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The Ceremony of the Kon

Hurry up and wait/DM Buzz  d20+13=23 ; d20+6=7 ; d12=8 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 3:14:02 AM

The trek through Mudtown is fairly casual. Mud is running through the middle of the roads churned by beasts of burden and carts of many sizes. The people that must wander the streets, for their own reasons, do so mindlessly of those around them, other then the occasional bump, or one looking around for land marks to their ever changing destination.

Even in the winter time, areas of Mudtown are just gargantuan pockets of mud, that move and shift with the will of the land and those that have a interest in the Iron Adventurers shop are witness, that their shop is slowly getting further and further away from the Hook City walls.

The destruction from the recent storm is clearing as the merchants in the area continue to wait for their turn in line. They are patient in various forms, in various places and in various fashions. One camp could be a riotous revel of barbarians high on mead and Sargrass Wine, fighting and laughing amongst themselves, welcoming to those brave or foolhardy enough to join them and then, right next to them, a small quiet camp of wagons. Goblins, heavily armed and protecting the many loads of oar that will make their clans rich. Their greed and paranoia is an indication, they don't trust anyone here and likely would not hesitate to attack anything that attempts to enter their ring of wagons.

The beggars of Mudtown are plentiful by them selves. The draw of gambling, and many other devices, leave some to come to misfortune and sometimes, to an untimely demise. It has been in recent months that these people of the street have been declining, perhaps through Heather Brorderys' help, but there is evidence, that kidnaping's have taken place and the reason for this is still unknown, but slowly, the group gets closer. The next step, a key component to accomplishing their mission. Can it be done with peace, or can a very small slip, cut what threads the group has so far made with this family, that will likely stick together to the very end, despite their very different personalties.

Getting closer to their home, a young woman comes tumbling from out of nowhere, from behind, in amongst the group and lands right next to Beriothian. With a hand swift as a bee sting attempts to slap him on the rear with a bear hand! Yet, she underestimates her landing and the sound of the swish gives notice to her presence as well. "Aw shucks, all that planning and I miss!", she says with a smile and the veterans recognize Katherine, the next to youngest sibling and twin to Billy Boy. She wears Leather armor has a short sword on each hip, both sheathed in nice, tooled leather harnesses crossing her hips.

"Heather told us you would be coming back today and she has been preparing for you the ceremony, some of you may want to have. But she says, it won't be ready until dusk and the spot is about two hours away, so, you can either buy a girl a drink or I can lead you all to watch her prepare the ceremony. She said, some would be interested and some would be bored, but it is up to you. I for one am one of the latter. If she isn't willing to cast a simple cure spell after a innocent knife fight, then I just do my job and try not to get cut."

She tells you all, the ceremony will take place north of Hook City and Mudtown, in a area that is quite exclusive and protected. "It is her grove and sanctuary! Show her the utmost respect when you enter. She is well protected when there and when visiting, I call her Kon." Highlight to display spoiler: {DM is moving everyone forward, together, as was planned, to go find Heather. Sorry for those that would rather have stayed and played with the littlest sister of the family. :)}

"Me, on the other hand, my job here is done. Now, I don't have watch again until tomorrow night and I hear there are a band of monks that just pulled into town with sixteen wagons of fine wine and dark beer. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think I am going to get a little loose tonight." She winks at Beriothian before skipping out from the center of you all with a whistle.

The group is safe today on their business. No random encounters of the obnoxious, drunk or dangerous kind. Those that go straight away to her grove find it difficult, really. Katherine didn't give much information on where to look, she likely does the minimum for her sister, unless she enjoys the job and it isn't taking her out of her way. The flat land finds the group, is far enough out they can no longer see the city walls clearly. Out in what is considered the wilderness by the residents of the Magic City.

In the distance however, a hill is seen and it is the only real landmark in the winter wind scorched plains. Getting closer to it, there are apparent ridges in the rock, in sharp angles and it is shaped like a horse shoe, with an obvious entrance into the center.

Getting closer, some hear sooner then others the chanting of a woman, deep in meditation and ceremony. The three that have seen her before recognize Heather Brodery, Kon of The Edge. Her dark hair tied back and managed with her one good eye closed, seems to be staring down into a fire just started in one area of a large ceremonial arena. She is otherwise of average size and average looks for a human.

The different elements of the earth are represented in the 300 feet area. A large stone obelisk rests on one side of the arena, spaced in a "2 O'Clock" fashion to the back of the hill. It appears to be natural rock, yet, formed unnaturally. To the left of that is where her bon fire is begun and she is standing near it sprinkling some dust upon the logs. Resting across from the fire, there is a single, large oak tree. It's leaves are healthy, even this time of year and despite the bitter cold that comes whipping in through the entrance of the grove. On the other side of the obelisk there is a pond about ten feet in diameter with an unknown depth, just to the left of where the group came in, on a large clear path.

Some that are wiser in the group would warn the others, not to disturb the Kon at this time. There will be breaks in her preparations through the day. Sure enough, she does recognize you after a time and greets you. "I have much to do today, so I will not chat, but at any time, you may enter the center of the arena. Whoever wants the ability to channel the glory of The Edge, at least once in their life time, must be in the arena before the great golden orb sleeps until tomorrow, or it will not welcome you. If you resist the ceremony, you will like wise be shunned by The Edge for your mistrust."

Then she begins to give you her interpretation of current religons between the North and South. "You pray to a single immortal? You are about to meet something much larger then a single entity and Alemi himself dare not step upon the Southern Continent with contempt for it's might." Her emotions are pure and strong with belief, like any amazing cleric of a faith would have.

She welcomes all, "You have friends, they too are welcome to join in the ceremony. It does not matter how many participate, as long as they fit in the arena."

She bows with a smile, "Now, I must return to what I was doing, before time is wasted for all."

Are there any last questions for me before she begins? I would really appreciate it if you went through the ceremony first, before we begin the next scene with a bunch of questions, which she has likely anticipated also. I owe it to the players from the last scene. It is a gift from the DM to the players, so no harm will come to you. Consider it a welcoming bonus gift. Let me know if for some reason, someone doesn't want "it".

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 14/12/12 HP:35 (Spells) 
Monday January 31st, 2011 9:28:13 AM

Restlin is officially "weirded out," but too curious for his own good. He'll spend the rest of the day in silence, trying to make sense of what he's seeing.

Zeoll (HP35, AC18)  d20+17=35 ; d20+11=29 ; d20+16=34 ; d20+17=18 ; d20+15=21 ; d20+12=14 ; d20+18=36 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 9:28:16 AM

When Heather's sister says we can go see Heather or "buy a girl a drink," Zeoll grins and joins in her banter. After a minute of conversation, he says to her, "Anotherr time forr anotherr drrink, forr surre, Miss Katherrine! And the next time you need a curre, come see me!"

Diplomacy 35 in hoping to make her a friend.

Zeoll revels in the outdoors -- he has been cooped up in the city or in Mudtown too long. He runs around the party as the Iron Adventurers seek Heather's Grove. The winter does not bother him -- this is just another face of Mother Wold, after all, and a druid loves his mother, even when her kisses are chilly. He does his best to lead the party through the wild, relying on his "Taurs' Try" spell, which as a cantrip he can cast at will. It lasts ten minutes and, in its centaur form, grants a +2 to Survival checks.

Survival to guide the party to Heather's Grove: 29.

But using that spell diminishes the liontaur's happy mood a little. He remembers when his old friend Toros created this very spell. He remembers the centaurs he has known ... Leets the Noble Paladin. Kenisha, whose child was one of only two unitaurs the Wold has seen in several ages -- and he wonders if the unitaur children have fared well in that orphanage in the Floating City. And as he looks at nature with a centaur's eyes, Zeoll remembers strong-hearted Flat-top, the most steadfast of friends. He is quiet for the rest of the walk to Heather's Grove.

Zeoll scans the ground around the Grove, wondering what signs of passage (humanoid or animal tracks) he might see in the area. He wonders if Heather has animal friends or companions.

Survival to check for tracks (with spell and lens): 34 [I'm using up all my good rolls this post!]

At the horseshoe knoll, Zeoll watches with intent. If it seems like the time for a religious conversation, he asks how this entity she mentions is related or comparable to Mother Wold, that is, the natural force that sustains the entirety of existence in this plane. Or he holds this question for later if he senses that she is too busy. He is careful to use her title here if he does open this mouth.

Sense Motive in listening to Heather: 18

Before entering the place, as invited, he casts Heroism and Taur's Try, this time to boost his perception with a minotaur's insight. He tries to figure out exactly what is going on here, both as a student of nature and as a student of magic.

Know Nature: 21

Know Arcana: 14

Perception: 36

[OOC: Sorry for the long post. DM Buzz, you gave me a lot to respond to!]

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells  d20+8=20 ; d20+8=11 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+5=13 ; d20+4=15 ; d20+13=19 ; d20+5=14 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 11:31:11 AM

Katherine's sudden appearance catches the taur off guard and her change in demeanor since their last meeting leaves the cleric somewhat suspicious. As they talk his mood lightens in response to her playful actions and flirting with the young rogue, and he briefly pictures the odd couple walking hand in hand through Mudtown.

The Horned Cleric joins in the friendly banter, but when Katherine says You can either buy a girl a drink or I can lead you all to watch her prepare the ceremony, he declines her offer. I would love to take you up on your offer another time, however I am curious about The Kon's ceremony and am eager to watch the preparations. Hoping to open up a bridge to friendship and keep in the Brodery family's goor side, he tosses her one of his prized flasks of pomfri and says, Enjoy a drink on me in the meantime. Careful though. This is good stuff and great for unwinding, but the last time we had this at a party the entire town woke up naked... from what we can remember it was a good night.

As the group heads towards ceremonial site Bosk keeps his eyes open for traps or signs of danger (perception =20). Once in the horseshoe Bosk signals everyone to remain quite while the Kon works. In the meantime he observes her, trying to gain as much knowledge and understandingas he can into what she is doing, how she is doing it, and if there appears to be any connection in this ritual to Gargul or any sects he has hear of. He also tries to draw upon any knowledge he may have of such rituals and religions.

Perception = 11
Knowledge Arcana = 15
Knowledge History =13
Knowledge Religion = 18
Spell Craft = 19
Linguistics = 14

DM Buzz: Reminder to Bosk, you are thinking of the middle sister, Clarissa. I just wanted you all to be clear on who was giving off what vibes.

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells 
Monday January 31st, 2011 6:33:15 PM


Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/17/17 HP:41/41  d20+9=20 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 7:01:16 PM

Beriothian smiles warmly at Katherine and welcomes her, enjoying the unexpected attention he is receiving from her.
A dark stout is just what the body needs on a brisk day such as this, unfortunately Wardd taunts me by bringing your offer on a day when he has already set a task before me. But I am happy to buy a drink for a lovely lady.

The elf reaches into his pocket and removes 3 silver, taking an extra moment to verify that none of his possessions were pilfered by the fellow rogue.

If the ceremony keeps us, please pick up an extra gallon of beer and I will join you in knocking back a few the next time you have a night off of watch. Beri gives Katherine a sly wink before she bounds off again.

After the long trek to the cover Beriothian follows Bosk's example and remains silent. He ponders how Wardd would feel about him accepting this blessing from a foreign power, however Wardd is the god of risk takers and it is hard to imagine not smiling upon his followers who choose to roll the dice and take part in a mystery ceremony. In fact, it is easy to picture Wardd himself jumping at the same opportunity during his mortal life. When the time comes Beri enters the arena in complete confidence.

sense motive = 20 (to see if Katherine's actions were just as they appeared to be)
-3 silver

Beltrin (Keith) AC: 19/14/15 HP: 47/47 Spells  d20+9=18 ; d20+13=17 ; d20+9=14 ;
Monday January 31st, 2011 7:52:45 PM

After the encounter with Katherine, Beltrin raises an eybrow at Beriothian. Interesting relationship you all seem to have with this family....

Beltrin is a bit nervous about the ceremony and watches the preparations with some trepidation. He also converses with Bosk and anyone else that he sees closely watching the ceremony preparations to see if they know anything about it.

Knowledge (Religion): 18
Spellcraft: 17
Knowledge (Arcana): 14

ooc: Beltrin casts Mage Armor (duration 4 hours) on himself shortly after leaving Mudtown.

Kyan (Jon) AC:19/13/16 HP: 48/48  d20+10=20 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 9:12:52 AM

Kyan watches Katherine warily when her family relation becomes apparent, but makes no comments and follows Zeoll as he leads them on towards the grove. He watches the taur quietly as he guides them through Mud City and beyond to the grove, making a note of the druids skill in the field.

Once in the horse shoe, he mimics everyone else and remains silent and watches, though he keeps a careful eye about them. Maybe he was just being overly suspicious, but a remote spot like this would be an excellent spot to ambush a group of adventures putting their noses where they weren't wanted.

Perception: 20

Hurry up and wait/DM Buzz 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 10:08:37 AM

Sorry my friends. I can't post today, but will be back tonight.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Part 2: I am on call and working on post. :)

Dusk/DM Buzz 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 2:29:10 PM

Katherine appreciates the gifts from the group and assures them, they will meet again under pleasant circumstances. The group knows though, friendship only goes so far and will not change some ones loyalty to another. Everyone checks their gear as she leaves and she really must like you all. Nothing is missing and she seemed pretty sincere.

The trek is made easier by the druids knowledge of the wilderness. Knowing how to break the wind around ones body is a big help and prevents severe shivering. Upon your approach no tracks of any kind can be seen. Likewise, you see absolutely no symbolism at all, in the form of idols, shrines, altars or any other religious paraphernalia that would give an indication toward ties with Gargul or any other deity.

There is a small opening for a talk of religion and she cocks her head to the side a bit with a question. Her answer is not profound however. "I do not have the same ideas as druids, in regard to nature. To a Kon, nature is a tool to be used and shaped as one needs and does not need to be revered. I do not believe elements of nature have sexual organs, therefore, how can they have a gender?"

Watching the Kon at work, might seem weird to those not used to her dark side. She is very blunt about her actions with those that would prefer death to life and has no sense of guilt about it, yet, she does seem to want to help the group.

Some of it is above the heads of those attempting to keep up with her ritual, but she seems to use a different dust and uses different chanting, with each element.

Just before Thermo is about to go behind the wall of the grove, Jimbim is seen walking up and he is pulling a large cart behind him. In it is a large barrel and he says hello to everyone before the ceremony, without interrupting the Kon. He grabs a mug and starts drinking some beer. "The ritual is easier, if you have at least three." He quickly downs that mug and another mug before the group can gather around to join him, if they want. It seems, he brought enough for everyone.

Lastly, she turns toward the entrance to the knoll like area and chants an invitation to the wind, inviting it's power and might to the ceremony, to complete what was an obviously long process.

There are but a few moments left before sunset. Jimbim, Billy Boy, Clarissa and Heather are the only ones hear right now.

With a big smile, Jimbim lies down on the earth near the center and stares up at the sky. Heather tell you all, "The journey will be easier, if you are not standing." The four of them are now near each other and the only one the new members have not met, is likely the most violent, Gat.

I think the main skill I was looking for and didn't see was a Linguistics check.

Please let me know if I missed anything you may have asked about.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/17/17 HP:41/41  d20+9=19 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 2:45:41 PM

Beriothian realizes that the Kon is speaking in a language other than common. Being fluent in 8 languages this foreign tongue intrigues the elf, and Beri tries to decipher what he can when she speaks.

Linguistics = d20+9=19

ooc: (I'll post more later, just on a 5 minute coffee break)

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 14/12/12 HP:35 (Spells)  d20+9=20 ;
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 3:03:08 PM

I didn't think to make a linguistics check, but Restlin's pretty skilled and has been intently watching the preparations all day...

Linguistics = 20

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 3:07:27 PM

ooc: Bosk had made a linguistics check of 14

Bosk will follow the Kon's lead, drinking beer (before the ceremony) only if she does. He will lay down when she makes the suggestion.

DM Buzz: Indeed and I should have been more clear and said, "I did not see a high enough skill check made".

She does not drink any beer, but she is also, very experienced with the journey to The Edge.

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 4:24:10 PM

The little voice in Bosks head causes him to rethink his decision on the beer and quickly joins Jimbim in downing a few beers.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/17/17 HP:41/41 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 6:52:15 PM

Beriothian joins Jimbim and Bosk and knocks back a couple of mugs, then lays down on the frozen ground of the arena and waits for the ceremony to start.

Kyan (Jon) AC:19/13/16 HP: 48/48 
Tuesday February 1st, 2011 10:16:49 PM

Kyan takes a single beer with the others before hesitantly laying down next to his companions, though a hand goes to rest on the hilt of his knife lays there and waits.

Beltrin (Keith) AC: 19/14/15 HP: 47/47 Spells 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 12:14:47 PM

Beltrin shakes his head, wondering what he's got himself into. He takes a drink with the group and lies down and waits for the the start of the ceremony.

Ceremony/DM Buzz 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 5:05:52 PM

Kon Heather explains to everyone, what they will experience. "All things must exist in it's own way. In order for you to understand true balance, you must undergo an experience of all things. This evening, you will eat and be eaten. You will feel sensations of desire, lust, pain, and rage. By the morning, you will understand the wisdom of a volcano and what it must endure for thousands of years, before it can finally have it's release and rest."

Jimbim looks at his keg, "She's right, three beers is not enough." He pulls himself another one and kills half of it in a drink.

Clarissa chimes in, "I rather enjoy it myself."

"Enough of the blah, blah, blah already, please. Let's just get this over with!" Billy Boy seems to have no problem saying before looking up at his oldest sister, "I wasn't talking to you of course."

Last words from the Kon, "Resistance will not help and will only waste your evening. The Edge will not grace you if you do not trust it or me."

The last rays of the sun diminish to where just the moons glow give light. Beneath you the earth trembles and the body you are so very used to resonates, as if you have become a tuning fork. The pitch is low, but increases to a higher and higher tone, in your head as the earth quakes in harmony with your body, until, nothingness...

A single cell forms from matter and it is life. In seconds, the entirety of the Wold unfolds before you. Molten Magma rises to the surface and surrounds a marvelous city built by the Teucri. With their power, they were capable, with great magic, to get it to float above the lava flow that is sure to come.

Through the first age, the characters are caught up in the battles, played in part on both sides. Both good and evil, lawful and chaotic. The strange thrill of being a rat and the glory of being a dragon. The characters have sex with beautiful lovers and are impaled by hot red irons. Massaged with strong hands by a pool of water and raked across the cactus filled desert and quartered by horses.

These things pass in but segments of time as do the physical sensations associated with the encounter. With flashes, each scene and many other images, run like a slide show, in your mind, through the Second Age and then the Third Age, The Fourth, etc. A Grandfather Clock is seen high on a mountain peak with clouds rushing by, high overhead. It seems to lead the journey you take into a different time, step by step.

No one else is seen. The journey you take is your own. There is no avoiding the scenes you must take, as when you were a rat, the flash of the fangs before becoming paralyzed, must be acknowledged as the snake eats you alive. Trying to control it makes it harder to control it seems and if one tried to scream, you do not think you could hear yourself.

What seems like an eternity to the group was only about twelve hours. To some that experienced this ceremony, it was filled with what could only be described as massive hallucinations, but in the back of your mind, it is still there. Everything she was talking about, seeming very small. One does not feel less devoted to the gods that give them their power, but it is easy to understand why the Kon feels the way she does about the immortal heros of the Wold.

The sun is rising and the body feels warm, even if it should be half frozen in the middle of the plains.

Heather is already up and waiting for everyone else. The arena is gone as are all the elements that she conversed with. All that remains is the knoll.

"Come, let us go back to Mudtown. Questions can be asked by all, on the way."

Each of the party members now can do either one of these options, whenever they want.

They can read the spirit of any one creature, once. If they know the creatures real name, the duration of the conversation is much extended. The questions will be answered by the spirit in a neutral manner, despite the alignment of the creature and ones weakness can be discovered as well as other things, but the spirits knowledge is limited to what the creature being read would know normally. (Six rounds or six minutes if the creatures true name is known.)


The characters spirit will transcend their body and travel to The Edge in a flash of an instant. There, they can over look the cosmos of time and balance and ask any one question, as profound or mundane as they desire and receive an immediate answer, that is as correct as possible, depending on how the question was asked.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 14/12/12 HP:35 (Spells) 
Wednesday February 2nd, 2011 6:11:16 PM

ooc: Can I get some clarification on this? Is this something we can choose to do in the future, or something we choose that happened during the ritual?

DM Buzz: Any time in the future.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/17/17 HP:41/41 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 12:35:42 AM

The universe flies across Beriothian's eyes. The feeling is almost familiar to the elf, as if he is caught between a dream and an Elven trance. The answers to a million unasked questions appear before him and are instantly lost as he tries a place their meaning. Pure, raw emotions run through the elf as he experiences the passions of a newlywed couple and as he shares the sorrow of a mother losing her child.

Only one scene stands out from the rest. For a brief moment Beri views something from his own past. He is not far from his home town. Before him are the bodies of three poacher gasping their last breaths. The gleaming silver of weapon of their demise lays on the ground. And the young rouge stands there watching, tied to a tree. It is the day Beri started to serve Wardd... the day he found the flask.

The rogue opens his eyes and is back at the knoll. His devotion to ward is as strong as ever, however he feels a lasting connection to the Edge, it appears the journey has made it's mark on him. On the way back to Mudtown the elf asks about the journey he took. What was guiding them, was it the Edge? Was it Heather?

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 14/12/12 HP:35 (Spells)  d20+9=23 ; d20+7=11 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 9:27:12 AM

In the brief moments of lucidity during the ritual, Restlin can only sit and wonder at the life he's allowed to pass him by. The time he's spent sequestered in his studies gone, he can only imagine what other experiences he could have had. The time spent treking back to Mudtown is spent in silent contemplation; a morose look can be seen to flit across his face from time to time.

Knowledge Arcana: 23
Knowledge, The Planes: 11

Both just for any insight...

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells  d20+4=10 ; d20+5=18 ; d20+5=14 ; d20+8=13 ; d20+7=14 ; d20+13=31 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 10:18:07 AM

The Horned Cleric gives himself over to the ceremony as he transcends the perceived confines of his body and the very limitations of physical form. He feels at once his spirit is both within and outside his body. In a matter of hours he experiences the vastness of the cosmos and the beginning of life. He lives and dies and feels pleasure and pain beyond description.

When the experience is over Bosk lays on the ground for a few minutes, fully taking in the experience. Although he has many questions to ask the Healer, he makes sure to thank her for the experience. This has certainly been an eye opening experience. Although it has helped me to better understand the nature of balance, I feel as though I could experience the edge a thousand times and every time it would reveal more of its secrets to me. This is truly an experience I will always take with me.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you come to learn of the edge and become a Kon? I would love to hear of your journey and of the Edge. What did you do before becoming a Kon and how does one become a Kon? Are there ways to experience the Edge other than becoming a Kon? Are there many others like you who able to make this journey, and have you shown this to many other people?

As the conversation progresses, if he doesn't already learn this, Bosk will also ask Heather about her Holy Symbol (eye) and try to deduce if there is or ever was a connection to Gargul.

Actions to gain insight and information
Knowledge Arcana = 10
Knowledge History = 18
Knowledge Religion = 14
Perception = 13
Sense Motive = 14
Spellcraft = 31

Kyan (Jon) AC:19/13/16 HP: 48/48 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 11:47:12 AM

Being a Hook City native he is already familiar with the southern continent's particular brand of spirituality and forces himself to relax as the ceremony begins and the Edge takes him.

Afterwards, he lets out a groan and sits up, muttering that perhaps one beer hadn't been enough. "I think once through should be enough for me."

Zeoll (HP35, AC18) 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 1:02:32 PM

Zeoll pays close attention to everything, and stores it all up for later. "There's an epic in here for sure," he thinks to himself.

Homeward bound/DM Buzz 
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 3:09:35 PM

The warmth the group feels slowly fades as the cold slowly sinks back into the flesh to chip at the hard skeleton like a miner. The wind is coming from the east this morning and off in the distance you see a large mammal. The fact that it is a great distance away and still visible, leaves one to wonder what it might be. DC: 15 Knowledge Nature or LocalHighlight to display spoiler: { It is a Great Ranthom.}

Jimbim pulls his cart home without complaint. He whistles a little tune and has a beer from time to time, with no worries wondering if it will get warm.

Billy Boy tends to entertain himself, juggling various items, like his knives or caltrops. He exclaims from time to time and puts a couple of holes in his hands, but he seems determined to become better.

Clarissa stays close to her oldest sister and remains quiet, on the journey back to Mudtown. She keeps a sharp look out for dangers and looks the Iron Adventurers from top to bottom, occasionally.

Heather is happy to answer your questions. She seems pleased to have been able to prove her point to the adventurers, even if she could not convert them.

She will begin with Beriothian. "You guided you on your journey. The Edge allowed you to escape what parameters of reality you have set for your existence. That is why it is hard on someone if they resist. You know you best."

To Bosk the journey, was somewhat familiar, with his knowledge of history and he too knows, a powerful entity was involved in their ceremony. He can not think of any but the most powerful spells available to priests or wizards, druids and sorcerers and no single person could have done what was witnessed.

On the long cold walk back, Restlin contemplates what has happened and what is now available to him. He does know that a powerful entity was involved with last nights ceremony, but how it happened or how it is, he knows he has a gift, he can not explain.

Recovering from the nights event, Kyan is pretty confident, he needn't attend this ceremony in the future. He listens to the Kon and the others on the stroll through the Sargrass.

It is on rare occasion that Zeoll does not have something to say, so his mind must be working furiously on the evening before, attempting to remember all that transpired.

When she is asked a question about her past, she replies, "I ran away from home after Clarissa was born. I was no longer wanted by our parents and they could not afford more mouths at the time. I overheard them say they were going to marry me off for compensation, so I left with what I had. I became lost in the forest and survived by instinct for a week, until I was found by an old witch, that offered me enslavement or she would leave me to my death. I didn't care anymore, but I knew, if I wanted enslavement, I wouldn't have run away, so I told her farewell. With that she said, "That will do". She then cast a spell and I awoke in her cave. She introduced me to The Edge. The power of The Edge can not be wielded by one that can be persuaded easily by comforts or pain. Yes, there are ways of experiencing The Edge without being a Kon. You have witnessed one of them. I do not know how many Kon's exist and I have not run into one since I left The Edge. Very rarely do I invite others to this ceremony, which can only take place once a year. We have not had this ceremony in three years though. It is not a holiday, but used only when needed. I used my last power on one of you the night before last."

About her Holy symbol, "I plucked it out with my own two fingers. It was the hardest part of my rite of passage and proved I was worthy of knowledge given to us by The edge." It is clear, The Edge and Gargul have no relationship.

She stops and looks at the Iron Adventurers, "But you tend the campfire to close my friends and I know you have more questions to ask of me, yet you feel you would jeopardize our relationship, so, now, you can ask my spirit, anything you want to and gather whatever knowledge you desire without my consent or we can work together for a common goal, to not only stop the person responsible for the kidnaping you are investigating, but to get me the knowledge this person has and is using for ends that I do not agree with or condone."

She shrugs her shoulders, turns around and continues her walk back. Now that you have this power and her full name, you can spend a lot of time with her spirit, but who will give up their power for this reason. She also seems to want to help you all, but again, for her own purpose. Yet, she freely gave you all the gift of The Edge, so is she entirely selfish?

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/17/17 HP:41/41  d20+8=15 ;
Thursday February 3rd, 2011 7:04:42 PM

Off in the distance the elf can barely make out the shape of a massive beast, but even from just it's silhouette there is do doubt as to what it could be. There are few things on this continent that can equal the size of a Great Ranthom.

Look out there, it's could be wild, but wouldn't it be something if Buiwerf was riding to town aboard his Great Ranthom. I wonder if there is a path through mudtown wide enough for such a creature to reach the gates.

As they walk Beriothian listens to Heather. She mentions having used her last power on someone the other night, there is little doubt in his mind that it was him she is referring to. Then she mentions wanting to work together for the common goal of stopping the kidnapper.

Perhaps we have been tiptoeing around the campfire for fear throwing oil on the flames. But I believe you that we can ask without jeopardizing our relationship. It was mentioned to us earlier that your boss desired the meeting the other night which had everyone on edge. Was this meeting with Gary Glittertooth? Do you know why your boss wanted this meeting?

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells 
Friday February 4th, 2011 9:21:50 AM

ooc: Did Restlin's linguistics check of 20 learn anything?

DM Buzz: Yes it did and he received an email for that check. :)

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells 
Friday February 4th, 2011 11:19:59 AM

Bosk listens as Beri asks Heather the questions the Iron Adventurer's have been trying so hard to avoid. Although he is interested in the answers and capturing the kidnappers, he is still meditating upon his experiences in the Edge. It doesn't take him long to decide that he needs to learn more about the Edge, and after Beri's questions are answered he asks Heather how he might go about learning more about the edge and perhaps one day become a Kon.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 14/12/12 HP:35 (Spells) 
Friday February 4th, 2011 11:42:31 AM

ooc: Restlin's recent silence is strictly in-character; it's not based on a lack of interest or anything.

Restlin's mind is troubled. This Heather character spoke in some bastardization of the elemental languages. After a whole afternoon as bits of terran and aquan flitted around his head, he was no closer to understanding what he experienced. Restlin is not comfortable with not comprehending all this. Perhaps, he ponders, it's time to engage my colleague here...

"I'm afraid I can't make heads or tails of any of this. My studies in the arcane heavily neglected the divine. If anyone can shed any light on what just happened, or that odd amalgamation of elemental languages Heather was using, I'd appreciate it."

ooc: I can't find much on The Edge in the Woldipedia. Am I missing it? What kind of knowledge skills would be applicable for more info?

Beltrin (Keith) AC: 15/14/11 HP: 47/47 Spells 
Friday February 4th, 2011 12:34:43 PM

Beltrin has been dazed and lost in thought since the journey to the Edge. He finds the words to thank Heather for sharing this experience with him.

When Beri breaks the ice and starts talking about the more mundane task at hand, his mind snaps back to the immediate reality.

"My apologies, since I am new to the situation, but Heather, it appears that you know the name of the person responsible for these kidnappings. Is that something that you would be willing to share with us? I certainly think that we could make common cause to oppose the kidnapper. And Beri, who is this Gary Glittertooth?"

Beltrin (Keith) AC: 15/14/11 HP: 47/47 Spells 
Friday February 4th, 2011 12:36:08 PM

[ooc]Also, I forgot to mention it above, but DM Buzz, the narative describing the ceremony and journey to the Edge was superb! Well done and thanks![/ooc]

Zeoll (HP35, AC18) 
Friday February 4th, 2011 6:10:03 PM

Sorry, really sick. Don't let me slow you down.

Homeward bound/DM Buzz 
Friday February 4th, 2011 6:33:28 PM

DM post tomorrow morning. I'm about to move you guys along and I don't want anyone wanting to go back later.

She needs you all to answer a question she asked you first. Are you all willing to work with her and return to her the information she wants, in exchange for her information?

Bosk (James) AC: 20/12/19 HP 52 of 52 Spells 
Friday February 4th, 2011 10:19:41 PM

Bosk smiles as he turns towards Heather. You have made a believer out of me, and I wish to delve deeper onto the Edge. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we want to work with you to put an end to these kidnappings, however I hope you won't be offended if we ask what information do you believe this man has, and what ends do you believe he is using it for? I don't give my word lightly, and would like to know just what I am agreeing to.

Beriothian (Will)-- AC:23/17/17 HP:41/41 
Saturday February 5th, 2011 12:09:49 PM

Beri turns to Beltrin
Gary Glittertooth is the thief and kidnapper we had a run in with not long ago. He set a trap for us when we went to meet him that we had to fight our way out of. We don't know where he is now, but rumor is that he has fled town.

ooc: Beri's desire is to help her, I just avoided stating that outright because I was the first to post and didn't want to speak for the group since there are a few members I'm not sure what there feelings are on this.

Restlin (Carl) -- AC: 14/12/12 HP:35 (Spells) 
Saturday February 5th, 2011 4:30:59 PM

Restlin turns to Heather and speaks, "I know I'm somewhat new here, but I'm dying to know more about what just happened to us...and about that language you were speaking back there. I've been studying language for most of my life, but I've never heard anything like what you spoke back there."

Kyan (Jon) AC:19/13/16 HP: 48/48  d20+10=23 ;
Sunday February 6th, 2011 9:54:16 AM

Peering off into the distance at the large creature, he glances as Beri with a raised brow, surprised that he knows of someone that has tamed such a beast a mount.

On the way back, he moves to the rear of the group with a few backwards glances at the way they've come just to check to see if they were being followed on their return trek. He recalled the group talking about the family and it seemed to him there was a member unaccounted for.

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