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The Investigation

The Investigation

The Investigation

The Investigation

DM Robert - "Can you remember another case of a noble suicide?" 
Tuesday October 3rd, 2017 9:30:37 PM


Sasha sniffs the rope she sits and licks her back paws.

Lavinia seems to think this means the scent on them is not Arlen's. Lavinia examines the knot work on the radiator. Rather simple but effective, maybe a bit overtied as if someone was not familiar with rope use or being a sailor. The knot around Arlen's neck is a simple slip knot, not a hangman's noose. Simple put the more weight put on it the tighter it got. There is still 1 foot of rope (from the knot) around Arlen's neck. The rest is still resting over the rafter (and then snaking down to the radiator).

Sasha begins walking around the room, like she is looking for something or maybe just checking things out more.

Bartomus muses about questioning the clerk. Lukas replies, "Well actually no, that sort of slipped my mind with having to break the door down and then cut down Lord Arlen. I had them all gathered up and put in the largest room I could find that would still allow them to be comfortable. They all agreed to wait in the library."

Stock turns on the cleric. "Oh yes, I was summoned by a guardsman, a corporal, I didn't catch his name." Twill thinks briefly. "No can't say as I remember any nobles committing suicide. But really the only nobles that come down to the merchant quarter are slumming and or trying to look important by buying expensive things."

Zanderallen decides to question a suspect. He announces his intention and starts to walk out the door. "Excuse, me but how do you want to proceed? Do you want to set up someplace up here to question the suspects....near the body? Or do you want to take one of the offices downstairs? Do you want one of the guards to bring you the suspects or do you want to introduce yourself? Perhaps I should introduce you to all of them and explain that you are leading the investigation?"

Micah asks why someone thinks it's murder. Lucas replies, "Well the secretary Barbara Daneel was saying it was murder, she was most emphatic, borderline hysterical I'd say."

Sid looks at the manuscript, and sees a name at the top, Ernesto Norman. He checks the desk drawers but finds they are locked. Didn't someone find some keys on the body?

Stock voices a desire to talk to Wobler. Rodrigo comments, "Are you going to split up and each question someone? That sounds interesting." You didn't realize that Rodrigo has still been hanging around in the background near the entrance to the office."

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