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The Meteorite.

Sewer Rescue (DM Cayzle) 
Monday January 15th, 2018 9:00:58 PM

Hmerrin accepts the reward ... and still has a bad feeling about this.

Gaffer senses something wrong ... unprecedentedly wrong ... and the details elude him for now ...

Ethani binds wounds and makes sure that no disease takes root in those bites.

Lornak seeks his bird -- who does come to him, visibly trembling and afraid.

Dušan offers healing to Hmerrin (please mark the spell and the curing).

Toston speaks with animals and can only learn that they are just about out of their minds with fear.

Asteria is distrustful. Of something!

The Tide escorts the dwarf kids back to the Temple of Wardd. And they find it to be very very quiet there.

In the wake of all the animal activity suddenly things get eerily quiet, so quiet in fact that you could hear a pin drop if you were so inclined. It doesn’t last long. All of a sudden there comes a horrendous crash and things sound as if the Wold is tearing itself apart. The sound is so loud that you can’t quite pinpoint where it is coming from and if you were hard pressed to guess you would have to say everywhere but you aren’t quite sure how that is possible but suffice it to say it is that LOUD.

Eventually the racket subsides and you hope for a second that maybe whatever that was signified the end of all the troubles happening of late. If only things were so fortunate because not even a full moment after the thundering noise ceases does the ground start trembling again...could it be ANOTHER earthquake?
But no -- this activity feels different -- as if it is in reaction to something major and not the main event itself. Is the Wold really being split apart? Have the Woldians done something to anger the Gods? Who knows?

The Temple of Wardd rocks back and forth like a ship tossed about in a tempestuous sea. Bits of rock, dust and other debris start to fall from the ceiling. Through the main doors, you see cracks in the ground along the roads and thoroughfares. An unattended cart tumbles down one of the chasms that have opened up and after a short amount of time you hear the impact of wood on rock and you think luckily there wasn’t a horse attached to it.

But unlike the last earthquake, this is short-lived. As quickly as the concussive sound and the tremors started, the Wold-shaking terminates. You see folk stumbling about. Some look stunned, others panicked. This was easily the loudest sound ever heard in the Wold.

You hear cries of frustration and despair -- the repair work so recently begun ... so much of it is wrecked again!

Please make a Fort save vs DC20. If you fail, you are deafened.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+10=24 ;
Monday January 15th, 2018 9:44:21 PM

"There there, Vin." Lornak says trying to calm her after she lands on his outstretched forearm. "I am glad to see you unharmed." He gently strokes the back of her head. "Clearly you are spooked still. What is coming?" Lornak looks to the horizon. He gives her a morsel and says; "Back home with you. I promise we will go out and hunt soon." He launches her back into the sky and watches as she heads toward Shale House.

Once inside temple Waard he comments about what he has learn; "Vin is clearly shaken. Something is coming." Not so soon after has says this he feels the rumble in the ground that precedes the loudest sound he has ever heard. He fights to keep his equilibrium as the crack whips through the air. (Fort Save d20=24) His jaw clenches and his eyebrows furrow as the force of the sound pressures to burst his eardrums. The structure around him bears the brunt of it he supposes as he does his best to cover any unattended children from falling stonework with his body. He is at a lose. "How do we face what is cracking the World?" His says, words drowned in the roar.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+6=14 ;
Monday January 15th, 2018 10:41:40 PM

Dušan reflexively puts his hands to ears as he shaken to his core by the thunderous calamity. When he takes his hands down, he sees Lornak's mouth moving, but he can't hear what he is saying (Fort Save d20=14). "What!?"

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Monday January 15th, 2018 11:17:06 PM

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
Cure Wounds on Hmerrin (from weekend post) D6=2+7 Caster Level=9 + 50% Healer's Blessing = 13
I think I mathed wrong in the last point Hmerrin should get 13 HP back
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells
Sorry. Forgot my footer.)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:22 Touch 20; FF 18 - CMD 23  d20+5=14 ;
Monday January 15th, 2018 11:36:44 PM

(Fort Save 14)

The tremendous sound was just too much for Toston's sensitive gnome ears and he reflexively puts his hands up to his ears and just looks at the other members of the Tide hoping one of them gets the message.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+7=14 ;
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 8:52:06 AM

(Fort Save: 14) Gaffer claps his hands to his ears with a shout, unable to even hear himself over the deafening noise. He scrunches his eyes in pain and opens them just in time to see everything around him shake. He considers moving towards others but nearly falls as soon as he does and instead just lets it pass.

Once thinks calm down he moves towards the rescued children and tries to ensure they are ok, calming them as much as he can but struggling to understand anything they say with mere lipreading. He is completely unaware of any conversation happening between the tide.

Hmerrin(HP:52/67 AC:24 T:15 FF:20 CMD:24)  d20+8=12 ;
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 6:51:42 PM

The animals go silent. Everything goes silent.

Hmerrin self consciously shivers at the unnaturalness of the effect. And then,
A physical wall of sound drives the young man to his knees, his cry joining a cacophony that he no longer can hear.

The accompanying quake drives him to the floor, where he curls up, hands over his ears and eyes squeezed shut.

"No more. No more. No more. No more"

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42,)  d20+6=12 ;
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 8:12:39 PM

Cowering from the sound, Ethani attempts in vain to cover her ears. "WHAT?!" she calls out, but she can't hear a thing.

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+7=24 ;
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 9:15:09 PM

"Oh my goodness.. what's going on!" Wil said as April.
"The Wold is ending.. can't you tell," argued Cicero
Wil was completely engaged in an argument with himself and the characters in his head. He thought to himself, it would be so nice to be deaf from these voices but he was not effected by the blast of noise.
"Stop," Wil said. "I can't do a thing about this. What do we do? Ever heard of post traumatic stress disorder, I believe eighty percent of these poor resident will never recover."

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 9:17:57 PM

Dušan spends a little more time digging the wax out of ears to see if that helps.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 9:39:30 PM

As the sound finally dies down Lornak has a nasty ringing left in his ears. Thankfully the structure held. He hopes Shale House fared just as well.

Disaster Falls (DM Cayzle) 
Tuesday January 16th, 2018 11:16:33 PM

Lornak calms Vin and takes her outside to send her to Shale House. He is actually standing outside when the SOUND occurs! The Wold shakes, but Lornak is not deafened.

The SOUND resonates through the Temple, and Dušan, Toston, Gaffer, Hmerrin, and Ethani are al deafened!

Asteria resists the consentrated sound through sheer cussedness, and Wilford ... well, let's just say that strange noises in his head are something he is used to tolerating!

Fortunately, as in any fine casino, there are no windows in the Temple of Wardd. Lornak, outside, sees that every window in sight is shattered.

In the minutes that follow, Lornak, Asteria, and Wilford hear high pithed whines and booms in the distance. Lornak (and the one-in-twenty people of Dirt City who were not deafened) hears these sounds overhead, and he sees that there are THINGS falling through the sky! Wow! Brilliant sparkling colors trailed by fiery tails!

Lornak and those outside only, if you make a Perception DC15 check, please Highlight to display spoiler: {They are falling stars, or maybe falling stones!}

If you ALSO make a Know Nature check vs DC12, then please Highlight to display spoiler: {You have heard of meteors and meteorites. Maybe these are those?}

If you are outside and make a further DC20 perception check, please Highlight to display spoiler: {You see a near and huge stone, shaped like a gem, that flies low and seems headed for the area just north of Dirt City!}

A minute later you all hear another sound, not as loud but still loud, to the north!

Father Chjarom, the seer, cries out! He feels that same sense of dread.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] Undeafened  d20+5=21 ;
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 7:30:07 AM

Asteria notices the sound. "Huh...that was weird." Then everybody starts acting like they can't here. Which is weird too. After all, Asteria can't help but hear everyone who is practically shouting now. "Haha...funny guys. Yup, that was a funny joke. Now can we get out there and find some people to help or something? I'm getting bored."

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20=11 ; d20=9 ;
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 3:28:54 PM

Dušan had followed Lornak outside earlier, but his deafness leaves him distracted as he observes the glittering mess fall silently to the ground. He looks at his hands wishing his restorative touch would allow him to cure this deadness, but resigns himself that this is hopefully something that will pass on its own.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+11=20 ; d20+10=26 ; d20+11=17 ;
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 4:45:41 PM

Lornak cannot believe that he weathers the ear piercing sounds with ease as he witnesses all of the windows in eyesight shatter into a thousand pieces. The glass shards reflected light fills the air around him and they shimmer and sparkle. It is dazzling really. The shards fall to the ground but as they do he notices that some in the higher sky continue to sparkle. "Stones falling from the sky...?" He opines. (Persp d20=20)

The fiery falling rocks are accompanied by high pitched whines and booms as pieces of them split and explode from the main masses. "I've heard tales of satellites falling from the sky but never dreamed I would witness such a display..." She says, awed. "...it is brilliant..."(Knowledge, Nature d20=26)

"If my memory serves they are called, meteor...," He pauses to think, but quickly so as to not avert his eyes from the heavens. "...meteorites...?" The meteorites pass over his head and out of sight. There is a moment of silence. It is broken by another massive boom to the north similar to the one that just rocked Dirt City only further off. "Did something like that just fall on top of us? I fear for anyone near the impact zones. Absolutely awesome..."

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 6:57:05 PM

Gaffer follows the others outside as the second loud noise quakes outwards. His thoughts turn to culverwood to their north. Wondering if recent events have affected those of his circle and hoping it hasn't spread that far.

For a moment he feels torn, wishing he could rush off to check on his old companions, but looking around himself to see the destruction and the injured. He moves to the others to find out what they are doing next.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:22 Touch 20; FF 18 - CMD 23 
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 7:56:03 PM

Toston remained inside but given the fact that the deafness only lasted for 3 rounds and a minute later there is another crash not as loud as the previous one Toston actually hears that.

He asks the father, "What is it now?"

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42,) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 8:59:42 PM

Turning her head from side to side, Ethani sighs when she can't hear anything. Feeling quite off her game, she waits for Lornak's return.

OOC: I thought we were still deafend

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=26 ; d20+11=15 ;
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 9:09:35 PM

"Ok earthquakes... check. Meteorites... check. ummm.. Where are the monsters!
What is an apocalypse without monsters.. come on." Wil said, with his hands outstretched dramatically.
After a moment of silence he started to help people near him. He figured wrapping bandages or make-shift bandage around the head would help.

Hmerrin(HP:52/67 AC:24 T:15 FF:20 CMD:24) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 10:06:37 PM

As his hearing returns, Hmerrin slowly climbs back to his feet. Dabbing at the blood trickling from his right ear, the young man shuffles over to join Toston, when yet another crashing can be heard.

The fighter exits the temple, joining up with Lornak and Dusan.
"What now?" he asks tiredly.

Disaster Falls (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 17th, 2018 11:45:57 PM

[OOC: Those who are deafened remain so, The effect has already lasted a few minutes. Those who have experienced a shorter duration in other games ... well, maybe Dirt City heard a louder SOUND.]

Asteria urges her deaf friends to stop kidding around!

Dušan hopes he deafness will pass, and in the meantime, the brilliat lights above are astounding!

Lornak explains what he knows to Wilford and Asteria. The others do not hear. [OOC: Could those with intact eardrums please put anything they say in spoilers? The deaf should not be hearing it!]

Gaffer wonders if these effects are reaching as far as the Culverwood. Some intuition in his heart suggests that the danger is to the entire Wold. He joins his friends outside to see them looking up.

Toston sees that Father Chjarom is distressed again, and asks him about it, but the dear fellow cannot hear any response.

Ethani waits in the temple with Toston and Chjarom.

Wilford looks for monsters but detects none aside from the usual suspects who plague his waking moments -- from within.

Hmerrin notes that his hearing does not return. He joins Toston, and the two gesture at one another. Then he goes out, sees his friends looking up, and asks, "What now?" -- he hears no reply.

Father Charom grabs Wilford and shakes him, saying, "The shard! it has landed to the north! It is dangerous! You will go to it! Please!"

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 
Thursday January 18th, 2018 5:04:05 PM

Seeing the lips of the others move Gaffer can only shake his head with a solemn face and point to his ear to explain. He watches the skies and waits for his hearing to recover, doing his best to read the lips of anyone speaking.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+6=22 ;
Thursday January 18th, 2018 6:04:37 PM

Feeling uncharacteristically helpless, Dušan retreats closer to the building and tries to at least not be in the way of others. He's shocked at how the loss of one sense has made him so much less capable. He tries to compensate by opening his third eye and Detecting Magic and looks for anything that could make him feel useful again.

(OOC: Perception d20+6=22
Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+10=25 ;
Thursday January 18th, 2018 6:23:19 PM

Lornak looks around to see if he can spot any smokestacks rising from skydrawn impacts in an effort to point his deaf companions in a direction. (Persp d20=25) He can add details later as their ears recover. Did he just hear Father Charom say something? Everything is happening so fast.

Lornak decides to let loose the charge on his forearm. He throws Vin toward the sky with a command to return to Shale house. As he does he wonders if the refugees will fair well without them. He looks back to the horizon and knows they must travel North...

Hmerrin(HP:52/67 AC:24 T:15 FF:20 CMD:24) 
Thursday January 18th, 2018 6:40:27 PM

Silence. Well, not silence. Hmerrin has been in silence before. There is a constant, high pitched tone sounding from inside his head, and that's all he can hear.

People are talking, but the young man is lost.

Should Lornak point out one of the smoke stacks, Hmerrin considers it.
He makes a circular motion to indicate the Tide, and then points to the smokestack, and then arches an eyebrow inquiringly at Lornak.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42,) 
Thursday January 18th, 2018 9:12:33 PM

Sensing the Father's distress, and being in quite a bit of distress herself, Ethani lays a gentle hand on the priest's shoulder. She mimes to him that she cannot hear. Completely lost, she walks around healing those she can.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] Undeafened 
Thursday January 18th, 2018 9:15:42 PM

Asteria is confused and very scared. As a simple barbarian, even magic was awe-inspiring to her. She starts to wonder if the Wold really is falling apart. Her mind cluttered, she doesn't find anything helpful to say.

Disaster Falls (DM Cayzle) 
Thursday January 18th, 2018 11:45:53 PM

Gaffer watches the skies and tries to read lips. But the clouds don't have lips! [OOC: Make Perception checks to try to read lips please.]

Dušan tries detecting magic. And he does sense something unusual ... like an aura that continues to fall from the sky. Can it be RAINING MAGIC?

Lornak looks to see any clouds of dust that might indicate impact sites. Indeed, he sees a glow and a dust cloud in the north.

Hmerrin gestures a question to the group ... should the Tide head north toward the whatever-it-is?

Ethani does her best to calm the agitated seer. He settles at her gentle healing touch. He asks her to -- if you can hear -- Highlight to display spoiler: {help save the city.}

Asteria's dismay deepens. What to do? What to do?

Toston mimes his deafness to tell the good seer that he cannot hear. If you are not deaf or if you make a Perception check vs DC13 to read lips, then you can get the gist of his response: Highlight to display spoiler: {"WHAT!? SPEAK UP!}

Wilford has questions, but no one has answers.

Gradually, gradually, though, the ringing in your ears diminishes. The pain in your heads eases.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:22 Touch 20; FF 18 - CMD 23 
Friday January 19th, 2018 2:08:31 AM

Toston says to father Chjarom, "I can't hear you."

He is unsure what he said himself because he is still deafened so he looks at the father and covers his ears with his hands.

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Friday January 19th, 2018 8:30:14 AM

"Hold, sir.. Hold the shaking."
Wil says.
"What is this shard and where is it exactly? If it will help, we will go."

Hmerrin(HP:52/67 AC:24 T:15 FF:20 CMD:24) 
Friday January 19th, 2018 8:30:08 PM

With the ringing in his ears gradually subsiding, Hmerrin realizes the deafness should pass relatively soon.

The fighter pantomimes for everyone to stay put.

Once he can hear properly, he tries to get the gist of what the old priest/seer/crazy guy was saying.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Friday January 19th, 2018 9:02:31 PM

Dušan joins the rest of the group. “It’s raining magic outside,” he says perhaps a bit loud. Then he realized he could start to hear that muffled in his own head and the ringing was subsiding. He hopes this means the rest of his hearing would return soon, “Hey! I heard that! And I’m hearing this, too.”

Nodding at Hmerrin’s pantomime he takes a seat on the floor.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:22 Touch 20; FF 18 - CMD 23 
Friday January 19th, 2018 11:16:04 PM

Toston overjoyed to be able to finally hear something and that being Dusan's observation sings, "It's raining magic, hallelujah."

Then goes back to the priest and says, "Now what were you saying?"

Disaster Falls (DM Cayzle) 
Friday January 19th, 2018 11:53:27 PM

Indeed, the deafness fades, and you regain your ability to hear. Thank goodness!

That goes for the old seer too. And when communication is possible, he declares that disaster has fallen, as a star from the sky. But this star came not from the heavens, but from the south!

The high priest of the temple arrives, elegant in his gold lame suit of office. He says that he has a report of something falling north of the city.

“If it is a threat, we need to know,” the high priest says. "Will you go investigate?

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42,) 
Saturday January 20th, 2018 3:48:23 AM

Gently rubbing her ears, Ethani smiles. Secretly she had been worried that her hearing might not return. This was a good sign. Finding Lornak, she says (perhaps a little too loudly) "What happened outside? I was too afraid to come to you when I lost my hearing." The sea elf leans her head on Lornak's shoulder and whispers "What is going on my love? I'm afraid. "

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Saturday January 20th, 2018 5:37:06 PM

Not wanting to speak for the group, Dušan looks at his friends, "I think we should go. It feels proactive and I'm tired of being reactive."

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Saturday January 20th, 2018 8:44:54 PM

Lornak greets Ethani with an embrace when she emerges from the temple. He raises his hands and waves the group towards to give an account of the sky falling; "Celestial bodies rained from the heavens and crashed down upon the earth. They burned and shimmered the entirety of the sky in long streamers. The last large satellite exploded to the North" He points his hand to the direction where he can see a strange glow and a cloud of smoke rising from the impact.

"I believe they are called meteorites." He looks down to Ethani and lowers his voice. "It was quite beautiful and awesome and frightening."

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+3=15 ;
Sunday January 21st, 2018 9:37:51 AM

Finally. A chance to actually do something. Possibly even helpful.

"Wardd yeah, we're going," Hmerrin practically laughs out. "That's why they pay us all that gold, right?"

The young fighter waits impatiently for his comrades to prepare, and then heads north with them.
He's tries to keep an eye out for Flying Purple Cloud Monsters, and giant cracks in the earth, and looters, and evildoers, and anything else out there that will likely try to kill them.

[Perception 15]

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:22 Touch 20; FF 18 - CMD 23 
Sunday January 21st, 2018 2:04:35 PM

Toston says to the old priest, "I don't suppose you have any magic item in your basement that may lend us Wardd's luck in investigating whatever fell from the sky? I understand it is customary for you to have a bunch of lucky magic items in your basement."

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42,) 
Monday January 22nd, 2018 5:39:40 AM

Comforted by the bravery of her friends, Ethani nods. "We should probably get going..."

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 
Monday January 22nd, 2018 8:25:37 AM

Keen to find out what the situation is further north Gaffer is pleased with the plan. "Lets get going before anything else comes crashing down" he says to the group in general, keeping his eyes on the skies.

Once they set off he offers to fly above if any of them are worried about going the wrong way, otherwise enjoying getting out of the city and stretching his legs.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Monday January 22nd, 2018 1:07:21 PM

Dušan nods in agreement as The Tide accepts.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Monday January 22nd, 2018 7:17:29 PM

Lornak leans in and kisses Ethani gently then pulls away still holding her shoulders. "Are you ready for this?" He asks her. "You just got back." He squeezes her shoulders. "You can stay behind if you wish, there is plenty of healing that can be done here."

Lornak joins the rest of his companions and sets out to march towards the horizon.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:22 Touch 20; FF 18 - CMD 23 
Monday January 22nd, 2018 11:02:29 PM

Toston waits patiently for what the priest has to say

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42,) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 9:02:05 AM

Enjoying the warmth of Lornak's kiss, Ethani nods enthusiastically. "I can do this. It's just the deafness scared me is all. You will need me with you. And I don't want to be away from you again. Let's get going."

Grabbing Lornak's hand, Ethani gets ready to leave.

Investigation (DM Dank) 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 10:36:28 AM

The party prepares, gears up and heads out of the city to the north. The old priest shakes his head to Toston's question of a magic item or two. "All of our available resources are being spent here."

He does have a bit more information, though.

"The meteor seems to have fallen in the old bloodyards. In my grandfather's day, the Lich-Master of Bone Mountain led an army of evil and undead things to attack the city. They hauled evil magical bells and gongs like seige engines. Led by Bull the Minotaur, every man, woman, and child of Dirt City prepared to fight. And it was the Gold Dragons who saved the day in the end. Those old battlefields are still cursed to this day, and adventurers have encountered all manner of evil and dead things there."

"The falling stone has landed in the middle of that old battlefield. It is an infertile and festering stretch of land where only nettles and brambles may grow and monsters and beasts are known to prey upon those who dare venture within."

Gaffer offers to take wing, once clear of the city proper to provide a birds eye view of the surroundings and what may lie ahead.

The group's destination, as best as any know, is less than a days walk. The good news. Right into the scrublands where the Master of Mount Bone's army was defeated in a great battle.

You are an hour outside the city, with about 3-5 hours travel to go. The air is dusty, the sky hazy with the sun glowing behind it. You can taste the dust in your mouth and though it irritates your eyes, you can still see quite well.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17; Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+6=13 ; d20+17=24 ;
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 1:58:12 PM

"You know," Dušan begins "I never left the city before I joined the Tide. And It's places like this that make me realize why."

Fearing the worst from the rumors and looks of things, Dušan casts Detect Magic and keeps his eyes peeled for threats (Perception d20+6 = 13), but is more focused on any out of place auras (Spellcraft d20+17=24) ahead of them. He also occasionally looks behind him to make sure there are no auras following them as well.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+9=13 ;
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 2:23:52 PM

Lornak treks on the scrub land towards the impact site, the talk of undead bouncing about his mind. He wishes he has more fire weapons. Or any weapons more powerful than the simple wooden and silver bolts packed carefully inside the numerous pockets about his garb.

He surveys the scrub land and realizes that he has not been out in the wild for quite some time. His nature instincts have taken a hit with his captivity in urban environments. (Persp d20=13) He notices the small oasis's of beauty tucked away here and there but the terrain seems foreign to him even though he has see plains like this before.

He speaks to Ethani; "When all of this upset has mended itself I want to journey out into the wild for a time. Would you join me?"

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 2:25:47 PM

To Dusan he replies: "Not all environments are this bleak, my friend." He points out the little oasis's he sees. "There are regions of such colossal beauty as to take your breath away."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:22 Touch 20; FF 18 - CMD 23  d20+14=21 ; d20+6=25 ;
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 6:56:13 PM

(Perception: 21)
(Know[Nature]: 25)

Toston keeps a lookout for anything dangerous not looking forward to their destination given its reputation. "So the place we are headed is cursed and we are all supposed to be doomed? Are we sure this is a good idea?"

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:25 T:15 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+3=11 ;
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 7:47:06 PM

"You forgot the evil and undead creatures waiting to feast upon our spleens," Hmerrin adds to Toston's list, before finishing. "And when is the last time we did anything that seemed like a good idea?"

The young fighter slides in next to Dusan.
"There ARE regions of colossal beauty," he notes, echoing Lornak.

"This ain't one of 'em."

Hmerrin continues forward, taking an occasional glance around for movement, but mostly relying on his more aware teammates to warn him of trouble.
[Perception 11]

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=15 ;
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 8:30:12 PM

(OOC: Didn't realize I missed a day :( )
"Ah.. the undead. Toston, do you remember the first time we tangled with the undead. That priest of Ffloy could barely stand and explain himself. That was the biggest challenge. This adventure seems to be a bit tougher. I am so ready but... Is there a place to rest for the night. It's been a long day?"
(Perception: 15)

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I, Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal

-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day
SM3 1/day
SM2 Earth elemental 4 rds
D: Fly -

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] Undeafened 
Tuesday January 23rd, 2018 9:14:23 PM

Asteria is glad to be back in familiar territory, though not in reference to the land itself. She actually doesn't really know where they are right now. She's thankful to be on the road again, with an axe in her hand and friends by her side. She missed this lax period where they were just on the road, able to actually chill out and talk

The tall barbarian lady nudges up to Gaffer, giving him a playful prod to the side. "Hey! I'm Asteria. I don't think we've properly met before! But I don't think much either, so it might have just slipped my mind. Who are you again?"

Omens and Worst! (DM Cayzle) 
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 8:17:17 AM

Dušan detects magic, but nothing within range registers. Out of range, however, he sees shooting stars flying from the south overhead. There are more meteors to fall, maybe?

Lornak checks his weapons; he feels out of place in this scrubland of ill omen. He hears the sounds of small animals, hidden mice, maybe, or rabbits or foxes, shrieking in pain ... others in the group hear it too, if he mentions it.

Toston is not sure he has a good feeling about all this!

Hmerrin tries to keep alert. He notes something ... a ground squirrel ... but something is off about it. It seems to be in pain, twisting and writhing. As you watch, you see the creature mutate before your very eyes. Its fur falls out, it sweats droplets of blood, and it makes the oddest sound ...

Wilford reminisces about undead encounters past, but he too sees something odd ... a patch of grass ... hued in red!

The party hears the sound of more meteorites whistling across the sky and landing in not too distant locations. Each lands with a solid *whumpf*

The party gets closer to the site of the meteorite fall, and you can see other small patches of the unnatural red grass as you approach the crater.

You also observe more small animals -- a fox and a hawk lying on the ground -- that seem to be in pain, convulsing and mutating. feathers change to scales; claws grow into talons, muscles wrench under skin.

From the crater ahead, at the impact site, the party hears howling and gobbling sounds -- a fight is taking place!

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 Sanctuary 1/7,) 
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 9:44:22 AM

Ethani takes the time to snuggle a little with Lornak on the trip. It was so rare that they found any down time.

"I would LOVE it My Love. There is so much of the surface Wold that I have not seen. I would love to show you my Wold as well. The Undersea Kingdoms are beautiful year round. There is so much I have to show you...the endless void where the sea elves prove their bravery by diving for pearls...the Coral Reefs of Loralei Pass...oh, and you must see the sunken shipwreck remains outside of Aisildur. I used to sneak out there when I was little and pretend I was a Pirate of Jack. Mom used to get sooooo ticked!!" Ethani snickers at the memory.

The young sea elf is brought back to reality by the sounds of animals in pain. So much pain. Human or animal...it doesn't matter to the Healer of Alemi. Pulling her wand from the loop on her side, Ethani casts Sanctuary on herself. Knowing that animals in pain can lash out inadvertently at those who are only trying to help. She intends to advance as soon as she can toward the fox and hawk, intent on healing from whatever is hurting them.

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+3=7 ;
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 6:26:03 PM

Hmerrin looks on in revulsion as the squirrel, well, melts. Into .. something.

"Dusan? Lornak? This would be the part where you tell us there is a perfectly natural something going on, and we don't have to worry about it," he quips halfheartedly.

As a counterpoint to his attempt at playful banter however, the fighter draws his axes, wordlessly waves at Ethani to stay behind him, and warily advances toward the impact site and the sound of fighting.

"This ain't right," he mutters to himself.
[Perception 7]

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 6:54:29 PM

"Hmmm... Mutating rodents.. Nothing bad could come from that," he snorts.
He then notes a need to change his prepared spell list and casts Adam Levine Favor to give him a bit of a boost with firing the crossbow.
(Ooc: oh sorry auto correct.. Divine Favor :)

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 7:05:25 PM

Dušan, expecting the worse, takes out his Wand of Mage Armor and taps himself. He then positions himself in the middle of the group. "I'm positionitioning myself strategically where I can reach the most of you," Dušan says to the front line, "Not hiding in the middle. I would never do such a thing. I faced down a bear. And well, I guess we know how that ended."

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+9=28 ;
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 7:14:15 PM

"It sounds beautiful, my love." Lornak says to Ethani. "I pray we can find the time." Lornak bristles a bit at the mention of Ashira, Ethani's mother. He bristles even more when he sees the small creatures around him mutate before his very eyes.

"That is an ill omen." Lornak says to no one in particular. "I fear our circumstances may be very much out of our control..." Yet we must press on. He thinks to himself.

"...everyone keep their wits about them..." He says to the group. "...do not extend yourselves until the real threats emerge."

Lornak pulls out his crossbow and nocks and bolt into it. He hears the cries of battle and moves ahead cautiously. (Perception d20=28)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:26 Touch 20; FF 22 - CMD 23  d20+14=18 ;
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 7:22:26 PM

Toston hearing the sounds of combat decides to use his wand of mage armor as he moves closer.

(Perception: 18)

Standard action : use wand of mage armor
Move action: move forward

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+10=11 ;
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 7:22:31 PM

I'm Gaffer, It's nice to meet you, sorry if I forget your name, I'm not the best with that kind of thing" Gaffer quickly tries to give a polite reply to his newest companion. He feels a little nervous about his place as old faces keep popping up but oit of the city he feels better than he possibly coild have the past couple days and can barely resist changing. A chance to get out of the city is always welcome. Well. Almost always...
His heart wrenches at the sounds of the animals and he can't help but feel concerned at the strange colours taking root in the earth. What could be the meaning of this? (Nature: 1 + 10)
Wary of conjurong anymore animals less they suffer the same way, he can only mentally prepare himself and adapt as things go.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Wednesday January 24th, 2018 10:21:05 PM

Asteria's heart drops at the sounds of the animals, and her knuckles turn to white as her grip on her axe tightens.She steps towards Ethani and tries to dissuade her from going any closer. "Sis... it's too late for them. I can... you know... put them out of their misery."

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 Sanctuary 1/7,) 
Thursday January 25th, 2018 8:18:26 AM

Ethani looks over at Asteria incredulous. "How do you know?? We haven't even tried to help them yet. Maybe a simple healing spell is all they need to go back to normal. Shouldn't we at least try first before we kill them?" Shaking her head at the hack and slash mentality of her sister in arms, Ethani waits for a higher power to move the hands of time.

OOC: Waiting on DM post.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 
Thursday January 25th, 2018 5:25:08 PM

Gaffer grows increasingly uncomfortable waiting where they are, nothing feels right here. Looking around nervously before trying to urge the overs to hurry towards whatever it is they are trying to find.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:31/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Thursday January 25th, 2018 5:47:03 PM

Trying to feel confident behind his mage armor, Dušan tries to put his brave face on and tries to will the sweat on his forehead away.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 6/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
1 hour? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 1 
Thursday January 25th, 2018 6:39:49 PM

Noting the distressed animals, the mutating bleeding and morphing animals, Ethani feels the call of the healer.
She takes out her Santuary wand and casts a protection spell upon herself before she moves to approach.

Hmerrin draws his axes and waves for the elf to let him lead the way

Wilford calls upon a spell to aid him should the need arise for combat

Dusan moves to the middle of the group where he can best get to everyone and casts Mage Armor on himself with a wand

Lornak draws and loads his crossbow and moves cautiously ahead towards the crater and the sounds of combat.

Toston also casts Mage Armor with his wand and follows Lornak

Gaffer feels for the animals, the druid's heart aches as he watches them mutate into hideaous abominations before his very eyes

Asteria tightens her grip on her axe. She too feels forr the hapless things, but nothing can be done now but to perhaps put them down. She moves to the side with Ethani and Hmerrin

Ahead, Lornak and Toston near and peer over the crater rim.
The meteorite struck a burial mound of some kind when it hit, sheering off the entire front section.
The crater is roughly 110' across and slopes down to a depth of 40'

Nearly half of a dozen undead have emerged from teh destroyed mound, but that is not what is making all the noise.
A great pack of mutated hounds have descended upon them and are tearing them to bits.
The dogs are huge now! Just over five feet tall at the shoulder, with foam dripping fangs and large, red eyes
and flecks of more foam and blood splattered everywhere. Blood seeps from their nose and eyes, and drops from
their hide.
Knowledge Nature DC 20:Highlight to display spoiler: { It’s difficult to tell at first, but these appear to be a species of wild dog that have somehow been transformed.}

As Ethani approaches the fox, what is left of the creatures fur raises and it hisses. The hawk, though most of the poor things feathers are gone, takes to the air.
It launches, splattering blood and a strange white foam as it whips its wings and despite it being impossible, it does indeed rise into the air to head away

Hmerrin and Asteria are right behind/beside Ethani and about 4 feet from the fox.


Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+8=25 ;
Thursday January 25th, 2018 8:48:01 PM

"My apologies good Gaffer. With all the upset abound I have completely forgotten my manners." Lornak says. "These two fine ladies are Ethani and Asteria, missing members of The Tide for a time on an urgent mission for the WLA." He waves his hand two the sea elf and barbarian respectively. "They have returned to us after the earth quaked." Twinkling can be seen in Lornak's eyes when he speaks about his love, Ethani. "I recommend getting on their good side for their favor might just keep you alive."

Lornak spots the carnage taking place over the ridge and slowly backs away with a gasp. He recognizes the species of the hounds and is suddenly very very afraid at what they may face on the other side, undead aside. (Knowledge: Nature d20=25) "Those wilding dogs have been twisted in form by something sinister..." He warns the group. "...they are barely recognizable in their obscene state. I fear what made them that way..."

"Dusan, my friend I do not suppose you have anything in your considerable repertoire to imbue my bolts with fire, and perhaps may anyone have an extra mace or flail...?"

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Thursday January 25th, 2018 10:10:48 PM

Wil has his crossbow and summons a dog of his own.
"Tiny dog vs. Big dog.. Who wins"

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+14=24 ; d20+6=11 ;
Friday January 26th, 2018 12:12:06 AM

Toston casts Shield on himself and then stows the wand.

"So are we fighting the fox, the undead or the dog packs?" he asks his friends

(Perception: 24)
(Know[nature]: 11)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [599 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [30 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
4/6 1st level spells available

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+10=15 ;
Friday January 26th, 2018 8:37:47 AM

"Think we can take all three." Gaffer responds. "Who wants to make the first move?"

Taking a deep breathing he begins Call Lightning in preperation for the fight.

--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning)
Lv4: Air Walk, Cure Serious Wounds - D: Sleet Storm

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 Sanctuary 2/7,Prayer 1/7) 
Friday January 26th, 2018 10:21:30 AM

Ethani's eyes squint in distaste at the undead. Unnatural out of place things that should not be. She voices her opinion none the less. "We should let the dogs finish off the undead. One less thing we will have to kill later.

Sighing, Ethani resigns herself to the fact that the animals are probably beyond her help now. She nods at Asteria as she roots through her backpack and fishes out her Bull's Strength wand (move action). She then reaches out to Alemi in Prayer (standard action).

"Alemi, please grant these heroes with Domi's Power.
Bless them and help them to do heroic things.
Let them remove evil and corruption from your sight."

OOC: Active spells
Sanctuary: Covering Ethani. Rd 2/7
Any opponent attempting to directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save.

Prayer: Rd 1/7

Covering Ethani, Asteria, Hmerrin, Gaffer, Dusan, Wilford, Lornak, and Toston recieve +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while poor "fox" takes a –1 penalty on such rolls.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d4=2 ;
Friday January 26th, 2018 2:16:29 PM

"Fire?" Dušan ponders Lornak's request, "Sadly, no. I can do magic again like we used against the cloud monsters."

Dušan then uses calm before the storm to cast Spectral Hand, being as prepared as he can be.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 5/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1

70 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
{-2 HP to Dušan Would Ritual of Blood effect this. I loose HP, not take damage?}

599 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Friday January 26th, 2018 9:49:01 PM

"Hmmm...I'm ready to start some trouble. Me and my dog."

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Friday January 26th, 2018 10:03:28 PM

"I will gladly accept anything you can offer." Lornak says as he holds out the crossbow to get imbued. He turns his attention to Ethani. "Keep that handy." He says about the Bull's strength wand. "I may need a bit of an edge if I end up in melee."

"My gut says the more undead they consume, the stronger they become." He says disagreeing with Ethani. "Can we afford to wait much longer if that is the case?"

He waits until Dusan imbues his crossbow to move allowing Hmerrin and Asteria to take the front lines. As they pass he looks back over his shoulders to his compatriots and says; "Once more into the breach and all that."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23 
Saturday January 27th, 2018 12:57:17 AM

Toston says, "Lornak, mayhap one day I can add fire damage to ammunition but sadly that day is not today."

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+15=24 ; d8+9=13 ;
Saturday January 27th, 2018 10:30:43 AM


Hmerrin takes in the conversation, and feels Ethani's spell.

"Alrighty then," he remarks. "Asteria, take care of the fox, and then get your ... self over here to help me."

The young man slides over to the edge of the crater, and calls out,

Cocking his battleaxe behind him, he awaits the charge.

Move to S6
Ready Attack - first nasty to get to him is hit with a battleaxe. Hit ac24 for 13 hp damage.

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Saturday January 27th, 2018 4:18:58 PM

"Tell me where you want my monsters. We will have many extra hands. Tell me where you need them. Put them in harms way."
Cicero and April protested silently but Wil ignored them

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20]  d20+13=27 ; d8+6=11 ;
Sunday January 28th, 2018 3:07:03 PM

Asteria grins as she gets in position to whack-a-fox, readying her axe for an attack. "You got it my dude. I'll be done with this not-so hairball in no time." She moves in front of Ethani, to keep her out of harm's way and takes a swing at the fox.

Move to V3
Attack on the fox 27 vs. AC for 11 damage

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Sunday January 28th, 2018 5:02:40 PM

Dušan grows concerned looking at the numbers in front of them, but remains resolute standing with his friends.

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 2 
Sunday January 28th, 2018 6:06:16 PM

Lornak lets the others know aboutt he hounds and his thoughts on them, quickly followed by a request for a magical assistance for his weapons

Wil casts a summoning spell, bringing in a dog

Toston casts Shield and stows his wand. Which group to take on?

Gaffer casts Call Lightning and suggest taking on everything they can see

Ethani voices to let the Hounds finish the undead, then gets a Bull Strength potion from her pack and Casts Prayer

Dusan casts Spectral Hand, unfortunately he has no imbue weapons with all mighty undead smiting divine fire.

Hmerrin moves to the crater's edge amd awaits the charge

Asteria moves infromnt of Ethani and kills the fox

Below in the crater, the undead are torn to pieces in seconds as the hounds grab them in their jaws and pull limbs clear in singular quick motions
Two of the horrid hounds look up the crater and issue a deep and dangerous growl. The rest of the pack responds in kind and all look your direction.
Only a split second passes before a Hound issues a sharp bark, sending all of them towards you


Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+15=18 ; d8+9=11 ; d20+13=32 ; d6+9=11 ; d20+8=26 ; d8+9=16 ; d20+8=14 ; d6+9=14 ;
Sunday January 28th, 2018 6:36:03 PM


"That's really an awful lot of dogs," Hmerrin observes, as he sets himself.

As the dogs come within range, the young fighter gets to work.
His axes fly into the snapping jaws of the oncoming hounds.

Full attack. Starting with S7 and targeting T7 if the first goes down.

Battleaxe 1st hits ac 16 for 11 hp damage (note: atk bonus too high on roll. I adjusted)
handaxe 1st hits ac 32 for 11 hp damage
battleaxe 2nd hits ac 26 for 16 hp damage
disregard last atk roll.

(Also, Hmerrin had readied an attack last round (ac 24 for 13 hp))?

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  3d4+3=14 ;
Sunday January 28th, 2018 7:44:50 PM

Toston takes a 5 foot step back to R5 and then sends a 15 foot cone of flame into spaces R6, Q7, R7, S7, Q8, R8, S8.

The hounds in Q7, R7, S7, Q8, R8, S8. have to make a reflex save DC 14 or take 14 fire damage, but only 7 fire damage on a successful save. (OOC: any of the hounds hit by the prayer take a -1 to their save I believe)

"I might be able to thin their ranks while I grill some franks. Hot Dog!!!" Toston says to Hmerrin

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [598 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [29 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
Prayer + 1 luck bonus to attack, weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks
3/6 1st level spells available

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 Sanctuary 3/7,Prayer 2/7) 
Monday January 29th, 2018 8:11:54 AM

Everyone moves into action and Ethani is no different. Tapping Asteria with her *wand* of Bull's Strength, Ethani scoots back toward Gaffer (S3), not wanting the party to get too spread out.

Knowsing that her battle sister sometimes gets caught up in the thrill of battle she calls out "Hey Asteria,I'd feel a lot better if you'd move back over here toward me. Makes healing you easier..."

OOC: Active spells
Sanctuary: Covering Ethani. Rd 3/7
Any opponent attempting to directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save.

Prayer: Rd 2/7

Covering Ethani, Asteria, Hmerrin, Gaffer, Dusan, Wilford, Lornak, and Toston recieve +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while enemies take a –1 penalty on such rolls.

Bull's Strength: Rd 1/70
Covering Asteria: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  3d6=9 ;
Monday January 29th, 2018 9:50:37 AM

The lightning bolt comes crashing down as gaffer directs it towards V6 dealing 9 damage.
"Watch the sides, I don't think we want to be encircled" He calls to the others and begins to summon a Dire Wolf to join their fight. Muttering to himself, "Please don't freak out, please don't freak out..."

--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning
Lv4: (Air Walk), Cure Serious Wounds - D: Sleet Storm

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+2=10 ; d20+6=15 ; d10=2 ;
Monday January 29th, 2018 12:49:11 PM

Wil's dog moves to (O6) while he lines up a shot from (M4)
The dog misses. Wil fires his crossbow from behind (AC: 15 - Dmg: 2)

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I - dog(Rd: 5), Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal

-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day
SM3 1/day
SM2 Earth elemental 4 rds
D: Fly -

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Monday January 29th, 2018 5:47:57 PM

Dušan casts Magic Weapon through his spectral hand on Lornak’s quiver. He then watches the chaos in front of him and makes plans on how he can best help in the future.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 5/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 2/1
70 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
69 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
598 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+16=36 ; d20+16=34 ;
Monday January 29th, 2018 7:02:37 PM

After spouting what he thought might be a decent enough battle speech he turns his head back towards the oncoming horde of hounds. To his surprise they are right on top of the group. He reacts the only way he knows how in the short time distance between him and the horde; "Gaah!" He mouths as he stumbles backwards from the edge. (5 foot step to P5)

Out of the corner of his eye he sees a hound engaging from the groups right flank. He lets loose the suspended bolt more out of reflex than purpose. (Attack Action d20=36(Nat 20 +14BAB+1MagicWeapon[MW] +1Luck, Crit Hit Confirmed d20=34, 18dmg(1d4+3+1+1Luck X2)

As the bolt flies from its home Lornak watches in awe as the crossbow shimmers to life mid fire. The sparkling energy surrounds the bow and illuminates it. Just before the bolt finds purchase in the hound (N6) the energy whips out of the front of the bow and connects to the bolt creating the effect of a piercing white fire.

Haha! He screams. "That's more like it!"

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Monday January 29th, 2018 7:14:35 PM

(OOC if only I was flanking i would have gotten another d6!)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday January 29th, 2018 7:39:18 PM

(OOC: I failed to add Divine Favor +1 on Attack and Weapon damage
Assuming Wil only so Wil fires his crossbow from behind (Attack: 16 - Dmg: 3))

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Monday January 29th, 2018 9:20:55 PM

Nodding, Asteria moves back and allows the dog to come to her. She readies herself for its inevitable attack.

OOC: Readied attack AC 29 for 23

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 3  d20+10=30 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=17 ; d20+10=28 ; d20+10=26 ; d20+10=27 ; d20+10=13 ; 2d4+10=16 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=19 ; 2d6+9=20 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=11 ; d20+12=21 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=16 ; 4d6+18=32 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=18 ; 2d6+9=19 ; d20+12=29 ; 2d6+9=20 ; d20+12=16 ; d20+12=16 ;
Monday January 29th, 2018 9:54:41 PM

Hmerrin strikes as the first hound gets to him and then another 2 times. Blood and fur fly as the axes bite into the hound and it falls dead

Toston steps back and sends forth a sheet of flame. 6 Hounds are burned.

Ethani uses her Bull Strength wand on Asteria and moves back towards Gaffer

The druid calls down a bolt of lightning, striking a Hound as he completes teh spell and then casts summoning spell to bring in a Dire Wolf

Wil's dog moves to attack but misses. Wil moves to the side and fires, but also misses.

Duasn casts Magic Weapon on Lornak's quiver through his Spectral Hand

Lornak steps back from the crater's edge and fires to his right. The bolt sinks deep
DM rolled dmg. Crit is not max. I calculated 1d4+5 X2 so 2d4+10 total 16

Asteria readies and strikes one hard as they come at her

the Hounds come in a great rush

3 attack Asteria
Hit AC 26/20/19 Dmg 20/17/11 if damaged Fort Save DC 22

1 Attacks Ethani, but then seems to think better of it and ignores her

4 converge on Hmerrin and one of the hounds grabs him deep in the thigh
Hit AC 32 crit 30/25/25/16 Dmg 32 Fort Save DC 22

2 Attack Toston, but the gnome is far too quick

1 attack Lornak, biting the dark elf
Hit AC 24 Dmg 19 Fort Save DC 22

2 bites the dog and kill it.

2 attack Wil, both miss


Wounded Hounds
Burning Hands: hd5, hd6, hd7, hd8, hd9, hd10
Lightning: hd 14
Lornak's bolt hd 1
Asteria axe hd15

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+12=13 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+12=32 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+12=19 ; d20+11=24 ; d8+3=6 ;
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 8:34:10 AM

Toston can't really get another good burning hands lined up so he decides to acrobatically move to outflank hd12 with Hmerrin.

(OOC: don't know if I need to roll 1 acrobatics check for all enemies or 5 checks for the 5 hounds threatening the squares I move through. hound 5, 10, 9, 12 and 13 all threaten squares I'd be moving through.)

(Single roll is 13, 4 more rolls are 13, 32, 27 and 19; I'm thinking I provoke at least 2 AOO)

Toston then swiftly charges his attack with magic before punching hound 12. (24 vs AC; 6 magic bludgeoning damage) Toston should be at U6 I believe.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 51/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20, Prayer]  d20+5=19 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=23 ; d12+13=20 ; d12+13=25 ; d20+3=7 ;
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 8:42:40 AM

Growling as one of the dog attacks connect, Asteria starts to feel a little weird (Fort DC 19). Nevertheless, a barbarian's gotta do what a barbarian's gotta do. Her axe lashes down at the dog that threatened Ethani (hd 9) and she smiles as bone and goop fly (AC 33/23 for 20 or 45 if crit).

OOC: I meant to say in last round's post that she moved to T3. I'll have her move this round, but I would appreciate it if I can get the full round attack that I should have had last round for not moving. LOL...which is AC 7...yeah...that's gonna hit. :P

Dm edited header to track damage

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 Sanctuary 4/7,Prayer 3/7) 
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 1:55:18 PM

Releaved that the dog isn't able to attack her yet, Ethani focuses on the work that needs to be done. Taking a couple of side steps (R4 then Q3 and finally P4), she moves toward Lornak and taps him with the Bull's Strength wand.

OOC: Active spells
Sanctuary: Covering Ethani. Rd 4/7
Any opponent attempting to directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save.

Prayer: Rd 3/7

Covering Ethani, Asteria, Hmerrin, Gaffer, Dusan, Wilford, Lornak, and Toston recieve +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while enemies take a –1 penalty on such rolls.

Bull's Strength: Rd 2/70
Covering Asteria: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 1/70
Covering Lornak: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:41/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+11=23 ; d20+16=33 ; d4+5=8 ;
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 3:42:45 PM

Lornak's little victory is short lived as a hound lunges to tear off a piece of him from his lower leg. He braces for the bite and cries out through a grim smile as the teeth sink in... (Fort Save d20=23) He withstands the pain as the hound wrenches its head away. He wonders what he might have just contracted from its bleeding maw.

Lornak feels the wound in his leg go numb as the Bull's Strength spell kicks in. The familiar sensation of his muscles growing slightly larger emboldens him. "Thank you, Love." he quips. "This fight may well come down to me showing off my new dueling skills."

He swiftly loads another bolt(Move Action) and lets it shimmer point blank at the attacking hound. (Attack Action d20=33 (+14BAB+1[MW]+1Luck), 8dmg(1d4+3+1+1Luck)

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 3:51:53 PM

Gaffer calls for his dire wolf to attack T4 hoping it will listen.
Afterwards he immediately begins to summon a second, hoping the healer can sustain herself for the moment.

--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning)
Lv4: (Air Walk), Cure Serious Wounds - D: Sleet Storm

Hmerrin(HP:42/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+9=27 ; d20+13=16 ; d20+8=20 ; d20+13=20 ; d8+9=12 ; d8+9=12 ; d6+9=14 ;
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 7:00:21 PM

"AHH!!" Hmerrin cries, in serious pain, as the hound clamps down to the bone.

[Fortitude 27]

"Why, you little...."

The fighter's axes whirl again, as he tries to finish off a couple of the burned ones.

Prayer in effect.
Full attack, starting with hd6 and then moving to hd7 if it falls.
Btax 1 hits ac16 for 12 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac20 for 12 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits ac20 for 14 hp damage

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d8=4 ; d8=3 ; d8=6 ; d8=6 ; d6=2 ; d6=5 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 7:27:02 PM

"Definitely should have opened up with Confusion," Dušan berates himself as he sends his spectral hand to Hmerrin and casts Cure Critical Wounds (30 HP) on the fighter, "If everyone can stay standing I'll endeavor to learn from this encounter."

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 5/0, L2 4/1 L3 3/1 L4 1/1
Cure Critical Wounds on Hmerrin 4d6+7=21 (is it really max 20 heal?) +10 Healers Blessing = 30 HP
70 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
69 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
598 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+2=22 ; d20+2=12 ; d20+4=13 ; d4+1=5 ;
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 9:09:14 PM

"Well, shoot... I didn't want to get so close to the fight"
Wil's dog (Attack: 22; fail confirm) (5 dmg)

Wil follows up by casting Fly (10 feet up) and hopefully avoiding any AOO with (AC +4 - Mobility feat)

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I - dog(Rd: 4), Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal

-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day
SM3 1/day
SM2 Earth elemental 4 rds
D: Fly - used

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 4  d20+12=19 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=22 ; d20+12=29 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=12 ; d20+7=11 ; d20+7=25 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=21 ; 2d6+9=15 d20+12=15 ; d20+12=30 ; 2d6+9=15 ; d20+12=24 ; 2d6+9=16 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=23 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=17 ; 2d6+9=17 ;
Tuesday January 30th, 2018 10:11:21 PM

Toston leaps and twists his way past the Hounds to another position. As he moves, three of the hounds bite at him, but Toston is just ahead of each attack. He then strikes a hould in the flank.

Asteria takes her axe up in hand and goes to work, her strikes hit true and the hound falls.

Ethani moves up behind Lornak and taps him with the wand of Bull Strength

Lornak loads and fires his hand crossbow into the wounded Hound, but in doing so, he is distracted and the hounds sieze the opportunity to attack
Two of the hounds tear into the drows flesh, rending great wounds in him.
AoO Hit AC 15/22/29 Dmg 17/12 total 29 and 2 Fort DC 22 saves

Gaffer compels the Dire Wolf to attack and it lunges in response. Its great jaws miss however. The druid summons additional assistance. Go ahead and roll for the wolf attacks and track his HP

Hmerrin screams in pain and strikes back and in a pair of strikes, he puts another down.

Dusan flows some needed healing magic into Hmerrin via the Spectral Hand spell [Heal 30]

The dog is already dead and Wil faces two great hounds. He tries casting fly, but with two viscious hounds trying to eat you, it's hard to concentrate
Defensive casting DC 15+double spell lvl = 21...25 He somehow pulls it off and flies up, and the hounds bite at him. ONe of the hounds clamps onto his leg, tearing flesh to the bone.
AoO Hit AC 25 Dmg 15 Fort DC save 22

2 Hounds attack Asteria, thier fangs frothing with pink and reddish foam. One hound finds the barbarians flesh.
Hit AC 30 Dmg 15 Fort Svae DC 22

1 Hound attacks the Dire Wolf biting deep
Hit AC 24 Dmg 16

2 Hounds attack Toston, but niether can penetrate the gnomes impressive defences.

2 Hounds attack Hmerrin and both miss the young fighter as well

3 hounds are currently under Wil, barking and snarling at the flying man

3 attack Lornak and the dark elf is quickly finding himself covered in his own blood.
Hit AC 20/19/17 Dmg 17 Fort Save DC 22


Toston Burning Hands spell to hounds hd 5,,7,8,9,10 Dmg 7
Lightning hd14 Dmg 9
Asteria Hd 15 Dmg 23
Lornak Hd1 Dmg 24
Hd12 Dmg 6

DM NOTE EDIT. Lornak was not hit by the AoO. He will be 5 feet beck from where he is now to start this round

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+9=13 ; d20+9=15 ; d8+8=15 ; d8+8=10 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 8:31:37 AM

Finishing his summoning Gaffer continues to urge both wolves to attack at U5 (Attacks: 13, 15; Damage: 15, 10)

Changing his focus he hears shouts of pain he looks towards Wil and sends a lightning bolt crashing down onto one of hounds attacking him.

He moves behind Asteria (T2) and says, "You're doing great!" feeling much safer with her and the wolves between him and the hounds.

--- Active ---
Call Lightning
Dire Wolf 1 - HP 37/37
Dire Wolf 2 - HP 37/37
--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning)
Lv4: (Air Walk), (Cure Serious Wounds) - D: Sleet Storm

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 30/42 Sanctuary 5/7,Prayer 4/7)  d8=4 ; d8=7 ; d8=3 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 8:41:25 AM

"Lornak!" Ethani's calm demeanor quickly fades to near panic as she watches her Love's life blood quickly draining from multiple wounds. Without a second thought, she reaches out her hand to Lornak and lightly touches his arm. There is a brief flash of light from her hands and immediately all of Lornak's wounds close (36 pts healed-Lesser Life Gift-Move Action).

Ethani gasps as the wounds open on her own body, The pain hits her all at once and she can't help but let the briefest of grunts escape her lips before she casts Cure Serious Wounds on herself. (3d8+10=24 restored-Standard Action)

DM EDIT. The AoO did not happen. You may change your action if you wish

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+10=16 ; d20+10=15 ; d8+3=6 ; d8+3=7 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 10:20:27 AM

Toston charges his attacks with magic and then starts flurrying against hd12 (16 vs AC, 6 magic bludgeon damage 15 vs AC; 7 magic bludgeon damage)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [596 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [27 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
Prayer + 1 luck bonus to attack, weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks
3/6 1st level spells available

Asteria Amarante [HP: 51/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20, Prayer ] sub Nellie  d20+13=17 ; d20+3=8 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 2:26:01 PM

"You're doing great..." she hears Gaffer call out from behind his Dire Wolf shield.

"Uhh...thanks." the barbarian calls back as she finds herself quickly surrounded. She strikes out with her axe at hd15 once more, trying to end at least one of her assailants. She ends up slipping in blood and missing with both attacks AC 17 and 8 (doubt either of those hit).

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+4=13 ; d4+3=4 ; d20+6=15 ; d10=7 ; d6=5 ; d20+7=8 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 5:11:43 PM

"Your such and amateur," Cicero snapped. "I'm sending myself out."
"No, I have a plan," Wil shouted as he prepares another bolt while staring at the gashes in his leg.
The dog lines up beside a near enemy as Wil float to flank the creature
He waits till the dog distracts an enemy dog.(Attack: 13)(Dmg: 4) (OOC: I adjusted for Augm. Summoning)
Wil fires from above (Attack: 16 (with Luck bonus)) (Dmg: 7) (Possible sneak attack: Dmg 5)
(OOC: Attempt to get sneak attack for dog that is attacked by my summoned creature)
Failed Fort Save :(

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I - dog(Rd: 3), Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal

-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day
SM3 1/day
SM2 Earth elemental 4 rds
D: Fly - used

Wednesday January 31st, 2018 5:48:42 PM

Let's leave it that way. I kinda like the way I wrote it, and Lornak needs the healing even without the AoO.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:24/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+11=19 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 5:58:44 PM

Lornak's flank gets bit as he backs away from the front line. He does not endure the pain as well as the first wound. He feels fatigued. (Fort Save d20=19) In reaction he steps back from the front line and drops his crossbow(5 foot step to O4)(Swift action) He regrets having to waste time doing so.

As he steps back he feels Ethani's hand on his shoulder. "Quarters are getting tight." He brandishes his rapier(Standard Action) and raises his buckler; "I think its best that I show off for you now!"

Buckler +1 to AC active.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 6:03:14 PM

Lornak feels the familiar warmth of Ethani's healing touch flow through his body.He feels invigorated. He steels himself and holds his ground against the oncoming hounds.

(OOC Adjustment to HP Thanks Janell!!!)

Hmerrin(HP:72/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+13=23 ; d20+8=25 ; d20+13=14 ; d8+9=14 ; d8+9=17 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 6:25:29 PM

Hmerrin's wound closes considerably.
"Oh, much better!," he calls out.

Starting to get a feel for the hounds' attacks, Hmerrin holds back one doggie with Lightning while using Thunder to beat on another one.

Prayer in effect.
Full attack on hd10.
Btax 1 hits ac23 for 14 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac25 for 17 hp damage
Hdax 1 miss (nat 1)

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d6=5 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=2 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=5 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 8:51:25 PM

Dušan doubles over and appears like he's going to be sick. He gags and then let's forth a series wretches. Finally, heaving, he opens his mouth and Vomits Swarm of wasps into R4 and commands them to move south to R6. Coming into contact with hound 10 they frenzy, tearing into the hound.

Wasp Swarm HP 31
Swarm Attack: Swarm (2d6 poison) (Swarm definition says 5d6 for hp over 21, so is this 7 dice total?
I believe this is 5d6=15 damage, 10 Poison Fort save DC 13)
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison
Distraction (Ex) A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (Fort DC 13) negates the effect.
Poison (Ex) Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 5/0, L2 3/1 L3 3/1 L4 1/1
Vomit Sawarm: 7 Rounds
69 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
68 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
597 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 5  d20+9=17 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=29 ; 2d6+9=17 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=30 ; 2d6+9=19 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=13 ;
Wednesday January 31st, 2018 10:23:08 PM

Gaffer moves to Asteria after completing a second Dire Wolf summoning. The 2 wolves attack the dogs, but miss the elusive hounds

Toston charges his attack with Magic, but misses

Asteria swings her axe twice, but she too is having an off few seconds and misses

Wil fires a crossbow bolt and it sinks into the grouund next to the hound with a thwap

Estaria reaches out and cures Lornak of his wound, the hard way, by taking the pain unto herself. A blessing of Alemi later, however, and she is cured as well.

Lornak steps away from the hounds, dropping his hand crossbow, pulling his rapier and brandishing his buckler.

Hmerrin, his previous wounds healed, strikes and connects solidly with 2 of his 3 attempts. the axes bite deep and kill the hound

Dusan spews forth a swarm of wasps. What? He what? Wasps swarm about one of the hounds, stinging and biting the creature.

The hounds under Wil, converge on the dog and tear it into tiny pieces

2 Hounds close on Lornak and one of them reopens the just healed wound in his leg.
Hit AC 15/29 Dmg 17

1 hound attacks Hmerrin, but the young man is able to spin away

2 hounds attack Toston and still the gnome eludes them

1 hound attacks teh wounded Dire wolf, tearing another large chunk from the wolf
Hit AC 30 Dmg 19 (35 Dmg total)

1 hound attacks ASteris, but misses

1 hound attacks the new wolf and misses

The hound in the swarm barks and snaps at the wasps, to no avail


Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 30/42 Sanctuary 6/7,Prayer 5/7) 
Thursday February 1st, 2018 9:17:37 AM

There is still so much to be done...

Ethani steps away from Lornak who looks like he is fine right now and makes her way over to Hmerrin (S5). She taps the young man with Bull's Strength, hoping to tip the fight toward the Tide's advantage.

OOC: Active spells
Sanctuary: Covering Ethani. Rd 6/7
Any opponent attempting to directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save.

Prayer: Rd 5/7

Covering Ethani, Asteria, Hmerrin, Gaffer, Dusan, Wilford, Lornak, and Toston recieve +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while enemies take a –1 penalty on such rolls.

Bull's Strength: Rd 4/70
Covering Asteria: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 3/70
Covering Lornak: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 1/70
Covering Hmerrin: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Asteria Amarante [HP: 51/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20, Prayer ] sub Nellie  d20+16=25 ; d20+6=18 ; d12+14=19 ; d12+14=25 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 2:58:11 PM

"Bwhahahahahaha!" Asteria bursts out laughing when the dog misses its attack. "Not so easy is it? Ok...my turn..."

Down swings her axe in a mighty arc and then a backswing against hd15 (AC 25 for 19 and AC18 for 25). IF she is able to kill the critter, Asteria turns her second attack against hd14.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  3d6=14 ; d20+9=13 ; d20+9=14 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+8=10 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 3:41:51 PM

Gaffer winces as his dire wolf takes another harsh attack but ultimately is glad it's the wolf taking the damage, ready to heal Asteria if it becomes her turn.

The wolves continue to attack (Attacks : 13/14, Damage : 13/10) and Gaffer curses their poor work, "What is this!" While calling down another lightning bolt on Asterias target.(14 damage)

--- Active ---
Call Lightning (66 Rounds)
Dire Wolf 1 - HP 2/37
Dire Wolf 2 - HP 37/37
--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Cure Moderate Wounds, Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning)
Lv4: (Air Walk), (Cure Serious Wounds) - D: Sleet Storm

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+10=14 ; d20+10=15 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 3:59:52 PM

Toston continues to flurry against hd 12 and continues to miss (14 vs AC; 15 vs AC)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [595 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [26 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
Prayer + 1 luck bonus to attack, weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks
3/6 1st level spells available

Hmerrin(HP:72/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+14=20 ; d20+9=22 ; d20+12=31 ; d8+14=16 ; d8+14=21 ; d6+14=16 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 4:24:59 PM

Hmerrin feels the strengthening spell, while also noting Toston flailing at this hound.

Hoping to take advantage of both his increased strength and the fact that hound isn't paying attention, the fighter widens his stance and drops his grip on his axe handles, trading some accuracy for more raw power.

Both weapons whistle as they arc into the hounds.

Prayer, Bulls Str in effect.
Full attack, Power attack on hd12, then hd7 if it goes down.
attack rolls using flanking bonus on hd12, so if go to 7 will need to subtract 2 from ac atk..

Btax 1 hits ac20 for 16 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac22 for 21 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits ac 31 for 16 hp damage

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+5=19 ; d6=5 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 8:51:31 PM

"Shadows.. shadows...shadows.. " Cicero and April began chanting but Wil expertly ignored them and pulled out a vile of Alchemist's fire. He tossed it in the center of the three dogs
(Throw: 19)(dmg: 5)

"Wilford..wilford..wilford," the chant changed

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=2 ; d6=6 ; d6=3 ; d6=4 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 9:38:49 PM

Dušan takes a 5 foot step back Q3, wipes some spittle from his chin and smiles at carnage the wasps have wrought. He is so pleased that he decides to bring forth another swarm. This time he is more prepared for the toll on his body. After a few wet coughs he stands dauntless, arms spread, head back and from his open maw he lets loose another Wasp Swarm into P2 and sends them southwest to M5.

The air is filled with the buzzing of thousands of insects as the swarms harry their respective hounds.

Wasp Swarm Q6 HP 31
Swarm Attack: Swarm (2d6 poison) 5d6=14 damage, 9 Poison Fort save DC 13
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison
Distraction (Ex) A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (Fort DC 13) negates the effect.
Poison (Ex) Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Wasp Swarm M5 HP 31
Swarm Attack: Swarm (2d6 poison) 5d6=19 damage, 7 Poison Fort save DC 13
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison
Distraction (Ex) A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (Fort DC 13) negates the effect.
Poison (Ex) Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 3/1 L3 3/1 L4 1/1
6 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
5 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
68 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
67 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
596 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Thursday February 1st, 2018 9:40:24 PM

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 2/1 L3 3/1 L4 1/1 Fixed spells left
6 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
5 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
68 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
67 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
596 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 6  d20+10=17 ; d20+10=12 ; d20+10=20 ; d20+10=15 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=29 ; d20+12=28 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+12=21 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=16 ; d20+9=18 ; d20+9=16 ; 2d6+9=15 ; 2d6+9=16 ; 2d6+9=19 ; 2d6+9=14 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 10:05:19 PM

Ethani moves to Hmerrin and uses her Wand of Bull Strength of the fighter

Asteria continues her assault, striking with one of her blows killing the hound

Gaffer readies to heal Asteria if needed as the Dire wolves continue to attack, but not score any hits. The druid calls down another stroke of lightning into a hound on Asteria

Toston continues to find the hounds rather elusive as well

Hmerrin, plants his axes into a hound multiple times

Wil pulls out a flask of Alchemical fire and throws it into the 3 hounds beneath him, catching one of them on fire

Dusan slides back and sends another swarm to help Lornak
The hounds continue attacking, slobbering and spraying reddish foam with every lunge and bit. Blood seems from thier snouts, ears and eyes

Asteria is missed

The Dire wolf is bit again
Hit AC 29 Dmg 15

Toston is missed, as is Hmerrin. both able to defend themselves well

The hound pursues Dusan and bites him
Hit AC 21 Dmg 16 Fort save DC 22

The two on Lornak sink their fangs deep into him
Hit AC 26/24 Dmg 19+14 2 Fort Saves DC 22

The other near the elf, is consumed with the insects

The hound on fire, drops to the ground and extinguishes himeself

The hound in the swarm continues to futiley bite at the small insects and then falls dead


Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+18=31 ; d6+4=10 ; d20+18=29 ; d6+4=6 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 10:07:36 PM

Lornak lashes out with his rapier and attacks the two hounds in front of him. (hd1, hd2)

hd1 (Attack Action d20=31(+13BAB+4BullsStrength+1Luck), Dmg 14(1d6+4+4BullsStrength)
hd2 (Attack Action d20=29(+13BAB+4BullsStrength+1Luck), Dmg 10(1d6+4+4BullsStrength)

He steps back as liquid black passes out of the corner of his eye. He steals a glance back at its source and is astonished to see its spewing forth from Dusan's mouth. He realises that Dusan has been going through some changes lately... "That's new." He mouths to himself.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+11=21 ; d20+11=31 ;
Thursday February 1st, 2018 11:01:30 PM

Distracted by the swarm of whatever flying about, he does not see the attacks from his right. (Fort d20=21, Fort Save = 31) He feels very very lightheaded and is barely staying on his feet. His vision is blurred at the edges and he is woozy.

(OOC updating HP so everything is ready for tomorrow's posts. My wife is working OT for the entirety of February. My posts will likely be at night 8PM Pacific)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:10/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Thursday February 1st, 2018 11:02:08 PM

(OOc ... updating HP...)

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+10=19 ; d20+10=15 ; d8+3=9 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 8:15:11 AM

Toston charges his attacks with magic then takes a 5 foot step to gain flanking with Asteria against hd13 (move to U5) and attempts to flurry at this new hound (19 vs AC; 9 magical bludgeoning damage) (15 vs AC miss)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [594 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [25 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
Prayer + 1 luck bonus to attack, weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks
3/6 1st level spells available

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+9=11 ; 2d8+7=17 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 8:46:51 AM

Groaning as one of his wolves falls and the other lunges uselessly at the hound.
He quickly rotates over to Dušan and places a hand to his back and channelling what healing energy he can with a Cure Moderate Wounds. (17 healing) "Hang in there, they're losing this one" he tries to reassure him.

--- Active ---
Call Lightning (65 Rounds)
Dire Wolf 2 - HP 37/37
--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning)
Lv4: (Cure Serious Wounds) - D: Sleet Storm

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+5=24 ; d6=2 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 11:10:06 AM

Wil grabs his last vial of Alchemist Fire and again throws it between all the hounds
(Attack: 24 - 2 dmg)

"You know, the dog you summoned is gone," Cicero said.
"You know I didn't miss you when you were gone. All your comments. Where did you go, vacation?"
"I come and go as I please."
"Where do the voices go..." Wil asked.
"Just stop," Cicero replied.

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I - dog(Rd: 3), Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal

-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day
SM3 1/day
SM2 Earth elemental 4 rds
D: Fly - used

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 30/42 Sanctuary 7/7,Prayer 6/7)  3d8+10=22 ; d8=6 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 2:39:34 PM

Ethani sighs as she sees Lornak ripped into once more. She carefully threads her way back over to him (O3). Reaching out her hand, she lightly touches Lornak's shoulder and smiles as some of his wounds heal (27 restored...one of those 8's was a 1 which I rerolled...and then promptly lost the "explain this roll" thing).

"We need to finish this quickly...I'm starting to run out of good spells." the cleric calls out to no one in particular.

OOC: Active spells
Sanctuary: Covering Ethani. Rd 7/7
Any opponent attempting to directly attack the warded creature, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save.

Prayer: Rd 6/7

Covering Ethani, Asteria, Hmerrin, Gaffer, Dusan, Wilford, Lornak, and Toston recieve +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while enemies take a –1 penalty on such rolls.

Bull's Strength: Rd 5/70
Covering Asteria: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 4/70
Covering Lornak: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 2/70
Covering Hmerrin: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Cure Serious Wounds cast in place of Water Breathing.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 30/42 Sanctuary 7/7,Prayer 6/7) 
Friday February 2nd, 2018 2:41:18 PM

OOC: Sorry...that should have said in place of Invisibility Purge....duh. ;)

Hmerrin(HP:72/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+14=30 ; d20+9=23 ; d20+14=15 ; d8+9=15 ; d8+9=16 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 3:56:34 PM

"I got these," Hmerrin calls to Toston, only to see the gnome has already moved to help Asteria.
The young fighter nods. Toston was on the same wavelength. Great minds.

Ethani observes the fight needs to be finished quickly.
"Not like I'm stopping for lunch, here," the teen counters.

Once more, he shifts to block hd7 with Lightning, while chopping into hd8 with Thunder.

Prayer, Bulls Str in effect.
Full attack on hd8.

Btax 1 hits ac30 for 15 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac23 for 16 hp damage
Hdax 1 miss (nat 1)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:37/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+18=21 ; d20+18=32 ; d6+8=10 ; d6+4=6 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 5:47:05 PM

Lornak gains a little more of his stability as the warmth of healing spreads through his body. "My sentiments exactly, my love." Lornak says as he wipes sweat from his brow. He musters the strength to swipe at the hound in front of him(hd11).

hd11 (Attack Action d20=21(+13BAB+4BullsStrength+1Luck), dmg=0[im assuming thats a miss...])
hd11 (Attack Action d20=32(+13BAB+4BullsStrength+1Luck), Dmg=16(1d6+4+4BullsStrength+1d6+4Bulls Strength/flanking)

"We..." He grunts. "...should be on holiday!"

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+6=23 ; d20=18 ; d6=4 ; d6=3 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 6:09:17 PM

Dušan is nearly knocked off his feat by the hounds attack. He barely manages to keep the snapping jaw away (Fort save d20+6= 23) as the dogs fleks of saliva bead with his own down his chin. Doing so left him open to rakes from the paws however.

He hears Gaffer's encouragement as feels the Druid's healing wash over him, "Hang in there, they're losing this one"

"Yes they are..." Dušan agrees in a voice that's not quite right as he takes another cautious step back 5 feet. Maybe his throat is just raw from the wasps, but his smile is not right either. Dušan often hides behind a smile the same way a city official hides behind a uniform, but this smile is not hiding anything. This smile is all teeth bared and dripping with rage. And then there are his eyes, opened wide in fury, nearly feline and feril. A look that many would consider unsettling. But this look is not for them. This is for Hound 4. (Cast Scare )

Hoping for the best brings him back to the present. He shakes his head and his carefree smile attempts to return as turns to Gaffer, "Sorry about that. Thanks for the assist!"

Wasp Swarm Q6 HP 31
Uncontrolled with no target continue south 40'

Wasp Swarm M5 HP 31
Continue attacking Hound in it's space
Swarm Attack: Swarm (2d6 poison) 5d6=18 damage, 7 Poison Fort save DC 13
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison
Distraction (Ex) A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (Fort DC 13) negates the effect.
Poison (Ex) Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 1/1 L3 3/1 L4 1/1

Ignore second d20 misclick. Too bad, nice roll.

Fort save d20+6= 23 > 22
Move action 5 foot step to Q2
Standard Action Cast Scare on Hound 4 - Frightened, Saving Throw Will partial DC 17 Shaken
Free Action - be over descriptive

7 Rounds Scare on Hound 4
5 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
4 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
67 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
66 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
595 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Asteria Amarante [HP: 51/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20]  d20+16=23 ; d20+6=18 ; d12+14=19 ; d12+14=16 ;
Friday February 2nd, 2018 11:30:58 PM

Asteria laughs as she continues her assault on the closest hound, having a rather fun time taking care of these mutts.

23 and 18 vs AC of Hound 13 for 19 and 16 damage

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23 
Sunday February 4th, 2018 2:04:01 PM

Time slows down as Toston waits to see if his blows and Asteria's fell the hound they were fighting.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Sunday February 4th, 2018 4:03:22 PM

Dušan feels breeze chill his soaked skin, bringing him to focus.

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday February 5th, 2018 5:15:50 AM

Caught in the fog of war, Wil asks to see how many hounds are left.

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 7  d20=3 ; d20=15 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+12=15 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+12=20 ; d20+12=18 ; 2d6+9=19 ; 2d6+9=12 ; 2d6+9=16 ;
Monday February 5th, 2018 8:09:24 AM

(last round...post came at same time as DM)Lornak strikes out with his rapier at each hound trying to eat him and slices deeply into each.

Gaffer casts some needed healing into Dusan [Heal 17]. The summoned Dire wolf misses again.

Wilford hurls a second alchemical fire, burning several as well as the swarm. Alchemist Fire deals 1d6 on a direct hit and 1 splash to all adjacent creatures. I scored the hit on hd 3 and splashed hd11 and hd1

Leaving Hmerrin to take down the last couple, Toston moves to help Asteria. He flanks the hound, but is unable to hit it

Ethani moves to assist Lornak, the hound she passes ignores her. Arriving, she heals him with a Cure Serious Wounds spell [Heal 27]

Hmerrin chops into one of the hounds still facing off with him and kills it.

Lornak kills one of the hounds with a quick thrust and then finishes off a second with a decisive slash. Both attacks hit and you killed it. PLEASE NOTE Extra dice for sneak attacks do not get any bonuses. Just the dice

Dusan steps back from teh hound and casts Scare. The hound growls in response. Despite the terrifying visage Dusan put forth, the spell seem sto have had no affect on the hound.
Both swarms moves south

Asteria plants her axe hard into a hound, spraying the area in blood as she laughs. The hound is wounded, but still full of hatred and fight. Her second swipe whistles high and misses.

The hounds lunge...

The summoned Dire wolk is bit
Hit AC 26 Dmg 19

Asteria side steps teh hound and it misses

Hmerrin gets bit
Hit AC 30 Dmg 12 Fort Save DC 22

Ethani's Sanctuary fades and the hound that was squared off on Dusan attacks her. Missing her

The last 2 continue after Lornak and once again, one of them catches him
Hit AC 20 Dmg 16 Fort Save DC 22


Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+10=24 ; d20+10=13 ; d8+3=6 ;
Monday February 5th, 2018 9:25:48 AM

Toston continues to flurry at the hound (13) he is flanking with Asteria. He charges his attacks with magic and then attempts to punch it once again (24 vs AC; 6 magical bludgeoning damage) (13 vs AC; miss)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [593 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [24 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
Prayer + 1 luck bonus to attack, weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks
3/6 1st level spells available

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 30/42 Prayer 7/7)  d8=5 ; d8=6 ;
Monday February 5th, 2018 3:39:51 PM

"Bad dog!" Ethani calls back at the beast that almost snagged her.

Knowing that she won't stand any chance against the animals, Ethani takes a step behind Lornak (O3) and casts yet another healing spell (Cure Moderate Wounds=21)

"Holiday. Yes my Love, we need to plan our Holiday after this..somewhere warm and quiet...and free of dogs."

OOC: Active spells
Prayer: Rd 7/7

Covering Ethani, Asteria, Hmerrin, Gaffer, Dusan, Wilford, Lornak, and Toston recieve +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while enemies take a –1 penalty on such rolls.

Bull's Strength: Rd 6/70
Covering Asteria: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 5/70
Covering Lornak: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 3/70
Covering Hmerrin: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  3d6=11 ; d20+9=25 ; 2d8+7=19 ; d8+7=12 ; d10+9=12 ;
Monday February 5th, 2018 5:02:02 PM

Relieved to see more hounds fall, Gaffer stays by Dusan's side while calling down lightning once more (11 damage) on the hound hovering near Ethani (hd4).

The wolf lost to it's blood lust and continues to attack despite the gaping wound it receives. (16 + 9 = 25) Lunging forwards with a surprising speed, (12 Damage), attempting to grip the hounds neck and drag it to the floor. (Trip: 3 + 9 =12)

--- Active ---
Call Lightning (64 Rounds)
Dire Wolf 2 - HP 18/37
--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning)
Lv4: - D: Sleet Storm

Hmerrin(HP:60/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+9=13 ; d20+14=23 ; d20+9=20 ; d20+14=19 ; d8+10=17 ; d8+10=11 ; d6+10=14 ;
Monday February 5th, 2018 6:42:59 PM

Hmerrin gives a hiss as the hound's teeth find flesh.
[Fortitude 13 - Fail]

Hearing Ethani's shout, the fighter looks over his shoulder.
"No, No, No. No eating the healers."

The fighter takes a step and slams his axes into the offending critter.

Prayer, Bulls Str in effect.
5' step to R5
Full attack on hd4.

Btax 1 hits ac23 for 17 hp damage
Btax 2 hits ac20 for 11 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits ac19 for 14 hp damage

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:37/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+11=30 ; d20+18=38 ; 2d6+8=15 ; d20+18=32 ; d20+18=30 ; d6+8=10 ; d6=3 ;
Monday February 5th, 2018 7:13:09 PM

Rather fatigued, Lornak holds his pain in as another hounds bites into his lower leg. His face an evil grin; "Next up in dueling regiment, distance." He grunts. (Fort Save d20=30) He lashes out at the animal.

hd3(Attack Action d20=38(Nat 20 confirmed)(+13BAB+4BullsStrength+1Luck), dmg=15
(1d6+4+4BullsStrength X 2)

He is again hit by the familiar warmth of someone's healing touch. He teeters back and forth a bit. The ups and down of combat can be trying. He strikes out against the other hound between him and Wil.


"Apparently Twilight rangers are fair game..." He mouths sardonically at Hmerrin's banter.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d6=5 ; d6=2 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=4 ; d6=5 ; d6=2 ;
Monday February 5th, 2018 10:41:46 PM

Every fiber in Dušan encourages him to move away, but he doesn't want to be a coward. He doesn't mind joking about such things as he is often most effective furthest from harm. And in this case he can't decide who would weather the assault better, Ethani or himself. So, he stands his ground, hoping more targets for the hound will give more time for another to strike it down. In the mean time he calls the Waps in N13 back to N5 where they furiously return to their fervor.

"Don't get in the wasps path," Dušan warns Wil and Lornak pointing north of the wasps, "They can get rather single minded if they don't have target.

Wasp Swarm Q14 HP 31
Uncontrolled with no target continue south 40'

Wasp Swarm M13 HP 31
Move to N5 attacking Hound in it's space
Swarm Attack: Swarm (2d6 poison) 5d6=19 damage, 7 Poison Fort save DC 13
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison
Distraction (Ex) A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (Fort DC 13) negates the effect.
Poison (Ex) Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 1/1 L3 3/1 L4 1/1

5 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
3 Rounds Vomit Sawarm
66 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
65 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
594 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Rounds 8  d20=1 ; d20+12=25 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=22 ; d20+12=22 ; 2d6+9=12 ; 2d6+9=17 ; 2d6+9=11 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 7:57:00 AM

Toston continues his assault and connects with a magically charge fist. He feels ribs shatter under the force of the blow, but the hound is still on its feet nd attacking.

Ethani moves to her right behind Lornak and casts another healing spell on Lornak. [Heal 21]

Gaffer calls down another bolt of lightning near Ethani and the Dire Wolf grabs ahold of the hound in its jaws. The wolf is unable to bring down the hound.

Hmerrin adjusts his priorities and attacks the hound trying to eat the healer. His axes dig in twice and the animal falls dead.

Lornak skewers the hound to his left and then runs a deep slice across the hounds flank that is between he and Wilford. DM just remembered that he forgot that Wil is 10' up and not in melee range of the hound and therefore not flanking. My bad. for this fight you are flanking, cheers

Dusan calls back one of the swarms and it returns to engulf a hound near Lornak and Wil. The succumbs to their bites and stings, falling to the ground dead.

Hounds attack...

Hit AC 25 Dmg 12 Fort Save DC 22

The Dire wolf
Hit AC 24 Dmg 17


Hit AC 22 Dmg 11 Fort Save DC 22

Hd 11 Dmg 15
Hd 7 Dmg 23
Hd 13 Dmg 32
Hd14 Dmg 18

map https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P_l8ST1mE6s9-SnnAbFozXzjvhqFOUQTBcFTLnyJc4k/edit#gid=241962240

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+10=27 ; d20+10=27 ; d8+3=10 ; d8+3=11 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 8:37:54 AM

Toston continues to arcane strike flurry punch against the hound (13) he is flanking with Asteria. He finally scores two solid blows against the fell creature.

(27 vs AC; 27 vs AC; 10 magic bludgeoning damage; 11 magic bludgeoning damage)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [592 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [23 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
Prayer + 1 luck bonus to attack, weapon damage rolls, saves and skill checks
3/6 1st level spells available

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 30/42)  d8=6 ; d8=3 ; d20+10=29 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 8:47:02 AM

Ethani chuckles at Hmerrin's playful banter and Lornak's snarky response. "You're more than welcome for the healing that Alemi has provided you, my Love. Perhaps you would prefer that the dogs eat me alive and then you will have no one to restore you..." Ethani gently jabs.

Reaching out her hand once more, she touches Lornak's shoulder. Her hand glows white as the healing provided to her by Alemi is channeled into Lornak.

Ethani then turns her attention toward the other side of the battle field and Asteria. She travels out of the reach of the dogs and lands behind her shield sister (T2), ready to provide her with healing next round.

OOC: Active spells
Bull's Strength: Rd 7/70
Covering Asteria: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 6/70
Covering Lornak: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Bull's Strength: Rd 4/70
Covering Hmerrin: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength

Cure Serious Wounds cast in place of Water Breathing.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 39/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20, Prayer ] sub Nellie  d20+16=26 ; d20+6=17 ; d12+14=19 ; d12+14=17 ; d20+5=12 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 9:00:17 AM

Swish...swish...Asteria always loved the sound of her axe in battle...it was like a song of death. (AC26 for 19 and AC 17 for 17 vs hd13).

"You know, if they weren't falling apart, I'd skin these dogs after I kill them and make some nice fur boots." Asteria lets out an exaggerated sigh at her bad luck and shudders to think of what kind of bugs the last dog bite gave her (Fort-12).

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+10=29 ; 3d6=9 ; d20+9=19 ; d8+7=13 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 9:05:04 AM

Wincing as his wolf takes another attack but pleasantly surprised to see it still standing, Gaffers calls down what he hopes to be his final bolt of lightning on hd14 (Damage: 9). He wonders if there might be any impact from being bitten by such mutated creatures? (Nature: 29)

Not to be outdone the dire wolf continues to fight. (Attack: 19) Trying to rake it's claws against the hound before it (Damage: 13)

--- Active ---
Call Lightning (63 Rounds)
Dire Wolf 2 - HP 1/37
--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D: (Call Lightning)
Lv4: - D: Sleet Storm

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ; d6=1 ; d6=1 ; d6=6 ; d6=2 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 5:25:59 PM

Dušan sends his Spectral Hand over to Asteria and casts Cure Serious Wounds, healing her for 22 hp.

"I can help with this one, Ethani," Dušan says, "We should compare notes and make sure we share the spell load."

Wasp Swarm Q14 HP 31
Uncontrolled with no target continue south 40'

Wasp Swarm N5 HP 31
Uncontrolled moves north to N4 attacking Hound in it's space
Swarm Attack: Swarm (2d6 poison) 5d6=14 damage, 8 Poison Fort save DC 13
Special Attacks distraction (DC 13), poison
Distraction (Ex) A creature with this ability can nauseate the creatures that it damages. Any living creature that takes damage from a creature with the distraction ability is nauseated for 1 round; a Fortitude save (Fort DC 13) negates the effect.
Poison (Ex) Swarm—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution-based.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 1/1 L3 2/1 L4 1/1

3 Rounds Vomit Swarm
2 Rounds Vomit Swarm
65 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
64 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
593 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Hmerrin(HP:60/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+14=33 ; d20+9=14 ; d20+14=25 ; d8+10=12 ; d6+10=14 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 5:45:36 PM

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Hmerrin reassures Lornak. "Just give me a sec..."

The fighter whirls back to cleave into the hound, uh, hounding him, and then moves toward the twilight ranger.

Prayer, Bulls Str in effect.

Full attack on hd7, and then 5' step to Q5.

Btax 1 hits ac33 for 12 hp damage
Btax 2 miss (ac14)
Hdax 1 hits ac25 for 14 hp damage

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+6=22 ; d10=2 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 7:43:40 PM

Wil fires a bolt from above into the hound beside Lornak. (OOC: I think it's still alive, right)
(Attack: 22 - 2 dmg)
To Lornak, he assures him, he can offer some healing once the animal is dead and he can come down.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:49/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+11=29 ; d20+18=20 ; d6+8=12 ;
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 8:52:33 PM

Lornak takes one another bite from a hound before it goes down. He withstands the wound but he feels chewed up. (Fort Save d20=29)

He hears and feels Ethani's words and touch but it is very distant. So are Hmerrin's words, even though he gleans their meaning.

He attacks the hound near Wil again but is to weary to know if it does damage.

hd11 (Attack Action d20=30(+13BAB+4BullsStrength+1Luck),Dmg=12(1d6+4+4BullsStrength)

He disengages the hound, staggering backwards. He's had enough of this fight. Confident or not about whether or not Wil or Dusans wasps will finish off the hound he is done with it. (Move Action 5 ft step to P4)

He turns to Hmerrin; "No need Kid, thank you for the concern though..." He groans.

Buckler +1 to AC Active.

(OOC I'm assuming the Heal from Ethani is 29 pts to HP topping Lornak at 60 before taking 11 from the hound)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:45/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Tuesday February 6th, 2018 8:55:29 PM

(OOC Received correct numbers via email, updating to correct HP)

Release the Hounds (DM Dank) Combat Over 
Wednesday February 7th, 2018 11:01:07 AM

The combined attacks of the group put down all of the remaining hounds.
Asteria gets healed by Dusan [22 HP] and
Lornak receives additional healing from Ethani [? HP] Ethani not sure what your rolls are, but Im pretty sure you don't heal with a d20. Please list what healing was used in the next post.

All of the hounds lay dead, mostly hacked up by axes, but even were the kills clean, no one would want to try and used the skins of these creatures. The fur is patchy and thin. The skin is blotched and scabbed, even where no weapon has struck.

Gaffer wonders to himself on the possible impact of being bitten. He certainly knows of animals passing along things people prefer not to have, like rabies and perhaps these foaming and wild crazy mutated hounds do indeed have the horrid disease, but that would not explain their unnatural red color or the blood and ooze coming from their eyes, nose and ears. Rabies might be blessing compared to what, if anything, these hounds passed along

The fight is over and a semi quiet falls over the area. Without ferocious growling and snapping hounds the background of the landscape comes into audio. A slight hum and it seems to be coming from the crater.
The red dust is still in the air and now that you are not being attacked it is easier to notice the large amounts of red vegetation. Both inside the crater and out, red weeds seem to sway, even though there is no wind. Even in the blast zone of the meteorite, the red weeds grow and thrive where there is no possible way any vegetation could have survived such an impact

Near the center of the crater, by the sheared off mound where the ghouls emerged, you can see a blueish glint or soft glow, possibly the meteor itself. While you are looking, it pulses twice and then flashes brightly accompanied by an audible THOOM!. It then drops back to a soft glow

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+12=17 ; d20+15=27 ; d20+17=19 ;
Wednesday February 7th, 2018 5:32:51 PM

"I don't suppose one of you nature types could find some mint," Dušan questions, "however horrible that looked, Let me tell you, it tasted worse..."

With the worst of threat over, Dušan looks over the hounds and tries to see if he can figure out what malady ails them. (Heal d20+12=17)

Then a light catches his eye from the crater. He quickly opens his third eye and tries to determine the source. (Detect Magic, Knowledge Arcana d20+15=27, Spellcraft d20+17 =19)

Hmerrin(HP:60/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24) 
Wednesday February 7th, 2018 6:51:54 PM

Hmerrin looks about.

"We probably ought to get down there sooner rather than later and figure out how to save the Wold," he observes.
"Everybody relatively OK?"

The young lad glances at the blue glint at the sound, but holds his position while he waits for the others.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:45/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+9=13 ; d20+8=20 ;
Wednesday February 7th, 2018 7:47:13 PM

Lornak finds his crossbow among the miasma of the hounds and fetches it up. He looks upon their ragged forms as is at a loss as to what could have twisted them so. (Persp d20=13) Stowing his crossbow he joins the others.

"I would be happy too my friend, just so long as you eventually explain your new insectoid relationship." He says with a twinkle and a bit of jest in his eye. "A bit of thorax caught in your teeth...?" He searches out the area for mint and gazes upon the red flora and fauna below him. He tries to discern their pathology (Knowledge Nature d20=20)

He responds to Hmerrin as he looks also at the gashes in his legs; "None worse for wear. However, I am not too keen on what I may have contracted from those bloody hounds."

He shifts up to the ridge line wearily and internally questions The Kids sanity. "I admire your tenacity Kid, if not your prudence..." He shuffles down with the group against his uneasiniess

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  3d6=10 ; 2d8+4=9 ;
Wednesday February 7th, 2018 8:56:44 PM

Wil sinks to the ground.
"Well, great.. I have a gash on my leg."
(Moderate heal to Hmerrin: +9 )

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I - dog(Rd: 3), Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal - used
(Channel positive energy: 10)
-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day
SM3 1/day
SM2 Earth elemental 4 rds
D: Fly - used

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 Sanctuary 5/7,Prayer 4/7)  d8=4 ; d8=2 ; d20+18=33 ; d20+18=32 ;
Wednesday February 7th, 2018 9:36:50 PM

Not wanting to call attention to get minor wounds, Ethani casts Cure Moderate Wounds on herself (16 pts, but only 12 needed to get to full health).

Taking a very long look at the hound corpses, Ethani hopes to uncover what ails them (Heal =33). Afterward, she examines her companions wounds to see if she can determine if they will suffer any illness from them. (Heal=32)

Ooc: The d20 from last round was in error. I rolled two d8's (6+3+10=19). I might be slow but I still remember how to roll healing. Btw, the +10 is due to Empower Spell).

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Wednesday February 7th, 2018 9:37:44 PM

Asteria streaaacchhhes after the long fight, having barely broken a sweat. After a brief but earnest thanks to Dušan for the healing, she parks herself by Ethani once more, if she wasn't already. She offers a slight pat on the back to her sister in arms.

"Want me to bury them?" She asks, in reference to the fox and hounds. She knew Ethani had wanted to save them, even if it was silly.

"Ooooh, shiny." The big ol flash surely catches her attention, but she doesn't approach without the group.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+14=16 ;
Thursday February 8th, 2018 1:50:04 AM

Toston says to the others, "I think we should investigate the crater further now" and then starts working on doing just that.

(Perception: 16)

That's not right...(DM Dank)  
Thursday February 8th, 2018 10:18:52 AM

Ethani casts Cure Serious Wounds on herself.
Wilford casts a healing spell on Hmerrin
Dusan casts Detect Magic and other than what the party carries, nothing is in range, including the object creating the bluish light in the crater.

Dusan and Ethani examine the dogs and the wounds of the party members and the pair come up with a few conclusions, of which none are particularly good. The Hounds were definitely carrying a disease of some kind and Lornak, Hmerrin, Asteria and Wilford all have it. Where the hounds teeth found flesh, the skin is turning an irritable red and seems to be spreading. Small veins and major ones alike, are looking like long angry red lines. The curing spells have taken care of the physical damage, but it is obvious that the disease was unaffected.

Asteria can feel a tingling itch where she was bitten, as can Wilford.

How the hounds were initially infected is unknown. They could have been injured as the party, but in their current state, you simply don't know

Lornak moves up to the crater

The red weeds or grass if you will, sways gently in a non existent breeze. Back and forth, to and fro it moves and drifts upon itself.There is no pattern, but it is captivating and beautiful in its own way

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 ) 
Thursday February 8th, 2018 1:22:35 PM

Ethani casts a side glance at Dusan and pulls him into a private conference. "I can attempt Remove Disease on three people, but I will have to do it tomorrow after my morning prayers. Do you think you can cast a 4th spell? I am worried that this disease might progress rapidly and I am VERY concerned that it might cause our friends to become aggressive and hostile."

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+7=11 ;
Thursday February 8th, 2018 5:10:48 PM

"I agree wholeheartedly, Ethani." Dušan responds quietly, "Luckily diseases are an area of expertise for witches, but let's not get overconfident. Some diseases can prove to be resistant to magic."

Stepping away Dušan decides Asteria and Wilford are showing the most advanced symptoms. He figures a little aid might not hurt either and asks the clerics for some, "I don't suppose one of you would mind casting a little Guidance to help with this?"

He takes a closer look at Asteria's wounds and casts Remove Disease (Caster check d20+7 = 11 without Guidance). "Oh, and Lornak. Maybe we should collect some of this red grass. A cure can often be found in the same environment as the source, even if you can't find a more... creative application with the plant."

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 1/0 L3 2/1 L4 1/1

3 Rounds Vomit Swarm
2 Rounds Vomit Swarm
65 Rounds Magic Weapon on Lornak +1 attack on up to 50 bolts
64 Rounds - Spectral Hand 1d4=2 HP 39 AC {AC of 22 + 5 INT (+8 size, +4 natural armor)}
593 Rounds - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Hmerrin(HP:69/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24) 
Thursday February 8th, 2018 5:36:38 PM

Hmerrin takes in the conversations, looks at Asteria and Wilford, and then at the bite on his own leg. The blood drains from his face.
"Sweet Alemi," he breathes. "Are we gonna turn into them?"

Dusan mentions collecting the plant.

The young fighter immediately finds the closest patch, grabs and handful of grass, and yanks hard to pull it out.

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Thursday February 8th, 2018 8:03:07 PM

"I hate when you tear open you leg or something and it itches like a fiend."
"I wonder if my friends from the spirit world know anything."
He then precedes to have a conversation with himself, looking far more comfortable about it then he should be.
(Ooc: wont let me roll for perception on my phone so Dm choice.. I guess)

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=14 ;
Thursday February 8th, 2018 8:04:15 PM

Got it.. Perception: 14

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Thursday February 8th, 2018 8:08:06 PM

Asteria looks at her wounds with mild concern, but mostly interest. "Huh. Would you look at that." She scratches at it a bit before forcing herself to stop messing with it, as the moms of the tribe always told her.

She laughs at Hmerrin's ghost of a whisper, her bright demeanor never seeming to fade despite her illness. "Oh, Hmerrin! Don't be silly. We can't turn into dogs! At least, I can't."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+14=23 ;
Thursday February 8th, 2018 11:38:38 PM

Toston moves closer with Lornak.

"I wonder what that humming noise is?" Toston asks as he gets closer.

(Perception: 23)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [590 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [21 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
3/6 1st level spells available

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:45/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+8=17 ; d20+8=10 ;
Friday February 9th, 2018 12:33:38 AM

Lornak looks at the festering wounds in his legs and the undulating plant life and wonders if there is a correlation. Is the soil or even proximity to the crystal shard causing the "disease" that infected the hounds? Could it possibly affect him...?

"Sweet Alemi, indeed..." He says

(OOC double clicked the roll button ignore the second roll)

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (!T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+12=20 ;
Friday February 9th, 2018 8:24:17 AM

(Perception: 20) Gaffer also moves towards the center, feeling very nervous as he watches the red grass sway.

"Turning into animals is not so bad but I don't like these ones. Can we hurry and get out of here. They can help at the temple right?"

Wilford Grimly (HP:39/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+11=23 ;
Friday February 9th, 2018 10:55:22 AM

"It will only infect the animals," Wil says confidently. "No way it can transfer to us."
He then itches his leg careful not to touch the wound. He then wraps the would carefully with any bandages or clothing he can find. (Perception: 23)
"Do you think the dogs have any treasure.. nah.. that would be silly. Those plants seem to be alive. I think I may join you in touching one. Just so curious. So with the houses destroyed, what do we do with this meteorite?"

That's not right...That might be worse (DM Dank)  
Friday February 9th, 2018 3:38:30 PM

Ethani has to wait until tomorrow to attempt to cure anyone.
Dusan does not and sets about casting Remove Disease on Asteria. The spell seems to have no affect.
Hmerrin, on the thought from Dusan to collect some of the strange grass, heads over and tries to grab some. The grass remains quite where it is. Hmerrin pulls, tugs and otherwise does his best to uproot the grass, but to no avail.
Asteria seems unconcerned about her possible condition
Toston joins Lornak and are both able to verify that yes, the hum is coming from where the meteorite likely is. The back of the burial mound by the torn corpses of the ghouls that attacked the hounds.
Wilford does his best to bandage up his wound and while it looks better because he can't see it. The itching has not subsided

Lornak Toston and Gaffer enter the crater, the rest of the group is near the rim. The bank is not particularly steep nor is the soil very loose which makes going down quite simple The red weeds and grass sway and move, but not reaching towards you or reacting to your general presence in any way. Now 40' closer, the trio can hear the hum very well and just in the destroyed burial mound, a soft blue light can be seen. The aura pulses softly, fluctuating intensity seemingly at random

The burial mound is well overgrown with red weed and grass and indeed as the group both in and out of the crater observe the strange plants they can actually see it growing and spreading. Bright red tendrils push just under the soil and thick bladed weeds push to the surface every 10cm. The underground tendrils bare a horrifying similarity to what is going on with 4 of the party members wounds.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42 ) 
Friday February 9th, 2018 8:19:09 PM

Ethani slams her fist against the ground in frustration at the failure of the spell. She turns to Asteria. "Hey Sis, do me a favor. Gather one or two of the hounds that are the least damaged by our fight. Ethani takes her priestly clothes out of her backpack and hands them to Asteria. "Tear this up and wrap them in this. I wish to examine them further once we are safely home. "

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+12=26 ; d20+15=25 ; d20+17=36 ; d20+15=16 ;
Friday February 9th, 2018 10:00:19 PM

Dušan wonders if a second attempt of Remove Disease would prove more useful. He knows he could put more effort in the spell, but he wonders if this disease could be resistant to the spell. (OOC: Not sure if this would be Heal, d20+12=26, or Knowledge Arcana, d20+26, or even Spellcraft d20+17=36)

While ponders this he moves forward to those in the crater and tries to think if this sound like anything he has read about the other Planes (Knowledge Planes d20+15=16 ug natural 1)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:45/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+9=17 ;
Friday February 9th, 2018 10:53:35 PM

Lornak does his level best not to succumb to the panic creeping up inside him. Looking left and right as the group moves slowly in towards the shard the perceptible growth of the plants make the space around him seem suddenly claustrophobic. The decay inching along the ground makes him think upon the spreading decay inside his wounds...

"If we cannot stop the spread of this the whole of the region will be consumed before anyone can react..."

As he creep steps cautiously his hand unconsciously finds its way to the hilt of his rapier... (Acrobatics d20=17) ...ready to lash out if any of the plant life decides it wants to be sentient and aggressive.

Hmerrin(HP:69/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+3=19
Saturday February 10th, 2018 11:07:04 AM

"Oh sure, and its Magic Unbreakable Grass to boot," Hmerrin spits.

The teen glances again at his leg, and scans the area in evident frustration.

Seeing the trio at the bottom of the crater, Hmerrin leaps down to join them.

Between Lornak's observation, the growing grass, the bluish light, and the implications of his own leg wound, the young human's fight or flight drive is fully engaged.
Axes in hand, he strides purposefully toward the blue light.

[Perception 19 - mostly looking for more creatures who may be jumping out at him]

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  2d8+4=14 ;
Saturday February 10th, 2018 8:13:29 PM

Wil grumbles over the constant itching.
He heals himself but he's unsure if it helped the itch.
(Heal moderate wounds: 14)
"Those dogs, do they have an allergic dander cause this leg itches. Hey, maybe we could poke the metorite with a stick. Nothing bad ever comes from that." His tone, slightly sarcastic.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+12=18 ;
Sunday February 11th, 2018 4:30:06 AM

"What are we even doing with this thing" Everyone's growing concern over their wounds raises the question of how they can handle the meteorite. While waiting for the others to join them he watches the plants and the blue light closely, the hairs on his neck raised (Perception: 18) his instincts urgently warning him to get away.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Sunday February 11th, 2018 5:08:54 PM

Dušan get's lost in thought as he observes this otherworldly scene. Oblivious to danger, a small part of him hopes that the more observant of he group will notice any danger before it's too late. Until then he allows himself to indulge in his curiosity.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+11=26 ; d20+5=25 ;
Sunday February 11th, 2018 10:45:14 PM

Toston casts detect magic in the bottom of the crater interested to see what can be seen.

(know[arcana]: 26)
(spellcraft: 25)

He tells the others what he observes.

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [589 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [20 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
3/6 1st level spells available

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Monday February 12th, 2018 12:02:57 AM

Asteria is becoming increasingly upset about her wound at the other's reactions to the injuries. She feels anxious that it might be worse than she initially thought. Grabbing the clothes from Ethani, she goes to wrap the nearest hound in them and hoists it up.

The Crystal (DM Dank) Combat Round 1 
Monday February 12th, 2018 10:16:07 AM

Ethani asks Asteria to gather up a hound, or what is left of one of them in a spare set of garments she has and Asteria does so

Dusan thinks on the implications of the spell not working and the simplest explanation is that the disease is a potent strain. He has read about how some disease are much harder to cure then others by magic or mundane means.

Lornak, Toston and Gaffer continue towards the center and Hmerrin and Dusan move down and joins them. Now that he is closer, Toston casts Detect Magic and picks up an aura of Strong Conjuration magic from the destroyed burial mound. The group of 5 can now see a large crystal with brilliant swirling prismatic colors within. It pulses and radiates and the writhing swaying grass seems to move in unison. A new sensation reaches the 5 as well, that of a sickly sweet smell. Like ripened melon in the a hot sun. The soft hum continues....

The ground to the left and right of Hmerrin, Lornak, Tostonand Gaffer erupts, sending dirt and small debris flying. 10' away on either side is a giant badger. Each of these animals very much resembles the hounds you just faced. blood oozes from their eyes, ears, nose and about their claws. Froth and blood come from their mouths as they screech a hideous and wild cry at you.

Combat, no map

Badgers are HUGE in size 15x15. They are 10'
Badger 1 on the right 10' from Hmerrin and Lornak
Badger 2 on the left is 10' from Toston Dusan and Gaffer

Ethani, Asteria and Wilford are 60' away at the crater's edge

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Monday February 12th, 2018 4:05:38 PM

Dušan tries to position himself equidistance between the two flanks ready to aid either side. Toston can usually stand his ground. With that in mind he turns to the badger on the right and asks his Immortal Power to Focus Curse on his next casting, "Visaura, these creatures pervert your Domains by using this disease to remove themselves from the eternal cycle. Help me to end their suffering and place them back into the natural order."

He then focuses his power into a Doom spell cast on the badger.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 1/0 L3 2/1 L4 1/1

Move action
Immediate Action: Focus Casting - Doom
Standard Action: Cast Doom

70 Rounds - Doom on right Badger - Target is shaken –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, Will negates vs 15 + 1 Focused Curse = 16
1hr-? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Hmerrin(HP:69/74 AC:28 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+10=18 ; d8+8=9 ;
Monday February 12th, 2018 5:47:23 PM

The ground erupts and two REALLY big badgers follow.
Hmerrin does a quick evaluation, eyeing the animal's claws and the distance he still needs to cover.

"Great," he spits. Hmerrin dances in on the badger to the right, keeping his handaxe ready to try and bat aside an oncoming blow. Reaching the badger, he strikes with Thunder.

Fighting defensively.
Move in and attack badger on right.
Hit ac18 for 9 hp damage

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+9=21 ;
Monday February 12th, 2018 7:19:03 PM

Lornak snaps his head toward the ground where the Badger on the right emerges. No surprise this time. He swiftly pulls out his still strung crossbow and maneuvers carefully to flank the beast as Hmerrin engages it. (Move action) He plans on keeping his distance and not taking a hit this fight. (Acrobatics d20=21) He raises his buckler, ready to avoid any immediate attack.

Fighting defensively as a standard action +2 to AC
Buckler +1 to AC active.

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday February 12th, 2018 9:35:28 PM

"I got this," Wil said as Cicero spoke through him.
Wil summons a shadow wolverine closest to the badgers.
"Why are we being badgered with infected." Wil smiled as he moved forward 30 feet.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 1/7 )  d20+5=22 ;
Monday February 12th, 2018 9:54:09 PM

Heading cautiously toward the combat, Ethani casts spiritual weapon. She directs it to attack the badger nearest Lornak. A large net floats above the badger, enveloping its head. AC22 for ranged touch attack. If successful, critter is entangled.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 85/71 ; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] Rage 1 /12 
Monday February 12th, 2018 10:04:38 PM

Whipping herself into a Rage, Asteria marches toward the combat and her friends.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21 (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+7=13 ; d8+6=8 ; d20+8=14 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 3:43:13 AM

Being caught close to the giant Badgers, Gaffer reacts instinctively and wildshapes himself into a Dire Wolf and closes in on the beast to the left. Letting out a feral growl he bites at the badger.

Hit: 13, Damage: 8, Trip: 14

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 23  d20+8=28 ; d20+8=17 ; d8+2=8 ; d8+2=10 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 7:50:55 AM

Toston takes a 5 foot step towards the nearest badger (OOC: Badger's started out 10 feet away so 5 foot step puts Toston in melee range) uses arcane strike to charge his fist with magic and then attempts to hit the badger with a stunning fist punch (28 vs AC; threat of critical ; 17 to confirm ; 8 damage / +10 if critical is confirmed; Badger must make a DC 16 fort save or be stunned for 1 round)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [588 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [19 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
3/6 1st level spells available
4/5 stunning fists left

The Crystal (DM Dank) Combat Round 2  d20+11=19 ; d20+13=33 ; d20+13=27 ; d20+13=30 ; d20+12=27 ; d20+12=26 ; d20+13=31 ; d20+13=14 ; d20+12=24 ; d20+12=22 ; 4d8+18=33 ; 2d8+9=22 ; 2d8+9=15 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 11:55:56 AM

Dusan takes a position to easily help either side and casts Doom on the Badger to the facing Lornak and Hmerrin.

Hmerrin pulls axes and attacks, but the hide of the Badge is tough and he fails to hurt it

Lornak slides back andaway from melee and pulls out his hand crossbow

Wil summons a shadow wolverine and closes to within 30' of the melee. Pick a Badger please

Ethania closes to within 30' as well and casts Spiritual weapon The spell is a force attack, not an actual weapon. This would be considered lethal dmg. Force magic cannot do non lethal. Please roll d8+2 dmg

Asteria works herslf into a Raged state and closes to melee range. Please pick a Badger

Gaffer Wildshapes into a Dire wolf and lunges, but tastes only air. Which given the condition of these Badger, might not be all bad.

Toston steps to the left Badger and strikes with a very solid punch.

As Asteria closes, one of the HUGE badgers lashes out with its Savage Bite. It grabs the barbarian and tears flesh from bone.
AoO Hit AC 33 crit 27 Dmg 33 Fort Save DC 23

The Badgers attack

On the left, the badger attacks Toston, having been struck hard by the gnome. Claws and teeth flash, snap and swipe at him. The gnome is almost fast enough, but the teeth land on his shoulder
Hit AC 30/27/26 Dmg 22 Fort Save DC 23

On the right, the Badger attacks Hmerrin. The fighters defences are formidable indeed, but the HUGE badger's teeth find their mark.
Hit AC 31 crit 14/24/22 Dmg 15 Fort Save DC 23

Combat, no map

Badgers are HUGE in size 15x15. They are 10'
Badger 1 Dmg 0 on the right 10' from Hmerrin and Lornak
Badger 2 Dmg 8 on the left is 10' from Toston Dusan and Gaffer

Ethani and Wilford are 30' away
Asteria will pick a Badger on her next post

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:21/45; AC:33 Touch 23; FF 26 - CMD 26  d20+13=17 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+5=13 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 5:07:39 PM

Toston doubly heroically tries to resist the badger's effects (1 hero point to get +8 to fort roll; 1 hero point to reroll) but fails. The gnome certainly can't take another hit like that so he changes his tactics. He draws his curveblade and fights defensively after swiftly charging it with magic but sadly he misses.

(13 vs AC; miss)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [587 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [18 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
3/6 1st level spells available
4/5 stunning fists left
0/2 hero points left
fighting defensively -4 to hit / +3 to AC

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+7=19 ; d8+6=14 ; d20+8=22 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 5:48:06 PM

Gaffer continues to attack utilizing his Eberyon's Tear, unhappy at being ignored, though the scent filling his nostrils is almost enough to send him running, he lunges forward once more and tries to drag the beast to the floor.

Hit 19, Dmg 14, Trip 22

(OOC I have Eberyon's Tear: Holy, equipped but am not entirely sure how to utilize it?)

Hmerrin(HP:54/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+8=25 ; d20+12=30 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+12=15 ; d8+8=11 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 6:15:20 PM

Hmerrin grunts at the badger's bite.

Still, it could have been worse.

Having closed with the badger, the young fighter goes on the offensive.

OOC - moved in last round to attack. Shouldv'e drawn an AoO against AC 28.

Fort save 25 - success

Full attack on badger on right
Btaxe 1 hits ac30 for 11 hp damage
Btaxe 2 misses (ac 14)
Hdax 1 misses (ac 15)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+14=34 ; d4+4=5 ; d6=5 ; d20+14=26 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 8:17:24 PM

Lornak fires the bolt held ready at the Huge Badger(the one on the right) as it engages Hmerrin. (Attack Action d20=34, crit hit confirm d20=26. 20 dmg(1d4+4+1d6=10 X 2).

Still alert, Lornak watches for any sudden movements as he reloads his hand crossbow. (Move Action)

"The closer to the shard, the more potent the effect it has on the infected!" Lornak infers from the size of the badgers. "Hopefully it only effects mammals!"

He remembers the wounds in his legs; "What am I saying?!" he says to himself as he concentrates on the animals.

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+4=20 ; d6+2=8 ; d20+4=16 ; d6+2=5 ; d6+4=5 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 9:10:41 PM

A shadow appears in the shape of a wolverine and full attack Badger 1 with 2 shadowy claws. (Claw 1 Attack: 20 Hit: 8) (Claw 2 Attack: 16 Hit: 5) the shadow tries a frightening bite but misses.
Wil sees the nasty hits the others have taken but chooses to call a second shadow to hopefully draw away one of the giants. Wil summons a Giant shadow centipede to crawl at number 1.
"Looks like we need to call up some healing."

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ;
Tuesday February 13th, 2018 9:57:56 PM

It's been a while since Dušan has seen Toston take such a blow. Dušan dips into his divine reserves and cures the gnome for 22 HP.

"Too many more hits like this and I won't have the reserve for any more Remove Diseases today."

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 4/0, L2 1/0 L3 2/0 L4 1/1

Move action
Standard Action: Cast Cure Serious Wounds

69 Rounds - Doom on right Badger - Target is shaken –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, Will negates vs 15 + 1 Focused Curse = 16
1hr-? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Asteria Amarante [HP: 85/71; AC: 22; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Rage: 11/12]  d20+16=24 ; d8+8=12 ; d20+7=14 ; d8+8=11 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 12:08:40 AM

Enraged, Asteria goes after the badger that attacked her with her axe.

24 and 14 vs AC for 12 and 11 damage

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 2/7, Icicle 1/7)  d8+2=9 ; d8+2=6 ; d6+3=5 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 9:11:31 AM

Praying for forgiveness from Alemi for inflicting lethal force, Ethani directs the warhammer to attack the badger once more. (9 damage for the first attack 6 for the second.)

Seeing that she's 30 feet from the badger, Ethani casts an icicle at the badger that Asteria is attacking. (5 damage) Then she moves to position herself directly behind Asteria to heal her next round.

OOC: I beg to differ on the idea that the spiritual weapon is incapable of doing non lethal damage, but whatevs. Hopefully Alemi will forgive the infraction. Also, can we pretty pretty please get a map? I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do.

The Crystal (DM Dank) Combat Round 3  d6=5 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+12=13 ; d20+12=22 ; d6=6 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+12=17 ; d20+12=17 ; 2d6+6=9 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 10:21:14 AM

Toston draws his sword and assumes a more defenive stance, his attack misses in the process

Gaffer lunges and bites again at the Badger, but again misses Eberyon Tears Holy means your natural attack is Holy, inflicting an extra 2d6 on evil creatures

Hmrrin catches the badger with one of his axe cuts.

Lornak fires his Handcrossbow and plants a bolt into the badgers shoulder.

Wil's conjured shadow badger attacks and misses. He conjures a Centepede to join the fight.

Dusan casts Cure Serious Wounds on Toston, concerned about having any reserves for the infected party members.

Asteria rages on and connects once Please adjust your HP header to 53/71, also your your AC is -2 whiile raging, if you could note those adjustments when raging

Ethani prays Alemi will forgive her as the Spiritual weapon continues to attack. Ethani then casts another attack spell, inflicting additional lethal damage. Ethani then moves to Dusan's side and in between all of the combatantsPlease make an attack roll

The badgers contiue to attack without reason and purpose. Each lashing out with claws and teeth.
The first attacks Asteria and rakes one of its claws across her shoulder.
Hit AC 19/13/22 Dmg 9

The other contiues to attack Toston, missing with each terrible swipe.
Hit AC 19/17/17

Combat, no map party is in the center, badgers to the left and right [i]I will get a map up later today

Badgers are HUGE in size 15x15.
Badger 1 Dmg 43 on the right melee with Hmerrin and Asteria; summoned badge, summoned centipede

Badger 2 Dmg 8 on the left melee with Toston and Gaffer

Dusan and Ethani are 5' from all party melee combatants and within 15' of each badger

Lornak 20' south of the entire group
Wilford is 30' away to the south of the entire group

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 2/7, Icicle 1/7)  d20+5=12 ; d20+7=17 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 3:54:19 PM

Attack for 2nd Spiritual Weapon =12, Attack with Icicle=17.

Sorry, it's been a crazy week at work and I don't have a lot of time to post.

Hmerrin(HP:54/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+12=14 ; d20+7=22 ; d20+14=34 ; d20+14=22 ; d8+8=11 ; d6+8=13 ; d6+8=14 ; d6+8=9 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 5:37:16 PM

Hmerrin is so surprised the badger is trying to eat someone other than him that his first blow lands sideways for no effect at all. The next two swings are much, much better.


Full attack on badger on right
Btaxe 1 misses (ac 14)
Btaxe 2 hits ac 22 for 11 hp damage
Hdax 1 hits -crit threat roll 22 CRIT - for 36 hp damage. booyah.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 5:52:19 PM

Dušan sees Asteria take another hit, “Sorry Hmerrin, I’ll get to you just a sec. It’s not much, but should take the edge off.”

Dušan cast Cure light wounds on Asteria for 7 hp

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 3/0, L2 1/0 L3 2/0 L4 1/1

Move action
Standard Action: Cast Cure Light Wounds on Asteria caster level 7 > 5 + 1/2 Healers Blessing = 7

68 Rounds - Doom on right Badger - Target is shaken –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, Will negates vs 15 + 1 Focused Curse = 16
1hr-? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+7=8 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 6:42:58 PM

Gaffer snarls in frustration at his own lack of effectiveness as his allies get hurt but unwilling to change back yet can only continue to attack. (Attack: 1) but failing still her prepares to relinquish his form.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 6:46:27 PM

(OOC: The attack was 8 but I was thinking that I rolled a nat 1...)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+4=9 ; d20+4=24 ; d6+2=3 ; d20+2=21 ; d6+1=4 ; d20+4=24 ; d20+6=25 ; d10=3 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 9:10:42 PM

The Shadow Wolverine takes on the left side of #1 Badger. (1st Claw: Miss)(2nd Claw: 24 -Hit: 3)
The Shadow Centipede take on the front of centipede. (Attack: 21-Hit: 4 plus poison Fort DC 15)
Wil fires his crossbow at Badger 1 and moves 10 feet closer - (Attack: 25 - Hit: 3)

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I , Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal - used

-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day
SM3 1/day - Wolverine - 4 rds
SM2 - Centipede - 5 rds
D: Fly - used

Asteria Amarante [HP: 50/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Rage: 10/12]  d20+16=30 ; d20+7=17 ; d8+8=13 ; d8+8=13 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 10:40:44 PM

Asteria growls at the badger and strikes it down once again.

30 and 17 vs AC for 13 and 13 damage against Badger 1

OOC: I hope I fixed my header now? Though I got a bit confused with the health, so it might not be right.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:21/45; AC:33 Touch 23; FF 26 - CMD 26  d20+5=23 ; d20+5=23 ; d8+2=8 ; d8+2=7 ;
Wednesday February 14th, 2018 11:00:09 PM

Toston continues to fight defensively with the Badger charging curve blade with magic and then attacking again (23 vs AC; threat of critical since curve blade is 18 - 20; 23 to confirm; 8 damage if it hits; + 7 if critical is confirmed for 15 total)
This time he may have hit it in a particularly vital spot.

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [586 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [17 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
3/6 1st level spells available
4/5 stunning fists left
0/2 hero points left
fighting defensively -4 to hit / +3 to AC

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+14=16 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 1:14:30 AM

Lornak shoots at the HUGE badger but is distracted by the floating warhammer that flies erratically past him. The bolt goes wild. (Attack Action d20=16)

He reloads his crossbow again swiftly. (Move Action)

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 3/7, Icicle 1/7)  d20+5=21 ; d8+2=5 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 8:32:45 AM

Pulling another wand from her pack, Ethani taps Asteria, granting her a slightly better protection from the badger's claws. She carefully monitors the fight, ready to start casting healing spells.

She once again directs the war hammer to attack the same target. AC 21 for 5.

Cast on Asteria: Shield of Faith. The spell grants the subject a +2 deflection bonus to AC. 50/50 rounds remaining.

The Crystal (DM Dank) Combat Round 4  d20+13=26 ; 2d8+9=20 ; d6=6 ; d20+13=22 ; d20+12=31 ; d20+12=28 ; 2d8+9=21 ; 2d6+6=13 ; 2d6+6=14 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 9:12:14 AM

Hmerrin whirls and his axes cut deep and bite hard, sending a froth of blood and some wierd foam everywhere. The Badger falls dead

Dusan casts a healing spell on Asteria. [Heal 7]

Gaffer, not having a good day, misses again

The Shadow Wolverine moves to attack the other Badger. As it closes the Huge Badge strikes out with its savage bite. Grabbing deep
AoO Hit AC 26 Dmg 20
If the wolverine survives it attacks, but misses

The Centipede also changes targets , but also missees

Wilford fires into melee. His target being huge, makes the shot easier and Wilford scores a hit. Firing into melee is -4 unless teh target its 2 sizes larger, then it is a -2

Asteria circles around to get to the other Badger and cuts into it with a hit.

Toston gets in on the action and slides his curved blade deep into the badgers flank

Lornak fires, but the bolt sails wide left

Ethani pulls a wand from her pack and casts its protection on Asteria. [Shield of Faith Asteria]
The Spiritual Weapon misses

The Badger screeches and hisses and attacks Asteria. Teeth and claws tear deep into her body and spary blood across the writhing red weeds nearby
Hit AC 22/31/28 Dmg 21/13/14 =48

Combat, no map

Badgers are HUGE in size 15x15.
Badger 1 DEAD on the right melee with Hmerrin

Badger 2 Dmg 39 on the left melee with Toston, Gaffer, Asteria; summoned badge, summoned centipede

Dusan and Ethani are 5' from all party melee combatants and within 15' of each badger

Lornak 20' south of the entire group
Wilford is 30' away to the south of the entire group

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:43/45; AC:33 Touch 23; FF 26 - CMD 26  d20+5=13 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 9:45:41 AM

Toston continues to fight defensively with arcane stike and this time he misses (13 vs AC)

Effects Tracker:
Mage Armor - 1 hour [585 rounds] = +4 AC
Shield - 3 minutes [16 rounds] = +4 shield to AC; immunity magic missile
3/6 1st level spells available
4/5 stunning fists left
0/2 hero points left
fighting defensively -4 to hit / +3 to AC

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Thursday February 15th, 2018 3:10:19 PM

(OOC: I healed Toston for 22. Did you get that in your header?)

Dušan begins to feel like he just managing triage, "Your turn Hmerrin. Anyone say 'Ow!' really loud if you need the big heals. I few few more of these small ones to use up.)

Dušan cast Cure light wounds on Hmerrin for 7 hp

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 2/0, L2 1/0 L3 2/0 L4 1/1

Move action
Standard Action: Cast Cure Light Wounds on Hmerrin caster level 7 > 5 + 1/2 Healers Blessing = 7

67 Rounds - Doom on right Badger - Target is shaken –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks, Will negates vs 15 + 1 Focused Curse = 16
1hr-? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Hmerrin(HP:61/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+14=22 ; d8+12=16 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 6:54:12 PM

Hmerrin spins away from the dead badger with a grin on his face that drops immediately as he witnesses the damage done to Asteria.

Feeling Dusan's healing, he calls out "Heal Asteria! Anyone who can, heal Asteria!"

The young fighter moves in, slipping beside the barbarian in the hopes of attracting the next attack.

"Right here Big Guy!" he calls, slamming the critter with his battleaxe.
"I killed your brother! Whaddya think about that?"

Move into flanking position, power attack.
Hit ac 22 for 16 hp damge

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+14=31 ; d4+4=8 ; d6=2 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 7:18:00 PM

Lornak cannot shoot the second Huge badger fast enough. He puts himself into position to flank the animal and fires another bolt into it. (Move action)(Attack Action d20=31, 10 dmg)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d100=100 ; d20+4=13 ; d20+3=17 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 10:16:32 PM

(The shadows have a 20% miss. Rolled 100. So does that mean the wolverine is still alive or am I seeing this backward)
Either way the remaining creatures try to preoccupy the huge badger. The centipede attempts to grapple whatever it can to slow the creature down and make it more difficult to fight.
Wil summons a regular centipede near the creature.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 2/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Rage: 9/12]  d20+16=33 ; d20+16=25 ; d20+7=20 ; d8+8=12 ; d8+8=10 ;
Thursday February 15th, 2018 10:53:12 PM

"OW" Asteria feels the world swoon and spin around her as she coughs up blood in a deep, hacking breath.
She tries to brace herself against falling as nausea and pain take over her mind. Rage, however, soon assumes control over her thoughts. With an animalistic battle cry, she slices at the badger in an attempt take it down before it does the same to her.

33 and 25 vs AC for 12 and 10 damage
Shield of Faith. The spell grants the subject a +2 deflection bonus to AC. 50/50 rounds remaining

OOC: Please ignore second d20+16, misclick.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 4/7, Icicle 1/7)  d20+5=17 ; d6=4 ; d6=6 ; d6=6 ; d6=5 ;
Friday February 16th, 2018 9:03:32 AM

Watching her shield sister take a colossal blow, Ethani raises her hands in a fervent manner.

"Alemi, heal those who do your work. Allow them to do mighty deeds for your good and remove this blight from the land."

Commanding the Spirtiual Weapon to attack, it unnervingly misses yet again.

OOC: Channel positive energy: 21 to Asteria and all within 30 foot of Ethani....so I guess that's " all party melee combatants". Soooo....about that map??? Pretty, pretty please.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d8+5=12 ;
Friday February 16th, 2018 9:08:45 AM

With only a small spell to offer Gaffer as dire wolf places a large paw gently against Asteria and casts Cure Light Wounds healing her for 12 health, and hopes someone else will follow up. He lets out a high pitched whine as he watches her coughing blood.

--- Spell List ---
Orisons: Create Water, Light, Detect Magic, Read Magic
Lv1: Cure Light Wounds x2, Entangle x2, Farie Fire - D: Obscuring Mist
Lv2: Soften Earth and Stone, Heat Metal, Barkskin - D: Fog Cloud
Lv3: Stone Shape, Greater Thunderstomp - D:
Lv4: - D: Sleet Storm

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Friday February 16th, 2018 6:48:56 PM

Dušan begins to panic as he follows Hmerrin's cries to Asteria. He wishes he could will time forward if not backward so he could get another spell off. As tension runs through his system he's grateful that Ethani and Gaffer are there help with this mess.

(OOC: Sorry I either mathed wrong or completely underestimated the damage Asteria received.)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Friday February 16th, 2018 9:18:39 PM

(Ooc: Clarification: looks like the centipede missed the attack and grapple)

The Crystal (DM Cayzle) Combat Round 5  d20=13 ;
Friday February 16th, 2018 11:32:24 PM

[OOC To Wilford: When I roll miss or fail chances, I assume the failure is met if the roll is low. So a 20% miss chance fails on a d100 roll of 01-20.]

[ALSO OOC To Wilford: In general, my preference is for conjurers to roll all dice for their summoned critters please.]

Toston swings and misses.

Dušan casts cure light wounds on Hmerrin.

Hmerrin hits exactly for 16 hp damage.

Even with the penalty for shooting into combat, Lornak fires a bolt into the last Giant Mutant Honey Badger standing for 10 damage.

Wilford's Centipede tries to grapple the giant badger. Lacking the stats for such a thing, your DM assumes that it is large in size and rolls a raw d20 grapple check of 13. The badger's CMD is 28. The centipede would need a combined Str and BAB of 14 to grapple. Your DM rules that the grapple check is unlikely, and rules that the attempt fails.

Wilford himself casts again, summoning a centipede that will appear next round.

Almost dead, Asteria hesitates not and strikes twice for 22 damage!

Having inflicted 48 hp damage this round, the party has done a total of 39+48 = 87 damage to the monster. With only 84, it topples!

Ethani cleverly positions herself to heal her friends, but not the enemy! [OOC: in the absence of a map, the DM grants the benefit of the doubt.] EVERYONE HEALS 21 hp.

Gaffer further heals wounded Asteria 12 hp.

You breathe deeply.

The mortally wounded unconscious badger ripples as it continues to mutate. Muscles wax and slither under its fur. But it is bleeding to death, and no mutation is curing that.

Still, look at that fur! Lush, thick, full and warm. It make be a horrible mutant, but that fur is just to die for!

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24) 
Saturday February 17th, 2018 8:51:35 AM

Hmerrin stops swinging as the badger topples over, then stands a bit taller, hands on hips, and takes a couple deep breaths to get his air back.

He glances at Asteria, noting the barbarian is still in pretty bad shape.

Waiting for Ethani and Dusan to do their thing, he finds a spot of normal ground to bury and clean his axe heads, and walks over to Lornak.

Eyeing the pulsating meteorite, he murmurs.
"As soon as Asteria is up for it, we gotta do something about that rock. But, all I got is 'Hit it with an Axe'. Any ideas?"

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 4/7, Icicle 1/7)  d8+5=12 ; d8+5=7 ; d8+5=9 ; d8+5=12 ; d8+5=9 ;
Saturday February 17th, 2018 7:51:31 PM

As soon as the creature falls, Ethani pulls out her Cure Light Wounds wand and taps Asteria until all het wounds and the wounds of any other injured party members are cured. 40 to Asteria and 9 to Dusan.

"We need to grab the crystal and leave. " Ethani keeps her words simple.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20] 
Sunday February 18th, 2018 10:17:45 AM

Finally back to full health, Asteria gives a sigh of relief and collapses to the floor in a tired heap, falling out of her rage. Now fatigued, she sits criss-cross barbarian sauce and tries to get some rest before the next wave of baddies. "Can we get out of here already? And like, take the badger with us? I'm feeling a wee bit vengeful and I think a new fur cape would suit me well."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26  d8+2=6 ; d8+2=8 ;
Sunday February 18th, 2018 10:23:14 AM

Toston delivers a coup de grace to the unconscious badger with his magically charged curveblade, thus putting it out of its misery (14 more damage; if still alive needs DC 24 fort save or it is dead)

Toston then says, "Anyone know how to skin a honey badger?"

(OOC: I think Cayzle's description of the fur is his way of hinting that is the loot)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+8=26 ;
Sunday February 18th, 2018 5:48:35 PM

Lornak joins the rest of the group in his sigh of relief. It has become a trying day. He stows his crossbow. As he does he can sense the desperation in Ethani's voice. He turns towards the source of their plight; "I do not think we will be able to take it." He says. "I believe it may be too large in size. Perhaps simply destroying it will end its influence."

(Knowledge Nature d20=26) "I do..."(OOC, he thinks) Lornak says wearily to Toston's inquiry. "...and I know just what to do with the pelt."

If this ranger's nature check if sufficient, he will reluctantly work away the writhing flesh.

Shoulder to shoulder with Hmerrin; "When it crashed I watched the cacophony it made shatter every window in eyesight. Perhaps a similar pitch of sound could shatter it." Lornak says. "If it is indeed crystal in nature." Lornak looks at the heaping corpse in front of him as Asteria becomes ready to fight again. "There may not anything natural about it..." Lornak says in disgust.

"Let us go and see what this THING is made of."

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+15=19 ; d3=2 ; d20+15=19 ; d20+17=34 ; d20+12=15 ;
Sunday February 18th, 2018 11:38:23 PM

Dušan considers how best to handle the crystal while taking some notes in his field manual, "I know I'm stating the obvious, but I don't think we should just grab the crystal."

(OOC: ignore the d3
Knowledge Arcana – 19
Knowledge Planes – 19
Spellcraft – 34
Use Magic Device – 15)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18) 
Monday February 19th, 2018 9:57:00 AM

Wil stares at the Centipede as it climbs up and sits upon the dead Badger. Cicero, the Shadow disappears as does the other.
"I'm going to be honest here. I don't feel I contributed to the success of this fight. My monsters and I cause too much confusion. I have to do something different. It's been several tough days and my techniques just are not working. I have so much energy, I don't believe I will be sleeping at all tonight...training..training... training. Research too.. I need to look into enhancing my Rogue skills __"
"This leg really itches.. anyone else just feeling like sitting down and itching till morning.. umm.. who else got bit? Is this energy.. I'm not tired after a fight like that.. well.."
Wil babbled on for a while.
"The insides of a badger.. that's interesting.. I wonder if it tastes good."

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:29/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Monday February 19th, 2018 6:21:59 PM

Dušan goes over his notes one more time. He didn't want to give the wrong advice to anyone.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+10=23 ;
Monday February 19th, 2018 6:37:59 PM

Gaffer remains in his wolfen form, without any good insights as to how to handle the mysterious rock, he sits patiently and waits to see what the others might think of. He sniffs a few of the waving red grass to see if anything springs to mind. (Perception: 23)

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 4/7, Icicle 1/7) 
Monday February 19th, 2018 9:19:55 PM

Ethani sighs, the whole situation frustrating her. "I could have my Spiritual Weapon attack the crystal if you want..."

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Monday February 19th, 2018 11:45:08 PM

Lornak takes a moment to assess the group. While it is nice to have everyone back in the fold he can feel that their readiness and coordination is a bit rocky; "With Dusan spewing wasps, Gaffer changing shape(I need to ask about the extent of his powers when we have a chance) and Wil's summons we've lost our customary predictability in a fight." He thinks to himself. He tries to cheer up the group;

"We just need to knock out the kinks everyone and we are only going to do that by continuing to fight." He says.

The Crystal (DM Cayzle) In the Crater 
Monday February 19th, 2018 11:47:29 PM

[OOC: Ugh, lost my first version of this post. New version may be a bit briefer.]

Toston and Lornack dispatch the last honey badger and skin the two furry mammals. An Appraise check may help tell you the value.

Asteria wants to take the furs and go; Dušan wants to take the crystal.

Wilford goes over the battle, resolving to do better.

Gaffer sits! Sit boy! Good boy!

Hmerrin thinks about whacking the crystal close up; Ethani suggests a spiritual whack from a distance.

So far no one has really DONE anything to it.

To reset the scene: The large crystal shard sits in the middle of the crater. Since it is Large in size, it is something like 8-12 ft long -- you cannot tell exactly since it is embedded in the earth. It is swirling with brilliant prismatic colors as it seems to react to the red grass growth around it.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26  d20+5=12 ; d20+11=21 ;
Monday February 19th, 2018 11:58:01 PM

Toston wanders over near the crystal and uses detect magic to see what he can see further.

(Spellcraft: 12)

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Spiritual Weapon 4/7, Icicle 1/7)  d20+5=17 ; d8+2=7 ;
Tuesday February 20th, 2018 8:53:11 AM

"Soooo...that's a yes??"

Unless anyone voices an opinion that she should not, Ethani directs her Spiritual Warhammer to attack the crystal AC17 for 7.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:33/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+7=12 ; d20+7=18 ;
Tuesday February 20th, 2018 12:58:20 PM

Dušan acquiesces to Ethani's decision, "Without knowing how to properly handle it, destruction may be the best decision. Let's move get everyone out of range if we can. Come on Wil. Let me take a look at that bite."

Casting Remove disease proves just as difficult as it did with Asteria. Dušan refuses to be dissuaded, though and puts forth a heroic effort, but fears the only effect is the sweat on his brow.

(OOC: Remove Disease d20+7=12, Hero Point d20+7=18
1hr-? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+8=22 ; d20+9=17 ;
Tuesday February 20th, 2018 4:19:06 PM

"Wait a minute. Lornak says as he gently puts his hand on top of Ethani's before she sends the weapon at the crystal. "I thought the plants were reacting to the crystal, it seems the other way around. It is as if IT is reacting to THEM." Lornak checks his flora and fauna knowledge to determine if the plants are actually the threat here and not the crystal. (Knowledge Nature d20=22)

He watches the swaying of the plants and the pulsing of the crystal to observe any discernible pattern,
reaction of communication. (Perception d20=17)

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24)  d20+3=18 ;
Tuesday February 20th, 2018 5:24:13 PM

No one seems to be on board with the axe chop idea.

So, Hmerrin scans the surroundings for more Bleeding Critters of Evil as he awaits Lornak's next move.

[Perception 18]

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)  d20+12=24 ; d20+11=23 ;
Tuesday February 20th, 2018 8:35:51 PM

"Thank you so much," Wil said with a smile.
"How about I send the Centipede to investigate?"
(Diplomacy to Centipede: 24)(Perception: 23)

The Crystal (DM Cayzle) In the Crater 
Tuesday February 20th, 2018 9:26:45 PM

Toston detects magic ... and there is definitely strong and undefined magic all over the crystal and red weeds. His intuition ... the power here is like unto what he might imagine from a lesser artifact beyond mortal ability to duplicate!

Lornack looks closely. Are the weeds reacting to the crystal, or are they reacting to its colors and hums ... it is BOTH!

Dušan backs off, leading Wil! Asteria and Gaffer stay with him. [OOC: Your new-come DM is trying to determine the requisite DC to cure the disease ... sorry for the delay!]

Hmerrin decides not to hit the crystal himself, since Ethani seems willing to do so from afar.

Wilford sends a centipede at the crystal ... it has to crawl through the red weeds to get there .,. and maybe it seems to be turning red? Or is that just the odd light from the stone? Does the centipede seem to be moving more wildly? It writhes .... [OOC: duration left on the summons?]

Ethani gives the crystal a solid WHACK with her spiritual hammer! Oh no! Now you've done it!


The crystal is struck, and IT RINGS LOUDLY! The tonal music emanating from it gets very loud and dissonant. Click here to get an idea of what it sounds like!

The effects of the sound …

All within 10 ft (centipede) must make a DC (27) Fort Save or gain the Deafened AND Stunned Conditions

All within 30ft (Ethani, Hmerrin, Toston, Lornak) must make a DC (22) Fort Save or gain the Deafened Condition

All within 60ft (Asteria, Wil, Dušan, Gaffer) must make a DC (17) Fort Save or gain the Deafened Condition



Highlight to display spoiler: {"You feel hungry ... for very rare meat." }

Highlight to display spoiler: {"You are annoyed at loud sound, and you feel like hitting something." }

Highlight to display spoiler: {"You have the oddest feeling, like your muscles are trying to move by themselves under your skin. Everything looks normal, though ..."}


The sound is building ... still continuing ... not yet ending ... growing ... GETTING LOUDER!

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Status: Infected]  d20+5=21 ;
Tuesday February 20th, 2018 10:26:26 PM

Asteria hisses from her spot on the ground, clamping down on her ears with great force to tune the deafening ringing out. It doesn't stop, and now she's hungry. Very hungry. She seems to recall that her last meal was ages ago, and those badgers are starting to look very tempting. Certainly no one would miss a bite or few from it. Though... the wolfy form of Gaffer is starting to look rather alluring. She tries to shake it off, but she just hopes they leave and get some food soon.

"HEY CAN WE GO ALREADY??? I NEED SOME GRUB." She tries to yell over the sound of the crystal. Maybe she doesn't have her priorities straight, but Asteria is HUNGRY. The longer they stay, the worse the urge grows.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Icicle 1/7, Status: Not Infected...yet)  d20+6=11 ;
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 8:12:51 AM

The Wold goes silent once more (Fort=11) and Ethani desperately grabs Lornak's arm. She's not sure why, but losing the ability to tell what's going on around her terrifies her. Having experienced the sensation recently one would think it would lessen the shock, but not for Ethani.

She looks over at Asteria and KNOWS that the barbarian is saying something. Probably something very loud judging by her facial expressions. Perhaps something important?? But the words are gone. All the background sounds...the nervous tap, tap, tapping of Hmerrin's axes...gone...the rise and fall of her own breath...gone...the sweet sound of Lornak's shuffling boots...gone. She's in a sea of nothingness.

Trying to refocus herself and tamp down her panic, Ethani focuses on one thought. They need to get the party out of here. If it's like the last time, more than one person is probably deaf and she knows they do NOT want to fight under those conditions.


Not sure who can hear and who can't, Ethani pulls out a piece of parchment and a quill and writes what she just said and passes it to Lornak and the others.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+10=23 ;
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 3:38:41 PM

To Lornak the plants look as though they are writhing in a ritualistic tribal dance worshiping the crystal. The crystal bestows its enchantment and the acolytes perform the rite.

Lornak starts forward and quickly covers his ears as he reacts to the sound that punishes his eardrums. He weathers the pain but only just. (Fort Save d20=23) As the sound continues to grow the more and more he gets frustrated by it. The annoyance increases so much that Lornak tips into anger. He wants to rage against anything to stop it. He bends over and balls his fist, banging it against the meat of his upper leg.(OOC Lornak has not begun to feel any itching in his wounds.)

Lornak desperately yells out to anyone that can hear him; "Can we erect a cone of silence like we did in the council chambers?!"

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+7=20 ;
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 3:46:38 PM

(Fort: 20)

Gaffer staggers back as the wave of sounds smashes of them. Before he has recovered people start shouting and as he looks up Asteria is eyeing him worryingly. Feeling overwhelmed by the sudden chaos that sprang from the hesitant calm they had just moments before.

He shifts back to his usual form and tries to use his hands to gesture for everyone to quiet down and if there is a moment asks "Wait, everyone who can still hear raise your hand?" And lifts his own hand.

Reading Ethani's note he nods his head in agreement, they should definitely get out of here. He moves away from Asteria too, keeping a concerned eye on her.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26  d20+5=7 ; d20+8=15 ; d8+2=9 ;
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 4:21:47 PM

Toston becomes deafened by the loud noises and really annoyed from them as well.

He feels like hitting something so he runs up to the crystal, charges his fist with magic and attempts to strike the crystal.

(15 vs AC; 9 bludgeoning magic damage)

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24) Infected  d20+8=22 ;
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 5:30:40 PM

[Fort 22 Save]

The sound blasts across Hmerrin, The young fighter shakes his head, trying to clear it. He can still hear well enough, but mostly all hears is this infernal racket.

"THAT'S IT!" he bellows, In two steps, the teen is at the crystal, and begins hacking at it with all his might. He screams, in unison with each blow, "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!"

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:33/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+6=12 ; d20+7=8 ;
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 6:29:08 PM

[Fort save: 12]

Dušan is struck by a wall of sound so loud it nearly leaves him nauseous. He shakes his head in negative as he sees people move their mouths, but is unable to make out what they are saying. Without anything better to do he prepares to follow anyone who wants to leave the area, while attempting another try to remove the disease plaguing Asteria.

(OOC: Spells Per Day L1 2/0, L2 0/0 L3 1/0 L4 1/1

Remove Disease d20+7=8 *sigh*
1hr-? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)(Down with the Sickness)  d20+7=12 ;
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 8:38:29 PM

Wil's muscles pop and seem to move near the area where a purplish rash is growing.
"Anyone else feeling weird?"
(Fort Save: 12)
.. but then everything went silent and Wil fell to his knees. The outside world all but left him and the noises, the voices increased. It was too much and Wil covered his ears and sobbed.

(OOC: Centipede was summoned at end of fight guesstimating 3 rounds left)

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I, Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal

- Summon Monster II Centipede (3 rounds)
-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day -used
SM3 1/day -used
D: Fly -

The Crystal (DM Cayzle) In the Crater 
Wednesday February 21st, 2018 10:05:16 PM

Asteria, Lornak, Toston, Wil, and Hmerrin struggle with the consequences of their infection ...

[OOC: Asteria, Lornak, and Wil please accept a 100 xp roleplay award. Toston and Hmerrin, please accept a 400 xp reward for roleplay that seems likely to lead to their doom.]

Dušan keeps trying to cure the infection, [DC to do so is 22, by the way]. His efforts are valiant but ultimately futile, so far.

Ethani grabs Lornack's arm and shouts that the group needs to leave! But look at Hmerrin and Toston assaulting the stone -- is it too late to depart without consequence?

Gaffer, so far resistant to all the baleful influences of the fallen meteor, tries to figure out who is deaf and who is not. DEAF: Ethani, Toston, Wil, and Dušan.

[OOC: Please, casters who are deaf, keep in mind that you now have a 20% spell failure chance on verbal spells.]

As Hmerrin and Toston runs toward the crystal, seeking to attack it, but before they can get to it, the horrifically musical sound crescendos, the red grass surrounding the crystal starts to envelop it. The marvel of colours in the crystal are polluted into glowing shades of blood red. The crystal begins to pulsate as the nearby tendrils of grass begin to grow and spread along the ground at an alarming rate, as if masses of red worms wriggling their way forward. Finally the crystal can take the strain no longer. The crystal starts to ever so slowly fade to black before instantly returning to a bright, bloody red sending waves of energy outwards.

Then … silence.

Toston and Hmerrin stand, fist and sword upraised, about ten feet from the stone. The stunned summoned centipede is between you two and the meteor.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Icicle 1/7, Status: Not Infected...yet), Deaf 
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 8:35:30 AM

Not at all liking the way the situation is progressing, Ethani watches in horror as the crystal pulses and changes from red to black and then red again. "NOT GOOD! THIS IS NOT GOOD!!"

Grabbing her parchment, she writes in bold letters on it "WE NEED TO LEAVE. NOW!!!" She underlines the word NOW just to make her point even more obvious. Showing it to Gaffer first and then Lornak, she begins shoving them toward the direction of Dirt City. "THIS IS ABOUT TO GET REALLY BAD! MOVE IT OR WE'LL ALL END UP DEAD!"

Grabbing Asteria's arm like a Mother grabs a wayward child, she vainly attempts to drag the barbarian with her toward the city.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26  d20+8=16 ; d8+2=4 ;
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 9:26:25 AM

(OOC: AFAIK the 20% failure chance isn't applied to arcane strike as it is a feat not a spell)

Toston considers the grassy stone and the development and he still feels like punching something so he punches the centipede after charging his fist with magic.

(16 vs AC; 4 magic bludgeoning damage)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19  d20+8=10 ; d20+8=28 ; d20+8=12 ;
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 1:06:21 PM

Yanking again at his arm, Lornak sees the fear in his warrior woman's eyes and agrees with her assessment of the situation before he is barraged by her shouting.The ringing in his ears peak and he winces. "We need to retreat and regroup." He mouths. He waves to Dusan to lead it by pointing to the ridgeline.

He then attempts to get Wil's attention. He points his pointer and middle fingers towards his eye, then down at the ground. He then bends down swiftly. He draws a line in the dust. At the top of it a circle and then a multitude of short crossing lines down the length of the line. He then points to the edge of the ridgeline where the group is starting to move towards. He then stands and yells at those that can hear;

He yells to Asteria and Hmerrin to stand down; "FRONT LINE, BACK OFF THE CRYSTAL AND COVER OUR RETREAT!" He prays that his screams do not provoke them into brandishing their axes at him...(Intimidate d20=10, Hero Point used, nat 20 d20=28, confirm d20=12)

"Gaffer, you are with me. If Wil cannot get the centipede to kite Toston away from the crystal we are going to have to do it ourselves." He then uncoils his whip and hopes against hope that he does not have to subdue his friend.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:33/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 4:54:34 PM

Dušan see people closer to the crystal waving back. He tentatively heads away from the crater ready to run when the group joins him. Motioning to Asteria and anyone else looking his way, he hopes more will join him.

(OOC: 1hr-? - Mage Armor on Dušan +4 Armor
Ritual of Blood - Failure: Take an extra point of damage whenever taking damage.
Ritual of Heal - Failure: Rolls d6’s instead of d8’s when casting cure spells)

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24) Infected 
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 5:57:40 PM

The crystal goes nuts, then turns black, then blasts them with a red light, and then everything gets way too quiet.

Hmerrin pauses. He is aware of Toston punching the centipede, and hears Lornak yelling.
Mostly, he is aware of the sudden silences, and that the last couple of sudden silences were immediately followed by something exploding.

The teen backs up, axes at the ready.

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2 
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 6:06:06 PM

Nodding his head and passing on the note, Gaffer moves over to the collapsed Wil and tries to encourage them to their feet. The urgency is clear in his eyes and he insistently tries to pull them away and up to the ridge with the others.

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)(Down with the Sickness)  d20+4=12 ;
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 8:10:16 PM

"Hey!" Wil shouts as he watches Toston punch the centipede. "Brother, if we weren't friends I'd put a bolt through your skull," he said but nothing came out. The voices in his head held his attention as he stared angrily. Wil growled and turned to retreat from the crater.

The centipede on the other hand had no qualms fighting back but it's injuries seem to prevent him from any sort of fight. It turns away and sits far from Toston.

---- Spell List ---
Orisons: Guidance x2, Virtue x2
Lv1: Summon Monster I, Summon Monster 1, Divine Favor x2 - D: Touch of Darkness -
Lv2: Summon Monster II, Summon Monster II - used, D: Moderate Heal

- Summon Monster II Centipede (2 rounds)
-- 7 rounds
Channel energy 3d6
Shadow amulet:
SM2 1/day -used
SM3 1/day -used
D: Fly -

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Status: Infected] 
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 8:25:34 PM

Asteria growls but follows the group out. Before she goes though, she stoops to grab the dead fox and begins munching on its leg. It's about the most she can do to remain sane from the insistent knawing hunger in her stomach.

The Crystal (DM Cayzle) In the Crater 
Thursday February 22nd, 2018 11:53:58 PM

Ethani freaks out and tries to convince everybody to leave.

Toston punches the stunned centipede!

Lornak also wants out! As he communicates a little more than somewhat effectively. [OOC: Please keep your hero point; you cannot intimidate fellow PCs.]

Dušan leads Lornak and Ethani away.

Hmerrin backs up, axes at the ready.

Gaffer pulls at Will to get him to retreat too.

Wilford growls back at Gaffer and turns to retreat from the crater.

Asteria growls too! Lots of growling today! But she follows the group out of the crater. She grabs a gory snack on the way out!

Just as the party seems to have decided on retreat, the oddest thing happens!

ABOVE the crystal appears a vortex of magical and wondrous colours. Other than yourselves, it is the only thing that is still moving. Everything else looks to be under some sort of time stop.

You all hear a soft echoey voice come from the vortex -- you "hear" this even if you are deaf!

“Quickly. There isn’t much time. Step into the portal. You are needed in order to set right what has gone awry! Quickly! The portal cannot stay open much longer. ”

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)(Down with the Sickness) 
Friday February 23rd, 2018 7:18:47 AM

"Hmmm..." Wil stops. Watching the world seem to stop he looks back to see the portal.
"Wow, that's new", he thought. "Shhh," he then says to the noise in his head.
"Settle down"
Will then discusses the comment from the new voice and discovers it is unfamiliar and strange. Shall I enter?"
Within moments Wil turns and enters the portal, crossbow at the ready.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Status: Infected] 
Friday February 23rd, 2018 7:48:00 AM

No time for conversation. Asteria knows the group, if they do nothing they'll sit and talk for hours. It's time to take action. Finger gunning to the rest of the group, Asteria takes a running start and hurls herself into the portal, axe in one hand, shield in the other, and fox gripped between her teeth.

"FOR GLORY!!!!" She yells around the fox, words rather difficult to decipher around the fur in her mouth.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26 
Friday February 23rd, 2018 9:29:01 AM

Toston's need to punch something was sated having punched the centipede so he shrugs, following both Asteria and Wil into the the portal.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Icicle 1/7, Status: Not Infected...yet), Deaf 
Friday February 23rd, 2018 9:51:27 AM

"YOU KNOW THIS ISN'T A GOOD PLAN, RIGHT?! GENERALLY SPEAKING LISTENING TO VOICES IN YOUR HEAD IS A BAD THING." Ethani unintentionally yells as first Wil then Asteria jump into the portal.

"FINE. WHERE YOU GO I WILL GO, AND WHERE YOU STAY I WILL STAY...I GUESS." Her Wand of Cure Light Wounds at the ready, Ethani cautiously steps into the portal.

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Friday February 23rd, 2018 11:46:48 AM

Lornak stops as a voice enters his head. "So this is what it feels like." He says wearily. He is tired of all matters of urgency. The snap decisions, the zigging and sagging. He wishes he could just stand and revel in the silent stillness.

He stows his whip and joins the others as it seems Nothing is going to deter them from doing something foolish. He slowly climbs atop the crystal making his way to the portal. At the top he envisions himself raising a warhammer and slamming it down hard upon the crystal smashing it to a million tiny pieces. His eyes raise to look upon their future swirling above. He breathes then jumps inside.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:33/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16}  d20+15=26 ;
Friday February 23rd, 2018 7:32:05 PM

This is a bad idea. Dušan knows this is a bad idea, But when a portal to possibly another plane opens Dušan can’t turn away. He’s been interested in other planes ever since he knew they existed. It’s been the subject of his research with Sages Guild. So knowing full well that this is bad idea he pulls out his field manual and jumps in.

(Knowledge Planes - 26)

The Crystal (DM Cayzle) In the Crater 
Friday February 23rd, 2018 10:24:39 PM

Some bands of heroes might delay or question when a mental voice urges them to enter a magical portal. Some might investigate, or waver! Some might flee, even. But not this rising tide of heroism! The entire party takes a leap of faith into the magical portal!

Wilford, Asteria, Toston, Ethani, Lornak, and Dušan! Each of you have earned a hero point!

(Sorry Hmerrin and Gaffer! You snoozed, you losed! But your malicious DM is pushing you into the portal with the rest of the party!)

You find yourselves flying, flying through perfectly clear air, and looking at valleys and hills below. You see a domed elven metropolis, gleaming and ancient. You see a valley of mist, and the shapes wandering therein seem like things out of nightmares you have had not long ago. You see strange plants and animals, unknown in the Wold. You see a band of fairies dancing on a hilltop -- you hear them singing faintly as you fly over.

Yes, your hearing has been restored!

Dušan has an idea of what this place is ... Dušan only: Highlight to display spoiler: {The party has travelled via portal to the Vales of Twilight, an outer plane ruled by Fae Queen Maab, who shelters in her valleys many of the creatures, peoples, and places that once existed in the Wold, but no more.}

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:33/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Saturday February 24th, 2018 5:21:39 PM

“The Vales of Twighlight!” Dušan laughs, “Can you believe it.”

Dušan casts Detect Magic wanting to take in all that he can.

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Icicle 1/7, Status: Not Infected...yet), Deaf 
Sunday February 25th, 2018 8:23:40 PM

Clearing her throat to get used to the sound of her voice, Ethani turns to Dusan. "And where exactly is the "Vales of Twighlight" if I might ask? Seriously Karen....eermmmm Dusan... If you could give me some more details..."

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26 - [haz de plague]  d20+6=26 ;
Sunday February 25th, 2018 8:29:14 PM

Toston laughs as he flies along, "Oh man I so wish I had dragon wings right now, I could investigate the different things we are seeing and then give you guys a report."

Hearing about the Vales of Twilight from Dusan he thinks to himself about what he knows.
(Know[Planes]:26 to know more information about the Vales)

He then shares what he knows with the party elaborating on what Dušan said.

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Status: Infected] 
Sunday February 25th, 2018 10:45:22 PM

Asteria takes another chomp of the fox, rather enjoying this strange flight they seem to be having. "Well, OBVIOUSLY Ethani, the Vales of Twilight is right here! Duhhh."

Gaffer (Courtney) HP: 61/61 AC:21(17 While WS'd) (T:16/FF:15) CMD:20 WS 2/2  d20+10=22 ;
Monday February 26th, 2018 8:20:29 AM

"Err, how are we still flying?" Gaffer asks in a slight panic, he moves his body to try and test if he has any control over this movement.

Looking at the strange plants and creatures Gaffer tries to see if there is anything he recognises about them (Nature: 22)

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Monday February 26th, 2018 2:51:51 PM

Lornak's trepidation upon entering the portal subsides as he hears his comrades excitement for their journey. He has always wondered what it would be like to take flight like his pet owl, Vin. He is both unnerved and exhilarated, it is an interesting sensation. Upon seeing the ghastly creatures below he does his best to maneuver towards Ethani. He reaches out and wordlessly takes her hand into his.

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24) Infected 
Monday February 26th, 2018 6:23:29 PM

Hmerrin can only chuckle at Gaffer's inquiry.

"We just walked into a swirling light after fighting Blood Monsters created by a singing red crystal, and you're worried about still being in the air? At this point, I'd be surprised if we weren't."

Dusan announces they are in the Vales of Twilight.

"oooo. aaahhh", the fighter feigns interest, before deadpanning. "What is it?"

The Valleys of Twilight (DM Cayzle) 
Monday February 26th, 2018 6:44:57 PM

As you are lofted through the air -- air that, by the way, feels and smells more pure and real than air can be -- Dušan declares that you are flying over the Valleys of Twilight.

"OKAY ... what's that?" is the response from Hmerrin and Ethani. Asteria plays it coool! Lornak silently seeks reassurance. But it is clever Toston who tells you more.

When you die (he explains), your soul travels to either Haven Far or to the Estates of Unrest. Those are places that you cannot reach from the Wold by walking -- they are other planes of existence. Well, in between these two locations are the Valleys of Twilight, ruled by the Fey Queen Maab.

Some few souls travel here when they die, mostly druids or elves or other fey-bloods. But these valleys are also where Maab offers refuge to those places and creatures that no longer have a home in the Wold proper.

Consider that elven city you passed. Surely it was a place in the Wold, destroyed or lost there, with a home preserved here. For Maab is a conserver of lost things, a collector of antiquities, a mother to forgotten dreams.

Gaffer has been listening and watching the animals and plants as the party flies over. Look! Surely that creature is a hybsil, a fey deer-taur not seen in the Wold since the First Age! And those silver-leaf trees ... perhaps they are the mallorn of legend, a tree Gaffer would have said existed only in ancient songs.

The magic that moves you slows as you approach a wide valley with a flat floor, covered in tall grasses. Near the center of the valley you see a lodge, like a half cylinder on its side, woven of grasses over massive rib-bones of an ancient monster long dead. Grass mats cover the top of the lodge, except where holes allow cookfire smoke to escape. The magic sets you down outside this lodge.

You hear a mental voice, the same one as before, that says, "You have come to Wayawu, a Manfri refuge."

Knowledge geography DC18: Highlight to display spoiler: {You have heard of the Manfri, a lost people of a destroyed place in the deepest south beyond the ocean. A place called the Sargrass Plains.The Manfri are known for their short stature and skill in weaving grasses.}

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)(Down with the Sickness) 
Monday February 26th, 2018 9:11:39 PM

"Wow," Wil simply says.
"Is it possible that the noise in my head is gone? Oh my, the noise is gone.. completely.. Hello? Hello?"
"Nothing, this is amazing. I will stay here just because there is nothing in here." He says absent-mindedly pointing at his cloak covered head.
"Do you think they are gone because we are in this place?"

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26 - [haz de plague]  d20+1=14 ; d20+14=33 ;
Monday February 26th, 2018 9:43:59 PM

It turns out spending some time learning more about the planes was not a waste after all. Toston attempts to recall anything about this place but Geography is not the the gnome's subject (Geography: 14)

Toston tries to see what he can see of their surroundings (Perception: 33)

Toston says to Wil, "Well if fae magic can cure whatever ails you in the head maybe it is worth pursuing in the future to accentuate my dragon powered fire affinity? I would want to spend some time further studying my heritage before I attempted to make a pact with the fey.

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:33/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Monday February 26th, 2018 11:39:59 PM

“As excited as I am to be hear, you raise some valid points,” Dušan says nodding to Toston’s description, “There are many things known only in history maybe even some forgotten and I doubt they all have our well being in mind.”

Dušan is brought back to earth literally and figuratively as the voice returns. “Thank you for your invitation,” Dušan responds to the voice suddenly very conscious of his voice as compared to the voice in his head, “To what do we owe the honor?”

Ethani (Nellie, AC 19, HP 42/42, Icicle 1/7, Status: Not Infected...yet), Deaf  d20+8=10 ;
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 12:20:59 PM

Ethani frowns, not liking that she is in such an extremely different realm. (Geography=10). "Great. I have no stinking idea where this place is, I don't know if I can get in touch with Alemi. Oh, and I don't have many more healing spells left."

Ethani rubs her chin in mock thoughtfulness. "So what are the odds that our trip here involves no violence whatsoever?"

She asks the mental voice mentally...or at least she tries. "Why have you brought us here?"

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 6:35:20 PM

Lornak's feet touch the solid ground and his exhilaration continues. He feels the hairs on his body buffer back to their original position on his skin. His hair topples about his shoulders. He rather enjoyed the wind through its strands. He would love to converse abut the ancient creatures and surrounding but he the scope of their circumstances takes over. He again hears the strangers words in his head and wonders if his thoughts can be read like an open book.

When he hears the words about the Fey his memory chimes in with a warning to Never enter a pact with them. Ever. He does not speak a word.

Catching Ethani's gaze he cautiously raises his eyebrows in response to her pique about violence.

Hmerrin(HP:74/74 AC:26 T:16 FF:21 CMD:24) Infected 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 7:06:15 PM

Hmerrin replies to Toston.
"If fae magic curing Wil's voices is fine. But I'm much more interested in getting cured of the Turn You Into a Blood Monster Disease that's going around."

To Ethani, "Hey now, we haven't had any violence in what, an hour? We've practically set a record."

They touch down in front of the .. house or tent or shack or whatever. And Hmerrin hears the voice in his head.

He sighs.
"Valleys of Twilight, Wayawu, Manfri. People keep saying words to me like I'm supposed to know what the heck they're talking about..."

Dusan covers the talky bits, so Hmerrin just waits for the reply and looks around.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26 - [haz de plague] 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 7:41:30 PM

(Ooc: are my long term plans to go cradled for 2 levels w/ Toston going to cause issues with Lornak?)

Wilford Grimly (HP:44/44; AC: 18; Touch: 12; Flat: 16; CMD: 18)(Down with the Sickness) 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 8:18:00 PM

Wil curses silently after Hmerrin reminds him of the major itch that has now inflamed his entire leg. The muscles flicking and curling. It causes his to limp and itch.
"Anyone else have any cure potions.. maybe we could try again. I wish this plane would make the sickness go away."

Lornak (Frank S.) HP:60/60 AC: 19(T:13/FF:10) CMD:19 - Itchy. Tastey. 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 8:32:38 PM

(OOC - Hugh, I am not quite following you here. I know nothing about how magic works but if it helps, i am only roll playing.

Also, I am adding infected to header.)

Asteria Amarante [HP: 71/71; AC: 20; Touch: 12; Flat: 20; CMD: 20; Status: Infected] 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 8:50:45 PM

Asteria throws her snack to the side and wipes her bloody hands off on the sides of her pants in an effort to make herself look presentable. The wonder of the area certainly leaves an impact of the young barbarian. She stares at the bones of the long-dead ancient and wonders what sort of beast it might have been, and sincerely hopes to be given the chance to slay such a foe.

Nudging Ethani, she passes a sly remark with a grin under her breath. "Now we're ALL hearing voices? We must be as mad as Wil!"

Dušan Danann (Erik) {HP:33/33; AC:17 (Temp 21); Touch: 13; FF:10; CMD:16} 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 10:19:49 PM

Dušan becomes conscious of his state after their recent combats. He quickly casts prestidigitation on himself and offers his service to others while awaiting their audience.

Toston Lotor(Hugh Crosmun) [HP:45/45; AC:30 Touch 20; FF 26 - CMD 26 - [haz de plague] 
Tuesday February 27th, 2018 10:36:58 PM

Toston says, "I so don't want to end up like the honey badger or those hounds."

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