris and I am Anarion. Now may I ask if you can tell us more about the task and of yourself?"

Anarion smiles broadly with a boyish charm, and looks down to the ground to signify Belladonna as someone with a higher social status.

Friday May 4th, 2001 1:06:57 PM

After Belladonna's strange reaction to Miranna, he examines the other elf closely. Perplexed, he shakes his head and focuses back on their hostess. As Anarion steps forward to speak, Syr edges closer to the exit.

Toad  d20=18
Friday May 4th, 2001 1:18:16 PM

The old man stands and says nothing, respectfully looking on with dispassionate interest. "So this is what these children are up to..." he muses to himself. He files back in his mind to try and remember anything he can about the Coven of the blight.

Friday May 4th, 2001 2:22:01 PM

Bart looks at the map with a hint of perplexity on his face then as quickly as he can tries to hide the look. He looks up, at Belladona, smiles and hands her the map with a slight bow.

Friday May 4th, 2001 8:28:39 PM

At the young woman's strange reaction to her, Miranna scans the other's face intently, searching her memory for any brief meeting they may have had before. No, she is sure she has never seen the woman. A thought strikes her, and her face becomes convoluted with a tangle of emotions. She barely sees the map, barely hears the others' words.

Finally, Miranna blurts out, "Do you know my mother?"

Plink (Jared) 
Saturday May 5th, 2001 9:18:34 AM

Standing stilly and keeping a straight face, Plink attempts to remain quiet during the introductions. He bows as his name is listed in the order of introductions, and is perplexed by what lies ahead. Being merely a child in this large order of events, he feels almost frightened, but at least baffled. He chooses to stand quietly and await the assigning of the group's mission.

(DM) Anthony 
Sunday May 6th, 2001 2:45:16 PM

As Tiree looks around she notices that none of the other kids seemed to notice that there was a map either. It seems a strange situation; she also wonders where Ryson went. Anarion smiling at the women gains their attention as they listen to the introductions and his thanks. When he asks his question the young woman looks to the old one, and then back at Anarion, "What is there to know of us. We are the coven of the Blight?" they seem to care little for social status, or even such things as comfort or clothing. Syr's slow and easy movement seems to go unnoticed by the young woman, however the old woman seems to be tracking him with her blind eyes. She smiles a toothless smile at him as he nears where the exit was. The opening, now closed looks like the rest of the walls, plain and blank. Toad, the only other older person in the room, seems to be lost in thought as facts and information rush about in his head trying to bring sense to the senseless. Belladonna thanks Bart for the map when it is finally returned to her and bows back as she smiles. Her smile is dazzling, enough to stop work in a crowded market. Plink aware that things are not always what they seem feels something akin to menace in the air, and then as quickly as he felt it, it is gone. Until Miranna blurts out her question. In that moment Plinks feeling of dread rockets back a thousand times stronger. Both women seem to loose their composure for a moment as they look at one another, then quickly the smiles are back and Belladonna asks, "Why who is your mother dear?"

Sunday May 6th, 2001 9:55:37 PM

A warning bell sounds in Miranna's head at both women's brief reaction to her impetuous question. She recalls that Flaust has repeatedly admonished her never to discuss her mother with anybody, but she badly wants to know more of her mother. She must know more, whether these women are friends or foes.

"I only know that her name is Katrina, and that I have inherited her looks. You seemed to recognize me a while back, you must know her. Please, tell me what you know of my mother."

Miranna's voice quavers with emotion and anticipation. There is an excited chittering from her shoulder pouch as the weasel senses her mistress's unusual feelings.

Belladonna (NPC) 
Monday May 7th, 2001 9:14:50 AM

At the mention of the name Katrina the very air in the room shifts to ice cold it seems. The old woman twitches and the young woman frowns. They seem to glare with unbridled hate at Miranna. Then again, like a summer breeze, it is gone; both women are smiling again. "No dear I don't know that name at all. I'm sorry. Perhaps some of my Coven Sisters do. We will ask latter." However neither of the women will look directly at Miranna any more.

Anarion (Thomas) 
Monday May 7th, 2001 10:26:24 AM

Anarion looks sternly at Miranna, for causing unneeded tension in the room and for putting her own interests ahead of the Flaust orphanage.
Trying to get the conversation back to the matter at hand he looks into the eyes of the young woman and says.

"You have brought us here to ask of us. I beleive we are all curious about the task you wish performed. What exactly do you wish of us and do tell what are your names?"

Anarion smiles again, trying to create an air joviality in the room.

Toad  d20=5
Monday May 7th, 2001 12:02:36 PM

Seeing the witches react to the girl the old man places a kind hand on her shoulder and whispers "Later dear, now is not the time to ask such things of our kind hosts.".

His mind once again races, wondering why the Blight would hate Katrina so much.

Syr (Scott, not an NPC) 
Monday May 7th, 2001 1:50:02 PM

Back in the rear of the group, he takes the time to reflect on the events at the market. He shakes his head sadly at the impatience of the younger races. Down by his waist, Syr silently crosses his fingers hoping that this meeting goes more smoothly and does not force him into further rash actions. Shaking his head, he vows to start carrying his axe. After this meeting with Snake, his next may not be so fortuitous.

Seeing the look the mage gives Marianna, he glares at his turned back recalling the mage's own decision instigated the market riot.

Syr watches the interaction between the elf and the two women with interest wondering what the sort of person her mother was to provoke such a reaction. He gives a sympathetic look to Marianna and then focuses his attention back on the women.

Tiree True  d20+4=16
Monday May 7th, 2001 5:57:18 PM

Tiree continues to stand there. But now she listens even closer. She doesn't like the way the two women reacted to Miranna's innocent question. She begins to give her undivided attention to the women as they speak (sense motive 16).

Plink (Jared) 
Monday May 7th, 2001 6:20:50 PM

Standing and listening, but not feeling normal at all, Plink breaks out in a cold sweat. His hands begin shaking, as do his knees. He attempts to conceal these things from the others around him, but doesn't really understand WHY it's happening. He's determined to stay quiet, feeling his fears are childish.

Monday May 7th, 2001 7:02:41 PM

Bart plops down on the ground, looking at Belladona as a love struck puppy, his cheeks blushing with embarassment as Bell gives him a smile back. Not hearing anything of the conversation, not feeling the icyness of the room and definately not taking his eyes off this ray of sunshine.

Monday May 7th, 2001 8:12:49 PM

Miranna opens her mouth, but bites her lips and swallows her words. She knows the women will not tell her anything more. Just like Flaust. Although Flaust does not seem to hate her mother, unlike these women...

She starts when Toad's hand touches her shoulder. Hearing his kindly voice, she turns and gives him a mirthless smile, briefly. Her emerald eyes are brimming with tears but she fights to hold them back.

The room seems to contract as she focuses her attention back on the two women. She stares at them intently, filing their faces, voices and mannerisms in her memory. Miranna does not notice the reaction of anyone else in the room. She has quite forgotten why they are there.

DM (Anthony)  d20+12=20
Tuesday May 8th, 2001 9:21:07 AM

Toad tries to comfort Miranna but his face seems to be far away, lost in thought, then there is a moment of…surprise? Perhaps shock? Maybe just the look of someone who figured out a puzzle, and then it is gone. Syr watches all of this and moves closer to Miranna protectively. She seems so upset, there is so little that anyone knows about her. She keeps to herself so much, however she is a sister and family. Part of the only family any of you have. Tiree studies the women closely but cant make out any motive other than the one they are portraying (d20+12=20 try again next round) However something doesn't sit right. They are being honest about everything here except, something new… Plink feels it too. Something went wrong here, they were ok at first and then something went very, very wrong. Bart however sees nothing but the beautiful eyes and sensuous form of Belladonna.

Belladonna (NPC) 
Tuesday May 8th, 2001 9:21:40 AM

When Anarion speaks the witches are only too happy to focus their attention back onto Anarion and away from the girl. "Yes dear sir, you are correct, we should press on to matters that have brought us all together. Strange are the twistings of fate. I am Belladonna, and this is Rigerias, mother of the coven." The old woman nods and Belladonna continues. "We wish to acquire a box, from a merchant that agreed to sell it to us and now has gone back on his agreement. We paid him 200 gold to bring it to us and now he is refusing to sell it to us. We feel this is unfair and want you and your group to, find it and deliver it to us. We will pay you 800 gold to do this. A merchant named Dallhaeart brought it to town. A jeweler in the market."

Jezebella (Chale)  d20+7=27 d20+4=19
Tuesday May 8th, 2001 9:48:43 AM

Jezebella had been in the marketplace to witness the chaos.. unknowing that her fellow orphans had been at the root of it. She noticed them as the man in black... Ryson... called them to follow him, after displaying some simply wonderful throwing skills.

She followed them... silent (27 move silently) and curoius... to the secret room. .. she listened outside. (19 listen) ... confused and amazed at what she hears...

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 10:07:57 AM

Anarion studies the faces of the two women as they talk and listens intently to what they have to say.

When they are done he turns to look at his friends and says quietly "800 gold would go a long way!"

Anarion turns back to the women "Whats in the box?"

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 12:09:02 PM

The old man stands there and says nothing. He lets the children decide what they are going to do. Thinking to himself about the righteousness many a group has had as they have conspired to bring harm/loss to somebody else - all in the name of fairness...

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 3:58:09 PM

As if someone smacked him on the back of his head, Bart suddenly shacks his head and rubs the back of it as well. he stands up, gives Bell another quick smile, and then asks the women there a question:

What's the catch? I mean, 800gp is ALOT of money for something you have already paid for. What is so important about this item and like my friend asked, what's in the box? And if we decide to take this job on your behalf, we would require 50% now and the rest upon completion of the job, but we will discuss that After we have had a chance to discuss it amongst ourselves.

With that said, he tiurns to the group and motions them over near Toad to huddle up.

Tiree  d20+4=21
Tuesday May 8th, 2001 7:08:53 PM

Tiree still feels something is not quite right, but she can't seem to put her finger on it. She stands there quite content not to say a word until necessary. She tries harder this time to figure out what these two women want with them. It has to be about that box, or something with it... (sense motive 21)

Plink (Jared)  d20+1=20
Tuesday May 8th, 2001 9:23:03 PM

The feelings in his gut that something is awry are getting stronger and stronger. The cold sweat on his brow thickens, and his knees are shaking even worse than before. All he can manage is the quesion, "Any chairs?" while staring down those before him, attempting to learn what their intentions are.
(Sense Motive 20)

Tuesday May 8th, 2001 9:50:30 PM

Miranna continues to stare at the women, without quite knowing why. The words of everyone enter her ears but fail to register in her mind. One thought slowly crystallizes. Her mother is good, therefore these women who hate her so much must be evil. What do these evil women want with them?

With an imperceptible shiver, Miranna snaps out of her emotional quagmire. She looks around her. Bart is motioning them to gather around Toad. She obediently moves nearer, wondering what Bart has to say.

Syr (Scott) 
Wednesday May 9th, 2001 4:07:33 AM

Syr approaches the rest of the group and stays near enough to the group to overhear the conversation.As he cocks his head to one side, his eyes never leave the two women.

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 9:27:38 AM

Belladonna looks to Anarion when he asks his question. "It is a relic from times past. Worth a lot to some in our coven because of its historical value. It is a trinket from our beginnings." She then turns her bright eyes on Bart. "We paid the merchant an advance of 200 gold to bring it to us. He brought it, let us see it and then said he could get more than the 600 gold we were offering him elsewhere. When we reminded him that he had already made a deal with us he laughed and walked away. As far as an advance to you fine people, well as you can guess we are weary of giving anyone an advance now." She leans down and gets very close to Bart; the smell of her is like swimming in your favorite thing. "But for you handsome men I'm sure we could manage an advance of 100 gold?"

DM (Anthony)  d20+12=32
Wednesday May 9th, 2001 9:28:31 AM

Tiree can sense nothing but the most passionate and sad truth flowing from the lips of the woman (d20+12=32) In fact everyone in the room is moved to sadness at the poor plight of these women and how they have been cheated. Well almost everyone. They still refuse to look at Miranna, and the old man Toad still looks very distrustful. Plink finds no chairs but can sit on the floor. Syr watches the beautiful young woman. She smiles at him and then suddenly walks around behind the group, slides her hand over the blank wall and out from the secret room tumbles Jezebella, yet another sister from the orphanage. It looks like the group was followed. Belladonna smiles and picks up the now rumpled Jezebella. "Welcome dear," she smiles, "We were wondering where you were.

Jezebella  d20+5=19 d20+2=13 d20+2=11 d20+3=11
Wednesday May 9th, 2001 10:14:09 AM

Jez rolls gracefully with the momentum of the fall, coming to an easy crouch. (19 tumbling, *grin*) She looked about the room at her 'friends' from the orphanage.

"I thank you for your welcome.." She says cautoiusly, with her light gypsy accent... feeling uneasy from the strangeness of the situation, and the apparent ease with which she was found out. She hesitated before asking her next question, straightening her plain tunic and leggings, and covertly checking to see if her hidden daggers are in place after her tumble.

"You were expecting me.... may I ask how, madame? And how you seem to know of me and my friends?"

Jezebella casually surveyed the room, her sharp eyes taking in as much detailas possible, including value, of both objects and people. (13 spot, 11 sence motive, 11 appraise)

(Jezebella's Appearance: slender human, long black hair, deep brown eyes, Mediteranian skin)

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 10:45:36 AM

The old man continues to hold his tongue and watch what goes on. He keeps his visage blank - showing no emotion good or bad. He begins to wonder how the witches will deal with these novices.

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 12:31:54 PM

Anarion thinks to himself, that these women are definitely to be mistrusted. But alas the orphanage and Mother are badly in need of 500 gold coins. The chances of getting that anywhere else in less than 2 days are very slim. He looks at his friends and thinks that if everyone works together, he's sure we can do almost anything.

Gathering his courage and determined not to be suckered Anarion says "Just a trinket eh? I feel that there is something you aren't telling us! And that will cost you extra, an additional 200 gold for an even 1000 gold! For that you will get our years of expert city knowledge, our theiving skills, 7 very able bodied adventurers, our street smarts, 2 mages and all of our friends help. 1000 gold and when its all said and done you will have the box in your hands to with as you wish!"

Anarion leaves the women to think about it as he approaches Bart and the others to listen.

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 1:18:39 PM

Grinning at her, he says, "Jez! Glad you could join us. I know, I know, we should have sent invitations to this party."

Speaking loudly enough for all in the room to hear, "I would prefer we did not accept the advance. I do not want the obligation that places upon us. If we look at the situation and decide it's too risky, I don't want to take any more foolish chances to fulfill our end of the bargain."

Lowering his voice and placing a hand over his mouth, "I feel I owe a small debt to the tattooed man in the marketplace. That is one debt that I won't run to repay, why create others?"

Tiree  d20+4=22
Wednesday May 9th, 2001 4:23:36 PM

Tiree, ever cautious, is in silent agreement with Syr. She nods her head slightly as he speaks. Yet she can't shake the feeling that they need the money for Flaust. All she can do is try to find out if these women are telling the truth. They seem to be, but she remembers her doubts from earlier. (Sense motive 22)

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 9:03:09 PM

Having decided that the women are evil, Miranna distrusts them completely. Their tale rings false, at least in part, but she cannot imagine what they would want so badly from a merchant.

When Jezebella tumbles in, Miranna looks surprised momentarily. Then she recognizes the newest addition to the family and smiles at her.

Her smile quickly changes to a frown as Anarion speaks. She for one does not want to help these women who will not look at her.

She nods her agreement with Syr. The older elf has more sense. Although sometimes, like in the market street... Miranna gives an involuntary start when she makes the connection. That Snake fellow wanted a mask from a merchant. These witches want a "trinket" from a merchant...

In a low voice, Miranna whispers to her adopted family who are gathered around Bart, "I think these women may want the same item that Snake does. If my deduction is correct, we may be in trouble - deep trouble."

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 10:11:03 PM

Having being hidden in the corner, Polaris emerges into the circle. Because she so small it is easy to forget about her. She hears Miranna's comment about the women. She takes a glace at the two women, but, like Bart, only sees beauty in the young woman's eys. She decides that she must not trust her instincts though, and to listen to the rest of the group.She looks to her sibling for their ideas on the situation.Her eyes are big with excitement and interest.

Wednesday May 9th, 2001 11:42:44 PM

Once everyone is huddled up Bart begins the conference, every once in a while looking back at the Women and smiling at Bell.

OK, here's how i see things.
1. as always we cant trust anyone but each other. we must trust our instincts.
2. that was a good idea rounding off the cost to an even 1k, if they agree that should keep the orphanage in what they need for the year and gives us time to find better means of supporting it.
3. why am I the one to always institute these huddles? what do you all think we should do and what are your opinions??

DM (Anthony) 
Thursday May 10th, 2001 8:59:15 AM

Belladonna smiles broadly as Jezebella tumbles into the room. When the young lady asks her question she smiles. "I didn't know you were there. She did." She says gesturing to the old woman. Jezebella sees nothing but the plain room, two women, one chair, one table, circle of runes, and her family. Oh and one older man named Toad. Anarion gathers his courage about him and blurts out his counter offer. Belladonna again smiles at the young man. "Well you drive a hard bargain, but all right 1000 gold once it is in our possession again." Tiree doesn't sense anything but truth coming from the women. Whatever felling of unease passed from the room moments ago, in fact you could almost say it happened…. (INT check DC 18)

The women stand and wait as the group huddles.

Thursday May 10th, 2001 10:10:51 AM

Anarion listens to Belladonna speak as she offers 1000 gold for the box. Than moves closer to the Huddle with the rest of the group.

Whispering "I don't think we have much choice. We need 500 gold in less than 5 days, almost 4 days now. They aren't to be trusted, thats for sure. But unless anyone knows where we can get 500 gold for mother Flaust, than I say we take the job!"

Anarion waits for any arguments against accepting the Blight's offer.

Than speaks to Belladonna "would you be able to offer us any magical aid? Such as potions or scrolls?"

Toad  d20=15
Thursday May 10th, 2001 11:14:37 AM

The old man smiles as the girl named Miranna is obviously using her mind. Perhaps not a perfect conclusion, but very good. Very good...

He decides not to interfere with the negotiation and allow the kids to close the deal themselves, wanting them to have accomplished this task themselves.

Tiree  d20+1=19
Thursday May 10th, 2001 12:14:25 PM

(OOC: I assume that INT check was for me. If so, I finally passed something for a change!)

Moving into the huddle Tiree finally speaks, but it is a short speech.

"I've gotta agree wit Miranna, here. Not quite sure why, but somethin's nigglin' the back of my head. Gimme a sec while I think about it."

With that, Tiree closes her eyes and thinks really hard.

Thursday May 10th, 2001 12:53:39 PM

Jez hovers near the outside of the 'huddle' ... keeping a wary eye on the women.. and this 'Toad'

Her eyebrows raise very slightly at the mention of the money for Mother Flaust... the first she has heard of it.

She murmers to the group, "They are not being very forthcoming about what they wish us to bring them.. what will be opposing us? What security do they have? Where is it stored... in the merchants abode, or at his selling point? What is IN that box? How well respected is this merchant, or does he back out of deals often? Where did the merchant get this item.. was it taken from ANOTHER party?"

She trails off... the whirl of confused questions spilling out of her..

"Please be cautious... they agreed to the thousand coin price much too easily. If you think you have gotten too good a deal, count your fingers, then your toes, then your friends."

Miranna  d20+3=15
Thursday May 10th, 2001 8:38:19 PM

Miranna doesn't trust the witches, but she cannot place her finger on the loophole in their story. (Failed INT check.)

Whispering in a low voice, "It is true we need the gold, but I vote we do not accept any advance, as Syr proposed. I do not wish to sell my life to my mother's enemies."

Thursday May 10th, 2001 9:52:54 PM

Polaris looks at the rest of the group.

"How badly do we need the money though? If this is the best offer we can get, we'd better try to take it."

Thursday May 10th, 2001 11:48:41 PM

I agree, lets accept their offer but not accept any up front money and go from there.

Syr (Scott)  d20+1=11
Friday May 11th, 2001 4:14:37 AM

Syr nods at Polaris, "Quick wits and skill will get us only so far. Do we have need to purchase special equipment to accomplish the errand?"

Stepping away from the huddle for a moment, "I assume you have some general information as to the location of this box. Or would you have us search the entire city?"

(Sense Motive Check, failed)

Plink (Jared)  d20+6=24
Friday May 11th, 2001 8:25:58 AM

With the discussions about, and everyone talking of everyone backstabbing everyone else, things are getting quite uncomfortable. The air in the room itself almost seems taut, as if one taunt in either direction would snap it, causing the room to be sucked into a vortex of anger. Seeing the party's dilemma should such a case arise, Plink pulls out his wooden flute, and begins playing, using his bard abilities to simply calm everyone around.
(Perform check=24 for bard's fascinate ability, with plans to calm everyone)

DM (Anthony) 
Friday May 11th, 2001 11:34:37 AM

Belladonna smiles patiently at Anarion, "We are basically asking you to steal something that we feel we rightly paid for, if we were to give you something of magic from us it would leave a trail back to us as the thieves, we would loose the item just as fast as we had gained it that way. We will give you a 150 gold advance and with that you could buy potions if you need them." As the group huddles up Tiree finally figures out when things went wrong. It was when Miranna asked about her mother. It ended when that topic finally was left to drop. To Syr's question she only answers "We only know his name, a decription of the man, and the fact that he is a Jeweler in the market. Plink sits and begins to play, then as the music grows stronger in him the two women seem to grow glass eyed. A breeze from no where blows through the room and Toad falls to one knee. The two women are starring into space. In the breeze of Syr's music you all hear a voice, Syr recognizes it from the market place. "I have distracted the two wretched witches for a moment, you have a moment to yourselves, talk, wait, run, as you wish. The time is yours."

Friday May 11th, 2001 11:50:38 AM

The old man breaks his silence and whispers to the children. "Take the deal. They are telling the truth and you stand to gain a lot in doing this thing for them. They are most likely not involved with Snake and his goons. Stay away from them if you can. The mask they seek is not the same item.".

Friday May 11th, 2001 12:37:11 PM

Miranna sighs softly as Plink's music calms her tensed emotions.

"Perhaps I have over-reacted to these women. We have no other prospect for gaining as much gold in as short a time, so it looks like the choice is made for us. Before we do the deed, it may be wise to retrieve our weapons from the orphanage. We can make further plans there, if needed."

Miranna is eager to leave the company of the two women who will not look at her.

Jezebella  d20+3=6
Friday May 11th, 2001 1:22:04 PM

The music calms Jezebella, but she doesn't forget the strangeness of the situation. She smiles gently at Plink. If the tune were faster, she would certainly dance to it... her body swaying lightly as is.

Then the bodiless voice sends a shiver down her spine, bringing her back to the present. She notes the strange glazed look on the womens faces, and Toad on one knee...

"I don't know exactly what is going on... but if money is needed, it is being offered here. I will help any way I can with whatever decision is made. .. I would like to know a few things once they .. wake up.. . I believe we need a time frame of when they desire this item. We should not rush this, and be foolish. We also need a description, perhaps a name if it is a historical item."

More quietly, not within hearing of the women, even if they were aware.. “Then, perhaps, we can do our own research on the item, so we know its true value to both this merchant and these women.”

She murmers "I wonder what those runes mean..." still bemused by Plink's music. (6 Decipher Script)

Friday May 11th, 2001 1:54:35 PM

Smiling Anarion says.

"Finally you all begin to make sense, let's accept this deal and take the 150 gp advance.
Because failure is not an option Syr! We could use the coins to help with the task at reclaiming the box. After all we can use all the help we can get, perhaps it will be enough to afford a potion or a scroll."

Looking at the group.

"Syr, Miranna and Polaris you are acting like a bunch of scared rabbits. Let us quit being so cautious, and do what must be done!"

Waving his hand in the air.

"Are we not adventurers? Are we not brave? Are we not out to save Mother Flaust from a life of servitude!?!
The one woman that has shown us compassion. She who has fed us when we were hungry, sheltered us when we were cold, and clothed us when we were naked?"

Anarion looks at each and everyone of the group members and speaks with hot passion in his voice.

"Let's us be brave for her. Let us accept this task and whatever that may happen to us. For if I die trying to save Mother Flaust, I will die valiantly and for a good cause! I will lay down my life for her always!" A tear falls from his left eye. "As it is she who saved me and my brother Plink, and so has she saved all of you!"

Anarion settles back and wipes away his tear.

Friday May 11th, 2001 3:13:40 PM

Anarion, nice theatrics. But it seems to me in ma found out what we were doing, she'd skin all of us alive then heal us up just to do it all over again. If we want to be cautious, then all the better. If someone wants to be scared, then let em, hell, i'm scared too. Who are you to chastise them?

Now, let us take the offer, let us get a time frame as when the item is needed by them, and let's NOT take upfront moneys, this way, we aint beholding to them if we fail. It's enough that ma owes the family 500gp, i dont want to up our anty by 150gp.

Friday May 11th, 2001 3:40:18 PM

Anarion begins weeping openly, as a child.
He turns his back so no one will see his face as he is embarrased about crying so openly in front of the others.

In a flem filled voice he says "these aren't theatrics Bart! I love mother Flaust so much, and only wish to see her safe."

Wiping away his tears again, he turns to look at the group.

"I think we should take the 150 gold, but I will bow to the groups decision on the matter."

Friday May 11th, 2001 3:44:59 PM

Tiree thinks about it a bit.

"I've gotta say we go for it. I jus' have one reservation. What if we fail? I know t'ain't an option, Anarion, but it is a possibility. Even you gotta admit that. I jus' wanna know what happens to us if we fail. I already know what'll happen to Mother Flaust, but what about us?"

Friday May 11th, 2001 8:28:59 PM

"Anarion, have you considered that these women may be evil, or enemies of Flaust as well as my mother? That if we fail, they may exact the repayment of the advance from Flaust? That if we die in the attempt, it would break Flaust's heart, doubly so because we would have laid down our lives for a most dishonourable cause? Where is the valour and good in theft?"

There is a coldness in Miranna's voice.

Saturday May 12th, 2001 2:18:58 AM

Polaris moves towards the side of Bart feeling a bit injured by Anarion's comment about being a scared rabbit. She feels the coldness in the room, ashamed that her own brother would attack her for being cautious. She smiles at Bart, silently thanking him for sticking up for her. At this moment in time, she has no other ideas that might help the group.

Saturday May 12th, 2001 4:42:08 AM

Syr puts an arm around Anarion's shoulders and walks away from the others with him. Whispering softly, "Look, it's not a matter of being a scared. I think everyone here wants to take the job. Ultimately, we want to succeed, for that we need more information. What one person sees as cowardice, another will see as careful. In the past hour, I've been apprehended, teleported, and threatened. Can you blame me for balking at leaping into this?"

Moving back towards the center of the room, "You did a great job getting us more money. It didn't even occur to me to ask for more than the 500 that we needed. As our spokesperson, why don't you be the one to tell these women we will accept their job."

Plink (Jared) 
Sunday May 13th, 2001 10:23:41 PM

Smiling at the good his song has done, Plink looks to the group and openly allows them to see his joy.

"I agree with my brother. We do need to be strong for Flaust. She's done so much for us, this task seems very small indeed. However, this shouldn't split us apart. Let us all band together and do what is needed of us. Besides, I'm going to need SOMETHING to write a song about, aren't I?"

DM (Anthony) 
Monday May 14th, 2001 9:11:59 AM

Jezebella can make nothing from the script on the floor, as the discussion continues and tempers rise. Suddenly the women begin to stir and come around. The room stills and the woman smile seeming to not have noticed the laps of time. "Well children, what have you decided?"

Monday May 14th, 2001 10:02:16 AM

Anarion looks at Syr and smiles wiping away the remaining tears. He then says to everyone, "sorry if I'm being childish, sometimes I get too passionate about the people I love."

Turning to look at Belladonna and the ugly old lady he says "We accept the job, but we do not want any coins up front. Now where do we start!"

Monday May 14th, 2001 10:04:07 AM

Bart stands there, arm around Polaris for comfort, while Anarion gives our deal to the women.

Monday May 14th, 2001 10:57:03 AM

Speaking up quickly before Belladonna can she says,

"I've jus' got one tiny question really quick. Anarion forgot to ask for me. What happens if we fail?"

Monday May 14th, 2001 11:13:30 AM

Jezebella sends Miranna a comforting glance, and a gentle smile. It was hard to be among those you did not trust. Doubly so when you doubt yourself and your reasons for being among them. She said to her quietly, touching her arm lightly. “Some thefts are necessary.. for whatever reason. Should the merchant not need this item, and we do.. for Mother Flaust.. then we are right to take it. It is unfortunate that we are in this situation.. but we must make the best of it.”

When Tiree asked her question of the woman, Jezebella started slightly. She had also been waiting for more questions to be asked.

She spoke, softy, to the women. “We cannot do as you ask without further information. We need the name of the merchant. We need his description. Where is his selling point in the market? Is the item there? When do you desire this item… we will need time to plan. We also need a description of the item you desire. Does it have a name? You mentioned it had historical significance.”

Monday May 14th, 2001 11:24:05 AM

The old man sighs as the children clearly are just that. He takes solace in the fact that the witches know this and are probably willing to accomodate their foolishness. He decides to try one last time to help them out - but then waits. He instead decides to look at whatever the girl was looking at on the floor.

Monday May 14th, 2001 11:40:02 AM

Miranna smiles at Jezebella wistfully. "I do not hold myself above theft, little sister. We have all done it for the orphanage. I was merely answering Anarion's charge of us being scared rabbits, when he himself was ready to die for the valiant and good cause of grand theft."

Miranna keeps quiet while the others ask their questions of the witches. She knows the women will likely not answer any questions from her.

Monday May 14th, 2001 4:38:46 PM

Looking at Belladonna "Ooops, yes Tiree and Jezebella have good questions to be awnsered!"

Monday May 14th, 2001 7:43:09 PM

Polaris looks to the witches.

"How big of a risk are we taking on our lives by doing this task you speak of?"

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 8:06:23 AM

Sitting on the floor, close to the wall, Plink doesn't do much of anything significant. He thinks these ladies are being overwhelmed with questions, questions that they would answer soon enough anyway. Might as well let them take their time in letting us know, they'll find out more that way, or se he assumed.

Belladonna (NPC) 
Tuesday May 15th, 2001 9:15:09 AM

Belladonna smiles broadly as Anarion makes his proclamation for the group. "That is wonderful, you may start as soon as you're ready." She turns her attention to Tiree to answer her question, "If you fail then we will simply ask you all to return any advance you received and that will be that." She almost laughs at the barrage of questions that Jezebella fires off. "Those are all wise and good questions young lady, you would make a good addition to our Cabal should you ever wish to study the mysteries. First, the name of the Merchant is Dalheart. He was selling Jewelry in the near market. I am not sure of where in the market he was set up today, somewhere near the center I think. We do not know where the item is, that's why we need you, we believe, but don't know, that he has hidden the box somewhere on trash level in a rented warehouse. The Box itself is about this big; " she holds her hands out to show the depth and highth and width of the box. It looks as if it is about 2 feet wide, 2 feet high and 9 inches deep. "You can make sure it is our box because is has a circle of runes around it similar to the runes on the floor here. It has no name and it only has historical significance to our Cabal. The story is long and boring and would not make much sense to one who has not studied with our Cabal." Belladonna looks shocked at Polaris's question. "We would not send children to their deaths. The only risks to your lives are the ones you take trying to do something stupid. If you get caught and the Merchant decides to press charges you will have to earn your way out of jail just like everyone else, but even that is not life threating." She seems hurt that you all would think so little of her and her Cabal.

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 12:23:56 PM

Bowing to Belladonna in an attempt at diplomacy.

"I apologize if we have offended you fair lady, our questions are rash and youthful. We will take your wise words to heart and be cautious in our endeavours. When we next meet, hopefully it will be with our task completed and the box in your possession."

Looking around the room for an exit.
"Oh where is the exit?"

Anarion (OOC) 
Tuesday May 15th, 2001 12:26:42 PM

OOC: Hey Anthony, is their a seer or an oracle in the floating city? Someone who may help us find the merchant and his warehouse?

Fortune telling is not really big in the Wold right now, maybe soon. It looks like you all are going to have to become detectives!!!

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 12:37:28 PM

The old man rolls his eyes as the young ones begin to try the patience of the potential clients - and at the fact that the answer to getting this box is right under their noses. He decides he'd better say something before they really blow it. "Belladonna, I must apologize for the rashness of my young friends here. As you can see they are new to this and don't understand what you are asking of them. You must not believe that they are trying to insult you or your Coven. They just don't know what to say. I will help get them started in the right direction.". He looks to the kids hoping they catch the hint.

Jezebella  d20+2=18 d20+2=13 d20+3=8
Tuesday May 15th, 2001 3:09:46 PM

Jezebella gave Belladonna a small smile at her laughter and compliment, still wary of the woman. (18 sence motives)

She took a keener interest in the runes when Belladonna mentioned the box had similar ones.. attempting to commit them to memory, and understand them. (13 int check to memorize? 8 Decipher script... prolly with a minus for 2nd attempt. dang hard runes!)

Her musically calmed nerves soured when she was called rash... twice. She gave the old man and the boy each a glare. She swayed slightly... her palms itching for cool steel.

(ooc : Jez has a temper... sorry :))

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 4:06:07 PM

Bart looks at Toad crosseyed with confusion.

Just what are you teling us Toad, as you say, we are inexperienced at this and if you would, ask the question we should be asking so we will learn.

Tuesday May 15th, 2001 4:47:51 PM

Polaris again feels inferior. She is hurt in a childish way that truly represents her age. Polaris has a hard time being rejected by elders and didn't mean to upset anyone by her question. As a child, she was taught not to trust anyone and watching Miranna's fear of the women made Polaris wonder how safe this would be. She again backs off from her family.

Miranna  d20+7=12
Tuesday May 15th, 2001 9:04:22 PM

When Belladonna mentions the box has runes similar to those on the floor, Miranna takes an interest in them. She tries to recall if she has seen anything like them in her books (Knowledge Arcana=12). Next she commits the runes to memory (should be easy with her Int).

Miranna then edges closer to Syr and whispers to him, "Syr, you were at the centre of the market. Did you see a jeweller with a box?"

When Toad speaks, Miranna looks at him with a slight frown. Who is he? Why is he here with them? She berates herself for having let the issue of her mother cloud everything else. Miranna recalls it was the old man who told them to accept the witches' deal. Why is he so eager to please her mother's enemies?

Belladonna (NPC) 
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 9:13:36 AM

Belladonna smiles at Anarion. "I'm not offended dear boy, we were just shocked that you would think such a thing of us, and the exit is right behind you." As she points and everyone turns around you see that the door is again open. The old woman, who up until now has said nothing, laughs at Toads comment. "I bet you will, old, old man!!!" she croaks what must be a laugh but sounds more like ripping papper. "The box must be here, in this room, with me, by eve fall three days hence, the night before the city sinks." then she falls silent and still again.

DM (Anthony) 
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 9:14:16 AM

Everyone who tried to is able to memorize the pattern on the floor, although no one is able to make any sense of them.

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 9:56:21 AM

Looking at Belladonna "I bid you adieu ladies!"

Anarion walks out the door into wherever it leads, than turns looking at the group with an unrenounced face. "Ok, Syr, Bart, Miranna and everyone where do you think we should start? I was thinking we should go back to the market and look around for this Dalheart person. Looking for some clues as to his whereabouts."

"What does everyone think we should do next?"

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 11:29:01 AM

The old man smiles at the ancient witch. "Your vision is amazing young lady, I think our young friends here will od just fine...".

He turns and leaves with the others, hoping he is doing the right thing.

Tiree True 
Wednesday May 16th, 2001 11:30:32 AM

Before leaving Tiree turns to the witches and asks one more question.

"We followed a map to get here. And I for one, don't quite remember the route we followed. How do we get back home?"

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 1:01:33 PM

Jez waits at the doorway, anxoius to leave, but letting the others exit first. She favors the women another smile, trying to keep her anxiety covered.

She leaves after the questions are answered and everyone else has exited.

She hangs back from the rest as they walk away from the Coven... unsure.

After a few minutes of walking, she will address them as a group. "I'm not sure of what's going on.. as I said... but if I can help you all... or Mother Flaust.. tell me how. Please tell me what I've missed, or if I should just go back to the orphanage and forget about all this."

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 10:23:47 PM

Miranna follows everyone out of the room. Just at the door, she suddenly glances back, to see if the women are looking at her.

Miranna walks in silence, thinking about her mother and how the latter might be connected with these witches. Jezebella's question rouses her from her reverie. She gives the other an amused smile.

"Jezebella, you followed us without knowing the cause? You are full of mischief, little sister."

"The situation as I understand from Drake, is that Flaust owes the Family 500 gold or 2 years' servitude. Drake gathered them together," indicating the others, "to get the gold in some manner or other. Not surprisingly, they forgot me. I am not sure what else they have been up to. I followed them, with the help of my weasel, as soon as Drake broke the story to me, and arrived at the market street to witness total chaos. You know the rest."

After a slight pause, "I propose we return to the market street to search out that jeweller. Snake may still be there, so perhaps the steathier ones among us should scout ahead."

"Syr, you have not answered my question. Did you see a jeweller with a box, earlier?"

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 10:27:09 PM

Polaris looks towards the group after she exits. She examines the outdoors surrounding her, seeing where the exit lead them to, and if she is familer with that area. She neglects to answer Anarion's question for fear she will be criticized again.

Wednesday May 16th, 2001 11:02:54 PM

Bart exits the place into the alleyway and goes defensive in case those hooligans are waiting for them, weapon drawn.

Syr  d100=94
Thursday May 17th, 2001 5:55:28 AM

Syr cocks his head to one side and stares off into space. "I think there was a box at the merchant's stall. However, I do recall Snake saying: the merchant whose stall I was at owed him something he paid for. It is entirely possible that the merchant promised both the Coven and Snake the same item."

Looking over at Toad, "Toad seemed to be acquainted with him. What do you think?"

Falling in step beside Jez, he says, "Marianna's right, I think someone who has not met Snake yet would be the best recon possible."

He smiles and nudges Jezebella gently in the rubs. Looking over at her, "Well Jezebella, time to earn your keep."

"It's simple, he's black dressed guy bristling with weapons, tattoos, and has a slight lisp."

DM (Anthony) 
Thursday May 17th, 2001 9:22:26 AM

The ladies smile at Anarion and wave goodbye. When Tiree asks her question Belladonna smiles and says simply, "Walk out the door, take your first righ and walk straight till you come to your first major cross street. You will recognize where you are and will then be able to find your way back here with the box. When you return it, knock on the wall three short and three long. Good luck!" as Miranna turns around she notices that the women are pointedly NOT looking at her, almost as if she causes them great pain.

Ryson (NPC) 
Thursday May 17th, 2001 9:26:28 AM

As you all turn right and the door closes behind you, you see Ryson, still decked out in knives standing in your path in the alley. "You are still in danger, perhaps even more so now. If you want your questions answered you had best come with me. Talk while we walk." He turns quickly and begins to walk away, not seeming to care if he is followed or not.

Thursday May 17th, 2001 10:22:37 AM

Seeing Polaris' temid look he reaches over and tussles her hair with his hand. Smiling his most tickle inducing smile Anarion says.

"I'm sorry if I offended you Polaris, I didn't mean any harm. Lets be friends again, ok?"

Anarion reaches out his hand to Polaris hoping she will take it so they can walk hand in hand like they have done many times in the past.

Anarion follows Ryson up the street.

Tiree  d20+3=13 d20+3=20
Thursday May 17th, 2001 12:10:02 PM

Seeing Ryson there gives her a bit of a start, but she figures he got them out of one jam. Maybe he can get us out of this one too. She follows him closely, but keeps her eyes out for anything. Today has been anything but a normal day. (Spot check 13, Listen check 20)

Thursday May 17th, 2001 12:55:58 PM

The old man follows Ryson on down the street, easily keeping pace with him. He chooses to not speak with the kids in his presence, wanting to learn what he knows - and why he cares...

Thursday May 17th, 2001 1:34:17 PM

Jezabella smiles to Miranna, quickly developing an affinity for her. "I followed because I smelled trouble, dear sister." she grinned.

She listened attentively to the short story, and nodded sadly at the plight Flaust was in. "I will certainly help all I can...."

She pokes Syr right back, eyes sparkleing with laughter. "I could indeed scout ahead... I am not known to this man.. that I know of. And can sneak about if needed. I.." Her words die in her throat as they come across Ryson.

She listens to his brief speech.. and as the group starts to follow him, she whispers to Miranna, "who IS that guy...?"

Thursday May 17th, 2001 7:49:54 PM

Startled at seeing Ryson, Bart jumps back a few feet. When it soaks in who he is and what he says, Bart will walk up to him and then follows.

So, Ryson, why are we still in danger? And btw, I want to thank you for saving our arses back there earlier.

Thursday May 17th, 2001 9:26:32 PM

With a sigh of resignation, Miranna follows after Ryson. She feels like a pawn in a chess game. And why is the old man still following them? What does he want from a group of copperless orphans?

Keeping next to Jezebella, Miranna whispers back, "I know nothing other than his name is Ryson. He saved us from Snake, back at the market street, and brought us to the Coven. He must have put the map in Bart's pocket too."

Ryson (NPC) 
Friday May 18th, 2001 9:34:05 AM

Ryson walks through the streets and Alleys of the city seeming to take one random turn after another, he goes up level by level and as you go the air begins to smell fresher and fresher. The people seem richer and richer until finnaly Ryson ducks into the back entrance to a large marble building. Once inside he lleds you through a maze of halls and doors untill you reach a plush carpted room. This room is the oppisate of the one you just left. It is lush and grandious. There is soft comfortable furnature everywhere. Works of art are everywhere. A fire warms the room, and food delicacys fill a table. A bar offers drinks of all kinds. Ryson speaks. "Please make yourselfs at home, I will be back in a moment. You have no reason to trust me but I am telling the truth. You are safe from prying eyes here and you have much to talk about. No one will be listing as you speak and when I return I will have some answers. You have much to talk about I think. With that he leaves, closing the door behind him." (OOC: the one post per day, no posting on weekends rule is suspended till Monday. This allows you to talk to each other as much as you need.)

Friday May 18th, 2001 10:30:22 AM

Anarion looks around the room trying to absorb his surroundings. He is amazed at the sheer wealth on display, he has never seen such gradeur in all his life. He plops down on a soft comfy chair beside the fireplace and thinks to himself, "if only my bed at the orphanage was this comfortable, maybe I would sleep properly!" He reaches over and grabs some cheese and begins eating it hungrily.

He smiles at his brother and stares into the fireplace. Placing his together to warm them in front of the flames. Anarion thinks of the wealth in the room and the city level that they are on, but than quickly remembers the hungry kids at the orphanage and of their duty to mother Flaust. He quickly becomes disgusted with himself for being seduced by wealth. Tossing the remaining cheese into the fire, he is overwhelmed with thoughts of mother being forced to do appauling acts. Some things he doesn't even wish to imagine. He stands from the chair and moves to a darker corner of the room to think of what to do next.

He remains brooding in the corner away from the others.

OOC: Its a long holiday long weekend in Canada, I'm goig camping so won't be able to post until Tuesday. Have a good one! :)

Friday May 18th, 2001 6:11:17 PM

Jez stands amidst the wealth akwardly. She grumbles under her breath "I would imagine one of those pieces of art would pay the debt."

Saturday May 19th, 2001 8:49:32 AM

Following Ryson into the luxurious establishment, Plinks jaw drops and his eyes widen in amazement at the surroundings. Never has he seen such a beautiful place, nor does he expect to again.
Plink walks up to Tiree and asks, "Sorry, Tiree, but I'm afraid I don't know who he (points to Toad) or this 'Ryson' fellow are. Would you mind explaining?"
If Tiree appears willing, Plink leads her over to a pair of cushioned chairs and seats himself, awaiting the conversation.

(OOC: Sorry about lack of posts. I usually post 'fore school, but one morning my computer locked up right after I'd typed the post. The next day the power went out. Things haven't been going my way...)

Saturday May 19th, 2001 9:21:20 AM

Miranna surveys the opulent display of wealth in silence. She has seen such riches only in her books. Who is Ryson? What is his purpose in showing them all this wealth?...

As Ryson leaves, Miranna turns her attention to the old man. Casually, she takes a seat beside him.

"Pardon me, Mister -? Do you know our host Ryson? Or do you know our adoptive mother Flaust?" Miranna judges it unlikely that the old man would know one of her brothers or sisters.

Saturday May 19th, 2001 11:51:56 AM

Walking into the room Bart's eyes grow wider and wider until those same eyes spies the food on the table. Bart walks over to that table, gets a plate and start pilling stuff on it higher and higher til the food on the plate is taller than him, foodstuffs spilling onto the carpet. Bart then carries the plate over to a table, puts it on it, then grabs a napkin, tieing it around his neck , then digs in like a ravenous wolverine. From time to time, quickly, an apple here, a piece of cheese there, a fork, a spoon just happens to go into a pocket. After many minutes of this, and with a very full stomach, Bart saunders over to a chair by the fireplace and plops into it, patting his belly.

Saturday May 19th, 2001 1:01:49 PM

Jez moves over to Plink... she whispers..

"What was that music.. .it was wonderful. Perhaps you could play for me as I dance... Did it stun the women as well? And Toad? .. was the voice yours... magic of some kind...?"

Saturday May 19th, 2001 11:40:17 PM

The mage smiles at Miranna. "Yes, my dear girl, I know who Ryson is, and who Fluast is, who Snake is, who the Merchant is, and how you might go about getting that box. What I don't know is why Ryson cares and is helping. I would suggest you make your stay short in this place - but I would hear the man out. As you have already seen, if he meant harm he would have easily done it. And by the way, that mask is not the same item as the box. But they both appear to involve the merchant - in case you didn't pick that up.".

Sunday May 20th, 2001 7:15:36 AM

Jezebella looks over from her conversation with Plink, overhearing Toad.

She turns.. and moves toward him, almost stalking. If anyone here truely knew her, they would know that the liquid grace with which she now moved meant that she was very, very angry.

"You know so much... toad. Perhaps you can share your vast knowledge. If we were better informed, perhaps we could be less... rash." She purred from behind a warm smile.

Sunday May 20th, 2001 11:02:46 AM

Miranna cocks her head and looks at Toad quizzically.

"You know all of them? You are more than what you appear to be. Would you care to let us know who you really are? How are you related to Flaust? For what reason are you helping us? And -", suddenly dropping her voice to a low whisper, "do you know my mother, Katrina?"

Tiree  d20+5=14 d20+3=13 d20+3=17
Sunday May 20th, 2001 7:06:21 PM

Tiree walks over and sits down with Plink

"Well, all I can really tell you about him is that he is the one who led us to see the witches. He is also the one who ran off Snake and his buddies. I'm not sure what I think of him really. I'm keepin' my ears and eyes open."

Tiree then gets up and walks around the room and looks it over (appraise 14, listen 13, spot 17)

Monday May 21st, 2001 10:33:27 AM

"Look kids, you don't get as old as I am and live down here without learning who the players are. If you don't learn, you die. And since I'm very much alive you can rest assured I know. And as for you making better decisions with more information - you will only get that from experience. I could tell you everything I know - if you could hold it - and it would do you little good. Your goal should be to find an honorable and profitable direction for yourselves. In that way you can not only repay Flaust for her kindness, but you can honor her with your lives. Your way may be selfish but it can still be productive. The reason I know the merchant is that he is an old friend of mine. We go way back. You may have noticed I was helping him get away from the Black Dragons. The reason I'm helping you should be obvious enough. The Black Dragons are bad news. If we help each other against them then we stand a better chance of surviving. They're evil and will kill you when they are finished using you. And by the way, when you cast that illusion of me waving that mask around you implicated me in this. They will now be looking for me since you obviously know me well enough to cast an illusion of me. I really don't appreciate that! But alas, I would rather you be my allies than my acquaintances against them. I must see this through and find out about that mask. Looks to me like we can all win here, I can get myself out of trouble with those guys, help make the community better by helping Flaust out, and gain allies. Not bad for a days work...".

The old man pauses, then continues "If you make a name for yourselves by completing some jobs it will also keep you busy doing useful things as opposed to robbing my friends of their merchandise. You may recall I'm a merchant too. I have no interest in being your companion for any extended period of time, but I'm willing to help you accomplish this as long as you remember that I did it. Besides, we need more Flausts in the Wold. I would hate to lose the one we have here. Any young lady, I do not know your mother. She has never frequented this area as a premanent 'player' so I never learned about her. I'm sorry."

Monday May 21st, 2001 1:16:47 PM

Ignoring the riches around him, "I, for one, am curious to see what Ryson has to say. It's obvious that we have become involved with the wrong crowd, but who is to say that he is the right one."

"I'm not sure about the Coven yet. I don't quite share Miranna's feelings towards the ladies. Judging by their reactions, is it possible that the ladies have a sense of guilt where her mother is concerned? If so, that can be used to our advantage. Just as Bart's adoration." He gives Bart a wink and a smile as the dwarf helps himself to the food.

Turning to Toad, "You on the other hand have my trust and thanks. I would welcome your companionship and knowledge. If you don't mind, I have a few questions... We did not see any of your wares in the marketplace, do you have a shop somewhere?"

As his eyes slowly follow Tiree around the room, "After seeing the way he opposed Snake, I imagine Ryson would like to thwart him from obtaining the mask. Regardless, I feel we should try and obtain the mask and box from the merchant."

DM (Anthony) 
Monday May 21st, 2001 5:58:38 PM

Tiree appraise the few items in the room that she has any knowldge about at well over 100,000 gold. The room is silent, and just what it seems. A sitting room. Time moves on as the group is given time to talk.

Monday May 21st, 2001 11:07:45 PM

Miranna watches the old man intently as he speaks, and decides that he can be trusted. She sighs when he says he does not know her mother.

"We do need help with the witches' task, and against Snake and the - Black Dragons?". Miranna shudders involuntarily when she recalls the near escape they had.

"Syr, those women did not look guilty; the brief look they gave me was of pure hatred. I am rather surprised they did not try to detain me. I do not know much about my mother, but her enemies cannot be good, so we must be wary of the witches even while we are doing this task for them."

After a slight pause, "Old man, I have just one more question. If that merchant is your friend, why are you helping us steal from him?"

Monday May 21st, 2001 11:08:15 PM

With food particles stuck in his half grown beard, Bart moves to a chair closer to Toad, mug in one hand and mutton leg in the other.

Ive said all along that thieving was not the way to go, but how else are we gonna make 500gp in 4 days? We will not allow Mother to be sold into any type of indentured service. In my opinion, after this one last theft, God willing, I wont thieve again. I want to make an honorable name for myself and in doing so bring pride upon Mother.

Now, how do we go about getting this mask without killing anyone or being killed? And what can we do with you, Toad, if that is your real name, to defeat these evil men that we have unwittingly made enemies of?

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 8:05:31 AM

Jez mutters something under her breath, and moves to a wall, leaning against it. She pulls a dagger from somewhere.. and toys with it as she listens to the others, and waits for Ryson to arrive again. Preferably with real answers.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 11:23:55 AM

Sitting in the corner, Anarion is overcome by the turn of events. A few days ago he was just a boy living in an orphanage, learning some magic. Now a few days later the person he loves the most in the whole wide world, other than his brother, mother flaust is potentially going to be taken away from him. His friends and himself have become caught in what appears to be some small power struggle between the black dragons, the blight and an unknown merchant. Now placed upon all the Flaust olders is the responsibility to save Mother Flaust, and potentially save the orphanage and all the other children from being thrown onto the streets of the Floating City. So great a weight upon his soul Anarion has never felt. This weight that almost seems to overwhelm him. At times he is unsure of himself, and at other times he acts rashly with a childish impetiousness. He is unsure how to act, what to do, or where to go. But he only knows what must be done.

Playing with his clothing in the corner of the room Anarion continues to be caught up in his own thoughts.

Tiree True 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 12:01:37 PM

Muttering to herself as she walks around the room she is almost overcome by the wealth of it all. If she didn't want to offend Ryson, she would try to filch one of the pieces here. But somehow she knew she would get caught. And even if she didn't, she probably couldn't fence it anyway.

She turns around and heads back to the group that surrounds Toad. There, she catches the last of what has been said. She knows that there are questions that need to be asked, but she just can't seem to figure out what they are. She continues to listen as her smarter brothers and sisters ply Toad with questions. Her eyes never seem to quite leave the wealth of the room though.

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 12:38:09 PM

"First of all, Miranna. The witches do not hate you, they hate your mother for leaving them - it was a betrayal from their perspective. That is why they did not detain you. They want to establish a relationship so that at some point you might consider joining their cause and in that way it could help them overcome the loss of your mother (This is a guess on my part). That is a bridge you are far from having to cross I would guess."

"As far as stealing and killing go - Bart is it? - you will not be stealing, only taking what rightfully belongs to somebody else. There are actually laws in this city allowing a certain level of that sort of thing without prosecution. This is a 'righteous' activity as far as the law is concerned. But you are correct in saying there should be no bloodshed. If you are caught, pay your debt to society and move on."

"On the other hand, Snake (he is a Black Dragon, by the way) is another issue. You saw him kill the old guard. He deserves to be killed and if you end up doing it then fine. He is evil and this place will be much better off without him. For some reason he thinks you know where this mask he is looking for is so he might be on your tail. Also, he clearly thinks the merchant has it, so he's also looking for him. This is a race, kids. If the merchant dies before we get to him, it is not likely that you will get your box.".

"Now, as to why I would help you if he is my friend, and where my wares are: I will help you because my friend has clearly made some enemies. I will be doing him a favor by helping him make ammends with the witches. I will also be in a position to help him get away from Snake - who I promised to help him with. If I don't work against him in the small thing, he will die. Simple as that. This way, he gets to live and he has no lasting enemies in the market he wishes to frequent. And as for my wares... That's my business where I keep them and what they are. I don't divulge that to anyone as they are my crown jewels. If I lose it then I am ruined. You've seen me in the market from time to time. It's no secret I sell there.".

"So what'll it be kids, do you want my help or not?".

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 5:39:19 PM

Polaris watches and listens intentivley to Toad and gets excited. She feels an adventure is comming to hand. She wants to be like Robin Hood and save what is rightfully someone elses. She jumps up and down a little like a giddy young child. Then she stops and looks to her siblings.

"Why don't we huddle and discuss this all together, so no one is left out of their vote?"

Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 5:47:24 PM

Listens to what Toad has to say, nodding in agreement every so often, then leans forward and says to the group. 1 I feel we will do good by having him help us. 2 We need to go as soon as possible and do this thing for the witches. The sooner we start, the sooner we finish and get Mother out of this jam and start our life anew.

Ryson (NPC) 
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 5:48:07 PM

There is a soft knock at the door and Ryson's voice is heard clearly asking permission to enter. Once he is told it is all right he enters and pulls a chair to him across from the gathering of small faces. He seems to sit uncomfortably in the chair and in the room in general. He is a handsome man but looks more like a pincushion than a porcupine in this room. He does his best to smile and sit comfortably. When he speaks his voice is one of a man who has spent his whole life morning for something.

"I am sure you have many, many questions and I'm not sure I can answer most of them. I will listen quietly in a moment and do my best however, but first I need you to all listen to me and listen well. You are currently in the Holy Temple of Ffloy. My family has bought the paper on your Mother. It is here." He pulls out a paper and allows you all to look at it. It is clearly the contract Flaust signed. Her signature is witnessed at the bottom and the spell of oath bonding weaves over the paper. Ryson takes the paper and tosses it into the fireplace, silently watching it burn. "You now owe me a blood debt, and I must collect. I need you to find the object that the witches seek. The Family cannot go after it with out bringing attention to us, that attention would cause bloodshed. The things that you must know are theses.

1)The Blight are evil through and through. While they weren't so in the past they are now. There is no goodness left in the Blight.

2)The object they want will be used the night before the Big Sink. It will be used to hypnotize the entire lower two levels of the city into a deep sleep. Then they will use it to cast a mass illusion of those people coming up at the last minute. The overlord will sink the lower two levels. The people still there will drown and die. It will be the biggest mass sacrifice to their evil god ever known.

3)You can trust no one.

My blood debt is this, get the box and bring it to me."

Plink  d20+1=20
Tuesday May 22nd, 2001 10:40:50 PM

Plink takes in everything around him. He nods his thanks to Tiree as she divulges the information he needs to know, and nods the same when asked about if he could play his music while someone dances. It's obvious Plink is in contemplation over what all is going on.

Suddenly, when Ryson re-enters the room, Plink is the first to notice it, walking over to stand in front of the man, keeping his face stern and stoic. He listens to what Ryson says, trying to put all of the many pieces of this puzzle into their respective places. It's obvious to him, at least, that chaos is everywhere.

After Ryson finishes, Plink politely, but boldly states, "Ok, Ryson, your offer is good to me. Even if my family disagrees, which I hope they do not, I do not see how we could deny. We will get the box for you. Before anyone makes any comments of trust, I'm definitely not saying I, or we, trust you. You told us yourself not to trust anyone. This isn't a matter of trust, it's a matter of repaying a debt. We all appreciate what you've done for us, no matter how reluctant we are to admit it."

With a quick bow, Plink then faces towards Toad.

"Toad, I consider you a friend. I speak for myself, not for my family, but I ask for your assistance. If my friends here don't want your help, I do. I'll ally myself with you, even if they don't. You've obviously got something to gain from this, and a man wanting to gain probably has something to lose. You say you are friends with the man with the box. A simple enough question: Where would he likely keep it?"

Glancing around at his friends and family, Plink hopes they agree with him. His brother will, of that he's sure. However, the others will probably think he acted too rashly, but he feels otherwise. This is a manner of utmost importance. His eyes land on Miranna, and he begins thinking the mental dilemma she faces about her mother. Surely he's heard something of her before? (Bardic knowledge check 20)

Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 2:41:16 AM

Miranna's beautiful face contorts with conflicting emotions when Toad tells her that her mother betrayed the witches' Coven. No, it cannot be her mother at fault; those witches must be evil, or lying. Or perhaps Toad is lying. Just a moment ago he said he did not know her mother...

She barely notices Ryson's return, but his act of burning the paper catches her attention. Miranna's face relaxes when Ryson tells them the Blight are evil through and through.

"I for one prefer to trust Ryson than the witches. I vote we get the box for him. With the old man's help, naturally."

Miranna smiles at everyone charmingly. She feels exuberant that her distrust of the witches has turned out to be correct.

Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 7:17:32 AM

Jezebella says from her spot on the wall... "Of course it cannot be allowed to let everyone drown.. that is beyond evil. We wouldn't hand someone the power to do that. That is, of course, assuming that this is what they are planning. How do you know of this evil plan, Ryson?"

Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 10:05:04 AM

Watches and listens to Ryson. When Ryson burns the contract, Anarion's head lifts.

Muttering under his breath he says, "thank the gods, mother will be safe!"

The shroud of depression that lays over Anarion suddenly lifts. He stands purposefully, knowing now that Mother Flaust won't have to lead a life of servitude to the Floy. A smile appears on his face and he listens to the rest of Ryson's speech.

When he is done he listens to his brother Plink and nods in agreement with what he has to say. "I agree with my brother on all accounts and I accept Ryson's blood debt, but one problem remains. We have promised the Blight that we will bring them the box, what are we going to do about that? Perhaps create a forgery?"

OOC: Anthony what does a blood debt mean in the Wold? Are there any rules to it?

Toad  d20=18
Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 12:20:02 PM

Taken aback by the pronunciation of the man in black, the old man decides to think about the plausibility of the situation - and who is actually telling the truth (if anybody). [Int]

The wiley old man smiles at Ryson "It is Flaust who owes you a blood debt my good man, not these children. They owe you nothing. You misrepresent the situation, sir. But of course, that is the way of Ffloy. You serve your god well. Are you saying that if the kids do this for you that you will forgive the blood debt owed to you by Fluast? If so I would expect that you would put that in writing and bind it with an oath. As you say, you can't trust anyone."

Wednesday May 23rd, 2001 11:20:03 PM

Bart sits there, taking in all that is said. He waits for Toad to talk and smiles at him catching Ryson in his own trap of words. Smiling at Toad Bart says to Ryson, I agree with this good man, as you say, trust noone so I agree with Toad in asking for this to be in writing and sealed with an oathbond.

under his breath Bart says: I knew them withces to be no good, now to make sure Miranna doesn't become one of em.

Bart looks up and smiles, saying. If the witches can use it like you say, what's to keep the family of yours from using it to put all to sleep then robbing them blind, or using it to wipe out a rival clan?

If I am to do this for you, I want, in writing with oathbond, that you and the family will leave Flaust and her orphanage and her children alone, no influences of corruption for ANY of them. They are my brothers and sisters and ill be Damned if I let them go to work for anyone with a reputation like the Family.

Ryson (NPC) 
Thursday May 24th, 2001 12:01:43 AM

Ryson looks gratefully at Plink and smiles. He seems thankful that this wasn't a difficult thing to ask. Plink however can't think of anything he knows that would help his sister. He only recalls that the Blight did not used to be evil and that no one has presented him any proof that they are. However the temple of Ffloy does works of evil in the name of good, like the contract they held over Mother Flaust, which is conveniently in the fire now. Plink begins to feel a little like a chess piece. When Jezebella asks her question Ryson shrugs and smiles. "The men of Ffloy simply…. know things." Anarion recalls that a blood debt involves nothing. It is a simple agreement between two people that they owe each other blood for blood. However the priests of Ffloy take it very seriously and have even at times extracted that debt in actual blood. Ryson smiles at the words of Bart and Toad. "You are right I did say trust no one, and you are blood oathed to me because I set Flaust free, blood for blood in the wholly temple of Ffloy. If you do not bring me what I ask then you break the bond and owe me blood."

Thursday May 24th, 2001 6:20:56 AM

At Ryson's words, Miranna's exuberant smile turns into a frown. She starts to get the feeling that the whole world is evil - excepting her adopted family of course.

"It seems we receive the unfair end of the deal, Ryson. For setting Flaust free, you are binding all eight of us in this blood oath. The witches, even if they are evil, offered us gold for the box, above what Flaust owed you. You offer only coercion. Why should we believe that you will not use the box for evil?"

Miranna starts to exercise her intelligence once her mother is no longer in the picture.

Jezebella  d20+2=3
Thursday May 24th, 2001 8:41:49 AM

Jezebella grins as Ryson dances around the questions. She asks impudently "Another question for you, Man of Ffloy... If the Blight is so evil... why did you lead us to them?"

She thinks for a moment.. her mind dancing as fast as Rysons slippery tounge, and perhaps as fast as his knives...

"You have burned Mother Flausts oath and debt... she owes you nothing now. You say that we owe you blood... What else interests you, in trade...? You seemed a rival of the snake's... what of the mask he wanted..? Can you tell us about that? The mask and the box are seperate items, yes..? Some arrangement must be able to be come to..."

She trys to gauge Rysons reaction.. the wealth about her setting her nerves and sences off. (3 sence motive, ick)

Thursday May 24th, 2001 12:29:34 PM

The old man waits to pounce on Ryson with a few thoughts, but decides to hold most of them for later - most of them...

"You have once again misspoke. It is Flaust that owes you a blood debt - not these children. I understand that if Flaust were to bring you the box that the blood debt would be paid. If the children bring it to you, technically the debt was not paid by Flaust and so therefore you could choose not to forgive it. I have no doubt in my mind that you would do as you say - forgive Flaust her debt - if SHE were to bring it. What these children must have from you is your commitment that you will forgive Flaust's debt to you if THEY bring it. I know your kind. You will twist and use whatever means you see fit to accomplish your agendas. I would not have you subject these children to such intrigue just yet. They are not ready. And by the way, these children did not commit to anything yet. Although I would venture to guess that they will.".

Ryson (NPC) 
Thursday May 24th, 2001 6:19:38 PM

Ryson smiles at Miranna , although this time the smile seems to have more teeth. You have no guarantee that I won't do what ever I want with the mask. However I will tell you that my intentions do not involve any one dying or being sacrificed. If you want, break the blood oath with me, sell the box to the witches and deal with all the consequences of those actions. Those choices are yours, not mine." When Jezebella questions him Ryson answers her too. "I did not lead you to the Blight the map did, they thought they summoned you, I simply helped that illusion along. Your mother owes me nothing, you owe me blood. I want nothing other than the mask, and I have already told you what it can do in their hands. The Mask is in the Box silly children." Then he addresses Toad. "No Merchant you rely to much on the ways of business. There mother owed me a money debt, these children now owe me a blood debt. I have burned the money debt in exchange for their blood, they committed themselves to that course the moment they set out to find money to forgive her debt of gold."

Thursday May 24th, 2001 6:34:38 PM

Ryson, you mis speak yourself, we have NOT agreed to do anything for you, you just ASSUME we have. I think Toad is correct, but you are right, we WILL get the mask for you but as I said earlier, we WILL want all of this in writing and oathbonded or else you can go jump into the lake for all we care.

Thursday May 24th, 2001 10:30:27 PM

Miranna lifts her eyebrow and looks at Toad meaningfully when Ryson says the mask is in the box. Who was so sure what the witches wanted was not the mask? She will trust her own intuition and deduction next time...

Miranna thinks. There are three parties intent on getting the mask. Two of these parties do not want to be openly linked to it. Just what powers does it have? Could they, or Flaust, use the powers?

To Ryson she says, "Bart is right, we have not agreed to anything. A blood oath needs the agreement of both parties, does it not? We will probably do what you want in the end, but we will want some assurances - in writing."

Toad  d20=9
Friday May 25th, 2001 10:56:07 AM

"So why is Snake after the mask as well? Is he working for you to?". The old man watches Ryson closely to determine if he lies.

Jezebella  d20+2=10
Friday May 25th, 2001 11:13:25 AM

Jez speaks slowly, and carefully, measureing her words against this obvoiusly dangerous man. "As I said... you have burned Mother Flaust's debt. She owes you nothing. We could walk out of here, with our little adjenda accomplished.." She hastily continues before Ryson threatens again.. "Although that would leave you an unhappy man. If you draw up an agreement... which binds YOU, not us... into no agression, retribution, or any sort of harm against Mother Flaust or her foster children... " She glances at Toad... "or this man.. EVER.. after delivery of this item.. then we will THINK about getting it for you. This oath should not bind us to get it for you... simply your actions if we do." She trys to give her words as much weight as possible. (Charisma 14, roll of 10)

Friday May 25th, 2001 2:23:30 PM

Syr observes most of the conversation in silence before finally speaking out. "Maybe I am missing a point but right now, we are talking about a mask we do not have. Does anyone else find this strange?”

Looking Ryson in the eye, “Granted, the witches DO pay better than Ryson but he does a have point with the 'debt'. With all due respect sir, the debt was for 500 coins and 500 coins is what it should be. Burning it as a sign of good faith is admirable. Demanding that we all do a deed of undetermined value is a bit questionable. I would prefer not to run into a burning building just because someone decided to erase a debt.

Glaring at the knife thrower, “If you chose to pay us 500 coins for that task then fine. Just know, you have also caused us a small problem. How and who will be able to explain to Mother how this debt just ‘vanished’.”

Loudly enough for all to hear, "We decided not to take an advance from the coven because it would bind us to them. At this point, why should we make any promises to other parties. Can we not obtain the mask and then let our conscience decide?"

Looking around the opulent room, “There are other options, the temple does possess some wealth obviously, how would you feel about the mask going to the highest bidder between yourself and the Coven?

With a sigh, “Lastly, I am tired of the run around. Obviously, this mask is special to several groups of people. Is it just lucky or unlucky at the time of choosing? Given the parties involved, I tend to find that hard to fathom.”

Looking over at Toad he smiles a toothy grin, “I will certainly welcome your companionship. You have made the point we all agree on, the mask, box, or whatever must not go to Snake.”

Tiree  d20+4=18
Sunday May 27th, 2001 6:38:07 PM

Tiree had stopped examining the wealth so closely when Ryson reappeared. She kept her eyes on him as he withdrew the contract and they grew when he tossed it into the fire. As she listened to him speak she wanted to believe him. But Toad and her families questions made her doubt. Maybe there was something wrong here. As Ryson began to talk again she tried to figure out just what it was that was bothering her (Sense Motive 18) although after the confrontation with the witches, it could just be her nerves.

Ryson (NPC) 
Sunday May 27th, 2001 7:17:46 PM

Ryson simply laughs at all the questions and arguments. "Children your arguments are useless. You are bound in a blood oath. I have traded your mother's life for yours. Your agreement to this pact happened the moment you began to try and find a way to pay for your mother's debt. The blood oath is a somewhat superstious thing. You believe in it or not. If you don't then don't worry about it and walk away from me. You have only come under the oath in the house of a God. To take it seriously or not is up to you. If it were me I would take it very seriously. The debt is on you. Already it works you. If you don't want to give the mask to me, then sell the box to the witches. The fate of your home lies on your shoulders either way. If the witches get the mask then they will kill everyone on the lower two levels. If you take the mask and don't sell it to them then you become a target to everyone in the city. If you don't take it and forget this happened the Witches will find another way to get it and everyone dies. If you take it and give it to me our debt is paid and everyone is safe. The choice is yours. Good luck." With that Ryson stands and walks out of the room. "Someone will be here in a moment to see you out of the temple."

Sunday May 27th, 2001 8:30:28 PM

Miranna looks round at her family when Ryson leaves.

"It seems we have little choice in the matter. I propose we continue with our original plan of getting the mask, then decide who to give it to. Ryson seems to be the safer choice to me."

If the others all agree to return to the market street, Miranna will let her weasel scout ahead to look out for Snake and his men, keeping far enough behind that they will not be seen by anyone who spots the weasel.

Sunday May 27th, 2001 9:40:37 PM

after Ryson leaves, Bart stands up and gives Ryson a rude gesture.

I hate him, but what are we to do? Toad?

I have an idea, i'll tell you when we get out of this damn place.

Monday May 28th, 2001 7:03:01 AM

Jezebella stares at the door that Ryson left, her lips a hard line ruining her otherwise exotic beauty. When the others speak, she only mutters angrily.

She calms when they leave, and after a bit of walking, offers her help again. "As planned, I can go scout the market. It was said that mask... box... WHATEVER... is down on the trash level though. How we are to find it down there, I have no idea. What do you think the odds of us talking the merchant out of it are? Impressing upon him the danger it presents him?" She hesitates before offering her next thought.. "I am also seriously wondering if we should destroy this cursed thing. Too many people want it, and it very well could be dangerous. I know that doesnt help Flaust.. but.." She shrugs, helplessly.

After recieving whatever answers she needs, she goes to the market, keeping a low profile and keeping her eyes and ears open. Watching for Snake, the merchant, or any other bits of interest. Paticularly listening for the word 'mask'

Monday May 28th, 2001 10:11:52 AM

Looking at the Jezebella "mother Flaust is safe, as it is us that owes the blood debt to the Floy."

As our lives are now in jeopardy I suggest, along with Miranna, that we seek out the box or mask and figure out what to when we get it.

This story of the box seems ever changing, perhaps the merchant will have a different story to tell us when we find him. We need a bloody politician to see through all the lies!

Let us be cautious and try finding the merchant next?

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 9:42:57 AM

The old man shakes his head and says to the kids "First, lets leave. Then we'll talk. I would say to you that regardless of what happens next, we'd better get the mask for sure. What say we go somewhere to eat and discuss our next move? I'll buy this time...but only this time.".

DM (Anthony) 
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 10:45:33 AM

You are all led out of the building and down an alley, as you are all finaly out in the fresh air and artificial light from the roof the opressivenes of the day lets up a bit. Then suddenly, from the darkness, a voice calls from down a side alley.

"Children, children everywhere,
walking to and fro.
Never knowing who is who,
or quite what and where to go.

Voices lie and voices ply,
all for the lads attention.
The lads worry and fret away,
all because of some evil remission.

A mask, a box,
good luck, a pox.
All wraped up,
no time to sup.
Look out now
Yoricks rymes will wow,
all for the sake of a little cats relation.

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 11:05:39 AM

The old man walks rapidly away from the temple. "I know this place just up the way here. If you kids are to do this you need at least a good meal. Let's eat.". He takes them to a place around the corner he knows - but doesn't frequent much wanting to not give Snake and his goonies a chance to get to them.

Tuesday May 29th, 2001 11:36:04 AM

Anarion walks with everyone pleased to finally be outside the temple of fFloy. He hears the voice and notices its enchanting words, that seem to be directed at the group.

Anarion taps his brother on the shoulder and motions him towards the alley. He is interested in knowing what or who is down the alley. So anarion concentrates and closes one eye. Squinting hard he tries casting a detect magic spell towards the voice. At the same time he walk towards the voice in question.

Jezebella  d20+2=11 d20+7=27
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 1:17:01 PM

Jez mutters angrily under her breath ... "what now??!"

She trys to remember if the alley from which the voice came has another side, or if it was a dead end.. (int check = 11)

If she believes there is another side to it, she will dart off into the streets, and then sneak around the oppisite corner (move silenty = 27) to see who spoke.

Bart  d20+3=12
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 6:39:32 PM

A moment before Bart begins telling the group his plan, the voices speak their rhymes. Bart attempts to locate where the voices are coming from.

Bart will follow Anarion, this time his weapon is in his hand.

Miranna  d20+13=33 d20+9=10 d20+4=5 d20+4=14 d20+4=12
Tuesday May 29th, 2001 8:38:49 PM

Miranna's even temperament is starting to get ruffled. Just how many parties are interested in them and the mask-in-a-box? Seeing Anarion and Bart walk towards the voice, she directs her weasel to follow quietly (Weasel's Hide=33, Move Silently=10, Spot=5).

Miranna remains standing where she is, waiting for communication from her weasel. She keeps alert for any other sounds or slight movement from other alleys (Listen=14, Spot=12).

Jezebella (owed rolls)  d20+7=17 d20+2=18
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 10:23:08 AM

ooc : oops, sorry.. learning thievery from a weasel... how humilating! I guess I owe some rolls. (hide 17, spot 18)

Wednesday May 30th, 2001 2:03:40 PM

Syr hears the voice and moves to the entrance of the alley. He cups his eyes with his hands, attempting to pierce the darkness with his low light vision.

DM (Anthony) 
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 4:29:45 PM

The Alley seems to be a dead end and radiates no magic. The voice comes again from the alley as some of the party moves toward the end of it.

Yorick sees them
coming two by two
Yorick hears them
trupets call arooo arooo

Some come a sneaking
others quiet as mice
some think they be smart
others have the brains of lice

Yourik knows time be short
so if all will gather round.
Yourik tell the tale of woe
perhaps new friends be found.

Then from the dark end of the alley out of the shadows folds a man dressed in black and white motley diamonds with a jesters cap and mask on. The only feature seen clearly is his great, wide, grin...much like a cheshire cat. He bows deeply and smiles still.

Wednesday May 30th, 2001 4:30:56 PM

The old man looks suspiciously around the alley.

Anarion  d20=5
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 4:57:48 PM

Anarion stands looking perplexed at the jester. He detected no magic, but swears the man wasn't standing there a few heartbeats ago.

With a furrowed brow Anarion remains cautious. Looking at the jester he tries to figure out if he's disguising his magic somehow. Intelligence (5)

Wednesday May 30th, 2001 8:12:19 PM

Bart jumps back a few steps when the man steps out of the shadows. He pulls Anarion back with him near Toad. Weapon in hand and am ready for anything.

Miranna  d20+3=9
Wednesday May 30th, 2001 9:27:44 PM

With a mental command to her weasel to remain hidden, Miranna walks towards the jester, stopping beside Bart. She tries to recall if she has read anything about a group who dresses like that (Int check=9).

Miranna looks at the jester in silence, waiting for his tale. How will the story of the mask be twisted this time?

Thursday May 31st, 2001 1:18:10 AM

A small creature carefully climbs in with the group. She got lost along the way and watches quietly and hidden to see what she missed without disturbing anyone.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 8:29:24 AM

Jez creeps down the alley toward the jester.. then when the strange man announces he sees her, she grumbles under her breath "why does everyone see me?"

She moves carefully past the jester, skirting him to reach the others.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 2:31:13 PM

Syr eyes the multi-colored person carefully. As the rest of the group nears the jester, he stays at the entrance to the alley.

Grinning at Jez, he says softly, "Maybe it's your illuminating presence?"

Yorick (NPC) 
Thursday May 31st, 2001 8:05:38 PM

The man in black and white diamond motley begins to chant again.

The children aproach
knees a knocking
Yorick smiles
everyone a talking

Yorick knows
they seek the mask.
Yorick knows
they need friends that last.

Yorick has been listning
has a tale to tell.
If the children will heed
and listen well.

The crones made a mistake
you can give them their request.
Twist about thir words
the box you may bequest.

The god has asked for blood
that may be hard.
But often those of Ffloy
have nothing inside but lard.

Do they have worshipers
on their knees in mud?
What would the water do
to those they call blood?

Now what to do
With the item you have found?
Perhaps Yorick and his brothers
May have a place to see it bound?

Lost forever
In the depths of fate.
Only the Kings of Coal
have such a gate.

Will these small ones
believe Yorick's tale?
Will they make friends
coasting on a coal sail?

Yorick may be a great friend.
He and his friends might be fluff.
But they will do well to remember,
what a pice of coal becomes after being rough.

Yorick then throws his hands out and a blast of smoke covers the alley, the last thing you see of the mad Jester is his smile. Then a new voice is heard in the smoke.

"Yorick speaks for all the Lords, should you choose our help making it dissapear, call us through the stone. Once down that path however you are friends of the Lords forever."

When the smoke clears a lump of coal the size of Polaris's fist lies in the alley with a note. the Note says.

Hold this rock above your head.
Think of nothing but the color red.
Then chant three times the word of bay.
After that then nothing say.
If you haven't then made a sound.
Throw this rock on to the ground.
Turn yourself about and face the rear.
By then the Yorick will apear.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:01:23 PM

Jez sticks her tounge out at Syr, her first childlike act since happening on this strange adventure... aside her near tantrums. She winks at him, then listens to the riddle.


.. She puzzles a moment...

"I have some ideas about that... should we believe it. It has some wisdom in its tangles. We should go somewhere more private to talk..." She glances meaningfully at the people moving past in the open street.

Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:08:14 PM

Quietly soaking up all his thoughts for a while, Plink exited the temple with everyone else, walking in silence. He followed his brother into the alley, and then witnessed the crazily dressed jester in awe. Indeed, his poetry writing is excellent, and it seems to be on the fly. After the smoke clears, Plink says, "I see. The witches didn't ask for the mask, they asked for the box. So, in essence, we can give them only the box and demand that they pay us, while we keep the mask and redeem our debt from Ryson. It sounds like the best bet to me. These Lords sound like they're trying to help us out, let's hope so."

Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:21:43 PM

Miranna's emerald eyes widen as Yorick's rhyme unfolds. When the smoke clears, she looks at the piece of coal for a little while, then walks over to pick it up and examine it and the note.

Turning to her family, Miranna says in a low voice just loud enough to be heard, "The Lords of Diamonds! Mayhaps the Overlord himself will appear next."

"But I like his suggestion of giving the box to the witches." A radiant smile punctuates her statement. "We need to get the mask, that is for sure. Toad, do you suppose your merchant friend may still be in the market street? If so, it may be unwise for us to stop to eat."

Miranna (cont'd) 
Thursday May 31st, 2001 11:38:27 PM

(OOC: Sorry, didn't see Plink's post before I sent mine, and Miranna definitely wouldn't have let his remark slip by...)

Cocking her head, Miranna regards Plink curiously. "Are you well, Plink? The jester's rhyme instructs us to give the mask to him, not to Ryson. That is what we must do to accept the Lords' help and befriend them. That leaves us with the blood debt, and I am not clear what he meant us to do with it."

Friday June 1st, 2001 12:24:07 AM

Polaris reaches for Jezebella's arm, looking into her eyes.

"Yes, lets go some place quiet. I think it might be safer that way."

She looks at the others to see if any of them want to join. She knows that they all have matters that need to discuss and decisions to make.

Friday June 1st, 2001 9:35:57 AM

Anarion says, "Let us grab the coal and follow Toad to the tavern he mentioned. It seems we can decide to use the coal later if we wish."

Smiling at Toad, he says, "Lead the way my friend, we have some things to decide."

Anarion will follow Toad.

Friday June 1st, 2001 10:22:56 AM

Smiling at the show, Bart walks up and picks up the lump of coal, putting it in the pouch on his hip. He walks back to the group where Toad is.

"Of all the people we have conversed with tonight about that damn Mask, I say we follow this guy's suggestions. His rhymes made more sense to me than anything anyone else has said to us regarding that damn thing.

"Let's get this over with so we can get home and see mother."

Friday June 1st, 2001 11:15:22 AM

Seeing his error, Plink says to Miranna, "Yes, I see what you mean. However, we've got some decisions to make as to who and what we'll do. Let's get to the tavern." At this, he nods and walks forth, following Toad.

Saturday June 2nd, 2001 11:47:56 AM

The old man makes sure the piece of coal is collected. "First of all kids, The Lords of Diamonds are a group you will want to like you. They have power and influence throughout the city. You'll never deal with them directly - at least you probably won't. They keep to themselves. I know, however, that they tend toward good and are most certainly not evil. We just need to make sure that the witches can't do their dastardly deed with the box. But he is quite correct, the box is what they asked for. And it seems that the mask is what they need to gain power. Perhaps we can give the mask to Ryson, then contact the Lords and tell them what we did and where it is. That way they are not too miffed at us and this alleged 'blood debt' is paid.".

DM (Anthony) 
Sunday June 3rd, 2001 3:46:31 PM

WOW, it's been a long day and the young group need a bite and some time to talk.

Sunday June 3rd, 2001 9:18:12 PM

Miranna lifts her brow as Bart bends down just a moment after her, where the coal used to be. With a shrug, she tosses the black thing to Bart after reading the note. It looks like the others want to eat and talk, again. She wonders why those who were hungry did not eat at Ffloy's temple that they just left, but keeps her thoughts to herself. The one thing she has learnt in the 60-odd years she has lived with Flaust is that the shorter-lived races are strange.

Calling her weasel to return to her pouch, Miranna follows Toad and the others.

Monday June 4th, 2001 8:39:05 AM

Jezebella rolls her eyes slightly. "Lets go to that pub, mr Toad.. a little less crowded there, I would hope.. .so we can talk *privately*"

She follows him to the tavern/pub/resturaunt, and then slips in front of him to move to a table in a quiet corner, expecting everyone to follow. Jez lets everyone sit before her, taking the outside seat. She sits in a chair that has her back to the wall, and offers a view of the rest of the room. She is sitting on the outside of the table, so she can move easily if she has to.

Once everyone is gathered and settled, she speaks in low tones. "Some thoughts about the jesters rhyme... giving the witches the box alone is a good idea.. if dangerous. It would certainly anger them, if what they really wanted was the contents." She continues... "About the Ffloy men.. I believe the riddle said something about men in mud, and the water... I wonder if it means to ask if these rich men would really care if the bottom two levels were washed out... with people inside. Do any of them worship Ffloy? Honestly, I do not know. I wonder if we can twist Rysons words against him, as well.. . visit a butcher and send the man in black a bucket of pigs blood, for his blood debt." She grins mischivously, and continues. "And to dispose of the mask... give it to a mad jester? .. I dont know... they can bind it somehow? Toad, are you quite certain that these Lords are good people?"

Monday June 4th, 2001 11:50:57 AM

The old man smiles at Jezebella's prowess. "Not bad, young lady. There is hope for you kids after all...".

After the group seats itself and food is ordered Toad speaks. "Our first order of business is to get the item - and by the way, do not refer to the item specifically anymore. We know what it is and you will only risk being discovered by not speaking in generalities - that is lesson #1. I know where our target person stays and if we can't find him there I'm sure I can dig him up using other means if necessary. Once we get the item from him we must then attempt to extract the object from within the item. I fear this will be our greatest challenge. Once we have the object out we must then decide what to do with them. You kids seem to have some ideas. I'm inclined to let you think about it without interfering if at all possible. I believe there is a way to satisfy all parties involved without any retibution befalling us...".

DM (Anthony) 
Monday June 4th, 2001 4:26:01 PM

The group is treated to a nice tavern. The serving people are easy on the eye and the food is easy on the tongue.

Monday June 4th, 2001 5:27:35 PM

Anarion moves into the tavern and finds a comfortable seat. He appears lost in thought to his friends as he is both listening to them talk and analyzing the magic of the jester.

He mind is churning so hard trying to figure out how the jester appeared then disappeared. "Great and powerful magic of a kind I will one day wield," he thinks to himself. Reaching deep into his mind he sees a distance point of energy. He reaches for it, struggling past the blockages in his mind. Getting closer to the energy with each passing moment, he is so close. He knows as a sorcerer he has the ability, he can feel the power withinn himself. Getting exhausted at the effort, Anarion tries one final push to reach the energy point in his mind. "errrrrrrr, gack, pssssssssssttttttt, mrrrrrrrrreerrrr" he yells in his mind, but aftr all the effort fails to obtain his goal.

Sitting somewhat deflated, he looks down on the table and sees a piece of ham. Reaching out he gulps it down along with a pint of ale.

Monday June 4th, 2001 7:26:49 PM

Bart orders food and drink, waits for it to be delivered, then, in between mouthfuls of food and ale, Bart continues the conversation.

I believe the best bet for us will be to give the women the box. Then I also think we should give the item to that man we just met in the Alley. As for that rude man who threatened us, I don't take kindly to threats and being coerced into doing another person's bidding so I say fudge him.

Bart smiles at everyone, with food crumbs in his beard and Ale foam on his mustache, then resumes his grubbing.

Monday June 4th, 2001 10:58:40 PM

Miranna watches Bart with disbelief. The dwarf just ate a heaped plateful in Ffloy's temple! She eats her food slowly and daintilly, presenting a stark contrast to her adopted brother.

Miranna smiles at Jezebella's little speech. "Excellent, Jezebella, but I doubt Ryson would be taken in by a bucket of pig's blood. He did specify it was our blood that was bonded in this blood debt."

After Bart has spoken, "I would prefer to hand the item to the jester too, but -"

Miranna falls silent, trying to puzzle out the part of the rhyme about water and mud and "those they call blood"... blood... did it mean them or the men of Ffloy?

Tuesday June 5th, 2001 3:24:34 AM

Anarion speaks to himself, but loud enough for others to hear while chewing on the ham.


"If Ryson wants my blood,<chew> than perhaps I will <chomp> give it to him. In a vial! <chomp> <chew> <chew> Drained from my little finger. <chew> <chew> <chomp> <chew> blood for blood as he said!"


Jezebella  d20+2=16 d20+4=16 d20+4=6
Tuesday June 5th, 2001 8:05:01 AM

Jezebella shrugs. "Our blood, pigs blood, whatever. I would prick myself to rid ourselves of that..." She trails off and takes a morsel of food, letting her silence speak for itself.

After a moment of picking at the food, and sipping from the water provided, she questions Toad. "So.. if you know where your.. associate.. is, perhaps you know where the item we desire is? Or would we need to speak to him, ourselves? I dont imagine he would hand it over, would he... " She grins again, showing that what she said was at least partly in jest.

Jez continues to scan the room for anyone evesdropping or anything else out of the ordinary. (16 spot, 16 listen, 6 read lips (if needed))

Tuesday June 5th, 2001 12:05:20 PM

The old man smiles at the kids and helps them order good food since it is unlikely any one of them has eaten this well before.

"I do not know where my friend keeps the object of our desire. I do believe I can convince him to give it up - and don't worry, I'll handle that part. He either believes he can get more money for it or he found out what the item can do - or he got a better offer. In which case it is already sold and we have a bigger problem. If he still has it I think I can point out the direness of his situation and he will cooperate. Perhaps even help. As for your problem with the god - and your problem is with him - not his servant - think about the riddle. It will reveal to you how to worm your way out of the blood debt, get your money, and still become friends with the other group. That will be lesson number 2. Think about it... Your ability to come up with answers that are handed to you will determine whether you live or die in this life - so try.".

Once everyone completes their food, the old man pays and rises. "So, shall we go? I'd say we'd best be on our way.". The old man leads them towards another tavern - The Red Crow.

Tuesday June 5th, 2001 4:33:50 PM

drinking what is left in everyone's mugs, Bart heads out the door after Toad.

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 8:48:11 AM

Miranna stares at Anarion, her fork frozen in mid-air. Blood for blood... what will the water do to those they call blood...

"Anarion, I think you may have hit on the answer to the riddle. Blood for blood. Yes, this must be what the jester meant. We will present the item to the Lords, and repay our blood debt with blood - the blood of Ffloy's worshippers."

Smiling radiantly, Miranna leaves the rest of her meal unfinished and follows Toad out of the tavern.

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 9:43:29 AM

Polaris silently chomps away at her meal, listening to the others. As she finishes, she follows Toad as well.

DM (Anthony) 
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 12:00:30 PM

The party heads out to the Red Crow on Trash level. Once finally arriving there, they notice that the Red Crow is little more than a hole in the wall. The placard outside depicts a crow, red with its own blood, nailed to a cross through its head.

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 12:39:28 PM

The old man smiles at Miranna's musings. "Well done, young lady. Remember, a blood debt is repaid with blood. The mask would 'indirectly' repay the debt because by giving it to the temple man would prevent the disaster. But so would giving it to the disappearing man. All that would be necessary is to get the temple man to agree that is satifies the debt. He will do it - even though he won't like it. And the box gives the women nothing but gives you the cash. So your mother stays free, your debt to the temple man is satified, and you make new friends. Not bad for a day's work..."

When they arrive at the new tavern, the old man says "Wait out here. I don't want to scare him off. Stay in th shadows in case the other group shows up. He who speaks with forked tongue may not be so nice to you this time.". Toad enters the in and looks for his friend.

Jezebella  d20+7=13 d20+2=19
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 2:20:37 PM

Jez hides in the shadows outside the tavern (13 hide), and keeps an eye out for trouble (19 spot). Prepared in this rough neighborhood, she has her daggers readied.

Wednesday June 6th, 2001 4:35:14 PM

Smiling at Miranna as Toad enters the tavern. "We of like minds!"

Red Crow Anarion digs through his pockets. "Curses, where did I put my chalk ! There's never a peice of chalk around when you need one."

Searching through his clothing.


Wednesday June 6th, 2001 5:01:08 PM

"A-ha -- here it is!!!"

Anarion pulls out a piece of white chalk from the inside of his left boot.

He frowns and looks at the outside of the tavern. "What to do, what to do?"

He begins writing on the outside of a building next to the Red Crow.

He writes on the wall:
"1 large chicken
2 large onions
3 apples
1 pinch of mandrake root
2 leaves of nightshade"

He stands back and smiles. "There. That ought to do it!"

Bart  d20+2=18 d20+3=20
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 7:10:41 PM

Hide Check = 18
Spot Check = 20

Bart stands in the shadows with Jeze, doing likewise, watching out for trouble.

Miranna  d20+13=17 d20+9=13 d20+4=8
Wednesday June 6th, 2001 10:07:40 PM

Miranna commands her weasel to follow Toad quietly (Weasel Hide=17, Move Silently=13), then finds a shadowy area to hide herself (Hide=8). She concentrates on her weasel, trying to get an impression of the inside of the Red Crow.

Thursday June 7th, 2001 5:12:17 AM

The elf waits patiently outside the run down tavern. After a few moments, he moves to a position where he can see the entrance at the rear while still keeping eye contact with the others. He calls over to Anarion, "Hey, what's the recipe for?"

Thursday June 7th, 2001 10:12:24 AM

Whispering loudly to Syr, "I've been thinking of a mandrake chicken soup recipe for little Richard back at the orphanage. He's had an upset stomach for several days now."

Smiling while looking at the chalk written recipe, "I think this should help him. Doesn't it sound delicious Syr?"

DM (Anthony) 
Thursday June 7th, 2001 4:41:19 PM

Toad is in the building a long time. When he comes out he looks sad and angry.

Toad  d20=17
Thursday June 7th, 2001 5:17:45 PM

The old man hurries out and approaches the children. His look communicates concern, anger, dismay and frustration - all in one. "Come with me - and hurry. My friend is dead and he may have spilled the location before he died. I found the address of one of his warehouses. It was either an amateur job or it was somebody trying to make it look like an amateur job. Keep an eye out for tails. We may be followed.". The old man begins to look around carefully for would be followers.

Plink  d20+7=25
Thursday June 7th, 2001 8:09:37 PM

Plink listens to everyone's opinions of the jester's riddles, and what to do with what. He keeps his opinions to himself, for the most part. Walking next to his brother on the way to the new tavern, he says, "Brother, I'm not sure I like the idea of betraying Ffloy with a twist of words. His isn't a job we've been hired to do like it is for the coven, it's a debt, something we owe him, no matter how cruel he is." At seeing the recipe written, Plink adds, "As odd as it sounds, maybe a teaspoon of honey would add flavor to the recipe..."

At Toad's request, Plink rushes up to the entrance right behind the old man, seeming as if he's not paying any attention, looking as a sight seer might look about his surroundings, but he's actually looking for anyone watching them. (Spot 25)

Bart  d20+3=17
Thursday June 7th, 2001 10:26:16 PM

Hurridly follows Toad to wherever he's taking us.

spot check of 17 to notice anyone following us.

Miranna  d20+6=17 d20+6=17
Thursday June 7th, 2001 10:59:22 PM

Miranna sighs. She should have known it had sounded too easy. She calls her weasel to return to her pouch and follows Toad, keeping her eyes and ears open for anyone shadowing them. (Listen=17, Spot=17)

Jezebella  d20+2=16 d20+3=18
Friday June 8th, 2001 8:38:53 AM

"An amateur job, hmm? Kinda like a bunch of orphans did it?" Jez asks sarcastically before she follows the rest. She keeps a careful eye out, and sticks to the shadows if she can as she follows. (16 spot, 18 hide)

Friday June 8th, 2001 10:35:40 AM

Looking at Plink "I know what your saying brother, but let us see how things unfold. Mother Flaust always says life is like a bag of sweets, you never know what your going to get."

Looking at his recipe "Maybe you're right, a spoonful of honey could give it some extra flavour. Although it might also be good with some hot chiles from Fargunia." Anarion proceeds to scribble

"Add to taste
1 spoonful of Honey or
1 pinch of Fargunia Chiles"

"There that looks perfect. All I need to do is get my alchemy bowl and cook it in ..."

Startled, Anarion looks up as Toad walks out of the tavern. Hearing the dire news Anarion commits his recipe to memory and rubs it off the wall. He quickly follows the rest of the group.

Syr  d20+5=7
Friday June 8th, 2001 12:59:41 PM

Syr pulls Miranna aside quickly and whispers quietly, "Lag back a little so that I'm able to catch up with you. I want to double check that tavern."

Once Toad has turned his back he enters the tavern looking around. Upon seeing the corpse he looks for some unusual signs of his death and possibly what type of wounds he died from.
(Spot check?)

If anyone is present, he covers his mouth, makes retching noises and races out of the tavern to catch the others.

DM (Anthony) 
Friday June 8th, 2001 6:41:08 PM

Syr not enters the Tavern common room and has no idea what the Mans name is, or who to ask what room he might be in. Serving Wenches go to and fro serving Ale and dinner. He could stop and ask but he has no idea where Toad is going or how to catch up with them once he is done here.
(OOC: please e-mail me if you are going to persue looking for the room and we will deal with it in e-mail this weekend. we will also deal with how you find everyone else again.)

After about 10 minutes of walking everyone notices a group of older children following about 50 feet not so quietly behind you.

Miranna  d20+4=16
Friday June 8th, 2001 9:37:15 PM

When Syr pulls her aside, Miranna nods and lags behind the others, trying to look casual about it. If Syr does not come out again before the others get out of sight, she commands her weasel to go with the group. She herself stays behind to wait for Syr, concentrating now and then to get a sense of the direction her weasel is going. Miranna attempts to remain in the shadows while waiting. (Hide=16)

(OOC: The Emphatic Link with my familiar should be enough to lead me to the group again, right? It works up to one mile.)

The city is MUCH biger than one mile

DM Anthony 
Friday June 8th, 2001 11:04:35 PM

If you haven't checked these two addys out you NEED to. It is everything Floating City that you all would know.



Friday June 8th, 2001 11:41:24 PM

Bart moves up along side Toad and informs him of the group of children following behind us at 50 paces or so. Bart will wait for Toad's reaction.

Monday June 11th, 2001 12:24:26 AM

The old man shakes his head and says "Great, amateurs. Don't one of you guys have an illusion you could scare up of us heading down a side street? If so now would be a good time to use it.". The old man glances back in a very non-chalant way and scopes them out: How many, weapons, etc.

Syr  d20+8=23
Monday June 11th, 2001 1:20:39 AM

Syr walks into the common room and takes a moment for his eyes to adjust. He shifts to one side of the door as he scans the room. Seeing that the merchant is not present, he moves to the stairs. After a few steps, the elf notices several of the patrons staring at him in a strange manner. As the nearest human starts to rise, Syr immediately retreats to the safety of the streets.

Once outside, he races to where he left Miranna and says hurridly,"Icouldn'tfindanythinginthere andthoseguysgivemethecreeps. Let's catch up with the others."

(OOC: Assuming we are behind the children that are following the party:)

Syr slides in behind Miranna and eyes the tailing group of children carefully, looking for something familiar in their faces and bearing.

Monday June 11th, 2001 7:46:34 AM

Outside the tavern, Miranna is relieved to see Syr. She tells him briefly that her weasel has communicated to her about another group of children following the others, and leads Syr in the direction her weasel has gone. Miranna and Syr walk quickly but take care not to make too much noise, trying not to be spotted before they spot the other group.

Once they spot the children, Miranna pulls Syr into a side street and whispers to him, "What do we do now, Syr? I have Illusion spells, but I am not sure whether we should scare them away. It may be a wiser move to capture one of them for interrogation, if we can manage it."

Jezebella  d20+7=15 d20+7=23 d20+2=7
Monday June 11th, 2001 8:07:30 AM

Jez continues to move in the shadows along beside the group, counting the ruffians, and sizing them up. (15 hide, 23 move silently, 7 sence motive)

Monday June 11th, 2001 9:12:29 AM

Polaris continues with the group as well, keeping close ear and careful eye, as not to run into anything that might have trouble written on it.

Monday June 11th, 2001 1:59:24 PM

Anarion sees what's going on and hears Toad's suggestion of the illusion. He thinks to himself wondering what he should do. Unsure of himself he decides to wait and see what happens next.

DM (Anthony) 
Monday June 11th, 2001 7:50:07 PM

The ruffians, are now walking faster and calling after the group. they seem to have simple weapons, knives, sticks, rocks, clubs. They are laughing and chanting, some darting into the shadows and out again. It is hard to tell how many there are but 7 seems a good guess. Suddenly a rock goes sailing past Barts head. Laughter comes from behind you as Bart almost trips, surprised by the rock.

Monday June 11th, 2001 10:16:32 PM

The old man stops, turns around and holds his ground. "That will be quite enough you fools. Do you wish to die in the street? You will if you mess around with us.". For the first time you notice that this guy can look pretty scary when he wants to.

Monday June 11th, 2001 10:52:32 PM

From her side street, Miranna sees the flying rock and frowns. She has to act now, before her family gets hurt. She pulls Syr with her as she moves nearer to within 25 feet of the ruffians, trying not to be spotted or heard. (Since the ruffians are making a lot of noise and concentrating on the group ahead, it should not be difficult.)

In a low whisper, "Syr, I will cast a spell. Please cover me if we are spotted."

Miranna pulls a bit of string and wood from her belt pouch and starts chanting in a low voice as she deftly ties the string to one end of the wood. With a final command in Draconic, "Go and serve!", Miranna throws the wood into the air and watches it vanish as it drops down. Smiling in satisfaction, she mentally commands her Unseen Servant (range 25 ft, lasts 1 hour) to go among the ruffians and take one of the clubs, then use it to whack each of the ruffians on the backside.

The Unseen Servant will not be able to hurt the ruffians, but it should cause enough confusion and panic to stop their attacks on her family.

Tuesday June 12th, 2001 7:22:56 AM

Polaris starts to walk a little faster. She is not in the mood for confrontation and is really little compared to the ruffians. She moves in closer towards the middle of the group, knowing that there she will feel safer.

Jezebella  d20+7=24 d20+7=11
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 8:44:35 AM

Jez watches silently from the shadows, her own knives ready.
(ooc : holding action... also.. once hidden, do you need to make a hide roll every round? if so : 24 hide, 11 move silently)

((Please state specificaly what action your holding and what the trigger is. You must re-roll your hide every time you move.))

Tuesday June 12th, 2001 11:27:04 AM

Deciding that these kids need a good scare, Anarion thinks he is just the person to give it to them.

Waving his hands he casts an illusion on himself. The illusion on him appears to have two extra arms starting to grow out of his side. The arms sprout like weeds and get longer and longer until they are about 10 feet long. Then the hands at the end of the arms morph into large claws (like a lobster's) and turn a bright purple in color. His face suddenly seems to get bigger and his smile widens. He reaches his index finger into the corners of his mouth and stretches his face way out. Making his face and smile appear 3 feet wide (a la Beetlejuice) and very ugly. He grabs his hair and yanks it upwords, giving it a spiked look and thus stretching his skin on his face. With the illusion complete, Anarion lets out a large demonic yell "yeaaaaarrr" and moves his illusionary claw hands towards the ruffians.

(Please state the Specific Spell.)

Tuesday June 12th, 2001 12:03:53 PM

Syr hears Miranna's words and nods silently. Once she completes her spell he moves in front of her and assumes a ready position. He eyes the reaction of the group with a snarl on his face.

Tuesday June 12th, 2001 5:57:25 PM

Realizing the urgency of the situation since the ruffians appear to be violent, Plink decides to assist in his brother's mirage. Hiding behind Toad so as not to let his hand gestures be seen, he begins the complex words in the ways of magic. If he's close enough, he attempts to make the same, "yeaaaaarrr" noise at the level of a human on each side of the ruffians, except the front, and one from above. (Ghost Sound)

DM (Anthony)  d20+2=21 d20+2=17 d20+2=13 d20+2=19 d20+2=7
Tuesday June 12th, 2001 8:46:54 PM

Toad turns around and glares at the thugs behind you and yells. They seem visibly shaken, not sure what they want. Then suddenly something snatches the Club from #5 and begins waving it about. The group falls back a bit in fear of the floating club. Then the illusion and sound causes them to break and run toward Building #2. The day seems won, but then a challenging yell comes from behind the party. Five more thugs, these older, melt from out of the shadows. "Idiots," #10 yells. "They are using magic to scare you -- we were told they would!!!" The thugs that ran seem to gather themselves back together, except #5 - he still seems paralized in fear. #4 seems a bit shaken as well. #10 speaks again. "Listen old man, we were paid well to make sure that you and your band of midgets stop sticking your nose in where you're not wanted!!! GET THEM BOYS!!" The Boys rush forward.

Combat has begun. It is the Party's initiative. I have sent out a battle map through E-mail.

Jezebella (hidden)  d20-1=14 d4=2
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 8:34:47 AM

Jezebella will wait until the thugs rush past her... and then attempt to hit the nearest one (x6) with the butt of her dagger on the back of the head/neck (14 attack roll, 2 damage?). Perhaps this can be ended without bloodletting.

Tiree True 
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 8:55:45 AM

Somehow Tiree had gotten seperated from the other kids and Toad back at the alley.Since then she had been wandering the streets looking for some sign of them. Down the road she hears yelling. The voice has the familiar sound of Toads.

Tiree thinks to herself that her family might be down there and that they might be in trouble. She hurries along, almost running. She wants to get there and help her family, but she also knows that it might be best if the others don't know she is there.

As she hurries down the street, she pulls her rapier from her side and smiles down at it thinking that this is about to be the best investment she ever made. She carries the rapier in her left hand as she moves and also pulls into her right hand the dagger from her belt and has it ready to throw if need be.

Wednesday June 13th, 2001 10:55:15 AM

Miranna's forehead creases in a frown when she sees that the thugs are intent on a fight. She has no weapons on her; in any case, she is not sure she wants to shed blood on these streets. Sighing softly, she recalls her weasel to her side. Then, concentrating, Miranna mentally commands the Unseen Servant to throw the club to the ground as near her as possible, and to snatch another weapon from the little ruffians and repeat, until told to stop, but to stay within 25 ft of her.

Miranna considers casting an illusion, but decides to wait and see what the old man will do. If the club falls at her feet, Miranna will pick it up and offer it to Syr if he needs a weapon.

Toad  d4=2 d4=4
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 11:00:23 AM

The old man searches out the leader - and casts. "Now we'll use magic to hurt you!". The leader and those around him sleep (6 HD).

Anarion  d3=3 d20+2=19
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 11:45:08 AM

Stands close to his brother Plink and Bart. "Let's stay close and I will use my most powerful magic to help us!" Somewhat anxious Anarion decides what spell to cast, he has never harmed anyone with his magic before and doesn't wish to kill these thugs.

Summoning a spell from the icy depths of his mind Anarion casts a Ray of Frost at (X7) the nearest thug (1d3=3).

OOC: I don't have my players handbook, but I think the damage for ray of frost is 1d3.

DM = Yes you are correct on the damage however it is a ranged touch spell and that requires a "To hit roll" I've done it for you this time to keep things speedy. A 19 hits!!!

Syr  d20+5=22 d6+4=10
Wednesday June 13th, 2001 3:49:23 PM

He watches the club fall at their feet and scoops it up quickly as Miranna bends over to get it. Syr then stays in front of the mage and swings savegely at any approaching thugs. (Attack roll:17+5=22, Damage=1d6+4?=10)

Thursday June 14th, 2001 8:24:00 AM

Doing as his brother says, Plink stands by Anarion's side, hoping to keep any foes away from the classically weaker of the two. He draws his rapier and proceeds to wait until a foe approaches him. Hopefully it won't get to blood, but if a rock was thrown, then this is serious....
(I don't remember reading about Attacks of Opportunity, but I don't think you use them. As such, he's delaying his action until a foe becomes apparent)

DM = We use a version of them if you close with a foe you do not provoke an AOO but if you leave a foe and do ANYTHING other than walk away then you do. That includes walking all the way THROUGH a threatend area and going to attack a diffrent foe.

DM (Anthony) OOC 
Thursday June 14th, 2001 11:51:46 PM

Hi guys just your friendly naeibor hood DM here to key you into a little screct. In your e-mail I sent you a battle map, its in paint so hopefuly it should open, im going to try and save it as a jpg file today so that most peoples e-mail programs will open it. I hope that works. It is VERY important for you all to use this battle map in your posts so that you can see where you are in relation to everyone else. That way you can tell me who you attack, you don't cast a fireball down ontop of anyones head and you can tell if there is anyone in front of you to attack and then can post specifcaly what you do. I know this may be a pain but it takes ALOT of time to run one round of combat in this form and with out that map I would be SOOOOOO lost!!! Thank you.

The AC of the Thugs #1 -9 is 14 and # 10 is 17

Polaris  d20+6=23 d6=3
Friday June 15th, 2001 12:00:12 AM

Polairs draws her Bow and sights at the leader, the small and cute Halfling seems to loose herself in the meditation of the shot. As she lets loose the arrow flies straight to its mark hiting the leader square in the chest. (Hits AC 23 for 3 points of damage.)

DM (Anthony)  d20=16 d20+6=22 d20+4=7
Friday June 15th, 2001 12:07:48 AM

Jezebella comes running out of the shadows and tags the thug who is terrified and stunned twice on the head with the back of her dagger. The Thug collapses to the ground in a heap, it's difficult to tell if he is breathing or not. Jezebella worries that she may have killed him but then looking up at the Thugs arrayed at the other end of the street she sees nothing but deadly weapons, the others that were not stunned are also pulling fort weapons that appear deadly. This is not a typical street fight she realizes, these men were paid to kill.

Tiree arrives on the scene seeing Syr and Miranna at the end of the street and what looks like a gang war beging to start. Knives are drawn and men begin to close in on her friends.

Miranna realizes that she can only give the servant one command at a time (One per round please) and that now that the men are holding there weapons to fight and not just playing with them the servant will be unable to take them. (That would require an attack / disarm roll) So she has the servant carry the club to her. She now holds a club in her hands. The Weasel runs frightened across the busy street and darts up Mirannas leg and onto her shoulder.

Bart takes up a defensive fighting position

Toad turns around to face Thug number 10 and cast his spell. Those standing next to Toad feel the power of magic rushing forward to slam into the poor unknowing Thugs. As the spell finishes everyone is sure that these Thugs will be sleeping for days, but as the last word is whispered a dampening seems to be placed over the spell and as it flies toward its target it seems to be much less powerful than when it was created. The leader shakes the spell off easily but his companion doesn't seem to be able too and falls in a heap on the ground fast asleep.

Anarion focuses his fury and magic and fires a Ray of Frost at one of the advancing Thugs. It hits the Thug squarely in the eyes and the Thug staggers for a moment but continues to advance.

Syr has the club handed to him and stares out at the fight in the street that is no where near him yet and decides to hold his attack this round in case someone comes near.

Plink drawing his weapon readies to attack anyone that comes near.

Polaris strikes the leader and his eyes go read with rage.


DM (Anthony)  d20=4 d20+2=4 d20+2=21 d20+2=16 2d4(2+3)=5 d20+2=3 d20+2=15 d6+2=7 d20+2=7 d20+4=6
Friday June 15th, 2001 12:43:05 AM

Thug number 4 terrified from the illusion and from seeing his brother crumple so easily to the ground breaks and runs away. (d20=4) The rest close in to fight. Thug number 3 advances on Tiree who just arrived, he seems to recognize her somehow and strikes at her with a knife, but he stumbles and misses horribly. (d20+3=4) Thugs number 1 and 2 quickly close in on Jez. They seem determined to take her out quickly for what she did to their friend. Thug #1 slashes out with his dagger and cuts Jez deeply, gouging deeply and twisting. (crit hit for 5 dam :: d20+2=21 d20+2=16 2d4(2+3)=5) Jez is cut badly. The other Thug feeling the bloodlust moves in to finish her, but he too trips and falls, embarrassing himself. (d20+2=3) Thug # 6 closes on Plink and is attacked for his trouble, Plink slices with his rapier and cuts deeply (d20+2=15, d6+2=7 dam) the Thug looks near death as his blow misses the boy completely. He rights himself and looks at his near gutted self, contemplating running. Thug #10 closes on the small Polaris with murder in his eyes. He strikes out with his knife, (d20+4=6) missing completely. Cursing he spits in the small girls face. Thugs number 7 and 9 close on Anarion and Toad respectively, they had to run to get there but they made it, unable to attack this round they seem to be there to try and disrupt any further casting.

It is now the party's initive.

Friday June 15th, 2001 12:45:16 AM

Bart chants some divine words of encouragement to his friends and makes gestures of divine relief and holy emanations emit
from Bart, surrounding everyone within range, Blessing them.

(bless spell)

DM = Sorry Tim I had to move your post. Ill make it up to you!!!

Jezebella  d20-1=3 d20-1=17 d4+1=3
Friday June 15th, 2001 8:34:10 AM

Jez cries out in pain from the viscous slash, her eyes widening from shock. Her eyes dart to the thugs attempting to surround her, and their weapons. A drop of blood falls from his knife -- HER blood...

She slides to the left, keeping her back to Bart and Toad, moving toward their protection. She slashes at the thug on her left with each of her own knives, her face twisting in a snarl. All her training, all her practice sessions dancing with the blades leave her in her shock and rage. (target : x1, missing with a 3, hitting for 3 with a 17)

Anarion  d3=2 d20+2=13 (+1 Bless)
Friday June 15th, 2001 8:50:08 AM

Anarion smiles as his spell performs at maximum energy. He suddenly gets caught in the heat of the battle. The thugs advance on their position with eyes that speak of death. Watching his brother chop down one of the thugs, he almost fails to notice another thug (#7) moving in on him. Quickly he decides to cast another Ray of Frost at his assailant (#7) doing some damage (d3=2). Anarion says to the thug (7) "Didn't your mother tell you not to play with sticks!!"

DM = Please see last post about ranged touch spells.

Toad  d4+1=4 d4+1=5
Friday June 15th, 2001 12:36:08 PM

The old man curses as he casts again. This time 2 firey bolts surge from his fingers and slam into the leader (9 DMG). He begins to shake as if trying to hold something inside himself. Those near him feel their hair stand on end. "I will comply, as I have promised...".

DM = Please be spell specific, thanks.

Plink  d20+3=12
Friday June 15th, 2001 1:56:25 PM

Seeing his strike work so effectively, Plink is surprised at the sheer amount of blood upon his blade. Since the rogue retaliated, it's still an obvious threat. Determined for success, Plink grits his teeth, and strikes at the thug #6, but even Bart's words of praise are unable to help him (Hit ac 12, miss).

Tiree  d20=17 d6=2
Friday June 15th, 2001 2:54:35 PM

Having someone run up to her and try to attack her really irritates Tiree. She sees the look of recognition on his face, but tries not to think about it. With the dagger that is still in her right hand she slashes at Thug 3 (att 17 dmg 2) across is chest a thin line of blood appears. Seeing that she grins up at him in a challenge.

Friday June 15th, 2001 10:13:39 PM

Miranna's frown deepens. Little Jezebella has been hurt! She mentally reviews her arsenal of spells, but none is offensive. Miranna resolves to carry her bow with her at all times in future.

For now, a little distraction is all she can contribute. Miranna commands the Unseen Servant to pick up a fallen weapon or large stone from the ground, and wave it in the face of the nearest thug standing. (The Servant will repeat this activity until commanded to do something else.)

Reaching into her waist pouch, Miranna takes out a small bit of fleece and grasps it in her left hand while her right hand traces a shape in the air. With her verbal command in Draconic, "Take shape and befuddle!", a large, curved, double-edged blade appears between Jezebella and thugs X1, X2. The shimmering blade starts spinning as it closes on whichever thug pursues Jezebella. (Silent Image, save DC 16 if interacted with.)

If the thug turns and runs, the blade pursues him for only 10 ft and then turns back. If the thug tries to hit the blade, the blade will move out of reach. The illusory blade will not connect with any of the thugs or their weapons.

Polaris  d20+6=19 d6=2
Saturday June 16th, 2001 12:21:58 AM

Realizing that she has no choice being surrounded takes a deep breath and aims an Arrow at the Leaders chest as he stands only a foot away. She hits him driving another arrow into his chest. (Hit AC 19 and 2 points of Dam)

DM (Anthony) 
Saturday June 16th, 2001 12:35:19 AM

OOC: Ok couple of things, a Ranged Touch spell such as Ray of Frost requires a "To hit" roll. I am making comments about mistakes on your previous turn of combat under DM= please everyone go back and check all last time posts for all DM= and read them, they will answer lots of questions and help correct mistakes before they come up. Also you the players are responsible for adding in any bonuses from things like Barts Bless spell, please make sure you do that, I did it this time but won't next time. Also if you have a spell or spell like effect that is active please place that Info in your post name field like this

Bart (Bless, Invisible, Flying)

That helps me keep track of things that are still active. I as DM have to assume that its not active if I don't see it there. I know I'm asking A LOT but if you didn't notice it take HOURS to run a round of a combat (No joke look at the times between posts yesterday and then the time you received your battle map!!!) So every thing the players can do to make it easier helps a lot!! If you think of anything else that could help please e-mail me, we can always use a good idea here in the Wold.

DM (Anthony)  d20+2=13 d4=2 d20=15 d20+2=8 d20+2=16 d20+2=18 d20+4=16 d20+2=13
Saturday June 16th, 2001 12:37:10 AM

Bart begins Chanting and speaking in tongues, suddenly everyone feels better, more capable. The flurry of battle becomes more focused and you find yourself much more capable of hitting your opponent.

Jez places her back to Toad's side and attacks. The Thug easily dodges and smiles wickedly. "Come on pretty little thing, you can do better than that I think." He growls, licking his lips perversely. Her second strike cuts off his words as he winces in pain however.

The Thug standing across from Anarion sees his opportunity as the spell is being cast and attacks. He hits (d20+2=13 d4=2 dam) distracting the spell caster, however Anarion holds his concentration (d20=15) and the spell fly's from his hand, almost missing his target, if it wasn't for Barts bless spell he knows he would have. The spell does hit however and slams into the Thug, stunning him slightly. Shaking his head though the Thug notices that he has cut Anarion deeply and needs little to finish him off.

The Thug standing across from Toad also sees his chance while the spell caster is distracted and attacks. This Thug misses (d20+2=8) though and looks embarrassed at his attempt. Toads Magic Missiles fly from his fingers and slam into the leader causing him great pain.

The Thug across from Plink who was contemplating running now sees that there may be hoe yet, His spirit uplifted he stays to press the attack.

Tiree's Thug simply grins back as he looks for an opening to counter strike.

Miranna sends the Unseen servant to pick up a large stone from the ground and fly in front of Thug #3 waving it back and forth in front of him, distracting him however it is clear that it is distracting Tiree too. (-1 to hit for both) Then she casts her spell. It seems to work as the Thugs react in first fear and then frustration, finally through the process of elimination they both figure out that it is yet another illusion, (d20+2=16 d20+2=18) however they have wasted all there time on it and have only enough time left to close back with Jez and wait for their next opportunity to attack.

Polaris braves two attacks in order to get off another shot into the leader. The leader strikes at her first. The leaders attack misses (d20+4=16) and so does Thug #7 as he also tries to stop that arrow. (d20+2=13)

Syr continues to hold, protecting Miranna.

.....more to come

DM continued (Anthony)  d20+2=22 d20+2=14 2d4(2+1)=3 d20+2=11 d20+2=20 d4=4 d20+2=15 d20+4=13
Saturday June 16th, 2001 1:05:36 AM

Thugs #1 and 2 spend all their time chasing an illusion of a floating sword and are too tired to attack Jez by the time they figure out the nature of the trick. However once they do that close in on the wounded girl twice as angry as before and with blood in their eyes. Even with the distraction of the rock in his face, Thug #3 answers Tiree's challenge with a near deadly hit. (d20+2=22 d20+2=14 crit) The knife cut deep but missed any vital point and so did not hurt as much as it could have. (2d4(2+1)=3 dam) Thug number 6 attacks Plink and misses again, (d20+2=11) his wound seems to be hampering his ability, and he looks at Plink again as if wondering about the wisdom of retreat. Thug number 7 slashes at Anarion and cuts him again, (d20+2=20) this time much deeper. (d4=4 dam) Anarion slumps to the ground, bleeding badly. Thug number 7 snarls and kicks the body of Anarion behind him and closes up next to Bart. "Your next Maggot." Thug number 9 again strikes out at the old man Toad and misses. (d20+2=15) Finally the leader, two arrows in his chest and burned from two strikes from the old mans magic roars and slashes at Polaris. Missing again (d20+4=13) he screams and throws his dagger to the ground. Then reaches in to a pouch to pull out a potion, preparing to drink it as soon as he can.

It is now the party's initiative.

Tiree (Bless, Distracted)  d20=19 d20=18 d6=3 d6=3
Saturday June 16th, 2001 3:36:04 AM

Tiree feels the knife blade cut into her, but not as deeply as her opponent had wished she was sure. Seeing her opponent was momentarily distracted she makes her move. Feinting to the right she moves quickly left and slashes him once again, this time across the shoulder and chest (att 19 crit dmg 6 (3+3)). The grin still plastered on her face she winks at her foe.

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=16 d4+1=5 d20=5
Saturday June 16th, 2001 6:02:10 AM

Her wound throbs and aches as her knives flash... her eyes trying to take in everything. Her snarl fades.. strangely, to a smile. Her blades begin to move faster, and more stylisticly. She remembers dance, and attacks her target again. (target : x1, hitting for 5 with a 16, missing with a 5)

Bart  d20+7=24 d8+2=10
Saturday June 16th, 2001 8:18:53 AM

Bart smiles as the thug steps over Anarions body then begins to cast defensively. (24 for defensive casting) Bart then says to the thug, Boy (emphasizing boy), my friend here aint so happy with you, matter of fact, he has something for you. With that, Bart leans down and touchs Anarion with a healing hand, healing him of 10 hit points of damage. Then Bart stands his ground in front of the thug and shouts at the top of his lungs: Archers on the left rooftop, prepare to fire! (this of course is a ruse in an attempt to frighten these people for a round)

Miranna (Ilusion = Sword) 
Saturday June 16th, 2001 11:09:22 AM

Realizing that the thugs X1 and X2 are ignoring her illusion, Miranna directs her spinning, shimmering blade at the next nearest thug X7, using the same close-and-run tactics. (Save DC 16)

DM = Everyone please don't forget to place active spells in your post name field like I did here for Miranna!!!!

Polaris  d20+6=25 d6=6
Saturday June 16th, 2001 11:09:44 AM

Polaris's little heart pounding with excitement takes her bow for another shot. She points towards the leader and hits again. (Hits AC 25 for 6 points of Dam) She sighes a bit of relief but nervously keeps a close eye.

Plink (Bless)  d20+3=17 d6+2=7
Saturday June 16th, 2001 4:44:46 PM

Seeing the fear in the eyes of #6, Plink seems to read his mind as he says, "Indeed, running would have been wise... Would have." Even before the words are out of his mouth, Plink's rapier slices the air, finding a soft spot in the rogue's meager defenses, piercing a deadly wound. (Hit ac 17, 7 damage)
Without looking over his shoulder, Plink says, "Brother, are you alright?"

Sunday June 17th, 2001 11:41:04 PM

OOC :I'm not sure if Anarion has an action this round, if he does.

Anarion rises from the ground feeling like a new boy after Bart's healing. He grins at the thug that cut him down and casts a magic missile at him(X7) doing (d4)4+1+(1 for bless)=6 pts for damage.

The missile strikes

"Take that you scum!!"

DM= You can stand up and then do one action, move, or act.

Syr  d20+5=18 d6+4=7
Monday June 18th, 2001 3:59:47 AM

Seeing Anarion fall Syr springs into action and races over to attack the villian standing over him.

He swings his borrowed club at the thug (#7) and connects with a solid blow to the ribs. (Hit AC 18 for 7 points of damage.)

Toad  d4+1=5 d4+1=2
Monday June 18th, 2001 12:45:07 PM

The old man casts yet again trying to show this rag-tag group how to fight. This time 2 more bolts come out of him. Seeing the leader hit again he takes care to aim at him only if he doesn't go down. Otherwise he sends one bolt each straight into the face of each of his attackers (NOTE: shoots leader if not dead, otherwise attack the ones in front of him.). "I'm afraid you have mistook yourselves. It is YOU who are the maggots - and you will die for what you've done!".

As he fires you once again feel the power surge around you - as if a volcano is about to erupt. It's as if it is coming from everywhere! The two thugs in front of the old man see - if they still can - his pupils turn white with power.".

DM (Anthony)  d20+3=16 d20+1=19 d20+4=9 d20+2=4 d20+1=18 d20+1=5 d20+1=3 d20+1=7
Monday June 18th, 2001 10:07:41 PM

Tiree's vicious slash with her dagger drops the foe in front of her and she is able to catch her breath. That is when she spots (d20+3=16) three full grown men walk up from behind and stand off to her right. They seem to be watching the fight with interest. They also seem to be on the side of the thugs. 'Out of the frying pan and into the fire' seems an appropriate phrase.

Jez strikes at the first thug and her blade cuts him deeply. He slumps to the ground and bleeds. His friend who has yet to be hit almost panics and runs (d20+1=19) but as he looks down at his bleeding friend again he holds fast and sure, he will kill this upstart girl or be killed by her.

Bart steps around the snarling thug and never losing his cool does what he was born to do. The spell completes perfectly and Anarion's eyes snap open and he leaps to his feet. The boy seems completely restored to life, there is not a scratch on him, in fact he seems to glow.

Miranna sends her Illusion after thug number 7 and it sends him reeling backward. He can't get at Bart or Anarion through the sword so in frustration he turns his attention to the people now directly behind him.

Polaris again braves being attacked to bring down the leader. The leader, now so frustrated he seems blind, misses his opportunity again (d20+4=9). He becomes so frustrated he rushes blindly at the little girl. Thug number 6 tries to block the arrow shot too but he misses as well. (d20+2=4) Polaris's arrow explodes through the leader's chest and he falls at her feet, clearly dead. All the boys seem to rethink their position as they see the best of them fall. All the remaining Thugs flee except for number 2. He, already resigned to die here, presses on. (d20+1=18 d20+1=5 d20+1=3 d20+1=7)

Anarion holds his spell as he sees the boy running. He too has spotted the three grown men and realizes that he may need that spell for bigger fish.

Syr, realizing that he in no way could both reach his brother's side and attack, simply runs to his brother's side. His brother points out the three men.

Toad too holds his spells as he sees the boys run, he too sees the three men.

.....More to come

DM (Anthony)  d20+4=18 d8+2=5 d20+6=9 d8+3=9
Monday June 18th, 2001 10:57:44 PM

As the boys run the group hears clapping from Man number one. "Very well done. A reptile-like friend of ours said you were good for a bunch of kids. I must admit I thought our boys would have softened you up a great deal more than this. Oh well, I guess you should never send a boy to do man's work. Our mutual friend with the forked tongue says hello, and that we are to kill half your number at least, to make sure that there is no misunderstandings. You DO NOT cross the Black Dragons. I am an honorable man. I don't feel that anyone should die without knowing their enemy, so I will introduce us before we kill some of you. I am Samuel, master of the blade and all things steel." Man number 1 bows deeply. "This," He points to man number 2, "is Dark. He is a master of death magic and a mage extraordinaire. Finally, this," pointing to number 3, "is Casteel Move (Pronounced 'mo VAY) a local priest to Marteaus, the Dark Lord. We are your death." And the men move into position.

Thug number 2, distracted by all this new mess and recognizing his employer, takes a defensive stance and waits. (+4 to AC)

Samuel sees Tiree all by herself and smiles, closing on her. He lazily swings over her head at the annoying unseen servant and strikes it, sending it back to the plane from which it came. (d20+4=18 hits d8+2=5 dam) Tiree realizes she is in big trouble.

Dark moves down closer to where the group is huddled and casts a spell upon himself. His edges seem to blur and it is harder to tell right where he is.

Casteel walks up behind the fallen leader and smiles at Polaris. "I think he has some unfinished business with you." Polaris sees an opportunity to hit him with an arrow while he is casting, but misses. (d20+6=9) The priest finishes his spell (d8+3=9) and the leader boy rises, and retrieves his dropped weapon. Staring at Polaris he whispers in a voice from the grave. "Now you die."

Monday June 18th, 2001 11:03:02 PM

Thug 10 ac = 17
Thug 2 ac = 14 / 18 this round Total Defense
M1 Samuel ac = 18
M2 Dark (Blur) ac = 15 must roll above 20% to actualy hit.
M3 Casteel ac = 16

Monday June 18th, 2001 11:16:41 PM

Startled by the appearance of the men and the mention of the Black Dragons, Miranna's concentration is broken and her illusory blade vanishes.

She looks helplessly at the three men, knowing that her group is far outmatched. And she is out of useful spells. How does Anarion manage to cast so many spells? Miranna commands her weasel to hide in her shoulder pouch and waits... for death or deliverance. She prepares to run if anybody gives the signal.

[OOC: Anthony, I thought the Unseen Servant can't be attacked, just like it can't attack? It dissipates if it takes 6 dmg from area spells, but no area spell has been cast?]

DM + I had to make a DM call, it effected combat so there had to be some way to get it to cease. If it can effect combat it can be effected by combat, to keep things balanced.

Bart  d4=2
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 12:30:13 AM

Bart sees the group definitely going from the frying pan into the fire, but decides he ain't going in it alone. So, Bart asks his god to grant him this spell, and starts casting it, speaking words of divine power and mimicking gestures taught to him by his mentor and god. Then looks upon the face of the young leader, newly risen from death's grasp, and lets loose his God's power upon him.

*****Cast Cause Fear*****
Will Negates: dc15 (10+4(wis)+1(level))
if affected -2 to att/save/dam
victim also flees for 1d4 rounds

(rolled a d4, result being 2 rounds, unless I ain't suppose to roll, if so, disregard my roll)

Anarion (Magic Missile)  d4=4
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 1:47:17 AM

Seeing the new foes surround them, Anarion decides it's time to let loose everything he has.

Aiming his hands towards the leader M2 he blasts him with a magic missile, doing 4+1+1=6 points of damage.

DM = Why the extra +1 Dam?

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=4 d20=15
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 8:23:28 AM

Jez murmurs under her breath to her companions. "We might... need to use that coal, friends..." Her words are labored from the beginnings of exertion and her wound. She persists against the pain, and slashes the opponent who remains before her... but her weakened state makes her attempts poor against the defending thug. (target : x2, missing twice)

Plink (bless)  d20+3=4 d20+3=8
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 8:31:09 AM

Plink, realizing that the priest could be one of the strongest members of the enemy party, and one of the most useful, decides to close in on him. Doing so also positions him to be flanking on X10, but X10 is the least of his worries. Saying a silent prayer to no god in particular, he thrusts with his rapier, but his hat falls down over his eyes. Stabbing wildly into the air, he tumbles forth, lying prone on the ground.

Toad  d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 12:52:21 PM

The old man retorts "You choose your allies and allegiances poorly. You will pay for your folly!" The old man casts his magic missile straight at the mage. He times it so as to disrupt any spell he may be casting himself (9 DMG). The old man seems to move in a way preventing those foes in his vicinity from getting in any clean shots at him. To those who notice, he also seems to move with blinding speed. Speed not normal for an old man.

Toad  d100=91
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 12:53:52 PM

The old man hits the blurry one directly.

Tiree (Bless)  d20+3=18 d100=24 d6=6
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 5:59:10 PM

Tiree knows that she is in trouble with from the one in front of her, but decides that big trouble from the mage. She flips her dagger round to throw it and buries it in his back (att 18, dmg 6). She then transfers her rapier to her right hand.

Syr  d20+7=22 d100=82 d6+4=8
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 7:12:28 PM

Syr shakes his head in frustration as he arrives too late to use his club. After sparing a glance to see Bart heal Anarion, he focuses on the mage.

He leaps over the fallen thug (X5) and comes to a complete stop in front of the mage. Finishing his charge he takes a swing at Dark’s shoulder. Unfazed by the blur, he connects. (Hit AC 22 with the +2 charge bonus applied, damage of 8 points) As he swings his newfound club he screams, “I want some Dragon meat!”

He shouts to Tiree, “Run, don’t take him on by yourself! Get over here!”

Polaris  d20+6=18 d6=4
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 11:25:52 PM

Polaris, free to use her bow without restraint now locks a bead on the Cleric and fires, burying an arrow in his chest. (Hit AC 18 for 4 dam)

DM (Anthony)  d20+1=12 d100=90
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 11:28:46 PM

Miranna while realizing that she may be out of spells, notices plenty of rocks and knives lying about just aching to be scooped up and put to good use.

Bart concentrates all of his energy into casting the power of his spell forth, He radiates an aura of fear. The leader looks at Bart and runs (d20+1=12).

Anarion lets loose with a Magic Missile at the Blurred Mage and sees the mage gasp in pain (d100=90). It doesn't seem like these men get hit often.

Toad fires his missile at the Mage and it follows directly behind Anarion's. Then Tiree's Dagger follows right behind that. Finally just as the dagger hits, Syr swings and slams into the mage with his club. The mage literally explodes outward with the concussions from all the damage. What very little that is left of him falls to the street, in pieces.

....more to come

DM (Anthony)  d20+4=21 d20+3=20 d8+3=10 d20+2=9 d20+4=19 d8+2=6
Tuesday June 19th, 2001 11:47:32 PM

The Priest Casteel begins casting defensively (d20+4=21) finishes his spell and then reaches out and touches Plink (d20+3=20). The negative energy from an Inflict Light Wounds spell courses through Plink's bones. Pulling enough energy from Plink's soul to pull him to the other side. (10 Dam, Will save for half, DC 14)

Thug Number 2 comes out of his defensive stance and strikes at Jez, missing completely. He was in too big a hurry to impress his bosses. (d20+2=9)

The Blademaster, looking appalled that you have killed one of his, attacks Tiree with a vengeance. He easily slices into her (d20+4=19), bringing Tiree right to the edge of death, but not over it, yet. (d8+2=6dam)

It is now the Party's turn.

Syr (Scott)  d20+7=20 d6+4=9
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 12:20:25 AM

The elf grins in satisfaction as Dark falls under the party's combined attacks.

As the mage drops, Syr watches in horror as Tiree collapses under Samuel's attack, "Bart, she needs help. If there is anything left in your arsenal, use it on her. I'll do what I can to keep Samuel busy."

With that the small elf charges at the blademaster, his ponytail slapping his back with each stride. His fear for Tiree fuels his legs and he swings savagely at the blademaster's head (hit AC20 for 9 points of damage).

Anarion  d4=1
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 3:15:02 AM

Smiles, but then is saddened to see the man named Dark (M2) succumb to such a ghastly demise. He thinks to himself, "If only they would retreat and leave us alone, nobody else would get hurt."

He suddenly looks over and sees Tiree cornered by the man named Samuel. Quickly he decides to cast another magic missile at (M1) Samuel.


The ball of energy hits causing d4=1+1 pts of damage.

Bart  d8+2=10
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 7:44:29 AM

Bart smiles everso briefly when he sees the leader dart off in a fearful run, but that smile wipes off his fast as quickly as it appeared when he sees his friend, Tyree fall. Bart moves to Tyree, keeping Tyree between himself and Samuel. Bart approaches Tyree, kneels beside her, pulls out his holy symbol in his left hand, prays briefly over her to his God, places the holy symbol upon her chest, chants the divine words of power, makes the proper gestures yet again and as his hands begins to radiate power he places the left over her heart and the right over her head and releases the energies into her, Healing her of 10hp's of damage.

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=7 d20=16 d4+1=5
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 8:13:59 AM

Jez grits her teeth in determination, seeing the mage fall giving her some small hope. Her muscles ache. She snarls at her opponent, "Run, fool... while you can!" She slashes at him again, her knives shining in the FloatLight and glistening with flecks of blood. (target : x2, missing with a 7, hitting ac 16 (assuming the thug is off the defensive) for 5.)

Toad  d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=5 d4+1=4
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 11:27:04 AM

The old man laughs at the shocked fighter. "So you didn't think you'd get hurt, eh?!? In case you didn't realize it yet, we intend to kill ALL of you!" The mage blasts Samuel with another magic missile - but this time the two missiles are twice as big and do much more damage [19] (Heighten Spell Feat - 2nd level Magic Missile). The power surrounding him now is tangible. You can feel it - but it is yet restrained somehow.

As the magic slams into the man he taunts him and his cohort trying to get them to focus their attacks on him instead of the children. "Cowards! You attack children when your REAL problem is me! Come and get it big boy! You're undone!"

Plink (blessed)  d20+3=18 d20+3=8
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 12:38:39 PM

Plink feels the unholy energy enter his body, but shrugs it off, feeling the heat of battle with him. He jumps to his feet, attacking M3 with his rapier, hoping to disrupt the man's casting. (miss, hit ac 8)

Tiree (Bless)  d20+1=20 d20+1=12 d6=5
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 5:00:12 PM

Tiree, still just barely standing, retaliates with the last strength left her. She flashes in with her rapier and actually strikes Samuel a blow (att 20, not crit, dmg 5). Tiree fights to stay on her feet. She will not be a coward and run.

Polaris  d20+1=17
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 10:28:28 PM

Seeing Tiree in trouble Polairis turns and takes very careful aim at the jerk with the sword (-4 for Tiree, - 1 Syr : miss w/ 17)

Wednesday June 20th, 2001 10:32:43 PM

Miranna crosses to the dead Thug (x3) and picks the dagger off his body.

DM (Anthony) 
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 11:05:15 PM

Syr, putting himself at risk chargers at the Blademaster and slams the club into his head, shaking the man.

Anarion fires his last magic missile at the man attempting to kill Tiree. Its effect is minimal but every little bit helps.

Bart realizes that only at a run can he reach Tiree, but that doesn't give him time to do anything. Still run he does, making it to her side.

As Toads spell fires into the Blademaster, followed instantly with Tiree's cut. The Blademaster is overcome by the massive amount of damage he has taken and explodes all over the young people standing all around him.

Plink resisting the full force of the evil spell takes only half of its damage. He is still hurt but not dead.

....more to come

DM (Anthony)  d20+2=4 d20+4=18 d20+3=17 d8+3=8
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 11:13:43 PM

Thug number 2 strikes out at Jez, he knows she is close to death and now knows he will not escape this place with his life, but he can at least take her with him. He lashes out with his blade and (d20+2=4) misses horribly. He grits down on his teeth and prepares to meet his god.

The Priest feeling the same way begins casting defensively again, it seems to be the same spell. The spell completed (d20+4=18) he reaches out to touch Plink (d20+3=17) and again Plink feels his knees begin to give again and his soul being pulled at as the flow of negative energy is released into his body (Inflict Light Wounds d8+3=8 save for half, Will of 14)

The parties turn now

Bart  d8+2=9 d20+7=18
Wednesday June 20th, 2001 11:27:58 PM

Bart defensively casts (18) Cure Light Wounds on Tyree, Healing her for 9hp's. He then steps up and hopes the Thug will target him instead of Tyree and says to the Thug: IF you leave this place right now, without your weapon, your life will be spared. If not, you die for your God tonight.

Thursday June 21st, 2001 12:59:39 AM

Syr grimaces in distaste and wipes his face with a bloody hand, "What's with all the exploding dragons? It would be nice to have ONE left alive to sit down and talk with..."

After uttering that phrase, Syr runs to the far side of the battle to prevent Casteel from fleeing.

(OOC: Syr: "I feel the need for speed!")

Miranna  d20=8 d4=3
Thursday June 21st, 2001 7:53:12 AM

Miranna winces as she is hit by some of the blood and gore from the exploded man. Resolutely keeping her eyes away from the pieces of the corpse so near her, she looks around the battlefield and decides to go to Jezebella's aid.

Miranna runs to the thug X2 and, briefly wondering what she is doing with an unfamiliar dagger, thrusts the weapon at the thug. Her opponent easily dodges the clumsy attack.

[OOC: I'm back! Only to see that 2 of our foes have exploded. Wow. Miranna is rather out of place in such a power-packed group. :)]

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=11 d20=9 d4+1=2 d4+1=2
Thursday June 21st, 2001 8:14:53 AM

Jez shoots Mirianna a brief smile as she joins. Saving her labored breath for combat, she slashes again, but her footing is unsteady from the sheer amount of blood now decorating her tunic and leggings. (2 misses? ac 11 and 9? or do I get any bonus from flanking..? thanks Miri :) if either hit, damage is 2 and 2)

Plink  d20+3=18
Thursday June 21st, 2001 8:29:34 AM

Plink, his wounds obviously going unnoticed to the rest of the party, falls to the ground in a heap. He somehow managed to overcome all of the effects of the spell, but is still lying on the ground, and it is impossible to tell if he is unconcious or dead.

Tiree (Bless) 
Thursday June 21st, 2001 9:20:14 AM

Tiree wipes the goo from her face and smiles at her companions. Seeing that all the fun is at the other end of the street she runs to where the action is near Jez.

Toad  d4+1=5 d4+1=3 d4+1=3 d4+1=5
Thursday June 21st, 2001 1:14:51 PM

The old man once agian casts and blasts the priest with 3 missiles and 1 missle at thug #2 this time (11 DMG, 5 DMG - 2nd Level MM) adding a comment for emphasis. "Touch this you abomination!". As he sees the kids begin to show mercy he says "Kill them all kids. They'll only live to attack you another day if you don't!".

Anarion  d8+1=9
Thursday June 21st, 2001 1:28:45 PM

Anarion rushes over to his brother Plink and pulls a small vial out of his clothing. It appears to be some kind of blue potion, a cure light wounds potion to be exact. Fearing that his brother is near death he pulls the cork out of the vial and pours the contents down Plink's throat. The potion restores d8=8+1 points of healing.

He says "Come on, don't die on me Plink!!!"

Anarion waits patiently for the healing potion to take effect and draws his dagger to defend their position.

Thursday June 21st, 2001 1:42:39 PM

Anarion hears Toad yell his call to death on their assailants and is confused a little. "Whats gotten into Toad" he thinks to himself, "he's gone a little beserk"?

Yelling to Toad "Hey Toad, settle down, we should question one of them, don't kill him!!"

Polairs  d20+2=16 d6=4
Friday June 22nd, 2001 11:54:59 PM

Polairs takes careful aim again at the priests back (-4) and fires. Catching him in the ribs. (d20+2=16 hits, d6=4 dam)

DM (Anthony)  d20+3=20 d6+2=3
Friday June 22nd, 2001 11:55:35 PM

Bart's spell heals Tiree completely, she seems as good as new.

Syr runs flat out to get behind the evil priest.

Miranna, covered in gore is able to cross to the Thug and flank him with Jez.

Jez hits the Thug with one of her attacks (+2flank, +1 Bless and now my favor for Tim is done) cutting him to the bone, but he still stands, bleeding and almost dead, he is resolved to finish this. Then Jez feels the Bless spell fade away. (it's not on Tim's post guys!!! This was what my note was hinting at.)

The evil priest Casteel laughs out loud as he sees one of your number fall. He then turns to face Syr.

Tiree moves next to Thug number 2 and again grits his teeth and prepares to meet Garg.

Toad watches in Horror as the missiles he fired at the Priest are sucked up into an amulet around his neck. Casteel laughs manically again.

Anarion rushes to his brothers side and sees that he is still breathing but unconscious. He pulls out a potion and tries to give it to poor Syr but Casteel sees an opportunity to strike at Anarion. He hits the poor boy (d20+3=20) cutting the boy badly, nearly killing him as well.(d6+2=3 dam). Its all the boy can do to not spill the potion right now, Plink continues to lie there bleeding to death.

Polaris's shot catches the Priest well.

......more to come

DM (Anthony) Choices, Choices  d20+4=18 d20+3=20 d8+3=7
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 12:07:50 AM

Thug number 2 looks about himself again and drops back into a defensive posture. He watches as the party helps one another, he watches as Arnion rushes to Plinks side and almost get killed himself. He looks at Jez, there is something like hope in his eyes,, something like pride too, and says "I want to yield to you, but only on one condition, I want to be part of your gang. I want to fight with you guys. To prove I'm serious, here." He throws a blue vial to the ground. "To heal your friends one way or another. I won't fight you any more and I can't run, I'm dead either way. Your next thrust will kill me, so take me in or kill me. (Complete Defense AC 18)

Casteel roars when he hears the thug's words. "Traitor!!! I'll kill you myself if I ever see you." With that he casts the spell again, this time at Syr, (d20+4=18 defensive casting d20+3=20 touch d8+3=7 dam, save for half.) and then runs away into the shadows. (Syr may make an attack of opportunity.)

Jezebella the unblessed (ooc) 
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 5:57:59 AM

heh. OK.. I took Bless into account on my rolls already.. I would have been at minus one without it. So... bearing that in mind, I dont think I hit, even with the flank bonus.. if you want to leave it, or rewrite history a little, doesnt matter :)
I kept useing the bless spell... even if Bart(tim?) didnt post it after his name.. because didnt we have it for 10 rounds? bless lasts a minute. Not argueing with you, Anthony, just explaining why I kept using it. I wont unless I see the caster has it up still, from now on. (which means I have to wait till the casters move before I do? to see if they put the spell tags on thier posts?)

sorry for the confusion.

DM= ALL if a spell was active (in the post name field last round and you think it's still active then go ahead and use it, its when you haven't seen it for 2 consecitive posts that you need to worry about!!!

Bart  d20+8=19
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 8:58:25 AM

Bart will run as fast as he can to get to Plink in the hopes he can use his Healing skills one more time before a comrade in arms AND brother passes from this land.

(If we are out of combat, I use Healing skill to stabilize him, if we are still in combat, I cast Cure Minor Wounds (1hp) but it too should stabilize him)

Saturday June 23rd, 2001 9:05:18 AM

As he runs Bart shouts out: Someone go tie up that sleeping boy over there. <points to thug #8>

(i meant to include this in my last post)

Saturday June 23rd, 2001 11:23:30 AM

Miranna looks at the thug with pity in her eyes. "Jezebella, I do not wish to kill him, nor have him join us. Let him go. He will be too preoccupied with running from the other man to bother us further."

With that, Miranna picks up the blue vial, turns and crosses to Plink and Anarion. She shows the vial to Bart to assess whether it is a genuine healing potion. If Bart thinks so, she either helps to pour it down Plink's throat if Anarion has not yet fed his potion to his brother, or offers it to Anarion if he has.

Jezebella (full defence) 
Saturday June 23rd, 2001 8:18:40 PM

Jez moves slightly to one side, to offer Mira protection as she moves by the thug. She doesn't put down her daggers... but holds them defensively, not slashing. Just incase he has ANOTHER change of heart. She utters a single word to her former opponent.


Syr  d20+1=3 d20+5=22 d6+4=6
Sunday June 24th, 2001 6:30:22 PM

Syr gasps in pain as the priest rushes past and touches him (failed will save, 7 points of damage to Syr). Gritting his teeth and muttering words about spellcasters he makes a swing at Casteel and connects with the priest's back (hit AC 22 for 6 points of damage).

Turning to the thug, "Unlike my family, I would welcome you to fun. You have acquited yourself well and obviously we share enemies." He nods towards the fleeing priest. "May our paths meet again later."

Facing the dwarf, "If we are letting this one go, why tie up the other? Also, let's see if these corpses have anything useful for us. It seems we have a bit to learn still."

Tiree True  d20+5=18
Sunday June 24th, 2001 9:19:15 PM

Tiree moves aside to let the thug leave. She speaks to the others, "I don't want him with us. There is no way I could trust him. He changed sides when his life was on the line. He would do it again, there is no doubt in my mind."

After saying her piece, she begins to move around the bodies of the dead thugs and go through the pockets and bodies (Search 18 if needed).

Sunday June 24th, 2001 10:49:25 PM

Anarion continues to pour the potion down his brothers throat. He than looks at the large gash across his chest, "oh my thats a terrible cut". He looks terribly pale and his lips turn a deep purple in color.

Toad  d20=15 d6=4
Sunday June 24th, 2001 10:52:10 PM

OOC: Hey, you gave the priest 2 attacks - a spell and hand to hand...

Enraged at the priests' departure, the old man pursues him and draws his daggar - a long tooth. If he can get close enough he strikes.

DM (Anthony) Combat is Over 
Sunday June 24th, 2001 11:19:31 PM

The priest is long gone. Bart heals his downed friend as combat seems to have ended. The young thug laughs at all the party as they dismiss him so readily and think they understand him so well. He looks at Jez and says. "I said I would surrender to you on the one condition, as for changing sides when my life was on the line, well, I can see how close to death you are by the look in your eyes, look into mine and you will see that I have been there from your first strike. One blow from either of us would have felled the other. My life was forfit from the moment you first stuck me. I am walking dead. You have two options. One kill me, my death will be worse at the hands of that black murdering priest. Two take me in and make me a brother to your band, I will sware my life blood in the presence of the gods to protect you and keep you safe for all time. Those are your choices. You have no others. My dreams have told me to find you all or die trying. I will follow the will of the gods."

Miranna  d20+5=24
Monday June 25th, 2001 6:58:02 AM

As Bart is too preoccupied to notice the blue vial she is holding, Miranna silently passes it to Anarion, who appears to need it most. Anarion will have to make his own judgement whether to drink it.

Miranna lifts an eyebrow at the thug's insistence on joining their ranks, but makes no further comments. She sees Tiree searching the dead bodies and remembers the gore on her. With a look of distaste, Miranna looks around for a somewhat clean piece of garment to wipe off herself. After that, she goes over to the sleeping thug and searches him for any useful or valuable items. (Search 24 if needed)

Jezebella (full defence)  d20+4=9
Monday June 25th, 2001 8:13:49 AM

Jez bows slightly to the as yet unnamed thug. "I will not kill in cold blood. Dreams can be tricky things.. they can mislead. Give me your weapons.. and your name.. and I will BEGIN to trust you. I am Jezebella."

She puts one of her daggers back into her belt, and holds out her bloody hand to accept his weapons.

If he hands over the weapons, she will search the bodies, the sleeping/knocked out thugs, and the gooey remains of the dark ones for anything of interest. (search result : bah, 9)

Monday June 25th, 2001 8:20:12 AM

Bart will go from comrade to comrade using his healing abilities to cure minor wounds and whatnot. After all is taken care of he goes up to the remorseful Thug and asks:

What is your name?
What God came to you in a dream?

Monday June 25th, 2001 9:13:59 AM

Jezebella continues to bleed profusely from the nasty looking gouge in her belly... not a minor wound at all.

(Bart .. are you tossing a heal my way? or useing a medical skill? I need to know numbers for recordkeeping :) Im at 4hp of 9 at the moment, so hurt pretty bad.)

Monday June 25th, 2001 9:32:51 AM

Seeing he will not catch the priest he calls out to him. I'll find you Casteel. I know your name. I will find you and kill you when it suits me - I promise!"

The old man kills the sleeping thug and moves over to the one who would join them - clearly not caring if he is armed or not. "Search them good kids, but be careful with the 2 dark ones. Their items may be evil. I will look at them on your behalf momentarily."

"So the gods led you to find us did they? We'll come back to that. But first, tell us about the group you were with. Which one killed the merchant - and what were you looking for - and why should we believe you? Before you answer, remember this - I do not share this young one's moral hangups about killing. If you lie or are evil - or do not offer anything of value, I will be more than happy to kill you instantly.".

The old man looks very dangerous and it is clear by his demeanor that he isn't joshing.

Anarion  d20+4=6
Monday June 25th, 2001 11:31:07 AM

Anarion hovers over Plink's body while Bart applies his healing talents.

"Is he ok Bart, will he live" he spits out the words almost coughing blood in his own blood. "I've given him my healing potion, he should be feeling better?"

Smiling at Miranna as she offers the blue potion. "I'm hurt badly Miranna, but this potion, do you know what it is? I'm not ready to chance taking it unless I'm sure." He reaches out to take hold of the potion and examines it.

Using his Alchemy skills he looks at it closely trying to figure out if its a healing potion or perhaps something else (Int roll 6).

Syr (4/11 hp)  d20+1=17
Monday June 25th, 2001 12:10:30 PM

Syr examines the thug looking for any sign of duplicity (Sense motive:17). “I, for one, do have ‘moral hangups’ about needless slaying. Given everyone’s reaction, I think becoming a BROTHER may be a bit strong, how about we settle for second cousin?” Painfully moving over to the thug and holding out his hand, “I’m Syrdeth, everyone calls me Syr.”

Turning to face the carnage, “How about you start proving your worth… I assume you are observant enough to know what valuables your former partners carried? Why don’t you help us remove them? You can give them to Jez when you finish.”

“We should really spend as little time here as possible. I know we were in a hurry to get to the warehouse, is it near?” Looking pale, “Casteel zapped me pretty good and I wouldn’t mind a nice quiet place to rest. If it’s near, then I say we hit it and then return to the orphanage to rest and pick up a few items.”

DM (Anthony) 
Monday June 25th, 2001 11:35:07 PM

Miranna finds nothing useful on the sleeping thug save his dagger and a blue potion, in fact no one finds anything useful on any of the thugs save one potion and one weapon each. While Jez speaks to the thug he listens carefully and the expertly flips the dagger over caching the blade and hands it over to her. He bows deeply at the waist and speaks. "Lady Jezabella I am pleased to meet you, that is the only weapon I have with me, my others are at home but I will gladly surrender them to you as well if that is what you wish. The other boys called me maggot and worm, but that person is dead now, you have killed him. I stand before you now nameless." He bows deeply again at the waist, an interesting but poor copy of a courtly bow. When Bart approaches the thug looks at him and smiles. "Again sir priest, I have no name any longer and as to which god it was, he named himself the wanderer in my dream, truest and oldest friend to Alemi. I am not well versed in the gods, so I do not know which one that would be." When Toad questions the boy he looks less sure of himself but unafraid. He keeps the tall mans eyes and does not flinch. "I am not afraid of death sir wizard, I have died three times in my life and do not fear another. I have no lies to tell anymore. The bigger boys boasted to having killed your friend, in fact the biggest, called himself Fallon the Fearless bragged of kicking the stool from beneath his feet and watching his last breath. He is an ass but not a liar. I believe him. He is the one that ran away from the spell that Sir Priest cast." Anarion thinks it is a healing potion it smells, looks and moves like one at any rate. The thug smiles at Syr's joke and then bows deeply to him as well. "Well met sir Syr, the only positions we carried were potions of healing from Casteel and the daggers given us from Samuel as payment for stopping you from reaching the warehouse. If you need a quiet place to rest you can come to my home and rest there. No one will bother you."

Bart  d20+3=15
Monday June 25th, 2001 11:52:48 PM

Bart stands there watching the young hoodlum, for any sign of deviousness.(sense motive:15)

Bart then turns to Toad and says: we appreciate all you have done for us up til now, and we may not be as worldly as you are, but, and if I die then so be it, but if I ever see you kill a defenseless man or woman again, like you just did with that sleeping man, I will do all in my powers to kill you myself. As you said, you may not be as honorable as us, but I try holding up myself to a higher standard than raw murder. He was to be our prisoner, a person to converse with as well as the nameless one here. But you took that away from us. You were selfish and evil.

(Bart stands his ground, unwaivering to Toad's looks or words that he knows is coming)

Bart will be positioned between Toad and the one remaining alive. Standing in his best defensive stance that he knows.

Anarion  d8+1=9
Tuesday June 26th, 2001 12:36:44 AM

Hearing the words of the thug, and after decifering the potion as healing, Aanrion downs it. He magically rejuvenates his body to full health.

"Hey Jez, did you check the wizard? Is there anything on him?

Anarion casts detect magic over the entire area, just in case they might miss anything. He spreads his hands out in front of him, detecting all magic in the area.

Jezebella  d20+4=6
Tuesday June 26th, 2001 8:15:01 AM

Jez pales at Toads butchery, or perhaps her own bloodloss ... her mouth agape .. and she looks at the carnage around her for the first time...

Her knees buckle slightly. She barely hears the nameless boy's answer to her... She nods dumbly as she takes the dagger from him. " .. died three times..? .. there has been enough death. "

After letting Ararion inspect the dagger, as he seems to have a grasp of the mystic, she cleans it and slips it into her boot with a numb hand.

She tries again, to find any remains of the mage or blademaster... as her hands are covered in the gore that was the mage, her knees DO give out, and she sobs once from pain and nausea.

" ... I can't .. can't .. find anything.."

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 8:16:19 AM

(oops .. that roll was for search again, and failed..)

Tuesday June 26th, 2001 9:41:21 AM

Miranna blanches when Toad kills the sleeping thug right in front of her. Stunned, she nearly drops the dagger and potion she has found, as she looks at the old man with a hint of fear in her emerald eyes. Who is this self-professed merchant, in reality?

Miranna's eyes follow the old man to the last thug, and see Syr swaying a little beside Jezebella who collapses sobbing. The sight of her injured family jolts her into action. Miranna runs quickly to Syr and hands him the blue potion, then kneels beside Jezebella and lays a comforting hand on her shoulder. She notes the injuries on Jezebella and quietly searches the nearby body of X1 (assuming Tiree hasn't searched it) for a similar blue potion, which she hands to Jezebella.

(If Jez or Tiree has searched X1 and found the potion before Miranna, Miranna will call out to Tiree to give a potion to Jez. I assume Tiree will find all the other potions.)

Remaining by Jezebella's side, Miranna says without looking at anyone, "I have seen enough blood today. Let this nameless boy join us if he wants."

Tiree  d20+5=17
Tuesday June 26th, 2001 3:59:14 PM

Tiree picks up all the daggers she finds and puts them in her belt or boots or where ever they will fit. All the potions that she finds, she hands over to Miranna so she can distribute them as needed.

She watches Toad kill the boy and nothing crosses her face. Unfortunately, she has seen it before on the street. Luckily, it hasn't happened to her yet. Remembering the two exploding bodies, Tiree looks around the area to see if anything survived the exploding bodies (Search 17).

DM (Anthony) 
Tuesday June 26th, 2001 9:43:05 PM

Bart and everyone else who has been watching the young man notice nothing suspicious. In fact everyone gets the feeling that this young man could not lie even if he wanted to. Something strange seems to have taken hold of him. Toad seems surprised at Bart's reaction. "He would have killed you with out a second thought, ho in blazes did you expect to hold him, by the way the local constabulary will be here soon I'm sure so we better clear out quick." There is only one thug left alive and he stands defenseless before you all waiting to see if you will accept him. Anarion's spell tells him that an amulet on the dead fighter is magic, as well as the sword, and armor he wore. There are two rings glowing magic on the dead mage as well as a matching amulet. As Jezebella falls forward faint, the thug runs forward and catches her, helping her keep her feet. "Lady Jezebella, death is hard and takes much from a person. There is no shame in feeling faint." As she is held up she sees the giant gash across his midsection that she put there. His own blood running down his leg as he struggles to support her. "The old man is right, it would be wise to leave this place before what passes for the constables arrive and begin demanding bribes."

The party finds 5 potions and four daggers before they begin handing them out, how many are left now?

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 8:16:27 PM

The is a suden shift of light and all the people left in the street feel dizy for a moment. Whe it clears and everyone opens their eyes they see that the bodys have dissapeared and there is a small pile of stuff sitting in the middle of the road. Everyone also notices that there wounds have been healed, completely. The things people thought they picked up are no longer on their person. The pile of things in the street consists of...

1 rapier
1 chain shirt
2 rings
2 amulets
2 potions, (lt. blue)
4 daggers
1 note

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 8:53:23 PM

Looks around, scratches his head, the spies the pile of stuff on the ground. Immediately prays to his god, says words of divine power, holds his Holy Symbol and casts a spell ( Detect Magic ).

WOW, that pile of loot in the street ALL glow with magical emenations. Except for the Note and the daggers.

Bart walks up, picks up the note and reads it for all to hear.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 9:27:17 PM

Nodding to everyone in the party, Plink says, "I don't really have a preference for any of the items besides the rapier there, but I know another one of you uses that too. Would you mind if I take that, for the time being? I'll forego anything we get anytime soon, in return, if that's what you wish. Nonetheless, let us go quickly!"

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 9:38:20 PM

Polaris nods, agreeing with Plink. "I as well have no preferece for any of the items. I will take whatever is left and whatever may be of use to me." She then draws her attention to Bart to hear the reading of the note.

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 9:40:22 PM

Miranna scans the area with a worried look in her emerald eyes.

"I do not like this. Somebody very powerful is toying with us. We should take the things and go elsewhere to discuss our next course of action. I have no objection to Plink taking the rapier now. It will be more useful on him than in a bag, before we decide how to divide the items."

Wednesday June 27th, 2001 10:14:44 PM

The young man walks over to the pile of treasure and leans over looking at the top of the pile. "I wouldn't touch those amulets if I were you, I remember Samuel saying that they were nasty traps for pickpockets. It seems that the gods are truely watching out for you all." He reachs down and scratches his guts through the cut in his shirt, although there is no cut there now.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 8:28:16 AM

Jez leaned against Nameless gratefully, before the shift .. " .. its all so... horrid..." She looks down at the gash she gave him... "I'm so sorrr..."

///the light shifts, leaving her dizzy///

Jez blinks, the sudden lack of pain almost disturbing. She pushes herself off of Nameless, and straightens her tunic.

She clears her throat, and steps back from Nameless, her face wary.

"yes.. let's go.. "

(ooc .. are the bloodstains cleaned from our clothing? if so, I gotta get the number of that drycleaning company! what was it.. PlotIntervention Unlimited? :) )

DM = Ticked off DMs 'R' Us ; )

Thursday June 28th, 2001 4:03:39 PM

Tiree walks over to the pile of stuff. She grabs the rapier and tosses it to Plink. She pockets the two blue potions and then picks up the 4 daggers. She places one in her belt to replace the one she lost. The other three in her hand, she looks at the others.

"Anyone want a dagger? They come in very handy."

She tosses a dagger the first three who ask for them. (If less than three, she puts the remainder in her belt.)

She picks up the rings saying, "Well, we know something about the amulets and I'm not going to pick those up. We can get someone to identify these rings later. Maybe you know someone who will help us Toad."

With that, she places them in her belt pouch.

"It looks like all we have left then is this chain shirt. Can anyone of us use this? If you can, come and get it."

With that, Tiree holds out the shirt for someone to take.

"We can look at that note later, Bart. Right now, we need to go! I don't wanna end up talking to the powers that be, do you?"

Tiree motions to Toad to lead them on to someplace safe.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 7:02:04 PM

Plink accepts the rapier and sets off in the direction originially indicated by Toad.
(OOC: What size is the chain shirt? I'm asking to know if Bart could use it.)

DM (Anthony) 
Thursday June 28th, 2001 10:20:53 PM

The chain shirt would fit anyone of medium size, Bart could wear it as could anyone else. Toad nods that he knows some one who could tell them what the rings do. He looks about at the children and smiles weakly. "I am sorry, I have oversteped my bounds. It comes from being the only adult in your company, I asume my code of ethics should rule, that is wrong. I will try and let you all take the lead, and show me the way." With that he falls silent. The Thug however crosses over to him and looks up at the old man. "Yes, be careful, their faith is strong and should not be tempted." Then he turns and faces the group. "I think I hear the counstables coming, should I lead you to my home? It is near."

Thursday June 28th, 2001 10:43:06 PM

Is unsure, and impulsively looks to Toad for guidance, getting none he throws caution to the wind and says, Yes, lead on Drew. Thinks to himself a moment then says, I will call you Drew, perhaps it's Wardd's doing but I like that name, so I will call you Drew.

Thursday June 28th, 2001 11:01:31 PM

"Tiree, I would like a dagger, please. I have no weapons on me now, and we may be drawn into another fight."

Miranna catches the dagger that Tiree tosses to her, and tucks it into her sash beside her spell component pouch. She follows Drew and Bart.

Friday June 29th, 2001 5:13:36 AM

Polaris grabs a dagger too. "I think it might be to my advantage to take one. Who know's when it will be of use." She then follows Drew and Bart and the rest of the group.

Jezebella  d20+7=22 d20+7=24 d20+2=19 d20+4=23
Friday June 29th, 2001 8:03:40 AM

Jez remains silent in this exchange, and the division of the spoils of war. As the group begins to move, she fades into the shadows, to the side of the group, still wary from the strange shift or loyalties and reality. (22 hide, 24 move silently, 19 spot (if needed), 23 listen (if needed))

Friday June 29th, 2001 9:53:14 AM

Anarion smiles at his brother and looks around concerned that the city constibles might catch them.

He runs up ahead with the group keeping a close eye on the thug. He's still not totally convinced that this boy is being truthful. Anarion thinks that the group has been deceived more times in the last day than a drunken merchant at the Black Spade gambling club.

Tiree  d20+7=18 d20+7=21
Friday June 29th, 2001 10:51:48 AM

Tiree looks around at the other in the group as they begin to move off. Seeing that Syr is still standing there with her, she hands him the shirt. "Here. You take it. I've got the other stuff."

With that, she melts into the shadows on the other side of the group, a dagger in hand (Move Silently 18, Hide 21). Can't be too careful these days.

Syr  d20=20
Friday June 29th, 2001 2:06:10 PM

Syr comes out of his daze and smiles half-heartedly at Tiree. "Yeah, yeah, let the fighter carry the heavy stuff... I'll take it for now, however, I think Bart should don it for a couple reasons, 1) I already have one," tapping his chest under his tunic, "and 2) he needs to be protected a bit more than I. Unless we discover one of the other items would really be useful to him, he should wear the armor."

Syr crosses to the amulets and frowns, "You never know when we could find these useful. Obviously, the dragons did." He crouches down and examines (Spot check 20 with a +5 also!) the amulets for any clue as to their magical properties. After his examination he threads his newfound club through the necklaces and transfers each to his belt pouch, careful not to touch them with his hands.

"How about we all get to 'Drew's' house. Once there, Miranna and I need to make a quick trip back to the orphanage."

DM (Anthony) 
Saturday June 30th, 2001 12:05:13 AM

Syr sees the rune for death on the back of them, cleverly hidden.

Bart reads the note. (sorry tim) It is a simple crude drawing of a dragon. Black.

The thug, now called Drew, says "I really wouldn't even pick those amulets up if I were you. He said they were a powerful trap and only hee and his mates knew how to disarm it." He then turns and leads the party down a series of tists and turns, dark alleys and shadows. (Anyone making an Int check (DC 15) can memorize the way.) It seems he lead you all away from the street just in time for moments after you leave you hear the whistles of the counstables. Toad seems to be lost in thought as he follows you all. Finnaly you all reach a filthy alley and Drew crawls insid an abandond crate, you can hear him rumming around inside and then his voice calling from inside the building it sits next to? "Come in and be welcome friends, I shall start a fire, and cook some dinner, I have something I have been saving for a special ocasion."

Bart  d20+2=19
Saturday June 30th, 2001 7:37:14 AM

Int check (19)

Crawls in through crate like Drew did, Mace in hand just in case.

Jezebella  d20+2=15 d20+2=8
Saturday June 30th, 2001 2:30:38 PM

Jez attempts to memorize the twists and turns through the alley... she THINKS she has a good idea of the route. (made it dead on, 15) When she sees 'Drew' crawl into the box... her mind screams 'ambush'. She hangs back in the shadows, and tries to think if she saw an alternate enterance to this building. (spot 8)

Saturday June 30th, 2001 3:14:26 PM

Plink, in a rather boyish manner, adds a little spring to his step on the way to Drew's house. His mood has obviously changed to a much happier one. Seeing the groups obvious displeasure, and the contempt on their faces at entering Drew's abode, he pats Bart on the shoulder as he attempts to move past the dwarf on his way in, and says, "Put that mace away, brother Bart. There's nothing to fear here. We've made a friend, that's all!"
If possible, he enters before Bart. If not, he follows right in behind, an enormous grin on his face.

Tiree  d20+1=17
Saturday June 30th, 2001 5:42:13 PM

Following along near the end of the line, Tiree often glanced back. At the shrill of the whistles, she nearly jumps out of her skin. She wipes her forehead thinking of the close call they had.

As they move along, she watches the twists and turns and looks for landmarks to lead her back if she needs it. She glances over occasionally to where she thinks Jez might be and smiles. Thinking to herself of them as the two sentries on duty, she almost doesn't stop in time to see Drew enter his box and call from inside the building.

She watches as everyone moves inside and waits to be the last one in.

Miranna  d20+3=4
Saturday June 30th, 2001 8:15:22 PM

Miranna attempts to memorize the path they take, but gives up after a while. Memorizing spells is much less taxing - and many times more useful. A smile lights up her face as she recalls her floating blade alternately pursuing and dodging the thugs...

Lost in her own thoughts, Miranna almost collides into Bart when they stop at the crate. She wonders briefly if this might be a trap, but remembers that Drew warned them about the amulets. Seeing Bart and Plink crawl in, she puckers her lips in distaste and follows, trying not to brush against the sides of the crate.

Syr  d20+1=6
Sunday July 1st, 2001 12:33:33 AM

Syr stoops and crawls through the crate, "I really need to return to the orphanage but I have no idea how to get back here. Would anyone that knows care to come with me?"

Placing the mail shirt on the floor near a wall, "I trust you guys to identify and divide these items as you see fit. If you need a volunteer to test them, I'll give it a whirl. My fortitude gives us a small amount of room for error."

Sunday July 1st, 2001 12:49:49 PM

Anarion lights a candle and crawls into the crate with the others. He examines the crate in detail now that he can see better.

OOC: Is it night or day. What time of day is it ??

Monday July 2nd, 2001 1:33:27 PM

The old man takes a seat, sadly noting that if there was any evil act rendered recently, it was leaving 2 shiney amulets in the middle of the street that any child could and would pick up - and be killed. "If we were not supposed to get to the warehouse - as our new 'friend' says, then the two who escaped clearly know about it and will be reporting to their superiors soon if not already. I'd say we'd better be on our way to it or we will find that the item is already acquired.".

DM (Anthony) and Drew 
Monday July 2nd, 2001 2:03:06 PM

Those of you who crawl into the crate see a large hole in the back of the building masked by the crate and a few pieces of wood lying inside the building. Once inside the building you see a most amazing thing. It is a mockery of a proper home made from trash. Drew has lived her as well as he could fashioning things he needed from other things people did not. The table is made from a pushcart wheel and a used ale barrel, the chairs from bits and pieces of scrap wood. A moth eaten rug sits on the floor. A blanket covers the neatly made box bed in the corner. The only things of value hang on a wall, a place of honor. A feather duster and a whetstone sitting beside them on a shelf. There hanging on the wall is a set of studded leather armor. Lovingly stitched together with bits and pieces from here and there, nothing matching bus seeming to be very well made. A Buckler shield hangs there too, well oiled and taken care of. Finally a huge double bladed axe hangs between them, shining and sharp for all the nicks and scratches in it. The inside of this building is kept neat and clean, everything in its place. It makes you smile to see such a creative marvel, and then the smile turns to frown as you realize that in this place means that he is alone, completely. Worse off even than you all in your orphanage. He is the lowest of the low, having nothing except the wonders on the wall. No family, no life, no belongings, nothing.

Drew starts a fire and rushes over to a small leather bag in a corner. From it he pulls a block of ice and a large dead rat. He quickly spits it and begins to turn it over the fire. Drew looks up at Toad, his eyes seeming to be much older than the Boy that wields them. He has been through more than most adults, seen more pain and suffering by far. "I am sorry sir that you would think me so stupid as to let those bullies know where I live."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 2:22:50 PM

The old man testily and impatiently states to the young man, "I was not speaking of your home, boy. You said earlier - and I quote '... the daggers given us from Samuel as payment for stopping you from reaching the warehouse.'. You clearly said that you were able to extract from my friend the place we were going. So I will make my statement again: If we were not supposed to get to the warehouse - as our new 'friend' says, then the two who escaped clearly know about it and will be reporting to their superiors soon if not already. I'd say we'd better be on our way to it or we will find that the item is already acquired. Social visits are fine, but I would suggest that if you want to free yourselves from the blood oath, collect your money, and stop the murder of thousands of innocent people, we'd better be leaving as close to immediately as possible.".

The old man decides to sit and be quiet, not feeling real well toward the Black Dragons just now. They'd pay dearly for their butchery, when the time was right...

Monday July 2nd, 2001 2:47:03 PM

Jez shakes her paranoia when she hears semi-polite conversation from within the building.. not the sound of an ambush at all. She crawls through the crate, squeezing past her friends. She takes in the room that Drew has made his home... she does appreciate that he has done well, with nothing.. until he presents 'dinner.'

".. your special suprize... you were saving for a special occasion.. was a rat? .. dear gods." She sighs in dismayed horror.

"Lets go get this thing, so we can go get some decent food... *I* will buy you some fruit or something on the way. How far is the warehouse from Mother Flaust's? Can we get whatever Syr needs, then go? As Toad says... time is of the essence."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 8:11:59 PM

Bart thanks Drew for his hospitality and offers tidbits of food, chunk of cheese and 1/4 loaf of bread to be added to the feast to be prepared tonight.

Drew, you have lived a hard life, much harder than we have it seems, yet we all have 1 thing in common, we are all without a true home. If the others agree, which I have no doubt they will, I would like to extend an offering of friendship to you. And I know mother would be happy to allow you to become our family as well, which would include a better place to live, and better food, plus you would have a family. Trusted allies to help you should the time arise.

Monday July 2nd, 2001 8:43:28 PM

Plink, seeing the rat that is apparently going to be their dinner, but not wishing to offend Drew, says, "I appreciate your hospitality, but I'm afraid that such a creature would not be on the edible list for the likes of me. Nothing against you, or your kindness, but I do think my stomach would be unable to contain it. I just recently decided to become a vegetarian, you see. However, I agree with Bart, join our rag-tag bunch, you'll make a fine addition."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 9:22:05 PM

Tiree followed after everyone and settled into a corner. The smell of cooking rat slightly turned her stomach. She pulls out the rings she picked up and looks at them as a way to take her mind off the smell. She is listening to the conversations around her, but not joining in; the rings have her quite fascinated. She then speaks.

"Toad, I agree. We need to get going to find out about the merchandise. I'd also like to get these rings looked at and identified. Do you think we have time to do that before? They might come in handy if we have to go through what we just did again."

Monday July 2nd, 2001 11:19:46 PM

Miranna stares at the rat, lips compressed and eyes brimming with tears. The rat turning over the fire seems to enlarge in her vision, until it blocks out everything else. This is Drew's special treat, that he has been saving for a special day...

Swallowing, Miranna tries to control her emotions as she says, eyes still on the rat, "Drew, come and live with us in the orphanage. Flaust will welcome you when she hears how you've been living. You will be our brother, not just a friend."

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 10:39:30 AM

He smiles as his friends offer Drew to live at the orphanage. Mother Flaust is sure to allow him to stay with us, he is most deserving of a fresh start in life.

"I suggest we never mention to Mother how we met Drew, or else she will never let him into the orphanage and will skin our backsides!"

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 1:07:13 PM

Syr's eyes light up in recogntion when he sees the axe upon the wall. "Tell me Drew, how did you come by such a weapon? It is very similar to one that I trained to wield."

Grinning at Anarion, "I think you are right. For some reason, 'He and several people tried to kill us but luckily we reversed the tables' probably wouldn't go over too well."

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 2:24:26 PM

"Actually, when prepared properly, rat can be quite tasty... but I have no interest in eating any if I don't have to - especially since we just ate around the corner. Since it appears these kids are going to accept you, I will as well - but I will watch you. So are we feasting or are we leaving?".

The old man waits for the answer.

Tuesday July 3rd, 2001 11:31:15 PM

With a deep breath, Miranna gets a grip on her emotions and looks away from the cooking rat.

"I propose we leave, but not for the warehouse immediately. Snake and his men may be lying in wait for us. I would prefer to be better prepared for another fight. Shall we make a trip back to the orphanage? I left my bow and arrows there. As our opponents already know our destination, it makes little difference whether we arrive earlier or later."

A thought strikes Miranna. "Toad, if our foes are already at the warehouse, they will likely find the item first if it is there. Is it possible your merchant friend hid it somewhere else? We may want to skip the warehouse altogether."

Drew (DM) 
Wednesday July 4th, 2001 1:27:45 AM

"They have no idea what wharehouse they need, they were hoping to catch one of you so that they could torture it out of you. It was why I went along, to kill you all before Casteel could torture you. I have seen his work and death is a better fate. As to the weapon and armor, it was gifted me by a blacksmith that I run erands for, it was in poor shape before I got a hold of it." He stops speaking for a minute and seems to get a far away look in his eyes and then turns to the group as a whole when he speaks the emotion held barely in check can be heard. It is the first time he has shown any emotion other than the grim determination of the battlefield. "I have waited my whole life to find you all, to be accecpted as a brother is more than I ever dared hope." He then whips the axe from the wall and cuts it across his palm. The blood whels slowly in his fist and then he kneels and holds the hand above the fire. the small drops of blood dash and hiss into the fire. "My life for yours, my pledge till forever brothers and sisters, my life for yours." A tear wells at the side of his eye but refuses to fall. He stands and wraps a clean bandage around his hand. The emotion is gone again. "Well if there is better fair some place else then let us by all means leave this place. I would greatly enjoy meeting this mother of yours." He gathers his few posesions off the wall. "Lead on, I will follow faithfully."

DM (Anthony) 
Wednesday July 4th, 2001 1:28:48 AM

It is early evening now and people are begining their going to bed chores. Mother will begin to miss you all soon.

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 2:15:46 AM

Bart lays a healing touch on Drew's hand, curing his newformed cut from the axe. (Cast cure minor wounds, 1hp)

This ok Drew, welcome to the family. Mother will welcome you as she has so many others, but I fear we must leave now and get home before Mother takes worry and misses us tremendously.
Since you know this area better than us, please lead the way until we recognize the area and then you can follow us to your new home.

I see no reason to lie to Mother about where he has been living, lets just leave out the part about how we met our new brother. It's not like we bring home alot of people hoping to get them in the house. As a matter of fact, I know for myself, this will be the first any of us has brought home to live with us.

With that said, bart motions to Drew to lead the way out.

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 7:42:00 AM

Jez nods in solemn agreement with the others' invitations. In response to Drews words and actions, she murmers "Kill us...? how dreadfully nice of you." She absently fingers the non existant wound she recieved in the fight. She makes a small noise as he cuts himself as well.. those that hear it would not be able to tell if it was suprise or something else. She watches her new 'brother' with a carefully blank face.

"Lets get back to Mother's now. We can START by asking Mother if she has a spare bed." She smiles, knowing Mother Flaust always has a spare bed, even if it is not wise of her to extend herself so. "We will need to sneak that axe in, I doubt she would approve. After tonight, you tell her your story, Drew... if Mother accepts you, you are our brother." She glances sidelong at Toad, then back to Drew, displaying a touch of nervousness. " .. but if anyone... *anyone* .. hurts Mother or anyone in my family.. " She leaves the threat hanging, then shakes her head and crawls quickly out of the building.

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 8:23:33 AM

Miranna gasps when Drew cuts his own hand, then relaxes and smiles when Bart heals it.

In a gentle voice, "Drew, do not do that again. We do not need your blood in oath. Our family ties go deeper than blood."

Miranna then turns to Toad. "We do need to make our way home, or Flaust will start to worry. Will the warehouse wait till tomorrow? Or should we sneak out tonight to meet you?"

After Toad has answered, Miranna crawls out of the building and leaves with everyone.

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 9:59:01 AM

Anarion looks around as they proceed back to the orphanage. "Let us make sure we not being followed, we don't want to bring the black dragons home to mother and the kids. Maybe someone should hang back and make sure nobody is tailing us? Someone with better skills than myself."

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 10:33:16 AM

Tiree watches with silent fascination as Drew performs his little cerimony.

When the others start to mention getting home Tiree finally speaks.

"I agree. We've got to get home before Mother Flaust starts to get too worried. I'll be happy to take the back watch, Anarion. Actually, Polaris or Jez might wanna help me. Two sets of eyes are better than one."

With that she smiles at the two sisters she mentioned, wondering why Polaris has been so quiet lately.

Jezebella  d20+7=8 d20+7=14 d20+2=11
Wednesday July 4th, 2001 9:56:22 PM

Jez smiles back to Tiree, and nods her agreement that she will hang back, rearguard. She slips into the shadows... tripping over a trashbin. She mutters one unladylike curse, then shadows the group, keeping an eye out. (8 move silent (roll of 1) 14 hide, 11 spot)

(ooc : I know this is my second post, but I had to respond to Tiree... is that cool, Anthony?)

(DM = Genraly this is ok you all just use your judgement, the "rule" is just so that those that can only post once a day don't feel left out, but it is bendable and this is a perfect case of why. You all still rule!!!)

Wednesday July 4th, 2001 10:59:15 PM

Plink stands, seeing that everyone is ready to leave. He's content to allow Jezabella to hang back with Tiree, until he hears the trash can. He says, "Jez, maybe you're tired. I'll stick back with Tiree, we should be able to handle things OK." Waiting on the response, he nods to Tiree, and to Jez.

(OOC: No offense to your character, I'm just trying to role-play)

DM = Thanks Plink for concern for your fellow gamers. Lets try and not worry about hurting each others feelings to much though, I am famous for putting characters in rough situations that will build a party up or tare them apart, play your character true aslong as it dosen't play your character out. I don't think there was anything wrong with your post, she is probably tire and you are being kind and helpful, I know we had a snaffo (I can't believed I used that word) but lets not let it worry us!!!!

DM (Anthony) 
Thursday July 5th, 2001 2:01:10 AM

Drew seems content and oddly uncomfortable that people would care about him that barely know him. He leads the way from the room and down a few streets, it is not long before you recognize a street and are able to lead Drew up to the next level and along the street toward home. It is not long before you round the last corner and see it there at the end of the street. Home.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 7:48:53 AM

Jez nods tiredly to Plink, and gives him a weak shy smile. " ... it lept out at me, I swear.. damn carnivorous trashcans..."

She travels with the group to the Orphanage, and stops the group when they arrive. "I'm rather new to the family myself.. could someone else introduce Drew to Mother? And then, I'm sure his story.. will impress her enough to have her take him in."

She turns to Toad, a mischivoius smile playing on her lips. ".. You are a little old to be an Orphan here, Mr Toad.. although, with some pink ribbons in your hair, and perhaps a little dress... " She stops before she gets him too riled. "Ok, when and where will we be meeting you, sir merchant?"

After receiving her answer, she continues. "Thank you very much for all your help, Mr Toad.. I'm sorry we got you involved in this, but are very grateful for your help."

Unless Toad stops her, she will give him a breif hug, and then sneak into the orphanage.

(ooc :
Anthony : thanks for clearing that up :)
Plink, and others : roleplay all you want... doesnt matter if my char might be offended, its a game :) lets have fun with it!)

Thursday July 5th, 2001 10:35:04 AM

The old man accepts the hug from the girl. "I think the grey hair would counteract the effectiveness of any ribbons. Thank you, my dear. I hope your adventure today has taught you a thing or two about survival in this arena. Since the scum do not know which warehouse I'd say we are OK for tomorrow. That way you can keep your cover. You may also want to inform your mother that the paper against her has been destroyed - but I'd leave out anything about why this is. I have my own place to stay. I should meet you close to here in case you encounter your adversaries. You will need all the help you can get if you do. Any suggestions?".

Thursday July 5th, 2001 11:29:05 AM

Miranna smiles at the old man, in a rather reserved manner. She cannot forget how he killed a sleeping boy.

"You have my gratitude as well, Toad. We could meet here at this spot early tomorrow."

Turning to the others, "Unless somebody has a better idea, I propose we tell our adventures to Drake and let him invent the story for Flaust. He may know a better way to introduce Drew without arousing Flaust's suspicions, too."

Miranna then walks into the orphanage with everyone. After the necessary tales and introduction of Drew (however it is done), she takes great pains to ensure that Drew is fed and given a bed, before retiring for the night herself.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 1:06:26 PM

Good idea Miranna, let drake do all the talking. He's better at it than we are.

Toad, I agree with her, meet here tomorrow. Perhaps you could take all the items we found that were magival, to your friend, and see what they are?

Thursday July 5th, 2001 1:29:18 PM

The old man nods to the kids, takes the items if they want, and says "Until tomorrow then. Be here at dawn. We need to get an early start.".

Thursday July 5th, 2001 2:24:35 PM

Anarion smiles at Toad saying "see you tomorrow Toad! Say don't you have a real name?"

After hearing Toads reply Anarion walks upstairs and crashes on his bed, exhausted and falls asleep.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 8:09:52 PM

Tiree hands over the two rings to Toad.

"It'll be interesting to see what these things are for. I"ll see you in the morning."

Tiree then heads inside. She waits until after Drew is taken care of before she herself falls asleep.

Thursday July 5th, 2001 11:42:02 PM

Soaking up all he hears, Plink returns later than the rest with Tiree. He looks to Toad and says, "Would you mind identifying this for me in any means you have necessary?" and he hands the rapier taken from the pile to Toad. Fully exhausted, he lets the others sort out the mess of explaining Drew to Mother Flaust, by lie or by truth. He immediately heads to bed, after grabbing a piece of fruit from the kitchen if one is available, and falls quickly to sleep, hoping to wake early in the morning to find out about the rapier.

DM (Anthony) 
Friday July 6th, 2001 12:01:59 AM

Drake russhes out to meet you all at the gate and instantly begins mother hening you all. It is good to be home and also it seems a bit silly now. You have all had a fight for your life, seen things and done things that no one will understand, Drake dosen't seem as wise or as old as he used to. He ushers you in to your rooms listing raptly to all that you say and then tells you to change clothing and put the torn clothing in his room, he and some of the younger children will fix it. He takes Drew and cleans him and then takes him away. You all prepare for dinner and rest, talking softly among yourselfs. Drew has not returned and neither had Drake by the time the dinner bell rings. As you all shuffle into the dining room and await the ladys sitting down (Mother always says you may be orphans but you will be polite!) Mother suffles in. It strikes every one of you how a woman so homely and ugly can inspire such love. Behind Mother Drew walks, looking the same as always, passive and calm. Mother raps her large knuckles on the table. "We have a new child with us, he is too old to be considered a true orphan but he has an intresting story and some of our number (she looks right at all of you ) have named him. To name a child of this age, one who has never had a name before is a powerful act, so it falls on those who named him to look out for him and be responsible for him. So children may I introduce your newest brother, Drew." The hall erupts with cheers and laughter as some know you are all the new babysitters of a very large boy. It strikes you in the light how very large and strong he really is. As Drew makes his way ovver to your table you see on his face another brief flash of emotion, it almost seems as if he is blushing.

Friday July 6th, 2001 7:37:34 AM

When mother mentions that we have to look out for Drew, as in we are his babysitter, Bart begins to laugh. When Drew sits down Bart goes over to him, tying a napkin around his next saying: We don't want our new kid brother to get himself all messy when he eats do we. Then Bart plops in the chair to his left, stuff a corner of a napkin in his shirt, and waits to start feeding his face.

Friday July 6th, 2001 8:24:53 AM

Jez offers Drew a small smile of welcome and compassion against the others' jibes. When dinner is served, she finds she has no appitite, with the days events rolling around in her mind. She pushes her plate away after picking at the food, and excuses herself.

Friday July 6th, 2001 10:38:21 AM

Miranna arranges to sit next to Drew at dinner. When the laughter erupts, she glares at those near her with her fiercest expression - which looks rather more comical than threatening on her lovely face. Seeing that her glare is not having any effect, Miranna sighs and turns her full attention to Drew. She helps him adjust the napkin Bart has tied around his neck, and fusses over him throughout dinner. After Drew has wolfed down his food, she offers him her untouched plate, saying that she is not hungry.

If Drew protests that he is not a kid, Miranna reminds him gently that she has seen 75 summers.

Friday July 6th, 2001 1:24:35 PM

Syr rolls his eyes as everyone makes a fuss over Drew. "Just put up with the attention, it will fade after a while."

When Jezebella leaves the table he slides over and helps himself to the remnants of her food.

After dinner, he hunts down Drake and obtains the key to the closet which holds his axe. Once obtained he sneaks the axe out and hides it under his bed thinking to himself that this could be a hassle to do each night.

DM (Anthony) 
Saturday July 7th, 2001 12:00:17 AM

Drew seems un shaken by all the attention and affection, although he seems to be tring to fit in. His stone like face and manners, unemotional attitude seem out of place. But he tries. The young girls seem to like him right off and aks him to play with them every chance they can. They climb all over him and on him, making him take tea with them and even play dolls. He is kind to a fault. Drake tells everyone that he has built a small chest off the back of the garden hut that is hidden benieth a flower box. It is light, and water proff and he has stored all your equipment there, now you can get to it with out having to sneak out of the house. Night comes and sleep, most of you sleep very hard and awake strangely rested. The day begins, the big sink is in 2 days, something must be done before tomarrow night or the Witches will put there plan into action.

(OOC: I need updated sheets with the new equipment on them and spell sheets from spell casters.)

Saturday July 7th, 2001 7:03:04 AM

Bart tris sneaking out of the house early in the morning, but Mother sees him going, when asked, he says he's gotten a job doing odd jobs in town. When pressed he tells Mother he escorts people through the town, shows people the sights, carries messages and delivers products for whoever needs his services. When realy pressed, he asks Mother not to say anything to the others, but starts naming off the others as helpers in this venture. He informs her that he is needed to carry a package this morning for a Merchant and will be gone for only a hour or so.

(In reality, Bart sneaks around the house and hides in the cellar)

Just before the hour is up, Bart returns to the house, sees Mother cooking breakfast, kisses her on her cheek and says he has a suprise for her, in fact, the crew has a suprise for her.

Bart goes upstairs, and explains the story to everyone, that he felt she needed to know she was off the hook with the Family so she would be less stressed out and be more happy again.

Bart grabs a piece of parchment, scribbles incoherently on it, (trying as best he can to make it look somewhat like the contract she had with the Family) and then leads the crew down to the dining room where he calls Mother out and has her sit in her chair by the fireplace.

When all is there and Mother is sitting Bart starts his speech.

Mother, as I have said before, for a while now we (motions to everyone) have been doing odd jobs throughout the town, saving here and there, hoping to one day repay you for the kindness you have given us throughout our lives. We all know we can never do that but we figured since the festival was approaching, that we wanted to do something nice for you before it so you could start getting in the spirit of things. Through hard work, sweat, tears and determination, we (motions to the crew) have heard of how you took it upon yourself to put your freedom on the line for this household. And in lieu of that, we (motions to the crew) have pooled our resources together and bought this piece of paper from those who are known as the Family.

Bart shows the piece of paper to her briefly, where she can see the writing but not what it says, and then places it in the fireplace. He lets everyone watch it as it burns up completely, then turns back to Mother and says:

As of right now, the Orphanage is free and clear of this debt, you no longer have to worry about where the money is going to come from, and as Wardd is my god, from here on out, we (motions to the crew yet again) will use our talents to help you out as family should.

Bart steps back and lets one of the others speak. Smiling as he does so, with a cat got the canary look on his face.

Sunday July 8th, 2001 3:06:40 PM

As Bart's gathering commences, Syr realizes the purpose and excuses himself. Taking advantage of the distraction, he makes his way out to the garden, gathers everyone's equipment and walks out the front door to await Toad and the others.

Jezebella  d20+3=14
Monday July 9th, 2001 8:24:35 AM

Jez listens to Barts plan, a small frown on her face. "I don't like deceiving her... but we obvoiusly cannot tell her the truth. Not the whole of it, anyway."

She will supervise Barts forgery, and offers suggestions to make it more believable... in case Mother catches a good look at it. (14 forgery)

She stays silent during his speech.. and elbows him gently when he comes back to the group, to wipe the smirk off his face.

Monday July 9th, 2001 9:40:03 AM

Miranna gets up early to study and prepare her spells. After that, she changes into a light green shirt and brown trousers, teamed with a brown sash at her waist. She ties her spell component pouch and another small leather pouch to the sash, and is just tying her long golden hair with a shorter, matching brown sash when Bart calls them to the impromptu meeting. Miranna listens quietly to everything said, having no suggestion or useful skill to contribute. She idly flips the dagger obtained yesterday, that she had hidden under her bed in the night, then realizes that Flaust will have lots of questions if she sees the dagger. When Syr excuses himself, Miranna does the same, saying that her presence as part of the company is more likely to arouse Flaust's suspicions. (Miranna has been keeping to herself before this adventure.)

With that, Miranna sneaks out of the house with Syr and heads for their little hidden store in the garden. She straps a quiver of arrows on her back, ties a quarterstaff to it, slings a shortbow on her left shoulder next to her weasel's pouch, and then helps Syr to gather up everyone's weapons.

While waiting for the others at the meeting point, Miranna pulls out a potion from her belt pouch and offers it to Syr. "Syr, we are likely to be in another deadly fight today. Please take this potion of Cure Light Wounds +2."

When the others arrive, Miranna offers one potion to Tiree and one to Jezebella.

(OOC: I think Bart still has 2 potions from the thugs, right? If not, please let me know.)

Miranna (Correction) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 9:49:41 AM

(OOC: Oops, I just realized Tiree took the 2 potions from the thug, not Bart.)

With a blush, Miranna asks for her potion back from Tiree and gives it to Bart instead.

(OOC: All the potions are Cure Light Wounds +2, given to Syr, Bart and Jezebella.)

Monday July 9th, 2001 2:35:26 PM

He wakes up and heads downstairs for some breakfast, seeing that he missed the big meal last night. He isn't sure what's going on, but he sees Bart sneaking around with Jez. Shrugging his shoulders he decides to gather up his stuff and meets Syr standing at the front door of the house.

"Morning Syr, a fine day is it not!"

Monday July 9th, 2001 2:54:25 PM

After a stealthy approach which shileds and onlookers from seeing him, the old man arrives at the meeting place before dawn and does the thing he hates the most - wait. He makes sure he is not seen from the street knowing he could have easily secured the box for himself - but somehow feels he should allow the children in the beginning of their careers to be in on this. He muses as he sits: "Sure beats them being thieves. What a waste of talent in that field. Too easy to fall into the clutches of evil."

The old man makes an nonverbal query to - who knows? "So, my unnamed tormenter, is this what you would have me do? Or am I wasting my time? Probably no and yes - and you love it!". Time moves on...

Monday July 9th, 2001 6:23:34 PM

(OOC: Let's try this after coffee...) After a stealthy approach which shields any onlookers from seeing him, the old man arrives at the meeting place before dawn and does the thing he hates the most - wait...

DM (Anthony) 
Monday July 9th, 2001 11:25:19 PM

Mother dosen't to quite buy your story and she has a lot of questions like how you found out about it in the first place. With a lot of fancy story telling you seem to distract her enough to get out of the house and out into the street. The whole group meets Toad there.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 11:20:41 AM

Jez thanks Miranna for the potion, tucking it into her beltpouch. After some consideration, she will cut a small bit off one of the more tattered blankets Mother has, and wrap the potion bottle, so it does not break if jostled.

After the battle of deception with Mother, Jez follows the group to the meeting spot in a fouled mood. "Mother is too kind.. undeserving of the lies we were forced to tell." She mutters.. she also grumbles "Ffloy" amidst less polite terms.

She simmers while her friends exchange pleasantries with Toad. "Are we going? Lets get this done."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 2:32:31 PM

Syr accepts the potion and nods his thanks as he places it into a pouch. "Let's hope we don't need it next time."

After making sure everyone is here, he turns to the old man. "I trust you are well rested? Lead on Sir Toad!"

Grinning at Bart, he pats him on the back and says, "You did the right thing. With your showmanship, maybe you are spending too much time around Plink."

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 3:12:52 PM

The old man waits for all the children to arrive. Once there he says "First of all, here are the items you entrusted to me. They are: The rapier is +1, Ring of protection +1, Potions of CLW 1d8 +2, Ring of Counterspells (Blank), and the Armor is +1. I leave it to you to decide who gets what. I would recommend we be on our way soon. I took the liberty of scoping the place out last night before retiring. I don't think they've found it yet - and if we can keep them from finding us, we should be able to get in and get our quarry while they still search for it.". My only gear is that their mage realizes he could simply locate the object with magic - assuming he has the ability...".

The old man leads them out once they are ready, keeping to the shadows, alleys, and out of the way places.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 4:25:07 PM

Bart is the last to leave the house, and as he leaves he turns and says this to Mother:
It is a shame that we can't do something nice for you for a change without being scrutinized. All that matters is we found out and took care of it. You'd think you would be happy that we are finally being responsible. Perhaps one day you will realize, we aren't the children you take us for. That we indeed have started to grow up. With that, Bart joins the group in the road.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 4:26:08 PM

If its ok with everyone, i'd like to use the Chain shirt for the time being.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 4:27:29 PM

"Hmmm those items sound interesting Toad, (looking at everyone) but I don't want any myself. I will wait till we get something more compatible with my spell casting abilities."

With that said Anarion follows Toad to the warehouse and he keeps an eye out for any trouble.

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 5:18:16 PM

"Anarion, you could always use the ring of protection - if you choose.".

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 8:11:10 PM

Looking to Toad, Plink nods his thank you, and says while grasping the Rapier, "I appreciate your identifying this for me. It's quite a help."
Then, looking to the rest of the party, "If noone minds, I'll keep this for now. However, if someone else wants it, I would willingly hand it over to one more worthy."

DM (Anthony) 
Tuesday July 10th, 2001 9:16:09 PM

The group continues to shift equipment.

(OOC:If you change something on your sheet you need to update it and send it to me.)

Tuesday July 10th, 2001 9:32:17 PM

"I would like the Ring of Counterspells, please - if nobody else wants it?"

If nobody objects, Miranna takes the ring and slips it on a left finger. She smiles happily, thinking of what spell to cast into the ring. When this adventure is all over, she will need to seclude herself again to enspell this ring and scribe a few scrolls...

(OOC: Tiree should take a potion at least, on top of anything else she gets. I thought both potions were with her when I gave out my potions.)

Wednesday July 11th, 2001 6:55:28 AM

Jez stays quiet at the side of the group... she listens half interested to the groups discussion about the items, still mulling over the timultous events of the last few days. She watches for any danger as her friends discuss. Part of her realizes she will need more protection against danger then the clothes she is wearing.. if only she had danced just a bit better, that knife would not have struck her. Thoughts for another day.

Wednesday July 11th, 2001 8:56:28 AM

Looking at Toad "well I could use some magical protection. I have no armor and I'm not very good dodging a sword like Jez or Plink."

Anarion says "I will take the Ring of Protection if no one else desires it."

Wednesday July 11th, 2001 9:19:17 AM

Tiree takes the two potions back from Toad and looks at the ring of protection covetously.

She says nothing of the ring for herself though.

"I'll keep the potions on me if that's alright. I've got plenty of room."

DM (Anthony) 
Thursday July 12th, 2001 12:15:03 AM

More time passes as the party prepares. Lets try and pick this up so we can move on!!!

OOC: Still need sheets with all this BRAND new info on them.

Jezebella  d20+7=26 d20+7=16 d20+2=14 d20+4=6 d20+2=9
Thursday July 12th, 2001 8:34:11 AM

"... I think we are done, here? Shall we go?" Jez says hesitantly.
(ooc : I think everything was worked out in emails.. and Anthony, I emailed you one a couple days ago, my sheet didnt change since then.)

When the groups starts out, Jez follows in the shadows, taking rear gaurd.. keeping an eye and ear out for danger. She trys to remember the route taken.
(26 hide, 16 move silently, 14 spot, 6 listen, 9 int to remember route)

Thursday July 12th, 2001 9:59:58 AM

The old man leads the kids to the warehouse (OOC: Toad already said he did this...) keeping to the shadows, alleys, and out of the way places in hopes of avoiding the BDs. "We need to stop this kids. I think it would be a disaster to let the cult gods gain a foothold in the city. It would not bode well for anyone here - except maybe those witches...".

Thursday July 12th, 2001 7:26:28 PM

Patting the hilt of his new rapier, he looks to the rest of the party, his old one in hand, "Anyone need this, now that I've got my new one?" He hands it to any who says they need it.

After preparing himself, he looks to Toad for guidance in the direction of the warehouse.

Thursday July 12th, 2001 10:10:19 PM

Miranna follows Toad with a dreamy expression, now and then twisting the ring on her finger. She barely notices where they are going.

Tiree  d20+7=20 d20+7=20 d20+3=4 d20+3=14
Friday July 13th, 2001 9:07:57 AM

Tiree watches at Jez moves into the early morning shadows and smiles.

"Girl after my own heart," she thinks to herself as she takes the other side of the group as they move out toward the warehouse.

(Hide 20, M Sil 20, List 4, Spot 14)

Monday July 16th, 2001 1:55:41 PM

Drew straps his axe to his back and tightens the straps on his armor. He looks just like a kid pretending to play war.

DM (Anthony) 
Monday July 16th, 2001 1:58:25 PM

The group begins heading for the Warehouse. The streets are not quite crowded yet, merchants setting up for the day and such, but the masses will be out soon.

Monday July 16th, 2001 7:55:23 PM

Out of the house runs Bart, chasing after everyone, all the while tightening his new shirt onto himself. Then plops into step with everyone, going on full alert the second we lose sight of the Orphanage.

Jezebella  d20+7=12 d20+7=26 d20+4=13 d20+2=10
Tuesday July 17th, 2001 8:29:25 AM

Jez slips from the early morning shadows, joining the group as they walk to discuss the upcoming events. She smiles at anyone she startles, and then asks in low tones so that she is not overheard by the early risers "Mr Toad... do you know anything about this warehouse? Will it be locked? If so, do you know if there is a key, or shall we... be creative? How about security? Any information would be helpful. ... oh, and now that your associate is ... " She hesitates, looking a little pale in the morning sunlight. She swallows, and continues.. "Now that he is dead, who collects his things? If scavengers are going to pick at it all, we might as well gather it for Flaust's cause... or, if you claim it... that is fine. I don't mean to seem like a vulture.."

Suddenly self-conscious and blushing slightly, she slides back into the shadows.
(12 hide, 26 move silently, 13 listen, 10 spot)

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 5:05:11 AM

Syr chuckles at Jez's questions to Toad, "Ever the practical one..."

Syr confidently swaggers next to Toad as they approach the warehouse. "Maybe a couple of us should find another entrance? Let's do this before these streets get too crowded." Syr nods at Toad to lead them in...

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 8:56:30 AM

"Huh? Jezebella? What was it you said? Did anyone talk to me? Is anyone waiting for an answer from me? Have we reached our destination? Are we -" Miranna seems to notice her surroundings for the first time. "No, it appears we are not in the warehouse yet."

Wednesday July 18th, 2001 1:50:57 PM

Anarion walks towards the warehouse.

DM NPC (Toad) Anthony 
Wednesday July 18th, 2001 7:57:40 PM

Toad looks around and pulls the group into an alley and squats down and begins drawing a quick map on a piece of paper. "This is what I saw when I was there last night."

OOC : David is gone and I am playing him for a few days and I will send out the map of the Structure in just a moment.

Jezebella  d20+7=18 d20+7=9 d20+4=10 d20+4=17 d20+2=11
Thursday July 19th, 2001 8:41:27 AM

Jez slips Drew a vial as Toad pulls them into the alley. "Take this... use it if you get hurt. .. You are family now." (ooc, clw + 2 potion purchased from Catacombs)

"I also have another one, if needed.. speak up now." She studies the map that Toad shows. (ooc : didnt receive a map.. lost in he-mail (silent h) land?)

Once everyone has studied the map, if we continue to the warehouse... Jez will move ahead to scout, and search for traps or security on the building.
(18 hide, 9 move silently, 10 listen, 17 search, 11 spot)

Thursday July 19th, 2001 4:44:34 PM

Not being a thief he stands waiting and a bit confused. "Hey what are we waiting for, why don't we just go in the front door and get the, uhh, item."

Thursday July 19th, 2001 11:00:37 PM

Miranna looks at the map without much interest. "Toad, do you know where the item is? Or do we have to search the whole warehouse? Will anyone stop us - other than our known enemies?"

Toad (NPC) 
Friday July 20th, 2001 12:31:02 AM

All I know is on the map I have drawn.

Jez (ooc) 
Friday July 20th, 2001 9:38:51 AM

Any results from a search for traps..? I did say that Jez scouted ahead, has that occurred?

DM = Jez gets to the building and sees what Toad drew.

Bart  d20+3=6
Friday July 20th, 2001 11:38:12 AM

Bart will step into the shadows, covering the front of the warehouse. And watching for traffic on the streets. If and When the sound of combat emerges from within the warehouse, Bart will rush in.

(or attempts to hide in shadows)

DM = There is no movement or light from the warehouse, there is LOTs of traffic on the street.

Tiree  d20+7=27 d20+7=16 d20+5=11 d20+5=9 d20+5=9 d20+5=6 d20+5=20 d20+5=18 d20+5=17
Friday July 20th, 2001 7:50:20 PM

Tiree moves the other way around the warehouse than Jez and concentrates on the doors on the south (?) side. She moves slowly and carefully to each window and door to check it. She also gives the walls a quick once over to see if there are any hidden ways in. (Move Sil. 27, Hide 16, Search 11,9,9,6,20,18,17 moving left to right one for each window and door)

DM = The windows are dusty and dull, nothing can be seen through them, There is no way to check the warehouse in any detailed way with out drawing suspission form the crowds that walk the street.

DM (Anthony) 
Friday July 20th, 2001 11:27:23 PM

The morning continues

Saturday July 21st, 2001 9:01:21 AM

Jez comes back from her scouting, to the group that is still poreing over the map Toad has drawn.

" ... there is alot of traffic for so early in the morning.. but perhaps that back alley is less travelled. (ooc : correct me if Im wrong please, Anthony) I suggest we go in there.. that door is convineint, but likely locked or alarmed or trapped. We can try to ... fix that little problem. We could also .. climb." She shudders slightly, paleing. "The windows are less likely to be guarded.. but are really, really high... " She continues almost babbleing hysterically, clearly uncomfortable with the idea. "Also, I don't think we have any rope, and would attract alot of attention, and its really high, I dont think its a good idea" She cuts herself off, and awaits the others reaction.

Syr  d20+5=12
Saturday July 21st, 2001 6:19:51 PM

Syr looks around at everyone furtively examining the warehouse. He also takes a glance around to see if any passersby are also interested in the massive building (spot check=10). Seeing nothing, he turns to the rest of the group, “ Anyone think they can get close enough to see if the front doors are locked or anything else is suspicious about them? For some reason, it really ruins the element of surprise when we have to knock.”

Nodding his head at Jez, “Let’s give the alley entrance a try. It should have the fewest bystanders. As a last resort, Drew and I could play woodcutter and hack our way through.” He winces at the thought of using his axe in that fashion, “Obviously, we would need a suitable massive distraction. However let’s save that ordeal until after we’ve explored all other options.”

Along the way, he peers into the lone window on the first level and outside the door beside it looking for signs of ownership. Mumbling to himself, “Thatsprobablyanofficeofsomesort.”

As the group casually rounds the corner to the side alley, the elf cranes his neck upward searching for possible handholds that can be used to gain access to one of the windows. (OOC: does the wall have a DC for a climbing check?). “Where did Polaris go? Darnit, we always seem to lose her in the rush. Her skills could be useful right about now.”

Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:52:30 PM

We could easily hack throught the wall however I feel that on the drawing attention to ourselfs scale that would rate higher than knocking on the front door.

DM Anthony 
Sunday July 22nd, 2001 11:54:32 PM

The back alley is less heavly travvled than the front it is still fairly busy however, rarely are there times that no one is seen on it. The only place not heavily travled is the side ally, it can be seen from both streets though.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 2:53:07 AM

Casts a silent image spell near the back of the building. He is attempting to cast an image of the building itself, a wall in essence, of the front of the warehouse. A wall that will mask the groups attempt to break into the warehouse. The wall will look like the warehouse itself, so will not raise any suspicion immediately. Anarion casts the illusionary wall only about 3 feet in front of the actual building, just enough room for someone to pass between the warehouse and the illusion itself.

After he casts the spell he says "I've masked this end of the building from the street and any citizens, lets get inside quickly!"

OOC: If its easier or safer he will cast the illusion in the alleyway to mask the group from either end of the street.

Monday July 23rd, 2001 6:15:27 AM

Miranna stands waiting patiently for someone to open or break down a door and lead the way in. She wonders if Anarion's illusion will be enough to mask them if Syr and Drew need to break down a door. She recalls wistfully that a Knock spell exists, but it is beyond her current abilities.

Jezebella  d20+7=18 d20+7=25 d20+4=7 d20+4=8 d20+2=3 d20+3=17 d20+5=19
Monday July 23rd, 2001 2:45:08 PM

(OOC : still unsure about ara's illusion.. then again, sounds like HE is unsure as well :) my post is assuming he cast the illusion over a wall with a doorway, and noone is screaming in panic after being crushed by an imaginary wall, hehehe)

Jez purses her lips, looking at the false wall. She strides around the corner, and then slips into the illusion when she feels noone is looking. She will move to the REAL door, and search it carefully for traps or alarms, and disable any she finds. Then open the lock, using the slim thieves picks she pulls from her beltpouch. (18 hide, 25 move silently, 7 listen, 8 search, 3 spot (roll of 1), 17 disable device, 19 open locks)

Bart  d20=16
Monday July 23rd, 2001 9:10:38 PM

Bart rushes to the spot between the illusion and real wall, rears back and puts his full force in breaking down the door.

Rolled 16

DM (Anthony) 
Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:15:43 PM

The casting of a spell in the back alley draws the attention of many a passer by - er. Anarion can stop casting if he wishes or continue.

(OOC: If I understand what your doing than anyone walking on the sidewalk could see you all. The are lots of people about. Also check the size of your illusion it's not that big!!!)

Monday July 23rd, 2001 11:49:34 PM

Knock spell... knock...

"Wait. Some logic in this escapes me. Is there any reason why we cannot knock on the front or back door? There may be somebody in the warehouse, who may have no objection to letting us - Toad in to retrieve his friend's possessions. Even if we are not let in, that will tell us if there is anybody inside."

After a slight pause, "If we are pressed with further questions, we could ask for jobs in the warehouse. We were out looking for jobs when all this started."

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 6:14:10 AM

comes to a screaching halt when he starts to pass Miranna and hears her mumble something about a Knock spell.

You have the ability to cast that? Why didn't you say so.

Bart has mace in hand and shield ready and awaits for the door to magically open.

Miranna (Clarification) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 6:35:08 AM

(OOC: Miranna did not mumble about the Knock spell. She was only thinking about it. It's in italics and NOT in double quotes.)

Looking a bit embarrassed, "No, Bart, I do not have that spell. I read about it in a book, but it is beyond my present abilities. I was suggesting that we use our fists to knock on the door, and see if anybody answers."

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 9:18:01 AM

Jez stands among her friends akwardly. "We best so something soon. Someone is bound to notice us standing around... with weapons." She nods to the two rather large axes. "If Toad wishes to go ask for the item, that is fine.. but with as desired as this item is, I doubt it will be handed over. As for asking for jobs.. with our arms with us, the job we are asking for best be guards. ... we should have done this last night. If I could just get five minutes at that door..." She sighs wistfully, fingering her beltpouch with her tools inside.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 9:21:27 AM

"oh geez, everyones watching me, I can't cast a spell here. Why don't we just knock on the door! Or come back tonight when we can't be seen?"

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 9:42:03 AM

Anarion walks up to the front door and knocks on it, having no weapons save a common dagger.


If someone answers he will say he is the nefew of Dallhaeart and he came to gather some items for sale in the marketplace.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 1:41:49 PM

Syr winces as the stealth approach breaks down and the group announces it's presence by knocking. "Guys, let me get this straight??? This item is so important that several of the most powerful groups in the city are looking for it and several people have already DIED for it."

His next sentence is uttered in frustration and becomes progressively louder, "What in the Wold has lead ANYONE to believe that we can just knock on the door and whoever is inside will hand it over like our long lost friends????"

Queiting down but still obviously frustrated, "Miranna does have a point, though, as none of us has even tried to open the doors yet."

Assuming everyone is at the front door, Syr shoulders Anarion out of the way and yanks hard on the door, stepping out of the way and to the side if it opens.

If the door doesn't open he continues walking around to the rear of the building, not waiting for an answer.

Tuesday July 24th, 2001 1:49:43 PM

Jostled by Syr Anarion flops to one side.

"Whaooo, ouch, that hurts Syr, I think you bruised my arm" rubs his elbow and grimaces.

Jezebella  d20+7=17 d20+4=19 d20+2=11
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 2:16:13 PM

Jez hisses at the two boys as they make for the door, and winces as they begin shouting.. she slips away from the group, moving casually to the oppisite side of the street.. she will hide in the shadows of the oppisite alley, or just mingle with the crowd there if there are no convienent shadows. Either way, she keeps an eye out for fallout of the ... brave.. actions of her friends, watching them and the warehouse covertly. (17 hide, 19 listen, 11 spot)

DM (Anthony) 
Tuesday July 24th, 2001 10:49:39 PM

No one sees hears or notices anything coming from the warehouse. No one answers any of the doors. And the pary only attracts attention when they approach the building like a bunch of thiefs in broad daylight. There are plenty of people sporting weapons, some bigger than the axes about.

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 12:10:12 AM

Bart takes the lead, he goes to the side in the less traveled alley, goes to a window farthest from the main road, remembering what was said about thievery. He pulls out a bag, places it over a window, then with his mace he smacks the glass hard enough to break it, hoping the padding from the bag would help muffle the sound some. He then steps back, waiting to see if anything starts to attack him either from the building or from a passerby.

Syr  d20+8=11 d20+8=25
Wednesday July 25th, 2001 4:02:33 AM

Syr glances at Anarion apolegetically, "While normally I do prefer a direct approach, at this time it's not a good idea."

Lowering his voice to blend with the crowd noise, "What we do need is a distraction, such as Plink playing or one of your specialties from yesterday. Maybe not quite as flashy as spilling gold everywhere but something that will Jez time to work her 'magic'..."

As he steps out of the light, "Meet you by the back door." (Move silently=11, Hide in Shadows=25)

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 8:06:47 AM

Jez returns to the main group, after no alarm is raised.. .just in time to see Bart move off. She says to the rest : ".. I believe I saw one of you cast illusion before.. at least, I THINK it was illusion. Would it be possible to weave an illusion of me opening a door with a key, when I am actually..." Her question is interrupted by the muffled sound of Bart breaking the glass.

"uh oh."

(ooc : Bart... there is only one window within reach, and it is right on the main road in the front.. .if I am reading my map right. Did you throw your mace? If Bart misunderstood, and didnt break the glass, then Jez finished asking if illusion could hide her lockpicking. Also, Syr DID try to open the door, correct? Im only assuming its locked at this point. Anthony, please confirm.)

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 8:33:09 AM

Feeling that it was her fault that Syr had shouted and pushed Anarion, Miranna casts Anarion an apologetic look and retreats to the back of the group. She watches Bart's antics with a puzzled expression, but keeps her silence.

When Syr suggests a distraction, she nods, but waits to see if Plink will start performing. If only she had yesterday's spells memorized...

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 8:41:57 AM

ooc dangit. Anthony, would you send me a map of this building, i never received one.

if there aint no window in the alley, then i couldn't of broken a window.

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 4:52:46 PM

Anarion thinking "I could cast an illusion of a small rainbow, somewhere away from the building. Maybe that will draw everyones attention away from us for a few minutes?"

OOC: I know the roof of the next level is above us, but if this building has three levels than there should be enough room for a small rainbow. And it should marvel the citizens a little because of its strange location.

Wednesday July 25th, 2001 11:02:28 PM

So are you saying you CANNOT mask my actions, Anarion?

Thursday July 26th, 2001 12:16:41 AM

(OOC: Sorry for not posting for a long time folks. I e-mailed Anthony letting him know I'd be busy for a while. Should be back now, though)
Seeing the bunch of ideas being thrown out for the party's plan of action, Plink assumes he'll just add another one to the pot. "If you wish, I could go begin playing my music as a normal street minstrel would, hoping to distract people. I do have quite a knack with my flute..."

Thursday July 26th, 2001 8:02:46 AM

Seeing that nothing really is getting done. Bart starts moving people around.

Plink, go play your Flute.
Anarion, cast an illusion on Jezebella that makes her look like she's opening the door with a key to mask her lockpicking ability.
Drew, Syr and Myself will stand guard here, acting as bodyguards.
Tiree you stay hidden and be our lookout, especially look for those thugs from the square earlier and look for guards.
Miranna try looking like a normal person in the crowd.

When the door is open, non chalantly, everyone start heading this way. We will worry about what we are gonna do inside later.

Bodyguards, as soon as Jez opens the door, Drew, you go straight, Syr you take right and I'll take left.

Toad, you do whatever.

Jezebella  d20+4=19 d20+3=14 d20+5=15
Thursday July 26th, 2001 8:41:55 AM

Jez nods to Bart and waits for Anarion's signal.
She then slips into the illusion when she feels noone is paying TOO much attention. She will move to the door, and search it carefully for traps or alarms, and disable any she finds. Then open the lock, using the slim thieves picks she pulls from her beltpouch. (19 search, 14 disable device, 15 open locks)

Thursday July 26th, 2001 9:30:35 AM

Anarion says "well I'm not sure how this will work, but I'll cast an image of you opening the door with a key Jez. Just be quick with your lock picking" Anarion smiles.

With that said, as quietly as possible from the darkest shadowy area near the building, Anarion casts a Silent Image spell.

OOC: Anthony I will try and mask Jez's efforts at opening the door as much as I can.

Toad(Again played by DEH, Thanks Anthony!) 
Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:36:38 AM

The old man waits patiently. "Would you like my help or would you prefer to do this yourselves?".

Plink  d20+7=10 d20+5=15 d20+6=17
Thursday July 26th, 2001 3:01:06 PM

Having gotten a positive response from Bart, Plink nods and sneaks across the street, attempting to disaccociate himself from the group (Hide 10, Move Silently 15). He then pulls his flute from his pack, and begins playing a quickpace tune, one that would easily draw people's attention from the opposite side of the street to himself. (Perform 17)

Miranna and Weasel  d20+11=25 d20+10=30 d20+4=14
Thursday July 26th, 2001 9:05:19 PM

Miranna wonders how to look like a normal person in the crowd with her shortbow, quiver and quarterstaff, but thinks better of asking Bart. Their big brother does not look like he will welcome questions at the moment.

So, she merely nods and tries her best to be inconspicuous. Her left hand unconsciously reaches into the shoulder pouch to pat her weasel. The reassuring feel of the soft fur soothes her somewhat, and gives her an idea. She mentally commands her familiar to run to the less-travelled side alley and climb up to a window and look through it. (Weasel Climb=25, Balance=30, Spot=14) If the window is ajar, the weasel will try to squeeze through.

Tiree True  d20+7=14 d20+3=11 d20+3=12
Thursday July 26th, 2001 10:42:31 PM

Tiree moves into the shadows and keeps a very close eye on people as they move by. (Hide 14, Spot 11, Listen 12) Glad that someone has taken a bit of authority, she sighs lightly to herself.

DM (Anthony) 
Friday July 27th, 2001 1:55:29 PM

It seems to be working, among the other heavily armed people you all look right at home. The music distracts. Then the door to the office swings open. It is dark and dusty. this door opens into a small office 15' x 15'.

Friday July 27th, 2001 2:56:07 PM

Syr darts into the doorway using his low-light vision to examine the room. He moves quickly to the right and crouches low with his axe ready.

Over his shoulder he says, "Try to leave the door unlocked so Plink can finish playing and join us."

Friday July 27th, 2001 9:33:11 PM

Seeing the door open, Miranna recalls her weasel back to her. Trying to look casual and not to draw attention to herself, she moves close to the warehouse and prepares to dart in when she thinks nobody is looking at her.

Saturday July 28th, 2001 12:19:09 AM

Darts in and to the left. Mace at ready, shield up. tensing for anything unknown.

Tiree True (Vivriel)  d20+3=16 d20+7=11 d20+7=19
Saturday July 28th, 2001 9:14:36 PM

Tiree remains where she is, watching her family enter the warehouse and the crowd to see if anybody has noticed their actions (Spot=16). When everyone except Plink has gone in, she signals to Plink to end his performance, and moves as stealthily as she can into the warehouse. (Hide=11, Move Silently=11)

(If she spots a stranger taking undue notice of them, however, she remains outside to observe the stranger, until she is satisfied that he poses no danger to her family.)

Monday July 30th, 2001 11:47:20 AM

Follows behind the fighter's and cast a detect magic spell in an attempt to locate the item, and find anything magical.

Toad  d20=11
Monday July 30th, 2001 12:12:05 PM

The old man chuckles at the kids and simply walks into the office - looking carefully around for traps.

Toad  d20+14=29
Monday July 30th, 2001 12:14:04 PM

Toad casts Detect Magic with no arm movements looking for magical traps, he also looks for coventional traps. (Perception 29)

Jezebella  d20+4=8 d20+4=23 d20+4=7 d20+2=17
Monday July 30th, 2001 1:05:52 PM

Jez runs her fingers carefully around the interior of the doorway, looking for anything hidden there, or traps... also looking into the room, and checking the entryway floor. (search rolls .. 8 for doorway, 23 for room in general, 7 for entryway floor. not sure if those are all seperate rolls or not. Spot roll of 17)

/ooc WELCOME JERRY! be gentle :)

The Mask [DM Jerry] 
Monday July 30th, 2001 11:26:39 PM

Inside, the layout is not what you expected.

The warehouse is a single room. There is one broken window in the front with lots of broken glass nearby.

In the center of the room is a triangular pedestal about four feet tall. Sitting on the pedastal is a purple cushion. Sitting on the cushion is the mask. Horrible in configuration, it looks like a cast of the final death throws of a man tortured.

Both the cushion and the mask is encased in a glass case.

All of this is illuminated by a huge glowglobe filled with glowbugs. It gives everything an eerie green glow.

The acoustics inside is very live. Every footstep and movement, even breathing, is heard clearly.

Bart ( Bless +1hit +1fear save) 
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 12:23:26 AM

As soon as the last person enters the warehouse, Bart immediately casts Bless.

(Bless: +1attack +1fear save, 1min/lvl, page 180 players handbook)

Syr  d20=16 d20+5=9
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 4:16:10 AM

Syr cautiosly and quietly (Move Silently 16+8=24) moves over to the far side of the glass case.

He takes a moment to glance at the glowbugs before focusing on the case. The elf stays well away from it and attempts to notice anything unusual about it (Spot check a big 9).

Finding little, he nods to Jezebella and Tiree while raising an eyebrow in question.

Miranna (Bless) 
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:27:58 AM

Miranna stares at the mask dumbfounded. She had expected to have to search through crates and crates of unimportant goods for a rune-covered box. She frowns. While this glass display greatly simplifies things, they still need the original box to give to the witches.

A thought crosses her mind. Narrowing her eyes in concentration, she scans the glass case and glowglobe intently to see if there is any illusion on them.

(OOC: Welcome, Jerry. Anarion cast Detect Magic when he entered. Is anything registering?)

Tiree True (Bless) [Vivriel]  d20+3=8 d20+5=12
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:44:48 AM

Tiree springs into the room, and comes to a sudden halt at the sight of the glass display in the centre of the room. It is clearly not what she had expected. Warily, keeping an eye on the glass case, she circles to the right to stand a few feet from Syr.

When Syr looks at her, she nods and approaches the glass case to examine it for traps. (Spot=8, Search=12)

Jezebella (blessed)  d20+4=12 d20+4=11 d20+3=22 d20+3=23
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 8:10:33 AM

Jez searches the floor of the warehouse, looking for pressureplates or wires.. anything that crossing the floor to the pedastal would cause an alarm or other unpleasantness. She creeps her way to the mask (assuming she finds nothing) and then repeats the search on the case. She also takes note of any way to OPEN the case, or if it is a cube of unbroken glass.
(search rolls 12, 11) If any traps are found, she will attempt to disarm them. (disable device rolls 22 and 23)

Toad (Bless, Detect Magic) 
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 9:49:56 AM

The old man closes the warehouse door as soon as all have entered. He looks carefully at the area through the detect magic spell he cast. He scans the area around the object and the object itself. He looks for the telltale signs of traps placed by his friend - who he knew so well. "Careful children, magic this powerful can kill instantly - no room for error here.".

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 10:22:13 AM

Studies the windows, trying to detect if it was broken recently. Also looks to see if the hole is big enough for a person to fit through.

Whispering "there may be someone in here already?"

OOC: Anything magical with the detect magic? Other than the mask?

Magical? [DM Jerry]  d20+2=12 d20+2=18 d20+2=11 d20+2=18 d6+1=4 d6+1=2
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 7:23:16 PM

The magical searching reveals that there are two magical objects in this room, besides any that are on the party: The mask, and something inside the pedestal.

As Jezebella approaches the case and begins to inspect it. She ses the that there is an inscription on the pedestal.

"Only the poor may find success."

Jezebella suddenly hears several blades swing through the air towards her person.

The first one misses (d20+2=12) the blade swishing past her face.

The second one hits (d20+2=18) it's sharp cut being felt in Jezebella's right shoulder. The cut is deep doing d6+1=4 points of damage.

The third swiping sword misses (d20+2=11) as Jezebella's instinctive dexterity saves her.

The fourth one, however, bites into her stomach with a plunge (d20+2=18) doing d6+1=2 points of damage.

As each attacks, the being wielding the blade becomes visible as a cloaked figure dressed in black. The first of the figures continues to face Jezebella, the other three face out to defend against the rest of the party.

(The 4 figures are all AC12.)

A second after this, A shimmering figure appears in front of Toad. It speaks.

"So, we meet again! Defend yourself!"

It casts.

"Prismatic Sphere!"

A multicolored bubble forms enclosing Toad and the shimmering figure within it.

Nothing else can be heard or seen within the bubble.

[It is now party initiative.]

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=2 d20=3
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 8:02:37 PM

Jezebella screams, trying to roll against and around the flashing blades... her scream is punctuated by sharp cries as she is cut twice. Her blood splatters against the floor... she scrambles to pull her daggers from her belt, dropping her theives tools in the process. She casts her eyes about, looking for her friends positions.

(stop here, assuming readying her weapons is her action, if not, here are attacks.)

She slashes at the foe who stayed near her, her swings weak from the suprize, the wounds and the sudden grasp for her weapons. (2 swings, both horrid misses anyway)

Plink (Blessed after he enters)  d20+7=26 d20+7=27 d20+5=21
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 10:30:58 PM

After non-chalantly glancing and seeing the whole party has moved into the building, he makes his way to the warehouse, careful not to be noticed heading that direction, blending with the crowd. (Hide 26)
Entering the building, he cautiously moves around, trying to see what's going on. Seeing the party being enmeshed in melee, he finds an appropriate spot to join in, engaging himself with the nearest opponent, attempting to sneak up on them, drawing his rapier as he goes. (Another hide 27 {rolled a 20!}, and move silently 21)

Bart ( Bless )  d20+7=23 d8+2=8
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:01:06 PM

Bart rushes forward to Jez's side, and defensively casts Cure Light Wounds. Healing her of 8 points of damage.

Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:42:50 PM

Looks at the prismatic sphere in total awe, for a second or two. Than snapping out of his delirium he examines their foes quickly. Choosing the nearest target and launches a magic missile at it. Than he moves behind Syr or Plink looking for a fighter's protection.

Anarion (blessed)  d4=4
Tuesday July 31st, 2001 11:45:08 PM

Magic Missile damage = 4+1 = 5

Wednesday August 1st, 2001 12:57:32 AM

Miranna reaches into her spell component pouch and takes out a bit of pork rind. Squeezing it in her hand, she mutters some unintelligible words in a low voice. Then, with a final command in Draconic, "Grease and let slip!", she opens her greasy palm and points it at the floor under the 4 black-cloaked figures. The oil on her palm lifts itself off and coalesces into a yellow streak that strikes the floor and rapidly expands to cover a 10-foot square area (away from any of her family). (Grease, Reflex save vs DC 14 to move at half speed, or slip and fall.)

Miranna (Bless) 
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 12:59:04 AM

(OOC: Forgot to put the Bless effect. Sorry.)

Tiree True (Bless) [Vivriel]  d20+4=7
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 1:07:00 AM

Tiree pulls out a dagger and throws it the nearest black figure not facing Jezebella. (Assuming the figure is within 10 ft of her, Hit=7 argh!) Her hurried aim is off, however, and the dagger flies harmlessly past the figure.

Syr (just sneezed) (Scott for our new DM)  d20+5=24 d12+4=14
Wednesday August 1st, 2001 4:28:28 AM

Syr turns his head to the colorful display where Toad was standing, "Darn mages, always trying to show off when there is work to be done."

Syr takes one large step forward and brings his Great Axe down on the cloaked figure's shoulder (Attack Roll of 24, damage of 14). With a satisfying thud he wrenches the blade from his assailant's shoulder and quickly readies it again. "I hate surprises!"

Party Results [DM Jerry] 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 6:56:01 PM

Jezebella draws a single dagger.

Plink cannot Hide in the crowd outside, enter, move, and attack all in one round. He successfully hides and moves to the door.


The Hoods Attack! [DM Jerry]  d20+2=19 d6+1=6 d20+1=6 d20+1=19 d20+1=19 d20+2=9 d20+2=20 d6+1=2
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 7:18:58 PM

Hood #1 ignores the proximity of Bart, while recognizing that he is there, and attacks Jezebella again to try and finish her off. He rolls a 1d20+2=19 hitting her for 6 points of damage.

Hood #2 slips and falls on the floor (d20+1=6). He is not injured, however (d20+1=19). He yells out his frustration, "Would someone please kill the stupid mage?"

Hood #3 moves at half movement out of the greased area (save for d20+1=19) and attacks Polaris allowing Jezebella an Attack of Opportunity with her next action. He strikes boldly at Polaris missing him completely d20+2=9.

Hood #4 runs around the grease and also attacks Polaris (d20+2=20) and hitting him easily for 2 hit points damage.

It is now player initiative.

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=7 d20=14 d20=12 d4+1=3 d4+1=5
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 8:12:13 PM

Jez takes an angry slash at the foe who turned his back to her.. (attack of oppertunity, missing with a 7) only catching his cloak, however. She slashes again, and again, at the thug who wounded her, yet again. Despite her pain and rage, her wild slashes strike true. Her knuckles whiten from the grip on her daggers. (14 hitting for 3 and 12 hitting for 5)

Plink (Blessed)  d20+5=19 d20+7=12
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 8:22:34 PM

Plink draws his rapier and begins moving up behind the thug closest behind Anarion, while trying not to be noticed, if at all possible. (Move Silently 19, Hide 12). However, with all of the other things he's done this round, he finds himself unable to find an decent opportunity to attack, so he merely steadies his hands and prays mentally that his newly found rapier will serve him well.

Miranna (Blessed) 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 9:49:54 PM

Miranna smirks when one of the hooded figures slips and falls, but it quickly changes to a gasp when she sees two others heading uncomfortably close to where she is standing. (The grease lasts only one round at my level, so it vaporizes around now.)

She runs towards Syr for protection (30' move left). From the safer spot, she unslings the shortbow from her shoulder and holds it ready.

Tiree True (Blessed) [Vivriel] 
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 10:19:12 PM

Quickly assessing the scene, Tiree draws her rapier and moves towards Hood #1, leaving a clear path for Syr to reach the prone Hood #2.

Bart ( Bless )  d20+1=21 d20+1=17 d8=5 d8=2 d8=5
Thursday August 2nd, 2001 11:04:13 PM

Angered at the Thug for hurting his patient. Bart roars insults at him and swiftly strikes him upside his head with his Warhammer. (Rolled a Nat. 20 with a 17 follow up for a Critical) Doing 12 points of damage to Thug #1. Bart then turns and glares at the other Thug's, saying, What happened to your friend here happens to the rest of you this day unless you drop your weapons and leave this very second.

Syr (Bless)  d20+5=25 d12+4=7 d12+4=12 d12+4=7
Friday August 3rd, 2001 3:22:14 PM

Syr sees the opening left by Tiree and moves into it. With a quiet grunt, he brings the axe down on Hood #2 (Critical ala Bart, damage of 26, I'm not sure if the bless affects damage, or the thug being prone helps.) "That's for calling her stupid!"

Big Tim aka Bart 
Sunday August 5th, 2001 9:39:05 AM

this is an ooc message, one that everyone might not be familiar with for a rule. Please leave this open for all to see it for a few days.

Critical hits:
if you roll a critical on your first roll, Natural 20 for most weapons, 19 - 20 on some and even 18 - 20 on rapier and scimitar. It is only a threat, you need to reroll your attack to see if it is a crit. As you saw on Bart's post. I rolled a nat. 20, then rolled again, rolling a 17. Then i announced it was a critical and rolled my 3d8 for damage. Damage being your damage die plus modifiers however many times your crit is. For a warhammer its times 3 so i rolled a d8 3 times, you don't, however, roll it 1 time and then multiply by 3.

Longsword, crit 19 - 20 x 2

Rolled a natural 19 to hit. roll again with the same pluses.
Rolled a second modified 15, enemy had ac of 12. you hit for the critical.
Damage on longsword is d8 so you would roll 1d8 two times. 1d8 1d8 and this would be the total damage your attack did.

Hope this helps you all out.

Syr (OOC)  d20+4=18
Monday August 6th, 2001 4:06:56 AM

Now I understand why you rolled a second time. My second roll is above now. (Still a crit)

Is this a house rule or is it 3e? I must have missed that. Although to be honest, I didn't read the rules too closely. I'm more interested in story than rules although I try to follow them at all times.

Thanks, Scott

Monday August 6th, 2001 1:09:22 PM

ooc- Presumably Jerry has emailed all of you that I'll be taking game 8 as he is going on a "vacation." As soon as he sends me a module or something, I'll post.

And critical hits are a 3e rule. See PHB3 pp 97 & 123.

Tuesday August 7th, 2001 4:37:20 PM

Casts another magic missile at the nearest opponent.

[dm jk: roll your own damage net time please]

here we go - dm jk  d4+1=5 d20+2=21 d20+2=17 d6+1=6 d6+1=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 11:23:08 AM

Bart dispatches hood #1, and Syr kills hood #2 in a bloody frenzy. Jezebella strikes #3 then Anarion zaps him into oblivion.

Only #4 remains standing, but he makes no attempt to flee. Instead, he launches a furious assault at Polaris. Scoring a critical hit, he deals out 12 points of damage.

The prismatic sphere and whatever fight it contains still looms ominously by the main entrance.

(magic missile damage for Anarion= 1d4+1=5)
(to hit by #4 = d20+2=21)
(critical opportunity by #4 = d20+2=17)
(dmg by #4 = d6+1=6, d6+1=6)

Jezebella (blessed)  d20=10 d20=9 d4+1=4 d4+1=5
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:40:48 PM

Jez moves to the remaining thug to assist Polaris... her side complaining, and her blood decorating her tunic and leggings. She slashes with each of her daggers, from behind.

(is this considered a flanking attack? I may have hit if there is a bonus of at least +2.. if so, damage is 4 from the to hit roll of 10, and 5 with the to hit roll of 9)

Bart  d20+7=19 d8+2=10
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:51:54 PM

Runs to Polaris' side, and defensively casts Cure Light Wounds. Healing her for 10 points of damage.

(12+7(concentration)=19, needed a 16)
(8+2(cast heal spells as 1 level higher)=10)

Syr (Charging)  d20+7=25 d12=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 12:58:22 PM

Syr looks down upon hood #2 and checks briefly for any signs of life. Finding none, he looks up to see the halfing fall at the feet of the remaining thug.

Black hair flopping against his back, he charges the hood and aims a sweeping blow at his hip (Attack=25, damage=6+4=10 points).

Sparing a brief glance the multicolored sphere, "Anyone know what is going on with Toad?"

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 1:46:09 PM

Studies the prismatic sphere, trying to discover its magical energies and how it works.
He appears to be quite entranced.

Tiree True  d20+3=17 d20+5=23
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 3:06:31 PM

Tiree watches as Polaris goes down, but she also sees others in her family go to her aid. Instead of helping them,since she is sure of their success, she moves to the pedestal and begins to examine it more closely. (Spot 17, Search 23)

Plink  d20+3=6
Wednesday August 8th, 2001 7:21:27 PM

Plink maneuvers his way skillfully to the point to engage the remaining beast, Thug #4. He thrusts with his rapier, deftly missing, and frowns at his utter lack for school. He keeps his rapier up to parry, however, and considers the value of his newly found magical weapon.

Wednesday August 8th, 2001 8:44:09 PM

Miranna stares at the bloody corpses with an expression of shock and disbelief. Her family is more skilful with arms than she had thought...

Polaris's fall jolts her out of it. She breathes a sigh of relief when Bart rushes to help the halfling. Seeing that Jezebella, Syr and Plink have engaged the last hooded man, she looks around at the rest of her family to assess if anyone else needs help, and notices Anarion staring at the bright mult-colored sphere of light.

"No! Anarion! Everyone else do not look at the sphere!"

(Anarion should be blinded for 2d4 x 10 mins for looking at a prismatic sphere within 20 ft.)

Miranna steps up to Anarion and tries to pull him away to a corner of the room.

mopping up - DM JK  2d4(4+3)=7
Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:20:11 AM

Anarion does indeed lose his sight. The bright light of the sphere seems to have burned itself onto his retinas. He still thinks he can see it, but once he looks away, he still sees the afterimage and nothing else.

Syr finishes off Thug #4, but Polaris doesn't revive after Bart's spell. His wounds look better, but he lies on the floor unmoving. The moment of crisis seems like it has past though.

Tiree sees nothing out of the ordinary about the pedestal the Mask is on. It looks free for the taking. Anarion remembers that something around the mask glowed after he cast detect magic, but now he can't see to make a more informed decision.

The sphere still brightly lights up the warehouse. Perhaps Toad needs some help in there.

Thursday August 9th, 2001 12:08:39 PM

"What! Aaaah I'm blind!!! I can't see!!!" rubbing his eyes furiously. "What has happened? Nobody else look at the sphere!!"

Thursday August 9th, 2001 1:54:56 PM

Careful to avoid looking directly at the sphere, Syr shouts, "Toad!"

Turning to look at the two mages, "Miranna, you seem to know a bit. What's to stop me from closing my eyes and jumping in there to help Toad?"

Syr readies himself for a sprint through the wall of the sphere...

Jezebella  d20+2=14 d20+4=17
Thursday August 9th, 2001 2:39:34 PM

Jez crouches at Polaris' side, wincing from her wound. She checks her bodyheat, and cradles her. She pointedly does not look at the sphere, but watches out for any other trouble.

" ... help mr Toad, please... " she pleads to Miranna and Ararion as she holds Polaris, trying to wake her gently. (14 spot, 17 listen)

Thursday August 9th, 2001 10:00:17 PM

"No! Syr! I do not know the exact effects of this bright sphere, but when a powerful wizard creates such a globe to enclose himself, it is either entirely inpenetrable or will kill you while you try to force yourself through. Or both. I do not know how to help Toad. I do not even know how to help Anarion! I do not have any spells that could even attempt to negate such magic. Magic of this power is only hinted at in my books. I did not know anyone in this City wielded such power. I do not know anything..."

Miranna's voice gradually lowers as she blabs on, such that she appears to be talking to herself at the end. She is close to tears at the thought that she is powerless to help in her area of specialty. She looks round at her family, then her gaze falls on the mask in its glass case. The mask. If it holds as much power as Ryson says...

"Wait... the mask may have the power to negate this sphere. Tiree, let me examine it for magic first."

Moving closer to the pedestal, Miranna sweeps her hand in a quarter-circle before her. "Magic be revealed!" she utters in Draconic, and focuses on the pedestal. (Detect Magic, in a quarter-circle around pedestal.)

Thursday August 9th, 2001 11:23:09 PM

Tiree moves back to let Miranna get a closer look at the mask and the pedestal on which it stands. She moves over to Anarion.

"Anarion, it's Tiree. Let me help you sit down. Maybe the blindness will go away soon."

Tiree helps Anarion sit down and sits with him to wait for Miranna's examination.

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Thursday August 9th, 2001 11:24:05 PM

Polaris lays there in Jezebella's arms.

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:05:49 AM

Plink, hearing Anarion's gasp, runs forth to his brother, and attempts to aid him in any way possible. "Calm, brother. From what I hear, this is merely magical. Hopefully it will wear off. How can I help you?" Plink crouches beside his brother, prepared to guard him from anything that might come.

Friday August 10th, 2001 10:40:02 AM

When Mirrana looks at the mask after casting her spell, she has to squint. It seems nearly as bright as the sphere.

Polaris is starting to come around.

Anarion is still blind.

Suddenly the sphere disappears. Toad stands there alone. Power seems to pour from his body. The gleam of power fades almost as quickly as the sphere, and he quickly takes on the demeanor of the old man that all of you know.

Jezebella  d20+4=12
Friday August 10th, 2001 11:09:58 AM

Jez smiles briefly at Polaris as she begins to revive... but jumps slightly as the sphere winks out.

"Mr. .. . toad? .. are you OK?" She says, very hesitantly.

She eases Polaris to the floor, and then reaches into her pouch, fingering a potionbottle, considering.

"Bart.. thank you very much for the healling there... I thought they were going to kill me! .. . May I beg for more..? I hurt... " She touches her bleeding side. "I could use one of the potions, but they are so expensive.. if you have the ability, may be best to use it."

She then resumes her exploration of the glass case, and pedistal... again, checking for seams in the glass, or traps. (12 search)

.. " By the way, " she says as she searches.. ." has anyone seen Drew?"

(ooc : Drew was an NPC converted black dragon thug we adopted)

Miranna (Detect Magic)  d20+7=19
Friday August 10th, 2001 11:18:19 AM

Her concentration fully on her spell, Miranna does not notice the disappearance of the prismatic sphere. She squints painfully at the mask, then looks away from it to check the pedestal and the space around the display case for any invisible magical fields.

If she detects any magical aura not radiating from the mask, she will concentrate on it to try to decipher its school of magic. (Spellcraft check 19, +2=21 for Illusion, -5=14 for Enchantment. Spellcraft checks can be made normally on the third round, but since we're out of combat, I think time is a bit more flexible? If not, please disregard this check.)

Friday August 10th, 2001 11:36:46 AM

The old man stands a moment as the magic fades. You also catch a glimpse of the outline of a staff, great robes, rings, bracers, belt, and many other things that appear to be in the process of being concealed in some way. He smiles and stands for a moment before he comes back to his senses completely.

Once he does he looks around to make sure all the foes are dispatched. Once he is sure he looks to the kids, clearly tired. He walks over to Anarion, touches his forehead with his hands, and speaks a magic word. His hands glow a moment and he can now see again. "You should NEVER look directly at a spell with scintilating colors. You could have been petrified, hypnotized, killed outright, or like in your case blinded, or other things worse than all of those! Anyone else have problems caused by magic? The rest I trust you can handle yourselves.".

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:29:16 PM

Hanging onto the Tiree and Plink as Toad touches him.

Blinking his eyes and looking up at Tiree and Plink. "I can see again!! May the gods be praised!!" Smiling at Tiree and his brother "thank for fusing over me, but i'm really ok now."

Looking at Toad "i'll take your advice Mr. Toad, it's just that I was trying to figure out how that magic worked!" Talking to himself "ok, so never look at anything with scintillating colors, never ever!"

Friday August 10th, 2001 12:33:45 PM

Looking at Miranna casting her detect magic on The mask and pedestal.

He says "Miranna I detected magic on the pedestal earlier, can you see what kind of magic it might be?"

Speaking to the group "I have a spell that's called mage hand, I might be able to use it to move the mask from the pedestal if it's not too heavy? Do you think I should try?"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Friday August 10th, 2001 4:30:55 PM

Polaris begins to sit up and look around a bit.

"Oh my head! What happened while I was out?"

She looks around at everyone as she speaks.

Tiree  d20+5=23
Friday August 10th, 2001 4:38:33 PM

Tiree makes sure that Anarion is alright before she moves back over the pedestal. She says nothing to Toad. She has realized that he is more than he says he is and that troubles her deeply.

"Jez, let's see if we can work together on this, huh?"

(Search 23)

(OOC: For future reference, does the Wold follow the rule of Cooperation with skill checks? PHB pg 62)

Monday August 13th, 2001 9:33:55 AM

No one can figure out the type of magic on the mask. The problem is that it consists of several different types that seem to blend together. There are simply too many to puzzle out without casting an identify spell. It's impossible to tell if some sort of magical trap is tied directly to the mask, but nothing else in the case is enchanted. In any case, it's certainly not an illusion.

The search turns up nothing out of the ordinary. The glass seems like it will lift directly off the mask. It looks thin enough to break easily. There seem to be no physical traps.

Perhaps the main thing protecting the Mask was whatever Toad fought inside the Sphere. The opponent certainly seemed formidable.

(ooc: Yes, you can combine skill checks. I'll have to read back farther to find out about Drew. Consider him gone. From your description, I'm guessing he was one of the Black Blades. They are a large group of thugs in Floating City rumored to have connections to the Black Dragons.)

Monday August 13th, 2001 10:14:13 AM

The old man moves over to the mask and says "Your spells will not tell you what you need to know about the mask.". The old man picks it up after giving it a once over and disarming anything he might detect. He carefully opens the box and extracts the mask. After saying something cryptic, he picks up the box in the other hand. "This thing is powerful indeed. Take the mask to the Lords of Diamonds, take the box to the witches and collect your 500 gp, and take a written message to Ryson explaining that you are trading him the blood of all the followers of Ffloy on the bottom 2 levels of the city for the blood debt he says you owe him - which you actually don't by the way. That should cover your situation well enough. As for me, I must leave you for now. You should not have been exposed to such a powerful adversary so early. He was here for me.". He holds out the mask and box for one of the kids to take. "Be careful with these. They can be quite deadly to the carrier if great care is not taken.".

Monday August 13th, 2001 11:58:14 AM

Miranna notices Toad for the first time when he comes over to get the mask. She looks back where the shimmering sphere was, to find it gone. A look of awe and fear comes into her emerald eyes.

"Toad... who or what are you? I will not believe that a simple merchant can defeat someone capable of casting that sphere. It is clear that you do not mean us harm, but why do you deceive us about your identity?"

"As for the mask, please replace it in the box. It will be less noticeable there, and probably safer for us to carry. We can ask the jester to take it out of the box himself."

Monday August 13th, 2001 3:54:52 PM

The old man chuckles at the young girl's comments. "Young lady, the jester would most likely take the mask AND the box. He wouldn't dare do what I just did. I would HIGHLY recommend you not put the mask back in the box, and most definitely do not let the 'jester' see it the box. Just hand him the mask ONLY. You can safely wrap each item and transport them separately. The witches will see you brought the box - but they will see it is empty. Hmmm....". With a flourish of iron will - and great power - by the old man the image of the mask is once again seen in the box. Miranna can (if her spell is still active) see all the exact multi-magics on the image she noticed on the real one. "There. The witches will not believe you had the ability to deceive them so you can tell them truthfully that you did not take the mask out of the box, nor did you conceal that it was gone by casting an illusion. If they threaten you, you can say you saw that old man do something but you don't know what. And by the way, that's true. You don't know what I just did. Ease of transport is not your major concern here. Not dying is. Be careful young ones. Some things you should leave for later in your lives.".

Monday August 13th, 2001 5:18:45 PM

Looking to Toad, he says, "Sir, you speak as if you are leaving us? Is this so? I don't think we could have made it nearly this far without you, and from the adversaries that have been thrown at us, specifically the one you just dealt with, we might not make it far without you. However, I trust your judgement. Unless anyone disagrees, I feel I can carry the box. Hand-to-hand fighting isn't my specialty, but I'm not as easily overcome as the mages are. Whatever the others deem it, I shall do."
He accepts the box if noone disagrees, waiting to hear their ideas for a plan.

Monday August 13th, 2001 6:04:36 PM

Turn to Toad "it was nice to have had you with us sir, maybe we'll meet again someday? I want to personally thank you for helping us save mother Flaust, you have my eternal gratitude! May fortune smile down on you mr. Toad! Till we meet again!"

Turning to the others Anarion says "I'll help my brother conceal the box. I'll cast an illusion on it so it looks like a an ordinary small sack of potatoes. That should help deter any would be theives."

Saying to Syr "why don't you take the mask, you're most able to protect it. Miranna can maybe cast an illusion spell on it as I have the box?"

Standing next his brother Anarion twists and turns his fingers until the box appears like a small sack of potatoes.

Monday August 13th, 2001 7:01:12 PM

Tiree moves over to Polaris to help her to her unsteady feet. In her heart she is kind of glad that Toad is going, but she will miss him too. He was great in a fight.

"Why don't we just call the jester here before we leave? Then, we only have to deal with carrying the box around. We can go straight to the witches then. I don't want to carry either thing around with us for too long. I just want this done."

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Monday August 13th, 2001 7:02:36 PM

Polaris gets to her feet helped by Tiree. She is still a bit woozy and puts a hand to her head.

"You folks do whatever you want. I think I just need a nap."

Monday August 13th, 2001 9:12:12 PM

Miranna frowns slightly when the old man neatly sidesteps her question about his real identity. She decides that it will be useless to repeat her question, although she is less than happy about it.

When Anarion suggests that she cast an illusion on the mask, she says, "I am not sure that I can cast an illusion that will move with the mask. Even if it will, I do not know if I can concentrate on it all the way. I do not have Toad's power."

"Tiree is right. We can call the jester here. Bart, I believe you have the coal?"

Jezebella  d20+4=9 d20+2=4
Monday August 13th, 2001 10:41:40 PM

Jez speaks up, before the coal is used.

"Best move the box out of the room, or cover it, first... we need it later, and dont want the jester getting ideas about taking it."

She then adresses the old man. "Mr. Toad.. I thank you as well.. your guidance and protection was very much appreciated.. although your methods were harsh.. perhaps they were nessiary. We have never had anyone try to kill us before. Oh... and I still think you would look adorable in pink ribbons." She smiles, and hugs the wizard in disguise.

Jez proceeds to go through the remains of the thugs, grimicing her distaste. She motions for others to help her, and collects any items that look valuable, and holds them to Mirranna and Aranion for inspection of magical properties. (whats the roll for that... search(9)? spot(4)?

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 5:17:51 AM

Syr looks up from cleaning his axe and takes the mask from Toad. "We do thank you for your help. You are more than welcome to remain while we summon the jester."

"I for one would like to handle the jester now so that we may go to the other parties with a clear conscience and more importantly not holding the mask."

Before tucking the mask in his belt, the elf looks to the old man once more, "Does this mask have any special properties on the Day of Masks?"

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 10:16:12 AM

Before Toad has a chance to answer, a figure begins to coalesce where the prismatic sphere stood. The same being that attacked Toad earlier is there again. He shouts, "You're rusty, old man. Now we'll finish this my way. Maybe I'll kill your kids first, though."

Toad has time to tell you all to run before a giganctic hand appears and slams him into a wall.

Toad  30d6(2+4+5+6+5+4+2+1+4+6+4+2+5+3+2+2+1+6+5+4+6+1+3+4+5+3+1+3+3+6)=108
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 11:33:01 AM

The old man recoils from the attack but is more than able to recover his composure. As an intense anger comes over his face you see his whole being change. All of a sudden you see a man wearing a multi-colored scintilating robe, a cloak that appears like a mist, and many different items of power (headband, belt, rings, scarab, etc.). He no longer stands hunched over but stands erect - about 6' or so with a flowing white beard to match his flowing white hair. It's strange that he appears so well-kempt and composed after taking such a vicious attack.

Seeing the kids move away and get clear he says with an intense and powerful voice. "Fool! I let you turn tail and run because I have more important things to do than deal in trivia like you! Do you really think you have a chance? As for my kids, you touch them and I'll kill yours - all of them! That is after I kill you. I'll even follow you to your master's plane of existence and kill you there too! You should know better than to challenge me - the greatest wizard in the land!". With that he instantly casts a bolt of lightning which is 3 times as wide and hot as you've ever seen straight into the man. It blows out the back wall of the place. He then casts another spell (he's hasted) with just a word and 30 magic missiles unerringly fly from his fingers and impact the man. (Heighten spell - 9th level lightning bolt, 6th level maximized magic missile (30x5=150 DMG) = 108+150= 258 DMG - save for 208 - DC 45.

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 12:41:40 PM

Miranna is debating how to help Toad when the old man transforms before her eyes. She stares at him transfixed as he tosses off spells she thinks she recognizes, but with multiple times the power they should have.

"Greatest wizard in the land..." she repeats the old man's words to herself in an inaudible whisper.

Jezebella  d20+3=18 d4+1=3 d20+3=16 d4+1=5
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:14:51 PM

The gypsy girl screams as Toad is ripped away from her by the hand, and she stares in horror at the apparition before her. Her shock lasts moments, and she screams to her family. "get OUT!"

Feeling rather like a housefly in a maelstrom, she lobs her daggers at the figure opposing Toad. (to hit 18, damage 3)(to hit 18, damage 5)

(not sure I did throwning combat correctly, correct me if I am wrong... if it really matters all things considered :) )

Tuesday August 14th, 2001 2:33:53 PM

Anarion's jaw simply drops to the ground in amazement. He stands in complete awe of the power displayed by Toad and his opponent. He has never seen magic so powerul or even heard of this kind of magic before.

Obviously his concentration lapses and the illusion of the potato sack disappears as the box reappears in sight.

His hairs stand on end from Toad's lightning bolt as it breezes past him.

Anarion simple says "My god!"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 7:32:28 PM

Polaris had begun to stand on her own by the time the other arrived, but with his appearance and the change in Toad, she leans back against Tiree, heavily.

Tiree True 
Tuesday August 14th, 2001 7:34:45 PM

Tiree watches with fascination at the transformation of their friend.

She thinks to herself, "Toad, huh? Never was a name less right."

She continues to stare. There is no way she is going to run. She might not be able to help, but maybe she can distract if needed. But the way things are going, it doesn't look like it's going to be needed.

he said to run - DM JK  10d8(5+5+3+4+4+4+7+8+1+8)=49 10d8(2+6+7+7+4+2+7+4+3+3)=45 10d8(8+1+3+7+2+7+4+1+2+3)=38 10d8(5+3+3+7+7+2+1+1+2+5)=36
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:33:22 AM

Jezebella's daggers sail straight and true. Before they ever hit their target, however, they bounce off something and clatter to the ground.

The being fighting Toad merely grins as all of Toad's spells seem to be sucked into a necklace hanging around his neck. "Arion, you are such a fool to think you could challenge my master. The Dark Lord will drink the souls of your gods before he is done. He would grind you under his boot heel like an insect. However, you have become a nuisance. Thus this little ruse with the mask to draw you out. You always were predictable."
Then he speaks the Word of Chaos. Its sound sends shivers down your spine. The entire party is deaf, stunned unable to act, and completely confused about where they are and what they are seeing. As Arion II/Toad loses his hearing he realizes the danger the kids are in.

Then the Elemental Swarm hit. A gate opens. Beyond there is nothing but fire. Four large Fire Elementals step through the gate. They spray the wizard with liquid fire, and immediately Toad is awash in flames (49,45,38,&36 dmg no save). The warehouse catches on fire. Smoke fills lungs. Skin begins to burn from the heat.

Arion II dba Toad 
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:51:57 AM

The mage seems to not be damaged by the flames as everything around him seems to catch fire.

Seeing that the kids will die quickly if he does not act, he says to them "You know what to do, now do it!" - even though he knows they can't hear him. Maybe they could read his lips.

With that he turns to his adversary and says "Well, today your Master (he spits as he says it and the spit doesn't evaporate) loses his best servant!".

The mage casts again and all of a sudden the kids are standing in a plaza surrounded by familiar looking streets. Once they gather their wits, they realize that they haven't moved anywhere. They are standing just where they were before but the burning building, the elementals, the gate, the mages, the dead thugs, and everything else is gone - simply gone. You are left standing on a stone "plaza" holding a box and a mask.

For those with perceptive minds you seem to catch a glimpse of a battle of epic proportions that rages on in some close but separate dimension - but then it is gone too...

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 9:52:50 AM

Leaps out of the burning building coughing on the fumes and smoking from the heat.

Yelling "everyone to safety, quickly, save yourselves!"

Jezebella  d20+7=26
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 10:41:20 AM

Jez hacks from the bit of smoke inhaled before the building vanished.. the cough agrivates her wound, and she considers the potion in her pouch again as a sucrease from the pain. She looks around at the suddenly empty area caused by the vanished building, and the commotion that (I assume) it caused. She hisses to her friends. "come on!" and ducks down a side alley, away from the crowds. (26 hide)

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:03:36 AM

As Miranna comes out of her confusion, she realizes they are standing in the open with a very powerful object.

"Come, Syr!" She pulls her elven brother with her as she sprints after Jezebella, and tries to shield the mask from view between Syr and herself.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 11:51:12 AM

Gasping, and having gone white from fear at the things that have just occurred, Plink shakes his head, trying to free the thoughts from his cluttered mind. To his brother Anarion, he yells, "Anarion, quickly, let us deliver our goods." He then addresses the party as a whole, "We'll meet you as soon as possible. Tonight at the latest."

Plink then looks for his brother to come along, as he tries to trace his way to the witches to deliver the box.

Wednesday August 15th, 2001 6:38:22 PM

"Plink, Wait!! Don't go off on your own. We have got to stick together for this. Besides, for some reason, I want it to be Miranna who hands the witches the box. But, you're right about leaving, let's get to somewhere safe. Anyone remember the way to Drew's old place?"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Wednesday August 15th, 2001 6:39:46 PM

Polaris leans against a wall. Her face is a little pasty, but she seems to be coming back to herself.

" I can keep up, but let's go!"

Syr  d20+8=20
Thursday August 16th, 2001 3:12:01 AM

Syr looks dazed as Miranna tugs on his hand. Shaking his head abruptly, he looks at Miranna and says, "You are absolutely right, why don't we go somewhere a bit less noticeable before we attempt the summons."

Syr follows Miranna while strapping his axe to his back. Once secured, he places the mask inside his tunic (hide check 20). "I dunno....I was a bit confused on the way there last time."

Bart (by JK) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 10:17:48 AM

Looking a bit pasty, Bart mumbles about just remembering something he had to do. Then he turns and runs off.

[ooc: Tim's computer is dead, and he's not planning to buy a new one anytime soon. So Bart will be gone for the foreseeable future. Hopefully, we'll see him again.]

Thursday August 16th, 2001 10:24:51 AM

The group makes it to somewhere less noticeable. Oddly enough, they seem to have attracted little attention.
As Polaris stops for breath she notices there is something in her pocket. As she checks on it, she notices that it is Drew's lump of coal along with a note giving instructions on how to use it to summon the Jester. It ends with a hastily written message, "I'll try to meet back up with you soon, but you might need this first. Drew."

Jezebella  d8+2=4
Thursday August 16th, 2001 11:12:20 AM

The wounded gypsy girl looks startled as Bart bolts. She calls after him, but he either doesnt hear her, or his errand is that much more important. (or his computer is fried, hehe)

She looks among her friends, but the only one who displayed any talent for healling just left. She shrugs and drinks a potion of cure light wounds. (healling 4)

She discusses options.. "I dont think it would be a good idea for Mirranna to bring the box to the witches.. they distrusted her already, and we dont want to put her in danger. It would also liken the chance of the witches detecting Toad's trickery.." She looks back in the direction of the warehouse as she mentions the old man's name. A sad look crosses her face.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 2:32:31 PM

Watches as Bart runs off by himself, "where in Wold is he going?"

Anarion follows his brother as he holds the box.

Tiree  d20+3=13
Thursday August 16th, 2001 4:21:48 PM

Tiree nods at Jez's words and tries not to show the pain of Bart's rapid departure.

"I just thought that it would be fitting. But you may be right."

She looks around to see how private the area is or if there is anywhere more out of the way than where they already are. (Spot 13)

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Thursday August 16th, 2001 4:24:10 PM

Polaris puts the lump of coal back into her pocket. She doesn't want anyone to see it and possibly know what it is for before they use it. She keeps her hand wrapped around it for safe keeping.

"Come on guys, let's get this over with."

She watches Anarion run after Bart.

"Anarion, don't go too! We need what you're carrying!"

She hopes her small voice carries to him.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 9:38:33 PM

Miranna raises her brow as Bart runs off, wondering what it is that can be more important than ending this adventure they have started together. She nods at Jezebella's words.

"I have no wish to confront the witches. The rest of you might go together. Plink might be able to persuade them not to open the box until we are out of there, when it will not matter if they discover the illusion. Plink might also convince them we have not opened the box - which is true."

Seeing Jezebella's sad look, she adds, "Do not worry for the old wizard, Jezebella. I have a feeling he is far more powerful than even what we have witnessed. He will likely triumph. Although that raises some questions, such as why he came to us in disguise."

A faraway look comes into Miranna's eyes as she recalls the spells the old wizard cast. Part of her is wondering when she will master her art to that level, while the other part dwells on the unanswerable questions surrounding the old wizard's origin and his purpose in coming to them.

Thursday August 16th, 2001 10:19:29 PM

Drew stubles from the shodows covered in blood and gore, some of it his and some not. A fresh cut above his eye that looks as if it will scar badly. He falls to his knees breathing heavy barely able to catch his breath. "I am sorry family . . ." he pulls deep for a breath "I was set on and unable to catch up with you and no one heard my calls for help . . . " again he gasps "But there are 4 men who will trouble you and mother Flaust no longer."

(OOC: Sorry guys my life has been a complet disaster lately and my computer had trouble too. Polaris just got back in town so she should be back with us too, and the gore on Drew isnt part of the story just an easy way to explain where he was. Sorry)

Thursday August 16th, 2001 11:14:18 PM

Drew's sudden, bloody appearance jolts the elf out of her reverie.

"Drew! You are hurt!" Miranna gasps and pulls a potion (CLW +2) out of her belt pouch. She springs towards Drew, holding out the vial to him. "Drink this. You are bleeding all over..."

Miranna's voice sounds close to tears. She is too upset to notice that most of the blood on the boy is not his.

(OOC: Welcome back, Anthony! I have missed you. No need to say sorry; we all know RL intrudes now and then. I hope you've settled your RL problems.)

Friday August 17th, 2001 9:39:32 AM

Bart stops to speak with Anarion and tells him that he has felt the call of Wardd to enter the temple for a time. Should Anarion wish to enter the priesthood, he is welcome to come with him.

The party waits with Drew and begins setting a course of action for returning the items.

Polaris (by Aleyna)  d20=8 d20+2=13
Sunday August 19th, 2001 1:27:53 AM

Polaris is happy to see Drew. She gives a bit of a jump before she settles down. Keeping a hand on the coal she looks around to make sure no one is watching or listening (Spot 8 Listen 13).

Sunday August 19th, 2001 1:29:59 AM

"Drew! We worried about you. Good to see you back. Now, we need to get out of here. I was thinking we could head back to your place maybe. It's the safest place I know of right now, besides the house. And what we have to do, I know I don't want done there."

She keeps an eye on Anarion and hopes to see him return to the rest of the group.

Sunday August 19th, 2001 10:53:21 AM

Jez smiles at Drew, and says softly. "Welcome back. Yes... I think your place is best, Drew, if you don't mind. On the way there, perhaps one of us can stop by a merhcant and buy some parchment and ink with which to scribe a letter to Ryson..?"

Sunday August 19th, 2001 8:48:05 PM

Once she ascertains that Drew is not badly hurt, Miranna smiles with relief and turns to the others. (Does Drew drink Miranna's potion?)

"I would prefer to summon the jester here. The longer we carry the item with us, the more danger we put ourselves in."

Miranna takes a quick look all around to see if they are being observed. If they are in a relatively secluded spot with no strangers within sight, Miranna will ask Polaris for the coal and perform the summoning rites to bring the jester.

Sunday August 19th, 2001 9:30:17 PM

Plink stops in his tracks as he had turned to leave for the witches. He holds the box with the fake mask in it, waiting to see what will happen. He says, "I suggest not having the box around when we summon the jester. Greed can be...overbearing. Such power might threaten even the lords. Just a thought."

Sunday August 19th, 2001 11:01:04 PM

Shaking off the potion Drew smiles slightly. "Thank you but no. I am not that hurt. My old home no longer exsists. I lured the men who were after you all back there and brought it down upon their heads. I swore to protect you all with everything I have and have done so. Thank you all for your concern but you would have done the same for me."

Monday August 20th, 2001 10:10:02 AM

Smiles at everyone and agrees with Plink.

OOC: I was following my real brother Plink in my last post, not Bart. So I'm right here. :)

Monday August 20th, 2001 6:07:45 PM

The group spends a few moments debating what to do. Despite all their concern, absolutely no one is showing any interest in them.

Monday August 20th, 2001 6:57:22 PM

"Well, no one seems to be paying any attention to us, so we might as well do it here and now. Plink, can you hide the box, maybe in somebody's pack? Polaris, why don't you get out the coal and call the jester. I've a feeling Toad put us is a completely safe area."

She looks at the others to see their reactions.

Monday August 20th, 2001 7:45:29 PM

Jez speaks up. "I don't think the box should be anywhere near us when we summon the jester... it's magic, right? I think its pretty likely he would be able to see it.. or Toad's illusion. Maybe even in a bag. Plink... start off toward the witches... walk slowly. We will catch up."

Monday August 20th, 2001 10:06:58 PM

Miranna says with a shake of her head, "I do not think the Lords would be remotely interested in the box. It is the mask they want. Plink should not separate from us, it will put him in undue danger if the wrong persons see the box. If you want to hide the box, just put it out of sight, although I do not think it is necessary."

"Remember, the Lords knew about our tasks from the witches and Ryson. It was the jester who told us to give the box to the witches, in his rhyme."

Anxious to be rid of a very powerful and thus dangerous item, Miranna takes the coal from Polaris and summons the jester, before anyone can stop her.

Monday August 20th, 2001 10:46:15 PM

Drew pulls a rag from his pack and a water skin. He begins to try and clean the grime from himself while listing to his family debate.

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 8:17:42 AM

Looking at the group "I agree wih Jez, the box should be nowhere near the mask. It's better to be safe than sorry, as mother Flaust always says" he smiles with a boyish charm.

"We don't have to go very far, we just have to hide around the corner out of sight. This way if there is trouble you will hear it and be able to help! That should satisfy everyones concerns? If so Plink and myself will hide the box around the corner over there" he points to a friendly section of city street.

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 1:21:53 PM

Syr shrugs and looks sympathetic at Anarion as Miranna begins the summons. He walks away from everyone else and prepares himself for the bizarre appearance of the jester. "Well, when in doubt take the direct route."

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 6:48:20 PM

While the group debates, Miranna summons the jester. A cloud of inky black smoke suddenly billows out of the coal. Almost as quickly as it appears, a light breeze blows it all away, and the jester is standing amongst you.

"Have you completed your task and brought me the mask?"

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 9:43:46 PM

Drew smiles and almost laughs as the Jester appears. Its the first time he has seemed like the young man he is. "Neat Trick!!"

Tuesday August 21st, 2001 11:20:21 PM

Syr grins widely at the Jester. He winks and says,

"Yes O clown
we have not let you down.
Now take this mask
and end our task."

"We need your trust,
not hands of dust,
Nor the blood
or even the flood."

"We would never beg
as we have our legs but
a genourous reward
one thee could afford?"

Grinning at Plink, "Granted your rhyme is much better but I couldn't resist after Yorick's first visit. I stayed up late just figuring that out."

With that he offers the mask to the Jester, "Is this what you seek?"

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 2:06:09 AM

Miranna giggles at her elven brother's attempt at poetry. "Syr, if you will be doing this often, you might want to take some lessons from Plink."

To the jester, she says in a more serious tone, "We have the mask, as you see. We expect the friendship of the Lords in return, as you promised. Would it be impudent of me to ask what the Lords plan to do with the mask?"

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 10:16:48 AM

Polaris starts when Miranna takes the coal from her pocket and stares as she calls the jester. As he appears, she makes herself small and moves out of the way, so that they can get the mask to him.

Tiree  d20+3=21
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 10:18:10 AM

Tiree moves around a bit and watches for trouble. No one has been paying any attention to them, but it doesn't pay to get careless now. (Spot 21)

Jezebella  d20+2=22
Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 1:05:18 PM

Jez snickers softly at Syr's rhyming, and watches the jester carefully. (22 sence motive)

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 5:47:23 PM

With a wink, the jester takes the mask from Syr and quickly looks it over. He quicly tucks it into a bag that looks as if it was specially made to fit the mask. Then he claps his hands together and beams a huge smile, "You've saved the town, and no one will drown. For averting this sin, you've eached earned a pin." He hands each of you a diamond studded pin suitable for pinning to a collar or hat. "Wear these with pride, and one day they might save your hide. I'll return again soon, before the next moon. Then I'll give you a test that you'll pass if you're the best."

With that he just disappears, taking the mask with him.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:32:03 PM

Miranna pouts when the jester disappears without even acknowledging her question. "Why does nobody ever answer my questions? First the old wizard, and now the jester. Is the entire Wold conspiring to keep us in the dark forever? We may be mere children but -" She stamps her feet in a temper outburst that none of her family present has ever seen.

Quickly realizing the futility of her temper, the elf sighs and smiles apologetically at her family. She examines the diamond pin for a while before pinning it on her blouse as a brooch.

"Shall we proceed to the witches'?"

Miranna will follow whoever makes a move first. When they arrive at the witches', she will wait outside to avoid confronting the two women again.

Wednesday August 22nd, 2001 9:49:38 PM

Drew places his pin on his lapel in the only non-gored part of his lapel he can find, then follows to the the witches. "I dont trust theses women one bit. I think only one or two should go in and then leave as quickly as possible."

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 7:57:27 AM

Anarion curiously examines his diamond pin and decides to cast a detect magic spell on it. He waves his hand over it and casts the spell.

OOC: Just making sure it is magical?

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 8:14:07 AM

It's not magical, but judging by the size of the diamond, it's worth a good bit of money.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 8:43:33 AM

As the jester departs from the group, Plink is whole-heartedly sad to see the fellow go. He tries to commit the jester's rhyme to memory, not that he thinks it will be needed, but to improve his poetic skills.
"Quite an odd fellow, that jester, he is,
when it comes to rhyming and rhythm, he's quite the wiz.
We've done our part, delivered his goods.
Unfortunately, we've acted rather like hoods.
I hope this is our last underhanded quest,
but still we can prove to him we're the best."

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 8:59:24 AM

Jez hides a smile.

"your rhymes make my poor head ache,
to stop you, what would it take?
We best be off, the witches await!
if you all wish, I will be bait.."

She clears her throat. "Enough of that. I mean.. I will bring the box to them, if you want. They seemed to like me... "

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 1:40:39 PM

Tiree has her head down as she pins her pin on her shirt so her voice is slightly muffled as she speaks.

"I'll go in too. We still need to send the letter to Ryson. Why don't some of us send the letter," Tiree looks over at Miranna and smiles. "And the others can take the box to our 'friends' the witches."

Polaris (by Aleyna) 
Thursday August 23rd, 2001 1:41:39 PM

"I'll go with Miranna to do the note. I don't really want to see those women again. They make my skin shiver."

As she speaks she shivers a bit to prove her point.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 5:26:38 PM

Part of the group arrives at the witches' place. The witches immediately take the box and start talking amongst themselves, "This box is clear. We were told it would be black." "It doesn't matter. The mask we seek is inside." "See how it's protected. It will take much time to unravel those wards. We must hurry. We only have a few days. Pay them, and we'll get to work."

They hand over a sack filled with gold and very nearly shove you out the door.

The others deliver the note to Ryson without any trouble.

The group meets back up and finds they have a bag with 500 gold, some diamond jewelery, and nothing to do for the moment. The Floating City awaits.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 5:58:09 PM

Anarion smiles "A good day little adventure we had! Hopefully Mother Flaust bought Bart little lies earlier?"

OOC: Hey JK we managed to swindle the witches into giving us extra gold coins. I beleive it was 800 gold in total. I just checked the archives.

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 9:12:18 PM

Miranna smiles happily when she sees the gold. "If Flaust does not need it for the orphanage, may I have my share now? I have some spells to research."

Once she is given her share, the elf waves to her family and heads off by herself. She does not reappear, even at mealtimes, until many days have passed.

(Miranna will buy some spells from the Catacombs and maybe scribe some scrolls. The others, except Drew, are used to not seeing much of her and won't think it strange.)

Thursday August 23rd, 2001 10:18:22 PM

"I need a bath."

The Letter... 
Friday August 24th, 2001 11:46:26 AM

As everyone sits and tries to decide what to do, a piece of open parchment appears on a table near you in the room. On it is scrawled the following: "Children, just thought I'd let you know that I survived my battle, of which you caught a glimpse. I have no doubt that you have worked out your situation and are doing fine. Best of luck and if time permits, I'll come by and see you some day. You did a great service to your city - and the Wold! Well done!



After everyone reads it, the note disintegrates.

DEH (Sent letter) 
Friday August 24th, 2001 12:29:35 PM

Enjoyed it guys, good luck in your game! JK normally only kills your character slowly so it's usually bearable... :)

Jezebella  d20+7=22 d20+7=21
Friday August 24th, 2001 1:05:48 PM

To Drew's comment, she wrinkles her nose in his direction, and smirks out.. "yes, you do!" and playfully punches him in the arm gently.

When the note appears, she reads it silently, a small smile on her face.

After it disintigrates, she says to the group.. "I might have to sneak in.. with Drew, and clean up before Mother sees us. I rather doubt she would approve of our activities." She sighs heavily. "If we continue to have these little ... adventures... I do not think we can stay at the orphanage much longer. Or we will HAVE to tell Mother the truth."

Unless there is further business brought up family, she goes back the the orphanage with them... and sneaks in. (22 move silently, 21 hide)

Friday August 24th, 2001 4:14:27 PM

Looking at the group "according to my estimates everyone gets 100 gold a piece!" Anarion decides to divide up the coins "so here's your share Syr, Polaris, Tiree, Miranna, Drew, Plink, Jez and the last 100 is for me."

"Ok, I know the day is still young but I'm off to get some sleep and than I'll go out and buy a large 25 lbs turkey for everyone to eat at the orphanage. Why don't we have a nice feast and feed our little brothers and sisters in process? Who wants in on the fun ?"

Friday August 24th, 2001 10:05:32 PM

Drew refuses the gold. "I did not take part in this adventure and dont feel I deserve any of the gold, however if some one can lend me a silver I know a public bath house I would like to go to before returning to the orphanage...I mean...home" The word sounds so strange coming from his lips.

Polaris (As Self) OOC 
Friday August 24th, 2001 11:31:38 PM

Hey everyone sorry I disappeared but I am back now. Aleyna,A BIG THANKS for keeping up with me. I promise this won't happen again. Give me the weekend to catch up and I will be back by Monday. Thanks again for keeping me in.


Tiree True 
Monday August 27th, 2001 7:12:12 PM

Tiree looks at the gold longingly.

"Let's wait and see how much Mama Flaust needs at the orphanage before we split anything. Besides, maybe we should take the diamonds and sell those and keep that money."

Tiree starts to walk back to the orphanage, a small bounce in her step.

Monday August 27th, 2001 7:40:53 PM

Once everyone returns to the orphanage, you find Flaust blissfully laughing. Laughing does very little to improve her gut-wrenching physical ugliness, but her joy radiates through each of you just the same. She hugs everyone who comes in and quickly explains, "Just a few moments ago, a courier arrived from an anonymous benefactor who has given enough gold to run the orphanage for many, many months. I wish I knew who gave it, but it only had a note. It said 'The children must have warm places to sleep. So, never worry again. Our pockets are deep.' I don't know who it is, but if you had anything to do with it, thank you!"

Monday August 27th, 2001 10:08:33 PM

Drew arivess latter after having spent the majorty of the day getting himself and his things clean. At dinner he looks about and says..."Well what now?"

Monday August 27th, 2001 10:32:27 PM

Polaris looks at Drew and gives him a silly grin...."You know, I was thinking the exact same thing? What do you guys think?" She looks around the table at the rest of her brothers and sisters?

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 8:54:07 AM

Having followed Drew to the bath-houses, and cleaned up as well.. she retuns with him to the orphanage. She smiles softly at Flaust's laughter, hiding her freshly (if inexpertly) bandadged wounds. She sits with her friends that night at dinner. She converses with them in hushed tones.

"I don't know what we are to do with ourselves now... Mother seems well off, now. But.. its a big city out there. I wonder if anyone will be after us.. or Mother.. from our little adventure. The blackies... or the coven." She sighs heavily. "I wonder if we are making this place.. .these people we love.. a target by staying here. With her out of finacial danger, and us able to support ourselves.. " She fingers her diamond pin, hidden in a fold of her tunic. "I think we should put some serious thought into moving away.."

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 12:13:21 PM

The elf nods to himself as Jez speaks, "I have given it some thought also. I don't think we made too many friends other than the lords. In addition, does anyone feel comfortable sneaking in and out of the orphanage?"

Syr grins at the bard and says, "Granted, we do have some money, but how long could we go before we have to station Plink on street corners? Our only lead for new funds is the vague promise of a rhyming colorfully dressed disguised lord?"

Smiling at Jezebella, "By moving away, are you referring to the orphanage or the Big Float? I see no problem going away but I've lived in this city for so long that I consider it my home."

"Another thing on my mind is Bart. Several of us, myself included, needed his healing hands over the last few days. I'm not naive enough to think we will never need that again. Personally, I just don't feel the call to the priesthood, does anyone? If not, what can we do about it?"

The Dinner - DM JK 
Tuesday August 28th, 2001 6:34:21 PM

As you discuss the possibility of moving away from the orphanage with each other at dinner. Flaust introduces a young dwarf wearing armor with a large black flail tucked into his belt.

"Children, this is Brother Gnollslayer. He's a priest of the warrior god, Domi. I've exposed all of you to the ways of Alemi, but Domi stands at Alemi's right hand and is always the first to fight evil. I thought it would be good to have him teach you some tonight while we eat."

Brother Gnollslayer talks to the younger children throughout dinner and answers all their questions about Domi and what it's like to fight the good fight. You all notice Flaust frowning when the kids seem too interested in stories of battle and warriors, but she lets the other priest go on as he pleases. For his part, Brother Gnollslayer looks like he would rather be anywhere than at a table with a bunch of orphans. Clearly, coming to the orphanage was a task delegated to him rather than something he chose on his own. Nevertheless, the young kids seem to enjoy his stories."

After the meal once the kids and Flaust are gone, he plops down in a chair near all of you and pulls a flask from his pocket. He takes a long pull and exclaims, "Garg's friggin' eye, I thought the little whelps weren't never gonna stop askin questions."

[ooc - Roll new hps with a private post on the LnB borad.]

Tuesday August 28th, 2001 10:30:30 PM

Drew seems intrested in the priest for a long time, listing and hanging on every word he says. Finaly he comes away and says simply. "I thought I might have found the god, but it is not Domi that sent me to you."

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 8:52:49 AM

Jez purses her lips at the dwarf. "Those 'little whelps' are our family.. they obvoiusly respect you. Respect them in kind, please, sir priest."

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:43:48 AM

"Yaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwnnn, I'm going to bed!"

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 1:06:30 PM

Syr walks over to the dwarf and shakes his hand, "I'm Syr, the younger ones take a bit getting used to. Just give them a chance and a few days for the novelty of your arrival to wear off."

With a smile, "Personally, I'm sure glad to have you around. We seem to be getting ourselves into a few scrapes lately that you might enjoy."

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 6:34:46 PM

Brother Gnollslayer doesn't seem too impressed with Jezebella's chiding, "'Lemi's Bristling Beard! Don't get your knickers in a twist. I freakin came down here and talked to them all danged night. Didn't swear or nothin. That's as much respect as I show the gods, so you can take it or leave it."

Then the irreverent priest takes a long pull on his flask and looks at Syr, "Now then what're you bloody sayin about scrapes, and just why is it that you seem to think I should skin my bloody knees with ya?"

[I can post privately on the LnB, but if you guys can't then you can't I suppose. You can buy any nonmagic items listed in the phb that you want for the listed price without going to the catacombs.]

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 8:45:19 PM

Polaris looks strangley at the priest. When he first walked in she was in awe of him. She could never imagine anyone being a priest herself. Then, he started talking and she couldn't believe what he was saying. She actually enjoyed children and could not see why anyone would be angry with them as the priest was. Polaris just bites her tongue to keep from saying anything she might regret later.

Wednesday August 29th, 2001 9:12:56 PM

Drew sees the reaction of the Gnool slayer and says under his breath. "It's definately not Domi."

Thursday August 30th, 2001 3:17:27 AM

With a wicked grin, "If you skin your knees, you obviously are doing it wrong. Maybe blooded knuckles would be more appropriate... I haven't seen a priest of Domi yet that would avoid a fight, you aren't a bit yellow are you? If you happen to join us, I'm sure you'll be satisfied. Trouble seems to seek us."

Thursday August 30th, 2001 8:35:19 AM

The gypsy girl says nothing, and settles back into her seat.

Thursday August 30th, 2001 4:34:39 PM

Plink sits and admires the Priest, staying silent while he goes through his stories, listening intently to each and every detail.
Plink is knowledgeable to know that Brother Gnollslayer is a member of the dwarven race, and he realizes it's not that the dwarf dislikes THESE children, just children in general.
"Sir, I've enjoyed your presence this evening, but there seems to be some greater reason for your being here. Am I right?"

Thursday August 30th, 2001 8:06:30 PM

Brother Gnollslayer stares at Syr long and hard. Then he says, "Tryin' to goad me, eh? I might be up for something? You kids ain't stealin' apples or overturnin' honest merchants carts or nothin like that are ya?"

He looks over at Plink and just says "Nope."

[OOC: I'm just introducing a possible NPC to fill in as priest until Bart comes back. If you like him, keep him. If not another one will pop up in a bit. Have no worries. The module will begin post haste.]

Thursday August 30th, 2001 10:21:10 PM

Polaris keeps one ear on the conversation, and one somewhere else. For some reason, she doesn't feel like talking.

Thursday August 30th, 2001 11:14:21 PM

Tiree yawns and then blushes.

"Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. I guess I'm gonna hit the sheets. I'll see you guys in the morning."

With that, Tiree smiles at Mother Faust and the priest and makes her way to bed.

Friday August 31st, 2001 8:30:35 AM

Jez stifles a yawn herself, and begins to stand to go to bed herself. She winces and hisses very slightly as the motions aggrivate her still lightly wounded side. She stops herself before she glances nervously at Mother Flaust.

She hurries upstairs, hoping rest will heal the wound.

Friday August 31st, 2001 1:33:56 PM

Looking pointedly at Jez's side as she moves gingerly away, "Nope, definitely no apple carts for us."

Syr shakes his head, realizing how late it is and what a long day it has been. "Well, since my family seems to be leaning towards sleep, how about we sleep on it?"

With that he takes the steps two at a time, heading up to bed.

Friday August 31st, 2001 9:13:25 PM

Drew waits untill the house has settled in for the night and helps mother check all the locks and doors with mother before going off to his own new bed.

Saturday September 1st, 2001 12:53:01 AM

Polaris exits quietly upstairs for there is no one left to say goodnight to.

Monday September 3rd, 2001 7:30:39 PM

A couple of noneventful weeks pass by. Brother Gnollslayer stops by every now and then, and his social graces never seem to improve.

One afternoon when the priest isn't about and everyone else is lounging about at the Brass Toad Tavern, a familiar stranger walks up and sits down at your table, "If you are ready and your nerves are steady, I have a game for you. If you win, a better gift than the pin will be given to you. Meet me at nine behind the Lost Souls Shrine, and all will be made clear to you."
Then the jester winks and disappears.

Monday September 3rd, 2001 8:15:23 PM

Plink, fully rested and quite bored from the past few weeks, starts when the jester appears. As soon as the odd man is there, he's gone, with a mystical message left to whet the senses of the kids. The jester appears to have succeeded in his quest, for Plink finds himself longing for adventure again, ready for the perils there may be.
"Well, my family, are you all prepared? I know I am. This should be...exciting."
Plink will head to the designated area when the time is right, so long as everyone is in agreeance.

Monday September 3rd, 2001 9:20:09 PM

Drew seems non impressed as the Jester does his act however once he leaves he says. "Well it's better than being bored I should think."

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 12:27:03 AM

The elf looks up in surprise and smiles widely, "At last, some action, I was wondering if we were getting anywhere..."

Looking around he coughs delicately, "Anyone think we should include our rude priest?"

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 8:09:11 AM

The gypsy girl says nothing in response to the jester, or Syr's question. She will attend the meeting the jester suggested, however.

Tiree True 
Tuesday September 4th, 2001 2:02:51 PM

Tiree tries not to show the excitement in her face at the jester's words. The last adventure had just about gotten several of her family killed, but something about the danger had gotten to her. She couldn't wait for 9 oclock.

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 6:59:40 PM

Nine hours to wait....

Eight and a half hours to wait....

Seven hours....

Five hours....

Finally dinner time rolls around. Brother Benrik Gnollslayer pops by as he frequently does. Noticing the anxiety on several faces, he sits down and pulls out that flask and takes a drink. This sight has become fairly common in the past couple of weeks. He seems to drink out of that thing all the time, but he never seems drunk at all. Wiping his mouth, he asks, "What's goin on?"

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 9:53:37 PM

Drew keeps quiet and calm waiting for the time to arrive.

Tuesday September 4th, 2001 10:58:54 PM

Polaris looks at the others. She does not want to be the one to spoil anyone's fun if they are really anxious about bringing the priest along.

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 4:32:40 AM

Syr looks at the dwarf and quickly looks away to the others, "Nothing, anything new for you?"

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 7:59:37 AM

Jezebella murmers under her breath "overturning apple carts"... but otherwise says nothing.

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 4:45:54 PM

Tiree, sitting next to Jez, hears her murmur and does her best to hide a laugh. She starts coughing instead and tears begin to run out her eyes.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," she keeps saying when she can speak again. "Been through worse."

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 6:55:47 PM

"Nothin, eh? Didn't do to much today either. We had a wrestling exposition in the Lost Souls Mission. I was doing all right, but then Brother Jandar from Plateau City showed up. He trounced everyone." The dwarf grins big, "He's not that big, but he's wiry. Knows some moves." Benrik reaches up and touches his nose, "He broke my nose too! Healed it right after though."

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 6:57:00 PM

Dinner passes. Benrik sticks around. There's only about an hour left until the appointed meeting. It's starting to look like you'll either have to ditch the priest or bring him along.

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 8:47:53 PM

"Well, Im going for my walk I'll see you guys latter." Drew goes out the back, makes sure hes not followed and then goes to the shed where there equipment is hid and gears up. He waits for a bit there and if no one comes quickly he goes ahead to the tavern.

Wednesday September 5th, 2001 10:30:54 PM

The gypsy girl, having had enough, leaves her seat. She flips up the collar of her tunic, exposeing her diamond pin. She adresses her friends, and the dwarf who happens to be there..... speaking low enough that her voice will not travel past them.

"Well, I am off to dance with a dragon.. shall it be dark as night again, my friends...?"

She catches the dwarf's eye. "I hope I don't skin my knees."

At that, she leaves.

Thursday September 6th, 2001 12:09:22 PM

Having been preoccupied in room for weeks Anarion walks out to meet with the others. His clothing is wrinkled and he looks like a half crazed maniac. His hair points randomly in every direction, except for a large cow lick across one side of his head. He has bags under his eyes and it appears like he has been reading and practising magic in his room for weeks now. he also appears to have lost some weight from a lack of eating.

Rubing his eyes he says "so what is going on around here? You all look anxious about something?"

Thursday September 6th, 2001 8:47:35 PM

Benrik takes the hint and leaves. Drew is waiting out in the shed and preparing to go to some tavern. Jezebella left and went somewhere. Anarion is waiting for an answer from the rest.
The appointed hour is nearly here. It's time to go if you want to get there on time. Hopefully someone knows how to get to the shrine. There's not a lot of time left to figure it out now.

Jezebella  d20+4=12
Thursday September 6th, 2001 9:13:50 PM

(ooc : JK.. I think we all assumed.. falsely, it seems, that living in the city, we would know where this shrine was.)

Jez suddenly realizes the time, and that she doesnt quite know where she needs to go. She asks urchins near the tavern area of town, and beggers... (gather information 12)

[I assumed that you knew until Drew said he was going to a tavern.]

Tiree  d20+6=21
Friday September 7th, 2001 1:11:07 AM

Tiree moves her pin more to the front of her shirt. It's still hidden, but can now be easily shown, if needed. Noticing the time, Tiree grabs Anarion's hand.

"Come on! I'll tell you on the way."

Following along with Jezebella, she makes a quick detour to pick up her gear. She also asks around about the shrine and the shortest way to get there(if needed gather info of 21).

On the way to the shrine, she tells Anarion what is happening.

Friday September 7th, 2001 10:29:29 AM

"Ok, Tiree, so we are ready for another adventure?"

Saturday September 8th, 2001 2:05:37 PM

Drew suddenly remembers that it was a shrine not a tavern.

Miranna and Weasel 
Monday September 10th, 2001 4:25:54 AM

Miranna comes into view of the garden shed, cradling her weasel in one arm and stroking its soft fur. A new scroll case is hanging from her sash, and her eyes radiate absolute happiness. She looks briefly surprised to see Drew (and anyone else waiting there), then runs up to him with a wide smile.

"Drew! Have you had a good time these past few days? I have. I have mastered two new spells and scribed some scrolls! I..." Miranna pauses as she notices Drew's battle outfit. "Is there trouble afoot?"

Miranna will put her weasel back into her shoulder pouch, strap on her equipment and prepare to join the rest. If there is time, she slips back into the orphanage to grab something to eat on the way, having missed dinner as usual.

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