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Lansel's Flat

Co-DM Cayzle 
Tuesday November 1st, 2011 11:07:22 AM

OOC Bookkeeping: Friends, we have reached the end of the second scene of the first module of this game. Since you have had a fight, I wanted to give out some awards.

Everybody except Rogar gets 150 xp for the first scene, onboard the
Lionfish. Everybody gets 400 xp for the press gang fight. Karas gets a hero point (and bonus 35 xp) for trying and trying without getting (too) discouraged. Fighting on when everything seems hopeless is the hallmark of a real hero. Karas also gets special dispensation from the kindly DM to be allowed to have TWO hero points even though he is first level. (Normally you can only have one per level.)

========== ========== ==========

The night passes uneventfully, although a light predawn rain means that leak in the roof drips down a little on Rogar, sleeping in the eaves.

Dry though they may be, Dilantar, Spire, Baird, and Yel'kno are dissatisfied with hard floors, thin blankets, and very close quarters. They resolve to try the common house the next night.

Karas and Koz'Um Dawl have no comment on their rest. Or the lack thereof.

In the morning, Brother Engev offers you porridge with a little milk and sugar. He says he has to tend to his flock. But Rogar knows the way to Lansel's flat.

The walk is not long, but then, Bonetown is a new place, not more than a mile side to side, so no place is that far from another. This morning, no one accosts your well-armed band. A few teams of street-toughs do give you a look over, though.

Lansel's home is a flat located on the second story of a two story wood building. The ground floor is a general merchant. There is a stair, looking kind of like a modern fire escape, on the outside of the building up to the door to Lansel's flat.

The general merchant, Joweph Silvers Company per a sign hanging above the door, is located a block from the wharfs. If you make a Knowledge Local check vs DC15, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {You deduce that since the merchant is not dockside (as prosperous merchants tend to be) and since the foot traffic here is not great, that this merchant is not in the upper tier of local commercial tradesmen.}

Your move!

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 (2 nonlethal)  d20+9=27 ;
Tuesday November 1st, 2011 12:44:31 PM

(DC 15 Knowledge: Local Check; 27.)

Spire, bow in hand, shoots a couple of quick glances around the flat, leaving the searching to the others more competent in that area. He instead walks down to Joweph Silvers Company, getting the attention of the man, presumably Jowpeh, working there. "Excuse me. I'm here looking for my friend, Lansel. He rented the flat above you for a while, and he seems to have gone missing." As he's talking, he slowly reaches his hand into his bag, fishing out a five gold coins. "Any information you'd be able to give to me would be..." Spire slowly slides the gold across the counter, never breaking eye contact. "...extremely helpful." Having no idea if this was done in the proper way, Spire simply stares at him, hoping the gold was enough to get the poor shopkeeper to talk.

Cayzle Comments: Spire, how about a diplomacy check to go with those gold coins?

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8() 
Tuesday November 1st, 2011 1:06:59 PM

((OOC: No knowledge(local) trained ftw!))

Dilantar looks around the shop, trying to determine if anything would help him is his alchemical studies. He also keeps an ear on Spirysn'rar's conversation with the other party.

((OOC: Just looking for general herbs and things that might help in my poison making.))

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8() 
Tuesday November 1st, 2011 1:07:48 PM

Also, how would my alchemical kit be refilled? I just assume it doesn't run out, as I pick things up along the way? The pathfinder APG doesn't go into much detail on that.

Cayzle Comments: In mechanics terms, I think there is no cost or effort on your part needed to refill it. In role play terms, see tomorrow's post, but we'll handle it like w do gear upkeep and living expenses.

Mike R. Baird Windcatcher AC19/12/17 -CMD 13 - HP 10/10  d20+1=5 ; d20+8=20 ;
Tuesday November 1st, 2011 1:38:39 PM

(1st roll: Knowledge Local)
Baird left the house of Brother Engev with his new friends and immediately felt a weight fall off his shoulders. It was amazing that simply leaving a temple built for those opposed to Wardd could so influence his bearing. "If this keeps up I'll turn into a cleric myself," Baird chuckled to himself about his own joke. When the group arrived at Lansel's home Baird realized that he was neither trained nor familiar with how to investigate the happenings of strangers, and was about to suggest that some of them question people in the area when Spire headed towards the shop. Baird followed Spire into the store and decided to follow his lead with the man they encountered. "We would greatly appreciate any knowledge you have."
(2nd roll: Diplomacy)

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 (2 nonlethal)  d20-1=10 ;
Tuesday November 1st, 2011 1:59:10 PM

(Diplomacy? We're boned. 10 Diplomacy.)

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10  d20+1=12 ; d20+8=23 ;
Tuesday November 1st, 2011 2:16:22 PM

(Thank you for the extra experience. I hope it helps! Since we never walked in and nobody tried the door...)

Karas casts an eye to the shop that Spire and Baird make their way over to. With a Knowledge (local) check of 12 he doesn't think any more about what they plan to do than to wish them luck. He instead makes his way up the stairs quickly to Lansel's door. He unrolls his thieves tools from his belt and kneels down to try and disable the lock. With a Disable Device check of 23 he would get past any simple lock, but there's no knowing how simple this lock is.

Co-DM Cayzle 
Wednesday November 2nd, 2011 12:04:07 PM

Sorry for the delay my friends! I just heard yesterday afternoon that I have a job interview today in NYC, and I have to prep for it. DM Post to come tonight.

On the good news front, I'll be getting a new co-DM real soon to help out in situations like this one! :-)

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD)  d20+3=18 ;
Wednesday November 2nd, 2011 7:35:07 PM

When Koz'Um Dawl awakes he feels stiff and sore but otherwise refreshed. Before having breakfast with Brother Engev he dawns his scale mail and fastens his mace at his side, he's not to be caught without it today, not after the close call the day before.
The small dwarf accompanies the others along the way to Lansel's flat. Koz'Um Dawl is rather edgy and glares at those who stare to heartily at him and his companions.
When they reach the shop He accompanies both Spire and Baird into the shop. The counter comes up to about his eyes so its hard for him to see but as Spire pushes coins towards the shop keep Koz'Um Dawl pipes in to try to sway the mans mind.
"If you know anything that could help us it would be appreciated. We believe Lansel to be in some kind of trouble. We want him back safe."

(Diplomacy, third check- 18)

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage)  d20+6=14 ;
Wednesday November 2nd, 2011 10:21:24 PM

Yel'kno moves through the streets with the rest of the group, doing his best to appear as someone that the average thug wouldn't want to bother and his hand never strays far from the hilt of his sword.

Once at the shop he moves up the stairs to stand by the door, watching the street and looking for anyone paying an abnormal amount of attention to the group as his companion picks the lock.

Perception: 14

(Walter) AC 17/17/14 -- CMD 19 HP 6 (non-lethal) / 11 Rogar Stonefist  d20+8=27 ;
Wednesday November 2nd, 2011 11:41:29 PM

Once they got to the shop, Rogar stepped aside. He wasn't all that great dealing with people. Fellow dwarves were one thing but humans, elves, and everybody else not so much. Back at the temple it was a lot of meditation and training. Which reminded him. He needed to find a place to practice. He had much to learn still. So very much. Rogar moves across the door from Yel'kno watching the street for trouble.

perception: 27

Co-DM Cayzle 
Thursday November 3rd, 2011 1:02:55 AM

Spire, Koz'Um Dawl, and Baird enter the merchant's shop. It is a hodgepodge of a place, more like a pawn shop than anything else, but that's not unusual for a general tradesman. The proprietor, Joweph Silvers, a tall lanky human with a pot belly, has a bit of everything, from weapons to flour to booze. The two ask for information about Lansel.

Silvers says, "Lansel the Half-Orc? Sure, he comes around here now and then. Give me your message and I'll be sure he gets it next time he pops in. Why do you say he is missing?"

Dilantar enters as well, and he finds a meager assortment of herbs and spices, a crapshoot at best. Silvers tells him that he would get a better selection, but higher prices, at the apothecary shop in town. That's also the best place to get alchemical supplies.

Yel'kno stands guard outside, but sees nothing out of the ordinary. Rogar stays close by too, and his keen eyes detect no hidden dangers in sight.

Meanwhile, Karas tries the door and picks the lock adroitly. He opens the door and peeks inside: the interior is cluttered with books, scrolls, quills, ink pots, and other tools of the scholar's trade. A cot is jammed into one corner, and there's a small desk under the front window. Your quick glance suggests one, maybe two exits.

OOC: Job interview went really well, knock on wood!

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Thursday November 3rd, 2011 1:42:35 AM

A sigh of relief flows from the rogue's lips as he hears the click of the lock releasing. He wasn't aware that he had been holding his breath. "Thank goodness that worked," he smiles at Yel'kno and rolls his tools back up. He pushes the door open and glances about the room to make note of what there is. What there is can only be described as meager. Karas heads straight for the desk and starts to look for anything that can tell them about Lansel's whereabouts.

(OOC: Since we're in no hurry and there's nothing to distract us, I'm just going to take a 20 if that's ok. Perception 25)

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 (2 nonlethal)  d20+9=17 ;
Thursday November 3rd, 2011 12:23:00 PM

Spire sighs, pulling back four of the five gold coins on the table. How utterly useless... he thought, turning to leave. "You may deal with this, I already grow weary of him," he mumbles to Koz'Um and Baird. Giving a curt nod to Dilantar, he steps outside, quickly walking up the steps. Spire slips into the room behind the others, looking around rather quickly. "If you find anything of interest, please let me see it. I may be able to identify it." As he walks around the room slowly, he attempts to detect any magical residue from a spell or perhaps some magical materials laying around the small room. (Knowleedge: Arcana result of 17)

(OOC: My lowest knowledge bonus is +5, with a +9 on my higher ones. I'd probably be better off looking at anything the perceptive characters find and determining what it is. And good luck with the job, Cayzle!)

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 (2 nonlethal) 
Thursday November 3rd, 2011 12:25:45 PM

((OOC: Forgot I had Detect Magic prepared.))

As Spire paces the room, he waves his free hand around, the other still clutching his bow, and it begins to glow softly. His eyes glaze over and soon also begin glowing with the same arcane energy as his hand as he casts Detect Magic to uncover any spells or effects that have been cast here.

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage)  d20+6=23 ;
Thursday November 3rd, 2011 7:23:45 PM

Yel'kno returns the smile with a flash of pearly whites to his deft fingered friend and slips into the room behind Karas once the door is opened. He moves in to the room and glances around, looking for signs of a struggle or anything obvious of interest before going to inspect any other exits from the room.

Perception: 23

Co-DM Cayzle 
Thursday November 3rd, 2011 10:55:08 PM

OOC: Only three players posting? What's up with that? I'll give it to morning.

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8()  d20+7=10 ;
Friday November 4th, 2011 11:37:11 AM

Pulling out his formula book, Dilantar adds a note to check out the apothecary shop to determine the availability of the herbs he would need. That completed, Dilantar exits the shop, after returning Spirysn's nod and heads up the steps to the group. Once inside the room, Dilantar also looks around to see if anything out of the ordinary happened.

((OOC: Good luck with the job! Also, had a lot going on yesterday(will probably speak about it through an email to the group) but should be able to post normally from now on. Also, belated welcome to any new members!))

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday November 4th, 2011 12:02:34 PM

Karas searches a desk immediately and makes a discovery.

Joining Karas upstairs, Yel'kno has been giving the place a good lookings over.

Spire abandons any attempt to extract information from the shopkeeper. He walks upstairs to the flat and scans for magic.

Dilantar also finishes with the shop and heads upstairs to look around.

Most of the books and scrolls here are geographies detailing far-flung locations, but there is also some lighter fare.

Yel'kno finds a scribbled to do list:

Things to do:
Get some sleep!
Talk to Cpt. Narkesh
Update diary
Examine travel logs
Get some sleep

In the desk, Karas finds a hidden book -- looks like a diary.

Just then the shopkeeper enters the room. He shouts at you, brandishing a sword. "Hooligans! What are you doing here! Get out!" On the stairs behind him are a few of his workers.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Friday November 4th, 2011 2:07:30 PM

((I assume I didn't find any magic, then?))

Abandoning his spell, Spire spins on his heel as the shopkeeper enters the room. He finds himself on the far end of the room, facing the door. "Is this going to be a pattern? Constantly being interrupted by those of lesser intellect?" he mutters, again pinching the bridge of his nose. "I do hope this won't lead to anything, gentleman. We are rather busy, and I'd rather not have to make an example of you like we did those men on the docks."

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10  d20+8=12 ; d20+1=18 ;
Friday November 4th, 2011 3:01:35 PM

Karas stuffs the diary in his shirt as he listens to what is going on (Slight of Hand 12). Those of lesser intellect? Karas wonders just what Spire is basing that opinion on. It was probably Spire and the others trundling up here right after leaving the shop that brought the man here to begin with.

"I think what my companion here means to say is that we are just looking for whatever can lead us to our missing friend. We aren't here to get rich. We would have picked a better spot," he motions around the room. (Diplomacy 18)

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday November 4th, 2011 3:20:38 PM

Oh, Spire, sorry! I forgot! You find two magic scrolls!

Thanks for keeping me honest!

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6  d20+12=22 ;
Friday November 4th, 2011 3:44:25 PM

((In that case, can I retroactively make a check to determine the spell on the scrolls? Otherwise, I'll wait until later. Spellcraft check : 22))

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday November 4th, 2011 5:21:19 PM

Spire, sorry, not enough time before the shopkeeper entered.

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage) 
Friday November 4th, 2011 8:36:20 PM

Turnips? Surely such mouthful of such a foul root would send anyone in to hiding.. Yel'kno thinks as he reads the list, but also keeps the name of Captain Narkesh in mind.

At the intrusion from the shop keeper and his workers he moves a hand to the hilt of his sword, but make no move to draw. Instead, he cast a glance at Spire with his perhaps harsh words and gives a nod in support of Karas, "Indeed. Brother Engrev, a friend of Lansel that you're perhaps familiar with, sent us to check on his friend's where-a-bouts. He has not been seen in some time."

(Walter) AC 17/17/14 -- CMD 19 HP 11 / 11 Rogar Stonefist 
Friday November 4th, 2011 9:38:05 PM

Rogar leaves his spot at the front and heads inside. What could happen with a few simple questions that make the shopkeeper shout like that? Why does it feel like I'm going to be a 2nd fight in the span of a day? It feels like trouble is following his new companions and he's caught up in it.

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD) 
Friday November 4th, 2011 10:39:50 PM

Having spent more time within the shop speaking with the owner Koz'Um Dawl then exits to look for his companions. He then see's the shopkeep with some cronies going up the stares to where Lansel's apartment is. At a safe distance he follows.
As the rest of his company within the room speaks with the owner of the shop the small dwarf lurks behind, waiting to see if the encounter will turn nasty.

(OOC: Sorry about the absences guys. Will check this space more often)

Mike R. Baird Windcatcher AC19/12/17 -CMD 13 - HP 10/10 
Friday November 4th, 2011 11:18:12 PM

Baird follows Koz'Um after hearing the raised voices coming from Lansel's apartment. In a soft voice Baird asks the dwarf about their next step, "should we attempt to intercede or wait to see if things prove violent?"

(ooc: sorry for not posting as well, I was traveling unexpectedly)

Co-DM Cayzle  d20+2=15 ;
Monday November 7th, 2011 9:54:23 AM

Low key in the shop, Koz'Um Dawl watches as his pals dismiss the shopkeeper and leave. Silvers looks worried and calls to a couple workers. "I don't trust those guys," he says. Then seeing Koz'Um Dawl still standing there, he says, "What's up with your friends, dwarf? Where are they off to so fast?" He hears steps going up the stairs and races off without waiting for an answer. Koz'Um Dawl goes along behind.

Even more low key, Baird follows as well. He asks Koz'Um Dawl in a whisper what they should do if there is violence.

Rogar, watching from outside, sees a few friends enter the shop, leave after a very short while, and then go up to the flat. He sees the shopkeeper follow, drawing a sword and followed by a couple workers, and then by Koz'Um Dawl and then Baird. The dwarf wonders what his new friends are getting themselves into. [OOC: Your kindly DM wonders if he will have to generate combat stats he did not expect to need.]

Upstairs, Joweph Silvers, the shopkeeper, demands an explanation.

Spire responds with an appeal for peace, backed up by a vague threat. He does not have time to check out the scrolls he has found. Spire, do you take them? Do you attempt to do so covertly?

Karas attempts to slip the journal into a pocket without being noticed. He attempts to convince the shopkeeper that the group's intentions are honorable.

Yel'kno backs up Karas' attempt at diplomacy. [OOC: In the future, roll a check to aid another, please.]

Dilantar is quiet.

Slivers sees Karas pocketing the journal. "Hey there! What's that you're stealing!" he says. "Put that back!"

Your efforts at diplomacy do have some effect. "Look," the shopkeeper says, "I never saw any of you before in my life. Lansel rented this place from me. He worked for me sometimes. He never had any of you here as visitors or anything! You can't even tell me what race he is! What color is his hair, then, if you're his pals?!"

"So you explain to me how it is you are 'friends' in any way, and not robbers!"

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6  d20+4=5 ; d20+5=12 ;
Monday November 7th, 2011 12:12:10 PM

((Sleight of hand check to pocket scrolls. Aaaand critical failure. Second roll is a Knowledge: Nature check to know about most common half-orc hair colour. Result of 12.))

Spire glances around, attempting to covertly pocket the scrolls, and instead dropping them on the ground, clattering in their cases and rolling away out of his reach. "Well... damn," he mutters. He glares at the shopkeeper, who is now beginning to get on his nerves. He grips his bow tightly, attempting to keep his temper in check before he begins throwing fire around again. "Lansel is a half-orc. His hair colour..." Spire falters, unable to recall even the slightest details of half-orcs. He simply trails off, hoping someone else will pick up where he left off.

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Monday November 7th, 2011 1:25:19 PM

Karas pulls the small book out of his shirt and holds it up, waving it a little. "It's his journal, and I'm hoping it can give us some clues." He then points past the shopkeeper and his workers to the three people who have gathered behind them. "If you want you can talk to Rogar about the other details."

Karas then sits down on the desk next to him and leafs through the journal to the most recent entries.

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8()  d20=15 ;
Monday November 7th, 2011 2:32:38 PM

Dilantar raised his hands in a demonstration that he wasn't carrying any weapons,"There has been a misunderstanding, we are not direct friends of Lansel, we are a group that has been sent to find him, for Lansel's missionary friend Brother Engev is very worried about him. We were merely looking for clues as to where he might have disappeared to."

((diplomacy roll for 15))

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage)  d20=16 ;
Monday November 7th, 2011 5:58:07 PM

"If you'd like to stay here while we look for any hints as to Lansel's whereabouts to be sure we're not stealing, you're welcome too.. and send one of your men for Brother Engev if you need further confirmation if you need to. We have nothing to hide." Yel'kno adds in with a gesture about the room as if to say, 'We're not hiding anything, see for yourself' with a flash of pearly whites in smile.

Then he takes his queue from Karas and begins looking about the books in the room for a ships log.

Aid Another: 16

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD)  d20+3=10 ;
Monday November 7th, 2011 6:53:15 PM

Having been pointed out to the shopkeep Koz'Um Dawl enters the room, parting Silvers and his men.

"Listen, friend," he says to Silvers. "We are indeed only trying to discover if Lansel is in trouble."

(even MORE diplomacy- 10)

Mike R. Baird Windcatcher AC19/12/17 -CMD 13 - HP 10/10  d20+8=16 ;
Monday November 7th, 2011 11:13:03 PM

Baird decided that the best way to show that they truly cared for Lansel's well-being was to show intrest in his safety. "You said that Lansel has rented this apartment from you for sometime, has he seemed different to you recently? We have been told that he is acting strangely as of late."

(roll for diplomacy to gather info.)

(Walter) AC 17/17/14 -- CMD 19 HP 11 / 11 Rogar Stonefist 
Tuesday November 8th, 2011 12:20:07 AM

"Good sir it is true. Brother Engev is a longtme friend and is worried about Lansil's disappearence. He believes that foul play is responible. Our intentions were to find something that could tell us what happened. I was not aware that illegal entering of a dwelling would be occurring."

Co-DM Cayzle 
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 9:35:39 AM

Spire tries to slip the scrolls into his pocket, a bit to obviously. He tries to lie his way through a description of Lansel, poorly, claiming the fellow is a half-orc. As it will turn out, even that datum is incorrect.

"I just called him a half-orc to test you!" bellows the shopkeeper. "He's as human as I am! And here you are stealing from him!" He puts his hand out to Spire. "Give me those! They do not belong to you!"

Karas tries for honesty, though without any real effort at diplomacy. [Diplomacy rolls are always welcome in interactions with NPCs!] He refers the shopkeeper to his new friend, Rogar, a name, as it will turn out, with which Silvers is not familiar.

"Who's this Rogar?" asks Silvers. "Why should I believe him?"

Karas also takes a peek at the later entries of the notebook. This is what he sees near the end:
It's clear to me that I must find some answer if I'm ever to make the dreams stop. Moller tried to discourage me. I think he fears what might happen to his temple. I pity his compassion does not extend to a living being.

The final entry is this:
I have begun to feel like I'm being watched. I pray this is not a further milestone on the road to madness. I think I'll take my dagger with me in the morning. In a city like Bonetown, I suppose one can't be too careful. Especially with pirates in port.

Dilantar, who has neither natural flair not formal training at defusing tense situations, nonetheless manages a credible effort at calming things down. He also manages to cite a name the shopkeeper knows, that of Brother Engev.

"Engev is a decent fellow, for a priest," says the shopkeeper. "But anyone can cite a name."

Yel'kno, another team member with no real talent at diplomacy, also manages a credible effort based only on trying hard. He too mentions Brother Engev, and suggests that the shopkeeper send a man to fetch him.

Silvers snorts. "Send your own man! And until he arrives, put down everything you've taken and step outside!"

Koz'Um Dawl adds his voice to those speaking reasonably. He assures the tradesman that the group is just trying to help Brother Lansel.

"Stealing is not much of a way to show your altruistic intentions," says Silvers, sarcastically.

Baird senses a change in the tone of the conversation -- at least the man is not shouting any more. He asks if Lansel has been acting strangely lately.

The merchant pauses, and gets a funny look in his eye. If you can make a Sense Motive check vs DC20, then Please Highlight to display spoiler: {Something about that question strikes a nerve in the fellow.}

Rogar, entering now, sees how things are going and hastens to reassure the man. But Joweph Silvers is not buying it.

"Put down the things you took," he repeats. "Come outside, and send one of your own for Brother Engev yourself, if you dare. Or just be off with you."

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8() 
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 10:27:47 AM

"Very well, I will go to get Brother Engev. Anyone who wishes to join me may." Dilantar waits a moment before heading outside. Thinking back to how there were quite a few people out, some of whom did not look at their group with friendly eyes on the way over, Dilantar decided to make a couple of extracts that might be useful. Dilantar sets up his alchemical kit outside, pulls out his formula book, and swiftly brews a couple of extracts. That done, Dilantar packs up his gear and proceeds to Brother Engvar's home.

((Created 2 extracts, takes 2 mintues total, one Cure Light Wounds extract and one Shield extract, the shield extract is kept in hand for easy drinking.))

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6  d20+1=8 ;
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 11:51:17 AM

Spire, becoming increasingly frustrated with this annoying man, kicks the scrolls aside. "They are as much your scrolls as they are mine. I'll do no such thing. They will be here for Lansel when they return, unless you plan on being guilty of the crime you're currently accusing us of." He continues to glare at the shopkeeper, keeping his mouth shut for fear he says something that would cause the sword to begin slicing through the air. Despite the fact that this is a mostly lawless town, Spire would prefer not to have to slaughter a shopkeeper and his employees. As Baird poses his question, Spire raises an eyebrow at the shopkeeper's lack of response (Sense Motive check, result of 8) but is unable to read his facial expression. As Dilantar leaves, Spire calls out, "I will go with you. I grow tired of the company here." He pushed past Silvers, not even shooting the man a second glance, and mutters obscenities under his breath as he waits for Dilantar to finish his extracts. "Damnable human... this is what we get for trying to do a decent thing in such an an awful town."

Mike R. Baird Windcatcher AC19/12/17 -CMD 13 - HP 10/10  d20+5=11 ; d20+1=20 ;
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 12:58:09 PM

Baird watched the change take place in the confrontation with more than a little relief. While he was more prepared for a fight today than yesterday at the docks, Baird could not believe that his luck would improve if he was fighting a person who was only stopping what he saw as theft. Baird did not miss the change in expression of the shopkeep but could not put his finger on what it could mean.(11)

Not wanting to return to the temple Baird stepped out of the way and descended to the ground floor watching both ways of the street for any immediate danger. (20)

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10  d20+1=2 ;
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 1:12:08 PM

While reading Karas completely misses the shopkeep's reaction to Baird's question with a critical failure Sense Motive check. Karas nearly called out for Dilantar and Spire to stop, as the journal had provided a possible lead in the investigation. If this shopkeep was going to let them leave without a fuss there was no need to bring Brother Engvar into this. Still, with Spire out of the room there was a chance this wouldn't end in disaster.

"I apologize for the elf's actions. Clearly he had a lapse in judgement when it came to our intentions here."

Karas stands up from his seat on the desk and walks toward the shopkeep.

"It says in here that Lansel was having disturbing dreams of a sort. They haunted him as he tried to find the answer to...something. He mentions a Moller, who was worried about what this would mean for his temple." He looks up from the journal at the shopkeep. "Do you know what any of this is talking about?"

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10  d20+1=7 ;
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 1:13:12 PM

(OOC: a little diplomacy to go with the apology - 7)

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage)  d20+1=2 ; d20=11 ;
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 6:55:06 PM

Like his brother-in-arms that can't catch a break, Yel'kno completely misses any look that passes over the shopkeepers face (Sense Motive: 2), but moves with the others to vacate Lansel's apartment. He gestures to the stairs leading down to the street and the shop proper, "Should we wait downstairs? At least that way you can tend to your wares while Brother Engev makes his way over."

Aid Another Diplomacy: 11

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD)  d20+3=15 ;
Wednesday November 9th, 2011 7:36:47 PM

Koz'Um Dawl stays in the apartment. "Look here, sir," he says to Silvers. "Though some of my companions have been rash in their actions would you not speak to a cleric of Alemi? Or would you believe a cleric to be such a thief? It is obvious that you care fiercely for Lansel's well being. Come share with me for Lansel's sake."

(Walter) AC 17/17/14 -- CMD 19 HP 11 / 11 Rogar Stonefist 
Thursday November 10th, 2011 11:31:10 AM

Rogar sighs and leaves the shop. Unless blood was spilled that could not have gone worse. He understood needing to look for clues in places that may not welcome strangers. However if people were going to skirt the edge of the law they could at least not get caught. Now there was no way the shopkeeper would believe anything they said.

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8() 
Thursday November 10th, 2011 11:52:07 AM

"While I do agree he should have asked before threatening us like that, mayhap we should have asked him to open the door for us? Perhaps when we return wuth Brother Engev, he will apologize for his actions. Actually while we are together for this little bit, I do have a question to ask you. While we were each studying our respective books, I couldn't help but notice some of the pages in your book looked familiar. Is a spell kept in a spell book written out like a formula? For instance, like this one" Dilantar, while walking, reaches into his pack for his formula book and points to his Shield formula, "In your book, it seemed like there was a similar spell to my extract formula. Preparing it before we left reminded me about it." The normally quiet Dilantar, who is alsways very hesitant to speak much more than a couple of sentences, is very animated by this discussion.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Thursday November 10th, 2011 12:29:52 PM

Spire, still fuming from the encounter with Silvers, slowly raises an eyebrow as Dilantar speaks. Hmmm... he actually seems intelligent. Perhaps my travels won't be devoid of decent conversation. He reaches into his backpack, pulling out his spellbook and flipping it open to the page showing his Shield spell. He would normally be angry that someone had read over his shoulder, especially into his spellbook, but Spire had gone months without any discussion regarding anything magical, and was eager to talk shop. "I'm not intimately familiar with alchemical formulae, but I did touch on it a bit in my education. I believe that a formula with the same effects as an arcane spell is derived from it, both in effect and in technicality."

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8() 
Friday November 11th, 2011 11:36:34 AM

Looking back and forth betweeen his book and Spire's, Dilantar began making some connections, "Ah! If you cross reference these markings here, and my formula at this juncture, then there are definate similarities! I wonder if there is a way to translate a formula into a spell, or vice versa? Hmmm" Dilantar seems to be thinking deeply on this subject, "Bah! I cannot continue this line of inquiry unless you agree to help me with it and until we can find a quiet place to study. What say you to joining this research avenue?" Dilantar waits patiently for an answer.

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday November 11th, 2011 5:14:53 PM

Spire grumbles and leaves the flat as Silvers requests.

Baird follows, alert for danger, but finding none. The passers by seems to be minding their own business, a quality held in high regard here.

Karas watches them go, but tries to engage the merchant with new information from the diary. The Joweph Silvers just snarls. "Don't know him," he says. "And it's not your concern. Put that down and get out."

Yel'kno invites Silvers to leave too, since he surely has pressing business. "I'll leave after the last of you lot leaves," he says.

Koz'Um Dawl makes an appeal based on his church affiliation. Silvers looks thoughtful. "So your priest of Alemi, and Lansel is a priest of Pantheon. What are you rivals? You can tell me all about it downstairs."

Rogar leads the rest of the group downstairs. He can see that there is not much else use to his presence in the flat.

Dilantar volunteers to go fetch Brother Engev. He wonders if he will have to go it alone? Either way, he'll be prepared with his new brews. Dilantar and Spire tke a moment to exchange arcane notes.

Meanwhile, the shopkeeper tells his hireling to sit on the steps and yell out if anyone tries to pass. Silvers repeats his wish that you go get Brother Engev and then return. It seems clear that he does not really think you will.

Anyone else going with Dilantar? Who will stay here?

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD)  d20+3=15 ;
Friday November 11th, 2011 8:08:35 PM

Koz'Um Dawl nods his head and leaves the room with Silvers. "I'm rather confused," said the dwarf to the merchant on their way downstairs. "You say you don't know him, yet you his religion. Come now, sir, you must understand that as a cleric of Alemi I seek to heal and help all. There a man, or half-man, that is above or below my liking. Come now, tell me what you know."

(Diplomacy once again.)

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday November 11th, 2011 8:40:24 PM

OOC: Huh? Please point out to your confused DM where it was mentioned that Silvers does not knwo Lansel. Maybe I made a mistake?

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10  d20+1=15 ;
Friday November 11th, 2011 8:41:31 PM

Karas tosses the diary behind him without looking away from the shopkeep. He steps close to the man and speaks in a nearly hostile hushed tone. "It is entirely my concern. I promised to do whatever I could to find this man, as it is all I can to do repay a kindness shown to us only yesterday. I don't need Brother Engev to hold my hand along the way, and I certainly don't need you holding me up for nothing." He shoulders past the shopkeep and heads downstairs, looking for someone to ask about finding a temple run by Moller.

(Diplomacy 15 to gather info about Moller or his temple)

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday November 11th, 2011 9:55:55 PM

Per the rules, it will take a couple hours and some poking around town to gather info: "To do this, you must spend at least 1d4 hours canvassing people at local taverns, markets, and gathering places." You sure you want to do that now? No prob if you do, I just want to make sure.

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10  d4=1 ;
Friday November 11th, 2011 10:00:14 PM

OOC: Sure, Karas isn't going to wait around to make sure some shopkeep is goody goody with what he's trying to do. Do I need to make the roll? Got a result of 1.

(Walter) AC 17/17/14 -- CMD 19 HP 11 / 11 Rogar Stonefist 
Friday November 11th, 2011 11:34:59 PM

"We might as well move on and look elsewhere. The shopkeeper is only concerned with lining his pockets. I believe he's angry because nobody offered to pay him the entrance fee to Lansel's dwelling. Probably sells illegal good from behind the counter. Because if he was outraged by the goodness of his heart he would actually be concerned that the man he is so righteously defending is missing. That he could be in real trouble. Since he isnt concerned its clear he didnt know Lansel at all except in passing."

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage)  d20+1=13 ;
Saturday November 12th, 2011 12:49:53 PM

Yel'kno frowns at the merchant and frowns further at the way Karas exits the room, but he gives a shrug and makes his way to the door as well. He too pauses to speak with the merchant, though his tone is friendly, "When I suggested the we wait downstairs I meant we as in all of us, not just you. But, for now, I think I'll wait outside for my friends to return with the priest."

And idly, as if thinking to himself he adds, "Perhaps we should get Captain Nakresh as well..." he adds with a glance towards Joweph to gauge his reaction (Sense Motive: 13) before making his way down the stairs.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Saturday November 12th, 2011 11:14:30 PM

Spire returns a glare shot at him from a rather rough looking fellow and nods. "Yes, I believe we should wait until we are in a more private place to compare notes. This place is not becoming to arcane studies." Spire quickly shuts his book, cramming into his backpack and gripping his bow tightly again. He is suddenly very aware of how alone he and Dilantar are, and picks up his pace in response to this. Finally reaching the chapel where they had stayed the previous night, Spire swings open the door, stepping inside. "Engev?" he calls out, peering around for the priest. "It's us. We've run into a bit of trouble and are in need of your good word." Spire can't help but make the last few words sound sarcastic, and immediately shuts his mouth to avoid further conflict with the man he is seeking to end the conflict he began.

Co-DM Cayzle 
Monday November 14th, 2011 8:17:57 AM

Koz'Um Dawl questions Joweph Silvers before the merchant returns to his shop. "I know him well enough," he says. "Lansel rents the flat from me, and he pays his rent by keeping my books. If he wants to wander around town preaching, so what? The rest of what he is or does is not my business. If you ask me, he probably got too preachy with someone who is not exactly a church-going-type, if you catch my meaning." He turns away with a disgusted look on his face.

Yel'kno declares his intent to wait with his friends, such as the quiet Baird. He tries to drop a possibly important name in front of the merchant. [OOC: Good idea! Please accept a 100 xp roleplay award for being clever!] Unfortunately, if is word does provoke a reaction from the merchant, Yel'kno misses it.

Karas has nothing gentle to say to the shopkeeper as he leaves. He resolves to follow up on the lead he has garnered from the diary. He heads off into Bonetown, to get some facts.

Rogar suggests to his friends that the shopkeeper is a dead end, more concerned with gold than other people.

Spire urges some caution as Rogar spouts off. The merchant's lackey is sitting on the steps nearby, likely trying to listen to your conversation. He heads off with Dilantar to find Brother Engev.


About an hour later, Karas returns, maybe a half hour before Spire and Dilantar.

Karas reports that there really is only one full-fledged temple in Bonetown, as opposed to storefront chapels such as Engev's. That temple, perhaps not surprisingly, is devoted to Warrd, god of chance and luck, as well as the god of moons and tides, beloved of thieves and pirates. A fellow known as Revered Moller is either the leader or a high-rank priest at that temple. "Revered" is here a title of some sort.

Brother Engev is willing to come back to the flat, and he accompanies Spire and Dilantar, full of conversation about the fellow to whom he preached today. Granted, it was a short homily he was able to deliver, and the fellow had an appointment for which he departed very soon after a nasty cut on his arm was cured up, but Engev had a good feeling that he got through to this gentleman. He just wished he had gotten his name.

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Monday November 14th, 2011 9:28:20 AM

Karas thinks he was probably very lucky to get the answers he was looking for so quickly. In a town full of brigands he wasn't sure any of them would have known what a temple was. Though of course all seamen are a superstitious lot so the one temple there is would naturally belong to a god of luck. When he returns he shares everything he learned from Lansel's diary as well as the directions to the temple of Warrd.

"If there's anything to learn about this man's location I think this is our best lead. Unless I missed something in our short time looking."

Mike R. Baird Windcatcher AC19/12/17 -CMD 13 - HP 10/10 
Monday November 14th, 2011 5:07:55 PM

Baird smiled at the mention of a temple to Warrd. "My friends that is a place I would love to visit. I'm not certain they would know the whereabouts of a cleric serving the gods apposed to Warrd but they would certainly have knowledge of the inner workings of this city." Baird jumped to his feet obviously excited, "Whatever else we decide to do we should do soon. I really want to go to the temple today."

Co-DM Cayzle 
Monday November 14th, 2011 7:38:42 PM

Fair warning from your kindly DM: I have a job interview tomorrow, so posting may be spotty.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Monday November 14th, 2011 11:42:53 PM

As they walk through the town back to Silver's shop, Spire clutches his bow tightly, his eyes darting around as he keeps an eye out for any trouble. He barely pretends to be interested in Engev's story, the occasional, "Yes" or "Mmhmm" dropped in the right place in a monotone voice. He keeps up a brisk pace, wanting to not only get back to the safety of a large group, but to show up the shopkeeper. As the shop comes into view, Spire smiles, finally tuning into what Engev is saying. "That's so interesting, Brother Engev. It truly is too bad the man did not leave his name. I wish you better luck in the future," he said, perhaps a bit loudly, hoping to get Silver's attention before entering the shop.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Monday November 14th, 2011 11:56:52 PM

((Also, good luck with the interview Cayzle!))

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8() 
Tuesday November 15th, 2011 8:33:43 AM

Dilantar, much like Spire, walks quickly and keeps a sharp eye out. Before the elves and brother had left the small chapel, Dilantar rubbed a nasty looking substance on a crossbow bolt and kept it loaded on his crossbow. The substance is easily visible, and does not look healthy. As they walk back to the shop and residence of the man they are looking for, Dilantar keeps the crossbow in full view and in hand. Dilantar spoke more than Spire to the brotehr during their tense journey back, but not by much, having a couple of word sentences as responses in a distracted tone. As the shop came back into view and Spire began speaking to Brother Engev in earnest, Dilantar breathed a small sigh of relief and turned his full attention to their surroundings.

((Rubbed a sulfer mix on the crossbow bolt, mechanically does nothing, just looks very nasty - chunky yellow mix on a crossbow bolt. This is to make observers not want to be on the receiving end of that bolt. While IRL sulfur and water mix explosively well[haha] i don't know what such a mixture would do in game. Good luck on the interview!))

(Walter) AC 17/17/14 -- CMD 19 HP 11 / 11 Rogar Stonefist 
Tuesday November 15th, 2011 8:43:51 AM

Rogar is happy to see Brother Engev. Maybe now they can get some real answers if there are any to be had. If this shopkeeper is just watching his coinpurse then they have just waisted a morning. Though getting Lancel's journal should be a big help. Well he hopes it will be.

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD) 
Tuesday November 15th, 2011 9:41:42 AM

Koz'Um Dawl simply waits to see what may unfold with Brother Engev's arrival.

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage) 
Tuesday November 15th, 2011 8:56:34 PM

Once outside the range of earshot of the merchant and his men, Yel'kno shares what he saw about Captain Nakresh and a ships log.

"We'll want to check into that as well as the temple."

Co-DM Cayzle 
Tuesday November 15th, 2011 9:28:24 PM

OOC: Thanks for the good wishes! Today's interview was a good one, knock on wood!

Karas urges the group to pursue the lead to the Temple of Wardd. "I think this is our best lead," he says.

Baird eagerly agrees.

Spire returns with Brother Engev and Dilantar Spire raises his voice somewhat as the trio arrive at the shop, by way of announcing their return. Dilantar preps his crossbow bolt in an attempt to intimidate onlookers. [OOC: I'll give you a +1 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks for being clever, Dilantar, but don't overuse this trick or the novelty will wear off.]

Koz'Um Dawl and Rogar await Engev's arrival, glad to see the optimistic missionary. Rogar mentions the journal to the priest.

With Engev along to vouch for the group, the shopkeeper changes his tune. He apologizes to Engev for disturbing him, and says that you can't be too safe these days.

You end up with the full diary in your hands. You read about Lansel's work as a missionary, his business as a scribe and reader and bookkeeper, for Silvers and for others. Some further entries that seem especially interesting:

Six years ago:

I awoke this morning frightfully fatigued. I feel like I spent the night in combat, not sleeping. My head hurts, and I feel weak. I can't miss work at the temple, but I think I'll confine myself to the light tasks today.

One year ago:

The gods help me! What happened? I awoke from some strange dream to find that five years had passed! Engev told me I was kicked out of the temple four years ago for violating the sanctum. Surely this is madness!

Six months ago;

Life has resumed a kind of normalcy. I have won admittance back into the temple of Pantheon. My reception was strange, but everyone seems relieved that I am "back to my old self." I have so many questions about these missing years but it seems best to simply move on with my life on. If the gods will it, knowledge will come to me.

Four months ago;

Engev says that the high priest was asking after me again, that he was worried about another "episode." Maybe he's simple concerned for the temple, but surely I have sufficiently proven myself by now. My life is mine again, and I'm not giving up! He says he has a new assignment overseas, and maybe a change of air will do me good.

Two months ago;

The dreams came again last night. I don't know that I'll ever get a good night's sleep! I dreamt of dark forests. Of chasing dim forms through shadows under the moons. Does this have something to do with my lost years or is this some fresh torment?

Moons and moonlight! Moons and moonlight! Maybe the priests of the moons will be able to help me.

One month ago;

It's clear to me that I must find some answer if I'm ever to make the dreams stop. I have confided in Moller, who has tried to discourage me. I think they fear what might happen to their temple. I pity their compassion does not extend to a living being.

One week ago;

I have begun to feel like I'm being watched. I pray this is not a further milestone on the road to madness. I think I'll take my dagger with me in the morning. In a city like Bonetown, I suppose one can't be too careful. Especially with pirates in port.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6  d20+10=11 ; d20+10=26 ;
Wednesday November 16th, 2011 4:15:49 PM

Spire stands smugly behind Engev as he talks to the shopkeeper, a smile planted firmly on his face. After Silver's apology, Spire immediately turns on his heel and dashes upstairs back into Lansel's apartment, quickly using Detect Magic once more to nab the scrolls from the ground. He quickly pops the cases open and begins pouring over them, ignoring the rest of the party momentarily as he eagerly attempts to determine the spells on the scrolls.

(OOC: Do I have time to do this now? If so, should I make two rolls, one for each scroll, or just one roll? If so, my first Spellcraft check is an 11, and the second is a 26.))

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD) 
Wednesday November 16th, 2011 6:22:08 PM

"It is clear that we must go to the temple of the Moon. Finding this Moller will certainly lead us to some answers," says Koz'Um Dawl.

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage) 
Wednesday November 16th, 2011 9:20:55 PM

"And perhaps they'll know this Captain Nakresh as well." Yel'kno chimes in.

OOC: Not much time, puking child. Yay!

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Thursday November 17th, 2011 11:42:49 AM

Karas watches Spire run off, slightly shocked. What in the Wold was he doing? The young rogue follows him up the stairs and finds him pouring over the scrolls he had tried to take before. "What are you doing?"

Mike R. Baird Windcatcher AC19/12/17 -CMD 13 - HP 10/10 
Thursday November 17th, 2011 12:19:10 PM

Baird watches the others with barely contained glee, almost hoping from foot to foot at the chance to go to the temple of Warrd. This would be Baird's first time to enter a temple devoted to the god of luck as his family had been devout followers of Ffloy.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Thursday November 17th, 2011 3:08:40 PM

Spire doesn't even notice Karas entering the room, jumping a bit when he speaks. Not even looking up from the scroll, his eyes still scanning back and forth on the parchment. "What does it look like I'm doing? I plan on taking these scrolls. It's not as if that Lansel fellow is going to use them, and I can easily replace them if he does end up needing them."

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Thursday November 17th, 2011 4:36:29 PM

Karas raises an eyebrow and gives an indignant chuckle. "Are you joking? Why would't the man use his own scrolls? Besides, if it's so easy to replace them then why not just buy your own? I don't remember any of us doing this to satisfy our greed."

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD) 
Thursday November 17th, 2011 6:24:18 PM

With the arrival of Brother Engev Koz'Um Dawl sees two of his companions climb the stairs to Lansel's apartment. He follows Karas and finds Spire and young human talk about the scrolls.
"Whats going on here?" he asks.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Thursday November 17th, 2011 11:27:16 PM

Spire sighs, still not looking away from the scrolls. "Why wouldn't the man bring his scrolls with him? Either they're useless, he doesn't need them, or he isn't in his right mind to use them. Either way, I don't believe he'll mind." He mutters under his breath as Koz'Um enters the room, "Speak for yourself," and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Nothing, really. Just some overreaction at a mundane task," he answers.

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Friday November 18th, 2011 12:42:08 AM

Karas frown and glances at Koz'Um. "Look, we know he isn't in his right mind. We also don't know what to expect from any of this, so why are you assuming that he needed or thought to carry them around when he went missing? I just can't let you leave with what little this man has to his name."

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Friday November 18th, 2011 1:43:18 AM

"So it's alright for you to flip through the madman's diary, but I can't take a few scrolls lying around his home? Honestly, I don't see the problem. If the man is in a stable enough state to demand where his scrolls have gone, I will either replace them or compensate him. We're presumably going to help him, and when the time comes that we do, I will consider these scrolls a part of my payment." He finally shoots a glance over at Karas, his eyes still glowing with arcane energy. "And when that time comes, you can have that share of the reward. Does that make it better?"

Co-DM Cayzle 
Friday November 18th, 2011 7:59:32 AM

As soon as things are smoothed over with the shopkeeper, Brother Engev makes an apology. "My flock will not tend itself," he declares. He returns to his ministry.

Spire is quick to race back up to Lansel's flat and check out the scrolls he had found earlier. It is but the work of a moment to determine that they are scrolls of Detect Evil and Sanctuary.

But getting back to the mystery at hand, you have gained two leads. You can check out the Temple of Wardd and the reverend Moller. And there is the Captain Nakresh fellow to track down as well.

Koz'Um Dawl urges the group to head for the former.

Yel'kno keeps in mind the latter.

Baird is eager to visit the Temle of Wardd as well.

Rogar and Dilantar seem content to stay in the background.

Meanwhile, Karas follows Spire upstairs and confronts him on the scrolls. Koz'Um Dawl follows. A bit of a disagreement emerges. Theft or reward? Compensation or corruption? After this plays out, howsoever will the party make its next move?

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD)  d20+3=8 ;
Friday November 18th, 2011 8:50:57 AM

Koz'Um Dawl pipes up in the conversation about the scrolls. "Flipping through a man's dairy for clues is far different than taking scrolls from his home, Silvers was perhaps right to be so suspicious. Taking the scrolls would be more akin to theft than anything else. The dairy is being used for our intelligence in order to find Lansel. You taking the scrolls is much more about your personal gain than it is for Lansel's well being."

(Diplomacy against Spire's desire to take the scrolls = 8)

(Joel) Dilantar Krenwae'afein AC 15/13/12 - CMD 13 - HP 8/8() 
Friday November 18th, 2011 11:22:19 AM

Dilantar chimes in, "Well if Spire has said he will take these as his reward for searching for the man, then why should we not let him? While I agree it is wrong to steal, we also shouldn't be working for free. However, this discussion aside, we should probably decide where to head next for possible clues. I would say we check on the captain first as he may or may not still be here." Dilantar awaits the decision of the group.

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Friday November 18th, 2011 11:58:43 AM

"I never said I was in it for a reward. I made clear at the beginning I am repaying a kindness with kindness. The fact that you are not speaks volumes where your poor excuses end up lacking." He turns with a wave of his hand and heads back downstairs to where the rest of the group is still gathered.

"I vote for the captain first. I don't want to think about the kind of damage our elf would do in a holy place."

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD)  d20+3=11 ;
Friday November 18th, 2011 9:16:25 PM

"I'm with Karas on this one. We don't even know if we will find the man. Perhaps we will not and he will arrive back home safely and find his scrolls gone. Must I remind you Spire that Brother Engev has given us a place to sleep? We do not know yet whether we will even find Lansel. Perhaps he will arrive home while we search and find that someone has stolen his scrolls. I would not have our mission plagued by a thief's greed," says the small dwarf testily.

(OOC: I don't know if I can try another diplomacy roll, if I can here it is. Diplomacy 11 if possible).

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Saturday November 19th, 2011 12:31:31 AM

"I never said I would do this for kindness. Honestly, I simply had nothing better to do in this gods forsaken town." He stands up, rolling up the scrolls and replacing them in their cases. Stuffing them in his belt for easy access, he picks up his bow in his left hand again and looks at Koz'Um with a bored look on his face. "If you don't want me to take them, then stop me. Otherwise, I believe we have a captain to talk to." He strides past Koz'Um, giving a nod to Dilantar with a small smile. As he walks down the steps, he chuckles to himself, thinking, The only one defending me is a Drow... how comedic.

((I used the Indifferent DC for the Diplomacy, which is 14 with my Charisma modifier. I figured it would be the most appropriate for Spire's attitude at this time.))

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD) 
Saturday November 19th, 2011 1:11:41 AM

(OOC: Cool with me, i find it interesting that I'm actually pissed at your character!)

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Saturday November 19th, 2011 1:16:10 AM

((OOC: I didn't think playing a low Charisma character would be this... interesting. I hope no one is pissed off at me for playing him like this!))

Co-DM Cayzle 
Saturday November 19th, 2011 10:56:06 AM

OOC: A note on the use of Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, etc with other PCs. Specifically, none of these skills can be used to influence another PC's character. Some players therefore choose to never use these skills with fellow PCs. But there is another option.

You can use your skill checks to inspire how you play your OWN character. For example, if you roll a low Diplomacy check with another PC, you might choose to make a post that is more snarky or insulting or confused than you usually play your character. If you roll high, you might be more accommodating, more friendly, more compromising than your character is usually.

Also, if a fellow PC makes a very high diplomacy check with you, you can choose to be more friendly as a result, if you like. If your fellow PC makes a fantastic bluff check, you can choose to be taken in by his or her fabrications.

These uses of interaction skills are optional.

(Philip) Karas Spazi AC 18/15/13 -- CMD 16 -- HP 10/10 
Saturday November 19th, 2011 8:41:51 PM

(OOC: This is only the second 'D&D' style campaign I've been a part of, so it's new to me. I'm enjoying it though!)

Co-DM Cayzle 
Monday November 21st, 2011 9:51:41 AM

Interview today! DM Post to come later!

Co-DM Cayzle 
Monday November 21st, 2011 4:32:14 PM

Koz'Um Dawl attepmpts to convince Spire not to take the scrolls.

Dilantar attempts to find some middle ground and refocus the conversation on strategy to find Lansel.

Karas is less pleasant in tone, making a disparaging comment and suggesting the group search for the captain, Narkesh by name. Koz'Um Dawl gets a little testy too.

Spire opts to put the scrolls in his belt, but agrees with looking for the Captain.

Rogar, Yel'kno, and Baird do not weigh in on the scrolls issue, and have yet to weigh in on the proper course of action.

OOC: Going to look for the captain is fine, but all you have is a name. How will you go about finding more info? Maybe you need some skill checks?

Yel'kno (Jon) AC 16/13/13 CMD 15 HP 12/12 (11 nonlethal damage) 
Monday November 21st, 2011 6:30:55 PM

"Let us get two birds with one stone. We know nothing of Captain Nakresh other than his name. Perhaps he'll be known at Waard's temple? It may be that that's even how Lansel stumbled upon him to begin with." Yel'kno puts in, ignoring the scroll issue.

He does a quick check of his equipment and then makes a move to start walking, "Now, where is the temple, again?"

(Alex) Koz'Um Dawl AC 17/10/17 -- CMD 10 -- HP 8/12 (4 NLD) 
Monday November 21st, 2011 8:22:06 PM

Koz'Um Dawl follows Spire from the room and resolved not to speak of the scrolls any longer, though he keeps a keen eye on the morally ambiguous elf.

(Ian) Spirysn'rar Kilarn AC 14/14/10 - CMD 14 - HP 6/6 
Monday November 21st, 2011 11:11:48 PM

Spire shrugs at Yel'kno's suggestion, adding, "I have no problem with going to the temple. I have a feeling that the religious folk in this town may be the only ones we can bother putting any trust in. Although..." His free hand absent-mindedly raises to his chin and slowly strokes it. "I suppose we'll see. We truly have no idea what the state the church is in here. It's a rather odd place, to say the least."

Mike R. Baird Windcatcher AC19/12/17 -CMD 13 - HP 10/10 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2011 12:17:57 PM

Baird's smile returns as the others begin to vote for visiting the temple. "Well I made it clear I wanted to head there anyway so you have my vote already." Baird glances up at the store keeper and flashes a kind smile to show his good will towards the man. "I think we've gotten all the information we can get from here so we should probably head to the temple soon."

Co-DM Cayzle 
Tuesday November 22nd, 2011 11:07:36 PM

Sorry ... so tired. Post to come in the AM.

(Walter) AC 17/17/14 -- CMD 19 HP 11 / 11 Rogar Stonefist 
Wednesday November 23rd, 2011 7:18:56 AM

"I think we get a bit o truth from everybody involved. We just have to figure out what it is truth and what is fiction." Rogar says.

ooc: apologies to all. was out of town. was going to post from my phone but it didnt work out that way.

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