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Strange Dreams

To dream a little dream about me. (DM Jim) 
Friday September 16th, 2005 11:39:35 PM

Kale makes it back to the GossamerWing after a little jump that took him to the deck of the ghost ship. Another jump had taken him to the merchant ship and off the sinking ghost ship. Back with his friends he gives a little smirk as if to say...you could never lose me that easy.

It is now that you notice that all the normal crew is fast asleep upon the deck of the GossamerWing. Then it hits you again, that feeling of sleep, and you know that this time you will not be able to fight it off. You fall lightly to the deck of the ship, eyes closing fast to the need to sleep...then the dream starts.

It begins almost with where the last vision left off. Eyes the color of the sea and the sky spring open as the Sleeper awakens. All over the Wold, you see Nature responding. Plants grow, rivers overflow, birds and beasts multiply and spread with alarming swiftness. Your vision seems to whisk across the surface of the Wold and turns due south and picks up alarming speed. The vast ocean flies underneath you and as you rocket upwards a great eruption rips open the land and black ash covers the whole of the Southern continent.

You hear the call of Mountains and across the oceans of the Wold your vision is hurled. Great flocks of birds move across the sky and pull you vision to the west and into the sun. Mountains drop away below and the great grass plains can be seen spreading ever further out. Trees spring forth and with them the Fey themselves. All seem to rejoice and the abundance of all life is nothing short of breathtaking.

The Fey, giddy with joy and a sense of fullfillment, they venture from their normal hiding places and begin to work both mischeif and deeds of love. But it is soon evident they have been away from the Noble races too long, and certain frailties inherent in Men go unseen. The Noble races begin to strike back at what they percieve as acts of agression and war and so the fey begin to work things that go beyond mischeif.

A satyr is born, and you know his name. Ebyron, the Fae King. Centuries ago, he was put to sleep, thought to be too dangerous, too chaotic, too unpredictable to be allowed loose in the Wold. His Queen, Maab, ruled in his stead. But now the Sleeper has been awakened.

A flurry of scenes rush past you. Some seem familiar--you are sure you catch a glimpse of a flooding Endless River and packs of wolves. Most of the scenes make no sense at all.

Then you find yourself in a wooded glade.

Ebyron's smile is both indulgent and condescending. Both emotions fail to register in his handsome eyes, however, as though the eyes know the true odds.

"All this time," he begins, "I knew you'd cling to that crown. My dear Queen, did you think I would not anticipate this? Did you entertain the foolish notion that I would come meekly? Be your puppet?"

The satyr king gives a sharp stamp of his cloven hoof, and nearby branches veer away fearfully, only to return, swooning, as Ebyron stretches wide his arms.

"See the power I have! See nature's love for me! You have neither the right, nor the strength to deny me!" He turns slowly, his arms still outstretched, his fingers beckoning. Energy gathers there at those fingertips - a wisp of flame, a tiny cloud of sand; drops of moisture and the tiniest, perfect little whirlwind.

And with such small gestures, the entire Wold comes to rest - no wind, no rain, no fire, no tremors of earth. The elements gather around their king, cloaking him in a strange mist.

"You want me tame and compliant, my Queen?" his voice cries through the billowing cloud. "Then first, you must catch me."

The blast comes with no warning, bringing with it a power that only Maab could withstand without falling. Across continents, dwindled fires burst to life again, blasting outward. Seas and lakes thrash, the earth quakes, and howling winds tear at everything in their path. Fragments burst from the cloud, being the essence of Ebyron, torn into a multitude of pieces and carried away by the elements.

In moments, it is over. But not before the fae queen has acted swiftly, gathering light into tiny, dazzling stars. "Show me," she urges.

Hot on the heels of the fragments of Ebyron, the stars hurtle outward. "You can't hide," she whispers. "Not from me. Now, show them. Let your own power betray you."

In seconds, each pinpoint of light reaches its destination, and once there, changes trajectory and converges...

A familiar woman's voice speaks out to Brahmah and the rest of the Chosen, "He was to be the King of Nature...but we thought him too wild." You see the sword that you had turned over to the Platinum Dragons standing in the deck of a ship before you. The sword flares with a green light that is blinding to look at and then it cools to a nice blue.

Within the walls of the Cathedral of Light, in the middle of Plateau City, the Room of Artifacts suddenly bursts into life. The source? Ebron's orb, so recently brought back, at great risk and loss of life, from a time gone by. Colors and shapes reflect on the walls, and light surrounding the orb grows outward, becoming the great disks of the Wold. Pin points of brilliance flicker here and there, scattered across the Land.
Here lies Ebyron. Here. And here. You feel that he is also very close to you but hidden in a strange way...a way that Fae Queen Maab has not forseen.

Back in the Valley, the Fae Queen Maab uncurled her fingers and looked down into the palm of her hand. Three small acorns lie there, each enscribed with a unique rune - LIVE, SLEEP, DIE.

"The choice you should have made, will now be left to others," she says, her voice tainted with a raw sadness. "Let the runes grow where they may. I have done all I can. I can do no more."

The three acorns drop listlessly from her hand, where the ground swallows them....

The veil lifts and all is becoming light. The dawn has broke and everyone feels refreshed. Lying next to each of you are three acorns. One says LIVE; one says SLEEP; one says DIE. You hear the Queen's voice as if carried on the wind: "Defeat the Avatar, then make your choice."

As the dream fully leaves you and your eyes open you find that you are in a small glade, green with grass. This is strange as you were just on the GossamerWing or at least you believe that you were there. Standing in the ground before you all is the very sword that you gave to the Platinum Dragons. On the wind drifts the smell of sweet things...candies of an unknown kind maybe.

The feeling of awakening from a dream into another dream is all too persistent. Laying on the ground at each of your feet are those exact three acorns you had seen in your dream...each marked with a rune that spells its desire......LIVE....SLEEP....DIE.

Sunday September 18th, 2005 3:48:02 PM

Zeoll is enraptured as only a bard can be at a truly epic tale. He concentrates with all his soul to remember and memorize this story, a story that should live on.

And the liontaur gasps as he understands at last -- this is not just a story. As these events come to their conclusion, Zeoll realizes that the Chosen have a role to play as well.

Certain phrases ring home to him with their great importance. The liontaur says them aloud ...

"You want me tame and compliant, my Queen?" his voice crries thrrough the billowing cloud. "Then firrst, you must catch me."

... and this ...

You feel that he is also very close to you but hidden in a strrange way.

... and this ...

"The choice you should have made, will now be left to otherrs ...
... Defeat the Avatarr, then make yourr choice."

Zeoll thinks things over for a minute. Then he draws some conclusions.

"My frriends, look at what we have seen. The Fae King has fled his Queen. He has sent parrts of himself all overr the Wold. One parrt is hiding herre, I think, in this drream-place. The Queen asks us to catch that porrtion of the King and defeat it. And then to choose the King's fate."

"We have been chosen, but not by Domi. This is not ourr god's worrk, but it is a worrthy task nonetheless. Shall we do it, my frriends? Shall we hunt down whateverr of the King is in this place, defeat him, and make a choice?"

"Look, the Queen favorrs us with herr aid. These nuts, this sworrd, arre the tools she gives us to accomplish this task."

Monday September 19th, 2005 3:14:10 AM

Gecktar shakes his head while awakening from this strange dream. Then looks around to see that there is no trace of the Gossamer Wing.

He listen at Zeoll's words and realizes that they are true. The Queens has given a task to the Chosen. But beyond the Chosen Gecktar can feel that she gave a task to all those able to fight the Fae King.
And if they receive this dream Domi cannot be a stranger to that.

Toros  d20=19
Monday September 19th, 2005 8:27:10 PM

Until Toros hears Zeoll's comments, all these dream of dream. reality of dream, dream of reality or whatever do not make sense at all for him. When Zeoll finishes his comments, Toros asks, "Defeat the Avatar? What kind of Avatar would it be, I wonder?..." Then the concerns of the Taur gets a more cheerful tone. "Anyway lets get this sword... What those Platinum Dragons would say to that?! Ha ha!? Not them but Chosen are CHOSEN to use the sword!" Then Toros continues, "But then how will we use the sword, it was given originally to Kanchana... and Kanchana would not have licence to kill, you know what I mean... And, who was talking to us, not Domi for sure!.. Actually that woman's voice was so familiar, who would she be?" (Intelligence or Knowledge check to remember, 19)

Monday September 19th, 2005 8:49:47 PM


As a piece of personal information, my father was in a motorcycle wreck and is in critical condition, so I likely won't post much this week.

The path of paths. (DM Jim) 
Monday September 19th, 2005 10:57:17 PM

The small glade that you are in is surrounded by tree. You can see nothing in the trees or past them as they have almost formed a wall in this dream world. The only way is to take the path, it would seem, that lays before you with the same tall trees edging it.

The sword lays in the middle of your glade suck in the ground point first. You hear no birds or other sounds besides your own breathing. Still you feel there is a presence in this world, maybe not in this glade but further on.

Zeoll seems to speak the truth that you have been given a task by Queen Maab, but the choice is yours as to what to do with the Fae King when you catch him. The idea of defeating the avatar seems to spur some doubt maybe, as you are not even sure what form this avatar will take.

Toros remembers scant tales of Queen Maab but most of them are just rumors he supposes. She is supposedly a Queen of the Fae and lives in a valley hard to get to. Some say that she is guarded by one of each of the different dragons, while others say that she is guarded by illusions and the like that charm and beguile the senses.

Gecktar finds it much as Zeoll has mentioned but figures that Domi has to have a hand in this somewhere if the Chosen are involved.

Brahmah is the only one that seems to have made up his mind already as he holds the LIVE acorn in his hand, sliding the others into a pouch.

The rest of the Chosen are seemingly lost in the absurdity of this situation. The glance around and seem to be wondering where the GossamerWing is at and what they are doing here. It appears that the dream has addled them for the time being.

Jay - Please do what you must with real life. I am of course sorry to hear the news. May god watch over you and yours at this time. Post as you can and if you can. I will make sure that it is noted when Ceil turns in her report for this week.

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 2:51:05 AM

"Kanchana" he says, "You're the first who wield the sword. And it seems it comes back to you..."

Looking around Gecktar sees now way except the path between the tall trees. [i]"Is everyone safe and allright ? Well, for now, we have no choice to get out of there..." saying that he begin to take the path...

(OOC Sorry Jay to ear about that. Take care of your father)

Tuesday September 20th, 2005 10:15:53 AM

"Im tired of these riddles and messages in our sleep." Kale complains to no one in paticular. "We have better things to do than be pawns. Like working on those treasure chests." then Kale goes over to the 2 chests and begins to examine them while the others try to figure out the message.

Sorry there is no signs of chests or even the GossamerWing itself. No matter how hard you may look or slap yourself to wake up you are stuck here for the time being. :)

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 12:20:26 AM

Zeoll asks, "Who will take the sworrd? I cannot use it. Brrahmah? Flat-top? Gecktarr? Kale? Torros?"

The liontaur does not think Solgrin, a mage, or Kanchana, a druid, can use the weapon. By the way, he wonders why Rill has been so quiet? Is she even here in this dream-place?

"Afterr one of us takes the sworrd, let us set a marrching orrderr and starrt down this path."

While otherrs decide on the user of the weapon, Zeoll looks around for any small birds or animals -- robins? chickadees? squirrels? mice? If he finds any creatures he will Speak With Animals to ask them about this place, and if they have seen anyone around.

Zeoll asks Kanchana to ask the trees what they know or have seen.

[OOC: In this dream-place, do we have full hit points and spells and such? Or if we used up spells and HP on the ghost ship, are those still gone?]

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 1:51:04 AM

OOC: Brahmah, hope your father gets well soon. Take care of him and your own self.

Toros waits for Kanchana's response about what to do with the sword. Meanwhile, he cannot help but express his concerns...

"I am not sure about fighting with an avatar that we do not know who it is, what it is. What if it is someone we know, we care about? We have seen Brahmah... He was almost going to meet Gargul and then were taken under the wings of another supernatural force. You can never know what kind of play these Gods want us to take part. I am not sure if I want to interfere into their affairs. And in the dream, the Queen talked about the choice we should have made, which will now be left to others... what was that? I do not remember any choices we were given to choose among... All these still do not make sense... Why the sword was taken from us and then returned to us? What happened to the Platinum Dragons? How are we going to deal with something that what they did was not enough to deal with?? We are Chosen of Domi, not Bronze Dragons or something..."

It seems that Toros is unwilling to act before he finds some more explanations.

The path to.....? (DM Jim) 
Wednesday September 21st, 2005 6:31:17 PM

Brahmah turns and regards the rest of the Chosen with the knowing nod. "We will move on...see what is to be seen...find this avatar." He does not speculate more as he moves towards the path.

Phaerill has been strangely silent these last few minutes and she does not say anything now as shejust moves to follow along. She silently goes over her own spells wondering if they are enough.

Kanchana shakes her head as the ideas of the sword come up. "I cannot wield it without getting myself into trouble with Mother Wold...Flat-top...why don't you take it." She gives him a smile as she turns to regard the trees, but gets no replies...it is as if they are not real but still real. In fact as she touches one it feels like a tree to her.

Flat-top takes the sword at Kanchana's request and holds it lightly, then swings it to get a feel for the weapon. It is light and moves effortlessly through the air...a good weapon. "As you wish kitten."

Gecktar suggests that they take the path ahead of them, what choices do they seem to have. He also comments about the sword and Kanchana, who says she cannot do anything with it.

Kale had wanted to go back to the chests and work on them but he cannot find them anywhere. In fact the green carpeted grass under his feet are a far cry from the deck of a ship.

Zeoll suggests some ideas for the sword and soon finds that Kanchana has given it to Flat-top to hold...a good idea really. He then looks around to find any type of wildlife but finds nothing at all. The only thing he finds are trees, which he finds out from Kanchana are not speaking or cannot speak.

Toros is worried about taking on an avatar they know nothing about. He would so like to have more information, but where would he find it. There is nothing around but trees and they do not talk to Kanchana. No animals for Zeoll to talk to as well, so this is not looking to be an easy one.

Solgrin just shrugs as the others start to move down the path. He takes up a spot near the center of the group as he does not want to be in danger, but still support the group as a whole.

The path is only about twenty feet along and then it opens into another large gladed area. You notice a river running through it, about fifteen feet across, with three logs going across. The logs seem to have been flattened to make bridges and the are about three feet wide. There are three larger trees growing here that are not part of the wall and you get the feeling that something is watching you.

Echoeing through this glade you hear a voice speak up. "She sent you to find me...but what is you purpose...LIVE...SLEEP...or DIE for me?" You can see nothing around at this time that would indicate the location of said speaker. "Do we parlay or do we go straight to the battle?" Then as if out of thin air five leprchauns appear on the other side of the glade past the bridges. "The acorn is in your court...but you cannot use them yet." The smile on all five faces tells you that the game may have just begun.

Hit points are back to full, but your spells are strangly still missing from the ghost ship battle.

I figure that marching order will put Brahmah and Flat-top in the front. Mostly the casters in the middle with Kale maybe bringing up the rear or some other slightly combat oriented person to cover their tails. This is of course just an idea of my own. :)

I will be needing a reply to my email as well that everyone should have gotten. This will help out greatly though I am not sure how those missing people will end up voting. I will need to talk to Jerry but I need roleplayers right now. :)

These posts here for Brahmah, Phaerill, Flat-top, Kanchana and Solgrin are to be counted as Tuesday posts. I will be doing the posting for them till I get someone willing from the game.

Wednesday September 21st, 2005 10:07:17 PM

The liontaur calls out, "I am a prriest of Domi and a drruid, and I would speak with you. If you arre the same perrson who has helped us in ourr rrecent jourrneys, then we should speak. Must therre be a battle between us?"

"We arre loverrs of the Wold and all naturre in it."

Thursday September 22nd, 2005 2:56:01 AM

Gecktar looks to Zeoll and one more time admires his true words.

"Many wars will be ended if each side was able to spaek freely and understand the other side. Before chosing battle, maybe could we find an arrangement that suit both parties."

"As said my friend our commitment is to Domi and the way Wold is going. We have no grief about you."

"Let start to explain what you want of the Wold and what we want about it. I think harmony is still a viable solution."

Thursday September 22nd, 2005 6:58:08 AM

Kale just stands there and looks at who Zeoll is talking to, waiting for the outcome and seeing if his steel will be needed.

Thursday September 22nd, 2005 8:13:26 PM

While the conversation continues, Toros tries to remain calm, still feeling uncomfortable with what is going on. He is on total defense against any action that could come from the leprchauns.

The Choice. (DM Jim) 
Thursday September 22nd, 2005 10:44:48 PM

Brahmah keeps his eyes looking around for trouble as he lets Zeoll talk. His own hands never stray too far from his weapons. For once he does not want to have to fight if possible.

Flat-top lets the sword dip to the ground as he also listens. Right now he sees nothing to be alarmed about, but you can tell he is ready for trouble.

Phaerill stays back and mentally goes over the spells she has at her hands. These magical creatures could really cause a problem she knows...if they want to.

Solgrin is busy trying to decide on his course of action to really care about what is going on. He does listen though as he wants to see what this avatar, if that is what they are, have to say.

Kanchana is stunned to see that the avatar, well maybe, is a group of leprechauns. She figures they are one of natures creatures but she maybe was hoping for something more.

Zeoll moves forward and tries to get the creature to talk to them and avoid a fight.

Gecktar is quick to try and lay to rest any doubts the Fae King may have about them. He is not sure if it worked but it is worth a try.

Kale tenses and keeps himself ready, knowing that at any moment his blades maybe needed.

Toros falls into a defensive position as he tries to remain calm. He is not really succeeding too well on being calm...this is an avatar after all.

The five little leprechauns start to glow and then they flow into one another, forming a larger being. With a tip of his hat he disappears as well and you are left looking at empty air. Then from a tree behind you, you hear a voice...the voice that actaully spoke to you earlier. "I will take you at your word...I am through with fighting and if you want to kill me so be it." You notice that on the branch is a two foot tall leprechaun, larger than he should be really, that hops down to the ground. "I admit that I woke up grumpy and in that nature has fed off my more chaotic feelings...many bad things have happened and for that...well..." He leaves it hanging as he looks to each of you in turn. "Many turned against me when Queen Maab and the rest imprisoned me to sleep...my own druids did not help me...well at least most did not...then they did not try to raise me once I was asleep." He paces as he runs over past events and then stops turning and puts his hands behind his back. "So be it...cast your vote...hurl you acorns at me as she has deemed you worthy to choose my fate." He stands stock still as Brahmah throws the first acorn at his feet that rolls up to touch his booted foot. It reads....LIVE.

With so many not posting regularly I am moving this along a little faster than normal. I will have to see what is to be done with some of the voting, but those that are posting please cast your vote. This will lead to some down time and the opening of those chests. I will be awarding XP and people should start thinking of Hero Points as I will be sending out an email on this and voting will begin. :)

Friday September 23rd, 2005 3:04:10 AM

"There is not doubt that you have your place in this Wold as any of us. But there is no doubt that you can't continue to spread havoc among the liing like you've done before. Just temper your mood, find you place by accepting followers that freely come to you but do not force them to get to you."

"I think that you chaotic nature can be of some use in this Wold, just think about those that suffer from it."

"Think about it as a second chance as many people seek your death and if one had put you to sleep, I fear that another can do it one more time"

An instant, Gecktar plays with the three accorns in his hand then select one and send it at the feet of the leprechaun. Everyone can see what is written...


(edited by Cayzle to fix italic tags)

Friday September 23rd, 2005 7:32:48 PM

The liontaur is interested in what this person has to say. "What exactly do these choices mean?" he asks. "Who is this Queen Maab? Arre you the Fae King? Who arre we to pick yourr fate? What will happen forr each choice?"

"If you don't mind me saying so, but the Fae Folk arre known forr theirr ... um ... jokes and ... trricks. Is this like that? Arre you going to offerr us a pot of gold if we pick LIVE?"

Friday September 23rd, 2005 10:06:35 PM

"Sorry but I do not want to choose, unless I understand what the consequences of each choice will be. Live, die, sleep but for who, for what? The wold is fighting against the Fey King or what he has caused recently. Which choice is the one that would end the fight, the sorrows it caused, for good for all??... Will the choice we make affect the fate of whole Wold? This is something I do not understand, as well. How is eight Taur's decision is going to change something for all Woldians?... Won't the choice we make affect the fate of whole Wold? This is also a great responsibility... Waking up the sleeper was the choice of some woldians that has had consequences for all. Now making the awaken sleep, die, or live may have much bigger consequences. I do not understand why we are chosen for such an important task for everyone??... Right or wrong, elves awaken the sleepers. We are taurs, how would our choice be representative of all races?... Neither Elves nor Taurs should have the right to decide on behalf of others, unless there is a good reason for this.... Toros, Chosen of Domi, thinks in this way..."

Toros - OOC 
Friday September 23rd, 2005 10:09:54 PM

Could you please edit my post and change "for who, for what" at the second sentence as "for who, for whom, for what"

Thank you!!

Saturday September 24th, 2005 9:26:48 AM

With the Sword pointing to the ground, in one hand. Flat-top throws the Live Acorn, with his other hand. But his attention is on this Little People every move.

Fae decision and talk. (DM Jim) 
Saturday September 24th, 2005 10:04:27 PM

Brahmah holds his position having already cast his vote.

Flat-top throws his own acorn at the avatars feet...the LIVE rolling to face up.

Gecktar is mulls it over and then tosses the LIVE acorn down to stop at the avatar's feet as well.

Zeoll questions the avatar as to what the acorns mean and some other questions. He decides to hold off on his vote till he has a few more answers.

Toros wants to get some more information as well till he will cast his vote for the avatar.

Phaerill, Kanchana, Kale and Solgrin stand off to the side right now not sure of what decisions they will make...maybe none.

The avatar nods in understanding as he looks down at the acorns already at his feet. As he shifts the foot near the acorns you notice that they are stuck to his foot and move with it. "In many ways I did make a decision...I wanted to stay alive and awake as well...but once again I was deemed too chaotic to be here. Queen Maab was to be my partner in working with nature as it naturally listens to us. We were to bring about the fullfillment of nature and its growth." His face falls as he recalls his long sleep. "But I made some wrong choices along the way and supported Gargul at the time...I did not realize till later that I was doing something bad...then it was too late." He smiles as he looks to each Chosen in turn. "Yes I am the Fae King or at least a part of him...even now other adventureing groups are facing off against me...deciding my fate." He takes a seat upon the ground and you notice that the acorns already near his foot are attached to the shoe that is crossed over his other leg. "As to the decisions that you make...that is an easy one. If I live then nature will flourish as will all fae type creatures. If I am killed than nature will be stunted and cities will flourish, moving further into the wildlands. If I go back to sleep then nature and cities will fight as normal for all they get." He looks to Toros and nods his head in understanding. "It has been deemed that many adventureers will decide my fate...not only you Chosen are choosing...some have already done so." His shoulders shrug as he looks to the acorns on his shoe and touches them lightly. "If you do not vote then you have made a choice...the others will make the decision without you and you will not have a say." He looks back up to hold your eyes. "It will mean that you will have to abide by the decision made...knowing that you have done nothing to alter it if the decision is not to your liking." He closes his eyes, sighs and then seems to fall into himself once again. "I offer no tricks and there will be no bribes for your votes...let your hearts and minds decide."

Brahmah (Jay B) 
Sunday September 25th, 2005 4:00:19 AM

OOC: Sorry guys and gals, things in real life hit fast in the last two weeks. I will return to a regular schedule around the 1st of October.

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Sunday September 25th, 2005 8:01:35 AM

The young centaur rears a stamps her hooves. Her mouth turns down into a pouting frown.

"I think Toros is right. Why are we responsible for plotting the fate of millions all over the Wold? Why is it up to groups?" Rill crosses her arms over her chest while her front hooves prance in agitation.

"If such a dire sentence of death has been placed on your head, then you must have done something wrong this time too. What have you done this time? Why should we have you if you always make bad mistakes? And why should we trust you if even your wife does not?"

"I've half a mind to say 'Die' just to balance things out." The young centaur trots around in a tight circle. "Tell us," she demands.

Monday September 26th, 2005 12:37:06 PM

Gecktar has made his own choice, he wait for the other to do the same.

Monday September 26th, 2005 4:46:38 PM

"I am willing to cast a vote forr Atonement." He offers that acorn to the leprechaun.

Brahmah (Ceil is subing) and Flat-top 
Monday September 26th, 2005 6:53:02 PM

Both Brahmah and Flal-top turn and face Zeoll. In unison they both ask Zeoll "ATUNENENT?? Music and singing??"

They both look at each other, Both shake their heads. But Brahmah mutters "Tell me I didn't hear that!!"

Monday September 26th, 2005 7:09:36 PM

OOC: Ceil, it is SO good to have you back. You always make me smile!

Zeoll smiles and answers his friends. "Surre! Why not! If you can sing and dance, you can't be all bad! Therre should be morre music in this Wold!"

Monday September 26th, 2005 7:45:47 PM

Encouraged by Phaerill's additional support Toros doesnot give up so easily:
"Of course I am going to make my decision, but after receiving some more satisfactory replies from your side. How will you guarantee that there will not be any more rabbits hunting down bears, birds flying backwards, strange weather conditions and so on. Why did they happen at the first hand, aren't you responsible for these? What were these strange stuff to do with Gargul, just becoming a scapegoat for all the troubles you have caused?? If not, give a better explanation to re-earn my trust on you and the nature. Lets be fair to each other... We need Gods and supernatural powers for believing, and YOU need US for our believes... If we do not have faith in you, you do not exist anymore for us, whether you sleep, die or live...

The decision. (DM Jim) 
Monday September 26th, 2005 11:02:38 PM

Another acorn is at his foot now where he sits. He looks to the remaining two taurs that hold out and shakes his head. "You want to hear that I did bad things in the past to justify my death or sleep. You want promises that I will do nothing in the future that will harm anyone. Do you really understand nature? Do you know what she is capable of?" The leprchaun holds both Rill and Toros's eyes as he stares hard at them. "Yes I pushed the boundries of nature when I awoke...yes I made poor decisions...yes I was responisble for the deaths of many of the Wolds inhabitants." Tears form in his eyes that he brushes away quickly. "Do I regret anything that I have done...yes and no...I lashed out in anger at the failings of many of my druids...they were to protect the land and allow it to flourish...some did and others did not. I may not have been directly responsible for some of what happened...nature feeds off of my feelings and I was mad...did I have a right to be mad...I say yes...my birthright was taken from me...I was stuck in a box more or less...I was cut off from the very thing that I hold most dear." He looks to each of you in turn and then shakes his head. "Do you know that feeling...have you every once lost your abilities for say a month...have you been unable to touch the thing that means the most to you...to feel that you are less than you originally were?" His face clouds over with pain.

"To answer you other question...I made a mistake and listened to Gargul once...I fed souls into monsters...I did a very bad thing...yes I should have been punished." His eyes harden as he continues to glare. "Once shown the error and if I had been allowed to atone...I was given no choice in the matter. Struck down and layed low by my own Queen...how much good has she been doing with nature lately...does she do anything to help nature flourish...does she hold cities to the need to expand but with care." His eyes almost shut as his anger rises and you see the trees sway in his presence. "One city...the Floating City is constantly being seen as a threat to the woods near it...they seek to expand but they do not stop to learn of the woods...what has been done to bring this place to such unrest...and now with my anger unleashed as I was awakened that very forest has lashed out." His eyes once again seem haunted and he shakes his head. "There is ancient evil there that is for sure and much of my control is lost to that place...maybe it will rest if I am put to sleep...maybe I could get it to rest if I stay awake...but I will tell you know, nature will never be the same if I die." His eyes flash but he makes no move to stand. "You ask for the truth and I give it as best I can...I am split apart now to dodge my own Queen...I am even less powerful than I once was." He looks to Toros with a shake of his head. "Nature is different than a god...they do need your faith but nature is eternal...I just give her power sort of a greater warden for her...that which is called Mother Wold does not true faith to keep her going...she can be killed and in so doing you will kill yourselves...she is the plants and animals of the Wold...she is the dirt and rocks...the water and even the fires that burn upon her surface...even without me she would go on but weakened by my death." With several more tears running down his face he looks to the dream ground. "At least in my sleep she would have a chance...I may awaken one day and be allowed to bring her to her glory...I will say no more...decide my fate now...I grow weary of the game."

Brahmah(sub Ceil) 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 9:03:19 AM

Brahmah being an old salt of a sailor, does not trust the Fae King. Too many me's, mine and trust me this one more time.

So Brahmah replies to his tale of woe, "Sir! That is the point, the Death of many Woldians. You have to pay for that. As for Nature, we do respect her. She feeds us, makes sure that we can clothe ourselves. She grown trees to keep us warm. We could not do with out her, ask any woldian here."

Tuesday September 27th, 2005 9:07:38 AM

Flat-top listens, then tell all "Well! I agree with the Captain."

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 10:55:34 AM

Rill calms a bit, though her arms remain crossed as the leprechaun rambles through its story with tears and sentiment for all.

"I think Brahmah's right," Rill says at last. "You have to be responsible. And it looks like you've had two chances already, and each time you've made mistakes that have taken people's lives."

"Now, it seems to me, that since you can't seem to be responsible for this, that responsibility has fallen to us." The young centaur wrinkles her nose as she thinks on the implications of her own words. "That's a pretty big responsibility," she says at last. "And you've already caused such problems, not once, but twice. With this responsibility, I can't take a chance, especially with someone who thinks this is a game."

Paerill's face forms into a mask of determination. "I say Die," she says, and that is that.

Tuesday September 27th, 2005 6:15:03 PM

Zeoll pauses, looking at Rill, then says to the avatar, "You have done no harrm to me orr mine, norr to any Taurr of whom I know. I hope the Wold will not lose the rrichness of yourr prresence in it."

Then, bowing before the avatar, Zeoll says, "May I ask forr yourr blessing, yourr Majesty?" The liontaur takes from his pack a length of entangling vine, picked in the village of witches, and still green and healthy with his druidic tending. He winds it on his head like a wreath.

"The motherr of this vine entrrapped me, but in the end we made ourr peace and became allies. I hope it can be a symbol of the way that people arre nurrturred and entangled with naturre."

If the avatar seems willing, Zeoll will kneel and bow his head for a blessing.

Tuesday September 27th, 2005 8:08:02 PM

I do not BELIEVE I am in a position to make you live or die. The best would be to let you sleep AGAIN. Nature should be able to do well even without your presence. If you SLEEP, sweet dreams...

The acorn is cast. (DM Jim) 
Tuesday September 27th, 2005 11:47:31 PM

With the last two having decided, the last two acorns land at the avatar's feet and adhere to them. He looks up and nods his head. "Maybe it will be for the best then...remember though...if I sleep I will be back one day...awakened by someone." He stands the acorns still attached to his foot. "Maybe that time I will be able to be truely of help then."

The dream starts to fade and green penetrates your eyes. As it slowly fades out to nothing you all find yourselves laying or standing on the deck of the GossamerWing. Most of the crew is laying on the deck seeming to be in a deep sleep. It is with alarm that you notice that Kanchana and Solgrin are not around on the deck with you.

The two chest stand some feet away having not been disturbed but nothing else moves. From the lower deck appears Master Grith who smiles lightly at the lot of you. "Seems you had more than one thing to do this day." His eyes cloud over as he stares out to the sea and he then shakes his head. "Many great things are happening around us and we are being drawn into them." He says no more as he stands near the railing and stares out to sea some more.

Till I get a definite answer from Jerry, Eunice and Dominic have resigned from the game. I have removed their characters from the game but if you dare to ask you may find where they have went. Thier characters that is.

Wednesday September 28th, 2005 3:38:00 AM

Gecktar open his eyes andthen shakes his head. Defenitively strange things are happening here. This was just a dream and all Chosen voted...

Turning his head he sees that two Chosen are missing. He stands up trying to see them.

"Anyone sees Solgrim or Kanchana ?"

Wednesday September 28th, 2005 6:56:18 AM

awaking from the dream, Kale looks around and says "I guess they are still in the vision. I guess they didnt want to leave."

Brahmah (sub Ceil) 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 9:07:16 AM

Brahmah awakens and makes sure that every body is all right. "Yes! Solgrim and Kanchana was in the dream, they should be around here some where? Flat-top, go and take a good look around. See if you can fing them, if you come up empty. Then Kale is right, they'll be in the vision."

Wednesday September 28th, 2005 9:13:38 AM

Flat-top wakes up from he dream, very thing and every one seem alright. When he get his orders to serch the ship for lovely Kanchana and scroll worn Solgrim.

"OK! Will do." Answers Flat-top.Off he goes.

Wednesday September 28th, 2005 10:04:50 AM

Would it mean that they also prefer to sleep and dream silently comments Toros about the absence of Solgrin and Kanchana.

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Wednesday September 28th, 2005 10:45:38 AM

Two of the Chosen gone! Rill wheels about searching the deck to make sure that this is not a simple oversight.

"You don't suppose the Leprechaun took them, do you?" she asks.

Rest and relaxation. (DM Jim) 
Thursday September 29th, 2005 12:07:46 AM

Gecktar is the first to wake and he is quick to note that Solgrin and Kanchana are missing. He asks if anyone has seen them as the others wake slowly.

Kale wakes as well and comes to the only conclusion that seems to present itself to them. They must have stayed behind, then his eyes stray to the two chests that sit on the deck of the ship.

Brahmah wakes and goes about his usual thing, making sure that everyone is ok. He also notes that Solgrin and Kanchana are missing so orders a search of the ship.

Flat-top snaps to his given duties as he comes awake. He is soon searching for the two missing taurs all over the ship. He finds no sign of them what-so-ever and is a little disappointed.

Toros comments without even really thinking that he was speaking out loud. Could they have wanted to stay behind and sleep...could they have not wanted to wake from the dream?

Phaerill wheels about searching the deck and comes to the conclusion that this might be a trick of the leprechaun avatar that they just met.

Master Grith comes closer and lays a hand gently upon Brahmah's arm. "I did not see them below when I came up." He looks to each of the other Chosen and then nods his head. "My magic cannot be used to help you in your chosen mission...but I could check on your two friends." His face is passive as he suggests this as he did not want to really mention his restrictions.

The rest of the crew are slowly coming too as well. Captain Lira stands slowly and yawns as she looks to the Chosen. "Come on ladies...lets get out of here...back to South Harbor for now." She looks to the Chosen and Brahmah for a brief minute to see if anyone has a problem with this idea.

The merchant ship is soon manned or womaned by part of the GossamerWing crew and sailing as well. It follows slowly behind the GossamerWing but does not fall behind. You can tell that it is a craft built for speed and not combat.

Thursday September 29th, 2005 12:08:54 AM

The liontaur shakes his head as the avatar ignores Zeoll's final request, and as two of the Chosen do not reappear. He wonders if he chose correctly.

But he sees that the party has returned, and that means the map to the Black Sword is at hand -- he hopes!

"Kale, old frriend, please put yourr grreat talents to worrk at last! Herre are the two chests that need opening!"

The liontaur takes out his drums and beats a soft rhythm to help Kale concentrate -- Bardic Inspire Competence gives Kale a +2 on search, unlock, and disable device rolls.

Cayzle OOC 
Thursday September 29th, 2005 12:10:56 AM

Gosh Darn It! The DM beat me posting by 68 seconds!


Kale  d20+14=31 d20+14=28 d20+14=29 d20+14=18 d20+10=18 d20+10=26
Thursday September 29th, 2005 6:55:31 AM

"Yeah, look for them." Kale says to the captain as he remembers the chests and walks over to them. once there he begins to examine them and try to open them(search for traps roll of 31 and 28, disable device of 29 and 18, open locks of 18 and 26)

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Thursday September 29th, 2005 10:41:03 AM

In her hair, blows the wind of their passage as the ships cut through the water to adventures beyond.

"Yes, please," she calls out to Grith, "I'd like to know whether Solgrin and Kanchana are safe or not."

[OoC: Jim, any chance of getting that Character Sheet? I'm flying blind here. I'm not even sure what Class Phaerill is. Though I suspect from earlier descriptions, that it's Sorcerer.]

Toros  d20=6
Thursday September 29th, 2005 12:19:48 PM

Toros tries to help Kale for the opening of the chests, but it seems he does not really understand good enough about lock and seem stuff. (Aid Another check, 6<10, DC)

Thursday September 29th, 2005 1:10:51 PM

Flat-top serches the ship high and low, No Solgrim and No Kanchana. With a heavy heart he returns to the reast of the crew and Captain Brahmah.
Flat-top makes his report, "Captain Lera! Captain Brahmah! The Centaur and the female Wemic are no where on board!"

Flat-top goes to stand next to Zeoll, and whispers "Gee! I kind of like that Cat-Fillie!"

Brahmah (sub Ceil) 
Thursday September 29th, 2005 1:15:23 PM

Brahmah tell Flat-top. "No where on board? Huh! Thank you any way."
Then turn his attention to Kale by the Chests "Be very careful, Friend Kale!" then watches him go to work on the chests.

Thursday September 29th, 2005 3:29:51 PM

Gecktar come close to Kale and cast detect magic to see if there is anything magical in the chests

Thursday September 29th, 2005 7:26:37 PM

Zeoll nods at Flat-top's words. "Yes, I will miss Kanchana and Solgrrin also. They werre noble and trrue taurrs. My hearrt tells me that they arre in no lasting dangerr, and if Domi smiles, may it be that we will meet them again."

Just deserts. (DM Jim) 
Thursday September 29th, 2005 10:37:18 PM

Zeoll sits and beats out a cadence on his drums. He is aiding in the opening of the two chests by Zeoll and is lucky that he is done soon as his beat is broken. In his head he hears laughter and the light touch of something nature related. "For you and your honor to nature." The laughter tells him that he was not forgotten and he soon notices that ever so slightly his wreathe has gotten heavier.

Kale is soon working on the chests and finds them of no challenge...he would have thought this harder than it actually was. As he throws back the lid of the first chest he finds laying in the bottom a single platinum piece. The other chest is identical to this one and in the bottom lays a single platinum piece.

Phaerill is quick to take up Master Grith on his offer to scry out thier lost two companions. She is obviously worried about them.

Toros had come over to help out Kale with his opening of the chest but his constant prattle does little...it is distracting though.

Flat-top comes back to report that he has found nothing at all. It appears that Kanchana and Solgrin are missing from the ship totally...nowhere to be found.

Brahmah shakes his head a little worried but his concern turns to Kale as he applies his skills to the chests. He absently wonders where his two missing Chosen could be, but he turns to those that are still here first.

Gecktar pulls up next to Kale and casts a single spell to help him detect magic. Unfortunately for him he is nearly blinded or maybe he is by the sudden flare of power and light as the chests are opened. *Will DC 20 ro be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds*

Master Grith smiles as he looks to Phaerill and then nods. "I will need a large bowl...maybe bronze or the like and filled with clear water...it is important that it is as clear as possible." He seats himself upon the deck of the ship, leaning against the large mast. He slowly prepares himself to cast the simple spell that is asked for. Arcane power and words flow from his lips but he holds the last till he gets the bowl. "Anyone interested may sit and look into the bowl...just do not disturb the surface when it is placed." His face composes as he calms himself.

Al - On its way tonight...sorry.

Friday September 30th, 2005 9:14:48 AM

a little annoyed by everyone trying to "help" him, Kale says "Back off a bit. Ive done this before." once he's got them open, he looks at the contents and says "It took 2 of us to carry these chest. somethings not right."

Brahmah (Sub Ceil) 
Friday September 30th, 2005 11:16:24 AM

Brahmah looks into both chest and wishes that Solgrim was here to cast a few spell of his own. But to Kale, he tell him "I think your right! There IS something that's not quit right?"

Friday September 30th, 2005 11:22:01 AM

Flat-top pats Kale shoulder, then moves up to see into the chest. But when Master Grith call for a bowl of water, he want to see this, so he moves to look into the bowl (when it get here.)

Friday September 30th, 2005 11:26:09 AM

Gecktar land a hand on the shoulder of Kale... "Maybe we could sell the chests", he says to disapointed Kale.

Seeing that Girth is going to do some divination he come close to him so as to see what's happening...

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Friday September 30th, 2005 12:15:52 PM

Rill watches with interest as Master Grith goes about his peparations. When he is finished, she pokes her nose forward, peering into the bowl.

Chests and divination. (DM Jim)  d20+7=8 d4+1=3
Saturday October 1st, 2005 6:17:35 PM

Kale is annoyed with all the help and barks for some of them to leave him alone. He gets the chests open and is surprised...how did it take some many to carry these chests. It is a total let down really.

Brahmah steps over to check upon the chests not liking the reaction of Kale. He looks into the chests and shakes his head. He agrees that something is not right.

Flat-top comes over and almost laughs. He does try to comfort Kale a little with a hand on the shoulder. He then goes over to check out this dinination.

Gecktar suggests that they sell the chests in a way of making Kale feel better. Just as he is about to turn and go to check upon the divination his spell centers upon the chests and he lets out a scream of pain as he wipes his eyes. He finds that he cannot see at all...he has been blinded by the magic in the chests. (3 minutes worth of blindness)

Phaerill keeps her mind on the divination that is going to go on. She is interested in this type of stuff...her wizard side coming out.

Zeoll finds that eight berries have grown on his wreath when the voice had spoken to him. Each is a perfect little round blue berry.

Toros finds himself moving over to sit upon the deck of the ship as best he can near Master Grith. He watches and waits.

A shiny silver bowl is brought out and set upon the deck of the ship near Master Grith by one of the crew. She then pours water into the bowl filling it up to almost the top. The water is a clear as you could want.

Master Grith smiles as he pulls the bowl close and waits for the water to settle. As he calms his mind the water finally settles and he intones the last word of his spell. The water in the bowl swirls slowly and then gains speed as you stare on. Finally it seems to stop of its own accord and in the bowl you see the images of Kanchana and Solgrin, in good shape but in a city that you are not sure of. Rubble lays around them and vines seem to have grown across the streets. Master Grith lays his hand inches from the water and then lifts it up a good six inches and the image seems to draw back showing more of the scene. You can tell now that many buildings are in ruin here and the streets are choked with vines. Several landmarks can be seen in the background and they seem familiar to some of you. Wis or Int DC 10 to realize this is The Floating City that you see.

Al - Phaerill is a fighter/wizard if I remember correctly. I was sure that I had a CS but cannot find it. I am going to get a new copy from Jill...if she is able.

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Saturday October 1st, 2005 9:08:51 PM

Phaerill frowns, her mouth turning down into a pout.

"That place looks awful." One front hoof paws the deck reflexively in agitation. "Are you sure it wasn't the Leprechaun that took them? Look at all those vines."

"Grith!" an idea comes to the young centaur, "can we send magic through your divination? Maybe a Message spell. So that we know they're alright."

Zeoll  d20+3=15 d20+6=16
Saturday October 1st, 2005 10:13:00 PM

Zeoll looks at his wreath with wonder. He eats a berry.

The liontaur also watches the divination with keen interest. This is a wonder to him, and it resonates in his mind and soul. To be able to see for off ... to know that which was unknown.

The liontaur's heart feels a tug, and he wants to know more.

As he looks at the scene, he recognizes the Float.

"Now I underrstand," Zeoll says. "Domi in his grrace, orr the Fae King in his merrcy, has sent Solgrrin and Kanchana to the city in which we left the Childrren. Surrely it is a good idea to check on them. My mind is eased at this."

"Thank you, Masterr Grrith! Yourr news is most welcome!"

"And could you talk with me, later, when you have a moment? I would like to learrn morre about yourr divinations."

Then the liontaur notes that the magic of the chests has blinded Gecktar. He leads his friend to a safe place to sit down and recover. He asks Gecktar, "Was it the chests that arre magic, or the coins?"

"Clearrly, these chests, and these coins, are not ordinarry. We have to figurre out this puzzle."

Zeoll looks at the coins in the chest. What nation minted them? What words are on them? If there are signs or sigils, Zeoll will cast Comprehend Magic and Read Magic to make up for his illiteracy, and look them over -- at least the sides that are facing up.

Finally, he wonders if he ever heard of such a thing in a story or a song. [Bardic Lore check 16]

Sunday October 2nd, 2005 6:07:13 AM

"Aahhh !" this cry of pain punctuates the move of his hands on his eyes.
"Damned ! They said it during my first years in the temple. Those cantrips can be dangerous when used on potent magic."

Gecktar seat down on the deck so as to not loose his balance and with his hands on his eyes wait a moment to see if there is some improvement in his sight. But for now a black veil forgive him to see anything.

Flat-top  d20+1=11
Sunday October 2nd, 2005 8:50:45 AM

OOC: Flat-top gets a 11 for wis. he fails LOL!

Flat-top Look into the water and sees Kanchana. "OH! There she is! She'll take care of those thorny plants. Look over there just going behind the building, there is Solgrim." He turns to Zeol, asking "You reconise that place? Are you sure it's the Flloat?? Domi sent them to protect the children?? Well now I fell better."

Flat-top jumps a little as Gecktar get's a flask back on his magic, He ask his friend "Are you All right??"

Sunday October 2nd, 2005 9:15:26 AM

"Oh, yes, Flat top, you arre wise! That's why Solgrin and Kanchana have been sent to the Float! Rrememberr? Solgrrin lives therre. That's wherre we met him. He will be a good guide forr Kanchana. And of courrse, now that she is a grreenmage, Kanchana will be able to talk to those plants and get that place strraightened out."

"I just hope that they get theirr job done fast, and rreturrn to us as soon as they can."

Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:44:18 AM

"Surely that coin cant weight that much. Lets find out." Kale says as he reaches into one of the chests and picks up the coin there

Monday October 3rd, 2005 5:52:47 PM

Flat-top fells a whole lot better, now that he know where Kanchana and Slogrim.
His back was to the flash of light, he turns to see Gecktar rubbing his eyes. "What was that??" he ask, just in time to see Kale going to put his hand into the chest!! "Kale! Not With Your Hand! here try moving it with an arrow!" Flat-top hand Kale an arrow.

The secret. (DM Jim) 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 9:30:27 PM

Phaerill asks if it is possible to send a message to the Chosen in the Float. She is not certain it is possible but if anyone would know it should be Master Grith.

Zeoll is able to tell that the coins are of ancient make...maybe worth a lot more than the platinum that they appear to be. With a start he notices that the coin in the left chest is a perfect image of himself looking up at him. The other chest shows something different, it is his hindquarters staring back up at him.

Gecktar's cry of pain is cut off soon after by the realization that he cannot see. He attempts to sit down as best he can and kicks over the left chest as he does.

Flat-top is overjoyed to note that Kanchana as well as Solgrin are ok. He finds that they are in the Float, the very place they left their charges.

Kale has already reached into the right chest before the comment from Flat-top registers. His hand is stoped before it gets too far in, accompanied by the jingle of coins coming together. Then the other chest is kicked over and he stares in wonder.

Brahmah is busy studying the bowl that Master Grith is at. He silently thanks Domi for his wisdom in sending two of the Chosen to protect the kids.

Toros is also seated near the bowl but he has fallen asleep. A light snore can be heard from him as his head bobs.

Master Grith purses his lips as he considers and then nods his head. "It is possible but I could not be certain they would recieve the message...the distance is the main problem." He then starts into another chant that ends with him laying a finger lightly against the water, a single ripple appears. "What is it you would say...it must be short and spoken into the bowl."

The left chest tips over and pours a good amount of coins across the deck of the ship. Some other items also fall out as you stare at it with interest. Kale finds his hand in contact with more coins in the right chest. Then you notice a scroll case come rolling out of the left chest and bounce across the deck, it is heading for the railing and the sea beyond *Dex DC 13 to catch it or Tumble DC 15 to get in front of it*.

Chosen - With your next post please add your XP at the end of your post. I am checking my own records and have not entered in your Hero Point awards.

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Monday October 3rd, 2005 11:16:34 PM

Rill moves her face up close to the water. Now that she has the chance to say something, all of her ideas vanish. She doesn't know what to say.

"Hello ... Solgrrin? Kanchana? Are you alright? If you need us, we're here." Phaerill pulls back, embarrassed at how inane her words sound.

"You know this place?" she asks Zeoll. "You sure, they'll be alright?"

Then the tinkle of coins breaks the moment. Rill says a quick and private good by to Solgrin and Kanchana before turning to the mayhem of the chests. Across the deck skitters something small, rolling to a watery grave.

It's normally a silly little cantrip, but in this case, it just fits the bill. Rill weaves her hands and stabs a finger at the rolling scroll case, attempting to lift it up into the air.

(Cast Mage Hand)

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 4:40:55 AM

Still blind Gecktar sees nothing of what's happening around him and try to stay calm. He doesn't move.

(OOC : 18,350 XP need 21,000 for next level)

Kale  d20+7=18
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 11:10:41 AM

Kale deftly catches the scroll before it falls overboard(tumble check 18), then tells someone to check the other chest

exp is 22250

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 1:19:52 PM

OOC; 28,567 xp.

Flat-top sences that Gecktar cannot see, he uells to him "Friend Gecktar do not move, I'm comming to help you!" Flat-top will go to Gecktar side, telling him "I here too help you! How far can you see? When you move around, just put a hand on the backof my spine and hold on to my main. Understand?? Youe eyes were blinded by magic, I wonder how long it will last?"

Brahmah(Sub by Ceil) 
Tuesday October 4th, 2005 1:39:41 PM

Brahmah was watching the water bowl, when there was a flash and a lot of noise?? He turn to face the others, YELLING "What in Blue Blases is going on?? I turn my back for two minutes and now everybody is in trouble!! AND don't give me that 'Who Me' look Flat-top DID YOU START this trouble, Well My Four Hove Friend, CLEAN IT ALL UP!!"

Tuesday October 4th, 2005 8:40:05 PM

Zeoll looks in the bowl and then at the chests. He is not sure what to make of it.

The message, the case, the money. (DM Jim) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:44:32 AM

Phaerill had leaned down and was talking lightly into the bowl. She stands slightly as she thinks of what she just said. It had seemed so stupid and wrong maybe to her ears. Then she spots the case rolling across the deck. She casts a simple spell to stop it.

Kale races for the case and tumbles in front of it, grasping it before it can go over the edge. He feels an unseen force tugging at it, trying to pull it back towards the center of the ship and from danger.

Gecktar stays still as he does not want to make things worse. He is starting to see little flashes of white surrounded by black. He hopes it is a sign that his vision is returning.

Flat-top attempts to help his friend out as he is blind. He was about to move him and then thinks better of it. Moving him maybe a bad idea and he is safe right now.

Brahmah turns and takes it all in. He yells at Flat-top for causing such a mess and to clean it up. His nerves are on edge as he has lost two of the Chosen.

Zeoll looks to the bowl and then to the chests he is not sure what is real anymore, well that is not altogether true. He knows what he sees in the bowl is real and the money looks real enough to him.

Toros sleeps on and dreams as the others go about thier business. He is one tired taur.

Master Grith just smiles and then shakes his head. He was not sure how well the spell would work through this form. He does notice that Kanchana and Solgrin look around them as if seeking a voice. "Look she mouths something." He points to the bowl and those that were looking notice that Kanchana is speaking *Int 14 to read thier lips*. Then the bowl is knocked over as Phaerill moves to cast her spell.

For those of you still playing your own character I will look for your XP number with your next post.

Ceil - We are going to be needing to send an email to Toros's player to see what is wrong. I do not remember him making reference to being gone. We will also need a sub for him and I am would like it to be a different Chosen than you.

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 3:17:33 AM

"Flat-Top, is it you ? Well, it is as if I had a black veil on my eyes, but now I'm seeing some flashes of light."

If my diagnostic is good, it will not last for long except if the chest were trapped against magical divinations. In this case I should rest to memorize a healing spell that will cure my blindness.

But I still think it will not last for long. Thank you Flat Top for your help."

"What's happening around here ? Tel me, did you see Kanchana and Solgrim ?"

-- Editted by Al to fix the Italics.

Zeoll  d20+1=6
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 4:04:35 AM

Zeoll looks at the chests in amazement. Surely there is some kind of dimensional trickery going on. He is too distracted to come close to reading the lips of his friends in the scrying bowl.

The liontaur wonders why he saw his own image on the coins. If one is heads and one is tails, maybe they are really both the same coin. Maybe what you put in one box can be accessed through the other box. That would be neat.

He describes what the coins look like to his friends, and he offers his idea that there is some dimensional warping going on.

[OOC: Experience Points: 16,525 (need 21,000 to level)]

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 7:42:15 AM

Flat-top (who is standing next to Gecktar) Speaks to to the cleric in a soft whisper. "Yes! Friend, I'm next to you and your right the blindness will dissapere soon. But if you need me, I'll be right here cleaning up all these coin. The only thing is should I put them back in the magic chest? Or should I put then some where else? But where?

Oh! Yes, We did see Kanchana and Solgrim! They are back at the Float, where the childern are. I guest that Domi wants the children to have more protection. I feel better about those being called!"

Flat-top gathers an arm full the coins, then look around for a place to put them."

OOC: 28567 Xpoints - Need 7,433 to go to (the 9th level.

Brahmah (sub by Ceil) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 7:51:50 AM

Brahmah is wondering as to why Domi, relocated two of the taurs and left him with only six tauts? He wonders if Domi has a few other taurs in mind? If so what kind of taur will they be?"

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 9:33:00 AM

after catching the scroll, Kale will go back to the chest that held it and shut the lid to see if he still feels the pull on the scroll

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 12:19:59 PM

Rill watches as Kale puzzles over the pull on the scroll case, going so far as to shut to lid of the chest in the hopes that it will go away. Releasing the case, she uses the cantrip instead to reach out and muss Kale's hair.

Laughing gayly, the young centaur canters in a circle around the minotaur. "That was me, Silly," her laughter tinkles on the air.

Finally, she trotts back to the bowl, to find the water spilled, the spell broken.

"Goodbye," she says quietly. "Goodbye."

[ OoC: Anyone have an idea of when Julie is coming back? ]

Jay B (Brahmah) 
Wednesday October 5th, 2005 5:44:17 PM

OOC: Okay folks, I have returned! I think I'm ready to get back to the Wold. Let me know when you need me back. :)

Wednesday October 5th, 2005 6:23:21 PM

Al - I don't know when, was she gonr long??

Jay - you can start posting LIKE Now!

Treasure. (DM Jim) 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 3:40:02 PM

Flat-top scoops up a who lot of treasure most of it seems to be coins but some of it is not. He looks for somewhere to put it if not back into the chest that was tipped over.

Anyone peering into the chest that is still upright will find that the coin is still evident in the bottom of it. In fact if Kale wants to he can tell you that there is more coins inside.

The ship sails on, heading towards South Harbor and some well deserved rest. Kale is back at the chest, closing it, and finds that the pull on the scroll case is still there. Then he finds out it was Phaerill, who ruffles his hair with her spell.

Julie is suppose to be back in two weeks. That would be about a week away unless she is still not up to posting. If she is not then I will let everyone know and we will put her inactive for the time being.

If anyone is interested then I might be persuaded to tell you what was in the first chest knocked over. :)

Thursday October 6th, 2005 9:57:43 PM

Zeoll helps to gather the treasure together. He is still confused about what the magical property of the chests is. He wishes Solgrin were here to Identify the chests.

"Rrill, can you cast Identify?"

The liontaur ponders whether he should learn that spell. It might prove more useful than Detecting Secret Doors.

On a random whim, he casts Detect Secret Doors.

And what about that scroll? Is it the all-important hint that will give them a chance to find the Black Sword?

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Thursday October 6th, 2005 10:19:37 PM

With one last look at where Kanchana and Solgrin went, Rill turns her attention to the chests that everyone is playing with. With her spell, she begins scooping coins and things up off of the deck, 5 lbs at a time, and floating them over to the other open chest to dump them in and return for more.

Rill frowns at Zeoll's question, trying hard to concentrate upon her spell and remember whether she had prepared an Identify spell today. Or if she has one in her spell book at all.

"Just a second, Zeoll," she says, scooping more coins up off the deck. "Just a second."

(Sorry, Cayzle. I'm working w/o a character sheet. I don't know Rill's complement of spells. I made a wild stab at Mage Hand. It's a simple enough cantrip for a wizard.)

Friday October 7th, 2005 2:41:36 AM

The tired Taur still continues his rest, while silently observing what others are doing.


Sorry for not posting since last week. I have become a bit alienated and too tired recently. However thanks a lot for taking care after Toros, and nice to be back!

XP 17,790 >> 21,000 for next level

Well come back Brahmah!

Friday October 7th, 2005 3:24:57 AM


OOC: Thanks Ceil for playing Brahmah while I was gone. To those who were concerned about my dad, he's doing much better. He's awake, sore and having memory issues but he's fine and off most of the machines.

What important parts did I miss? XP? Loot? Did Brahmah get married?

Friday October 7th, 2005 7:17:21 AM

Flat-top ask his friend Kale, "Hey! Kale! Captain want me to put these coins and stoff back into the chest. So stop fooling aroung with Rills magic and let us put this junk back into the chest." Then just to be a smart butt, Flat-top whispers into Kale ear "Beside I think this little filly likes you alot! I can tell by the way she fluff up your hair!"

OOC; Ceil 
Friday October 7th, 2005 7:22:20 AM

No! Brahmah is still single. That because I did not think of it, I'm sure either Gecktar or Toros would have love to do the Job.

I'm Happy to have you back.

Friday October 7th, 2005 8:23:27 PM

Zeoll thinks about the image of Solgrin and Kanchana. he wonders if he will ever see them again.

Then a more selfish thought occurs to him ... who will help him finish his magic cloak? Solgrin had volunteered ... but now who would cast the required daily Eagle's Splendor?

Maybe the new mage might be helpful?

"Rrill, I'm sorrry to be a pest, but can you cast Eagle's Splendorr? If so, I have a grreat favorr to ask!"

[OOC: I know you don't know, Al, but in character this really plays havoc with Zeoll's item creation ... so I figured I better post about it!]

South Harbor. (DM Jim) 
Friday October 7th, 2005 10:07:46 PM

Zeoll asks about an identify spell and then his mind turns to the the cloak that he had been working on. His spirits drop some as he wonders how he will attend to that.

Phaerill holds her spell and goes through what she has on hand to cast. She realizes that she has access to one identify and has a pearl, but beyond that she has no more pearls.

Toros continues to lounge and watch the others. He is not too sure how he can be of help right now but if asked he would pitch in.

Flat-top teases Kale as he tries to get him to open up the chest so he can put away some of this loot. He does drop the hint that Phaerill likes him though he is not really sure...still it is fun to needle Kale.

Kale nods and hands over the tube to Zeoll and then returns to cleaning up. He has all intentions of going into a corner and having a closer look at the treasure.

Brahmah finds himself talking to Master Grith about what they may need to do next and if he can give them any hints of the other part of the map.

Master Girth smiles to Brahmah and nods his head. "I will have to do some more consulting with those in my plane...but I am sure that whatever we are to do...no what the Chosen need to do will show itself." Standing near Brahmah he lays a hand on the taurs lower arm. "What is that?" He points off to the side of the ship where you notice a large piece of wood drifting in the ocean. It appears to have something clinging to it.

Al - I will get ahold of Julie and see if I can get a CS from her. It might take awhile but for now we will play it as if she had one identify spell loaded up and the neccessary pearl to cast it.

Cayzle - As I told Al I will see about that CS. If I remember right I do not think she had that spell though. I could make a wizard available to help you out but will need to look into that for cost...maybe he would cast the spell for some type of help. :)

Ban Maeve 
Friday October 7th, 2005 11:40:04 PM

Upon seeing a ship so close, Ban summons up the last of his energy and yells, hoping that someone will be able to hear him above the surf,
"Help! Help! I can't swim much longer."

Saturday October 8th, 2005 8:29:44 AM

Zeoll casts Read Magic and Comprehend Languages -- in this way hoping to temporarily overcoming his illiteracy -- and looks at the contents of the scroll case.


As the ship sails back to port, and as Zeoll ponders his dilemma in completing his magic cloak, he wonders if he might be able to hire a mage to cast the spell for him.

[OOC: Jim, thanks for the great idea/option! Per the PHB, casting a 2nd level spell would cost a minimum of 60 gp a pop, and Zeoll needs 30 over 30 days. 1,800 gp is a lot, so he would be glad indeed to help. The thing is, are we sticking around for a month in South Harbor? I had been thinking I would finish it on the trip back to the Taur Isles. In any case, I really really appreciate your openness to ideas!]


When he hears Master Grith and then hears the cry for help, Zeoll knows just what to do! He casts two Summons, the second with the aid of his metamagic rod of extend, sending two dolphins out to help the person in the water. A Speak with Animals spell ensures that the dolphins aid, not attack!

Saturday October 8th, 2005 9:36:05 AM

Flat-top make sure to step away from Kale, Kale is a miinotaur and does not know his own strenth.
But a sound is heard comming from the waters, goes to the side of the ship. There in the water is some one whos need help. Flat-top will throw him a round life saver as soon as the daulphens bring him closer to the ship.
Flat-top thinks as he waits his moment in this resque, "I wonder what kind of Taur he is?"

Ban Maeve 
Saturday October 8th, 2005 11:53:46 AM

Ban, upon seeing some response upon the ship, grips tightly to the cask he's been holding for who knows how long, the last remnants of the sailing ship he was on. His strong feline body has been put to the test out here and is exhausted. He tries not to think of the others, the ones he tried to save but in the end couldn't. He still wasn't sure if he had even saved himself.
"Thank Tomi I may make it through this alive."
Then, a moment later, "I sure hope those aren't sharks."

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Sunday October 9th, 2005 9:18:54 AM

"Eagle's Splendor?" Phaerill shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Zeoll," she replies, "that's one that I do not have."

"But," the little filly continues with a twinkle in her eye, "if we can get hold of a scroll, I might be able to copy it into my book. Think about it."

Reaching into a pouch, she brings out a lustrous silver-white pearl.

"I can identify the magic in these chests," she offers. "If you'd like. You can't disturb me, though," Rill warns the rest of these new Taurs in a stern voice that just doesn't come off as stern from the young centaur's mouth. "I can't be disturbed for an hour you know. It's how the spell works."

"Huh?" Rill points her nose in the direction in which everyone else is looking. "Wonder what that is?" she muses.

Ban Maeve 
Sunday October 9th, 2005 10:44:03 PM

"Oh, I think those are they call 'Tolphins,' they're supposet to help people lost at sea."
Ban reaches for the dorsal fin of the closest dolphin and holds on as though his life depends on it, which he knows it does. He feels a sense of relief wash over him as the dolphins begin to pull him towards the boat.

Monday October 10th, 2005 2:57:17 AM

Still blind Gecktar stays in place and listen to all what is happening.
Hearing Zeoll asking Rill about Eagle's splendor he says "Zeoll, if it can be of any help, I'm able to cast Eagle's splendor."

The about someone to be rescued in the sea he says "Who is he ? Can someone see him ? Is there anything I can do"

And he curse his blindness.

Captain Brahmah 
Monday October 10th, 2005 4:48:11 AM

Once the taur is rescued he introduces himself. "I'm Brahmah, Captain of the Chosen of Domi."

He pauses and looks at Rill, then back at Ban.

The minotaur stands almost 8 feet tall and is very muscular. Brahmah's hair is black, his horns are engraved and he's missing his tail and left ear.
He carries two swords and wears a mithril shirt, all his equipment looks well used but well kept. His buckler has the symbol on it.

As the ranger reaches down toward the water to help Ban aboard. His muscles ripple.

There is a golden eagle on the ship that looks as if its watching Brahmah's actions.

Paw'Caw (ceil) 
Monday October 10th, 2005 8:42:26 AM

Paw'Caw (who is in the crow's nest) Look down at the very wet liontaur, cries To Her master (Brahmah) "EEEK! Caw Caw Caw?" meaning *WOW! I didnot know that cat's could swim?*

Monday October 10th, 2005 8:51:20 AM

Flat-top Tell Getktar, "Don't worry there's a few Tolphins that seems to be bring him towards the ship. Brahmah is going to give him a hand to get him on board. OH! by the way it is a he and a Liontaur. Now I don't even think that they even need this Life-saver??"

"Come on I'll help you, Getktar! I'll bring you to him when he gets on board. Do you thing we should wake Toro??" Flat-top ask.

Zeoll (second post, before the newcomer is sighted) 
Monday October 10th, 2005 10:05:23 AM

Zeoll is glad to be so encouraged by his friends.

"Rrill, thank you forr the offerr! And Gecktarr, yourr verrsatility continues to amaze me! I would love to have yourr help!"

[OOC: We opened the chest (and Gecktar was blinded) at the site of the battle, right? How far did we travel since then? To get to the newcomer, I mean? How many days sail is it? Didn't we take 6 days getting here? Thanks for help with all these questions!]

Monday October 10th, 2005 8:14:41 PM

The liontaur continues to watch detached and silently what goes on, one would think Toros temporarily has lost his voice, just as Gecktar has lost his eyesight. However, his senses are attentive and observes the Taur coming from the sea. Toros welcomes Ban Maeve's arrival with a little but visible nod.

Monday October 10th, 2005 10:28:14 PM

igonring the newcomer, Kale busies himself around the treasure chests, trying to unlock their secerets

Ban Maeve 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 1:07:09 AM

"Captain Brahmah, thank you sincerely for you timely arrival. I was on a ship, which was sunk by pirates," he pants out, then pauses to catch his breath and gather his thoughts.
"My name is Ban, Ban Maeve. This is an interesting assortment of travelers you have here," he says as he looks around, "perhaps it is more than goot timing that has made our paths cross here. I can perhaps repay your kintness if you can catch the barrel that I was clinging to out there," he points in the general direction of where he has just come from. "As luck would have it it holts quite valueable cargo. Then we can tiscuss why Tomi has brought us together."

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 7:54:18 AM

Flat-top is a piebal centaur, black back
ground with white spots, hair,mane and tail. He has ice blue eyes and stands a 8'6". He is very strong (You can Tell by the hand-shake) and look every inch a Fighter.

As Flat-top shakes hands with Ban Maeve, "Welcome! I'm called Flat-top, and you wanr the old barrel? Bobbing over there? Well I'll see what I can do??"

Off goes Flat-top to find the first mate to get a long handle pick.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 7:22:51 PM

"Pirates? What sort of pirates? Undead? Human? Taurs?" He asks Ban.

Tuesday October 11th, 2005 8:16:48 PM

The liontaur druid directs his remaining dolphin to push the barrel closer to the boat, so that Flat-top can fish it out.

New arrival. (DM Jim) 
Tuesday October 11th, 2005 10:46:19 PM

Ban is soon aboard the GossamerWing and very much wet. He tells a little of his story as the others listen.

Zeoll finds that if he needs that Gecktar can make use of the spell he needs.

As the others look to the new taur to explain a litte more in detail the dolphins are sent out to nose a barrel back to the ship, which they are more than willing to do.

Gecktar is starting to see more as the time has passed. The magic in the chest seems to have been more powerful than expected and left him blind for longer.

You have been almost three days traveling back to South Harbor.

Cayzle - I am very happy to help out in anyway that is needed to make your cloak. Noone asked but there is a wizard onboard the GossamerWing.

Now I was not able to post yesterday due to the fact that I was over at my Grandmothers, who happens to have alzheimers. I was helping move some stuff out of her house, so I may not be too regular with my posts. She is going to be moving to a nursing home soon and it seems that I am one of the few that is to help clean out her house. :(

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 5:38:13 AM

After greeting the newcomer, Brahmah goes back to his activities.
Ban might notice that Brahmah isn't suprised to see yet another new Chosen join the ranks. Perhaps they lose many friends.

Brahmah then finds Rill and begins a very obvious session of flirtation.

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 10:26:54 AM

When bring a couple of long hooks and the Tholphens bring the barrel close enough to kook it. Both the First mate and Centaur bring up the barrel.
Now with long hook in hand and puffing a little hard, they torn to Ban. "Here Friend! Is your Luggage!"

Everybody smilles at Ban Mawe.

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 1:10:52 PM

Rill struggles between two curiosities. Under the one hoof, there's the chest and her Identify spell, just waiting to be cast. Under the other hoof, there's this new bit of flotsam just floated in on the tide with a cask load of luggage and a tale of pirates.

Rill tosses her head in a whinny of irritation. What to do? Which way to go?

Then a voice comes from nearby. A comment about her hindquarters!!! Complimentary as the comment may be.

"No, no, no!" Rill begins bucking. Her dangerous flashing hooves kick out reflexively, fueled by her irritation. "Not today! Not today. Things to do. Things to do today."

The kicking and stamping quiets and stills, leaving little but a soft nervous clatter of Rill's hooves on the planking, that, and a sullen, angry pout.

"My name's Phaerill," she fires quickly at the new Taur. "Rill. For short."

"Now don't bother me. Don't anybody bother me."

The young filly settles before one of the chests and removes a cup from her pack. *tinkle*tin* Into the cup she drops the pearl. With a pestle, Phaerill begins to grind the pearl to dust.

Ban Maeve 
Wednesday October 12th, 2005 1:30:10 PM

Looking around at the crew, Ban begins his story, "I ton't believe they were unteat but I titn't get that close of a look at them. They burnt our ship to the water without boarting us. I triet to save the others," he begins, then looks away and stops. "I think I neet to rest first. It's been a harrowing few tays."

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 4:42:07 PM

The liontaur continues his inspection of the scroll that came with the coins. He feels sure it has a hint to the location of the Black Sword. He uses his Comp Lang and Read Magic spells on it, to compensate for his inability to actually read.

He is also curious about the newcomer and the barrel that came with him.

Also, how many coins, and what kinds, came from that chest?

As the days go by, with each day Zeoll works on his cloak, with a helpful spell cast by his friend Gecktar. Zeoll is growing concerned that Gecktar's sight has not returned. "Fearr not, frriend. As soon as we rreturrn to South Harrborr, we will get you healed," he reassures him.

[OOC: Ban, I love your interpretation of a liontaur accent! Ts for Ds is a great idea! If I had not been playing Zeoll's accent as I do for lo these many years, I would be tempted to adopt that idea!]

Wednesday October 12th, 2005 9:46:39 PM

The liontaur likes the accent of Ban, which sounds somehow special and original as well as familiar, also making him quickly feel familiar with the owner of the accent and want to become a good friend with the new comer. The detachment and distance that has been circumventing the Taur seems to be replaced by a new urge of attaching interest and attentiveness, although still Toros keeps his silence.

Ban Maeve 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 2:54:19 AM

"Please, open the keg while I gather myself. It is wine, though whether blue or purple I to not yet know, it has tormentet me while it savet my very life. Consiter it is my gift to all of you for your kint teet to me. Surely, Tomi has blesset you and the wine alreaty."

Thursday October 13th, 2005 3:29:03 AM

"Ban, did you see ANY beings, creatures or people aboard ship? Any movement?"

The last leg. (DM Jim) 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 4:14:00 AM

The last three days of the voyage are uneventful to say the least. Everyone gets plenty of rest and are pitching in where needed. The wine, purple, is of a extreme vintage and must have been meant for something important, but it quenches the thirst just as easy. It also helps in reminding everyone of home and the place that you are moving back towards.

Phaerill finds that the chest has lost what little bit of magic was attached to it. This is found out before she completely uses the identify spell so she holds off on the casting of it as she looks to the items that come out of the chest.

Zeoll spends his time with the fragment of map. It appears to only be a half piece but it is immediately interesting as it appears to start on the liontaur homeland. He easily traces the path that must be taken to get at least partway to their goal, but without the rest he knows they would search for a long time and not find anything. Putting that aside he works on his cloak with the help of Gecktar.

Flat-top get to know Yondana a little better as they spend much of thier time wrestling it seems. Most of it for the last five mugs of that nice purple wine in the keg.

Brahmah finds his first attentions to Phaerill turned away but he makes himself present when he can. He brings her food and other choice little bits of food, the Wing cook helping him out.

Kale finds most of his time with the contents of the chest. He sorts through the coins but finds nothing overly special about them as the are from different areas of the Wold.

Gecktar is lost most of the time is his work with Zeoll to create a cloak. He finds it enjoyable to say the least as he gets to talk to the taur and hear tales of far lands.

Toros retires to the warroom that they had stayed in from the starting voyage and tries to nurse his seasickness. It had not been like this before, in fact he had weathered it just fine.

Ban continues to tell more of his tale which does not allow for much as he saw only shadowy figures aboard the other boat. He can tell the group that they were not taurs or undead or at least he does not think them undead. Most of his time is spent getting to know the other Chosen and make himself useful.

Master Grith takes time to look over the map with Zeoll and help to point out little details that are not the same as now. Zeoll can tell that the map was old and the coastline has changed some over the years. Mostly the aged gnoat spends his time meditating on his job here and his return to home, though he has gotten to like the Chosen. Part of him does not really want to go back but he also knows that the elders would not allow him to stay. At least he does not have to leave till they find the whole map.

400 platinum
3000 gold
5 white gems
3 red gems
1 longsword(large)
1 composite longbow(taur)
1 leather(taur)
1 chainmail(medium)
1 bracer
2 amulet
1 quiver
1 brooch
13 potions
11 scrolls

Thursday October 13th, 2005 4:28:12 AM

OOC: Jim, perhaps you should clarify what type of taur can use the leather armor. Bipedal or quadraped?

Brahmah seems interested in the single bracer and amulets when he actually sees it.

Thursday October 13th, 2005 10:03:26 AM

After many mugs of wine and many wrestling matches with the First Mate Yondana, Flat-top fells a little dizzy. "Yonwada! You win again, SHEE your lucky, but now I have to take a rest. We'll do this later, beside you Captain wants you." Flat-top salutes her, "To the winner!"
Flat-top stagers over to Toros, ask his friend "Sayyy Toro! Can I flop here??" then flops down on his rump. "Thank-you! Heere have a eity bitttie sip of wine. Hick Up!"

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 10:46:33 AM

A frown. The chests seemed so fascinating. Oh well. There's still the contents.

Rill sets down to work with them. First step is a Detect Magic spell. The filly pulls her concentration inward sorting through the magic to catch the auras. (Sorry, no Spellcraft Checks.) Then comes some thinking. Studying. Turning each object over and examining it.

Every now and then, the young centaur holds out an object. "Hey Zeoll, ever seen one of these?" Or, "Taste this, will you Gecktar. Does this taste like almonds to you?"

The tasty bits of food are nice. Rill decides inside that it's nice having a big strong minotaur bring it to her as well. Tossing her glossy hair, she smiles at him as she licks chicken grease from the tips of her fingers. She gives Brahmah a wink.

Thursday October 13th, 2005 12:26:11 PM

"Thank you Flat-top, I need that indeed... Oh this is nice" Toros drinks the wine that his friend offers, and starts thinking a topic to start conversion...



he cannot find one yet!!

Ban Maeve 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:18:16 PM

For the remainder of the voyage Ban Maeve tries to make himself as useful and helpful as possible to his saviors. Seeing Phaerill examing the chest through magical means, he goes over to offer his assistance.
"Though I am no great wizart, I am able to cast a few conjurations myself. Perhaps I can assist you?"

OOC: I have no information about what race/class Phaerill is though I believe that I do have all that info for everyone else.

Phaerill (Sub/Al) - OoC 
Thursday October 13th, 2005 1:29:31 PM

That's because I'm only subbing until Julie gets back and I'm working w/o a Character Sheet as well. From reading previous posts, I know that she's a young centaur of smaller than usual proportions. Class is probably some mix of Wizard/Fighter.

Zeoll  d20+8=19 d20+8=26 d20+8=10 d20+8=24
Thursday October 13th, 2005 7:37:37 PM

Zeoll spends eight hours a day working on his cloak. By the time they return, he will have worked a total of 12 days on it, of the required 32. He enjoys the company of Gecktar in working on it.

[OOC For the record, Gecktar has to take a round casting the spell once a day, but that's all the time that's essential. Zeoll of course welcomes his aid and fellowship above and beyond that, of course.]

He wonders if maybe the chest was protected with a Blinding Glyph of Warding -- but if so, it will be easy to remedy back at South Harbor.

Zeoll also spends some time on the trip back talking to Master Grith. The elder taur knows so much. Zeoll is especially interested in where the master thinks the other half of the map might be found. Maybe there is a hint on the map itself?

If only there were a divination Zeoll knew that would find half of one thing if you had the other half in hand. The liontaur talks with Grith about divinations. He wonders if the Taur has heard of the lore of the Seer, the path that Zeoll hopes to pursue. "Some among liontaurrs call them shamans," Zeoll mentions.

Zeoll enjoys consulting with Rill, and puts his bardic lore to work on the items she shows him. [Bard Lore rolls 19, 26, 10, and 24] He also asks his fellow bard in the party, Toros, for his opinion.

Zeoll enjoys the wine and tells all the Chosen that he takes it as a sign that Domi meant for the group to find this liontaur, Ban. He talks to Ban and tries to get a feel if the group has, as he thinks, found a new Chosen.

Toros - illegal second post  d20=11 d20=1 d20=14 d20=7
Friday October 14th, 2005 12:07:09 AM

Toros looks at the items Zeoll shows, the first and third ones remind him some knowledge he can share, but the second and fourth ones do not mean much to him. (aid checks , 11, 1, 14, 7 >10 to give +2 bonus to Zeoll's bardic lore checks)

Friday October 14th, 2005 3:36:54 AM

Now that some time has passed, Gecktar tired of his blindness has memorized a spell to heal himself.
Now able to see he enjoys the company of Zeoll while he creates the item, but not too much to not disturb his work.
He helps him as much as possible.

Gecktar now able to see welcome the newcomer Bran. Bran can see the holy symblo of Domi around the neck of Gecktar and can clearly identify him as a priest of the god of courage.

(OOC : cast remove Blindness. Daily cast Eagle's splendor to help Zeoll)

Friday October 14th, 2005 6:59:22 AM

If there is time, Brahmah reprepares his spells and flirts a little more with Rill.

He assists her in more training and asks about arcane magics, even though he's asked other Chosen about them in the past. :)

Friday October 14th, 2005 8:57:41 AM

Flat-top is coming out of a wine binge, he is supprised that there is no head ache, "Hmm! must be exclent holy wine. As he get up from his num butt.
He happen to see the look and smiles going on between his Captain and Rill. "Oh! No! Not The Look Again?? I need another drink!"

South Harbor revisited. (DM Jim) 
Friday October 14th, 2005 1:53:34 PM

The GossamerWing slowly pulls into the port harbor of South Harbor. Once anchored Captain Lira stops as the gangplank is lowered to the dock itself. She looks to the Chosen and smiles. "Well we are back." She looks around the small town and shakes her head. "Master Grith has talked to me and employed my ship to take you back to the Taur Islands...but he says something about a map." Her frown tells you that he did not explain all that he has learned.

Master Grith has had himself locked away in a small room onboard the ship...doing something. When he at last emerges when the ship docks he looks as if he had not slept for the whole three days. He just gives a wane smile as he decends the plank and heads for the inn, mumbling. "I need some food."

Phaerill is able to tell that all of the items are magical in nature. That is all of it but the gems and coins that she had not thought would be anyways.

400 platinum
3000 gold
5 white gems
3 red gems
1 longsword(large)
1 composite longbow(taur)
1 leather(taur)
1 chainmail(medium)
1 bracers
2 amulet
1 quiver
1 brooch
13 potions
11 scrolls

Gecktar's blindness went away some four days past. I thought I posted that but might not have.

Cayzle, which four magical items did you want to have a shot at? I will make an ammendment so that you can know what you found out.

Al, am going to send Jill another email and check today if she sent me anything. Sorry for the wait there. I will allow for default rolls for Spellcraft checks...taking into account that Rill most likely has a Spellcrafrt of +11. :)

Friday October 14th, 2005 4:39:41 PM

Zeoll looks at the brooch, the bracers, and the two amulets. He casts Read Magic and Comp Lang on all the scrolls. He does not have the talent to tell a potion from its smell and look.

He uses his Inspire Competence ability over the six days to help in 18 attempts to ID potions (+2 bonus).

OOC: Can we just cast identify on all the items except the potions and scrolls? And reduce cash by 100 gp for each one? Anyone with Spellcraft, please roll as many potion ID checks as you can. The first 18 rolls get a +2 from Zeoll's helping!

Friday October 14th, 2005 7:34:30 PM

OOC: Brahmah can help in IDing some stuff.

Brahmah points to certain items. "Thats armor. Thats a sword, a sharp one. Those are scrolls..." :D

Ban Maeve 
Saturday October 15th, 2005 5:09:52 PM

OOC: I see that about 7 posts up it says "Toros - illegal second post". Does that mean that we are only allowed one post between DM postings or something, because if so than i may have inadvertently broken the rule.

IC: "Greetings Gecktar, I see that you are a follower of Tomi. That is goot. He has let me to seek for a group and I believe that I have now fount them. I am sure of it, in fact, as a group as tiverse as this all working together must be no other than the Chosen. It is my honor to make your acquaintance, brother."

Off time work. (DM Jim) 
Saturday October 15th, 2005 8:14:37 PM

The Chosen have gotten the same large rooms that are right next to each other, with a door between them. The proprietor of the place had been more than happy to rent back out the two rooms as he was to send up food as soon as possible.

Zeoll settles into a corner of the room to look over the goodies that have been now layed out on a blanket. He picks up four of them and studies them intently for at least half an hour. He smiles as he comes up with some nice results on three of them, the last is a little mixed and he thinks maybe his information is a little off.

Gecktar makes continues to help out Zeoll with his cloak in his off-time. The rest he spends in an assortment of activities, which include daily visits to the local temple of Domi. He finds himself helping to make small repairs here and there for the cleric there.

Brahmah is quick to help out in the identification of the items. Pointing out that one is a sword and rather sharp, another is a nice set of leather armor and the other rolled parchments are scrolls. He is not sure if his attempt at a joke is received well as noone says anything to him.

Ban spends some of this time with Gecktar, wanting to get to know even more about Domi and the Chosen themselves. He finds small tasks to do at the local temple as well, but it is enjoyable.

Flat-top spends his time going through his exercises and trying to keep out of trouble. He always seems to find time to jab at the interest that Brahmah has for Phaerill, though he knows not to go too far. He does on occassion bring Brahmah wildflowers he finds on his outings, just to help.

Kale has been strangely quiet lately as if he has heavy stuff weighing on his mind. He keeps to one side of the room and seems to be going over things in his head.

Phaerill had used that one identify spell that she had on one of the items before they left the ship and she was idly playing with that item now.

400 platinum
3000 gold
5 white gems
3 red gems
1 longsword(large)
1 composite longbow(taur)
1 leather(taur)
1 chainmail(medium)
1 bracers - moderate conjuration
2 amulet - faint evocation? and faint transmutation
1 quiver- quiver of Domi
1 brooch - faint abjuration
13 potions
11 scrolls - fireball(2), magic missile(4), summon monster III(2), identify(3)

Zeoll was able to infer the magic type with his bardic lore except for one that he is not sure of.

Applied that identify spell to one of the items so that it was not wasted on the chests. Think quiver of Ehlonna please but it made more sense the way I put it as Ehlonna is not even in the Wold.

Cayzle, I will hold out judgement on the identifying part till after you see some of the goodies that you have found out about.

Neal, most of the time there is only one post per DM post, but if it is in the spirit of RP then it is ok to make a second post maybe a third. Just do not try to perform actions in each post: you can talk, shake a hand pat someone on the back or the like...even kiss someone. You cannot use actions that involve skills or something of that order.

Saturday October 15th, 2005 8:57:24 PM

Zeoll suggests that the three Identify scrolls and the three pearls in the treasure be used to Identify six items. Then another two more Identifies should do the job.

Zeoll has a revelation. "Therre arre nine magic items and nine Chosen. I think this is not a coincidence. Each of us should take an item, and then we should divide the wealth evenly. I suggest that we pick items now, beforre they arre identified, so that it is morre fairr."

"My prreferrence would be forr the leatherr arrmorr."

[OOC: (1) What are the caster levels on the spells? The minimums needed to cast? (2) Does anyone have ranks in Spellcraft? If so, please do make some checks to figure out what these potions are ... Identifying a potion is a DC25 check, and add a +2 when you make it from Zeoll's Inspire Competence!]

Ban Maeve 
Sunday October 16th, 2005 1:10:14 AM

Ban watches the camaraderie and closeness of the Chosen with some degree of melancholy and hopes one day to be a part of it. For now though, he busies himself with Temple work by day and integrating himself at night. The next Chosen he approaches is Flat-top as he seems quite friendly and approachable.

<i>OOC: Ban Maeve has not yet had the opportunity to study Spellcraft but hopes to remedy that soon.</i>

Sunday October 16th, 2005 8:42:52 AM

Troting back from the fields with a bunch of yellow flowers, when he is approch by the liontaur called Ban. "Good Morning, Friend Ban, Tell me if you thing these Dandilions flower will please Friend Rill? Another question I would like to ask you, Do you think I would look like a stronger fighter to an enermy if I was wearing those bracers?" Flat-top smiles broadly at Ban.

Ban Maeve 
Sunday October 16th, 2005 10:58:16 PM

"Yes, I think frient Rill will love those Tantylions. As for the bracers making you look stronger, I don't how that is possible in such a mighty warrior as yourself, but perhaps they will by calling attention to your well-musclet arms. "

Toros  13d20(13+14+6+9+5+18+18+16+6+5+15+18+2)=145
Sunday October 16th, 2005 11:51:13 PM

"My spellcraft is not very high, although I can try to aid with the identification of the potions." (Aid Another for the spellcraft checks, for the potions #1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12 +2 to the check, +4 with Inspire Courage)

"Zeoll, it is a good idea to choose the items, but the chainmail is medium sized and I think none of us can use it, so it is actually 8 items rather than 9 (and actually we are 8 Chosen at the moment, arent we? Flattop, Gecktar, Zeoll, Rill, Ban, Kale, Brahmah, Toros..?) That Quiver of Domi would be nice for me, I am already full of with brooch, amulets, armors and weapons."

Monday October 17th, 2005 1:32:09 AM

Zeoll agrees with Gecktar. "You are wise, my frriend. Yes, let us sell the human-sized chain mail and add that to the gold value to divide."

"Since it seems none of us have the arcane lorre needed to identify these potions, I suggest that we take them all to the Temple of Domi. Forr one thing, they will have therre people who can tell what they arre."

"Morreoverr, a thought in my hearrt is that we have not been generrous enough to those in need. I know that is trrue forr myself. The temple can sell the potions and use the prroceeds to benefit the poorr and unforrtunate."

"What say you, Chosen of Domi?"

Gecktar  d20+12=27 d20+12=23 d20+12=25 d20+12=15 d20+12=19 d20+12=24 d20+12=22 d20+12=27 d20+12=18 d20+12=14 d20+12=20 d20+12=21 d20+12=29
Monday October 17th, 2005 3:19:09 AM

Gecktar answers to Bran "Welcome among the Chosen. We can all be grateful to Domi because he always send valorous people to help us in times of need."

"If Domi let you on our ways, I'm sure that you will be of a great help. So one more time welcome."

"And, are you too a priest of Domi ? If not, what is your profession and what skills do you have ? I always ask this question to all newcomer because we should know each other to get the best of each other."

A moment later...

"Maybe I will be able to get something from these potions with you help"

(OOC identified potions 1,3,8,13... Bad rolls...)

Jay B 
Monday October 17th, 2005 4:47:28 AM

OOC: Just a thought, but the quiver shouldn't be named Quiver of Domi for a couple reasons.

Naming it after Domi would be a bad idea. Domi rarely used bows or any other projectiles for that matter. It wouldn't work well with the current cannon.

Also, as the assistant master staffer in the Catacombs, it may cause confusion for some staffers as to what the quiver is.

Monday October 17th, 2005 5:03:50 AM

Brahmah is eager to help Rill with the identifying, but seems to be more in the way tahn helpful.

Brahmah looks thoughtful at Zeoll's statement, "Well, donating to the church isn't a bad idea. But honestly, I think we should do it as individuals and not as a group. When we sell the loot, we split it like normal and let everyone decide, I think thats best." The Captain has said his peace.

OOC: DM Jim, Remind me, have Solgrin, Kanchana and Kale left the Chosen? If so, when do we celebrate? ;) Just kidding. Where's Sam at? Is he still in the Wold?

Monday October 17th, 2005 8:10:06 AM

Well after what Ban told him aboy his arms and chest, he take a fighter pose, (expanding his chest another four inches). Oh thank you! I do try to keep up my skills as a fighter, in a fight I try to protect all those with magic, so we can be more effective. Now i'm off tho give these flowers to Rill."

As he is troting over to Rill (flowers in hand) He answers Zeoll question, "I'm In!"
He approches Rill (with flowers in hand) "Here! Rill! I pick these for you." then hand her the flowers.

OOC: Jay all i have to say is Sam is Sam, he does this alot, but when in a pinch he's there.

Ban Maeve 
Monday October 17th, 2005 3:03:49 PM

Ban suggests to Zeoll, "Perhaps since none of the Chosen can wear the armor and it appears to be in excess it would make a better offering to the Temple. Even though we to not know what the potions are yet, they may still come in useful to us one tay." Then, to Gektar, "I have some training as a guide and ranger, though as of late I have been exploring my magical potential. Most of my spells enhance combat ability. Now that I see a neet for Spellcraft I will begin study in earnest. I will make myself a useful attition to the Chosen."

OOC: It seems odd for me to claim any treasure for Ban who has had nothing to do with it's acquisition. If there is anything left that no one wishes to claim he would accept it if it was given to him, but otherwise I suspect that he is fine.

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Monday October 17th, 2005 3:34:11 PM

Rill stamps her hooves, unable to decide which item she wants. Two or three of them look very nice. The question dances on the tip of her tongue. Can I have more than one? Her eyes dart from one of the Chosen to the next. But, in the end, the question remains behind her lips, unasked.

"hohohohohohohoho ... " Instead, though, she laughs coquettishly at Brahmah's joke. "You are so funny. I like men who are amusing."

"Dandilions! Why thank you so much, Flat-top!" Rill accepts the flowers and sniffs at them, smiling at the delicate aroma. Her delicate white teeth take a small bite from one of the green leafs and she chews, experimentally.

"Aren't these beautiful, Brahmah?" she asks, and bats her long lashes at Flat-top.

Monday October 17th, 2005 8:30:37 PM

The liontaur agrees with Brahmah. "Yes, let's divide up everrything and then each can donate as suits his or herr hearrt."

"Do we all agrree that everryone gets one perrmanent magic item, and we sell the human chain mail?"

Goodies. (DM Jim) 
Monday October 17th, 2005 10:52:42 PM

This day wears on with much talk of what little bits of goodies they have gotten. A little talk is made of going to the local temple to see about potions.

Some useful scrolls are discovered, in fact three of them will help them out greatly with identifing. It is quickly decided that the round white gems are pearls and maybe useful as well with what they must do.

The day wears on and night is approaching but they group has made no move to identify anymore treasure but at least they are talking about it it seems.

400 platinum
3000 gold
5 white gems
3 red gems
1 longsword(large)
1 composite longbow(taur)
1 leather(taur)
1 chainmail(medium)
1 bracers - moderate conjuration
2 amulet - faint evocation? and faint transmutation
1 quiver- quiver of Ehlonna
1 brooch - faint abjuration
13 potions
11 scrolls - fireball[CL5](2), magic missile[CL6](4), summon monster III[CL6](2), identify[CL1](3)

Peace of mind. There is no cursed items in the lot. With the policy on those items you will not see them from me.

Included caster levels for the scrolls. :)

Dominic and Eunice I have the unfortunate news to tell you, have left the game. As for Sam...I am unsure and would have to second what Ceil has stated.

No potions were identified as all rolls were too low, even with help. Changed the quiver's name back but have posed that question in the CC.

Let me know what gets identified and in what order. If you want to check about potions at the local temple let me know as well. Some DMs will allow for such stuff to happen in game if they deem it worthy of the group.

Monday October 17th, 2005 11:50:39 PM

[OOC: The online version of the D&D Rules, called the SRD, names the magic item as an Efficient Quiver. That may be a good name to use for the item.]

Zeoll asks Rill if she would read the scrolls to identify three of the items. If she does not have Identify in her book, she should use one of the scrolls to put it there, In Zeoll's opinion. Then she can prepare it at will.

So the liontaur hopes to volunteer the centaur to let the group know what each item is.

So far Zeoll has claimed the leather armor, Flat-top has claimed the bracers, and Toros has claimed the quiver. How about Brahmah, Gecktar, Kale, and Rill? Zeoll is glad to offer Ban whatever the last item is of the eight as a welcome gift.

Julie is still out as I have heard nothing from her yet. I do believe that she already has identify on her spell list so, even if she does not I will allow her to add it when she comes back. Think of it as a DM bonus. If you want all the items identified by Rill than just let me know. I will subtract the three identify scrolls and how ever many pearls as needed. I will not do the potions as they could be identified easier if Al wants to try some spellcraft checks. I said that I figure that Phaerill has at leas an +11 or +13 to that skill, use the higher one for now.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 1:00:02 AM

Brahmah makes it apparent he's interested in the longsword and one amulet(the animal pendant).

He frowns at the dandilions Rill shows him. "Nice."

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 5:10:03 AM

(OOC : the SRD states a roll of 25 to identify the potions, are those potions special potions ?)

Aftre trying to identify the potion, Gecktar looks at the loot. "I will take money as nothing catch my eyes and make me blind" he says with a smile.

Gilles, you may want to actually tell me what your rolls were so that I do not have to do all the math. As I see it from your post even with an 18 for your rolls you fall a point short of identifying a potion with a 24. Next time just give me the full check and if I messed up any of those adding to 25 then let me know.

Zeoll  d20+20=22
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 7:13:28 AM

The liontaur suggests that the group sell the scrolls, including the Identify scrolls, and split the proceeds. THe one exception would be keeping an Identify scroll for a mage (Rill? Ban?) to put in their spell book, if they do not have it there already.

So far: Zeoll (leather armor), Flat-top (bracers), Toros (quiver), Brahmah (sword or amulet).

Brahmah, did you want the evocation amulet or the transmutation amulet? Neither has been identified otherwise. And do you want the sword or the amulet -- pick just one, friend.

Zeoll says to Gecktar, "Please choose an item, any item, my frriend, and then you can take it to the Catacombs magic shop and sell it therre."

Zeoll suggests the following: Brahmah (sword or amulet), Kale (sword or amulet), Gecktar (bow), Rill (amulet), and Ban (brooch).

[OOC: Guys, can we get some consensus here! Let's pick and go. Zeoll's heart is eager to set sail for the Taur Isles, and i think that's what we are doing next.]

Finally, Zeoll makes a quick trip to the Temple of Domi, and asks there if any spellcrafty priest would be willing to look at 13 potions ... with a donation as the priest deems appropriate, of course. [OOC: Diplomacy check 22 to arrange this.]

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 8:49:05 AM

Flat-top pick up the Bracer(s), "Would some one tell me What kind of bracers they are?"

But deep inside flat-top is glad that Brahmah is a little mad at the flowers for Rill."

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 10:48:22 AM

Phaerill looks up from the attentions of the two attractive Taurs. The young centaur glances down at the scrolls, looking down over her pert little nose.

"Identify," she says, sounding out the name of the spell. "Alright. I can do this. Who wants their magic item identified? First come first serve." She trots into the center of the group with the three scrolls in hand.

[OoC: DM, could you identify the first three who chime in?]

Ban Maeve 
Tuesday October 18th, 2005 5:01:44 PM

Ban sits back to watch the evolution of the splitting of the booty, taking special interest in Brahmah's jealousy towards Phaerill and her flaunting of it.

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 6:53:22 PM

OOC: Brahmah would like the sword. But if it exceeds his portion, we will sell it and give the difference to the Chosen, that way everyone gets the fair amount.

As for the newcomers getting loot, I suggest we vote. Thats how the Chosen do most things, the democratic way.

I vote, "Yes, split with newcomers; Rill and Ban."

Also, it looks as if the Chosen will be gaining two new players soon. This will be good news for the Chosen. :)

DM Jim, will we be getting new taur races, like the gnoats, or are still sticking the old classics? :)

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 8:24:36 PM

Zeoll says that we will need to have all the items identified. So if Rill will check out the sword and the two amulets, then that would be fine.

Then Zeoll takes charge. "I also agrree that Ban and Rrill should get an item." Then he starts to divide up the loot.

Zeoll says to Brahmah, "Let us not quibble overr the value of individual items. Herre, take the sworrd. Whateverr its value, it is yourrs. Rrill will tell you morre about it in a little while."

"Herre, Flat-top, take these brracerrs and 100 gold pieces. Use the money to identify the brracerrs at the Catacombs."

"Here, Kale, take this (evocation) amulet. Rrill will tell you in a moment what it is."

"Herre, Torros, take this Quiverr. We alrready know what it is, from Rill's earrlierr Identify."

"Gecktarr, please take this bow and 100 gold pieces. Use the money to pay for an Identify in the Catacombs and then feel frree to sell the bow."

"Ban, you have just joined us, but as a sign of that joining, please take this brrooch and 100 gold. Use it to Identify the item in the Catacombs; then keep it orr sell it as you prreferr."

"Rrill, the (trransmutation) amulet is yourrs. You will know in a moment what it is. Also take this 100 gold to compensate you for casting the Identify on the Quiverr."

"And this leatherr arrmorr is mine. I will take an extrra 100 gold to pay to identify it."

After all this, the trreasure looks like this:

To sell and divide among eight:

400 platinum
2500 gold -- minus a possible donation to the Temple of Domi to pay for Spellcrafting those potions.
5 white gems
3 red gems
1 chainmail(medium)
13 potions
8 scrolls - fireball[CL5](2), magic missile[CL6](4), summon monster III[CL6](2)


1 longsword(large) -- Brahmah
1 composite longbow(taur) and 100 gp -- Gecktar
1 leather(taur) and 100 gp -- Zeoll
1 bracers - moderate conjuration and 100 gp -- Flat-top
1 amulet - faint evocation? -- Kale
1 amulet - faint transmutation and 100 gp -- Rill
1 quiver- quiver of Ehlonna -- Toros
1 brooch - faint abjuration and 100 gp -- Ban

Tuesday October 18th, 2005 10:40:46 PM

Toros takes his quiver, thanking Zeoll and places his stuff in it, while listening to his friends and commenting on them.

"Rill, has been with us for a good enough time and Ban, please feel comfortable to get your item, consider it as a welcome present, and use it in good health."

Ban Maeve 
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 1:33:06 AM

"Thank you for your kintness. a most generous offer."

OOC: Do I go to the Catacombs page or is there a Catacombs bramch nearby?

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 3:46:16 AM

"I appreciates you efforts to divide the loot among each other but I think we must first identify the items to know their true value and then share evenly according to the real cost."

"If you want I can take the loot to the Catacombs and ask to identify all items."

OOC : just took this example. If the bow is +2 the value is more than 8000 gp and the quiver of Toros is 1800 gp... Not a fair share I think. We must identify the item first. I can go to the catacombs and try to share the loot according to everyone wish.

OOC2 here are the rolls made for identifying potion with all bonus :
Potion 1 d20+12=27 identified
Potion 2 d20+12=23
Potion 3 d20+12=25 identified
Potion 4 d20+12=15
Potion 5 d20+12=19
Potion 6 d20+12=24
Potion 7 d20+12=22
Potion 8 d20+12=27 identified
Potion 9 d20+12=18
Potion 10 d20+12=14
Potion 11 d20+12=20
Potion 12 d20+12=21
Potion 13 d20+12=29 identified

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 8:37:03 PM

With his chest puff out, he ask Rill "Please Beautiful Rill! Could you identify these Braces for me? Please!" Flat-top swishes his tail at Brahmah.

A meeting of the minds. (DM Jim) 
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 8:59:12 PM

Rill is soon busy doing three more identifications from the scroll that the group has gotten. This way it takes less time and things are much faster than before when she had to do the whole spell herself.

While all this is going on Gecktar and Ban head off to the local temple to inquire with the priest there about the potions. Gecktar finds that he had gotten some luck with a few of the potions when he had worked with them earlier, he just wanted to take his time and be complete.

400 platinum
3000 gold
5 white gems
3 red gems
Large Longsword of Frost+1
1 composite longbow(taur)
1 leather(taur)
1 chainmail(medium)
1 bracers - moderate conjuration
Amulet of Natural Armor+1
Amulet of Health+2
Quiver of Ehlonna
1 brooch - faint abjuration
9 potions
Elixir of Fire Breathe
CMW Potion
Enlarge Person Potion
Spider Climb Potion
Magic Missile[CL6](4)
Summon Monster III[CL6](2)

Gilles, thanks and sorry for seeming so anal about those rolls...I just hate to hurt the group when I am not sure about things.

Neal, you will need to go to the Catacombs board to identify the item. :) You can post that your character goes to a branch office in South Harbor to get it identified but you will also need to post on the real Catacombs board as well.

Ceil, could you please post your new email again for me? I know I have it but not sure where I put it...need to send you some XP.

Sorry, no gnoats as of yet. They are not approved though I suppose I could take it to the BGC. Still I would not say you will get any gnoats in the game.

Wanted to let you all know that we have lost Sam for the time being. I am finding out from Jerry for how long. I have not gotten any word from Julie as well.

Al, that means that I will need you to make a post for her tomorrow that has her going off to do something in South Harbor. Maybe volunteer to work at one of the apple orchards or fill in at the local shop that sells wizard supplies. That means that Rill will be going inactive till she decides to come back. :)

Phaerill (Sub/Al) 
Wednesday October 19th, 2005 10:10:01 PM

"Thank you, Zeoll." Rill weighs the amulet in one hand and the one hundred gold coins nearly spilling out of her palm in the other. With a big grin, she opens the pouch at her waist and pours a stream of gold within.

In an impressively dramatic voice (especially for such a small young centaur), Phaerill reads from the scrolls, gesticulating with her free hand and swinging the amulet about. She laughs in triumph after having identified each of the three items, and she rears back up on her hind legs, pawing the air with her front hooves.

"I'm going to find some place to spend my money!" Rill announces. "Here!" Phaerill slides her amulet over Flat-top's head with a giggle. "Hold this for me." Then she charges off in the direction of town.

"I'm going to try and find a wizard's shop!" Phaerill's voice drifts back as she disappears from sight.

Wednesday October 19th, 2005 10:39:00 PM

Zeoll addresses Gecktar's concern: "Well, since the items werre all divided beforre we knew what they werre, everrybody had an equal chance to get something special. That's fairr, rright?"

"What do the rrest of you all think? The otherr option is to sell everrything and just divide the gold, I guess. I could go forr eitherr one -- grrab bag as prreviously divided, or sell it all and split the gold."

Thursday October 20th, 2005 3:42:30 AM

Brahmah looks down and ignores the flirtation of Flat-top and Rill.

He looks at the newest sword and is happy with the choice.

Thursday October 20th, 2005 6:32:40 AM

Toros listens Gecktar and Zeoll and expresses, what he thinks: "Actually, I have thought everyone's share from the loot will be equalized with the split of money gained from other sold items and earned gold, which we did last time with the loot. I have thought everyone will be even at the end, and because of this I have taken one item which I can use and do not necessarily have a high value, hoping this will ease the loot share for others, as well. It was identified already and I knew its value, it was not a choice of chance for me. Nevertheless, I do not want to sell this Efficient Quiver, but I also have wanted to use the money that would come from the other loot to get some other stuff later. I hope this makes sense..?"

Thursday October 20th, 2005 7:37:01 AM

Flat-top stands there, not believing his eyes as the fleeing form of Rill disappers into the town. He call after her "BUT! BUT! BUT! What kind of Braiser are these?" Then look down at the Amulet that Rill place there, "What this? What does it do? Your A magic user and I'm a fighter!" No use she has gold in her pouch and is off to spend it.
Flat-top is disapointed, with a slowly walk, goes along side Zeoll and Ban, telling them " Rill has two pieces of gold in her pouch and she's off like the wind! I'm Giving Up Females Forever! or at least for today!"

Occ: DM Jim - My E-Mail addy is momlap@sbcglobal.net

Thursday October 20th, 2005 11:27:06 AM

Zeoll listens to Toros and sighs. "You arre rright, frriend! Yourr choice was not rrandom, since you know what the item was. I see no way out of this dilemma than to sell everrything and split the gold. What do you all think?"

[OOC: Honestly, I just don't have the time to figure out the value of everything and then to make equivalent loot piles like I did before. If someone else wants to do that, go for it! Or let's just sell it all and split the cash. But let's not spend another week on it! :-) ]

Thursday October 20th, 2005 2:05:47 PM

"Right, everyone get his item identified and then we will see what can be done with the gold to split among each other so as to make equal piles"

"Well now, what we are going to go next ? Does anyone has any need or idea ?"

"Where is the map that we get from these chests ?"

Thursday October 20th, 2005 2:45:16 PM

"Good answerr," says Zeoll. "When all the items arre identified, we'll know how to divide the gold."

Ban Maeve 
Thursday October 20th, 2005 3:59:15 PM

"Since it is a vote you wish for, here is my vote: Gektar has offeret to have all of the items itentifiet, perhaps one of us can go with him to to this, then we can make an etucatet tecision about who keeps what. If no one wishes to accompany him, then I will." To help make the decision easy, Ban begins to collect the unidentified objects and the 100 gold coins that go with each item.
OOC, I stated Ban's actions assuming this was a favorable decision, if there is further protest about how the goods get divided then he certainly won't take the items by force.

Thursday October 20th, 2005 5:29:27 PM

Flat-top gives the Bracers, the gold pieces and the Amulit, Tell both Zeoll and Ban " Here is my gold, the gold that I chose, and here is the Amulet that Rill chose, But forget about the gold she received. She ran to town as fast as she could. Shish! Females!"

Friday October 21st, 2005 3:21:32 AM

"I think the decision to keep one item each and splitting the difference equally is a great idea.

Zeoll usually splits the loot very well Ban. He's our accountant." He says, smiling.

Friday October 21st, 2005 9:04:51 AM

Flat-top agrees with Brahmah, So he'll take back his bracers but leave the 100 gold and Rill's Amulet in the pot. "Sound Good to me!"

Ban Maeve 
Friday October 21st, 2005 1:56:34 PM

"Oh that is good to have someone to to the numbers, but what of having everything itentifiet together? It could save us a lot of time ant energy, or we coult just all go together."

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